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Apr 18

9 Ways Bananas Can Help You Lose Weight, Say Dietitians | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

When it comes to weight loss, bananas don't seem like the common fruit to turn to. Berries tend to be a superior fruit due to their low carbohydrate and sugar contentalong with the high fiber contentwhile common fruits like bananas and apples sit on the shelf. Why? Because these fruits are higher in carbohydrates and sugar compared to the rest and many have deemed them to be the "unhealthy" fruit to eat. But this is a wild misconception. In fact, many dietitians say that bananas can help you lose weight quickly, making them one of the best fruits to eat for weight loss.

No matter the fruit or the vegetable, having a diet rich in these natural plant foods is key to weight loss success. The USDA My Plate Guidelines even suggest you fill half your plate with fruits and/or vegetables with every single meal. Bananas are certainly on that list of fruits to include on your plate.

"Fruits and vegetables form a crucial part of a healthy diet," says Edie Reads, RD and chief editor at "This usually forms the basic part of my talks, meal plans, and advice to my clients. But given the misinformation in circulation about these fruits, knowing which fruit and when to eat it is crucial. I love bananas, they hardly miss on my and my patients' grocery shopping lists."

Here's why you should consider reaching for a banana if you're trying to slim down, and for even more healthy eating tips, be sure to check out our list of The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.

"If you eat your bananas whilst they are still a little under-ripe (the less ripe the better in this instance) you actually attain a dense source of gut-healthy prebiotic resistant starch," says Kara Landau, RD and founder at Uplift Food Good Mood Food. "This means that you are actually nourishing your gut, assisting with satiety, and helping your cells be more responsive to insulin. When your cells are more responsive to insulin, this impedes one of the usual fat storage mechanisms in your body, and instead, you are able to feel fuller for longer, and may even eat less at your next meal, ultimately supporting total energy intake."

Here's One Major Side Effect of Eating Bananas Every Day, Say Experts.

"Bananas have gotten a bad rap in the nutrition world due to their higher carbohydrate content in a carb-phobic world," says Theresa Gentile, MS, RDN, Owner of Full Plate Nutrition and a media spokesperson for the NY State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "But, bananas can actually help you lose weight if eaten as part of a balanced diet. A medium banana contains 3 grams of total fiber and 0.6 grams of soluble fiber, helping you to feel fuller longer. Unripe bananas also contain resistant starch, which escapes digestion in the gut helping to produce beneficial bacteria in the gut, which may help prevent obesity."

"This fiber found in plant foods helps keep us fuller longer, which may lead to eating fewer overall calories throughout the day," says Mackenzie Burgess, RDN, and recipe developer at Cheerful Choices. "To boost this satiety effect, try pairing bananas with a protein like Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or scrambled eggs."

Not feeling full after your meals? Here'sThe Secret Formula to Always Feeling Full, According to a Dietitian.

"Bananas can help you lose weight by incorporating them into your eating habits as a good replacement for sweets/desserts," says Ricci-Lee Holtz, RD and expert at "If you combine banana with a protein source like almonds, peanut butter, or even a cheese stick, this allows your body to feel satiated and help your mind feel satiated by providing that sweet replacement. By replacing dessert treats with a choice like bananas, it can help you lose weight by providing your body with a more nutrient-dense option as opposed to a calorie-dense option that does not have good nutrition, which benefits your body as a whole."

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"Bananas will help you feel full longer, which can lead to weight loss by avoiding overeating," says Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, a registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements. "Bananas are full of soluble fiber, pectin, and resistant starch, which reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness post-banana."

"Bananas are relatively low in calories but have a high fiber content, about 3 grams per medium banana," says Megan Byrd, RD, from The Oregon Dietitian. "Fiber helps to keep us full because it's difficult for our bodies to break down, so it stays in our GI tracts for longer periods of time. This gives us the sensation of fullness that helps to curb our cravings and prevents us from overeating later in the day."

"Bananas improve insulin sensitivity, which helps the body process glucose more efficiently, thereby reducing weight," says Best. "Bananas are an excellent source of resistant starch, which has a positive impact on insulin resistance."

Related: Controlling This Hormone May Help Lower Blood Sugar, Study Finds

"Improvements in sleep can help boost energy throughout the day for more efficient workouts and improved eating," says Best. "Bananas contain melatonin, the natural chemical responsible for sound sleep, and can help to improve sleep quality."

According to a study published by the journalAnnals of Internal Medicine,sleep loss can modify energy intake and expenditure, meaning that a reduced sleep causes a reduced rate of weight loss. Because bananas can help with your sleep quality, they can only benefit your sleep resulting in faster weight loss over time.

Here are the Dangerous Side Effects of Not Sleeping Enough, Say Experts.

"Your workouts may be more efficient due to fewer muscle cramps as well," says Best. "Muscle cramps can be associated with an electrolyte imbalance, especially from potassium, and bananas are packed with this nutrient."

