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Hypertension: Could herbs and spices lower blood pressure? – Medical News Today

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half of adults in the U.S. have hypertension.
Untreated hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, vision loss, and damage to blood vessels.
Dietary guidance on reducing blood pressure includes reducing salt intake. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor food.
Experts know less about the health effects of herbs and spices than they do about those of salt. However, some studies have shown that herbs and spices can reduce lipemia the excess of lipids in the blood hyperglycemia, and oxidative stress.
To dig a little deeper, researchers at Pennsylvania State University recently conducted a randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of longer-term consumption of herbs and spices on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
They found that a higher level of herbs and spices in food reduced 24-hour blood pressure readings.
The findings appear in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Prof. Penny Kris-Etherton, one of the lead authors of the study, told Medical News Today, Indeed, the blood pressure-lowering effects of herbs and spices in an average Western diet were surprising to me.
We [already know] about the effects of many lifestyle factors, especially dietary factors, that can increase blood pressure such as sodium, alcohol, and caffeine and others that can decrease blood pressure, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, [] weight loss, physical activity, and some vitamins, including folate and vitamin D when intake is low, but the blood pressure-lowering effects of herbs and spices are new!
In terms of herbs and spices, she continued, there hasnt been a clinical trial showing benefits on blood pressure lowering until our study.
A total of 71 participants aged 3075 years joined the study. All participants had one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease and had overweight or obesity.
After the participants fasted for 12 hours, the researchers made baseline assessments. These included height, weight, waist circumference, a fasting blood sample, and vascular testing.
Vascular testing included central and peripheral blood pressure and arterial stiffness measurements. The participants also wore a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours.
The researchers then randomly assigned the participants to one of three groups. Each group would eat one of three diets: a low spice diet, a moderately spiced diet, or a high spice diet. These diets included a daily intake of 0.5 grams (g), 3.3 g, and 6.6 g of herbs and spices, respectively.
The aim was to incorporate herbs and spices into a diet that was representative of the average U.S. diet. The additional herbs and spices included cinnamon, turmeric, and oregano.
The participants followed their respective diets for 4 weeks, with a 2-week break in between. At the end of each diet period, the participants returned for follow-up assessments. A total of 63 individuals completed the study.
The study showed that the high spice diet tended to improve 24-hour blood pressure readings, compared with the medium and low spice diets.
The researchers did not observe any effect of the diets on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, clinic-measured blood pressure, markers of glycemia, vascular function, or oxidative stress.
However, they say that 24-hour blood pressure readings are a stronger predictor of cardiovascular death than clinic blood pressure measurement.
The authors believe that the study might have been too short for vascular remodeling to occur, which might explain why they did not see any effect on arterial stiffness.
They also note that the dosages of herbs and spices might not be adequate to overturn the metabolic effects of an unhealthy background diet. Therefore, they cannot recommend increasing intake of herbs and spices alone in the context of a poor quality diet to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Moreover, because each day of the menu included different amounts of the 24 herbs and spices, exposure was not consistent. As herbs and spices do not stay in the system for very long, the food consumed during the days closest to testing may have influenced the results more strongly.
Dr. Simon Steenson, a nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, told MNT, This study suggests there could be potential benefit in terms of blood pressure reduction for including more herbs and spices within our diet.
However, he continued, the effects seen were small and not significant between all levels of intake. While the authors suggest there may be some benefit to including herbs and spices in a suboptimal diet, clearly, the aim from a public health point of view must be to improve dietary patterns in line with evidence-based guidance on diet and health.
Prof. Kris-Etherton said to MNT, It will be important to evaluate the effects of individual spices on blood pressure and to understand the mechanism[s] by which each lowers blood pressure.
It would also be interesting to assess the effects of herbs and spices on the microbiome and evaluate whether the effects of herbs and spices on [blood pressure] are modulated by any changes in the gut microbiome.
Beyond clinical trial research, studies are needed to evaluate effective education programs that teach use of herbs and spices in a healthy dietary pattern that is lower in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar on diet quality and clinical endpoints, such as risk factors for chronic diseases.
