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What Happens in the First Week of the Carnivore Diet? – The Good Men Project

When you opt for any diet plan to lose or gain weight, you will experience some changes in your body, whether it is paleo, keto, or other diet plans out there. But if you can continue for several days, you will see the changes, and your body will also change its habit for the diet plan.
Carnivore diet, aka all-meat diet plan, is simply a diet plan which incorporates only meat. You have to eat meat for each meal of the day. You cannot go for any vegetables or carbs. Those who prefer meat can pursue the diet plan more comfortably than others who love to consume veggies and carbs.
Surviving on any diet plan for losing weight may be daunting for the first few days. But you have to stick to the diet plan. Otherwise, you may not see the ultimate result of the diet plan. In this article, I am going to share my experience on a carnivore diet plan. Though I am not so fat, I wanted to give a try to learn what actually happened after a few days.
Before delving into the details, I would like to tell you about the diet plan so you can understand better. And, if you want to incorporate the diet plan, carnivore diet, it will be better for you to continue. Because, before starting a diet plan, it is wise to know the after-effects of the menu, right?
What is the carnivore diet anyway?
I think this is the most straightforward diet plan out there, among other diet plans like keto or paleo or HCG. Do you know why? Because of this simple but hard-to-follow diet plan, all you have to eat is just meat. It is also considered the ancestral approach of the diet plan. In ancient times, our forefathers lived on meat mostly. They hunted wild animals, fishes from river or any other water sources and ate them to satisfy their hunger.
So, you are only allowed to consume meat (steaks), butter, eggs, and cheese. For the first few days, you can eat some carbs after two or three days if you cannot continue the diet. But only meat is recommended for the diet plan. However, if it is not suitable for you, the paleo diet can be the best option left for you.
If you are on the diet plan, how do you get benefitted? Well. Below are the benefits of the diet plan; I stumble upon it.
If you prefer eating meat, you can go to the diet plan. Because the menu of the diet plan suggests only to eat meat, cheese, eggs, and butter. So, it would be like you can continue the diet plan easily. But after a few days, you may experience difficulties pursuing the diet plan. Sometimes, you may vomit and have a headache as well.
Ketosis starts
Our body needs a source of energy to run it. Most of the time, the power which is necessary for our body gets by burning carbohydrate. What if there is almost no carbohydrate inside our body? The game starts from here. When our body does not energy from carbs, it changes the way to start ketosis, known as a metabolic process to burn stored fat in our body. Ketosis can benefit you to reduce weight, some health issues like ADHD.
Fast weight loss process
Continuing the meat diet plan for the first week, I feel like I have lost a few pounds of my weight. I checked and surprised that I have cut nearly four pounds of weight. This is huge! And, I have lost another two pounds for the following weeks on the meat diet plan. If you want to cut out some extra weight fast, it can be a good option for you to incorporate.
What happens for the first week of the diet plan?
I have already mentioned earlier in this article that everything needs time to transform. In the same way, after starting the carnivore diet plan, you have to consider a few days to match the diet plan to your body. Starting is easy, but pursuing consistency is somewhat tricky.
The first week will be the toughest for you if you want to take the diet plan. Because, for those days, you have to ignore your regular habit of eating. You will have to spend some days in the fluctuation mode of appetite. In this situation, you should allow you to sleep more.
Someday, you will feel like you dont need anything to eat. But for other days, you will become so hungry to eat a lot. But, as mentioned, by continuing the diet for a few days, everything should be reasonable to you so you can pursue the menu.
The diet plan is not easy to continue. Most dieters leave it in the middle or after a few days of starting. But if you are determined, you can continue. It will be pretty easy for you to maintain. When you begin to see the result, meaning weight loss, you can pursue the diet plan. If it is too difficult to proceed, you can eat sweet potatoes slightly.
Photo: Shutterstock
Here is the original post:
What Happens in the First Week of the Carnivore Diet? - The Good Men Project
Opinion: Obesity should be viewed as a disease – National Post

By Sylvia Santosa Special to Montreal Gazette
On World Obesity Day, March 4, organizers hope people will reflect on how obesity and being overweight affects more than 1.9 billion adults and 380 million children. According to the World Health Organization, deaths worldwide from obesity and being overweight are more common than deaths from being underweight. Though there are still many questions to be answered about obesity and obesity treatment, one thing seems clear: obesity is a disease that parallels aging.
Children with obesity can develop hypertension, high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes. These are conditions usually only seen in adults.
People with obesity, on average, die about seven years earlier than those of normal weight. We also know having obesity puts you at risk for many conditions and diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, impaired mobility, hypertension, sarcopenia, cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimers disease, all of which are also linked to aging.
Hit the molecular level and the linkage looks even more intimate. In both aging and obesity, there is greater free radical formation, energy-producing mitochondria in our muscles start to fail and inflammation becomes chronic. The immune cells in our body that fight infections also weaken with both obesity and aging. Even our DNA is affected with obesity. The telomeres that protect our DNA have been found to be shorter with obesity to a degree that aging is accelerated by eight years.
