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Fast Weight Loss – Can You Really Lose Weight Fast & Safe?

I get emails all the time from people asking about fast weight loss. Is it possible? Can it be done? And if so, what diet, workout, product or supplement will make it happen the fastest?
These types of questions usually come with some kind of story. You know, something like: I just want to lose weight fast. Ill do WHATEVER I have to do! Im tired of trying things and watching the scale barely move. I just want to know the fastest way to do it already!
Sometimes I even get my personal favorite story of all, a story that never fails to make me laugh. The type of story that comes from a man or woman who needs to lose weight fast because of some type of event that is coming up very soon. For example Hey, I have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks and I need to lose like 50 pounds fast, what can I do? They really expect me to write back with some magical method that can make these types of crazy results take place.
And in the month before summer, I ALWAYS get at least a few dozen emails from people telling me the same hilarious story Summer is around the corner and I want to look good in my bathing suit this year. I need to lose 80 million pounds as fast as possible. What should I do? Sure, 80 million pounds is an exaggeration, but you get my point.
People often need or want to lose weight fast because some kind of rapidly approaching event has placed a deadline on their weight loss goal. In my replies to emails this dumb, I often suggest that this person try to find a time machine, because unless they can travel back in time and start losing weight earlier, theyre screwed. The impossible goal theyve set just can NOT be met.
As you can imagine, their replies back to me usually include a term that starts with an F and ends with a you. The truth hurts, I guess.
Now, I understand why I get emails like this. We all want a quick fix. No one wants to workout and eat right and get their results slowly. They want it to happen as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible. I completely understand. Hell, I wish I could lose fat 10 times faster than I actually can, too.
The problem is, the type of fast weight loss most people are seeking just isnt realistically possible. Even worse is that attempting to make it happen and (always) failing to do it is not only potentially extremely dangerous for your health (both physically and mentally), its also extremely detrimental to your chances of EVER successfully losing that weight.
What this all means is that most people are chasing a goal that A) cant happen, and B) is just preventing them from getting the results they want.
In order to fix this problem, we need to get to the root of it. Why do we all think we can lose weight fast if we cant?
Well, this one is easy. There are tons of terrible sources of diet and fitness information out there that are constantly putting the idea of impossibly fast weight loss in our minds. Why? Usually to sell some crappy product. This could be a diet book or program of some kind, a fat loss pill or supplement, or some sort of fitness machine or exercise equipment.
And they all make pretty compelling arguments for why these amazingly rapid results are not only possible, but why what theyre selling is the ONLY way to make it happen. Take for example before and after pictures.
Before and after pictures are one of the most common and effective ways to sell a diet or fitness product of any kind. Just show a picture of someone who looks like crap, say they used this product, and then show a picture of them looking amazing and implying they transformed their body and lost all of that weight in a super short period of time. And taaadaaa, countless people get their credit cards ready.
I mean, these pictures have to be completely legit, right? They cant be lying. These are good people who just want to help you lose weight fast, they would never lie just to get your money right? Ha, thats cute. The real truth is, most before and after pictures showing fast weight loss results are total bullshit.
You know how a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, in this case, every one of those words is a lie. Heres a few examples:
And in the VERY rare cases where someone actually did lose weight fast (although not quite as fast as most people hope for, just faster than average), sometimes the company selling the product lets you know you probably wont be able to get the same weight loss results. Heres what I mean
There are commercials on TV for all kinds of gimmick weight loss diets and pills and products that all promise fast weight loss. After lying to you about all kinds of things and using myths that are proven not to really be possible (like spot reduction) to make their product seem amazing, they begin to show you actual people who supposedly used this product, machine, diet, pill, or supplement and were able to lose weight fast.
As they show you this person, theyll usually be telling you their story. You know I hated my body. I tried everything but nothing ever worked UNTIL NOW!!!! I lost X pounds using [insert useless crap here] in just X WEEKS and look at me now!! As funny as it already is, here comes the real best part.
At this point in the commercial, if you put on your glasses, walk all the way up to your TV, bend down, and put your face 2 inches from the screen. if you look close enough, in tiny letters that you can just barely read, you will see writing that says something like: These results are not typical. No shit?
