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Weight loss: Lose belly fat fast with THESE three moves –

According to Chris Wharton, Co-owner and Director of the Better Body Group, there are three stages of getting in shape before you can consider targeting certain areas for fat loss.
Create a calorie deficit: It is simply impossible to lose body fat without burning more calories than you consume. This is your number one fat loss strategy, and is best achieved by reducing your calorie intake.
Include compound exercises as part of your regular workouts: add squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull ups to make sure you are targeting all muscle groups.
Increase your levels of NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). Put simply, move around more throughout the day to increase the total number of calories burned.
He added: Once you are certain these bases are covered, you can start focusing on more specific body parts. Since a slim, sculpted belly area tends to be the most desired, there are three great abdominal exercises to add into your gym repertoire.
1. Myotatic crunch
Chris said: This is one of my favourite and one of the most effective exercises for sculpting great abs.
Aim for at least 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
2. Suitcase carry
Chris said: An often-ignored area of core training is the ability to hold and carry a weight on one side of your body. By off-setting the weight, you really challenge your obliques, the side trunk muscles, on the opposite side of the body as well the abs, lower back and deeper trunk musculature.
Aim for at least three sets of 20-30m on each arm.
3. Barbell roll out
Chris said: Another great core exercise that lengthens the abs, whilst putting them under tension. To give fair warning, this is likely to cause some muscle soreness for those that have never tried it before.
But this exercise is not advised for those suffering with any kind of back pain or hernias.
Chris added: If you find this too difficult, replace this exercise with a simple plank variation.
Incorporate these three moves into your regular workouts and you will soon start to notice that you have a flatter stomach and more defined waist.
Chris Wharton is the Co-owner and Director of the Better Body Group, a chain of gyms in the South East that specialises in body transformation, injury rehabilitation and improving fitness performance, all delivered by graduate-level personal trainers. Find out more on the website
Want to shed pounds fast in general? THESE three moves could help.
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Weight loss: Lose belly fat fast with THESE three moves -
Forget diet and exercise these TWO simple tricks can make belly fat ‘drop off’ – Daily Star

When it comes to losing weight, the internet can offer a myriad of tips and tricks but what it really comes down to is eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
But now a health expert has revealed that you could really see the weight "drop off" if you do two extra things.
Jane Hodgson, from food supplement retailer,said that practicing portion control and avoiding snacking are the two key ingredients to successful weight loss.
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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She revealed: Make sure that you familiarise yourself with the exact quantities of different foods that make up a portion and once you realise how little an amount it is youll wonder how you ever managed to eat such large servings before.
Youll wonder how you ever managed to eat such large servings before
Nowadays there are plenty of gadgets that help you work out the exact quantities of food you need for each meal, but if you prefer to measure your food the old-fashioned way then learning how to estimate serving sizes can be an equally good solution.
If you feel you need a helping hand, our food supplement Skinny Sprinkles will help you control your portion size and avoid the pitfall that is snacking.
"Get on top of these two and the weight should drop off.
If youre new to portion control, here are seven top tips for getting started:
1. Measure accurately
It might seem time-consuming to correctly measure out the exact millilitres of oil or a portion of pasta by tablespoon, but its still the most accurate way to work out your serving size.
2. Use your hands
Measuring portion size against your hands is a quick and precise alternative to using weighing scales.
For example, a portion of meat or poultry is roughly the size of your palm, a slice of cheese should be the size of two thumbs and a portion of fruit should fit into your fist.
3. Use small plates
Overeating can often be attributed to the size of the plate you are serving on, as the larger the surface the more likely you are to try and fill it.
Smaller plates will make your meals appear larger, helping you to reduce excessively big portions.
4. Stick to the 20-minute rule
If you still feel hungry after eating, make sure to leave at least 20 minutes for your food to settle before going back for seconds.
This will give you time to digest the food youve already eaten and should help put a stop to any feelings of hunger.
5. Gauge when youre full
Making sure you dont overeat means making sure you dont eat until youre full.
Try to gauge when you are feeling about 70-80% full and then stop, otherwise youll end up gorging on far more than your recommended number of portions.
6. Meal-prep for accurate portion size
Preparing your lunch and dinners in advance allows you to measure out an appropriate portion size for each meal, saving you from the temptation to cook excessive amounts of food when it comes to eating.
7. Dont skip meals
Skipping meals will only serve to make you feel hungrier once you do decide to eat.
