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New five-day diet that mimics fasting launched in Dubai – Gulf News

New five-day Prolon diet mimics fasting Image Credit: Supplied
Dubai: A new diet that mimics fasting for a limited period of five days, promises to boost metabolism, help people detox and knock off kilos of fat, even reverse diabetes and other lifestyle diseases was launched at the Arab Health exhibition on Monday.
Introducing Prolon to the UAE market, Dr Joseph Antoun, CEO of L-Nutra, told Gulf News: Usually diets are low calorie where people are asked to eat small, limited calorie foods to lose weight. Prolonged eating of low calorie food can make people suffer from low blood sugar among other things.
Prolon, he claimed, is the worlds shortest diet that lasts only for five days and mimics fasting which triggers autophagy or cellular clean up. In other words, dead cells are cleared and detoxification triggered, while a lot of energy is released and insulin resistance reversed.
Dr Antoun said: At the cellular level, we are programmed to grow old and age. Prolon is the result of research at the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California where work was carried out to ascertain how gluten free, plant-based nutrition could protect and rejuvenate the body and decelerate the process of aging. The diet provides enough to replenish macro and micronutrients but not enough for the body to detect food at a cellular level. This tricks the body into believing its fasting thereby triggering autophagy and weight loss.
The Prolon kit contains chemical free gluten free, plant-based macro nutrients such as healthy fats from nuts, complex fibre rich proteins and carbohydrates and micronutrient such as vitamins, mineral and enzymes, all plant based carbs. The diet is not for those who might have nut allergy, are too frail and old or women who might be pregnant and lactating. The diet has currently three studies on the impact it has on reversing diabetes and at least 24 clinical trials ongoing on the impact it has on other lifestyle diseases.
We are very excited about the research. In clinical trial on mice, the kit eliminated insulin resistance and reversed diabetes. We are still awaiting results of human trials but thousands of people who have used Prolon since 2017 when it was launched in the US have reported weight loss, added Antoun.
Prolon diet
The diet kit which is priced at Dh1,100 can be bought online and through the recommendation of a GP. It can be done once a month by those who are obese, once in three months by those who are slightly overweight and once in six months by healthy and active individuals for best results.
Here is the original post:
New five-day diet that mimics fasting launched in Dubai - Gulf News
The best way to lose weight boils down to these three things NBC News – msnNOW

Getty Images Image: Woman cooking in the kitchen
Call it what you will: An eating plan, a lifestyle, a diet, a philosophy, but few things garner such heated debate as how to lose weight. The truth is, whether you're on a low-carb keto program, devoted to the Paleo lifestyle, all in on the Whole 30, or remain committed to low-fat eating, these plans have more in common than you think. What's more, follow any one of them religiously, and you'll likely notice results.
In one recent study, Stanford University researchers put more than 600 overweight adults on either a healthy low-fat or low-carb diet. It turns out, participants had similar levels of weight loss success on each plan. Researchers looked for clues (such as insulin levels and gene patterns) to see if there are any factors that might make someone more successful on either diet, but after combing through the data, they were not able to make any connections.
What they did note is that eaters on both plans followed some really simple advice. This advice is the common thread among all healthful weight loss and dietary approaches. So if you're looking for the best way to lose weight, focus on these three commandments of healthy eating.
Considering that 1 in 10 Americans fail to meet their produce requirements, it's pretty safe to say you need to eat more vegetables. And no matter what food philosophy you subscribe to, vegetables are a big part of the program. Vegetables have a lot going for them: They fill you up for very few calories, and they flood your body with the nutrients it needs to fight diseases, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
If you follow food trends, you might think you have to fall in love with cauliflower and kale to reap all the rewards that vegetables offer, but that isn't the case. Be it broccoli, carrots, red peppers, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, brussels sprouts or any other vegetable, the idea is to eat a variety of them and find plenty of ways to enjoy their goodness. So if you just can't stomach steamed Brussels sprouts, try them roasted, or give sauted brussels sprouts a try. If raw zucchini isn't your thing, see if you like it spiralized into noodles or grilled on a grill pan.
Using a layered approach is another great way to build a good veggie habit. For example, start with a food you already enjoy say, pasta and layer some vegetables into your bowl. This can help you explore a new food with one you already love eating, and from there, you can try new ways to savor it. Take spinach, for instance. After trying it with pasta, you may want to fold it into an omelet or another favorite food, or explore it on its own with different cooking techniques (sauted or steamed) or different flavor additions (garlic or golden raisins). The possibilities are limitless!
