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‘Pill’ help slimmers shed third of their weight in just four months with no surgery – Plymouth Herald

Scientists may have developed a 'magic bullet' for slimmers. .
The hi-tech gastric balloon - which you swallow as a simple pill before it is inflated - fills up your stomach to make you feel full and then deflates itself after four months, reports Mirror Online.
Details of the slimming aid will be presented today at the world's biggest obesity conference in Porto, Portugal.
Incredible trial results found the 15-minute balloon operation was "safe and effective" and triggered "substantial weight loss" in obese patients.
On average, those who use the treatment shed a third of their excess body weight. Patients aged between 27 and 67 each lost an average of 15.2kg (2st 4lbs).
It has already been approved for use in the UK and could help those who find it impossible to shed the pounds through normal diets.
Experts said that millions of Brits could eventually benefit from the simple pill.
Unlike existing gastric products, no surgery is required to insert or remove it.
Dr Roberta Ienca, of Sapienza University of Rome, who led the study, said: "Because the Elipse Balloon does not require endoscopy, surgery or anaesthesia, this may make it suitable for a larger population of obese patients not responding to diet or lifestyle treatment."
A traditional gastric band requires surgery, unlike the new gastric balloon (Photo: Getty)
Dr Ienca told the Daily Mirror that all the patients also enjoyed "improvements in overall metabolic health including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar control".
She described the reaction of patients to the device as "incredible".
She said: "They are very happy about the results they were able to achieve.
"During my daily phone contacts with my patients, they shared with me their pictures and the amount of weight they lost.
"They are very satisfied with the results achieved day after day."
Speaking at the the European Congress on Obesity in Porto, Portugal, Dr Ienca added that it could also be fitted in patients "by a variety of clinicians - nutritionists, dietitians, and internists - who currently do not have access to or are qualified to fit endoscopic or surgical weight loss devices."
The new balloon could help people shift a third of their weight by suppressing their appetite (Photo: Getty)
The patient swallows a tiny pill containing the deflated Elipse balloon, which is made from a delicate polymer film.
A catheter is attached and once the pill has reached the stomach, a doctor fills the balloon with 550ml of water through the catheter, then tugs on the tube to detach it.
The filled balloon takes up a large part of the stomach, reducing appetite and improving the patient's odds of shedding weight.
And after 16 weeks, a valve in the polymer film opens and the balloon collapses. It passes out normally through the digestive system.
Previously, most existing gastric balloons rely on a surgeon putting the device in the stomach using an internal probe while the patient is sedated or under anaesthetic.
It also has to be removed during surgery the same way.
Two in three Brits are overweight or obese.
It is not yet available on the NHS but is available through some private weight loss clinics in the UK.
The NHS is already trialling similar balloon pills to the one in the study presented in Porto.
The cost for the full treatment varies between 2,200 and 3,400 - less than half the cost of gastric band surgery.
The balloon pill has the potential to provide "significant cost savings"
for the NHS and save billions of pounds a year.
Obesity now costs the NHS 16billion a year - which includes treating obesity-linked medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes.
Dieters who tried the balloon lost on average 15kg in just four months (Photo: Digital Vision)
The study presented in Porto found that the swallowable gastric balloon "is a safe and effective way to induce substantial weight loss".
The research examined the impact of the balloon on 50 obese patients who had failed to lose weight by diet alone and who had refused other gastric treatment, because of the need of an endoscopy or anaesthesia.
Each patient had the balloon in their stomach for 16 weeks after which it spontaneously opened, emptied, and was excreted.
They were checked every two weeks.
In the last four weeks of the treatment, a very low calorie diet of 700 kcal/day was introduced to enhance weight loss and maximise the results to increase patient satisfaction. Once the balloon was excreted, patients were transitioned to a Mediterranean diet for weight maintenance.
After 16 weeks, the average weight loss was 15.2kg. The average percentage weight loss was a drastic 31%.
There were no serious adverse events recorded. All other adverse events including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain were either self-limiting or resolved with medication.Dr Ienca concluded: "The Elipse Balloon appears to be a safe and effective weight loss method. Furthermore, the absence of endoscopy and anaesthesia for placement and removal can lead to significant cost savings."