I swear I am not making this up. Most weight loss commercials do this (apparently only some of their lies require a clarification by law). Sometimes it says these results are not typical and sometimes it might say Just like every body is different, so are their results. You may not get these results. Or it will just say something that basically means
The person we are showing you right now who was able to lose weight fast is a VERY RARE EXCEPTION. In fact, 99% of the people who use our product wont get results anywhere near as good. So, basically, we are lying to you. We want your money, so we are using every trick, lie and scam we can come up with to get you to buy our crappy product. Dont expect anything as good as this to happen to you. We just wanted to show this person so you think you will get their results, even though you really wont. We are dicks. But who cares, because we got your money. We laugh at you because you think fast weight loss is possible. Now that we have this statement on the commercial somewhere, you cant use the product, fail to get quick results, and then try to sue us for false advertising. Sucks for you, doesnt it?
Again, its a small exaggeration, but you get the point. Youll often see something similar at the very bottom of websites and magazine ads for similar diet and fitness products, diets, pills and supplements. Its all just their way of hiding the fact that the ultra fast results they want you to believe are possible really arent.
Fast weight loss in the form most people wish for just doesnt exist, unless of course your idea of fast is losing 1 or 2 pounds a week. There is no machine, no special type of cardio, no special diet, no special workout, no special pill, no special anything that will allow you to lose weight fast in a way that is safe, healthy and truly realistic. Speaking of being realistic
As I explain in my article about How To Lose Weight, the ideal rate of weight loss is between 0.5-2lbs per week for most people. The more fat you have to lose, the faster you can (and probably should) lose it. The less fat you have to lose, the slower you should lose it.
Why is this speed so ideal and recommended by virtually every nutrition expert who isnt trying to sell you something? Well, besides it being most ideal in terms of health, its also what is proven to work best in terms of success rate.
What I mean is, trying to lose weight any faster than this would require too extreme of a caloric deficit for most people to sustain. Youll be in the most hungry, unhappy, tired, annoyed and all around crappy state possible, and the potential for muscle loss (and other health issues) will be at its highest. Does this scenario sound ideal for diet adherence or long term success? No, because its not.
On the other hand, losing fat slower than this recommended rate would be extremely easy to do, but unbearable to stick with because of how slow it would be happening.
However, losing weight exactly as fast as I just recommended you should is the perfect middle ground. Safe, effective, easy to manage and sustain while still being fast enough to satisfy our need to actually see results. This is the rate of weight loss that allows more people to successfully lose weight and permanently keep it off than ANY other.
So, while we all wish we could lose weight fast, the sad truth is that we cant at least no where near as fast as most of us unrealistically hope we could. The thing is, all of the time, effort and money you are spending searching for a way to make fast weight loss happen is just a HUGE waste.
If you put half of the time and effort youre putting into finding a quick fix into actually eating right and working out correctly, you probably would have lost the weight by now.
So, let this be the minute you stop looking for something that only exists in the lies weight loss companies are telling to get your money, and start doing what needs to be done to lose it at the ideal rate you should be.
In the end, this is the way that will end up working the fastest, because its the only way that works.
***NEW*** Still have questions about your diet? Confused about your workout? Need help putting it all together? Well, after nearly 10 years of requests, Ive finally created the ultimate solution.
I call it The Ultimate Fat Loss & Muscle Building Guide, and in it I provide all of the answers, details and facts that make up the highly proven workout and diet system Ive used to help countless men and women completely transform their bodies. Now its your turn. Learn more here.
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Fast Weight Loss - Can You Really Lose Weight Fast & Safe?
How HUM Helped Me Get My Health Back On Track (And Lose 15 Lbs) – MadameNoire

The last time I talked to you all about my weight, I confessed that Id regained some pounds. Unfortunately, for the rest of 2016 things got much worse before they got better and about half of my hard work went down the drain. Its not something Im proud of, but after assessing some of theways I went about losing weight the wrong way the last timeand forgiving myself for the regain, at the beginning of 2017 I decided to get my ish back together.
While I wouldnt be relying on a trainer this time because I needed to be more accountable to myself I did implement some of the practices my trainer taught me, one of which was the benefit of supplements. And no I dont mean gimmicky lose weight fast supplements, I meanproducts that provide nutrients to help your body perform at its best and boost weight loss efforts that there are no substitutes for: exercise and clean eating.
Because Id reaped such good benefits from HUM Nutritions Big Chill pill, I decided to explore what options the brand had for my health goals. Thats when I came across Ripped Rooster andSkinny Bird. Ripped Rooster is a thermogenic fat burnerthat contains 7-keto, a natural metabolite that has been shown to eliminate and reverse the decrease in metabolic rate that can happen after dieting. Because I was coming off of a year of losing 92 pounds, I wanted to give my metabolism a boost and I was well aware of the benefits of Green Tea in aiding weight loss, which this supplement also contains.
