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Learning to Meal Prep Helped Me Drop 53 Pounds and Get Ripped – Men’s Health

As a high school athlete, I let myself believe that eating junk food was OK. I would eat anything and everything from whole boxes of pizza to platters of Chinese food. And as the pounds crept up on me, starting in my sophomore year, I just kept saying to myself, I need to be this big to play football. I knew I was gaining weight, and everyone around me noticed too, but I would lie and say I only put on a couple pounds.
I would try to lose weight by cutting out certain foods and it worked... sometimes. I would lose 20 pounds, then gain it right back with a couple additional pounds. I continued this cycle throughout high school and into college. It wasnt until I finally decided to step on a scale, after not weighing myself for a year, that I realized I gained the sophomore 60 instead of the freshman 15: I went from 225 to 285.
In January, 2019, the second semester of my sophomore year, I reached my heaviest weight: 291. But it wasnt just the weight, I couldnt run for more than a minute without gasping for air. I was miserable. I stopped looking in mirrors because all I would see is the weight. I felt judged by everyone.
Even after feeling all those terrible things, I continued to eat an unhealthy diet. It was like I was addicted to junk food. But I didnt want to feel the way I felt anymore. I wanted to look in the mirror again and be happy. So, I knew I had to make a change, but I didn't know how.
So I turned to my older brother who was already a gym-goer. He asked if I would try this no-sugar diet with him to see if we both could drop a couple pounds. (I needed it more though!). I agreed to cut out high-calorie drinks and processed food for one month.
I started to see results and was motivated to do more. I researched how to cut body fat, and it turned out this is done in the kitchen. When I learned this, my whole diet changed drastically. I ate only chicken or beef, rice, and veggies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and drank over a gallon of water a day.
In order to keep up with my new diet, I had to start buying foods in bulk. I prepped meals for the following week, which sounds like a lot at first, but you get used to it. I stopped eating out as much because its hard to find the right foods in most restaurants. Luckily, there are so many ways to prepare chicken with rice and veggies. If youre on a budget like me, know that a rotisserie chicken can go a long way.
I never had a problem going to the gym, but when I got there, I wouldnt do any real exercises. My friends and I would just compete on who could bench press the most.
I joined my brothers gym and we started going six days a week, working two muscle groups a day. (For example, chest and triceps, back and biceps, and legs and shoulders.) Sundays were for recovery (light stretching and cardio). I picked a reasonable time during the day that worked around my schedule. This way I could gradually add going to the gym to my daily routine, and when it becomes a routine it tends to stick. The process was grueling but after the first month I began to see significant results, which motivated me to do more.
Within three months, I dropped 30 pounds. Then, I had to slow down for a bit because I was dropping weight too fast, and in order to play on the defensive line at my college I had to be over a certain weight. I lost a total amount of 53 pounds over the course of a year, bringing me to 238. I am more than satisfied with not only how I look, but how I feel. Ive never felt this good and I dont plan on stopping anytime soon.
I learned through football that consistency and hard work will always guarantee a chance of you succeeding in whatever you want to do in life. Youre promised nothing in this world but in order to achieve your goals you must work hard. My advice to anyone getting started is dont be afraid to fail and dont ever quit. Dont listen to outside noises, either. Stay dedicated and stay focused and I guarantee you will see great results.
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Learning to Meal Prep Helped Me Drop 53 Pounds and Get Ripped - Men's Health
‘My 600-lb Life’: Dominic says he is ‘homeless’ but huge fast-food bill makes it hard for fans to trust him – MEAWW

Dominic Hernandez has been struggling with his weight ever since he was a child and despite having parents who loved him dearly, life just happened to push him towards food addiction. Dominic revealed it all started when his parents started fighting and it got worse when they divorced.
After the divorce, Dominic was abandoned by his father which led him to stay with his mother, it was a period where he was abused by some of his relatives who were a little older than him. When that finally stopped, Dominic thought that his life would be changing for the better but when he was 25, he found out that his mother had diabetes.
When he was 34, his mom passed away and he and his brother, James, decided to continue staying in the house. Unfortunately, since they did not have any money to pay the rent, the house was sold and they were left to stay in their van. Dominic revealed he has some of the relatives staying in the same city but they took every little money that they would have got from their grandmother's fund, leaving them penniless.
