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Lose Weight Fast & For Good – Thin Me Out
Do you want to lose weight fast? Then most likely you want to shed those extra pounds as quickly as possible.
When it comes to weight loss though we often have a dilemma to confront do you want to lose weight fast or permanently. Unfortunately, most crash weight loss diets give fast results but those results are rarely permanent.
Most people tend to put all the excess weight back on and, in fact, a high proportion actually gain more weight in the long term.
So, what you need is a fast way to shed the fat while getting into shape and then you need a way to maintain that new look.
Anything less than this is just a waste of time and often, not very good for your health. Yo-yo dieting can have a very negative effect on your body and your morale.
So, although there are ways to lose weight fast (outlined below) for many people taking the slow route to a healthy weight is often best.
Ensuring that you are burning 500 calories daily more than your BMR will most definitely result in weight loss. To ensure you keep losing weight you will need to keep recalculating your BMR as you shed the excess fat because as your weight reduces so does your BMR. However, this is a slow process.
For those of you who want to lose weight quicker there are proven ways to shed lots of fat in record time but you should be aware that these methods require sacrifice and work. So, if you are still willing to put in the effort so you can reap the rewards keep reading on the next page.
The secret to weight loss is no real secret at all we all know it: eat less and exercise more.
This sounds pretty simple, at least in theory.
Unfortunately though, when it comes to actually doing the work required for attaining, and then sustaining, our ideal weight can be tough psychologically and physically.
But all is not gloom and gloom for the would-be dieter. You can actually lose up to 2 lbs per week by simply burning 500 more calories each day more than you eat.
When you consider that a brisk 20 30 minute walk can burn up to 250 calories and that a typical 250 chocolate bar can be anywhere from 150 to 250 calories it should not be that difficult to take the slow route to weight loss.
Use this simple equation to lose weight slowly without having to use very much effort:
Using the slow approach to weight loss is by far the best option for most people as it is safe, proven and requires very little change to your daily routine. But, for many people losing 1lb or 2lb per week is not fast enough. So, on thee next page are some fast acting alternatives.
Here are 2 of the very best high intensity training routies designed for fast weight loss in only 20 minutes per day. As men and women store fat differently these routines are gender targeted for maximum results.
Lose Weight Fast & For Good - Thin Me Out
How to Lose Weight Fast Tips for Fast Weight Loss
So youwant to lose weight? Who doesnt? Before, you think that this is some short-cut miracle piece of advice it isnt. What you will find below is a super useful list of tips that will help you lose weight. What you wont find is a promise that youll lose weight without effort, planning and a little determination. If weight loss was easy, wed all be supermodels. If you want it, you gotta fight for it.
The only rules are to lose weight healthily and steadily. Consistency is key. Being super good for 10 days is not as useful to weight loss as merely being good for 100 days. If there were to be another rule, moderation would be it. So lets start shall we?
Why would you want to do this anyway? Who has this really worked for? Youve tried it already? If it worked, you wouldnt have to try it again, would you now? The truth is, youll only end up fatter than when you started. But just so you dont feel too bad, it really isnt your fault. The body is cleverly designed, and has what is often referred to as the starvation protection mechanism or starvation mode. This evolutionary mechanism kicks in when the body isnt meeting its nutritional demands (around less that 1200 calories for women,
Slows the loss of body fat and triggers the loss of muscle mass. These two points alone produce an unfavorable effect in body composition, resulting in a body type known as skinny fat. Basically, you risk ending up with a higher body fat percentage, even though you weight less.
Still, if this is going in one ear and out the next, if you must, there are unsuccessful and successful ways to go on a 1,000 calorie a day diet (dont go below 1,000 calories per day), both in terms of weight loss success and health. See next.
There are many means of consuming, say, 1,000 calories. Other than calories, your body also needs nutrients. And while of course calories are important it is often the lack of nutrients on a very low calorie diet that catches people out. To successfully remain on 1,000 calories a day requires that you feed your body the nutrients it needs. If you do choose to go on a very low calorie diet, you need to carefully consider your food choices more than normally. Youve got to make every calorie count. For example, there is a gargantuan difference between 1000 calories of fast food and 1000 calories of nutrient-rich, fiber-rich foods. If youre going to severely restrict calories, youve got to have a plan and follow it. To lose weight fast (and healthily) it is important that the foods you eat are:
It isnt a case of food quantity, but food quality to ensure you meet your bodys nutrient needs. You can drop your calorie intake significantly and feed your body all the vitamins and minerals it requires by going for nutrient dense foods. Fast weight loss need not mean sacrificing your health and good looks. Depriving your body of calories so that you can burn your fat reserves does not mean that you also have to deprive your body of vitamins and minerals. Diets with the aim of losing weight fast and that only involve eating one type of food (i.e. mono diets) can cause some undesirable effects because they lack the essential nutrients your body needs to survive. Heres more about fast weight loss. Quality food, instead of quantity to continue satisfying your bodys requirements.
Yes, youre eager, but if you cut back your calories to the extreme, where do you go when you hit the inevitable weight loss plateau? Start slowly and every time weight loss slows you can cut back your calorie intake a little more, or even better increase you calorie burn by exercising more.
Distinguish between hunger, greed and boredom. Only eat when youre hungry.