Prof Jason Halford, treasurer of the European Association for the Study of Obesity, which is hosting the world's biggest obesity conference, said:
"With bariatric surgery, there are potential complications, it's a very permanent change in your life and it's not easily reversible.
"People are looking for alternatives. "I think this is for people before they would get to the point where they need bariatric surgery. Potentially millions could benefit
"I think if studies are there and it's cost-effective... I think it should be considered on the NHS."
Dr Simon Cork, Research Fellow at the Department of Investigative Medicine,
Imperial College London, added: "Currently, gastric balloons have to be inserted under general anaesthetic or sedation.
"This not only limits the number of patients who can have them implanted,
but also increases surgery time and has significant costs associated with it."
He added: "The introduction of a device which doesn't require surgery to implant is a positive step forward."
Go here to read the rest:
'Pill' help slimmers shed third of their weight in just four months with no surgery - Plymouth Herald
Man claims THIS daily drink is secret behind 8st weight loss but it will make you queasy – Daily Star

A DAD has knocked back a daily drink in order to beat the bulge, but be warned its pretty bizarre.
While most of us reach for a cup of coffee in the morning, Dave Murphy swigs a glass of his own urine before bathing in it.
For the last six years, the 54-year-old from Essex has been drinking his own wee.
The former computer programmer reckons that his urine is the elixir responsible for his astonishing 8st weight loss, youthful looks and tip-top health.
Dave who went from 20st to 12st after drinking his own wee also believes that the practice of urine therapy could be a means of solving the world food shortage and slashing people's grocery bills.
Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.
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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone
In fact most days Dave survives on little else besides one grapefruit and two glasses of his own urine.
His only indulgence is a small portion of chips from his local chippy three times per week.
Dave, who has a 25-year-old daughter and 21-year-old son, explained: "After drinking my urine, I feel healthier and fitter than I've ever done before and I've lost 8st in weight.
"Additionally, I don't need much money to survive anymore. Because of all the wee I drink, I don't need to eat very much food at all.
"As humans, we don't actually have to consume that much. Urine can help us reduce what we need to eat - as it contains everything humans require.
"Most people think your wee is a waste product but it's not. It's actually cleaner than water."
Back in 2012, Dave went on a urine fast for 30 days in which he consumed nothing else but his own pee.
The dad-of-two also uses his urine to moisturise his face and wash in and he maintains that wee is the ultimate anti-ageing product.
Dave continued: "Wee is a snapshot of exactly what your body needs but happens to have too much of at that particular moment.
It really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
"For example, if you have an infection then your urine will have the antibodies to fight it. It boosts your immune system and has even cured my life-long asthma.
"Urine therapy is not just about drinking it, you can also wash in it and moisturise with it. It's the ultimate anti-ageing skin product my lines and wrinkles have disappeared since I began using my wee as a moisturiser.
"You can even use it to alleviate aches and pain and as an eye wash or a footbath.
"Urine is a cure-for-all. If people could just change their mentality and preconceptions about this therapy, then anyone can feel the huge benefits."
Dave began his unique practice back in May 2011 after he attending a talk about urine therapy.
At the time, Dave was clinically overweight at a whopping 20st and he suffered from poor health, including life-long asthma.
He said: "Six years ago, I was seriously overweight and very sick, taking regular steroids for my asthma.
"Having worked as a computer programmer in New York City, my diet was terrible. I would snack on chocolate all day and eat out for lunch and dinner.
"When I jokingly wandered in to a talk about urine therapy at a festival with my mates, I was truly skeptical. But by the end of the talk, my friends and I came out saying that we got to try this out.
The very next day, Dave gave it a try by downing a glass of his own urine twice-daily. Despite his open-minded attitude now, he admits he was initially apprehensive about consuming his own wee.
Dave said: "Initially, I was a bit cowardly and squeamish about drinking my own urine.
"The idea of ingesting warm pee was off-putting so I put it in the fridge so that it was ice-cold. And for the first few weeks, I would mix it with grapefruit juice.
