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Weight loss: Amla and curry leaves juice helps you lose weight while nourishing your body – Times Now

Weight loss: Amla and curry leaves juice helps you lose weight while nourishing your body Times Now
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Weight loss: Amla and curry leaves juice helps you lose weight while nourishing your body - Times Now
Weight Loss Tips: Follow These 4 Hassle Free Weight Loss Principles If You Want To Avoid Calorie Counting, As Shared By A Nutritionist – NDTV

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Weight Loss Tips: Follow These 4 Hassle Free Weight Loss Principles If You Want To Avoid Calorie Counting, As Shared By A Nutritionist - NDTV
Mind-blowing weight loss: Pathaan actor Akkash Bathija who once weighed 126 kgs chronicles his fat-to-fit jour – Times Now

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Mind-blowing weight loss: Pathaan actor Akkash Bathija who once weighed 126 kgs chronicles his fat-to-fit jour - Times Now
15 Small Changes You Can Make to Lose Weight Faster, According to …

If your goal is to lose weight and exercise more, forget the deprivation diet and marathon workouts. Research shows that taking small stepsnot giant leapsis the best way to get lasting results.
Research shows that people who adopt smaller, positive changes to their lifestyle, such as drinking more water or walking five more minutes each day, lose more weight and keep it off.
"When you focus on just a couple of small changes at a time, you begin to ingrain some healthy habits that last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it's too hard to follow," says Lesley Lutes, PhD, a professor of psychology who specializes in obesity prevention at the University of British Columbia.
To help you move more, eat less, and look and feel better, we rounded up the best weight-loss tips from health experts.
Mindlessly munching on a bag of chips could result in easily polishing off the whole thing. But writing down all the meals and snacks you've eaten can help you practice better portion control. It will also help you figure out how you can make smarter food choices. For example, if you're hankering for a bag of potato chips around 3 p.m. at the office every day, keep a bag of cashews by your desk so you're not making a trip to the vending machine.
Journaling can also serve as a reality check on your other eating habits, says Lutes. Do you skip meals? Eat the same meals during the week as on the weekend? Binge eat when you're feeling stressed? "Knowing your routine helps you figure out what changes are right for you," she adds.
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And we're not just talking about going for a walk during your lunch break. Get moving during your favorite TV shows. Do jumping jacks, run in place, go up and down some stairs, start dancinganything that gets your heart rate up so you feel somewhat breathless, says Geralyn Coopersmith, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and chief content officer for Flywheel Sports. Do it for each 2-minute commercial break while you're watching your favorite TV show, and you'll burn an extra 270 calories a daywhich can translate to a 28-pound weight loss in a year.
Packaged foods tend to be high in sodium, fat, and sugar, so you want to try to limit them as much as possible from your diet. Pick your top five processed foods, whether it be cookies, crackers, chips, or candy, and gradually downshift. "If you're eating six of these foods a week, try to go down to five," Lutes advises. Each week, drop another food until you're at no more than one or two. At the same time, replace them with healthier snacks, like baby carrots with hummus, Greek yogurt and fresh berries, or natural peanut butter with an apple.
Americans use their cars for two-thirds of all trips that are less than one mile and 89 percent of all trips that are one to two miles, yet each additional hour you spend driving is associated with a six percent increase in obesity. Burn calories instead of gas by following this rule: If your errands are less than one mile away, walk to do them at a brisk pace. Or, park your car, where you can run several errands within a mile, instead of moving your car each time.
According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, adults should get at least 150 minutes2 hours and 30 minutesto 300 minutes5 hoursa week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes1 hour and 15 minutesto 150 minutes2 hours and 30 minutesa week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.
Basic bodyweight exercises, like squats and push-ups, are a simple way to build more metabolism-revving muscle in minutes at home without picking up a single weight. "Your muscles don't know the difference between working against your body's own resistance and on a fancy piece of equipment," says Wayne Westcott, PhD, fitness research director at Quincy College. "The one rule to follow is that each exercise should fatigue your muscles within 60 to 90 seconds," he says. For extra burn, you can add an resistance band to basic moves.
Try this mini-workout: Do 10 reps each of knee push-ups, squats, crunches, lunges, and chair dips. Then gradually increase the number of reps it takes for your muscles to feel fully fatigued.
Have a choice between riding and climbing? Adding two to three minutes of stair climbing per daycovering about three to five floorscan burn enough calories to eliminate the average American's annual weight gain of one to two pounds a year. Walking up a flight of stairs can also help strengthen your glutes and quads, so there are some strength training benefits as well.
