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Gastric Bypass Leads to Long-Term Benefits – Weight Loss Surgery Channel
Patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery had improved overall health even seven years post-op, a recent study showed, indicating the long-term benefits of bariatric surgery.
The study consisted of 182 patients initially, mostly women in their mid-40s, who underwent gastric bypass surgery. This procedure bypasses a large portion of the stomach and the small intestine to create a small stomach pouch that restricts calorie intake.
Researchers followed subjects for seven years, at which time they had solid data for 78 participants.
For most of them, they came back to normal, Dr. John Morton, director of bariatric surgery and surgical quality at Stanford University School of Medicine, told HealthDay. There were roughly about a dozen measurements altogether, and there were substantial improvements across the board.
The results proved the long term benefits of weight loss surgery. The average weight loss was 81 pounds, cholesterol levels dropped from 184 to 174, and triglycerides dipped from 151 to 87. In addition, the patients also showed a significant drop in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. This protein is closely associated with a higher risk of heart attacks or strokes.
A previous study published in January of this year showed that gastric bypass surgery lowers the risk of a first time heart attack or stroke, as well as dying due to a heart attack.
The new study was presented last month at the annual meeting for the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) in San Diego. Until published in a peer-reviewed journal, the results for this study ought to be viewed as preliminary, researchers noted.
Even so, the latest findings are important, because the study tracks the effects of weight loss surgery over several years, Dr. Robin Blackstone, ASMBS president, told HealthDay. Changes in the bodys metabolism and related workings of the heart after losing excessweight can significantly reduce health risks, she said.
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric SurgeryASMBSbariatric surgeryDr. John MortonGastric Bypassgastric bypass studyGastric Bypass SurgeryHealthDayRobin BlackstoneStanford University School of Medicineweight loss surgery
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Gastric Bypass Leads to Long-Term Benefits - Weight Loss Surgery Channel
CRMC: Is bariatric weight loss surgery for me? – The Sentinel
Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions and is now considered the No. 1 cause of diabetes and heart disease.
For many people, traditional methods like calorie restriction and exercise have failed to produce initial or sustained weight loss results. If you are considering a more aggressive approach to weight loss, you are not alone. Nearly 200,000 people underwent weight loss surgery in the country in 2015, an increase of more than 25 percent over 2011 figures.
There are a variety of procedure options in weight loss surgery and many can be done through small incisions for minimal scarring and faster recovery. Here are some important facts if youre considering a surgical solution:
Gastric Bypass is a procedure that creates a new stomach pouch, facilitating smaller meal portions and resulting in fewer calories consumed daily. Advantages of Gastric Bypass include its ability to promote significant long-term weight loss (up to 60 to 80 percent). It also induces beneficial changes in gut hormones that reduce appetite, reduce the risk of type II diabetes, and may lead to feelings of increased energy. Typical patients maintain weight loss of greater than 50 percent after gastric bypass.
Sleeve Gastrectomy is a procedure performed by removing approximately 80 percent of the stomach. The remaining stomach is a tubular pouch that resembles a banana. The size of the new stomach pouch reduces the amount of food that can be consumed. But research suggests that the greater impact may be the effect the surgery has on gut hormones and blood sugar control. Advantages of the sleeve include a more rapid and significant weight loss, similar to results of the gastric bypass. Typical patients experience and maintain a loss of excess body weight at 50 percent or greater. It also requires a relatively short hospital stay (approximately two days), no foreign objects, and no re-routing of the food stream.
The Adjustable Gastric Band is an inflatable band placed around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small stomach pouch above the band. The size of the stomach opening can be adjusted by filling the band with sterile saline, which is injected through a port placed under the skin. Advantages of the Lap Band procedure include a reduction in the amount of food the stomach can hold, and the procedure is both reversible and adjustable. It involves no cutting of the stomach or rerouting of the intestines. This was once a very popular weight loss procedure but is now seen as the last resort.
If you are wanting to be healthier by including a surgical or medical solution for weight loss, know we are available to guide you down the path to positive changes that will last a lifetime, said Registered Nurse Cheryl Mehring, bariatric nurse navigator at Carlisle Regional Medical Center.
Changes to the body after weight loss surgery are mostly positive, and are an important benefit of the surgical weight loss route. Patients must commit to a lifelong plan of healthy food choices and vitamin and mineral supplementation. And while there is risk associated with any surgical procedure, it is much lower than the number of deaths caused by obesity itself.
