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Additional benefits for intermittent fasting –

Ive written in many of my columns about time restricted eating and how fasting can be beneficial for improving your health and additionally in helping you lose weight.
Fasting is an ancient healing method that has been used for thousands of years. Although many people now practice time restricted eating and fasting with the goal of weight loss, some use fasting to improve their overall health. Its saddening but not surprising that according to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) research study only 12% of people are healthy, which means that 88% of people are metabolically unhealthy.
You can be identified as having metabolic syndrome if you have three or more markers above certain levels, such as if your waist measurement is over 40 inches for men or over 35 inches for women, or triglyceride blood levels over 150 mg/dl and HDL (high density lipoprotein) under 40 for men or 50 for women, or if you have fasting blood sugar levels over 100 mg/dl (5.6) or blood pressure above130/85. Practicing time-restricted eating and removing added sugars and ultra processed foods from your diet could be life saving.
Time restricted feeding, which most people know as intermittent fasting, can be practiced every day or a few days a week by just restricting your eating window to 6, 8, or 10 hours each day. If you restrict it to 10 hours each day then that means that for 14 hours each day you are not eating. And thats really not hard, if you just stop eating a few hours before you sleep and start eating a few hours after you wake up then youve already fasted for over 14 hours.
Of course, it is also important what you eat during this time. However, even if youre eating some moderately unhealthy foods you may still see benefits from intermittent fasting.
Practicing regular fasting can lead you to become metabolically flexible so you can heal your body and improve your health markers. Other specific benefits include lower blood sugar, improved or reversed diabetes, improved gut health, reducing the likelihood of chronic diseases, improved sleep, improved mood, improved cognitive function, and weight loss.
According to a study on metabolic flexibility and insulin resistance by NIH Metabolic flexibility is the capacity for the organism to adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability. The more common concept of metabolic flexibility has been promulgated in the context of fuel selection in the transition from fasting to fed states, or fasting to insulin stimulation to explain insulin resistance. (metabolic syndrome)
If you are relatively healthy then you can start by trying a 14 hours fast, then you may gradually increase to maybe 16 or 18 hours fast a few times a week. Of course, if you are using medication you may need to ask your physician.
However, eating less often is something that anyone can practice. Most of us eat much too often without realizing it, and intermittent fasting can help us to be aware of how much and how many times we are actually consuming calories. If you try it and on that specific day it doesnt feel right then just stop and try it again when you are ready on another day. Remember, this is not just a temporary change, this is a practice for your health.
Ayda Ersoy is anutritionist (Dip.C.N., Dip.S.N.), master trainer (CPT ACE, NCSF, CanfitPro), registered yoga teacher, founder, Health Angel Nutrition, Fitness and Wellness, and founder, SMS (Stability, Mobility Strength) Intuitive Training System.
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Why 80s slimming regimes are the future of dieting –

There is not yet solid evidence as to why that might be the case, but Professor Francesco Rubino, a consultant bariatric surgeon at London Bridge Hospital, has a theory: very-low calorie diets - as few as 800 kcals per day - whether in soups, shakes or whole food, have a similar effect on the body as a gastric bypass.
He explains that bariatric surgery is not just effective by reducing the size of the stomach, it also disrupts the bodys attempts to make you regain the weight by increasing hunger and decreasing fullness. This happens because the part of your gut responsible for creating these signals is bypassed surgically: it is no longer stimulated, and so stops telling your brain that you are hungry.
With very-low calorie diets, Rubino believes the same thing is happening: the gut is not being constantly stimulated by food passing through, and in its resting state does not create feelings of hunger.
It can happen either with surgery, or a diet that is so low in food intake that it brings that level of gut exposure to stimulus as close as possible to zero, he says.
However, he advises a note of caution, given there are not yet any studies into the potential long-term effects of these diets.