Continuously correct and adjust what you are doing to lose weight. Why? Because your body is constantly adapting and adjusting to avoid burning as little calories as possible (a survival strategy) and prevent weight loss. Your goal is to not give your body sufficient time to catch on to what you are doing. That way youll keep calorie burn at maximum and continue to lose weight. In short, avoid your body from catching on to your weight loss efforts (see interval training), otherwise weight loss will slow or stop. You must periodically change your workout plan and your calorie intake (see calorie rotation).
When you lose weight no matter how good you are it will never be 100% fat, some of it will be muscle. But, what you can do is minimize muscle loss. Dont forget that when you lose muscle your metabolism slows down. Therefore, you must take steps to reduce muscle loss as much as possible. This means weight training! In fact on a good weight loss program you can increase muscle mass. So, youve hit two birds with one stone. You lose weight, but simultaneously increase your muscle mass, adding shape and definition to your body. This will give you the appearance of great health, rather than the ill looking appearance of those who have been severely restricting their calorie intake resulting in fatigue, irritability, insomnia, muscle weakness and vitamin deficiencies. Basically, when you come out of a good weight loss program you should be feeling the best of you life in a long time. Your stamina will improve, youll see an improvement in your ability to exercise, you will feel stronger, youve lost weight and your breathing and quality of sleep is better, your complexion is improved, your skin glows, and the list goes on This is the only way to achieve a healthy, permanent weight loss and to maintain a great physique. It requires a PERMANENT change of lifestyle not just a 2-week diet.
If you want to lose weight, apart from tea and coffee perhaps, cut out all other beverages. Drinks are incredibly high in sugar, full of calories but dont fill you up. In other words, youre loading up on calories and dont even have anything to show for it. This includes fruit juices, which, while high in nutrients are also high in calories. You can juice your vegetables, but you must eat (not drink) your fruit. With regards to diet soda, yes they are low in calories, but can you name any of the ingredients on the can? While diet sodas might not be bad for your waist, who knows how good they are for your health?
Swap your milk, cheese, yogurt and so on for non-fat or low fat alternatives. Fat is high in calories. Every 1 gram of fat you eat contains 9 calories, which means it adds up quickly. A couple of weeks after changing to low-fat, you wont even remember the difference in taste, but you will appreciate the difference to your waist and your weight loss efforts.
Swap your regular cheeses made from cows milk with goats cheese. The calories in cheese are highly variable. Goats cheese contains 40% fewer calories than regular cheese.
There is a healthier, lower-calorie alternative to you favorite dish. Yes, it will taste a little different, but it means you dont have to give it up entirely. Youll find you might be able to cut your calories by half if you try and help you lose weight with greater ease.
Go for natural whole foods. Start to cut down on fast-foods, ready-made foods and foods with ingredients youd never find in nature. Basically, go back to basics. Youll probably not only cut down on calories, but on spending. Instead of a chocolate bar, make your own trail mix throw together a few raisins and nuts.
Protein is highly filling, but relatively low in calories. In fact, this is what the Atkins Diet is banking on. Eating plenty of lean protein means that you can cut back on calories and lose weight without feeling hungry.
Egg-whites are high in protein, but low on fat and low on calories. Youll feel fuller for longer than a breakfast with a similar number of calories.
During meals dont aim to feel full, eat until you dont feel hungry, i.e. satiated. The two are not the same. Your stomach is relatively small merely the size of a fist meaning you dont need to eat much to fill it comfortably. And your body can only deal with a limited amount of food at any one time. Furthermore, if you regularly eat until youre full, the more you stretch your stomach, and the more food you have to eat to get that feeling of fullness. If you feel gorged, bloated or lethargic, you are in all probability either eating at the wrong time or consuming too much too much food. Aim for no more than 600 calories per meal to maximize fat-burning.
Eat only from a plate, and whilst seated at a table. Dont eat standing or on the go.
Yes you want to have a good time, but do you need alcohol to do so? If the answer is yes, perhaps you should cut it out for a while. In any case, one Mojito equals 160 calories and thats a low calorie cocktail! The numbers tally up quickly and before you know it, youve drank a whole weeks worth of gym time in one weekend. Plus alcohol increases cortisol levels and cortisol build belly fat and may slow your metabolism by 70%. Worth it? I think not? If youre serious about losing weight, cut out alcohol completely.
Eat a foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), such as olive oil, nuts and avocados. Not only have they been shown to aid weight loss, but they also trim belly fat.
Instead of pouring oil into the pan, use spray oil. Each squirt contains 1 calorie, while one table spoon of oil contains 120 calories. That adds up over the course of a year. Making that small change for just once a day works out at a saving of 43,435 calories a year or a weight loss of 12lbs (approximately 6kg).
This awesome food supplement can help with weight loss and has a bevy other other beneficial health effects. Research suggests anti-cancer effects (esp. breast, colon and prostate cancer), a reduced risk of depression and suicide and a neuro-protective effect against Alzheimers and Parkinsons. In women fish oil may promote prevent pre-term labor and delivery fetal and infant brain health, reduce the infants sensitization to common food allergens effects particularly for women and confer long-term benefits on specific aspects of neurodevelopment in infant. In addition, numerous studies show that fish oils can significant reduce menstrual cramps.
