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Aug 23

Weight loss: Man lost over 18 stone with new diet plan and THIS small change –

Sharing his story to Reddit as user MikeMarx153, the man explained how he started out at 31 stone and four pounds before losing more than 18 stone over two years.

Explaining what he thought was the most important factor in his weight loss apart from diet and exercise, he said: It all came down to flawed thinking. For me, I think the fear of failure was most responsible.

Trying and failing at losing weight would only confirm the worst thoughts about myself. It would be further evidence that I wasnt deserving of a better life.

He revealed it was only when someone at his workplace got weight loss surgery and he knew he could use that as a back-up plan if he was unsuccessful on his own that he was able to consider starting to try to lose weight.

Going in to detail about he got to where he is today, MikeMarx153 said: To lose weight you have to swim against the current. You cant have the meals you see advertised on a regular basis, you cant fall for the latest health fad being pushed. You cant eat mindlessly like the majority of the population.

Weight loss is possible - I think this is another piece of flawed thinking that holds people back. Knowing that weight loss is possible is essential to success because it gives you control.

He also explained: Know what a reasonable amount of food looks like. I can honestly say that I had no idea how much I should be eating, or what it would look like, or what it should make me feel like.

My daily calorie goal has always been 1500, and so I tried to shoot for that, but I felt that I had a successful day if I was below 1700.

I also decided that I was going to quit cheating and eating between meals. No more extra piece of pizza, no more cookies in the break room, no more candy from the candy bowl.

"If I went a bit over 1500 because of my three meals that was one thing, but I wouldnt go over because I was snacking.

He reiterated: Count calories, use a food scale, and be honest with yourself. Plus, my Myfitnesspal journal is public (username mikemarx153), so you can just go there and look at what I did.

His final piece of advice, which comes as another man revealed how he lost three stone in four months, was to get to a place in your diet and exercise regime where its only a matter of time before you reach your goal.

He explained: This advice might be more controversial than it first appears. What it means is that I was often creating a caloric deficit larger than that traditional maximum of 1000 (including exercise). Im not saying thats right for everyone, but it worked for me.

The most important thing is that your calorie level be sustainable, so if you can only create a 500, or 250 calorie deficit, then do that.

As well as his key tips, MikeMarx153 shared some other general advice and said: Focus on the things in your life you enjoy that arent food and see treats for what they are.

Think about your favourite not-so-healthy food. Lets stick with Oreos. Do you realise the amount of Oreos you can eat in a lifetime? Thats tens of thousands of Oreos youll be eating, so you dont have to eat them all today.

He also revealed his current diet and exercise plan:

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Weight loss: Man lost over 18 stone with new diet plan and THIS small change -

Aug 21

Weight loss: Size 20 Sheffield woman lost a whopping SEVEN stone following this diet plan –

Claire Orridge, 38, at her biggest weighed 18st 7lbs and wore a size 20. S

he realised her health was at risk and she couldn't continue at that weight for long. Speaking about her struggles, she said: "Ever since I can remember my weight has been up and down.

"My turning point was when I reached over 18st and a dress size of 20, my health wasnt good and I was tired all the time.

"I was juggling two jobs taking care of my mum (Im her carer) and support work, both of which can be physically and mentally difficult."

Claire said she knew she had to do something about her unhealthy weight and lifestyle.

She saw an advert for SlimFast on TV and thought she'd give it a try.

Speaking about the diet plan, she said: "The plan looked simple and flexible plus you could eat up to six times a day I remember thinking surely it couldnt be that easy!

"As soon as I began using the SlimFast products the weight started to come off, I was thrilled.

"On a typical day I would have a chocolate shake for breakfast a meal replacement bar for lunch and a healthy 600 calorie meal, plus snacks. Within a year I had shed two stone and I was already feeling better."

With her weight loss going well, everything looked rosy for Claire.

But in November 2015 the unimaginable happened; she tragically lost her brother Darren at the age of 39.

Speaking about the loss, she said: "It was the hardest thing to deal with and I took some time off to deal with it."

After weight weeks, Claire had a new-found determination. She said: "I was going to make Darren proud of me and went back to SlimFast to continue my weight loss.

"I focused and started to track my activity, going to the gym as much as I could. I was enjoying the products, especially the chocolate Vitality shake, thats my lifesaver!

"In the back of my head I knew I was doing it not just for myself but for Darren too."

It comes after Heidi Klum revealed what she ate for breakfast to stay in shape and boost her health.

Over the next few months Claire started to lose weight and gain a more healthy attitude to eating.

She said: "I even had to request a new work uniform and people were noticing and commenting on my weight loss every day.

