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Mekhi Becton’s 40 time and other impressive physical feats boosting his 2020 NFL Draft stock – Sporting News

Mekhi Becton was already a respected prospect, but he really saw hisNFL Draft stock rise following his combine performance in Indianapolis.
The 6-7, 364-pound offensive lineman from Louisville left the event as the heaviest player at the combine. You'd think with all that weight, he wouldn't be incredibly athletic, but you'd be wrong. Becton showed off his athleticism during his time at Louisville, and at the combine.
His most notable performance was his 40-yard dash.
MORE: The heaviest player inthe NFL Draft has only 17 percent body fat
The tweet says Becton ran a 5.11 unofficial, but his official time was actually faster at 5.10. He's the heaviest player to run a sub-5.2 40-yard dash at the NFL Combine since 2006, per ESPN. Big man Dontari Poe may have him beat, though, running a 4.98 40-yard dash while weighing 346 pounds.
Although Becton weighed in at 364 pounds at the combine, he said he expects teams will want him to lose some weight.
"They definitely want me to lose [weight]," Becton said at the time. "I'm willing to lose weight. Whatever they want me to do.I think that was what everyone was looking for. The weight. To see if I came in heavy or not. I feel I had a great weight.''
MORE NFL DRAFT:Full pick order |Top 100 players | SN's latest mock draft
This almost seems impossible, and it could be innaccurate following D.K. Metcalf's body fat fiasco last year.
Still, the test is probably accurate enough to make this another impressive physical feat for Becton.
Look at him just toss defenders around like a rag doll.
Mekhi Becton's draft test was flagged at the NFL Combine, according to's Ian Rapoport. reported the positive test, which is a routine part of the Combine for every player, should not impact his draft projection much, citing "multiple league sources."
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Mekhi Becton's 40 time and other impressive physical feats boosting his 2020 NFL Draft stock - Sporting News
This Is What Happens to Your Body if You Don’t Eat For Three Days – VICE

This article originally appeared on VICE US.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. At least thats what many of us were brought up to believe. But a growing body of research is seriously undermining that idea. Fasting, in one form or another, is all the rage as evidenced by the volume of ripped bros on YouTube who are itching to share the fasting secrets that have finally gotten them over that thing that happened in high school.
For most people, a fast amounts to missing breakfast. They break their fast later in the day. Others chose to skip dinner instead. Either tactic will will result in a 16/8 fast. This means that in every 24-hour period, you fast for 16 hours and do all of your eating in an eight-hour window. Another popular variant is alternate day fasting, in which adherents typically eat no calories one day and whatever they want the next.
Some of the reported benefits of fasting regimens include a reduction in inflammation, decreased blood sugar levels and even a prolonged life spanalthough that last one has only been proven in rats so far. It wasnt long before people started wondering if longer fasts would yield more pronounced results. I should remind you, if youre considering doing this, to examine your intentions since any extended period of voluntarily skipping meals can be a sign of disordered eating.
Ive tried to reconcile all the anecdotal fasting with conversations Ive had with with doctors and dieticians to figure out what might happen to my body if I commit to this increasingly popular fad-within-a-fad and eat nothing for 72-hours straight. Oddly, I havent tried this personally, but based on the below, I just might.
For many of us, skipping breakfast is NBD, particularly when youre sufficiently distracted and quaffing black coffee all morning. Skip lunch, however, and by mid-afternoon your brain is screaming at you to refuel. Its not literally screaming, of course. It just makes you behave like an irritable and petulant toddler until someone else recognizes the tell-tale signs of hanger and shoves a donut in your face.
A recent study looked into why hanger is a thing and concluded that a disruption in homeostasis of the brain can provoke complicated emotional response involving an interplay of biology, personality, and environmental cues. This, perfect shitstorm along with flagging energy levels, and a talkative abdomen can and do make getting through the first part of a 72-hour fast extremely challenging.
But if you can ride it out, things tend to greatly improve at day two or three. The gradual decrease in hunger is well documented in physiological studies showing gradual decrease in ghrelin over multiple days of fasting, says Jason Fung, Toronto-based nephrologist and co-author of The Complete Guide to Fasting. Ghrelin, he explains, is a hormone that makes you feel hungry. Its secreted in greater amounts when your stomach is in a non-stretched state. Fung goes on to explain that an abatement of hunger happens more often than not during an extended fast.
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I should probably mention here that 72 hours is a much shorter duration than it would take a healthy person to starve to death. In an editorial published in the British Medical Journal, a review of the pertinent literature on the subject found that humans can survive without any food for 30-40 days provided they are adequately hydrated.
As Alan D. Lieberson told Scientific American, how long a person survives without food really depends on factors such as body weight, genetic variation, other health considerations and, most importantly, the presence or absence of dehydration. Dying of thirst, however, can happen within mere hours. In another Scientific American article, professor of biology at George Washington University Randall K. Packer, said that an adult in comfortable surroundings could potentially last a week sans-liquid.