As attractive as the word skinny is in the name of the second supplement, what really excited me about this productwas its promise to not just curve your appetite, but reduce stress eating. Ive told you all more times than I care to think about how emotional eating has repeatedly been my downfall, so I was definitely game to try something created specifically with that issue in mind. Plus the pill helps boost metabolism and control blood sugar, the latter of which Id been suspecting I had issues with because I hadnt been eating on a regular schedule and certainly not healthy foods.
Let me tell you, the difference when I take Skinny Bird and when I dont is palpable. As I type this, Im slightly struggling to finish a small smoothie that Ive been working on for nearly an hour. Monday I didnt take the supplement and downed the same medium size smoothie and was ready or a snack within another hour. Its unfortunate that I have a hard time remembering to take this supplement 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as directed, because Id likely see even more benefits if I did.
Nevertheless, I am 15 pounds lighter than I was when the year began and I feel 15 times better than I did in 2016, and not just because Im smaller. In addition to the weight loss aids above, I also resumed taking Omega-3s. Fish Oil has fatty acids that help maintain brain and heart health and, being overweight and working out daily at high intensities, I didnt want to play with the latter. I also appreciate that OMG! Omega the Great doesnt have a fishy aftertaste.
I take these supplements in addition to a daily multivitamin, which you should take regardless of any attempt to lose weight, and B-12 to assist my energy levels. Its a concoction that has worked wonders for me so far, but the key word with everything I said here issupplement. None of these pills is a substitute for healthy eating or hard work, they simply make the pay off for doing so that much greater.
BTW, you can follow my weight loss journey do-over more closely here.
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How HUM Helped Me Get My Health Back On Track (And Lose 15 Lbs) - MadameNoire
I want to lose belly fat fast – Jamaica Observer

I want to lose belly fat fast All Woman Monday, March 13, 2017 , Donovan GRANT
How do I lose belly fat only, without losing weight all over? I have two weeks to lose my belly and I dont want to do a detox. I have eliminated white rice and soda from my diet and Im doing cardio and sit-ups twice per week, but I still have a belly. What can I eat/drink or do to reduce my belly in record time? My current diet is pretty balanced and Im drinking lots of water.
Excessive belly fat can affect your looks even if you are happy with the rest of your body. Belly fat, sometimes called visceral or abdominal fat, can also affect your health. Extra abdominal fat increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. This extra fat in the stomach region is usually associated with lifestyle stress and genetic factors.
You mentioned that you would like to lose your belly fat without doing a detox and without losing weight all over. However, I must tell you that once you lose fat you will also lose weight in other parts of the body. In addition, once you lose fat you will have to replace it with muscle in order to maintain a steady weight. This means that you will have to gain an equal amount of muscle for the fat that you have lost.
In order to lose belly fat without losing weight all over, you will have to focus on your diet and exercise. The good news is that abdominal fat is very responsive to exercise performed at the right intensity. Studies have shown that moderate to high-intensity cardio exercises done five to seven times per week for 30 - 60 minutes per session can help to reduce belly fat. Exercises such as running, cycling or swimming are very helpful. In addition to cardio exercises, resistance training will also allow you to maintain your weight while you are losing belly fat. Weight training is recommended about three times per week.
In terms of diet, foods that are high in fat, carbohydrates, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and other chemicals should be avoided. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices, soups, and yoghurt is better able to help you reach your goal.
In order to speed up the process of losing belly fat, you should have only liquids, including soups and vegetable juices, at least two days per week. However, it is prudent to set realistic goals in relation to losing belly fat. Dont expect rapid reduction. You will see gradual results if you focus on healthy eating and exercising on a regular basis. Good luck.
We will answer your weight-related questions
Are you struggling to lose weight or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and well have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years experience in the fitness industry and is the owner of DGs Nutrition and Wellness Centre, 39 Lady Musgrave Road. Call him at 876-286-1363. E-mail questions to
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I want to lose belly fat fast - Jamaica Observer
5 Types of Intermittent Fasting (and the 1 a Dietitian Recommends) – POPSUGAR

POPSUGAR | 5 Types of Intermittent Fasting (and the 1 a Dietitian Recommends) POPSUGAR That's why people find so much success losing weight with intermittent fasting. There are a few ... Pros: This plan is flexible, with no restrictions on what you can eat on regular days, and you can choose which days to fast based on your schedule ... |
See the rest here:
5 Types of Intermittent Fasting (and the 1 a Dietitian Recommends) - POPSUGAR
Should You Skip Breakfast to Lose Weight? – EcoSalon

Everyone always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you want to lose weight, starting your day with a hearty meal is crucial. Im here to dispute this claim. In fact, onceI started skipping breakfast, I started losing weight and its definitely not because I was starving myself.