"But eventually, I began drinking my urine straight-up and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
"Within a matter of minutes of consuming my first glass of pee though, I felt the benefits. I had lots of energy and my bowel movements improved.
"During the course of the following year, my weight began to drop off."
In June 2012, Dave took his unique habit to a new extreme and decided to embark on a urine fast.
Dave - who even authored a book on the subject called The Human Body Owners Workshop Manual said: "After a year of drinking my own urine, I started feeling a lot better and my blood pressure went back to normal.
"I really witnessed the benefits so a year later, I decided to do a urine fast - consuming nothing but my own wee for a month.
"During the course of those 30 days, my asthma was cured, my energy levels increased and I lost a ton of weight. People couldn't believe the transformation.
"I realised that I could survive on just urine indefinitely and two years later, I did a 'Breatharian' experiment where I survived on nothing but water for 60 days.
"I would love to do another urine fast and be filmed the whole time it so people can see that it's real. It's a genuine solution for the world food shortage - as well as weight loss.
"Through drinking my urine, I haven't been sick or gone to a doctor in six years. The advantages are huge I have even got my mum into drinking it now."
Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat
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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health
BREAKFAST: Ham, egg and swiss on a bagel and a caramel frappucino
LUNCH: Business lunch out e.g. sushi
DINNER: Eating out at restaurants e.g. pasta, meat and rice
SNACKS: Chocolate
BREAKFAST: Glass of urine followed by a bath in his own urine
LUNCH: Grapefruit
EARLY DINNER: Glass of urine
TREAT: Chips from the chippy two to three times per wee
Read this article:
Man claims THIS daily drink is secret behind 8st weight loss but it will make you queasy - Daily Star
5 Tricks to See Weight Loss Fast – Beliefnet

You don't need a pricey trainer or gym to lose weight. By Corine Gatti
Oops, the diet is over, or is it? If this sounds like you after eating cupcakes anddonuts this week, hold on! Your diet doesn't need to be over. You may have a slow metabolism, you might have emotional struggles with food or just hit a plateau on your journey. Many people deal with the yo-yo pattern as result of all the diets and just run out of steam. Mark Pettus, MD said in an interview with Everyday Health that its hard to be patient. "As you start your diet, remember that slow and steady weight loss is the easiest to maintain. If you have been teetering on giving up on your goals, dont do it. Fortunately, these errors are easily corrected with one valuable resource and that is you. Instead of looking at the big picture, we will look into what can be done on a daily basis to lose weight, and it is not that complicated. If the fancy gyms and books are not helping you accomplish your weight-loss aspirations, you've come to the right place. Here are 5 tricks to see weight loss fast.
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5 Tricks to See Weight Loss Fast - Beliefnet
Man loses 12.5st naturally you won’t believe what he looks like now – Daily Star

ALEX MERRIAM lost half of his body weight naturally. This is how he did it.
At just 17-years-old, Alex Merriam weighed 25st.
While high school is a volatile place for the average teenager, Alex said being overweight during this period of his life left him depressed.
Now 21, Alex explained the moment during his second year of university that made him decided to make his lifestyle change and help him drop half his body weight.
I got a really cool internship working for the State Department at the US embassy in El Salvador, Alex recalled.
My boss and I talked about my career aspirations, and he was like, You're on the right path in terms of your resume, but unless you get in shape, there's no chance you get a job in this field. Nothing matters if you can't pass the physical tests.
Alex said he began to lose weight by accident after being busy with work within six months he had lost 5st.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
Before the weight loss, Alex said he would eat everything. If he ate biscuits, it wouldnt just be a few, it would be the entire packet.
It took Alex two years to lose the weight as he didnt want to cut anything out.
I wanted to have fun, drink with my friends, eat pizza. I was able to learn how to do that in a responsible way," he said.
Before, I just didn't have the mindset to eat two pieces of pizza. I'd eat half the pizza. Or for dinner instead of a salad I'd eat an entire frozen pizza.
After the first 5st weight loss, Alex explained his weight plateaued for four months. His initial weight loss had been without exercise, but once back in the US, he began to exercise every day.
An added benefit to the weight loss? A happier disposition.
