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Skipping Dinner For Weight Loss? Here’s Why You Must Stop This Practice Instantly – NDTV News

Weight Loss: Skipping dinner can cause sleep disturbances and make you feel lack of energy
Weight loss diet: Eating a healthy dinner is important for your body. In fact, to stay healthy and in shape, you should not skip any meals and try to get optimum nutrition in every meal, says nutritionist Rupali Datta. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of eating healthy dinners, and why you must not skip dinners, even if you are trying to lose weight. Dinner ought to be light, yet nutritious. It is the last meal of the day after you which you fast for 10-12 hours. Skipping dinner can make you feel lethargic and weak, and may even cause sleep disturbances.
You must eat all your three meals, each in set quantities, says Dr Rupali. "The body has a certain limit for digestion and assimilation. It is not wise to skip one meal and club it another meal," she explains.
Also read:5 Underrated Health Benefits Of Eating Dinner Early
She goes on to add that dinner is important because you are going to fast for a long period of time after that. "Eating a healthy dinner allows you to experience sufficient energy through the night and the next morning. It helps the body nourish itself and maintains a healthy metabolic rate," says Dr Rupali.
At night time, your body is exhausted from the day and dinner provides the nourishment you need, before going to bed. Eating your lunch at around 2.30-3 pm, and then skipping dinner and not having your next meal until 9 am the next day, is too long a gap. "In such a long gap, the body begins to cannibalising it's own energy stores. So, it is important to eat light, but nutritious dinners," Dr Rupali asserts.
What's more is that skipping dinner can lead to acidity, constipation, heartburn, etc. At times, it may make you feel hungry at the middle of the night and make room for sugar cravings. Not only does this interfere with your weight loss regime, but also cause sleep disturbance.
Skipping dinners can make room for cravings and cause sleep disturbancePhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:What Is Sleep Hygiene? Know Why It Is One Of The Most Important Parts Of Sleeping Well
Now that it has been established that eating dinners is important for your health, let's take a look at some healthy options you can bank on for dinner. Following are some quick, healthy and weight loss-friendly dinner options by Dr Rupali that you must try:
Make sure that there is a gap of 2 hours between your dinner and bed time. You can plan your day in a way that dinner is half-prepared by the time you reach home. Keeping a gap before dinner and bedtime can promote good sleep and prevent acidity, bloating etc.
Practice portion control and avoid eating deep fried or carb-heavy meal for dinner.
Eat light and nutritious meals for dinner to stay healthy and maintain weightPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Add These Protein-Packed Foods In Your Dinner For Quick Weight Loss
(Rupali Datta is a Clinical Nutritionist based in Delhi)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Skipping Dinner For Weight Loss? Here's Why You Must Stop This Practice Instantly - NDTV News
Clove Water: Here Are Some Amazing Health Benefits This Simple Drink Can Offer You – Doctor NDTV

Clove is loaded with multiple health benefits. It can help you fight dental issues and many more. Clove water is also associated with numerous health benefits. Here are some reasons why you must try clove water.
Clove water: Cloves are loaded with anti-bacterial properties
Clove is a popular spice that is a part of almost every Indian kitchen. This amazing spice is loaded with multiple health benefits. Clove is popularly used as a remedy for dental issues. There are many other benefits that clove can offer you. Cloves are rich in vitamin C, fibre, manganese, antioxidants and vitamin K. There are various ways to add cloves to your diet. You can make it a part of various foods you prepare. But be careful about the quantity. Clove water is another great way to avail health benefits of clove to your diet. Here are some ways how clove water can boost your health in various ways. Also, know how to prepare this drink.
Before starting with the use and benefits of clove water, here are some noticeable health benefits of clove-
1. Clove is rich in antioxidants which can help you reduce oxidative stress and also reduce inflammation
2. Clove has anti-bacterial properties which can protect you against infections and harmful bacteria
3. Diabetics can also add cloves to their diet as it can help in regulating blood sugar levels when combined with a healthy diet
4. It can give you relief from multiple dental issues
5. It is also helpful in fighting digestive issues, vomiting and other nausea
Clove can help you cure dental issuesPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Gut Health: 4 Simple Dietary Changes To Improve Your Gut Health
Clove water is beneficial for your health, especially during the winter season. It will help you boost digestive health. It also supports weight loss. It will also reduce inflammation. Most people generally use clove water for weight loss as it can speed up the process. You can soak two cloves in a glass of water and keep it overnight. In the morning drink this as the first thing in the morning.
Also read:7 Surprising Health Benefits of Clove
You can prepare a drink with three amazing spices- clove, cinnamon and cumin for weight loss. Roast these three spices and form a powder with these. Every morning take one tablespoon of this mixture and boil in a glass of water. Once done allow the drink to cool down. You can also add a small amount of honey to this drink for taste.