Workouts are important for building muscle, and muscle is closely connected to having a faster metabolismwhich aids weight loss over time. Bananas can help keep your muscles healthy and safe and give you that boost of energy you need for a workout.

"A medium-sized banana has about 100 calories and contains 3 grams of fiber," says Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, and author of Finally Full, Finally Slim. "Bananas are full of fiber which helps keep you full and stabilize blood sugar making them a great food for weight loss. They are also rich in the minerals potassium and magnesium which help muscles relax and may even aid with sleep."

"[The] pack of nutrients is what fascinates me the most," says Reads. "It has a perfect balance of vitamins (B6 and C), fiber, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and carbsa larger percentage of which consists of calories. The number of calories in bananas is often the reason most people associate bananas with weight gain. However, please note that a banana contains only 102 calories, 12% of your recommended calorie intake."

"Banana is a great addition to a healthy diet as it has a wide range of important nutrients and fibers," says Shannon Henry, RD for EZCare Clinic. "It doesn't reduce weight directly but helps to prevent bloating, control appetite, and it is a good replacement for processed sugar."

Now that we've fully convinced you to add bananas to your meal plan, here are 10 Healthiest Banana Recipes to try at home!

Read the original post:
9 Ways Bananas Can Help You Lose Weight, Say Dietitians | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Apr 18

If You Tried Going Vegan and Didn’t Lose Weight, This Might Be Why – The Beet

Heres something you may have heard uttered in frustration by a friend or family member: I went vegan for a week and didnt lose weight. Many people equate vegan and plant-based eating to automatic weight loss. Unfortunately, thats a fallacy. If weight loss is your motivation for going plant-based (or the desired by-product of choosing to ditch animal products like dairy), you can shed pounds, but the types of vegan foods you eat matter.

Before going into some tips to help your weight-loss goals succeed, lets take a moment to recall the incredible health benefits when you go plant-based and start eating more plant foods and leave animal products behind.

A diet high in plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and low in animal fat has been associated with a lower lifetime risk of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, strokes, and certain cancers, especially hormonal ones like breast and prostate. (This may be due in part to the estrogen that passes from the cow to cheese to our bodies according to the work of Dr. Neal Barnard, founder of Physicians Committee on Responsible Medicine, which has petitioned the FDA to add warning labels to cheese.) In one study on the health benefits of plant-based eating, the researchers found that there is an association with lowering your risk of premature death from all causes when you give up meat and dairy. You also need to stay away from processed or junk food to protect yourself from disease risk, so while you're skipping dairy, drop the bag of greasy chips.

Next, animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions (which is a considerable factor in climate change). Many organizations like the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the National Academy of Sciences have backed up this claim. A study from Oxford University determined that going vegan is the most influential way to help fight climate change. Also, at the core of veganism is animal compassion. Modern-day farming (factory farming or intensive farming) has created some of the worst, systematic exploitation of animals in our history. You can feel good and even be motivated by the fact that you are not supporting that industry.

Generally, a vegan diet is devoid of animal products, but a plant-based diet adds more fruit and vegetables to your daily intake and includes healthy whole grains, nuts, seeds, and especially legumes which are high in protein and fiber. So one possibility is that you are not eating "healthy" vegan foods, since it's easy to fill up on empty-calorie vegan junk foods (Twizzlers or chips for instance) that may be free of animal products but are also completely devoid of nutrients and filling fiber.

First, look at what kind of plant-based foods you are eating. If youre filling up on heavy, calorie-dense foods (pasta, burgers, pizzas, processed snacks, or sweets), just because they are vegan, does not mean you can eat more, or endless amounts instead of thinking: I need to avoid all animal products, start thinking: I need to get as many nutrients in every bite that I possibly can. A general rule would be to focus on eating a whole foods plant-based (WFBP) diet as much as possible. This means choosing items free of added sugar, and cooking with as little oil as you can since oil is calorie-dense and can add up. (The Beets expert, Natalie Rizzo, RD, provides a great guide to starting to eat WFPB here.)

"Whole foods plant-based diets are great for weight loss because they are naturally low in calories, and saturated fat while being high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, says David Sonenberg, a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

Below, we highlight some of those sneaky foods that might be loading you up with extra calories. Plus, we offer some great foundational tips for healthy and happy weight loss.

An easy rule to follow and eliminate empty calories is to simply not eat fried foods. Always opt for items prepared grilled or steamedor even better try an air fryer. Another calorie-dense food that can sneak up on you is oil; in just one tablespoon is 120 calories. When you are cooking yourself, use vegetable broth or other oil substitutes. When eating out, ask for foods to be cooked with no oil, or opt for foods that wouldn't require them. Also, be mindful of margarine and plant-based butter portioning; they are certainly delicious but can certainly add up.