But obesity is not just a condition that accelerates aging: obesity should be viewed as a disease that accelerates aging. Obesity clearly changes the function of body systems resulting in adverse health outcomes, but there still is a debate over whether obesity is, in fact, a disease. If you look at the definition of a disease, part of the controversy may surround the term normal functioning. What is normal? One could argue that weight gain and the eventual classification of obesity is a normal adaptation to energy surplus. Here, some view obesity as arising from an unhealthy lifestyle, one that is fraught with too much food and too little exercise.
Yet, there is no question as to whether other diseases associated with lifestyle are in fact diseases. There is no debate over whether cardiovascular disease, cancer or Type 2 diabetes are diseases, even though they have significant lifestyle components. One might respond that these diseases do not only result from lifestyle choices, but our genes as well. But genes have also been linked with the development of obesity. After all, dont we all have that friend that can eat twice the amount of food than we do and stay thin as a toothpick?
Many people think that those with obesity simply need to lose weight to be cured. Is it really that simple? With obesity, there are a number of changes that occur in our bodies that make it difficult to lose weight. It is estimated that weight-loss treatment of obesity through lifestyle is successful in only 20 per cent of people. Most who have kept off the weight will tell you that it is a lifelong struggle.
We would argue that aging and obesity are actually two sides of the same coin. The fact that so many people are affected means we need to act faster to address obesity. Understanding obesity as a disease of premature aging might be the spark we need, for example, by applying abundant research in aging to obesity in order to generate new solutions. Accepting obesity as a disease that accelerates aging will allow us to shift our approach to understanding obesity and its treatment. And that new framing might bring a new awareness of the urgency to act on such a serious health threat.
Sylvia Santosa is an associate professor in the Department of Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at Concordia University and a Canada Research Chair in Clinical Nutrition. David Secko is a professor in, and chair of, Concordias Department of Journalism.
See more here:
Opinion: Obesity should be viewed as a disease - National Post
‘Helping no one’: The role we all play in the obesity epidemic – Sydney Morning Herald

In the case of weight and diet articles, they feed the focus we have as a society on these issues. And the focus we all have on these issues is markedly unhealthy, for people of every weight.
Why? Partly because if we prioritise our weight then we can be susceptible to compromising our health (for example, by crash dieting), and partly because if we make weight our primary value then it becomes easy to devalue those who dont conform to those ideals. Weight stigma and "fat-phobia" are rampant, not only within our community, but within the medical profession and the effect is devastating; driving further weight-gain, self-hatred and mental ill-health, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders and exercise avoidance.
Through our unhealthy focus and through our communal judgment, we are helping no one and exacerbating an escalating public health epidemic.
And that is before we even consider the impact of those in the food industry knowingly selling us processed foods that make us sick or those profiting off peddling diets that dont work to the vulnerable.
While many diets can accurately claim to work at least initially, because if we restrict calories we will lose weight they hook us into a cycle because firstly they are unsustainable and secondly we are hard-wired to put on more weight when they inevitably come to an end.
When we diet, we lose both fat and muscle. But when we stop the diet, we typically just gain back the fat, unless we are exercising particularly intensely to preserve muscle.
With each of those cycles you shift your body composition more and more towards a higher fat percentage, which is a less metabolically efficient machine, Mark Bittman and Dr David Katz explain in their new book, How to Eat. Fat requires fewer calories to maintain its size than muscle does. So essentially, you create a pathway by which you need fewer calories each time to maintain fat and require even more severe calorie restriction to lose it.
Blaming individuals for finding themselves stuck in this spiral is as futile as it is short-sighted.
The choices any one of us make are always subordinate to the choices all of us have, Bittman and Katz argue. We live in a food supply willfully designed by experts to maximise eating for the sake of corporate profits... blaming overweight people and those with diabetes is all wrong. Bathroom scales and glucometers do not measure character or worth, and we have to unbundle disease and personal responsibility... to confront the health threat of obesity without blaming the victims of the condition for it.
So how do we do this?
We have to recognise our collective role in contributing to the problem we all face, our subconscious or conscious weight biases. We have to reject the weight stigma that diet culture relies on and redirect our frustration at a food system that willfully promotes foods that make us ill.
One thing we can all do is shift the conversation from weight to health, and we all deserve both health and to be cared for in our bodies.
I think everybody should think about What is health for? What is weight control for? Dr David Katz suggested when we chatted earlier in the week. I think if they pushed on that, they would realise, well the answer is to have the best possible life and it really doesnt help you have the best possible life if youre fixated on your weight or a number on the scale.
Focus on what youre trying to gain vitality, energy, the ability to do the things youd like to do with gusto and it turns out if you get that formula right your weight will sort itself out too.
In their report, the World Obesity Federation said that the cycle of shame and blame needs to be broken: [We need] to re-evaluate our approach for addressing this complex, chronic disease that affects over 650 million adults and more than 125 million children worldwide.
I couldnt agree more and that change starts with the attitudes of us all and where we direct our attention.
Body Language is our wellbeing column, examining trending issues in diet, health and fitness.
Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
See original here:
'Helping no one': The role we all play in the obesity epidemic - Sydney Morning Herald
Different Types of Diet to Lose Weight & Lead a Happy & Healthy Life – Version Weekly

What are Types of Diet: Are you facing a lot of embarrassing situations with your bodyDo you want to become a fitness influencer Are you a newbie & looking for a diet guide, and many more are heading in your mind regarding diet plans, this page is for you, my dear friends.
