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Fans Are Now Calling Rebel Wilson "Fit Amy" After She Posts New Instagrams Around Her Weight Loss –

Rebel Wilson seems to be shedding more than just pounds in 2020 as she works her way through her "year of health." The 40-year-old Bridesmaids comedian is angling to embrace a new image after rocketing to fame as "Fat Amy" in 2012's Pitch Perfect. The actress has also revealed that her fitness goal is nearly complete on Instagram: She shared a candid workout photo this past week where she added she's just 6 pounds shy of her target weight. Now, Rebel is acknowledging her hard work by having a bit of fun with her fans, who have found inspiration in her continuous updates throughout the year.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
"Just call me: Fit Amy," Rebel joked while sharing a brand new selfie this morning, in a reference to her iconic Pitch Perfect character Patricia Hobart that famously enjoyed the nickname "Fat Amy." Nearly of all her fans immediately caught the reference, with most adding jokes of their own. "She's moving on up from horizontal running!" wrote former Bachelorette Becca Kufrin, while fellow Pitch Perfect co-star Alexis Knapp added "Ayyyy FIT AF PATRICIA! ". Octavia Spencer also showed her support with a string of fire emojis.
While nearly 4,000 followers have chimed in to cheer Rebel on, the actress certainly has earned her updated nickname with her commitment to a new fitness routine. Her most recent Instagram revelation gave followers insight into what an average workout has looked like for Rebel this year. "This week was super busy but I got up super early 3 times (6am) and went on a hike," she shared on Instagram last week. "Even did a couple of 100m sprints to get the heart rate even higher (although my 'sprint' is probably someone else's 'slow jog')."
Rebel has been working with personal trainers throughout the year, according to Women's Health, and she may be relying on high-intensity interval training for results, among other activities. It all began earlier in 2020 when Rebel revealed she was committed to revolutionizing her health via Instagram: "Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it. Try and give a little bit of effort each day," she shared back in May.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
Rebel hasn't been as open on her new diet as she has her fitness routine. She often preaches about snacking in moderation just last week, Rebel shared a Boomerang of her favorite dessert while at an event with the caption "Remember [though] girls, you still gotta treat yourself" but other habits or practices are a bit unclear. She's reportedly working her way through the Mayr Method Diet program, a clinic-based program in Austria that is known to be frequented by celebrities and wellness icons alike. While the program has since spawned a diet book available to anyone, it's most famous principles encourage people to thoroughly chew food, occasionally fast, and is largely based on the Alkaline Diet.
This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
While it seems that the actress is very close to her goal weight of 75 kilograms, about 165 pounds, her journey may be more about the long-term changes in her life. A source tells People magazine that Rebel is enjoying a newfound confidence (which we can totally see for ourselves!) and how her fitness routine makes her feel emotionally: "She has more energy and more confidence, which you can see from her sexier Instagram shots. She's also having fun with new fashion and beauty looks."
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Latest Study explores the Weight Loss and Weight Management Product Market Witness Highest Growth in near future – AlgosOnline

The ' Weight Loss and Weight Management Product market' research report now available with Market Study Report, LLC, is a compilation of pivotal insights pertaining to market size, competitive spectrum, geographical outlook, contender share, and consumption trends of this industry. The report also highlights the key drivers and challenges influencing the revenue graph of this vertical along with strategies adopted by distinguished players to enhance their footprints in the Weight Loss and Weight Management Product market.
The latest research report on the Weight Loss and Weight Management Product market assesses the major factors influencing industry growth with respect to the competitive dynamics and geographical reach. It also ensembles the challenges prevalent in this industry vertical and identifies opportunities that will further aid business expansion. Further, the report revisits all areas of the business to cover the impact of COVID-19 pandemic so as to assist stakeholders in devising new strategies and reinforcing their position in the market.
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Colchester nursing home outbreak deepens as long-term care facilities struggle with safety of visits –

Coronavirus cases and deaths continue to mount at the Harrington Court Nursing Home in Colchester, which on Tuesdayreported a total of 53 residents and 12 staff membershave tested positive for COVID-19, and five residents have died.
