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According to a fitness influencer, you dont have to give up beer and burgers to lose weight – BOL News

A fitness celebrity has spoken out against social media and the unrealistic expectations it imposes on its users.Liz High, 21, feels that you dont need to restrict your food to lose weight and stay fit.
She frequently criticises trendy diets on social media and claims to enjoy chips, burgers, and beer while maintaining healthy.
The Londoner also feels that some fads that promote healthy living might be harmful to the youth who attempt them.
Liz, who goes by Liz Bites Back on Instagram, told the Mirror: I used to suffer from an eating issue; it wasnt caused by social media, but it made it worse.
There are a few challenges, one of which is that everyone wants to get their best angles, but no one goes around with a six-pack every day.
People deserve to have reasonable expectations; many people wind up in a destructive loop because thats what weve been taught.
The fitness guru went on to say that some body trends like as thigh gaps, masculine V lines, and other objectives compel individuals to obsess over them even after the fashion has passed.
I think that pattern has to be interrupted, Liz continued. It does intensify bad sentiments about oneself for someone like myself who has suffered with body image.
It alters your perception of yourself and your reaction to eating. People, I believe, underestimate the power of social media.
Also, a lot of influencers are paid for endorsements theyll just hop on that to get money, and they have a lot of followers who believe what theyre selling is a good thing.
She does, however, point out that they are frequently advertising quick solutions or fad diets that can spiral out of hand.
Liz also mentioned that when people lose weight too rapidly, they frequently binge after they achieve their target due to the constraints.
As a result, they simply recover the weight and then quit up.
Liz remarked: We are taught as a culture to go to extremes in order to achieve our goals, but I am working to reverse that.
Im opposed to the health and fitness conventions, and I strive to encourage women to obtain such outcomes without modifying their diet in any way.
People say you have to eat green smoothies and not burgers to get in shape.
Weve been told all our lives to restrict everything and cut it out, but you dont need to get the body you want.
Instead, Liz claims that while you need a calorie deficit to lose weight you can still achieve this while having beer, chips and burgers.
She said: Just so long as youre not doing it all the time. Its about healthy habits and not restrictions.
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According to a fitness influencer, you dont have to give up beer and burgers to lose weight - BOL News
6 Eating Habits to Avoid After 30, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Breaking news! The eating habits you should avoid after you turn 30 years old are the same poor eating styles that you made habitual during those formative years, ages 11 through 22. You likely know themtoo many drive-thru dinners, drinking 20-ounce sodas, inhaling bags of Doritos, eating pizza for breakfast. The problem is that, at age 30 and beyond, your body, your cells, your metabolism, and heck, your whole life is different.
"As a kid, you were burning off all that extra energy you were consuming; as an adult, you're probably a lot less physically active, responsible for doing so much more, and dealing with many more life stressors," says Johna Burdeos, RD and blogger. "Because of all that, your diet plays a much bigger role in your health; you need to wake up to what you should have been paying attention to all along."
Burdeos doesn't mind ringing alarm bells in your ears if it'll help you adopt a healthier lifestyle. After all, she sees the results of a lifetime of poor eating habits every day in her job as a nutritionist working with very sick, long-term acute care patients.
"I've worked on both sides, in outpatient doing preventive counseling and, in the hospital, dealing with chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease." So, she's keenly aware of the advice people ignore until a health problem forces them to take that advice to heart.
"The public health messaging is everywhere," she says. "How diet impacts the body is no secret. A lot of people have to be diagnosed with a life-threatening disease like diabetes to get the picture and start making change."
We're sure you'd prefer prevention to treatment so here are six eating habits to avoid by midlife to help you live a longer, healthier life.
"I'm humanI like my treats," admits Burdeos. "An occasional piece of pie isn't going to give you diabetes."
But a slice of pie here, a sleeve of Girl Scout cookies there, and an every-afternoon chocolate bar pick-me-up, just might send your blood sugar into the prediabetes zone.
Look for the patterns in the big picture, says Burdeos. One of the best ways to identify unhealthy eating habits is to keep track of everything you drink and eat on your smartphone or a notepad.
"Within two days, you'll notice eating habits you'll want to begin to break from," she says.
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"One thing I don't ever budge on is sugar-sweetened beverages," says Burdeos. "Clients will try to compromise that, but I don't budge because big studies, meta-analyses show a strong association between soda and other sugary drinks and weight gain and increased risk of disease."
Start weaning yourself off the sweet stuff gradually. Drink water. You don't need the extra calories from SSBs, she says.
Need more motivation? Check out What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Soda.
There's a term for this: eating mindlessly. It's what happens when you are binge-watching Netflix, and you don't realize you ate the whole pint of ice cream until episode three. We often get into the habit of mindlessly eating when we're under stress.
"Looking to food for coping and comforting is a common habit that leads to overeating," says Burdeos.
The solution is recognizing when you are stressed and choosing to be present and aware.
"Practice mindful eating," Burdeos says. "Start in a small, realistic way. I recommend picking one meal out of the day, maybe on a weekend when you have more time. Remove all distractions and be present with your meal. Eat slowly. Enjoy it."
Food should be enjoyed, not shoveled into your mouth.
