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No, a Big Breakfast Isn’t Necessarily Going to Help You Lose Weight – American Council on Science and Health

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper is an old nutritional adage that at first glance would seemingly be supported by a recent study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
But though the study made some interesting findings it certainly didnt warrant the slew of overblown headlines that came with it. These are just a selection:
People Who Eat a Big Breakfast May Burn Twice as Many Calories (Science Daily)
Eat a Big Breakfast to Lose Weight Fast (the Sun)
A Big Breakfast May Help You Burn Double the Calories (Healthline)
Wait, What? Study Shows Eating a Big Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss(MSN)
The study, at the University of Lubeck in Germany, actually involved just 16 healthy young men in an experimental crossover design. The men stayed at a research centre twice, a fortnight apart, for 72 hours each stay. On the evening of their arrival they had a standard evening meal, and then for the next two days, either:
The subjectswerent allowed to exercise, and during their stay researchers took regular measurements of their energy expenditure, blood glucose and insulin levels before and after meals.
On their second visit, the subjects were given the opposite of their original meal plan i.e. those who had previously received a high-calorie breakfast and low-calorie dinner now received a low-calorie breakfast and high-calorie dinner, and vice versa.
The findings of the study? The men's dietary-induced thermogenesis, or DIT the percentage of a meals calories burned off in the process of digesting that meal was around 2.5 times higher after breakfast than after dinner,for both the high and low-calorie meals.
Thats certainly of note, but it doesnt amount to anything like weight melting off effortlessly, or a doubling in daily calorie burn as implied.
As a theoretical example, imagine DIT was 20% of calories consumed at breakfast and 8% of calories consumed in the evening (both within the ballpark you could expect). Then assume you consumed 1000 calories for breakfast and 400 calories for dinner rather than the more usual 400 for breakfast and 1000 for dinner. In the first scenario youdbe burning off 232 calories in DIT across the two meals; In the second scenario, 160 calories a saving of just 72 calories.
72 calories fewer isnt totally meaningless, and dining late also had metabolic downsides in this study. Blood glucose was found to be 44% higher after a high-calorie dinner compared to a high-calorie breakfast, and 17% higher after a low-calorie dinner compared to a low-calorie breakfast. Concentrations of insulin were also 40% higher after a high-calorie dinner than after a high-calorie breakfast. The craving for sweets was reduced in those who ate a bigger early meal.
Buthow the body behaves under controlled conditions (i.e. in a study like this) may well not reflect what happens in real life.
In short, we dont know whether eating a big breakfast every day would lead to weight loss in real-world conditions, or whether the results are relevant to women, people who are exercising, or who have health complications due to being overweight or obese.
Nor do we know if there is caloric compensation later in the day in uncontrolled conditions: do people actually eat smaller meals later on when theyve had a big breakfast?
Some studies have suggested that eating a healthy breakfast does help people to eat less during the rest of the day, but one meta-analysis found that participants assigned to eat breakfast had a higher total daily energy intake than those assigned to skip breakfast.
So its a complicated picture thats affected by many different factors, not least what fits in with your lifestyle and hunger cues.
Ultimately youll plan meal times to suit your individual circumstances whether thats bigger breakfast or bigger dinner, calories are still king.
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No, a Big Breakfast Isn't Necessarily Going to Help You Lose Weight - American Council on Science and Health
20 Reasons Why You’re Just Not Losing Weight – Women’s Health

At some point in your life, you may have tried to drop a few pounds but noticed your bod isnt changing in spite of all your hard weight-loss efforts. Im eating healthy! Im not snacking on chips! I walked three miles every day this week! Seriously...what gives?!
As it turns out, there are a slew of factors that affect weight lossdiet and exercise are only two of them. It also depends on your starting weight, your age, and your gender, says obesity expert Matthew Weiner, MD, bariatric surgeon at Tucson Bariatric. Dr. Weiner explains that the best way to predict how much weight you can reasonably lose with basic dietary and exercise adjustments "is by calculating 10 percent of your total body weight."
For example, if youre starting weight is 150 pounds, you can expect to lose about 15 pounds at first through diet and exercise alone. Beyond that, weight loss can become a tad tougher (though not hopeless!). Your body naturally will begin to resist losing much more weight than around 10 percent thanks to its caveman impulses, explains Dr. Weiner. It will work to maintain your fat and energy stores to preserve your body.
Dr. Weiner notes that younger adults can sometimes lose up to 20 percent of their body weight through straightforward diet and exercise. But for postmenopausal women, for example, it might only be 5 to 7 percent.
Weight loss is also generally less speedy for women compared to men, alas. Men do tend to lose weight faster than women, but when you look at the total amount of weight loss [over time] its not as different as you might think, Dr. Weiner explains. It might take men two to three months to lose 10 percent, while it takes women five to six months. (*Glares.*)
Now that you understand those major physiological influencing factors, here are 20 possible behavioral reasons for why your weight just isn't changingand what you can do to overcome each one. (Psstt, you may be doing one or even a few of these!)
Raise your hand if youve ever thought something like the following after weighing yourself: Im still losing fat, Im just strength training really hard and gaining muscle.
Most of us have done it, but the problem is, Dr. Weiner says it doesnt work that way: Muscle is similar in density to water (while fat has a higher density) so its not an apples-to-apples exchange. In other words, refusing to reevaluate your weight-loss strategy because youre working on building muscle can result in your fat composition staying put.
A good thought experiment is comparing one pound of muscle to a 16-oz. can of soda [which has a similar density], Dr. Weiner explains. Imagine adding that much muscle to your bodyyou would see it.
In other words, you would notice yourself actively building enough muscle to tip the scale toward a higher if you basically look the same, think about something other than muscle gain. Consider tweaking your diet a bit to create a caloric deficit to move the needle, or try HIIT workouts to get your heart rate up and burn fat.
If you consume fewer calories than you expend, Dr. Weiner says its definitely possible to lose about 10 percent of your total body weight through dieting alone. But if you want to lose more, you cant just keep cutting calories. You have to change the type of food you eat, he says, focusing more on the quality of calories versus the quantity.
