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We Might Just Have to Watch Sushi Size Me Based on the Trailer – TVOvermind

While the Sushi Size Me documentary has already started as of December 6th and will only run until the 12th it could have some interesting ramifications since the results could be something that people might be interested in. High school literature teacher and varsity basketball coach Leo Sanders decided to try and lose weight by going on an all-sushi diet, despite the fact that hes not really fond of sushi. That seems like something that could work since it would either be sushi or nothing, but it also feels as though it could be something that might be seen as harmful to the body considering that too much of anything can be a bad idea. Thankfully there are many different types of sushi so its likely that Leo could get away with doing this without really causing any harmful effects to his body. As B. Alan Orange of MovieWeb reveals the producer of this documentary actually threw in $1,500 for Leos meals, which is a pretty hefty sum but is also a lot of sushi when you really think about it. Hopefully he didnt go so far as to try any gas station sushi since that stuff tends to be kind of iffy unless the station has a good reputation with it.
Unlike the Super Size Me movie this might actually have a chance of catching on since its a guy thats going from eating unhealthy, or so it would appear, to eating healthy and trying to lose weight. Super Size Me was about a guy showing the dangers of eating McDonalds for every meal for a prolonged time, and while he was healthy going in he was anything but when the movie was over. The irritating part about this however is that whether a person wants to admit it or not there arent a lot of people that eat McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. There are those that use the fast food chains as their primary source of food, but thinking that someone who can afford to eat healthy, and even those that are struggling to provide food for their families, eats in this manner day in and day out is a bit presumptuous. If anything, Super Size Me was a look at how unhealthy such a lifestyle could be if it was shared by a widespread number of people. While a lot of people do visit fast food restaurants quite often, those same people will also sit down to a home-cooked meal now and again as well. The idea of subsisting on fast food is pretty disgusting and the attempt to show what it was like really came off as more preachy and useless than informative and need-to-know.
Sushi Size Me does appear to be on the right track though since its about a guy thats trying to get healthy and lose weight and has picked a relatively good way to do so. Despite the amount of rice that hed be ingesting, which is a lot of carbs when you think about it, hes still staying active and sticking to the diet. The amusing thing is that he doesnt really like sushi that much, but its also impressive since hes sticking to what he said he would do and not going back on it. When you look at the number of ways that sushi can be made and what from however you get the feeling that hes not suffering all that much since a lot of sushi pairings look pretty good and even sound good. Some are a little less than a person might desire and some just look absolutely gross. Sorry, but fake crab in anything just sounds nasty since its really pulverized white fish and starch thats been made to look like crab. Those that eat this and mm its just like crab have either never had crab in their life or have faulty taste buds. Anyway, the selection of sushi and the ability to improve on it and play with the recipes a bit offers up a very wide assortment of different sushi rolls that Leo could consume. After a while though almost anyone could admit that sushi might get old and it might be time for something different. But if eating sushi and continuing to be active does the trick then it might be worth following for a while. Will it tempt people to try this once they see it? Maybe, but maybe not since not a lot of people were willing to trying the diet in Super Size Me considering how sick it was making the guy in the movie.
Sushi is an interesting food but eating just sushi and nothing else for so long could get kind of old and make the taste buds yearn for something else. But if it works its kind of hard to knock it.
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We Might Just Have to Watch Sushi Size Me Based on the Trailer - TVOvermind
Try time-restricted dieting to reduce weight – Gulf Today

Time-restricted eating allows you to eat the same every day, but you limit the time during which you can have food to a 10-hour window. TNS
Nancy Clanton
Intermittent fasting has shown success in helping people lose weight, but some people can find it difficult to eat normally most days and then severely restrict their food intake other days.
A new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism offers an alternative time-restricted eating.
Time-restricted eating allows you to eat the same every day, but you limit the time during which you can have food to a 10-hour window. So, if your first meal is at 8am, your last calories for the day will need to be consumed by 6pm. For the next 14 hours, you fast.