If you are considering a surgical or medical solution for your weight loss goals, Carlisle Regional Medical Center offers many resources to help you understand your options. Please call the Mehring at 717-960-3598 for more information about our Weight Loss Information Sessions and Bariatric Support Group. Heres to achieving the healthiest you in 2017.
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CRMC: Is bariatric weight loss surgery for me? - The Sentinel
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Kardashian weight-loss show perpetuates body image insecurity – Lamron
Khlo Kardashians new show Revenge Body has recently garnered attention andlike many of the Kardashians commercial endeavorsconflict. In the show, contestants are selected to undergo a complete physical makeover with the hopes of getting revenge on their old lifestyles.
Kardashian became the face of the revenge body movement after her split with Lamar Odom. As someone who somewhat shamelessly follows the lives of the Kardashians, I watched her transformation occur right on my Instagram feed. Her social media accounts were flooded with workout tips, gym selfies and motivational quotes. She became the poster girl for how to win a breakup.
Kardashian lost a lot of weight and dyed her hair blonde, and people took notice. Her hope in creating Revenge Body is to allow non-celebrities to undergo the same miraculous transformation as she did.
There is a lot to unpack when looking at the problematic aspects of Revenge Body, such as the clear issues of putting white, patriarchal norms as the standard of beauty to which everyone should aspire or even the suggestion that self-worth and happiness are contingent upon weight loss.
The Kardashians are no strangers to promoting similar unhealthy values. They quite literally promote these values on their social media, advertising products such as Skinny Teas, waist trainers and diet pills. Revenge Body, however, may be their most nefarious act so far.
The trailer for the show begins with a relatively positive message as Kardashian discusses her previously toxic relationship with food that left her unhappy and unhealthy, which she overcame through healthy eating and exercise.
This quickly becomes dangerous, however, as it suggests that weight loss was the only factor in Kardashians newfound happinessthat her self-worth is contingent about thinness and her obsession with exercise.
The premise of the show is not supposed to be explicitly about revenge after a breakup, but rather the life that you once had, as Kardashian states on the season one trailer. Moments after this, however, contestants are asked to list who their revenge body is for. Some responses included an ex-fianc, their mothers and their friends.
The suggestion that problems with interpersonal relationships, self-esteem issues and unhealthy mindsets can be fixed with gym sessions, haircuts and laser hair removal is absurd and dangerous.
Oddly enough, these physically exhausting and often painful processes can offer contestants an easier solution than looking inward and addressing the deeper emotional issues that create these feelings of inadequacy.
Its natural to desire change when we feel like we are unhappy with the trajectory of our lives. Channeling self-loathing and sadness into obsessive weight loss, however, is not the same as, say, getting a haircut, learning to knit or adopting a puppy.
Its not about a weight number, its how you feel, Kardashian said in a trailer for the show.
This is subsequently followed by clips of trainers barking orders at contestants who work themselves to exhaustion and look miserable as they stand on a scale. It may be unwarranted to expect a deeper understanding of harmful Western beauty idealssuch as body hair removal and spray tanning from a Kardashian sisterbut these obvious displays of fat-shaming and harsh judgment take these issues to a new level.
The bigger issues come into play when filming ends. The excessive amount of training and time commitment Kardashian promotes are simply unsustainable in everyday life. After reaching the short-term goal of weight loss, it may be hard for contestants to grapple with the fact that long-term issues persisteven if they drop three dress sizes.
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Kardashian weight-loss show perpetuates body image insecurity - Lamron
Dr. Kismet’s Cure – The Weekly Standard
In 2014, a little-known nutritionist in Milwaukee, one of the more portly cities in America, developed an ingenious system to get his clients to lose weight and keep it off for good. He told his morbidly obese clients to pair each pound with a descriptive adjective, noun, or euphemism they hated, so that each time they lost a pound they could strike it off the list forever. Provided they did not regain the weight, they need never hear the mortifying term again. For example,
270 Porker
269 Lardbutt
268 Fatso
267 Chunkster
and so on, down through
245 Pleasingly Plump
242 A Tad Chubby
until finally reaching
185 Lithe
175 Lean 'n' Mean
165 Thin as a Rail. </blockquote>
At first, the dieters found this approach juvenile and silly. But to their great astonishment, it worked: By transforming dieting from an onerous chore into a game in which psychic rewards were constantly experienced, Dr. Drake Kismet was successful in getting 87 percent of his patients to lose at least 50 pounds. And in one case, a client shed 135 pounds in seven months. "It would have been more," Kismet explains, "but we ran out of words for 'skinny.'"