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Forget diet and exercise these TWO simple tricks can make belly fat 'drop off' - Daily Star
HELOISE’S KITCHENEERING: Coleslaw that’s fast – Santa Maria Times (subscription)

Dear Heloise: You had a recipe for FAST COLESLAW that was easy to make and had a nice taste to it. Having just graduated from college and moved into my first apartment, I have to prepare my own meals, and I'd love to have that recipe. -- Tiffany B., Hartford, Conn.
Tiffany, I'm happy to repeat my Fast Slaw recipe for you. Here it is:
1 (1-pound) package coleslaw mix
1/4 cup Italian dressing (or 1/2 cup, depending on your taste)
Place all ingredients in a large plastic bag and shake, shake, shake! You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice if you'd like, or if you want something with a bite, add a dash of hot sauce. If you're looking for more recipes that have stood the test of time, go to my website,, or send a stamped (70 cents), self-addressed, business-size envelope, along with $3, to: Heloise/Main Dishes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Since you're just starting to make all of your own meals, you'll find a wealth of new ideas and inspiration in various recipes. Once you start cooking, you'll even develop your own twists on favorite foods. -- Heloise
Dear Readers: Speaking of slaw, blender slaw appeared in my mother's book "Heloise's Kitchen Hints" back in 1963. I've retested it, and it's as reliable today as it was back then. A reader in Ohio wrote to say that she cut her cabbage into large chunks, placed the chunks in a blender, then covered it with water and gave it a buzz. She drained the water, and she had slaw! I like to add some green salad olives, a little low-cal Italian dressing and a dash of dill. -- Heloise
Dear Heloise: My hint is something I didn't learn until I was in my 50s: When buying oranges, pick the heaviest ones. They're the ones that are very juicy and delicious! -- Cathy B. in Houston
Dear Heloise: I'm discovering that many foods we eat -- ketchup, yogurt, dried fruit, breakfast cereals, even some coleslaws -- have sugar in them. I find this disturbing since there are many diabetics and people who are trying to lose weight who don't know about these hidden sugars. -- Kate G., Garden Grove, Calif.
Kate, it's very important to read labels and keep abreast of nutrition news. Like you, I wish food manufacturers would cut back or eliminate sugar in their foods. A little sugar isn't a bad thing, unless your doctor doesn't want you to eat it. However, our American diets have very high amounts of sugar, which in one form or another is in many favorite foods. -- Heloise
* According to the website Say No to Food Waste, in America it is estimated that between 40 percent and 50 percent of food is thrown away, which is about $165 billion worth of food.
* If we reduced our wasted food by 20 percent, we could feed 25 million Americans.
Dear Heloise: I've discovered MEDITATION -- just 10 to 20 minutes a day, once in the morning and once at night; no television, cellphone, computer or music. It can bring a bit of peace into my life. I'm free to think clearly!
In today's world, we are all overscheduled and subject to too much information, all the time. Taking a break helps me manage my day, work for my family and feel calm. -- Jennifer J. in Houston
Jennifer, it's so nice that you've found a twice-daily minivacation. My mother, the original Heloise (1919-1977), always would advocate for people to take care of themselves, especially if they are running a household, and she didn't even have a cellphone or a computer! Thanks for writing. -- Heloise
Dear Heloise: I love your column; I read it in the (Salem, Ore.) Statesman Journal. I have six solid-colored cotton knit shirts with grease stains, some of which I'd already laundered and dried.
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As a last resort, I worked a small amount of pumice-based hand cleaner into the stains. Hurray! The stains are gone, and I see no damage to the shirts.
I will only use this as a last resort, though! -- Cindy U., Salem, Ore.
Dear Heloise: I often see hints that require sudsy ammonia. Is there a way to make regular ammonia sudsy? -- C.M., via email
Sudsy ammonia is merely ammonia that has had a bit of detergent added to it. You can add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to 1/2 cup regular ammonia and 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol -- be sure the dishwashing liquid does not contain bleach -- to make one of my favorite all-purpose cleaners.
Ammonia is a wonderful, cost-effective household cleaner, and sudsy ammonia is good for dirty, grimy jobs and greasy surfaces, such as stovetops. Sudsy ammonia is not good for cleaning mirrors and windows, though; it can streak. Use regular ammonia for this task.
I've combined my favorite homemade cleaning solutions into a handy pamphlet. Would you like to receive one? Visit to order, or send a stamped (70 cents), self-addressed, business-size envelope, along with $5, to: Heloise/HCS, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Label all homemade cleaners with the ingredients and the date it was made. Use these quickly, because their efficacy can dwindle over time. -- Heloise
Dear Heloise: I saw the hint about saving manuals. I go one step further: I staple the receipt to the inside of the cover and write the model and serial number on the front.