Dominic revealed that being homeless is scary because one never knows if they will be alive the next day or not. He revealed that there is a lot of uncertainty attached to it as there are many other homeless people and addicts that walk around at night. To add to this, they also had to steer clear of the cops who might ask them to move.
Despite having very limited money, Dominic revealed that food is one thing that he does not compromise on. He revealed that often he would choose food over taking a hotel to shower. He further revealed that he gets support from the government and sometimes, James takes up small jobs to work.
The show also showcased the brother driving down to McDonald's and ordering some food. Fans were surprised at how much food the two ordered and estimated the amount it would have been. These made many wonder if the brothers were really homeless or if they were just faking it.
"They ordered the entire menu (approximately $50) x 3 meals per day, but homeless. He said they get a good amount of extra money/assistance, but spends it on food. As someone who works with the homeless, many dont get ANY extra assistance but wish they could. If my peeps got that kind of money they wouldnt be on the street- TRUST. Im annoyed. These guys are choosing to be homeless. Period," one viewer wrote.
Another added, "Now hold on...hes homeless but ordering the whole menu at McDonalds? Stop the madness." Some even wondered "If they made up this story of being homeless just to get on the show."
Another echoed similar thoughts and wrote, "James & Dominic homeless but ordering tons of fast food. I work ten hours a day & cant even afford fast food." While many found it hard to believe that Dominic and his brother were homeless, the only thing on Dominic's mind is to lose weight as he prepares to go meet Dr Younan Nowzaradan.
'My 600-lb Life' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on TLC.
Excerpt from:
'My 600-lb Life': Dominic says he is 'homeless' but huge fast-food bill makes it hard for fans to trust him - MEAWW
Kelly Clarkson boasts new, slim and sensual figure on the Billboard 2018 – Play Crazy Game

Kelly Clarkson has not been afraid to talk about her weight after giving birth to her daughter and says he does not care about the criticism you receive in the networks with respect to their figure.
On one occasion pointed out that in its beginnings, the tremendous amount of pressures that had led her to suffer from an eating disorder very important.
When Im fat is because I am happy. People think that it must have happened something bad, because Ive gained weight. But no, sorry, it simply represents the happiness of my emotional world, he said on that occasion.
Proof of that was that in the American Music Awards 2017 and the Golden Globes 2018 were shown with outfits that highlighted their extra pounds.
These designs will not sit well and caused some criticism in social networks.
Seem to be one of the judges in the reality show The Voice helped her to lose incredibly weight and so he proved.
The singer arrived at the Billboard Music Awards in a tight black dress that showed that she had dropped some pounds.
She did not hesitate in showing off your new, slim and sensual figure until he made that the networks ask
Without a doubt some, her look not only surprised his fans but also led to dozens of comments flattering.
Clarkson broke at the start of the delivery of the Billboard 2018, when talking about the shooting at a school in Texas that left 10 dead.
he said that the production of the gala asked him to start driving with a minute of silence for the victims, but she is already tired of minutes of silence that they are not used to the wave of crimes by guns.
Tonight they wanted a minute of silence, but I am so tired of the minute of silence, so why dont we take a moment for action, why dont we change what happens, because this is horrible. Parents should not fear sending their children to school, to church or to the cinema. I ask that now in your houses,act for change, he said.
The singer is set to host the awards this year, and during its opening surprised the audience with their musical presentation, as it played a medley of the hits of the top 100 of Billboard.
See the original post here:
Kelly Clarkson boasts new, slim and sensual figure on the Billboard 2018 - Play Crazy Game
Fast Slimming: 6 expert tips to boost the fat burning – The KXAN 36 News

Who knows it: The body is already erschlankt, but the last excess fat on the belly does not want to simply disappear. The solution: you need to boost the burning of fat!
The fat that has been deposited there, often very persistent. What helps to make it melt? The sports sessions are more intense? Still eat less? Or maybe something completely different? The Professor Dr. Ingo Frobse of the German sport University in Cologne-and-white.
Not only sugar, but also the fat-burning boost
The body must learn the fat burning once again, says a sports scientist. In everyday life, he added, the body often, on the combustion of sugar to cope with stress.
however, he does not touch the fat on the belly or elsewhere in the first place. The body should be in the position to burn without activity fat, says the expert.
endurance sport with time
helps boost according to Frobse, first of all endurance sports. The fat burning works best with a moderate load. The pulse should be about 180 minus your age, says Frobse. Cheap at least a half-hour of exercise at a stretch to travel, for example Cycling, running or swimming.
it is Important, the burden with the time to adapt to a stimulus, says Frobse. This offer, first, to increase the duration of the training session. I do not recommend to increase the intensity of the load, but to train longer, he says.
