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Green tea weight loss – do these drinks REALLY shrink your waist REVEALED –

Green tea, originally from China, is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves.
Unlike other leaves used for black tea - green tea leaves have not withered, which is why they still have their lush green colour.
Health effects of the drink are touted amongst nutritionists and health experts.
Looking at scientific studies it does seem that a number make a strong link between drinking the herbal tea and weight loss.
A green tea weight loss trial found that green tea had a big effect on weight loss of the patients in the study.
Moderately overweight people where given two drinks each a day.
For one group all were placebos, the other had one serving of green tea while the other had two.
Scientists who carried out the research, in Shanghai, China, found: We observed a decrease in estimated intra-abdominal fat in the GT3 group, or the group with two servings of green tea.
They added: In addition, we found decreases of 1.9 cm in waist circumference and 1.2 kg body weight.
This is fairly impressive considering the study did not include any other changes in diet or exercise.
A similar study that aimed to measure the effects of green tea on overweight Thai patients found the same thing.
We conclude that green tea can reduce body weight in obese Thai subjects by increasing energy expenditure and fat oxidation, the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, at Khon Kaen University found.
The University of Maryland Medical Centres Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide strongly recommends green tea for those looking to boost weight loss.
The paper states: Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat.
One study found that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in people who were overweight and moderately obese.
This facility specifically recommends 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day, depending on the brand - or 100 to 750 mg per day of standardised green tea extract.
However, not all studies are in agreement. Others have found no correlation between drinking green tea and weight loss.
Although drinking green tea or taking green tea supplements decreases cholesterol, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College found, and some studies have observed drinking the tea can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
So while a certain link cannot be made between green tea and weight loss, it does seem that the relatively cheap drink is likely to have a positive effect on your overall health.
Have you heard of the latest diet that nutritionists claim to offer superior weight loss.
The diet involves limiting carbs to 50 grams or less, which puts the body into a state of ketosis.
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Green tea weight loss - do these drinks REALLY shrink your waist REVEALED -
THIS keto diet plan offers ‘superior’ weight loss – according to Australian dietician –

The keto diet is like the once popular Atkins diet, in that it promotes eating low carb foods.
The diet involves limiting carbs to 50 grams or less, which puts the body into a state of ketosis.
While the Atkins diet works in phases, the keto simply involves cutting the amount of carbs you eat right down.
For that reason it is much more simple for dieters to follow - and now one nutritious hs claimed the diet helps with superior weight loss and could help with epilepsy and seizures.
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Paleo, Durkin & Atkins, the most popular diets explained
Keto diet offers superior weight loss - according to Australian dietitian who promotes plan
Susie Burrell is a dietician and nutritionist with two Honours degrees in Nutrition & Dietetics and Psychology.
She has told dieters that there are many benefits to the diet plan.
She wrote for of the keto diet: With their superior weight loss and associated reductions in inflammation in the body, there are a number of benefits, particularly for individuals with high blood glucose levels, fatty liver and significant amounts of weight to lose.
She also said: There is no evidence to show that keto diets are damaging to the body.
She advocates avoiding foods like bread, cereals, pasta, rice, sugar and even fruit during the diet to quickly drop weight.
The theory is that if dieters train your body to run off fat then they can achieve better weight loss.
Ketosis is a state that the body goes into if it doesnt have it usual source of energy - carbohydrates.
The body then turns to ketones to create energy.
Ketones are created from the liver and are converted from fat.
It is possible to measure it by testing urine, blood or breath samples, but there are also some telltale symptoms which dont require any testing.
Look for a dry mouth and increased third, increased urination and keto breath - this is due to a ketone body called acetone escaping via the breath and can make a person; breath smell fruity. explored the possible side effects of the diet.
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THIS keto diet plan offers 'superior' weight loss - according to Australian dietician -
How YOU can lose weight eating Greggs sausage rolls and doughnuts – Daily Star

GREGGS purveyor of all things pastry have released a diet plan to the shock of many.
The high street bakers, famous for the Jaffa Cake doughnut and the steak slice, have released an eating plan scientifically proven to make participants lose weight.
Greggs commissioned independent dietitian Laura Clark to devise a 30-day eating plan constructed entirely from its menu.
It even includes slices of pizza and the odd doughnut enough to persuade even the most committed of couch potatoes to give it a try.
Hannah Barth, a new mum who took part in the experiment said: I put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy and have struggled to lose it since my son was born.
"Like any new mum Im always rushing around so have found it difficult to find the time to diet.