Had the participants shed the weight and quickly regained it, Dr. Kismet's strategy could easily be lumped in with all the other gimmicky weight-loss systems that the chronically chunky have tried, without achieving any long-term success. But the dieters did not gain the weight back; the positive-feedback word-association game exerted such a powerful influence over their psyches that almost none of them reverted to their old ways.
"I joined the program because I never wanted to hear someone call me a seething tub of suet again," said one subject who lost 85 pounds in a scant four months. "And now they never will."
Inspired by Kismet's unusual methods, psychologists in completely unrelated fields have begun to apply his tactics to other types of compulsive, self-destructive behavior. And they, too, have achieved stunning results:
"My client Randy was a complete schmuck, and had been a schmuck for many years," explains Dr. Roark Gault, a Miami psychiatrist. "We tried everything: medication, cognitive therapy, aversion training, sleep deprivation, feedback loops, yoga. Nothing worked. Then one day, after reading about Dr. Kismet's weight-loss program, I asked Randy if he would be willing to participate in a three-month behavior-modification trial whereby each week he would try to be a bit less of a crud."
The results took my breath away. The first week, he paid his alimony on timeto all eight wives. He also took 3 of his 29 kids to the circus. This allowed him to eliminate the word "schmuck" from his profile. Then I persuaded him to stop stiffing his customers. That gave him carte blanche to deep-six the word "sleazeball." We then proceeded apace through "creep," "lowlife," "scum bunny," and "jerk." Right now, he's hard at work on "slob." No two ways about it; Randy's come a long way.
Some of the most amazing results have been achieved by using these tactics with hired guns and axe-murderers. By persuading cruel, heinous menand a few incredibly unpleasant womento gradually tone down their acts, the Prodigal Project has successfully induced more than 75 hitmen to either stop killing people entirely or at least cut back on the mayhem. The approach is exactly the same as the weight-loss program: a straightforward rewards system that builds self-esteem by allowing contract killers to stop thinking of themselves in graphic, profoundly shameful terms. Siddhartha Rattigan, executive director of the Prodigal Project, explains:
You're never going to get a top-flight button man to completely give up whacking informers, patsies, and stool pigeons, but you can definitely get them to dial it down a notch. Go a full month without icing someone and we allow the subject to mothball the term "the apotheosis of pure evil." Go easy on the carnage for two months and the words "spawn of Satan" fall by the wayside. We then work our way through "atavistic," "bloodthirsty," "primordial," and "savage," all the way down to "somewhat less than cordial," "not exactly what you would call a charmer," and "a bit of a curmudgeon." Does that mean that our subjects are ever fully rehabilitated? No. But have they made huge strides in the right direction? Yes.
Adjectival Reinforcement Therapy has been shown to work with embezzlers, conmen, scam artists, thieves, second-story men, no-good-double-crossing liars, dirty rats, hooligans, and garden-variety thugs. It has also achieved amazing results with pigs, bozos, SOBs, and even rogues.
"Six months ago, my client viewed himself as the scum of the earth," says Rattigan. "But through positive verbal reinforcement, he now thinks of himself as a harmless ne'er-do-well. And his ultimate goalbeing perceived as a hale-fellow-well-metis well within his reach. One of these days, Vic the Human Glock is going to be able to describe himself as a pillar of the community, a stand-up guy, a real sweetheart, perhaps even a pussycatwithout fear of being contradicted."
Joe Queenan is the author, most recently, of One for the Books.
Continued here:
Dr. Kismet's Cure - The Weekly Standard
Weight Loss Wonder: OSF’s diet program gains national recognition for its success – WIFR
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) -- More than one-third of adults in the United States are obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now a nationally recognized program at a local hospital is fighting those numbers, helping hundreds of Stateliners lose the weight and keep it off.
"I wanted to lose 80 pounds. And how's that been going so far? Well I lost 110."
It's a new year and a new Randy Hoglund.
"I have more energy," he says. "I just feel great."
He says he's changing his life thanks to a diet plan at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center. While this isn't the first time Hoglund's tried to lose weight, this is the first time he says it's worked.