I'm one of those people who's annoyingly happy now. I was never that happy a person, I guess. Now I'm the guy who's smiling all the time," he added.
More here:
Man loses 12.5st naturally you won't believe what he looks like now - Daily Star
What are ‘fasting’ diets and do they help you lose weight? – The Conversation AU

There are many types of fasting diets. But are they any better than restricting your energy intake the old fashioned way?
Trying to lose weight is hard work. You need to plan meals and snacks, and make a big effort to avoid situations that trigger more eating and drinking than youd planned. Dieting can also be very antisocial. But what if you could speed up weight loss, spend less time dieting, with the promise of better results? This is where fasting diets come in.
Intermittent fasting is the broad name for diets when you fast to some degree on some, but not all, days of the week; you eat normally on the other days.
On fast days, the kilojoule (energy) restriction is severe, at about 25% of what you would normally eat. This is only 2,000 to 3,000 kilojoules a day. An average person needs around 8,700 kilojoules a day (depending on body size and activity level) to maintain their current body weight.
To lose between one quarter and half a kilogram a week you would need to reduce your energy intake by 2,000 kilojoules a day. Over a whole week, this is equivalent to cutting back total energy intake by 14,000 kilojoules. Fasting diets compress this 14,000 kilojoule reduction into fewer days of dieting. In practical terms, this means that you reduce your intake by so much on a couple of days, you do not to be so strict on the other days.
Depending on the type of fasting diet, you focus all your weight loss efforts into sticking to the severe restriction for either two days a week (as in the 5:2 diet) or every second day (for three to four days days a week), as in alternate-day fasting. Another variation is the 16-hour overnight fast where eating is restricted every day to an eight-hour window, such as 11am to 7pm. Across all types of intermittent energy restrictions diets, we dont know the longer-term benefits or harms.
Any intermittent fasting approach will work if you can tolerate the hunger pains and stick to it. Sounds easy, but it is a very hard thing to do and for many it is not realistic. When you are fasting, your body thinks there is a famine and will try to get you to eat. The idea is that by including non-fasting periods, when you eat what you want, you may feel less like you are on a diet, and that makes it easier to stick to.
Even though fasting dieters are told to eat what they feel like on non-fast days, most do not get a compensatory increase in appetite. In other words, they do not over-eat, but just eat normally on non-fast days. So they reduce their total kilojoule intake over the whole week.
A specific type of continuous (every day) fasting diet is called a protein sparing modified fast or a very low energy diet. These limit you to 1,800 to 2,500 kilojoules a day, every day. They use products called formulated meal replacements, in the form of milkshakes or snack bars to replace most meals and snacks. These are supplemented with vitamins and minerals to meet the bodys nutrient needs.
Such very low energy programs usually include one small meal that contains a couple of cups of vegetables (to boost fibre and nutrient intakes), a small amount of oil (to keep the gall bladder working) and sometimes a fibre supplement (to manage constipation). These are reserved for when you need to lose weight urgently for health reasons or ahead of surgery.
Continuous fasting using these very low energy diets is associated with a reduction in hunger. This is thought to be due to the production of molecules called ketones that cross the blood-brain barrier (from the brains bloodstream into its tissues) and reduce appetite.
Intermittent fasting diets that last for at least six months help people lose weight. However, they are no more effective than other dietary approaches that restrict your kilojoule intake every day, but not so severely as a fast.
Consistent with this result, a study published last week randomised 100 adults to either alternate-day fasting, a continuous energy restriction diet, or to no intervention, for six months. They were followed for another six months after that. There was no difference in weight loss between the diet groups after a year.
And a review that compared behavioural interventions for weight management to those that also included very low energy diets found very low energy approaches achieved slightly greater weight loss for up to two years.
Fasting diets are not for everyone. People with major medical problems, or taking a range of medications including insulin, should not go on them, unless under medical supervision; they are not suitable for children, in pregnancy or for people with eating disorders; and they may exacerbate some mental health conditions.
Fasting diets can also have side-effects. The more days you spend fasting, the more likely you are to have them. Side-effects can include constipation, headaches, bad breath, gall bladder disease, gout and liver inflammation.
