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Best breakfast for easy weight loss – eat this protein-fuelled food to lose weight fast – Express

The best weight loss breakfast food is the might egg. Eaten boiled, poached, scrambled or fried, eggs offer endless variety and are filling and nutritious, making them an excellent choice for dieters.
One large egg is only about 78 calories, making it a lower calorie option, even with veggies and cooking oil added.
An omelette, for example, would use three large eggs, making 240 calories.
Add in even a large portion of vegetables, and slimmers are looking at 300 calories.
Sensible use of oil or butter - say one teaspoon - adds about 50 calories to the meal.
READ MORE: Weight loss: Replace belly fat with lean abs with these top tips from celebrity PT
It is not just the low calorie profile of eggs that makes them a great choice for starting the day.
They are also very filling, meaning those who eat them are less likely to reach for a sugary snack mid-morning.
Eggs are filling thanks to their high protein content. Protein is known to reduce appetite and increase fullness - the holy grail for dieters.
The Satiety Index also shows eggs rank highly. The index shows how successful foods are at keeping people full and reduce calories later on.
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Eating eggs is thought to boost metabolism, which is incredibly helpful for those attempting to lose weight.
This quality is thought to work in eggs because they contain all of the essential amino acids in the right ratios, allowing the body to easily use the protein in them.
A high protein diet has been proven to boose metabolism by up to 100 calories a day, thanks to a process called the thermic effect of food.
This is the energy required by the body to metabolise food, and is higher for protein then fat or carbs, meaning high protein foods such as eggs help burn more calories.
There have been numerous studies showing the positive effects of eating eggs versus other popular breakfast food.
One study followed overweight women eating eggs or bagels. The results showed that eating eggs instead of carb-heavy bagels increased their fullness and saw them consume fewer calories over the next 36 hours.
Similarly, a study following men eating eggs or bagels showed a reduction in calorie intake over the next 24 hours.
The study also showed the egg choice caused a more stable blood glucose and insulin response, and also supressed ghrelin, the hunger hormone.
Eggs can be prepared as a frittata, an omlette, a tortilla, baked, scrambled, fried, poached or boiled.
While eggs are one of the best sources of protein, there are others slimmer can try at breakfast.
Smoked salmon is popular, as are other fishes such as mackerel. Meat eaters may also like baked ham in the morning.
Those wanting to go down the simple route could try a protein shake.
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Best breakfast for easy weight loss - eat this protein-fuelled food to lose weight fast - Express
It really can be a new you – Midland Daily News

Kate Hessling, Daily News editor
It really can be a new you
Two and a half years ago, I was boarding a plane in Detroit to head to Houston, Texas, for a work summit.
I was excited about the travel opportunity, particularly because I was flying with other Hearst colleagues, including the then-managing editor of the Daily News, Tony Lascari.
Tony and I booked seats near the emergency exit, and we were settling into our designated areas when one of the most impactful and embarrassing moments of my life played out before me and every soul on that very large plane.
And all because of a damn seatbelt.
"SHE'S TOO BIG TO SIT IN THAT SEAT," the flight attendant loudly declared. "You can't sit there if you can't buckle your seatbelt. Someone is going to have to trade seats with her. IS THERE ANYONE WILLING TO SWITCH SEATS? SHE CAN'T BUCKLE HER SEATBELT."
The fit-and-trim flight attendant made no attempt to hide her disgust of my weight, and she spared no mercy in humiliating me in front of one of my favorite colleagues and that plane full of strangers.
The passengers, however, were kind. A switch was made with no fuss, and as I found myself in the back of the plane waiting for a seatbelt extender, the young woman I sat next to politely pretended not to notice how I was silently crying in shame and embarrassment.
I got off that plane feeling a mix of emotions: anger at the uncompassionate flight attendant; lingering mortification; and strong resolve to change.
Upon returning to Michigan, I immediately reached out to my family doctor to pursue bariatric surgery, a life-changing process that to date has resulted in me losing 132 pounds.
To be clear, I'm not here to brag about weight loss. In fact, I labored over writing this column because there's a stigma associated with bariatric surgery: That it's the easy way out. But those of us who have been through it -- and our loved ones -- know it's a faster way to lose weight, but it's certainly not the easiest way.
In the end, I've decided to share my story in hopes it might resonate with other readers. If one person reads my account and takes action to improve their health, it will make the embarrassment of discussing my weight struggles worthwhile.
My story is one like so many others: I've struggled with obesity my whole life. I participated in numerous weight loss programs, and consumed just about every weight loss medication imaginable. I'd go through periods where I'd lose 40, 60, 70 pounds, etc., and then I'd gain it back -- plus a little more.
In my early 30s, I just stopped caring about my weight. I told myself beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and I was a big beautiful woman. I conveniently didn't let myself think about all the unhealthy choices I was making, and ignored the toll obesity was taking on my health, including the fact that I couldn't sleep at night without a CPAP machine.
In addition to an insatiable appetite that would only be appeased with plates and plates of food at each meal sitting, I looked at meal time as my prime source of enjoyment. It took me quite some time to realize I had an unhealthy relationship with food.