I've converted countless veggie haters into veggie eaters, and upping your vegetable game can have tremendous payoffs in how you look and feel.
You can blame biology for your sweet tooth. We're hardwired to have a preference for sweets, and this drive is universal and begins early on, according to research on the subject. Sugar makes food taste good, so food companies add it to everything from breads to soups to salad dressings to cereals, yogurts, and more. This adds up to way too much sugar!
On average, Americans consume more than 19 teaspoons of sugar per day far in excess of the American Heart Association's 6 teaspoon limit for women and 9 teaspoon limit for men. This is not doing your waistline any favors, which is why every weight-loss plan advocates eating less sugar.
There has been some confusion that a low-fat diet means you can feast on low-fat cookies and other treats, but this, again, is the food manufacturers' influence. The true intent of low-fat dining is to eat more healthful foods that are naturally low in fat: fruits, vegetables, beans, lean proteins, and whole grains.
There is plenty of research to support a low-fat lifestyle, just as there is strong evidence that you can lose weight by cutting carbs. Different approaches work for different people, but if you want to slim down, cutting back on added sugars is consistent advice across all programs.
One more note on added sugars: Whether you call it agave, cane juice, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, fruit juice concentrate, date sugar, or any of the 61 names for added sugar, they all spell trouble for your health and your waistline.
I'm in favor of any program that promotes whole foods over hyper-processed fare, and this is one thing the popular diet plans can agree on. Overly processed foods have been linked to weight gain, perhaps because many unhealthy packaged foods (think: potato chips, ice cream, frozen pizza, cookies, and the like) lack the fiber found in many whole foods, including vegetables. Fiber helps fill us up, and research suggests that by simply adding more fiber to your menu, you can lose weight nearly as well as a more complicated approach. Consistently choosing whole foods is one way to do this.
Newer research suggests it's easier to overeat processed foods. Think of how long it takes to eat a fast-food sandwich compared to a plate of fish, salad, broccoli and brown rice. When researchers conducted a similar experiment, matching meals for calories, carbs, protein, fat and sugar, and allowing people to eat as much (or as little) as they liked, they found that people ate about 500 calories more per day when eating heavily processed foods and they gained an average of two pounds during the short study period. They ate more, ate faster, and experienced some changes in their appetite-regulating hormones that can make it harder to feel full. But those same folks lost about two pounds when given the whole foods diet, suggesting that prioritizing whole foods can help you regulate your appetite and weight.
Whole foods include fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, eggs, seafood, chicken and so on. Food philosophies may differ around which of these foods to emphasize, but that's okay, since the evidence shows that there isn't a single best way to lose weight. The goal is to select an approach that feels sustainable to you. If you'd like to live without pasta, perhaps a low-carb method centered around vegetables and quality proteins, like seafood, chicken and lean beef would be a good fit. Vegans and vegetarians can lose weight by choosing fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant proteins. Nut lovers may do well shedding pounds with a Mediterranean-style menu. Whatever diet appeals to your appetite and way of life, focusing on whole foods is something that all plans promote.
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The best way to lose weight boils down to these three things NBC News - msnNOW
How to lose weight like this guy who lost 51 kg in 6 months by clubbing these 2 weight loss hacks – GQ India

As far as creating lucrative and sustainable weight loss plans go, the more you experiment with your eating habits, lifestyle and workout routines, the more youll be able to customise your weight loss plan as per your goal. 20-year-old Jyugaandh Veer Singh tells us that he customised his weight loss plan to achieve his target weight loss goal of 51 kg (and trimmed from 153 kg to 102 kg) by combining the calorie deficit diet with intermittent fasting. How? Well let him elaborate.
In January 2019, I was motivated to lose weight and started working out as well. But, unfortunately, I couldnt follow through and quit within a weeks time. Then in March, I decided to try again after a friend challenged me to get fit, he says. During the same time, I came across the HealthifyMe app, and decided to give its services a shot, I even paid full price and bought a membership. So, now, I knew there was no going back, he adds.
I actually lost 18 kg in the first two months itself by calculating my daily calorie intake to create a calorie deficit of 900 calories along with following an intermittent fasting pattern of eating. Thereafter, I religiously followed this routine along with a workout regime to lose 51 kg in 6 months.