After reading this article, you will get answers to all your questions on diets. Nowadays, people are suffering from so many health issues like weight loss, weight gain, due to a lack of healthy and good amounts of protein food. To avoid such things all are jumping into the diet.
There exist many weight-loss diets, health & fitness diets out there. Every diet type acts as a superior. But, it is hard to know the selected diet might work for you or not? Because the fact is that no-one diet is best for anybody. So, You have to choose any of the diets based on your body condition and start following it for a healthier life. To help you out from this situation, we have come up with the various best running types of diets that have been using by people globally.
Also Check: Simple 3-step Plan to Lose Weight Fast
Most of the diets are designed for weight loss issues and some for weight gain and fitness. In this article, we will see the reviews of the most popular weight-loss diets and the science behind each of them. First of all, check the list of famous types of diet that people are following across the world for their healthier life.
Love to be as a fitness freak and motivate others then try out the best & worthy diet from the list after inspecting the health benefits and major food items that it includes. If the details are enough to start your chosen diet then go for it and give your feedback via comments below.
Lets just dive in for more info about types of diet!
List of different types of Diet:
Are you ready to know the detailed review of the above types of diet? Then, below
A low-carb diet and high-fat diet is known as a Keto diet (Ketogenic Diet). It drops blood sugar and insulin levels. Also, it changes the bodys metabolism far from carbs and towards ketones and fat. You can observe the fat burning in the Ketogenic diet. A standard ketogenic diet (SKD), Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD), Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD), and High-protein ketogenic diet are various kinds of Keto Diet.
Foods to Have on Keto Diet:
Majorly you have to base your ketogenic diet on healthy food like healthy oils, avocados, eggs, fatty fish, meat, cheese, condiments, low-carb veggies, nuts and seeds, butter and cream.
Foods to Avoid:
Any food item that is high in carbs should be evaded. Here are some of the eliminated foods on a keto diet: card-based foods such as Grains/Starches, Sugary foods, Beans/legumes, low-fat products, alcohol, root veggies and tubers, fruit, unhealthy fats, sugar-free diet foods, etc.
Health Benefits of Keto Diet:
Indeed, the Ketogenic diet is originated as a tool for neurological disease treatment. Many of the studies proved that keto diet consists of a wide range of benefits for various health conditions like Cancer, Brain injuries, Heart disease, Parkinsons disease, Acne, Epilepsy, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Alzheimers disease, etc.
The Mediterranean diet means eating the traditional food of cuisine countries bordering the mediterranean sea like France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. Studies and reports observed that folks in these countries had fewer rates of chronic disease, in comparison with the USA and Northern Europe. It contains more veggie foods instead of meat. Also, it is high in fruits, whole grains, and refined oils. In this diet, people take a huge amount of oil included food.
Foods to Eat on the Mediterranean Diet:
Enjoy some of these foods while on the Mediterranean diet such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds, eggs, poultry, healthy fats, seafood, herbs and spices, a limited quantity of beverages.
Foods to Evade while Mediterranean Diet:
People who are following the Mediterranean diet should limit or eliminate these foods like refined grains, processed foods & meats, added sugar, refined oils, and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:
Some major health benefits that have been connected with the Mediterranean diet are:
Also Check: Merits Of A Mediterranean Diet
Feasible Mediterranean Diet Drawbacks:
The Mediterranean diet allows moderate amounts of alcohol, that doesnt fit for every person. Moreover, it is more expensive and some people might deem difficult than other diets.
Intermittent fasting is a diet treatment where cycles your body among periods of fasting and easting. People use this Intermittent Fasting for Weight loss. Because it might involve complete moderate, or permit a lower amount of food and beverages.
This Intermittent fasting diet plan can be easier to do than other types of fasting. The most common methods to follow Intermittent Fasting diets such as The Warrior Diet, 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat method, and 16/8 method. IT diet is a very powerful tool for weight loss and fat loss.
Have these Healthy Foods & Beverages:
While Intermittent fasting people have to follow by eating and drinking these items like Water, coffee, and other noncaloric beverages, eat normal solid foods such as nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables, and high protein foods, including meat, fish, tofu, at the time of your eating window, but must consume in the eating periods only.
Avoid these Unhealthy Foods:
Advised to avoid foods while the IT fasting diet is processed meats, sugar, trans fats, and refined starches.
Intermittent Fasting Diet Health Benefits:
Some of the potential health benefits that include in Intermittent Fasting diet are weight loss, fat loss, reduction of markers of inflammation, heart health, anti-aging, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood triglycerides, increases HGH levels, altered gene expressions, insulin sensitivity, and cellular repair.
The term Vegan was picked using a combination of first and last letters of Vegetarian. It is a form of vegetarian diet that excludes all kinds of meat and animal products for ethical, environmental, or health concerns. After eliminating animal products also it is more effective for weight loss.
So, follow this vegan diet by choosing a prominent veganism diet plan from various types based on your condition. It includes some important types of vegan dietary patterns like whole-food, raw food, dietary, junk-food, and low-fat raw-food vegans.