Please dont just eat breakfast first thing in the morning because you think you should. Eat breakfast because youre hungry. The early morning is a great time to let your digestive system do its work from the night before. Especially if you tend to eat a later, heavier dinner. While you might not want to skip breakfast entirely, why not wait a few minutes after you wake up until you feel hungry?
If you do wake up starving, consider starting your day by drinking 16 to 24 ounces of water. This can increase your metabolism by as much as24 percent, according to some experts.Water also helps the body detox from the night before while giving the colon a cleanse and revving up the digestive system if necessary.Not to mention that drinking water first thing in the morning also makes your skin glow. Whats not to like?
More research is being done on the benefits of intermittent fasting. The least painful and most effective time to fit in a short fast (around 15 hours) is between dinner and breakfast. That means that if you eat dinner around 7 pm than you should wait at least until 10 am the next day to eat your next meal. For some of us, this isnt realistic, but you can take baby steps that make a big difference. For example, dont snack after dinner. Try and drink a glass water before your first meal. But if you can fit in a mini fast, its worth it and the first part of the day is the easiest time to accomplish it. Heres why:
A study published in the January 2005 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that on days of mini fasts fat oxidation increased, making fasting an effective tool for weight loss among participants.Reduced insulin is also important for staving off type-2 diabetes.
One study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that mini fasts increased the production of the human growth hormone (GH) in the body. GH is responsible for increasedfat burning and metabolism in the body.
Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce belly fat and increase metabolism by as much as three to eight percent over a 24-week period. A study published in the January 1990 edition of the Journal of Physiology found that fasting for 48 hours at a time increased the basal metabolism in normal weight individuals. Another study published in the July 2011 edition of Obesity Reviews found that fasting decreases body fat and mass.
Other research has shown that intermittent fasting can help the body with cellular waste removal. As mentioned above, much of the bodys digestion and detoxing is done over night. If you give food a rest after your last meal of the day, youre giving your body more time to detoxify. More specifically, a study published in the August 2010 issue of Autophagy found that fasting is usually a safe, inexpensive, and useful means of reducing oxidative stress.
According to Dr. Axe, fasting can help with hormone regulation. Specifically, it helps with the regulation of leptin, the hormone in the body that tells you when youre hungry and when youre satiated. When leptin is off in the body, it makes it difficult to stop eating, which is obviously problematic forweight loss. Its been shown that fat people have high levels of leptin in their systems.
Skipping breakfast or intermittent fasting in general is not a good idea for everyone. And many doctors note the importance of a healthy breakfast to get your metabolism rolling. For some people, a healthy breakfast like thisVegan Peanut Butter Granola Recipeor this Protein-Packed Tofu Scramblemakes a lot more sense. These individuals should abstain from fasting:
When youre pregnant, fasting for any period of time has been shown to produce ketone bodies, molecules produced by the liver during periods of low food intake that can negatively impact the fetus. Dehydration is especially dangerous during pregnancy because it can cause preterm delivery. Pregnancy is never a good time to abstain from food.
Women who are breastfeeding should not skip breakfast. First and foremost, youre super hungry when youre breastfeeding, so just try not to eat! But even if you could bear it, over a long period of time, it could impact milk production. Save fasts for after youve finished breastfeeding, especially within the first year when breastmilk is still a major componentof your babys diet.
If you work out hard first thing in the morning, fasting could impact your performance. For some of us, working out in the morning is essential to fitting it in. Especially if youre training for a race or youre an athlete. You may need the fuel to get your body going in the morning. If this is the case with you,fasting in general may not be the best idea.
Additionally, dont fast by drinking a bunch of caffeine to keep you from eating. Caffeine without food can leave you feeling jittery. If you crave caffeine in the morning but youre not a fan of anxiety, add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil or grassfed butter to your coffee to balance out your caffeine with some good fats.
Some of us relish the morning ritual of breakfast. Orange juice, oatmeal, and eggswhats not to like? If youre not willing to give up this ritual, maybe consider dropping in a mini-fast periodically in another part of the day instead.
The point is NOT to starve yourself. An intermittent fast in the morning is all about giving your system a break and then enjoying moderate meals throughout the rest of the day. If it feels like youre starving yourself and then overeating at lunch and dinner, this is not for you. Were all different and we all respond differently to food.