Calorie counting is actually easier than the mathematically implied name suggests. All the food that we eat in a day are essentially just calories for the body. They are burned by our systems to produce energy and the extra calories get stored in the form of fat, leading to eventual weight gain. Counting your calories can help you create a deficit, which will help burn fat faster. Theres also a calorie deficit diet pattern than you can follow to do this efficiently.
A calorie deficit diet is a pattern of dieting that is based on the concept that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight, according to Healthline. This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need to create without harming your health.
The deficit can then be created by cutting down empty calories and unhealthy fats. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
Intermittent Fasting (popularly also known as IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you can or cannot eat when you break your fast, but only on the duration of the fast, which often ranges between a 12-hour to 20-hour window.
QUICK READ: Intermittent Fasting is the diet trend that could help you lose weight fast
There are many IF patterns that you can follow the 12:12 method (fasting for 12 hours and eating during the next 12), the 5:2 method (eating regularly for 5 days and then fasting or eating very little for the next 2 days), the Warrior Diet (fasting for 20 hours and eating only during the remaining 4-hour window) and the 16:8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating during the next 8 hours of the day). Notably, the 16:8 diet is regarded as the most effective intermittent fasting plan.
You can commence a 16-hour fast at 10:00 pm in the night, after you eat your last meal of the day and go to sleepthats 7-8 hours gone right there. You can break the 16-hour fast at 2:00 pm with your lunch and eat small meals till 10:00 pmthis makes up the 8-hour eating window. Alternatively, you can also begin your fast at 8 pm and break it at 12 pm, the next day.
QUICK READ: Is intermittent fasting really worth It?
Notably, I worked out daily even on Sundays and didnt really follow a specific diet plan. I spoke to my dietician at HealthifyMe and found out that I can eat whatever I want as long as it is under my calorie range. I used to also have at least 14 glasses of water as suggested by Healthify Me, and I guess that was the biggest part of my journey because water is the most important thing when youre losing weight and Healthify Me used to give me notifications every now and then to drink water at the correct timing.
QUICK READ: Here's how drinking water at regular intervals can help you lose weight and increase your metabolism
I only have one tip. Stay disciplined and youll get results by yourself and trust me itll be the best feeling ever.
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
Weight loss tips: What is more effective, exercise or diet? Here's the answer
7 easy fitness hacks thatll make you healthier by tomorrow morning
Intermittent Fasting or Keto Diet: Whats better for weight loss?
More on Fitness
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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 51 kg in 6 months by clubbing these 2 weight loss hacks - GQ India
The worst diets out there | News, Sports, Jobs – Marshalltown Times Republican

Last week we discussed U.S. News rankings of the top three diets for overall health, so it seems only balanced to discuss the bottom three this week. A panel of nutrition experts evaluated the diets based on seven categories: how easy it is to follow, its ability to produce short-term and long-term weight loss, its nutritional completeness, its safety and its potential for preventing and managing diabetes and heart disease.
Coming in at No. 33 is the Whole 30 Diet. Its claim, although lacking scientific evidence, is that our modern, industrialized food production is the cause of many health problems. In this diet, alcohol, grains, dairy, legumes and sugar are eliminated for 30 days. On the 31st day, you begin adding foods back to your diet so you can identify the ones that cause digestive distress.
No. 34 is the Keto Diet, a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet. This diet provides quick weight loss in the beginning, and many claim they dont feel hungry because they are filling up on fat, which stays in the stomach longer than carbs. Since you are taking in very few carbs, your bodys preferred energy source, your body goes into a state of ketosis where it relies on fat for energy. The fat isnt broken down efficiently in the absence of carbohydrates, producing ketones in the process. Hence, the name Keto.
Bringing up the rear is yet another low carb diet, the Dukan Diet at No. 35. This diet was created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French physician who specializes in weight management. Its premise is that eating protein helps people lose weight, so on this diet you basically eat a lot of meat with non-starchy vegetables. It promises fast weight loss in the beginning and once youve reached your goal, you slowly add bread, cheese and fruit back to your meal plan.
The one thing all these diets have in common is that they are all low carbohydrate diets. As Ive stated in the past, these diets produce fast weight loss in the beginning by depleting the bodys glycogen stores. Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate stored in the muscles and liver that is used for energy in between meals. Water is released when glycogen stores are depleted, resulting in a quick 3-to-5-pound weight loss.