Thirty-sevenof the infected residents remain in Harrington Court, and 11have been moved to Quinnipiac Valley COVID Recovery Facility in Wallingford, said Dr. Richard Feifer, chief medical officer for Harrington owner Genesis Healthcare, in an email.
The state Department of Public Health has inspected the facility at least seven times since the first resident tested positive on Sept. 16. Inspectors found several infection control issues, which the facility is addressing, and for which it will be cited, according to Av Harris, DPH spokesman. Harris said therewas no update on the investigation as of Tuesday.
The latest state inspection information available for HarringtonCourt indicates no deficiencies were cited following an April 20COVID-19-focused survey to determine compliance with infection prevention and control practices.
Feifersaid the facility remains stringent with restrictions and has diligently followed guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control andPreventionand Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, sometimes adopting even more stringent infection precautions than were recommended at the time. Harrington Court also is followingthe direction of theDPHin an effort to contain and minimize the spread of the virus, Feifer said.
Due to the outbreak, the facility is no longer allowing residents to have outdoor visits with family members.
Some family members who have been unable to have indoor visits with relatives in Connecticut nursing homes since Marcharegrowing increasingly concerned about the physical and mental health of their loved ones.
An independent review of Connecticut nursing home performanceduring the pandemic conducted by Mathematica Inc. indicated that depression increased by 15% for residents of long-term care facilities and unplanned weight loss doubledfollowing the shutdown of visitation in March. The depression declined slightly when outdoor visits started in May.
The policy decisions were critically important to stop the outbreak, Patricia Rowan, project director for Mathematica, told lawmakers during a review of the study Monday. But the analysis provides an evidence base to support the concerns of those who say the policy responses came at the cost of the emotional well-being of residents in facilities.
Acting Department of Public Health Commissioner Deidre Gifford saidshe would hesitate to draw a line between the visitation policy and the depression and weight loss.
Though theCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a directive that opened up indoor visits on Sept. 17, facilities must have had no cases of COVID-19 for the past 14 days and are recommended to use the positivity rates of infection within their counties to determine whether to allow indoor visits.
As of Monday, the state reported a3% positivity rate for infection in southeastern Connecticut. The federal guidance indicates that indoor visits, beyond compassionate careand end-of-life visits,can take place if the rate is below 5%, but some facilities have been slow toreinstate indoor visits.
Liz Stern of Stonington, whose 92-year-old mother resides in a Mystic nursing home that has remained free of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic, has been working with other family members to advocate for nursing home residents suffering due to isolation.
She said her mother, who is paralyzed and has vascular dementia, was accustomed to daily visits from her daughter prior to the pandemic and is unable to have outdoor visits.
For months, Stern, who declined to name the facility where her mother resides,said she has been seeing her mother once a week, through a picture window, where they use cellphones to speak and where sometimes they can't see each other through the glare.
Stern said thenursing home stafftold her Monday that they have completely shut down inside visits because of the infection rate in New London County, which has climbed in recent days.
The facility agreed to an "expanded compassionate care visit," telling Stern she has to have a negative COVID-19 test and wear full personal protective equipment, including mask, face shield, gloves and gown, in order to visit her mother and touch her hand.
Stern said she received the negative COVID-19 test result, but has no immediate plan to visit her mother under those circumstances, which she said would be confusing for her mother and won't address her needs.
She said the visitation policy is being driven by fear.
"We can do better, and we can be safe," Stern said by phone. "We have to redefine what safe is. The virus will continue to trickle in and trickle out. For good nursing homes with protocols it will continue to drip in, but the drip of the infection is nothing compared to the tsunami of damage that's been done by the isolation."
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Colchester nursing home outbreak deepens as long-term care facilities struggle with safety of visits -
6 Steps to Becoming an In Demand Personal Trainer – The Advocate

Photo: Jamie Grill | Getty Images
6 Steps to Becoming an In Demand Personal Trainer
Are you a fitness enthusiast who wants to take it one step further and become a personal trainer?
If you love helping others, this is a great career to pursue.The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the fitness industry's job opportunities will grow by 15 percent between 2019 and 2029 because of greater health awareness.
Follow these steps to chart a path towards success as a personal fitness coach.