"I lost 65 pounds, but I didn't stick with it because I didn't have any accountability," he says. "Not only did I put back on that 65, I put on another 40."
That was until his wife told him about OSF HMR's program.
"HMR stands for Health Management Resources," says OSF Weight Management Coordinator Adam Schafer. "We focus on the long-term weight management rather than the short-term."
Schafer says HMR is a meal replacement program that works because medical professionals help participants every step of the way.
"They're on a meal replacement program for 13 weeks, " says Schafer. "The meal replacements are meant to jump start their weight loss. It gives them no decisions, they just do the meal replacement, they lose the weight."
The HMR program has two phases. During phase one patients eat these meals, shakes and bars at least once a day. The second phase uses group meetings and individual sessions to keep patients on track.
"That's not only for for accountability but for the education and learning how to do the program," says Schafer. "Next we do midweek phone calls. That's an extra accountability figure. It's a time we can work with you one on one instead of a group setting."
Hoglund says the two steps are the reason when he steps on the scale, he sees results.
Participants also attend class every week. During class, weight management coordinators teach participants lifestyle changes and meal substitutions.
"Once a week we come to class and it's a lot easier to go out to eat and say listen instead of having dessert, I'll stick with this," says Hoglund. "Or instead of having this, I'll go with a more lighter option."
Losing the weight has opened other doors for Hoglund, allowing him to have a knee surgery and spend more time with his four grand kids.
"All around, I feel much better."
He feels the HMR program has allowed him to take the weight off and keep it off, teaching him to live a healthy life, and set goals: like losing another 15 to 20 pounds in the next three months.
The average weight loss during the first three months of the program is 35 pounds for women and 40 pounds for me according to OSF.
To learn more about the HMR program or to sign up, click the link on the right under "Related Links."
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Weight Loss Wonder: OSF's diet program gains national recognition for its success - WIFR
Skip Dinner? Evening Fast May Burn Fat – Live Science
Looking to burn more fat? You could give fasting a try, according to results from a preliminary study.
The study found that when participants consumed all of their calories within a 6-hour window, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., they burned 6 percent more fat and had more stable hunger levels than participants who consumed the same amount of calories within a 12-hour window, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
"It kind of makes sense," said Courtney Peterson, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "Your body's fat-burning ability peaks after you've been fasting for 12 to 14 hours."
For up to 12 hours after the start of a fast, the body is still burning glycogen, a molecule that stores glucose (or sugar). After 12 hours, the body begins burning fat stores, Peterson said. [Dieters, Beware: 9 Myths That Can Make You Fat]
However, Peterson cautioned that burning 6 percent more fat did not meet the researchers' criteria for a meaningful difference between the groups. That means the difference could have been due to chance, and in scientific terms, the finding was not "statistically significant." But this could also be because the study was too small to show a meaningful difference between the groups, Peterson said. So, a larger study would be needed to confirm these preliminary findings, she said.
Dr. Alexandra Johnstone, a senior research fellow at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, who was not involved with the study, noted that any differences in fat-burning seen in the study are likely because people in the fasting group went all evening and night (18 hours) without eating. But these differences should not be taken to mean that eating food like carbs after a certain time can lead to increased fat production, she said.
In the study, which was presented at the Obesity Society Annual Meeting in late 2016, 11 overweight individuals ages 20 to 45 years took part in two different weeklong phases of the experiment. For one trial, participants would begin, on day 4 of the week, to consume all of their calories between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. In the control trial, participants would, also on day 4, start consuming all of their calories between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Each participant took part in both trials.
While the study found no difference in weight loss between the two trials, Peterson said that there was a nearly 13-hour period, mostly at night, when fat-burning levels were elevated in participants who ate their calories within the 6-hour window.
Besides the increased fat-burning, the study also found that hunger levels were more stable for participants who ate their daily calories within the 6-hour window versus the 12-hour window. Researchers used an arbitrary 100-point scale and asked participants to rate their hunger, with a score of 100 being the highest and 0 the lowest, in each phase of the trial. Results showed that, while average hunger levels were the same for both groups, the group eating all calories within the 6-hour window had hunger levels that varied by 12 fewer points than the group eating all their calories within the 12-hour window.
This may be because those waiting until later in the day to consume their dinner meal still had a third of their calories left to consume, Peterson said. "That might set you up more for binges or unhealthy eating than if you've already eaten all of your food for the day," Peterson said, though she added that more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis.
