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How to lose weight and get fit in 2020: 20 easy tips, diet hacks and workout routines to help you get started – GQ India

Welcome to 2020. It is not just a new year but also a new decade! And, it may just be the year you (finally) lose weight, get fit and build those washboard abs. Here, to help you get started on your fitness resolution, weve jotted down 20 easy weight loss tips, diet hacks and workout routines (no thanks necessary!).
Intermittent Fasting (popularly also known as IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you can or cannot eat. It only focuses on when you should eat them. There are many IF plans and patterns that you can follow, but the most effective one, according to studies is the 16:8 IF diet. The 16:8 IF diet entails one to observe a 16-hour fasting period, followed by an 8-hour eating window.
You can commence a 16-hour fast at 10:00 pm in the night, after you eat your last meal of the day and go to sleepthats 7-8 hours gone right there. You can break the 16-hour fast at 2:00 pm with your lunch and eat small meals till 10:00 pmthis makes up the 8-hour eating window. Alternatively, you can also begin your fast at 8 pm and break it at 12 pm, the next day.
But, is IF really worth it? Find out here.
A keto diet (also known as the ketogenic diet) is a special diet plan that ensures you are eating foods that are high in fat (about 70 per cent), moderate in protein (about 25 per cent) and extremely low in carbohydrates (about 5 per cent). The main purpose of this diet is to help your body achieve the state of ketosis. When in ketosis, your body is constantly burning fat, and at a rate higher than any other diet plan will be able to help you achieve. You can read more about the keto diet here.
QUICK READ: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 38 kgs by following a ketogenic diet & this simple exercise regime
Emphasising portion control will yield the biggest (and also fastest) results. But portion control doesnt translate to starvation. In fact, nothing should ever lead to starvation as it will not help you in the long run. Portion control can start from eating only when you are hungry instead of binging on food when you are bored and also with small tweaks in your daily diet.
You can replace an oily veggie preparation with a bowl of dal and deep fried papad with a fresh salad. You can also cut down your intake of empty calories (biscuits, cakes and the likes) through the day and stick to a 4 or 5-meal plan with 2 rotis for lunch instead of 3 for starters and a bowl of brown rice instead of a huge plate of white rice.
QUICK READ: 7 portion control tips on how to lose weight fast
This is actually easier than the mathematically implied name suggests. All the food that we eat in a day are essentially just calories for the body. They are burned by our systems to produce energy and the extra calories get stored in the form of fat, leading to eventual weight gain. Counting your calories can help you create a deficit, which will burn fat faster. Theres also a calorie deficit diet pattern than you can follow to do this efficiently.
A calorie deficit pattern of dieting is based on the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight, according to Healthline. This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health. The deficit can then be created by cutting down empty calories and unhealthy fats. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
A whole foods diet is a lifestyle change that emphasises on the consumption of whole or minimally processed foods as your meals. Plants, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts make up this diet. The main concept of this diet is to cut down on junk food and heavily processed or preserved foods. Interestingly, the diet also does not limit your meat intake. It suggests to consume meat such as chicken cooked using healthy ingredients over chicken nuggets processed with a very high quantity of fats and preservatives.
QUICK READ: How to lose weight like this guy who lost 46 kgs and beat 30 ailments by following a unique plant-based diet
Adding high-fibre foods such as wholegrain breakfast cereals, wholegrain bread, broccoli, carrots, green peas, beans, oats, pears, oranges, and pulses will not just help you lose weight but also promote gut health. They are more filling and leave you satiated for a longer amount of time, thereby eliminating the need to snack in between meals.
They are also energy dense, which essentially means that the 100 gms for high-fibre foods will have fewer calories than a 100 gms serving of low-fibre foods. Soluble fibre found in oats, carrots and oranges helps regulate cholesterol and insoluble fibre found in nuts, cauliflower, green beans and potatoes help eliminate waste and toxins from your body.
QUICK READ: Can fibre help you lose belly fat?
Embracing a sugar-free life is definitely easier said than done and also trickier in theory. When dieticians and nutritionists suggest giving up the shiny crystals, what they want you to give up is processed white and brown sugar, sweetened drinks, sugary jams, syrups and artificial sweeteners and not natural sugars that your body can absorb from fruits (unless specified otherwise). Artificial sweeteners and processed sugar is not just high on empty calories but can also lead to obesity and an imbalance in your blood sugar and hormone levels.
But we understand that sugar is a huge part of Indian diets, so you can start small by replacing sugar, sugar cubes and sweeteners for your tea and coffee with jaggery.
Though waters primary functions include: transportation of nutrients throughout the body, regulation of bodys temperature and maintenance of pH levels to ensure your health is not at risk of any diseases, especially kidney stones. It is also an appetite suppressant.
Drinking water before meals can make you feel full for a longer amount of time, and reduce your calorie intake. Many a times, our body is not able to differentiate between hunger and thirst and as a result we end up binging on food, when were actually just craving a glass of water.
QUICK READ: How many glasses of water should one drink a day for effective weight loss?
Walking is the best form of free physical exercise that burns calories and belly fat. It also helps preserve lean body muscle. Walking for a mile which is about 1.6 km has the potential to burn almost 100 calories, depending on your body structure and weight. Club it with a healthy diet plan and routine, youll start noticing an improvement in your body soon. Read more about its benefits here.
Once you start walking daily, running cant be left far behind (also, that thing they say about a runners high? Yeah, thats totally real!). According to Healthline, running daily burns more calories than most other types of exercise because it requires many different muscles to work hard together.