When Fung talks about your body using your fat for fuel, hes talking about ketosis. To get into ketosis, you dont give your body any of its preferred grabn go fuelglucoseand force it to look for alternatives. When theres nothing coming into your piehole, the body will start shaking down fat cells for energy. Thats why all those ripped bros are so into fasting and the ketogenic state it puts them in. Theyll tell you that fasting and ketosis is whats gotten their body fat percentage down into the single digits and studies have shown that they may be right about that. What they dont talk too much about is that those abs may have come at a high price.
A byproduct of that conversion of paunch into available energy are ketone bodies. One way the body releases ketone bodies is through exhalation therefore making the breath sweet and fruity, says New York-based dietician Amy Shapiro, putting somewhat of a positive spin on the odor. Research has shown that breath acetone is reliable indication that you have gone into fat burning mode. You release ketone bodies through your breathand the smell is often unpleasant enough that the people you hangrily scared away by threatening to flay the next person you find pilfering your yogurt will stay away in fear of having their faces melted by your hellacious mouth farts.
Keep in mind, Shapiro doesnt consider the 72-hour fast as a way to achieve meaningful weight loss. You will likely lose more water weight than actually fat as your body uses its glycogen stores for fuel before dipping into actual fat, she says. As you release glycogen, you lose water and that is usually the reason for the rapid weight loss. Losing fat takes more time. Fasting proponent Fung, however, disagrees and maintains that you could lose 1.5 pounds of fat over a 72-hour period. For that reason, he recommends that people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 20 could put themselves at risk of malnutrition. Most people have much more fat than that, he says.
Traditionally, not eating for three days would be seen by most as a not smart move. In fact, in times and places of food scarcity, it would likely be viewed at the last word in stupidity. Provided you can get something to eat on Thursday however, padlocking your pantry on Monday may actually improve brain functionaccording to rodent studies, at least.
Researchers at Yale started injecting ghrelin into mice and found that their performance in learning and memory tests was increased by 30 percent. Another study at Swansea University in Wales added the hormone to mouse brain cells grown in a dish. The infusion it switched on a gene known to trigger neurogenesis, a process in which brain cells divide and multiply.
As mentioned, ghrelin production tapers off after a few days of not eating. In the interim, the stomach is secreting plenty of it. Shapiro says that this could be an adaptation from a time when food was often scarce and getting at it had as much to do with your cognitive ability as it did with how well you could throw a spear. During times of starvation, the body preserves two organs and then shrinks the rest, she explainsthe preserved organs are the brain and, in men, the testicles. Biologically, this is likely linked to the necessity of mental clarity to get out of starvation times or to survive long periods without food and to continue to grow the species.
Fasting is said to be a mental, physical, and spiritual reset, says Virginia Beach-based dietitian Jim White. He explains that people who have fasted for three days often report that it causes them to face their bottled-up emotions so that they are more mentally stable after fasting is completed. Additionally, those who fast learn to appreciate the little things that they may take for granted in everyday life, such as having a cold glass of water to drink or a bed to sleep in at night. By focusing on spiritual and mental connections during fasting instead of food and life inconveniences, mental clarity can be achieved.
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This Is What Happens to Your Body if You Don't Eat For Three Days - VICE
Does yoga help you lose weight? The best types and poses for weight loss – Business Insider Australia

Yoga is a practice that can help build a stronger connection between your mind and body. While there are many types of yoga, some focus more on meditation and mindfulness, and others focus on strength and endurance.
As part of a regular exercise regimen, yoga can help you lose weight because it burns calories. But perhaps the larger benefit of yoga is the potential to increase mindfulness, which can reduce stress and help you live a healthier overall lifestyle.
Yoga is a set of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that help participants focus on their breath and feel more connected to their bodies.
Yoga includes a heavy emphasis on bringing attention inward, says David Chesworth, ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Director at Hilton Head Health. Breathing is always a part of fitness, but in yoga youre really emphasising a certain type of breath that you connect with body positions and postures.
There are many different types of yoga, and while they all work on connecting breath with movement, some types of yoga are better suited for certain goals.
As part of a regular exercise routine, yoga can help you lose weight, but it isnt necessarily the best method for everyone.
When it comes to weight loss, youre gonna burn calories doing yoga, and so, it will help. Chesworth says. But I wouldnt necessarily say if youre trying to lose weight that yoga is the golden bullet.
In addition to the mental health benefits of yoga, the practice can increase flexibility, strengthen and tone muscles, and enhance mobility.
If youre already physically active, adding yoga to your exercise routine two or three times a week could help with your weight loss goals, Chesworth says. And if youre just starting out, you can aim for once a week and build up from there.
