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How to Lose Weight Fast With HCG | HCG Diet System …

If you are tired of struggling to lose weight and keep it off then the HCG DIET SYSTEM SA is definitely the answer for you.
Best weight loss solution in record time. We will show you How to lose weight quickly without starving yourself, no crazy exercise regime, no pricey meals nor expensive supplements or pills.
I am sure you have tried endless diets which have left you feeling deprived, hungry depleted, no energy, even anxious or irritable. Well the good news is that you will have none of these side effects whilst using this Weight loss program. In fact most people say they have never felt better.
Many people think Fat is Fat.. but do you know that there are 3 different types of Fat in the body. Normal Fats, structural Fats and abnormal fats. Normal fats and structural fats the body needs. Abnormal Fats are the guilty culprit .. tummy rolls, saddle bags, love handles, double chin, batwing arms. The HCG attacks this abnormal fat, mobilising it to use as ENERGY and FUEL thus allowing you to Lose Weight Quickly, in the areas where you need it most.
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How to Lose Weight Fast With HCG | HCG Diet System ...
Jonah Hill cut this ONE thing from his diet to lose weight – Daily Star

Jonah Hill, famous actor, has lost a considerable amount of weight over the past few years.
When Jonah first burst onto our screens in Superbad in 2007 he was noticeably bigger than he is now.
While his weight has fluctuated over the years, the star has stepped out looking trimmer than ever.
And he credits the weight loss to cutting out one simple thing from his diet.
The 33-year-old said his weight loss journey began in 2011 when he was filming Moneybag with Brad Pitt.
He said at the time: It was mostly diet. I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat and to change my habits and stuff.
I found that Japanese food was very helpful to me.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
However, he also admitted that cutting out beer from his diet was one of the main things that helped him to lose weight.
The 21 Jump Street actor revealed: I went to a nutritionist and I said, Ill lose weight, Ill eat healthier and whatever, but figure out how I can drink beer.
Its so annoying because when I dont drink beer, I get really really thin, Then when I drink beer, I get a little bigger.
Yet, 2015 saw Jonah put weight back on for his film War Dogs with Channing Tatum.
Two years later, and Jonah is back sporting a svelte figure achieved with the help of a personal trainer.
This is something he thanks Channing for: "I gained weight for this movie War Dogs, and then I wanted to get in better shape, so I called Channing Tatum, and said, 'Hey, if I eat less and go to a trainer, will I get in better shape?
"And he said, 'Yes, you dumb motherf*****, of course you will, it's the simplest thing in the entire world."
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Jonah Hill cut this ONE thing from his diet to lose weight - Daily Star
Research Shows Making This Change To Your Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Twice As Fast –

As most of us sit trying to figure out what to cut from our diets in order shed a few pounds before summer, two culprits typically come to mind: sugar and carbs. But a new study reveals that the most effective weight-loss plan might not have anything to do with ditching sweeteners or calories it's all about ditching meat.
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New research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reveals that dieters not only lose weight more effectively when going on a vegetarian diet, but they also boost their metabolism. A group of 74 people all with type 2 diabetes followed a vegetarian diet of grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts, and researchers discovered that the diet was twice as more effective yes, 2x! than a conventional one. Dieters lost an average of 14 pounds versus 7 pounds.
What's more, the vegetarian diet also reduced muscle fat, resulting in a higher metabolism. This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight," says Dr. Kahleov, who studied the fat tissue of the patients, "including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy."
If you're not ready to quit eating meat cold turkey, we feel you. But start opting for one meatless meal a day and try to swap in legumes like black beans and chickpeas when you can. You got this.
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Research Shows Making This Change To Your Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Twice As Fast -
This simple diet change will make you lose TWICE the amount of … – Daily Star

YOU can lose double the amount of weight if you do this.
Vegetarians can get a bit of a hard time but they might be onto something.
A new study has confirmed that a vegetarian diet can make you lose twice as much weight as a carnivorous one.