"To date I have lost 100lbs, going from over 18st and a size 18 to just over 10st and a size 10.

"I feel like a different person, bursting with energy and determined to make each and every day count."

Claire's current weight loss stands at over seven stone.

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Weight loss: Size 20 Sheffield woman lost a whopping SEVEN stone following this diet plan -

Aug 21

Weight loss: Man cut THIS from his diet, lost nearly THREE stone in four months –

Weight loss can be kick started by many things but one Imgur user shared his journey, telling the social sharing site he "wanted a change" after seeing his picture.

User going by the moniker Theguythatdoesthething said: "I was at 210 lbs and ate terrible all the time, I was also into drinking and just overall did not care.

"After looking in the mirror the night I took this pic I decided I was over it and wanted a change."

He took another snap just 16 weeks later documenting his simply incredible change.

The brunette was notably more toned, confident and willing to share his story.

He said: "I have lost 40 lbs in the course of 4 months. I have changed my eating habits, no more fast food, I've been sober for 3 months. The only liquid I take in is water now.

"I am no where near what I want to be but I feel so much better both physically and mentally.

"I had my reservations about posting this but wanted to show that you can lose weight and get into shape if you put your mind to it."

After posing the picture online he came back to the post and added an 'edit', explaining other users had been asking exactly how he dropped the weight so quickly.

He explained for the first eight weeks "it was nothing but treadmill" - he said he worked out on the treadmill Monday to Friday and ran on the roads on the weekends.

The now-buff man said he stopped eating fast food, junk food, stopped drinking fizzy drinks and beer; he only drinks water.

Explaining his diet, the gentleman said for breakfast he eats two eggs and possibly steak. For lunch and dinner he alternates variations of grilled chicken and vegetables.

This is how important eating breakfast is for your health and diet.

Now he lives on a low to no-carb diet where he eats as much meat as he wants - and at least six times a day.

He does this six days a week with a dedicated cheat day where he eats whatever he would like to.

The Imgur user explained he has started lifting weights which makes it "imperative to consume large amounts of protein" in his eyes.

He added: "My biggest advice is to change your diet, Instead of eating three big meals eat six smaller ones, and make the meals relatively healthy or it won't work.

"Chicken and fish is your friend, along with low carb salads (no dressing) and low carb veggies.

"Just watch out because even a lot of fruits are packed with carbs.

"My best advice is to get a macro tracker and be truthful with what you put down or it does no good."

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Weight loss: Man cut THIS from his diet, lost nearly THREE stone in four months -

Aug 21

How to lose weight in a week – GQ India

If you want to lose weight in one week what you need is a very effective weight-loss plan. Although this may not be a long-termsolution to your fat loss journey,these few stepscan serve as a great beginning to your journey to lose weight, look good and motivate you to make long-term sustainable changes to your lifestyle. But for the short term, following these steps willhelp you shed those extra kilos before that upcoming beach vacation or that party next week. (ALSO READ This guy lost 24 kg in 16 weeks heres how he did it)

The short answer is yes. While it is possible to lose weight in a week, that weight wont necessarily pure body fat.The calorie deficit that is needed to burn every single kilo of fat makes it dangerous to lose a lot of weight in such a short time. That being said it isnt entirely impossible to lose weight in a week and look lean. What will happen is that you will mostly lose excess water weight and some body fat.As a result you will lookleaner (and hopefully get the motivation you need to get started on a longer weight-loss journey). This is how to lose weight in a week:

This may be a pretty straightforward thing to spell out.But hey, whohasnt skipped a meal (or three) just to lose weight? The problem is skipping meals doesnt help you lose weight. In fact it is counterproductive to your goal.Our body needs a regular supply of nutrients to keep itfunctioning. Allowing large gaps between meals can lead to undesirable physical symptoms such as headache, lethargy, intense hunger which may result in overeating. Skipping meals also slows downyour metabolism, thereby making you actually gain weight rather than lose it. In order to lose weight, you must followa healthyeating pattern and eat threemeals that willhelp you sustain through the day. Try not to go morethan fourhours between meals and let those meals be healthy with reasonable portion sizes.

The nature of our jobs makesus consume lesser water than our body needs. Air conditioned offices, free coffee machines and soft drink dispensers are often easy (not to mention unhealthy) alternatives to water.With lowered calories and carbs, water is the perfect slim-down drink as compared to energy drinks or protein shakes (which are usually high in sugar). Drinking waterdoesnt just help in cleansing and flushing out excess fat, but also increases your metabolism. Its ideal to drink a minimum of twolitres (or about eightglasses) a day.Drink water about 30 minutes before a meal to reduce your hunger pangs and make you feel fuller. It will also aid digestion.