The new study is small, following 19 people for three months. At the time of enrolment, all participants met three or more criteria for metabolic syndrome:
1. Waist circumference of 102cm (men) or 88cm (women)
2. Triglycerides of 150mg/dL or higher (or on drug treatment for elevated triglycerides)
3. Reduced HDL-C below 40mg/dL (men), 50mg/dL (women) (or on drug treatment for reduced HDL-C)
4. Elevated blood pressure, systolic blood pressure of 130 or higher and/or diastolic blood pressure of 85mmHg or higher (or treatment with an antihypertensive drug with a history of hypertension)
5. Elevated fasting glucose of 100mg/dL or higher (or drug treatment of elevated blood glucose)
Participants logged the timing of their meals and their sleep in the myCircadianClock app. They were encouraged to stay hydrated during their fasting periods.
We didnt ask them to change what they eat, NPR reported Pam Taub as saying. Taub is a cardiologist at the University of California, San Diegos School of Medicine, and an author of the study. Nonetheless, study participants consumed nearly 9 per cent fewer calories.
In addition to weight loss a 3 per cent reduction in weight and 4 per cent reduction in abdominal visceral fat Taub said study participants cholesterol levels and blood pressure improved.
We are surprised that this small change in eating time would give them such a huge benefit, Satchidananda Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and a co-author of the study, told NPR.
When you go into a fasting state, you start to deplete the glucose stores in your body and you start to use fat as your energy source, Taub said.
Tribune News Service
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Try time-restricted dieting to reduce weight - Gulf Today
These Speed Walking Hacks Will Burn Calories As If You’re Running – msnNOW

kali9 - Getty Images By speed walking, you can burn as many calories as you would running. Follow these speed walking tips to help you get the most out of your workout.
You dont have to be a runner to torch calories and reap the weight loss benefits of cardio. In fact, you can burn just as many calories walking as you can runningif you speed walk, says Michele Stanten, an ACE-certified personal trainer, walking coach and author of Walk Your Way to Better Health.
All a walker has to do to burn more calories than a runner is to outpace the runner, she explains. For example, if you walk 4.5 mph (a 13- to 15-minute per mile pace) for about 42 minutes, you can burn as many calories as a runner who does a 10-minute mile. Push it to 5 mph (a 12-minute per mile pace) for 35 minutes, and you can match the runners calorie burn in a shorter amount of time.
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In addition to burning more calories, youll also boost your overall health. A faster walking pace can reduce your risk of potentially deadly health problems, especially heart and respiratory diseases, according to a 2019 study from the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom.
While walking at a speed of 4.5 to 5 mph may seem intense, its possible to sustain if you build your endurance and gradually increase your time, says Stanten, who offers her tips below.
Ready to pick up the pace? Here are Stantens top strategies for improving your average walking speed and boosting your metabolisms calorie-burning powers.
When you elongate your spine, you gain more distance in between your hips and rib cage, which allows your legs to swing more freely than when you slump into your pelvis.
Keep your line of vision 10 to 20 feet ahead instead of looking down at your feet. Roll your shoulders back and down to help open up your chest and un-hunch your back so you can take deeper breaths.
Bend your arms at 90 degrees as you swing them forward and back. Avoid swinging them across your body or winging them out to your sides. This can mess with your stride and make you lose energyfast. Pumping your arms will help you engage your upper body and core to help you move more efficiently and walk faster.
When your front leg reaches out too far, it acts like a brake and slows you down. With shorter, quick steps, your foot lands almost underneath you so you roll right over it.
To figure out your gait, follow this exercise from Stanten: Raise one knee to hip height so your foot is hanging just below your knee, like youre marching. Then, extend your leg in front of you and bring your heel down to the ground. It should be just a few inches in front of your other foot.
Alternating between short but fast bursts of walking with slower-paced intervals not only helps increase your walking speedit can also help you burn more calories, even after youre done exercising.
The longer or harder you work out, the more time it will take your body to return to normal, Stanten says. As you recover, youll continue to burn calories at an accelerated rate for as little as 20 minutes or possibly up to 24 hours. For a serious post-workout calorie burn, try this interval walk:
Count the number of steps you take during your fast intervals, and try to beat that number on subsequent intervals. If youre walking with a friend, ask them to keep track of their numbers and compare them at the end of the workout. This will motivate you to increase your speed and improve your endurance.
Video: Is it actually harder to lose weight when you're short? (Provided by Shape)
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These Speed Walking Hacks Will Burn Calories As If You're Running - msnNOW
I was just a beer away from the NBA – Seymour Tribune

Mark Franke Submitted photo
When I was nine years old, my career goal was to play center field for the New York Yankees after Mickey Mantle retired. Then I got bifocals and couldnt figure out which ball coming toward me to swing at.