So, before starting a weight loss diet, see your doctor for a check-up. When you need more support to improve your eating habits, or the diet you were following stops working, you need to try another approach. That is a good time to also get advice from an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
The best diet to help you achieve a healthy weight is one you can stick with. It should also help you feel better and be healthier.
By making improvements to your usual eating habits, that you can live with permanently, you will drop some weight. It might not be your dream weight, but it is likely to be realistic. It might not sound sexy, but its true.
Read more from the original source:
What are 'fasting' diets and do they help you lose weight? - The Conversation AU
Doing THIS every day is guaranteed to help you lose weight – Daily Star

IF YOU do this one thing daily you are more likely to lose weight.
Weve all been there. Laughed when one of our friends stood on a chair at a cafe to artfully take a picture of the food put infront of them.
But what if they were unknowingly offering the key to weight loss success?
Thats what one new study has revealed.
The study from the University of Washington said posting your meals to Instagram may be a key factor in helping you lose weight.
The researchers interviewed 16 women who consistently used the social media platform to document what they ate in a day using the hashtags #fooddiary or #foodjournal.
They found these women received support from fellow Instagram users which helped them make better food choices.
Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat
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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health
Lead author Christina Chung said taking photos and sharing with people is more fun than writing it down in a book or app which lead to greater results.
With Instagram, it helped me because I was taking a picture of it its real and it does exist and it does count towards what I was eating. And then putting up a visual image of it really helped me stay honest, one study participant said.
The study also found that the participants maintaining their Instagram accounts and encouraging others made it easier to stick to their healthy habits.
Maintenance becomes pretty boring for a lot of people because your quest to hit a goal has worn off, study author Sean Munson said.
This made things more interesting and meaningful for people because after they got to their goal, they turned to thinking about how they could help others and stay accountable to people who were relying on them for support.
If youre not looking to share your food escapades with the entire world, you can even make a private Instagram account so you are able to visually see what you eat in a day.
Original post:
Doing THIS every day is guaranteed to help you lose weight - Daily Star
The ONE simple exercise that helped this man lose over 9st – Daily Star

LIAM SCARROT lost 130lbs by doing this one simple exercise.
Liam Scarrot had always been fit growing up.
The Australian man would spend his days playing football and cricket, his parents would cook healthy meals and even at 17 he would go to the gym five days a week.
However, after he broke his leg at work the weight began to pile on.
When I was recovering, I got sacked and told I was useless, since I was on crutches, he told Mens Health.
That put a huge mental strain on me and I really went down hill. The start of the end you could say.
Liam put on over 2st while recovering from the broken leg which made his self-esteem plummet.
He turned to food for comfort. His daily diet would exceed 4,000 calories a day and would gorge on junk food, soft drink, alcohol and desserts.
At 18, Liams weight ballooned to 21st 4lbs. It wasn't until five years later, when in a long-term relationship, Liam decided to make a change.
He began to write down everything he ate and focussed on portion sizes and he would also take a walk regularly this alone helped him drop 3st 5lbs.
LDN Muscle founder Tom Exton shows off his shredded body
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People were coming up to me, and noticing me, and saying how good Im looking and it honestly made me feel so good, I couldnt help but keep going, Liam explained.
Liam hit a weight-loss plateau but credits walking every day with helping him break through it.
These daily 40-minute walks eventually turned into 40-minute runs and this is when he decided to join a gym.
Now, Liam goes to the gym four times a week and has taken up strength training along with cardio.
Liam also changed his diet, cut out the sugar, and loaded his meals with protein and vegetables.
He also credits seeing a therapist as one of the major things that helped with his weight loss.
I had to keep telling myself and pushing myself to just keep going.
Its all a mental thing. If you can win the battle in your head, you will get what you want to achieve.
See original here:
The ONE simple exercise that helped this man lose over 9st - Daily Star
Nigella Lawson weight loss – how the celebrity chef got her svelte figure WITHOUT dieting –

The 57-year-old has always been pro self-indulgence, having once suggested taking a doughnut and making french toast with it.
Back in 2015, she criticised obsessive diet culture and clean eating because, for her, life is all about balance.