If youre not following a diet, ensure that each meal contains proteins which can boost your metabolism. Start your day with a protein filled breakfast that will help you sustain the entire day. Ensure every meal contains one protein source, one low carb and one low-fat source. Fill your plate with spinach, lettuce, cucumber, kale and other low carb veggies. Healthy protein sources include like chicken, fish and eggs which help keep you stomach filled. Avacoda oil, coconut oil and olive oil are healthier alternatives to fat sources.

Again, pretty straightforward huh? But again, this is easier said than done. That being said,the easiest way to lose weight is to reduce your sugar intake. Foods with sugared starch tend to stimulate insulin secretion. Insulin is theprimary fat storage hormone in the body. So when insulin levels fall, your body starts to burn fats instead of carbs. Lower insulin levelsalso helps your body lose excess sodium and water that reduces bloating. The moment you cut on sugar and starch from your diet you will find a significant change in your body weight.

Whole foods such as fresh fruits, raw seeds, eggs, in their natural and unaltered state, are always healthier as compared to processed food. Packed with more nutrients including vitamins and minerals whole foods contain fewer additives like sweeteners, artificial colors and flavors, unhealthy fats and preservatives compared to processed foods.

Ideally one must have 2-3 meals a day to maintain your metabolism rate. But pick the wrong snack and these meals could leave you feeling hungry. It is always easy toreach out to that bag of chips or order in fries from your favorite fast food joint but losing weight requires sacrifice and choosing the right snack is just one of them.

Research has proven that people who eat fast gain more weight over time. We are rarely conscious of our eating patter and tend to swallow our food rather than chew and savour it. Apart from, well actually being able to enjoy your meal, eating slowly helps reduce hunger pangs and higher levels of satiety between meals. It also helps in better digestion. We could go on but you get the point, right?

No matter how much you change your food habits,a little bit of exercise always goes a long way in losing weight and feeling good. Apart from helping you lose weightfaster, cardiovascular exercises also release endorphins, which makes you happier and more cheerful. You could undertake aHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session but if you havent worked out before (or for a long time) it is always advisable to start slow. And theres nothingbetter than a 30-minute cardiovascular workout every single day. So go for a run, dust off that bicycle or just hitany of the cardio machines in the gym. (ALSO READ Best cardio exercises for fat loss)

The advantages of sleeping well are one too many to be listed here. But lets just say sleeping for an extra 30-60 mins helps you refresh your mind and sets you up for the day. Sleeping for7-8 hours every day doesnt just get you chipper in the mornings but also boostsyour metabolism and also helps muscle recovery.


What are the best cardio machines to lose fat

This dude swims to work every day. Because why not?

How to lose belly fat

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How to lose weight in a week - GQ India

Aug 18

The surprising reason why THIS is the best time of year to lose weight – Daily Star


We hate to say it, but summers nearly over.

And with winter just around the corner, there really hasnt been a better time to start to lose weight than the present.

This research comes from weight loss app, Lose It! who revealed that the start of the school year is the optimum time to lose weight.

Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

To find this, the company looked at the average monthly weight loss of their users over the course of the year and found the most weight loss happens in the first few months of the year usually due to New Years resolutions.

However, they also found that weight loss picks up again in September but why is that?

Our conclusion is that people who started their weight loss journey in the New Year, or in April in preparation for their summer probably let go of the restrictive diets while on holiday over summer and now is the perfect time to pick it back up again.

Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat

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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health

Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet told Womens Health: After a fun, busy summer, the fall offers that back-to-school feeling, even for adults.

You can use this time to get back on track for things that fell by the wayside during the summer, like your meal prep or your workouts.

Even people who havent stuck to their weight loss goals this year should use autumn as a kick-start to a healthy lifestyle.

By starting now, you will have formed good habits by the time December (read: temptation season) rolls in and wont feel as bad about having a slice of Christmas pudding.

Yet, if you are looking to lose weight, the best approach is through a healthy diet and regular exercise and fad or crash diets should be avoided.

Its all about finding healthy habits that suit you and sticking to them and you dont need to hear the chimes of the new year to kick start this.

Go here to see the original:
The surprising reason why THIS is the best time of year to lose weight - Daily Star

Aug 18

Weight loss: Stomach bloating cures to add to any diet and shrink your belly –

Eating a healthy diet and doing plenty of exercise is key to getting a flat stomach, but there are also particular foods to incorporate that will help aid the process.