There are certainly benefits of healthy-fat foods like avocado and nuts, which are whole foods. But consuming these in large quantities can pack in a lot of extra calories. Fats contain 9 calories per gram. Carbs and protein generally only contain 4 calories per gram. This means high-fat foods are more calorie-dense. They can also easily be over-consumed. For example, 10 raw almonds contain 78 calories; while this is a great healthy snack when portion-controlled, over-snacking on these and the calories can quickly add up! Swap those high-fat snacks for lower-calorie items like lupini beans for example. (We have an entire guide to whole food healthy snacks for weight loss: here.) Sonenberg also notes that keeping snacks or tempting foods out of sight can help prevent overeating and excess snacking. For the greatest success remove distractions from mealtime like eating in the car, in front of TVs, phones, and computers. When eating, focus on the flavors of the food, and how they affect your level of hunger."

Wow. How delicious those, rich, creamy vegan dressings and sauces are these days. But, a creamy dressing, for example, can easily turn a light lunch salad or dinner starter salad into a calorie-heavy endeavor. Always ask for the dressings on the side, and only use half the serving. Or, use a little balsamic vinegar or lemon juice instead. The same goes for vegan mayo or other creamy sauces that you might add to a veggie burger. Mustard is typically only 10 calories per tablespoon. And ketchup is about 20 calories per tablespoon, much less than a vegan ranch or cream sauce.

Maybe you have thought that a lighter dinner means you can double up on drinks. But regardless of what you are eating, be mindful of how much alcoholand what kindyou are drinking. If youre out having cocktails, dont be shy to ask for modifications, like leaving the agave out of a margarita. Or, do a simple mixed drink like a vodka soda (and if thats too boring add just a splash of grapefruit or pineapple juice). On the beer front, there are some great tasting options for around 100 calories (that are not the typical light beers). For example, theres the tasteful Ballast Point Lager (99 calories) and Guinness (surprisingly only 125 calories per bottle). Also, hard kombucha is a better-for-you alcohol growing in popularity with transparent labels and ingredientsyou can find many for under 100 calories per can. Drinking can also loosen inhibitions and lead to poor food choices. So, do your research before going out or buying booze for a party. A low-calorie beverage here and there is not going to put a dent in your weight loss.

While what you eat is important (and a very critical factor when it comes to weight loss) your activity level can help or hinder your weight loss and health goals. Plus, activity is important for heart health, endorphin release, and mood balance for general healthy living. You dont need to do high-intensity training to see the benefits. Try a long power walk or some lightweight training. You can also maximize your non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) which is simply the energy expended for everything you do that is not sleeping, eating, or sports-related exercise like playing with the dog, cleaning the house, etc. Give your NEAT an upgrade by taking the stairs (rather than the elevator) or parking at the end of the parking lot to get extra steps in. These NEAT calories add up and can help burn extra calories throughout the day.

Finally, remember weight loss, no matter what sort of plan you are on, takes time. And, there is no hard-fast rule about when you will see results since everyone's body is different. For people with a lower body mass index, you likely have less weight to lose so it will often come off slower (one to two pounds per week).

I am going to embark on trying a strictly whole food plant plan for a week to see what happens. While I do eat all plant-based on a regular basis, I certainly often splurge on a fair amount of processed vegan foods. And for me, the temptation is sweets (There are so many delicious vegan ones these days!) So going WFPB seems like a perfect way to reset to really focus on whole foods, and maybe learn to love fruits as a sweet fix! Maybe Ill shed a few pounds, have more energy, less mental fog, and all the other benefits people report. But lets see what happens and if and how my body (and mind) changes.

Our expert source and reviewer for this article was David Sonenberg. Sonenberg holds a Master's of Science in nutrition, is a Registered Dietitian, and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. He works at a cardiology practice in New Jersey helping patients overcome chronic illness through changes in diet.

If You Tried Going Vegan and Didn't Lose Weight, This Might Be Why - The Beet

Apr 18

What Is Shokuiku, and Should You Try It? – Healthline

Shokuiku is a Japanese philosophy intended to encourage healthy eating habits.

It provides guidelines for how and what you should eat. Its also designed to change the way you think about food.

Shokuiku is a simple, easy approach that can help support weight management and enhance your overall health.

This article takes an in-depth look at shokuiku, including where it comes from, how it works, and whether you should try it.

Shokuiku, which translates to food education in Japanese, is a philosophy that promotes balanced and intuitive eating.

According to anecdotal sources, it was first developed by Sagen Ishizuka, a military doctor who also created the macrobiotic diet.

The practice of shokuiku is based on several key concepts about how and what you should eat.

Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly popular throughout Japan and around the world.

In fact, in 2005, Japan enacted the Basic Law of Shokuiku, which mandated nutrition education programs in schools to help children develop healthy eating habits using the concepts of shokuiku (1).

The program teaches children how to read food labels, the importance of eating seasonally, how foods are produced, and how nutritional needs vary based on different life stages.

Shokuiku is a philosophy that provides recommendations for how and what you should eat. It originated in Japan, where its part of many nutrition education programs in public schools.