Running also makes your more active and reduces the risk of many cardiovascular diseases and even lowers the risk of developing cancer.
QUICK READ: How running a little bit every day for two months changed my life
Contrary to popular opinion, sweating in an overcrowded gym is not the only way to torch fat. You can burn the same amount of calories, while listening to good music of your choice at home by following a simple home workout regime that can include running, Yoga, squats, brupees, crunches, skipping and basic weight training. Youll need to invest in a pair of dumbbells for the latter.
Fitness is a way of life and not just a hurdle or an obstacle that you overcome by losing weight. You have to commit to eating healthy, and the easiest way to do this is by getting rid of all junk food from your kitchen shelves and actually stocking cookie boxes with dry fruits and nuts and your refrigerator with a whole lot of fruits and green veggies instead of ice creams and candies.
Cheat meals are as important as rest and recovery during a body transformation or weight loss journey. They help break the monotony of a diet plan and motivate you to work harder the next day in the gym or at home. However, keep in mind that the luxury of a cheat meal can only be afforded once youve got accustomed to your diet and exercise regime. Also, ensure that a cheat meal only remains a cheat meal and does not extend to a cheat day.
Not many of us are aware of the fact that poor sleeping habits aid to weight gain. When you dont sleep enough and well, a stress hormone - cortisol - increases in your body. This hormone may cause a spike in your appetite and thats probably why we eat when we cant sleep at night. On the other hand, a healthy sleeping pattern - 7 to 9 hours - can not only boost your metabolism but also leave you feeling fresher in the morning.
QUICK READ: The trick to fall asleep faster, according to a psychologist
First things first: what is cardio? Well, cardio is any form of exercise that raises your heart rate, gets the blood really pumping and gets you to break into a sweat. If youre really unfit then even climbing a flight of stairs can be classified as cardio. Notably, activities such as jogging, running and even skipping comprise as cardio. It is working out with the absence of weights.
Bonus, you dont really need a gym membership to commence a cardio-led workout regime, but in case you already have one these are the best cardio machines for every type of workout.
If you are looking to torch fat and not lose muscle mass while you are at it then weight training is an option for you. It burns fewer calories than cardio but improves your metabolism over time and does not leave you with loose or hanging skin after a drastic body transformation. Ideally, your weight loss workout routine should be a mix of both cardio and weight training.
Practising Yoga daily can not only help you lose weight but also improve your flexibility, athletic ability and give you mental clarity. It helps you disconnect with the world for a bit daily to improve your breathing, posture and also makes you more aware of your food choices bad lifestyle habits. Thereby, treading a clear path to your weight loss and fitness goals.
QUICK READ: 10 reasons why men should do yoga
A popular form of cardio exercise, swimming can help burn more calories than jogging or cycling without the sweat. "Swimming is a low impact sport, which helps build endurance and muscle strength without any injuries," said Nisha Millet, Brand Advocate, Speedo India to GQ in a previous interaction. "On an average, a person weighing 75 to 80 kgs can burn between 500 to 800 calories in an hour with moderate paced swimming," she added. Plus, everything you need to know before diving in.
When you start exercising daily, it is only natural to feel even hungrier post a rigorous workout session. But instead of eating all the calories, youve so painfully lost in the past hour, time your gym sessions or home workout schedules in accordance to your meals. This way, youll curb overeating and feel energised after a robust workout.
The most important thing to remember is that weight loss is not magic. It requires time, patience and consistency. And, cultivating a positive attitude will help you break a weight loss plateau and even get over bad days at the gym.
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Original post:
How to lose weight and get fit in 2020: 20 easy tips, diet hacks and workout routines to help you get started - GQ India
The Safe and Doable Guide to Losing 100+ Pounds in a Year – LIVESTRONG.COM

When you have a significant amount of weight to drop, it can feel impossible to get started. How do you go about losing 100 pounds or more? And, just as importantly, how will you keep it off?
Losing 100 pounds in a year is very much an achievable goal.
Credit: mheim3011/iStock/GettyImages
Personal trainer Jeff Logan, CPT, says triple-digit weight loss is like shedding an entire person and the process shouldn't be rushed. A safe, healthy rate of weight loss for someone who is 100 pounds or more overweight is between 1 to 3 pounds a week, he says. Using that math, it will take about a year to meet your goal.
But how? Here, Logan and other experts in nutrition and fitness share their best advice on realistically and safely! saying adios to 100-plus pounds for good.
Non-starchy vegetables like salad greens and radishes are low in calories but high in filling fiber.
Credit: peredniankina/iStock/GettyImages
Though exercise is definitely part of the process, Carla Dueas, RD, a dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida tells that, more than anything else, what we eat makes the biggest difference on the scale. Of all the dietary changes you should make when beginning your journey to better health, she says upping your intake of non-starchy veggies is the most vital.
"More vegetables means more vitamins and minerals, which are typically underrated as a source of energy. All that extra energy translates into better workouts and more calories burned," she explains.
Plus, veggies are overflowing with fiber. "Fiber keeps us full for a longer time because it's harder for our digestive system to break down, so we can last three to four hours feeling satisfied until the next meal or snack,"Dueas explains.
You can think of a 'crash diet' the same way you would a clickbait post on Facebook. The headline is jarring and irresistible but most of the time, the content is lackluster at best.
Any sort of eating plan that promises to help you lose weight super-fast without much effort isn't worth your time, says Audrey Heist, RD, dietitian and director of health engagement at AtlantiCare. She says many people are lured in by chicken-broth cleanses, detoxes and other seemingly simple ways to drop weight, but most of the time, these eating habits are only effective in the beginning, and they're actually harmful in the long run.