For people hoping to try fasting, Peterson recommended starting with a 9-hour window of food consumption and gradually working that down to 8, 7 and finally 6 hours.
However, this type of fasting should be avoided for children and women who are pregnant, Peterson said. That's because fasting slows down the rate that cells are dividing, which could harm growing children or fetuses, Peterson noted. She also emphasized that anyone with a major chronic disease would need to talk to a doctor before attempting a fasting regimen. Finally, whether such fasting helps with long-term weight loss is still unknown, the researchers said.
Peterson said she hopes to not only repeat the study with a larger sample size, but also test whether time of day affects fat-burning levels. For instance, she might compare participants who eat their calories in a 6-hour window in the morning against those who do so in a 6-hour window in the evening.
Originally published on Live Science.
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Skip Dinner? Evening Fast May Burn Fat - Live Science
‘My 600-lb Life’: Patient Loses 190 Pounds But Is ‘Hungry All the Time’ – Us Weekly
It was a messy road full of bumps and false starts, but Erica Wall lost almost 200 pounds in a year on My 600-lb Life's Wednesday, February 8, episode despite taking more than six months to pick up steam and weathering feelings of self-sabotage.
The 44-year-old Lompoc, California, woman, who started the show at 661 pounds, was a house-bound pathological eater who had mostly unsuccessful results with stomach stapling surgery as a teen. Now looking at another weight-loss surgery as an adult, and with two grown siblings with busy lives of their own, Erica found herself having trouble summoning personal willpower without a strong support network.
To her credit, Ericas sister Molly joined Erica on the trip to Texas from California several times to see her stomach surgeon, Dr. Nowzaradan, but her brother, Robert, didnt, despite her pleas. Thus, Erica was prone to losing focus and pushing responsibility onto someone else.
Still, Nowzaradan said, Erica needed to take responsibility for her weight loss: Erica is making progress, but her attitude can still be very poor. That just means I need more evidence that shes not going to fall back into bad habits. Near the end of the process, she lamented that "there's really not much for me to eat," and she's "hungry all the time."
Here were five memorable moments from watching Erica go from 661 pounds to 471 a total weight loss of 190 pounds.
1. The sisterly bond of Molly and Erica
Even though the two went back and forth with snipes, Molly, in the end, was there for her sister, joining her on trips to Texas, and waiting in the doctors waiting room as Ericas stomach staples were removed. Molly wasnt always nice about it and neither was Erica but Molly gave of herself when no one else would. Im sorry Im a pain in the ass, Erica told her sister in a bonding moment toward the end of treatment. I will do what I need to do, Molly promise.
2. The backstory of Ericas antagonizing dad who, she said, teased her about her weight mercilessly when she was growing up
As Erica gained pounds as a teenager, he asked her what had happened to his beautiful little girl. She went to sleep one night and woke up Godzilla, Erica recalled tearfully of what her dad said. I just wanted my dad to love and tell me he wasnt disappointed I was his daughter. Dads absence on the show is conspicuous, given that he still seemed to be in this picture Erica mentioned that her dad didnt know her history to this day.
3. The stomach stapling procedure was obsolete, Dr. Nowzaradan said during the show, and potentially a mess for Erica, who underwent it 27 years prior, at age 17.
The stapling surgery did little to help Ericas long-term weight loss. But it did give her both scar tissue and rogue staples, the latter of which Nowzaradan removed before giving Erica the 2017-standard gastric-bypass surgery. Erica has shown me that shes willing to try, the medical professional said. So Im willing to do all I can to give her the tool to keep her on track for the long term.
4. Ericas bittersweet missing of her mom, who died several years previously in a car accident
It was Mom, Erica said, not Dad, who knew of Ericas devastating teenage secret that she was gang raped at age 16, which was also her first intercourse experience. Erica said her mom truly understood Erica's pain and would have done anything for her including helping to facilitate her teenage stomach stapling surgery. She never gave up on me, Erica said in an interview.
5. The battle of the nutritionist vs. food-delivery service
While Erica was still living in California not fully committed to losing weight and with a more hands-off family she was struggling to find the discipline and stamina to lose weight. At the mandate of Dr. Nowzaradan, a nutritionist named Susan Swadener visited Ericas house and essentially raided the abode of junk food as a distressed Erica watched on. I cant believe she just wasted all that food, Erica said in an interview after the nutritionist left. But I can just order more, and theres nothing she can really do to stop me from doing that. So she completely wasted her time.