My doctor referred me to St. Mary's accredited bariatric center, and I spent about a year working with their team in preparation for my surgery, which was done in September 2018.
I had to prove I was serious about weight loss, and the program required substantial education about how my life would change following surgery. This education is crucial because it helps bariatric patients stay on track after their surgery. We all hear nightmare stories about how people had weight loss surgery and then gained back all the weight later in life. Or they lost all their hair following surgery. Or they could never drink alcohol again.
I went into the surgery knowing these were possible outcomes, but I was armed with the knowledge that this surgery is a tool, and it's up to me to make the lifestyle changes to prevent future weight gain. I learned about all the vitamins we should take to stay healthy (and keep our hair). And I was committed to the fact that my health is more important than my desire to drink alcohol.
Probably the biggest challenge for me was having to give up caffeine leading up to surgery. To this day, I'm allowed just 8 ounces of black coffee each day (though I've found that combining protein shakes with decaf coffee is not only a delicious drink, but it gives me the same amount of energy that I used to get from caffeinated coffee).
Like most anything, it's a journey, one that's taken me down many, many paths to realize that food is solely a fuel for my body. True, it's delicious, but every meal doesn't have to be a source of joy.
Though clich, there is no better time to consider improving your health. It's a new year -- and it really can be a new you.
Kate Hessling is the editor of the Midland Daily News. She can be reached at
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It really can be a new you - Midland Daily News
Get your 2020 fitness resolutions right – The Crag and Canyon

Athlete muscular fitness male model pulling up on horizontal bar in a gym.Satyrenko / Getty Images/iStockphoto
You dont have to search hard to find a plethora of 2020 resolution lists promising to remedy the ills of seasonal overindulgence.Before guilt and festive weight gain spur you to resolutions that wont make it past the first weekend of the new year, consider a dose of common sense to guide your efforts.
While visiting family in Ontario over the holidays I managed a few workouts at a local gym. As I exercised, I watched a trainer guide a nervous beginner through a series of complicated moves. Like most beginners, confusion and intimidation will ultimately crush New Years fitness resolutions.
According to Pinterest, recent searches for simple weight training exercises increased by 1423 per cent. Frustrated by a lack of engagement, information and results, many exercisers are turning to the comfort of home exercise and online training.
Recommended resolution: Workout at home. Affordable exercise equipment and online training has made home workouts a reasonable and effective alternative to congested, intimidating gyms.
This one continues to baffle me. From gut-busting HIIT classes to nap pods, popular industry trends typically focus on extremes while ignoring the ever-expanding middle. People like to nibble at the edges of problems instead of meeting them head-on like choosing an ankle tattoo over exercise to address an aging physique.
With most North Americans firmly entrenched in the overweight or obese categories, it only makes sense that we focus on middle of the road health strategies.
Extreme workouts only appeal to the extreme exerciser while naps, meditation and stretching wont help you lose weight or build muscle.
Recommended resolution: Ignore the bells and whistles. Boring works! Embrace simple but progressive resistance exercise coupled with basic healthy eating regimens. Avoid overly optimistic promises. Find an expert you trust to distill exercise research.
If you havent already done so, take a look at The Game Changers, or one of many plant-friendly documentaries. Pounding your chest like a gorilla and demanding a side of beef at your local steakhouse is losing ground to artery de-clogging plant-based alternatives. By the way, gorillas are Herbivores.
Recommended resolution: Patience! Making heart-healthy veggie choices is less about taste (theres a ton of great recipes out there) and more about relearning how to prepare tasty food.
Signs the vegan apocalypse is upon us: 1. Costco now sells tofu 2. The new Canadian Food Guide stresses plant-based eating while downplaying meat and dairy 3. Fast food chains have figured out how to ruin a perfectly good plant.
I hear variations of these misinformed statements all the time: My (overweight, diabetic) friend said that plant-based diets are bunk; Im trying to cut carbs; Only meat provides you with all of the necessary nutrients; HIIT classes are the best way to build muscle and lose weight.
The public has become totally confused by slick marketing and thirdhand myths, rumors and pseudoscience. There are way too many experts out there muddying the water few with qualifications, many with personal agendas.
Recommended resolution: Make logical, evidence-based decisions. Consider the advice of experienced medical doctors who specialize in heart health, obesity & nutrition research. Discount studies sponsored by the meat or dairy industry, podcasters, authors with irrelevant qualifications, YouTube stars, social media influencers, chiropractors/personal trainers/nutritionists/dietitians, some guy down the street, your dog funny, people mock dogs for eating food that can kill them hmm.
If you have the time and the patience, check out the new book, How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger. According to Dr. Greger, the fat that most adversely affects your health is the easiest to lose. The risk of disease drops immediately with minor changes in body fat (only 3% weight loss improves blood sugar and triglyceride levels; 5% loss improves blood pressure and cholesterol and may cut the risk of developing diabetes by half).
Finally, keep it simple. The more complicated your resolution, the more there is to mess up.