She told Good Housekeeping Magazine: I wouldnt want a life where I lived on chia seed pudding, just as I wouldnt want to life where I lived on eggs Benedict or steak and chips.
I love kale and Im an avocado obsessive. But life is about balance, its not about being smug. You dont eat things because you think theyre good for you.
I have never been on a diet to try to lose weight. I feel like I havent lost weight, but Im possibly in better shape. I am doing a rather slow form of yoga now called lyengar.
Also, you can guarantee that what people think will be good for you this year, they wont next year.
So how did curvy Nigella get in such great shape? Surgery (but not the kind you might expect) apparently.
According to the Telegraph in 2015, Nigella said: I had a very glamorous operation - a double bunionisation. I couldnt walk to the fridge afterwards and, actually, its quite a good diet.
Not because I stopped eating but because you can say to someone, Can you get me a slice of cake? but its kind of embarrassing to say, And now could you get me a second slice?
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Sarah Millican shows off her new hair and new figure
So I havent really eaten any different, but I had fewer opportunities to eat.
The self-taught chef has also attributed keeping in shape over the years to yoga.
She told Good Housekeeping: Its certainly true my weight went up - that happens in life sometimes.
I have never been on a diet to try to lose weight. I feel like I havent lost weight, but Im possibly in better shape. I am doing a rather slow form of yoga now called lyengar.
No one should be out on this earth to go on a diet. No one should eat themselves ill either.
Sarah Millican has always been one to joke about her weight and diet in the past, but in her most recent posts on Instagram and Twitter the comedian from South Shields has been flaunting a much slimmer figure, and has revealed the diet to go with it.
The 41-year-old has been posting pictures of her writing snacks, which quite often consist of fruit - thought she admits its a struggle to get them down her.
She posted another picture of her breakfast - porridge with fruit.
Here is the original post:
Nigella Lawson weight loss - how the celebrity chef got her svelte figure WITHOUT dieting -
How to boost your metabolism: Burn more calories with these simple tricks –

Or maybe youve hit your 40s and are now struggling to keep your waistline in check (when in the past you could eat what you wanted without gaining a pound).
Both are common problems and the natural response for many is to blame it on a slow metabolism.
Its common for people to think there must be something wrong with their metabolism if theyre struggling with their weight, says dietitian Juliette Kellow.
But while everyones metabolic rate the speed at which we burn calories varies and does start to drop as we get older, its important not to fall into the trap of automatically thinking its the main reason for piling on the pounds or battling to stay slim.
Dr Thomas Barber, an obesity expert and associate professor in clinical endocrinology at the University of Warwick, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, agrees.
Only a small minority of obese patients have an underlying condition contributing to a slow metabolism, he says.
So the majority of us have no excuse to blame our excess weight on a slow metabolism but that doesnt mean there arent things we can do to give it a boost. Heres how:
In theory, every time we eat we enhance our metabolism. Everyones metabolism goes up for two to three hours after any meal because of the extra metabolic processes required to digest food and absorb its nutrients, explains Dr Barber.
The key to keeping your metabolism fired up is to space meals out
Juliette Kellow, dietitian
Its one of the many reasons experts recommend eating regularly and not skipping meals. Going for long amounts of time without eating means your body thinks its about to be faced with a famine, so your metabolism slows down in preparation for this, adds Juliette.
The key to keeping your metabolism fired up is to space meals out regularly throughout the day, so you benefit from the calories burned through digesting and absorbing meals.
Thats not to say you should constantly graze. Relentless munching and mindless eating can mean a stack of calories far more than even a stoked metabolism can burn off, with the result that the weight piles on.
Certain foods, such as chillies, are associated with a heightened thermogenic effect (the amount of calories needed to process the food weve eaten), explains Dr Barber.
Other foods, including ginger, pepper, grapefruit, coffee and green tea, have also been linked to speeding up our metabolism. However its unlikely eating these foods alone will affect weight.
Positive findings are usually too insignificant to conclude eating X or Y food will burn more calories, Dr Barber confirms.
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So enjoy them as part of a healthy, balanced diet but remember that eating them in excess wont help you lose weight.
Include protein-rich foods lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, tofu and Quorn, for example at each meal.