Shokuiku is a simple philosophy based on four main principles.

Instead of counting calories, shokuiku encourages intuitive eating and focusing on the way that certain foods make you feel.

This involves tuning into hunger and appetite cues and learning to recognize when youre starting to feel full.

Shokuiku also incorporates a concept called hara hachi bun me, which is the idea that you should stop eating when you feel about 80% full.

This can help prevent overeating while ensuring youre getting enough food to meet your needs.

Shokuiku emphasizes the importance of healthy whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

These foods are rich in important nutrients that your body needs, including protein, fiber, heart-healthy fats, and micronutrients.

According to shokuiku, you should also limit your consumption of processed foods, which are typically high in calories, sodium, and added sugar.

While most diets in North America and Europe focus on eliminating or restricting specific ingredients, shokuiku highlights the importance of enjoying a variety of foods as part of a healthy, well-rounded diet.

Traditionally, meals consist of several small plates. This allows you to experiment with new ingredients, spices, and seasonings.

Ideally, meals should consist of several types of vegetables, along with some rice and a good source of protein.

Shokuiku also encourages you to try preparing foods in different ways, such as grilling, frying, boiling, or baking, which can help bring some diversity to your diet.

Besides providing sustenance, shokuiku teaches that food should be viewed as a source of enjoyment and pleasure.

According to the principles of shokuiku, food can also help strengthen social connections and enhance emotional and mental well-being.

For this reason, its important to sit down and share meals with others whenever possible.

Taking the time to enjoy meals with friends or family can help promote mindful eating and improve your relationship with food.

The practice of shokuiku is based on four main principles. These include focusing on fullness rather than calories, eating mainly whole foods, enjoying a variety of foods, and sharing your meals with others.

Shokuiku may be associated with several health benefits.

Shokuiku is focused on establishing healthy habits, many of which could be beneficial for long-term weight regulation.

For example, it promotes mindful eating, a practice that involves listening to your body and learning to recognize hunger cues.

Several studies have found that practicing mindful eating could help significantly increase weight loss (2, 3).

Shokuiku encourages eating more nutrient-dense whole foods. It also discourages eating processed foods, which have been linked to weight gain and a higher risk of obesity (4, 5).

Plus, shokuiku promotes sharing more meals with family and friends, which could be associated with better diet quality and a healthier body weight (6, 7).

Shokuiku emphasizes the importance of enjoying a variety of healthy whole foods as part of a balanced diet.

Doing so can not only help fill any gaps in your diet and ensure youre getting the nutrients your body needs but also help support overall health.

In particular, following a well-rounded diet could be beneficial for enhancing blood sugar management, supporting gut health, preventing heart disease, and more (8, 9, 10).

Shokuiku also teaches you to limit processed foods, which may help protect against a range of health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, and even certain types of cancer (11).

Shokuiku encourages you to listen to your body and learn to recognize hunger and fullness cues rather than counting calories or tracking nutrients.

This can help you foster a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Interestingly, studies show that practicing mindfulness could help prevent emotional eating and reduce the risk of binge eating (12).

One study in 221 students found that mindful eating was linked to a lower risk of mood disturbances and binge eating behaviors (13).

Shokuiku also reframes the way you think about food. It encourages you to enjoy your meals by eating with others and experimenting with new flavors and ingredients.

Shokuiku could help increase weight loss, support overall health, and foster a positive relationship with food.

Practicing the principles of shokuiku can help enhance the quality of your diet and promote healthy eating habits.

Unlike many popular fad diets and meal plans, it doesnt restrict or eliminate any foods entirely.

Instead, it focuses on incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense, whole foods into your meals.

It also encourages you to listen to your body and take the time to enjoy your favorite foods with family and friends. This can support social and emotional well-being.

Plus, shokuiku is very simple and doesnt require you to follow any complicated rules or regulations.

For this reason, it could be an effective and sustainable alternative to other eating patterns and help you make long-lasting healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Practicing the principles of shokuiku can help improve your diet quality and support physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Shokuiku is a Japanese philosophy designed to encourage healthy, sustainable eating habits and attitudes about food.

Its based on four main principles, which include listening to your body, eating more whole foods, enjoying a variety of ingredients, and sharing more meals with family and friends.

It could help enhance overall health, support weight management, and improve your relationship with food.

It may also be a more sustainable and effective alternative to restrictive diets.

Perhaps best of all, studies have shown the practices of shokuiku can promote physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Read the original post:
What Is Shokuiku, and Should You Try It? - Healthline

Apr 18

What are love handles and which exercises can reduce them? – Medical News Today

Love handles are excess fatty areas that sit on either side of the waist above the hips. While body fat spot reduction is not possible, people wanting to minimize the appearance of love handles may consider trying a few exercises to help tone their abs and hips.