No problem. Moving up to fifth grade the next year made me eligible to be on my schools basketball team. This was big because there were still memories in Fort Wayne of the Pistons before they moved to Detroit, Indiana University and Notre Dame played their annual game in Fort Wayne, and there was Hoosier Hysteria with real sectional basketball tournaments.
As I progressed to eighth grade with hopes of being in the starting lineup, I noticed that most of the other boys had grown to almost six feet tall while I was stuck at just barely clearing five feet n shorter than everyone, including the girls.
Now I learn I abandoned my budding basketball career much too soon. The Wall Street Journal recently had a feature article about Andre Drummond, center for the erstwhile Fort Wayne Pistons, who significantly improved his game by adding one thing to his diet. Are you ready for this? Beer.
Mr. Drummond experimented with all the fad diets that athletes, and we mortals, fall for. This is especially true for very tall centers like Drummond who are now being pushed by their teams to lose weight in order to improve their jumping ability. He tried skipping breakfast but found that a bad idea for an athlete who worked out every morning. Something had to change.
His solution was to drink a beer every day at lunch. What could be better than that?
The article didnt say who suggested Drummond add beer to his diet but it seems to have worked. He returned to fall camp slimmer and faster and has been posting scoring and rebounding numbers not seen since the 1970s.
I can see only one flaw in his dietary plan; he limits his consumption to just one. This seems to me to be an excessively doctrinaire approach to this. If a single beer produced such an improvement, wouldnt a few more each day make him the best center ever?
Now, I am German Lutheran so beer is figuratively and literally in my blood. What I didnt know is that I have been in an NBA training regimen for quite some time. But apparently neither did the Pistons as they never invited me to camp during these years. Their loss.
Still, a few barriers stand in the way of my getting an NBA contract.
First, Im 68 years old. I think the NBA has a rule against active players being on Medicare rather than the league health insurance. Second, while I am no longer only 50 in height, my current 61 is not quite the ideal size for an NBA center.
Most important, adding a beer to my lunch cuisine hasnt increased my vertical to any appreciable extent. Perhaps Im drinking the wrong brand? I am German so I wont give up on this. After all, I have science on my side, dont I?
Mark Franke, an adjunct scholar of the Indiana Policy Review, is formerly an associate vice chancellor at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.
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I was just a beer away from the NBA - Seymour Tribune
Fasted cardio helps you lose weight faster, but it has its downside too – TheHealthSite

Most people on a fitness trip are confused about whether it is better to exercise on an empty stomach or if they should eat something before hitting the gym. It is an ongoing debate with many advocates and naysayers. People who are in favour of working out on an empty stomach say that it maximises fat burning. In fact, those who do cardio workouts say that fasted cardio is the best form of exercise regime. It means that you do cardios on an empty stomach. But others disagree and say that it may be bad for health.
A study in the Northumbria University say that people can burn up to 20 per cent more body fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach. The British Journal of Nutrition published this study. Researchers saw that people who exercised in the morning did not consume additional calories or experience increase in appetite during the day to compensate for their earlier activity.
While the ongoing debate you may hear involves some saying fasted cardio is great for fat burn and others saying its not that good for you, you may not even be sure what this workout is all about.
Fasted cardio is what the name suggests its doing cardio while your body is in the state of fasting.
While this doesnt mean youre working out on an empty stomach, it just means that you have not eaten for at least eight hours like when you have just woken up from your eight-hour sleep.
When your body is in a fasted state, your insulin levels are low and therefore you burn fat. By performing fasted cardio, you burn fat quicker than when your insulin levels are high from a meal you have just eaten.
The higher the insulin levels in your body, the less fat you will burn. If fat burn is on your radar at the moment, then fasted cardio might be the way to go and a workout in the morning is the best way to incorporate fasted cardio.
There are many benefits that come with fasted cardio, especially when it comes to fat loss. Some studies have found that exercising in a fasted state can burn about 20 percent more fat that when you work out after eating. Working out in the morning will give you an energy boost and improve your concentration and focus throughout the day. When you work out on an empty stomach, glycogen stores in the body are less and you burn more fat (instead of carbs) for energy. Fasted cardio can improve insulin sensitivity and therefore improve the way you burn fat without affecting your hormonal balance.