Skipping meals to lose weight or trying overly restrictive diets will backfire on you.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
"Those only lead to long-term harm at the expense of short-term gain, and your weight loss will be mostly just water weight," warns Bordeos.
The biggest danger of habitual denial of food is getting caught up in yo-yo dieting.
"This tells the primitive part of your brain to go into survival mode, lowering your metabolism, and resulting in the body clinging to every calorie," says Burdeos. "This results in regain of that weight and to add insult to injury, you'll likely add extra weight on, too."
Don't fight your cravings; they are too powerful.
"Give yourself permission to satisfy a craving," advises Burdeos. "When you get too stringent and try to suppress cravings, you will overindulge later on."
There's a technique to satisfying a craving without overeating. You guessed it: mindfulness.
"Be in the moment and savor your treat," says Burdeos.
Winging it means making quick decisions on the fly. That can be dangerous when it comes to your diet. If you wait until you are hungry to figure out what to eat, you'll inevitably end up choosing the fast foodand processed foodsuch as canned or packaged foods full of preservatives, refined grains, and sugar. The antidote for this unhealthy eating habit is planning.
"Diet quality is something I preach on; it takes knowledge and time to make those better choices," says Burdeos.
For example, Burdeos says you need to first understand the dangers of too many saturated and trans fats before you can make an effort to consume healthier fats like olive oil, flax seeds, avocado, and omega-3 fats from fatty fish. Planning also helps you control portions.
"When you're starting out practicing mindful eating, use measuring cups to control portions," Burdeos says. "Not all the time, just in the beginning when you're learning what a healthy portion looks like."
All these are habits that many of us have spent years, maybe even decades, developing, so Burdeos recommends being patient with yourself by taking small steps to break out of them.
6 Eating Habits to Avoid After 30, Says Dietitian Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
What’s the best way to make lifestyle changes last – and do Dry January and Veganuary work? – NationalWorld

Many people choose to start the new year with a new exercise routine, perhaps participating in Veganuary or Dry January, or decide to embark on a different diet.
But for those looking to make changes, what are the best ways to do so on a more permanent, long-term basis?
NationalWorld speaks to nutritionists, psychologists, wellbeing experts, and movement therapists to discover how to fundamentally change your lifestyle - including diet, exercise and mindset - on a more longer-term, substantial basis.
A lot of people set themselves unrealistic goals or expectations
According to fitness, wellness guru and nutrition expert Penny Weston, the most important part about making lifestyle choices in the new year is trying to make sure that they are realistic and sustainable, as this makes it much more likely to be able to stick to them.
Penny said: A lot of people set themselves unrealistic goals or expectations, such as losing a large amount of weight or going to the gym every day, and then feel disappointed when it doesnt happen.
For those looking to lose weight, Penny said in a bid to lose weight fast, a lot of people sign up to faddy diets which quite frankly are usually unhealthy and not sustainable.
Although these diets might give you an initial quick weight loss, a lot of that is often water retention or will be put straight back on when you start eating normally again, said Penny.
I believe that faddy and crash diets are always destined to fail, no matter what time of year theyre started, she added.
Penny explained people only typically tend to last a few months on a diet, or even less if its a really strict diet. Usually they give up because they lose momentum, slip back into old habits, or arent getting the correct balance of nutrients to keep them feeling full and energised.
In order to reach and sustain a healthy weight, whatever that may be, the most sustainable way to achieve this is through a combination of fitness, lifestyle and nutrition changes, rather than a faddy diet.
Regular exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet is the key to losing weight in a sustainable way. This means keeping a check on portion sizes, cutting down on high fat, high salt processed and high-sugar foods, and eating more lean proteins, grains and fruit and vegetables.
This is echoed by James Bickerstaff, qualified Nutrition Coach at OriGym Centre of Excellence, who said restricting any food group is not going to benefit you in the long run, it will simply lead to a deficit within your body.
James said drastically altering your calorie intake can prompt something called adaptive thermogenesis, where the body will burn even less calories to protect your energy stores, and could in turn lead to a steady weight gain.
In order to avoid this, James advised monitoring and gradually altering your intake, and making small adjustments for your long term goals.
Are Veganuary and Dry January beneficial?
For many, January is the time to try the vegan diet and lifestyle or to quit alcohol for the month.
However, Jo Cunningham, clinical director of The Gut Health Clinic, said although theres no harm in Veganuary or Dry January, taking a modest approach instead of an all-in approach may be more helpful for some individuals.
This is because a commitment to Veganuary or Dry January may feel extreme for some people, which can make it hard for them to follow and trigger negative thought behaviours.
She suggested people try the plants points challenge if they dont want to commit to the full month, which is where the aim is to eat at least 30 different plant foods each week, and this in turn could make them more likely to continue into February and the rest of the year.
Ashley Lourens, head of wellbeing at online mental wellbeing services Plumm, added for those who want to sustain changes for a longer period, making an extreme short-term plan such as Veganuary or Dry January will often lead to the change tapering out over time.
Instead, she suggested the best approach to month-long initiatives like Veganuary and Dry January is normally to ask yourself what your objective is, establish your expectations and address what you want to get out of the experience before embarking on the journey, with moderation instead being the way to go for most people.