Snacking on nuts, particularly almonds, will help stop cravings thanks to the high fibre content.

Even better, a 2007 study at Purdue University found that despite their high calorie content, almonds do not contribute to belly fat.

When cooking, use olive oil, as it contains a naturally-occurring chemical called oleic acid which aids the breakdown of excess fats in the body.

Drinking tea is fine - and if you want a slim stomach, sipping on green tea is the best idea. Green tea has been found to help flush excess fluid from the body and reduce stomach bloating caused by water retention.

Another tea to try is dandelion, as it a natural diuretic which will help kidneys to flush out excess fluid and sodium.

Or if you dont like the taste, try lemon instead, as it also has detoxifying properties.

Those with a sweet tooth should indulge in fruit - and there are particular types which will help create a sleek silhouette.

Melon contains twice as much potassium as bananas, and can aid the removal of excess fluids around the body.

Berries are full of fibre, with around six grams in just one cup.

Peaches are another fruit to try. They have both laxative and diuretic properties thanks to their alkaline state, so can help with bloating or digestive problems.

Adding cinnamon to food will also help sweet cravings without actually adding any sugar to your diet, and the spice helps regulate soaring blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin production.

If you have cut diary from your diet thinking it will help you lose weight, think again. Natural yoghurt can help to relieve bloating because of the live bacteria it contains.

In fact, avoiding foods because of fat content isnt always the best idea.

Oily fish such as mackerel and salmon are good sources of lean protein which will keep you fuller for longer.

Another high fat food, avocado, will help regulate fluid balance thanks to the potassium levels and prevent constipation thanks the magnesium.

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Weight loss: Stomach bloating cures to add to any diet and shrink your belly -

Aug 17

Man loses 14st you won’t believe what he looks like now – Daily Star


For 37-year-old Charles Pask, having a bath is a novelty one he has not had for over 20 years. This is because Charles used to weight 33st and could not fit in a bath.

Now, he has lost an incredible 14st and can do a host of things he wasnt able to before.

The accountant from Leicester decided to make the change after a visit to the doctor.


Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising

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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.

His GP told him he weighed 33st and 7.5lbs which left Charles distraught.

Charles was approved for weight loss surgery through the NHS but declined as his passion for food and cooking would be taken away forever.

Before he lost the weight, Charles would continuously snack and would eat packets of crisps and multiple takeaways per night.

But when a friend of his was diagnosed with cancer in 2016, Charles promised her he would change his lifestyle and lose weight to help keep her motivated through her cancer battle.

Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight

Charles said: I had wanted to do something about my weight for many years but I was lazy and I was getting away with it health wise. But I began seeing signs of my body giving in.

I woke up one night and when I stood up I heard a crunching sound in my knees. This was really scary and it turned out I have crepitus which meant my weight had softened my kneecaps.

I was also wearing 8XL shirts and 66 inch waist jeans and was struggling to find clothes to buy and get in and out of my car.

Charles decided to join Slimming World, a plan that has seen him lose nearly half of his weight over 15 months.


Not only can he now take a bath, but he doesnt have to book two seats when flying.

He added: Simple things like getting into a bath are taken for granted by many but I couldnt do this. I had my first bath for over 20 years whilst on holiday in Cornwall in July and it was a surreal but fantastic moment.

In October this year I have also booked my first flight with a single seat flying from London to New York with Virgin Atlantic with my girlfriend.

I have so much more self worth now and being able to see a future is something I cherish whilst others may take it for granted.

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Man loses 14st you won't believe what he looks like now - Daily Star

Aug 17

If You Need Another Excuse to Avoid Fast Food, This Woman Claims She Nearly Ate a Rat at Chick-fil-A – Men’s Health

The Healthiest Chicken Sandwich:

I felt something funny on the bottom of the bun, she said. I turned it over. I said to [my coworker], They burned my roll really bad.

Manfalouti threw the sandwich down on the table and her coworker, Cara Phelan, said she realized it was a small rodent of some sort. I could see the whiskers and the tail. The animal was sent out for lab testing, which confirmed that it was, in fact, a small rat or mouse.

Manfalouti said she basically lost my mind. I screamed. She then took pictures and called the franchise owner, Dave Heffernan. Oh, this cant be good, she claims he said on the call, before Manfalouti emailed him the photos and her receipt. From there, she went to the ER where she was given an IV for her nausea, and later saw a psychologist for anxiety. Over the next weeks, Manfalouti said she was nauseous and could barely eat.

Manfaloutis lawyer, Bill Davis, said that he recently filed the lawsuit against Heffernan and the store, because they had stonewalled attempts to address the issue. According to the suit, Manfalouti suffered physical and psychological injuries from the incident.