The vast majority of research on nutrition and disease prevention shows that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, i.e., healthy carbohydrates, is the key to preventing chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, we need more of these foods in our diets to provide better health.
Dear Dietitian does not recommend any of the above diets for weight loss or better health. These diets restrict healthy foods and may result in nutrient deficiencies. Talk to your doctor or dietitian before beginning a new diet.
Until next time, be healthy!
Dear Dietitian
Leanne McCrate, RDN, LD, CNSC, is an award-winning dietitian based in Missouri.
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The worst diets out there | News, Sports, Jobs - Marshalltown Times Republican
Cut the carbs and lose weight my three day challenge! – Bioidentical Hormone Health

If you went a bit heavy on carbs, sugar and alcohol over Christmas you might emerge with carb cravings, and a few extra pounds. Heres how to reset your carb cravings in three days and burn off up to 5lbs in a week.
Its based on having an 18 hour carb fast between dinner and lunch and starting each day with a Hybrid Fast Latt, which is virtually carb-free. This means you will effectively start each day with an 18 hour carb fast.
Youll have a filling lunch, a substantial mid-afternoon snack, then dinner with a treat before bed. Its relatively painless and easy to do.
This is the fast way to trigger autophagy, the bodys self-repair programme, and ketosis which means youll be burning off fat. Do this for three days, and the 4th day, transition to my low GL diet, by which time your blood sugar level will be under control.
Lets start at the beginning with your morning Hybrid Latt.The Hybrid Latt consists of:
Carb-free almond milk you need to buy a brand that says zero carbs. Check the nutritional ingredients at the back for the carbohydrate content, which needs to say 0. Alpros unsweetened roasted or unroasted almond milk is an example.
Coffee coffee helps kickstart ketosis and autophagy but its OK to use de-caf if you prefer, or no coffee at all.
Almond butter of all the nuts almonds are very low in carbs. A flat tablespoon, or heaped dessertspoon, will only give you about 2 grams of carbs, plenty of healthy fats and some protein. This amount of carbs is not enough to take you out of ketosis.
C8 oil this is the fat or oil from which the body can directly make ketones in the liver, switching on ketosis, is caprylic acid triglyceride or C8 oil. Ketofast is one brand of 99% C8 oil derived from pure coconut oil, not palm oil. Brain cells prefer this fuel to glucose, so youll find you mind becomes focussed after the Hybrid Latt.
However, please bear in mind that it takes a few days to adapt and, if you start with too high an amount you can experience either diarrhoea or stomach cramps, and possibly looser bowels, all of which resolve as your body gets used to this new source of fuel.
Unlike other fats C8 oil goes straight to the liver via the portal vein, thus not requiring all the digestion that other fats need. The ketones then enter the blood and are taken up, as an energy source, by all cells mitochondria, the energy factories.
The optimal amount is 2 to 3 tablespoons a day, but its wise to start with 2 to 3 teaspoons a day. So, on day one just put one teaspoon in your Hybrid Latt.
If youre OK with this put a dessertspoon (two teaspoons) on day two and a tablespoon (three teaspoons) on day three, then keep going with this amount on the subsequent days if you wish to continue.
Cacao powder Cacao contains plenty of antioxidants and polyphenols.The health benefits of cacao hinge around its high levels of flavonoids, mainly epicatechins and catechins. These are powerful polyphenols, acting as antioxidants and helping to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. It also contains a mild stimulant, theobromine, and has a lovely taste. Cacao also helps trigger autophagy (the natural, regulated mechanism of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components).
Cinnamon of all the spices this is my favourite. It helps to stabilise blood sugar and is therefore especially good for those with blood sugar problems. It also helps trigger autophagy.
Heres the recipe for the Hybrid Fast Latt:
cup (120ml) no carb almond milk (unsweetened)
cup (120ml) filtered coffee or run through (less caffeine, more antioxidants)
1 flat tablespoon almond butter (16g)
1-3 tsp C8 oil with carnitine (Ketofast)
rounded tsp cacao powder
1/3 tsp cinnamon
Blend all ingredients in a blender such as a NutriBullet. If youd like it hot (it will be warm from the coffee) heat it up. If you like it cold, as in an iced latt, pour over some ice cubes.
