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Sep 2

This woman dropped 5st after making one simple change – Daily Star


After giving birth to her two children, Dani Wrafter suffered from post-natal depression and yo-yo dieted in a bid to lose her pregnancy weight.

Back in 2014, she gained 4st in just nine months due to her medication during a period where she took time off work.

At 14st and a dress size 18-20, Dani was so miserable about her size that she stopped going out with friends and would have panic attacks when she would have to leave the house.

She said: "In 2010, after my second baby I struggled to lose the weight and got back to a size 12-14 but not in a healthy way, I always had guilt about eating and mainly binged and starved myself.

"I tried every diet going, but never kept the weight off, I have yo-yo dieted to lose weight for years and this really affected my mental health and confidence.

In 2014, I had a severe episode of depression, I had to take time off work and ended up piling on weight due to my medication.

Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.

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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone

The 31-year-old from Dublin, Ireland, never used to exercise and would often find herself eating double portions of everything.

But she realised enough was enough when she no longer fitted into her clothes.

Dani said: "When my dress size went up and I no longer fit into my 'fat' clothes, I had to do something. I was hiding in my house. Never going out.

"I had to go to Penneys and buy clothes four sizes bigger than what I'd been in four months prior to that.

"My depression was so bad, I had panic attacks if I had to leave the house, I hated myself, I was the worst example for my children."


In April 2015, Dani began working out with her personal trainer Marcin Konkel and hasn't looked back since.

She trains cardio six times a week and does weights for five days. On top of that, the super slimmer eats lots of eggs, salads, oats and lean meat and fish.

Losing weight is hard but being overweight is hard

Now a super svelte 9st 4lbs and a size 8, Dani says that losing weight has changed her life in every way.

She explained: "I had the courage to change jobs, I am confident, happy, medication free.

"Step by step I'm liking who I see in the mirror and learning that life's ups and downs can be tough but I've made it through everyday so far and I can keep going.

"Fitness has really helped me."


Dani continued: "The last two years working with my amazing PT Marcin Konkel and seeing progress has given me confidence and determination to be the best me I can be.

"My biggest thing is that I am no longer on medication for depression, I can be a better mum to my girls, they deserve it.

"I can set a good example to them about body positivity and healthy living.

"I enjoy taking them out for active days, we go climbing mountains for fun and out running to the park.

"They can have a happy healthy mum, not a mum hiding away from the world."

If you are looking to lose that belly fat, try these simple easy to follow tips that will help you on the road

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Eat every three hours - Passing on breakfast will send your body into starvation mode, meaning your body starts to store everything youve eaten as fat, and youre midsection is the first to suffer the consequences

Dani's advice to anyone wanting to lose weight is to speak to a professional.

"Chat to some professionals, it doesn't have to be a PT, most gyms have staff and they do assessments. If you want to do it you can. It will be hard but it's so worth it.

"Put it this way, losing weight is hard but being overweight is hard.

"You get looks, you get made fun of and not to mention it can shorten your life.

"They're both hard but losing weight gets easier and can improve your life. It improved mine."

Go here to read the rest:
This woman dropped 5st after making one simple change - Daily Star

Sep 1

Shed belly fat fast with this simple five-minute trick – Daily Star


Have you ever caught yourself mindlessly shovelling food into your mouth when youre not even hungry? If the answer is yes, this five-minute weight-loss trick could help you beat the bulge.

Mindful eating the idea of savouring and appreciating your food isnt a new thing but recent studies have shown the true benefits of the simple practice.

People who eat mindfully are able to lose weight with minimal effort, according to multiple studies. But how do you do it?

Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

One expert revealed her simple tried-and-tested tip to eating mindfully the sultana exercise.

Charlotte Thaarup, an Australian clinical mindfulness consultant and director of The Mindfulness Clinic, revealed the five easy steps:

1. Take a sultana and spend five minutes using your five senses with it2. Feel it in your hand3. Smell it4. Taste it, rolling it around your tongue and noticing how it feels between your teeth


The mindfulness consultant claims the simple trick could help you refocus your mind and stop you from binging on unhealthy food.

Whether you want to lose weight, call a truce in the war with your dear body, change your relationship with food, or reduce your daily stress by making healthier choices, Charlotte told the Mail Online.

When we think of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia immediately spring to mind.

However, eating disorder charity Beat suggest that out of all people with an eating disorder, 10% suffer from anorexia, 40% suffer from bulimia and 50% suffer from binge eating and EDNOS (eating disorders not otherwise specified).