For example, if you order in delivery for dinner every night, eating fewer restaurant-prepared meals every week for lunch will probs help you shed some pounds at first...but eventually, the weight loss is going to stop unless you make the switch to even healthier lunches (like made with fewer oils, dressings, etc.) on a consistent basis. Once youve changed the quality of your caloriesand are consuming better-for-you foods with more satiating poweryoull also naturally eat less calories, which can make weight loss continue past the 10 percent point.
Dr. Weiner says that its human nature to judge ourselves favorably, dismissing or underestimating our bad decisions and emphasizing our good ones.
Translation? Youre likely to pat yourself on the back for eating a salad on Tuesday, while overlooking the fact that you ate two bowls of B&J for dessert (and then still wonder why youre not losing weight). Tracking your caloric intake in a visible, tangible waylike in a food journal or on an appcan help keep you accountable, and help you eliminate the bias we all have toward ourselves, says Dr. Weiner.
Generally speaking, protein has benefits: it fills you up (which means youll eat less food over time) and also helps you build muscle, skin, and healthy bones. But when it comes to weight loss, not all protein is created equal. Dr. Weiner warns about over-consuming animal proteinand the fat that typically comes with itbecause too much can lead to weight gain, and other health problems like diabetes.
Plant-based protein, on the other hand, is different (think: legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains). Dr. Weiner says you can eat higher amounts of these foods without worrying about negative effects on your health. Ive literally never seen a study suggesting that [sources of plant protein like nuts] cause weight gain, he adds.
Frustrated because youve been on your diet for three months and youve only lost, like, eight pounds? Before you freak out and try some new fad diet, think about whether your goal is just to lose as much weight as possible right this second, or to slim down healthfully over time, so you can keep the weight off permanently.
We tend to look at weight loss in the short-term, when its actually a long-term problem, says Dr. Weiner. There will be individual ups and downs every day, just like there are in the stock market.
Instead of taking a short-term POV on weight loss, consider looking at how your weight has changed over the last several years and how you would like to feel several years from now, too.
If youre blowing off diets focused on eating whole, clean foods (think: the Mediterranean diet) you might want to reconsider. Nutrition experts have known for a long time that diets full of whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, are associated with better weight-loss results than diets packed with processed foods (like cereal, crackers, and prepackaged meals).
A 2019 study in Cell Metabolism further emphasized the benefits of a whole food diet; when participants ate diets similar in nutrients (e.g., similar amounts of protein, fat, sugar, and fiber), the group consuming processed foods showed higher levels of caloric intake and weight gain than the group consuming whole foods.
Yes, sometimes too much of a good thing can be not so good. Just because you swapped your nightly bowl of ice cream for Greek yogurt doesnt mean you can eat twice as much. The basic rule of "fewer calories in, more calories out" still applies, even when what youre eating is healthy.
The one exception? Dr. Weiner says you really cant overeat vegetables (seriously, the more you eat, the better). If you ate a pound of them every day, you would still lose weight because it would change your other eating behaviors, he explains, referring to the fact that if you filled up on veggies, you would reduce your appetite for other less healthy foods.
Remember the info about quality and quantity of calories above? The same applies to exercise, says Dr. Weiner, who suggests focusing on intensity versus duration when youre trying to lose weight by incorporating exercise.
If you want to walk for weight loss, you would have to walk 10 to 12 miles per day, he explains. Walking one or two miles, like so many people do, is good for you in a million waysbut weight loss isnt one of them.
Instead, if you want your exercise to yield weight loss, you could benefit from choosing activities that will boost your heart rate like boot camps, cycling classes, CrossFit sessions, or other high-intensity workouts that maximize cardio.
Gonna hit you with something totally shocking here: If youre drinking even one soda per day, you will never lose weight, says Dr. Weiner. Ummm, back up for a soda really that bad for you? Sorry, but yes: Dr. Weiner says when you drink sugar it drives up weight gain far more than when you eat it.
If youre hungry and eat a cookie you will be less hungry, or youll eat less at lunch; but when you drink 150 calories it doesnt impact your hunger at all, he explains. So you drink a soda, then you still eat a normal lunch, and all youve done is add 150 calories to your daily intake (versus splurging on a cookie and naturally course-correcting by eating 150 calories less later on).
Dr. Weiner also says working the night shift puts you at a major disadvantage. The disruption to your circadian rhythm, he explains, can lead to weight gainand switching back and forth between night and day shifts, like many people do in order to spend more time with family, is the worst of all. Its just nonstop disruption to an otherwise healthy, normal sleep-wake pattern.
For example, a 2019 study in the International Journal of Obesity observed weight loss over the course of 12 months in nearly 2,000 participants and found that those with less variability in sleep patterns were more likely to be more successful in their weight loss efforts.
Of course, not everyone has the luxury of choosing their work schedule or having a flexible boss. But if you are able to tweak your work schedule or work with your manager to avoid this, you should.
Never underestimate the power of keeping your body moving regularly throughout the day. Overly sedentary lifestyles make it harder to lose weight, says Dr. Weiner. If you wake up every morning and then sit at a desk for work, then come home and sit on the couch to watch TV, [weight loss] won't happen.
There was a time when eating frequent, small portions of food throughout the day was promoted as a way to lose weight, but science is beginning to show that the whole concept behind intermittent fasting might lead to better results. Dr. Weiner agrees, saying that getting the right amount of calories in a short period of time followed by a longer period of time where you get little to no calories can be more beneficial to your health than eating all day long (even if its small, healthy meals or snacks).
You should talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before trying an intermittent fasting diet, this way they can help you figure out a schedule that makes sense for you. There are also some groups of people for which intermittent fasting is not recommended, like anyone with blood-sugar regulation issues (e.g., diabetes) and pregnant people.
Can drinking water really help with weight loss, or is that just an urban legend? Its for real: A 2014 review of studies published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found several links between water consumption and weight-loss results.
Basically? Yeah, you should be drinking more water.