This can be helpful if you are calling for technical support or if you are a victim of theft, like we were. The insurance company needed this information. -- Lisa Z., Waco, Texas
Dear Readers: When you are moving about your home, pause a moment before you take a step and look down. You never know what could be underfoot. Taking a moment can prevent a devastating fall. -- Heloise
Read the rest here:
HELOISE'S KITCHENEERING: Coleslaw that's fast - Santa Maria Times (subscription)
Weight loss: Obese couple lost 22 stone by enforcing THIS simple diet rule –

Amber Wagner, 23, and husband Bo, 25, were slim when they fell in love at 16 but their combined weight DOUBLED to 50st after they tied the knot.
The childhood sweethearts guzzled 10 cans of soda a day between them, devoured ice cream for breakfast and sometimes binged on fast food three meals a day.
Other days they would munch through bags of pizza rolls, corn dogs and potato chips or cook hearty casseroles.
When they met, customer services rep Amber weighed 9st and machinist Bo 15st, but after three years of marriage they had both ballooned to a staggering 25st.
In that time they had two children, Gavin, now four, and Octavia, one, and not only had they piled on the pounds, they had only had sex 10 or so times because they were "too big" and it "wasn't fun".
But it wasn't until Bo lost his job and they hit "rock bottom" and were pushed to the brink of divorce that they decided something had to change.
The couple say the fear of breaking up prompted them to overhaul their lifestyle and they lost more than 22 stone combined, with Amber dropping to 11st and Bo to 17st.
Now the loved-up duo are happier than ever - and Amber kick started her weight loss by following one rule; she was only allowed seconds after dinner if she got up off the sofa to get it.
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Nigella Lawson has lost almost 3 stone in recent years
Size 14 (UK) Amber, of West Virginia, US, said: "When I was big I was miserable. It was the worst time of my life.
"I didn't want to get up off the couch. We were gross people. We never cleaned or took care of anything, we would just let the dishes pile up and whine and complain.
Bo added: "I never stopped loving Amber but we were not very happy and we were both unhealthy.
"We were always tired and we would fight a lot. We almost got a divorce - we were really serious about that - but it ended up being a turning point.
The couple met in 2011 through their families and it was "love at first sight". The following year, Amber fell pregnant with their first child.
Amber, now a mum of two, said: "I was eating for two and he ate with me. I could sit and eat five or six hot dogs in one go and we would get through three 24 packs of soda a week. If we didn't go out for fast food at least once a day I would be surprised."
By 2015, the new mum's weight had shot up to a staggering 25.7stone while Bo tipped the scales at 25 stone.
Amber was wearing a size 28 (UK) while Bo squeezed into XXXL shirts. To make matters worse, the couple estimate that they spent a toe-curling $20,000 (15,000) on junk food since moving in together
Amber added: "We were quite selfish in my eyes. We just felt sorry for ourselves. But we hit rock bottom after Bo was laid off and we lost our house in 2014.
"Up until that point we had never thought about getting a divorce but there was one day that we got into an argument and talked about it. That was all it took for us both to say, 'Something has to change.'"
First, Amber started limiting what she ate by introducing a rule - if she wanted a second plate of food enough to get off the couch to get it, she could have it. Often couldn't bring herself to walk to the kitchen so she started eating less - and Bo followed suit.
Then the pair cut out red meat, instead eating turkey - and within one month of making that change, in November 2015, they both lost 1.5 stone.
They stopped drinking soda and banned fast food - but still eat home-cooked potato fries or peanut butter jelly sandwiches for lunch and cheesy enchiladas for dinner.
Losing weight has 120 per cent improved our relationship
Amber Wagner
They also wake up at 6am every morning to work out for an hour, so in spite of their not-totally-healthy diet, Amber and Bo slimmed down drastically.
Bo said: "Now people I haven't seen in a month stop me and say, 'Holy cow, where did you go?. Life is better. When we have an extra $50, instead of spending it on dinner we are doing things with the kids.
"Our sex life has improved too. When we were big, in the first three years of marriage we had two kids and had sex about 10 times. We were too big, it was hard and it wasn't fun.
"But now we are feeling better that has definitely definitely got much better. It's crazy how much how you are feeling has to do with it. I really believe that losing weight has brought us back together again."
Amber said: "Losing weight has 120 per cent improved our relationship. It gave us common ground again.