Foods to Avoid by Vegans:
Vegan Diet following people should restrict with all animal origin food products like meat, shellfish, eggs, chicken, fish, dairy, and honey along with many other items including animal-derived additives.
Foods to Consume while Vegan Diet:
The people who are following a vegan diet can eat these wide varieties of foods such as beans, lentils, tofu, seitan, tempeh, nuts, and seeds. And, it is easy to replace meat and dairy with plant-based substitutes, which gives flexibility to this diet.
Health Benefits of Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet
Healthy vegan diets are rich with vitamins B1, C, and E, magnesium, folic acid, and iron while also remain low in cholesterol and soaked fats. A plant-based vegan diet can reduce the risk of death from diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, heart diseases, etc.
Also Check: Vegan For Healthy Living
Now, we are going to discuss a low carb diet plan for weight loss. Low card diet badly restricts crab intake and urges your body to take advantage of fat for fuel. It is the most effective and popular diet for weight loss people and also includes various health benefits. Do you have an idea about to consume how many carbs in a low carb diet? People who follow low carb diet plans should take carbs below 130 grams per day and it is best to eat 20-50 gms of carbs.
Low-Carb Diet Foods to Eat:
Eggs, Fish, Meat, Vegetables sprouting above ground and natural fats (like butter) are some of the major foods that recommended to eat while low-carb diet.
Foods to Avoid while Low Carb Diet:
Low carb diet following people is strictly advised to evade Sugar and starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice, beans, and potatoes.
Advantages of Following Low-Carb Diet:
Here are the 10 health benefits of a low-carb diet plan:
An Ultra low-fat diet limits the day to day consumption of dietary fat from animal and plant sources. Ultra or Very Low-Fat Diet permits only less than or equal to 15% of calories from fat. Also, it tends to be low in protein and very high in carbs, about 10% and 80% of daily calories accordingly. It may result in great weight loss and might also have splendid benefits for heart health, multiple sclerosis (MS), type 2 diabetes, etc.
Foods to eat on Ultra Low-fat diet:
Healthy Fats, Dairy, Veggies, Protein, Fruits, Herbs and Spices, Beverages are some of the major food items that should take while following an ultra low-fat diet.
Foods not to eat on Ultra Low-fat diet:
Also, some avoidable food items must keep away from your diet plan are Cream Cheese, Packaged Beverages, Fatty parts of beef and pork, junk food, etc.
Benefits of an Ultra or Very Low-fat Diet:
By eliminating unhealthy facts will give the following health benefits:
The Atkins Diet Plan was initially promoted by the physician Dr. Robert C. Atkins, who drafted a best-selling book about the Atkins diet in 1972. Studies declare that it has a lead to more weight loss and better enhancement in blood sugar, Good HDL Cholesterol, triglycerides, and some more health markers compared to a low-fat diet.
The Atkins diet is the best known low-carb weight loss diet. Also, it is more effective in benefitting many other disease risk factors. The main reason behind all these low-carb diet plans is it reduces your appetite. The Atkins diet is separated into four various phases: Phase 1 (induction), Phase 2 (Balancing), Phase 3 (fine-tuning), and Phase 4 (maintenance).
Eat these Foods while Atkin Diet:
To kick off your weight loss program called Atkin 20 diet plan, you should consume some of the major foods like at first step veggies such as spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, and bok choy, protein-eggs, chicken, beef. All fish items along with Butter and olive oil, some cheeses like goat, parmesan, swiss and cheddar.
If you are on the Atkins 40 diet plan, then you should eat all the above items along with the following food items.
Foods to Avoid:
You must eliminate these following foods while doing the Atkins diet: Sugar, vegetable oils, Trans fats, Starches, Grains, Diet and low-fat foods, High crab fruits and vegetables, Legumes, and many more.
Benefits of the Atkins Diet Plan:
Many studies prove that low-carb diets like the Atkins diet can mitigate many risk factors for disease, as well as cholesterol, insulin, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure.
Are you looking for a high-protein, low-carb weight loss diet? Then, the Dukan Diet is an effective diet plan and it is split into four phases. It was established by Dr, Pierre Dukan, a French general practitioner who specialized in weight loss.
This Dukan Diet is stated to provide rapid weight loss without hunger. The four phases of the Dukan diet are the Attack phase, Cruise phase, the Consolidation phase, and the stabilization phase. And, this diet is split into two weight loss phases and two maintenance phases.
Beverages to Include on the Dukan Diet
People who are following the Dukan diet can have these beverages like coffee and tea without any added sugar. Also, you can have milk and other dairy drinks but they should be provided with fat-free and low in sugar and carbohydrates. Apart from these beverages, you can even drink diet beverages and sodas (sugar-free, no-calorie), sparkling water, club soda or seltzer.
Eliminated Food During Dukan Diet:
The food you cant eat while the Dukan diet depends on the phase you have chosen before. The following points explain what not to have on the Dukan diet. Have a look at the below lines.
Positive points about Dukan diet:
Should You Try The Dukan Diet?
The military diet is a low-calorie weight loss diet which is argued to encourage significant weight loss in just one week. It is also known as a 3-day military diet because the first 3 days of the diet have set a meal plan and include calorie restriction. Remaining four days have fewer restrictions. Still, you are promoted to eat healthily and restrict calories for the rest of four days. This diet is likely safe for healthy persons and it doesnt cause permanent weight loss.