Dr. Steenson concluded:
It is important to note that while the aim of this study was to look at the average American diet, we need major shifts in average dietary patterns to make our eating habits healthier and more sustainable. While certain foods or ingredients may have a small benefit alone, we need to encourage a shift to healthier eating across the board.
See the original post here:
Hypertension: Could herbs and spices lower blood pressure? - Medical News Today
Rapid Weight Loss: Is It Safe? Does It Work?

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Eat as Much as You Want -- and Still Lose Weight!
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Rapid weight loss can be quick and easy -- if you believe the advertising claims.
Fad diets and weight loss supplements promise a slimmer body in no time. In the U.S. alone, consumers spend $33 billion each year on weight loss products.
Do any of these products really produce rapid weight loss? Are they safe? And what are the risks of such fast weight loss? WebMD took a look at some rapid weight loss claims, as well as the available evidence.
So many marketers promise "fast weight loss" it's difficult to sort through them all.
Most rapid weight loss pitches fall into these categories:
Starvation Diets
Beyonce popularized the so-called "master cleanse" diet: water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. Variations of these diets have been around since at least the 1950s. They often also promise "detoxification" through colonics or enemas.
Diet Pills and Supplements
Dozens of diet supplements promise to speed weight loss. Generally, they claim either to block absorption of nutrients, increase metabolism, or burn fat.
Very Low-Calorie Diets (VLCDs)
One proven method of rapid weight loss is the medically supervised very low-calorie diet (VLCD). Most of what is known about rapid weight loss comes from studies of people on these diets.
Creams, Devices, and Magic Voodoo Spells
There seems to be no end to the dubious ideas promoted in the name of rapid weight loss. Most promise to replace diet or exercise.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does regulate dietary supplements; however, it treats them like foods rather than medications.
The FDA also does not regulate claims made by over-the-counter weight loss products. Unlike drug manufacturers, the makers of supplements dont have to show their products are safe or effective before selling them on the market. This means that dietary supplements do not need approval from FDA before they are marketed.
Aside from the very low-calorie diet and weight loss surgery, no other product, pill, or diet has been proven to safely work for fast weight loss. There are prescription medications for weight loss, although none is intended for rapid weight loss, and there can be side effects.
In any rapid weight loss program, what really burns fat is not a pill or type of food. It's the substantial reduction of calories, combined with exercise.
Rapid weight loss creates physical demands on the body. Possible serious risks include:
Other side effects of rapid weight loss include:
The dangers of rapid weight loss increase with the time spent on the diet. Eating a no-protein diet is particularly risky.
Rapid weight loss diets can have ill effects, but so does obesity. For this reason, very low-calorie diets (VLCDs) are considered a reasonable weight loss option for people with obesity (having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30) needing rapid weight loss for a specific purpose such as weight loss surgery .
VLCDs are doctor-supervised diets lasting several weeks. The meals are nutritionally balanced, but expensive -- people can end up spending thousands of dollars over time. VLCDs safely produce a loss of 15% to 25% of body weight in 12 weeks. That's for those who finish the program: 25% to half of people don't complete the program. Weight returns when the diet is stopped and happens rapidly; mostexperts say it's best to take a more sustainable approach to weight loss comparable to that of regular diets.
Most people seeking rapid weight loss, though, usually do it on their own. Frequently, it's to achieve a short-term goal, such as fitting into a dress, or looking good at the beach.
Starving yourself is certainly not a good idea. But if you're otherwise healthy, a brief period of extreme calorie restriction isn't likely to hurt you. You should tell your doctor what you're doing, and be sure to include protein in your diet (70 to 100 grams per day). Take a multivitamin, and eat potassium-rich foods (tomatoes, oranges, and bananas).
Also, remember that crash diets rarely help you achieve a sustained, healthy weight. Most people put the pounds right back on.
SOURCES:Gilden Tsai, A. Obesity, August 2006.Saper, R. American Family Physician, Nov. 1, 2004.Federal Trade Commission web site: "Commercial Weight Loss Products and Programs: What Consumers Stand to Gain and Lose" and "Weighing the Evidence in Diet Ads."