"We both knew the other was miserable but losing weight together gave us something to bond over and we reconnected. The fear of breaking up spurred us on."
View original post here:
Weight loss: Obese couple lost 22 stone by enforcing THIS simple diet rule -
The five worst exercises for fat loss – and what to do instead –

Last updated13:56, August 4 2017
Not all movement is good movement when it comes to weight loss.
If you want to maximise your workout and lose weight faster, you might want to rethink your workout routine.
We consulted with DrLuiza Petre, board-certified cardiologist and weight management specialist, to get you the worst exercises for fat loss (and what to do instead).
It's important to remember that not all exercises lead to weight loss.
CrossFit isn't for beginners. If you're not in tip-top shape, it's best to opt for a less intense workout.
"While weight loss is an awesome side effect of working out, exercise can benefit your brain, your mood, and your overall health, too," Petre says.
READ MORE:* 'Dramatic' weight loss possible without counting calories* Why is exercise useless for weight loss?* Expensive meal plans not needed for weight loss* 10 best exercises for weight loss
Extended cardio sessions can lead to muscle loss if they're not balanced with strength training.
"However, not all movement is good movement when it comes to weight loss. While I encourage all types of fitness for more reasons than just weight loss, if your focus is dropping pounds, you should know that not all forms of exercise are as effective for weight loss as others.
"In fact, there may be more bad exercises than good ones when it comes to losing weight and building muscle."
Instead, give strength training a chance. The not-so-simple workout can do wonders for your fat loss plans.
Yup, they're great abs. Nope, you're not getting them by doing 500 crunches a day and nothing else.
"If you do any kind of strengthening or toning exercises to stay healthy and to remove inches, I encourage all efforts, for more reasons than just weight loss," she adds.
"But if your number one goal is weight loss, you may want to reprioritise your workout schedule. And most importantly, if you are doing an exercise that causes you real pain, your body is trying to tell you 'STOP!' But do not go to the other extreme and completely neglect strength training."
That being said, if you want to slim down, don't put your body through stress just to reach your goals.
An average 68kg person will burn only 150 calories in an hour of doing regular yoga.
"The key to all weight loss goals, and health improvement at the same time, without bringing your body to the risk of injury, is balance," Petre says. "Start with a good, healthy balance of strength training and a bit of cardio to build your endurance so you can continue shedding pounds and reach your goals."
"CrossFit-style workouts are exploding in popularity around the world and are often promoted as the best way to get in shape and improve health," Petre says.
Boot camp: A great way to share the pain and shed the pounds.
"I don't want to be controversial, but if your goal is to lose weight and improve health, CrossFit is the number one exercise you should avoid. It's too intense for many people, and often includes high-risk activities."
"The number one rule about losing weight through exercise is that you can't exercise to lose weight if you're injured," she adds.
"If you're a fit, active, and athletic individual, CrossFit might be the best workout for you, but if your body is not already in top shape, don't unnecessarily risk injury. You're likely to lose more weight if you combine a healthy diet with a moderate exercise program that's more sustainable."
Lifting weights has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate, which means you continue to burn calories after working out.
"Yoga represents the polar opposite to CrossFit, but this doesn't mean that it will shed those layers of fast food on the body," Petre says. "In fact, a 150-pound [68kg] person will burn only 150 calories in an hour of doing regular yoga, compared to 311 calories for an hour of walking at 3mph [4.8kmh]."
"Increasing your physical activity is a good first step towards losing weight," she says. "It's true that yoga can help you gain strength and tone up, but if you aim to shed pounds, you want to work as much of your body as possible to lose weight and stimulate your metabolism."
"If you're only doing cardio and not balancing with strength training, it can lead to muscle loss, which is not ideal," Petre says.
"Strength training builds lean muscle mass, which increases both your metabolism and decreases fat. The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn on a day-to-day basis."
"From a cost-benefit angle, extended low-effort exercise, such as steady state cardio, can burn more fat in relative terms, but not in absolute amounts," she adds.
"What counts the most is your overall calorie expenditure, not the fuel source. But before you switch to high-intensity training, remember that this type of exercise is not without a risk of injury. Preserve muscle mass by keeping your cardio workouts to approximately three 30-minute sessions per week."
"Pilates, like yoga, has a lot of health benefits that will help you live better, ranging from improved flexibility and balance to deeper relaxation, but fast fat burn is not one of them," Petre says.
"Because it helps you gradually build and strengthen your muscles, it can be a great way to prevent getting injured while training. However, you need to do heavy compound weightlifting on the big muscle groups along with cardio to maximise fat loss, and Pilates does not incorporate either type of exercise."