Who else is gone a half-hour run, you can try, for example, how he feels with a unit of 45 minutes.
Big muscles dont burn a lot of energy
That alone is sufficient to the fat-burning boost. You can still optimize. The sports scientist, says: So that the body burns even at rest, energy is still something else important and those are big muscles. He recommends, therefore, to make not only Endurance, but also strength training.
the body also benefits when the load increases with the time. Should you choose so that you can do 10 to 15 repetitions of an Exercise. The last few repetitions should be difficult for a right, says Frobse. Who on the other hand creates loose 30 reps, has chosen the load is too low.
nutrition plays an important role for the metabolism of fat
plays But not only Sport, also the diet has an important role for the metabolism of fat. I recommend a biorhythmic diet, says Frobse. This is determined by the needs of the body and provides him any time of the day with what he needed the most.
in the Morning you should assist the body with energy, says the sports scientist. This he can use the fastest-in the Form of carbohydrates. At lunch you should bring, especially nutrients, advises the expert. Finally, in the evening, a protein-rich food cheap. This may mean, for example, to eat in the Morning oatmeal, lunch of grilled vegetables or a salad and to keep the evening on chicken or cottage cheese.
breaks between meals
Who is snacks in between, healthy, and often believes that he is doing something Good for yourself. An Apple, nuts or a yogurt in the afternoon, at the Desk, but not a good idea, if you want to stimulate the burning of fat. It is crucial that you comply with breaks between meals, says Frobse. This should be at least four to five hours long.
The body has to draw on its reserves, the expert says. But if he is constantly sugar in the blood, then the energy demand is covered. The fat storage of the body does not touch then in the first place and the belly will remain fat. If you like, you can prolong the breaks between the meals and in between, six, eight or even ten hours of fasting.
Better the Finger of fat burners
It has been shown that between meals is not favorable, says Frobse. When the body has constantly of sugar available, and if it is only by an Apple, can form with time, even a fatty liver. So: Better to have something to hold on to snacking instead of in between. If you are no longer able to withstand it now, for once, are nuts, or Quark, of course, from all beneficial for the body than a candy bar.
The so-called fat burners are available which are designed to stimulate fat metabolism. Their effect is not scientifically proven often. In addition, there are products that are mostly available on the Internet, the severe side effects can cause. In them, substances such as caffeine are dosed so high that you lawn-to-heart, gastro-intestinal problems and insomnia. Here applies: Better to leave it alone. The risk is high, either to buy an expensive product, not at all, or but serious side effects. You have to train diligently, but it is still too much fat over your muscles? The belly just wont go away? Then you should know these six simple tips to burn fat!
Some foods have a favorable effect from
Who would have supported the body, can help out with food. The effect is, overall, manageable, but some foods can help fat metabolism. Is suitable, for example, black, green and white tea, says Frobse. Anything that stimulates the metabolism, has a beneficial effect. Also ginger tea or tea with Ginseng, for example. The Finger should, however, fruit teas, says Frobse. However, fructose is dissolved in the water and also the is not conducive to fat metabolism.
the coffee is also suitable to support fat burning, as he accelerated by the caffeine the metabolism. The same is not true however, so strong, if you drink regular coffee, because the body gets used to the caffeine and not so strong to react. It is also important that you drink really coffee and not products such as Macchiato or Cappuccino chooses, says Frobse. They contain a lot of calories and resemble more of a Snack.
Best Mix: Smart food and exercise
Also spices can bring the metabolism up to speed, and thus the burning of fat support. Pepper is with its sharpness to be particularly favorable, says a sports scientist. Also Chili and ginger have a stimulating effect. You can tell by the fact that it comes to sweat, if it is something Sharp, says Frobse. So: Always in a good season, smart food, the muscles and the stamina to think then the annoying belly fat is to forget soon.
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*The contribution of Faster and easier way to lose weight: Six tips will help to fat-burning boost will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.
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Fast Slimming: 6 expert tips to boost the fat burning - The KXAN 36 News
What is the fastest bicycle tubeless wheel and tire setup? – VeloNews

Lennard Zinn went in search of the most aerodynamic combination of rim and tubeless tire. Here's what he found.