The type of yoga you do also plays a role in weight loss, Johnson says. Some of the more physically demanding styles of yoga, like Vinyasa or Bikram incorporate postures that are more aerobic and weight-bearing, meaning they burn more calories and build more muscle than other types of yoga, and may lead to faster weight loss.
Even just a few weeks of a regular yoga practice can lead to health benefits and weight loss. For example, a 2013 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed a 10-day yoga program resulted in weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease in overweight men. The men in the study had a body mass index (BMI) of 26 or greater and lost an average of 1.9 kg of weight.
Another 2013 study examined the effects of restorative yoga on overweight women and found those who participated in a 48-week yoga program lost more weight over a six month period than those who participated in a stretching program but not yoga. The yoga group lost 34 square centimeters of fat directly under the skin compared to 6 square centimeters for the group that participated in the stretching program.
While yoga may not burn as many calories as other aerobic exercises like jogging or walking, it can increase endurance and strength, which helps with weight loss, Johnson says.
A regular yoga practice can also increase mindfulness and reduce stress, which can help improve nutrition choices and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. For example, yoga may allow you to feel more in touch with your own body and respond better to hunger cues, or have a higher awareness of your eating habits and how to effectively change them.
If youre new to yoga, a good way to start is to reach out to a local studio or hire a yoga instructor.
With a few lessons from a private instructor, one can learn to perform common breathing exercises and postures, and learn a little more about the history and philosophy of yoga, Johnson says. An experienced instructor can guide an individual on the proper alignment of the body in the postures based on the individuals unique ability and experience.
If youre already active, but want to incorporate yoga as part of a weight loss plan, try working it in a couple days per week as a supplement to your other workouts, Cheswoeth says. If you feel intimidated by the idea of yoga or you dont have a local studio available to you, you can check out online resources, many of which are free and offer yoga for all types of levels.
Some poses you can start with at home include:
Start in a wide straddle. Point your right foot 90 degrees to the right and your left foot 10 to 15 degrees to the right as well. Look over your right, middle finger, so both your right foot and eyes are pointing to the right. Lengthen through the arms and bend your front knee so that its directly over your front heel. This pose can strengthen and build endurance in the legs and outer hips.
Sit on your mat and extend your legs in front of you. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms so they are parallel as well and hold for 30 seconds. This pose will strengthen your hip flexors and abdominal muscles.
Start on all fours, then step your feet back with your heels lifted. Strengthen through your arms as if youre about to do a pushup. Engage the core and hold for 30 seconds. This pose helps strengthen the core and burn belly fat.
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Does yoga help you lose weight? The best types and poses for weight loss - Business Insider Australia
Want to Lose the Belly Fat? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Potbelly.Beer belly. Muffin top. Spare tire. Regardless of what you call it, excessbelly fat is frustrating.
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For most people, the appearance of excess weight around the midsection is their biggest concern. But obesity medicine specialist W. Scott Butsch, MD, says the bigger issue is the increased health risks that come with belly fat.
Abdominalfat is visceral fat, stubborn fat that surrounds the organs deep within theabdomen. Researchers have proved that excess visceral fat increases a personsrisk of metabolic diseases, including:
Dr.Butsch says belly fat affects men and women differently: Men are more likelyto havemore belly fat (orvisceral fat) than premenopausal women. But aftermenopause, women begin to gain more weight in their abdominal area.
An easy wayto gauge abdominal weight gain is to just pay attention to how your pants fitor the notch on your belt, says Dr. Butsch. If things are tight, then thatmay be an early warning sign of potential health problems.
Waistcircumference correlates to visceral fat. For men, a waist circumferenceapproaching 40 inches indicates increased risk. For women, 35 inches raises ared flag.
Patientswant to know why they cant just do sit-ups to melt away the fat, says Dr.Butsch. When you do sit-ups, youre increasing muscles in the abdomen, butthat doesnt specificallytarget the visceral fat that is around the organsdeeper in the body. Instead, Dr. Butsch recommends these strategies to trim thebelly fat:
Weight lossalone can effectively reduce visceral fat, says Dr. Butsch. By losing 10% ofyour body weight, you may lose up to 30% of your body fat.
Talk to your doctor about a weight-loss method that is right for you. While there are lots of options to choose from, Dr. Butsch recommends you avoid fasting for long periods. Prolonged fasts cause the body to hold onto the visceral fat, making it tougher to lose. If fasting is your jam, an intermittent or time-restricted fasting approach may be more effective for losing belly fat.
Exercises that increase the heart rate and make you sweat help you lose weight in general both visceral fat and the subcutaneous fat under the skin. Aerobic exercise burns overall calories and helps you reduce total body fat.