Not to be a killjoy, but your bi-weekly happy hour could also be interfering with your goals. Alcohol is connected to weight gain for a few reasons: For one, it contains empty calories (which can grow astronomically high when you start drinking cocktails), and two, it changes your relationship to food.
People typically eat more when they drink because their appetite is increased and they stop paying close attention to calorie consumption. Drinking alcohol may also negatively change the way your body burns fat.
Any medical condition that affects your hormones (like hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome), your insulin levels (like diabetes), or your blood pressure (like heart disease) will make it more difficult to lose weight.
Dr. Weiner adds that any injury which results in limited mobility can also contribute to weight gain, partly because it can lead to muscle lossand less muscle means you are burning less when your body is at restand partly because it will reduce your ability to exercise regularly.
All the diet and exercise in the world wont cancel out the fact that its just plain harder to lose weight the older you are. In your 20s, you might be able to cut back on booze and cake for a few weeks when you want to lose five pounds, but in your 40s, its gonna take more effort.
Focus on resistance training to build muscle mass, which can ultimately help you burn more at rest, and in turn, jumpstart your weight loss if you're stuck.
Major life changes, like divorce or a death in the family, are often a trigger for weight gain. Stress-eating is a real thing, and when youre depressed youre typically not focused on counting calories or exercising (because it takes so much effort just to make it through the day).
Weiner recommends finding holistic ways to manage your stress, even if its simply low-impact cardio. And of course, if youre feeling depressed, dont hesitate to get help from a mental health provider.
While this is heavy stuff, it's important to be aware of the correlation between abuse and weight gain. A history of sexual abuse is often linked to weight gain, in particular, and the number of people who have been sexually abused, especially at young ages, is staggering: According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in three American women report experiencing some kind of sexual violence in their lifetime.
Whether youre a child or an adult (and whether or not your history is affecting your weight), there are resources that can help victims of sexual violence or other abuse.
A possibly hidden reason why youre struggling to lose weight: Youre on a medication that can cause weight gain as a side effect. This includes diabetes medications, antidepressants, and steroid medications, among others.
Dr. Weiner suggests talking to your physician about your medications; sometimes they can be adjusted to make weight loss more possible.
If you find yourself desperately craving food at all costsand its sabotaging your diet and exercise effortsyou could be dealing with a food addiction. This doesnt mean youre not motivated or strong enough to defeat your cravings and lose weight; you may have developed an emotional reliance on food.
If you are prone to binging or gorging, focus nonstop on food, have trouble functioning in your job or personal life, or suffer from anxiety, depression, or insomnia, reach out to a health-care provider ASAP to be evaluated for food addiction. Its a type of eating disorder, and there is help available.
The bottom line: Clearly, there are a ton of reasons you might be struggling to lose weight, even if you are dieting and exercising more. If you feel you're dealing with any of the issues above, it's worth talking to your doctor, a therapist, or a dietitian to get help so you can reach a weight you feel comfortable and healthy at.
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20 Reasons Why You're Just Not Losing Weight - Women's Health
Best home gym equipment for runners: the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill is a HIIT and cardio essential – T3

Kettler Sport Arena, like all the best treadmills is a wonderful device. An essential part of any home workout, treadmills can make running training possible all year round, regardless of the weather. A good treadmill will also help you lose weight fast, kickstarting your metabolism and strengthening your heart and lungs. Many modern treadmills are also quiet, unlike older running machines that did little to cushion your feet on the belt.
Buy the Kettler Sport Arena treadmill at John Lewis
The Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill is one of the best home gym products to buy if you're into running or weight loss. It is reasonably priced and due to some special features hardly ever found in other treadmills, it can be used for a range of purposes.
(Image credit: Kettler)
The Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill has one of the slowest starting speeds (0.3 km/h) on the market, making it ideal for recovery as well as complete beginners. With this treadmill, you can gently ease yourself into running training without having to worry about the weather outdoors.
The fully shock absorbed deck will make running on the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill even less demanding for your joints as well more pleasant for the downstairs neighbours. For added peace of mind, the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill also comes with a 3-year parts and labour warranty including lifetime on the frame and motor.
Buy the Kettler Sport Arena treadmill at John Lewis
On the other end of the intensity-spectrum, the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill also offers seven HIIT (high intensity interval training) programs straight out of the box. HIIT training is an excellent way to lose weight and to maximise training efficiency, should you be pressed on time. HIIT workouts are made possible due to the high maximum speed (18 km/h) and the incline capabilities (up to 12%) of this treadmill.
The Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill supports Bluetooth connectivity so you can play music through the speakers of the running machine. Not only that but once paired, you can control the playback on the phone with the dedicated buttons on the console of the treadmill.
As for specs, the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill has a running surface of 149 x 47cm, which is not too wide but in return, it takes up less space in your home. To take up even less space when not is use, the running machine can be folded up and stored that way too.
(Image credit: Kettler)
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Best home gym equipment for runners: the Kettler Sport Arena Treadmill is a HIIT and cardio essential - T3
5 Reasons You Haven’t Lost Weight on a Vegan Diet – The Beet

A vegan diet is an excellent way to eat for weight managementyou just have to do it correctly. Many people assume eating vegan is a means to shedding some pounds, but that's not necessarily the case. As with any diet or lifestyle change, you have to eat a well-balanced, nutritionally sound diet and take in (or burn off) fewer calories than take in to lose weight. This means that just because youre eating vegan if youre not following the proper portion sizes, or not reaching for whole foods, you can still see weight creeping up on the scale unexpectedly.
Add overeating to the new forms of vegan food available (read: fast-food restaurants with new vegan options) and youll find convenient vegan offerings all over, albeit ones that may be still slightly unhealthy for you.
Eating vegan used to be about eating a whole-food, plant-based diet with only vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices, says plant-based nutrition expert Julieanna Hever, MS, RD author of The Complete Idiots Guide to Vegan Nutrition and the upcoming book, The Healthspan Solution (December 2019). Now, vegan food is everywhere and it's accessible. For the first time in 14 years, I'm having clients come to me with the same health issues as clients who dont follow a vegan diet, like weight issues and high cholesterol. I never saw that before, ever.