"Drastically changing our lifestyle habits all at once sets us up to fail," she says. "We often cannot and do not stick with the changes we've made, which leads to weight regain."
It's also important to note, according to Heist, that the quick weight loss caused by crash dieting can lead to muscle loss, which may also cause weight gain, since muscle helps keep our metabolism burning at a good clip.
Learn how to spot a crash diet along with three other types of unhealthy gimmicks to avoid if long-term weight loss is your goal.
Tuna is a high-protein snack that could help keep your sweets cravings at bay.
Credit: Lisa Hayim
For many people, saying "no" to sweet treats and comfort foods is half the battle of staying on a healthy eating plan. But why do we find ourselves drooling over that doughnut at 3 p.m.? Probably because we didn't get enough protein at lunch, Dueas says.
As she explains, increasing our protein intake will give us the defense we need to control hunger, thus making it easier to stay the course. "Adding a protein-packed afternoon snack is a great way to keep those cravings away," she says.
Additionally, protein also plays a part in building and maintaining muscle mass from exercise. "When we lose weight fast, fat along with muscle are lost. We want to avoid this by constantly supplying the body with protein foods," Dueas says.
If you're actively losing weight, aim to eat about 1.3 grams of lean protein per kilogram of body weight each day. Keep in mind that a kilogram equals about 2.2 pounds. So, for example, a 250-pound person should aim to eat about 148 grams of protein daily (for reference, a 3-ounce serving of roasted chicken breast contains about 25 grams of protein, per the USDA).
Once you have a few months of clean eating under your belt, Titgemeier suggests implementing an intermittent fasting regimen into your lifestyle. There are several different methods, but the most popular involve fasting for 12 to 16 hours each day (including the time you're asleep) and eating your three meals within the remaining hours.
Although research is still somewhat limited on this eating plan, a December 2019 review in The New England Journal of Medicine found that intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss. Though whether it's because IF restricts late-night eating, decreases appetite or works in another way isn't totally clear yet.
To begin, try cutting off food from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. so you only eat your dinner and then breakfast, with no nibbles in between. As you feel more comfortable and your body adjusts, you can increase this fasting time by an hour every week until you reach 16.
Keeping calories in check is an important part of weight loss, but be careful not to go too far.
Credit: Rawpixel Ltd/iStock/GettyImages
If the way we lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than what we burn, then restricting our intake makes sense, right?
Well, yes, but only to a point, says Dueas, who notes that severely restricting calories to less than 1,200 per day for women or 1,500 for men actually causes our bodies to hold onto fat (since it's a valuable energy reserve) and break down muscle. This slows down metabolism and will leave you feeling hungry, exhausted and more susceptible to colds and flus, since your immune system is compromised, she adds.
According to the experts, the "magic number" of calories to trim from your daily diet is between 500 and 750. Since a pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, that deficit should lead to between 1 and 1.5 pounds of weight loss each week.
Overall, a good way to approach your calories, Titgemeier says, is to remember that balance is the key to long-term success. "It's important to think about nourishing the body rather than depriving it. Nourish your body with whole, unprocessed foods and try to avoid extreme measures of caloric restriction that are not sustainable," she urges.
Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!
Adam Phillips, a NASM-certified personal trainer, hears it all the time: "I don't have time to focus on losing weight." Even though many of his potential clients walk in desperate to drop weight, they fail to actually budget the minutes and hours necessary to see success.
To encourage them to think differently, he reminds them just how many moments there are to dedicate to your health if you make it a priority: "There are 168 hours in a given week. Work and sleep take up 112 of those, but that leaves 56 hours in a week," he says. "Working out should not take any more than an hour each day. So, working out five days a week leaves you 51 hours to catch up on everything else."
According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, you should devote about half of those five weekly hours to moderate-intensity cardio (think: brisk walking or jogging) and half to muscle-strengthening activities that involve all your major muscle groups.
Opt for whole foods with healthy fats, such as avocado, instead of "low-fat" processed foods.
Credit: Andrew Guadagnolo / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages
Take a stroll down your local grocery store and you'll be bombarded by one snack after another that advertises with "low-fat," "fat-free" and other diet-minded slogans. It's tempting, sure, since they seem healthy at first glance but dietitian Brigid Titgemeier, RDN, LD, says they offer very little nutritional benefit.
How come? Fat doesn't make you fat, and we need some of it to keep our bodies running and burning calories! effectively. "Fat is important for increasing levels of fullness, improving brain health and decreasing inflammation," she says. "Just because you are trying to lose weight does not mean that you should start eating low-fat processed foods that remove fat through processing and then replace it with sugar or carbohydrates."
What are some healthy fats to look for instead? Titgemeier recommends whole-food options like avocado, chia seeds, ground flax seeds and olives, to name a few. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are also good choices.
Whether you realize it or not, sugar is in just about everything. Just think of all the places your tastebuds are engaged: cane, maple, honey and fruit syrups, nearly all packaged foods and even tomato sauces or other unlikely buys.
Here's the deal: If we don't limit the sugar we're eating (or drinking!), then we'll keep craving it, time and time again. "Our taste buds get used to it, as well as our brains, and we start needing more, very much like a drug," Dueas says. And although artificial sweeteners don't pack in calories or spike blood sugar in the same way as natural sugars, they trigger the same reaction in the brain that makes us crave more sweets.