Dr. Butsch says the key to losing abdominal visceral fat seems to lie in a combination approach. He suggests trying 20 minutes of whole-body strength training plus a cardio routine to strengthen muscle cells and increase fat burn.
Fructose, or sugar, causes fat cells to mature faster, specifically in the visceral fat. A diet filled with fructose-containing sodas or drinks not only increases your calorie intake, but it impacts how the belly fat develops.
If youre feeling stressed out, especially right now that were in the middle of a pandemic, your body is likely releasing the stress hormone, cortisol, into the bloodstream. This can not only lead to weight gain, but theres also a strong link between an increase in cortisol and higher amounts of visceral fat.
Do your best tode-stress if you want to whittle your middle. Dr. Butsch states yoga,meditation, therapy and physical activity as ways to dial down your stresslevel.
See more here:
Want to Lose the Belly Fat? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic
Does yoga help you lose weight? The best types and poses for weight loss – Business Insider

captionSome types of yoga are better suited for losing weight.sourceTom Werner/Getty Images
Yoga is a practice that can help build a stronger connection between your mind and body. While there are many types of yoga, some focus more on meditation and mindfulness, and others focus on strength and endurance.
As part of a regular exercise regimen, yoga can help you lose weight because it burns calories. But perhaps the larger benefit of yoga is the potential to increase mindfulness, which can reduce stress and help you live a healthier overall lifestyle.
Yoga is a set of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that help participants focus on their breath and feel more connected to their bodies.
Yoga includes a heavy emphasis on bringing attention inward, says David Chesworth, ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Director at Hilton Head Health. Breathing is always a part of fitness, but in yoga youre really emphasizing a certain type of breath that you connect with body positions and postures.
There are many different types of yoga, and while they all work on connecting breath with movement, some types of yoga are better suited for certain goals.
As part of a regular exercise routine, yoga can help you lose weight, but it isnt necessarily the best method for everyone.
When it comes to weight loss, youre gonna burn calories doing yoga, and so, it will help. Chesworth says. But I wouldnt necessarily say if youre trying to lose weight that yoga is the golden bullet.
In addition to the mental health benefits of yoga, the practice can increase flexibility, strengthen and tone muscles, and enhance mobility.
If youre already physically active, adding yoga to your exercise routine two or three times a week could help with your weight loss goals, Chesworth says. And if youre just starting out, you can aim for once a week and build up from there.
The type of yoga you do also plays a role in weight loss, Johnson says. Some of the more physically demanding styles of yoga, like Vinyasa or Bikram incorporate postures that are more aerobic and weight-bearing, meaning they burn more calories and build more muscle than other types of yoga, and may lead to faster weight loss.
Even just a few weeks of a regular yoga practice can lead to health benefits and weight loss. For example, a 2013 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed a 10-day yoga program resulted in weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease in overweight men. The men in the study had a body mass index (BMI) of 26 or greater and lost an average of 1.9 kg of weight.
Another 2013 study examined the effects of restorative yoga on overweight women and found those who participated in a 48-week yoga program lost more weight over a six month period than those who participated in a stretching program but not yoga. The yoga group lost 34 square centimeters of fat directly under the skin compared to 6 square centimeters for the group that participated in the stretching program.
While yoga may not burn as many calories as other aerobic exercises like jogging or walking, it can increase endurance and strength, which helps with weight loss, Johnson says.
A regular yoga practice can also increase mindfulness and reduce stress, which can help improve nutrition choices and contribute to a healthier lifestyle. For example, yoga may allow you to feel more in touch with your own body and respond better to hunger cues, or have a higher awareness of your eating habits and how to effectively change them.
If youre new to yoga, a good way to start is to reach out to a local studio or hire a yoga instructor.
With a few lessons from a private instructor, one can learn to perform common breathing exercises and postures, and learn a little more about the history and philosophy of yoga, Johnson says. An experienced instructor can guide an individual on the proper alignment of the body in the postures based on the individuals unique ability and experience.
If youre already active, but want to incorporate yoga as part of a weight loss plan, try working it in a couple days per week as a supplement to your other workouts, Cheswoeth says. If you feel intimidated by the idea of yoga or you dont have a local studio available to you, you can check out online resources, many of which are free and offer yoga for all types of levels.
Some poses you can start with at home include:
Start in a wide straddle. Point your right foot 90 degrees to the right and your left foot 10 to 15 degrees to the right as well. Look over your right, middle finger, so both your right foot and eyes are pointing to the right. Lengthen through the arms and bend your front knee so that its directly over your front heel. This pose can strengthen and build endurance in the legs and outer hips.
Sit on your mat and extend your legs in front of you. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms so they are parallel as well and hold for 30 seconds. This pose will strengthen your hip flexors and abdominal muscles.
Start on all fours, then step your feet back with your heels lifted. Strengthen through your arms as if youre about to do a pushup. Engage the core and hold for 30 seconds. This pose helps strengthen the core and burn belly fat.