Clove water health benefits: Clove drink can help you promote weight lossPhoto Credit: iStock
Clove tea is also a healthy option to choose from. Cloves should be used in a restricted quantity to avoid any possible side effects. If you face any discomfort after using clove water then you must stop its use.
Also read:Weight Loss: This Clove Drink Can Help You Lose Weight Faster; Here's How You Can Prepare It
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
Read the original here:
Clove Water: Here Are Some Amazing Health Benefits This Simple Drink Can Offer You - Doctor NDTV
Half of America will be obese within 10 years, study says, unless we work together – WDAF FOX4 Kansas City

If America does not collectively adopt healthier eating habits, over half of the nation will be obese within 10 years.
Even worse, one in four Americans will be severely obese with a body mass index over 35, which means they will be more than 100 pounds overweight.
That alarming prediction, published Wednesday in NEJM, was the result of a study analyzing self-reported body mass index (BMI) data from over six million American adults.
Half of the nation will be obese within 10 years, according to a study published Wednesday in NEJM.
Considering the challenges of battling weight loss, thats devastating news for the future health of our nation.
Given how notoriously difficult obesity is to treat once its established, you can see that were in an untenable situation, said Aviva Must, chair of Tufts Universitys Public Health and Community Medicine, who was not involved in the study.
The societal cost is high, she said, both in terms of obesity-related health consequences and healthcare expenditures which could bring us to our knees.
One of the first research efforts to drill down to the state level, the study found that 29 states, mostly in the South and Midwest, will be hit hardest, with more than 50% of their residents considered obese.
But no part of the country is spared in all 50 states, at least 35% of the population will be obese, the study found.
Whats even more concerning is the rise in severe obesity, said lead author Zachary Ward, an analyst at Harvard Chan Schools Center for Health Decision Science.
Nationally, severe obesity typically over 100 pounds of excess weight will become the most common BMI category, Ward said. Prevalence will be higher than 25% in 25 states.
Currently, only 18% of all Americans are severely obese. If the trend continues, the study said, severe obesity would become as prevalent as overall obesity was in the 1990s.
The study also found certain subpopulations to be most at risk for severe obesity: women, non-Hispanic black adults and low-income adults who make less than $50,000 per year.
And we find that for very low-income adults adults with less than $20,000 annual household income severe obesity will be the most common BMI category in 44 states, Ward said. So basically everywhere in the country.
Fifty years ago, obesity was a relatively rare condition, Must said. People who were poor were underweight, not overweight. But that has changed.
One reason is the rise of sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed foods, which contribute calories but little nutrition. Another is that the price of food, including unhealthy fast food choices, has fallen in America when you adjust for inflation.
Low food prices are certainly part of it, Must said. Also limited options for physical activity. And theres a lot being written about the stress of structural racism and how that influences peoples behavioral patterns. So its very complicated.
Theres no rosy picture here, but I dont think we can throw in the towel, Must said. It will probably take lots of federal, state and local policy interventions and regulations to have a big impact. We cant rely on individual behavior change in an environment that is so obesity promoting.
Studies have shown some promising tactics, she said: bolstering local public transportation systems to encourage walking instead of driving; keeping schools open on weekends and during summers to allow access to gyms and swimming pools; and increasing support for farm-to-school and farm-to-work food programs, as well as farmers markets, to boost access to low-cost fruits and vegetables.
Other interventions include calorie labeling on restaurant and drive-thru menus and replacing vending machines with smart snacks in schools.
Weve also looked at eliminating the tax deduction businesses get for advertising unhealthy foods to children, Ward said. The money that they spend on advertising foods can basically be written off as a tax deduction.
That could be one reason why we see such disparities by race, ethnicity or income, Ward said, because companies are directly targeting advertising at these groups.
In a prior study, Ward and his team at Harvard found that three interventions saved more in health care costs than the price to implement them: elimination of the tax deduction on advertising; improving nutrition standards for school snacks; and imposing an excise tax on sugary beverages.
The most cost effective solution was the tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. The study found the tax saved $30 in health care costs for every dollar spent on the program.
So much added sugar is delivered through sugar-sweetened beverages, and people do have other options for hydration, Must said. I think its an easy target.
But not necessarily a popular one. Still, the complexity of the problem means that a solution will truly take a village, experts say, with every American doing their part.
I dont think its impossible, Must said, pointing to a slowing of the obesity rate in children in America. That trend is the result of interventions in school lunches; snack programs; and a change in the nutritional allowances in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, which helps feed more than seven million pregnant and postpartum women and children until age five.