"The Greggs Minimise Me plan was so simple to follow and incredibly convenient, making it easy to stay on track. Im thrilled to have lost over a stone and have made positive adjustments to my lifestyle, being more active which has resulted in more energy Ill definitely continue with a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
The diet averages about 1,200 calories a day and four participants,including a new mum, a bride-to-be, a sales rep and a teacher with a hectic lifestyle, lost a collective two stone.
Dietician Laura Clarks top tips for pre-holiday diets:
1) Monitor what you're eating either through a diary, online tool or quick photos taken on your phone. Raising awareness of the food you put in your mouth is a powerful first step and those that monitor their intake have been shown to double their weight loss.
2) Dont be afraid of eating on the go there are lots of healthier options out there. Try opting for a salad or low-calorie wrap for your lunch.
3) Try to eat breakfast every day! This sets you up for the day. Porridge pots are a great option if youre pushed for time and eating on the go.
4) Look at how much protein youre eating. Regulating it across the day and including at each meal or snack can help to keep you fuller. Lean protein sources are best - chicken, eggs, fish and pulses for example. Look at the ways that fitting light exercise into your day can lead to a healthy lifestyle.
5) Regular exercise tends to breed healthier dietary habits. Using a step tracker to aim for the national guideline of 10,000 steps per day is a great start to burning more calories.
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How YOU can lose weight eating Greggs sausage rolls and doughnuts - Daily Star
Lose weight fast with an aggressive Attack Cardio workout plan designed by one of Hollywood’s most intimidating men –

Feeling chubby, sluggish, and overweight? Worried about your overall appearance? Well fret no more, because Hollywood tough-guy turned personal trainer Vinnie Jones is here to whip your ass into shape real quick and hell beat the crap out of you in the process!
RELATED: The haunting music from The Leftovers can turn some of the funniest scenes in movie history into dramatic moments
Jones is known for his roles in films like Snatch, Gone in 60 Seconds and X-Men: The Last Stand, but hes decided to put his acting career on the shelf to help you get in shape and his methods are far from orthodox, as this excellent Funny or Die sketch demonstrates.
Basically, Vinnie will scare and beat you up so much that youll have no choice but to flee every time you see him. All the extra running will have you dropping that excess weight in no time!
Good luck! And be vigilant Vinnie could be anywhere.
Originally posted here:
Lose weight fast with an aggressive Attack Cardio workout plan designed by one of Hollywood's most intimidating men -
Here are the nine meals, 4800 calories a day Russell Wilson ate to lose 10 pounds –

It's become an offseason rite of passage to find out what bizarre sort of diet Russell Wilson's engaging in, and 2017 is no different. Well, it's different in that Wilson is doing a different diet, but nothing has changed in terms of him seeking out odd training methods to improve his overall physical well being.
This time around he is quite literally going to extremes, having turned to a nine-meal, 4,800-calorie diet PER DAY in order to lose weight. That seems weird, but Wilson apparently has dropped 10 poundsaccording Sheil Kapadia of ESPN.
Wilson and wife Ciara worked with "food coach" Phillip Goglia, who said the Seahawks quarterback "buried himself" in this "epic" diet.
"He was an animal about it," Goglia said. "The f---ing guy buried himself in this, and it's epic to see, because that really validates him as a complete athlete."
The impetus for this diet was Wilson believing he wasn't mobile enough, according to Goglia, although it's entirely possible Wilson simply saw what the Seahawks did (or didn't) do in terms of improving the offensive line this offseason.
"He came in feeling as though he was too heavy and not mobile enough," Goglia said. "And he wanted to get his weight down. He was over 225. He felt as though he needed to be leaner and stronger and more agile. And that's my wheelhouse."
Wilson dealt with injuries throughout the 2016 season, drastically reducing his production in terms of running the ball and limiting the Seahawks offense because it took away one of the most dangerous dimensions. Wilson, if nothing else, is one of the best passers while on the run in the entire NFL.
When he showed up to work with Goglia, he was consuming about 2,700 calories per day, according to Kapadia. Goglia ramped him up to 4,800.
"When you think metabolism, everybody will think fast or slow," Goglia said. "And it's not. Metabolism is ultimately hot or cold. The definition of a calorie is a heat-energy unit. So if calories are heat and metabolism is a function of heat, and if fat is a lipid and only converts to energy in a hot environment, it just makes sense that you have to eat a certain amount of calories to generate enough heat to burn fat. And that's counter-intuitive to every civilian out there.