Whenever you can, limit all foods that have added natural or artificial sugar. It's best to eat what mother nature intended, straight from the ground or the farm, Dueas says.
From smarter meal prepping to strategic shopping, check out five expert-approved tips to reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet.
When you are this close to grabbing a slice of pizza, or when you had a stressful day and that ice cream in the freezer is looking oh-so-appealing, it's important to have a compatibility buddy who is there to help you resist. Heist says it's incredibly beneficial to find someone whether in person or virtually who is also on a weight-loss journey, so you can lean on one another.
Keep in mind that you may need to look outside your circle of family and friends. While supportive, they may not understand the hurdles you face day-in and day-out with changing your lifestyle.
Heist says having a compatibility partner will keep you focused and give you the cognitive stamina required to lose significant weight. After all, the battle isn't just physical it's mental, too.
"In today's environment, where we are exposed to high-calorie, processed foods, it can be easy to make unhealthy choices. Weight loss takes a commitment and a plan it's not willpower so much as skillpower," she says.
If you're struggling to find a buddy, consider researching weight-loss groups on Facebook like the Challenge Group or looking into the community at your nearby gym. Chances are good that you'll soon stumble across someone who is eying the same 100-pound weight loss goal.
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The Safe and Doable Guide to Losing 100+ Pounds in a Year - LIVESTRONG.COM
Perihelion Day’ Is When Earth Is Closest to the Sun so Why Is It So Cold? – Yahoo Lifestyle

On Perihelion Day, our planet makes its annual closest approach to the sun. The night of January 4 marks the exact time when Earth is closest to our star, but unfortunately, being closer to the sun doesnt necessarily mean that well see warmer temperatures.
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Earths annual closest approach to the sun takes place at precisely 7:48 Universal Time on January 5, 2020. Thats 2:48 a.m. EST on January 5 and 11:48 p.m. PST on January 4. At that time, our planet will be within just 91,398,199 miles of the sun. It always happens a couple of weeks after the December solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun.
The word comes from the Greek words peri (near) and helios (sun). It happens because Earths orbit of the sun is slightly elliptical, so there are naturally two points during a complete orbit one year when its closest and farthest away.
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Its all about the tilt. Earths axis is tilted 23 relative to its orbit around the sun, a phenomenon that causes the seasons. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, it suffers winter. That tilt puts the sun lower in the Northern Hemispheres sky, making sunlight less intense and shortening the day. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards it, so it experiences summer weather during this period! Its just never going to be that warm north of the equator during winter.
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It might seem logical to think that temperatures would rise when Earth is closest to the sun. In reality, Earth is at its coolest at perihelion! Thats because rocks heat up much more quickly than water. Most of the landmass on Earth is in the Northern Hemisphere, and most of the Southern Hemisphere is ocean. Any extra sunlight the Earth gets at perihelion is soaked up by the oceans, so it doesnt really have much effect.
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Its the exact opposite to perihelion. It marks the day when Earth is farthest from the sun, which is always on or very close to July 4, about two weeks after the June solstice. At that most distant point, Earth will be 94,507,635 miles from the sun. However, even though the sun is a little weaker, the rocky Northern Hemisphere heats up easily, so you can expect sweltering temperatures (even though were farther from the sun).
Just like our own trips, Earths incredible path around the sun is all about the journey, not the destination.
Related: The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020
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Perihelion Day' Is When Earth Is Closest to the Sun so Why Is It So Cold? - Yahoo Lifestyle
From Oprah Winfrey to Jennifer Lawrence, here are the best life lessons celebs have given at the Golden Globes – Yahoo Lifestyle

For 76 years, the Golden Globes has awarded some of the best actors and actresses in the industry. And with every award given, an acceptance speech follows. But while some winners thank their cast, crew, publicists, and families, others take the opportunity to throw a few life lessons our wayand were all about it.
With the 77th Golden Globes happening right around the corner (Sunday, January 5th!), we thought the best and only way to pregame is by binging some of our favorite actors and actresses speeches (on stage and backstage) from the last couple of years that included golden nuggets of wisdom. Because even though the Golden Globes might be a huge TV spectacle, its also a show about humanity and storytelling.
The greatest lesson Ive learned throughout my career came from Maya Angelou. When I was first meeting her and after Ive known her for a while, she said, Baby, you need to know when people show you who they are, you believe them the first time. And youre problem is that it takes you 29 times to see the same lesson in a different skirt, wearing a different pair of pants.'
I think that has been one of my greatest wisdom teachings is to assess from peoples behavior; their actions, not just toward me, but toward other people; and who they are and how they behave because if people talk about other people, theyll talk about you. So I think in business and in personal relationships, thats also been my greatest lesson.
I got told no millions of times. You werent going to become a successful actor and not be told no many, many, many times. I really wanted it to work, and I wanted to do absolutely everything I could do before giving up. I had a five-year plan, but I definitely had to convince people to hire me.
For so much of my career, for 27 years, I never got to work with another woman. To be able to have incredible scenes and the opportunity to have a spectrum of female behaviors [for] women [to] look differently, [for them to have] different socioeconomic backgrounds, [and to have] different experiences in life. To start the talk about seeing a more dynamic woman on film, I think this is just the beginning, and we hope to continue that and make it more diverse, more inclusive, and make it look more like [how] the world really looks.
Its really important [because] when women are the architects of their stories, the stories change, and you see things differently. We need to hear stories from every type of people and every type of person. And I think its been going on for too long for the same people to tell the same stories over and over again. It feels like its changing.