Here, Hever shares some of the most common reasons why someone isn't losing weight on a vegan diet as well as how to eat vegan so that you lose weight without depriving yourself or becoming hangry in the process.
One of the beautiful benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet is that when you eat any combination of the infinite variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices, you will get just what you need, Hever says. This means you dont have to stress about keeping score of your macronutrients like carbs, protein, and fat, you just have to eat food as whole and straight from the source as possible. If youre concerned about your weight, eat more whole plant foods that are nutrient-dense and calorically light to fill up while steering clear of the processed [and packaged plant-based] foods, Hever recommends.
People think that because something is labeled vegan, it's healthy, whether thats on a restaurant menu or a label in the grocery store. Thats not necessarily true, because ice cream is still ice cream, says Hever. Yes, the vegan version is better for you than the dairy version, but it's not going to make you healthy, and it's not going to help you avoid weight gain. For example, a 2/3-cup serving of Ben & Jerrys Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough has 350 calories, 33 grams of sugar, and 11 grams of saturated fat. Its made with almond milk, coconut oil, and pea protein, but that doesnt make it an ideal plant-based food. Youre better off having a cup of fresh fruit and pairing it with a plant-based glass of milk or yogurt for protein instead if youre looking to lose or maintain weight loss.
Since youre not trying to follow a diet while eating vegan you might be reveling in the fact that you dont have to measure out portions of foods. The problem is, its all too easy for portions to get larger without us knowing it, and those extra calories can add up to weight gain, no matter what youre filling your plate with. Think about it: If that sprinkle of walnuts on your morning oatmeal (probably a tablespoon) starts becoming a handful (closer to -cup) youll be taking in about 200 more calories easily. That portion increase alone could tally up to 20 pounds in a year if you ate that breakfast daily! If youre focused on whole plant foods and find you're gaining weight, eat smaller servings, suggests Hever. One area she finds her vegan clients tend to overdo it are oil portions as well as nuts and seeds. Use measuring spoons and cups for these caloric, high-fat items when watching your waistline.
If you followed previous diets that were low in carbs before becoming a vegan, it can be refreshing to have them back on the menu as a plant-based eaterbut all too easy to use them as a crutch. For example, cereal at breakfast, a vegan pizza at lunch, pasta with vegetables at dinner and whole-grain crackers for snacks makes your meals almost entirely consistent with carbs, which your body stores as fat if theres a surplus that it cant burn off as energy. Avoid this weight loss trap by making sure vegetables are the focus of your meal and carbs are aside. You can also opt for whole grain rice, pasta, breads, cereals, and whole wheat quinoa so you know youre eating nutritionally sound carbs that are digested slower, giving your body a chance to burn off more throughout the day.
It sounds counterintuitive but if you arent consuming enough calories and eating nutritious meals on a vegan diet, your metabolism can slow down, making it harder to lose weight. Not only will you likely feel really hungry if youre restricting calories too much (intentionally or unintentionally) but your bodys caloric burn rate will slow, and itll want to hold on to every calorie you give it. (Not to mention that you could be setting yourself up for a binge on unhealthy vegan foods in the near future.) Focus on eating well-rounded, whole food plant-based meals that are high in fiber and contain healthy fats, protein, and carbs to help you feel full while meeting your nutritional needs.
There are plenty of mistakes you could make on a vegan diet that could cause you to gain weight (as with any diet), but research still finds that people who follow a plant-based diet tend to have lower BMIs than those who dont, meaning that as long as you think about what youre eating and make a concerted effort to eat regular, smaller whole food, plant-based meals the chances that youll lose weight while increasing your longevity is a safe bet.
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5 Reasons You Haven't Lost Weight on a Vegan Diet - The Beet
Laird Hamilton’s Superfood Creamers Will Help You Focus Better – The Beet

If you've ever sat at your desk and been distracted by emails, YouTube, IG stories or the news (and who hasn't?), you could use a little performance booster. And no, we're not talking about a drug, a supplement or a jolt of coffee, which spikes your heart and your metabolism and then drops you like a bad date.
Our national attention-deficitcould be solved by something as simple as a functional creamer, or plant-based beverage booster, in the form of natural herbal powder-- to keep our mental focus steady for hours at a time. If only there were such a product. Well,thanks to Laird Hamilton, there is.
The brainchild of champion big wave surfer and all-around endurance athlete Laird Hamilton, Laird Superfood Coffee Creamer comes in several flavors, mixtures and formulas, depending on what you're looking for: Focus, energy, calm, or a chocolate taste (or all of the above).
Hamilton has created a line of power-packed beverage boosters to help all of us, not just athletes, to dial-up our mental acuity, and be able to focus for hours at a time, at our desks, on our bikes, or wherever our mental performance is needed most. As he says: "We are all athletes and life is performance. We all want to optimize our energy." Okay, so maybe we are not all athletes on the same level that he is. Hamilton made his name surfing some of the most ambitious waves in the world and is known as the co-inventor oftow-in surfing.
Laird Superfoods is a line of performance functional superfood creamers that are vegan, non-GMO and clean, made from anywhere between two and five ingredients, to add to your coffee, tea or hot water in the morning, that will help you feel calmer and more focused as you start your day. (We tried and absolutely love the Turmeric formula, and got addicted to it.)
The big wave surfer used a variation of the original product in his own coffee for years, and then shared the formulation with friends who constantly asked him, "How do you stay focused?" The secret was his functional creamer, which allowed him to focus even when he ate little else in the morning and would spend hours on waves the size of small buildings, where one mistake could cost him a career-ending injury or his life.
Hamilton then partnered with a friend to start the Superfood company, and market his creamers, along with natural coconut water hydration products, and now they have a business that is "taking off like a rocket."
Hamilton spoke to The Beet aboutwhy he started his business and where he plans to take it next. Because it's growing fast among non-athletes: His fans were his first focus group, but now his products are sold on Amazon, at Whole Foods, and his own website.