Today's fitness trackers allow you to take more control over your health by providing you with important data about your eating, sleep, and workout habits. Consider purchasing a fitness tracker to help you monitor not just how many steps you're taking each day, but how many calories you're burning, how much sleep you're getting, what your resting heart rate is, and what your eating habits are like. It'll also help you stay on track with sticking to the goal of getting 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week.
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You'll save thousands of caloriesnot to mention hundreds of dollarsover the course of a year if you pack your lunch more often. For example, a pre-made chicken Caesar wrap from a chain restaurant has 610 calories40 percent of which come from fat. It also has 1,440 milligrams of sodium, which is more than half the recommended daily amount.
Make your own with sandwich at home with chicken breast on whole-wheat bread with light mayo, tomatoes, and Romaine lettuce. This will help you cut calories and sodium. "When you make and eat your own food, you not only control the quality and portion sizes but also reduce the amount of sugar, salt, and fat that you're consuming, which can be significantly higher in restaurant fare," says Ashley Koff, RD, a registered dietitian based in Washington, D.C.
It might sound contradictory to treat yourself to dessert when you're trying to lose weight, but the truth is, depriving yourself of treats can lead to overeating. Instead, portion out one serving of your favorite treat. Take a minute to smell it, look at it, and savor each bite. Chew slowly, moving it around your mouth and focusing on the texture and taste. As you do this, ask yourself whether you want another bite or if you feel satisfied. Tuning into your body will help you eat more mindfully and feel more satisfied.
"When you take the time to slow down and be more mindful of what something really tastes like, you'll feel more satisfied," says Lutes. "Many people will find that they're content after just a couple of bites and are better able to stop eating when they're satisfied," she explains.
Skip fruit juice, which tends to be loaded with sugar, and enjoy a healthy smoothie instead. Smoothies are a much healthier choice than fruit juices because they keep the fiber from fruits and vegetables intact, making them more filling and nutritious. But not all smoothies are created equally. It's important to prepare a smoothie that has a good balance of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. That means not loading it up with just fruit. Get muscle-building protein from protein powders, low-fat milk or unsweetened nut milk, Greek yogurt, or oatmeal. Add volume and extra fiber from dark, leafy greens, frozen cauliflower and other veggies. Top your smoothie with chopped nuts for a boost of healthy fats.
To promote satiety, eat your smoothie in a bowl with a spoon, rather than slurping it down with a straw. "When you chew a food, you generate more saliva, which in turn carries a message to the brain that your gut needs to get ready for digestion," explains Koff. "Drinking doesnt require such digestion, so the body doesnt register that its full as quickly."
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Sometimes you confuse thirst for hunger, which can cause you to eat more food than you actually need. So it's important to stay hydrated and drink sips of water throughout the day. Water is also key to better digestion and a revved-up metabolism. You've probably heard the golden rule that you should drink eight glasses of water a day, but the amount of water each person should drink varies greatly. People who are very active, take certain medications, or have a viral illness need to drink more water. The best way to make sure you're properly hydrated is to drink water whenever you feel thirsty and to take sips of water before, during, and after a workout. You can also stay hydrated by eating more water-rich fruits and vegetables.
Exercising with a friend helps you stay accountable and able to stick with your workout. Nobody wants to leave a pal stranded on a street corner at 6 a.m., but your workouts dont always have to be done face-to-face. If you subscribe to a weight-loss app, join the community boards and challenges, where you can find people with similar goals and share your progress.
A regular cup of coffee with a dash of milk and even a little sugar has hundreds of fewer calories than the blended drinks, which are practically dessert in a cup. You can easily lighten up your coffee order without sacrificing taste by opting for low-fat milk or an unsweetened nut milk, adding just a touch of honey for sweetness, and a dash of cinnamon for flavor.
Make a point to go to bed earlier, and youll notice a difference in your energy levels and mood. Research shows that just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to almost immediate weight gain. That's because when you don't get enough sleep, you're not able to make healthier choices throughout the day. When you're tired, you tend to compensate with fatty and sugary foods. You also want to take a close look at your nighttime habits. Is dinner your biggest meal of the day? Are you having too many midnight snacks? These habits could be messing with your weight-loss efforts.
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15 Small Changes You Can Make to Lose Weight Faster, According to ...