"Every fat guy will say, 'Food makes you fat. I eat one can of tuna and an apple a day.' And that's why they're fat. Not enough caloric heat. Especially in athletes. Athletic temperatures are huge metabolically. They have a big metabolic load. The more muscle you have, the more food you need. That's the baseline concept."
Counter point: beer. Which, obviously, was not part of Wilson's offseason diet.
What was in the diet? Glad you asked. All items via Kapadia's article, which is worth reading in its entirety:
Meal 1 (Pre-workout semi-breakfast): Tablespoon of almond butter, tablespoon of jam
Meal 2 (Actual breakfast): Two cups of cooked oatmeal, six whole eggs, a fruit, one chicken breast
Meal 3 (Mid-morning snack): A fruit, 12 almonds
Meal 4 (Lunch No. 1): Eight oz. protein (equivalent of two chicken breasts), a yam OR a cup of rice OR a potato AND a vegetable
Meal 5 (Lunch No. 2): Eight oz. protein (equivalent of two chicken breasts), a yam OR a cup of rice OR a potato AND a vegetable
Meal 6 (Mid-afternoon snack): A fruit, 12 almonds
Meal 7 (Late-afternoon snack): A fruit, 12 almonds, whey protein
Meal 8 (Dinner): Fish OR steak AND salad OR vegetables
Meal 9 (Bedtime snack): Fruit and tablespoon of blackstrap molasses (if light workouts the next day) OR "mash" (shredded wheat, applesauce, almond butter and jam -- for heavier workouts the next day)
Some observations (from me).
First, it's kind of unfair to just say "fish" -- Wilson is a multi-millionaire and I would venture to guess the fish dishes he's eating (Goglia said it's mostly "fatty fish like salmon, sea bass, black cod, arctic char") are freaking awesome. Nothing is going to be soaked in butter, but he's probably got some decent chefs who can help make him some pretty good, healthy salmon marinades. Salmon is awesome. A flaky sea bass? Yes, please.
Two, those snacks are terrible! Where are the freaking Cheez-its? Obviously if you're dieting, you're going to limit what sort of garbage you put into your body in between meals. Almonds (all 12 of them) and fruit are nice, filling holdovers.
Three, this is sort of a doable diet from a layman perspective. No one's cooking up the stuff that Tom Brady makes unless you order his cookbook or get the TB12 nutrition plans ordered to your door. Making fish or steak and salad or vegetables? That's an everyman's diet.
And finally, "mash" sounds really gross, although Goglia's description is amusing.
"You crunch all this s--- up in a bowl, eat it and go to bed," Goglia said.
So how is this working for Wilson? According to Kapadia, he's down nine pounds already and has cut six percent of his body fat, which is a crazy amount to shed during the offseason, especially for a guy who has alwasys been in good shape to begin with.
Russell, who is described as a Wisconsin "Badgers alum" and someone who loves cheese, gets one cheat night every two weeks.
"I love cheese -- hence Wisconsin," Wilson said laughing. "I love cheese, so that's always something that you've got to be careful of."
Wilson's planning on playing next year at under 215 pounds, which will be interesting to watch. If he's just as strong and compact but more mobile, he'll be an absolute terror for defenses when he breaks contain in the pocket.
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Here are the nine meals, 4800 calories a day Russell Wilson ate to lose 10 pounds -
Twelve proven ways to lose weight and shift belly fat – AOL UK

Losing weight is hard enough, but belly fat can be particularly hard to shift. Here are 12 science-backed ways to drop the pounds and inches from your midsection...
See also: Why belly fat is different to other types of body fat
See also: Gut health and weight loss: what you need to know
1. Cut Calories, but not too much The best way to lose weight is to cut calories and do more exercise nothing new there. But be careful. If you cut your calorie intake too low, you're likely to damage your metabolism, which will make it harder for your body to burn calories.
One study found that people who ate 1,100 calories per day slowed their metabolic rate more than twice as much as those who ate 1,500 calories per day over four consecutive days.
Worse, this drop in metabolism may continue after you start eating normally again which means you'll burn fewer calories than before you started the diet. No wonder people who lose weight on crash diets tend to put it all back on again.
2. Eat more fibre Fibre expands in your tummy and slows the rate at which your stomach empties, which helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Add more soluble fibre (such as oats, flaxseeds, avocados, legumes, Brussels sprouts and blackberries) to your diet and it may also help reduce the number of calories that your body absorbs from food.
A diet high is soluble fibre is also associated with lower levels of visceral fat (the dangerous kind that sits around your organs) and reduced belly circumference.