Researchers from the Committee for Responsible Medicine found that not only will it help you lose weight, it will also reduce muscle fat and boost your metabolism.
Lead author, Dr. Hana Kahleov said this finding is particularly important for people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
Hana said Vegetarian diets proved to be the most effective diets for weight loss. However, we also showed that a vegetarian diet is much more effective at reducing muscle fat, thus improving metabolism.
This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
The research team studied 74 people with type 2 diabetes who were randomly assigned to either a vegetarian diet or a typical anti-diabetic diet.
The vegetarian diet was more or less vegan as it consisted solely of fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, grains and legumes and the participants were limited to one portion of low-fat yoghurt per day the only animal product.
Participants on both diets consumed 500 calories less per day than they would if they were to maintain their weight.
Over the course of six months, those on the vegetarian diet lost nearly 1st while those on the other diet lost just half a stone.
The researchers also looked at how the diets affected the fat storage in the participants thighs.
Both diets proved similar in reducing their subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin).
However, subfascial fat (on the surface of the muscles) was only reduced on the vegetarian diet as was intramuscular fat.
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This simple diet change will make you lose TWICE the amount of ... - Daily Star
Want to lose weight fast? Start running – Times of India (blog)

Nothing pumps up that adrenaline as running. The wind in your hair, the sweat on your brow, the thump of your heartbeat and wings on your feet, a run gets those happy hormones soaring high. With the remake of Rocky in Bollywood being written about, I cant help but think about Stallones inspirational run against the foggy skyline of New York, as he prepares for his match. Though the film was all about boxing, running is shown as an integral part of his workout, as is for the preparation of most sport activities.
Sports and Health experts have always given a thumbs up to running as a regular exercise to burn those calories, up your metabolism, get that cardio vascular strength and keep the endorphins high. However recent studies have also shown that running, increases production of brain derived growth factor (BDGF), in the hippocampus. BDGF is a chemical released in the brain that protects neurons and promotes their growth.
So for the rest of us regular people do put in a bit of running with your workouts if you are a gym person. And if you are one of those that prefer walking, then add a little sprint to your routine. Not only will it benefit you physically but also up the neurological well-being of your cells. Walking and low intensity running uses the slow twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for using first the stored glycogen in the muscles and then switching to fat burn from the adipose tissue to derive energy thereby facilitating weight loss. The theory behind this is, one is able to perform low intensity exercise for a longer duration than a high intensity one done for a short spurt of time which uses mainly the carbohydrate (glycogen) reserves.
However after one gets fitter, the body learns to metabolize the fat for energy better. So if a persons time duration for low intensity workout is the same, he/she will be able to burn fat faster than when he/she started out. Hence if they add a high intensity workout to the running, they will derive more benefit.
Running is the easiest form of exercise that can help you to lose weight fast by improving your metabolism. Start slow and easy, gradually increasing your duration. Do not try and do a Stallone in the first shot and give your heart a shock with the sudden amount of pumping you expect out of it. Make sure you stretch your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles. It will help in making the muscles supple and reduce chances of injury. When one stretches, one improves blood circulation, keeping the muscle fibers well hydrated. Choose a well fitted shoe with good cushioning, so as to reduce impact. It always helps to wear thicker socks for running. Get yourself a running partner to motivate you or a good playlist going if you enjoy your solitude. Running can even be meditative for some, if they learn to follow their breath. The gradual intake of breath and then release can actually dispense toxins from your body and leave you with a calmer state of mind.
So do as you must, and as you deem fit but do put on your shoes and hit the track.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
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Want to lose weight fast? Start running - Times of India (blog)
Intermittent fasting: A fast way to lose weight? – The Straits Times

It is Ramadan, a month when Muslims around the world fast during daylight hours. They are not the only group who practise fasting, as practitioners of other religions also fast from time to time.
Intermittent fasting - taking breaks from eating - is also increasingly practised for health reasons.