Of all of the forces opposing your efforts at propelling your bike down the road, those working on the wheels and tires comprise a significant percentage. Tubeless tires and rims can be part of the equation to maximize speed, as they have improved to the point that there is now no faster road tire/wheel setup. Get the combination of the tubeless tire, wheel, and pressure right, and youll have free speed.
Optimizing speed from your tubeless wheels and tires also requires hitting the tire diameter, tread compound, tread pattern, and rim shape as well as spoke count and shape.
Aerodynamic drag increases exponentially with speed. It doesnt take twice as much power to go twice as fast relative to the air; it takes four or more times as much power. Since rider power is limited, going faster without producing more of it requires improving the aerodynamic shape of the object moving through it.
The 1960s solution was fewer spokes in the wheels. It took a dramatic turn in 1984, when Francesco Moser broke the world hour record riding disc wheels. Steve Hed then created the aerodynamic innovation that every pro bike racer now depends on: the deep-section rim.
Hed once again pioneered the next step, a wider rim that took the tire shape into account. This gets the rim and tire together to more closely approximate a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) airfoil shape for aircraft wings. The tire is wider than first-generation deep-section wheels, but the nose of a NACA airfoil is significantly narrower than the thickness of the wing further back. To approximate this shape, a bicycle rim not only needs to be wider than the tire where they meet, but it also needs to continue to get wider before it tapers toward its spoke bed.
Friction within a rolling tire slows it down, and like aerodynamic drag, friction increases with speed. Unlike aerodynamic drag, however, rolling resistance only goes up in a linear relationship to speed, so the slower the rider is going, the more important rolling resistance is relative to aerodynamic drag, and vice versa. The graph below illustrates how below about 12 mph, rolling resistance exceeds aerodynamic drag.
On a smooth surface, the tire can be hard and lose little energy when rolling, like a steel ball bearing rolling on glass. Since it rolls on surfaces much rougher than glass and requires traction for propulsion, braking, and cornering, compressed air inside cushions impacts, and rubber tread provides traction.
Friction within the tire results from chafing of the inner tube against the inside of the tire casing and of the threads in the casing against each other as the tire flexes; on top of that, internal energy losses within the rubber itself result from hysteresis the lag between the application of a force on a material and its deflection in response. Overcoming this lag absorbs energy.
Until recently, road racers generally believed that smaller, harder tires were fastest and rode races other than Paris-Roubaix on 22 or 23mm tubulars, using yet narrower tires in time trials. Greg LeMond illustrated the cost of this in the final time trial of the 1986 Tour de France. Racing on 19mm tires pumped up high, he slid out and crashed on a sharp corner. Wider, softer tires would have not only given him more traction for that corner, but also would have rolled with less resistance. LeMond then had to change bikes and worry about losing his yellow jersey to teammate Bernard Hinault, who did win that time trial.
A shorter contact area deflects less deeply into the tire. A wider tire will have a shorter, wider contact patch on the road than will a narrower tire at the same pressure, because the surface area of the contact patch must be the same to support the same load. Less deflection will result in less internal friction/hysteresis loss in the wider tire.
With reduced pressure, the tire must support the same load with fewer pounds per square inch to do it, so the surface area of its contact patch will increase. Tire deflection will deepen with the longer contact patch, resulting in more internal friction and hysteresis loss. This makes the case that higher pressure reduces rolling resistance, but only on a smooth surface.
On a rough road, the internal friction/hysteresis losses due to the larger contact patch of the softer tire is counterbalanced by the fact that deflecting the entire bike and rider on each bump costs more energy than does absorbing the bump into the tire. Only the tiny mass of a small part of the tire moves up and down on each bump, rather than the entire bike and rider. This is the sprung weight vs. unsprung weight argument explaining why suspension vehicles are faster on rough roads than ones without suspension. Lower pressure is faster on rough roads, and bigger tire diameters then protect the rim.
Its safe to run a tubeless tire at lower pressure than a tubed tire since theres no tube to pinch when hitting sharp bumps. This in turn reduces rolling resistance on rough roads. Eliminating the inner tubes hysteresis and its friction against the inner tire casing further reduces a tubeless tires rolling resistance. First-generation tubeless road tires, which were completely airtight and designed to be used without sealant, had so much rubber coating their insides that their weight was the same as a comparable tire and tube, and the frictional rolling losses were similar. Modern, tubeless-ready tires with sealant are lighter and do have lower rolling resistance than tubed tires.