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Does yoga help you lose weight? The best types and poses for weight loss - Business Insider
Is Any Weight-Loss Diet Plan Better Than the Rest? – Muscle & Fitness

When it comes to choosing a weight-loss dietto follow, things arent always clear-cut. From Atkins to Mediterranean or DASH, there are so many options promising fast results that it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. But as it turns out, it probably doesnt matter which diet you follow if your goal is to kickstart weight loss.
In a new study published in The BMJ, researchers separated 14 popular diets like Weight Watchers, South Beach, and Atkins into three groups: low-carb, low-fat, and moderate-macronutrient. They looked at the results of 121 randomized trialsa total of 21,942 people following the various diet plansto find out which are the most effective for weight loss and overall health.
Compared to people who werent given any specific diet instructions to follow, those who followed any of the low-carb or low-fat diet plans had similar weight-loss results (about 8-11 pounds) and better blood pressure after six months. People on moderate-macronutrient diets still saw improvements, just slightly less.
The bad news is that by the time the one-year mark came around, the weight-loss and cardiovascular effects of the diets had all but disappearedexcept in the case of the the Mediterranean diet, which was also the only one that significantly lowered LDL cholesterol (the bad one) levels.
Each diet plan had slightly different results, but there was no clear winner in the end as far as this studys authors are concerned. So instead of stressing over choosing a diet that will help you lose the most weight, they suggest going for the strategy that sounds most appealing to you, according to a release.
Considering the way most of the benefits all but came to a halt by just a year later, the most important aspect may be deciding on a strategy to maintain any weight loss and health improvements that come from following a weight-loss diet plan.
Their advice is to take it easy on the sugar, salt and alcohol and eat more vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Hopefully, youre not shocked by this information. If this is news to you, it may be best to just clean out your fridge and start repopulating it with some healthier ingredients.
The rest is here:
Is Any Weight-Loss Diet Plan Better Than the Rest? - Muscle & Fitness
Woman who lost third of her body weight vowed not to put it back on in lockdown – this is how she’s doing it – Daily Post

A woman who lost more than eight stone after the sudden death of her father and sister says she is determined to keep the weight off during lockdown.
Ezme Rutherford-Hallam, from Holywell in Flintshire, lost 8st 7lbs following the Weight Watchers plan for 18 months.
After the lockdown was announced last month, the 40-year-old was determined to keep going and managed to lose another 6lbs during the first three weeks.
The former gift shop owner weighed more than 24 stone when she first committed to losing the weight having been "in and out" of Weight Watchers since her teens.
She has been following the plan using the virtual groups that have been set up to help people get by while social distancing rules are in place.
Ezme said: "I'm not doing any exercise at the moment for health reasons but before lockdown I was doing up to eight fitness classes a week and swimming.
"It's been a shock to the system and it's very hard not being able to do anything and being limited.
"At the moment I'm 2lbs below my goal weight having lost 6lbs over the first three weeks of lockdown.
"I'm still following the Weight Watchers plan and doing the virtual classes but I'm not as on top of it as I would be if I was going to the classes because I'm out of routine.
"The virtual classes are great because you can dip in and out of different ones so I've been doing ones in the Wirral, Chester and North Wales as I'm really conscious of putting any weight back on.
"Before lockdown I started to realise that I was an emotional eater so I need to make sure I'm not boredom eating which is easier to do when you're at work or out and about.
"I do miss the physical groups, when they told us they were closing them my heart sank but I'm so glad the virtual ones are available, they didn't just leave us hanging.
"It probably has affected the older generation or people who don't have Facebook or those who aren't tech-savvy but for the majority of us it's been so helpful.
"It's really helped keep me on track and with being able to go to loads of different online classes you get to meet new people and get different advice from people you would never meet otherwise.
"It took me 18 months to lose the weight but when I look in the mirror I still see myself as bigger.
"If you show me a picture of me before and put it next to a picture of me now it's obvious how much I've lost but because it happened so gradually I don't really see it in my reflection.
"I do have a lot of excess skin after the weight loss but who cares, if other people don't like it then they don't have to look at me."
Ezme says she has always been in and out of Weight Watchers after years of he grandmother telling her she "would be pretty if you were thin".
She added: "I could never understand why my grandmother would say those things because she was a big lady herself.
"I come from a big-bodied family and would say that the majority of them are obese, none of us are skinny but she would always be very derogatory about our weight.
"She was quite horrible and hypocritical as she would take sweets and chocolate up to bed with her at night."
The final push came when she suddenly lost her father, Harold, to a brain tumour in 2014.
In the meantime her sister, Mirraelle, was hospitalised and caught a flesh eating bug and needed emergency surgery to save her life.