Upping your daily soluble fibre intake by just 10 grams is enough to lower fat gain around the midsection by 3.7% over five years, according to one study.
3. Drink protein shakes Most people don't get enough protein in their diet, yet studies show it can boost your metabolism, keep you feeling full, and even help to shed stubborn belly fat.
Eating lean chicken, eggs and tuna is a good way to get more protein, or consider including protein shakes as part of your overall calorie intake. Not only are protein shakes an easy way to get more protein, they've also been shown to be effective at reducing belly fat as part of a weight loss diet.
4. Make sure you get enough sleep Many studies have found a link between lack of sleep and obesity. One or two night's disturbed rest isn't going to make you pile on the pounds, but if you regularly don't get seven or eight hours of sleep a night, it can contribute to weight gain.
When you are sleep deprived, your body produces a hormone called ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Not only that, studies show that sleep deprived people are more likely to choose calorie-dense foods which is why that chocolate muffin is so hard to resist when you're tired.
5. Take a probiotic supplement Recent studies have found a link between the quality of the bacteria in our gut and weight. People who are overweight or obese are known to have a different composition of gut bacteria than those with a healthy BMI.
Strains of probiotics that have been shown to be particularly effective at reducing belly fat include Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus, and Lactobacillus gasseri.
In addition to taking a probiotic, try increasing your fibre intake and eating probiotic foods, such as yogurt, kefir, tempeh, kimchi and pickles.
6. Walk for 30 minutes each day There's no point doing endless sit-ups if you don't do enough exercise to burn fat. Cardio exercise, such as jogging, cycling, and aerobics not only burns calories but is also effective at toning your midsection.
Most studies suggest doing 30-40 minutes of cardio exercise per day, which could be a brisk walk with the dog or digging the garden.
Wearing a fitness tracking device is a great way to see how many calories you burn and the number of steps you take. Some trackers also measures your heart rate such as the Fitbit Charge - and will tell you when you're in the fat-burning zone.
7. Switch to whole-grain carbs Experts recommend cutting out refined carbs (like white bread, pasta and rice) and sugar in order to lose weight.
A study published in the 2010 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who increased their whole-grain consumption did not develop more visceral, subcutaneous belly fat unlike those who increased their intake of refined carbohydrates.
There's another good reason to cut back on refined carbs. When you eat high GI foods, your blood sugar levels spike and your body releases cortisol, which is linked to excess belly fat.
8. Keep moving Studies show that sitting for prolonged periods of time is just as bad for your health as smoking. Not only does sitting cause your abdominal muscles to become weak, it also leads to weight gain. Make an effort to stand and walk around for a few minutes every hour. To improve your core strength try sitting on fitness ball while you watch TV. Even when you sit still on a fitness ball, your muscles will be working to maintain your balance.
9. Eat a tablespoon of vinegar every day Research suggests that eating a tablespoon of vinegar every day could help fight belly fat. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that obese people who consumed a tablespoon of vinegar every day for two months decreased their levels of visceral body fat. Just make sure it's in a low-fat salad dressing and not sprinkled on chips!
10. Eat more calcium Eating too much saturated fat (found in hard cheese and meat) is bad news for your belly. A study published in the journal Diabetes in 2014 found that overconsuming saturated fat increases abdominal visceral fat more than those who ate the same amount of calories in polyunsaturated fat.
While you might want to cut back or switch to half-fat cheese, make sure you're getting enough calcium. Studies show that when your body doesn't have enough calcium it starts to store more body fat. Experts suggest eating at least 700mg of calcium per day.
11. Find ways to de-stress The link between stress and obesity is well known. When the body is stressed it releases the hormone adrenaline and cortisol as part of the 'fight or flight response.' Cortisol is particularly bad for weight gain, as it triggers fat to be stored around the belly, where it's easily available to be used as energy. In addition, stress can slow the metabolism, which makes it even harder to lose weight.
To make matters worse, studies show that people are more likely to crave energy-dense foods when they're feeling stressed or anxious. If you can't get to a tai chi class, you can always buy a DVD - like Tai Chi for Beginners - and learn at home. Deep breathing, going for a short brisk walk, and listening to a guided meditation can also help reduce your stress levels.
12. Eat healthy fats Not all fats are created equal, and healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (found in nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados) have been shown to help increase satiety and reduce your chance of accumulating tummy fat. Another good reason to follow a Mediterranean diet!
