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Eating your biggest meal at THIS time of day can slash belly fat – Daily Star

IF YOU are trying to lose weight, you should be eating your biggest meal at a certain time of day.
Weight loss is never something that will happen overnight. But there are things you can do to help speed up the rate of your weight loss.
While a healthy diet and regular exercise remain the key players in weight loss, a new study has revealed the optimum time of day to eat your biggest meal to lose the most weight. And its not at dinner.
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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While most of us have a tendency to gorge once we get home from work, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found consuming half your daily calories at midday can help you lose a larger amount of weight.
Yep, that means your lunch needs to be half of all the calories you consume in a day.
The study also revealed participants ate 20% of their calories at dinner which helped them shed nearly a stone in 12 weeks.
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Those who had their biggest meal at dinner lost just over half a stone in the same period.
Both groups had the same amount of calories per day.
A further study from Harvard University revealed the specific time you should eat your meal each day in order to drop the most pounds.
Breakfast should be had before 9am as data from the US National Weight Control Registry showed nearly 80% of people who have successfully lost over two stone have eaten breakfast every day like clockwork.
Lunch should be before 3pm as a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found 1,300 people who were actively tried to lose weight lost the most weight if they had an earlier lunch.
Try to have dinner before 7pm as once we get home from work we are more likely to spend our evenings being sedentary before sleeping, thus burning off less calories than we would during the day.
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Eating your biggest meal at THIS time of day can slash belly fat - Daily Star
Healthy diet plan to help you lose weight: Burn 100 extra calories a … – Daily Star

WANT to lose weight fast? Making this one food swap will increase your calorie-burn.
If you want to get a ripped six-pack you're going to have to work hard and curb some of your bad eating habits.
But there are some simple things you can do to help rid you of your spare tire.
The key to losing weight is to burn off more calories than you consume and there are certain foods that actually help you burn fat faster.
20 fat-burning foods that help you lose weight
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Avacodo - includes monosaturated fatty acids that are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat
Researchers have found that swapping refined grains for whole grains is one simple thing you can do to burn more calories.
Making this one change can help you burn an extra 100 calories a day, according to the Tufts University study.
The Boston-based researchers split 81 people into two groups: One group ate a diet rich in whole grains, with a fibre content around 40 grams a day.
The other consumed mostly refined grains, with only around half the fibre.
We provided all food to ensure that the composition of the diets differed only in grain source, said Phil J. Karl, PhD, first author of the study.
Whole grains and fibre work to benefit weight management
Results revealed that after six weeks the people who ate the the whole-grain diet lost an additional 100 calories per day.
This is the equivalent of doing a brisk 30-minute walk, the authors revealed.
Substituting refined grain foods like white rice and bread for whole-grain foods like brown rice and oatmeal, increases calorie loss by reducing the calories you retain during digestion.
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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Reasons why Fibre is such an important part of a diet
Joe McElderry flaunts his incredible weight loss
Man reveals incredible weight loss after online personal training programme
They also speed up your metabolism and the extra fibre boost means you will probably have more regular bowel movements youll poo out more calories.
Many previous studies have suggested benefits of whole grains and dietary fibre on chronic disease risk, added Phil.
This study helps to quantify how whole grains and fibre work to benefit weight management.
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Healthy diet plan to help you lose weight: Burn 100 extra calories a ... - Daily Star
7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing – Men’s Fitness

Men's Fitness | 7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing Men's Fitness There's plenty of nutrition nonsense out there. The problem? With all these myths and bad ideas floating around, too many people are getting duped into ridiculous diets, absurd nutrition rules, and flat-out nonsensical notions that will ultimately ... |
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7 weight-loss lies people need to stop believing - Men's Fitness
Anorexic Diet Tips Inspires People to Lose Weight Fast – Satellite PR News (press release)

