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How to Lose Weight Fast & How to Stall | Gwen’s Nest

How to lose weight fast was a question I was asked frequently when I was an admin on the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook groups. Even though this post addresses the question from the THM perspective, I think it applies to many other ways of eating as well. If youre not familiar with the Trim Healthy Mama plan, I review the book here. ~Gwen
Q. Any specific advice for us on how to lose so quickly? Id love to hear some of your own tricks.
A. Ill answer from my own experience here, and what Ive seen from moderating this now nearly 6,00080,000 and growing member Facebook group:
Mostly, those who lose quickly are just those blessed with a fast metabolism that recovers quickly when sugars are removed. They dont cheat or eat off plan frequently and avoid real sugars, but they do bounce a good bit in their calorie intake.
While THM is not really designed for quick weight loss, it does happen for some. What makes it different from quick weight loss plans and gimmicks is that it doesnt attempt to force weight loss at the expense of overall healthso for those whose bodies *can* lose quickly, they do. For those who need a slower, gentler approach, they experience loss and healing at the rate that their own body dictates.
Those who lose more slowly either have underlying health or hormone challenges that their bodies are dealing with in addition to weight loss, so that slows them down. But the basic lifestyle and diet of Trim Healthy Mama are only going to support their rate of healing and move diet concerns out of the way when dealing with a health problem that needs to be addressed.
Some ladies find that adding in additional liver support really helps their body process the fats into and out of their body in a much more efficient way. The liver processes all lipids or fats, including the ones we eat, the ones in our bloodstream that we are giving off as we lose weight, and also our hormones, which are lipids. So the liver really has to work extra hard during weight loss or during periods of hormone readjustment (like pregnancy, nursing, or menopause.)
Silymarin is one of my favorite herbal liver support herbs, and one I take daily to support my body in healthy weight loss. This is a great liver support blend that contains silymarin if you want to support healthy liver function: (affiliate link)
Some signs that you may need liver support are: pimples or acne, indigestion after meals (especially fatty meals) that ranges from bloating/gassy feelings to pain, and a history of gall stones.
Plateaus and stalls can be a normal part of healthy weight loss. Early on with THM, I would be seeing my friends losing 1-2 pounds a week at a steady rate, but I would stall for 2 weeks and then lose 2-3 pounds. Its just how my body worked at that point, and it does fall within the normal range of weight loss experiences. Ive also had phases where I was losing around a pound a week with no real changes to what I was doing. So that can change as your body adjusts and heals.
Certain times in your monthly cycle can also stall weight loss, but just because youre retaining water.
Its REALLY important to not get too number bound with your scale. Its a good indicator of overall weight, but that involves SO much more than just body fat. Hormone fluctuations, water retention, and more will dramatically affect the scale anywhere from 1-4 pounds per day. [bctt tweet=Its NORMAL for your weight to bounce higher in the evening. This doesnt mean youve put on fat! #GwensNest #THM]
This is one of my favorite quotes from the Facebook group, from a lady who had seen the scale move up from one day to the next:
My husband always reminds me: A pound [of fat] is equal to 3500 caloriesdid you REALLY eat 3500 too many calories yesterday? Really?
Here are some of the most common THM obstacles to weight loss that I see frequently on the wall over on the Facebook group:
Inadequate protein intake specifically reduces Phase I clearance, and insufficient calories decreases overall detoxification function. The detoxification process requires large amounts of caloric energy, which comes mainly from the food we eat. If we do not eat enough protein, the body breaks down vital tissue protein to produce the energy it needs. This decreases the available amounts of Phase I and Phase II enzymes, amino acids, and peptides, because the body breaks down protein to amino acids and peptides. The greater the toxic burden of the body, the higher the need for protein, carbohydrate, fat, and micronutrient intake. (emphasis mine.)
In plain English, that means: Eat enough food or youll feel like crud.
Consuming less than 1500-1800 calories per day (most women should stay at the high end of this range) may put your milk supply at risk, as may a sudden drop in caloric intake.A mothers baseline need for calories (not including lactation) depends upon her activity level, weight and nutritional status. A mother who is less active, has more fat stores, and/or eats foods higher in nutritional value may need fewer calories than a mom who is more active, has fewer fat stores, and/or eats more processed foods.
Nursing Mamas need an additional 400-500 more calories per day to support healthy milk production IN ADDITION to the number of calories that they are burning with working out or just regular life activities. So listen to Kelley, and listen to your body: eat when you feel genuinely hungry.
Now, lets shimmy down to the other end of this teeter totter. Away from the celery sticks and lettuce turkey wrap lunchat the opposite end of the spectrum: the Lasagna Lunch with brownie dessert.
Believe meI NEVER thought Id be free of desiring sugar. I loved sweets. I fought hard emotional battles against the idea of Weight Watchers and diets, because no Twix barsno Dr. Pepper, and no Krispy Kreme donuts until after I had lost the weight. Life without sugar just wasnt even on my radar. I was SHOCKED beyond words when I was taken through the drive through of a Krispy Kreme on week 3 or 4 of Trim Healthy Mama, and I didnt even have one tiny desire to eat oneand I wasnt even mildly annoyed by missing out. In fact, I didnt feel like I WAS missing outit felt so weird, and so freeing!
Some of my friends really struggle with not losing the cravings even after weeks of willpower and sticking to plan. For those ladies who are having trouble kicking nagging sugar and/or carb cravings, the books The Truth About Beauty, and the Diet Cure are great reads and resources that are helping a friend of mine overcome her health issues and return to healthy weight loss patterns. She is using Trim Healthy Mama(Amazon affiliate link)as the basis for her return to health along with the other two books I just mentioned:
If THM isnt working for you, dont give up!! Just keep looking and paying attention to yourself to figure out what it is that you are personally missing. [The Diet Cure]diet is almost exactly THM, and there are 8 sections to figure out why it is you dont feel good or arent losing weight. This book has quickly moved up on my list of all time favorite books! Doing the questionnaire in the book I just read ruled out some key things I thought I might have, and left me to focus on deficiencies were obvious I did have! My top 3 categories were brain imbalance (hoping to heal with amino acids) sometimes low cal dieting (healing with THM) and blood sugar imbalance (on the road to healing that with supplements [from the Truth about Beauty] and already noticed a huge difference!)