Rapid Weight Loss: Is It Safe? Does It Work?
How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks? Weight Loss Tips!

Do you want to lose unwanted weight in as little as two weeks safely? While small and realistic weight loss goals are more sustainable in the long run if you have a tight deadline, follow our tips to lose weight fast in two weeks effectively. The article will help you lose maximum weight within two weeks in a healthy manner and get realistic results.
Yes, it is possible to lose weight fast and within two weeks healthily and realistically. One way to do it is simply by reducing your calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories per day you can create a calorie deficit to stimulate weight loss. Another excellent way to shed kilos faster is by being physically active. By increasing your daily movement, you can burn calories faster and boost your weight loss goals.
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Some of the top tips to lose weight faster in 2 weeks or so are:
For faster weight loss, reduce your calorie intake by 500 to 750 calories and stick to a diet plan with low calorie yet nutritious food. You can also cut portion sizes to decrease your overall calorie intake.
Avoid carbohydrates, sugar, processed and unhealthy food that add more calories to your diet and make it challenging to lose weight.
Water is one of the best means of shedding weight by losing toxins and improving digestion.
Try intermittent fasting for weight loss to restrict your calorie consumption and speed up the weight loss. You can try the 16/8 method, 5:2 diet, or alternative day fasting according to your preference.
The calorie-conscious diet plan to lose weight fast in two weeks must include loads of soluble fibre in the form of fruits and vegetables. The high fibre content helps you keep satiated for longer.
Avoid unsaturated and trans fats. Instead, eat healthy fats with every meal, and you will feel less hungry.
Strength training and HIIT are the best exercises to lose weight fast in two weeks. HIIT helps burn fat faster than any other exercise, and strength training helps build lean muscle, which allows the body to continue burning fat while at rest.
Make proteins the main component of your diet. Eat lean proteins that help promote satiety and reduce frequent hunger pangs.
Prioritise daily fitness by working out for at least 30 minutes a day. You can start with simple aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, and running to burn more fat.
At least eight hours of restful sleep allows your body muscles to repair and renew and prepare them to burn more calories during the workout.
The best exercises to follow to maximize your weight loss include:
Running is the best cardio exercise for weight loss when done for 20 to 30 minutes at a moderate pace. You can also try jump rope, cycling, swimming, stair climber, and kettlebells.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the best workout to torch more calories and burn stubborn fat faster from any part of the body. To fully reap the benefits, choose your exercise type such as sprinting, burpees, etc., and do it alternatively with intense recovery periods.
Lifting weights, carrying groceries, stair climbing, push-ups, etc., can help improve your muscle strength and allow your body to burn fat even while at rest.
Must Read: Beginners Workout Guide For Weight Loss In A Week!
The best diet plan to follow to lose weight faster includes fruits and vegetables, fewer carbohydrates, high-quality fats, more lean proteins, whole and unprocessed foods, healthy and low-calorie alternatives.
These food choices effortlessly fulfil daily nutritional requirements while staying within your daily calorie intake goal. Make sure to limit your alcohol, sugar, carbohydrate, saturated fats, and salt intake to cut down unwanted calories. Also, it is important to eat mindfully and avoid frequent snacking.
It is best to snack on healthy fats abundantly available in nuts, seeds, or fruits. They are low in calories and will keep you satiated for long.
It is possible to shed those extra kilos in two weeks or more by tweaking your diet and lifestyle. Ensure setting realistic goals and staying consistent with sustaining your ideal goal weight even beyond two weeks. Always remember that weight loss is not a linear process, so start by setting small goals to stay motivated on your fitness journey.
For personalized diet and weight loss services from top-notch industry experts, visit your nearest Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic. Do not forget to like and share this article.
Continued here:
How To Lose Weight In 2 Weeks? Weight Loss Tips!
Is It Bad to Lose Weight Too Quickly? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

When youre ready to slim down, you want to make it happen now. But most health experts say rapid weight loss isnt the way to go. It can sabotage your long-term weight loss goals and may hurt your health, too.
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Why is it bad to lose weight quickly? Endocrinologist and obesity specialist Marcio Griebeler, MD, explains why slow and steady wins the weight-loss race and how to do it.