There is evidence that Vitamin D can help you lose weight. A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests that increase vitamin D levels (and intake of dairy-derived calcium) may increase weight loss while dieting. While a 2007 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that Vitamin D may prevent the weight gain that commonly occurs in middle-aged women. Indeed, supplementing with Vitamin D in winter, may help stave off the winter weight gain to which most of us fall prey
Insufficient amounts of the vitamin may hinder weight loss. A study at Arizona State University found that consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin C burn 30% more fat during moderate exercise compared to those who consume too little amounts of Vitamin C. Furthermore, insufficient vitamin C levels are associate with increased body fat and greater waist measurements.
Its the holidays? Supplement with CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Research shows that CLA can help prevent weight gain, making it ideal for periods when overindulging is inevitable.
Drink coffee or even better anti-oxidant rich green tea. Research shows that drinking 5 cups of green tea per day increases metabolism by 20%, helping you burn fat and lose weight, while 2 cups of coffee will also boost metabolism. Plus, there is evidence that daily coffee intake protects against Alzheimers disease.
Dont bring high calorie snacks and treats into the house, youll always be having to fight temptation. Firstly, constantly fighting is tiring. Secondly, you will eventually give in. Thirdly, youll feel guilty afterwards and may or may not end up binging or giving up on your weight loss efforts all together. So make losing weight easy on yourself. Indulge in your favorite treats away from home, such as during a meal out with friends, your local coffee shop or ice cream parlor.
Scientists at Oxford Brookes University believe that by simply adding a tablespoon of mustard to your meal you can reduce belly fat by a whopping 20%.
This topping has been shown by researchers from the University of Copenhagen to help burn fat and reduce hunger pangs.
According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition lemon zest may prevent cravings, because, once in the stomach the fibrous pectin found in the lemon peel transforms into a sticky gel that slows that absorption of sugar. Decreased cravings means easier weight loss.
The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which, according to The Journal of Nutrition, increases fat burning. Researchers at Columbia University believe that consuming approximately 1 teaspoon of turmeric a day may help you achieve significant weight loss, even in the absence of dieting.
Research suggests that, consuming a small amount of hot pepper half and hour before eating decreases hunger and calorie consumption by about 10%, aiding weight loss.
One study shows that people who ate a mushroom-based starter felt just as satisfied as when eating the same dishes but made with beef. However, the mushroom starter contained substantially fewer calories and fat.
Research shows that people who eat eggs for breakfast feel fuller for longer. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that dieters who eat eggs for breakfast lose twice as much weight as those who eat a calorie equivalent breakfast consisting of bagels. What works for breakfast works for other meals too, as eggs are protein rich and incredibly satiating.
Research published in the Journal of Nutrition suggests that consuming a meal consisting of slow-release carbohydrates (e.g. oatmeal, muesli or bran cereal), prior to exercising may help you burn more fat. The study showed that calorie burning during exercise was nearly twice that of exercising after eating a meal made up of fast-release carbohydrates (e.g. cornflakes, white bread, jam). As the name implies, slow-release carbohydrates are more slowly digested, such that blood sugar levels dont spike as high, which means that insulin levels are not as high either. Since insulin is a fat storage hormone, lower levels of insulin may help you lose weight. Read more about the type of carbohydrates here.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition asked participants to chew one serving of almonds 10, 25 or 40 times. Participants who felt fuller longer, were those who chewed the most.
A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that this simple switch might help reduce total body fat and help you lose belly fat. Researchers found that adults who ate about 3 servings of whole grains a day had less body fat and less belly fat fat than participants who ate less than a 1/4 of a serving. Whole grains act to aid weight loss by promoting satiety. The fiber in whole grains helps you feel fuller though eating fewer calories. Whole grains are thought to slow digestion or absorption, resulting in lower insulin and glucose levels, which favor the fat burning instead of fat storage. Whole grain fiber is particularly effective at helping you feel full and may help you feel fuller than eating fiber found in other foods stuffs such as fruit and vegetables. Aim for at least three servings of whole grains daily (one serving equals 1 cup of whole-grain cereal or a slice of whole-wheat bread)
Switch high-calorie sweet treats for more nutritious, lower-calorie versions. According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, prohibiting sugary foods entirely could lead to overeating. It is thought that banning sweet foods stimulates the release of a polypeptide hormone and neurotransmitter called corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which is linked with higher stress levels and may decrease your motivation to eat healthily, increasing the likelihood of binging on junk foods.
According to a study published in the journal Appetite, people who start their meal with vegetable soup consume 20% fewer calories over the course of their entire meal.
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How to Lose Weight Fast Tips for Fast Weight Loss
Lose Weight Fast – Moms Who Think
There are numerous diet plans that can tell you how to lose weight fast. Some work better than others for fast weight loss, some are easier to stick to than others, and some are less expensive than others. Scarsdale offers the most choices, which makes it easier to stick to and keep losing weight. The cabbage soup diet is repetitive but cheap to be on, while the lemonade diet requires the least preparing. Sometimes the need to lose weight fast doesn't translate into keeping the pounds off.
Remember when choosing a diet to choose one you can stay on for a longer term if you have more than a couple pounds to lose. Look for flavor, variety, and ease of food preparation. Make sure the diet has solid success stories from people like you.
