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Is it safe to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding? – TheHealthSite

It is normal to gain some weight during pregnancy, but you should plan to lose it by 6 to 12 months after delivery. Breastfeeding may help you shed some of the baby weight after delivery, but it is not enough to return to your pre-pregnancy weight. A healthy diet and exercise are what you need to shed those extra kilos. There are manypopular eating plans when it comes to losing weight. One of them is intermittent fasting, which is increasingly gaining popularity as an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. But is this popular eating plan safe for breastfeeding moms and their babies? Also Read - Intermittent fasting may make you lose muscle, not fat: Other side effects you cannot ignore
Intermittent fasting or time-restricted fasting involves consuming foods in a specific window of time and avoiding food, or fasting, for the remaining hours. Unlike other weight-loss eating plans, intermittent fasting doesnt specify which foods you should eat; instead, it focuses on when you should eat them. There are a variety of ways to do intermittent fasting. For example, 16:8 intermittent fasting is one way in which you eat foods during an 8-hour window and fast for the remaining 16 hours each day. Some people choose alternate day fasting. Also Read - Foods new moms should avoid after delivery
Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting helps reduce inflammation in the body, promote weight loss, and control blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Also Read - Intermittent fasting is not for everyone: Should you choose this eating plan?
Fasting during breastfeeding may not be a good idea. In a survey, women who fast as part of the Muslim holiday, Ramadan reported that their milk production lowered during fasting. This may be because of a lack of nutrients to support milk production, suggested some researchers.
Breastfeeding women need an additional 330 to 600 calories a day to support milk production. In addition, its important to eat a variety of foods to get enough amounts of protein, iron, and calcium to stay healthy and ensure that your milk contains enough nutrients for your babys development. Fasting may also lower your body fluid, which might suppress milk production.
Another study involving women fasting for Ramadan showed that while milk output remained the same before and during fasting, the concentration of the milks nutrient content changed. The authors concluded that breastfeeding women should discuss before practicing any eating plan or going on fasting.
Also, we havent come across any study on the weight loss effect of intermittent fasting on breastfeeding women.
If you still want to give intermittent fasting a try, talk to your doctor about a more mild approach to ensure that youre meeting your nutritional needs.
Dont rush to lose the baby weight, give your body some time to recover from childbirth. Doctors recommend waiting until your 6-week checkup before trying to slim down or until your baby is at least 2 months old if youre breastfeeding. Aim to lose weight slowly and steadily, about a pound a week. Forget the controversial intermittent fasting and make these simple changes to your daily routine instead to return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
Published : October 14, 2020 9:55 pm | Updated:October 15, 2020 9:28 am
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Is it safe to do intermittent fasting while breastfeeding? - TheHealthSite
The Arctic is on track to lose more ice this century than at any point since the end of the Ice Age. Photos show the dramatic melting. – Business…

Chunks of ice float in melt-water pools on top of the Helheim glacier near Tasiilaq, Greenland, June 19, 2018.Reuters
It was a devastating summer for the Arctic.
In September, sea ice in the Arctic Ocean hit a low of about 1.4 million acres the second-lowest on record, according to data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The only time it got lower was in 2012, when ice cover reached over just 1.3 million acres.
In the 1980s, ice covered at least 1 million more acres of ocean than it does now. In 1980, its minimum extent was 2.7 million square miles, according to NASA.
When it comes to ice on land, the picture is just as dire. Greenland is on track to lose more of its ice sheet this century than any other in the past 12,000 years, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature.
Weather patterns, like seasonal changes in atmospheric pressure, play a role in fluctuations in ice cover and loss. But climate change has overwhelmingly driven the dramatic increase in melting observed over the last 40 years.
"Absolutely we're seeing climate change at work because the warm summers become warmer and the cold winters aren't as cold as they were," Mark Serreze, director of the Snow and Ice Data Center, told the Associated Press.
The following 11 images reveal how melting ice has transformed the Arctic region.
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The Arctic is on track to lose more ice this century than at any point since the end of the Ice Age. Photos show the dramatic melting. - Business...
8 Ways to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight – KYR News

Carbs are not the enemy! It may not seem like itespecially with the rise of popular low-carb diets, like ketobut eating carbs is an important macronutrient in ones overall diet and can help you lose weight. The key is to focus on complex carbohydrates that will make you feel full, instead of simple, refined carbs that will leave you feeling hungrier and hungrier. Thats why we put together a list of how to eat carbs and still lose weight.
With these eight strategies in mind, youll not only be able to not only maintain those weight loss goals, but youll also put together a few delicious meals along the way. Enjoy pizza? Pasta? A slice of toast in the morning? You can have all of these tasty items on a regular basis. Its all about what you pair those carbs with and the types of grains you choose to consume.
So if youre looking to eat carbs and still lose weight, we have answers for you right here. And for more healthy eating tips, be sure to check out our list of 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
Whats the more diet-friendly pizza: plain cheese or supreme? The answer may surprise you. Turns out adding protein to your pizza can actually support your weight loss goals. Thats because rounding out a starchy meal with protein can reduce its Glycemic Index (GI), a measure of how quickly blood glucose levels rise in response to food with a measure of one to 100. Studies suggest the lower the score, the better for weight loss.
Complex carbohydrates like whole grains tend to score lower on the scale. But you can further lower a high-carb meals glycemic loadand feel fullerby adding protein, which slows down digestion, keeping blood sugar steady. A simple cheese pizza, for example, has a GI of 80, while a fully loaded Supreme pie scores a 36. Adding fat to a meal has the same GI lowering effect, but it also adds far more calories; moreover, a study in The Journal of Nutrition found protein to be 3 times more effective at reducing glucose response than fat. Enjoy your favorite pizza and pasta dishes with lean protein toppingsand stay lean and mean yourself.
Story continues
Try it yourself with our 29+ Best Healthy Pizza Recipes for Weight Loss.
Berry good news: Researchers say berries may slow the digestion and absorption of starch. A study in The Journal of Nutrition found eating 150 grams of strawberries (about a cup) with a 50-gram slice of white bread reduced the insulin response 36 percent more than the berry-less bread eaters. A mixture of strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, and black currants was even more effective, lowering the glycemic profile of the white bread by 38 percent. Study authors attribute the results to polyphenols in the berries, and its good news for you because research suggests a diet containing moderate amounts of low GI carbohydrates is particularly good for weight loss. So, who wants berries?
If youre looking for even more healthy eating tips, be sure to sign up for our newsletter.