In 2009 the program decreased the intake of foods and beverages associated with excess weight gain. By simply cutting the juice allowance in half, reducing cheese, requiring whole grain products and requiring low-fat or skim milk, a study found the program reduced the obesity rate in children between two and four years of age and boosted the intake of fruits and vegetables.
That is certainly a model for future attempts among both children and adults, Ward said, adding that if Americans could just keep their current weight instead of gaining, the trends could be reversed.
Its really hard to lose weight, Ward said. Its really hard to treat obesity. So prevention really has to be at the forefront of efforts to combat this growing epidemic.
Read the rest here:
Half of America will be obese within 10 years, study says, unless we work together - WDAF FOX4 Kansas City
Eat your daily meals within 10 hours for better health – The Star Online

What if a clock did a better job than a scale at promoting weight loss, improving sleep and preventing diabetes?
New research suggests its about time to consider that possibility.
In an early effort to explore the benefits of daily fasting in humans, researchers have found that people who are at high risk of developing diabetes improved their health in myriad ways when they ate all of their meals over a span of just over 10 hours, then fasted for the remainder of their 24-hour day.
The regimen, called time-restricted eating, is a variant of intermittent fasting a practice growing in popularity.
To lose weight or improve health, those fasting intermittently dont eat or follow a spartan diet that mimics fasting for a day or more every week or month.
Time-restricted eating by contrast, limits a person to consuming all of his or her daily calories in a relatively narrow window say from 8am to 6pm.
Practised daily, time-restricted eating widens the period during which the bodys major visceral organs are put into a state of rest and recovery.
The experiment
Ample research has shown that erratic eating patterns, shiftwork, and modern-day habits like get-up-and-go breakfasts and midnight snacks, have contributed to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Satchidananda Panda, a biologist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California in the United States, said that by establishing a consistent daily cycle of feeding and fasting, one might realign the ebb and flow of fuel intake with the bodys natural circadian rhythms.
Every cell, every organ has its clock, and every organ needs downtime to repair, reset and regain its rhythm, he said.
When all your organs have rested and rejuvenated every day, they just work well.
Its almost like an orchestra: when all the musical instruments are in tune and work well together, its a melody, not a cacophony of sounds, he added.
For the new research, Panda and his colleagues measured what happened when 19 people were asked to do all their eating during a 10-hour window every day for 12 weeks.
The participants were allowed to choose their own 10-hour window and could vary it slightly, say if they had an early breakfast meeting one day or a late dinner on another.
All the studys subjects had a condition known as metabolic syndrome.
Sometimes called pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome makes a person five times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and it doubles her risk of developing cardiovascular (heart) disease within five years.
The condition is diagnosed when a patient tests positive for three or more of the following conditions: obesity, high blood pressure (hypertension), problematic cholesterol, impaired metabolic function and excessive waist circumference (an indicator of abdominal fat).
Three in 10 Americans are thought to have metabolic syndrome.
To ward it off, doctors have little to offer beyond exercising more, eating less and losing weight.
But patients often ignore or abandon that medical advice and go on to develop full-blown type 2 diabetes.
In the pilot study, the participants limited their eating day to under 11 hours for 12 weeks.
They reduced their calorie intake by almost 9%, lost an average of 3% of their body weight and reported more restful sleep all improvements that could aid in disrupting a patients progression from metabolic syndrome to diabetes.
As a group, participants reduced their belly fat a bellwether of future heart disease risk by 3%.
Promising results
Having all meals within a 10-hour period and fasting for the rest of the day can help to improve the health of those with metabolic syndrome.Drilling down on the physiological effects of a daily 14-hour fast, researchers also found a wide range of subtler improvements among the 19 subjects.
The groups blood pressure, typically high in those with pre-diabetes, fell. Their cholesterol readings, typically worrisome in this population, improved.
And in the 12 participants whose metabolic function had already veered into abnormal territory, three months of time-restricted eating appeared to bring about improvements in two key health measures: fasting glucose and HbA1c.
These changes came about without any increase in participants physical activity. And improvements didnt rise or fall with changes in weight.
Time-restricted eating did induce weight loss, which typically improves many bodily functions.
But it appeared to effect key changes in direct ways, rather than just by helping subjects slim down.
In several cases, participants were able to discontinue or take smaller doses of medications, such as cholesterol-lowering statins or hypertension drugs.
In other instances, researchers saw that shortening their eating day and observing a long nightly fast helped patients who were not sufficiently helped by medication alone to achieve normal readings.
The results were published recently in the journal Cell Metabolism.