The National Centre for Eating Disorders suggest that approximately 12 million people in the UK suffer from compulsive overeating


Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

Here are nine other ways you can attempt to curb overeating by becoming more mindful at meal times:

1. Chew 25 times2. Feed yourself with your non-dominant hand3. Eat every thing with chopsticks for a week4. Put your fork down between each bite5. Take your first bite with your eyes closed6. Try to identify every ingredient in your meal7. Put your food on a plate8. Sit at a table9. Keep a food diary

More here:
Shed belly fat fast with this simple five-minute trick - Daily Star

Aug 30

How to lose weight fast: Obese woman loses 10st in 18 months … – Daily Star


When Amanda Roberts stepped on the scale in 2014 and saw 23st staring back at her, she knew she needed to make a change.

The mother of one then turned to gastric bypass surgery which helped her lose an incredible 10st in just 18 months.

She said: When Talia started walking, I could barely keep up with her. I had such intense back pains from my weight that I could barely carry her, and even just playing on the ground with her exhausted me. I knew that I'd have to get my health on track if I wanted to be the best Mum I could be for her.

Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight


The 23-year-old continued: For a long time, I thought I felt okay. I had tried so many ways to lose weight that never worked, so I had pretty much given up on trying and was ready to just live contently as a plus size person.

It wasn't until after I had my daughter that I realised how depressed I really was. I shut myself in the house all of the time, didn't want to go anywhere, didn't want to talk to anyone, mostly because I was ashamed of how much weight I had gained.

I was just tired and unhappy, and that's not how I wanted to be as a mom and person, especially since I was only 21 years old!


Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat

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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health

The surgery and ditching her unhealthy snack habit allowed the massive weight loss but it also left Amanda with 3st of excess skin.

The California woman had skin hanging from her stomach, legs and arms and the only way to get rid of the skin was through surgery.

Amanda fundraised the 7740 she needed for surgery in which doctors removed the excess skin and left Amanda with a flat stomach and weighing a svelte 12.8st.


Amanda stated: I went from eating junk food and living a very sedentary life, to now eating a high protein, low carb diet and working out 5-6 days a week.

The weight came off easy at first, but now that I am almost 3 years post op, maintaining the weight loss and losing more is getting more difficult. After about 18 months post op, the effects of the gastric bypass start to wear off and it's basically relying on your new healthy lifestyle to keep you going.

Losing the excess skin has resulted in Amanda being more confident than ever as she happily shows off her new body.

She added: Im more confident than ever! I know I've worked hard for my current body, and that makes me love it that much more!

More here:
How to lose weight fast: Obese woman loses 10st in 18 months ... - Daily Star

Aug 30

How to lose weight and keep it off: lose it steadily –




Hoping to drop five pounds in a week? You might want to change your mindset and your strategy: Steady, and most often slow, weight loss is more likely to be long-lasting, researchers say.

In a study that included 183 overweight or obese volunteers, those with consistent weight loss in the first couple of months were more likely to keep the pounds off long term than those whose weights fluctuated from week to week, according to the report published in Obesity.

These stories of weight loss will inspire you Play Video - 3:55

These stories of weight loss will inspire you Play Video - 3:55

"While its possible that some people did have fast and consistent weight loss, for most who are consistent from week to week its probably slower, said the studys lead author, Emily Feig, who was a graduate student at Drexel University while doing the research and is now a clinical research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Most people can lose weight the hard part is keeping the pounds off.

To figure out the factors for keeping weight off, volunteers were enrolled in one of three weight-loss programs that included some behavioral treatment. In addition to the standard counseling, one group was told to use two meal replacements per day and another was told to consume fewer energy-dense foods while increasing protein and fiber intake.

The participants were also asked about food-related behaviors and attitudes, such as cravings, emotional eating, binge eating and confidence in regulating intake, and their weights were checked weekly.

When the researchers checked in after a year and then again after two years, they found that when it came to long-term weight maintenance it didnt matter which group the volunteers were from. What did matter was how consistently someone lost weight. So, those with more variability in their weight loss over the initial 12 weeks of the study tended to have poorer weight control at 12 and 24 months.

Harvard nutrition specialist: 'No magic bullet' for weight control Play Video

Harvard nutrition specialist: 'No magic bullet' for weight control Play Video

Intriguingly, volunteers who reported lower emotional eating, binge eating and preoccupation with food when the study started were more likely to display higher weight variability and less weight loss overall. That may mean that consistent weight loss, rather than a persons relationship with food, may be far more important in predicting who will be more successful long term.