Hamilton shareshis tricks for focusing, feeding your brain, and training. Read on to learn how to gain focus and be smarter about your intake to get to your peak performance and be at your best, all day long.
Q. Laird, why not do a supplement? What wastheinspiration for a functional creamer?
A. We always think of creamers as something you add to your coffee. But for me, it was part of the whole experience of coffee for performance.The very first product is the original creamer, based on a recipe I had been refining with my coffee for 10 or 15 years. Maybe longer, because of my relationship with coffee in general.
Coffee is one of my two French habits. And I gave up wine, so now I have just one. Drinking high-quality coffee for energy is something I have done for a long time. We all do it. But I use it for sports performance. And it's even more exaggerated when you know how to use it.
First, we used raw espresso, then creamers. Then the bulletproof phenomenon came along. Then people used butter (in their coffee) and then coconut oil. And what we found in the performance side of things is that time releasing the caffeine is what it's all about.
And that is where the enhanced performance creamer came in. Your brain is a fat-eating organ. Your muscles eat carbs but your brain eats fat. I would have friends come over and try it and they would call me later and say, "What is going on with this stuff?" And I gave them the ingredients and ratios and this other friend said, "You have to let me make a product with this." He took my recipes and the ingredients and by the third or fourth rendition, we had it. And that wasthe original recipe we made.
A. One of the most nutritious things Americans do is drink coffee. So thinking that coffee or should I say "the first beverage of the day" was the perfect platform to get people things that they needed.
Then I understood that the most important thing is to time-release caffeine, so there isn't a spike and a big drop, and since the brain needs to have good fat to fuel it, for clarity and mental focus, then we were thinking about the creamer as the beginning of the brand, It's a perfect place tomeet people since we are not asking them to drink some weird concoction -- just meet them where they are and add minerals and high nutrient powder.
Paul Hodge, the CEO of our company and a startup expert over the years, came up with the third rendition and it was the powdered version of my recipe. And that was the original creamer. And he went on and sold to people who were fans of mine, or I should say of my work, and that was the original customer base to start to test stuff.
This was the perfect gateway to expand the brand sincefrom there we can take it in a lot of different directions. And the creamers have had the best tractions. Because we are putting a lot of terrible stuff into our coffees on a regular basis, so people's bodies respond to it.
Then we have to make it taste good or you'd lose a majority of the people who could benefit from it. Once we started refining the flavor, then we can give you stuff that's good for you. The flavor gets you to start and then the minerals and the fats keep you. [Customers] don't want to drink it any other way.
A. I use the Turmeric creamer for the benefits and what it does for the coffee. We grow it in Hawaii and it's part of the culture and we drink it and put it in just about everything -- it's part of the food so there's not a big leap to have it in your coffee. If you're a coffee connoisseur there is bitterness in coffee that you like and the turmeric continues to keep that tartness or bitterness. So people who like black coffee will like it. And of course, it has major health benefits, like anti-inflammatory compounds.
The mushroom one, the benefit there is that it's calming. We also have mushroom-infused coffee grounds. It has mushroom powder in it.
This mushroom-infused ground coffee is great but some people like the taste of coffee, like Gabby [Reece, his wife the former pro-volleyball player] She didn't like coffee until she tasted that and it tastes like hot chocolate. Some people prefer that since it is unsweetened powdered and you add water and you can make a creamier hot chocolate or a golden latte.
A. Most people are dehydrated most of the time and they don't realize it. Hydrate, which is made of coconut water, is one of the unsung heroes in the line that people use and those who know it love it. It's a true sports drink, so you can give it to your kids, or you can use it to train or run a marathon, and it's natural. Most of the time, we are all dehydrated, so I suggest anyone use it just to naturally rehydrate. It contains a mineral-rich, calcified sea algae that adds beneficial natural minerals to your body that you can't get from your food. But there are no unnatural ingredients or added sugars, so it's totally natural and healthy.
A. These days, our world is going plant-based. All our products are plant-based. As a company, you have to hit all these categories: Fair Trade, Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free... all of it. There is so much transparency to really be a modern food company, you really need to be all of it. If you look at most of our products we have just two or three or maybe four ingredients. We don't have that much stuff in there. That's part of our philosophy too. Use an ingredient the way it is in nature. The whole powder thing means that you get a lot more servings per bag, not sending around a lot of environmentally taxing stuff.
We've been plant-based from the beginning, not out of a trend. It was the thing to do, not just because it was a trend. We are five years old, and wecouldn'tmake products that wecouldendorse that followed our values without being plant-based. We ended up being plant-based.
A. It just brought a certain focus and an incredible amount of endurance. I had an incredible amount of sustained energy with focus. Sometimes we misinterpret tea or coffee and the energy we get from caffeine with focus -- and those two things are actually separate.
The focus you get from these products is based on fat. Only using healthy fat. So your brain is getting what it needs. Not only do you get satiated, but also you get this mental clarity and focus. Your vision is enhanced and you have an overall clarity that is set by the fat feeding your brain and then you get that overall sustained energy. It just makes for enhanced performance. Either at your office or taking care of your kids. We are all athletes and life is performance. We all want to optimize our energy.
A. It needs to taste good and be presented in a way that is appealing. Gabby didn't drink coffee for 40 years and now she drinks hot chocolate with coffee in it. The cacao is still a performance creamer, and she enjoys it and she gets the energy from it. You can't separate the need for flavor and the benefits of energy.
In the past, there were things that gave us energy but didn't taste great or the things that taste great but didn't give us energy, other than a quick up and down. Now you're getting sustained energy. How long it lasts depends on your tolerance and output.
But my personal cup is a little more high octane. I put theleaded gas in there, the extra fuel. I am not eating till noon or 1 every day and I'm operating on my beverages. So mine has turmeric and added coconut oil. And I could be on a bicycle for six hours and never be hungry or need energy for six hours.
These creamers take the spike out of it. I drink my breakfast. There will be some mushroom in there and it's fat-based -- but the kind of high-quality fat-based fuel your brain needs. People misconstrue how fat works. You can't store them, and you can't short change fats. You either burn them or excrete them. It's not like you're going to gain weight. It helps you burn long-chain fat. It helps you lose weight. Your brain is hungry and it needs to be fed. It's interesting how the brain responds to that.