Paul Robinson has enjoyed 30 years as a personal trainer, executive, speaker and consultant in the fitness industry. He owns Kneifel Robinson (KR) Personal Training, with his partner Monica Kneifel Robinson, serving St. Albert & Edmonton. KR specializes in helping beginners, Boomers and gym-phobics achieve success in-studio and on-line. You can reach them at;
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Get your 2020 fitness resolutions right - The Crag and Canyon
Best and worst diets for 2020, ranked by experts, with a popular one near last –

ATLANTA (CNN) Who won the 2020 battle of the diets?
For the third year in a row, the well-researched Mediterranean diet KO'd the competition to win gold in U.S. News and World Report's 2020 ranking of best diets. The report, released last week, is now in its 10th year.
"The hallmarks of a 'best' diet include balance, maintainability, palatability, family-friendliness, sustainability, along with healthfulness. The Mediterranean diet gets checkmarks in all of those boxes," said Yale University Prevention Research Center founding director Dr. David Katz, who was one of 25 judges on the U.S. News and World Report panel.
"It's no surprise that the Mediterranean diet remains the No. 1 best diet overall," said nutritionist Lisa Drayer, a CNN contributor. "It's easy to follow and offers a healthy eating lifestyle."
The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes simple, plant-based cooking, also captured first place in best diet for healthy eating, easiest diet to follow, best plant-based diet and best diet for diabetes.
Meals from the sunny Mediterranean have been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart, a lower risk of dementia and breast cancer, and longer life, along with a reduced risk for diabetes and high blood pressure.
The diet focuses on eating less red meat, sugar and saturated fat and more Omega-3-rich fish and olive oil. Red wine can be enjoyed in moderation and socializing with friends and family during meals is part of the prescription.
Following closely behind the Mediterranean diet were the respected DASH, Flexitarian, WW (the rebranded name popularly known as Weight Watchers) and MIND diets. Their high rankings are a trend in the report's results each year.
"We're interested in diets that have proven staying value not fad diets that are here today, gone tomorrow," said Angela Haupt, managing editor of health at U.S. News & World Report. "The diets that perform well are safe, sensible and backed by sound science. That's going to be consistent from year to year."
The DASH diet is often recommended to lower blood pressure. Its premise is simple: Eat more veggies, fruits and low-fat dairy foods while cutting way back on any food high in saturated fat, and limit your intake of salt.
Studies have shown following this diet can reduce blood pressure in a matter of weeks.
The flexitarian diet tied with the DASH diet for second place because of its emphasis on whole grains, fruits, veggies and plant-based proteins. It's basically a vegetarian diet that allows the occasional piece of meat or fish, thus making it "flexible."
The MIND diet is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets that some may find a bit easier to follow, as it requires less fish and fruit. Both MIND, which stands for "Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay," and the Mediterranean diet have been shown to lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease in studies.
WW came in fourth on the best diet list but took first place in the report's ranking of best weight loss and commercial weight loss programs. Not only is the diet healthy, the panel said, but it wins top points for stressing the importance of support for dieters.
Despite winning the respect of nutritionists, WW has been losing market share this year; the company's CEO told analysts the loss was due to the growing popularity of the keto diet, which makes carbs taboo.
Speaking of the keto craze ...
Sure to upset its legions of fans, the trendy keto diet came in next to last in the ranking of 35 diets, just ahead of the obscure Dukan diet.
Both diets aim for "ketosis," a metabolic state that burns the body's stores of fat instead of carbohydrates, the body's natural source of energy. To do that, the diets restrict carb intake to levels nutritionists feel are highly unhealthy as well as completely unsustainable.
In the keto diet, Drayer said, "carbs are limited to about 20 grams per day," the equivalent of one small banana or apple. Due to the drastic cut in carbs, the diet can cause "headaches, nausea, dizziness and fatigue, particularly in the beginning," she said, adding that "long-term studies on its effectiveness are lacking."
Spending your life weight-obsessed, and going on and off diets, is no way to live. One of the things we hope to convey to the American public is that it's time to grow up about diet and give it more respect.Dr. David Katz
In place of carbs, the keto diet emphasizes high levels of protein, fats and dairy, typically full of saturated fat that can contribute to cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
"I am not a fan of the keto diet, though it may be helpful as a 'jump start' to weight loss and can help you quickly rid your diet of processed carbs and sugars," Drayer said.
Which may be why the keto diet tied for third place in the race for best "fast" weight loss diet.
First place in the get-rid-of-fat-quick category went to HMR, the Health Management Resources program. It involves purchasing meal replacements from HMR, such as shakes, nutrition bars and multigrain cereals, and adding vegetables and fruits to round out the meals.
Second place went to Optavia, which used to be called Medifast. It, too, wants you to buy and eat many of the company's pre-packaged products, supplemented by some foods at home.
Both diets could be difficult to follow, Haupt said, "because prepackaged meals tend to get old fast."
The highly ranked WW tied for third, along with Jenny Craig, which ranked 12th in the best overall diet list.
But the low/no-carb diet Atkins and the keto diet also tied for third place, despite ranking in the deep bottom of other diet categories, such as best diet, most healthy diet and best diets for heart health and diabetes. Ironically, HMR and Optavia joined them toward the bottom of the other categories.