(Alert 2022) Keto Clean+ Gummies BHB Weight Loss Pill CUSTOMER WARNINGS and FEEDBACKS – The Tribune India

(Alert 2022) Keto Clean+ Gummies BHB Weight Loss Pill CUSTOMER WARNINGS and FEEDBACKS The Tribune India
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(Alert 2022) Keto Clean+ Gummies BHB Weight Loss Pill CUSTOMER WARNINGS and FEEDBACKS - The Tribune India
Weight Loss: Consume These 6 Drinks Just Before Bedtime To Lose Weight …

If you happen to be one of those who are struggling to shed some extra pounds, then you have arrived at the right place. Losing weight is not an easy task - it calls for a balanced diet and proper workout regime. No matter what the fad diets may claim, there is just no way you can rule out the importance pf hard work. To pace up yourweight loss process, there are a few diet tips that you can practice beforebedtime. These tipsare simple and may help you lose weight fast by increasing the body's metabolism and boosting your digestion process. According to Ayurveda Expert, Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, "In order to lose weight effectively, one should have a good digestive system."An improved digestive system is the first step in the weight loss journey. By increasing digestive efficiency with a few dietary changes, one can effectively lose weight and boost body's metabolism. If you feel bloated most of the time, then consumption of these drinks will help you stay at ease.
Weight Loss: An improved digestive system is the first step in the weight loss journey (Photo Credit: iStock)
Cinnamon is loaded with various health benefiting properties. Consuming it in the form of tea during bedtime can give your metabolism a good boost. Cinnamon is loaded with various antioxidant and antibiotic properties.This concoction works as a detox drink and consumption of this wonder potion can provide with a lot of benefits. You can combine it with honey to make it more palatable.
Cinnamon is loaded with various antioxidant and antibiotic properties (Photo credit: iStock)
How To Make Cinnamon Tea:
To make cinnamon tea, you'll need 1 cup of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix them together and allow it to steep for around 20-30 minutes. Sip a cup of cinnamon tea at least half an hour before going to bed for effective results.(Also Read -6 Amazing Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon)
According to Dr. Ashutosh, "Fenugreek seeds facilitate weight loss to a great extent. Regular consumption of methi dana generates heat in the body and helps in managing and losing weight. It also acts as a great antacid and helps strengthen the digestive system. It should be consumed at least half an hour or one hour before bedtime." Boil the water in a container and add the crushed fenugreek seeds in it. You can crush these seeds using mortar and pestle. Cover and steep the seeds for at least three to five minutes. Strain in a cup using a regular tea strainer and reap out its benefits.
Chamomile not only stimulates weight lossbut also reduces bloating to a great extent. Loaded with calcium, potassium and flavonoids, chamomile's ability to detox the body helps in getting rid of toxins and excess water. A cup of hot chamomile tea before bedtime could help you get a restful sleep as well.
How to make chamomile tea:
Boil water in a pan on high heat. Once the water is boiled properly, switch off the gas. Add dried chamomile leaves to the water and cover the pan with a lid. Let it sit for 1-2 minutes. Pass the tea through a strainer and pour the strained tea in teacups. Add honey or other natural sweeteners like stevia or agave and mix thoroughly. You can also skip adding the sweetener if you want to. Drink it warm in bed before going for your relaxing sleep.
This green juice made with cucumber and parsley can fasten your weight loss journey and can show quick results if consumed regularly. Cucumber has high water and fibre content and almost no calories. Parsley is known for its mild diuretic properties and high minerals and vitamins content. Both are nutrient-packed foods that are also known to aid weight loss in an efficient way.
How to make cucumber-parsley juice:
To make this juice, combine diced cucumber, a bunch of parsley, half teaspoon grated ginger and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Blend them all together till it turns into a liquid juice.
Drinking aloe vera juice at bedtime may help you shed extra fat naturally. According to Ayurveda expert, Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, "Aloe vera has the potential of curing a range of ailments and provides complete nourishment to the body." According to the book, Healing Foods by DK Publishing House, "Aloe vera juice helps balance intestinal flora. It can be useful in cases of irritable bowel syndrome, and is a laxative that is reputed to help expel parasites from the digestive tract."
How To Make Aloe Vera Juice:
Scrape out the outer layer of the aloe vera leaf with a knife. Lob out the yellow part inside the aloe vera leaf and scoop out the gel. Mix it with two cups of water and blend them together. Pour the juice in a glass and enjoy this weight loss-friendly drink before going to sleep.
(Also Read:Weight Loss: 5 Morning Drinks To Cut Belly Fat)
Drinking fresh aloe vera juice may help with weight loss.