Tell Us: What did you think of Ericas journey?
My 600-lb Life airs on TLC Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET.
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'My 600-lb Life': Patient Loses 190 Pounds But Is 'Hungry All the Time' - Us Weekly
Need to lose weight? Consider these 3 things before you get started – Omaha World-Herald (blog)
If you are trying to lose weight, finding the right approach is crucial to your long-term success. The following considerations can help you determine whether to take baby steps, dive in head first, get help from a professional or go at it solo.
1. Determine your ability to commit.
Of course you want to succeed, and you will put your best foot forward, but there are likely times you cannot take on a full-force meal-planning approach. Examine your travel schedule, birthdays, social commitments and kids activities over the next month. If your calendar is more than 50 percent full, consider using an approach that involves small steps and goal-setting, instead of a system of meal plans and number-tracking. This baby-step approach is best carried out with the help of a professional, or in a steady support group, as accountability is key to making progressive small changes.
2. Set your goals.
Be honest as to how much you are trying to lose and how much support you will need. If you are looking to lose more than 1 pound a week, or a total of more than 20 pounds, you will likely need direction from a professional, and perhaps a doctors clearance. You may also need a longer, more detailed approach. Remember, removing carbs will also remove nutrients that fuel faster metabolism, and cutting calories can cut the effectiveness of your workouts. Admit it if you need help, and ask before you get started, so you avoid possible feelings of defeat.
3. How is your motivation?
Since only you know what drives you, take a look at when and why you eat, and how much self-control you have. This could vary during different seasons, times of the day and through stressful situations. Some people eat impulsively, mindlessly or to calm emotions. Be mindful of how you are now, and how you might respond to situations you know are in your near future. If you are an emotional or impulsive eater, make sure you are keeping a food journal and have a support system of friends and family.
With any weight-loss approach, exercise will speed your results. It will also help curb emotions that drive many to eat, and ultimately fail at their long-term goals. Instead of jumping right into the next weight-loss plan, take some time to determine what will work best for you in the long run. Dont join the next fad or go with join a friend in their program, unless it is right for you.
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Need to lose weight? Consider these 3 things before you get started - Omaha World-Herald (blog)
Low carb-high fat diet difficult to sustain in the long term – The Straits Times
Q I am 17 and I have been on a ketogenic (low carb-high fat) diet for a week. The results have been great so far. I've been losing weight steadily and this has been very encouraging.
However, I've heard that people gained 10kg more than their starting weight when they quit the diet. And even though they did not overeat, they were unable to shed the extra kilograms.
Do you think it is possible to stay on the keto diet and still eat carbs, though not as much as before, without gaining weight?
A Regaining weight is a common problem.
The human body regulates many parameters, for example, blood sugar levels and internal body temperature, as well as the level of fat stores.
Hence, when we try to lose weight (fat stores), the body will respond through various mechanisms to take us back to our original weight, which it recognises as the "normal" weight.
These mechanisms can include hunger, cravings for energy-dense foods and lowering the basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy our body needs to function when at rest.
Therefore, the tendency to regain weight is actually a normal response. This is why maintaining weight loss is a challenge for most people.
Knowing that regaining weight is natural, the question is, how do we sustain weight loss?
Studies have shown that physical activity is very important and the person who engages in physical activities will have a high chance of maintaining weight loss.
The other important point that I stress to patients is the sustaina- bility of any weight-loss efforts.
Any diet that reduces one's overall energy intake can result in weight loss.
It is not surprising that the ketogenic diet, with its emphasis on extreme low-carb intake, can be effective in helping a person to lose weight. However, this diet can be difficult to keep up and, hence, sustainability beyond the short term is an issue.
I suggest you find a sustainable approach to weight management.
To do this, you should first get a comprehensive assessment done by healthcare professionals. This is especially important if your weight problem is severe, as there could be medical conditions or other factors that predispose you to weight gain.
Dr Benjamin Lam
Consultant weight management physician, Health For Life Centre, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
E-mail your questions to Ask The Expertsas the subject and includeyour name, age, gender,identity card numberand contact details.
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Low carb-high fat diet difficult to sustain in the long term - The Straits Times