While fasted cardio shows to have various benefits surrounding fat burn, other research has uncovered some negative effects that fasted cardio can have on your health:
Can impair endurance performance in the long run.
May eventually slow your metabolism down.
Slows the ability of the body to utilize fat as fuel.
Signals the body to break down amino acids to initiate glucose production.
Personal preference plays a big role in whether you want to incorporate fasted cardio into your fitness routine or not. If youre mentally prepared and ready to take on this new challenge, then youll be sure to push yourself and make it through. On the other hand, your health is also very important to consider. If you are in good health, you should be fine to do fasted cardio.
The trouble starts for those individuals who follow a low-carb lifestyle as it might be tough to engage in cardio due to the low energy available in their livers. While this is not a big issue, it is important for you to listen to your body and know when its time to stop.
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Published : December 11, 2019 12:00 pm | Updated:December 11, 2019 12:01 pm
Fasted cardio helps you lose weight faster, but it has its downside too - TheHealthSite
Weight loss: Does the cabbage soup diet work? Is it safe? – Express

The cabbage soup diet promises slimmers great weight loss results in only seven days. Fans of this popular dieting technique claim to be able to trim down by ten pounds or more in just one week but, is it as effective as slimmers claim?
However, health experts warn that slimmers shouldnt stay on the diet for too long as consuming such low amounts of calories is unhealthy and unsustainable long term.
No one knows exactly where this unique diet originated from, though it first gained popularity during the 1980s and has stuck around ever since.
Health expert and nutritionist Stephanie Waterson warned slimmers: Many claim to be able to drop 10 or more pounds in one week, which is true its achievable with perseverance.
But before you stock up on cabbage, know that this crash diet won't help you in the long run, as it doesn't give your body thenutrientsit needs to stay healthy.
Therefore this is more of a quick fix weight loss solution than a long term healthy and sustainable method of losing weight.
The basic one-week cabbage soup diet plan to jump start weight loss is fairly simple to follow.
In order to lose weight successfully a slimmer is required to prepare a large batch of soup to eat for the entire week.
Ingredients required;
6 large green onions (1 bunch)
2 green bell peppers
1 or 2 (14 1/2-ounce) cans of diced tomatoes
1 bunch celery (sliced)
1/2 head cabbage (chopped)
1 package onion soup mix (Lipton brand)
Optional: 1 or 2 cubes bouillon
1 (48-ounce) can V8 juice (or 6 cups water or light chicken or vegetable broth)
Kosher salt (to taste)
Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
Optional: parsley, curry powder, garlic powder, paprika, etc.
1. Chop all vegetables into cubes.
2. In a large stock pot, saut onions in a small amount ofoil.
3. Then add the remaining vegetables and cover with water or vegetable cocktail and add bouillon cubes or other seasonings, if desired.
4. Bring to a boil, then reduce to medium heat. Let simmer until vegetables are tender, about 3045 minutes.
It is advised for a slimmer to eat one or two other pieces of low-calorie foods daily in addition to the soup, however, it is important not to make any other substitutions and to drink only water or other calorie-free beverages, such as unsweetened tea.
A daily multivitamin is often recommended because the diet may be low in certain nutrients.
These are the rules for each day of the Cabbage Soup Diet
Day 1: Unlimited cabbage soup and fruit, but no bananas.
Day 2: Only soup and vegetables. Focus on raw or cooked leafy greens. Avoid peas, corn and beans. You may also have one baked potato with butter or oil.
Day 3: As many fruits and vegetables as you can eat, in addition to the soup. However, no baked potato and no bananas.
Day 4: Unlimited bananas, skim milk and cabbage soup.
Day 5: You are allowed 1020 ounces (280567 grams) of beef, which you may substitute for chicken or fish. You may also have up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink at least 68 glasses of water.
Day 6: Soup, beef and vegetables. You may substitute the beef for broiled fish if you did not do so the day prior. Focus on leafy greens. No baked potato.
Day 7: You may have vegetables, brown rice and unlimited fruit juice but no added sugar.
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Weight loss: Does the cabbage soup diet work? Is it safe? - Express
Intermittent fasting: Is it worth the hype? – DW (English)

Almost everyone, it seems, is intermittently fasting. Celebrities, my boss, my friend's boyfriend, my mother.