Theres no magic number that qualifies as rapid weight loss. Your weight, age and activity level determine what that term means for you.
Dont worry too much about the number of pounds you should (or shouldnt) lose. Instead, look at the diet plan youre following to lose weight. Extreme diets with lofty promises usually fall under the rapid weight loss category.
Avoid super restrictive diet plans because theyre difficult if not impossible to keep up over the long term, says Dr. Griebeler. If the diet plan isnt something you can stick to for months or years, its probably a fast weight loss plan. And those plans and gimmicks arent a healthy, sustainable way to lose weight.
A more moderate goal of losing 1 to 2 pounds per week tends to be more successful over the long haul.
Its hard to resist the lure of rapid weight loss. Be 10 pounds lighter by next week? Yes, please. But dont give in to the flashy ads. Most of the time, those diet plans are bad news for your health.
Your metabolism is your bodys calorie-burning process. And a metabolism thats out of whack can damage your bodys ability to keep the weight off.
When you lose weight too quickly, your body slows down its calorie-burning process, explains Dr. Griebeler. That is your bodys way of trying to ensure you dont starve. You might lose a good amount of weight right away, but your metabolism quickly goes into survival mode.
The change in your metabolism is a key reason why people regain weight after trying rapid weight loss plans. When you go back to eating a regular diet, your metabolism isnt used to that many calories and the pounds come back.
When you cut way back on calories, you might see that number on the scale drop like a rock. But its not just fat youre losing. Youre also losing muscle.
Sudden and severe calorie restriction will make you lose muscle mass as well as fat, says Dr. Griebeler. Its harder to lose weight when you dont have enough muscle mass because muscles burn lots of calories.
Slower weight loss combined with exercise, on the other hand, gives your body time to lose fat while keeping your muscle mass. And bonus: You keep your muscles calorie-burning power intact.
Your body needs a certain amount of fat, protein and carbs to function. It also needs a whole range of vitamins and minerals. When you slash calories or cut out entire food groups like carbs or dairy, you risk:
Theres nothing wrong with cutting calories if youre eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods, says Dr. Griebeler. Your diet should contain a wide variety of healthy, whole foods. Dont try to cut more than 500 calories a day.
When you go for fast weight loss, you may find that it gets harder not easier to keep losing weight. A couple of weeks in, youll likely feel famished all the time. The temptation to crawl into bed with a box of cookies is real.
Dont blame a lack of willpower. Its your hormones, and theyre doing exactly what they were designed to do.
Cutting too many calories too quickly triggers hormonal changes that make you want to eat, says Dr. Griebeler. Even a very determined person will find it difficult to overpower those hunger hormones. These fast hormonal changes make you so hungry that they set you up for diet failure.
Theres no single diet that works for everyone. But these general guidelines can help you lose weight and keep it off in a healthy way.
Healthy weight loss isnt just about what you eat. You need physical activity if you want maximum results.
Cardiovascular exercise like walking burns calories, but strength training is just as important. When you lift weights or do resistance training, you increase muscle mass. And when you have more muscle mass, you:
Ever notice that when youre exhausted you want to eat more? When youre tired, your hunger hormones barge in and ruin your chances of bypassing that donut. If youre regularly missing out on sleep, even the best weight loss plan is going to feel impossible.
Aim for at least seven hours of quality sleep each night, says Dr. Griebeler. If you consistently have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor. Many people who have sleep disorders dont know it and sleep disorders are treatable.
Think about your diet plan and whether you could do it for the rest of your life. Cutting a couple of hundred calories a day? Doable. Never having a bowl of ice cream again? Probably not.
The best diet is one you will stick to, says Dr. Griebeler. Changing our habits is hard, but it can be done. Choose a diet plan that allows you to have an occasional piece of chocolate or slice of pizza. Its much easier to keep doing these types of plans for months and even years.
Fast results are fun for a while, instant gratification isnt best when it comes to weight loss. Go slow with dropping pounds so you can be healthier today and stay that way for years to come.