Why would diets that are considered good at helping drop weight quickly be ranked so badly overall?
"The 'best' way to lose weight fast is to do something very silly, unsustainable and arguably irresponsible. It's not truly best just fast," said Katz, who is the president of the True Health Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention
"Many things that are truly bad for health can cause short-term weight loss," Katz said. "The most effective diets for 'fast' weight loss impose severe restrictions that cannot be maintained and would not be compatible with health if they were."
That's because quick weight loss diets usually emphasize some drastic cut in nutrients or the elimination of an entire food group that can't be maintained over time. When the diet stops, the weight comes back, often at higher levels than at the start of the diet. It's the body's response to "yo-yo" dieting, studies show.
"Spending your life weight-obsessed, and going on and off diets, is no way to live," Katz said. "One of the things we hope to convey to the American public is that it's time to grow up about diet and give it more respect.
"Grown-ups don't generally expect to 'get rich fast'; they understand the need to work, over time," Katz continued. "But everyone thinks there is some magic formula they haven't tried yet for rapid weight loss. The consensus of the U.S. News judges is a resounding rebuke of that silly idea."
The-CNN-Wire & 2018 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.
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Best and worst diets for 2020, ranked by experts, with a popular one near last -
Doctor offers tips to get healthy in 2020 – ABC Action News

On January 1, many people vow to do whatever they can to lose weight and be more healthy. But, that comes with sacrifice.
"All of a sudden this crazy woman is telling them no more chicken, no more meat," Dr. Faith Felder said. " I want you to eat a whole food plant based diet."
Dr. Felder's practiced medicine for more than 20 years and says although you may be tempted to try fad diets to lose the weight fast, don't do it. For example, Dr. Felder isn't a big fan of Keto.
"It's more animal based and sure you're going to lose the weight, but at what expense," she said.
And the diets could have unintended consequences.
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"You elevate your cholesterol. Now, you're at increase risk for heart disease," Dr. Felder said. "I don't want you to be skinny in a coffin, that doesn't make any sense."
The best thing you can do is change your diet one bite at a time.
"Focus on that meal and say how can I make it the best meal for me," she said.
So if you're starting with breakfast, here's what Dr. Felder suggests.
"Eliminate the bacon and just have the eggs, instead of white toast lets do wheat, instead of grits lets do amaranth," she said.
The biggest tip she has is to be patient.
"You might not see it on the scale initially and that will come," Dr. Felder said.
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Doctor offers tips to get healthy in 2020 - ABC Action News
Adele weight loss how did the singer lose weight? – The Sun

ADELE has shocked fans with her dramatic weight loss.
But the singer's incredible transformation has received a mixed response from fans.
Adele is known worldwide for her superstar singing voice.
However, the Someone Like You singer stunned fans when she revealed her incredible weight loss while on holiday with Harry Styles and James Corden.
The star was seen looking noticeably slimming whilst on a beach in Anguilla.
Adele has lost an impressive three stone.
Back in October 2019 The Sun revealed how Adele's weight loss is down to The Body Coach Joe Wicks after secretly following the personal trainers high intensity workout videos.
Adele has stayed out of the gym to train at home since splitting in April 2020 from Simon Konecki her husband of eight years and dad to their son Angelo.
She is also a fan of personal trainer Dalton Wong, who helps actors get into shape for roles, including her palJennifer Lawrence.
A source said: Adeles been secretly working with these personal trainers.
Shes not the sort to exercise in front of others, so she follows regimes and plans at home, using their videos and tutorials.
The progress she has made in the last six months is clear for all to see.
Shedding the pounds has never been a priority for Adele before, who has always insisted that she isn't at all "insecure" about her appearance after shooting to fame in 2008.
She even revealed that she'd refuse to work with anybody who had an issue with her size, tellingPeoplemagazine at the time: "Even when I was signing a contract, most of the industry knew if anyone ever dared say: 'Lose weight' to me, they wouldnt be working with me."
She showed similar spirit in 2009, telling theDaily Mail: "I cant be a product; no one can do that to me. I have all the say; I have power over everything I do."
In 2012,Chanel's Karl Lagerfeld blasted Adele as "a little too fat", with the defiant singer replying at the time that she is "very proud" of her appearance, adding: "Weight has nothing to do with my career."
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Photos from her holiday with Harry Styles and James Corden, which revealed her dramatic weight loss, have sparked health concerns from some fans.
"Wait adele looks way too skinny here should we get worried?" wrote one.
"This...this is scary. Not a good look," wrote another.
However, several people defended her weight loss and dedication to a healthier lifestyle.
"I bet that she's been on diet to get to her ideal weight, which is great for her but we're not used to seeing her like that before so that's why it's so shocking," said one fan.
While another said: "I don't think we should be worried, she knows what she does."
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Adele weight loss how did the singer lose weight? - The Sun
How to lose weight & get fit in 2020 like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 6 changes in his routine – GQ India

If youve vowed to lose weight and get fit in the New Year then were here to applaud your decision and also help you get started on this path by bringing you 39-year-old Rohit Singhs inspiring weight loss journey from 106 kgs to 84 kgs.