Getting a certification is the first step before you begin taking on clients. You dont need a sports medicine degree, but you'll need the right credentials to offer credibility to your clients. It gives them the confidence that you have the qualifications to train them.
When looking where to start, you want to make sure you get the best personal trainer certification possible. Some excellent options are the International Sports Science Association (ISSA) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).
Most fitness companies also require you to have safety certificates in first aid, CPRand automatic defibrillators.
Although job opportunities are growing, youll face tough competition. Youll need to show potential clients that you offer more value to them than the others.
Your rsum should showcase your experience. Specializing in nutrition and weight loss programs, injury rehabilitation, or strength training helps.
You might think that serving every need is good for business, but being an expert in specific physical exercise fields will make you stand out from the crowd. People are more likely to choose you over someone who is a generalist.
Youmight want to cater to a specific clientele such assenior citizens, busy soccer moms, people with physicaldisabilities, pregnant women, or athletes. Choose the segment youre passionate about training. When youre happy withwhat you do, your clients will enjoy working out with you too.
Related:How To Add Wellness Coaching to YourPersonal TrainingBusiness
After you're certified, you still need to stay ahead of your competition. Youll want to keep abreast of fitness trends, sports medicine advancesand new training methods. Your potential clients are likely aware of these revolutions and are looking for an instructor who can teach them.
Be sure to attend conventions and seminars for personal trainers, read the latest books on fitness trendsand take online courses to gain specialized certification. Know what your market wants and offer it to them.
Related:ThisFitnessEntrepreneur Is Poised to Go Big and Wants Your Help
Getting customers is easy. Your challenge is to retain them for the long term because it costs more to draw new people into your business than to keep them.
To establish a connection with your patrons, ask questions about their current lifestyle, limitationsand what motivates them. Put yourself in their shoes so you can tailor a program thats both enjoyable and helps them achieve their purpose.
Promoting what you offer may sound intuitive, but its a challenge for most business owners. Most of them prefer to outsource that task to a third party so they can focus on what they do best. That may not be financially possible when youre starting, though, so youll need to learn how to do it yourself.
Online advertising has made it more straightforward and inexpensive than the traditional methods. These days, you dont have to pay an ad agency thousands of dollars to create a business campaign. You can do almost everything on your laptop or hire freelancers.
Ideally, familiarizeyourself with social media marketing and use it to build a following. Youre in a very personalized profession and you need to gain the trust of your prospective customers. Use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to interact with people and let them get to know you better.
Just dont make the mistake of overselling your service. Instead, provide free and useful information that benefits your followers to establish yourself as an expert.
Related:Beginner's Guide toSocial Media Marketing
Remember that you dont need to be the most educated instructor or expert marketer to be successful. While certification and experience are what prospective customers initially look for, what keeps them as longterm clients is the knowledge that you care about them.
Related:Welcome to the Era of the Anti-Hustle6 Steps to Becoming an In Demand Personal Trainer5 Things to Know Before Launching An Ecommerce Business
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6 Steps to Becoming an In Demand Personal Trainer - The Advocate
The toll pandemic isolation is taking on the nation’s elderly – Modern Healthcare

Altarum survey respondents reported weight loss and feeling hopeless, sad or depressed and said things like, "If the virus doesn't kill me the loneliness will," and "I have become more anxious and depressed due to the separation from my loved ones. I have little appetite and am losing weight."
"Hearing the residents' own words about how restricted and lonely they feel really hit home," Slocum said.
Even before the pandemic, loneliness and isolation among the elderly were big problems in the U.S., said Dr. Eric Rackow, co-founder of eFamilyCare, a digital platform for family caregivers. The pandemic has made that situation more acute.
Basically, loneliness and isolation increase your risk of having a problem with your health," Rackow said. Those who are isolated can be depressed, less likely to take medications and not sleeping as well, which can exacerbate existing health conditions, he said.
A new survey by AARP Foundation and United Health Foundation found that among adults 50 and older who reported experiencing social isolation during the pandemic, 50% felt less motivated, 41% were more anxious and 37% felt depressed.
"Many people don't know that social isolation can have lasting effects on not only mental health but also physical health," said Dr. Rhonda Randall, executive vice president and a chief medical officer at UnitedHealthcare.