"Many people want to lose fat from one specific part of their bodies," Petre says. "But, due to human genetics, we cannot pick and choose areas to burn fat from. This means that if you wish to trim down your midsection, performing only abdominal exercises is not going to give you the results you want.
"The same is true for every other body part and muscle group. Why? Because the only thing exercises target is your muscles, not the fat that is covering the muscles.
"You can lose that fat only by creating caloric deficit through a combination of diet and exercise. In other words, you should consume less calories than you burn, forcing your body to burn your own stored body fat for energy instead."
"Tabata is a dream come true for anyone whose biggest excuse for skipping a workout is lack of time," Petre says.
"It's designed to be just a few minutes of high-intensity interval training that consists of 20 seconds of hard effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times.
"The best thing about Tabata is that you can perform these short trainings with your own body weight in the comfort of your own home. Simply pick four exercises, such as jump rope, squats, squat jumps, and mountain climbers, then do each for 20 seconds as hard and fast as you can.
"It will raise your heart rate, pump up your muscles and increase your fitness level."
"You'll definitely lose extra weight and boost your cardio fitness with this type of training," Petre says.
"Boot camp training takes the military workout out of basic training and into gyms and homes everywhere. Typical boot camp workouts combine intense aerobic exercise with muscle building, resistance exercises, and challenges that boost flexibility and coordination.
"These workout programs are so popular because they work every muscle group, don't require any equipment, and can be done anywhere. Daily boot camp training burns fat and builds muscle, therefore increasing weight loss and supporting maintenance of a healthy weight."
"If weight loss is a goal, incorporating strength training into your routine is essential," Petre says. "The key to shedding pounds is a strong foundation, and the best way to build muscle is with weights.
"Lifting weights has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate, which means you continue to burn calories after working out. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day. By increasing your base metabolic rate [BMR]and burning more calories at rest, you also increase your calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss.
"While it's true that cardio-only routines get your heart working harder and help your body burn calories, strength training is what will give your weight-loss goals that extra boost," Petre adds. "This doesn't mean that cardio training should be completely ignored.
"Weight lifting, cardioand your diet combine to make your body burn fat for fuel instead of muscle. Practice these types of training three times a week to burn around 1 to 1.5 pounds of fat per week."
"High-intensity interval training is a form of exercise characterised by periods of hard work followed by brief periods of recovery or rest," Petre says.
"You can perform it using various cardio formats, gym equipment, and weighted or bodyweight exercises. When you do high-intensity interval training, your body and metabolism function at a higher rate of burned calories for hours afterwards. It means you're burning calories while watching your favourite TV show in the comfort of your home.
"According to the American College of Sports Medicine, this type of workout routine tends to burn anywhere from 6-15 per cent more calories compared to other training methods, thanks to the calories you burn after you exercise.
"High-intensity interval training can be performed up to fourtimes per week. The only downside is that it takes your body quite a bit of time to recover, and you can physically only do it for 20-30 minutes at a time before you become too exhausted to continue.
"If you listen to your bodyand pay attention to results, this type of workout will take your training to the next level."
"Compared to traditional strength training, strength-based circuit training will help you lose more fat while still building muscle," Petre says.
"Since you're performing high-intensity movements with short rest periods, you will also get the added benefits of metabolic conditioning. It's slightly less intense than HIIT or Tabata as it's less about short bursts of maximum effort and more about completing quality exercises with good form over a longer duration set.
"Strength-based circuit training is very effective at helping burn fat," adds Petre. "It provides both strength and cardio benefits, it takes less time than a normal strength workout, and focusing on the entire body in a single workout maximises calorie burn and movement function."
- This story original appeared at
Read more from the original source:
The five worst exercises for fat loss - and what to do instead -
After being embarrassed on a flight, this woman lost 100 pounds –

These days, 33-year-old Leandie Williams loves to travel and explore the outdoors she recently went zip lining in Asia, and often goes hiking and swimming near her home in South Africa. But four years ago, those feats were nearly impossible.
Williams, who lives in a town called Port Elizabeth, was on a flight to Johannesburg for work when she realized she couldn't fit the seat belt across her lap. At the time, she weighed 275 pounds.
Leandie Williams before she embarked on a journey to lose 100 pounds
"I was too embarrassed to tell anyone that the seat belt didn't fit and I was scared that alarm bells or something would go off," she told TODAY. "The flight attendant walked past and I kind of covered it up, so she couldn't see it wasn't fastened."