Washing down a high-carb meal with a soothing cup of green tea may be a good diet strategy, according to Penn State scientists. Their study, published in the journal Molecular Nutrition&Food Research, found an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), when combined with carbohydrates, can help regulate hunger hormones and a healthy metabolism by lowering blood glucose. Mice fed EGCG and corn starch had a 50 percent greater reduction in blood sugar spikes compared to mice that were not fed the compound. The researchers say one and a half cups of green tea is enough to see the same benefits.
Heres why tea is The #1 Best Thing to Drink If Youre Trying to Lose Weight.
Is butter a carb? No, but we think Regina George would like this tip. Researchers say enjoying your carb-fest with a moderate amount of monounsaturated fatlike the kind you find in olive oil and avocadoscan help increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. But not just any fat will do.
A study in the journal Nature compared the satiating effects of bread served with olive oil (a monounsaturated fat) and bread served with butter (a saturated fat). Restaurant patrons in the olive oil group ate 23 percent less bread than the butter group.
And another study published in Nutrition Journal found similar satiating effects from the heart-healthy fat; participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward.
Youll slash carbohydrates from your diet by choosing a fresh apple over an apple muffin, but you wont entirely erase the carb count. Believe it or not, all fruits and vegetables include some carbs. In fact, one apple has 34 grams of carbsmore than youll find in two slices of whole wheat bread! And because juicing removes the satiating fiber from whole fruits, a cup of fresh fruit juice can do more harm than good.
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who consumed one or more servings of fruit juice each day increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 21 percent. And a second study in the journal Nature found liquid carbohydrates to be 17 percent less filling compared with solid carbohydrates. As a general rule: eat, dont drink, your fruits.
Try it yourself with one of our 25 Delicious Apple Recipes.
The dietary boogeyman, nighttime carbs, has a frightening reputation among people trying to lose weight. But theres actually a growing body of research to suggest breaking your carb curfew can actually help your diet goals.
One study in the journal Obesity put two groups of men on an identical weight loss diet. Half the group ate their carbs throughout the day; the other half ate the majority of the meal plans carbs in the evening. The result? The nighttime carb eaters lost 27 percent more body fatand felt 13.7 percent fullerthan those on the standard diet. Moreover, inflammation markers in the nighttime group level decreased by 27.8 percent compared to only 5.8 percent in the standard dieters.
On the flip side, recent research has increased weight loss with linked low-carb, high-protein breakfasts. Consider swapping your morning bagel for an omelet and add a potato to your evening meal.
Strange but true: You can gain less weight from a serving of pasta simply by putting it in the fridge. The drop in temperature changes the nature of the noodles into something called resistant starch, meaning your body has to work harder to digest it. Cold pasta is closer in structure to natural resistant starches like lentils, peas, beans, and oatmeal, which pass through the small intestine intact, keeping you fuller, longer.
One study found that including resistant starch (brown beans) with an evening meal increased satiety hormones by 51 percent and suppressed hunger hormones by 15 percent, as compared to a meal that included a simple carbohydrate (white bread). You dont have to resist carbs, just opt for the resistant ones! Especially The #1 Best Carb To Eat If Youre Trying to Lose Weight.
Breaking a sweat before you break-your-fast could get you into your skinny jeans faster. Why? According to some studies, exercising in a fasted statein other words, before breakfastcan burn almost 20 percent more fat compared to exercising with fuel in the tank.
Why? Once you consume calories, insulin levels rise, which, according to researchers, can suppress fat metabolism by up to 22 percent. Have a bowl of cereal, a Gatorade, or even a small cafe au lait, and your workout goes towards burning off that glycogen. But with nothing in your tank, the burn comes primarily from body fat.
Just make sure to avoid these 15 Exercise Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Workout.
The rest is here:
8 Ways to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight - KYR News
Weight is the Last Thing we Should Care About Anymore When it Comes to Mountain Bikes [Opinion] –

Any opinions expressed in this article belong to the author alone, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of
Recently I got into a small quibble with a commenter over one of our cartoons. The cartoon illustrated a mountain biker talking about how light his new ride was. The caveat though, was that it included thin tires and weak brakes. The reader said something like any decent full-suspension mountain bike over 28-pounds belongs on a Wal-Mart shelf.
Oof, I though. This person is highly misinformed about modern mountain bikes. I replied to his comment, letting him know that World Cup athletes would disagree. His response: something like, Well duh, more weight means more gravity. They missed the point, and I could have had a better argument, but my focus was already bouncing around emails and twenty different tabs, and arguing with people in comments sections is highly unproductive, generally speaking. Following this, I am inclined to believe that the quibble inspired this survey.
My initial reaction to their comment, because I had weighed my bike the other day was well, my bike weighs 32lbs and it friggin rips. Whats he trying to say? Its almost like hearing someone in the halls on the way to biology class say something superficial about your girlfriend to someone else, and you get this urge to stick your neck out and defend her. In our world of mountain bikes, arguments about weight and geometry and such are pretty trivial, but its our world, and I love nuance, and thats why I chose the word quibble in the beginning of this argument.
Moreso, I have heard similar statements from friends lately. Id buy that bike, but its too heavy. I dont want anything over 30lbs. In other words, this could be an absolutely sick bike for me, but one pound over my self-imposed limit and its a hard no.
The truth of the matter is, and after spending more time this year on a lot of different bikes, the last thing I usually notice, and that anyone would likely notice, is a bikes weight. Okay, a lot of this isnt going to apply to competitive XC racers. Yes, weight still matters for you. And yeah, bikepackers too. But, I imagine the reasoning behind caring about weight when shopping for a new bike though is that brands usually list the weight for builds in their specs online. For consumers, with search engine tabs of their own pulled up, each one with a different bike, weight becomes an easy way to eliminate one of the many choices out there.
I had a similar experience car shopping over this summer and the MPG of one vehicle over another is why I chose the model that I bought, although the V8 I drove was way more fun. Yes, weight can make a difference, but when it comes to efficiency of movement, there are several other factors that make an even bigger difference, just like in a car.
Within the past two years, geometry has changed across brands just as much as it changed the two years before that. Except that the general consensus of thinking, seems to be steeper, longer, slacker instead of lower, longer, slacker. Those seat tubes are on the up and up and so are our climbing positions. Weight is generally considered a negative attribute because it takes away from climbing capability, but I for one will probably never buy a trail bike with a seat tube angle slacker than 75, because hanging off the back end of a bike and putting more weight and energy into the rear suspension is just an awful feeling. That is of course to say that XC bikes still have pretty slack STAs, because their HTAs are steeper than most trail bikes. But, remember, were not talking about XC bikes!
Suspension kinematics have continued to make incredible strides over the past few years as well. Horst links, DW-links, CBFs, single-pivots, and anything in between. The range of acceptable pedal bob has shrunken tremendously, wasting less and less energy in the rear shock, while maximizing the traction that could be sacrificed for efficiency. Theres a lot that buyers can do about weight after theyve bought a bike. Theres less that they can do to make the suspension more efficient.