Twitter's CEO, Jack Dorsey, only eats once a day. He doesn't have breakfast or lunch, but consumes his sole meal between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
While Dorsey's approach is extreme (and not recommended), intermittent fasting is widely promoted, with a plethora of book titles that promiseit'll "supercharge energy," "optimize weight," "activate stem cells" and "slow aging." There's also intermittent fasting apps that track the fasting window and weight loss.It is, after all, part of a booming global diet industryworth$189 billion (175,45 billion).
While fasting has long been a cleansing ritual for many cultures and religions(albeit more so in a spiritual sense),its arrival on the modern wellness scene raises some serious health questions, not least about why we should follow a diet many proponents say is good for us because it's based on what our primitive ancestors did. Foremostly, what exactly is intermittent fasting, and why do it?
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What's intermittent fasting?
An eating pattern that restricts calorie intake to certain hours of the day or days of the week, intermittent fasting has several different iterations.
One of the most common examples, popularized by science journalist Michael Mosley, is the 5:2 diet. You eat unrestricted for five days of the week and limit calorie intake on the other two days of the week, usually to around 500 kcal.Mosley says it reversed his type 2 diabetes.
Time restricted eating, on the other hand, limits intake to a block of time in the day (usually between eight and 10 hours), and alternate day fasting, as the name suggests, limits calorie intake every other day.There are alsomore extreme versions, including the so-called "warrior diet," which alternates between 20 hours of undereating and four hours of unlimited eating. But because no health professional would recommend doing that, it hasn't been studied.
The main idea behind intermittent fasting is to give the body's insulin levels enough time to go down between meals so our fat cells can then release their stored sugar to be used as energy.Positive buzz about the diet spiked after a series of successful studies on rats, which lost weight, improved their blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars, and even reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.
But unlike lab-bound rats, it's much more difficult for humans to follow rigid dietary rules and, in part, that's made it difficult to carry out long term studies on humans.
What's the latest?
One of the newest studies on the topic, published in Cell Metabolism, found restricting eating to a 10-hour window during the day had positive health benefits for overweight people with high cholesterol levels, elevated blood sugar and high blood pressure. After three months, the participants who were not asked to change what they ate lost around 3% of body fat and 4% of abdominal visceral fat.
This could suggest a 10:14 circadian rhythm-fasting approach (eating between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) is effective for people with metabolic syndrome, except that the study was only carried out with 19 participants over three months.
That's simply "too small and too short," according to Tilman Khn, a nutritional epidemiologist from the German Cancer Research Center. The study was also crucially missing a comparison to a conventional calorie reduction diet, Khn said.
"My interpretation is that people just benefitted from professional dietary support," Khn told DW.
Satchidananda Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute andco-author of the study, said while "more research is needed" to establish whether time restricted eating or intermittent fasting can really help reverse the issues created by an unhealthy diet, he added they have found that "people sleep well and feel more rested in the morning" while on a 10:14 diet.Panda is also an author of one of those book titles, the subheading of which reads: "lose weight, supercharge your energy and transform your health from morning to midnight."
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No better than conventional dieting
Previous research has found intermittent fasting to be no more effective than conventional calorie reduction diets for weight loss or improved insulin levels.
A recent study co-authored by Khn, carried out over a 50-week period, compared a 5:2 intermittent fasting diet with a continuous calorie reduction diet, whereby participants reduced their daily calorie intake by 20%. A third control group didn't change their diet.
Researchers found that both intermittent fasting and calorie reduction led to weight and fat loss in comparison to the control group. Some health markers, like insulin levels and lipids, also improved. But these results were almost identical for both diets.
"We found no evidence at all for a stronger effect or greater benefit of intermittent fasting," Khn told DW. "It was equally as effective compared to a traditional moderate daily calorie reduction diet."
While Khn says he "would never trust just one study," two other comparative, year-long studies from Norway and Australiaconducted around the same time found exactly the same result 5:2 intermittent fasting is no more effective than calorie reduction.
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Tough to follow
Panda, though, says this is one of the main appeals of the 10:14 fast, as he thinks it is much easier to follow than other forms of intermittent fasting or conventional dieting.
"Even if two methods lead to similar outcomes, why would you prefer something that is difficult to follow?" Panda said.