Love handles occur due to fat retention around the hips and abdominal area. People can try to take measures to minimize love handles, including regular exercise and maintaining a moderate weight. People may also consider avoiding tight clothing to further reduce the appearance of love handles.

Love handles are not dangerous in themselves, or anything to be ashamed of. People do not have to try to remove them if they do not wish to. That said, love handles can signal obesity, which may lead to a higher risk of certain conditions.

This article looks at love handles and their causes. It also explores exercises and lifestyle changes that may help people to minimize the appearance of love handles.

The term love handles first appeared in the late 1960s. It refers to any weight that may have accumulated around the sides of an individuals waist. This weight may also be visible extending over the edge of their pants or skirt.

Muffin top is another term people may use to describe body fat that extends above the edge of their waistline. The term references the shape of a muffin in a muffin case.

While specifically targeting body fat reduction around the waistline is not possible, a combination of cardiovascular exercises and weightlifting may aid weight loss.

Additionally, people may incorporate exercises that target specific areas of the body, such as the hips and abdomen. These exercises will not remove fat directly from these areas, but they can improve an individuals muscle tone and contribute toward weight loss.

Bicycle crunches involve an individual lying flat on their back with their legs lifted and knees bent.

The individual then contracts their abdominal muscles and twists their right elbow toward their left knee while fully extending their right leg. They then repeat this on the opposite side, 1530 times.

Side planks involve an individual initially lying on one side, using one arm to prop themselves up. They place one leg on top of the other, forming a straight line. They then raise their hips off the ground and hold this position for 30 seconds. They then repeat this on the other side.

Mountain climbers begin in a plank position. A person then brings their right knee up toward their chest while keeping their left leg extended. They hold this position briefly before switching legs in a swift movement, so that their left knee is now up by their chest.

It is important that people evenly distribute weight on both feet and do not shift all their weight to one foot. People can repeat this exercise for 30 sets, with bringing both knees to the chest counting as one set.

Russian twists begin with the individual in a seated position with their knees bent.

The person then twists their torso toward the left side and holds the position. They then turn their torso toward the right and hold. They can repeat this exercise for 30 repetitions.

To increase difficulty, people can perform the exercise with a weight.

The underlying cause of love handles is fat retention around specific areas of the body.

Fat cells accumulate when a person consumes more calories than they burn. Over time, this excessive consumption can lead to fat accumulation, especially in areas surrounding an individuals hips and waist.

While fat can accumulate in any part of the body, fat storage is more common in certain areas of the body such as the abdominal area, hips, and lower back.

Many factors may influence body fat distribution and can contribute to the development of love handles, such as:

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate bodily processes. Certain hormones such as leptin, insulin, sex hormones, and growth hormones can influence appetite, metabolism, and body fat distribution.

People with obesity may have fluctuations in their hormone levels, which may encourage the accumulation of body fat.

Both sleep deprivation and stress can affect cortisol levels. Cortisol is a glucocorticoid that affects metabolism, boosts appetite, and causes an individuals body to store more fat.

Age may increase an individuals likelihood of developing love handles, as body composition changes as people age. Typically, muscle mass will begin to decrease, while body fat accumulation increases. This can result in body fat accumulating around the hips and waist.

A lack of physical activity or regular exercise can contribute to love handle development. If an individual does not burn more calories than they consume, they may begin to accumulate body fat.

In addition to a lack of physical activity, a diet high in fats, sugars, and high-calorie foods may also contribute to fat accumulation.

Untreated medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, can also increase the likelihood of weight gain and love handle development.

The thyroid gland produces hormones that help to manage bodily processes. If a persons thyroid is not working correctly, they may gain weight and develop love handles. As hypothyroidism develops slowly, people may not notice symptoms for months or years.

Love handles are not dangerous in themselves. But obesity and body fat accumulation may lead to a higher risk of certain conditions such as:

Losing excess weight can help an individual to eliminate their love handles. In addition to regular exercise, the following tips may help:

People can try to manage love handles through a combination of healthy eating and a variety of exercises. Love handles are not dangerous, but excess weight around the waist may contribute toward potential health complications.

Original post:
What are love handles and which exercises can reduce them? - Medical News Today

Apr 18

I Started A Vegan Diet And Strength Training By Lifting Weights To Lose 50 Pounds – Women’s Health

My name is Hope Peterson (@hopebby_fit), and I'm 21 years old. I live in Las Vegas and I'm a full-time student working on getting my bachelors degree in kinesiology. I'm also a personal trainer. After gaining weight in high school, I started a vegan diet and started lifting weights and doing cardio to lose 50 pounds.

I was really active as a child and I played a ton of sports. As I grew older, I ended up becoming less active, and my bad eating habits really caught up with me.

After high school, I was working a lot and eating fast food for almost every meal. I gained a lot of weight pretty quickly, and I didnt realize how bad things had gotten until I went to a doctors appointment and learned I had gained 80 or 90 pounds. I was in shock! That was definitely the biggest wake up call I had ever had in my life.