Nationwide, there have been 238,283 confirmed cases, 138,783 suspected cases and 57,008 COVID-19 related deaths in nursing homes, according to the latest CMS data. In Minnesota, "social isolation" has been listed as a cause or contributing factor of death for at least three residents at long-term care facilities.
"We started to see a negative mental and physical impact on residents," said Julie Thorson, president and CEO of Friendship Haven, a long-term care facility in Fort Dodge, Iowa. "Residents feel like they're in trouble, like they're being punished."
Concerned by the toll the pandemic was taking on residents, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have organized outdoor visits, set up video calls and even held drive-by parades to connect people with their loved ones.
Friendship Haven employs 16 companions to socialize with its 110 residents. Companions are typically those in high school or in early retirement who come visit with residents and keep them company.
"They've just been lifesavers," Thorson said. "During the pandemic, they have really been instrumental in combating loneliness."
With companions' help, the staff are able to focus on resident care and dealing with COVID-19, Thorson said.
The facility, like many long-term care sites, struggles with filling open positions, especially during the pandemic, leaving fewer people to engage with residents.
"We're constantly recruiting. We staff really well but there still are lot of openings in our area," Thorson said. "It was a critical need before, and now it's a daily challenge."
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The toll pandemic isolation is taking on the nation's elderly - Modern Healthcare
Global Mobile Weight Loss Market Report 2020-2025: Navigate Through the Disruptive Mobile Weight Loss Industry and Open New Investment Opportunities -…

Dublin, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "The Global Mobile Weight Loss Market 2020: How Digital Solutions Transform the Weight Loss Industry and Chronic Care" report has been added to's offering.
This report is a study of the global market for mobile weight loss solutions, which assist people in weight loss efforts by providing various content and services. It is the most comprehensive account of the digital transformation in the weight loss industry.
The report also evaluates country market opportunities and profiles the top 10 country markets. It also discusses major trends that will transform the digital weight loss industry in the medium-term. Given the current economic uncertainty, the impact of the COVID-19 is also analyzed.
Product Description
Mobile weight loss solutions have disrupted the global weight loss market, as the use of mobile apps has proven to be more efficient not only in comparison with on-site programs but also with other digital tools, such as web-based programs. The COVID-19 crisis has, even more, accelerated the mobile-centric digitalization of the weight loss industry.
Moreover, mobile weight loss solutions have already transformed chronic care, as they increasingly are an essential part of preventing and managing various chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, etc. The global mobile weight loss market is already a multi-billion market that is set to double by 2025, despite the currently unravelling economic difficulties.
Based on first-hand sources and comprehensive data, the report offers an unrivalled perspective on how mobile weight loss solutions transform the weight loss industry and chronic care, offering new investment and expansion opportunities. Analyzing in detail the market opportunity, the current market structure, competition, geography, and outlook, it provides exhaustive and insightful reading for those who are looking for new opportunities in one of the most thriving digital health markets.
Explore a data-rich report full of metrics, analysis, and insights, designed to navigate you through the disruptive mobile weight loss industry and open new investment opportunities!
Why this Market is so Attractive
Key Topics Covered:
1. Scope of the report
2. Management summary
3. The Impact of The COVID-19 Crisis on the Weight Loss and Behavior Change Industry
4. Global Opportunity For Mobile Weight Loss Services4.1. Demographic Target Group: Overweight Prevalence Among Adults4.2. Addressable Market: Overweight Audience with Capable Devices
5. The Mobile Weight Loss Ecosystem: Current Status5.1. The Growth of the Supply Side: Number of Solutions (2010-2019)5.2. The Growing Demand: Downloads and Usage (2018-2020)5.3. The Diversity of the Market: Main Use Cases5.4. The Diversity of the Market: Major Groups of Weight Loss Solutions5.5. The Nutrition segment: The Most Popular Diets Used in Mobile Weight Loss Apps5.6. Technology Improvements: Automated Logging, Data Syncing, and Device Connectivity in Mobile Weight Loss Solutions5.7. Business Models and Revenue Streams: Market Size and Segmentation5.8. Clinical Trials by Mobile Weight Loss Solutions Providers: Is There Proof-of-Concept Available?