Your lunch is more like a brunch, eaten 18 hours from your previous dinner. Any lunch or dinner recipe in The Low Diet Cookbook fits the bill. Alternatively, any two egg breakfast scrambled, boiled, fried, poached with a thin slice of volkenbrot-style or sourdough rye or two Nairns oatcakes is good. You could add smoked salmon, avocado or asparagus.
Heres a simple recipe for Scrambled Egg and Asparagus. Another easy option is a substantial salad there are many to choose from in the Low GL Diet Cookbook. Or try this delicious Sardine Pat Salad even if you dont like sardines youll be surprised how good this is.
Scrambled Egg and Asparagus
Serves 1
2 eggs
Splash of water
4 Asparagus spears (64g)
1 tsp tahini
1 tsp olive oil
Black pepper
Squeeze of lemon juice
1. Mix the dressing ingredients together.
2. Add a splash of water to the egg and whisk gently.
3. Bring a pan of water to the boil and add asparagus. Cook for 3-6 minutes. depending on preference 3 will be al-dente.
4. Whilst asparagus is cooking, add the egg mixture to a cold pan over medium heat and cook to desired consistency.
5. Put the asparagus on a plate and drizzle with the dressing. Add the egg to the plate and serve with a 100g portion of kimchi.
Sardine Pat Salad
Serves 1
can sardines
small red onion, roughly chopped
a pinch of finely chopped coriander
a pinch of finely chopped flat leaf parsley
juice from lemon
4 capers
tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
salt and ground black pepper
rocket and mixed baby leaf salad, to serve
Put all the ingredients in a blender or food processer and blend together. Serve with the leaf salad.
In the mid-afternoon make yourself a Get Up & Go with Carboslow shake, using frozen berries and a carb-free almond milk (Alpros unsweetened is good any that says 0 carbs on the nutritional analysis on the product).
You want 1 cup when this is a whole meal its two cups, using a 30 gram portion of Get Up & Go with Carboslow, two tablespoons of berries, plus 300 ml (1.5 cups of milk). Get Up & Go with Carboslow, for the usual 30g serving (a heaped tablespoon), has an exceptionally low GL of 4 GLs or 6GLs with the berries and milk.
So, for this snack youll be using half these portions namely:
15 g of Get Up & Go
One tablespoon of berries
150ml of carb-free milk
Get Up & Go with Carboslow is an incredibly low-GL shake, which many people have for breakfast. It is made from whole foods: apple powder for carbs, a protein combo from quinoa, soya and rice protein, ground almonds and seeds, cinnamon and oat fibre, as well as glucomannan fibre.
Together with the fibre in Carboslow youll achieve the ideal intake, both for regular bowels and making you feel fuller, hence reducing your appetite so that youre not hungry. Get Up & Go with Carboslow also contains many vitamins and minerals.
Another lunch or dinner option is simply to have a whole portion of Get Up & Go with Carboslow during these three days. In other words, you can achieve the same results having a Hybrid Latt in the morning, a Get Up & Go at lunch, half a serving mid-afternoon, and dinner.
You want to have a low GL dinner, choosing any from the Low GL cookbook. A simple option is soup.
One of my all-time favourites is Chestnut and Butterbean soup. Its delicious and easy to make. You can double this recipe and freeze the remainder, or store in the fridge for up to 4 days.
Serves 2
200g (7oz) cooked and peeled chestnuts (available vacuum-packed in boxes, cans or jars)
1 x 410g can of butterbeans, rinsed and drained
1 medium white onion, chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and chopped
3 tsp Marigold Reduced Salt Vegetable Bouillon powder dissolved in 600ml (1 pint) water
Freshly ground black pepper
Place all the ingredients (except for a handful of the chestnuts and the pepper) in a saucepan, place a lid on it and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for 15 to 20 minutes.
Pure the soup in a blender or food processor until smooth and season with the black pepper.
Sprinkle the reserved chestnuts on top.
Choosing a meal with beans or lentils in it is especially good since this has a knock on effect, helping to further stabilise blood sugar the next day.
Good luck with my three-day challenge and I trust this will get you back on track. Wishing you the best of health for 2020.
Helpful information:
If you are struggling to lose weight have you checked your hormone levels? Excess oestrogen is related to increased fat deposits on the stomach, abdomen and thighs so if your oestrogen isnt balanced with progesterone that could be one reason for your difficulty in shedding those extra pounds and specific Weight Loss Capsules act together with progesterone to give an increased effect.