This brings us into the discussion of build kits and how they affect the weight of the bike. Its not a secret that product managers often pick thin-walled tires with light casings to bring the production weight of a complete bike down. If youre a lighter rider who isnt tangling with rock gardens and casing square edges, this might not be an issue. But, it is an issue for a lot of riders who need something thicker to stand up to what their bike is capable of. Dont ask Gerow about this, unless youre ready for an earful, but it is relevant to the conversation.
A proper, dual-ply tire can easily weigh 200g more than a thinner version. For a set, thats 400g, or 14oz, which is just shy of a pound. A pound can make a hell of a difference in saying yes or no to a bike if youre just comparing them on paper, but for anyone who really enjoys pushing the limits of their bike, its a weight penalty theyll gladly accept. Having to sweat a little more on the way to the top beats hunching over your bike on the side of the trail to put a tube in.
Ask a handful of Enduro World Series riders what their bikes weigh, and theres a good chance that number will be in the mid-30s. Dual-ply tires, coil shocks, tire inserts, and frames made to withstand serious abuse add up. But, Id say that enduro racing and the development thats since come is why we have more efficient suspension and steeper seat tube angles.
On top of that, its normal to see EWS athletes running 34t chainrings because they have no problem pedaling 35lb bikes up massive grades all weekend long with gearing most of us wouldnt entertain. Could they climb better with lighter tires, or by using air suspension over coil? Sure, but Id also bet that none of them would say that their bikes are bad at climbing because theyre heavy. They spend enough time training to compensate for that, and they need to because there are still plenty of enduro courses with rogue ascents smack dab in the middle. The advances in suspension technology and geometry have greatly compensated for a bikes weight these days.
We dont all have time to train like an EWS athlete to overcome a heavy bike, but we dont all have time to train like an XC athlete either, where a pound or two does make a difference, and since most of us arent pro-enduro-ers, we dont all need coil shocks and 12-pound wheelsets and there are lighter, more durable components than ever.
By all means, if weight is still a sticking point for you, go with the ultra-thin rubbers, and lightest carbon wheels available. Those definitely arent sold at Wal-Mart yet. But, everything has its tradeoffs and Id prefer holding my riding partners back because Im the slow one on the heavier bike over having them wait for me in the middle of an epic downhill because I needed to remedy a cracked component or punctured tire.
See more here:
Weight is the Last Thing we Should Care About Anymore When it Comes to Mountain Bikes [Opinion] -
Tekashi 6ix9ine Was Reportedly Hospitalized After Ingesting a Combo of Diet Pills and Caffeine – Cosmopolitan

More celebrity health news to derail your Friday: Tekashi 6ix9ine was reportedly hospitalized after ingesting a dangerous combo of diet pills and caffeine.
According to multiple reports and as covered by People, the rapper was admitted to a Florida hospital after admittedly taking more than the suggested dosage. He told The Shade Room that instead of taking one diet pill, he took two and mixed it with a cup of coffee. After that, his heart rate sped up and he began to "sweat excessively." The celebrity gossip account added that Tekashi is recovering at home and is "doing fine."
The company that sells the pills he took asserts that it can help customers "lose weight fast" "without any unwanted side effects." However, history has proven different. In fact, the pill that Tekashi took was linked to severe organ damage and multiple deaths, and it has reportedly been removed from the market by the FDA multiple times.
That said, it continues to resurface on shelves despite having no clinical research to back up its claims. Though Tekashi was able to go home without any further complications, take this as a major learning lesson about the horrors of diet pills. He was extremely lucky.
Before you consider taking any supplements to aid in any weight loss goals, please remember that you could do so much harm to your body. Good ol' fashion healthy eating, moderation, exercise, and speaking to your doctor before you embark on any major health journeys will always be the best way to go.
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See the rest here:
Tekashi 6ix9ine Was Reportedly Hospitalized After Ingesting a Combo of Diet Pills and Caffeine - Cosmopolitan
UAE: How to finally lose the weight for good – Gulf News

Adele swears by the Sirtfood diet. Image Credit: various
Whats it like to not feel tired anymore? Not feel bound within your own body? Not feel like the person in the mirror is a pale reflection of who you are. Like not everything is out of control. Like its not you who are out of control? The thing about a body is, certain issues notwithstanding, what you eat, how you eat and so the impact these foods have on you is largely in your hands.
As coronavirus shade still lumbers over the world and self-isolation becomes the new normal, a trend has emerged the rise of the corona-pound i.e. gained either from a lack of activity or purpose, emotional consumption or simply, boredom. And so you have it: the bad news.
The good news? Theres so much you can do about it.
To help your diet plans go the long way, we checked in with a few dietitians, nutritionists and other experts to break down some of the food plans tried and tested by celebrities: the Sirtfood Diet and Mayr Method and the well-known, if misunderstood - Keto Diet. We also asked them about optimal diets and finally, what are the signs that you need to get off THAT food plan now!
Sirtfood Diet
Hello singer Adele has always made heads turn with her smile and the sound of her voice, but this year theres been another reason for the goggling. She lost about 22kg on the Sirtfood diet. Which allows the dieter to drink grape beverages and eat chocolate. Interested yet?
What is it?
British celebrity nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten created the diet based on a group of proteins called sirtuins (SIRTs) that regulate functions such as metabolism and inflammation in the body. We call these proteins Sirtuins (SIRTs). These proteins have shown to regulate bodily functions including metabolism/ inflammation and increase lifespan. says Belinda Dao, Clinical Dietician at American Hospital Dubai.
By eating foods or plants that increase the levels of protein in your body, you can activate what the inventors call the skinny gene. When SIRTs are consumed in higher amounts, they help aid in burning fat, explains Dao.
How does it work?
Dao explains that the diet is a 2-phase plan that restricts a follower to certain proteins.
Phase 1 is a 1,000 kcal count consisting of 1 meal while the remainder of calories comes from green juices off the SIRT list. This phase lasts a week.
Phase 2 consists of 3 meals and 1 green juice per day; however no calorie restrictions are applied for Phase 2 as long as you stick to the SIRTs list.
A typical day's menu
Breakfast: Soy yogurt with mixed berries, chopped walnuts and dark chocolate Lunch: Wholemeal pitta stuffed with turkey, cheese or hummus Dinner: Stir-fried prawns with kale and buckwheat noodles.There is a meat/fish option and a vegetarian/vegan option for every day.
Any cons?