See the original post here:
Is It Bad to Lose Weight Too Quickly? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic
Jamie Oliver Lost 26 Pounds By Making This One Change to His Diet | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Jamie Oliver has been a beloved personality in the food industry for decades, winning over fans with his cookbooks, TV shows, and support of programs that help families access healthy food. However, with cooking and eating being such major components of his career, the star has seen his weight fluctuate over the years. Oliver recently opened up about losing 26 pounds, crediting his transformation to one simple change to his routine.
Read on to discover how Oliver shed the weight. And for more celebrity transformations, Ree Drummond Reveals the Four Things She Did to Lose 48 Pounds in 8 Months.
In a recent interview with Radio Times (via, Oliver revealed that a single change to his dietary habits was the catalyst for the bulk of his weight loss: Reducing how much meat he eats.
"I pushed meat down, pushed veggie up, got more sleep and more movement," he explained. Oliver added that he wasn't depriving himself or sticking to tiny portions to shed the pounds.
"I lost 12 kilos quite quickly and I didn't do it through not eating. I ate a lot, more than I was used to," he explained.
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Not only did Oliver increase the proportion of vegetables in his diet, but he also tried some healthy new greens on for size.
"I thought seaweed was hippy, globetrotting stuff but our ancestors ate seaweed. It has got a load of iodine and is the most nutritious vegetable in the world," he explained.
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It wasn't just reducing his meat intake and increasing his veggies that helped Oliver shed the pounds, however: the star also began snacking on nuts.
"They make you half as likely to have a heart attack. Feed them to your kids as well," suggested the dad of five.
While Oliver didn't cut out drinking entirely to shed the weight, he admitted to taking a more moderate approach toward imbibing.
"I'm not telling you what to do, but my rhythm now is only to drink at the weekend," he explained.
For more incentive to scale back on booze, check out What Happens To Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol.
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Original post:
Jamie Oliver Lost 26 Pounds By Making This One Change to His Diet | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Michael Mosley: Low-carb diet is effective for weight loss – what to eat and avoid – Express

Doctor Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online as well as on television. He is the creator of The Fast 800 a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.
He went on to explain: Banting, who was five foot five and 14st, wrote a booklet entitled Letter On Corpulence, which detailed his attempts to tackle his obesity by eating a low-carb diet, though he didnt call it that.
He gave up sugar, potatoes, beer and bread and instead stuck largely to meat, greens, fruits and dry wine.
He lost 3st in a year, and his book became a bestseller.
This is how the low-carb diet was born, leading to the Atkins Diet, as well as the Keto Diet.
Like William Banting, food to avoid when following Keto are root vegetables including potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips, as well as grains or starches.
These include wheat-based products like rice, pasta, and cereal.
Beer, wine, and liquor are also best avoided, according to Healthline.
Although doctor Mosley warned low-carb diets are not greeted with much enthusiasm by doctors or dieticians as you have to eat a lot of fat, he added that clinical trials consistently show that low-carb diets are effective for weight loss.
To start incorporating low-carb foods into your daily meals, doctor Mosley said: So, limit your intake of any food or drink containing more than five percent sugar to no more than twice a week.
This includes sweet fruits like mango and pineapple, and sugary smoothies and juices.
Likewise, replace processed carbs like white bread, chips and pasta with slow-release energy sources, such as brown rice or quinoa.
The doctor recommended looking for a healthy food plan on his The Fast 800 website, saying: You will find hundreds of nutritious and tasty recipes, that Clare, my wife has helped develop.
See the article here:
Michael Mosley: Low-carb diet is effective for weight loss - what to eat and avoid - Express
Hair loss after weight loss: Causes, risks, and prevention – Medical News Today

Hair loss that results from weight loss is a temporary condition that occurs when a person loses weight through restrictive dieting or weight loss surgery. Stress on the body or nutrient deficiencies may be the cause.
This type of hair loss is generally known as telogen effluvium, and it is a common cause of hair loss. It typically occurs about 34 months after rapid weight loss and lasts for up to 6 months.
Not all hair that falls out is hair loss. It is normal to lose about 50100 hairs per day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. This is known as hair shedding.