None of these promising findings is definitive: With only 19 participants and no control group, the work merely lays the foundation for further investigation.
But a much larger clinical trial that meets the gold standard of biomedical research is already in the works.
Underwritten by the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, that trial will also explore the benefits of daily fasting in people with metabolic syndrome.
Willing to do it
Modern-day habits like midnight snacking and eating on the go have contributed to the rise of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. TNSThe researchers who conducted the pilot study were buoyed by its preliminary findings, but even more excited by evidence that the studys 19 participants were both willing and able to follow the regimen often well beyond the 12-week scope of the study.
All 19 subjects three women and 16 men were able to maintain a regular habit of fasting between 13 and 14 hours a day for about six days a week, on average.
The timing of their meals became more regular. And they didnt skip breakfast a shortcut that research suggests could have negative health effects.
They were not instructed or urged to continue this pattern of eating after the study was done.
But when researchers followed up with the participants about 15 months after the intervention had ended, they discovered that five continued to follow the eating schedules they had adopted in the study.
Seven others said they were either limiting their eating window a little less stringently or following their time-restricted eating schedule on a part-time basis.
The remaining seven said they had followed the regimen for an average of just over four months before it fell by the wayside.
Dieting fails most severely due to lack of patient adherence.
But daily fasting may make it easier for people at increased risk for diabetes and heart disease to succeed, experts said.
These are patients at the tipping point for diabetes, said Dr Pam R. Taub, a University of California, San Diego, cardiologist and co-author of the new research.
This is a very critical window where you can reverse the disease process.
But she said, the same old spiel get more exercise, reduce your calories, try a plant-based diet, has proven frustrating for both her and her patients.
Most people just dont sustain it, and year after year, things are getting worse for them, said Dr Taub, whose patients were among the participants.
So what was really exciting was that here was a lifestyle strategy where all I asked them to do was change the time of their eating.
They did, and their health improved.
Valter Longo, who studies the effects of intermittent fasting at the University of Southern California, said the new study should be treated as a promising pilot, rather than a blueprint for patients and doctors.
Future studies should not only explore the health benefits of time-restricted eating, but also the risks for people who prolong their fasts in a bid to gain more benefits.
Those risks include dehydration and heart arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), as well as an increased likelihood of gallstones.
Trials should also probe the potential impact of more relaxed eating-and-fasting routines, including 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
Dose effects, he said, could prove to be important.
Twelve-hour daily fasts are very common among centenarians, he said. Daily 16-hour fasts by contrast, are absolutely not. Los Angeles Times/Tribune News Service
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Eat your daily meals within 10 hours for better health - The Star Online
36 Cardio Exercises That Will Whip You Into Shape – Fatherly

Cardio gets a bad rap. Part of the disdain for lung-burning, heart-beating cardio workouts come from one obvious thing: Theyre very hard. Cardio hurts in ways that living just does not. The endorphins are slow to come and arent strong enough to counteract the pain of something like astair workout, no matter how much youd like to think they do.
But as all the most annoying fitness instructors will tell you, no pain, no gain. And if you want to lose weight and up your overarching fitness, youre going to need to add more cardio to your exercise regiment. Whether its one at a time, or you pile on all the moves for a cardio feast, here are some serious moves, to inspire.
Step Ups
Stand at the base of the staircase. Raise your right leg and place your right foot one the second step. Push off the floor with your left foot and shift your weight onto your right as you step up. Swing your left leg in front of you, bending your left knee, while swinging your right arm forward for counter balance. Step back down to start position.
In your family, did Dad experience physiological changes (weight gain, emotional disregulation, decreased sex drive) after your child was born?
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Burpee Twister
The only thing easy about this variation is the explanation. Perform a regular burpee and, at the end, jump 180 degrees so that youre facing the opposite way. Then do another rep, alternating directions each time.
Fast Feet
Starting at the base of the staircase, sprint to the top as fast as you can, moving your feet rapidly like a football drill. Do the equivalent of 5 flights of stairs. That means if you only have a single flight to work with, youll sprint to the top, sprint back down.
In the Pool: Skipping
Keep the movement small, focusing on form. Alternatively, make it a bounding skip and aim for height and power as you come out of the water.
Climbing Stairs
Find a stairwell or stadium with at least 4 flights of stairs. Race to the top, then jog back down, five times.
Hip Twists
With your feet in a split-stance, keep both arms straight in front of you and just below the waters surface. Rotate at your core from side to side.
Incline Lunges
Stand at the base of the staircase. Work your way to the top taking three steps at a time. Pause in the lunge position between each step, allowing maximum load on your front quad with every step.