The first thing that anyone considering a diet plan to lose 10 pounds fast needs to do is seek a doctor's advice on the plan to they want to follow. Your physician will be able to provide their educated advice on the diet after a full physical examination, which will let you know if this plan is right for you.
The following diet plans for how to lose weight quickly have worked for many people compared to other diet attempts. Check out the diets below, find the one that is right for you, check with your doctor, and get his or her approval before starting. Losing weight fast is the jump start many people need to begin a diet. Good luck with the one you choose, you CAN lose weight fast with the plan that works for YOU!
This is the perfect diet for people who don't want to go hungry and need to lose more than a couple pounds.
The Scarsdale Diet Plan doesn't require weighing, measuring, counting or anything but following simple menus filled with everyday foods. It works, it keeps you full, and gives you energy!
This is the money saving version of the Scarsdale Diet. It uses supermarket foods so it's easier on your budget.
The vegetarian version of our favorite diet has menus for those who follow a vegetarian lifestyle or prefer not to eat meat while dieting.
We reviewed more popular diet plans to include a basic overview of each diet and what you'll need in order to begin any of them.
This popular liquid cleanse is for those with willpower of steel! You should also stay close to home while on it as it is a "cleansing" diet.
The perfect diet if you have less than 10 pounds of weight to lose rapidly.
This juice fast lasts only two days, it's for anyone with less than 10 pounds to lose.
For the grapefruit lovers, this diet produces rapid weight loss with a limited menu plan.
The popular Cabbage Soup diet is for short term dieters that don't need to stay on a diet for more than seven days.
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Lose Weight Fast - Moms Who Think
How to lose weight fast | Weight loss tips
I have learned a lot about cancer over the past year, but I am also aware there is much I do not know. I certainly do not intend to try telling you all I have learned, because if you wish to know more about cancer, I recommend you read some of the books I have reviewed, and/or visit some of the internet sites I have provided links to.
So, this page just contains some of the basic facts I have learned about cancer which I thought might be of interest whether you have cancer or not. For believe me, taking steps to prevent cancer is far better than trying to fight it once you have it.
How do we get cancer? * Every cell in our body is constantly being renewed - either hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. * This process frequently goes wrong, and when it does, faulty cells are produced. * Our bodies are normally able to identify faulty cells and destroy them immediately. * If a faulty cell does start to grow, our immune system normally attacks it. * These cells are called 'pre-cancerous cells. * Postmortems show the same level of pre-cancerous cells worldwide. * People who are born and live in some countries, hardly ever have cancer. * When people from these countries migrate, they acquire the host countries cancer levels. * This indicates that the biggest cause of cancer is our environment and lifestyle.
What's the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells? * Cancer cells use blood sugar as an energy source and grow by a process of fermentation. * Preventing an excess of blood sugar inhibits cancer cell growth. * Healthy cells grow through burning oxygen. * Cancer doesn't like highly oxygenated blood. * Raising the blood oxygen level inhibits cancer cell growth and aids normal cell growth. * Cancer likes an acidic environment (blood supply). * Cancer produces large quantities of lactic acid as a by-product of fermentation. * The liver converts the lactic acid back into glucose (blood sugar). * Creating an alkaline environment (blood supply) helps
What's the difference between conventional treatments for cancer, and an anti-cancer diet? * All conventional treatments cause mental distress and physical trauma to the body. * Eating an anti-cancer diet might cause you to buy more toilet rolls. * Surgery can only remove the primary tumour. * An anti-cancer diet works on the whole body. * Radiation and chemotherapy, destroy healthy cells and lower the immune system. * An anti-cancer diet only attacks cancer cells, and improves the immune system. * An anti-cancer diet helps protect healthy cells from attack by cancer. * An anti-cancer diet doesn't need expensive drugs. * An anti-cancer diet doesn't make any money for the pharmaceutical companies. * The NHS won't tell you anything about using an anti-cancer diet. * An anti-cancer diet can minimise the side-effects of, and enhance conventional treatment. * An anti-cancer diet can provide protection for the rest of your life. * Billions of pounds are spent on cancer research and conventional treatments of cancer. * With very few exceptions (namely prostate and breast cancers), the five year survival rate for most cancers, is only marginally better now than it was 50 years ago.
Other Items of Interest
Antibiotics destroy normal protective gut bacteria, allowing yeast and fungi to grow.
UK water is chlorinated. When showering in very hot water, chlorine vaporises into chloroform, is inhaled and goes into the blood stream. Chloroform is highly carcinogenic. (It is possible to fit a shower filter to de-chlorinate the water used for showering.) France uses ozonated water. (This could be behind the myth that the reason the French have a lower incidence of cancer, is due to them drinking a lot of red wine).
Cancer Killing Drugs - Avastin and Tamoxifen
Avastin is an anti-angiogenic drug for fighting cancer. It blocks formation of new blood vessels feeding cancerous cells. (It uses a'metronomic' approach - slow but continuous attack). Eating plenty of foods containing a wide range of phytochemicals does much the same thing.
Genistein, an isoflavone phytonutrient derived from soybeans, is a natural form of Tamoxifen.
Are Food Supplements Necessary?