For those taking part in Veganuary or Dry January, Ashley added there will be some people who enjoy doing it, but for others it will be unrealistic and exacerbate the feeling of failure.
Start with small steps
Exercise and movement is often a huge part of peoples plan to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
But, movement therapist Jeannie Di Bon, who specialises in working with clients with chronic pain and fatigue, and founder of the Moovlite app, said the key is to start with small steps.
She noted during the start of the year, people feel pressured to get healthy, lose weight and exercise, but this can cause them to then go full on and end up injuring themselves.
Instead, Jeannie advised preparing your body for exercise, as well as preparing your mind to look forward to exercise because you feel the benefit of it, not because you feel guilty about it.
Jeannie also explained how different factors, not just exercise, contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
Everything really does impact each other, said Jeannie, who added: If you can sleep well, eat well then the desire to exercise will naturally come. You will have more energy to go for a walk, a gentle jog or a Pilates class.
Although starting with small steps is important when it comes to exercise, Jeannie said you must also be consistent.
You can do this by setting time in your diary to go to the gym or for a run, or book regular exercise classes to attend.
Mindset is a huge part of adopting a healthier, more long-term lifestyle, Jeannie also explained, as she said it helps to think about why you want to have a healthier lifestyle.
You need to make that association in your mind between the action and the benefit. If you dont have a commitment to it, it will be very hard to maintain, Jeannie added.
Trust the process
Dr Marianne Trent, clinical psychologist and founder of Good Thinking Psychological Services, also noted how important mindset is when it comes to making more long-term lifestyle changes.
She said it can be helpful for people to think about new daily habits theyd like to adopt instead of new resolutions, and to try to only adopt small habits at a time.
Then, when you have nailed making this part of your daily routine and not something youre forcing yourself to do, Marianne said a person is then ready to adopt another habit if they would like to.
As a final note, Ashley added: As humans we are all different, so even if you have the same end goal as someone else, your journey to reach it will never be the same.
She said its important to find what works for you, focus on the positive aspects of the changes you are making, and remember to take it one step at a time.
Ashley said our health is a journey that will last a lifetime, and along the way we will face both challenges and triumphs, and added: Start small, be realistic, trust the process, and enjoy the journey.
Here is the original post:
What's the best way to make lifestyle changes last - and do Dry January and Veganuary work? - NationalWorld
Paul Sinha weight loss: The experiment that saw the Chaser drop fat fast – ‘inspiration’ – Daily Express

Paul Sinha decided to lose weight in 2018 after he was unexpectedly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He even took part in the ITV documentary, Diabetes: The Fast Fix, where he survived off of 800 calories a day for one month.
The aim of the show was to see if Paul could "fast himself better".
It is possible that those living with Type 2 Diabetes can put this condition into remission by losing weight. "If you have obesity, your diabetes is more likely to go into remission if you lose a substantial amount of weight 15kg (or 2st 5lb) as quickly and safely as possible following diagnosis."
Paul lost a stone on the show, and celebrated his achievement by taking to Twitter.
At the time, he tweeted: "I've lost a stone in weight. If I lose another I have a shout of getting an invite to a gay awards night."
His weight loss didn't stop there, however, and he has confirmed that he has continued to shed fat.
The Chase fans took to social media to congratulate Paul on his healthier lifestyle and appearance.
After a slender appearance at the National television Awards in 2019,@cb_038tweeted: "Paul Sinha has lost so much weight #NTAs #NTAAwards."His weight loss was also acknowledged after he appeared on Taskmaster in May 2019.
@TJ_SpentForce20 stated: "Loving #TASKMASTER so glad it's back! Paul Sinha looks amazing! Lost so much weight - inspiration. Well done Paul."
But like many people, Paul admitted that maintaining a healthy weight is a struggle for him, particularly over the festive period.
In a tweet to his 205,600 followers on December 27 2021: "Wasnt even a particularly gluttonous Christmas period and yet I put on 4lbs."
Referencing his yo-yoing weight and efforts to stay slim, he announced: And so the fightback begins for the 718th time."
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Mark "The Beast" Labbett has lost an astonishing 10 stone, telling Loose Women: "I am gradually dropping Xs off my size. I've gone from 5XL to 4XL and it looks like the next time I go shopping I'll be able to squeeze into XL underpants."
Like his co-star, he too was diagnosed with diabetes in 2017.
Their female counterpart, Anne Hegerty, also lost a noticeable amount of weight on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here.
She stated: "The trouble is really there is no salt."
The simple diet of rice and beans also didn't agree with Anne, and she forced herself to cut out rice, which saw the star drop a stone in just three weeks.
See the original post here:
Paul Sinha weight loss: The experiment that saw the Chaser drop fat fast - 'inspiration' - Daily Express
Bad Eating Habits You Should Give Up Immediately, Say Dietitians Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

If you entered into the new year with a handful of health goals in mind, you are most likely looking for ways to easily achieve these goals in a timely manner.
Your daily eating habits are a great place to start when it comes to making health shifts in your life. And to help you figure out which habits you may want to skip this year, we've talked with a couple expert dietitians to get their input.
Here are their recommendations for the eating habits you should avoid moving forward, and for more healthy eating tips, make sure to check out Eating Habits That Jumpstart Weight Loss.