For hormone help and testing, see your doctor. For help with mood disorders, anxiety, and other odd and random issues, check out The Mood Cureor The Diet Cure by Julia Ross. (Amazon Affiliate links) For issues with unrelenting cravings (which are NOT supposed to be a part of the Trim Healthy lifestyle), check out The Truth About Beautyby Kat James.(Amazon Affiliate link)
So there you have it, my friends! Go forth and fight for your trim and healthy best!
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How to Lose Weight Fast & How to Stall | Gwen's Nest
5 Reasons Running May Not Help You Lose Weight Fast | Shape …

"My body just can't lose weight." That's the first thing I heard when I picked up the phone. Sounding frustrated and hopeless on the other end of the line, my client Sarah continued. "If you knew how hard I've been working, you'd understand. You'd know I wasn't making excuses."
Sarah first contacted me after a friend of hers had successfully lost weight through my online coaching program, just six months after having a baby. I asked her to keep an open mind and walk me through everything she'd been doing in terms of diet and exercise. The problem was immediately clear: Sarah was putting in effort, but the type of effortspecifically her over-reliance on running for weight losswasn't the best way to lose fat and get the results she wanted.
Once Sarah understood why her approach to cardio was holding her back, we adjusted her plan and the pounds starting coming off again (seven pounds in one month, to be exact.) So to make sure your cardio training isn't the reason your jeans don't fit better (despite spending plenty of time in the gym), here are five common mistakes, plus simple solutions to get back on track. (Here, more on running for weight loss, and other cardio myths that could be holding you back.)
Your body is an amazing machine. It's designed for efficiency, meaning if you do the same thing over and over again, the process becomes easier. This applies to your running workouts too. Not only will they start to feel more effortless (even if you're still sweating and pumping your legs), but your metabolism literally learns and reacts so that fewer calories are burned with the same exercise output.
This is where traditional "steady state" running falls short on a long-term weight-loss plan. Research conducted at the University of Tampa found that doing steady state cardiosuch as running on the treadmill for 45 minutes at a consistent pace that's not near maximal effort (think sprinting)helps out with weight loss but only initially. Subjects lost a few pounds during the first week and then kaput! Nothing more. The reason? Within one week, their metabolism had adjusted and now didn't need to work as hard to burn off the fat.
One of the biggest problems with running at a steady, moderate-intensity pace, is that the calories you burn are limited to the time you spend sweating. So once your body adapts, the benefit is limited. That's why weight training is oftentimes viewed as better than "just" running for fat loss. Lifting weights impacts your metabolism by causing mini-micro tears that need to be repaired. That healing process requires energy, which means you're burning more caloriesa process that can sometimes last for nearly two days after your training session.
To put it more simply: With cardio, you can slog away for 30 minutes at a lower intensity and burn 200 caloriesor you can just eat 200 fewer calories per day. It's the same thing. With weight training (or as you'll soon find outsprints), that's not the case. The calories you burn are not limited to what you do in the gym. So while a little variety might not seem like a big change to your routine, it will have a dramatic impact on transforming your body.
One of the most important variables with any type of exercisecardio or otheris intensity. If you look at the average person who runs, they pick a pace that they can maintain for a long duration. Think about it: When you jump on a treadmill, elliptical, or bike, you're starting with the intent to be on there for a while. Whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, your goal is to push at a pace you can sustain, work hard, feel tired, and then go home. While this is great for endurance, it's not so great for fat loss.
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association followed the exercise habits of more than 34,000 women and concluded that it took about an hour a day of moderate exercise (walking at 3mph) to maintain weight. Notice, that's not weight loss. And three miles per hour is not very fast.
Now imagine if instead of arbitrarily picking an amount of time to exercise, you focused on pushing yourself to certain level of difficulty. If the 3.0 on a treadmill would be a "four" on a difficulty scale of one to 10, what would happen if you pushed yourself at an eight or nine for a shorter period of time?
There's no need to guess, I'll tell you: More fat loss. Researchers at the University of Western Ontario compared short but intense exercise to long, less-intense cardio. One group performed four to six 30-second "sprints" while the other group did cardio for 30 to 60 minutes. The results were nothing short of amazing. Despite exercising for a fraction of the time, those in the sprint category burned more than twice as much body fat.
That's because the process of sprinting causes similar internal changes to your body as those that occur during weight training. Your body needs to replenish it's ATP (energy), convert lactic acid that's produced during exercise into glucose, and restore your blood hormone levels after an intense workout. All of those processes mean your body works harder and burns more fatboth of which don't happen during steady-state aerobics.
One of the most common weight-loss mistakes is believing that the majority of the calories you burn results from exercise. This is a dangerous misunderstanding. Simply being alivesleeping, standing, eating, thinkingrequires a tremendous amount of energy. The number of calories you burn at the gym actually pales in comparison to normal functioning and your daily activities that are not exercise based.
Does that mean there's no need to hit the gym? Of course not. Exercise has many health benefits, but the type of exercise you perform in the gym will influence how many calories you burn outside of it. Running will burn calories, but sprinting or lifting weights will result in more muscle. And the more muscle you have on your body (nonot the "bulky" muscle of bodybuilders), the more calories your body burns just functioning.