There is some debate as to whether it is necessary, or even beneficial, to take food supplements when following a very healthy diet, such as the one I am on. Certainly, if you are undergoing any other treatment for your cancer, or taking any other medication, you should consult your consultant or doctor prior to using any food supplements.
My Approach to Food Supplements - And Everything Else!
Having been told that my cancer had advanced to the point that I had only a few months to live, I took the decision to throw everything at it I could. Therefore, throughout the time I have been learning about cancer, and
The Food Supplements I Take
The link shown below takes you to a table that contains details of the food supplements I have been taking. This list is provided for information only and I would strongly advise that you consult a qualified nutritionist prior to taking food supplements.
One of the first things I learned about
Phytochemicals are non-nutritional plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties. They are responsible for giving food its colour, taste and smell and therefore the more colour, taste and smell a food has, the higher concentration of phytochemicals it contains. There are already thousands of known phytochemicals, and more are being discovered all the time. A single fruit or vegetable may contain over one hundred different phytochemicals.
It is well-known that plants produce phytochemicals to protect themselves from pests and disease, but recent research demonstrates that these chemicals can also protect humans against diseases, including cancer.
How Do Phytochemicals Work?
Phytochemicals work in several ways. Some interfere with the enzymes that are involved in enabling cancer cells to grow. Others protect healthy cells from attack.
In order to obtain the maximum benefit, it is necessary to consume as wide a range of different coloured foods as possible. This is often referred to as a 'rainbow diet' or 'mediterranean diet'.
I learned that cancer cells are extremely difficult to kill directly, but by cutting out the foods, particularly sugar, that cancer needs in order to grow and spread, and eating plenty of foods containing a range of phytochemicals, I could fight my cancer with food, in much the same way that chemotherapy does. By starving it to death!
What's Good to Eat, and What's Not?
As I began to read more about how it was possible to fight cancer with food, I soon became aware that it was not as simple as just 'good foods' and 'bad foods'. I learned that some foods had a much greater potential for fighting cancer than others. I found that whilst some foods were alright to eat in moderation, others were best avoided altogether.
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How to lose weight fast | Weight loss tips
Losing Weight – American Heart Association
Reduce calories in and increase calories out.
Losing weight means changing the balance of calories in to calories out. If we eat more calories than we need, we can gain weight. If we eat fewer calories than we use, we can lose weight.
So start with good information: you need to know how many calories you should eat each day for your individual level of activity, and then you'll need to find ways to stay within your limits. Find out your personal daily calorie intake and fat needs. To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in. One pound is approximately 3,500 calories. To successfully and healthfully lose weightand keep it offmost people need to subtract about 500 calories per day from their diet to lose about 1 pound per week.
Educate yourself
Increase calories burned
Regular physical activity has so many proven benefits, such as to help control weight and blood pressure and decrease the risk for heart diseases and stroke. All healthy adults (ages 18 to 64) should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., brisk walking) every week or 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., jogging, running) every week. Additionally, you need on 2 or more days a week muscle-strengthening activities. Besides helping you lose weight, physical activity also improves the quality of life.
The amount of physical activity any individual person needs for weight loss can vary, but you will need to get both regular physical activity and follow a healthy eating plan to lose weight and keep it off. A good plan may include 30 to 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity, like brisk walking, done nearly every day. Find something you can do and find ways to enjoy it. Take a brisk walk or a jog with a friend or your dog. Enjoy a video that gets you moving.
Source: Adapted from ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Ninth Edition, and Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD, Meckes N, Bassett Jr DR, Tudor-Locke C, Greer JL, Vezina J, Whitt- Glover MC, Leon AS. 2011 Compendium of Physical Activities: a second update of codes and MET values. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2011;43 (8):1575-1581.
You might even keep a fooddiary at first to help you learn how much you are eating and whether you're eating out of habit instead of real hunger. When you are aware of your roadblocks you can plan alternative choices. Remember to focus on your goal: feeling your best and living a healthy life. In the long run, you'll be so glad you invested in your health.
Last reviewed on 08/2014.
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Losing Weight - American Heart Association
How To Lose Weight Fast – Find Out How To Lose Weight Fast
A lot of people in a lot of places continue to struggle with their weight. While some are concerned with how to put on some pounds, many continue in their search for effective ways on how to shed them. And for many, its not just a matter of how to lose weight, but more importantly, how to lose weight fast.
So, how does one lose weight? Experts say that before you entertain the idea of how to lose weight really fast, you first need to decide if you really want to lose weight. You will have to psyche yourself to the fact that this will greatly affect your lifestyle and, as with other changes in life, it will be difficult but not impossible.
Once you have successfully convinced yourself to lose weight, the battle is half won.
The next decision you have to make next is how much weight you want to lose over how long a period.
You can lose up to 10 pounds in as short as three days, but this is just water weight, or the amount of stored water in your body. As such, this is temporary and the lost pounds will return as soon as you are fully rehydrated and have replenished your stores to normal levels.
You can also lose a significant amount of weight in a span of 30 days. The weight lost in this period is more body fat that water weight, so the loss is also more noticeable.
While many rely on self-help books or the word of friends and loved ones who have had experience in losing weight, it would also be wise to consult health professionals, like your family physician or a nutritionist, for safe and effective ways of how to lose a lot of weight fast.