After I learned my weight at the doctors office, I also had my vitals taken and got bloodwork done. After this appointment, I also realized that I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides. I also had so many stomach issues and food allergies, too. I was really tired of feeling bad all the time.

I started going to the gym and eating a little healthier. At the time I also thought I wanted to enter the Navy, which also put some pressure on me to achieve my goals in a specific time frame.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

After I went to a vegan restaurant with my friends from college for the first time, it shifted my mindset on how I wanted to eat. I have been vegan for about four years now, and I absolutely love it! I enjoy the vegan lifestyle because I have a lot of energy from eating tons of carbs, and I have less stomach issues as well.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Breakfast: Coffee with chocolate protein soy milk and oatmeal with chocolate chips, chia seeds, and peanut butter.

Lunch: Two Boca veggie burgers, veggies, rice, and some Valentina hot sauce.

Snacks: Green smoothie.

Dinner: Lentil pasta with marinara sauce.

Dessert: A spoonful of crunchy peanut butter with a few chocolate chips.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I used to go to the gym and do a ton of cardio and nothing else. By doing that, the only progress I saw was weight loss. Once I started lifting weights, I started noticing how much my body was changing.

I then signed up to get my personal training certification and learned how to structure workouts and hit my goals! Now I lift five days a week, and I absolutely love it. I usually do a push/pull/legs workout split.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I made working out fun. Its common to hear people talking about exercise as such a drag or a chore and that mentality doesnt help. Working out isnt only good for weight loss goals but it also helps with feeling better and just improving your overall health. I lift weights because it is what I love and it makes me feel mentally and physically strong! Do workouts that make you feel good and have a positive attitude about it!

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I stopped saying Ill start tomorrow. This is a really toxic mentality that definitely doesnt help the weight loss process. You can make decisions right now that can change your course. I love this mindset because it can ground you and help you focus on one decision at a time and start the changes now!

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I loved myself where I was at. Making changes to your body can be super exciting and rewarding, but dont forget to love yourself where youre at. Life is too short to focus on the negatives about yourself. Be thankful for your body and pour love into yourself. I promise it will help with this process so much.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I lost that weight fairly quickly when I started my vegan lifestyle, probably in about six or seven months. It definitely hasnt been linear, and no one's journey is. My weight has fluctuated a few times, but this is the healthiest I have ever felt and maintenance has gotten a lot easier.

Weight-loss journeys are a process. They never really stop, either. Ive learned to not compare myself to others so much because you cant compare your start to someone elses finish. Ive also learned how much trial and error goes into weight loss journeys. Sometimes things dont work out, and when that happens, you gotta be able to make a change and keep on pushing. Make sure to enjoy the processthats my best advice!

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I Started A Vegan Diet And Strength Training By Lifting Weights To Lose 50 Pounds - Women's Health

Apr 18

How Dr. Kojian Is Helping Millions of Americans to Lose Weight Healthily – LatestLY

According to the CDC, over 40% of Americans are obese and nearly three-quarters are overweight. Estimates suggest that an overweight person will pay nearly $1,500 more in medical costs while remaining more susceptible to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other serious health complaints.

In other words, every extra pound of fat that you carry impacts your health, wallet, and life expectancy.

Its a scary statistic, and its one that Dr. James Kojian and his team of clinicians are keen to remedy.

As a leading weight-loss specialist, Dr. Kojian has already helped thousands of Americans to shed pounds and improve their health, and every day he moves a little closer to his goal of fixing Americas obesity epidemic, one patient at a time.

Dr. Kojians Weight-Loss Work

These are just a few of Dr. Kojians patients, all of whom acquired his services through the website. Dr. Kojian has earned himself a reputation as a caring and professional doctor who gets the job done, as these and countless other patient testimonials prove.

The doctor works alongside a highly experienced team of healthcare experts (including Dr. Peek, Dr. Pearlson, Jennifer Durst, Alecia Iglesias, Melissa Cox, and Catie Collins) and prescribes weight-loss drugs online.

If youre a new customer, you just need to complete a form, answer some basic health questions, and book a Free Consultation. A doctor will then determine if you are a good fit or not, taking your size, age, pre-existing health conditions, and several other factors into consideration.

Once you have a prescription, you can order refills with just a few clicks and ask the doctor anything thats on your mind.

The Benefits of Weight-Loss

Dr. Kojian prescribes a safe and effective weight-loss drug known as Phentermine. It is approved by the FDA and is considered very safe and well-tolerated.

Phentermine causes fast but safe weight loss, helping patients to shed several pounds a week. In fact, the majority of Dr. Kojians patients have lost an average of 40 to 50 lbs. of unhealthy weight and have done so in a way that minimizes side effects and discomfort.