Pool Running
With a floatation belt on, get into the deep end.Use your breath and perceived rate of exertion to estimate your level of intensity. If you move to the shallow end, incorporate high knees and butt kicks. Use the side of the pool for intervals of flutter kicks.
Jumping Jacks
To get the max heart rate benefit from this exercise, make sure you raise your arms overhead each and every time. Aim for one jack per second.
One-Legged Burpee
This is exactly what it sounds like a traditional burpee performed using only one leg and then the other.
Jumping Rope
It may remind you of your childhood, but theres nothing easy about jumping rope. Skip the bounce and jump only once per revolution, requiring you to spin the rope faster and work a little harder.
Butt Kicks/High Knees
Sprint drills will raise your heart rate, but they also require space. Instead, practice your quick feet and fine motor skills by moving your legs as fast as you can vertically, hiking knees high for 20 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of kicking your heels to your butt as many times as you can while running in place.
Burpee Overbox
This variation is similar to the Box Jump burpee, except you jump over the box (or other stacked item) and continue your reps on alternating sides.
Backwards Jog
Stand with your back to the base of the staircase. Using caution, walk up the stairs backward, engaging your glutes and hamstrings with every step. Note: This moves requires a bit of balance and coordination (more than you might think!). Use the sidewall for support with one hand if needed.
In the Pool: Karaoke
In the deep end, cross your right foot over and in front of your left foot while extending your arms out to your sides. Step your left foot to the side. Cross your right foot behind your left foot. Continue moving laterally, then repeat, moving in the opposite direction.
From standing, bend your knees, crouch down to the floor, place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet back so you are in an extended plank position. Jump feet forward toward your hands again, push off the floor and jump into a vertical position.
They arent typically considered aerobic moves, but these all-over body strengtheners can really raise your heart rate if you do them all-out without rest. Drop and do 20 pushups, then flip over to your back and immediately do 20 sit-ups. With both, youre aiming for a 1-1.5 second timeframe per move.
In the Pool: Side Jogger
Stand perpendicular to the staircase, right hip closest to the stairs. Bend right knee and step up onto the first step, bringing your left leg with you. Quickly step up onto the second step. Work your way to the top using your right side to propel you. At the top of the flight, work your way back down using your right side to lead you again. At the bottom, reverse and jog sideways up the stairs using your left side to lead the way.
Pushups and Squat Jumps
Alternate each move for 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds total
Lunges and Dumbbell Rows
Alternate each move for 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds total.
Hold a light dumbbell or medicine ball in both hands. Squat and twist to move the weight to the outside of your left leg. Lift the weight across your body and past your head on your right side. Pivot your feet as needed. Lower the weight back to the outside of your left leg and repeat. For your next woodshop set, move the weight from the outside of your right leg above and to the left of your head.
Burpee with Lateral Jump
Rather than jumping vertically during each burpee, jump horizontally over a stationary object.
Lateral Shuffle
Start with your feet hip-distance apart. Squat and bring your hands together in front of your chest. Move your right foot to the side and then move your left foot to meet it. Do this four times, then switch directions and move to the left.
Burpee Box Jump
Its just like a regular burpee except, at the conclusion of your push-up, you pop back up to a standing position, then leap forward to a plyo box or another item of similar stability and height. Leap back down behind you (carefully), and start again.
Burpee Row
After you do a push-up, from plank give a two-armed row lifting first your left elbow to the sky and back, and then your right. Repeat.
Sit-ups and Leg Raises
Leg Raises: Lie on your back, legs straight and together on the floor. Lift your legs, keeping them together, until your feet are pointing straight above you. Slowly lower your legs to just above the floor without letting your feet come all the way down. Repeat.
Alternate Foot Steps Jump Rope
Hunt recommends beginning your trick trying with the alternate foot step, as its a fairly easy to master and lends itself to faster jumping. Instead of jumping with both feet together, bound with one at a time, as if youre running in place. The rope should pass under your feet as you shift your weight from one foot to the other.
Double Unders Jump Rope
Double unders require the rope to pass under the feet two times for each jump. To do this, you need to bound a little higher and increase the rotational speed of the rope. Remember to maintain an upright posture, land with both feet together, and initiate the ropes rotation with a fast flick of the wrists.
Burpee Deadman
When in the down position of your pushup during a normal burpee, extend your hands and arms so that your body is completely flat on the floor. Bring your arms back in, push up, and continue the exercise like normal.
Side Swing
The side swing works the core and upper body, but since youre not actually jumping over the rope, it requires far less coordination. Pull the hands together in front of your body and move the handles and rope in a figure-eight formation. You can jump or step from side to side. Or, if youre using the side swing as an active rest, simply stand in place.
