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15 Square Inches to Success

VOL. 127 | NO. 24 | Monday, February 06, 2012
Smart Stuff 4 Work
Chris Crouch
I decided to lose a few pounds in 2012. It’s not a New Year’s resolution and I’m not in a hurry. I’ve studied the psychology of weight loss enough to understand it’s not a good idea to lose too much weight quickly. Rapid weight loss is often interpreted by your nervous system as starvation. And your nervous system has a plethora of tricks up its sleeve to encourage you to not only eat but to binge eat to respond to such a situation.
Anyhow, in the process of setting up my plan to lose weight, I ran across an idea that will help you reverse any form of unwanted behavior – including behavior that might be limiting your business success.
I began my weight loss process by reading a book titled “The Beck Diet Solution” by Judith S. Beck, Ph.D. Dr. Beck is a cognitive behavior therapy specialist. Basically, cognitive behavior therapy helps you change things in your life by changing the way you think. Get your mind right and your body will follow.
One of the first things Beck suggests is carefully thinking through the specific benefits you hope to achieve and writing these benefits on a 3-by-5 index card. Then you develop your eating plan (you can use any plan you prefer). In addition to randomly reading the index card several times a day, you read it every time you have the urge to eat something that is not in agreement with your plan.
If you have read my column for a while, you might recall that last year I discussed something called If-Then strategies. Rather than declaring you are going to change behavior and hoping for the best, you identify a triggering event (the “If” part of the strategy) and predetermine a response to the triggering event (the “Then” part of the strategy).
Basically, using an index card I set up a very simple If-Then strategy to help me move toward a healthier lifestyle. In my case, if I want to eat something not in agreement with my plan (the triggering event), then I pull out the index card and read the benefits of losing weight (the predetermined response). So far, I find the think-about-food-but-read-the-index-card-instead strategy to be extremely effective.
For years, I have promoted the 3-by-5 index card as one of the most powerful productivity tools available. If you have read my productivity books or attended my classes, you know I rely heavily on this 15-square-inch tool.
Try using a strategy similar to my diet plan to alter one of your unproductive work habits this week. For example, record on an index card the benefits of staying totally focused on your No. 1 priority for a defined period of time every day. Then block out at least one hour a day for the next week to totally focus on your top priority. If – during the blocked out time you are tempted to answer the phone, check emails, check Facebook or do anything else, then – pick up the card and read it instead.
Chris Crouch is CEO of DME Training and Consulting and author of several books on improving productivity. Contact him through
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15 Square Inches to Success
Kennewick man TOPS Washington King after losing 67 pounds

No magic wand, secret formula or fad diet ever did the trick for Brian Steinwand.
Instead, the 49-year-old relied on his Kennewick chapter of Take Off Pounds Sensibly, and the proven combination of a healthy diet and exercise, to lose 67 pounds.
He was dubbed the TOPS Washington King for his achievement, and his reign as the state's male champion will end in May.
"I was a big carb addict," Steinwand said. "I began to lose weight right away when I cut out carbs."
His ultimate transformation didn't come quickly or easily.
Steinwand joined TOPS in 1998 when he weighed in a 325 pounds. After years of losses and gains, Steinwand began 2010 at 297 pounds with the resolve to reach his target weight of 230. His success has allowed him to represent Washington at TOPS meetings and conventions for a year.
Recently, after hitting his goal of 230, his doctor reset his goal weight to 245.
"I've been lifting weights at the gym and have put on so much muscle -- which weighs more than fat -- my doctor allowed me to add another 15 pounds to my goal weight," Steinwand said.
When he was young, Steinwand never worried about his weight.
"I was an active person," he said. "I ate healthy food."
However, poor eating habits crept in. He couldn't find time for the gym. And the pounds added up.
During the course of 15 years, he had packed an extra 100 pounds onto his 6-foot-5 frame.
"My cholesterol was high, 275, my blood pressure was 144 over 110, and I had sleep apnea. My doctor sent me to a sleep study and I was told I stopped breathing up to 86 times an hour. I had to wear a breathing machine at night to keep me alive," Steinwand said.
His doctor gave him a choice.
He could either lose weight -- lots of it -- or be on medications and the breathing machine for the rest of his life.
"I decided that was no way to live," he said. "All my health problems were caused by my weight."
The pounds didn't come off easily or quickly.
As a member of TOPS, Steinwand lost weight, then gained it back, lost some and put it back on.
"This went on for years," he said. "Finally, I got to the point I was tired of being a yo-yo dieter and decided to get it done."
Jyl Purington, coordinator of 60 TOPS chapters in southeastern Washington, witnessed Steinwand's transformation as the leader his chapter in Kennewick -- No. WA152.
The reasons he has been so successful, Purington said, came down to "mindset and determination."
Purington said TOPS always sees a spike in membership at the first of the year.
"It's those New Year's resolutions," she said.
Those who have reached their goal weight, like Steinwand and Purington, are called KOPS -- Keeping Pounds Off Sensibly.
"At that point it's all about maintenance," she said. "We still attend chapter meetings because we need that reinforcement for ourselves, and others need our help to get to their goal. We are the light that shows the way."
Steinwand said he feels better than he has in years.
His blood pressure and cholesterol have dropped to healthy levels. He no longer sleeps with a breathing machine.
"It's definitely been a lifestyle change," he said. "I work out at the gym three to four times a week, take long, brisk walks and have cleaned up my eating habits."
Steinwand credited the diet change with about 70 percent of his weight loss. The rest, he chalked up to exercise.
"You have to do both; you can't have one without the other," he said.
He cut processed foods out of his diet. He discovered he was allergic to wheat, so he embraced a gluten-free regimen.
He upped his intake of veggies, added three to five servings of fruits a day and discovered a fondness for oatmeal and quinoa.
His advice for others?
"Don't give up," Steinwand said. "Sure, some days are tough, but don't count every little bite. Pick one day a week to eat what you really like.
"If you have a dinner date, make that your splurge," he continued. "Don't beat yourself up over that, otherwise it's just existing, not living."
Purington said there are TOPS chapters in every city in the Mid-Columbia, meeting at all times of day.
"If one's not available, all you need is yourself and three others to open your own chapter," she said.
To find one, go to, or call Purington, 521-3526.
-- Loretto J. Hulse: 582-1513;
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