6. Market Competition: Big Ecosystem, High Concentration6.1. Weight Loss Market Players: The Competitive Landscape6.2. Leading Publishers: Downloads, Usage, and Revenues
7. Leading Market Players: Company Profiles7.1. WW International7.2. Noom7.3. Under Armour (MyFitnessPal)7.4. Genesis Technology Partners (BetterMe)7.5. YAZIO7.6. Lifesum7.7. Verv7.8. Livongo Health7.9. Omada Health7.10. Lark Health
8. Top 10 Country Markets for Mobile Weight Loss Solutions8.1. Geographic Structure of the Mobile Weight Loss Market8.2. Top 10 Country Markets: Ranking by Downloads and Monthly Active Users8.3. The United States8.4. India8.5. Russia8.6. Brazil8.7. The United Kingdom8.8. Germany8.9. France8.10. Japan8.11. Italy8.12. Mexico
9. Major Trends that Will Shape the Mobile Weight Loss Market
10. Outlook: The Market's Forecast until 202510.1. The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Market: Key Scenarios and Assumptions10.2. Demographic Target Group and Addressable Market Forecast10.3. Downloads Forecast10.4. Usage forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios10.5. Revenue Forecast: Baseline and Optimistic Scenarios
11. Appendix
Companies Mentioned
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Avoiding the temptation of unhealthy food Click Liverpool – Click Liverpool

Gaining weight is a lot easier than losing it. We know how and why we should lose weight, but the temptation to eat all the foods we know are bad for us can be just too much. However, it is possible to enjoy food and lose weight at the same time.
The 1:1 Diet
Not only does The 1:1 Diet allow you to choose from a range of healthy meals and shakes, there are tasty snacks you can choose from, as an alternative to those you enjoy. Instead of denying yourself treats, you can simply go for the better option. With the support youll get from your personal diet consultant, youre more likely to stick to the plan and see longer-lasting results. The consultant personalises the plan for you. The meals start from just 2.63 each and are delivered to your door, leaving you more time to live your life.
Discover new recipes
With so much information available at the click of a few buttons, finding alternative recipes to some of your favourite foods is easy. If you enjoy a curry, or fish and chips on a Friday night, there are healthy recipes online and in books that allow you to cook meals that are just as tasty but contain less fat.
Drink plenty of water
Drinking plenty of water can leave you feeling fuller and less likely to eat large portions. It can be particularly helpful to your diet if eating in a restaurant with friends. Youll be less tempted to order bigger portions from the menu or be unable to finish the dish if you do order them.
Planning your meals
Even if youre not following a specific diet plan, shopping for and planning your meals can help you avoid temptation. It removes the element of not knowing what youll be eating next and having an unbalanced diet. Its much easier to stick to your diet and ensure it contains everything you need. Doing this can also help you to avoid unhealthy snacking. Getting too hungry between meals can lead to eating whatever is available, which might often be the wrong thing.
Avoiding temptation
If there is something specific you find difficult to resist, then try to avoid it if possible. So if you walk past the same bakery each day, is there another way you could walk? Or consider walking on the other side of the road. If you have a vending machine at work, you may not be able to avoid walking past it, but making sure you some healthy alternatives with you, will make you less likely to eat crisps and chocolate bars.
Find ways to deal with your stress
Stress eating can play a big part in gaining weight. If you start a new exercise routine, it can help to relieve stress and lose weight at the same time. Even just finding new ways of exercising at home can help. Other things you can try to decrease the chance of stress eating are talking to friends and family, taking up a new hobby or writing things down. Just the act of putting into words whatever is on your mind can help to make you feel better, and you might even come up with a solution to a problem.
Keep track of your goals and weight loss
Keeping track of your goals will help you to stay focussed. It also helps to keep a record of your progress. It may only be a little at a time, but in the long term, you can look back and see how far youve come. This can be a great source of encouragement when youre tempted to overeat or pack in the diet completely.
Eat protein
Another way to feel full and, as a result, decrease the temptation to overeat or to eat the wrong foods, is to eat plenty of the right protein-rich foods. They include fish, nuts and vegetables.