Foods you can Eat on the Military Diet:
Here is the list of food items that you can consume while following the 3-day military diet plan.
Foods that you cant eat on the 3-day Military Diet:
The following foods are permitted to avoid or limit while doing the military diet. So, have a look at the list of eliminated foods below.
Health benefits of the Military Diet
The military diet aids to ensure your metabolism remains to adapt the change and functioning well. More than anything you can easily lose your weight by the 3-day military diet. It is not expensive and does not depend on changing your habits in the long run.
Paleolithic diet, Caveman diet, Primal Diet or Stone-age diet are some of the other names for the Paleo Diet which is a modern fad diet. There are various editions of the paleo diet. Most of them permit some modern foods that science implies are healthy. As a beginning point, you can also happily kick off your healthy diet by this paleo diet, because it is added up with a few healthy foods such as grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains.
Paleolithic humans diets vary according to location and availability. The primary vision of the paleo diet or short-age diet is to eat whole foods and eliminate processed foods & ingredients such as sugar, particular vegetable oils, trans fats, bread, and fake sweeteners.
Foods to Eat: Fish, meat, herbs & spices, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and oils.
Health Benefits: The Short-age diet looks like more effective at diminishing risk factors for heart disease, like cholesterol, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure, Reduced allergies. Along with these diseases, it also benefits with weight loss.
The Blood Type diet should be followed based on your blood groups. Also, it is referred to as the blood group diet and it is supported by many authors, but the most popular among them is Dr. Peter DAdamo, a naturopathic physician. He wrote a book called Eat Right 4 Your Type became incredibly famous.
In this book, he says that the ideal diet for anyone separately depends on the persons ABO blood type. The basic concept of this blood type diet is if you follow a diet prepared for your blood type, then body digest food more efficiently. By this diet, you can easily and fairly lose weight, have more energy, and aid to stop the disease.
What Foods You Can Eat While Following the Blood Type Diet
Based on your blood type only you can have to eat food. Hence, we have listed the details about the foods to eat while Blood Type Diet which was recommended by DAdamo for each type:
Read more from the original source:
Different Types of Diet to Lose Weight & Lead a Happy & Healthy Life - Version Weekly
Know Everything About Dash Diet to Lose Weight in 2020 – Health News Today

Dash diet is the newest trend to try this year for losing weight loss naturally. byU.S. News and World Report has nominated it the best diet for every US citizen. But what is this diet and why is it getting so much famous is the real question.
Despite the contrary belief, the Dash diet is not completely new. It was much popular back in 2010 but just like many dieting trends, it was pushed back and ignored for a few years. It made its entry back in 2019 and ever since, it has been receiving enormous support from the medical community worldwide.
The reason why so many medical professionals support this diet is that it was formulated and developed by a team of medical researchers, funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in 1990.
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It was first designed for heart patients as the number of heart patients arose drastically in the USA. In fact, many researchers still prescribe it to their patients experiencing high blood pressure.
This Dash diet is specifically designed to prevent clogging of blood arteries by fat deposits, so that blood circulation is improved and hence heart health is improved. However, it is under high criticism by many people for some of the ingredients that it uses.
Stefani Sassos is a consultant dietician at the Good Housekeeping Institute, she says that not Dash diet but the Mediterranean diet is coined as best diet of the year, yet Dash diet is one of her favorite dietary choices.
Especially if someone is suffering from high blood pressure and any heart conditions, the Dash diet is better than all other popular diet plans. It is also helpful to shed unnecessary weight within less time which is far better and safer than the popular keto diet.
Ginger Meyer is another practicing dietician with expertise in sports dietetics. Ginger is associated with the University of Missouri Health Care System. And believes that the Dash diet is helpful to reduce significantly high blood pressure by working on fat consumption, red meat, and sugar.
She says that;
Some may experience lowering of blood pressure in a few weeks, other important lifestyle factors include achieving or maintaining healthy body weight, participating in two hours and 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each week, and limiting alcohol consumption.
But unlike other popular diets, the Dash diet is intended for short-term use only. There is no such diet plan in this diet. But there are a few things that one can eat or cannot eat while being on a Dash diet.
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For example; a person can eat low sugar fruits (apples, oranges, berries, bananas, apricots), vegetables (sodium-free), whole grains (breads, rice, bulgur, oats, quinoa), fat-free or low -fat dairy (yogurt, cheese, milk), lean meat, seeds, nuts, legumes, and vegetable oils.
The foods that are to be restricted while following a dash diet include; all sugary eatables, juices, treats, candy, chocolate, full-fat dairy, white bread, pasta, alcohol fast food and everything that has a high sodium content such as frozen meals and store snacks.
Dash diet wasnt initially designed to promote weight loss. But losing weight is one of its many benefits. Those who dont have hypertension problems would experience this diet to help them lose weight and support a healthy heart. The results would be maximized if it is followed along with a regular workout routine. A research study from 2010 foundthat people following a Dash diet along with exercise experienced faster and better results than those who didnt.
While there are no specific food recipes of this diet, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has provided some resources to help people in designing food choices and serving size as per calories.