During telogen effluvium, however, much more hair falls out.
Some causes of telogen effluvium can include:
Telogen effluvium generally subsides within 69 months as the body adjusts to the changes.
Telogen effluvium following weight loss is sometimes the result of nutrient deficiencies in the diet and the cumulative effects of weight loss on the body. This is particularly the case if the weight loss is due to crash dieting, weight loss surgery, or restrictive dieting.
Proper nutrition is vital to the formation of healthy hair shafts and the promotion of hair growth. Some studies suggest that diets low in iron and zinc may be more likely to induce hair loss. Other nutrients that may affect hair growth include fatty acids, selenium, and vitamin D.
Hair shafts undergo several cycles during their lifetime. These are as follows:
Hair loss happens when stress on the body triggers the hairs to stop growing and enter the catagen phase too early. They will go on to the telogen phase and fall out prematurely.
Although weight loss surgery can lead to reduced overall weight, it can also cause nutrient deficiencies that may lead to hair loss.
For example, one 2018 study involving 50 people who underwent sleeve gastrectomy observed hair loss in more than half.
Also, one 2021 study involving 112 women who underwent sleeve gastrectomy found that nearly 75% of them experienced hair loss. Of those who reported the condition, nearly 80% said that it started 34 months after surgery.
Hair loss due to weight loss is neither dangerous nor permanent. Generally, the body adjusts within a few months, and hair production resumes.
However, the nutrient deficiencies of a restrictive weight loss regimen can be damaging. For example, reducing the amount of iron in the diet can lead to iron deficiency anemia, which has several serious health complications.
Iron deficiency anemia can lead to:
Additionally, severe calorie restriction can lead to malnutrition and accompanying issues, such as decreased muscle function, cardiorespiratory problems, stomach issues, suppressed immunity, and depression and anxiety.
Telogen effluvium after weight loss can be the result of nutrient deficiencies or losing a lot of weight too quickly.
Prevention and treatment of telogen effluvium focus on proper nutrition and diet. Maintaining a balanced diet while avoiding crash diets and quick fixes is important to long-term weight loss success as well as avoiding telogen effluvium.
If someone is already experiencing telogen effluvium but is no longer trying to lose weight, they will most likely find that the condition resolves in time once they address their nutrient deficiencies through diet and, if necessary, supplementation.
A person should look for a paced, balanced diet that provides the essential micronutrients and macronutrients that the body needs each day to function.
Individuals should consult a licensed nutritionist if they are unsure what the proper levels of these micronutrients and macronutrients are.
If following a limited diet, be sure to include foods rich in iron and zinc. Look for:
Hair loss after weight loss is a common occurrence that may be the result of stress on the body or nutrient deficiencies.
Experts generally refer to this as telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium begins about 3 months after the initial weight loss.
The condition is usually the result of nutrient deficiencies that arise from severely restrictive dieting or weight loss surgery. It will generally resolve within about 6 months as the body adjusts to the weight loss.
To treat telogen effluvium, a doctor may recommend adjusting the diet to add iron, zinc, and other essential nutrients if a person has a clinical deficiency. At present, there is a lack of research to support the use of supplementation to treat telogen effluvium if a person does not have a nutrient deficiency.
Go here to read the rest:
Hair loss after weight loss: Causes, risks, and prevention - Medical News Today
Michael Mosley: Eat more of the right foods to reach ideal weight & stay there – plan – Daily Express

Doctor Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online as well as on television. He is the creator of The Fast 800 a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.
According to doctor Mosley, following The Fast 800 diet is a great place to start if youre looking to lose weight.
He said: It provides you with all of the tools you will need to start changing your lifestyle for the better.
Once youve entered your goals, you will receive meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, exercises and mindful exercises to help you achieve your objective.
In terms of the types of foods you should be looking to add into your diet, doctor Mosley recommended a good balance of protein, fibre, and healthy fats.
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This is essentially the Mediterranean diet.
This diet consists of plenty of vegetables, cheese, full-fat yoghurt, fatty fish, lentils, nuts, wholegrains, and more.