A. Wewanted tosupply people withthe minerals they are not getting.Most people are in this narrow habit of eating the same things over and over again, and not eating diversified foods. Calcified sea algae is a natural source of minerals. So we are able to give people stuff they really need but slip it into their coffee, under the guise of a creamer, so they taste great.
I want to hear people say: "I bring your creamer everywhere." They're getting the minerals they need and the fats they need. They tell me it's addictive. But they misinterpret addiction as negativity. They ask "What do you put in there to make it taste so good?" and we say "It's something you need from nature and you are craving it." But the food industry, in general, takes advantage of humans' addictive personality and gets them addicted to something that is not so good for them [like sugar]. But in nature, when you crave one kind of food or plant, like your favorite fruit, there was something in there that you needed. And we are doing that.
A. The most important thing is to hydrateand get great electrolytes and minerals. That is all you need. If you're out on your bike, or even at your desk and your brain gets foggy, you need electrolytes. Not going to find better quality anywhere than in nature, than in coconut water.
It's probably the most perfect drink that nature created. They say coconut water is the only thing that mimics blood plasma. That is what you need. You could be using sugar instead of fat as a source of fuel.
A.Endurance athletes, they become what's called"fat-adapted" and burn fat. You can run out of carbs, and just have to eat more of them. But if your body is fat-burning, you can go forever. This is true at your desk too.
The secret isto eat a healthy snack of plant-based fats: Like a bite of cashew butter and you'd be good.
The fact is we probably have enoughstored energy as fat that if we learn to burn that you can go and go and not bonk, and not lose focus.The average person has 50,000 stored calories in their system but you can only have 20 to 40 minutes of stored carbs.
So that means when you are using sugar as an energy source you have to go reload the sugar and then in another 20 to 40 minutes you have to do it again. But if you are fat-adapted then you can use fat as calories. And you can use a little of both. And that then makes the fat in your body available. You'll be able to use that and be athletic and burn fat, if you want to lose weight.
Of course, sugar is more available. Most people, when hungry, they have an easier time grabbinga bar and get their boost from that.Cashew butter or something like that, is going to burn like dense hardwood.
It takes a little effort to become fat adapted. You have to have the disciplineor have more of a plan. But when you look at serious ultra runners, at a certain point a hot fire burns any type of wood. And if you're that well-trained youcan throw anything in there and it's going to be fuel. Training for me is an everyday thing. But I want to help everyone perform at their highest level. That's why we keep growing Superfoods -- because everyone is an athlete and has to perform in their own life.
See the rest here:
Laird Hamilton's Superfood Creamers Will Help You Focus Better - The Beet
Weight loss: This photographer shed 50+ kilos through strength training and calorie deficit! – Times of India

It was a long-awaited Thailand trip which made 25-year-old Himanshu kickstart his weight loss journey. The results not only changed his appearance but his overall life too. His transformation journey is an example that nothing can stop you if you are dedicated to your goal: Name: Himanshu Sharma
Occupation: Wedding PhotographerAge: 25
Height: 6.0
City: Delhi
Highest weight recorded: 121Kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 10Months
The turning point: We had a Thailand trip to go to and I had planned to lose some weight before the trip. However, the transformation didnt really happen and I did not get the results I wanted in one month. I came back, started again and for six straight months, without any break, I researched on the internet and worked on my body. I am proud to admit that losing weight turned my life around.
My breakfast: Oats + Peanut Butter(Unsweetened) + Protein( Eggs or Whey)
My lunch: Mostly Protein portion(Chicken/Eggs) + Fats (Almonds or Peanuts) + Carbs (Rice /Bread)
My dinner: Fats and Protein (Paneer/Eggs), and the quantity depended on my calorie requirements. I jotted down all the needed info and ate accordingly.I also made sure that I drank 3-6 litres of water every day. Staying hydrated, especially when you workout is important.
Pre-workout meal: Something carb-loaded Oats/Bread on heavy training day (Legs/Back)
On small muscle group days (Biceps-Shoulders) I preferred MCT oil or Coffee as a pre-workout drink.
Post-workout meal: Protein Shake with peanut butter.
I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): I dont have any cheat days, in fact, I dont support cheat mentality. I eat what I feel like and move on. No cheat mentality= no guilt!
My workout: My workout was a complex mix of Strength Training with HIIT and frequent changes in the regime so that my body doesnt get used to it. Compound lifts along with HIIT are my favourite to boost the metabolic rate as well as it keeps you strong along with good cardiac health.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by : When you are on a dietary cut, you are allowed to have a limited number of calories. The best way to go with it is to fill 50% of your plate with protein, rest add some veggies and fats. Add carbs before or after workouts, or around the time you are most active. Avoid snacking in between.
Some of my favs are chicken breast greek salad (keep a check on the dressing sauce). Mix Vegetable Juices are low in calorie and high on fibre and multi-minerals. They keep you full!
Fitness secrets I unveiled: One can not simply think of losing weight on the spot and get abs. You cannot maintain abs all year-round and it is really unhealthy to have very low body fat for a longer time.
There is no secret to being healthy, its hard work with persistence and a goal.Patience, resilience, and staying mentally well is also more important than just building abs. A fit body takes it own time so there is no point rushing into it.
How do I stay motivated? Motivation is overrated. You got to do what you got to do. I never thought I am going to change so much. It comes slowly and you have got to keep working on it. Set your eyes on the target and keep your head down and you will see results.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Perseverance is the key to success. Every morning get up and realise what your goal is and do whatever helps you with your goals. Take small decisions, be obsessed with your goal. Think positive, if you want to have a dessert, have it and move on. I firmly believe that people lose their way because they go too hard on themselves.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? I dont count body shaming because you can't control what others say. Being overweight brings health problems. Running, breathing, body pain, bad posture, knee pain, heart health-these are some of the problems which become a part of your everyday life.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I am not obsessed with any shape but 10 years down the line I would like to see myself consistently health, with better mental and muscle health.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? There are too many and still going on. Getting up on time, following a regime for everything, not just workouts.I quit smoking and drinking (by choice), I quit eating oily food and high sugar desserts. I make my own food, do my own chores but did not give up on anyone thing(food). Plus, I am more positive and grateful for what I have and ready to welcome more. Cut out the negativity and you start seeing a difference.