Continue reading here:
Know Everything About Dash Diet to Lose Weight in 2020 - Health News Today
The best ways to lose belly fat without counting calories – NewsDio

If you plan to lose weight this season, you should know that the caloric content of the food and beverages you consume is no longer the main indicator of weight gain; rather, it is the foods and drinks themselves that now determine whether or not you will gain a large amount of unwanted abdominal fat that you should eliminate in your next training session. The following tips will help you maximize your efforts to lose unwanted fat in your stomach without the need to count calories: reduce carbohydrates Starch, better known as carbohydrates or carbohydrates, is a crucial part that you should eliminate from your diet When you try to reach your weight loss goals. This is because the sugar found in carbohydrates increases the levels of insulin that stores fat, which leads to metabolism problems such as diabetes. On the contrary, cutting carbohydrates reduces insulin levels, which causes fat burning to be used as fuel for your body. In addition, low insulin levels allow your kidney to do what it is supposed to do, and that is to eliminate excess sodium and water in your body.Eat vegetables, healthy fats and protein.Not all carbohydrates are harmful, and especially for those found in vegetables. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts provide the recommended daily range of carbohydrates of 20 to 50 grams. Healthy fats can be obtained through sources such as olive oil and avocado. To get much needed protein, you may need to eat chicken, beef, lamb, tofu and fish, and the latter is also rich in omega-3, an important antioxidant for your body. A meal rich in vegetables, healthy fats and proteins helps improve your metabolism, as well as reducing your risk of heart disease. Strength training A healthy diet alone will not help you get the results you want, so it is best to accompany it with an active physical training. The best way to start is to exercise at least three times a week. Warming up and stretching should help accelerate weight loss. Weightlifting, on the other hand, allows you to burn many calories and increase muscle mass when done correctly. Always remember that muscle metabolism consumes many calories and, while producing weight gain due to increased muscle mass, the fat stored in your body becomes the energy your muscles need. After a training session, regain strength and recover properly. Drink lots of water Your body's metabolic processes need water to make sure they work properly. Water fills you, helps reduce cravings and even hydrates cells and skin. It also removes excess sodium stored in your body to stay hydrated every day. Get adequate sleep While you sleep, your body's cells repair faster. A good night's sleep helps heal torn tissues caused by a routine of intense exercises. Alternatively, you can relieve all pain by taking a warm water bath. Every movement of the body causes wear, so get enough sleep if you want to speed healing naturally to relieve all unwanted pain in your body. What is better for weight loss: diet or exercise? Photo courtesy of Pixabay [TagsToTranslate] ways
Go here to see the original:
The best ways to lose belly fat without counting calories - NewsDio
OPINION: Research before you try a diet – The Daily Evergreen

Don't go for the newest diet people are talking about, just eat healthier foods instead
Move over paleo, these diets don't solve the issue of being a healthier person. Instead focus on foods that are healthier and cutting calorie counts to achieve a healthier lifestyle for yourself.
There are so many options when looking for a newdiet plan. There is keto, vegan, intermediate fasting, vegetarian, paleo, detoxor juice cleanse and much more to choose from. These diets are trendy andunhealthy.
Fad diets often lead people to believe that there is a one-size-fits-all diet, and this is the one. The secrets out there isnt one perfect diet for all of us, said Lauren Keeney, a registered dietitian nutritionist and the owner and operator of Integrated Health LLC located in Moscow.
College is a colliding environment of lack of money and energy. When a student is lacking money, it is easier to buy staple items. These items look like ramen, canned veggies or soup and anything else that can be found at a low price. These low-price items are high in cholesterol and fat and they lack many of the key nutrients that are needed in a balanced diet. Low-cost foods also increase weight gain and fatigue.
It can come as no surprise that many college students are hopping on diet trends to lose weight fast, in the high stress and low energy environment. These fad diets are used to change a students look, weight and energy level.
I have done every diet you can do, from keto to fasting, said Hannah Bidon, a WSU junior majoring in nutrition and exercise physiology and minoring in psychology.
The diet is a quick fix that can have little tono effect on a students daily eating habits.
In my experience, I gave up and I couldnt doit. This was because it was unnatural for my body, Bidon said.
Starting a new diet can be exciting at first. Eventually the diet will come to an end, leaving the body feeling unhealthy and overall useless. Cutting out key components to a diet can harm the body.
Eat foods that your body craves and foods that make your body feel good, energized and satisfied. This means, eat what you enjoy and enjoy what you eat physically, mentally and emotionally, Keeney said.
Cutting out just carbsand fat can affect the body. Unless there are dietary restrictions or religiousguidelines, an individual should provide their body with all food groups.
The students that want to change their diets for ethical and environmental reasons are very different from those who want to lose 10 pounds in eight days. They try the new diets of detox, juice cleanse, one large meal a day, keto, paleo and much more. There are fewer extreme ways of dieting and healthy choices.
Diets come to an end and so does that healthy eating. Many times, the diet trend does not change an individuals overall eating habits or relationship with food.
In the end I gained the weight back or felt unhealthy after the diet, Bidon said.
Diets dont last forever, it is easier to makelife changes.
What many young adultslack in their diet is having a healthy relationship with food, Keeney said.