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Twelve proven ways to lose weight and shift belly fat - AOL UK
Researchers say we have three years to act on climate change before it’s too late – Popular Science

If you want to lose 10 pounds by a certain date there are, broadly speaking, two ways of going about it. You could take it slow and steady, cutting down slightly on your daily caloric intake to achieve a modest weekly weight loss, making your way to your goal weight over the course of a month or two. Or you could wait until a week or two before your target date and then give up as much food as possible, triple up on the exercise, and hope that youll lose weight fast enoughwithout literally killing yourself in the process.
Only the most imprudent among us would consciously choose the second option, right?
In this regard, stopping climate change is a lot like weight loss, according to a comment article published today in the journal Nature. The article, spearheaded by Christiana Figueres (architect of the process that lead to the Paris Climate Agreement and now vice-chair of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy), says that we only have three years to act if we want a smooth transition to a low-carbon economythe socio-economic equivalent of losing weight in a slow and steady manner.
We have until 2020, say the authorswho include a number of researchers, state and local government officials (including the governor of California), and heads of climate change focused organizationsbefore achieving the goals laid out in the Paris Climate Agreement become almost impossible. At that point, the actions that wed have to undertake would be drastic; the equivalent of crash dieting and hoping for the best.
2020 is a hard deadline. Theres no turning back if we dont bend the emissions curve within three years, says Sharan Burrow, The General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation and a signatory on the article. There are no jobs on a dead planet.
Unlike weight loss, which is in many ways still a bit of a mystery to science, we already know how to fix climate change. We just have to lower emissions something weve already started to do.
In 2016, according to the article, U.S. emissions fell 3 percent, even while the economy grew by 1.6 percent. In China, emissions fell 1 percent while the economy expanded by 6.7 percent. Curbing emissions is not an insurmountable task, and it's not going to destroy jobs.
We have finally realized that this is not an either-or situation, says Figueres. "We can create jobs, we can recreate communities that have lost jobs. We can improve the quality of life in urban and rural areas and precisely by doing what we can to improve climate change.
The authors created a six-point framework that outlines what we need to do by 2020. They call for increasing renewable energy to 30 percent of the global mix (above from the 23.7 percent it comprised in 2015). The article also calls for upgrading infrastructureslashing building energy use and turning 3 percent of building stock into either net-zero or near net-zero emissions. Other proposals include a doubling of mass transit, an increase in the percentage of electric car sales from 1 to 15 percent annually, cutting deforestation to zero, and reducing the emissions associated with heavy industries
Some of this is already happening. China has cancelled plans to build 103 coal fired plants, and Beijing has shuttered its last one, already leading to improved air quality in the city. The goal of the comment is to note whats already happening and encourage us to keep doing what were already doing; we just need to do it faster.
Despite the recent withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, and the fact that the comment is seen as a reminder to heads of state heading into the G20 Summit happening this July, the analysis hinges on physics, not politics. If we want to meet the target of a global temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius laid out in Paris, we can safely emit between 150 and 1,050 gigatons of carbon dioxideTOTALfor the foreseeable human future (think millennia).
That goal is meant to keep the Earth well below an average global temperature increase of 2 degrees, which would be catastrophic. The difference between half a degree Celsius (which is about .9 degrees Fahrenheit) doesnt seem like muchafter all, who among us can tell the difference between a 71.6 F day and a 72.5 F day? The issue, of course, is that were not talking weatherwere talking climate. A 1.5 degree Celsius increase will still hurt the planet (were already seeing these effects, as evidenced by the recent bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef) but avoiding the additional half a degree would mean sparing ourselves the worst of the warming, including an increase in sea level rise by an extra four inches and the complete destruction of the world's coral reefswhich a quarter of the planet depends on for food and livelihood.
But even if runaway warming isn't something you feel concerned about, there's good reason to cut down on fossil fuel use: eventually we're going to run out of them. Following gradual carbon cutting guidelines is just another way of planning for that eventuality.
Were already seeing climate devastation changing seasons, changing peoples livelihoods, and even their lives, says Sharan Burrows. We still have time to mitigate the worst effects of global warming in a way that preserves a world worth living in, and helps our economies grow. Whether or not governments will act quickly enough is another question entirely.
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Researchers say we have three years to act on climate change before it's too late - Popular Science
Workouts you can do behind the desk – WRBL

COLUMBUS, Ga. For some people going to the gym can be intimidating or a hassle. If you are determined to lose weight, but dont have time in your schedule to hit the gym News 3s Ashley Lewis has a few workouts that you can do at work behind the desk or at home.