Studies show protein-rich foods cause a 20-30 per cent rise in metabolic rate compared with just a 5-10 per cent increase for carbs and less than three per cent for fat.
One study found a high-protein, low-fat diet produced double the fat burning effects of a high-carb, low-fat diet.
A study published this February compared a group of people eating wholegrains with a group who ate refined white grains.
After six weeks, the researchers found those in the wholegrain group passed more stools with a higher calorie content and had a slightly higher BMR (basal metabolic rate) than those in the refined white grains group.
After adjusting for other factors, the average daily loss for the wholegrain group was 92 calories a day.
More studies are needed to confirm these findings and identify whether this is an effective way to boost our BMR.
But we already know wholegrains provide good amounts of fibre (we should aim for 30g a day) and are associated with a number of other health benefits, including a reduced risk of bowel cancer.
So choose brown rice or pasta, wholemeal bread, wholegrain cereals and oats if they boost our metabolism, even better.
It may not be what we eat but how we eat it that has an impact on how many calories we burn.
In one study, adults who ate a meal over 10 minutes burned 30 calories.
When they ate the identical meal on a separate day over 40 minutes they burned 81 calories. Slowing down also gives the brain the time it needs to receive the Im full message from the stomach and helps to keep us fuller for longer, which reduces the amount we eat.
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How to lose weight without going to the gym
Eat each meal slowly and give it your full attention that means no television, smartphones, computer screens or other distractions.
Take your time chewing and put your cutlery down between mouthfuls.
Crash dieting and extreme calorie reductions slow metabolism as our body thinks food is in short supply and so responds by conserving energy exactly the opposite to what we want to achieve when were trying to lose weight.
In times of starvation (which is effectively what happens with a crash diet), the body starts to break down muscle as well as fat to provide it with the calories it needs to function.
This is bad news for our metabolism because the less muscle we have, the slower our metabolic rate and the fewer calories we burn.
Then, when we go back to eating normally, a slower metabolism means we dont need as many calories as before, so we pile weight on more quickly.
Instead, follow a healthy eating plan which reduces calories slightly and exercise regularly to burn calories and strengthen muscle.
The benefits of exercise are two-fold. First, aerobic activities such as running, cycling and brisk walking increase the amount of calories we burn.
Plus, aerobic exercise can lead to the afterburn effect, where the body continues to burn calories faster for many hours.
Strength training also helps to build lean muscle. Muscular activity is a very good way of burning calories and enhancing metabolic rate, says Dr Barber.
The more muscle we have, the higher our BMR. Exercising regularly is even more important as we age.
By the time we are in our 30s, our body starts to lose muscle and the more inactive we are, the faster this happens.
The full version of this article appears in the May edition of Healthy Food Guide.
Original post:
How to boost your metabolism: Burn more calories with these simple tricks -
This EIGHT hour diet is the key to weight loss, experts reveal – Daily Star

WANT to lose weight? Try this eight hour diet.
A few years ago, people went mad for the 5:2 diet, where you would eat for five days and fast for two.
While this is now grouped with other fad diets, a new fasting diet is currently the go-to for celebrities.
Called the 16:8 diet, the way it works is you eat normally during an eight hour time period and then fast for 16 hours.
Miranda Kerr and Nicole Kidman are said to be fans of the diet and nutrition experts believe it can increase your energy and help you lose weight.
Dr Joseph Marcela, told New Idea there are three rules to follow.
1. You must skip one meal a day
2. Avoid late-night meals
3. Eat and drink normally during your eight-hour eating time block
Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat
1 / 23
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It likely doesn't matter which meal you skip - breakfast or dinner - as long as you skip one of them, Joseph said.
He added its important to eat earlier in the night so your body isnt trying to digest a full stomach when it is inactive.
The best part? You only need to do this two days per week to see results.
So for five days you can eat regularly, but for two days you can only eat regularly for your chosen eight hours.
The benefits of intermittent fasting include balancing your hunger hormones, burning fat stores for energy and boosting your metabolism and energy levels.
Read the original post:
This EIGHT hour diet is the key to weight loss, experts reveal - Daily Star