The issue with the claims made by small-scale studies and the intermittent fasting book titles, though, is that, like many fad diets, it's presented as a miracle solution. When in actual fact, the science is not so clear.
"If someone finds that intermittent fasting is working, then I would say it's a good method for them. But it's not a universal solution to any health problem for everyone," Khn said.
In light of the evidence we have so far, he said the scientific community may be better off looking to policy measures (like the sugar tax in the UK) as a way of preventing obesity and unhealthy eating habits, as opposed to appealing to individuals to change their eating behavior.
Our skin is often the starting point for how we perceive situations and interact with one another. Researchers have found that people can detect certain emotions, like love, anger, gratitude and disgust, from touch. Regular positive touch has been shown to reduce aggression and increase pro-social behavior. It also helps us form and maintain emotional bonds in relationships.
Touch, or tactile communication, can help us build trust and cooperation. One study even found that professional basketball players and teams who had more physical interaction early in the season, like high fives and team huddles, performed better in later games.
Hugging is a sign of support that can reduce stress. They can also help deter inner turmoil after conflict. One study showed that people who received a hug on a day when a conflict had taken place were found to be in better moods afterwards. Hugs have also been shown to reduce the likelihood of catching a common cold, due to their stress-buffering properties.
Warm contact between partners, like holding hands or cuddling, can contribute to better cardiovascular health and can lower one's reactivity to stress. This is because that positive physical sign of support slows your heart rate, decreases the stress hormone cortisol and lowers your blood pressure. Couples can even sync their heart rates and brain waves just by touching.
Researchers at Duke University Medical Center found that full-body massage relieved pain and increased mobility in patients with arthritis in their knees. Therapeutic touch has also been shown to decrease pain and increase the quality of life for fibromyalgia patients. Not just those getting a massage see benefits, either: Giving a massage also offers positive improvements to personal well-being.
Massage has also led to weight gain in preterm babies by engaging part of their nervous system. This improves digestion and releases hormones required for absorbing food. Skin-to-skin touch helps release oxytocin, the hormone related to mother-infant attachment, and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone. It may also have a pain-relieving effect for babies undergoing minor medical procedures.
You don't need another person to receive the benefits of touch, though. Self-massage can have some of the same effects of regular massage. The health benefits are stronger when more pressure is applied, as opposed to a lighter touch. Yoga and other forms of exercise, with physical contact between your body and the ground (or weights), can produce similar stress-relieving effects, too.
Support in the form of holding a partner's hand when they're experiencing physical pain may be beneficial for both the recipient and the giver. Pain is actually diminished for the affected partner when touched. This contact can also help people with low self-esteem to eliminate self doubt.
Today, work is being done to create sensory-enabled prosthetics so that amputees can get the same health benefits from touch. Psychological well-being has been shown to increase for those who used such prosthetics. Other researchers are also working on developing electronic skin technology that can feel hard surfaces, soft fabrics or sensations like heat.
Author: Sam Baker
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Intermittent fasting: Is it worth the hype? - DW (English)
Weight loss: Woman who gorged on 10,000 calories a DAY sheds 25st after docs warned junk food addiction was – The Sun

WEIGHING in at a staggering 40 stone, Teresa Marie's life was at an all-time low.
The 41-year-old had turned to comfort eating, and would gorge on 10,000 calories a day, in a bid to cope with both her brother and mother's suicides.
And doctors warned that Teresa could be heading for an early grave - after her size triggered a mild heart attack in 2016.
Determined to turn her life around, Teresa, from Long Beach, California, had gastric surgery and has since lost an incredible 25 stone.
Now weighing 15 stone, Teresa feels happier and healthier than ever.
She said: "I now see a life full of love, happiness, good health, and most importantly I see a bright future ahead. It's never too late to turn it all around."
Teresa's weight first spiralled out of control after her brother took his own life in 2001, after he was bullied for being gay.
Three days prior to his suicide he had been beaten up in an unprovoked homophobic attack.
"When he died I completed checked out," said Teresa.
"It was the very first traumatic loss I experienced and I blamed myself for not being able to help my brother.
"I stopped taking care of myself. My mother killed herself a couple of years later and their deaths played a role in lack of self love and self care."
Teresa soon began emotional eating to deal with her depression and self-hate.