Says Rohit, Two things convinced me to commence my weight loss journey. 1: I couldn't outrun my 7-year-old son in a race. 2: Being told by my doctor that my blood tests suggest I have high lipid profile, obesity, vitamin D deficiency, low immunity, high inflammation, high blood sugar and insulin resistance. I weighed 107 kgs at this point and wasnt ready to start relying on life-long medications for my problems. I decided to whip myself in shape and rid my body of whatever I could naturally."
Consequently, I started focussing on myself and took the below simple and sustainable baby steps to lose weight. And with time, my body also started to heal itself. This inspired me so much that I went on to become a certified international integrative nutrition health coach and also a functional medicine for coaching.
Deep breathing: I invested 15-20 minutes deep breathing to ensure my cellular metabolism is high and more ATP is generated.
Ensure motions are clear: I introduced chia seeds and triphala in my diet.
QUICK READ: 20 easy weight loss tips, diet hacks and workout routines to help you get started
In line with the last step, Rohit elaborates that every individual is unique and requires a diet plan thats best suited with their goals. However, to help you start eating healthy, he expedites his diet plan below.
Id start my day with an apple, after following a 12-hour intermittent fast. In the next 12 hours, Id eat fruits, raw salads and green juice made from wheat grass.
My lunch would comprise brown rice (small portion) with legumes or lentils and salad. Dinner comprised a variety of water-rich vegetables with some protein. After following this diet pattern for a while, I moved on to a whole-foods plant based diet and also included lemon water in my diet and 2 cups of green tea.Apart from eating healthy, Rohit also followed the below weight loss exercise regime.
I started walking daily. After my vitamin D levels improved, I started jogging. Slowly, I added stretching and weight training to this daily routine as well.
"I follow these 6 principles: finger, fork, feet, sleep, stress and love. I think that they are great tips to keep in mind for anyone whos trying to lose weight."
Finger: No smoking
Fork: Watch what you eat
Feet: Movement, walk, run or swim
Sleep: At least 6-7 hours
Stress: Accept and let go of things that are not in your hand
Love: Spend time with family vs staying glued to the TV or mobile
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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How to lose weight & get fit in 2020 like this guy who lost 22 kgs by making these 6 changes in his routine - GQ India
Five reasons you CANT lose weight from too much coffee to the air you breathe – The Sun

AFTER overindulging at Christmas, we're all looking for that quick fix to make ourselves feel fitter and healthier.
But for some of us, no matter what we try we just don't see the results.
We've tried revamping our diets - and even committing to the gym - yet the numbers on the scale just don't budge.
It's frustrating to think you're doing everything right and it's not working.
But it could be a case of introducing a few small lifestyle changes that make all the difference.
Here, nutritional director Rick Hay tells Healthista five reasons you might not be losing weight, and you may just be surprised...
Does it seem unlikely that you could ever get by without your must-have morning coffee?
You might need to re-think how many cups of coffee you are having a day.
Cutting down on coffee could actually help you reverse the direction of that dial on the bathroom scales.
"Coffee is a nervous system stimulant," Rick said.
"Amongst its many effects on the body, coffee can accelerate the pace of various body functions and, in so doing, our blood sugar levels drop to generate the energy necessary for such functions."
You may think that means coffee can help you burn calories faster, that is sort of correct but its not the full story.
"When our blood sugar levels drop, our brains instantly get us to eat something to reset to those correct levels," Rick added.
However, once we start eating, there is a delay between the point we have actually eaten enough and the brain getting the message that we are well fed, this means we end up eating more than we actually need to.
"Our bodies also release glucose into our bloodstream from the glycogen stored in our muscles and liver," he said.
"Again there is a small delay between the point at which our system recognises that the low blood sugars have been fixed and the point it signals to the liver and muscles to stop releasing sugar into the blood.
"Ultimately, the result of these two mishaps is that you get sugar spikes in the blood which leads to insulin release from the pancreas."
Insulin is the hormone that promotes fat storage so if you get these sugar spikes often, it will have a negative effect on your waist line.
Hallelujah! There's a reason to calm your workout down.
"If you go for a fast and explosive sprint, the very first thing your body will burn is its muscle creatine phosphate stores, but they only last for about 20-30 seconds," Rick said.
"The body then needs to look for something else if you continue to exercise.
"This is where carbohydrates come into play. Carbohydrates are efficient sources of energy because they release energy fast.
"Gram by gram, fats release more energy (9kcal per gram) compared to carbohydrates (4kcal per gram) however, they do so at a slower rate, so it is not a very efficient process."
This doesnt mean however that you should shun carbs before exercising.
Rick added: "Your body is constantly trying to synchronise what it burns with how fast it is burning energy at any given point in time."
This is where you can synchronise your activity to the rate at which the body specifically burns fat, with minimum effort but maximum satisfaction.
"The body takes a lot longer to process and extract energy from fats than it does from carbs," Rick said.
"So if you exercise at near maximum performance, it will burn carbs in preference to fats because the compatibility between the rhythm of exercise and the rate of energy released from carbohydrates is near optimum."
Hence the reason to slow things down and not exercise at maximum performance for your whole workout.