To improve aerodynamics, Hed went to the wind tunnel and caulked the edge of the rim where it meets the tires sidewall so the air flowing from tire to rim meets no edges to create turbulence. Caulking tires to rims is unrealistic as well as inadmissible by UCI rules, so the key is to smooth this transition without it.
Until the advent of tubeless tires, handmade tubular tires were the rolling resistance champions. The edges of their thick base tape and the glue sticking out along the rim edge is not aerodynamic, however. Specialized lead engineer Dr. Chris Yu says, From a speed and performance standpoint, weve known for a while that clinchers are superior to tubulars. They allow for better control of the shape interface between the rim and tire casing and when paired with the right inner tube, offer lower rolling resistance. This is the reason why all our pro athletes have raced TTs on clinchers for the last several years. With tubeless, if done properly, we can amplify those performance advantages. More importantly, by CT-scanning the inflated tire bead and rim interface in-house, were able to design a system that is secure, and we also gain the insight on how to optimize the shape transition from rim to tire.
Like automobile rims, hookless rims lack the crochet hooks at the inner edges of the rim walls to grasp the tire beads, so they can better optimize this shape transition from rim to tire. A standard hook-bead rim squeezes the clincher sidewall further inward than does a hookless rim, rendering the tire/rim combination less aerodynamic.
Aero carbon hookless rims have many advantages. A hook-bead rim mold requires a soft outer ring, or the hooks of the hardened rim lock to it. This single-use soft mold top is less accurate and less sustainable than the long-lasting solid-metal mold for hookless rims. The edges of hookless rims are thicker, stronger, and less easily damaged when hitting bumps than the fragile edges of hook-bead rims.
To work safely with tubeless tires, hookless rims require precise rim wall dimensions, a bead lock (a raised inner edge of the shelf the tire bead sits on), bead-shelf diameter, and central valley diameter, width and ramp slope. If youve ever watched installation of a car tire on a rim, you know that the compressed air blasted in through the valve must not escape from under the bead even before its seated; it must instead push the tire beads up the ramps of the rim valley, over the bead lock, onto the bead seat, and firmly up against the rim walls.
Specialized Tire Product Manager Wolf Vorm Walde made solid-steel rims that dont change dimensions as tire pressure increases, in order to test tire retention. He says, Straight-wall (hookless) rims show lower burst pressure compared to hooked rims. We do not recommend using any tires with a max pressure above 5.5bar (80psi) on straight-wall rims.
Tire dimension would depend on factors like road surface condition as well as how technical the course is, says Yu, regarding the fastest tire setup. We can quantify time lost or gained through turns based on G-loads and rider confidence, which is admittedly subjective but correlated to tire width. And rim profile would depend on course profile and wind profile.
According to Specializeds tire product manager Oliver Kiesel, Typically, if we measure rolling resistance, we have three factors that vary: tire load, air pressure, and rolling speed. The graphs show how rolling resistance changes by changing one of these factors.
Schwalbe product manager Felix Schfermeier says, Our general recommendation for individual competitions against the clock is a tire width of 25mm in the front and a 28mm tire on the back wheel.We recommend that the external rim width is at least 1mm wider than the (front) tire. Twenty-five millimeters in front is the best choice to reduce the aerodynamic drag on the majority of aero rims with an internal width between 19 and 22mm. Since the frame is covering the rear wheel, the wider 28mm tire doesnt have any negative impact on aerodynamics, and it saves a few wattsof rolling resistanceand provides more traction.
ENVEs marketing manager Jake Pantone says, The athlete should be riding a low-rolling-resistance tubeless clincher tire on a rim that is roughly 5 percent wider than the tire. As tire and rim volume increases, the need for a rim to be wider than the tire diminishes, because the increased radius of the larger tire allows for the air to attach to the rim more easily at yaw. When paired with a 28mm tire (inflated will measure around 30-31mm), an SES AR rim and tire are essentially the same width.
Tread compound has no aerodynamic effect, but plays a big role in rolling resistance, traction, and durability. Tread compounds are generally proprietary to the manufacturers.