I remember going to school because I wasnt allowed to talk about magic. I knew Santa Claus was fake, but I was around a lot of kids who didnt know that. So you have this responsibility to keep that going and understand why youre doing it because of joy. So I think human joy is super important. It doesnt come from computers, it comes from beliefyou know, acting, making music. All that stuff is believing in something that maybe someone older doesnt truly believe, but when you see it in a child, it makes you kind of believe it again. Because we forget how innocent and beautiful we were, so I think its our responsibility to make magic again.
Disrespect invites disrespects, violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.
I just know that [our relationship] is a great friendship. I know that when Im down, hes up. And when hes down, Im up, so we could throw each other a ropeI think [we] probably [have] respect on the greatest level [for one another]. And [I want] the best for him as well as him wanting the best for me. I think thats the truest foundation of love.
I never felt like I was in my mothers shadow. I know that always comes up when you have a very famous or prominent parent, but Ive actually always felt like I was in my mothers embrace and part of the way she raised me and all five of her kids [was] to follow my heart and follow my dreams and do the hard work to get there. Its sweet, charming, and wonderful to have a different experience, and yet, have so much of the same as my mom.
Im thinking of my mom who sublimated herself to my father her whole life. And in her eighties, she said to me, I feel like I havent accomplished anything. And it was so not right. I feel what Ive learned through this whole experience is that women, were nurturers, and thats what is expected of us. We have our children, our husbands, if were lucky enough, or our partners. But we have to find personal fulfillment. We have to follow our dreams. We have to say, I can do that and I should be allowed to do that.'
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From Oprah Winfrey to Jennifer Lawrence, here are the best life lessons celebs have given at the Golden Globes - Yahoo Lifestyle
The 12 best Golden Globes beauty looks of the decade – Yahoo Lifestyle

The 2020 Golden Globes are right around the corner, officially kicking off the 2020 red carpet season. We cant wait to see what our favorite stars step out in, from dazzling gowns to sharp suits, and were eager to see what beauty looks theyre going to cook up. The beginning of the 2010s saw a mix of pixie cuts, simple hair accessories, and smokey eyes, and as we progressed through the decade there was more natural hair texture, unconventional makeup looks, and modern braids gracing the red carpet.
Ahead of the 2020 Golden Globes were looking back at some of the best beauty looks of the past decade, from Lady Gagas smurf-blue hair at the 2019 Golden Globes to Rooney Maras sleek minimalism in 2012. Below, the 12 best beauty looks from the 2010s Golden Globes.
Andreas Branch, Getty Images
The Mad Menactress wore a simple black satin headband to the red carpet. According to our 2020 beauty forecast, hair accessories are going to come back in a major way, so take note.
Evan Agostini, Getty Images
Emma Stones platinum blonde hair is one for the books. Despite being a natural blonde, Stones iconic red hair is what were used to seeing, so this drastic change was a fresh lookfor the La La Land. She wore it in a polished updo and left the rest of her beauty look be much more subtle, with just a hint of pink blush and soft pink lips.
Steve Granitz/WireImage, Getty Images
Leave it to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo star to kill it on the red carpet with her piercing blue eyes and minimalist beauty looks. In 2012, Mara wore her hair in a sleek low ponytail and graced us with a soft glam eye look with a knife-sharp eyeliner.
George Pimentel/WireImage, Getty Images
The Scandal star looked incredible with her 70s-inspired fringe and blue eye makeup.
George Pimentel/WireImage, Getty Images
Radiant skin, glittery gold eyeshadow, red lips, and short hair made the beauty winning combo.
Jason Merritt, Getty Images
Look, we love everything J.Lo does and will always fan-girl over her fierce red carpet looks, but in 2015 she really hit it out of the ballpark. The Hustlersstar added golden highlights to her brunette mane (a trend thats going to come back according to our 2020 beauty forecast), styling it with a middle part and glamorous bed-head volume.
Steve Granitz/WireImage, Getty Images
Olivia Wilde was way ahead of the time with her stunning wine-toned lids at the 2016 Golden Globes awards.
Steve Granitz/WireImage, Getty Images
The always-romantic Lily Collins graced the 2017 Golden Globes with a tousled braided bun, soft pink lips, and a bold red lipa killer trifecta.
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
The Big Little Liesstar and face of YSL Beauty stunned on the 2018 Golden Globes red carpet with a pixie cut, a cat-eye liner, bronzed cheeks, and a red lip.
Jon Kopaloff, Getty Images
The ever-bold Lady Gaga never fails to bring her A-game to a red carpet event, and the 2019 Golden Globes were no exception. The award-winning singer matched her hair color to her blue gown and soft eye makeup.
Steve Granitz/WireImage, Getty Images
V-v-volume! The Star Wars star took her natural texture to new heights with this dramatic hair look, and paired it with a dark smokey eye.
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin, Getty Images
The Politician star is a red carpet favorite for her daring and darling makeup looksshes not one to shy away from pushing the boundaries of conventional beauty looks. Last year, Boynton rocked a metallic double eyeliner, chunky lashes, and a wavy bob parted in the middle. The result? A total dreamshow.
The rest is here:
The 12 best Golden Globes beauty looks of the decade - Yahoo Lifestyle
How to get stronger and lift more: this PTs advice is surprisingly simple – T3

Do you want to know how to get stronger? Some people go to the gym to lose weight fast. Others go to improve cardio performance. Some spend an hour taking selfies to post on social media. But there is also another breed of gym-dweller that is purely focussed on getting stronger muscles.