Ezme, who works in a bakery, said: "My sister was fighting for her life when my dad died so I think all of the stress and heartache from that made me lose weight quicker.
"She pulled through and I carried on losing weight steadily."
Tragically in October 2016 Ezme's sister died of chronic heart failure at 45 years old just 48 hours after getting married.
"We went from cloud nine to the depths of despair within two days.
"We were still replying to lovely comments on the pictures of her wedding day on Facebook when we had to start telling people that sadly she had passed away.
"Once again this impacted on my weight and I began losing at a faster pace and decided that I was going to do it once and for all.
"I realised that it was only me and my mum now and that was no age for my sister to die and it was a sort of lightbulb moment for me.
"I lost three to four pounds a week at first and then it slowed down to one or two but I'm OK with that, a loss is a loss.
"My goal was to get to 15 stone and 5lbs and I'm below that now so I'm happy.
"I will never be a bikini girl anyway.
"I actually got to target while working at the bakery which shocks people.
"I do have a cheat day every Thursday after I get weighed because it's not about totally depriving yourself it's about being responsible with it and carrying on living your life.
"No government lockdown will stop me from maintaining my goal weight."
Read the rest here:
Woman who lost third of her body weight vowed not to put it back on in lockdown - this is how she's doing it - Daily Post
This is the best time of day to exercise, backed by science – CNET

For many people, early morning or late evening is the only time of day to exercise. Which is best?
Finding time to exercise is really a challenge for many people. Exercise is important, but everyone also has lives with jobs, families, significant others, friends, household duties, errands and, you know, the need for rest and sleep.
Where does exercise fit in, then? Is it better to wake up at the crack of dawn (or earlier) to squeeze in a sweat session, or should you push yourself to extend your long day another 30 to 60 minutes?
Both morning and evening exercise have health benefits and potential pitfalls, but for most people, the right time to exercise is not about how many calories you burn or how much weight you lift -- it's more about how you feel when exercising and how exercise fits into your daily schedule.
Read more: Lose fat and gain muscle at the same time: Yes you can
The best time of day to exercise is whenever you can do so consistently.
Let's get this out of the way first: The best time to work out is whenever you can. We don't all have schedules that allow for a 90-minute workout, green smoothies with collagen and a 20-minute session with a Theragun, unfortunately.
If your only time of day to exercise is before work, then morning is best. If you reserve physical activity for packed evenings, there's a good chance you won't ever get to it.
Likewise, if you can only squash 20 minutes of exercise into your day right before you get ready for bed, that's the best time to work out.
I want to add a note on consistency, though: The best time to exercise is whenever you can, but the best-best time of day to exercise is the time you can stick with for days, weeks and months.
For example, if you're the person who only has 20 minutes at night, but you keep finding yourself skipping it, ask yourself if there's a way you can fit it into your morning instead. Perhaps you go to bed 20 minutes earlier and wake up 20 minutes earlier -- now you're still getting in your 20 minutes of exercise; it's just shifted your schedule a tad.
The fact of the matter is that people who exercise consistently see better weight loss and fitness results in the long-term. Research also suggests that your body can adapt to regular training schedules, so if you work out every morning, you will probably get a lot better at working out in the morning, and the same in regard to nighttime workouts.
That all said, morning workouts and night workouts both have their advantages and disadvantages as evidenced by decades of scientific research -- let's discuss.
Morning workouts truly do have an edge, according to multiple research studies, and offer a list of benefits that might even sway some night owls to get their fitness on in the morning.
Can help you establish a fitness routine: People who exercise in the morning are often more consistent simply because morning workouts leave less room for excuses. If you workout first thing in the morning, you can't skip it in the evening because duties piled up.
May improve your sleep cycle: Waking up early might be difficult at first, but research suggests that a morning exercise habit can shift your circadian rhythm so that your body is naturally more alert in the morning and more tired in the evening, so you fall asleep earlier and can exercise in the morning again. Morning exercise also seems to boost deep sleep more than evening exercise, according to some research. Plus, sleep helps facilitate muscle growth, so you might even see more strength gains if your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle improve.
Might burn more fat: Exercising on an empty stomach -- in the "fasted state" -- is proven to burn more fat than exercising after a meal (in the "fed state"). This happens because your body must utilize fat stores that already exist to fuel exercise, rather than use the food you just ate as fuel. Other research also shows that the "afterburn" lasts longer when you exercise in the morning, which might help you lose weight over time.
Can make you more productive: Research has found that exercising in the morning has a beneficial effect on energy levels, alertness, focus and decision-making, which can translate to a more productive work day.
May boost your mood throughout the day: Morning workouts are a great way to start each day on a high note -- the endorphins or "happy chemicals" your body produces in response to exercise can keep your mood elevated long past your hour-long workout. The sense of accomplishment you get after completing a workout can also set you up for an optimistic day.