She said: "I was consuming about 10,000 calories per day I was eating a large pizza almost daily and stopping at fast food drive thru restaurants and hiding in my car while I ate.
"Then I would go home and eat triple decker peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches, and tons of chips, cookies, and junk food on a daily basis."
I was consuming about 10,000 calories per day I was eating a large pizza almost daily
By 2016 Teresa, then 38, was so morbidly obese that she suffered a mild heart attack, which motivated her to seek medical advice.
It was then that doctors warned her she could be dead in five years if she didn't lose weight.
Teresa said:
"My doctor said 'you need to have weight loss surgery - you're not going to live longer than five to 10 years if you don't'.
"He said 'people your size usually have the greatest success with gastric bypasses, so that is the best option for you'."
Before she could undergo surgery Teresa put herself on a strict diet, restricting her calorie intake dramatically and walking as much as she could.
Between 2017 and 2018 she lost ten stone from diet and exercise alone and in 2018 she had gastric bypass surgery to reduce the size of her stomach.
"My stomach is about the size of a medium egg," said Teresa, who now only consumes around 1,500 calories per day.
Teresa also went keto and cut down on her calorie intake in a bid to maximise her weight loss after the surgery.
She lost 25 stone in total and now weighs a healthier 15 stone, which has transformed her outlook on life.
"I started walking more and went on a ketogenic based diet that involved eating foods with a low carbohydrate and low sugar content," she said.
"On the day of surgery I was 390 pounds and as a teacher, I could not stand for longer than two minutes without feeling like I was going to die. Little by little I worked out."
Reflecting on her life prior to her weight loss, Teresa said: "Life was very hard and at times I felt it wasn't worth living.
"Today, at 220 pounds I feel much different about myself and my life."
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And those around her have also noticed her amazing transformation.
She added: "I have students and staff tell me 'you're so inspiring' and that's a really cool thing.
"I've spent most of my adult life trying to be invincible and now I want to inspire people."
Originally posted here:
Weight loss: Woman who gorged on 10,000 calories a DAY sheds 25st after docs warned junk food addiction was - The Sun
How Glamorizing Eating Disorders Is Dangerous To Our Health And Relationships – YourTango

An eating disorder is never something to be taken lightly.
By Neve Doyle
Eating disorders are becoming more and more common in our society. They affect peopleof all ages, genders, and races. They dont discriminate.
However, theyre still something thats glamorized in our society, even though they areincredibly hard to get pastdespite intervention and treatment.
RELATED:4 Things You Need To Know About Why You Have An Eating Disorder (And How It Relates To Anxiety)
So, here are some reminders for both people with and without eating disorders. These are 5 reasons why theyre just not worth it and why unhealthy eating habits should not be glamorized.
Eating disorders are known for giving a (false) sense of controland they definitely can. But often, you will feel simultaneously in control and incredibly out of control.
Youll tell yourself that youll only go down to a certain weight. But with each passing day, that weight will get lower and lower. Youll tell yourself that youll eat a certain amount a day, but you could end up going over or under that. Youll tell yourself that you wont compensate by eating less the next day or by using any kind of purging, but you will.
No matter what kind of eating disorder you struggle with, you will feel out of control, despite it telling you the opposite.
RELATED:4 Types Of Eating Disorders & What Could Have Caused Them
Eating disorders take a major toll on your body. It doesnt matter if its anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or anything in between. And it doesnt matter how much you weigh.
Whats more, possible effects of eating disorders can include low blood pressure, low blood sugar, low heart rate, a Mallory-Weiss tear (a tear in your esophagus), electrolyte imbalances, a stomach rupture, organ failure,and, yes, even death.
If youre like me or anyone else I know whos struggled with an eating disorder, youre going to feel physically terrible while youre using disordered behaviors.
Just as with your physical health, your mind and mental health suffer as well. Food and weight will be all you can think about, all the time.
Numbers will fog up your brain, whether its calories or pounds. This, along with the physical effects, makes it extremely difficult to concentrate on anything. As a result, a lot of people lose hobbies and the things that theyre passionate about.
When youre hungry and your mind wont be quiet, its difficult not to be irritable and in a bad mood being hangry is a real thing! Moreover, eating disorders often coexist with mood andanxiety disorders.