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State training.
Unlike its more famous cousin HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which relies on short bouts of near-exhaustion exercise, LISS relies on low intensity, gentler forms of exercise performed for longer periods.
The idea here is to take your performance to about 70 per cent of your maximum performance level.
"This sort of training is much better synchronised to the rate at which your body extracts energy from fats and so it chooses to burn fats in preference to carbs and proteins," Rick added.
So, you are probably thinking "I know this already, sugary fizzy drinks are not only bad for your weight, they are bad for your health in general".
But it might not only be down to the sugar they contain.
A studypublished on the journalObesity Research and Clinical Practicein 2017 showed that the carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks can affect weight gain by increasing ghrelin release.
Ghrelin, more commonly known as the hunger hormone, is a hormone produced mainly in the stomach and one amongst its many effects is an increase in appetite.
It is ghrelin that controls your appetite in the short-term by alerting you its time to eat.
"With regards to carbonated drinks, the solution is simple. Just go for their de-gassed, boring-but-safe counterparts," Rick said.
"And yep, Im afraid Im going to burst the proverbial bubble here because that includes sparkling water."
This study showed that, even though sparkling water doesnt contain any sugars, or artificial sweeteners for that matter, the carbon dioxide itself, the gas that gives the sparkle to your water, can itself lead to an increase in weight via ghrelin release.
Sodium is a mineral the body uses to control the amount of water present in our system.
The more sodium is accumulated in our bodies, the more water is kept and not excreted in our urine, which may make your body retain extra fluid.
Now, dont go crazy and completely cut out all the sodium from your diet. Sodium is an important component of cell metabolism and, as such, all cells must contain it.
That is not to say that a little added salt to your food to make it tasty is prohibited, thats not the case at all but restricting it is certainly beneficial.
When we say salt, people immediately assume salty, savoury foods. But artificial sweeteners for example, especially sodium saccharin and sodium cyclamate, are abundant yet relatively unknown sources of sodium, which sugar-free foods and drinks are often full of.
Rick suggests that we limit the addition of salt to our food by using herbs and spices instead. Go sweetener-free whenever possible, especially when drinking tea and coffee.
If you absolutely must add a little sweetness to your drinks, go for natural, healthy alternatives such as honey, palm sugar, agave or even molasses.
These still contain a lot of sugar but they also have health benefits and little or no sodium.
Yes, even the air you're breathing could be making you fat.
It's all down to the pollution.
How on earth can pollution affect weight? Well, it turns out in many ways.
But then if every breath we take makes us a little heavier, surely theres not a snowballs chance in hell we are going to get any closer to our target weights, right?
"There is increasing evidence to suggest that pollution can even affect our weight", Rick said.
A Beijing study published in 2016reported that chronic exposure to air-borne particulate pollution can increase the risk of obesity and metabolic syndromes such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.
The pollution-induced weight gain was associated with the activation of pro-inflammatory pathways and oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress has been shown to be one of the culprits in the development of various metabolic syndromes including Type 2 Diabetes.
Another studypublished in the scientific journal Nature reported on how persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated bisphenyls (PCBs) can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance-related glucose intolerance and, again, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic syndromes.
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"The fact of the matter is that its virtually impossible to avoid exposure to air pollution and chemicals such as POPs," Rick added.
"They have permeated every nook and cranny of our environment. They were banned in the 80s but their effects persist. We can, however, adopt habits to limit their negative effects."
Eating organic foods will help you avoid the toxins, as will reducing the amount of fish and meat you eat.
Read the original:
Five reasons you CANT lose weight from too much coffee to the air you breathe - The Sun
Experts say the keto diet isnt sustainable, so why is it so popular? – WTKR News 3

America is in the midst of a keto craze. The trendy diet which bans carbs to make your body burn fat for fuel has kicked Weight Watchers derrire on the stock market, captured the endorsement of celebrities such as Kourtney Kardashian and Halle Berry, and deluged the internet with recipes and copious social media chatter about pounds lost.
Now the popular diet even has a day named after it. The Vitamin Shoppe, which wants to sell you a ton of keto-based products, has named the first Sunday of this new decade National Keto Day.
What on Earth justifies granting a day to memorialize a fad diet? said Dr. David Katz, founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center. The grapefruit diet surely warrants its own day too!
Katz is no fan of keto, or any other diet that restricts entire food groups, calling them unhealthy and unsustainable.
Losing weight fast by using a severely restricted, silly, unbalanced diet inevitably leads to even faster weight regain, said Katz, who is the president of the True Health Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention.
Absent ketosis, keto is just a false label for some kind of diet that presumably restricts added sugar and refined carbohydrate which, frankly, any good diet does, Katz said.
Katzs low opinion of keto is echoed by many nutritional specialists across the country. Katz joined 24 other top names in the field to rank 35 popular weight loss programs for 2020 recently put out by U.S. News and World Report.
The popular keto diet flunked, coming in next to last which it has done for several years now. Only the highly restrictive protein-only Dukan Diet ranks lower.