Doctor Mosley continued: The good news is, whether you incorporate intermittent fasting or not, a low carb Mediterranean diet has unique power not just to restore your bodys ability to reach its ideal weight and stay there, but also to cut your risk of serious disease.
Losing weight is not about how much you eat but what you eat, Doctor Mosley stressed.
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He said: It doesnt come from a place of restriction but rather its about eating more of the right foods.
Not only will these foods keep you feeling full, but they also offer important nutrients and health benefits, and taste delicious.
However, the doctor highlighted that intermittent fasting isnt for everyone, saying: How you start intermittent fasting very much depends on you and your sort of personality type.
I normally recommend that people start gradually, he added.
So, start by consuming your food in a 12 hour window, and fasting the rest of the time.
Once youve got used to that, move on to a 10-hour period of eating.
Doctor Mosley advised having the last meal of the day at 8pm and not eating anything after that.
He said: One thing I would say is there is mounting evidence that it is better if you finish your evening meal earlier, rather than having a late meal, skipping breakfast, and then fasting until lunchtime.
So, however you do time restricted eating, I would recommend you try and stop eating by 8pm and then not eat anything again with calories before breakfast the next day.
If you are fasting for 12 hours, you can have breakfast at 8am.
Then you might try moving it a little bit later, to 10am or breakfast.
In that case, you might want to have something like a meal replacement shake for breakfast, which might be more convenient if you're at work.
The doctor added: If youre really pushing it towards eating all your food in eight hours, which is trickier, then you'd probably aim for something like skipping breakfast altogether and having lunch around 12pm or 1pm.
The rest is here:
Michael Mosley: Eat more of the right foods to reach ideal weight & stay there - plan - Daily Express
Weight loss: Man drops 4 stone in 12 weeks by cutting down on one thing ‘Changed my life!’ – Express

Peter Markwick, 58, from East Sussex changed his life when he embarked on Dr Michael Mosleys Fast 800 programme. Feeling exhausted, tired and lethargic, Peter was frequently poorly with colds and chest infections. After struggling at work, he was prescribed blood pressure tablets and cholesterol medication in January this year. Having tried to lose weight before, Peter would get bored with the diet and after a serious conversation with a health professional about the state of his liver, Peter decided to turn his life around. In just 12 weeks, Peter lost 3.7 stone taking his weight from 17.7 stone to 14 stone and hasnt looked back since.
Peter his weight loss journey: I had been drinking far too much beer for 40 years, and consequently the GP prescribed cholesterol and blood pressure medication. I was also taking medication for psoriasis and arthritis.
What really hit home was a phone call with a hospital nurse, who was very concerned about my high liver count levels after a blood test. She said if I carried on drinking to that level, I would end up in hospital with serious liver issues.
Realising he needed to take his health seriously, Peter chose The Fast 800 online programme.
When I lost a stone, I started to get lovely comments from friends and customers, he explained. Interestingly, many of them said Youre looking well rather than commenting on my weight loss.
The most fantastic improvement apart from the weight loss is that my doctor has been able to take me off all medications, he added.
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My psoriasis has significantly improved and my arthritis causes me minimal pain now.
Peter initially followed The Very Fast 800, a short-term, intensive approach designed for those who need to lose a lot of weight quickly.
Followers eat 800 calories per day for up to 12 weeks, using the healthy, Mediterranean-style recipes rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats provided within the online programmes meal plans.
The Fast 800 has really opened my eyes as to how delicious Mediterranean-style food is, Peter said. Although I ate 800 calories for the first 12 weeks, my energy levels were high.
Now, having completed The Very Fast 800 approach, I can see just how much better I am feeling mentally and physically.
He has now moved onto on of The Fast 800s longer-term sustainable approaches, The Way of Life, eating a moderately low-carb, Mediterranean-style diet.
Peter occasionally incorporates an 800-calorie day along with time-restricted eating where he fasts daily for up to 16 hours, usually overnight.
This approach is intended for those looking to maintain their weight while further improving their fitness and metabolic health.
For people with only a small amount of weight to lose or those who want to lose weight more gradually, The Fast 800 online programme also offers The New 5:2 approach, which factors in two 800-calorie fasting days per week and five non-fasting days.