Now that you know muscle is important to your overall weight-loss goals, it only makes sense that you would want to do the type of training that helps this happen in the least amount of time. So if you're a lover of slower, longer duration cardio, I have some bad news: "Endurance" running and walking (longer duration, lower intensity) impairs strength and muscle growth, according to research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. What's more, even if you increase the intensity and run on an incline, cycling is still better for gaining muscle and burning fat, researchers found.
Again, the point here is not that "running doesn't work" or that there aren't any benefits. However, if you're looking for the most efficient weight loss strategy and are short ontime, you might be better served by cycling (preferably at a high intensity), rather than goingfor a longwalk or relying on jogging to lose weight. (More on that here: Do I Have to Run to Lose Weight?)
This might sound crazy, but just hang with me: The number on the scale might not be changing because you're running too much. While this isn't a problem for the majority of people struggling to drop a few pounds, I've worked with more than a few peopleand seen hundreds of other case studieswhere fat loss has been stunted by doing too much.
Exercise is an indisputable component of a healthy life, but it's still stress on your body. And the demands of that stress impact your hormones, which also control your ability to lose fat. More specifically, the hormone cortisol is released when you exercise. All cortisol is not bad (despite what late-night TV and supplement ads might have you believe), but chronic stress and chronic cortisol can lead to insulin resistance which forces you to store belly fat against your best-laid plans. Research published in the journal Hormone Research found that long distance runninglike that done in endurance runnerscauses a sustained increase in cortisol. And this increase in cortisol for long period of times can lead to more inflammation, slower recovery, breaking down your muscle tissue, building up fat, and even harm your immune functioning.
Just as bad, if you're suffering from too much stresswhether it's the result of exercises for too many hours or not recovering with the right nutritionyou can harm your thyroid and lower your metabolic rate, making weight loss more difficult.
If you're doing an hour of cardio per day, that's more than enough for fat loss. (Remember, this isn't for endurance training.) If you start running two to four hours per day and aren't losing weight (or maybe evening gaining), you might be best suited to reduce your running frequency, add some resistance training, and see what happens. Odds are, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Go here to see the original:
5 Reasons Running May Not Help You Lose Weight Fast | Shape ...
Lose Weight Fast, While Living On The Go | Ann Louise Gittleman

Whether you are a Fat Flusher for life, or your diet is vegan, vegetarian, raw, Keto, Paleo, low carb or you like juicing, you want to lose weight fast, or youre just super busy and need healthy options that are easy to grab on the go, smoothies fill the bill.
Based on the latest buzz, green smoothies have become well known as one of the easiest and healthiest on-the-go meals that also happen to deliver super speedy results when it comes to weight loss and overall health.
Weve seen the smoothie craze continue to grow, day over day, ever since we launched the Fat Flush Smoothie Shakedown way back in 2010! To date, it continues to be one of our most popular and most successful weight loss solutions.
This is encouraging news for those who still need to lose 5, 20, 50 or even 100 pounds!
Reset and revive with the Smoothie Shakedown
The Smoothie Shakedownwhich also features some delicious green smoothie optionswill help people to flush toxins for a flatter belly and trimmed down body.
The healthy side-effects include stronger immunity, better digestion, increased energy, and improved blood sugar regulation.
Plus, Smoothie Shakedown is proven to help people lose weight fast because it represses hunger for a good three to four hours, particularly when combined with the Fat Flush Body Protein powder as part of the smoothie mix. The protein is not only GMO and heavy metal free (third party tested), but provides the research-backed plant-based combo of rice and yellow peas, sweetened with low glycemic stevia and inulin, which is a potent prebiotic to feed the beneficial gut bacteria in the GI tract.
Green smoothies especially combine the best of detoxifying green foods with high protein. Cleansing greens like watercress, kale, Romaine lettuce, and arugula are packed with phytonutrients and beta-carotene, Vitamin K, folate, and chlorophyll that help support liver function and enhance the bodys ability to access stored body fat to be burned for energy.
Smoothie Shakedown, nourishes with two smoothies, one filling meal, snacks, veggies,supplements, and cleansing liquids that purge the damaging fats and toxin-laden fluids from the system.
Shakedown participants arent tempted to cheat or overeat because they simply dont feel hungry, thanks to the cleanprotein and essential fatmacronutrients that are part of the Smoothie Shakedown proprietary design. This program is scientifically designed to stabilize blood sugar and feed the neurotransmitters with quality, pure, clean, life-giving ingredients.
1 small bunch of watercress or One scoop Uni Key Daily Greens1 green apple, quartered and cored1 lime, peeled and quartered1 stalk small celery small cucumber, peeled and quartered1 scoop Fat Flush Body Protein8 oz filtered waterIce cubes (optional)1 tablespoon flaxseed oil1 tablespoon chia seeds
Small handful of arugula1 pearJuice of one lime1 scoop of Fat Flush Body Protein8 oz filtered waterIce cubes (optional)1 tablespoon flax seeds1 piece one-inch ginger
If youre ready to try the smoothie craze for yourself, check out Smoothie Shakedown at the link below!
Get the Plan to Get Started >>
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Lose Weight Fast, While Living On The Go | Ann Louise Gittleman
How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy (NO EXERCISE … – YouTube

SEND ME YOUR WEIGHTLOSS BEFORE AND AFTERS: (preferably email me please)EMAIL: Contact@AbigaleKirsten (Please also mention your permission for me to use your photo as inspiration to others on all my online Links aka Twitter, Instagram, My Upcoming Website, Facebook, YouTube etc).We need your support and pictures to inspire others and be part of the motivation for the world.
Credits:MUSIC : Jordan Sparks - One Step At A Time. (I do not own the music, tune, lyrics, or song).
How To Lose Weight Fast & Easy w/ NO EXERCISE.