Most health professionals are concerned that the degree of carb restriction requires someone to cut out many of the foods that have been consistently recommended as being healthy: fruits, beans/legumes and whole intact grains, said Stanford professor Christopher Gardner, who conducts research on low-carb diets at Stanford Prevention Research Center.
With such negative reviews, just how did keto capture such a faithful following? Experts say its because its legions of fans are focusing on the short-term benefits of fast weight loss, without factoring in possible long-term risks.
What is keto?
Keto is short for ketosis, a metabolic state that occurs when your liver begins to use stored fat to produce ketones for energy. The liver is programmed to do that when your body loses access to its preferred fuel carbohydrates and thinks its starving.
The diet has actually been around since the 1920s, when a doctor stumbled on it as a way of controlling seizures in children with epilepsy who didnt respond to other treatment methods.
It was recognized long ago that denying the brain access to glucose, and converting to ketone-based metabolism, dampens brain electrical activity, Katz said. But why on Earth would you want to dampen brain electrical activity unless you had refractory (unmanageable) epilepsy?
Creating ketosis is not as simple as it seems. Your liver is only forced into producing ketones when carb intake is drastically slashed. In the keto diet, you limit your intake of carbs to only 20 to 50 a day, the lower the better. To put that into perspective, a medium banana or apple is around 27 carbs, the full days allowance.
It can take several days to weeks before your body fully transitions into burning fat. In the meantime, it will scream for carbs, and (speaking from personal experience) will punish you by sending a zombie to suck out your brains, a vampire to drain your blood and a giant troll to jump up and down on your body.
The feeling of fatigue and malaise is so bad that keto-lovers have christened the experience keto-flu.
Youll also have keto-breath, a wonderfully metallic smell similar to nail polish remover emanating from your mouth. Other than urination, thats the only way ketones can escape your body.
Drinking water might help with dragon-breath. Youll also need to drink a lot of water to try to counter constipation and other gastric-grumblings due to the lack of fiber from fruits and starchy veggies.
Once all that passes, keto-lovers maintain, youll have more energy, a more focused brain, and best of all, very little hunger.
But those effects only last if you stay in ketosis. Cheat a bit, and your body scrambles to go back to what nature intended.
Therefore low-carb diets like keto rely heavily on fats to fill you up. At least 70% of the keto diet will be made up of fat some say its more like 90%. Of course you can get all that fat from healthy unsaturated fats such as avocados, tofu, almonds, walnuts, seeds and olive oil.
But just in case you cant eat that many avocados, the diet also allows those not-so-good-for-your-arteries saturated fats like lard, butter, palm and coconut oils as well as whole-fat milk, cheese and mayonnaise.
And heres a twist: You cant rely too much on lean protein to accomplish ketosis. Eat more protein than an average 20% of your daily calories and your body will use that, and not fat, for fuel. Bye bye, ketosis.
Therefore protein sources for ketosis reply on skin-on poultry, fattier parts like chicken thighs, rib-eye steaks, grass-fed ground beef, fattier fish like salmon, beef brisket or pork shoulder, according to U.S. News, as well as get ready America bacon!
Yessss. Thats why this is a popular diet right? Like the dog in the 1980s commercial, we as a nation collectively jump up and down for bacon.
Dirty vs clean eating
Of course the lure of all-the-bacon-or-fat-you-can-eat was arguably behind the initial success of the Atkins diet that exploded into popularity in the 90s. It was followed by more low-carb options such as South Beach, Paelo, Whole30 and Zone, among others.
Yet critics say those initially popular plans have struggled to keep the publics interest as dieters have succeeded in losing some weight, only to fail to keep it off over the long term.
Atkins has rebranded, offering different levels of carb restriction they call Atkins 20 and Atkins 40. Colette Heimowitz, Atkins vice president for Nutrition Communication & Education, told CNN the companys approach allows for more flexibility than keto as we encourage people to incorporate foods back into their meals and find their carb tolerance level.
Keto appears to be undergoing the same process, with some promoting clean keto, which focuses on using all those avocados, nuts and seeds for fat sources, instead of dirty keto, in which folks take the buns off their fast food burger and chow down.
Clean keto advocates admit that it takes a good deal of effort to research food items and plan and prep meals, so unsurprisingly, many a keto eater takes the easy way out, eating a diet centered around foods like bacon, cheese, butter, and packaged foods, according to an article on the Vitamin Shoppes Keto HQ.
And thats the crux of the problem for nutritionists.
Most people who claim to eat Paleo use that banner to justify eating any kind of meat they like, notably, bacon, burgers and pepperoni, Katz said. There was no paleolithic pepperoni!
No doubt, the same is going on with keto people invoke the label to eat the foods they want to eat, notably processed meat, he said. I suspect a very tiny minority of those attempting to eat keto are either eating clean or are in ketosis.
What do the studies say
Then theres the issue of varying health claims for keto and other low carb diets.
The ketogenic diet is designed to be a short-term diet, and there are a number of studies and trials demonstrating its effectiveness, said chiropractor Josh Axe, a spokesperson for the Vitamin Shoppe, in statement.