If you thought haldi wala doodh' was only for treating cold, cough and healing injuries; you may be wrong. Turmeric may also help in boosting metabolism and soothing digestion that may result in the shedding of extra weight. It antioxidant properties may flush out harmful toxins from our body and keep our digestion running smoothly while we take a good nap. Milk, on the other hand, fuels the body with calcium and proteins that help us sleep peacefully. This may prevent us from overeating the next day.
How To Make Turmeric Milk:
Boil milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder or an inch long knob of raw turmeric. Drink it at bedtime while it's still hot.
Now, that we have shared with you a list of bedtime hacks, make them a part of your daily schedule and lose weight effectively. These detox drinks can help flush out toxins from the body. With improved digestion and good metabolism, you'll be able to lose weight fast.
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Weight Loss: Consume These 6 Drinks Just Before Bedtime To Lose Weight ...
The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads | Consumer Advice

It would be nice if you could lose weight simply by taking a pill, wearing a patch, or rubbing in a cream, but claims that you can lose weight without changing your habits just arent true. And some of these products could even hurt your health. Learn to recognize false claims in weight loss ads and false online stories about weight loss products.
Dishonest advertisers will say just about anything to get you to buy their weight loss products. Here are some of the false promises youll often see in weight loss ads:
Heres the truth:
Scammers place false stories online through fake news websites, blogs, banner ads, and social media to sell their weight loss products. For example, they create so-called news reports about how an ingredient like garcinia cambogia or gonji found in a diet pill is supposedly effective for weight loss. But theres no new discovery. The stories are false.
Know that
Using an electronic muscle stimulator alone wont work. You might have seen ads for electronic muscle stimulators claiming they will help you lose weight, or get rock-hard abs. But, according to the FDA, while these devices may temporarily strengthen, tone, or firm a muscle, they havent been shown to help you lose weight or get those six-pack abs.
If you decide to join a gym, make sure you know what youre agreeing to. Not all gym contracts are the same, so before you commit, read the contract and confirm that it includes everything the salesperson promised. Also find out if theres a cooling-off or trial period, and check out the cancellation policy. Do you get a refund if you cancel? You also can look for reviews online from other clients to help you decide if you want to join that particular gym.
Home exercise equipment can be a great way to shape up but only if you use it regularly. Some exercise equipment ads promise you can shape up and lose weight quickly and without much effort. The truth is that to get the benefits of exercise, you have to do the work. If you decide to buy exercise equipment for your home, first check out online reviews to see what other customers experiences have been. And find out the real cost of the equipment. Some companies advertise three easy payments of $49.99, but you have to consider taxes, shipping, and any subscription or other fees required to make the equipment work.
Free trial offers are often not free at all. Many people who have signed up for free trials for weight loss products have wound up paying a lot of money and have been billed for recurring shipments they didnt want. For more on phony free trials, read Getting In and Out of Free Trials, Auto-Renewals, and Negative Option Subscriptions.
The FDA has found tainted weight loss products. In recent years, the FDA has discovered hundreds of dietary supplements that contain potentially harmful drugs or other chemicals not listed on the product label. Many of these products are for weight loss and bodybuilding.
Report fraudulent weight loss product claims to
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The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads | Consumer Advice
Fast Weight Loss: Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days (Diet – TIMESHOOD

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Whoa! Thats a lot of weight to lose in just 10 days. It may be surprising. But true! you can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. No matter what diet plan you are in right now.
Wondering, how is it possible? Of course, its not going to be easy, but impossible? Definitely not.
All you have to put tremendous efforts from drinking, eating, workout to every other lifestyle changes. That means, your lifestyle is going to be completely changed for the next 10 days.
So, are you Ready to accept this challenge?
Moving on
Note: Post may contains affiliate link.
To lose 10 pounds in 10 days, you need to burn 3500 calories per day. Right?
Many time it happens when we fall in urgency to lose weight fast because of events, marriage or parties. right?
At that time you need to focus on hacks that work to meet More water loss + less fat loss.
Because Its simply not possible to burn pure body fat so fast.
But dont worry! Even losing more water weight helps you look slim and lean.
And you know, most of the sudden weight loss comes from this way only by losing excess water weight.
When you choose a low calories diet, it lowers your body insulin and helps you to get rid of stored carbs that bind water.
Thats why we need to focus on low calories diet + workout + lifestyle changes to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
Our strategy will be to work more on water + fat loss, not the muscle loss as it can be harmful to your body.
Of course, muscles loss will happen due to workouts, but we will maintain it by shifting to more proteins diet to rebuild and regrow muscles again.