Fasting patterns vary. For instance, it can mean eating less on two days a week or every other day.
Some people opt for intermittent fasting to lose weight. When we eat, the body stores sugar as glycogen.
A body that is deprived of food will start to use its glycogen stores. Once these stores are used up, the body burns fat for energy, resulting in weight loss, said Ms Bibi Chia, the principal dietitian at Raffles Diabetes & Endocrine Centre.
Indeed, intermittent fasting that involves eating less on alternate days or two days a week has been shown to lead to weight loss in overweight people, said Dr Abdul Shakoor S.K., a senior consultant at Tan Tock Seng Hospital's department of endocrinology.
But while fasting has definite benefits for people who are obese, there is no definitive proof of its benefits for healthy people, he said.
Intermittent fasting may also lower the risk of metabolic and cardiovacular diseases in obese and non-obese people, he said.
However, there is insufficient evidence to show that it is a way for diabetic patients to control blood glucose levels, he added.
Besides, most people find it hard to restrict their calorie intake over the long term. It is also natural to overeat during non-fasting hours, which negates any weight loss.
Dr Quah Boon Leong, a staff physician in general surgery at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, said: "According to one study, weight changes during Ramadan were relatively small and mostly reversed after that, gradually returning to pre- Ramadan status. Consistent lifestyle modifications are necessary to achieve lasting weight loss."
Intermittent fasting is not just about weight loss. "Some studies indicate a decreased risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes among those who fast routinely," said Dr Sueziani Zainudin, a consultant endocrinologist at Seng- kang Health's general medicine department. "Studies also report behavioural changes, including improvement in mood, increased alertness and mental acuity, and tranquillity."
Dr Abdul Shakoor said alternate- day fasts in animals have been shown to lead to longer lifespans. It has also been shown to prevent or delay heart disease, diabetes, cancer, neurological disorders and stroke.
"However, there is no convincing evidence from human studies to show that fasting or caloric restriction help to ward off or delay the onset of chronic diseases," he said.
Therefore, while healthy adults may fast for religious reasons, they do not need to fast specifically for health purposes as there is insufficient evidence to show that intermittent fasting will prevent certain diseases or prolong life in humans, he said.
Doctors said fasting is not suitable for people who are ill, elderly, pre-pubescent or have eating disorders, as well as women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
It may affect diabetic patients on medication or those with heart, kidney and liver conditions who take medications that induce water loss, said Dr Sueziani.
Dr Quah said the health risks of fasting during Ramadan are hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels) and dehydration. "Severe hypoglycaemia could lead to convulsions and falls, and may be fatal."
While intermittent fasting shows promise, a lot of questions remain unanswered. Ms Chia said these include which is the most effective fasting pattern, the optimal calorie consumption during the fasting period and how sustainable it is in the long term.
Dr Abdul Shakoor said if intermittent fasting with low-calorie diets is practised frequently, it may affect one's ability to get adequate essential nutrients.
Most international dietetic associations do not recommend following a very low-calorie diet for more than 12 weeks, he said.
When fasting, look out for signs like dehydration, heartburn, bad breath, headaches, increased irritability and dizziness, said Ms Chia. "Stop when there are signs of shivering, extreme thirst, heart palpitation or extreme weakness."
Mistakes that diabetics make when fasting
Getting children to fast during
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Intermittent fasting: A fast way to lose weight? - The Straits Times
Mum and daughter lose 34st you won’t believe what they look like now – Daily Star

THIS mother and daughter dup have lost an incredible 34st between them.
A mother and daughter have lost an incredible 34st between them the weight of almost three men.
Before the weight loss Liz Paice and Wendy Kenney tipped the scales at 28st each but gastric bypass surgeries have caused the weight to fall off.
32-year-old Liz let her weight spiral out of control with binges on Caramac bars, family-sized pies and huge fry ups.
Since the operation, she has lost an astonishing 17st and now weighs just 11st and is a size 14.
Liz said: "I have two daughters and I wanted to live to see them grow up.