Dr Michael Mosley, the BBC broadcaster and creator of the 5:2 Diet, believes there might be another mechanism at work which explains how liquid diets reduce hunger: ketosis, or when the body uses fat, not sugar, for fuel. He thinks we have evolved to feel less hungry when this is happening: in times of food shortage, it would have been fatal for ancient humans to be too distracted by hunger, he says.
Dr Mosley himself sells an 800 calorie-a-day diet plan, where followers have up to two shakes a day and one light meal. He says that eating this way for eight to 10 weeks can be markedly effective for controlling diabetes and much more so than conventional steady dieting.
This is because rapid dieting encourages the body to first use stores of fat in the liver and pancreas crucial for type 2 diabetes patients where excess fat around the pancreas prevents it from working properly and producing insulin.
Most of these patients have 30 to 35 per cent liver fat - theyre like foie gras geese, he says. But in a few weeks [of rapid dieting], it drains out and is reduced to 3 per cent.
He points to a 2018 study, which compared the effects of a meal replacement programme of around 800 calories a day to those using traditional NHS weight loss programmes. Those who followed the low calorie diet were 10.7kg lighter a year later, three times more than in the other group. They also managed much better reductions in their risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
However, these diets need to be followed with caution. They are most suitable for those who have a lot to lose already, and would be a no-go for anyone with a history of eating disorders.
Different brands of soups and shakes on the market also differ widely in the nutrition they provide. One with high levels of carbohydrates and low fat and protein might be a disaster for your metabolism, says Pearson.
With a low-calorie, low-protein diet, you eat salad and fruit and dont have enough protein, so the body will lose muscle, she says. Since muscle uses more energy at rest than other tissues in the body, this could mean that your metabolism will slow down and you will put weight back on so fast. Instead, look for something with adequate protein and fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.
There may also be some short-term side effects which could be frustrating, like headaches and constipation. Dr Mosley recommends that drinking plenty of water may help with these effects.
There is also the great big elephant in the room: what happens when the 12-week programme is over, and you have to go back to eating normal, solid food?
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Why 80s slimming regimes are the future of dieting -
‘Mama June: From Not to Hot’: June and Geno Flaunt Sober Body Ahead of Major Makeover – Soap Dirt

Mama June: From Not to Hotstar June Shannon is embracing sober life with boyfriend Geno Doak. The couple has been working hard to live a clean lifestyle after deciding to ditch the bad habit together. Now, the two are set to make even more positive changes in their lives. Aside from living healthy, Geno and his girlfriend are set to make improvements on their looks.
June Shannon is almost seven months sober now and shes very proud of it. TheMama June: From Not to Hotcast member seems to be doing well staying clean alongside her man Geno Doak. The couple is adamant that they will stay away from their bad habit, which definitely destroyed their lives.
And now, it looks like June Shannon and her partner Geno Doak are ready to make even more changes to themselves. Aside from getting help to end their addiction, the couple is gearing up for a major makeover that can further transform their lives.
In recent photos, both June Shannon and Geno Doak showed off their sober body. The Mama June: From Not to Hotstars are working hard to shed the extra weight they gained while in the process of staying clean.
Many were quick to notice that Geno appeared heavier than before. The mother of four, on the other hand, continues her attempts on losing weight by means of proper diet and taking a weight loss drink. But it looks like the pair are taking the easier route in order to lose weight fast. According to DailyMail,the couple is going to have a big transformation.
Apparently, June Shannon and Geno Doak are heading to Beverly Hills, California for a very special visit. The Mama June: From Not to Hotcelebs are scheduled to get cosmetic surgery there next week.
It was revealed that Honey Boo Boos mom is getting liposuction on her torso, a tummy tuck, and new veneers. Meanwhile, Geno will be getting gastric sleeve surgery, similar to what his girlfriend had in the past. It remains unclear who will shoulder the couples expenses. Will the couple be able to maintain their figure this time around?
Get the latest Mama June: From Not to Hot news only here at Soap Dirt.