Dao says: I will say the Sirtfood diet plan can be a fun way to diet for a chocolate lover or someone looking to drop fast weight; however this weight is mostly water weight and not necessarily the fat you were hoping to lose. Also considering, while following a low calorie diet it is quite expected to drop some weight on such a harsh restricted diet plan consisting mostly of leafy green juices and little to no protein. However this is not the ideal way to losing weight and keeping it off, nor is it substantially convenient for long-term use.
Farah Hillou, Integrative and Functional Nutritionist at The Chiron Clinic, adds: Although the Sirtfood diet is high in nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory foods, there is lack of scientific evidence to support its effects on SIRT genes.
Conclusion: Good for short-term gains
Mayr Method
This Australian weight-loss plan was tried by Rebel Wilson in January, in a bid to kick off what she called her Year of Health. The Pitch Perfect actress who was known for her voluptuous figure has lost more than 18kg since then.
What is it?
This plan has been around for decades. It was developed by Franz Xaver Mayr in Austria a hundred years ago and focuses on gut health.
How does it work?
The five principles of the Mayr Method include resting the digestive system by eating less; focusing on smaller portions and avoiding sugar and caffeine; promoting mindful, slow eating (chewing food at least 40 times); eating alkaline foods/drinks; and focusing on the gut rhythm- ultimately seeing the gut as the gateway to health, explains Hillou.
Dao adds: Cutting out processed foods alone helps in taking a load off of your body from working to excrete those added toxins to your body as well.
Alongside, eating smaller bites, as well as chewing for longer helps digestion by giving it less work to do. Your digestion slows down during the day, consequently why eating a light dinner can be a game changer.
Belinda Dao
Chewing slowly as well as eating with no distractions also helps us practice reducing food consumption speed and instead gives us time to savor our foods with a relaxed mindful eating approach.
The Mayr Method also emphasizes on refraining from any fluid intake while eating because it dilutes digestive enzymes however numerous studies have showed the positive impact of drinking water during meals to prevent overeating, she adds.
Any cons?
Dao says: This diet does have quite a few other cons to it as it claims to be an alkaline diet however your body already aids in regulating our pH levels all on its own. The necessity of eating only alkaline foods is quite exaggerated. Other restrictions such as cutting out raw foods after 4 pm and the elimination of snacks between meals doesnt give or take in helping weight loss occur. Snacking actually helps in keeping your metabolism burning throughout the day as long as those snacks fall under a healthy snack choice.
This type of diet plan may also be difficult to follow through with if you are an individual who cannot completely remove dairy and gluten from your daily life. With such restrictions you need to also make sure youre getting enough B12, Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin D.
Conclusion: Works, but many restrictions
A typical day's menu
Breakfast: Ground oats with rice milk or Organic eggsLunch: smoked salmon with spinachDinner: Chickpeas and buckwheat flour bread
One of the (now) mainstream diets is the ketogenic diet, which cuts down on carbohydrates, includes proteins and adds fats to the mix. The aim is for the body convert fat to ketone bodies to use as a source for fuel, explains Hillou.
The ketogenic diet has been used successfully, and with strong research backing, in children with epilepsy. Current areas of research are investigating possible benefits for cancer, autism, chronic pain, migraines, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimers) and aging, she adds.
Some reported benefits to the ketogenic diet include improved insulin sensitivity, reduced triglycerides, better energy levels, less hunger, and fat loss.
How does it work?
It would not be recommended for individuals with diabetes taking insulin, or individuals with gallbladder issues that can impact fat digestion. Moreover, there is lack of evidence to suggest what are the health effects of going on a keto diet long-term. Taking into consideration that toxins are stored in fat cells, it would be wise to support detoxification in the liver to help remove these toxins as weight and fat are lost, says Hillou.
Types of Keto
Nyma Peracha, Co-Founder of Be More Keto who has been on the diet for about 4 years, goes further, classifying keto living into:
Standard 3 meals a day
Intermittent Fasting Keto: where a person has a window in which to eat keto-approved meals and spends the rest of the day fasting.
Cyclical Keto: where for about 5 days one is on strict keto and on about 2 they increase carb intake.
Targeted Keto, in which the macronutrients ratio is as follows: 65-70 per cent of your daily calories come from fat, 20 per cent from protein, and 10-15 per cent from carbs.
Nyma Peracha
"I started following Keto 4 years ago. I felt like being such a fitness enthusiast and training so hard there was still something it quite right and my results seemed to be stagnant no matter what I was eating! Once I started Keto it all made sense! My fat started to fall off and my energy levels were better than ever! My skin started to glow and my hair and nails had an extra vibrant feel and look to them," says Peracha.
Any cons?
It would not be recommended for individuals with diabetes taking insulin, or individuals with gallbladder issues that can impact fat digestion. Moreover, there is lack of evidence to suggest what are the health effects of going on a keto-diet long-term. Taking into consideration that toxins are stored in fat cells, it would be wise to support detoxification in the liver to help remove these toxins as weight and fat are lost, says Hillou.
Also, when you begin, while your body detoxes and gets used to your no-carb plan, you may feel the effects of 'keto flu'. This is a natural reaction that may includebrain fog, headache, chills, sore throat, digestive issues, dizziness, insomnia andirritability.
Conclusion: Done right, it works for some.
A typical day's menu
Breakfast: Scrambled eggsLunch: Beef salad or grilled chicken and vegetablesDinner: Fish or shrimp grilled and vegetables
What then is an optimal diet plan?
For one thing, agree the experts, it should take into account your lifestyles and medical history. It is important to work with a dietitian/nutritionist who personalizes recommendations according to each individuals needs. A successful approach involves one that is tailored to the persons genetics, health status, lifestyle, exposures and health goals, says Hilou.
Key questions when starting on a plan:
Why am I starting this weight loss journey and what do I want to benefit from it?
How committed can I actually be?
Is the diet plan I have chosen one I can see becoming a long term lifestyle?
What are all the things that can slow me down, demotivate me, or stand in my way?
What underlying causes have possibly gotten me to this point, and how can I train myself to fix it?
How do you know a diet isnt working for you?
Sakina Mustansir, Dietician at Prime Hospital, says: It is important to remember that it takes at least a week to three for the body to adjust to the new food schedule and also There are going to be some days when your body requires more energy, your hunger is increased, you feel fatigued and bloated.
Sakina Mustansir
"But these could depend on many factors, from the intensity of your workout to the level of hydration or even your emotional and mental well-being. Over and above these A diet plan is not right for you when:
1. You are tired and fatigued throughout the day and its not restricted to initial days or certain days.
2. You feel you are always hungry and starving yourself even after the first week.
3. You feel lack of concentration, frustration and anger frequently.
4. Headaches that don't seem to stop even after 5-7 days on the plan.
5. You are not losing weight, which is the ultimate goal of most diet plans.
6. Increasing hair fall which is a sign you are not getting enough nutrients.
Go here to read the rest:
UAE: How to finally lose the weight for good - Gulf News
Rules of running: you SHOULDN’T do these 10 things on the road or elsewhere – T3

Runners do weird things. They like discussing anything running related with people who don't know anything about running, for example. They also tend to chat about their bodily functions very openly, which is okay I guess, but maybe not at work. If you would like to be a runner but don't want to be an oddball, follow the rules of running, listed below.