"I watched my mum have horrible health problems, and I saw myself mirrored in her.
"It came to a point where I'd yo-yo dieted a lot and I needed to do something about it.
Liz realised her weight was a problem around three years ago and it took her a further two years before she could get the gastric bypass surgery on the NHS.
She added: I went to the hospital for classes to help change my way of thinking when it came to food and to identify the source of my eating.
"My problems with eating started when I was young - I used to secretly eat and used it as an emotional crutch.
"I used to eat 100 profiteroles, 150 Caramac bars, hot dogs out of the tin - that sort of thing.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
The weight loss has had a positive impact on the family as Lizs eldest daughter Allison has even joined the gym at just age 11 so she can lose weight.
Lizs mother, 52-year-old Wendy also jumped on board the weight loss journey after she was forced to use a mobility scooter because of her weight.
Devon-based Wendy said: "I got to the stage where I couldn't walk or look after myself, and I needed help going to the toilet.
"I just thought 'I can't continue'. I'd been big all my life, yo-yo dieting, and I'd tried literally everything.
"In 2014 it became so bad I got a mobility scooter, and my husband told me that would be it if I got one, I'd always use it.
"I was 27 stone - I had to do something.
Wendy explained she was encouraged to eat as much as possible growing up which included a lot of starchy and fried foods, puddings and all big portions.
This philosophy followed her into adulthood and he would find herself eating an entire family pie for dinner some nights.
She explained: "I'd just eat anything I could get my hands on, washed down with four or five high fat milkshakes.
Wendy explained watching her daughter transform her life encouraged her to make a change.
Now, she has dropped from 27st to just 10st and a svelte size 14.
Wendy worked with a dietician to work out a revised eating plan and she also joined an assisted gym.
"The dietician really helped with what was better to eat - lots of protein, then fruit and veg, then carbs at the end of a meal if I had space left.
"I also used the assisted gym to help me lose weight, and joined the British Obesity Surgery Patients Association, which really helped keep me motivated.
"Liz made the first step, and I thought if she was doing it, I ought to."
Liz said it was great to go through this journey with her mother: "It's somebody to talk about meals with and exercise together.
"Because we've been losing weight at different times, we can swap clothes with each other.
"She's been a great emotional support, because there's someone else going through the same stuff."
Mum and daughter lose 34st you won't believe what they look like now - Daily Star
Women are doing this drastic thing to lose weight DON’T try this at home – Daily Star

WOMEN are resorting to ridiculous measures in order to lose weight.
Anyone whos tried to lose weight has probably gone to a semi-drastic measure.
While diet and exercise are the tried and tested method, juice cleanses that promise 5st weight loss can often be tempting.
However, some women have taken these measures to a new level.
Reports have revealed women are injecting themselves with a pregnancy hormone in order to lose weight fast.
The chemical, called human chorionic gonadotropin, is certainly not a recommended weight loss technique and we urge you not to try this at home.
The pregnancy hormone is supposed to support weight loss of up to 30lb per month.
HCG doesnt have any approval for weight loss and we strongly recommend against it, Professor Bu Beng Yeap from the Endocrine Society of Australia said.
The chemical is mainly being sold online and these would most likely contain homoeopathic quantities.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
The weight loss plan that comes with the chemical bought online advises dieters to eat just 500 calories per day for the initial few weeks.
Nutritionists advise if a woman is looking to lose weight she should aim to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day and then 2,000 calories to maintain her weight.
Eating just 500 calories a day is a quarter of a womans recommended daily intake, so people who do this will lose weight whether or not they are injecting themselves with the hormone.
Jade Larue West tried the diet and called it a terrible experience: It did not take me long to realise this diet was a terrible mistake.
Not only did it fail provide me with lasting results, but it also left me in a worse state than when I started. And the entire time I was on the diet, I was unhappy.
If you do want to lose weight, a healthy diet and exercise three times a week is the way to go instead of injecting yourself with unknown chemicals.