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'Mama June: From Not to Hot': June and Geno Flaunt Sober Body Ahead of Major Makeover - Soap Dirt
The Key Ways To Boost Muscle Growth – The Sports Bank

When you choose to change your body with muscle growth, you are in for a challenge. It doesnt matter what your goals are, if you want to build muscle, you have to work out the right combination of diet, sleep and training to get the results that you want. Some people never get it right, but a lot of trial and error will help you to get the results that you want.
In this article, were going to talk about some of the best ways to boost muscle growth and get leaner. Lets jump right in and start!
Go Old-School With Workouts
You may love a good HIIT workout online, but its the old school crossfit workouts that are really making a comeback. You can perform circuits and supersets where the rest time is short but you get the exercises nailed down. Workouts like this are excellent for your health in general, but theyre also great for bulking up but only if you make this little change. Instead of resting for shorter periods between sets, complete all of the exercises in a set, rest for 1-3 minutes and go for the next one. Allowing your body to rest properly will help you to maintain the same strength level for the next set and more. The movements that require more energy should mean a little longer for rest, where isolation exercises only need smaller rest periods so that you can recover well. The more energy you have, the more you build up your strength. This can help you to get through those exercises and feel great by the end of each exercise set.
Enjoy Carbs
Most people heading to the gym to bulk up focus on their protein intake and think that they have to cut out carbs. WRONG! You have to think about eating the right balance of carbs in your diet. Protein is important, but when you eat carbs you increase the glycogen in your muscles. This will improve your energy in the gym, giving you more energy to lift heavier and better weights. Getting stronger is the best way to grow your muscles, and you can follow John Cenas workout to help your body, too. Carbs like rice, oats, bread and pasta will be excellent additions to all of your meals. Add large portions (within your calorie allowance!) to your meals and you can watch your body grow. Carbs are not the devil dont panic about this tip!
Slow Down
Lifting weights isnt a race. Cardio is for running and racing, not weight-lifting. Think about how you move and make your movements deliberate with each weight you lift. Lower the weights with control and slow down with each move. You should be able to feel it, not sling the weights around your head as if youre tarzan in the woods. You wont see results if youre not slow and controlled about your movements, you can do your body more harm than good. The best way to control the movement is to lower the weight down for two seconds, dont pause, come back up quickly in one second. This can help you to perform better, lift the weights better and hone your technique when it comes to lifting. It can also lead you to pack on as much muscle as possible in a short amount of time.
Gainer Shakes Have a Place In Life!
We talked about protein earlier, and the best way to pack on some muscle is to add protein shakes to your diet. You need to add calories when you want to build muscle, as you convert those extra calories into muscles and not fat. Being in a calorie surplus may feel odd if youre used to being in a deficit to lose weight. The thing is, you may not want to add more meals or more to what youre already eating, and this is the time you want to drink those calories instead. Protein shakes are delicious and you can find SO many recipes.
Cut Down Your Cardio
Cardio is going to burn off your calories faster than any other exercise and your goal is gaining muscle, not burning fat. If youre burning a ton of calories working off your food with cardio, then you need to think about stopping the amount of cardio youre doing and adding more weight training. You can still train in cardio once a week its good for your health in other ways, but you dont need to run every day and youll prevent yourself from building muscle with too much of it. Keep the cardio low-intensity and you can have fun with it. Swim, play ball with friends, go for a long and brisk walk. Here are many low-intensity ways to enjoy cardio without losing muscle.
Eat, Eat, Eat
Bulking up means introducing more food while you lift more. Lifting and eating go hand in hand the more you lift, the more you eat! Eating should be something you prepare in advance so that you can make sure that youre never too busy to eat. One big meal a day is not going to be enough. Eat big, lift hard and increase your muscle mass at the same time. You should consider making sure that you have enough protein: if it hits your macros, go for it. Eating more and lifting more will take some getting used to, so take your time.