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Widely popular and one of the most recommended website for weight loss tips and guidelines Anorexic Diet Tips inspires people with Pro Ana Thinspo. The team of Anorexic Diet Tips publishes the top diet plans and weight loss exercises that are highly helpful in losing weight fast.
We understand that usually, people do not have the time and patience to search for effective yet quick weight loss diet plans and exercise routines. So, people end up living an unhappy life because they are just not satisfied with their body shape and weight. But now with, you will always be well aware of the best tips for effectively losing weight. So now, if you are looking for weight loss diet plans, weight loss exercise or just simply some inspiration Thinspiration; then dont worry, just simply go to our website and let your journey to a thin and attractive body begin, stated the spokesperson of Anorexic Diet Tips, while talking about the importance of their website.
The best thing is that Anorexic Diet Tips has simplified the whole weight loss plan into two simple divisions. These two divisions are Dietary modifications and Physical workout. Dietary Modifications include different recipes and diet tips that are proven to be effective. Apart from that, the Physical workout includes a proper exercise plan and other exercise-related guidelines that are effective for fast weight loss. states: Losing weight simply follows the principle of spending more of the calories than you receive. But that sounds old school. In todays fast and moving world results with regard to how quick they come matters the most. With a little bit of smart work added to the normal weight loss procedure, can enhance the result by numerous folds.
Anorexic Diet Tips has inspired hundreds of people to lose weight and get the body that they once only dreamt of. Anorexic Diet Tips has simplified the question How to Lose Weight Fast? and has provided people a platform where they could come, be inspired and start losing weight effectively with just simply following Anorexic Diet Tips pro Ana tips and exercise plans.
About Anorexic Diet Tips:
Anorexic Diet Tips is a widely popular and highly trusted website that is popular for its amazing Pro Ana weight loss diet plans & exercise routines. Anorexic Diet Tips is also popular for sharing Thinspiration pictures. For more information and Anorexic Diet Tips diet plans & exercise routines, please go to
Dr Singh, , Manhattan USA
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Anorexic Diet Tips Inspires People to Lose Weight Fast - Satellite PR News (press release)
Why Men Lose Weight So Much Faster Than Women – Huffington Post Australia

This subject is probably one of the most annoying things in my life besides my husband's loud chewing and the kids' toe nail/boogie picking. Don't get me wrong, I've come a long way with my weight issues and nowadays I actually don't care about "the number" and I don't even hate my body anymore. In fact, I totally accept it and most days I quite like it. Sure, it's not a Ferrari, but it's a pretty economical and reliable station wagon and for that I am grateful.
BUT. But. But. But.
How is it that when a man says "I'm going on a diet!" he simply quits one or two things, such as beer or Coke (and instead takes up vodka and creaming soda), eats pretty much as he usually does after the healthy food thing wears off a few days in, then does a gigantic crap one morning and magically loses 6kg? Boom! Goal weight in well under a fortnight, motherf**ker!
Yet when a woman says "I'm eating healthy and changing my lifestyle" it is a serious declaration. She gives up coffee, she gives up wine, she gives up sugar and flour and starchy carbs. She takes up green drinks that taste like cold vegetable soup mixed with the grass out the back... in fact, she increases her intake of everything remotely green grass looking. She limits her portion sizes at meal times using a side plate to trick her brain, she drinks 2 litres of filtered water and exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. She meditates and cleanses her soul, keeps a food journal and spends most of her day in the kitchen preparing and cleaning up healthy meals for her and her family. She has never been 'healthier' yet she is constipated for six out of seven days and when she's not in the kitchen prepping/cooking/cleaning she is on the toilet urinating like some kind of wee God. She resists the urge to weigh in because it is about a lifestyle choice and not a number but surely 18 days of pure good health will harbour some results that are worth seeing...
Am I right?
Arrrr... Nup! A measly 300g gone! How can that be?
Lucky for him, I feel good about myself anyway. I'm not hangry which means he gets to live and I am okay with not losing a single kilo which is good because otherwise I might just have to lace his food with laxatives. But then he would gloat even more over the diarrhoea weight loss. He actually would.
So what the f**k is happening here?
Well this is what it feels like is happening...
The Man body says: "Let's not f**k around mate. We've got a piss up next week and we ain't telling the boys we can't drink coz we are on a diet. So process every fat cell in sight at lightening speed and drop an ungodly 2kg log on day six! Job done!" Cue the naked mirror happy helicopter dance and bicep pashing.
The Woman body says: "Huh? What? We are trying to lose weight? Oh, I thought you said wait! Wait and hold on to every fat cell and digested green bit until it is safe to let it go... Let it go... Let it goooo... Oh, but I can't. Yes you can! Let's do this! This is your time! No... No... I'm not ready... Oh but you are... But what if we need to reserve our fat cells for possible starvation? What the f**k are you on about?" and on and so forth...
What is actually happening?
Simply put, men have more muscle than women and the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Hence the reason they shed it quicker. Men also have 10 times more testosterone than women, which means their metabolism is 5-10 percent faster than women.
Women have oestrogen -- which helps with the obvious procreation thing -- but this funny little hormone makes it harder for us to burn fat after a meal. Yes, it makes us hold onto it. Which is great if we are in the dark ages and food is scarce. Women also have more cravings -- I don't know why but the research says so. Research also says we are more likely to turn to emotional eating -- yay for us.
And this all must be true because I googled it. So blame the testosterone/oestrogen you don't have/have. Men may have the weight loss edge over us but we can do so much more than they can -- like get aroused without anyone noticing, have multiple orgasms, wear male clothing without anyone raising an eyebrow, multi-task and, if we want, we can push a gigantic baby out of our vagina.
So f**k the testosterone and their fast weight loss. Feel good inside and outside because that is all that really matters.
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Why Men Lose Weight So Much Faster Than Women - Huffington Post Australia
How to lose weight fast – Saudi Gazette