The Daily Star Online have approached a medical professional for comment.
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Women are doing this drastic thing to lose weight DON'T try this at home - Daily Star
People are taking pregnancy drugs to lose weight: Is it safe? –

Is there no limit to what people will do to avoid proper diet and exercise? A diet whose roots date back to the early 1950s and that has seen a recent resurgence, uses the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) also known as the pregnancy hormone to suppress appetite.
The diet was originally developed by British endocrinologistDr. A.T.W. Simeons who was using hCG to treat low testosterone levels in boys. During treatment, he noticed that the boys were losing weight, and especially belly fat, which led him to conclude that the hypothalamus gland (which is responsible for the production of hormones) contributed to the regulation of fat.
WATCH BELOW: Gluten-free diet warning
Over the course of a decade, Simeons experimented with different foods and amounts of the hormone to fine-tune the hCG diet, which when followed precisely, led to men and women losing weight much faster than through diet and exercise alone.
But doctors today point out that theres one key factor driving this weight loss: the diet only allows for a consumption of 500 daily calories.
The essence of the diet is that youre only eating 500 calories a day, said Dr. Tom Hannam, director of Hannam Fertility Centre. Its wildly insufficient.
Hannam explains that hCG is made by the placenta when a woman gets pregnant. Its purpose is to stimulate the ovaries to get them to keep making progesterone, which thickens the endometrial lining so that she can hold on to her pregnancy. By the time she makes it to eight weeks of gestation, the placenta makes its own progesterone and hCG is no longer needed. Coincidentally, the diet only lasts eight weeks.
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Looking at the time frame, then, its obvious that hCG is crucial in the beginning stages of a pregnancy, which is the same time that many women experience nausea and vomiting.
And that, saidDr. Shafiq Qaadri, author of The Testosterone Factor, could be one of the reasons behind taking hCG for weight loss.
This characteristic of pregnancy thats largely driven by this hormone nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite is what health practitioners are trying to capture so that their patients will lose interest in food, he said. The dose will vary so as not to induce full-blown [symptoms], but that changes from day to day.
The other point of hCG could be to offer muscle protection, much in the way that any anabolic hormone might, he says. Due to the severe restrictions of the diet (patients eat two daily meals consisting of a lean protein, a vegetable, a piece of fruit and a bread product, like one breadstick or slice of Melba toast), the first thing people are bound to lose is muscle mass.
That may be okay when you look at yourself or see the number on the scale, but its bad for the body, Qaadri said. Youre basically eating yourself. And depending on how fast you drop the weight, it can lead to other metabolic issues.
But not all doctors see the point of the hCG. Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist and author of The Obesity Code, says that the hormone is little more than a placebo.
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Theres no evidence that it does anything aside from offer a placebo effect, he said. If you give people a shot of salt water and tell them it will suppress their hunger, in a high percentage of those people, it actually will. By that rationale, you can inject anything in them [and tell them it will aid in weight loss], and it will.
In a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, researchers asserted that even after more than half a century of studies, no scientific body has concluded that hCG has any effect on weight loss. This particular study looked at some preparations of the drug and found some alarming correlations.
The study we performed was to look at the components of some pharmaceutical grade preparations which are often not pure hCG, said Dr. Stephen Butler, lead author of the study. From our extensive earlier work we know that some of these impurities are associated with aggressive cancer.
Butler concludes:From the global peer-reviewed published literature, there is no evidence to suggest how hCG could promote any kind of weight loss.
Qaadri stresses that only a doctor can prescribe hCG and it comes in the form of an injectable. Any homeopathic preparations of it are fraudulent.
The other thing to consider about hCG, Hannam points out, is that in the right dosage, it can elicit a really good feeling in the body. After all, there are women who love being pregnant.
The point of hCG is to create a response in the ovaries to make hormones, and most of us feel great when we get a hormone boost. Your energy and your libido go up, and you feel pretty awesome. In this case, it would probably improve your mood and take your mind off your hunger [from following such a restrictive diet.]