According to registered dietitian Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD, skipping meals and ignoring your body's natural hunger is actually one of the worst eating habits you can have for your health.
"When you ignore hunger, your body will only get hungrier over the next few hours and the chances of binge eating increase exponentially," says Dallow, "and this is especially true if you are under any kind of stress (or tired), so it's better to eat something that will satisfy your cravings and eat it in a positive, intentional way and go on about your day."
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Dallow also warns that regularly consuming ultra-processed foodswhich include sugary cereal, packaged baked goods, candy, frozen pizza, and sodacan be a harmful habit for your overall health.
"Processed food typically has more [saturated] fats (the kind that clogs arteries), sodium, and pro-inflammatory ingredients, so eating them on a regular basis can seriously affect your health in a negative way," she says.
Eating healthy snacks can be a helpful part of your day, especially because it can help your metabolism and keep you from binging at meals. However, it's important to try and limit your "unhealthy" snacks like chips, cookies, and candy.
"Snacks high in sugar and sodium can actually lower your energy levels and have other negative health side effects, such as weight gain," says Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, author at Go Wellness, "so the next time you get that hunger strike, try eating a healthy protein bar or make a protein shake because protein has many benefits to helping you stay full longer and lose weight."
RELATED: 50 Healthiest Snacks to Eat for Weight Loss
The convenience and affordability of fast food are hard to beat, especially on your busiest days. But experts warn that regularly visiting the drive-thru can negatively impact your health.
"Many of the ingredients used in fast food are high in fats, sugar, and sodium," says D'Angelo, "for example, a Big Mac contains 540 calories alone, then add the fries (220 calories) and a soft drink (another 220 calories) and you're looking at a fast caloric intake of over 1,000."
If you're able to look ahead at your week, you can possibly try stocking up on healthy snacks or to-go options to help limit your consumption of fast food.
Read these next:
I overcame fibroids through family, resilience and faith | Opinion – Commercial Appeal

The biggest lesson I learned through my journey with fibroids and through my career in Memphis is that you have to keep going no matter what storms come your way.
Siobhan Riley| Guest Columnist
Are Memphis' Big River Bakehouse peanut butter cups better than Reeses?
Jennifer Chandler tries Memphis' Big River Bakehouse peanut butter cups to see if the healthier option taste better than Reece's.
Edited by Ray Padilla, Filmed by Brandon Dahlberg
Theres a story behind this picture.
This is the picture my best friend Yvette Whiteside took of me at my going away party after 7amazing years in Memphis.As many of you know, my last day at Fox 13 was Nov. 30.
Im relocating to another state for a new anchor and reporter role but before I embark on my next chapter, I wanted to share my testimony about overcoming fibroids because I know fibroids impacts so many women in the Memphis community outreach who may be suffering silently like I was.
2021 was one of the most trying years of my 13 year broadcast year but somehow I managed to overcome major obstacles that would made some wonder, how do you keep standing in the midst of a storm that doesnt seem like it will ever end.
Let me start by telling women who are silently suffering from fibroids, you are not alone.For the past year I was feeling exhausted to the point where I did not have any energy.
I noticed my stomach was getting larger but I thought it was just me gaining weight.It got to the point where I started telling my photographers at Fox 13 to aim the camera a certain way so that viewers could not see my stomach on live TV.
Fast forward to July of this year. Thats when I flew to Florida to meet my parents for our annual family reunion.My mom said to me Oh my gosh Siobhan, Ive never seen your stomach look like that.
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When I returned to Memphis to head back to work after my family reunion, a woman said to me while I was covering a story congratulations are in order.I responded by saying Im not pregnant.I was not offended but I did realize something was not right because I was exercising daily and I could not understand why I was losing weight everywhere but my stomach.
A few weeks later, I went on a spiritual fast in July.During that fast, I cut out certain foods in my diet.I prayed that God would bless me with new job opportunitiesand that he would remove anything hindering my growth.At the end of the fast I lost 10 pounds but I still wasnt losing weight in my stomach.
When I called my mother who lives in Greensboro, North Carolina to tell her about my fast, she asked me did you lose weight in your stomach? I said no.She said take a picture and send it to me.My mon said, oh my gosh, I think you have fibroids.Go to the bed and lay on your stomach.If your stomach hurts, you probably have fibroids. I laid on my stomach and I told my mom my stomach did in fact hurt.My mom said you need to go to the doctor.
My coworker recommended me to OBGYN Dr. Jessica Ruffin.Dr. Ruffin gave me an ultrasound and saidto me yes in fact you have several fibroids and how are you still standing, you should be exhausted because your fibroids are large and could impact your kidneys.
Thats when she told me I had uterine fibroids and would have to have a Myomectomy.I proceeded to ask Dr. Ruffin will I be able to have children?Dr. Ruffin paused and said thats why I want you to talk to a fertility specialist.I sat in her office and cried because the first thing that came to my mind was what if I cant have children?Another healthcare worker told me it would be a gamble but I told her I was leaning on my faith because Ive always wanted one child.
A few days before my surgery, I drove to Nashville to talk with a fertility specialist at Center for Reproductive Health.As soon as I walked into the office, I saw picture frames with the words faith and hope written on them.That was my confirmation that everything was going to be ok.The doctor I spoke with said based on my medical records that I should be able to have kids.I went from being teary eyed to smiling because those picture frames with the words faith and hope gave me the reassurance that everything was going to be ok.