Do you skip breakfast? Have you found that its helpful for weight loss? We want to know! Drop us a line via Twitter @EcoSalon.
Related on Organic Authority Jiggle Your Way to Weight Loss Want to Lose Weight? Eat a Big (Really Big) Breakfast 15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
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Should You Skip Breakfast to Lose Weight? - EcoSalon
Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help –

Getty Images/Steve Miller
The health pundit has claimed most obese people are comfort eating because they are in a dead relationship.
The majority of overweight people who are single, he says, are too fat to attract a partner.
Hypnotherapist Mr Miller, host of Fat Families on Sky1, says an affair with a new healthy partner could be exactly what they need to slim down. This comes after he said in an interview with that he thought fat shaming was a good thing.
Shockingly, he thinks an affair will not only help them to lose weight but also to regain their self esteem and health and he warns against the many diseases that are associated with being obese.
He believes many overweight people would find health benefits through cheating on their partners.
Turning the attention to the partners of overweight people, he also claims many obese people dont even realise they are in dangerous relationships with feeders who encourage them to eat fatty junk food in a bid to make them gain even more weight.
Mr Miller thinks many of these so-called feeders are actually chronically insecure themselves and secretly want their partners to become obese so they become more dependent upon them.
Now he is calling on fat people to dump their partners and start a new relationship instead but warns that their new partner mustnt be overweight.
1 of 19
Former Emmerdale star, Lisa Riley, shed an incredible 10 stone in less than a year having given up alcohol in 2015
Getty Images
I see a lot of clients who are fat because they are in a relationship that is dull, habitual and sex free
Steve Miller
This is because, he says, the health benefits of having an affair will only come by choosing a slim person to have a love affair with.
He said: I see a lot of clients who are fat because they are in a relationship that is dull, habitual and sex free.
"A lot of the reason we get fat is because we are in relationships with those we shouldn't be. We turn to food to fill the void.
"Partners can also become feeders because they are controlling bullies living in fear we may leave them for someone else.
Getty Images
"Yes the dreary partner you are with is a killer in disguise because feeding yourself to create comfort will probably trigger cancer, stroke and heart disease.
"I am calling on the people of Britain to get ballsy, have an affair and take steps to end a dead relationship for the sake of becoming fat free.
"Don't feel guilty for having an affair, go create excitement with a new lover and see yourself depending less on food for comfort. Tell the feeder you live with that it's over immediately and make arrangements to leave them.
But be choosy as you move on and find new love. If they are fat then beware as they will probably be a feeder. Instead seek out the slim alternative."
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Trying to lose weight fast? Controversial diet guru Steve Miller says an AFFAIR will help -
How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks – Raw Detox Weight Loss

How Did This Former LifeLong Binge Eater Lose Nearly a Pound a Day While Eating So Much Delicious Food?
WITHOUT ever feeling hungry. Now you can
Best Detox Diets Review
The Cleanse hasnt been as hard as I thought! I have lost 7 pounds so far and I have no detox symptoms. I was telling a friend last night that I have had only one day off from work in the past month and that I was feeling weary. She told me that I didnt look tired at all. Not bad for a 54 year old!!! Sandy - Sandy
I have lost 12 pounds! I actually have a waist! I have no more allergies or hotflashesYahoo!! I have conquered my addictions absolutely NO coffee or chocolate! I have learned to conquer my cravings NONE! - Denise Brown Collins
During the cleanse, I lost 15 lbs. Thats an incredibly fast weight loss for anyone, but truly amazing for me as a 49 year old woman whos been overweight for over 10 years. But thats not all, Ive also reversed my acid reflux, gotten silky soft skin, stopped yawning all day long, drastically reduced food cravings, and feel as energetic as a 21 year old! - Kathy Goughenour
Your cleanse came at the right moment. My energy levels are coming up each day. This morning I didnt wake up tired. I have been exercising on the treadmill and the trampoline and today I am putting in 50 laps in my pool. This is a great thing you are doing! Sonia - Sonia
Losing weight Most of the detox diets recommended in my FAVORITE Detox Cleanses e-book are very effective for losing excess weight and cellulite. Dramatic results are the norm!
Having More Energy Most people who try the detox diets in my book experience a huge boost in energy after just a few days. Waking up in the morning ready to jump out of bed is not uncommon.
Looking Younger If you dont mind getting comments from your friends such as What happened to you, you look so good! or I dont know what youve been doing, but keep doing it!, then youll love the results youll get from the detox diets. Some of the diets I recommend are more effective in that regard (and Ill tell you which ones), and most participants who try them look a lot younger at the end of the cleanse
Depression Goes Away If youve been feeling any kind of feelings of depression or irritability, a cleanse is usually very effective in restoring your joy of living.