When done correctly, it can be a great tool used to treat and prevent several chronic conditions while also supporting overall health, said Axe, who is the author of The Keto Diet: Your 30-day Plan to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones and Reverse Disease.
An Atkins spokesperson pointed to a two-year study by a health group selling ketosis diet interventions and told CNN in a statement that todays science shows people can improve health markers pertaining to weight loss, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome when they control carbs.
Not exactly accurate, according to Gardner and Katz.
Theres very little research, and to the best of my knowledge, all of it is linked to a company marketing the keto diet, Katz said.
The bottom line is that despite its current popularity, we have very few studies that can support or refute its impact on health, Gardner said.
The National Lipid Association Nutrition and Lifestyle Task Force reviewed all the available evidence in 2019 and found low and very-low carb diets are not superior to other dietary approaches for weight loss, and in some cases even raised cholesterol levels.
In addition, they found three separate observational studies, including a large prospective cohort study with long-term follow-up, showed an association between very low-carb diets and all-cause mortality.
So far, at least, it appears science has found the benefits of low-carb diets are fleeting.
What the early studies have shown is that there are early benefits in terms of weight loss and glucose control, Gardner said. But in the few studies that have gone on for 12 months, the benefit in comparison to other diet approaches diminishes and is no longer statistically significant.
Which is why nutritionists fail to see the benefit of subjecting your body to the stresses of a low-carb diet just to lose a bit of weight, gain it back, and then start all over again.
To achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, or optimize diabetes or heart disease risk factors, we should not be focusing on a diet, said Alice Lichtenstein, director and senior scientist at Tufts Universitys Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory.
We should be focusing on dietary patterns, making changes in current practices that can be sustained lifelong.
Go here to read the rest:
Experts say the keto diet isnt sustainable, so why is it so popular? - WTKR News 3
A New Non-surgical Option Helps You Lose Weight and Keep It Off – Newswise

Available for logged-in reporters only
Newswise Laurie Busa was looking for a new and more successful way to lose weight. As a cardiovascular technologist at Winchester Hospital, she conducts stress tests to measure heart function and hoped to serve as a better example of good health for her patients.
"It was always easy for me to shed 25 pounds," Laurie says. "I did it over and over, then I'd gain back 35."
Like many who struggle with obesity, Laurie's weight led to other health concerns, including high blood pressure. So she set a goal: lose enough weight to reduce her dependence on blood pressure medication. To do so, she'd need to lose 60 pounds and keep it off. But she soon learned she would not have to conquer this challenge alone.
Watch Laurie's story.
A New Approach to Weight Loss
"When we first met Laurie, she had energy and enthusiasm and a real commitment to success," saysJonah Cohen, MD, a gastroenterologist and Director of theCenter for Bariatric Endoscopyat Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC).
The Center performsendoscopic proceduresfor weight loss that are less invasive than traditional weight loss surgery, requiring no incisions leading to faster recovery.
Cohen's program is one of the first in New England to perform a procedure known asendoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG). Also known as the "accordion" procedure, ESG uses an endoscope, a small flexible tube with a camera and suturing device attached, to enter the stomach through the mouth. This device allows the doctor to see and operate inside the stomach without any incisions. The doctor sutures the stomach to reduce its shape, which restricts the amount of food it takes to feel full.
"Endoscopy has come a long way in recent years," Cohen says. "For most patients, ESG is an outpatient procedure. For patients to be able to go home the same day after such a life-changing procedure speaks to how far medicine has come."
After the procedure, most patients return to work within several days, and follow a liquid diet for four weeks. ESG typically results in 15 to 20 percent total weight loss, and may also help treat serious weight-related conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis.
After spending years losing and gaining weight, Busa was encouraged by the potential for keeping the weight off after the procedure.
"Data shows that for the average patient, weight loss results after the ESG procedure are durable," says Cohen.
Yearlong Support After the Procedure
At the Center for Bariatric Endoscopy, the multidisciplinaryteamof physicians, nurses and dietitians work closely with patients for a full year after the procedure to help ensure long-lasting results.
"We take a team approach to help decide what's best for each patient, said dietitian Leslie Mattimore, MS, RD, LDN. We each have our own perspective and bring our own skill set. Our goal is that after 12 months, patients can fly on their own."
"Our team is second to none in supporting patients during the procedure and throughout the rest of their journey," Cohen adds.
Busa credits the support of that team for helping to keep her spirits up after the procedure, even when it came to sticking with the liquid diet for several weeks.
"You know you're going to get through it. The dietitian tries to make lifestyle change doable for you," Busa says. "All of them have been wonderful. I can get in touch so easily when I have questions."
Mission Accomplished
Since working with Dr. Cohen's team, Busa has lost 54 pounds. And she recently cut her blood pressure medication in half.
"It has been a life-changer, positively. My confidence is so much better, she says. "When I look in the mirror, I see me again."
Watch Laurie's story.
For questions or to make an appointment with the Center for Bariatric Endoscopy, call617-667-2128.
Is ESG Right for You?
To qualify for endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) you should:
Find out what conditions might prevent you from qualifying for ESG.
See the original post:
A New Non-surgical Option Helps You Lose Weight and Keep It Off - Newswise