So, now that youve decided to lose weight and set your sights on how much to lose and the amount of time to work on losing your excess weight, its time to take the next step: STARTING the weight loss process.
Here are some tips on how to lose weight fast:
Also, you tend to overeat when you skip a meal as your hunger pangs will make you think that you need more food to compensate for the missed meal. An erratic calorie intake will definitely screw up your bodys metabolism.
If you think this set-up will strain your relationship with your loved one, or make thing weird at work, its time to look for a professional trainer or weight loss coach in your vicinity. Having one can ease the difficulty of coming up with your personal weight loss plan. They not only push you to more reps on your exercises, but can help with your food preparations as well.
Okay, so you probably are thinking how much work is involved in losing weight, or if these ideas would really work. Well, many, if not all, of these suggestions have been either made by a weight loss expert or were taken from experiences of various individuals.
Of course, there are other easier ways to lose weight fast, like taking detoxification pills, surgery, laxatives, or suspicious herbal brews; or, one that relies on fasting or food deprivation. Be warned: these can be hazardous to your health and well-being. Health care professionals say that going lower than the normal range of 1, 050 to 1, 200 daily caloric intake will not really help. While it eliminates fat, you also end up losing precious muscle tissue. This is not good because muscle tissue loss slows down your metabolism and makes it difficult for you to intensify and sustain your exercise routines.
The time spent ridding yourself of the targeted amount of unwanted body fat is relative: it is faster for some, slower for others. It actually depends on a lot of things, most significant to consider would be safety, sustainability, and motivation. Weight loss programs that seem too good to be true probably are. In the off chance that it delivers on its promise of your desired weight loss, try looking at what it cost you to get it. Maybe youll even regret doing it in the first place.
It will take some discipline, determination and hard work on your part. It will be difficult, but not impossible. It will be worth it. So, if you want to know how to lose weight very fast, consider taking these steps towards better health and a lighter you.
To find out what weight loss is click here
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How To Lose Weight Fast - Find Out How To Lose Weight Fast
Lose Weight Fast – Now Loss
I've been on your plan for a week & have Only Lost 7 Pounds - What do I need to do to Lose Weight Faster Shay Cole
(Play the video below if you hate reading)
Dale lost 22 lbs. in 3 weeks following these 4 steps
1. Eat at least 2 raw fruits &/or vegetables before each meal
Quick Tip: You could also drink at least 8 oz. of water with your raw fruits & veggies to really kill your hunger.
Highly recommended before meals: Apples, Broccoli, Green Bananas, Carrots, Peaches, and/or V8 juice.
2. Eat a 0-to-300 calorie meal after eating your raw fruits & veggies so
3. Eat UP To FOUR 0-to-300 Calorie Meals a Day
4. Follow 1 of These 4 Workout Plans
Tip: Use Fat burners like Green Tea, Lipo-6 or Hydroxycut before your workouts to give you more energy to workout longer & harder to burn even more fat as you workout.
Has This Actually Worked For Anybody?
I lost 22 pounds in just over 3 weeks
I did the lose 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks program to make weight for my military weight in and I lost 22 1bs in just over 3 weeks. Thanks for helping me make my weigh in!
To me These aren't that impressive but I am proud that I did it in 23/24 days! Feel free to use them if you like, hope to look better in a few months, thanks for the advice on my new plan, and for being so generous with your knowledge.
Sincerely, Dale Mathis
She Looked Great On Her Wedding Day
Hi Adrian!!!!
Wedding over now & thanks to your motivation I was able to lose a stone (14 pounds) and was much more relaxed with my body shape on my holiday & wedding day.
I think your amazing & will always refer to you as "my personal trainer" : ) thank you.
Helen Haddock
She Lost 15 Pounds in 3 Weeks
My confidence is on the way up and I feel great. Just in time for my Stateside vacation in two weeks. Maybe I'll wear a bikini instead of a suit this time!!! Hi Adrian, I've attached my before and after pics. I put the same dress on for comparison.
Thank you so much for all your motivation and support. My 3 week 15lb weight loss pics
Fiona Davies
Frequently Asked Questions
The amount of weight you lose and how fast you lose it doing this plan mainly depends on how overweight you are so the more overweight you are = the more weight you'll lose in 3-to-4 weeks on this plan and a good rule of thumb to follow is this
If you're more than 20-to-50 lbs. overweight
You may want to look at
Yes but remember: You're ONLY eating UP TO 1200 calories per day by eating UP TO FOUR 0-to-300 calorie meals (see steps 1-thru-3) so
You should ONLY do this diet for longer than 4 weeks if you're able to effortlessly sustain a less than 1200 calorie diet without you constantly being hungry or thinking about food all the time because
The Key to losing weight fast and keeping it off permanently is finding a diet (or a lifestyle change) you can stick to for the long-term and in most cases
It's going to be real tough & take lot of willpower on your part to stay on a very low 1200 calorie diet for more than 3-to-4 weeks to lose way more than 20 pounds and even if do tough it out for longer than 3-to-4 weeks
Then chances are you're going to gain back some or all of the weight you lost once get off the diet and go back to your old habits and that's why it's best that you use one of the permanent lifestyle changing weight loss plans here (especially if you don't have a weight loss emergency) to lose weight fast and keep it off for good.