In an interview with CTV News, a spokesperson from Health Canada explained the agencys stance on using hCG for weight loss.
When used to treat a condition for which it is not indicated, such as weight loss, [hCG] could cause serious side-effects. In women this could include painful cysts occurring as the result of over-stimulation of the ovaries.
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Hannam says that hCG isnt routinely used to stimulate egg growth in the ovaries, so hyperstimulation wouldnt be a common side effect. But there is one that could make it an undesirable option for women:an increased risk of pregnancy.
This hormone stimulates the ovaries, and the thing with doing that is that you could increase your number of eggs and risk getting pregnant, Hannam said.
While there are no definitive studies on what long-term hCG use will do to the body, he says the diet overall isnt built for health.
Its an extreme diet, he said. Only eating 500 calories a day and taking a steroid that is untested for this indication is an extreme choice on top of another extreme choice. Its not sustainable and therefore not medically advisable.
2017Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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People are taking pregnancy drugs to lose weight: Is it safe? -
Diet Doc’s New Contrave Prescription Addresses Weight Loss’ Main Obstacle Insatiable Cravings and Hunger Pangs – satPRnews (press release)

Jackson, MS, June 06, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) As we head into summertime, countless low-calorie fad diets are scheduled to pop up, promising dieters a lean, beach body just in time for the season. What all these diets fail to take into account, however are the massive hunger pangs and cravings that naturally occur while trying to adhere to sudden caloric restrictions. Hunger is one of the biggest culprits preventing the average citizen from seeing steady weight loss results. Diet Docs medical team is always on the cutting edge of weight loss solutions and has created their newly-formulated prescription, Contrave to curb these insatiable hunger pangs and cravings. Contrave is an FDA-approved weight-loss medication containing a proprietary combination of Naltrexone HCl and Bupropion HCl. This weight loss prescription keeps one feeling satiated so one can finally lose weight and keep it off. Contrave helps people succeed with dieting, as cravings are eliminated or drastically reduced.Diet Docs medical experts have studied the links between hunger and the human brain. Basically, the brain seeks to repeat rewarding experiences to trigger feelings of pleasure, which can cause an individual to crave food even when they arent hungry. Contraves two active ingredients, naltrexone and bupropion, target two areas of the brain: the hypothalamus and the mesolimbic reward center. The hypothalamus regulates hunger while the mesolimbic reward system triggers a sense of pleasure during experiences such as eating. Bupropion stimulates the POMC neurons of the hypothalamus, which fire neurotransmitters to reduce feelings of hunger. Naltrexone helps to keep these neurons active so that you dont feel hungry between meals. Naltrexone and bupropion also regulate neurotransmitters in the mesolimbic reward system that are associated with cravings.The safety, tolerability, and effectiveness of the FDA-approved Contrave prescription have been well-studied. Across three long-term studies, participants who took Contrave lost approximately two to three times more weight on average than participants who used diet and exercise alone. Contrave may be effective for weight loss on its own, or it may be used as part of a complete weight loss program, as determined by your doctor.Diet Doc makes it easy to access the prescription weight loss medications, such as Contrave, that you need when diet and exercise just arent enough. Simply give us a call orsend us a messagefor a free, no-obligation consultation, and ask about our medically-supervised weight loss plans. Well get you on the path towards a better you! Diet Doc offers a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc products and individualized coaching help individuals lose weight fast and keep it off. Existing patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month safely and effectively. New patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.About the Company:Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nations leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.Twitter: INFORMATIONDiet Doc Contact Information:Providing care across the USAHeadquarters:San Diego, CA(800) 581-5038Info@DietDoc.comhttps://www.dietdoc.comAttachments:A photo accompanying this announcement is available at King Diet Doc 7027487526
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Diet Doc's New Contrave Prescription Addresses Weight Loss' Main Obstacle Insatiable Cravings and Hunger Pangs - satPRnews (press release)