Another important point, Feig said, It tells us that if youre in a weight-loss program and you are not able to lose consistently, its a sign you may need to try something else."

The bottom line: Find something you can stick with, even if it means not losing more than a pound, or even a half pound, a week.

Dr. Zhaoping Li, who was not involved in the new research, said the study underscores the need for an individualized approach.

We need to find an intervention that fits the individual, said Li, a professor of medicine and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. One issue weve been suffering from overall is trying to find one meal plan that works for everyone. Thats a recipe for disaster. If people are struggling in the very beginning, you need to modify the plan, otherwise it wont stick long term.

For inspirational stories of weight-loss success, check out our My Weight-Loss Journey page.

Read more here:
How to lose weight and keep it off: lose it steadily -

Aug 30

Scientists discover the BEST way to lose weight and keep it off – Daily Star


If you've tried every diet under the sun to no avail, you are not alone.

A worrying nationwide survey of more than 45,000 women found that almost 60% said they "hated" their bodies and were constantly trying out fad diets.

If youre desperate to shed the pounds it can be very temping to try quick fixes that promise to transform your figure in a matter of weeks.

However, scientists have recently proven that the best way to beat the bulge is to lose a small amount of weight each week.

Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

If you really want to make a permeant change, the best way is to steadily not drastically cut down your calories.

Researchers from Drexel University in the US found people who did this were most successful at losing weight and keeping it off.

It may not seem as appealing as losing five stone on five weeks, but this strategy actually works.


The scientists reached their conclusion by studying 183 obese and overweight people aged 18-65 for a year.

Over the 12 months they used meal replacements, reduced their calorie intake and increased their exercise levels.

Findings revealed that people who lost a little and consistent amount each week, lost more over the year than the yo-yo dieters.

Another year later, participants who lost weight slowly and steadily had also kept the weight off.

High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.

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The studys lead researcher Dr Emily Feig said: It seems that developing stable, repeatable behaviours related to food intake and weight loss early on in a weight control programme is really important for maintaining changes over the long term.

Co-author Professor Michael Lowe also offered some advise for those wanting to lose weight.

He said: Settle on a weight loss plan that you can maintain week in and week out, even if that means consistently losing three quarters of a pound each week.

Go here to see the original:
Scientists discover the BEST way to lose weight and keep it off - Daily Star

Aug 28

Hack Your Metabolism: 15 Ways to Maintain Your Happy Weight – HuffPost

Have you reached your happy weight? Many will say that the faster your metabolism is, the faster you will lose weight because your body will convert all your food into energy. They are only partially right.

In a nutshell, metabolism is the various chemical reactions in your body which converts the food you eat into the energy your body needs. Whether you have fast or slow metabolism, your body WILL burn the calories from your food.

However, when your body receives more calories than what is required for your energy level, metabolism wont touch these calories. These extra unburned calories will get stored as body fat. Your happy weight does not entirely depend on the speed of your metabolism.

Here are some things you can do to get your happy weight.

1. Eat everything in the right portions

Fad diets like Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers and Mediterranean promise quick weight loss by encouraging you to focus on eating specific types of food. Research shows that fad diets do not actually do much to help you keep your happy weight.

They might also make you vulnerable to diseases because your body will lack certain nutrients that your body needs.

Medical experts say that you should get the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to satisfy the nutrients your body needs.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest 45-65% of calories from carbs, 20-35% of calories from fat, and 10-35% of calories from protein. Depending on the weight change you want, stick to the lower or higher end of the range.

Try taking walks. Make these a regular habit and try some challenging routes at times. Walking can encourage metabolism and weight loss.

Research found that people who took up walking as a regular activity can burn around 186 to 371 calories, depending on the speed.

Scientists have found that lack of sleep and sleeping problems are directly connected to how efficient your metabolism is in converting energy for your body.

When you dont get enough sleep, your body does not produce enough of the substances that regulate metabolic function. When this happens, your body doesnt get the energy to function properly.

Many people often focus more on what they eat when they think of losing weight. What you drink also affects your metabolism. Studies show that drinking about 500 ml of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner can result to decrease in body weight.

Water has zero calories so your metabolism would turn to stored body fat to satisfy your bodys calorie requirement.

Strength and resistance training is another way to reach your happy weight. These exercises help you build muscles.

Did you know that each pound of muscle needs 30 to 50 calories daily to function properly? The more muscles you build, the more calories you burn.

Some people have turned to tasty vegan dishes on their quest to weight control. Researchers at Oxford University have found that vegans are much leaner than meat-eaters.