Sept. 27 was the big day for my surgery.I was scared because of the size of my fibroids.Thank God for a praying mother.The day of surgery I told my mom, Minnie Riley I just needed to hear a word from God so she pulled out her phone and played a TD Jakes sermon entitled God Knows When.
Bishop Jakes read Revelation 2:10 which reads in part You will be tried.Be thy faithful unto deathand I will give you the crown of life. After hearing that sermon, I knew that God was going to take care of me and all my worries and fears went away.
Hear more Tennessee Voices: Get the weekly opinion newsletter for insightful and thought provoking columns.
After having my surgery, the burdens that had been holding me down for so long were removed.I had 6 massive fibroids removed.When my mother showed me pictures of the size of the fibroids, my jaw dropped because I could not believe how large they were.I was also thanking God that I did not suffer any other health issues.
When I went back for my check up two weeks later, Dr. Ruffin said my fibroids weighed 3300 grams.My google search showed me that 3300 grams is equivalent to 7.2 pounds.Dr. Ruffin told me its like you were carrying a baby.
Now some people may wonder, how did I not know that I had fibroids.Honestly, I just thought maybe my body needed rest but I was never able to get the rest I needed.Its important to note that in 2018 I went to the hospital when my stomach started hurting so bad to the point where it felt like someone punched me in my stomach and stabbed me with a knife.Doctors told me they could not figure out what was going onat that time so I just assumed I was ok.Now things are starting to make more sense.
My advice to women: headto the doctor for your annual checkups.The 1st mistake I made is that I was not going to the doctor as regularly as I should have for my checkups.I only went when something was wrong but if I had been going like I was supposed to, a doctor could have caught it earlier.
The second mistake I made was that I was too busy trying to be Wonder Woman.Ive always been serious about my craft but I realized that I was not putting myself first.I made up my mind after my surgery that I would never ever put anything else before myself.My new motto is put yourself and your health first.
I just want to remind women reading this that stress triggers fibroids which is what was happening to me.I also had heavy menstrual cycles which is one of the symptoms of fibroids.
Studies show that 80% of African American women will have fibroids by the age of 50.One thing that helped me get through my journey was my faith.Ill be honest, I was scared because I did not know what was going on with my body and often times I would wear dresses on air to camouflage my stomach so that no one would ask me if I was pregnant.
I thank God for healing and now I feel that I can walk into the next chapter of my life more relaxed and vibrant.As I mentioned earlier, that spiritual fast was Gods way of lifting the burdens that were hindering me and needed to be removed.Those fibroids were becoming burdens but I thank God that the burdens have been removed.
I can rejoice knowing that God gave me the healing I desperately needed.
I want to close by saying thank you Memphis for your support over the past 7 1/2 years.I started my Memphis career at WREG as a reporter, then took a break from broadcasting and worked in marketing and communications while doing community outreach.I ended my Memphis career at Fox 13.These past seven years have taught me that if you keep your faith, even the possible will become possible.Never let your obstacles cause you to give up.
The biggest lesson I learned through my journey with fibroids and through my career in Memphis is that you have to keep going no matter what storms come your way.Mountains are hard to climb but never impossible, keep climbing.If theres anyone reading this whose battling fibroids, remember this.
No fear, no stress, just faith.
Siobhan Riley was a reporter at WREG Fox 13 Memphis for more than seven years. Her last day was Nov. 30.
Read the original:
I overcame fibroids through family, resilience and faith | Opinion - Commercial Appeal
15 Best Proven Exercises To Lose Weight Fast In (2021)

Exercise, along with diet, represents the surest way to reduce ones weight. Whichever form of exercise you choose, it is certainly going to have positive effects on your health.
However, if youre trying to lose excessive weight effectively and obtain results within a short period of time, then you need to choose your exercises cleverly. In this case, you must have a routine to enable maximum results and prevent wasting your time and energy.
Below you will find the most effective exercises to torch a consistent amount of calories. What matters in this endeavor is that you perform these correctly and stick to a regular, intensive schedule.
Lunges can be varied in many ways but even the very simple forward lunge will get you to lose weight as desired. It activates your hamstrings, glutes and quads altogether. Start by standing tall with your hands placed on your hips. You may also hold weights. Place one leg forward, just like taking a step.
While the other legs stays in place, lower your body as you keep your spine straight until the knees form 90-degree angles. Lock the position for one moment, then step back with the same leg you stepped forward. Repeat with the other for at least 310 times (3 sets).
There is also the explosive lunge variation, which makes you sweat more. This begins just like the classic lunge, only that you need to switch your legs quickly when your knees are bent down.
Do this in a jump and then lunge the other leg forward. This takes much more effort to do, which means burning more calories and developing superior muscle power.
Squats are fantastic for weight loss. Your whole body and especially your core benefit from these. Keep your feet firmly on the floor at a distance equal to that of your hips. Place the weight on your heels and lower your legs raise your arms at the same time.
You may do this with weights as well. Your back must remain in a straight position at all times. Your knees must stay aligned with your toes. Do the whole movement at a steady pace and rise again to stand for one moment.