The Diet To Help Beat Oestrogen Dominance
Weight Loss Not Happening? 5 Reasons Why Not
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Cut the carbs and lose weight my three day challenge! - Bioidentical Hormone Health
Here’s Why Too Much Exercise Too Fast Can Cause Real Damage And Turn Your Urine Brown – ScienceAlert

Every 365.25 days, when the Earth completes a full orbit around the Sun, we humans have the opportunity to hit the reset button and become fitter, finer versions of ourselves.
As usual for January, social media is humming with advice on how to eat better, exercise regularly, lose weight and remain healthy.
We feel particularly invincible at this time of year, armed with renewed vigor and motivation to purge ourselves from previous indulgences and our couch-potato ways.
The New Year is also the time when our overzealous, instant-gratification selves emerge, and we do too much exercise too soon to make up for lost time.
Exhaustive muscular work, especially following a period of inactivity, can cause mechanical and chemical disruptions to muscle cell membranes which trigger the muscle cells to burst.
I am an exercise physiologist and sports medicine specialist who studies exercise-associated collapse. I am seeing and hearing of more incidents of skeletal muscle ruptures that are causing harm in other parts of the body.
This information is not designed to scare people back onto the couch.
The key take-away from highlighting these cases is to remind athletes, coaches and mere mortals that the desired physiological response to a training stimulus requires both a gradual buildup period and period of recovery in between training sessions.
The medical term for skeletal muscle cell rupture is "rhabdomyolysis," or "rhabdo" for short. When muscle cells rupture or explode, the intracellular contents are released into the bloodstream. These cellular contents include enzymes, such as creatine kinase; electrolytes, such as potassium; and proteins, such as myoglobin.
Myoglobin, in particular, is a big, red protein that can block the kidney filtration system, or renal tubules, that serve as kidney plumbing.
It also can dissociate into toxic byproducts that injure kidneys. In rare cases, too much myoglobin in the bloodstream can stop kidney function altogether, as happened with a 27-year old marathon runner who died from kidney failure.
In a study we conducted on college swimmers, we saw a cluster of rhabdomyolysis, in which six out of 34 swimmers were hospitalized after participating in a 20-minute or so "arm competition" to see how many pull-ups, rows and bench presses they could complete.
Cases of "symptomatic rhabdo," or those needing medical treatment, appear to be increasing within collegiate sports teams at an alarming rate, with the characteristic appearance seen in football players returning to January practice after a season-ending holiday layoff.
To date, 17 cases of team rhabdo have occurred from doing "too much, too soon, too fast" and include a variety of sports such as football, swimming, lacrosse, soccer, track, basketball, softball, volleyball and golf.
So, what about us mere mortals trying to get back in shape? Any physical activity that is either new or excessive can cause symptomatic rhabdo.
Excessive gardening, weightlifting, CrossFit type activities and even a routine Army physical fitness test have triggered symptomatic rhabdo with kidney injury.
Over 90 cases of rhabdo have been documented after spinning, while 119 high school students in Taiwan ended up in the emergency room after their teacher made them complete 120 push-ups within five minutes.
Thus, harmful muscle cell rupture can occur after any degree five minutes to 36 hours of exuberant and/or unaccustomed physical activity.
In combination, gradual training and appropriate recovery allow beneficial muscular, cardiovascular and body composition adaptations to occur, such as building muscle, increasing fitness and losing body fat.
Our research confirms that a two-week gradual introduction into training after a layoff is required for muscle cell membranes to fully adapt to training stress.
Subclinical rhabdo, or muscle breakdown without acute kidney injury or debilitating symptoms, is common and represents the typical response to training which does not require medical treatment.
However, hard exercise, especially following a layoff, with the following signs or symptoms within one to two days requires an appropriate medical examination:
There are risk factors which increase the likelihood of developing rhabdo following a workout. These risk factors include exercising in the heat, dehydration or overhydration, binge drinking, excessive coffee consumption, extreme dietary practices (vegetarian or high protein) and possessing the sickle cell trait.
Both men and women can develop symptomatic rhabdo, although we see more cases in men. Smaller arm muscles appear more susceptible to rupture after five to 30 minutes of exercise than bigger leg muscles for reasons that remain unclear.