You might feel groggy for your morning workout if your alarm wakes you up from deep sleep.
Though a morning exercise habit can be a powerful part of a healthy lifestyle, early morning workouts have their drawbacks, too. When you exercise first thing in the morning, a few things can make your workout a little wonky.
You might be running on low fuel: If you didn't eat enough the evening before, you might find yourself battling serious hunger mid-workout. If you wake up hungry most days, try eating a larger dinner or a small, protein-dense snack before bed. You can also eat a small, carb-heavy snack before your morning workout, such as a banana, to help avoid hunger and hunger-related fatigue.
You may interrupt deep sleep: Depending on your sleep cycle, an early-morning alarm might puncture deep sleep. This can result in sleep inertia (feeling groggy for a while after you wake up), as well as chronic fatigue if it happens often.
Physical performance isn't at its peak: Most people don't roll out of bed feeling nimble and fired up. You might experience stiffness in your joints and temporary inflexibility. You should loosen up as you warm up, but studies actually show that certain strength markers, including peak power, are higher in the evening.
It takes longer to warm up: Speaking of warm-ups, there's a key reason you might not feel as strong or powerful during morning workouts: Your core body temperature is lower. This makes warming up crucial for morning workouts -- jumping into a workout, rather than slowly easing in, can result in injury. This is true all of the time, but especially when your body is cooler. Your heart rate is also slower in the morning (that's the best time to find your true resting heart rate), which also contributes to needing a longer warm-up.
I envy those who can fit in a workout between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. That would be my ideal time to exercise if I could do so consistently. I feel more ready for exercise in the afternoon: more flexible, more mobile, more physically energetic. I also feel stronger and faster.
For me, those feelings subside around the 5 p.m. mark, but I digress -- most people experience these physiological adaptations throughout the day, which makes afternoon and evening the best time to exercise for many reasons.
Your physical performance might improve: Research shows that most people function better, physically speaking, later in the day. Muscle strength, flexibility, power output and endurance are all better in the evening than they are in the morning. Plus, people who exercise in the evening take up to 20% longer to reach the point of exhaustion.
Your body gets warmer as the day goes on: Since your core temperature is warmer later in the day, many people can get into the groove faster for afternoon and evening workouts. You should still warm up though!
Hormones are on your side: Testosterone is important for building muscle in men and women, and your body might produce more of it during afternoon workouts than morning workouts, resulting in greater strength and muscle gains.
Late-day exercise can relieve stress: Exercise is always a good way to relieve stress, but working out at night can really help you blow off some steam. The surge of endorphins you get during and after exercise can be a sweet nightcap that helps you wind down before bed.
Might help replace bad habits: If you have some evening or nighttime habits you want to replace -- like snacking, drinking, smoking or watching too much TV -- allow exercise to swoop in and take their place. Once you get into the practice of exercising at night, you might find yourself surprised that you don't even miss your old habits.
If you wait until evening to exercise, you might find yourself battling a lack of motivation.
The above benefits to afternoon and evening workouts might automatically tempt you to designate the latter part of the day to exercise, but you should consider a couple of potential downsides, too.
Might interfere with sleep: The blanket statement that exercising at night is detrimental to sleep is a myth. That's not true for everyone -- scientists have found that exercising at night may have no effects on sleep at all, and some may even get a better night's sleep -- but some people might experience jitters if they work out too close to bedtime. This generally only applies to intense exercise, like CrossFit or HIIT, as yoga, stretching and other gentle exercises can actually improve your sleep when performed before bed.
May cause problems with consistency: If you're like many people, exercising at night may not work for you simply because you are too tired after a long day. Afternoon and evening workouts might interfere with daily responsibilities, especially if things tend to pile up during the day. If that sounds like you, try shifting your daily routine to fit in a short morning workout.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
Original post:
This is the best time of day to exercise, backed by science - CNET
Beyond Weight Loss: Healthy New Year Resolutions – News Lagoon

The guide wireless home security camera system is created to give you a further idea and knowledge before you buy a wireless security system for your home or/and business. Finding the best-suited security device system can be challenging for most of us while looking at the numerous options available nowadays. Once you are about to consider buying a wireless camera security system for you will find these feature comparisons and reviews very much helpful.
With all the options out there we are put together this guide to help you find the best Home Security Camera to match your needs.
Certainly, it all depends on your needs. If you are running a business, its likely that you may want to monitor both indoors and outdoors, in that case, a whole security system is the best choice. For homes, a single low budget home camera system might be ideal if you have a single monitoring place such as a front door, back door or your childs bedroom as an example.
This model from eufyCam is a 100% wire-free model and is a weatherproof-rated camera (IP65), it also best things is that can be run 365 days (or in standby mode up to 3 years) with a single charge. Unfortunately, this model has no human detection and face recognition features.