What was the lowest point for you? There are highs and lows, nothing such as I have two really good friends who keep me uplifted. Enjoy the journey its only making you better!
Lessons learnt from weight loss: There are so many lessons I have and would like to tell people reading my story:
- Have Goals, they will give you directions when you are lost!-Whatever happens, dont give up. Bounce back every time!
-Dont get attached to your results! Detach.-Dont wait for motivation
See original here:
Weight loss: This photographer shed 50+ kilos through strength training and calorie deficit! - Times of India
Friends will never be back on Netflix save $15 on the DVDs or $130 off the Blu-ray box set – BGR

It has been 26 years since Friends first aired on NBC on September 22, 1994. Can you believe that? Twenty-six years! Rachel Green fled her wedding and ran into childhood friend Monica Green before taking a job as a coffee house waitress at Central Perk, and the rest, as they say, is history. The show lasted an impressive 10 seasons before wrapping up in May of 2004, and it was one of the most popular shows on TV back then. Incredibly, its still one of the most popular shows all these years later in 2020.
For years, all 10 seasons of Friends was available to stream on Netflix and the series was among the most popular content on the platform the entire time it was there. Unfortunately for Netflix subscribers, the company lost its rights to the show and it disappeared from Netflixs catalog on January 1, 2020.
Where did Friends go, you ask? Well, it didnt really go anywhere. For the time being, Friends isnt available to be streamed legally on any streaming media platform. Its a bummer, but thats how things will be until later this year when HBO Max launches. The new HBO service will be the exclusive streaming home to the series moving forward, which means you cant legally stream Friends anytime in the foreseeable future unless you plan to cough up $15 a month for HBO Max once it launches. Lucky for you, you wont need to stream the show anymore before youre about to save a ton of money on the DVDs or Blu-rays!
Amazon is running a great sale right now on both Friends: The Complete Series on DVD and Friends: The Complete Series on Blu-ray. The former retails for $70 but is on sale for just $54.99 right now, and the latter has a sky-high retail price of $190 but has a massive $130 discount today. That slashes the price to just $59.99, which is an absolute steal. Definitely dont miss this deal.
Follow @BGRDeals on Twitter to keep up with the latest and greatest deals we find around the web. Prices subject to change without notice and any coupons mentioned above may be available in limited supply. BGR may receive a commission on orders placed through this article, and the retailer may receive certain auditable data for accounting purposes.
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Friends will never be back on Netflix save $15 on the DVDs or $130 off the Blu-ray box set - BGR
Winery slammed for body-shaming gates labelled fit or big boned which you have to be a certain size to f – The Sun

A WINERY has been slammed for installing body shaming gates for guests to walk through, labelled fit or plump.
The Badger's Brook Winery, in Victoria, Australia, installed the gates in the carpark, which were met with horror by visitors.
Called the stature challenge door, people had a choice of six spaces to walk through, with the slimmest gap labelled congratulations, while the largest was called big boned.
Larger shapes were deemed overweight, chubby, plump, with smaller spaces named standard and fit-looking.
Outraged visitors branded the gates disgusting, and called for them to be removed.
One woman shared an angry snap of the pink gates to Facebook, demanding the winery remove them.
This type of behaviour sets bad body image issues
Visitor Shannyn Tucker wrote: Im sorry but this is actually disgusting. I dont understand how this acceptable in this era.
This type of behaviour sets bad body image issues.
It shouldnt be okay to make anyone of any age feel uncomfortable for not fitting through an ideal space'", 7News reported.
She claimed the couldnt even fit her leg through the smallest congratulations gap, and questioned whether anyone would realistically be able to fit through it.
After receiving the backlash, the winery later confirmed it had removed the gates.
Badgers Brook Estate put out a statement on Facebook, apologising for any offence caused.
They said: Dear valued customers, we apologise for the offence we caused by displaying the Body Stature Challenge in our car park.
We did not understand that this would be offensive, however now we understand why it is inappropriate and have removed it.
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Meanwhile this mum-of-three reveals 5st weight loss and still ate same diet of pizzas, burgers & kebabs.
And these are the 5 food tweaks to slash hundreds of calories from your diet and boost weight loss.
Plus here's how to lose weight fast by avoiding overeating at 3 danger times every day.
Sophie Raworth on midlife running: At 51 years old, I have never been faster –

There is something extraordinary about getting older but getting faster, marvels Sophie Raworth, when we meet in a caf close to BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place. I just find it astounding. I never imagined that I would be the fittest I have ever been at 51-years old. I have never been fitter or faster. It is the complete opposite to what you are led to believe.
"If I had started running like this when I was 20, I probably wouldnt be getting better because I would have been faster back then. But because I started later, I still have new marks to hit all the time. There is something very empowering about doing that at my age.
Cradling a flat white and wrapped in a long pink coat to fend off the chilly weather (any endurance athlete with low body fat needs a good winter coat), the BBC newsreader and mother of three admits running has taken over my life. When she is not presenting the six oclock news or striding across the BBCs giant outdoor map of the UK on election night, Raworth can be found dashing around Richmond Park, pounding up the Surrey hills with friends, or running the 10km from her home in south-west London to the BBC studio. She has completed 15 marathons including Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York - and three ultra-marathons, most notably the brutal 254km Marathon des Sables in the Sahara desert. Not a bad rsum for someone who only started running in middle age.
Raworth has a particularly busy few days of running lined up. Today she is supporting the Beat Beethoven event at MediaCityUK for Sport Relief, in which runners will try to complete a 5k within the time it takes the BBC Philharmonic orchestra to play Beethovens Fifth Symphony live (around 30-35 minutes). She has also qualified to represent England in her age group at a race in Fleet, Hampshire, at the weekend.