Work Muscle Groups Twice A Week
The most important thing that you can do to build muscle growth is to train each muscle group twice a week. Whether you do a full body routine twice a week, or you work les, then arms, then core one week after the next, you need to go with a minimum of twice a week to bulk up fast.
Building muscle doesnt have to be hard and with these tips, youre going to be on your way to bulking up in no time at all.
See the original post here:
The Key Ways To Boost Muscle Growth - The Sports Bank
Weldon Reed: Richard and the belly dancer | Living – Cleburne Times-Review

Back in the 1980s my buddy Herb (the geology teacher) and I were planning a wilderness class to the Grand Canyon. We were going to be taking 28 students, and the class began filling up fast. We always went to the Canyon the day after the spring semester ended and arrived back in Fort Worth the Sunday before summer started.
Thus these lucky students could earn four hours in geology, three hours in wilderness literature and one-hour P.E. credit for a 17-day trip between semesters. We would spend four to five days hiking the Canyon rim to rim and three more days hiking down into Havasu Canyon. These students were in for a treat.
One of the students was an older man named Richard. He was ex-Army and probably in his 50s. He was in good shape and had no problems with the hiking. Plus he rode shotgun for Herb for you city slickers, that means he sat in the front passenger seat.
Boy, was he a dandy addition to the group! For one thing, he was an early riser. Now Herb had appointed various students to be captains for a particular day, which meant, on the travel portion of the trip, they were responsible for getting up before everybody else, getting the coffee pot full and percolating, heating enough hot water for hot chocolate and setting out the milk and cereal. Well, Richard voluntarily took over that chore for everybody, thus endearing himself to everyone.
In addition, he was pretty much a Handy Dan. If a backpack had something broken on it or had lost a pin, Richard could always solve the problem.
Also he was always in a good mood, smiling, even after hiking 6 to 8 miles with a 50-pound pack on his back while the younger students were moaning and crying.
Clearly, Richard had believed Herb and me when we had forewarned them that this trip would include arduous, physical activity.
On the actual backpacking days Herb placed us in cook groups of three or four, and the members of that group would divide the meals that each had to carry. There would be about four breakfasts, lunches, and suppers (for you Yankees, supper is always the evening meal; it is not called dinner).
Herb treated me well because he put Richard in my eat group, and just like on the travel, Richard took over the meals, which was fine with me. When it comes to meals, I will readily admit that I am lazy, and I appreciated Richard taking that chore over. Of course, the backpack meals were not all that ornate anyway.
For breakfast, you just heated water for the instant coffee or hot chocolate and that delicious, yummy instant oatmeal. Then you had that appetizing granola bar. I vowed that back in civilization I would never eat oatmeal or granola bars, and I have kept that vow.
The lunches were something light and easy to carry, like crackers some sort of spreadables or Cheese Whiz and a box of raisins. For supper it was mac and cheese or fried Spam, or instant eggs with tortillas. Oh, well we all needed to lose weight anyway.
Speaking of losing weight, there was a woman on the trip, probably in her mid-20s, who had mentioned to me that back on campus she had taken a belly dancing class to shed a few pounds. Now on the South Campus we did have a heck of a belly dancing teacher. If you walked by her classroom down in the gym, you would always see four or five guys peering in the door.
After we had returned to campus, Herb would have a show-and-tell party at his house about two weeks later to give everyone time to get their pictures developed and for me to finish reading and grading their journals and assigning grades for the literature part of the course.
Belly Dancer B.D. hereafter had asked Herb if she could perform at the gathering, and Herb said, Sure.
So after the meal was over and everyone had showed their pictures, Herb said B.D. was going to demonstrate what she had learned in her belly dancing class. So she started a record of this exotic music and came out of one of the bedrooms wearing a belly dancng outfit with a long, bright-red sash in her hands. Then she began twirling around the room. Now bless her heart she had all the moves down pat, but, unfortunately, she still needed to lose a few more pounds. Thus the performance was not really seductive or alluring.