By Mariam Nihal
Here are ways, if used moderately will help you lose weight fast:
1. Drink lots of water. Especially closer to meals so you dont confuse hunger with thirst. Try having water half an hour before meals.
2. Eat a high-protein breakfast. But make sure to eat healthy carbs like brown toast in the morning instead of any other time. Your metabolism rate is high and you have the energy and time to burn this off.
3. Avoid sugar. And most importantly drinks infused with sugar even if it is fruit juice.
4. Snacking is dangerous. Plan your snacks, make sure they are healthy. Stay away from fried products.
5. Eat soluble fiber.
6. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. The less ingredients and additives on the label, the better.
7. Eat your food slowly. Chew it and dont rush.
8. Eat regularly, at least 5 times. Dont starve and definitely dont wait too long between meals so you dont hog when you finally see food in front of you.
9. Meal plans. The most important facet. Plan your meals. Make sure food will be available when youre hungry. Plan all meals and dont let it slip or you will end up cheating and snacking on anything possible. Dont underestimate hunger.
10. Exercise. Dont forget to keep yourself active and in addition to your well controlled diet you will burn a few calories and hopefully a few inches. Ask your trainer to design a workout based on your body type or work on focus areas.
11. Sleep and rest well. Poor sleep is one of the causes of weight gain. It can also help get rid of bloating and stress eating.
12. Try a low-carb diet. Removing carbs from your diet can help lower your insulin levels, which lowers your appetite and can help you lose weight without hunger pangs.
13. Juice cleanse. This herbal remedy uses fresh juices that make up this strict detox plan.
14. For extreme measures, the military diet can help you lose up to 10 pounds in a week, but it shouldnt be done for extended periods of time.
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How to lose weight fast - Saudi Gazette
This is exactly when to eat each meal if you want to lose weight … – Daily Star

WHEN it comes to losing weight, timing really is everything.
Despite the rise of fad diets and new exercises that pop up every year, the best way to lose weight is still through healthy eating and regular exercise.
But what if there was an ideal time to eat your meals every day that would help aide this weight loss?
A recent study from Harvard University revealed no matter how healthy you eat, if the time you eat doesnt line up with your circadian rhythm your blood sugar levels can be 18% higher than usual.
This can increase the level of insulin the fat-storing hormone you have in your body.
Here are the best times to eat if youre looking to lose weight:
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
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Breakfast 6am to 9:45am
Data from the US National Weight Control Registry showed nearly 80% of people who have successfully lost over two stone have eaten breakfast every day like clockwork.
This is because skipping breakfast is one of the worst things you can do if youre trying to lose weight.
Another study published in the journal Obesity found consuming a high-protein breakfast between 6am and 9:45am was most likely to reduce the risk of body fat gain. The high-protein breakfast is a crucial element as the protein will leave you fuller for longer.
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Morning tea two to four hours after breakfast
If you are still feeling a bit peckish after breakfast, its best to wait a minimum of two hours before eating again.
This is because it can take between two to four hours for your body to digest and absorb the food you eat. And while a mid-morning snack certainly isnt mandatory as it could just lead to you overdoing your calorie intake the best options are a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.
Lunch before 3pm
A study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studied 1,300 people who were actively trying to lose weight and found those who ate earlier lunches lost the most weight.
A separate study published in the International Journal of Obesity also concluded dieters lost 25% more weight if they ate their lunch before 3pm.
Afternoon tea two to four hours after lunch
For many people, the 4pm mark is the killer. This is when youre so close to finishing work but just need that extra boost. This is when many of us reach for the office biscuit cupboard.
However, having an afternoon snack can actually help keep your blood sugars level and help to prevent you overeating when you sit down for dinner. Again, if you are wanting a pick-me-up, the best things to reach for are a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.
Dinner 5pm to 7pm
While its not possible for everyone to eat dinner early, its good to try and eat as early as you can. Once we get home from work we are more likely to spend our evenings being sedentary before sleeping, thus burning off less calories than we would during the day.
Furthermore, a study from Bringham Young University asked 29 men to stop eating at 7pm for two weeks and then eat at whatever times they liked for another two weeks. The results showed then men ended up eating 244 more calories when they ate past 7pm.
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This is exactly when to eat each meal if you want to lose weight ... - Daily Star
Fast weight loss: What’s wrong with it? – KXLY Spokane