Sleep and routine
Making sure you get enough sleep, and having an eating routine, will make you less likely to snack at all hours of the day or night. Having set meal times gets your body used to eating at those times and, with the exception of healthy snacks between meals, youll be less likely to snack or break your diet between regular meals, as your body becomes accustomed to the routine.
If you follow these suggestions, you may still feel tempted occasionally, but it will become easier to resist the unhealthy options which are so readily available.
Avoiding the temptation of unhealthy food Click Liverpool - Click Liverpool
Blood Sugar Control Could Help Protect Neurologic Health in Patients with Diabetes – Endocrinology Network

New research from the results of a 1000-person study suggests improving blood sugar control could improve brain health for individuals with type 2 diabetes.
An analysis of data from the Look AHEAD (Action for Health In Diabetes) study, results of the study indicate improvements in glycemic control, but not weight status were linked to better subsequent cognitive performance.
"It's important to properly control your blood sugar to avoid the bad brain effects of your diabetes," saidOwen Carmichael, PhD, professor and director of Biomedical Imaging at the Louisiana State University Pennington Biomedical Research Center, in a statement. Don't think you can simply let yourself get all the way to the obese range, lose some of the weight, and everything in the brain is fine. The brain might have already turned a corner that it can't turn back from."
With an interest in how disease management might impact the cognitive function of in patients with type 2 diabetes, Carmichael and a team of colleagues hoped to design a study to describe associations between physiological markers and cognitive performance in patients with diabetes in the Look AHEAD study. A randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of intensive lifestyle intervention, the study provided data related to more than 5000 diabetic patients aged 45-76 years old.
Patients included in the study randomized to the intensive lifestyle intervention were prescribed to a daily calorie goal of 1200-1800 and a physical activity goal of more than 175 minutes per week with the aim of inducing weight loss to average more than 7% at 1-year and to be maintained over time.
As part of the ancillary studies, patients from the Look AHEAD study were invited to take part in cognitive assessments and 3920 participants provided at least 1 cognitive assessment between years 8-13 of follow-up. These assessments provided investigators information related to short-term memory, planning, impulse control, attention, ability to switch between tasks, verbal learning, and overall memory. For the purpose of the current analysis, investigators only included patients who provided 2 or 3 cognitive assessments, which yielded a cohort of 1089 individuals.
Of the 1089 included in the study, the mean age was 58.36.7 years, 58.8% were female, and 84.5% of patients had a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater. Investigators pointed out all 1089 patients underwent at least 2 cognitive assessments and a cohort of 315 patients completed all 3 cognitive assessments.
Upon analysis, results of the study suggested greater improvements in blood sugar control were associated with increased cognitive scores. Specific associations included fasting blood glucose and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (P=.0148), fasting blood glucose and Digit Symbol Coding (P=.0360), and HbA1C and DSC (P=.0477).
However, investigators noted weight loss appeared to have mixed associations with cognitive scoresnoting greater BMI reduction and worse auditory verbal learning test scores overall (P=.0053) while greater BMI reduction and better digit symbol coding scores were observed among patients who were overweight but not obese (P=.010).
Results of the study also indicated apparent associations were strongest among patients who were overweight but not obese at baseline. Additionally, investigators pointed out associations appeared to also be stronger Amon those with a history of cardiovascular disease at baseline.
"The results were worse for people who had obesity at the beginning of the study. That's a 'too little, too late' type of message," added Carmichael, in the aforementioned statement. "People with diabetes who let their obesity go too far, for too long may be past the point of no return, cognition-wise."
This study, Long-term change in physiological markers and cognitive performance in type 2 diabetes: the Look AHEAD Study, was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
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Blood Sugar Control Could Help Protect Neurologic Health in Patients with Diabetes - Endocrinology Network
6 Benefits of Cutting Unhealthy Carbs – Yahoo Canada Shine On

Almost every food you eat has carbohydrates. Carbs are an essential part of the diet, and can be found in all kinds of foods that you loveeven fruits and vegetables! And yet, while having carbohydrates in your diet is good(most of them contain the dietary fiber you need on a daily basis), it's important to note which carbs are considered "unhealthy" and why. Simple carbs, also known as refined carbs, are highly-processed and almost always stripped of any nutritional benefit they may havelike that dietary fiber. Which is why there are a lot of benefits of cutting those unhealthy carbs in your diet.