We redesigned the tread pattern of the new Pro One model range to reduce the aerodynamic drag in sidewind conditions, says Schwalbes Schfermeier. Under headwind conditions, differences between tread patterns are really minor. The impact of a road-racing tire tread design on rolling resistance is not really relevant.
Specializeds Kiesel says, Slick-center road tires are the lowest in rolling resistance that we normally measure in our drum tests. He adds that Continentals Grand Prix 4000 tread pattern (slick with interspersed areas of cross-hatching within shark fin shapes coming up from the edges of the tread) tests the fastest in aerodynamic wind tunnel tests. Since this was designed much earlier than comprehensive aero tunnel testing became a realistic method in the bicycle industry, this design performance was a fluke.
Tubeless tires now best tubulars in rolling resistance, and their clean transition with the rim, particularly with hookless rims, beats tubulars aerodynamically as well. The optimal width of the tire has grown by 2-5mm since the standards at the turn of this century, and the rim widths for optimal speed have grown by more than double that.
A 27-30mm (external width) rim mated to a 25-26mm-wide front tubeless tire creates an aerodynamically optimal setup, assuming the tire width is measured when installed on the wheel, since the tire label only gives a rough guide. On the rear, use a 25-28mm wide tubeless tire on the same rim. Its possible to gain a bit more aero advantage with a hookless rim.
Of course, the final answer depends on X-factors like mating the tire pressure to the weight of you and the bike for the particular road surface, course profile, and much more. Dialing it in optimally requires scientific study that only the most well-funded teams could undertake. As a general rule, however, you will be in the ballpark with the above setup and tire pressure for a 150-pound rider around 70psi for a 25mm tire and 60psi for 28mm (80psi and 65psi, respectively, for a 170-pound rider).
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What is the fastest bicycle tubeless wheel and tire setup? - VeloNews
Weight loss or fat loss? What it means and what you should know – Times of India

We all strive and work hard to reach our ideal body weight. However, losing weight should not be the only goal of your weight loss regimen. Your body weight is not only ruled by the amount of fat, but also muscle mass, bone mass and metabolism. This is where the difference between weight loss and fat loss lies. Your workout should work on losing the extra fat in your body.Weight lossThe body weight is a sum of your muscle mass, fat mass, body water and also bone mass. Losing weight can sometimes backfire if not supported with a proper diet. Crash diets and other shortcuts may lead to a loss in muscle mass instead of fat mass. It may show fast results in the beginning, but your weight will shoot right back up the moment you leave exercising.Fat lossIt is important that your workout adds muscle mass too. Too much body fat stores unwanted water and calories which makes you feel out of shape. However, some amount of fat is required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and provide a cushioning to internal organs. Be regular with your exercise and reduce the number of calories you consume to make sure you lose fat mass.Signs that you are losing muscle massIf you do not substitute your workout with a proper diet or take to diets and shortcuts to lose weight, it can cause you to lose muscle mass instead of fat. Here are a few signs that you are losing muscle mass
Regular workouts feel harder to complete You feel sluggish throughout the day Lower endurance You have poor balance You weight is stuck at one point
Here is how you can ensure that you do not lose out on the important muscle mass and get rid of only the fat in the body.
Exercising is not the only solutionIt is important to maintain a proper diet when you have a regular workout routine. Eating less is not the answer. Instead, eat a balanced diet that gives the body enough nutrition to help muscles recover after your workout. If you do not eat well, you may lose muscle strength and eventually lose muscle mass as well.
Read the rest here:
Weight loss or fat loss? What it means and what you should know - Times of India
Navratri during COVID-19: Five nutritionists tell us if this is the best time to fast – Times of India

Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, Chief Clinical Dietician, Apollo hospital, Bangalore, says, "One of the best ways to keep yourself safe from coronavirus is by boosting your immunity. Starving for longer periods along with dehydration is an invitation to infection, as it lowers the immunity, which makes you vulnerable to the infection.
She adds, "If you are planning to fast, make sure not to stay hungry for long. Eat fruits, nuts, drink buttermilk, tender coconut water and infused water to keep yourself hydrated, which is of paramount importance".
Dr Priyanka also suggests an amazing HEAD START advise for lockdown Navratri fasting:
H - Hydrate well.
E - Eat smaller, lighter and fresh foods.
A - Adequate sleep is essential.
D - Dried fruits and nuts to keep you satiated well.
S - Some seinda namak in your butter milk.
T - Take breaks from screen time.