Somebody came up to me in a coffee shop the other day and said: I saw you running on TV and I wish I could run too but I am 50. I said: I am 51! So you canrun! People write themselves off too quickly. But I like that I can still push boundaries. Sprinters dont get faster as they age but an endurance runner can get faster. Look at Jasmin Paris who (aged 35) ran the (268-mile) Spine Race last year and beat the record by about a day.
"In endurance running, particularly for women, age is no barrier. I have done a sub 3 hour 30 minute marathon twice now and I want to go better in London this year.
Running is known to improve cardiovascular health, lower body weight and elevate mood, but many midlifers still fear it will damage their knees. However, a recent study led by University College London found that taking up running in middle age actually strengthens your knee joints. The big barrier is still the notion that you are too old or worried about the impact, says Raworth. But, touch wood, I have never had problems and running just seems to strengthen my muscles, bones and knees.
Reminiscing about her time at Putney High and St Paul's Girls' Schools, Raworth mourns how her generation were not encouraged to exercise. This was the 80s and women werent encouraged to do sport, whereas my girls are encouraged all the time. I did a bit of track running. Then I got into diving. One of my fellow divers, who had lots of curly hair, was called Jason. I didnt realise until recently that it was (the actor) Jason Statham, because obviously he is now bald."
Raworth joined the BBC in 1992 and achieved rapid progress but, as the demands of her work increased, she didnt run again until her 30s. After giving birth to her second daughter, she signed up for the Great North Run, aged 36, in a bid to lose some baby weight. Committing to this half marathon lit the competitive spark which her gentle jogs had failed to ignite. I do like a challenge so I took it seriously. We used to run around the river with the two children in a double-buggy. I did the race in 2 hours and 6 minutes half an hour slower than I do now but I remember the absolute elation at the end.
Her first London Marathon, in 2011, did not go to plan. She collapsed with heat exhaustion after 23 miles and, after receiving medical attention for two hours, jogged to the finish line in a time of 6 hours and 22 minutes. Today, her personal best is an impressive 3 hours, 27 minutes and 1 second set at the Valencia Marathon in December.
Raworth admits that she gets very competitive with herself and has a coach to keep her on track. The other weekend my coach told me to run 17 miles. I ran 13 miles with friends and when I got back I thought: that is not enough! So I went out in the evening and did the extra four.
As a busy mother and television presenter, how does she fit it all in? If I am doing the news in the evening, I am not in until mid-morning, so when the kids go to school I have a couple of hours to run. I do my long runs early on a Sunday. And if I have a flat-out day, I will run to work with my kit on my back. I am lucky we get hair and make-up and a shower when I get there.
"I just make it work. I find the busier I am, the more I focus my mind, so you actually achieve more.
In a feat arguably more impressive than her marathon PB, she recently persuaded her children aged 15, 14 and 11 to run with her. I love running with my children although I cant say they love running with me, she laughs. My son likes a run but he beats me, which is annoying. The other two are older and they are not sure they want to be seen running with their mum.
"My oldest daughter has announced that she wants to run a half-marathon with friends. I was like: really? So its nice that this permeates and encourages them."
Raworth says one of the secret joys of running lies in not having to worry about what she eats. On a typical day she has a breakfast of porridge and honey, followed by a sandwich or some sushi at work, and some fish with salad in the evening. She reveals that the BBC news team treasures its 4pm chocolate break. I go and buy lots of chocolate for us, she laughs.
Finishing the Marathon des Sables in 2018 was, without doubt, her biggest challenge so far. I have never been more out of my comfort zone, she recalls. You are stripped back to your bare essentials. You just have to survive. You carry all your food and I lost a stone in weight. In June she will run the Comrades Marathon a 90km slog from Pietermaritzburg to Durban in South Africa, which she calls the Holy Grail for ultra-runners.
Despite her extreme athletic accomplishments, Raworth can still remember how anxious she felt on those first few jogs after giving birth, which is why she loves encouraging others to embrace new challenges. She has persuaded Ian Russell,the former BBC director whose 14-year-old daughter Molly took her own life in 2017,to run this years London Marathon, at the age of 56. He is raising money for the Molly Rose Foundation, which the family set up in Mollys memory to help prevent the suicide of young people.
Raworth suggests any new midlife runners should sign up for a Park Run or download the NHS's Couch to 5k app. The big thing for people I know who started later in life is the feeling that everybody will be looking at them. Especially people who want to lose weight. But people just dont do that. Park Run is incredibly supportive. Everyone cheers you on.
Running may ignite Raworths competitive instinct and safeguard her health but on stressful days it is also a source of relaxation. Running is very liberating, she reflects. If I am worried about something, I go running. If I feel a bit ill, I go running as it wards that off. If I need to sort something in my head, I go running. It is as an escape and it is very meditative. We all lead busy lives and this is about finding a bit of space and time for yourself.
Follow Sophie on Twitter:@Raworthontherun
Sophie Raworth on midlife running: At 51 years old, I have never been faster -
‘I took it to heart, man’: The big change that aided Dodgers prospect Edwin Ros – The Athletic

PHOENIX Edwin Ros reported to fat camp in September 2015. Technically, he reported to metabolic camp, but he called it fat camp. Most days, it was just him and the since-traded Willie Calhoun, as the Dodgers tried to get both prospects to lose weight fast. Ros shed about 20 pounds in about 30 days.
It was necessary. The added weight rendered Ros a position-less prospect. And he had once been considered a pretty good defensive player. As recently as 2013, he was a full-time shortstop, a star freshman starter for Florida International University. And he was good enough at it that the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association named him the second-best freshman shortstop in America. The best? Alex Bregman.
The only reason I didnt make first team was Bregman, Ros said.
As a sophomore in the spring of 2014, Ros was a full-time second baseman. In the Cape Cod League that summer, he played third base. On one throw across the diamond, he...
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'I took it to heart, man': The big change that aided Dodgers prospect Edwin Ros - The Athletic