Are you a runner? Nice! Do you run often? Even better! Do you like discussing what are the best running shoes and which one is the best running watch on the market today with your colleagues? Err...fine I guess? Do you like picking dead skin off the soles of your feet around other people? Now, that is just plain wrong.
Runners come in many shapes and sizes and truth to be told, there are more and more runners on the streets, for better or worse. Running has a range of health benefits many of which are listed in this article about why should you try running and it can positively impact your mood too, so it's understandable why many people are keen on trying out this sport.
On the other hand, once people realise how great running is, they tend to go a bit crazy about it and advertise their efforts to everyone as well as shoehorning the subject of running into every possible conversation they might have. Not to mention a few (many?) other behaviours runners take on that others might find bothersome, to put it mildly.
If you like running but don't want to be a social cast out, try to avoid doing the following ten things...
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Running is great and if you are one of the few people who find running less of chore and more of a joyful, recreational activity, consider yourself lucky. You might even go for a jog every day, before or after work, just to help your metabolism or reduce stress in your body and that is admirable.
What is not great is telling everyone you went for a run/will go for a run later. Or walking up to people at work and telling them how your feet felt this morning. Or that your socks got wet or that you've seen a weird pigeon during your run.
You can of course mention to people the peculiarities that happened to you (e.g. weird pigeon encounter), but try not to attach the 'run' bit to everything. You can just say, "I saw a pigeon this morning, it was weird", no need to add "...while I was doing my morning 5K with a pace of 5:03 per km using my Asics Gel Nimbus 22, which I like more than the 21 because the cushioning is better under the heels..." Super easy.
Fitbit Ionic Fitness Smartwatch | Sale Price 185 | Was 249.99 | You save 64.99 at Amazon UKThe Ionic is much like the Versa, but with a bigger screen and it comes with integrated GPS too. The Fitbit Ionic is also water rated to 5 ATM, supports contactless payments and can store music on the watch itself. As such, the Fitbit Ionic is the best Fitbit for more serious outdoor exercisers.View Deal
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Fitbit Ionic GPS Smart Watch,...
Talking to other members of your running group about running: cool. Anyone else: not cool
(Image credit: Adidas)
Someone might ask you, "Have you seen Parasite? Such a great movie, right!?", to which you can answer, "yes I have and I agree", but not "I haven't because I was doing my Sunday long run then I pooped, stretched, showered and was browsing running shoes online and read reviews about the new Garmin, you know, the Forerunner 945, ..."
You have to accept the fact that other people around you might not be as obsessed with running as you are. Just because you run often, that doesn't make running a character trait, just like "I like to travel and also I am a HUGE foodie" doesn't make you sound interesting on Tinder.
If someone asks you about running, feel free to chat about it. Otherwise, try to talk about running to people who are also interested in running.
(Image credit: Getty)
A lot of office workers like to do physical activities during their lunch break, let it be a full body HIIT workout or just a midday jog. They also get really sweaty, which is completely understandable since they get their heart rate up and put their bodies through its paces.
What is not cool is going back to your desk or respective workstation still sweaty, smelly, wearing your workout tights and tops, devouring whatever stuff you brought for lunch, at your table. That just makes other people uncomfortable around you who are just trying to browse their Facebook feeds in peace.
If your workplace haven't got showering facilities and there is no way you can clean yourself, even with just a flannel and some soap in the disabled toilet, then try to refrain yourself from doing anything physical that'll make you sweat. You can run back home after work or have a shower in the gym. Keeping yourself clean is equally as important as exercising regularly.
SIXPAD Electric Muscle Stimulation Training Gear | Prices from 175 at AmazonSIXPAD training gear won't replace hard work but it can make it more effective. These cordless pads can effectively enhance muscle stimulation and can "help users achieve a 8% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 4 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise" or so does SIXPAD claim. A great alternative to midday runs, using the SIXPAD won't make you sweat but will still provide some degree of muscle stimulation.View Deal
Often run at 3 am? As long as you keep it yourself.
(Image credit: CEP)
For whatever reason, runners do a lot of weird things, like discussing and being (too) open about their bodily functions or perhaps tending to their bare feet/picking their toenails in the middle of the living room. The issue is not that runners are more in sync with their bodies that's great, actually but that they assume everyone else is in tune with it, too.
Healthy nails are important, but just like everyone else, you should look after them in your private time, not during a family meal. Also, having a regular bowel movement is also admirable, but it's also not a subject other people like to discuss often. Try to find a balance between regular maintenance of your body and not doing it around people. It's easier than you think.
Keep to one side of the pavement
(Image credit: CEP)
I know, everyone should give way as you approach them on the street and you can also just run right in the middle of the pavement since there is no way anyone could possibly be faster than you, right?
The sad truth is, this is not how the world works. Self-entitlement is the poison of our society and if everyone would be just a little bit more humble, we would be living in a much better world. And as much as you can't control what other people do, you can still have control over your own action, regardless.
So, next time you go for a run, have a look around before you overtake people. Make sure you keep to one side of the pavement. If you run as part of a running group, try to arrange yourself in pairs or even in a single file if otherwise you'd block the footpath. Be sensible and aware of your surroundings.
AfterShokz Aeropex Open-Ear Wireless Waterproof Bone Conduction Headphones | Buy it for 149.95 at AmazonProbably the best type of audio listening device for runners, bone conducting headphones go around your ears, enabling you to be more spacially aware. The AfterShokz Aeropex's sound quality is amazing, weighs only 26 grams, is IP67 water rated and has a battery life up to eight hours. Perfect for runners, cyclists and even for work when you can't isolate yourself from your surroundings but still want to listen to some sweet tunes.View Deal
When it's dark, wear a headtorch
(Image credit: Spartan Race)
It is tempting. Running on the road in your black running tights and top, five in the morning. No one's around, there is no way you'll get hit by anything. You pop those noise cancelling headphones on and off you go!
What you don't take into account is that others might think exactly the same as you. Cyclists might go to work without any lights on. Electric cars don't make much noise and would be hard to hear them approach, even without earphones on. Other runners might venture out into the dark wearing zero reflective apparel.
One way to avoid any unnecessary accidents is to comply to the traffic rules. Don't run where you are not supposed to run. Stop at red lights. Don't assume cars and cyclist can see you just because you can see yourself looking down on your legs. If they notice you too late, you will be the one who'll get hurt the most.