"Just knowing that it was my fault, that I'd compromised my safety, was a big thing for me," Williams continued. "It probably made the biggest impact on me to change my life. I'd been overweight for about eight years, but I didn't know it had become so bad that I couldn't fit in chairs anymore."
There were other signs that her weight was a serious problem: Williams had recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, she was having trouble finding pants that fit and she couldn't walk more than a few steps without getting winded. She'd also gotten some tough love from her closest friend: her mother.
Leandie Williams after losing 100 pounds.
"She was the only one who was honest with me," Williams said. "She said, 'You need to do something it's out of control. You're so overweight.'"
"I was livid, so angry," she continued. "I looked at her and said, 'How could you say this to your child?' Everyone else, they lie to you: 'You're great the way you are.' That's good and well, but if it affects your health, it's critical (to change)."
Four years later, Williams' weight fluctuates between 175 to 183 pounds. Her weight-loss journey isn't over, but she's come a long way. After the flight, she got a personal trainer so she could learn her way around the gym, and traded fast food for a high-protein, low-carb diet of home-cooked meals.
Before losing weight, Williams ate mostly fast food. "I don't enjoy cooking, but I find it helps me stay on track," she said.
"I don't enjoy cooking," she said. "I find it a waste of time, but I know it will help me in the long run."
The gym was the hardest part, she said.
"It's very difficult to work out being so overweight, because you have no strength," Williams said. "I started training with my own body weight and recovery was very tough for me. But it just got better."
And the weight fell off quickly, at first. She soon lost over 60 pounds, but then plateaued and had to switch up her routine. Williams found that heavy lifting, as opposed to cardio, helped her the most. She also joined's online community for accountability and to discover new workouts.
Now Williams spends her weekends exercising, going on hikes and swimming.
Now Williams wakes up every day at 4 a.m. and hits the gym for an hour before getting ready for work. She sits at a desk all day for her job as an administrator, so the workouts are especially important. But the effort is worth it: Now Williams can shop at regular stores for clothing, go mountain biking on the weekends and best of all, she can travel without worrying about the seat belt on planes.
Williams has also noticed something she didnt expect: how people treat her differently after she lost the weight.
People are more open to talking to me, she said. Its like people were afraid of me when I was overweight. People are more accommodating now. It doesnt feel fair. People didnt give me a chance back then. Guys, lets say I had a crush on them, they wouldnt give me the time of day...It puts me off, people like that. But its also humbled me. I wont treat overweight people badly, because Ive been there. I can relate to them.
What it's really like to lose 100 pounds Play Video - 1:01
What it's really like to lose 100 pounds Play Video - 1:01
Williams shared her top three tips for losing weight.
Williams said getting a trainer was a huge help in kick-starting her own transformation. So many people go to the gym and they dont know what to do, she explained. But when you know what to do, and where to go, you have so much more confidence when you walk in there.
Social media helped Williams with accountability and following like-minded people reminded her of her goals. Choose people to follow that will motivate you, she said. It will help so, so much.
The only competition is yourself," Williams said. "When people fall off the wagon, they think they should give up. But it happens to all of us. It doesnt help to dwell in the moment. Life happens. You just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward.
For more inspiration, check out our My Weight-Loss Journey page.
After being embarrassed on a flight, this woman lost 100 pounds -
This ONE thing is sabotaging your weight loss even if you exercise regularly – Daily Star

We all know healthy eating and exercise are the two pillars of weight loss, but sticking to a strict diet all the time can be tough.
Thats why the cheat meal has risen in popularity, with many fitness fanatics recommending you ditch the salad and tuck into a cake instead.
The idea is that a naughty treat will keep you motivated by giving yourself a little of what you fancy, without massively veering off course.
But new research has revealed that Brits are sabotaging their gym goals with too many calorific treats.
20 fat-burning foods that help you lose weight
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Avacodo - includes monosaturated fatty acids that are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat
According to a survey of 2,000 people by Benenden, a whopping 65% of us exercise on a weekly basis with most of us opting to work up a sweat between one and three times per week.
But slimmers are unconsciously undoing their hard work with weekly cheat meals and high-calorie snacks.
The shocking findings show that on average 44% of dieters actually treat themselves to as many as three fast food takeaways a week.
Furthermore, 58% of those surveyed confessed to eating up to three chocolate bars a week sabotaging their weight loss efforts and counteracting the calories burned from exercise.
Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising
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Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.