Although symptomatic rhabdomyolysis is uncommon, this emergent complication of exercise should be on everyone's radar since cases are on the rise. We coaches, trainers, scientists, practitioners and others encourage everyone to reap the joys and benefits of regular exercise training.
However, we caution against exercising too much too soon. Self- (or coach-) inflicted skeletal muscle cell explosions are fully preventable with adherence to smart, physiologically sound approaches to training.
Tamara Hew-Butler, Associate Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, Wayne State University.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Here's Why Too Much Exercise Too Fast Can Cause Real Damage And Turn Your Urine Brown - ScienceAlert
The policeman who went on the run to lose weight and represent New Zealand –

OPINION: In the criminal fraternity of Te Anau, word must surely have got around by now: if local cop Dwight Grieve is chasing you, don't bother running.
Yet that's not his greatest contribution to the Fiordland town - not by a long shot.
Grieve's running exploits are renown in the south, but it's his back story, the example of health and happiness that he lives, which really sets him apart.
About 12 years ago, Grieve was an overweight painter-decorator living in Invercargill.
READ MORE:* Not so Insta-famous: An ode to the good-old Kiwi run around the block* An audacious running goal which has taken a whole year to climb* Te Anau's Dwight Grieve relying on local support in Kepler Challenge
But becoming a father made him realise he wanted more.
"I'd say the biggest thing was that I wanted to make my kids proud of me," Grieve told co-host Matt Rayment and Ion the Dirt Church Radio podcast this week.
"Behind that as well was, 'hey, I need to make more money - I've got a family now'. But mostly it was I wanted to have a go at something and make the kids proud."
Robyn Edie/Stuff
Dwight Grieve always tries to run with a smile, even when competing in tough events like the 60 km Kepler Challenge.
He joined the police and started eating better and running, soon transforming himself.
As well as losing weight (about 18 kg), he gained confidence.
"I've gone from a not-so-confident guy to now I'm happy to sit here and talk to two strange guys from up north on a podcast."
Hmmm...thanks, mate.
Becoming a father made Dwight Grieve consider a career and lifestyle change, so he joined the police and started running.
In the running community, there are many wonderful examples of people who've lost weight and transformed their lives.
Somehow, Grieve stands out.
Partly it's because he's so damned fast. He's a force of the Southland athletics and cross country scene, a regular top-10 contender at the competitive Kepler Challenge mountain race, and in 2018, he represented New Zealand at the World Mountain Running championships - aged in his 40s.
"I didn't run when I was young, apart from a bit at primary school," says Grieve. "So, yeah, it's been a bit of a strange progression to be running fast in my 40s instead of in my 20s."
And he found that as he achieved success at running, he got better as a police officer, and vice versa. "They sort of bounced off each other, and they give confidence from one to the other."
Being a runner has its advantages as a small-town cop, too.
"People in the town see me not just as the cop, they'll see you as the runner, as a good, healthy role model."
It helps, too, that he's actively involved in the Fiordland Athletic Club.
"So people see you doing positive stuff within the community and that really helps too. They see you as not just the cop, you're Dwight the cop, Dwight the running cop, Dwight the dad."
Success as a runner, though, does not just come about from losing weight, turning your life around, or just deciding you want to run. There's a lot of hard work that goes into it - a hell of a lot.
And Grieve knows all about that. He has to be dedicated to it, even when it's not convenient.
Sometimes he's on call, and has to be no more than 15 minutes away from responding.
"So I park near a piece of trail between Te Anau and the [Lake Te Anau] control gates, exactly halfway, and I'll run to the control gates and thenback to Te Anau. And then I'll run back to the control gates. It's basically eight minutes each way."
It sounds boring, going back and forward, but that's the challenge Grieve faces - he's making the most of the situation he's in, making sure he trains when others would just say, "oh, well, it's too hard". And he makes it fun - "it's a great bit of trail".
It's impossible not to admire such dedication. But that's exactly what it takes, whether you're chasing a goal of representing New Zealand some day, or just wanting to be the best runner you can.
Even if all you want to do is chase down the local crooks.
*Eugene Bingham and Matt Rayment are hosts of a trail running podcast Dirt Church Radio. Learn more at or get in touch via email
Read the original here:
The policeman who went on the run to lose weight and represent New Zealand -
This type of body fat boosts metabolism and helps lose weight faster! – Times of India

The key to speeding up weight loss using brown fat is to expose the body to cold temperatures, which can activate brown fat cells, according to a study conducted by National Institutes of Health researchers and published in the journal Diabetes.