So, this is how we will work to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. These tips are safe, of course, a little drastic, and are not meant for long-term weight loss. Keeping that in mind, lets get started!
Follow these few steps by step guide to losing 10 pounds fast.
Very first rule of fast weight loss cut down all the unnecessary high calories foods and creepy things from your diet.
You dont even know how much effective this simple idea can be to control your weight.
For almost 10 days, you have to stay away from foods such as junkies, bakery, soda, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, ice cream, desserts, treats, pizza, burger, potato chips, store-bought fruit juices, sweets, sugary items and other processed foods.
Do you know even French fries has about 500 calories?
Not only french fries, even a sweet candy contains approx. 100 calories.
Thatsinsane but true.
Remember, you need to burn more calories than you take.
After cutting these items, you have to focus on low-calories and high-nutrition foods that takes huge energy to burn and digest.
So, which foods are lower in calories?
Lets have a look-
Orange, apple, all types of berries, grapefruits, lemon, strawberries, watermelon, peach, and papaya.
Spinach, cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, carrot, lettuce, garlic, beetroot, cabbage, and asparagus.
To digest these foods your body need to burn more calories than the number of calories theyll give.
Keep in mind that eating less means still eating 3 meals and 2 snacks per day but healthier and low-calorie food.
Protein is the most impotent part of any weight loss journey. Its help to recover and rebuild muscles loss, occurs during weight loss.
Everyone has different criteria to take protein. Some people like to have via eggs, meats, while others prefer protein shake, veggies, grams, and lentils.
An average man and women are told to consume about 56 grams and 46 grams of proteins per day respectively.
That means they need to consume about 8 eggs, or 200g of lean meat (fish, pork, beef, turkey) or 3 scoops of protein powder.
Adding more proteins into your diet gives you higher energy so you wont feel tired and depleted throughout the day.
Eating boiled egg in the morning and then 150-200 g of lean meat per day add 500 calories to your daily calorie intake.
For lunch and dinner, always prefer high green veggies, lentils, beans, mushrooms, peas, black rice, and chickpeas.
It will boost your metabolism and make your body the best fat burning machine.
Try this high protein based Dukan diet to lose 10 pounds for more lunch options.
In snacks, you can choose fruits, nuts, seeds, and protein shakes to fulfill the proteins and vitamins requirement.
But if you are fruits lover then you can add guavas, apricots, pomegranate, avocados, bananas, blackberries in your snacks.
In nuts:Peanuts and pistachios are also a great source of protein.
Now the last protein source is Protein supplements.
But before taking any protein supplements you must consult with your nutritionist or fitness expert for the best suggestion.
Keep in mind that eating more protein means adding protein-rich foods to your diet, not cutting all the fats and carbs from it.
Controlling your hunger is the most challenging task during weight loss.
Keeping yourself satisfied throughout the day means shifting your focus at work and pushing harder in workouts and gym.
so, its very important to focus on foods that can keep you fuller for longer.
Even some fat burning herbs and spices cinnamon, pepper, ginger, turmeric, and cumin woks wonder in weight loss.
The recommended daily calories intake for aman is 2500 and for women, its 2000 calories to maintain their normal weight.
But you are here to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
For that, you need to deduct your excess calories smartly so your body wont get effects negatively during weight loss. Right?
For that we need to do some math.
Normally we consume 2500 calories/day to maintain our body weight. But 1200 is the minimum calories that a person must consume for proper body function.
So, you have to consume 1200 calories per day and reduce those excess 1300-1500 calories through change diet to lose weight fast. Right?
This trick will help you to reduce your half of pounds everyday.
Thats awesome. isnt it?
To consume 1200-1300 calories everyday, you need to take essentials calories required for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks everyday.
Breakfast 300 Calories
Lunch 400 Calories
Dinner 500 Calories
Snacks 150 Calories
Get low calories menu ideas for breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks here.
Keep in mind that you need to reduce the calories consumption smartly not by eating less, just cut unhealthy calories food and try to take it from other healthier source.
When its about adding supplements for weight loss, we become choosy and tried to stay away from them.
But trust me some supplements are really bonfire for weight loss that our body doesnt produce naturally and helps us allot in fat burning.
Even these supplements doesnt need any investigation as these are highly researched several time.
Garcinia Cambogia, omega- 3 fat,and raspberry ketones are few of them.
All these will help you to suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism and serve best to keep your hunger away for longer.
But be aware as not all supplements are goods for weight loss.