PETZL Actik Core Headlamp | Sale price 37.49 | Was 52.27 | You save 15.08 (29%) at AmazonThe rechargeable Actic Core headlamp offers 450 lumens of power, which, along with its multi-beam design, makes it ideal for many outdoor activities, including running, hiking and backpacking. Red lighting preserves night vision and prevents members of a group from blinding each other always a good thing! Even the headband is reflective to provide even more night visibility. This headlamp comes with the CORE rechargeable battery and is also compatible with three AAA/LR03 batteries (not included), thanks to the HYBRID CONCEPT design.View Deal
Strava is a great place to discuss sporting activities
(Image credit: Strava)
Found a great the Polar Vantage V review or Coros Pace 2 online? Brill. Better share it with everyone on social, sure they will enjoy it as much as you do. And all the memes about running too, that will make non-runners laugh. Maybe this listicle about ten things you shouldn't do as a runner, that'll make you super popular online.
Let's face it: spamming other people's social feed is not cool and just because you enjoy reading articles about running and running gear, that doesn't mean everyone else will enjoy it, too. The worst sin probably is sharing every single one of your running workout on Facebook and Twitter.
You'd be happy to hear, there are places online where people won't mind seeing your every run, on the contrary. Social networks like Strava are a great place to track and share runs, cycling activities and more. there, people love poring over others' physical activities and don't mind discussing anything related to these sports. Keep FB for baby photos and Minion memes only.
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Great looks; not in the office though
(Image credit: Fitbit)
You just bought a pair of the best compression tights and you want the world to see it. Especially your colleagues. They will also love your tight fitting running top and your running shoes. Maybe, somehow, you can even wear that cool neck tube you bought on Wiggle, too.
Wearing the appropriate running apparel can help you in many ways: it can oxygenate your muscles and also keep them warm, wick away sweat and so on. You can, however, only enjoy these benefits by running in them, not sitting in the office. Running clothing is not the correct attire in most work environments and will make your colleagues cringe for sure. Keep the tights in your gym bag and wear on your runs, please.
Some like it indoors, some not
(Image credit: Getty Images)
It's a great feeling when you have people asking you about stuff like how to train for a half marathon or what is the best supplement for runners (I'd say protein powder should be on the top of that list). Once you established yourself as an authority in running considering you are approachable in general people will ask you questions.
What is not cool to give people unsolicited advice about running (or on any subject for that matter). Mary, who clearly jogs to lose weight fast, is probably not interested in improving her 5K time. Paul, who is going through a divorce and wants to get away from it all, will not want his form and foot placing to be analysed either.
The greatest thing about running is that it can be different for everyone. Some might run to improve their cardiovascular health, others to lose weight. Many people run competitively but even they can target different distances and principles and therefore have completely different goals. A person competing in 5K road races will train differently than an ultra-marathon trail runner. Not to mention track sprinters.
Find the joy of running
(Image credit: Brooks Running)
Although we might be running for different reasons but one thing is for sure: we all love running. It is a great sport and has more benefits than drawbacks (if it has any at all). Whether you prefer indoor runs using Zwift or outdoor runs on the road, make sure you stay present and enjoy the activity when you do it.
Read the rest here:
Rules of running: you SHOULDN'T do these 10 things on the road or elsewhere - T3
Top 10 Supplement Reviews on 7 ways to burn fat as fast as possible while staying healthy – SWNS Stories

Burning fat is the key to slimming down, getting healthy and achieving fitness goals. Its important not only to ensure that our bodies carry less fat externally, but also to minimise the visceral fat. This is the fat that builds up around key organs in the body, such as the heart, and can cause life-threatening conditions.
For many people, burning of fat is a challenge. It takes time, commitment, and discipline. But there are a number of things you can do to burn fat faster and stay healthy and safe. Its important not to crash diet or
1. Take up strength training
Strength training builds lean muscle mass quicker than any other kind of exercise. This is because it requires your muscles to contract against varying degrees of resistance, which builds up their strength. Strength training usually consists of weightlifting on a regular basis to increase the strength of muscles over time.
This kind of exercise has myriad health benefits and is particularly effective in burning fat. One study shows that strength training combined with aerobic exercise over a three-month training period reduces body fat much faster than just aerobic exercise.
You dont have to immediately lift weights to get benefits from resistance training. There are various pieces of gym equipment that also work to build lean muscle, or you can do bodyweight exercises.
2. Eat a diet rich in protein
Diets with more protein in them make it easier to burn fat. This is partly because they help to supress the appetite. High-quality protein should be incorporated into your diet, and carbs cut right down. Studies show that this kind of diet can help to build lean muscle mass and boost your metabolism while youre losing weight.
The kinds of protein-rich foods you should include in your diet are eggs, seafood, dairy products, legumes and lean meat. Stay away from too much red meat as this can adversely affect your cholesterol levels. Instead get more protein from supplements or from vegetables and dairy.
3. Get enough sleep on a regular basis
If youre not sleeping consistently well, this can impede weight loss. There are various scientific studies linking weight loss and sleep patterns. One that monitored around 70,000 women found that those show sleep for five hours or less on a regular basis are far more likely to gain weight. The optimum amount of sleep is at least seven hours every night.
Poor sleep can contribute to the hormones in our body that regulate appetite, which mean people eat more and are at a higher risk of being overweight or obese. To improve your chances of getting a decent amount of sleep, cut down on caffeine and try leaving your phone or tablet in another room. Cutting down on electrical devices can help the quality and quantity of your sleep.
4. Include healthy fats into your diet
Many people still find this a sticking point as it seems counterintuitive but eating more of the right kinds of fats can help you to lose weight. This is because fats take longer to digest and therefore increase feelings of fullness.
Research shows that a Mediterranean style diet is good for curbing the appetite and helping people lose weight. This diet is rich in olive oil, oily fish and nuts, all of which help people to eat less and maintain a lower weight.
You do need to cut out trans fats, however. These are the bad fats, and demonstrably add to belly fat and waistline. Healthy fats include nuts, seeds, avocados and coconut oil. However, all fats are still high in calories so you must moderate the amount you consume even of the healthy fats.
5. Take high-quality fat burning supplements
Fat burning supplements can help to lose weight faster, but you must always make sure you consume high-quality fat burners made with natural ingredients. They should be taken as part of a healthy, balanced diet that is higher in quality protein and lower in carbs. They should also be taken by people who are exercising regularly to have the greatest impact.
Supplements should not be seen as the solution to losing weight, but as part of a consistent plan that includes exercise and a balanced diet.