By Mayo Clinic News Network
The concern with fast weight loss is that it usually takes extraordinary efforts in diet and exercise -- efforts that could be unhealthy and that you probably can't maintain as permanent lifestyle changes.
A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is the typical recommendation. Although that may seem like a slow pace for weight loss, it's more likely to help you maintain your weight loss for the long term. Remember that 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat contains 3,500 calories. So to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn 500 more calories than you eat each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories).
Also, if you lose a lot of weight very quickly, you may not lose as much fat as you would with a more modest rate of weight loss. Instead, you might lose water weight or even lean tissue, since it's hard to burn that many fat calories in a short period.
In some situations, however, faster weight loss can be safe if it's done the right way. For example, doctors might prescribe very low calorie diets for rapid weight loss if obesity is causing serious health problems. But an extreme diet like this requires medical supervision. And it can be difficult to keep this weight off.
In addition, some diets include an initiation phase to help you jump-start your weight loss. You can lose weight quickly with an approach like this because it combines many healthy and safe strategies at once -- no gimmicks or extreme dieting. After the initial two-week period, you transition into the recommended weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, which is not only safe but also realistic and sustainable for the long term.
Here is the original post:
Fast weight loss: What's wrong with it? - KXLY Spokane
Weight loss Weight-loss basics – Mayo Clinic

Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages, and increasing calories burned through physical activity.
While that seems simple, it can be challenging to implement a practical, effective and sustainable weight-loss plan.
But you don't have to do it alone. Talk to your doctor, family and friends for support. Ask yourself if now is a good time and if you're ready to make some necessary changes. Also, plan smart: Anticipate how you'll handle situations that challenge your resolve and the inevitable minor setbacks.
If you have serious health problems because of your weight, your doctor may suggest weight-loss surgery or medications for you. In this case, your doctor will discuss the potential benefits and the possible risks with you.
But don't forget the bottom line: The key to successful weight loss is a commitment to making changes in your diet and exercise habits.
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Weight loss Weight-loss basics - Mayo Clinic
17 best weight loss foods that help you lose weight fast

1. Raw Fruits & Vegetables
See #4-to-7, 10 & 12 for why fruits & veggies are on the list.
2. Cheese
Foods high in calcium like Low-fat yogurt, cheese, & milk can boost your weight loss by 70% and also verified in this study
3. Oatmeal
4. Apples
Apples contain a very special fiber called Pectin &
5. Guava
Guavas are high in vitamin C &
6. Broccoli
Broccoli contains Sulforaphane and just like adrenaline Sulforaphane also stimulates enzymes to burn more fat.
Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, Kohlrabi, Collards & Radishes are all high in Sulforaphane.
7. Green Bananas or Plantains
Bananas or Plantains are high in Resistant starch &
8. Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Beef contains lots of CLA which is basically a healthy fat that burns fat &
9. Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium which helps your body produce more thyroid hormones that give you more energy and keep your fat burning metabolism high
10. Cinnamon
Cinnamon makes weight loss easier by lowering your blood sugar levels to get rid of your sugar cravings so sprinkle some on your favorite foods but just don't do any cinnamon challenges
11. Boiled Potatoes
Boiled potatoes have the highest satiety rating among all foods &
12. Fish
All fish like Cod, Salmon, Tuna & Sardines help you lose weight by regulating the amount of a fat-burning hormone called Leptin that suppresses your appetite. Leptin means "thin" in Greek
13. Avocados
Avocados can kill hunger for up to 5 hours or decrease your desire to eat by 40% according to this report here & when you're not hungry You don't eat as much (calories) meaning you'll lose weight that much faster.
14. Pine Nuts
Pine Nuts contain pinoliec acid which forces your body to release 2 powerful appetite suppressing hormones (CCK & GLP-1) & Pine nuts contain the highest amount of protein of any nut.
15. Chili Peppers
The magic weight loss ingredient in Chili Peppers is capsaicin &
16. Pork Chops?
This study funded by the pork chop cheerleaders (the National Pork Board) would have you believe if you just eat more pork chops you'll lose weight faster but
17. Drink This
More stuff you can eat & drink to lose weight
Here's some foods that build muscle
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17 best weight loss foods that help you lose weight fast