The best advice I was given was to balance the plate. Have all the food groups represented on the plate. Fruit and veggies, grain (bread, potatoes and more), protein (fish, eggs, tofu and nuts) and dairy (milk, yogurt and cheese).
Add more color to your diet, this way you canensure youre getting a variety of nutrients to support your overall health,Keeney said.
Students can add nutritious and need food groupsby adding in diverse veggies and sides to their main dish.
Take top ramen, for example. Overall it is not healthy. But it is cheap, so it is a staple in any students dorm, apartment, or house. It can be made healthier by adding a protein (I like an egg or two) and some green veggies. It not only looks more appetizing it can be more nutritious and filling.
Why even diet when it can end in gaining the weight back? I suggest making little healthy changes that can improve overall attitudes towards food. Little changes can make a big difference.
Read this article:
OPINION: Research before you try a diet - The Daily Evergreen
Want to have a healthy weight? Eat breakfast, not late-night snacks – ZME Science

There are a million diets out there some more effective than others. But at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing: if you want to lose weight, calories in must be lower than calories out. Its as simple as that.
Or is it?
The calories in vs calories out calculation is essentially correct, but it leaves out a few things. For starters, having a healthy diet isnt only about calories ignoring nutrient intake is not a wise thing to do, and many diets sacrifice healthiness for the same of losing weight (Im looking at you, keto).
Secondly, theres the human aspect: were not exactly good at controlling ourselves, and the odds are that simply making a calorie plan isnt going to work out. It needs to consider our lifestyle and preferences in order to be successful. A diet needs to become a lifestyle in order for it to work.
Lastly, its also not only about what we eat and how much we eat, but also about when we eat, as a new study has shown.
Our bodies are not machines that you can program and expect to function in the same way day in and day out. Our biological clocks and sleep patterns (the circadian rhythm) regulate how the food we eat is metabolized. Our bodies do burn fat when we sleep, but our metabolism generally tends to slow down at night, so eating right before going to sleep is rarely a good idea.
In the new study, researchers monitored the metabolism of mid-aged and older subjects in a whole-room respiratory chamber (essentially a calorie-measuring room) over two separate 56-hour sessions.
In each session, lunch and dinner were offered at the same time: 12:30 and 17:45, respectively but the timing of the third meal was changed. For one half of the study, the additional meal was presented as breakfast (8:00), and the other as a late-evening snack (22:00).
The duration of the overnight fast was the same overall, it was just the time of eating that was changed.
The two sessions did not differ in overall energy expenditure, but the respiratory exchange ratio was different during sleep.
Essentially, while the subjects were consuming the same amount of energy during sleep, they were metabolizing nutrients differently. Specifically, they were less likely to burn fat during sleep when they had the late-night snack
Therefore, the timing of meals during the day/night cycle affects how ingested food is oxidized or stored in humans, with important implications for optimal eating habits, the researchers write.
Previous research has suggested that this downside is negated by an intensive training regime, but for most of the population, the takeaway is pretty clear: if you want to get rid of that extra fat, you might want to stop having late-night snacks.
The results were published in PLoS Biology.
Go here to read the rest:
Want to have a healthy weight? Eat breakfast, not late-night snacks - ZME Science
VIDEO: Building better habits is easier when you don’t try to hard – NWAOnline

We're all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and commute to work, following the same patterns every day.
So why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?
Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way. We make bold resolutions to start exercising or lose weight, for example, without taking the steps needed to set ourselves up for success.
Here are some tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.
The best way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit, experts say. Look for patterns in your day and think about how you can use existing habits to create new, positive ones.
For many of us, our morning routine is our strongest routine, so that's a great place to stack on a new habit. A morning cup of coffee, for example, can create a great opportunity to start a one-minute meditation practice. Or, while you are brushing your teeth, you might choose to do squats or stand on one foot to practice balance.
Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to flop on the couch after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.
B.J. Fogg, a Stanford University researcher and the author of the book Tiny Habits, notes that big behavior changes require a high level of motivation that often can't be sustained. He suggests starting with tiny habits to make the new habit as easy as possible in the beginning. Taking a daily short walk, for example, could be the beginning of an exercise habit. Or, putting an apple in your bag every day could lead to better eating habits.
In his own life, Fogg wanted to start a daily pushup habit. He started with just two pushups a day and, to make the habit stick, tied his pushups to a daily habit: going to the bathroom. He began by, after a bathroom trip, dropping and doing two pushups. Now, he has a habit of 40 to 80 pushups a day.
British researchers studied how people form habits in the real world, asking participants to choose a simple habit they wanted to form, like drinking water at lunch or taking a walk before dinner. The study, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, found that the amount of time it took for the task to become automatic a habit ranged from 18 to 254 days.
The median time was 66 days!
The lesson is that habits take a long time to create, but they form faster when we do them more often. So start with something reasonable that is really easy to do. You are more likely to stick with an exercise habit if you do some small exercise jumping jacks, a yoga pose, a brisk walk every day, rather than trying to get to the gym three days a week.
Once the daily exercise becomes a habit, you can explore new, more intense forms of exercise.
Habit researchers know we are more likely to form new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your gym bag and leaving it by the door is one example of this.