They can most likely be found in the free weight area, loading a barbell with every single plate in the establishment and lifting the equivalent of a small family hatchback, before letting out some kind of guttural roar and scaring everyone in the establishment witless when the plates crash against the floor. But don't worry, they are only doing deadlifts, the king of all lifts.
The local gym beast might not be the leanest looking person, but she/he is strong, boasting that exquisite mix of explosive power that allows for gargantuan weight to be shifted around. If obtaining superhero strength is your main fitness goal, youll probably want to read on.
If building strength is your primary focus, I would suggest sticking to the lower rep ranges on your compound lifts, ideally no more than five reps with three to five minute rest in between sets, explains Kay, a PureGym Insider, trainer and fitness fanatic.
"This will allow you to lift more weight, and in turn, increase strength faster than if you were to perform a higher rep range, such as the classic 8-12 reps, where your focus would be on increasing the muscle size, otherwise known as training for hypertrophy," she adds.
If you want to understand your body's fitness needs better, it is also recommended to use a fitness smartwatch for your training sessions. These wearables not only track heart rate and various other body metrics, they're also accompanied with smartphone apps like the Polar Flow or the Garmin Connect, where you can analyse your performance in more detail and more importantly, check your progress as you go along.
Kay from PureGym has got top tips for building strength
(Image credit: PureGym)
But this comes with a word of warning, because if youre not performing the exercise properly, you might not see the results you seek and this could potentially lead to injury.
It's no good simply going for the heaviest weight you can find and attempting to lift it. Make sure technique is on point and you build up the kilos gradually, making an effort to note down the heaviest weight from the previous session, so you can gradually increase.
"Bear in mind that how fast you gain strength is dependent on several factors, such as previous training history, genetics, nutrition and training execution, so different people will see progress at different rates. Focus on quality, stay consistent and most of all enjoy the process!" says Kay.
Read the original post:
How to get stronger and lift more: this PTs advice is surprisingly simple - T3
Dr. Kevin Most: New Year’s Resolutions and the ways they impact our mental health – WGN Radio – Chicago

Well, NY Eve is tomorrow and we all think this time of the year is a great time to proclaim some possibly outrageous resolution that we will begin following in 2 days. For most people a realistic goal will just not hit home and may be discounted by those you share it with, a grand plan is often just that, a grand plan. Execution on the plan is key and if the plan is beyond what we can really do we fail and that impacts our mental health as we enter the worst weather of the year which just multiplies how we feel. The intent for many NY resolutions are health related so we know there is some passion to improve our health, there is some insight of what an individual wants, the issue is that many are not realistic or very difficult to sustain. The individual who decides that Jan 1st is a great day to go cold turkey and quit smoking is wonderful however the rate of success is quite low.
If you look at research, 92% of all resolutions are broken within the first month of the new year. This is not surprising as often the goal is not possible or we have not planned the execution of the plan.
The most common resolutions to be broken are fairly predictable
So what do I suggest? Break your resolutions down to smaller bite size and achievable resolutions. This is a concept called micro resolutions. Many physicians are big fans of this concept. It is quite simple, if you said I am going to quit eating fast food as my resolution for the year, achieving that is quite difficult if you are someone who enjoys fast food. Once you break the resolution you are done for the year and thus fall back to your old habits. If you instead said, this months micro resolution is that I am going to only eat fast food twice in the month, it gives you a goal that is reachable and a goal that still has a little slip allowed. These micro resolutions are easier to achieve, easier to track and still give the individual a sense of accomplishment. Completing a micro resolution reinforces that you are able to achieve the resolution and are now ready for the next one. It gives you a positive feeling and in many cases will actually be somewhat sustainable in the future. For the fast food example after cutting back dramatically for one month the rebound may not be back to the old state and you may make an impact going forward. This concept also gives the individual to start to plan and think about the next months challenge.
Think about some personal goals you may have but dont have the confidence you could sustain them, some goals you are afraid to commit to because of the chance of failure. Think of some of those goals in Micro goals. The small victories can be shared in conversation and the current micro resolution can be shared as well. Let others celebrate with you or be supportive of you in your journey. Who knows you may impact someone else with your journey and bring them to think of a few small ways they can impact their health.
The biggest thing about the success of this is planning, coming up with a yearlong micro list can be difficult and in many cases you may duplicate a challenge later in the year. Here are a few examples you could use to build your micro resolution calendar.
Each one of these would be a great single resolution that probably would have been broken quickly and left you with a sense of failure. Goals with a shorter focus are attainable and in fact will grow on each other, a single failure will not be felt as a failure but will reinforce the next month. Each of these will impact your health, it may be mental or physical health. The small successes may carry over, the individual who knocked off 50% of their smoking for a month may end up only going back to 75%, the individual who does the walk after dinner each night may include that 5 times a month in the future. The month without fast food may impact not only your weight but it will improve your heart health and your wallet.
This should be a year you measure in inches because those successes will be measured in miles in the future.
Go here to read the rest:
Dr. Kevin Most: New Year's Resolutions and the ways they impact our mental health - WGN Radio - Chicago
How to lose weight in the New Year: top tips from celebrity chefs –

I dont put weight on because I always exercise, even at Christmas. I am like a machine I never stop! I have made the mistake of asking Fred Sirieix how he sheds his Christmas pounds. As a French foodie who eats his way around the world in Road Trip with Gordon Ramsey and Gino DAcampo, I thought hed have secrets for offsetting the Celebrations, but I have clearly made an error in judgement.