Other benefits of doing a detox diet include: Better digestion Increased joint flexibility Overall feeling of well-being Increased stamina Improved breathing Greater motivation and creativity More stable blood sugar and mood Improved concentration and mental focus Rejuvenation and renewal
Click Here to Order Now
Heres what youll find in this program:
The quick and easy way to lose up to a pound a day it works so well youll swear it must be magic! Details on page 21
Youll find out the secret to fast weight loss WITHOUT hunger or deprivation on page 8
In just 2 days you could already be 5 pounds lighter with this extremely easy detox diet. See page 18 to find out how!
The most popular detox diet _______________ how to do it right on Page 26
Youll discover a proven way to effortlessly lose weight and get more energy starting in as little as 36 hours from now!
See page 12 to find out what one thing you MUST do before you even think about beginning your first detox diet! See page 7 to discover a little-known way to break those frustrating weight loss plateaus
If you thought you needed to go to an expensive spa to do a successful weight loss detox cleanse, then youre going to be SHOCKED by the checklist of at home detox secrets you find on page 43!
At last! Find out what thousands of other formerly disgusted dieters have learned about how easy it is to lose weight with the correct detox diet for your particular body!
Revealed: Why counting calories will NEVER give you fast weight loss and what you need to do instead!
Youll also get the information you need on detox diets in general, including:
- Why to cleanse
- When to cleanse
- Where to cleanse
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Yes you read rightThats just a fraction of what its really worth and the cost to compile this cutting edge research (Countless hours experimenting with recipes, interviewing experts, doing research, and double checking to make sure that the information included is the most cutting edge up to date information there is).
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My Favorite Detox Cleanses Whats Included:
As soon as you place your order, youll be redirected to a page where you can download the complete e-book My favorite Detox Cleansing Diets Powerful Detox Diets for Releasing Weight, Increasing Energy and Rejuvenating the Body
This huge e-book describes each detox diet, along with a sample menu for each and tips and advice related to each diet.
Youll also get the information you need on detox diets in general, including: Why to cleanse When to cleanse Where to cleanse How long to cleanse How to eat after the cleanse Combining a cleanse with a fitness program And more!
If you place your order now, Ill also throw in two special bonuses:
Bonus # 1 Favorite Cleansing Recipes Ebook
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Youll discover: -How to create simple and delicious fruit and vegetable meals -How to prepare for a raw food cleanse so you get the amazing weight loss results you want -This cleanse is so powerful. You get a 30-page manual that describes the details of it, along with a complete 7-day program, including 2 preparation days and 5 full days of cleansing. Theres also a health assessment you can complete, as well as complete journal to track your progress during the cleanse.
Lets Quickly Recap what you get when you order now:
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Jana Suzzane
Former Big Time Binge Eater To Slim Healthy Gal
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How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Raw Detox Weight Loss
Start the Week Off Right: How to lose weight without losing muscle – Quad City Times

Too many people suffer an unintended loss of muscle when they diet. Muscles importance goes beyond keeping you moving. Muscle feeds your immune system during sickness or injury, lowers blood sugar after a meal and can even send out powerful chemical messengers (myokines) that lower inflammation. Keeping your muscle while dieting is critical.
Here is a bad scenario that plays out too frequently. You have great intentions and begin dieting. You lose weight and your clothes fit better. People notice a smaller you and the compliments start to flow. So, whats so bad? The lost weight included both fat and muscle. Without knowing it, you gave away the very thing that helps keep fat off.
Heres the thing about muscle. After you eat, muscle takes in blood sugar and stores it as glycogen. Glycogen is just a bunch of blood sugar molecules (glucose) bound together. If a diet has left you with smaller muscles, the sugar you eat is less likely to be stored and more likely to turn into fat and cholesterol. This means when you stop dieting, its easy to gain the weight back because less muscle means easier fat building.
So, what can we do to protect muscle and lose fat?
Exercise. First, muscle tension associated with exercise is a powerful signal to keep muscle protein. Use it or lose it. Second, exercise burns carbohydrates for energy and trains the muscle to store more sugar. A bigger, empty muscle gives the sugar you eat a place to go and helps prevent it from turning into fat or cholesterol.