In the Pool: Flies, Lat raises, Bicep curls, and Tricep Press Downs
In a pool, use the palm of your hand to create resistance, or add a paddle or water dumbbell and do your usual workout bench moves.
Single-Leg Jumps
Stand at the base of the staircase. Shift weight onto your right leg, lifting left foot off the floor. Bend right knee, swing arms behind you, then swing them forward as you push off the floor and jump onto the first step with the right leg. Hop back down, keeping left foot off the floor.
In the Pool: Lunges and squats
Perform these just as you would on land. Add in jumps out of the water.
Mini Box Jumps
Stand at the base of the staircase. Bend your knees and swing arms behind you, then swing them forward as spring off the ground and propel yourself onto the second step. Land on both feet. Jump back down using both feet.
Incline Clapping Push-Ups
Stand at the base of the staircase. Place hands on the third step, arms straight. Keeping your back straight and in line with your legs, bend elbows and lower chest to the stairs. Hold for a second, then explosively push off the stairs and clap your hands together before landing in the extended push-up position.
Burpee Candlestick
Start in a squatting position, and roll backward until your shoulders touch the ground, and your legs come up over your body. Then, roll forward into your pushup, recover, and complete the rep with a vertical leap
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36 Cardio Exercises That Will Whip You Into Shape - Fatherly
Crackdown on caf portion sizes in York as one in three 11-year-olds are overweight – YorkMix

A crackdown on fatty foods and energy drinks has been launched in York the week before Christmas in a bid to beat obesity.
One in three 11-year-olds in the city are now overweight and almost two thirds of adults.
And yesterday City of York Council signed up to a national strategy to encourage people to eat healthier and exercise more.
The authority will also make it difficult for fast-food outlets to open near schools and stop unhealthy food from being advertised to children.
Cllr Ian Cuthbertson. Photograph: City of York Council/YouTubeA quarter of five-year-olds in York are already overweight according to a report for a council meeting yesterday, Tuesday.
It says: The York Health and Wellbeing Board has discussed healthy weight issues in the city on a number of occasions and has recognised the need for a whole system approach.
This acknowledges that services to help educate and support people to lose weight are necessary but not sufficient to tackle the scale of the problem.
Under the plans, the council will discourage shops from selling high energy drinks to under 18s, encourage more people to exercise and review the food and drink on offer in public buildings making it easier and cheaper for people to choose healthy options.
Cllr Ian Cuthbertson said:
Healthy eating advice is important, but we know that the modern food environment doesnt always make it easy to opt for the healthy choice, or encourage us to take enough exercise.
We are signalling our ambition for York to be a place where people are helped to live at a healthy weight.
Photograph: Clara Molden/PA WireThe number of patients admitted to hospital in York because of obesity hasa more than doubled in the past three years.
The city saw a 125 per cent increase in patients with conditions directly related to being overweight, such as diabetes and heart disease..
A council report says: The UK spends more on the treatment of obesity and diabetes every year than on the police, fire service and judicial system combined.
There is strong evidence that childhood and adult obesity affects those living in deprived areas to a greater extent than those in affluent areas. A number of determinants of healthy weight, for example density of fast food outlets or access to green space, are also correlated with inequality.
York has set itself five priorities including getting more people to travel actively.
It will also aim to create an exercise plan for the city, to boost the health of council staff, to consider ways to cut obesity when making decisions about planning applications and, to promote healthy initiatives such as community food programmes.
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Crackdown on caf portion sizes in York as one in three 11-year-olds are overweight - YorkMix
Rebel Wilson weight loss: The star used this trick to slim down – what did she do? –

Rebel Wilson is an actress who made a name for herself in films including Bridesmaids, Pitch Perfect and The Hustle. Over the last few months, fans have noticed her slimmer figure and she has shared glimpses into her new healthy lifestyle. Has she lost weight? What has Rebel said about her fitness regime?
Rebel has previously opened up on her body and explained she has struggled to lose weight.
She told Cosmopolitan: I love me some ice cream or dessert, and it comes at times when Im happy or sad.
So when I have an incredibly stressful day, I want to celebrate and reward myself with food. If Ive had a sad or stressful day, food is also comfort.
You would probably describe it as emotional or stress-eatingeating is my one vice. I wouldnt ever want to totally give it up.
READ MORE: Best weight loss: Cutting one food from your diet can help you burn fat fast - what is it?
The successful actress revealed she is comfortable with her body type and that it helped her at the beginning of her career.
She added: Being unique and different was a really good thing. I walked into my agents office for the first time, they looked at me and said, Wow, we have nobody on our books like you.
And they signed me on my second day here I wouldnt ever want to compete with what I call the glamours the really gorgeous people.