I turn to Gino, who advocates moderation. I dont think they understand that Christmas is code for unbridled gluttony. Ive been getting through two tubs of brandy cream to one box of mince pies, twice a week, since I opened my advent calendar. This is no time for moderation.
Having previously asked jockeys how they stay thin at Christmas (Hint: sweating in a boiling bath),Id hoped the nations most celebrated chefs might be more on my wavelength.
Great British Menu judge Tom Aikens is opening his restaurant Muse this month, but hes still found time to get stuck in over Christmas. Im a bit of a fitness freak, so I generally dont eat a lot of desserts, but I always look forward to Christmas pudding and I make a nice rum sauce to go with it! says Tom.
The Michelin star chef has run the Marathon de Sables, so Im unsurprised by his solution for shifting the festive flab. Running or cycling, depending on your knees, but definitely something physical, says Tom, who adds cheerily: I exercise every day, so Im quite fortunate in that I can stuff my face without putting any weight on!
Im getting fatter by the day, and my beds about to collapse. Im on the brink of despair when I recall I have a kindred spirit in Master Patissiere Eric Lanlard whoreveals hes eaten six Christmas dinners already. Im a big fan of turkey, so I cant say no Im going to grow a turkey neck by the end of Christmas.
I knew I liked Eric. But how will he shift the weight in the New Year?Its getting more and more difficult, says the man whos made a wedding cake for Elizabeth Hurley, and a birthday cake for the late Queen Mother.
Ive booked a Personal Trainer for 3rd January because I need to get my arse kicked! I will do fasted cardio on the Assault Bike. Thats a nasty piece of equipment. You come back from the gym sweating, feeling like youve been assaulted, and you realise, thats why I wasnt losing weight before! Its insane, and you really notice the difference if you do it with an empty stomach.
Whats this about fasting? So we start in the kitchen at 6am, then I escape for an hour at eight, to go to the gym. Ill eat for the first time at around 3pm, then have dinner at 7.30pm. One day Ill eat fish, another day will be vegetarian. Ill eat a lot of greens and pulses.
Eric plans to endure this regime for at least a month. Last time I did it for over two months it worked really well! Is there any reprieve? At the weekend Ill have a cheeky Sunday roast!
Aldo Zilli won Celebrity Fit Club, losing over 15kg, so I reckon he knows a thing or two. Two weeks before Christmas, I do my pescatarian, dairy-free diet, and stay away from alcohol, then the day before Christmas Eve, we start the party! says the restauranteur whos fed Naomi Campbell and Madonna.
Whats on the menu? Pasta, pizza, Mozzarella cheese, Burrata all the things I love! Ill indulge in a great bottle of Tignanello or Ornellaia something red and expensive, because my doctor said to me: If youre going to drink, make sure you drink good stuff.
How are we burning off the Burrata? I have a party to use up everything left over from Christmas, then bang on 1st January I go back to healthy eating and exercising three times a week, either at the gym or running with my dogs. Its my birthday on 16th January, so Ill be good until then.
A familiar face on Saturday Kitchen, Theo Randall confesses to eating an entire Panettone over Christmas. I cant stop eating it! As soon as I open it, I start taking chunks. I wrap it back up, then five minutes later Im unwrapping it to take another piece its absolutely addictive.
I think Theo can join the Epicurean Christmas Club Im launching with Eric Lanlard I just need to check his position on mince pies. I love a mince pie! says Theo, who received a Michelin star during his time at The River Caf. My mum makes the best mince pies, and as a kid, I always made the brandy butter. I like to take the top off the mince pie when its nice and warm, and put a good dollop of brandy butter inside, then put the lid back on its delicious.
Yup, Theos in. How are we getting skinny again in the New Year? Eat loads of vegetables greens are so good for you. I make a minestrone soup thats delicious, and very hearty eat things like that and youll shed the pounds.
Any other advice? Give away the leftover chocolate biscuits you dont need them. Reduce your portions, dont put sugar in your tea, and ditch spirits with mixers. Just drink wine I think wines better for you!
Thumbs up for wine, Theo! OK, over to you Jean-Christophe Novelli.Christmas is probably the only time my wife and I take it easy, says the former Hells Kitchen Head Chef, whos been awarded four Michelin stars. What we most love doing is eating. I enjoy a good cheese, and a nice piece of bread.
Fast forward to January how are we fixing the waistband situation? We eat a lot less. In the morning, a banana, and coffee without milk, because together they cause your stomach to bloat. No carbs after 3pm, and we wont mix proteins and carbs, because the two dont match in your stomach they make you bloated!
I like the idea that Im not really fat, Im just bloated. Anything else I should know? Once a week, starve yourself. Have a good breakfast, and when youre hungry, drink sparkling water to fill you up. Hold out until lunchtime the next day sometimes even dinner time. Then have something light liquid if possible, says Jean-Christophe clarifying that this liquid dinner does not have the same connotations as a liquid lunch. Avoid alcohol, of course! Ah, bien sur!
Samantha Rea can be found tweeting here
Originally posted here:
How to lose weight in the New Year: top tips from celebrity chefs -
10 ways to get fit fast – Real Homes

Want to get fit for 2020, but don't know where to start? There are tons of ways you can get fit quickly, mostly at home and very cheaply, just by making a few basic changes.
Really taking it seriously? Don't miss our buyer's guide to the best home gym equipment and check our guide to exercise at home to find the best work out regime for you. Otherwise, read on, make these small changes and get fit fast.
While it can be easy to assume that drastically cutting calories is the easiest way to get fit or lose weight quickly, doing so will likely lead to short lived results. We'd recommend using the NHS calorie checker for expert advice on reducing your calorie intake, if this is something you'd like to learn more about, though it should by no means be considered essential.