She posed in front of Herb, placed the red sash around his neck, and danced in front of him. Afterwards, she did the same thing to me. Now my wife and Herbs smiled and thought nothing of it.
Then she moved over to in front of Richard and his wife, repeating the performance. I believed I noticed smoke coming out of Richards wifes ears but thought nothing about it.
Now coming home from the Canyon trip, Herb had told Richard about the Gran Teton trip coming up in July, and Richard had said Herb could count on him coming along again. The party was now breaking up, and Herb and I stood at his front door, telling everybody good bye.
Richards wife just grimly nodded at us as she stepped through the doorway, and then Richard said to Herb, Just notify me when that Teton class to Wyoming starts meeting in June, and Ill be there.
Oops! Richards wife whirled around and snapped, Well just see about that! Now I see what goes on on these trips.
Sure enough, on our first meeting in June, there was Richard.
Now Herb told him, Richard, I dont want to cause any disharmony here between you and your wife about this trip. We would love to have you but not if its going to pose a problem at home for you.
No, Herb, Richard stated. I gave you my word, and Im a man of my word. The wife will just have to understand.
When we left on the Teton trip in July, poor Richard called home at every gas stop with a pay phone, but his wife refused to answer all his calls except one, when one of his C.D.s had matured and she needed to know what to do about it. To this day Herb and I wonder how that incident ended.
Weldon Reed is a Cleburne resident who recently returned to his hometown. He can be reached at
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Weldon Reed: Richard and the belly dancer | Living - Cleburne Times-Review
Tia Mowry Shows off Her Fit Figure in Shorts after Losing Weight See Her Powerful Message – AmoMama

Tia Mowry is showing off herfigure after losing weight followingthe birth of her daughter, and she has a powerful message for new mothers. Here is what she had to say.
Tia Mowry is showing off her figureafter going on a weight loss journey following the birth of her daughter Cairo last year.
The star took to Instagram to share a mirror selfiewearing a gray turtle neck sweater and denim shorts, and she looks terrific.
The mother of two had a special message for new mothers, opening up to them about the pressure they faceto "snapback" after giving birth.
After Mowry was fat-shamed during and after her pregnancy, she wanted to empower women and remind them that they should do things in their time. She said:
"Im very proud that I did it my way and in my time. I didnt feel rushed to snap back. I enjoyed breastfeeding and spending quality time with#cairoand my son#cree."
Last year, Mowry spoke about her weight loss journey and revealed that she had faced criticism after she did not lose the weight as fast as people thought she should have.
However, she said that it was not about looking great, adding that if it took a while to get to her goal weight, then so be it.
Mowry often speaks about body positivity, revealing that during her pregnancy, she had suffered from diastasis recti, a condition that causes the abs to separate.
The "Sister, Sister" star shared the news with a photo posted six months after giving birth to her daughterand revealedthat it was the cause of her "little pouch." She added:
"Shining a spotlight on this because I had never heard of it. Have to go hard with core work to restore. We will work on that later 🙂 "
She revealed that she had chosen to document her journey to show others that it was ok to go at your own pace and not fold to societal pressure.
This is not the first time that female celebrities have faced unreasonable pressures to lose weight after giving birth.
After her second child, Chrissy Teigentook to Instagram opening up about her journey, joking that she was 20 pounds heavier than before getting pregnant as she loves food too much.
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Tia Mowry Shows off Her Fit Figure in Shorts after Losing Weight See Her Powerful Message - AmoMama
Weight loss: Expert reveals the diet myths that are sabotaging your weight loss goals – Express

Anyone who is trying to lose weight will no doubt have all kinds of information running through their mind each time they cook their dinner or plan a workout. With so many diet plans out there, it can be hard to keep up with the best way to lose weight, especially as so much of the advice seems to contradict itself depending on which method you choose. But what if some of the most common weight loss beliefs were actually stopping you from shedding the pounds?