You may want to look at
Yes, you will gain some weight back IF you go back to your old eating habits but
You can minimize your weight gain, maintain your 20+ weight loss or lose more weight by going on 1 of the permanent weight loss plans here after you've finished the 3-to-4 week diet.
Depends on how overweight you are so
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Lose Weight Fast - Now Loss
Lose Weight Fast: You Won’t Believe How To Hit 6% Body Fat
Pop quiz: What's the best way to get shredded? If you're like most people, what came to mind was a combination of extreme food and calorie restriction, grueling high-rep weightlifting workouts, and hours and hours of cardio each week.
Ironically, this is the worst way to go about it. This approach guarantees a downright miserable experience of horrible food cravings, rapid muscle and strength loss, and a building fatigue and lethargy that eventually burns you out.
It doesn't have to be this way! When you know how to use nutrition properly, you can rapidly lose fat while maintaining strength. You can also completely avoid daily struggles with hunger, cravings, and energy levels.
This isn't just something that works on paper, either. It's a reliable combination of strategies that I personally use to get to 6-7 percent body fat with relative ease, and which have been successfully used by thousands of people I've helped through my books and work at Muscle For Life.
I'm going to lay everything out for you. Let's get past the common myths and mistakes and discover how simple getting shredded can be once you put all the right pieces together!
You're probably familiar with the physiology of fat loss, but let's quickly review it. Losing fat requires feeding your body less energy than it burns. When you do this, you're creating a negative energy balance or "calorie deficit," and the energy difference between what you eat and what you burn every dayusually measured in caloriesmore or less determines how much fat you lose over time.
I know it's trendy right now to claim that calorie counting doesn't work or that weight loss is actually about the quality, not quantity, of calories eaten, but these trends obscure the main issue. Calorie restriction is, and always has been, the key.
"It's trendy to claim that calorie counting doesn't work or that weight loss is actually about the quality, not quantity, of calories eaten, but these trends obscure the main issue. Calorie restriction is, and always has been, the key."
You see, your metabolism obeys the first law of thermodynamics. There is no debating this.
When viewed energetically, your body can't tell the difference between the calories in a doughnut and the calories in a gluten-free, soy-free, cholesterol-free, fat-free, GMO-free green juice.
This is how Professor Mark Haub lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks eating Twinkies, Nutty Bars, and powdered doughnuts every day. This is why study after study after study has conclusively proven that so long as a calorie deficit is maintained, subjects lose fat regardless of diet composition.1-3
Now, that doesn't mean that macronutrient ratios don't matter. They definitely do, as I'll show a little later. But the point I want to make is that you must know how to maintain a proper calorie deficit over time if you want to lose fat while preserving muscle. Let's look at how to do that.
First, we need to figure out, as accurately as we can, how much energy you're burning every day. This is known as your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Here's how I like to do it:
Use the Katch-McArdle formula to determine how much energy your body burns every day, excluding physical activity, which is known as your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. To get this number, you'll need to know your lean body mass.
Multiply that number as follows:
Calculate 80 percent of this number. This will create a mild caloric deficit which will allow you to lose about a pound of fat per week without feeling starved or losing too much muscle.
If you're familiar with this type of calculation, you probably noticed that my activity multipliers are slightly lower than those found in the Katch-McArdle and other similar formulas. This is intentional. One of the many things I've learned working with thousands of people is that the standard activity multipliers are just too high for most of us.
Unless you have an abnormally fast metabolism, a standard Katch-McArdle TDEE calculation will leave you wondering why you're losing little-to-no weight despite being perfect with your food intake. The multipliers I give above are much better for the average metabolism, and can always be adjusted based on actual results.
I occasionally run into people who lose weight a bit too slowly or quickly on the above multipliers. In the latter case, they'll also experience significant decreases in strength and energy. These issues are easily remedied by decreasing or increasing daily calorie intake by about 100 and reassessing.
Now that you know how many calories you're supposed to eat every day, it's time to turn that number into macronutrients. The most common mistake I see here is too little protein and carbohydrate, and too much fat. The result for many is a significant amount of muscle and strength loss.
Let's look at each macronutrient separately.
The goal while dieting for fat loss is to preserve muscle, and a big part of this is ensuring you're eating enough protein. Fully addressing the science of protein needs would require its own article, so I'll keep it simple here.
I've reviewed the literature and tried many different levels of protein intake while dieting for fat loss, and what I've found works best is in line with research published earlier this year conducted by AUT University in New Zealand.4 These researchers laid it out about as simply as you could hope when they wrote:
"Protein needs for energy-restricted resistance-trained athletes are likely 2.3-3.1g/kg of FFM [1-1.4 grams per pound of fat free mass] scaled upwards with severity of caloric restriction and leanness."
In other words, the leaner you are, or the more calorie-restricted you are, the more protein you need. It's like an inverse bell curve. Figure out where you fit in this range, but bear in mind that I calculate protein per pound of lean mass, not total body weight. So you'll need to use that number you plugged into the BMR calculator earlier.
Here are some guidelines for protein intake and different body fat levels:
Now you have your daily protein target. Let's look at dietary fat.
High-fat diets are really trendy right now because they are supposedly the best for maximizing testosterone levels and weight loss. This is misleading, though. Yes, switching from a low-fat to high-fat diet can increase free-testosterone levels, but not nearly enough to help you build more muscle.