This will keep your body fuelled just make good choices. We're not saying never eat processed foods, but simply swapping white bread for brown, processed meat for fresh chicken (etc) will make a big difference.
If you've never exercised, are new to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), or aren't sure if you're doing it right, it's really worth using a personal trainer once or twice, watching a YouTube tutorial or a fitness video to get yourself started and motivated.
Doing this a couple of times a week with your body weight, resistance bands or weights makes it easy to dip in and out of. Look at doing two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
Tried and tested for getting fit fast by the team, HIIT increases calorie burning, even after you're finished your home exercise. It's good for burning abdominal fat; aerobic and anaerobic fitness; and a healthy heart. Simply put, it's intense aerobic exercise punctuated by periods of recovery (although don't take that to mean 'lying on the sofa').
Got a dog? Perfect. Not got a dog? Still perfect. It needn't be a purposeful walk around a park although this is undoubtedly the best for your mental wellbeing, too simply getting off the bus a stop or two early, walking to the shops instead of driving (and so on...) will do the trick. The ideal? A good, brisk, 20 minutes per day.
Sitting at a desk all day? Once an hour (set an alarm on your phone), make a point of standing up and moving about. Doing 10 star jumps and a few minutes of stretching is perfect but if that's awkward in the office, even just taking a walk around the office or climbing a few flights of stairs will make all the difference.
Class yourself as a couch potato and love nothing more than vegging out in front of the TV at night? Fine, do it. But every time there's an ad break, get up and do some exercise sit ups, skipping, star jumps... whatever takes your fancy.
Considering a plant-based diet? Why not check out our guide to how to be a vegan? It's not something you have to do every single day if you really can't commit, but swapping from fatty meat to low-fat plant alternatives at least two or three times a week will make a difference.
We're big fans of yoga here at And whether you do yoga at home (try Yoga with Adriene if you're a beginner); in a church hall or (if you're lucky) at a local hot yoga studio (our personal favourite), you'll find you feel both better from the stretching and core work that you do but also more relaxed and less stressed.
Read more:
10 ways to get fit fast - Real Homes
Commentary: Reflect on the past and look to the future – SW News Media

Are you taking time for reflection? Its the end of a year. In fact, its the end of a decade. Soon a new year and decade will begin. Its often a time when people reflect on the past and look to the future. They want to become more self-aware by looking at what worked, what didnt, and adjusting their life journey accordingly.
Have you noticed that as you get older, time seems to go faster? We certainly think so! How did the year slip by so fast? And, how did the decade slip by so fast? Doug heard this saying, Life is like a roll of toilet paper; as we get to the end, the faster it goes. This saying seems humorous, yet in contrast to toilet paper, when lifes used up, we cant just get another one. Because life goes by so fast, today well share some of the best ways to reflect on the past, so we can become more self-aware, be our best and create the future we desire.
You may know, as a psychologist and success coaches, we like to include a bit of research in what we share with you, so its not just our opinions. Dr. Tasha Eurich wrote "Insight: Why Were Not As Aware As We Think." She and her team studied reflection and self-awareness, and reviewed 800 studies, resulting in some interesting findings.
Dr. Eurichs research revealed that 95% of people rated themselves as being self-aware. However, only about 10% to 15% were actually self-aware. The rest, who think they are self-aware, are not even aware that they are not self-aware. Thats a confusing concept. It means that many people are just clueless as to how others perceive them. They can go through life with this self-deception. Do you know some people who are like this?
When people are not self-aware, we say they have blind spots because they dont see what others see about them. In working with teams, its always revealing to have team members share their perceptions of themselves and then get feedback from the other team members. Sometimes theres a big discrepancy between the differing perceptions.
In learning more about the research behind reflection and self-awareness, we were surprised to find that reflection is not always beneficial. Its best done in a certain way to provide benefits. Actually, the way to engage in reflection involves using questions to stimulate self-awareness.
In looking back on the past year, its easy to ask questions like, "Why did I have so many bad relationships?" or some other question that starts with why." Another common one is Why didnt I lose weight? When using why, it can often turn into defending or pointing out negative things about ourselves. In doing so, it has beenshownthat people begin to feel depressed, more stressed and actually less happy.
So, you may be thinking, is reflection a good idea at all? Yes, Gretchen Rubin said, Self-awareness is a key to self-mastery. Reflection is helpful to make the changes to have a better future. However, when looking back on the year, the questions to ask are much more beneficial if they start with the word what.
Here are some examples: If you had bad relationships, instead of taking time to ruminate on why and how unfair it was, ask yourself, What can I do to have better relationships in the future? If you didnt lose weight last year like you wanted to, instead of asking why you didnt, instead ask, What can I do to lose weight?
In our business, we teach people to avoid using why questions and instead use what questions because they help promote action toward the desired goal.
Research also shows that when people used what questions, they became more self-aware. Being clearly self-aware, resulted in increased confidence and creativity, better communication and feeling more fulfilled in life. Those are some nice benefits!
What about you? What do you want to receive from taking time to reflect?
Some thoughts: Weve highlighted how research shows that, when reflecting, a simple change from using questions that start with what instead of why can make a big difference in the results you reap. Reflecting on the past and gaining self-awareness can help you be the person you want to be so you can look forward to your best future.
Well be asking ourselves lots of what questions as we reflect and we would enjoy hearing about your reflection experience.
See the article here:
Commentary: Reflect on the past and look to the future - SW News Media