A - Add up proteins to fast meals by including some curd, milk, chenna.
R - Rehydrate with one glass of water every one hour with a dash of citrus fruit like oranges, lemons, sweet lime in it.
T - Try some turmeric in milk at bedtime.
Go here to see the original:
Navratri during COVID-19: Five nutritionists tell us if this is the best time to fast - Times of India
Lake City Nutrition is offering a protein shake-based approach to weight loss in Warsaw –

Indiana's obesityrate is the 12th highest in the U.S., and beyond impacting individuals health, this statistic costs the entire state economically.
In fact, its estimated that obesity costs Indiana more than $8.5 billion a year in missing work, low productivity, healthcare costs, and premature death.
Two of the leading causes of obesity are what we eat and how much physical activity we get.
Tricia Smith and her husband, Scott, of Warsaw have developed what they hope becomes a more holistic approach for any northeast Indiana resident looking to shed some weight in a safe and approachable way.
The Smiths opened Lake City Nutrition in Warsaw in September 2019 to meet a need they saw in the community for healthy meal replacement options and comprehensive lifestyle plans.
On the surface, Lake City Nutrition is a destination for healthy shakes, smoothies, and teas, with more than 100 flavors of protein shakes to choose from.
But while the Smiths have found that many residents are familiar with the popular protein shake trend, few know the nutritional value of shakes and how they can be effectively incorporated into a weight loss plan.
Lake City Nutrition offers fun new flavors every week.
Thats where Lake City Nutritions value comes into play. Along with serving drinks at their storefront, Lake City also helps clients create customized Herbalife Nutrition weight loss programs to fit their body types.
To do this, they partner with Herbalife Nutrition, a globalmulti-level marketingcorporation that develops and sells nutritional products, including health-and-wellness supplements for weight management, personal care, general wellness, and sports performance.
Once Lake City Nutrition clients create profiles online, a personalized guide is generated for them based on their profile and wellness goals.
The companys shake products are then shipped to their door or can be picked up at Lake City Nutritions storefront.
Lake City Nutrition also offers Herbalife wellness coaches who guide clients through the plan and are available to answer any questions and provide support. Tricia and Scott are wellness coaches themselves and help clients reach their desired weight, offer advice and give encouragement throughout the process.
Tricia says that she and Scott are living proof of the programs success. She lost 38 pounds using the HerbaLife program.We fell in love with the products because of the change it made in our own lives, Tricia says. Not only did it change our physical appearance, but also how we felt. We just feel better, so we wanted to offer that to other people so they could experience the same thing.
Along with the effectiveness of the protein shake approach to weight loss, another reason Tricia likes this approach is because it helps clients un-learn some of the unhealthy starvation practices they might have tried to lose weight in the past.
Back when I was a teenager, the thought was the less you eat, the faster the weight will come off, but thats not true, Tricia says. I have learned through my experience that you need to be getting enough protein because, otherwise, your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto fat. So it is important that youre feeding your body and keeping your nutrition good. Otherwise, your body has nothing to go on.
Lake City Nutritions shakes are based on a unique formula that contains several health benefits, Tricia explains. One shake contains about 250 calories or fewer, 17 grams of protein, 21 vitamins and minerals, 10 grams of sugar, 10-15 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fiber for complete nutritional value.
In addition to its menu of protein shakes, herbal tea, and aloe products, Lake City Nutrition also offers a variety of creative, active classes for its members, such as cardio drumming.
In the future, they hope to move locations so they can host active events once a month to increase community involvement and encourage healthy living, Tricia says.
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During COVID-19, Lake City Nutrition is keeping regular hours for curbside pickup and carryout only from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday.
College students get a discount on any shake/tea combo every Tuesday.
For more information, visit its Facebook page or website at
Weight loss: Woman shares diet plan that helped her lose eight stone and reverse diabetes – Infosurhoy

WEIGHT LOSS isnt easy, but this woman lost eight stone in 13 months and reversed her type 2 diabetes. She followed this diet plan.
One diet plan helped this mother lose a huge amount of weight and reversed a life threatening condition. Toni Weeks, 51, followed the weight loss plan which is based on NHS guidelines and allows wine.
Toni feared she would lose a limb when she was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in January 2018.
The mother-of-three, from Leighton Buzzard, weighed more than 20st 7lb and was a size 22. However, now she has dropped to 10st 11lb and now wears size 12.