PRECAUTIONS:+ Green Tea can cause slight seizures, although he population that carries this rare symptom is rather less, it is still a duty to advise you on it. Before starting the Greentea/Oolong Tea abby diet, i prefer you have a cup or two and see if another amounts.+ Green Tea can cause slight dizziness, feelings of vomiting, nausea, headache etc.. if you follow my steps exactly in the video you can very well avoid these symptoms easily. Do not take green tea for granted and drink more cups a day than I said, and do not have it on an empty stomach unless you have tried it once and had no reactions whatsoever (like me) in which cases when your in a rush to head off somewhere, those who can withstand it on an empty stomach, it is ok to do so, but do not do it everyday, and more than once in a day, even if you know you have or CAN handle it due to experience.
MOST ASKED QUESTION - Whats My Height, Age, and Weight.Height: 161.5cm - 5ft 3inches - grew an inch after weight loss, was 5"2 all my life till 17.Age: May 05 1994 - Its 2014 - I Turned 20 this year :/ BYEBYE TEEN LIFE D:Weight: My weight Fluctuates every now and then, Mainly because I am a woman, and we do have weight fluctuations quite frequently, also my body *morph* type is prone to fluctuations.Iam currently 60-63kgs, but mostly stay at 61 & 62. 63 being the highest in the middle of my monthly's for the most.
HOW MANY CALORIES SHOULD YOU EAT?I personally eat 1200 cals a day but thats for my height, This doesn't apply to everyone as all women come in different shapes and sizes. What i can recommend is for you to find out your BMI and it will calculate everything for you depending on your height. Some people who saw my video got mistaken and assumed I've told all women to eat UNDER 1000 Cals, including men. In order to reduce the amount of assumptions i get and unnecessary notification that are rather unimportant as even me making a video falls of def ears to a few tempered humans, i thought of adding this into my description. Type into your "Google Toolbar" for a BMI calculator, and you shall be presented with one online. Also, notice how i said don't starve yourself. If i would say that, it would be so incoherent to saying to eat under 1000 cals which literally is STARVING YOURSELF.
WHAT DID I SAY AT 11:20-11:25?I said "SOUP" can fill you Up. (btw soups with creams are Fattening).
Foods That will help you see results in 2 weeks:Lemon / LimePineapplesApplesPrunes (After or Before every meal {CAN ALSO BE USED FOR SNACKING).GreenTea ( For 3 - 4 months [MORNING + LATE AFTERNOON + EVENING] half an hour after every meal.Oolong Tea / Wulong Tea (After 3 - 4 months). half an hour after every meal.Honey + Lemon + Hot Water (Before Sleeping).
TIPS & WARNINGS:Green Tea & Oolong is best from either a traditional Chinese market/store or Walmart.Do not add too much honey to your prior sleep drink because it can cause heartburn as normal honey does.Do not Eat over 5 - 6 Prunes a day. It might cause irritation to your bowl movement.Do not go overboard with Pineapples and Apples just because it helps burn fat. Everything should be eaten in healthy quantities. Fruits can cause uncomfortable bloating or a beautiful gassy BUM!!! hahahahaEat frozen yogurt instead of regular Ice cream.
Hope I haven't missed out any important Tips or Additional Information.
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How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy (NO EXERCISE ... - YouTube
How to Lose Belly Fat Fast – lose weight fast

Looking to lose belly fat fast that you put on over time from a little bit of that good living? Its alright, so are plenty of other men and women. Thanks to a variety of lifestyle factors, a chubby belly is not an uncommon occurrence. Sitting at desks all day, long TV marathons with an abundance of snacks, driving to places which are in walking distance, and poor meal choices will all contribute to a little more junk in the trunk than you might want.
Belly fat creeps up on you. Its not like you wake up one morning 10 pounds heavier and sporting a beer gut, its put on in lumps throughout the year. A birthday here, a celebration there.Intersperse them with a few takeaways and beers and soon enough the mirror is showing you a different picture to the one you want.
Thankfully, there are things you can do to lose belly fat (and keep it gone). Its not as tricky as you think, either. Healthy eating isnt bland, exercise doesnt have to be boring, and losing weight isnt about ruining your social life. Losing belly fat can be an enjoyable experience thats not too hard once you use a few helpful techniques.
However, lets start with what you shouldnt do.
1. Do 100 sit-ups everyday hoping youll get a six pack
Sit-ups can be a useful and effective exercise for strengthening the abs. However, doing them every day is just going to leave you sore and frustrated with your lack of results. Ab training is a good tool to have under your belt, but the first step to seeing your abs is to lose the fat covering them.
2. Commit to any fad diets
90% of the time that new and exciting diet your friend has been raving about only works short-term. Fad diets work on absolutes such as cutting out a certain macronutrient (carbs, fat or protein) or a specific type of food. Every diet that works for losing weight works on one process: calorie balance. The calories you take in versus the calories you burn are the ultimate driving factor behind weight loss and weight gain. There are diets which make this process easier, but nothing bypasses it. Most fad diets work dont teach sustainable, long-term habits which means people end up wasting their time and ending back at square one. Not good.
3. Cut out all junk or unhealthy foods
In a similar fashion to fad diets, cutting out certain foods that you enjoy can lead to cravings and binge eating. For instance, if you really love pizza, cutting it out is only going to make you want it more and make you feel bad or guilty when you eat it. The trick is to learn how to incorporate it into your diet to reduce cravings and make the diet more enjoyable.
4. Weigh yourself each morning
Weight and fat are too very different things. Weight refers to everything on and in your body: muscle, bone, liquid, fat, etc. Therefore, losing or gaining weight doesnt mean youve lost or gained fat, it just means somethings changed in your body. Its not about what happens day to day, its about what happens on a consistent basis. To get a good view of your weight, stepping on the scales twice per week should be more than enough. Once per week also works. If your weight is gradually decreasing on average, then you can be sure what youre doing is right. Theres no point in beating yourself up because you woke up a little heavier one day as most likely its just a little bit more water being retained.