However, it still is necessary to take not of what you eat and when you eat to keep your ideal weight after going vegan.

Aerobic activities are any activity that makes you use your muscles groups and increases your heart rate and breathing.

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderately intense exercises weekly, with each session lasting for a minimum of 10 minutes

Studies show that eating spicy dishes can temporarily increase your metabolism by around 8% over your normal rate. Spicy foods can also give you a feeling of being full which makes you eat less food. Moreover, nutrition experts found that spicy food can promote abdominal fat loss.

A good cup of coffee can extend energy levels when you exercise, thus you burn more calories. Drinking coffee after exercise can also increase the glycogen in your muscles and help you replenish stored energy.

Others may say that yoga does little for your metabolism because yoga is meant to help you meditate and relax. Remember that metabolic processes in your body continue to work even while you are at rest.

Certain yoga poses like the locust, twisted chair, eagle, and bow poses that boost your energy will consequently boost your metabolism.

11. Stand up whenever you can

Did you know that a 150-pound person can burn 114 calories per hour while standing? Medical experts have discovered that the more time you sit, the fewer calories you tend to burn.

On the other hand, the muscles in your back and legs expend energy when you stand.

When you are in a hurry, everything in your body is working overtime so that you can move at a faster speed. As a result, your metabolism also works overdrive to fuel your body.

If you are not a fan of coffee, you can try drinking green tea. A study found that green tea and at least three hours of moderate exercise weekly can reduce abdominal fat over three months.

14. Eat yogurt and seafood

Yogurt and other fermented foods have probiotics which promote weight loss. A British study showed that taking a probiotic pill daily can lead to weight loss after 12 weeks.

Your metabolism also gets a boost from omega-3 fatty acids from fish. The oil decreases the levels of fat-storage enzymes in your body.

Probably the easiest and most surprising way to boost your metabolism is laughter. Researchers discovered that genuine laughter can use up 10% to 20% more energy.

This means that you burn an increased 10 to 40 calories during 10 to 15 minutes of laughing.

Being active, eating the right food, and getting enough sleep are just some things you can do to keep your metabolism going.

Ultimately, reaching and keeping your happy weight depends on how much you and your metabolism work together.

See the article here:
Hack Your Metabolism: 15 Ways to Maintain Your Happy Weight - HuffPost

Aug 28

The only two exercises you need to do to get rid of belly fat fast – Daily Star

GET rid of belly fat fast with these two exercises.


With summer coming to an end, this could make a lot of people indulge in foods they didnt dare to over the warmer, bikini-weather months.

But if you are looking to lose some stubborn belly fat, it turns out there are only two exercises you need to do to make it melt away.

The two exercises are: Kettlebell swings and squat thrusts.

If you are looking to lose that belly fat, try these simple easy to follow tips that will help you on the road

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Eat every three hours - Passing on breakfast will send your body into starvation mode, meaning your body starts to store everything youve eaten as fat, and youre midsection is the first to suffer the consequences

The way it works is you do 15 repetitions of the kettle bell (or dumbell) swing followed immediately by 15 reps of the squat thrust.

Without resting, you then do 14 reps of each and continue to count down and do this without rest until you hit zero.

This will result in 120 reps of each exercise and at three seconds per rep they are done at a fast pace and will be over in around 12 minutes.

Louise Thompson shows off her toned body

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Louise Thompson's hottest pictures

Below, find how to do each exercise:

1. Kettlebell swing

Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands and at arms length in front of you while bending at your hips.

Rock back slightly and hike the kettlebell between you legs, thrust your hips forward and swing the weight so its in line with your shoulders and repeat.

2. Squat thrust

With feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, do a squat until your hands can touch the floor.

Kick your legs back into a push up position and immediately go back into the squat form and stand up. Repeat.

Original post:
The only two exercises you need to do to get rid of belly fat fast - Daily Star

Aug 28

Weight loss: This is the best trick YOU can do to lose weight without even trying –

And the best trick you can do to lose weight without a diet plan involves the weighing scales.

Weight loss can be made much more likely if you weigh yourself everyday, a new study has found.

Previous experts have recommend weighing yourself less for weight loss success, but it now seems the reverse may be true.

Scientists at Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania discovered when women weighed themselves daily over the course of two years, they lost weight.

The study looked at 294 women at university, who were of different weights and body shapes, and measured their body fat percentage.

The scientists found the women who weighed themselves everyday avoided weight gain and even experienced weight loss.

Dr Diane Rosenbaum, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, said: The losses in BMI and body fat percentage were modest, but still significant, especially keeping in mind that these women were not part of a weight loss program.