Just over a year after taking up the diet Tonis diabetes went into remission.
Toni followed a diet called Second Nature. Second Nature is a 12-week low carb programme. It was set up by Chris Edson and Mike Gibbs, both former NHS advisors, to tackle Britains obesity and type-2 diabetes epidemic.
The smart weight loss plan allows treats and alcohol, so how does it work? The diet aims to rewire eating habits of those looking to lose weight.
After following its healthy eating plan, which allows chocolate, cream, pancakes, curries and alcohol, Toni started to shed the pounds. In just 12 weeks, she dropped from a size 22 to a size 16.
Before adopting the diet, Toni ate an unhealthy diet.
She would eat a fast-food snack for breakfast, scoff a Subway for lunch, then dine on greasy food pizza, chips, burgers for dinner, and she would consume more than her husband.
Toni said: My portion sizes were big. I could eat a food mountain, masses of takeaways, Im a general foodie. I would snack in between meals and would eat anything I could see. It didnt even cross my mind that I wasnt eating properly.
Now, Toni will eat a bowl of porridge for breakfast, topped with fruit and seeds, shell have dinner leftovers for lunch, and has something homemade such as chilli or curry for dinner.
But the difference is the portion size -which will now fit on a tea plate.
The plan focuses on an easy, low-carb format, and has so far amassed 30,000 users and is also being trialled by the NHS.
Toni received a set of smart scales and an activity tracker that links with the app, allowing her to monitor her weight-loss progress and daily step count.
She was also sent a recipe book, a meal plan and daily motivational articles, and was added to an online peer support group hosted by a qualified dietitian offering daily advice.
Breakfast: Fast food snack
Lunch: Subway
Dinner: Takeaway
Breakfast: Porridge topped with fruit and seeds
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Homemade chilli or curry
Another weight loss diet success is this womans, after she lost nine stone in nine months.
Kerry ditched takeaway meals and focused on eating healthier foods.
In the first few months, Kerry managed to drop an impressive amount of weight.
She explained: Each week my counsellor helped me discover the reasons behind why I had been overeating, and how I could create a healthier relationship with both myself and food.
Find more information on Second Nature here.
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Weight loss: Woman shares diet plan that helped her lose eight stone and reverse diabetes - Infosurhoy
Brielle Biermann Practices Intermittent Fasting With Chick-fil-A and More of Her Odd Eating Habits – Us Weekly

Talk about an unusual diet plan. During a recent Q&A session with her social media followers via her Instagram Stories, Brielle Biermann revealed some interesting tidbits about her eating regimen.
The information came out when one fan noted that she was eager to run into the Dont Be Tardy star, 23, out and about in Atlanta. In response, Biermann noted that the easiest way to track her down would be to catch her when shes chowing down on her first meal of the day.
I go to [Chick-fil-A] there EVERYDAY (except Sunday) around 3 for my breakfast/lunch, she replied. I only eat between 3-8 everyday!
The KAB Cosmetics co-creator has a longstanding love of Chick-fil-A, and in January 2020 she confirmed via her Instagram Stories that she visits the restaurant on a daily basis. When I say I eat this everyday I mean everyday she wrote above a photo of a spicy chicken sandwich and french fries.
The Bravo personality previously opened up about her choice to start intermittent fasting an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating in August 2019. I get this all the time and youre not gonna believe me but [I] worked out 3-4x a week for 2 years and the second I stopped going to the gym I lost weight, she wrote via Instagram at the time. Not just muscle. I was actually thinner.
Biermann hypothesized that she shed several pounds because she began eating less once she stopped hitting the gym on a regular basis. I think working out made me eat more because [I] was so hungry, she explained. So now [I] just intermittent fast and eat whatever I want but in moderation!
Believe it or not, this isnt the first time the reality star has used the Atlanta-based chain to help with her diet. I swear by the [Chick-fil-A] diet! she declared on Instagram in June 2019, per Bravo. In high school I would eat it for breakfast and dinner [literally] every day and when I wanna lose weight I only eat [Chick-fil-A]! I get 12 count well done nuggets fries and a Diet Coke.
As it turns out, intermittent fasting with Chick-fil-A is just the start of Biermanns odd eating habits. Scroll down for more!
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Brielle Biermann Practices Intermittent Fasting With Chick-fil-A and More of Her Odd Eating Habits - Us Weekly