6. Swap your drink choices
Drinks that contain sugar are easy to ingest without thinking. Fruit juice, squashes and carbonated drinks are generally loaded with sugar and give very little nutritional benefit. Similarly, alcohol is full of sugar and can encourage you to ditch the diet and overeat.
Limiting sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks will help to minimise body fat. Swap them for plenty of water or unsweetened tea. Studies show that there can be a weight loss benefit to drinking half a litre of water before meals, so that could be worth including in your daily routine too.
7. Do more cardio
Aerobic or cardiac exercise covers any activity that specifically targets the lungs and heart. Building in regular cardio to your daily life is one of the best ways to increase weight loss and fat burning.
As stipulated earlier, it should be combined with resistance exercises for maximum effect. Studies show that cardio can decrease belly fat and overall body fat while helping to increase muscle mass. Most research supports up to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous cardio every week, which breaks down to between 20 and 40 minutes every day. Examples of ideal cardio activities include cycling, walking, running, and swimming.
These are just some steps can take to help you burn fat, lose weight and build lean muscle mass. All of these things will help you along your way and increase the chances of reaching your goals, and they will also improve your overall physical and mental health.
If youre just starting out on your fat burning journey, take it slowly and incorporate more steps as time goes by. This should be about incorporating good habits for life, so it pays to do so gradually and thoroughly. We should all be aiming for a long-term healthy lifestyle rather than just a quick fix.
Every minor change you make to your everyday lifestyle can really add up and benefit you overall. Above all, ensure your diet is nutritious and balanced and that you are including appropriate supplements to get everything you need to feel and look as healthy as possible.
Go here to read the rest:
Top 10 Supplement Reviews on 7 ways to burn fat as fast as possible while staying healthy - SWNS Stories
Carnivore diet: Definition, benefits, and risks – Medical News Today

People who follow the carnivore diet eat only meat and other animal-based foods.
This article reviews the foods that are allowed in the carnivore diet and explains how to follow the diet, including a 5-day sample menu.
It also reviews the risks and drawbacks of the diet and asks whether or not it has any benefits.
The carnivore diet consists almost exclusively of animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, and low lactose dairy. A person following the diet may also use honey, salt, pepper, and zero-carb seasonings.
Other foods such as fruits and vegetables, grains, high lactose dairy, sugars, and plant-based oils are completely excluded from the carnivore diet.
Similar meat-heavy diets, such as ketogenic and Paleolithic diets, limit carbohydrates but do not exclude them altogether.
Dietitians often refer to such diets as low carb, high fat (LCHF) diets, whereas they would categorize the carnivore diet as an animal-sourced foods (ASF) diet.
The carnivore diet is based on the controversial theory that human ancestors long ago ate diets rich in meat. It assumes that human bodies function best when fueled by high levels of protein and fat.
One high profile advocate of the carnivore diet is Shawn Baker, a former orthopedic surgeon.
On his website, he shares some success stories of followers of the carnivore diet. They claim that the diet has benefits such as weight loss, better health, and pain reduction.
However, there is no scientific evidence to back up any of these claims.
In 2017, the New Mexico Medical Board revoked Bakers medical license, citing concerns about his competency.
Advocates of the carnivore diet claim that it has numerous health benefits and helps optimize the bodys natural functions.
Its proponents claim that it can improve:
Many people who decide to try the carnivore diet want to lose weight.
According to an article in the European Journal of Nutrition, low carb diets work on the principle that reduced blood sugar levels cause the body to enter a state of ketosis, or fat burning. This is thought to lead to weight loss.
However, it may be that the carnivore diet works for weight loss in the same way that many other diets do by excluding certain unhealthful foods.
Because the carnivore diet excludes carbs, followers should not eat unhealthful foods such as cakes, pastries, fries, or cookies.
Any healthful eating plan will advise against eating calorie dense foods such as these, which have very little nutritional value.
Cutting them out is likely to encourage weight loss and overall health gains, regardless of whether or not a person follows an animal-based diet.
The restrictive nature of the carnivore diet leaves entire food groups out of a persons diet, thereby excluding most of the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients they provide.
Vegetables, fruits, and grains contain fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion. Research has found that dietary fiber can also protect against colon cancer and colorectal adenoma.
According to some other research, eating red meat and processed meat is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes.
A further health risk may stem from the type of meat that a person eats.
For example, some meats are high in saturated fat, which can raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Research has found that eating a lot of saturated fat over the long-term can increase a persons risk of coronary heart disease.
For people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), following a high protein diet might be especially damaging.
Studies have suggested that limiting protein intake in people with CKD can slow the progression of the condition and delay the need for dialysis therapy.
Limiting variety in the diet could also be particularly dangerous for pregnant or lactating people, whose nutritional needs are unlikely to be met by an ASF diet.
Other unpleasant side effects of ASF and LCHF diets include constipation, headaches, bad breath, and flatulence.
Followers of the carnivore diet vary in what they allow themselves to eat. The core rule of the diet is that a person can only consume foods from animal sources.
At one end of the spectrum, some people eat one type of meat only. At the other end, people include a variety of meat and certain dairy products in their diet.
The following sections will look at which foods to include and which foods to avoid.
A person following the carnivore diet might consume:
Some followers also consume salt, pepper, and other seasonings that do not contain carbs.
Honey is not allowed in a strict carnivore diet, but some proponents include it because it comes from an animal source, despite being high in glucose.
Any foods that do not come from animal sources are excluded from the carnivore diet. These include:
For people who wish to try the carnivore diet, here is a 5-day sample menu:
The carnivore diet may be popular, but it is an extremely restrictive eating regimen with no scientifically supported benefits.
It may produce fast results such as weight loss, but many people will probably find it difficult to stick to over the long-term.
Excluding entire food groups as part of the carnivore diet might lead to malnutrition.
People interested in trying a high protein diet may want to consider a Paleolithic and ketogenic diet instead.
Proponents of these diets claim that the benefits are similar to those of a purely carnivorous diet. Paleolithic and ketogenic diets also have fewer restrictions and have several potential science-backed health benefits.
Go here to see the original:
Carnivore diet: Definition, benefits, and risks - Medical News Today
How to gain weight and increase muscle mass: pack on weight easier following our mass gaining tips – T3

Admittedly, 'how to gain weight' is not as popular of a topic as 'how to lose belly fat', yet there are still quite a few people who struggles to increase muscle mass, regardless how much they eat. Not being able to put on weight can be just as frustrating as trying to lose weight, but following our handy weight gain tips, you can nudge your metabolism in the right direction.
The basic concept is fairly straightforward: in order to gain weight, you need to maintain a positive energy balance by supplying your body with more calories than you expend. The actual process can be a bit more difficult than this and involves close monitoring of food intake and tracking workouts too.