Im about the brain, the heart and whats on the inside. I feel really lucky to be the body type I am.
Despite this, the Cats actress has notably slimmed down and she has used social media to give fans a glimpse into her training regime.
In a recent video posted online, Rebel shared a post of her working out in the gym.
In the full body workout, Rebel did weight exercises, squats and lunges before finishing off with ab exercises.
She captioned the post: Gotta keep up that stamina! Heres a part of my gym workout today.
Read more:
Rebel Wilson weight loss: The star used this trick to slim down - what did she do? -
How Long Should You Walk Daily To Lose Weight? – International Business Times

Walking is one of the easiest exercises that anyone can practice on a daily basis. Several health experts recommend brisk walking as an effective calorie-burning exercise for weight loss. But how much should you walk on a daily basis to achieve your weight loss goals?
Walk Briskly For 30-90 Minutes Daily
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 30-90 minutes of fast-paced physical activity on most days of the week to achieve weight loss goals. In Total, walking 150 minutes per week should be your plan. You can choose to walk less on some days and more on the other days. And you are likely to gain additional health benefits upon performing more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises on a weekly basis. Also, in addition to moderate-intensityworkout like brisk walking, muscle strengthening exercises a couple of times every week is also recommended.
Apart from brisk walking, you could try other sorts of aerobic activities including bicycling, swimming, dancing, or playing basketball. These activities help you move your large muscles in a rhythmic manner for a sustained period of time. These are also called endurance activities which make your heart beat more rapidly and make your breathing rateincrease in order to meet the demands of your bodys movement. Over time, regularly performing such aerobic exercises make your cardiorespiratory system stronger and healthier.
See to that you walk fast enough and try to be in the moderate-intensity exercise zone at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, says VerywellFit. Your breathing is heavier than usual, can speak in complete sentences but you cannot sing- such should be the speed at which you should be walking. You can use a fitness band or an activity tracking app to make sure you are walking at a moderate intensity.
You could also split your walking time into short walks of 10 minutes or longer. It doesnt matter how long each physical activity episode is, but what matters more is the total amount of moderate-to-vigorous activity.
The benefits of brisk walking for about 150-300 minutes weekly include lowered heart disease risk and type 2 diabetes risk.
Consistency is key
If you are new to walking, start with shorter walks and slowly and steadily build up your walking regimen. Try not to skip more than a day consecutively. Take a day off when you do not feel like it, but make sure to resume walking at the earliest. And after hitting your weight loss goals, it is essential to continue your walking regimen to maintain your weight.
How much should you walk to lose weight? Photo: Fotorech, Pixabay
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How Long Should You Walk Daily To Lose Weight? - International Business Times
World Tea Day: Try These Teas For Effective Weight Loss – Doctor NDTV

World Tea Day: Bringing a minor change in your lifestyle can easily help you overcome many health issues. Shedding those extra kilos by sipping up the hot infused tea can be the best bliss ever. Here are best teas for weight loss.
World tea day: Sipping some teas can help in weight loss
Hectic work schedules and erratic eating patterns often leads to weight gain, heart problems and other health issues. Bringing a minor change in your lifestyle can easily help you to overcome these health problems. Shedding those extra kilos by sipping up the hot infused tea can be the best bliss ever. Drinking tea has been associated with many health benefits, including protecting cells from damage and reducing the risk of heart disease. By consuming these 5 teas will help you to reach your target faster.
Cinnamon is the most commonly found spice in the kitchen and a hot cup of cinnamon tea will help in weight loss by reducing some of the bad effects of eating high-fat foods and enhances your metabolism. Its effect on blood glucose levels can also help your body ultimately lose weight. Cinnamon also, stimulates the digestive system, useful in weak digestion reduce muscle soreness, decrease menstrual pain. A cup of cinnamon tea at night will help you in many ways.
Also read:Turmeric Tea: Amazing Health Benefits You Cannot Afford To Miss; Learn How To Make Turmeric Tea
24% of women in their reproductive age in India suffer from PCOS which often leads to weight gain. Dandelion is an effective liver detoxifier and bile flow stimulant. Dandelion tea helps in cleansing the liver and detoxification of the kidneys. It is one of the best teas which work effectively towards weight loss.
Drinking tea is associated with many health benefitsPhoto Credit: iStock
Moringa have a large tree native to North India. Moringa comes from the drumstick tree, and it is the only tree in north India which can be used in wholly. It is an excellent source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. It cleans the body by removing the bad cholesterol from the body. Therefore it can reduce fat formation and enhance fat breakdown which can result in weight loss. Moringa have many other benefits too like it can protect the liver for medicinal drug side effects, can also help in stomach related problem and makes your digestion better.