The resolution is 1080P Full HD which is combined with night vision technology, this model will provide crystal clear quality day and night.
We have already mentioned this model is 100% wire-freewhat does it mean no monthly fees and other costs. This model comes with microSD card from 16GB, with this storage you can recording up to 1 year, Single-camera system can record up to 10 videos per day, the length of the videos is up to 30 secondsIt also the installation of these cameras is very easy and simple.
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This wireless home security camera has a high-quality sensor and the resolution is 1080P HD, it also has 940nm infrared LEDs. The rotation is around 360 degrees, 94 degrees vertically and 355 degrees horizontally.Nooie Cam 360 has motion tracking and sound is detected, you can use the app to setup manually all features.With this model, you can have 24/7 live streaming from your home, office or wherever you place it, you will receive real-time notifications to your smartphone when any motion or sound is detected. You can also use this model as a baby phone.
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This small but powerful model can be very useful for your home or office, with the resolution1080P HD and vertical rotation 90 and coverage up to 360. You can always check whats happened on your house or wherever you place it, via smartphone (Supports android and IOS)
The indoor camera with night vision feature and built-in 940nm infrared LED beads will send live streaming (calls and listening) through the mobile app, this is app alerts with a snapshot and record directly to your phone (SD Card Required). The viewing distance for this camera is to 9-48 ft,(2.7 14 Meters). This model has intelligent motion detection, a built-in mic with two-way voice and speaker.The advantage of this model is that always you will in touch with your home anytime, anywhere.
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The resolution from 1080p Full HD will give you crystal clear images in day and night mode. This Wi-Fi camera is ideal for your home or business, this camera can work alone, it can also work in a group with Mac, PC, iOS and Android apps. Another good feature is that it can perform like an add-on camera if you already had any xmartO Wi-Fi camera systems.
This model has PIR and Video Dual Motion Detection, the camera will detect if any animals are or a human, and the good feature that ignores light changes and tree movements. If you have an unwanted visitor, you will receive notification through the application, the notification will be a video clip who will show you what happened.
The 2-way audio and the siren will help you to hear and talk with your visitors or to deter strangers away from your home with your warning.This camera can be used anywhere indoors or outdoors because is IP65 weather-resistance. The videos will be recorded on Micro SDcard with the storage up to 128GB, or Cloud storage in the future.
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This tiny model of wireless home security camera you can set it up in any part of your home or office, no matter whether it is dark or light this model has an infrared night vision sensor.
Moving detections will record automatically when any objects appear and moving front of the camera when no more moving subject will automatically return to standby.This model is very easy and simple for use just plug and play.The storage up to 32GB with a TF card.
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Read this article:
Beyond Weight Loss: Healthy New Year Resolutions - News Lagoon
What Are Meal-Replacement Shakes And Should Anyone Be Using Them? – Coach

If youre looking to lose weight in a hurry, meal-replacement shakes can look like a very tempting option. These shakes aim to provide the nutrition you need in a convenient, low-calorie drink, so you dont have to go into great detail with a diet plan or learn a load of new recipes to make healthier meals.
However, that doesnt mean they are a good idea or will even be effective. When we asked dietitian Anna Daniels, speaking on behalf of the British Dietetic Association, about them, she warned that meal-replacement shakes were not something shed normally recommend.
Meal-replacement shakes are basically a liquid that can be drunk in place of a meal.
It is not normally something that I recommend, certainly not for weight loss. If someone is wanting to lose weight, looking at their whole diet and lifestyle and making smaller, longer-term changes would be a better approach for long-term weight management. The risk with a meal-replacement shake is that they tend to be a shorter-term approach, and taking up this kind of diet mindset often wont work in the long term. However, it does depend on the individual and in some cases it can be a useful tool to kick-start a plan.
There really is no need to use shakes if you can properly plan your meals and create meals with fewer calories or better nutrition. However, they may be useful for someone who is time-poor and cant plan meals and create lower-calorie versions. That is when a meal replacement can be an easy and fast way of getting in nutrients and ensuring that you are receiving the ideal energy requirements for your individual needs.
You can find these shakes at many health food shops or online sites. However, they dont all have the adequate and balanced nutrients of a nutritious meal, so its important to choose the right one for your needs.
Some weight-loss shakes can also be high in added sugar, so be sure to read the labels, choosing nutritionally complete shakes where possible.
For someone who, in the short term, just wants to replace one meal per day with a light 200-calorie shake, it wouldnt be so imperative that the shake is nutritionally complete. However, if you want to replace more meals [which, again, isnt something Daniels normally recommends], then ensuring the shake provides adequate nutrients, vitamins and minerals along with fibre is essential.
Read the original here:
What Are Meal-Replacement Shakes And Should Anyone Be Using Them? - Coach