Also, make sure to weigh yourself at the same time. Youll most likely gain weight over the course of the day because of all the food youre eating. Try to weigh yourself each morning after a trip to the toilet to get the most accurate and consistent reading.
5. Miss out on seeing your friends and family because it doesnt work with your exercise routine or diet
As weve already said, for a diet to be truly effective, it needs to work long term. Therefore, your diet and lifestyle also need to keep you happy. If youre losing friends or skipping occasions in order to change how you look, then youre either not going to feel as good at the end of your journey or youre going to cut yourself short. Either way, each ends up with stress and suboptimal results. Youre not going to stay dedicated and motivated if your social life is dwindling. Remember, your diet needs to work for you as much as youre working for it.
So, now you know exactly what not to do, itd be pretty helpful to find out what you should do to lose belly fat, right?
1. Find Exercise That You Enjoy
One of the biggest reasons why people believe they cant lose weight is because they dont enjoy exercise. The thing is, as soon as you attach that label to yourself, it becomes harder and harder to remove it. The secret is finding exercise that you enjoy. When youre first starting to try and lose weight, dont worry about whats best, just focus on what works for you. Weightlifting, cycling, running, football, athletics, rowing, swimming, powerlifting the list is endless and so are your choices. The first step to losing stubborn body fat is getting into the routine of exercise and making it part of your lifestyle. Once its a regular and not unusual occurrence, then you can focus on whats optimal.
2. Start Resistance Training
Once youve got into a regular routine involving frequent physical activity, the next step is incorporating some form of resistance training. Compound movements involving multiple joints will not only work the most muscles, but burn the most calories. Focus on the six big lifts: the squat, the deadlift, the pull-up, rows, the overhead press, and the bench press. All together these hit each and every muscle in your body.
Forget body-part splits of legs, shoulders, chest, arms, and back, too. Not only do these take up a lot of time, theyre also sub optimal for beginner and intermediate lifters. Three-days a week is the minimum amount of resistance training sessions with four being preferred. If you follow a three-day split, follow a full body routine each time. If youre going for four, then follow a lower body/upper body split. This will spike MPS (muscle-protein synthesis: the process by which your body builds more muscle) more times in each area, leading to more muscle growth.
Why build more muscle? Unlike fat, muscle is metabolically active, meaning that it burns calories when its on your body. This means youll burn more calories at rest leading to further fat gain. Not to mention, when trying to lose belly fat you still want to hold onto your muscle so that you look more toned and defined as you lose fat opposed to just smaller and weaker. Fat loss is the goal, not just weight loss.
3. Increase Your Protein Intake
There are a lot of benefits to increasing your protein intake when trying to lose weight. First of all, following on from resistance training, protein helps to spare muscle mass when trying to lose fat. The more muscle you have, the better youll look and the more fat youll lose.
Secondly, protein is extremely satiating, the most so out of the three macronutrients. This means that youre less likely to overeat and more likely to feel full on a lower calorie diet, making eating for weight loss easier.
Lastly, out of the three macronutrients, protein is the least likely to be converted into fat. The process of converting protein into fat is extremely inefficient.
4. Use the 80/20 Rule
Instead of trying to eliminate things from your diet completely, the 80/20 rule allows for some leeway whilst still keeping you on track for your goal. When first embarking on a weight loss diet, many people will work on extremes and absolute. How many people do you know who cut out all carbs? Or remove fats? Or follow a smoothie diet? Or only eat past a certain time? None of these allow for any flexibility and therefore, are hard to keep up long-term.
The 80/20 simply means eating whole, natural, healthy foods 80% of the time and then saving 20% of the time for those sweet treats or more-unhealthy options. The ratio is just a guideline so dont think that you have to stick to it rigidly. The predominant driving factor is to eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, and whole grains most of the time whilst allowing yourself a few cravings every now and again. This limits the chance of binging, helps improve adherence and also makes losing fat more enjoyable. Also, it shows you how no one food is bad, its just that the devil is in the dose.
5. Try Counting Calories (And Dont Cut Them Too Low)
Counting calories can seem like a trivial task, but actually its a great way to learn more about the foods you eat. Chances are that you dont have a good idea about the amount of calories, fat, protein, carbs, and salt your food contains. Tracking helps you become informed and also guess more accurately when you dont have access to the nutritional content. This can make sticking to your diet when youre out and about much easier as well as helping with your body composition goals in the future. You dont need to track all the time, just two to three days a week should do it. Yet, tracking every day for set amount of time, such as a month, can also be useful.
You also dont want to cut your calories too low or youll risk losing some of that precious muscle. Itll also make the diet harder to stick to. Furthermore, when your metabolism eventually adapts, youll have to eat even less to drop more weight. Just stick to the MED (minimum effective dose) which is about 300 calories less than your daily caloric needs. Track your weight over a period of two weeks. If the trend is erring on the side of weight loss, then you know youre doing the right thing. If youre gaining or maintaining your weight, then youll need to lower your calories further.
6. Enjoy the Process, Not Just the Result
Last, but by no means least, you need to enjoy the process as much as you enjoy the eventual results. Time is precious and should not be wasted on being upset, stressed, and frustrated. The process may not always be easy, but it shouldnt have you tearing your hair out. If you are feeling particularly down in the dumps about your exercise or diet, then somethings got to change.
These tips for how to lose belly fat will get you off to the best start possible, just remember it takes a bit of hard work and patience to see results.
Go here to see the original:
How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - lose weight fast
How to Lose Weight Fast – Moose and Doc

In this post we are going to accumulate all the knowledge learnt along the way on the site about how to lose weight fast. If you are interested in losing weight and want the most recent scientifically-proven advice, then you have come to the right place.