Researchers found that respondents burn 1,334 calories a week from exercising on average, but unwittingly consume 4,304 calories from treats, resulting in 2,971 excess calories.
So if you want to make sure your reach your fitness goals, steer clear of those cheeky treats and not-so-healthy snacks.
Its clear to see that we cannot out-exercise a bad diet
Jane Abbott, clinical director from Benenden, said: Although exercise is associated with many health benefits and not just weight loss, it is important to make further lifestyle changes if weight loss is your goal.
Combining both exercise and healthy eating together is a more effective way to lose weight and stay trim.
Its clear to see that we cannot out-exercise a bad diet and although treats should be incorporated into our diet, it is vital that consumption is monitored to ensure a steady weight loss and a healthy balance.
Meanwhile further research revealed that eating during the day, but not during the evening, is the key to losing weight.
Scientists warned that midnight snacking makes you pile on the pounds.
In fact people who have a meal at night don't actually lose weight even when they are on a diet.
At night time we are much less active so dont burn off as many calories because the body's metabolism is regulated by a person's biological, or circadian, clock.
Read more from the original source:
This ONE thing is sabotaging your weight loss even if you exercise regularly - Daily Star
Obese man sheds 12st in 18 months after split from ex: ‘Her cheating was a blessing’ – Daily Star

Mike Vaughan weighed almost 32st after living on a diet of crisps, bread, fizzy drinks and takeaways.
But the 26-year-old claims his devastating break-up from his girlfriend of five years spurred him on to lose weight.
Realising his health was at risk, Mike started dieting and hes managed to lose an incredible 12st in just 18 months.
He said: I was in a bad place. I started to sink back into it, eating junk food, not going to the gym.
My life could have gone in one of two ways. Go back into a depression and comfort eat and go back to square one, or use it as motivation to really improve my life."
Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.
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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone
Mike continued: I wasnt going to let something like that destroy everything I had worked for, I would use it to spur me on and I did.
I put everything into my diet and training, and I can honestly say now Ive never been happier.
Since then Ive found the consistency that I needed so much.
Her cheating was a blessing in disguise.
Mike was always the biggest guy in school but being overweight felt normal to him.
He explained: I finished school at 15 and weighed 18st. It was from then things started to spiral weight wise.
"Id gone from playing football with friends most nights after school to doing next to nothing but while still eating junk food.
I did three years of college which consisted of no exercise and lots of fast food. I started university weighing around 23st and thats when it really got out of hand.
I didnt know how to cook anything but toast
I didnt know how to cook anything but toast so most nights it was pizza or bacon cheeseburgers with boozing three or four nights a week and this went on for five years.
My family and friends would express concern but I was in such denial I would just get annoyed whenever my weight was mentioned.
Eating was my way of dealing with any kind of stress.
In February last year, the quantity surveyor from Salford reached his heaviest weight, hitting a hefty 31st 10lbs on the scales.
Mike said: It was sickening.
I was in a depression because of my weight but didnt know how to change.
Then suddenly something inside me just clicked. I knew that if I kept going the way I was going I wasnt going to be around much longer.
I couldnt even make it to my second floor flat without struggling to breathe. I had to do something before I ended up in an early grave.
20 fat-burning foods that help you lose weight
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Avacodo - includes monosaturated fatty acids that are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat
Encouraged by his friend, Mike signed up to an intense six-week boot camp and managed to drop 1st.
He added: I wanted to keep it up so I signed up for a gym in Stockport.
I was petrified thinking a guy of my size should not be doing things like that.
But they came up with a personalised plan for me, group personal training, healthy eating, it was such a huge change and I really struggled for the first six months but then it just became habit.
Mike had lost 3.5st when he found out about his girlfriend and her departure led to him dropping down another 10st to 19st 8lbs.
Now he is hoping to hit 17st by the end of next year and ultimately wants to be half his heaviest weight.
Mike added: I highly doubt I would be in the position Im in now if we stayed together.
Breakfast - four pieces of toast with beans
Lunch - sandwiches and crisps
Dinner - takeaways, pizzas, burgers
Snacks and drinks - fizzy drinks and crisps
Breakfast - four eggs and feta cheese
Lunch - salad, or meat or fish with vegetables or halloumi
Dinner - similar to lunch
Snacks and drinks - water
Original post:
Obese man sheds 12st in 18 months after split from ex: 'Her cheating was a blessing' - Daily Star
Woman drops 5st in one year after making THIS simple change – Daily Star

Katy Hamilton was overweight from the beginning of her teens, despite living a sporty life during her school years.