Garcinia Cambogia is one of best which is studied 139 times for weight loss.
Fore best results, you can also try 3 in 1 combination of Garcinia Cambogia, Green Coffee Beans, and Raspberry Ketones that we studied work best in fat burning.
But remember, depending only on supplements for weight loss is really not a good ideas. It aids benefits only with workouts and diet to fasten the fat burning process.
Workout is the most effective way to burn your calories fast to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
After maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, you must look fora proper workout plan to burn your fat cells fast.
But if you are not controlling your diet and continue on your unhealthy routine. Then this is how much workout you need to do to lose 10 pounds in 10 days-
As you can see, none of these workouts are realistic. Thats why you need to maintain a healthy diet before hitting workout.
Got my point? Moving on
When you combine workout with a balanced diet, then your fat burning process and metabolism get fast.
You can choose any of your favorite exercise and workout plan and practice for an hour.
Remember to workouts your body 30 min daily.
If you are overweight and feel yourself stuck before starting any workouts, then dont go for it.
Rather than start your physical activities by taking slow steps.
Take this 500 calorie, 30-day walking challenge instead doing intense workouts.
You can also divide this workout in Morning & Evening session.Repeat x2 or 3 times in Morning & x2 or 3 times in Evening. Calories Burn throughout the day 1000+
Keep in mind that daily exercise is not just a way to burn calories but the form of love to take care of your body.
Water is one of the healthiest beverages on this earth. The water you drink has the direct effect on your physical well-being and fitness.
Hydration is not only good for boosting your metabolism & digestion but also for your skin. Drinking enough water remove toxins from the body and reduce belly bloating.
Remember, Only good metabolism help to burn more calories even at rest time. People with healthy metabolism burn 500 calories during sleep.
Even studies show that your body burns 100 calories for every 2 liters of water.
Keep in mind that drinking 2 liters of water per day is mandatory for good health.
See the original post here:
Fast Weight Loss: Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days (Diet - TIMESHOOD
Count Your Macros to Lose Weight, Build Muscle and Increase Energy

This story is part of Health by the Numbers, CNET's deep dive into how we quantify health.
Tracking what you eat each day can be helpful for many who are trying to lose weight or reach certain nutrition goals. Trying to track every single calorie might not be your best bet, though. Instead, consider tracking your macronutrients -- the nutrient groups that your body needs in large amounts each day, including fats, carbohydrates and protein.
There are many benefits to tracking macros instead of calories. First, you'll have a more balanced diet by focusing on eating a variety of nutrients that give your body energy and help your digestive system work. Not only can this practice help you reach your health goals faster than focusing on calories alone, this method of food logging can also help you understand which types of food make you feel good or bad, which foods improve your athletic performance and which foods help you focus or make you drag. Counting macros can also help you shift your current eating habits to healthier patterns for the long-term.
You'll need tolearn how to read a nutrition facts label for this approach, but the benefits far outweigh the time you'll spend grasping the concept of a macro diet.
Macronutrients are molecules we need in large amounts, also known as the main nutrients we need to simply survive. Micronutrients, in contrast, are substances required in much smaller amounts, such as vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.
The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Despite fad diets, you do need all three: Cutting out any one macronutrient puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and illness.
The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates give you quick energy. When you eat carbs, your body converts them to glucose (sugar) and either uses that sugar immediately or stores it as glycogen for later use, often during exercise and in between meals. Complex carbohydrates like starchy vegetables and whole grains -- also promote digestive health because they're high in dietary fiber.
Protein helps you grow, repair injuries, build muscle and fend off infections, to name a few functions. Proteins are made of amino acids, which are the building blocks of many structures in your body. You need 20 different amino acids, nine of which are essential amino acids, meaning your body can't produce them on its own and you must obtain them from food.
High-protein foods include poultry, beef, fish, soy, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. If you stick with a plant-based diet, some starches, vegetables and beans are also good sources of protein.
Dietary fat is required for your body to do its many jobs. You need fat to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), to insulate your body during cold weather and to go long periods of time without eating. Dietary fat also protects your organs, supports cell growth and induces hormone production.
Each macronutrient corresponds to a specific calorie amount per gram:
There's really no answer to this question: Every person is different, and as such, every person's preferable macronutrient intake will be different. However, the federal dietary recommendations suggest this macronutrient ratio:
The federal suggestion is based on the fact that carbs serve as the body's main fuel source, and are the easiest macronutrient for the body to convert from food into energy. The metabolic processes for fat and protein are much more complex and take longer, which wouldn't serve you well when you need quick energy.