To achieve a healthy weight it may be useful to begin with some calculations about how overweight you are right now. Then you can devise a healthy weight loss plan and track your progress. See how you compare to others with Dr.Halls very own calculators.
Step #1: Calculate your current weight and set your weight-loss goals
Having a good starting point is essential to setting your weight-loss goals. Numerous studies have shown that setting out clear weight loss goals can help you lose weight. Find out your current weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) figure out your ideal weight and start using the Weight loss percentage calculator to track your progress.
Step #2: Start a food Diary
Enter everything you eat and drink in a food journal or food diary before you start your diet plan. Youll get a reality check about how many calories and grams of fat you consume. It will wake you up and will help you cut back a lot easier than not keeping track at all. A 2008 research study on a group of 1,685 overweight and obese volunteers found this. Those who kept a food diary recording everything they ate and drank for six days lost twice as much weight as those that did not keep a food diary.
The single best way to lose weight?
The same research study showed that the best possible way to predict quick weight loss success is to keep track of what is eaten and drank every day. The number of pounds that dieters lost was directly related to the number of days they wrote in their food journal. Find out more about how to get motivated for weight loss and keeping a food diary before you start your weight loss plan.
Our advice for fast weight loss that is sustainable is to avoid fad diets, (were talking the cabbage soup diet, lemonade diet, south beach diet, the alkaline/acid diet etc.) and try instead to switch to a healthy eating plan.
A healthy eating plan involves cutting out sugar, all refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Concentrate on plenty of fruit and vegetables (especially low-carb vegetables) lean meats and fish and a high fibre intake.
Try and choose nutrient-rich foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals but reduce your caloric intake. Look out for, and avoid, high calorie junk food low in nutrients. Swap those calorie-laden treats too for healthy snacks that aid weight loss.
Most nutritionists agree that a low-carbohydrate diet is beneficial to losing weight. You dont have to go overboard just check out your food diary and aim to cut out sugar for the first week or two. The following week try and half your white carbohydrate intake (white bread, white pasta, rice etc).
By swapping to wholegrain products that have being proven to help you lose weight faster. A simple basic rule is to avoid most foods that come in a package or a box. High carbohydrate intake has been proven to affect your basal metabolic rate by causing spikes in blood sugar. This leads to unstable insulin levels which long term can lead to type diabetes.
Step #4: Watch what you drink.
Your food diary will help you see how changing what you drink can help you with rapid weight loss.
Watch for hidden calories in those sodas and AVOID all diet sodas as research has shown that artificial sweeteners lead to weight gain. Furthermore, drinking soda over a 10 year period led to a 70 % increase in waist circumference (belly fat).
Firstly, be careful of alcohol and drink in moderation as alcoholic drinks and their mixers are packed with calories.
Secondly, the single best thing you can do beverage wise is swap to plain old water. Increasing your water intake has been proven in medical studies to help lose pounds, in addition, you will also feel less bloated as increased water intake helps with reducing water weight too.
However, the only exception to the drink water rule is caffeine. Furthermore, research has shown that beverages containing caffeine can aid weight loss. One research study showed that fat loss is increased if caffeine is drank before any physical activity. Green tea is also linked to weight loss although medical opinion is mixed on this topic.
The quality and amount of sleep that you have actually affects your weight. If you are trying to achieve a healthy weight then you should look at getting around 8 and 9 hours sleep per night.
Establish a regular bedtime and waking time routine too. Medical studies have shown that sleeping for less than 7 hours a night increases the risk of becoming obese by 27 % and sleeping more than 9 hours a night increases the chances of weight gain by 21 %.
Step #6: Look at the Quantity and Quality of your food
Anybody looking at ways to lose weight will come across all sorts of contradictory advice on the internet. If you are looking for quick weight loss, the foods you eat are essential.
In some ways forget the low-fat diets, low-calorie diets and even the low-carb diet and look more at an all round healthy diet. Ensure that your meals include a healthy balance of all the food groups, especially proteins and are nutrient-rich.
Research has shown that consuming proteins leads to a higher resting metabolic rate which leads to fat burning and weight loss. Monitor your portion sizes too. Many people may be making exactly the right food choices but just eating too much.
One helpful tip is to change the size of your plate to a smaller one. One scientific study showed that cutting just 2 inches off the size of your plate led to a calorie decrease of 22%. So invest in some smaller plates and lose pounds.
Our eating habits are probably one of the single contributing factors that decide whether we lose weight or not. Whilst snacking on healthy nutritional foods or low-calorie foods in the day is not necessarily going to lead to weight gain, bingeing out on junk food most certainly will. Many weight loss program advocate fasting to lose weight.
Fasting can involve simply replacing one meal a day with low-calorie foods such as a shake or juice or alternate-day fasting. However, the latter involves eating a severely restricted diet every other day or like the 5:2 diet plan for two days a week.
Medical opinion is quite divided surrounding the topic of skipping meals and fasting. Some argue that a fast and bingeing pattern leads to spikes in blood sugar levels leading to an increased risk of diabetes and a lower metabolic rate.
A scientific research study examined asthmatic, obese participants however, and found this. Those who ate only one low-calorie meal every other day lost 8% of their body weight. Furthermore there were other hidden health benefits including improvement in symptoms of asthma and lower cholesterol levels.
Our advice is that as part of a weight-loss program, fasting and meal replacements may help short-term weight loss but for long term results it is probably better to eat regularly and healthily.
Step #8: Get Physically Active
Exercise is the key to any weight-loss program. Do not be put off by images of gyms and circuit trainings. The key to getting more active is to find an activity that you really enjoy. (Yes, sex does count!) and do it at least two to three times a week.