Phentermine was approved by the FDA way back in 1959 and is considered to be one of the safest weight loss drugs on the market, making it a popular choice for Dr. Kojian. It works primarily by suppressing the appetite, thus helping patients to reduce their calorie intake, eliminate binge eating, and beat those cravings.

On paper, weight-loss is a simple and straightforward process and essentially boils down to calories in vs calories out, but in reality, it goes much deeper than that.

Eating the wrong foods means youll still be hungry even after youve met your calorie requirements. And if you use food as a crutch, as is the case for many people who struggle with their weight, its hard to reduce your calories.

Phentermine negates these issues, allowing patients to meet their daily targets without feeling like theyre losing their minds. It has been a godsend, and while its usually recommended for a limited period only, thats often more than enough to start the ball rolling.

Studies show that phentermine users lose an average of 5-10% of their body weight in just 12 weeks. This means that a 300 -person can expect to drop up to 30 pounds, and thats without taking exercise into the equation.

Its an incredibly effective drug, and one that Dr. Kojian has used to help thousands of patients.

Summary: Dr. Kojians Work

By losing so much weight so quickly, Dr. Kojians patients have significantly improved their health and well-being while decreasing the risk of chronic disease.

Dr. Kojians work extends far beyond a simple prescription. He helps his customers by providing weight-loss advice, exercise tips, and encouragement, attacking the problem from every possible angle and increasing the patients chance of success.

Its why Dr. Kojian has been so successful over the years and why hes one of the internets favorite doctors.

Read the rest here:
How Dr. Kojian Is Helping Millions of Americans to Lose Weight Healthily - LatestLY

Apr 18

Starvation ketoacidosis: Signs, causes, treatment, and more – Medical News Today

Starvation ketoacidosis happens when a person has undergone an extended period of fasting. During starvation ketoacidosis, fatty acids replace glucose as the primary source of fuel for the body.

Starvation ketoacidosis is rare, but certain people may have a higher risk of developing it than others. Individuals at higher risk include those with eating disorders.

Starvation ketoacidosis can be serious if a person does not seek treatment, and it could even result in death.

This article discusses starvation ketoacidosis in more detail, including its symptoms and how to treat and prevent it.

Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state associated with high levels of ketones in the blood. Ketones build up when the body breaks down fatty acids to use for energy in place of carbohydrate.

Starvation ketoacidosis occurs when the body has not received enough glucose as its primary energy source for a prolonged period.

There are various reasons why a person may have fasted for a long time, including:

Mild ketosis meaning that the body uses fat as an energy source can occur after a 1214 hour fast.

Ketoacidosis happens when a buildup of ketones causes the blood to become acidic. In starvation ketoacidosis, once the body has run out of fat, it starts to break down muscle, which releases amino acids and lactate into a persons blood. The liver then breaks these down into sugars to use for fuel.

The transition from ketosis to ketoacidosis can occur after 23 days of fasting. After a couple more days, the breakdown of muscle may begin.

Learn more about the difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis here.

According to a 2020 article, there are three types of ketoacidosis:

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when a persons body starts to run out of insulin, which can be life threatening.

Diabetic ketoacidosis can happen in people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but it is more likely to affect those with type 1 diabetes.

Learn about diabetic ketoacidosis here.

According to a 2020 review, alcoholic ketoacidosis mostly affects people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol and find that the resulting symptoms such as vomiting, anxiety, and abdominal pain make them unable to eat solid food for 13 days.

Alcoholic ketoacidosis happens when a persons body cannot make use of glucose from their diet.

The alcohol in their blood keeps their blood sugar low and hampers the production of glucose by the liver.

The signs and symptoms of starvation ketoacidosis can include:

A 2020 case report presented information about people with psychiatric issues and starvation ketoacidosis. The authors conclude that making an accurate diagnosis may be more challenging in people with psychiatric disorders, as these individuals may not be able to provide an accurate history of their health or eating habits. As a result, there may be a delay in treatment.

Possible causes of starvation ketoacidosis include:

Most people who have easy access to food have a low risk of developing starvation ketoacidosis.

However, intermittent fasting, particularly in combination with an extreme diet such as the ketogenic diet, can put a person at higher risk of developing ketoacidosis. People interested in following specialized diets, such as the keto diet, should talk with their doctor before starting the diet.

A 2020 article lists the following risk factors for starvation ketoacidosis:

Starvation ketoacidosis does not occur frequently in healthy individuals, as it happens due to a lack of glucose from the diet after long periods of starvation.

Therefore, when starvation ketoacidosis occurs, a persons doctor may look for other causes of weight loss, which can delay diagnosis and treatment.

If a person experiences unexplained weight loss, they should tell their doctor about:

According to a 2020 article, a doctor will first need to stabilize the person before performing necessary tests, including blood tests, to check for electrolyte abnormalities and vitamin deficiencies. If a person receives a diagnosis of starvation ketoacidosis, the doctor will treat them accordingly.