Cold temperatures work to charge your brown fat, which stabilizes your metabolism, increase MSP (Metabolic SetPoint) and help lose weight. Metabolic SetPoint is a level when the brain starts to slow down your metabolic activity, which can hamper fat loss. Brown fat, unlike white fat, has extremely low energy expenditure unless it is stimulated by external factors.
When brown fat is supercharged, it improves MSP and makes your body a fat-burning furnace and make you capable of burning additional calories along the way. Cold temperatures also expose the brain to be stimulated, dole out dopamine and function better and boost activity at the cellular level.
Read the original:
This type of body fat boosts metabolism and helps lose weight faster! - Times of India
This Carrot And Orange Salad May Help You Lose Weight And Give You A Glowing Skin – NDTV Food

Salads are of many kinds. Thanks to the surge of salad bars and cafe, people now understand just how versatile salad can be; that it need not be all about lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber. Salads can be as fun as you want them to be. One of the best ways to make salad is to throw in all the seasonal goodness in it. With winters upon us, we are seeing a plethora of fruits and vegetables in our kitchen pantry. The seasonal cameos by these fruits and veggies are special, which is why we try to make most of out of them while they are around. If you are not in a mood to cook anything elaborate, you can incorporate them in a bright and peppy salad; like this carrot and orange salad that has winter written all over it!
(Also Read:Weight Loss: A Four-Ingredient Wonder Drink To Boost Digestion And Weight Loss)
If you have been trying to lose weight, you know there is no magic spell which could give you a slimmer waistline overnight. You have to revamp your diet, and eating seasonal produce may amp up your weight-loss journey. Seasonal foods help fortify you with a range of antioxidants and most of these foods are a treasure of vital vitamins and minerals too. Carrot and orange are two winter staples we have our hearts set on, right now.
Carrots are packed with lutein and vitamin A, which makes them incredible for eyes. They also contain beauty mineral silica that may help boost your skin health. Oranges too are packed with vitamin C; the potent antioxidant helps fight free radical activity. Free radical activity leads to ageing and dull skin.
(Also Read:Weight Loss: 5 Healthy Diet Facts That Anyone Wanting To Lose Weight Must Know)
Free radical activity leads to ageing and dull skin
Both carrot and orange are packed with dietary fibre. Fibre helps induce feeling of satiety. If you feel full, chances of binging and mindless eating reduces to a great extent. Thus, if you eat more mindfully, and in regulated portions, you are quite likely to lose weight faster. Additionally, carrot and orange are also super low in calories. Less number of calories coupled with high nutrition, make them an ideal addition to a weight loss diet.
(Also Read:Barley Water For Weight Loss: How Does Jau Help You Lose Weight?)
Both carrot and orange are packed with dietary fibre.
This recipe of carrot and orange salad is easy to make and super healthy. You do not even need too many ingredients to make it. You would only need carrot, orange, garlic, parsley, salt and ground pepper.
(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)
Here is the original post:
This Carrot And Orange Salad May Help You Lose Weight And Give You A Glowing Skin - NDTV Food
Weight Loss: Green Tea To Burn Fat & Its Side Effects – Odisha Television Ltd.

Green tea is considered as one of the best beverages for weight loss as it helps detoxification and boosts metabolism. As it has low calorie, it can be an idle replacement for coffee and tea.
Those who want to lose weight fast should add green tea to their daily diet. Check below as to when and how to have green tea for your weight loss goal.
Green Tea for Weight Loss
It is believed that one should have 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day but the amount varies from person to person.
If possible, use green tea leaves instead of green tea bags. While making the tea, dont overheat it as it may damage the catechins.
As ones metabolism rate is higher during the day, it is often suggested that green tea should be taken after having breakfast and lunch.
Some Side Effects of Green Tea
When one drinks green tea on an empty stomach, it may lead to stomach ache and nauseous symptoms.
Green tea can lead to dehydration and in case of excessive consumption it may cause reduce iron level in the body.
Some people have also complained of headache after consuming the tea. Besides, it is believed that green tea affects people on medications.
(The content is just for informative purpose and one should always consult a doctor before taking up any type of weight-loss regime)
Excerpt from:
Weight Loss: Green Tea To Burn Fat & Its Side Effects - Odisha Television Ltd.