There are two studies commonly cited as definitive proof that high-fat dieting is superior to high-carb dieting. One demonstrated that when men switched from getting 18 percent of their daily calories from fat to 41 percent, free-testosterone levels rose by 13 percent. The other study, conducted a decade earlier, had similar findings.5,6
Now, that might sound nice, but here's what high-fat hucksters don't tell you: Small fluctuations like this do little to nothing in the way of improving strength and muscle growth. This has been demonstrated in a number of studies.7,8
This is why I recommend you stick to getting around 20 percent of your daily calories from dietary fat when eating for fat loss. To calculate how many grams this is for you, simply multiply your total daily calorie intake by 0.2 and divide this by nine, since there are nine calories in a gram of fat.
And now we come to the most maligned macronutrient, the carbohydrate. According to some, this evil little bastard is what makes us fat, and dramatically reducing intake is the best way to lose weight. In action, this simply isn't true.
Research has demonstrated that when protein intake is sufficient, there is no significant difference in weight loss between high- and low-carbohydrate diets.9-12 As long as you're maintaining a proper calorie deficit, you're going to lose fat at more or less the same rate, whether you're low-carb or not.
Know what will go down as you cut carbs? The quality of your workouts! The less carbs you eat, the lower your muscle glycogen levels will be, which means compromised performance in the gym and miserable workouts. Muscle endurance in particular seems to take the biggest hit.13-14
Furthermore, research has demonstrated that low muscle-glycogen levels impair post-workout cell signaling related to muscle growth. This is particularly detrimental when you're in a calorie deficit because your body's ability to synthesize proteins is already impaired.15,16
There's more, though. Calorie restriction in general is known to reduce anabolic hormone levels, and low-carbohydrate dieting only makes this worse.16 A study out of the Washington University School of Medicine found that a low-carbohydrate diet combined with daily exercise significantly increased cortisol and decreased testosterone levels in athletes.17 Especially when combined with caloric restriction, this creates a catabolic nightmare that results in more muscle loss while dieting.
The research is clear: as a weightlifter, the carbohydrate is your friend. This is why I recommend you keep your carbohydrate intake high while dieting for fat loss.
In the last seven weeks, Michael has gone from 194 lbs at 8-9% body fat to 188 lbs at 7%.
Let's tie this all together using me as a case study. I'm currently 188 pounds and my TDEE is about 3,000 calories. Therefore:
I've actually been cutting on those macros for the last seven weeks and have gone from about 194 pounds and 8-9 percent body fat to 188 at 7 percent without losing more than a rep or two on any of my lifts.
Once you've done the same, your work still isn't finished. That's when it's time to seal your progress for the long term with what's known in bodybuilding circles as a "reverse diet." That's what I'll cover in my next article. For now, apply the above ideas and start your shred!
Go here to see the original:
Lose Weight Fast: You Won't Believe How To Hit 6% Body Fat
Lose Weight Fast – Free and Simple!
Over the years, I have tried many ways to lose weight fast. Everything from weight loss detox, diet pills, exercise to lose weight, yoga, calories counting and joining expensive gym membership which I did not really go in the end.
I have realised that lose weight is a learning process like cycling. It is not a one off event as we tend to grow fat again due to our relaxing lifestyle. It has to be a knowledge that we need to master in order to successfully lose weight at any point in time and maintain it for a longer time.
After spending years and thousands of dollar on so many different ways to lose weight, I have found a fast, free and effective method to lose weight. I can do it myself anytime, anywhere and it doesnt cost me any money.
Why am I doing this? Because I have shared this with many friends of mine and it has benefited many. After a while, it got a bit overwhelming. Therefore, instead of explaining the whole weight loss process to more friends, I have decided to share this with everyone who might need it.
Sure is Free? This is a free for all, Do-It-Yourself (DIY), Lose Weight Fast communities website. The process that I am about to share is just a simple, fast, free and effective method to lose weight. You should be able to lose weight in two weeks time by following the method closely. If you do not see result in two weeks time, just find other ways to lose weight, you have nothing to lose and it does not cost you anything. However, please see disclaimer first and consult your medical doctor before you start especially if you have any specific medical condition or do not feel comfortable in between your lose weight period.
Ready to try the unique, simple, free and effect lose weight fast method?
See original here:
Lose Weight Fast - Free and Simple!
How to Lose Weight Fast: 50 Best Tips On Lose Weight and Fast
Best ways to lose weight safely and effectively: It is a fact that being overweight or obese has become prevalent nowadays. Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet are the top reasons why a lot of people today weigh more than he should. Hence, there is a clamor for fast weight loss remedies, programs and diets. While some products are effective, you are not assured that it is totally safe for your body. Also, you might lose weight for now, only to gain it back after some time. That is whythose which []
How can I lose weight quickly through simple home exercises? Weight loss has been the subject of interest to many people. There are various reasons why you would want to lose weight fast. It might be because you are recently having a difficult time fitting into your clothes. Maybe, you are going to attend a wedding in a few months and you want to look good for the occasion. Perhaps, you want to lose weight because you have an existing medical condition. Whatever the reason is, people are so fixated []
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How to Lose Weight Fast: 50 Best Tips On Lose Weight and Fast