Getting up and off the couch, away from the TV or computer will benefit both your health and weight loss efforts. If you really want to lose that body fat you need to turn it into muscle and the best way to do this is with some resistance training. Cardio workouts are also good but even better if interspersed with high-intensity interval training.
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How to Lose Weight Fast - Moose and Doc
Lose Weight Fast Incinerate Belly Fat in as Little as 7 …

When trying to lose weight fast, we will, at times, procrastinate about almost anything. Paying bills, making dinner, or even painting the garage will get put off until the very last minute. So, why would your weight loss goals for this year be any different?
There are only a few months left in the year and youre still quite a few pounds away from the goal that you set. You really only have two options at this point. You can just throw in the towel and start all over next year; or you can get cracking, lose the weight, and accomplish your goals!
If youre still reading this and havent walked away, that must mean youve decided to lose the weight before you run out of time. The clock is running, so follow these tips to lose weight fast.
Lets just get the bad news out of the way first. In order to lose weight, your body needs to be running on a calorie deficit. If youre following all of the other tips to a tee, but arent burning more calories than youre consuming, youll end up living in weight loss purgatory.
Now that we got the bad news out of the way, there is some good news pertaining to calorie restriction. Technology has made it easier than ever to determine how many calories you should be trying to get in order to achieve your desired weight.
Online calorie counters, as well as apps on your mobile device, will eliminate the outdated process of writing down everything you eat per day and then looking up its caloric value.
Okay, the first two tips probably made you think that trying to drop weight fast is going to be an extremely unpleasant task. What if I told you that packing on some lean muscle mass is also an important factor in dropping pounds quickly? Things are sounding better, right?
Think about this, 10 pounds of lean muscle can burn 50 calories at rest, while the same weight in fat only burns about 20 calories at rest. This is a pretty significant difference if you consider that theres absolutely no effort that goes into this. You just sit there and burn more calories when you have more muscle.
If your goal is to lose weight as fast as possible, then youre going to need to know what the fastest way to build muscle is then, wont you? When youre in the weight room, stick to compound movements that target more than one muscle group at a time.
Spending too much time on isolation exercises isnt very time efficient because they only target one specific muscle group at a time. The more muscle groups and joints you can hit in an exercise, the better. You cant go wrong with squats, presses, and deadliftsthe basics.
As we stated previously, cutting some calories out will be imperative, but what calories will you need to cut? Although carbohydrates have received some undeserved criticism over the last decade, they will be something to watch out for right now.
If your priority was endurance or performance, then you would not be able to successfully operate without them. However, since our goal is losing weight quickly, there wont be a reason to carb up right now. The number of carbs that you will need to drop will depend on:
With all of the factors that determine the amount of carbs you should be consuming, its clearly not an exact science. The best way to start out is by simply removing refined wheats and foods with added sugars from your diet.
Then you can begin to remove other carbohydrate sources as well. Here is a pretty basic sample of good and bad foods for a typical low-carb diet:
Testosterones role on body fat has been receiving a lot of attention over the last few years. It plays a crucial part in the way our body balances glucose, insulin, and the metabolism of fat. Unfortunately, men will gradually decrease their testosterone production during middle age.
Basically, if youre over the age of 30, declining, testosterone levels could make you feel like youre fighting an uphill battle when it comes to weight loss. This doesnt mean that you have to hang your head in defeat.
There are several ways that you can naturally boost your testosterone levels and some of them we have already covered.
Possibly the easiest tip on this list, drinking a cup of black coffee between meals can help you burn some calories ASAP. Coffee speeds up your metabolism and can increase your daily energy expenditure.
The caffeine in the coffee is really what does all the work. Caffeine is a stimulant that causes an effect called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is induced what happens when your body heat rises due to calorie burning.
Ever drink a cup of coffee or eat a large meal and start sweating? If so, then youve experienced the power of the thermogenic effect firsthand. Just be sure that your coffee is black; no added sweeteners.
You still have some time to reach that target bodyweight that you promised yourself. It will take hard work, discipline, and consistency; but the compliments you receive, combined with the pride of your accomplishment, will make it all worth it.
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Lose Weight Fast Incinerate Belly Fat in as Little as 7 ...
5 Ways to Fast to Lose Weight – wikiHow

Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
Method 5
I want to lose weight easily at an affordable price.
An easy and cheap way is to put on your walking shoes and go take a brisk walk for 30-40 minutes every day. Avoid refined foods.
Can I do this if I'm young?
wikiHow Contributor
Fasting isn't safe for children. If you want to lose weight, eat a healthy diet and exercise.
Can I fast at age 14? What if it is just a short fast?
wikiHow Contributor
It can effect you, so don't do it. Eat less junk food, and more vegetables. If you start losing energy, add a food such as rice back to your diet. Try yoga, or do exercise daily to lose weight.
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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 330,775 times.
See original here:
5 Ways to Fast to Lose Weight - wikiHow
Obese mum loses 7st using THIS one simple technique take a look at her now – Daily Star

At her heaviest Victoria Saldana weighed 28 stone and wore a 32 dress size.
The 31-year-old had been unhappy with her weight for years, but it wasnt until she nearly died from a brain haemorrhage, that she decided to turn her life around.
After her health scare, Victoria said she was "so depressed" she knew she had to change her ways.
The mum, from North Carolina, said "I looked at myself in the mirror one day and said I cant do this anymore.
"I had just suffered a cerebral haemorrhage and almost died and knew I had to make a change."
In her quest to shed the pounds Victoria, who has three daughters, came across a hypnosis weight loss App 12 weeks to Wow - Virtual Gastric Band- Lose Weight Fast.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight
The mum, from North Carolina, said "I looked at myself in the mirror one day and said I cant do this anymore.