We broke down what happens to your body when you cut unhealthy carbs, and also why it's stillveryimportant to have carbs in your diet. Here are the benefits of cutting unhealthy carbs, and for more healthy eating tips, check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
Man showing off weight loss wearing loose jeans
Immediately. Reducing your intake of calorie-dense carbs automatically reduces the number of calories you're consuming on a daily basis, which forces your body to burn fat stored around your midsection for energy, rather than the sugars it takes from carbohydrates.
Eat This! Tip: Exercise in the morning before you eat breakfast. This forces your body to burn stored fat, instead of the food you've eaten earlier in the day. Then when it's time for breakfast, follow these7 Healthy Breakfast Habits for a Flat Belly.
It's not calories that satiate your hunger, it's nutrients: fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Unfortunately, simple, refined carbs are lacking in all three, even as they fill your body with fast, cheap calories. So no matter how much you eat, your body will go in search of more food. The result: a sluggish, hungrier you one who's more likely to dive into the snack drawer.
Eat This! Tip: Start your day with a high-protein, high-fat food like Greek yogurt, eggs scrambled with vegetables, or chia pudding, and you'll reduce your hunger. Start losing pounds a week by eating any of these 11 Best and Worst Greek Yogurts for Weight Loss!
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One of the first things you notice when you replace simple carbs with high-fiber foods is that your belly flattens outliterally within days. The reason: Most Americans only take in 15 of the recommended 25 to 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. As a result, the healthy gut microbes that keep us lean have less to munch on, and the unhealthy microbeswhich feast on sugartake over. Those are the little buggers that cause bloating, and make your belly look bigger than it actually is.
"Bumping up fiber can help promote healthy regularity," says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition.
Eat This! Tip: Start with simple swaps that feel natural to you. Trade the white bread for whole-grain or add some beans to tacos and stir-fry. And if you're hungry between meals, reach for raw nuts. "Nuts are a great source of fiber and healthy fat, which can help fight inflammation in the body and also promote digestion," Smith adds.
Simple carbs are made of simple sugars, and eating too many can wreak havoc in your body in both the short and long term. The more of these quickly digested carbs you consume, the more insulin your pancreas produces, eventually leading to insulin resistance and possibly type 2 diabetes, according to Smith.
Eat This! Tip: Fiber-rich complex carbs are harder for your body to digest, preventing the blood sugar spikes that cause insulin release. "The lower and more steady we keep blood sugar, the less insulin is released on a consistent basis and the more insulin-sensitive our tissues remain which is a good thing," Smith explains. So, cutting back on the simple stuff means you'll be able to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce your risk for diabetes.
Woman with strong muscle arms doing push ups for exercise
Almost every food in the world is healthier than simple carbsfrom burgers and steaks to yogurt and even ice cream. In part, that's because simple carbs lack protein, the building blocks of muscle (and a key contributor to healthy hair, nails, and skin). By filling your body with protein and other nutrients, you're giving it what it needs to grow without having to find additional calories.
Eat This! Tip: If you typically get hungry between meals, try replacing those vending-machine sweets with high-protein snacks that will fuel your body and give you stable energy for the afternoon ahead, like with these 50 Best Snacks for Weight Loss.
Mature african woman practicing yoga and meditates near swimming pool outdoor
Not all carbs are bad, of courseespecially these 24 Best Healthy Carbs To Eat For Weight Loss. Your body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and they're especially important for adequate brain and muscle function. By switching from simple carbs to more long-running fuelfruits and vegetables, whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, and other whole-grain optionsyou'll ensure you have a steady flow of energy, and avoid the ups and downs that simple carbs cause. You'll no longer need to make poor food choices as a way of getting quick energy, and you won't be dragging through those afternoon hours.