From counting up your calories to avoiding carbs and taking up high intensity training, there are all kinds of diet tips that promise to help you to lose weight.
However, many of the promoted diet rules are designed to help you lose weight fast - which isnt necessarily the best way to go about it.
Rhiannon Lambert, a registered nutritionist, founder of Rhitrition and author of the new ebook, A Simple Way To Fuel Fitness, often sees this in her clinic, where she specialises in weight management, disordered eating, and pre- and postnatal nutrition.
At the Rhitrition clinic I see clients hoping for quick transformations and short term plans, Rhiannon explained. These may sound exciting, but all they tend to do is give you just a glimpse of those dreams until suddenly they dont.
READ MORE:Weight loss: The Hollywood superfood that could help you lose weight
The expert advised that fast weight loss can be hard to keep up long term, with the immediate weight loss results being hard to maintain.
Instead you need a more sustainable plan that will work day in, day out, with foods that will give you the energy you need to keep up a healthy lifestyle - and stop you from reaching for the snack cupboard.
When it comes to your diet, think about the quality of your nutrition and a balanced plate at meal times to help your overall health for mind and body, Rhiannon warned.
Having worked in sports nutrition for years, Rhiannon has shared her food philosophy for how to eat well in a way that will boost your energy levels and fuel your workouts in her latest book - and debunks plenty of food and fitness myths along the way.
Exclusively for the Express, Rhiannon has revealed the top three diet myths that may be affecting your weight loss goals, and what you really need to focus on if youre trying to slim down.
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Exercise is often associated with weight loss, but its fat loss that should be the goal, explained Rhiannon.
The expert revealed that dieters often celebrate that theyve lost weight, when actually its their muscles that they have lost.
When you lose weight, you want to maximise fat loss, while minimising muscle loss, said Rhiannon. This is why exercise is so important for any diet plan.
If you simply reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, without exercising, you will probably lose muscle as well as fat.
When you cut back on calories, your body is forced to find other sources of fuel. In fact, its been estimated that when people lose weight, about a quarter of the weight they lose is muscle.
However, the nutritionist explained that you cant always tell by whats on the scales either, as if you do lose fat rather than muscle, the numbers may not drop too much - so dont be disheartened if youre not seeing a dramatic change and go by how you feel instead.
If you spend your gym sessions aiming to get into the so-called fat burning zone, you might actually be reducing your chances of losing weight.
A term that can be frequently used is the fat burning zone when relating to weight loss, and is usually indicated on the cardio machines heart rate chart, commented Rhiannon.
Working out in the fat-burning zone means youre keeping your intensity and heart rate relatively low.
This means that of the calories you use, a greater proportion will come from fat.
While this might sound good, youll actually burn more calories overall from working at a higher intensity.
Most diets focus on calorie intake - and burning off more than you eat. But what if its not that simple?
Being aware of the calorie content in food has long been drummed into us, and those who try to lose weight often use a total daily calorie intake as a guide, admitted Rhiannon, who doesnt believe it is the best way to hit your goal weight.
Calories really arent much more than a number and we shouldnt be relying on calorie content alone to dictate what constitutes a healthy diet, as they can be deceptive and very damaging when used inappropriately, the expert warned.
Calories dont tell you anything about the quality of your diet! Think about eating food, not calories and try as hard as you can to look at your diet as a whole instead of the sum of its parts.
That means focusing on healthy items like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein, and it also means eating mindfully - slowing down, eating until you're satisfied, and giving restriction a miss.
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Weight loss: Expert reveals the diet myths that are sabotaging your weight loss goals - Express
Losing Weight Can Help You Avoid This Type of Cancer, Study Finds – Yahoo Lifestyle

It's no secret that losing weight can help improve health concerns like lowering your risk of a heart attack, improving metabolism, lowering blood pressure, and much more. But scientists say becoming healthier, eating nutritious foods, and exercising can also help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
In fact, losing weight can help reduce the risk of obesity-related cancer, according to a study published recently in the journal Obesity. These cancers can include kidney, colon, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, breast, thyroid, and more, according to the National Cancer Institute.