Also Read: Best Thermogenic Fat Burners
Can you work your legs, chest, and core muscles at the same time? Of course, its what burpees are for. These dont just burn the fat but actually, help you build muscle.
Stand with your feet slightly apart, bending your knees and pushing the hips backward. Lower your body as if you are going to do a squat. Put your hands in front of you on the floor and let your weight follow.
Then, in a jump, simply stretch out your body while your hands stand firmly on the floor. For a moment you will be in a planking position.
Then, bring your feet outside of your hands and launch yourself into another jump, this time using your hands to reach up in the air.
Once youre done, lower your body again in a squat and start again. It sounds rather complicated but once you get a grip you can become accustomed to this complex exercise.
For this exercise, you need a mat. It is designed to tone your abs and melt away the fat on your belly. Lie down on your abdomen then get a grip with your toes, so you can lift your body, starting with the core.
At the same time, your hands must be firmly placed on the ground. Your hips must eventually be high up, while the whole body stands in an inverted V shape, facing down towards the mat or towel. Balance and stretch for half a minute, it will also help your legs and back muscles.
Remember how Superman flies up in the air? He is facing down, arms reaching forward and his body is slightly curved upwards. You have to lie on the mat, then begin to raise your arms and legs, all stretched out so you can feel the tension.
Your core area will serve as support. You dont have to bend your body, just curb it lightly. Hold the position for about half a minute and it will have positive effects on your belly, legs, and arms. It also reduces the fat on your thighs.
Simple pushups are usually recommended for strength but if you vary this exercise, you can have more benefits. For melting fat, you should add knee kicks to your pushups. This is an innovative way to lose more weight and it involves your entire body.
People say it is really effective in shaping up your arms and stripping their adipose layers. In the classic pushup position, bring one knee toward your chest, then continue the pushup all the way down. Repeat for as long as you can. It takes time and practice to become good at pushups but you will eventually get there.
Kettlebell swings are a very effective type of exercise for weight loss since they involve the whole body. Calories get burned easily thanks to the intensity of such a workout and the impact on joints is low. Stand up on your feet but keep these apart at a length wider than your hips.
Get a kettlebell and hold it with both hands right in front of you. Focus on your core muscles and have these guide the movement. Begin a squat and swing the kettlebell upwards, then back and return to the initial position. You should complete reps of 15 such movements.
Skipping is easy, fun, and reminds one of childhood. However, only a few know how good it is for losing weight. It is so good it was called the ultimate fat burner among all such exercises. It targets mostly your stomach and thighs, although it doesnt get you to build muscle in the way weight lifting would. Here is how to perform it. Take a jump rope and start skipping but remember to rest every 30 seconds or so.
Keep your back straight, as well as your knees as you skip with both legs at once. It can be employed as a form of cardio, as it makes you sweat intensely. Be warned though, skipping may be troublesome for those who have joint issues.
It is an impact sport, which means it can affect your joints in the long run, especially if you have a predisposition to that. If youre serious about this type of exercise, you can wear wrist, knee, and ankle protection, to make sure youre on the safe side.
You may do this with or without equipment. Normally, you will need a resistant band for the mountain climbers exercise. The middle part of said band needs to be secured to a very stable object or piece of furniture. Its ends will be tied to your feet. Stretch the band and extend your body as if you were doing pushups. Move your legs rapidly, in an alternative fashion, as you would climb a steep slope.
Bring each knee close to your chest. Use your arms for support. To make this more effective, dont let the toe of the bent leg touch the floor, but keep it in the air during the movement. Only the extended/straight leg and your hands touch the floor. This is a very good calorie burner and should be done for one minute, with a 20-second break, then another minute of quick, intense exercise.
This is not exactly an exercise for beginners. If you can muster the power, then it will be very helpful in your weight loss journey. Apart from that, it activates several muscle groups, targeting your abdomen, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Stand on the floor in a pushup position, with your arms straight, then shift your whole body to one side only (to the left or right). Raise the opposite arm up high and stay like that for a few seconds. Switch the side to repeat and rest after each minute of exercising.
A type of cardio training, swimming is best when rapid or vigorous if you want to lose fat. It burns more than 950 calories in one hour, so you definitely need to consider it. Furthermore, swimming is a low-impact sport, which means it does not harm your joints and ligaments.
It gets to train all your muscle groups and makes you feel great afterward. It also has a positive effect on inflammation it reduces it, thus lowering one major factor of weight gain.
Running is an excellent form of cardio workout, but running uphill is king; it helps you burn at least 800 calories within one hour, which is one of the top rates out there. This fat-busting activity implies some serious effort on your side and will surely make you sweat.
You may either choose an inclined surface or a slope to run uphill or long stairs. Working against gravity builds power, strength and melts stored fat. There are more muscles involved in this than in running on a flat surface.
Whether youre a fan of the great outdoors or youre getting on the rowing machine at the gym, this activity will burn an impressive amount of calories. Within one hour, you can get rid of no less than 810.
With rowing machines you can set their resistance to the desired level, depending on how much effort you are willing to put in it. In spite of the amazing whole-body workout, rowing is a low-impact sport. Plus, it has so many benefits, from cardio training to muscle building.