Eat This! Tip: The lowest safe amount of carbohydrates is about 50 grams daily, according to Mayo Clinic; avoid dipping below that amount if you want to avoid major dips in energy. One cup of oatmeal and a half a banana is all it takes to reach that total. So while cutting carbohydrates is good for your overall health, cutting them out completely could have the opposite effect. Here'sWhat You Should Know Before Cutting Carbs for Weight Loss.
See the article here:
6 Benefits of Cutting Unhealthy Carbs - Yahoo Canada Shine On
Staying Healthy: COVID? What about the obesity pandemic? – Johnston Sun Rise

We certainly have a lot to worry about regarding our health these days. A global pandemic has a way of doing that.
Yet there has been another pandemic raging around the globe for years that hasnt captured as much attention as it deserves. That is obesity.
Obesity, defined as a Body Mass Index >30, is associated with the leading causes of death in the United States and worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 2.8 million people each year die as a result of being overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled over the past 30 years. Here in the U.S., over 70 million adults are obese and these numbers are climbing. Not even our children are immune as one in four kids and teens are overweight and obese.
The concern is that obesity can shorten a persons lifespan. In 2007 the Surgeon General of the United States warned that obesity alone can increase the chance of premature death by 40 percent. Obesity is often associated with other serious health issues including diabetes, heart disease, sleep disorders, breathing problems, arthritis, infertility, and many others.
There is a strong link between obesity and the risk of cancer. Specifically excess body fat increases the risk of colorectal, breast, uterine, esophageal, kidney and pancreatic cancers.
There has always been concern that obesity may weaken the immune system. Several studies have warned that obesity is an important independent risk factor for severe COVID-19 and can double the risk of death in individuals with a BMI >40 (morbid obesity).
Obesity not only contributes to physical disease but also plays a role in mental health. For those who struggle with their weight, the psychological effects can be just as debilitating. Major depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem, and body dysmorphic disorder are common place among obese individuals. Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating are also prevalent.
So why is it that with so much thats known about the damaging effects of obesity on physical and mental health are so few people seeking treatment? First its important to understand the causes of obesity. Its more complicated than simply excess calories and physical inactivity. If it were just that, diet and exercise alone would work. It is a multifactorial disease that can be influenced by genetics, medications, psychological factors, hormone disorders (thyroid, insulin resistance, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Cushings syndrome) and socioeconomic challenges. Its not to say that healthier eating, increased physical exercise, and behavior modification arent important. Its just that often times they are not enough.
A growing number of studies have shown that weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) is the most effective and longest lasting treatment for obesity. More importantly, surgery can reverse the chronic diseases that accompany it, most notably diabetes. Diabetes remission often occurs within a few days of surgery even prior to any significant weight loss. That would again indicate that there may be more biologic or hormonal factors playing as much of a role if not more than just diet and exercise alone.
The effects of bariatric surgery have been well documented and studied since its inception in the 1950s. Breakthroughs in technology and surgical technique have improved the safety and outcomes. Yet, still today only 1 percent of the population eligible for surgery, which for adults means a BMI >40 or >35 with an obesity-related condition like diabetes, actually has it.
Its puzzling to think why. Consider, for example, if the same were true for people who needed surgery for cancer. It would be unthinkable to withhold a treatment that could improve the quality of someones life or provide longer rates of disease free remission.
There is no cure for obesity but there are very effective treatments. The success of each treatment is amplified when used together. The combination of healthier food choices, increased physical activity, behavior modification and surgery can result in excellent long-term results. Thats why individuals who struggle with obesity should seek treatment from a program that offers a multidisciplinary team of specialists who can address all these issues and customize an appropriate treatment plan.
In addition, just as we are addressing the inequalities and bias that exist in society today we have to acknowledge the stigma placed upon obese individuals. Obesity is not caused by laziness, lack of education, or poor will power. Its harsh criticism and the judgment implied that prevents people from lifesaving and life-changing surgery.
Surgery is not the easy way out. Its a tool that can help someone to make the necessary lifestyle changes to not only lose weight but to maintain it. For anyone who is struggling with their weight and the effects that it has on their health, its time to come out of quarantine and put your health first.
Jeannine Giovanni, MD, is director of bariatric surgery for Care New England.
Excerpt from:
Staying Healthy: COVID? What about the obesity pandemic? - Johnston Sun Rise