Peter continued: The great thing about The Very Fast 800 approach, along with the constant support and information available on the online programme, is that when youve completed 12 weeks of it, you feel confident and educated enough to move to the longer-term approaches.
When you move on to The New 5:2 or Way of Life, youre just eating even more of the lovely foods youve enjoyed for the past 12 weeks, with the know-how to make good choices in the real world.
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Looking back at how far he has come, Peter said: I am amazed at the amount of energy I now have. My brain has become much sharper, and I have an excitement about life.
I realised after about seven weeks into The Fast 800 that I could get used to this lifestyle.
The diet works because all youre doing is eating great food. And once youve reached your goal you just increase the volume of the lovely food youve been eating for 12 weeks.
As for his social life: I dont struggle to go out with my friends for a drink. I still have the occasional beer, but Im in total control now, unlike before.
My weight loss has inspired my wife to change her lifestyle too. She was very supportive of me, and has recently started her journey now.
Peters final piece of advice is: Start by committing to weeks of your life, because it can completely change your life.
The Fast 800 online programme offers a sustainable plan for the growing number of people. who struggle with weight loss and want to continue eating satisfying, real-food meals.
The platform guides them to eat a Mediterranean-style diet, scientifically proven to be one of the best ways of eating for long-term health, so the results they achieve are sustained long-term, and their health is improved to support an active lifestyle well into the future.
But this is only one part of the programme.
The online programme hosts a member-only community of peers sharing their own journeys,
with professionally-qualified Health Coaches offering guidance and support.
Along with meal plans and recipes, users are provided with weekly exercise plans and mindfulness resources for a holistic solution.
A 12-week programme on costs 99 and includes:
- Meal plans for The Very Fast 800, The New 5:2 and Med-style diets, with vegetarian options
- Three calorie-counted meals per day based on healthy, gut-friendlyMediterranean-style food
- Over 400 tasty and easy-to-make recipes unique to the online programme
- Shopping lists just print and go, or use the list to help with your online grocery shop
- Guided exercise plans all suited to the home, no equipment necessary
- Lots of tips and support on how to adapt your routine
- Health Coaches on hand for advice, support and motivation
- A lively and inspirational cohort of members, united by a common goal to improve health
- Weekly motivational articles and videos, so you can make these changes for life!
See the rest here:
Weight loss: Man drops 4 stone in 12 weeks by cutting down on one thing 'Changed my life!' - Express
Jamie Oliver weight loss: The chef lost 2st by cutting down on 1 thing ‘It’s been amazing’ – Express

Jamie Oliver, 46, is a TV chef who has been through a weight loss transformation in recent years. But how did the chef manage to drop two stone?
But apart from cutting down on his meat intake, the chef focused on eating healthy.
When he opted for healthier foods and started cooking healthier meals, the chef saw an instant transformation.
"I lost 12 kilos quite quickly and I didn't do it through not eating.
"I ate a lot, more than I was used to, Jamie explained.
However, his secret was swapping large servings of meat for more vegetables.
Jamie also shared his favourite snack to stay in shape: nuts.
They make you half as likely to have a heart attack. Feed them to your kids as well, he recommended.
Jamie also decided to make other lifestyle changes, such as cutting back on booze and getting more sleep.
"Your average Brit drinks booze. Im not telling you what to do, but my rhythm now is only to drink at the weekend.
Its about a consciousness and knowing youre doing something and being more mindful.
Jamie also shared one food which helped him speed up weight loss: seaweed.
"I thought seaweed was hippy, globetrotting stuff but our ancestors ate seaweed. It has got a load of iodine and is the most nutritious vegetable in the world," he explained
The celebrity chef decided to slim down after realising how unhealthy his life was.
"I realised I hadnt spent much time looking after myself.
I went back to school and started studying nutrition, started travelling to parts of the world to where people live the longest lives and started looking at their lifestyles.
"That was the journey and its been amazing, he explained on Loose Women.
The rest is here:
Jamie Oliver weight loss: The chef lost 2st by cutting down on 1 thing 'It's been amazing' - Express