Also read:Drumsticks For Weight Loss: Prepare This Morning Tea And Lose Weight In No Time, Know Other Health Benefits
Chamomile tea comes from daisy flower of the Asteraceae plant family and it has been used as a natural remedy for several health conditions. It is a caffeine-free alternative of black tea and green tea. It can also help in treating digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, and colic as it is rich in antioxidants. Chamomile is regarded as a sleep inducer and is also beneficial in reducing inflammation, decrease anxiety and reduce stress. The infusion also aids digestion which is very important for a better sleep.
Demanding work hours, less workout and a major change in the lifestyle are leading many towards obesity and weight gain. A hot cup of Garcinia Cambogia tea is a perfect rescue for managing the weight. Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit which helps in reducing the appetite, block fat production and also keeps a check on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. A cup of this tea will help you shed that extra fat.
Also read:High Blood Pressure Remedies: These Teas Can Lower Your Blood Pressure Numbers Naturally
(Inputs by Nitish Jha, Founder, Healthy Souls a beverage company which focuses on weight loss and other lifestyle diseases like insomnia, Obesity, hypertension, digestive issues etc.)
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
See the article here:
World Tea Day: Try These Teas For Effective Weight Loss - Doctor NDTV
We Might Just Have to Watch Sushi Size Me Based on the Trailer – TVOvermind

While the Sushi Size Me documentary has already started as of December 6th and will only run until the 12th it could have some interesting ramifications since the results could be something that people might be interested in. High school literature teacher and varsity basketball coach Leo Sanders decided to try and lose weight by going on an all-sushi diet, despite the fact that hes not really fond of sushi. That seems like something that could work since it would either be sushi or nothing, but it also feels as though it could be something that might be seen as harmful to the body considering that too much of anything can be a bad idea. Thankfully there are many different types of sushi so its likely that Leo could get away with doing this without really causing any harmful effects to his body. As B. Alan Orange of MovieWeb reveals the producer of this documentary actually threw in $1,500 for Leos meals, which is a pretty hefty sum but is also a lot of sushi when you really think about it. Hopefully he didnt go so far as to try any gas station sushi since that stuff tends to be kind of iffy unless the station has a good reputation with it.
Unlike the Super Size Me movie this might actually have a chance of catching on since its a guy thats going from eating unhealthy, or so it would appear, to eating healthy and trying to lose weight. Super Size Me was about a guy showing the dangers of eating McDonalds for every meal for a prolonged time, and while he was healthy going in he was anything but when the movie was over. The irritating part about this however is that whether a person wants to admit it or not there arent a lot of people that eat McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. There are those that use the fast food chains as their primary source of food, but thinking that someone who can afford to eat healthy, and even those that are struggling to provide food for their families, eats in this manner day in and day out is a bit presumptuous. If anything, Super Size Me was a look at how unhealthy such a lifestyle could be if it was shared by a widespread number of people. While a lot of people do visit fast food restaurants quite often, those same people will also sit down to a home-cooked meal now and again as well. The idea of subsisting on fast food is pretty disgusting and the attempt to show what it was like really came off as more preachy and useless than informative and need-to-know.
Sushi Size Me does appear to be on the right track though since its about a guy thats trying to get healthy and lose weight and has picked a relatively good way to do so. Despite the amount of rice that hed be ingesting, which is a lot of carbs when you think about it, hes still staying active and sticking to the diet. The amusing thing is that he doesnt really like sushi that much, but its also impressive since hes sticking to what he said he would do and not going back on it. When you look at the number of ways that sushi can be made and what from however you get the feeling that hes not suffering all that much since a lot of sushi pairings look pretty good and even sound good. Some are a little less than a person might desire and some just look absolutely gross. Sorry, but fake crab in anything just sounds nasty since its really pulverized white fish and starch thats been made to look like crab. Those that eat this and mm its just like crab have either never had crab in their life or have faulty taste buds. Anyway, the selection of sushi and the ability to improve on it and play with the recipes a bit offers up a very wide assortment of different sushi rolls that Leo could consume. After a while though almost anyone could admit that sushi might get old and it might be time for something different. But if eating sushi and continuing to be active does the trick then it might be worth following for a while. Will it tempt people to try this once they see it? Maybe, but maybe not since not a lot of people were willing to trying the diet in Super Size Me considering how sick it was making the guy in the movie.
Sushi is an interesting food but eating just sushi and nothing else for so long could get kind of old and make the taste buds yearn for something else. But if it works its kind of hard to knock it.
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We Might Just Have to Watch Sushi Size Me Based on the Trailer - TVOvermind