But when the 27-year-old started university she dropped out of all her extra-curricular activities and increased her calorie intake due to gorging on campus food, fizzy drinks and alcohol.
Katy steadily ballooned to 17st 7lbs and UK dress size 22-24 and felt sick, chronically tired, stressed and suffered from terrible skin problems.
The youngster from Washington DC, US, decided to make a change by signing herself up to Crossfit.
Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.
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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone
In a bid to overhaul her lifestyle, Katy ditched the unhealthy food and drink and committed to working out three time a week. She also squeezed in a 45-minute or hour-long walk every day.
The super slimmer managed to drop 5st 10lbs and now she fits into slinky size 10-12 gowns.
Feeling horrible most of the time made me want to lose weight
Katy said: "My weight was always something I wished I could change, I just never could quite make it work.
"I felt really bad physically more than I did emotionally about my body.
"I got sick often, had horrible digestive and hormonal issues with terrible skin.
"Feeling horrible most of the time made me want to lose weight.
"I hated feeling sick after most meals due to my digestive issues and was sick of feeling chronically tired and stressed."
She continued: "I lost a majority of the weight in the first year by just changing my lifestyle and daily habits.
"I stopped eating campus food and ready meals for lunches and dinners on Sundays.
"I started working out about three times a week doing a combination of strength and cardio. My diet and exercise are the opposite of what they were before.
"I eat mostly vegetables and meat, drink plenty of water and exercise almost every day of the week; whether it's just a long walk or an intense Crossfit workout."
Now the determined dieter feels much more open to doing new things.
Katy said: "I am so much more comfortable in my skin.
I lead a much more positive life and I am able to do so many things I never thought I'd do; like join Crossfit, run half-marathons and shop at any store I want.
"I'm a very confident person despite all the flaws I still have. I feel proud of myself regularly and I'm driven to keep making and reaching goals.
"I feel strong and empowered by what my body is able to do. Most people don't believe I was overweight if I've met them after my weight loss.
"I show many of them my Instagram to give them a better idea. Many are inspired. Most ask how they can be healthier and for any advice."
Despite her miraculous body transformation, Katy admits that she found the process very difficult.
She added: "The hardest thing about losing weight is being patient. I never lost more than two to three pounds a week. It was slow, but steady.
"I had to learn to be proud of each little pound that added up instead of thinking: Ugh, I'm still 2st 2lbs away from my goal.'
"Start by looking at your small, daily habits that are making you unhealthy. For me, I started with kicking the bad diet soda habit.
"When that felt good, I'd pick another, then another, until slowly I had many healthy habits. Start small, go slow."
Visit link:
Woman drops 5st in one year after making THIS simple change - Daily Star
This controversial diet will make you lose 1st in one week – Daily Star

While its common knowledge that the best way to lose weight is a healthy diet and regular exercise crash diets continue to make bank with their promise of a quick fix.
The latest slimming fad, dubbed the General Motors diet, promises followers that theyll lose a stone in just one week but it could be more dangerous than its worth.
Even though the General Motors diet was invented in the eighties, it has made a resurgence of late with the promise of great weight loss.
The concept of the diet is to eat different food groups on different days.
On the first day, slimmers are advised to fruit load which means eating only water-based fruits.
The next day the plan introduces a baked potato and some vegetables with the remainder of the days following a similar format until eventually introducing lean meats.
The diet contains only 1,000 calories on average just half of the recommended 2,000 daily calorie intake for women and dieters have reported significant weight loss in the first three days.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Jennifer Ellison from Brookside loses three stone in weight
Due to the low calorie intake, people following the plan are advised to only participate in low-intensity exercise during the week like yoga.
Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert told the Independent: Trends may help you quickly lose weight but not fat.
Trends may help you quickly lose weight but not fat
The weight comes back after veering from the given rules of any diet. And the GM Diet is no different.
Some may be drawn to it because they may feel out of control around food and want to stick to a rigid plan.
"Yet after breaking one of the diet rules, people will feel guilty and ashamed, and may then start another diet which leads to a vicious cycle.
Rhiannon added that reduced carbohydrate intake and water weight are the reasons for the quick weight loss but a healthy, balanced diet should be encouraged.
She also pointed out that the plan is much harder to follow than most people assume meaing it can be tricky to stick to.
Health experts advise against following crash diets because they aren't sustainable long-term.
Instead you should stick tohealthy eating and find an exercise that you enjoy so you can steadily get fitter.
See the original post here:
This controversial diet will make you lose 1st in one week - Daily Star