Trainers at R.A.M. Fit in Columbus say interval training workouts are the best way to burn calories and lose weight fast.
This 20 minute high intensity workout does wonders to the body.
What youll need to get started: two 5 or 10 pound weights, a yoga mat and a chair.
We started the workout with squats, walking lunges, and one minute of running in place.
Next push-ups, v crunches and weight training.
Its important to keep your heart rate up, so push yourself. 10 reps for each set.
Try to avoid taking extra breaks in between sets unless needed.
Once you finish the first time through, do it all over again until your 20 minutes is complete.
Although the gym provides group fitness motivation, if youre willing to set aside 20 minutes a day you can do a variety of interval training workouts that are just as effective.
Excerpt from:
Workouts you can do behind the desk - WRBL
5 ways to boost your metabolism & lose weight –

Madeline Cuddihy, WUSA 10:21 AM. MDT June 26, 2017
Z88 2.38281e+007 (Photo: TongRo Image Stock)
Though yo-yo dieting has told us many things, one of the most important tasks is keeping your body healthy - not just dieting! By boosting your metabolism naturally you can lose the weight & stay strong!
1. Don't just cut carbs - add fiber.
Adding fiber to your diet promotes a healthy guy bacteria which helps absorb a lot of bloating that happens in your stomach region.
2. Lift weights!
Don't just rely on cardio. Weight training at least 3 times per week is important to rev your metabolism and burn fat.
RECIPE: The perfect "flat-belly" meal plan
3. Eat protein at every meal
Eating more proteins at every meal, even in little ways like nuts and shakes for snacks, stores those calories as muscle rather than fat.
MORE: 3 Easy meal prep recipes for the work week
4. Don't be afraid of the night time fast.
Save those late night popcorn snacks and instead try for a 10 - 12 hour fast between your dinner and breakfast every day!
5. Practice healthy mind, healthy body.
it sounds simple, but studies say meditating at least once a day can change your entire heart health & boosts positive choices. Take those 5 minutes to focus on you instead of what you're eating next!
RECIPE: Healthy & quick quinoa burger
Want more articles like this? Follow Great Day Washington on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for more! Watch everyday at 9am on WUSA9.
2017 WUSA-TV
Originally posted here:
5 ways to boost your metabolism & lose weight -
This is where your fat REALLY goes when you lose weight – Daily Star

FAT seems to disappear when you slim down, but this is whats really going on in your body.
If youve ever lost weight, you may have wondered what happened to that bit of fat that used to be on your belly but theres a bit of confusion about it.
Professor Andrew Brown, from the University of New South Wales in Australia, claims that many health experts dont know where body fat really goes when you lose weight.
He said: There is surprising ignorance and confusion about the metabolic process of weight loss.
So he teamed up with TV science presenter Ruben Meerman to find out what happens to those pounds and their findings were published in the British Medical Journal.
The quickest ways to kick start your body fat weight loss
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CLEAN UP YOUR DIET - It's true what they say, you can't out-exercise a bad diet. And abs are made in the kitchen. So the first step to any fat-loss plan starts with improving your diet. First, cut out processed foods, fake sugars and refined carbs.
Ruben said: The correct answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide.
It goes into thin air.
Former physicist Ruben was interested in the science behind weight loss after shedding 15kgs himself back in 2013.
He said: I simply wanted to know where those kilograms were going.
"After a self-directed, crash course in biochemistry, I stumbled onto this amazing result.
It goes into thin air
With a worldwide obesity crisis occurring, we should all know the answer to the simple question of where the fat goes.
The fact that almost nobody could answer it took me by surprise, but it was only when I showed Andrew my calculations that we both realised how poorly this topic is being taught.
The Aussie TV personality tracked every atom in 10kgs of fat as they are lost and 8.4 of those kgs are exhaled as carbon dioxide through the lungs.
If you are looking to lose that belly fat, try these simple easy to follow tips that will help you on the road
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Eat every three hours - Passing on breakfast will send your body into starvation mode, meaning your body starts to store everything youve eaten as fat, and youre midsection is the first to suffer the consequences
The remaining 1.6kgs becomes water, which the body gets rid of by urinating, sweating, breathing or crying.
Ruben said: None of this is obvious to people because the carbon dioxide gas we exhale is invisible.
But this doesnt mean that breathing more can lead to weight loss.
The researchers warn that breathing more than required by a persons metabolic rate leads to hyperventilation, which can result in dizziness, palpitations and loss of consciousness.
This is where your fat REALLY goes when you lose weight - Daily Star