The study looked at 4,859 adults between the ages of 45 and 76 who had never had cancer before. It followed their weight loss over 11 years. One of two weight loss plans was randomly assigned to each study participant.
One plan, called intensive lifestyle intervention (or ILI), reduced the number of daily calories for the participant. It also added in meal replacement products and increased their exercise to around 175 minutes a week. The other plan is called Diabetes Support and Education (DSE). It featured three support group meetings about diet, exercise, and encouragement a year for three years. Meetings were then once per year after that.
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After the 11 year follow-up, researchers found that about 14% of participants exactly 684 had been diagnosed with cancer. Fewer people who followed the ILI weight loss plan were diagnosed compared to those who followed the DSE plan. Those who followed the ILI plan saw their chances of being diagnosed with obesity-related cancer fall by 16%.
"Healthcare providers should be encouraged to provide such counseling or refer patients with obesity to intervention programs that help people manage their weight. Moreover, establishing an environment with easier access to healthy food and physical activities is the foundation of obesity and cancer prevention," says Hsin-Chieh "Jessica" Yeh, PhD, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University and the corresponding author of the study.
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Losing Weight Can Help You Avoid This Type of Cancer, Study Finds - Yahoo Lifestyle
Been hitting the gym too hard after the lockdown? Take it easy, warn trainers – Times of India

After months of being homebound and gaining all that extra body weight, when gyms in the city finally opened its door again, its quite obvious that people are in a hurry to get back in shape. But health experts are urging people to exercise caution before getting into rigorous workouts at gyms or fitness clubs. And they have a reason to say so.Take this recent incident, for instance: Eighteen-year-old fitness enthusiast Lakshay Bindra was in such a hurry to lose those extra kilos he had put on during the lockdown that he decided to go for rigorous exercise the day he hit the gym after months. Result: The same evening, he started experiencing extreme muscle fatigue, followed by body stiffness, pain and vomiting. Things worsened and he had to be admitted to the ICU, as he suffered from acute abdomen pain, dark urine and weak kidney and liver functioning. It took him some time to recover after sessions of dialysis and physiotherapy, to be precise.
Rigorous exercising may damage your kidneys
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Been hitting the gym too hard after the lockdown? Take it easy, warn trainers - Times of India
Whats Really The Best Way To Maintain A Healthy Weight Over 50? – British Vogue

My working title for this story was Fat at 50, Forever, and you can hardly blame me. While it was definitely tongue-in-cheek, for those of us whove gained a few pounds in midlife, maintaining a healthy size becomes and theres no way to sugar-coat it increasingly difficult. As you age, you put on weight, says the founder of the diagnostic clinic Viavi:be Dr Sabine Donnai, who specialises in health and exercise programmes for the over fifties. And thats if youre just standing still, not eating, not doing anything, just purely because your metabolism goes down each year.
Tempting as it is to accept this as an unavoidable part of getting older, there is (vanity aside) good reason for resisting this seemingly inexorable increase. As well as the surface weight were amassing, were also accumulating visceral fat, which surrounds our organs and stops them functioning as well as they should, which leads to a shorter lifespan.
Women have it twice as bad: along with the ageing process, during which the body swaps muscle for fat, we have the menopause to deal with. The loss of oestrogen has a particular effect on the way your fat is distributed, says Dr Donnai. Firstly, when oestrogen drops, you get mood swings, and frequently you overeat to compensate. You sleep badly as your progesterone drops, and your stress levels rise, often because its easy at this age to lose a sense of purpose especially if youve had children and theyre growing up and relying on you less.