Your macro ratio depends on your health and fitness goals, as well as how your body responds to particular foods. For example, many people thrive on a low-carb diet, but the thought of a low-carb diet for myself makes me shudder. I perform at my best when I eat about 50% carbohydrates.
Similarly, you may do well on a high-protein diet, while someone else might experience digestive discomfort from consuming too much protein.
Note that some people, especially those on the keto diet, count net carbs instead of total carbs. To get net carbs, subtract the grams of fiber from the total grams of carbs. Why count net carbs? Our bodies don't digest fiber, so it doesn't get absorbed by the small intestine and doesn't provide your body with any energy. In that sense, calories from fiber don't really count.
Now you know what macros are and how many calories they have. Next, you'll need to do some math. That's because your intake ratio is written in percentages but nutrition information is provided in grams. I'll use my macro intake as an example.
1. First, you need to know how many calories you eat (or want to eat) each day. I eat roughly 2,300 calories per day.
2. Next, determine your ideal ratio. I like to eat about 50% carbs, 25% fat and 25% protein.
3. Then, multiply your total daily calories by your percentages.
4. Finally, divide your calorie amounts by its calorie-per-gram number.
Here's how I would calculate my calories for each macronutrient:
To calculate the actual gram amounts:
If you don't like math, don't fret. The internet is home to a range of macronutrient calculators that will do the math for you.
Price: Free, but you must provide your email address to get your results.
IIFYM stands for "If It Fits Your Macros" -- a phrase and popular hashtag used by the macro-tracking community to refer to their flexible dieting approach.
This calculator is one of the most comprehensive available. It collects lifestyle and health information that many calculators don't, such as how active you are at work, what kind of cravings you have and whether you have any medical conditions.
The IIFYM calculator takes into account your daily routine and other important factors.
Price: Free
Healthy Eater's macro calculator calculates your macronutrient ratio based on your age, gender, height, weight and activity level. You can customize your ratio based on whether you want to reduce your weight, lose 10% body fat, maintain or gain weight.
I like this macro calculator because you can see your ratio in terms of all day, three meals, four meals or five meals.
This macro calculator uses your lean body mass (LBM), basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) to calculate an accurate ratio.
Price: Free
The Legion Athletics macro calculator is another very detailed calculator. It takes into account your weight, your body fat percentage, and your activity level. From there, this calculator determines your lean body mass, basal metabolic rate and total daily energy expenditure.
The upside to this calculator is that you get a more accurate ratio because it considers more factors. The downside is that you need to know your body composition before using it.
You choose whether you want to gain, lose or maintain your current weight, and you can use the sliders at the bottom to adjust your ratio if the automatic recommendation isn't ideal for you.
Your macro numbers aren't very helpful if you don't put them to use.
"Tracking macros" refers to the process of logging all your meals throughout the day and breaking down your macro ratio to ensure you're eating according to your goals. It sounds scary, but again, the web comes to the rescue with a slew of digital macro-tracking programs.
Price: Free or $20 per month
The free version of MyFitnessPal doesn't allow you to enter gram amounts for macros, only percentages. If you're comfortable with percentages only, then MFP is a great free option because of its barcode scanning feature and massive database of foods and drinks.
The MyFitnessPal dashboard breaks down your macronutrient intake with a helpful pie chart.
With a premium subscription, you can track by gram amounts and percentages, and you can see macro breakdowns for each meal and snack. A premium subscription also gets you extra features like food analyses (quality of what you're eating), food timestamps (when you eat what) and weekly reports.
MyMacros Plusis another great app with a large food database and barcode scanning feature.
You can also track your body weight and enter custom foods for homemade recipes so you don't have to log the individual ingredients. My favorite thing about MyMacros Plus is that it's usable without the internet, so you can track macros even when you're offline.
Tip: Food databases are helpful, but they often include multiple entries with different information for the same item, which can get confusing. It might be easier to manually log the macronutrients in your meals instead of relying on the food database.
Cronometer offers a detailed dashboard and reports feature to easily track macros.
Price: $50 per year. Free version available.
The Cronometer tracker tracks vitamins and minerals in addition to macros. It also allows you to track important biometrics, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep, mood, pulse and more but you first need this information on hand to use the features.
If you do have access to that information, Cronometer provides insight into long-term trends and a clear snapshot of your overall health. While Cronometer is impressive, it can be a bit overwhelming if you only want to track macros, and not the rest of the metrics it offers.