(In need of a better diet? Try the Men's Health Metashred Diet for a personalized plan filled with satisfying food that will help you lose weight in just 28 days.)

The lawsuit says, per, that Chick-fil-A was negligent and failed to supervise employees who intentionally and/or knowingly served a sandwich to a customer with a dead rodent baked into the bun and failed to have proper procedures in place to inspect their own food products before selling them to customers.

Davis tells that Manfalouti decided to sue after Chick-fil-A tried to blame Heffernan, who said the bakery was to blame, but the bakerys insurance company denied they were liable.

The franchise itself has never said who supplied the buns for their sandwiches. I have given them every chance in the world to talk to me about it and give their side, but they just referred it to their insurance company, who in turn has not engaged in any real conversation, Davis said.

Manfalouti says she has ongoing anxiety and nightmares from the incident.

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If You Need Another Excuse to Avoid Fast Food, This Woman Claims She Nearly Ate a Rat at Chick-fil-A - Men's Health

Aug 16

Weight loss diet: Eating THIS for breakfast could help you shed fat fast –

Research from Loma Linda University suggests the best way to lose weight comes down to the frequency and timing of meals.

Dr Hana Kehleova, one of the studys authors, said the bottom line is to make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, have a medium lunch and then a small dinner.

Data from more than 50,000 adults was collected by researchers at the university to form the study.

Nutritionists then analysed the adults eating habits and weight over a seven-year period.

The results revealed four factors help decrease BMI - eating one or two meals per day, fasting for 18 hours, eating breakfast and making breakfast or lunch the largest meal of the day.

The findings were released in the Journal of Nutrition.

The study authors wrote: Our results suggest that in relatively healthy adults, eating less frequently, no snacking, consuming breakfast, and eating the largest meal in the morning may be effective methods for preventing long-term weight gain.

Other experts have stressed the importance of eating breakfast.

Milton Stokes, R.S., author of Flat Belly Diet! For Men, recently revealed eating breakfast is essential for weight loss.

Explaining why, he told Mens Fitness: Its like putting logs on a woof-burning stove. You need that initial input of fuel to get your metabolism going for the day.

The aim should be to intake around 400-600 calories within an hour of waking up.

Milton advised focusing on protein, healthy fats and fibre, as these will leave dieters feeling fuller for longer.

Jorge Cruise, author of The Belly Fat Cure, advises people eat eggs with avocado in the morning.

He said: Avocados are natures ideal fruit for weight loss. They replace sugar with appetite-curbing good fat.

David Grotto, R.D., author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, says a shake with whey protein is the way forward.

He said: Whey is rich in branches chain amino acids, which stimulate muscle growth. The more muscle you have, the greater the fat-burning capacity of your metabolism.

View original post here:
Weight loss diet: Eating THIS for breakfast could help you shed fat fast -

Aug 16

This product will make you lose 3lbs in 20 minutes here’s how – Daily Star

THIS is the easiest way to lose weight, period.


In the UK, one of the most Googled questions is: How to lose weight fast?

Its the eternal question and one that often pops up at the beginning of summer when we suddenly realise we need to fit into our bikinis but what if there was a simple solution?

BOD which stands for Body on Demand is a new company that promises to help you lose 3lbs and become less bloated almost instantly.

Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight


Their two-step regime combines bath salts and a moisturising lotion that together can help the weight drop off.

The way it works is you add the salt mix to your bath and sweat it out for 20 minutes this will rid you of 3lbs of water weight.

Water weight is caused by water retention from salt and carbohydrates in your body. The average person will retain around 1.5lbs of water weight which can leave them feeling and looking bloated.

Click through our tips to beat the belly bloat

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DRINK MORE WATER - People often feel bloated when they're constipated, and water keeps things moving.

BODs bath prep will encourage the natural process of ridding the body of water weight when it is submerged in high temperature salted water the formula will also help to reduce inflammation and improve hydration so your skin wont be left dry.

The second step in BODs regime is the BOD sorbet. This hydrating lotion can help to provide elasticity to help tighten and tone skin.

The sorbet also contains Lipout, which is a fat-burning ingredient derived from algae and can transform white fat storing cells into brown ones which can reduce the appearance of cellulite.

While were still to test to see if the two-step treatment works, the company has just launched the products which are available from Boots and ASOS.

And the best bit? You dont have to wait until pay day to try them out with the salts retailing for 9.99 and the sorbet for 14.99. Win-win.

This product will make you lose 3lbs in 20 minutes here's how - Daily Star

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