Eat breakfast and make sure it includes protein. Muscle is constantly breaking down and building up protein. When you wake up in the morning after an overnight fast, breakdown is higher than buildup and you are losing muscle. Eating protein increases protein building in muscle. One amino acid, leucine, is particularly important. Its found in such foods as cheese, soybeans, beef, chicken, pork, nuts, seeds, seafood and beans. By simply introducing protein, muscle protein synthesis increases, resulting in positive net protein balance.
Never eat jellybeans and go to bed. A high sugar/no protein meal prior to bed is devastating to muscle. The sudden increase in blood sugar from the late night sugar hit is followed by a crash in blood sugar and amino acids. Low blood sugar and amino acids cause muscle to give up its amino acids to make sugar while you sleep, resulting in muscle loss.
Avoid lopsided consumption. Most adults in the United States get the majority of their protein (more than 60 percent) in one meal: dinner. Most people only need 15 to 25 grams of a good source of protein in a meal to maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Spread out your protein intake and appreciate that you dont need excessive protein.
These suggestions are not meant to replace your physicians recommendations. You should always consult with a health care professional before starting any diet or exercise program.
Dr. Weinert is a 1996 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. He earned his M.S. in exercise science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a Ph.D. in higher education at the University of Iowa. He is currently the college provost for Palmer College of Chiropractic, serving as the chief academic officer and overseeing Academic Affairs and Clinic Affairs at all three Palmer campuses.
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Start the Week Off Right: How to lose weight without losing muscle - Quad City Times
How to lose belly fat – nutritionist reveals what YOU need to do for a flat stomach –

Women tend to carry more fat around their stomach than men, and also find it harder to shift, particularly as they approach menopause. Steve Miller recently advised that one measure should be simply by looking down - and if your belly sticks out, he says, you are too fat.
Nutritionist Sarah Flower revealed how to lose belly fat - whatever your age.
Her top tip was eliminating sugars, and she said: Sugar is in almost all processed foods, so we should be particularly wary when consuming them in excess.
A diet high in sugar can have devastating consequences on our weight, as sugar is converted into glucose and pushed into our blood to be stored in our liver or muscle as glycogen. Any remaining stores are pushed into our fat cells, often straight to our muffin top.
Sugar consumption not only causes an insulin response, it also causes hormone imbalances, and can affect our ghrelin, leptin, and even cortisol production. Ghrelin is a hormone which sits in our stomach and when stimulated, makes us feel hungry and unsatisfied. On top of this, when consuming excess sugar our leptin response is shut off or slowed down, meaning we miss the signals of feeling full.
Recent research has also found that a consumption of pure fructose, such as in fruit juice, shuts off our leptin response. Although fruit is full of antioxidants and an essential element of a healthy diet, always consume your fruit in its whole form as the additional fibre slows down the digestion. Opt for the lowest fructose fruits such as berries, which are packed with phytonutrients. View fruit as natures candy and eat as a treat only.
One thing you should eat plenty of is fat. Sarah revealed: In the diet world, fat has long been demonised, however a diet rich in natural fats can actually aid weight loss whilst also having massive health benefits.
Carbohydrates have half the calories of fat, making us steer clear of fats, especially healthy fats, which fill us up, plump up our skin and have a major role to play in almost every part of our metabolism.
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Press up - The figure is exercising the chest muscles
Eating a diet rich in natural fats, free from sugars and refined carbohydrates, with moderate protein choices, can help you feel fuller for longer as well as regulate your blood sugar and therefore insulin response. Opt for good fats such as oily fish, grass-fed meats, avocados, nuts, seeds, butter, coconut oil, and olive oil.
Drinking plenty of water is advised as a cure for a myriad of health issues, and it is no different when thinking about belly fat.
Sarah said: We can often confuse being thirsty for hunger pangs. Drinking plenty of water will not only help combat dehydration, but also help detoxify your body, clearing any debris from our cells and flushing them out of the body. Drinking water can also be the key to weight loss as a hydrated body can burn fat and metabolise faster.
Hormones can be thrown into imbalance by stress too, so staying stress free is key.
Sarah said: When we are stressed our bodies produce more of the hormone cortisol. This in turn can make us more prone to weight gain, heart disease, and even diabetes.
It is vital to find at least 15 minutes a day to de-stress, whether it be going for a walk, or breathing in the fresh air and allowing your stress to evaporate. Whatever you opt for, ensure you are away from computer screens, mobile phones, and distractions, creating your own time out.
Sleep is also important for staying trim, as Sarah explained: Sleep deprivation can upset your natural hormone levels, including ghrelin; which stimulates appetite, particularly for carb-rich and sugary foods. At the same time, our leptin response falls, meaning our brain does not receive the message that we are full, and as a result, we are constantly hungry and will subsequently eat more.