We did not expect that, in the absence of a weight loss intervention, folks would be losing weight.

The study was published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

Meghan Butryn, PhD, an associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel said: Regularly weighing yourself can motivate you to engage in healthy eating and exercise behaviors, because it provides you with evidence that these behaviors are effective in helping you lose weight or prevent weight gain.

Similarly, if you see weight gain on the scale, that information can motivate you to make a change.

An expert in body transformation has revealed some exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home to help reduce stomach fat.

Chris Wharton, a specialist in body transformation, said: He said: By carving out just 10 to 20 minutes a day to create a morning routine, you can make a profound improvement to your physique.

Now only will you look great, you will have a lot more energy, enjoy much better sleep quality and feel far happier in general.

Carol Kirkwood, a weather girl for the BBC, has revealed her plan for keeping slim.

Read this article:
Weight loss: This is the best trick YOU can do to lose weight without even trying -

Aug 25

Five ways to lose weight without trying | Daily Star – Daily Star


For someone who is obese or overweight, the thought of shedding pounds can be daunting.

But there are some simple things you can do to kick-start the weight loss process and they take no effort at all.

Because, after all, starting is the hardest part.

Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

Here are five ways to lose weight without trying:

1. Weigh yourself

According to the Journal of Obesity, weighing yourself regularly can help you learn how to lose weight fast.

Researchers found that overweight people who stepped on the scales each day for a year lost 5.7lbs compared to those who didnt and lost only 1.1lbs.

2. Eat before you shop

Before you go grocery shopping, have a healthy snack.

A recent study from Cornell found when people ate one piece of fruit before they got groceries, they bought 28% more wholesome produce and less junk food.

Plus, you will have a full stomach so are less likely to be tempted by the chocolate aisle.

Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight

3. Play Tetris

Yes, really. These building blocks can actually stop your cravings, according to recent research.

The 2015 study published in the journal Addictive Behaviours found people who played Tetris for three minutes reduced their cravings by 20%.

That's because the game puts your cognitive focus elsewhere, which distracts you from thinking about food.

4. Go for a stroll

Introducing exercise doesnt mean joining the gym. Just put on some sneakers and go for a 30-minute walk every day.

A Chinese study found that by doing just this you could lose 1.6 inches off your waist in 12 weeks.

5. Get some shut eye

Sleep is crucial for keeping your cravings at bay, a Stanford University study found.

Lack of sleep can trigger the hormone gherkin which will make you want to eat more and lower the levels of the hormone leptin which tells your body when its full.

View original post here:
Five ways to lose weight without trying | Daily Star - Daily Star

Aug 23

Mum loses 4st in SIX months this is how – Daily Star


Before Malin Bjork became pregnant with her first son, she had never been overweight.

However, that all changed when the Swedish woman became pregnant.

Malin began to eat up to 3,000 calories per day including unhealthy junk food and home-baked cookies.


Mum of two Stephanie Sanzo has transformed her life and made herself into a super fit mum!

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This caused the 29-year-old to balloon to 12st 8lbs and a UK dress size of 12-14.

She explained: I lost all motivation to eat healthy and I didnt exercise during both of my pregnancies. I didnt feel so bad because I knew that I will get back to my previous weight, but I never knew that my shape would be better than before my pregnancies.

I wasnt comfortable in my bigger size since Ive always been quite skinny and I always wanted to look more fit and strong.

After the birth of her second son, Malin was determined to lose the weight and began to add strength training to her exercise regime.

Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat

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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health

She said: I started changing my diet; avoiding all the sweets and fast food for a while and ate food high in nutrition and protein since I work out a lot.

I started to exercise with weights and I really loved this form of exercise. I strengthened my knowledge about weight training and what it can do to your body and I loved seeing my body shape change.

I now skip unhealthy sauces, white bread, cereals and food with extra added sugar.


Before Malin got pregnant, she would hardly do any exercise and says the introduction of strength training has changed the shape of her body. She now weighs8st 11Ibs and eats around 2,200 to 2,500 calories per day.

She added: My first transformation was actually easy, because I fell in love with weight training; I loved going to the gym. After my second baby I feel its more difficult to have time for the gym and my business; to keep pushing myself after I reached my goal. I try to balance everything and I have my routines.

People say I look good to have two kids and people like to see that even a mum can be fit and healthy and I want to inspire people to believe that its possible if you really want to change your habits or body.

Continue reading here:
Mum loses 4st in SIX months this is how - Daily Star

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