RELATED:The One Secret To Dealing With An Eating Disorder And Live A Healthier Lifestyle
Its hard to keep a relationship (romantic or otherwise) when youre constantly canceling plans because youre avoiding food, you cant be fully present, or because youre constantly in a bad mood. Not to mention, when you have an eating disorder, it often becomes your best friend.
It doesnt matter how low your weight gets, how little you eat, or how many times youve been hospitalized it will never feel good enough. Losing weight isnt going to magically make you feel better about yourself.
Listening to your disordered thoughts is never going to make you happy. Your eating disorder will never let you feel good enough.
To put it simply, eating disorders suck in every single way. They completely ruin your life and will do so without you even realizing it. Losing weight fast and looking like the bikini models you see on social media seems like a good idea...until its not.Slowly, youll start losing everything else in life, including yourself.
I promise you that listening to disordered thoughts or your eating disorder will never be worth it. So, we should stop glamorizing it.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder,learn more about treatment options.
RELATED:5 Ways To Love Someone With An Eating Disorder
Neve Doyle is a writer who focuses on health and wellness, self-care, and self-love. For more of her health and wellness content, visit her author profile on Unwritten.
This article was originally published at Unwritten. Reprinted with permission from the author.
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How Glamorizing Eating Disorders Is Dangerous To Our Health And Relationships - YourTango
‘Counting Macros And Calories Helped Me Shed 80 Pounds’ – Women’s Health

My name is Regan Patterson (@regan_patterson) and I'm a 27-year-old personal trainer living in Orlando, Florida. After years of being overweight, at 222 pounds, I decided to count calories and macros, and hit the gym. I ended up losing a total of 80 pounds.
I was active in high school and played multiple sports, so I was always in shape. But when I went to college, I stopped playing sports and my activity level went wayyy down. My food choices changed and I began eating out of convenience (hello, fast food).
In a few years, I noticed my body had completely changedand I decided I needed to do something different. So I started out by following a low-carb diet and lost 40 pounds. But I quickly gained it all back and more. Low-carb just wasn't sustainable for me. And I found myself back at square one with even more weight to lose. I felt so discouraged and didnt do anything about it for a couple years.
Eventually, I knew that I couldn't keep going on like that. At 222 pounds, I finally decided I was going to start my diet again and not stop until I got to where I wanted to be.
The first thing I did was turn towards healthier foods. But this time I made sure to really fuel myself with fruits, veggies, and lean protein sources. I also started eating out less and cut out liquid calories, which I know helped tremendously.
Eventually I began counting macros. Macro counting involves tracking your caloric intake. I made sure to get enough protein and also monitored my carb and fat intake too. It taught me a lot about food and having a balanced diet.
Even though I started counting calories and macros, I knew that I needed to have variety in my meals to stay on track. That's why every day looks different when it comes to what I eat. Here's a sample day:
I knew that I couldn't just jump back into my old college workouts. So I started out by taking daily walks and hitting the gym a couple days a week. Once I got comfortable in the gym again, I started strength training and fell in love with it.
Lifting weights has become a main form of exercise for me now, which is actually really important when it comes to fat loss. Eventually I worked my way up in the gym from a couple days a week to five to six days a week. I went from 222 pounds to 142 pounds. That's an 80-pound weight loss.
Now, I'm a personal trainer, and I try to be super transparent about my weight-loss journey. When people ask me how I managed to stay motivated and how they can do the same, I tell my clients, "I don't." The truth is, you will not always be motivatedand that's okay.
Feeling unmotivated is a feeling that comes and goes. But being dedicated means you do it anyway, especially when it's hard. Thats why its so important to create habits; you'll do them even when you dont feel like it because they become second nature.
It took me two years to lose those 80 pounds, and I think it's so important people understand that weight loss takes time. You have to be patient. Giving up wont get you any closer to your goals, so you just have to flex your patience muscle and keep going.
I also tell my clients to find a form of exercise that they really lovesomething they can always go to when they're not sure what to do. If you like lifting weights, do it. If you like running, do it. If you dont enjoy it, you wont stick to it. Sustainability is key. You want to keep the weight off forever, not just a temporary fix.
My last tip for others trying to lose weight: Consistency will always beat perfection. So don't be so hard on yourself if the workouts are hard or you can't run as long as you used to. Dust yourself off and keep going.
Read the original post:
'Counting Macros And Calories Helped Me Shed 80 Pounds' - Women's Health