Research has indicated this as a reason why shift workers find it so hard to maintain a healthy weight. If you have trouble sleeping, try to relax beforehand by reading a book or having a hot bath. Avoid caffeine and ensure your bedroom is a screen-free room.
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If you want to target the muffin top, focus on abdominal crunches, oblique twists, and leg raises
Sarah Flower
Lights, particularly those omitted by screens, can reduce your melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Magnesium is also worth considering as it is a fantastic muscle relaxer. Opt for a magnesium citrate supplement or soak in an Epson salt bath. Alternatively, balance your hunger hormones with a supplement, such as Slim-Nite from Power Health which uses amino acids to regulate hormones affecting appetite and weight.
You will only get a truly toned body by exercising. Sarah advised the best moves to do for a flat stomach, and said: If you want to target the muffin top, focus on abdominal crunches, oblique twists, and leg raises. Strengthen legs and bum by incorporating squats into the workout, and dont forget to introduce some weights which will speed up the toning process.
A good posture can also make all the difference to how your stomach looks. Sarah said: Good posture relies on good core strength, and can help to make you look leaner and tone the core muscles.
If you are not sure how to maintain good posture, try a Pilates class, where the focus is on building core strength and improving posture, as well as toning muscle. Pilates is a low impact exercise making it suitable for all ages and abilities.
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How to lose belly fat - nutritionist reveals what YOU need to do for a flat stomach -
Man is unrecognisable after shedding 12.5st in just 38 weeks this is how he did it – Daily Star

A ZOO KEEPER has become a shadow of his former self after shedding the weight of a baby rhino.
Dad-of-one Matt Hughes tipped the scales at a whopping 25st after gorging on daily takeaways.
But after getting fed up by cruel jibes being made about his weight and wanting to try for a family with wife Claire the 31-year-old decided it was time to turn his life around.
In less than a year, the 5ft 10 man has lost an impressive 12.5st and gone from a 5XL to a medium.
He said: "We have a baby rhino at work and when I look at it, I can't believe I used to be carrying that excess weight.
"I can't pick it up but somehow I was carrying that around on my back every day.
"It's amazing to see how far I've come and makes me think I never want to be back there again."
Take a look at these exceptional body transformations.
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Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone
Matt continued: "I'm so much more active and I can work so much harder.
"All the back pain I had before has completely disappeared.
"I do feel like a snake or insect emerging from one part of my life to the next and I'm now ready to do anything I want."
Matt, who works at Colchester Zoo, had tried dieting before and managed to shed some pounds but he never managed to keep it off for long.
He said: "I have always been on the heavier side.
"When I was young me and my brother used to play up to my parents and they gave in and gave us treats.
"They were shift workers so we relied on convenience meals and as I've grown up I've always turned to takeaways because it was easier.
"Also as I got older I could drink alcohol. I did used to play football but I was always in goal.
"I tried diets and while I would lose weight I wasn't changing my behaviour habits so I piled it all back on."
In the end the Essex lad joined Slimming World before shedding half his body weight in just 38 weeks.
His waist has also shrunk from 46 inches to 32 inches and his shoe size has gone from a size 12 to a 10.
I can't believe I used to be carrying that excess weight.
Matt said: "I walked 25,000 steps which before I wouldn't have had a chance of doing.
"It'd massively helped with my job too.
"I feel confident and can go into a shop knowing I can fit in the clothes.
"I used to swim but I used to hear young boys and girls laughing and making comments which really knocks your confidence."
Jennifer Ginley, 26, from Liverpool who has been named as Slimming Worlds Miss Slinky 2017 after losing half her body weight.
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Before and After pic of slimmer Jennifer Ginley
More than 1.6 million children who started secondary school in the past decade were overweight or obese, according to new calculations from Cancer Research UK. Here, a spokesperson from the charity discusses the importance of
Obese woman who piled on the pounds lost 75lbs to become a toned bikini model after taunts from bullies
Beau Jacobson overcame his childhood obesity and became ripped
His weight loss means Matt has more energy to get out and play with two-year-old son, Blake, who won't have to hear people's cruel comments.
Matt added: "Now I know he won't hear those cruel things and I want to make sure he doesn't say them too when he is older.
"Having lived the life of an overweight person and lost half my body weight and now weighing under 12st, I now want to help others in a similar situation.
"By becoming a Slimming World consultant I think I can help them feel as fantastic as I do."
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Man is unrecognisable after shedding 12.5st in just 38 weeks this is how he did it - Daily Star