Compound exercises that engage either half of the body are very challenging; these get to work your main muscle groups in highly effective ways. What you must do is to lift heavy, and that can be achieved if you start with small weights. You can do dumbbell deadlifts or goblet squats, for example. Work your way up and dont do more than five reps before you rest.
Your priority is to increase the weight gradually yet quickly, not to do more reps. Upper body super-sets you can do are: dumbbell bench presses, pushups, dumbbell curls, etc. Lower-body super-sets include step-ups, reverse lunges, Russian twists, planking.
This is not actually an exercise, but a strategy. While it is possible to stick to 35 minutes only, 45-minute sessions are the best when it comes to losing weight rapidly through cardio training.
If you do this once a week, its enough. You have to keep it steady and avoid going too strong, as to not exhaust yourself. Besides melting fat, long cardio sessions improve your ability to utilize oxygen, as well as your resistance and recovery. You may run, row, swim, dance, or hike whichever you feel like.
To get you motivated, we have found some data to illustrate how efficient the above-mentioned exercises can be. For example, jumping rope is the best you can do for quick weight loss, as it burns a bit over 1,000 calories per hour.
Strong forms of cardio such as vigorous swimming burn a total of 900 calories hourly. Running up the stairs and fast rowing come really close, with an average of 815 calories. In general, high-impact aerobic training burns 660 calories per hour, while low impact stands at 400. Weight lifting tends to burn 455 for the same amount of time.
Dont be afraid of strength (or weight) training. Although this is known as the method to increase muscle mass, it does help with fat loss, too. This is due to the effort and the calorie-burning but also to the muscle increase.
The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it becomes to burn any remaining fat. Therefore, do as much cardio as you can, while also saving time for weight lifting. You dont necessarily need a personal trainer for that; you can do it at home if you have proper weights.
Read this article:
15 Best Proven Exercises To Lose Weight Fast In (2021)
If You’re Looking to Lose Weight, Is TikTok’s Lemon Coffee the Answer? – Yahoo Lifestyle

Photo taken in Chiang Rai, Thailand
If you've seen the lemon coffee challenge all over TikTok where you squeeze fresh lemon juice (or lime) into black coffee, then you know people claim this trick has helped them flatten their stomachs and lose weight. Here's what experts have to say about whether this lemon coffee hack actually works.
While there are health benefits to both fresh lemon juice and coffee, adding lemon juice to your coffee won't lead to massive weight loss, registered dietitian Laura Hamilton, MA, RD, CSP, LD of Nutrition Now, told POPSUGAR. Weight-loss trends, like this lemon coffee recipe, may seem fast and easy, but that doesn't mean they work.
The only reason people may be losing weight with this drink is because they're using it to replace their breakfast, said registered dietitian Nicole Rodriguez, RDN, NASM-CPT, which means they're consuming fewer calories overall. Or it might taste so unpleasant that it makes them lose their appetite for breakfast. "One of the biggest risks here is ruining a perfectly good cup of coffee," Rodriguez said.
There is some evidence that caffeine can act as an appetite suppressant, as well as increase your metabolic rate through increased thermogenesis (the production of heat, which burns calories), Rodriguez explained. But just because you drink coffee doesn't mean you'll lose weight. Being in a caloric deficit should be the main priority when working toward a weight-loss goal. Hamilton added that if you're drinking your morning cup of coffee with excess cream, sugar, sweetened syrups, or whipped cream, it's harder to get into a calorie deficit.
Caffeine can also help increase your energy levels and alertness, Hamilton said, and if you can exercise or move more because of it, then that would be the reason caffeine helps your metabolism most.
Related: If You're Determined to Lose Body Fat (and Keep It Off!), Follow These 17 Expert Tips
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The only way lemon can help with weight loss, Hamilton said, is if adding lemon to your water helps you drink more, then maybe. Rodriguez explained that whether flavored with lemon or not, drinking water can aid in weight loss as we sometimes misread thirst as hunger. Hamilton added that water on its own can help with weight loss by keeping the body hydrated, which can help decrease food cravings and hunger.
If you like the taste of lemon juice in your coffee, go for it, Hamilton said. But if you're looking to lose body fat, eat a balanced diet that includes the foods you love, and focus on a moderate calorie deficit. Make small, manageable changes, and make sure they're things you enjoy doing so you can stick with them.
More here:
If You're Looking to Lose Weight, Is TikTok's Lemon Coffee the Answer? - Yahoo Lifestyle
Weight loss: How does the viral ’12-3-30′ TikTok trend to lose weight work? Should you try it too? – Times of India

The workout centres on the treadmill, which can be a great workout equipment to try your hand at to lose weight. The regime in itself, which focuses on walking is said to promote weight loss since it's a low-impact exercise form. Without being too strenuous or hard, brisk walking on the treadmill, fans claim can help boost cardiovascular health and burn fat efficiently, when followed regularly.
While walking is a beginner-friendly exercise, brisk walking, at an incline on the treadmill for a considerable amount of time (which is what the 12-3-30 workout makes you do) can deliver vast benefits, and potentially convert a low-impact exercise as such into a vigorous activity, and make you lose weight faster.