Here we'll try to share some tips that might help you get out of the weight gain rut. Some of them will be related to nutrition of course but if you would like to gain weight the right way and also build muscle in the process, you will have to pay close attention on your workout regime too.
IMPORTANT: If you are underweight, have any underlying medical conditions or eating disorders, please consult your doctor first before you apply any changes to your diet. The below tips are more suited for people with fast metabolism who are otherwise healthy and by no means to be taken as medical advice.
The main reason why many people fail to gain weight is the lack of perseverance. Mark Twain once said: "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times." Most people who struggle with gaining weight have started the process numerous times but never sticked with any diet and/or workout plan for long enough for it to show results.
Another reason might be not knowing just how many calories certain food items contain and not eating enough despite 'eating loads' of food. It is worth tracking your food intake, especially at the beginning, using free apps like MyFitnessPal until you learn roughly how many calories and what macronutrient are in certain food items.
Thirdly, you must keep in mind that a calorie is not always equal to a calorie. One calorie from a broccoli will fuel your body differently than one calorie from fries. Carbohydrates in general take less effort for the body to break down and even the temperature of the food you eat can determine how easily your body can digest it (cold, fibrous food takes more energy to digest).
Ember Biltong Original Flavour Beef Jerky (10x28g) | Buy it for 19.99 at Amazon[Per pack] Protein: 16 grams | Fat: 1.3 grams | Sugar: 0.2 gramsThe Ember Biltong has virtually no sugar and uses the "best British and Irish beef". Ember claims they "carefully select joints of topside beef ethically sourced from traditional hard-working farms." The Ember Biltong is air dried, which is a slower process and involves less sodium, making this lightly seasoned beef-snack all the more healthier.View Deal
(Image credit: Gousto)
Let's say your basal metabolic rate is 1,900 calories: that's the amount of calories your body burns in order to sustain itself. If you move a single muscle a day you will burn more than this amount. Walking to work can burn plenty of calories, not to mention all the other small activities you might do throughout the day.
Let's say you need 3,000 calories a day to put on weight. sounds like a lot, right? One way to tackle this increased calorie intake is to increase food intake frequency and eat 5-6 smaller meals a day as opposed to having three 1,000-calorie meals.
If you are planning on eating five meals a day, meal prep can also come in handy. Ideally, you want to eat food that you cooked/prepared yourself but we admit that might be a bit too much effort for some. Regardless, you should still plan ahead and at least roughly assemble the food you are planning on eating throughout the day tomorrow.
In case you are concerned about putting on loads of fat in the process, a 2017 study found that " an increase in the eating frequency can also be correlated with an increased prevalence of normal BMI individuals provided adequate physical exercise", meaning that eating more frequently could help maintain a normal BMI level.
Fitbit Aria Air Smart Scale | But it for 49.99 at AmazonIt might not be the most advanced smart scale on the planet but the Fitbit Aria Air is worth a look for one reason: it's a Fitbit product, meaning it feeds information into the fitbit ecosystem and especially in light of the release of the new Fitbit Sense, the more body metrics you can feed into the Fitbit App, the more accurately you can monitor your wellbeing. Not to mention the Aria Air is not particularly expensive either.View Deal
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Fitbit Aria Air Smart Scale
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Carbohydrates are important for muscle building but the other two macronutrients, namely protein and fat, are equally as important when it comes to gaining weight. Fatty food will make you feel sated for longer and food with higher fat content tend to taste better too.
Fatty foods you should include in your diet are oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel, nuts (e.g. Brazil nuts), avocado, butter, heavy/double cream, dark chocolate, olive oil and eggs. Most of these are also high in protein so by eating them, you will be killing two birds with one stone.
Talking about protein: protein is essential for muscle building and recovery and you will need to eat more than you'd think to aid weight gain. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, "for building muscle mass and for maintaining muscle mass through a positive muscle protein balance, an overall daily protein intake in the range of 1.4-2.0 g protein/kg body weight/day (g/kg/d) is sufficient for most exercising individuals".
The paper goes on saying that "higher protein intakes (2.3-3.1 g/kg/d) may be needed to maximize the retention of lean body mass in resistance-trained subjects during hypocaloric periods", meaning you will have to up your protein intake once you started increasing muscle mass.
It is advised to have at least 20-30 grams of protein with each meal if the plan is to eat five times a day. Protein should be supplied from a variety of sources including green leafy vegetables, fish, lean meat, eggs etc.
Alternatively, you can also consider supplementing protein and have the best protein powder shakes and the best protein bars / best jerky as snacks throughout the day.
(Image credit: Casio)
One of the main reasons why you might not be gaining weight and particularly muscle mass is the lack of resistance training. If you are after muscle growth, you need to stimulate that muscle growth by training the muscles often. How often?
A 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis concludes that "the findings indicate a graded dose-response relationship whereby increases in resistance training volume produce greater gains in muscle hypertrophy", meaning, quite simply, that the more you work out, the muscular you will get.
This might sound self-explanatory to some but also contradictory to basic bodybuilding principles, namely that resting is almost as important tas the training itself. Just to reiterate, resting is important but resting muscles doesn't necessarily mean not training at all.
Finding a balance between training as often as possible without injuring yourself is paramount. The type of resistance training is up to you but don't fall into the trap of only tracking calories. Even the best running watches and best heart rate monitors can't track muscle activation and by tracking workouts with them, you can easily end up focusing only on burning calories.
What you want to do is the complete opposite: maxing out of workouts that increase strength but don't burn calories. Sure, you should still do some cardio: it's great for heart health and to maintain/improve the cardiovascular system, but try limiting the duration of cardio and let the bulk of your workout be anaerobic movements.
Check out our how to build muscle guide to find out more.
(Image credit: Huel)
As well as having the occasional protein shake, if your plan is to bulk up a bit and build functional muscle mass, there are other two supplements you might want to consider taking: mass gainer and creatine.
The best mass gainers have loads of calories in them, yet they come in an easy-to-consume powder form so it's easier to stomach one or two servings a day. Better still, weight gainers are most usually low on fat and sugars, compared to the amount of calories they contain.
Creatine, on the other hand, is the bodybuilding industry's best kept secret. According to Healthline, "studies show that [creatine] can increase muscle mass, strength and exercise performance." In another 12-week study quoted by Healthline in the same article, "in weightlifters, creatine increased muscle fiber growth 23 times more than training alone. The increase in total body mass also doubled alongside one-rep max for bench press, a common strength exercise."
Creatine is also cheap and you won't need to take industrial amounts either for it to be effective. 3-5 grams creatine monohydrate a day is enough for most adults.
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See original here:
How to gain weight and increase muscle mass: pack on weight easier following our mass gaining tips - T3