Wendy Wood, a research psychologist at the University of Southern California, said she began sleeping in her running clothes to make it easier to roll out of bed in the morning, slip on her running shoes and run.
Choosing an exercise that doesn't require you to leave the house like situps or jumping jacks is another way to form an easy exercise habit.
Wood, author of the book Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick, calls the forces that get in the way of good habits "friction." In one study, researchers changed the timing of elevator doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close. (Normally the doors closed after 10 seconds.) It was just enough of a delay that it convinced many people that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the elevator.
"It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment," Wood said. "Just slowing down the elevator got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the elevator went back to normal timing."
Wood notes that marketers are already experts in reducing friction, inducing us to spend more, for example, or order more food. That's why Amazon has a "1-Click" button and fast-food companies make it easy to supersize. "We're just very influenced by how things are organized around us in ways that marketers understand and are exploiting but people don't exploit and understand in their own lives," she said.
Rewards are an important part of habit formation. When we brush our teeth, the reward is immediate a minty fresh mouth. But some rewards like weight loss or the physical changes from exercise take longer to show up. That's why it helps to build in some immediate rewards to help you form the habit.
Listening to audiobooks while running, for example, or watching a favorite cooking show on the treadmill can help reinforce an exercise habit. Or plan an exercise date so the reward is time with a friend.
Style on 03/02/2020
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VIDEO: Building better habits is easier when you don't try to hard - NWAOnline
Adding five healthy years to UK life expectancy how to achieve it – The Conversation UK

By 2050, the worlds over-65s will outnumber the under-15s for the first time in history. The root cause of this is simple: infant mortality has decreased. In 1910, about 15% of British babies died shortly after being born. By 1950, this had dropped to about 3%, and last year it was about 0.3%. This reduction is a global trend that only grouches fail to hail as a triumph.
But success brings its own problems. Every surviving baby is a potential pensioner, and by the age of 85, nobody is disease free. Being old is not in itself a problem, but being old and ill is quite another matter.
Over 40% of the UKs National Health Service (NHS) budget goes on the over-65s. Spending on a patient in their mid-80s is more than seven times higher that on someone in their mid-30s. Unless we improve healthy lifespan, by 2050 either healthcare expenditure will become impossibly high or care standards unacceptably low.
Conscious of this, the British government has set itself a commendable target for everyone to have five extra years of healthy, independent life by 2035 and to narrow the gap between the richest and the poorest. The second part of the sentence is key. Simply committing to increase the average healthy lifespan, as the European Union did some years ago, carries the risk that you hit your target by making the healthiest healthier.
Avoiding this is crucial for the UK where the health gap between rich and poor is bad (24% fewer of the poorest British people are in good health relative to the richest) compared with countries such as New Zealand and France (where the gap is only 5%-10%).
An authoritative new report, The Health of the Nation, from the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity lays out potential measures the UK government could take, and some traps to avoid, to meet its target. Drawing on contributions from many disciplines, there is something in it for everyone, from what you can do personally to stay healthy, through what your doctors can do to help you, to what scientists can do to help your doctors.
What you can do should come as no surprise. Stop smoking which would cut UK health inequalities in half if everyone did so. Drink less alcohol although you probably shouldnt be a teetotaller. And stay a healthy weight and get enough exercise.
The trap with encouraging people to adopt healthy behaviour, for example by running a lose-weight campaign, is that the people who diet as a result tend to be health-conscious folk already worried theyre fat. So catch everyone measures, such as hiking the prices of beer and cigarettes, have a better chance of raising average lifespan by reducing health inequality. Just dont expect smokers to thank the government for doing it.
Your doctors could help by putting more effort into preventing illness. The NHS focuses on healing the sick. It is extremely efficient at this but spends only 5% of its budget on prevention. This is because its key targets are for treating disease, not enhancing wellness. (Surgeons arent paid for the operations they didnt need to perform.)
One recommended way around this is to shift NHS performance metrics and money away from payment by activity towards payment for meeting population health status targets, such as blood pressure. Healthcare systems worldwide are looking to do this, but the potential for unintended consequences is high. For example, it is not implausible that linking financial incentives to a healthy population would create incentives for doctors not to diagnose people as sick.
Scientists can help because the single greatest risk to your health is your number of birthdays or, in other words, the operation of the mechanisms causing ageing. Social circumstances and individual behaviour affect ageing, but its underlying biological drivers affect every tissue in the body.
Fortunately, we now know that a few fundamental processes cause both ageing and age-related disease. For older people who are already sick, this breakthrough in understanding could add decades to healthy life expectancy.
It took 50 years to establish that senescent cells cells that dont divide or support the tissues of which they are part caused ageing but less than five to develop a drug cocktail that removes them from humans. So the first anti-ageing drugs are coming. But to get them to the clinic fast enough to meet the governments target, the new report recommends establishing a dedicated British Institute for Ageing to lead scientists, entrepreneurs and industrialists in a unified effort.
The global race to patent anti-ageing treatments is firmly on, the human need for them undoubted, and the nations that already have such dedicated agencies are out in front. So this last recommendation is one every country on Earth without these institutions will be well advised to carefully consider.
Here is the original post:
Adding five healthy years to UK life expectancy how to achieve it - The Conversation UK