Know that you don't need to track macros to be healthy, lose weight, build muscle or reach any other health goal. The only time you actually need to track macros is if your doctor told you so.
In fact, logging your every bite can be frustrating and time-consuming, but it's worth noting that you'll get pretty good at eyeballing portions if you make tracking a habit.
Tracking macros can definitely be useful for some things, such as preparing for a bodybuilding show or optimizing athletic performance. It can also be helpful if you want to implement "flexible dieting," or the practice of eating any foods you want, as long as they fit into your macronutrient ratio.
Counting your macros may also be the key to finally eating less processed foods, as processed and packaged foods tend to be high in fats and carbs (and not often high in protein), and adding in more superfoods. Many people who want to create a calorie deficit to lose weight prefer tracking macronutrients instead of counting calories, as it takes the emphasis off of weight loss and shifts the focus to nutrition. This is helpful for creating long-term healthy habits.
Additionally, many people enjoy tracking macros because it helps them understand what types of foods work best for their bodies. Give it a try to see if it works for your lifestyle, but don't feel like you ever need to track your macros.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
Read the original post:
Count Your Macros to Lose Weight, Build Muscle and Increase Energy
Cardio to lose weight: How much and for how long? – Medical News Today

The amount and duration of cardiovascular exercise a person needs to do to lose weight will vary between individuals. This article provides facts and tips to help.
Cardiovascular exercise, or cardio, increases a persons heart and breathing rate. These exercises typically involve repetitive movements using large muscle groups. Examples of cardio include running and cycling.
Cardio can help a person manage their weight and is essential for keeping the heart and lungs healthy.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthful diet and physical activity are necessary to lose weight.
Maintaining a healthful diet is essential to losing weight. To lose weight, a person will need to consume fewer calories than they burn, and Most people will need to limit the number of calories in their diet.
They will also need to engage in regular physical activity. Cardio is an excellent way to burn fat and lose weight.
The CDC state that the right amount of cardio for losing weight will vary from person to person. They advise that people follow a weekly exercise routine that consists of one of the following:
Doing this level of exercise every week is crucial to staying healthy. In combination with the right diet, this amount of activity will aid weight loss in most people.
However, some people might need to perform some additional exercise to lose weight.
The CDC advise that there is a range of factors that can affect a persons weight, including:
Weight loss is typically a slow process and requires patience and perseverance.
People who are following a healthful diet and are exercising regularly should speak to a doctor if they are not losing weight. A doctor can help identify factors that might be preventing or limiting weight loss.
Some people suggest that burning 3,500 calories through exercise will lead to a pound of weight loss. However, researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggest that this fails to account for how metabolism changes in different people.
Metabolism refers to chemical reactions in the body that help convert food to energy. Many factors affect the speed of someones metabolism, including their age and activity levels.
The NIH has created a bodyweight planner tool, which helps estimate how much activity an individual needs to do to lose weight.
The following table provides some indications of how many calories different activities might burn. The numbers reflect someone who weighs around 154 pounds.
It is important to note that these numbers are only estimates. People will burn different amounts of calories according to their weight.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular method of exercise for weight loss. It involves doing short bursts of high-intensity activity. There are usually brief breaks or bouts of lower intensity exercise between the high-intensity episodes.
A review in 2017 suggests that HIIT and moderate-intensity exercise both reduce body fat and waist circumference. But the HIIT takes up 40% less time than the moderate-intensity exercise.
Strength and resistance training help the body convert fat to muscle. This will reduce body fat and improve overall physique.
Some tips to help with weight loss through exercise include:
Many people find it difficult to lose weight. This may be due to a range of factors, including a lack of motivation or time constraints.
Following a healthful diet is essential to weight loss. A person should avoid processed, high-sugar, or fatty foods, choosing whole foods and vegetables, instead.
Keeping a food journal or using a fitness app can help a person track their progress. A fitness app can provide useful information about daily calorie and nutrient intakes.
Weight loss takes time. It requires patience and can be frustrating. It is essential to be consistent and not expect significant changes overnight.
There is no one size fits all answer for how much cardio exercise a person should do to lose weight. However, tools are available that can create individual activity plans for different people.
Cardio is excellent for weight loss and staying healthy. Combining cardio with other types of exercise has great benefits, such as strength training.
Making sure the exercise is enjoyable will help a person maintain the habit. This might involve some trial and error before a person finds the type of exercise that suits them best.
Here is the original post:
Cardio to lose weight: How much and for how long? - Medical News Today