"I had just suffered a cerebral haemorrhage and almost died and knew I had to make a change."
In her quest to shed the pounds Victoria, who has three daughters, came across a hypnosis weight loss App 12 weeks to Wow - Virtual Gastric Band- Lose Weight Fast.
She said: "I started out using the first app created by Sue and James called the Virtual Gastric Band- Lose Weight Fast.
"I would only listen at night but the pounds started to drop off.
"I also started to attend nutritional classes and learned about proteins and carbs."
Victoria said at one point she had considered weight loss surgery, but didn't go through with it.
Instead, the inspirational mum managed to drop an incredible 7st using hypnosis.
There were also some bad food habits she struggled to shake, but in the end she got there through sheer determination.
She said: "I really struggled to give up chocolate I loved it so much.
"But my weight was beginning to effect my life badly. I would struggle to even tie my shoe and would sweat just putting on my clothes.
"I couldn't walk up the stairs without taking a break."
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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However determined to succeed, Victoria is now down six dress sizes and 7st and her health has greatly improved.
She said: "Losing weight has changed my life tremendously.
"I have more energy I want to do more things. I got my life back."
She added: "I no longer have high blood pressure, I can breathe easier and the migraines I had from the cerebral haemorrhage are almost completely gone."
And Victoria said it is only the beginning in her weight loss, which has been commented on by many.
She said: "More men notice me since my weight loss and my self esteem is back up.
"My children love it and I am happier now that I have accomplished this much. But I am ready to lose some more weight.
"My journey has been long but its not over yet."
View post:
Obese mum loses 7st using THIS one simple technique take a look at her now - Daily Star
Losing weight gets personal: Combining diet and behavioral changes may help – Chicago Tribune

Over the years, Robert Kushner has seen many obese patients get "tripped up" trying to keep pounds off because they rely on fast food, juggle too many tasks and dislike exercise.
So Kushner, an obesity expert, began helping patients plan diet and physical activity around their lifestyles and habits.
"We don't necessarily put people on any specific diet; it really gets to what is their life, what are their struggles," he said. "We believe obesity care can't be inconsistent with culture, family or how you lead your life."
He recently suggested that a patient split meals with his wife when they dined out, rather than each having large portions or avoiding restaurants entirely. When the man said he was uncomfortable sharing a meal with his wife when the couple was out with friends, Kushner said to do it anyway.
"I said, 'It's a strategy that works whether you're with other people or not. . . . Be assertive,' " said Kushner. "I think people don't think about it because they just aren't raised to share."
The patient kept track of the foods he was eating, learning to avoid larger portions and fattening dishes. He has lost 15 pounds in six months, cutting about 500 to 700 calories per day.
More than a third of U.S. adults are obese, according to a 2015 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Kushner, who directs the Center for Lifestyle Medicine at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, said he realized in the 1980s that obesity was a looming problem. He started combining diet, nutrition, exercise and behavioral changes into a plan for patients.
Since then, "what's changed is the maturity of the area, understanding more about the effects of stress and sleep on body weight, and some of the behavioral-change techniques have expanded," he said.
In addition to promoting good sleep habits and stress management techniques such as meditation, Kushner and his colleagues suggest bariatric surgery for patients with a body mass index of 40 or more and for some who are less obese but who have medical problems such as Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and heart disease. They also recommend medication for patients with BMIs as low as 30 who have additional medical problems or have failed to lose weight despite lifestyle changes.
While studies haven't generally proved that lifestyle changes are effective for weight loss, Kushner said patients often have trouble shedding pounds unless problems like stress are managed.
Kushner's approach proposes gentler, moderate changes. Rather than tell patients to cut out every unhealthy food they love, Kushner suggests focusing on alternatives with higher fiber and water content but fewer calories. (Think beans, vegetables, salads, fruits, broth-based soups and whole grains such as oatmeal.)
For the couch potato who finds exercise overwhelming, Kushner advises walking for short periods, building up to three 10-minute brisk walks daily to "boost your energy level and mood while you also burn calories."
He also suggests that dog owners walk their pet for 30 minutes daily rather than leave Fido in the back yard. Kushner found that dog-walking helped overweight and obese people lose weight in a study, and he wrote a book about it - "Fitness Unleashed!: A Dog and Owner's Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health Together" - with veterinarian Marty Becker.
"I call it an exercise machine on a leash," Kushner said. "It is a way for people to think about moving their body around in a fun way."
Most of his patients lose about 10 percent of their body weight (some more than 20 percent) after six months and keep it off during the program, Kushner said.
"Patients say they feel understood and more motivated as they are given personalized direction to make positive changes in their lifestyle," he said.
Kushner created a questionnaire to screen patients for traits that prevent weight loss - such as eating what's convenient rather than planning healthy meals or having an all-or-nothing mentality - traits that Kushner and colleagues found in a study to be strongly linked with obesity.
"Once you take the quiz and know your factor type, I can personalize a plan to help you lose weight and keep it off," Kushner said.
Another way Kushner hopes to help patients tackle obesity is by teaching medical students about treating and preventing it. He found in a recent study that the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination was focusing much more on diagnosing and treating obesity-related illnesses, such as Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea, than on how to counsel patients on diet, physical activity, behavior changes, the use of medications and bariatric surgery.
But Kushner said his approach isn't only about weight loss.
"We know that as little as 5 to 10 percent weight loss will improve the health and well-being of individuals and can also improve blood sugar, blood pressure, the fats in your blood, arthritis or reflux symptoms, as well as your mood and energy level."
For weight loss, exercise is important but calories move the needle
Don't put off weight-loss surgery until you're heavier
Despite the hype, intermittent fasting isn't a magic weight-loss cure
Excerpt from:
Losing weight gets personal: Combining diet and behavioral changes may help - Chicago Tribune