Additionally, your body stores fat differently, as its lipoprotein lipase (which sits on the surface of the fat cells, pulling in fat from the blood) goes into overproduction, no longer kept in check by the now declining oestrogen. If the fat gets pulled into a muscle cell, it gets burnt off as fuel; but if it gets pulled into a fat cell, it just makes the fat cell bigger. You get the idea.
At this point, youre probably expecting a paragraph starting with the word fortunately, followed by a quick-fix diet with, quite possibly, some new gadget or machine promising that the whole sorry situation will be resolved in no time. Im sorry to disappoint. You need to get into the gym and lift weights, says Dr Donnai matter-of-factly. I know this is often alien to mature women, who are more used to yoga and some Pilates, both of which play a part, but its weights that will slow down the ageing process.
The physiological explanation behind this is that when you start training and lifting weights that feel like theyre too much for you, your body responds by making more muscle, in order to prevent what it perceives as damage. It stimulates a growth hormone, which in turn stimulates testosterone, and lifting that weight each time causes your metabolism to speed up. The lipoprotein lipase now pulls the fat into muscle cells, and because you have more muscle now anyway, thanks to lifting weights, your basic metabolic rate goes up, so you can eat without gaining weight, or lose weight if you eat slightly less.
Are weights the only option? Women really need to create high muscular overload on two fronts: to burn more calories, and raise the metabolism; but also to maintain bone density, says Matt Roberts, founder of the Matt Roberts Evolution personal training gym. When you stress the muscles, the tendons which are attached to the bone pull on it; the bone thinks it needs assistance and stores more calcium, and your bone density increases. High-impact exercise, going for a run, jumping, landing and moving, all also increase bone density. The impact of boxing is really good for bone density in the upper body, whereas running is good for the lower body. But you need a strategy in place for injury prevention this is where the yoga and Pilates come in as they create elasticity in the muscle tissue around the joints.
Sooner rather than later, we also have to address diet. To kick-start weight loss before a surf trip on which I didnt want to be carrying excess pounds, I embarked on a metabolic balancing diet under the guidance of Amanda Griggs at the Khera-Griggs clinic. I lost 8lbs in two weeks, and Id do it again, but perhaps only once a year it was tough.
You have to look at taking out starches and carbohydrates, rethink your portions, says Griggs. You have to realise, This is my meal. If that sounds a little grim, it has the advantage of reintroducing discipline. With a ban on snacking between meals, the diet which is restrictive for a fortnight but moves on to a maintenance plan thats all about mindful eating is healthy and delivers results. My BMI dropped to bang-on healthy. Of course, how you keep up those results is another matter. Youre quite disobedient, says Griggs, who guided me through the two weeks with plenty of stern, kind and highly motivating WhatsApp messages. Sometimes you only ate two meals a day, and Im not sure you always stuck to the quantities of protein you needed.
Roberts also homes in on protein. If you focus on eating enough protein, you just wont have the appetite for carbs. A womans protein intake is woefully low, he says. Government guidelines suggest 45g of protein for a 60kg woman, but Roberts explains, One egg is about 5g. So shifting away from carbs and loading up on beans and quinoa or eating sardines, as theyre high in calcium, will help control your blood sugar, raise your metabolism, and activate fat burn.
As well as advising abstaining from alcohol It gives you nothing other than a hangover and strips away Vitamin B13, which is vital for brain function hes also a fan of intermittent fasting. As women get older, they tend to think they need to eat less, and go on extreme low-calorie diets, but they dont work. You just add on more weight than you did before. Women have greater levels of visceral fat if you fast for 16 hours (from around 8pm until midday) for two to four days a week, for up to four weeks, and for the rest of the week take out the obvious foods that build up blood sugar, and increase protein, your body gets into a state of ketosis (where your metabolism is more energised due to lower blood sugar levels) and youll be burning away your visceral fat.
It all sounds easy enough, but as an inveterate carb-loading snacker who has eaten two and a half croissants while writing this I apparently still have a way to go.
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Whats Really The Best Way To Maintain A Healthy Weight Over 50? - British Vogue