Incline climbing or walking is also a great way to test your endurance levels, and an effective exercise for fat loss since it raises your heart rate up, burning more calories while doing a simple exercise like walking. More so, when you follow an incline climb, your leg , back and butt muscles are pushed into doing more work.
Here is the original post:
Weight loss: How does the viral '12-3-30' TikTok trend to lose weight work? Should you try it too? - Times of India
Is the rowing machine a good workout? –

If you ask a historian 'is the rowing machine a good workout' they'd likely say yes. There have been variations of rowing machines in existence since the 4th century BC (amazing!), where the ancient Greeks used them as a training device for soldiers to prepare for sea. Whilst the aims of those rowing machines had a somewhat more sinister undertone, you could argue that if an exercise approach has lasted a couple of millennia it has to be an effective one.
The real modern day version of rowing machines came into being in the mid 20th century. As the form, build quality and measurement accuracy of the rowing machines improved, they became more popular. In 1981 the first Concept 2 rowing machine design was launched and the rest, they say, is history.
Gyms the world over have rowing machines as an integral part of their kit, and they're often some of the most popular devices in each one.
A rowing machine is a low-impact, full-body cardiovascular workout that requires little in the way of technique. From a practicality point of view theyre excellent - compared to a lot of other home exercise machines theyre lightweight, small, easy to store and significantly cheaper to buy. Finally, theyre incredibly safe relative to other fitness equipment.
Lets look at these points in more detail
Rowing machines offer cardiovascular workout variety
A rowing machine offers users the chance to partake in a wide variety of cardiovascular workouts. You can perform steady state (constant workout pace and intensity for a given period of time) or HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts, both of which have been shown to be very effective at improving cardiovascular fitness and performance.
On some rowing machines (in particular the Concept 2 models), the computer has various games in-built on the machine, so you can mix up your workout by playing fitness-based games. If youre susceptible to boredom, this can help a lot!
You can also store your previous workout data on the device so you know how youre improving. Finally, app-based support gives you extra tips and advice, not to mention workout support and a training diary.
In order to lose weight we have to consume fewer calories than we burn. We do this by reducing calorie intake by following a calorie-restricted diet, then increasing our energy expenditure through exercise.
Workouts that burn a lot of calories are especially effective when it comes to weight loss. The rowing machine is an excellent calorie burner, with some particularly fit people being able to burn over 1000 calories per hour on the machine. Its hard work, but theres a significant body of evidence showing that its a very effective workout machine for all kinds of people. We've done a whole investigation on how to use rowing machines to lose weight.
Very safe - no impact on the joints
One of the concerns many people have about exercise is how safe it is. Whilst almost all gym-based exercise is very safe, the rowing machine is a stand-out in terms of low injury risk. In a study analysing gym injury data taken over 14 years, rowing machines barely featured.
Despite being part of the analysis, rowing machines didnt feature on the list of frequent-injury causes. Treadmills, bikes, weights, boxing and exercises classes all featured, but rowing machines didnt. If safety is a concern of yours, this can be put to bed.
Theres also no impact on the joints during the use of a rower, so if youve had hip, knee or ankle trouble youll be safe to use the rower without worry of further damage.
Rowing machines are easy to use
Compared to exercises such as weight training, dance classes, aerobics classes and the like, a rowing machine is very easy to use. Of course there is a technique to rowing, but thats more about efficiency than safety. Good rowing technique makes you a faster, smoother rower.We've put together a feature that compares rowing machines vs treadmills, to help you decide which is right for you.
Excellent rowing machine technique will take a few minutes to learn, unlike a dance class where youll spend a lot of time learning routines and steps, or weight training where youll learn lots of different exercises and have to be careful to execute lifts with safe and effective form.
If youre thinking of an exercise machine to have at home, a rowing machine is a solid bet. If you look at the price as the first comparison, some of the top rowing machines on the market costs around $900-$1000. A good treadmill will be $3000+, and a good exercise bike will be around $1000.
A rowing machine is smaller (8 x 2 is the usual footprint), lighter at less than 60 LBS and easier to store (can be pushed against a wall, rolled out of a room or even broken down into a couple of sections) than most other home exercise options. If you dont have a dedicated gym room, this is a big asset.
Compared to a treadmill theyre much quieter - theres no pounding up and down during use (which can be a problem if you have neighbors below you) and theres no loud motor on the front. In all fairness the flywheel can be relatively loud during a fast row, but its not a big deal.
The rowing machine burns a lot of calories, its easy to use, its very safe and gives you a fantastic, all-body cardiovascular workout. It has been proven in the scientific literature to help people improve their fitness, lose weight and improve their general health and wellbeing.
Its cheaper to buy than many of its rivals, it costs less to run and its very easy to store on account of its size and weight. The convenience of having a rowing machine at home means you dont have an excuse for missing your exercise.
Its a machine that can be used by the whole family and there really is no upper age limit. It doesnt matter if youre 9 or 90, youll still benefit from regular workouts on the rowing machine. You dont need amazing strength or mobility, just a willingness to do the work.
Finally, thanks to the low impact nature of the exercise, your post-workout recovery time is really limited. You wont be stiff and sore after rowing, so youll be able to exercise more frequently, boosting your fitness and weight loss quicker.
Today's best rowing machine deals
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Is the rowing machine a good workout? -