Starvation ketoacidosis occurs when the body becomes deprived of necessary food and energy for a prolonged period. Although eating may seem to be the obvious therapy, it can be dangerous for a person who has lived a long time with malnutrition.

When a doctor treats a person for starvation ketoacidosis, they will need to monitor their electrolytes closely. During the process of introducing food, doctors will need to check and replace a persons potassium, phosphate, and magnesium.

One case study involved a person living with anorexia who had developed starvation ketoacidosis. Doctors treated this person with a dextrose solution for 15 hours, during which time the ketoacidosis improved.

With proper treatment, including the treatment of underlying health conditions such as anorexia, a person should make a full recovery.

When starvation ketoacidosis occurs, a persons body will often start to waste away. In other words, they will begin to look thinner or drawn out, and their bones will appear more pronounced.

Another complication is that a person may experience lethargy and a severe loss of strength because the body has begun to break down muscle.

Without treatment, ketoacidosis can be fatal.

People who are living with an underlying health condition or undergoing radiation therapy or surgery should work with their doctor to make sure that they can eat enough food to prevent ketoacidosis.

Help is also available for people living with eating disorders. Although treatment can be challenging, it can lead to recovery, offering the person a full and active life.

Eating disorders can severely affect the quality of life of people living with these conditions and those close to them. Early intervention and treatment greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

Anyone who suspects that they or a loved one has an eating disorder can contact the National Eating Disorder Association for advice and support via:

These services are only open during specific hours. Someone in crisis can text NEDA to 741741 at any time to get support from a trained volunteer at Crisis Text Line.

Alternatively, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) run a Disaster Distress Helpline that people can contact on 800-985-5990 for 24-7 support.

Many other resources are available, including:

Learn more about different types of eating disorder here.

Starvation ketoacidosis is an uncommon form of ketoacidosis. It occurs when a person does not consume enough food on a regular basis or cannot absorb nutrients correctly.

A doctor can check for starvation ketoacidosis with blood tests and will need to monitor the person as they start eating again.

Most healthy people with an adequate supply of food are not at risk. However, people living with eating disorders and those who have undergone certain medical procedures may have a higher risk of developing starvation ketoacidosis.

A full recovery is usually possible with treatment.

Original post:
Starvation ketoacidosis: Signs, causes, treatment, and more - Medical News Today

Apr 4

This is actually why youve gained weight during the COVID-19 pandemic – OregonLive

By Lina Begdache, Assistant Professor of Nutrition, Binghamton University, State University of New York

If you have experienced unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic, you are not alone. According to a poll by the American Psychological Association, 61% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight change since the pandemic began.

The results, released in March 2021, showed that during the pandemic, 42% of respondents gained unwanted weight 29 pounds on average and nearly 10% of those people gained more than 50 pounds. On the flip side, nearly 18% of Americans said they experienced unwanted weight loss on average, a loss of 26 pounds.

Another study, published on March 22, 2021, assessed weight change in 269 people from February to June 2020. The researchers found, on average, that people gained a steady 1.5 pounds per month.

I am a nutritional neuroscientist, and my research investigates the relationship between diet, lifestyle, stress and mental distress such as anxiety and depression.

The common denominator to changes in body weight, especially during a pandemic, is stress. Another poll done by the American Psychological Association in January 2021 found that about 84% of U.S. adults experienced at least one emotion associated with prolonged stress in the prior two weeks.

The findings about unwanted weight changes make sense in a stressful world, especially in the context of the bodys stress response, better known as the fight-or-flight response.

Fight, flight and food

The fight-or-flight response is an innate reaction that evolved as a survival mechanism. It empowers humans to react swiftly to acute stress like a predator or adapt to chronic stress like a food shortage. When faced with stress, the body wants to keep the brain alert. It decreases levels of some hormones and brain chemicals in order to turn down behaviors that wont help in an urgent situation, and it increases other hormones that will.

When under stress, the body lowers levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. Serotonin regulates emotions, appetite and digestion. So, low levels of serotonin increase anxiety and can change a persons eating habits. Dopamine another feel-good neurotransmitter regulates goal-oriented motivation. Dwindling levels of dopamine can translate into lower motivation to exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle or perform daily tasks. When people are under stress, they also produce less of the sleep hormone melatonin, leading to trouble sleeping.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine mediate the physiological changes associated with stress and are elevated in stressful situations. These biochemical changes can cause mood swings, impact a personss eating habits, reduce goal-oriented motivation and disrupt a persons circadian rhythm.

Overall, stress can throw your eating habits and motivation to exercise or eat healthy way out of balance, and this last year has certainly been a stressful one for everyone.

Easy calories, low motivation

In both of the studies, people self-reported their weight, and the researchers didnt collect any information about physical activity. But, one can cautiously assume that most of the weight changes were due to people gaining or losing body fat.

So why did people gain or lose weight this last year? And what explains the dramatic differences?

Many people find comfort in high-calorie food. That is because chocolate and other sweets can make you happy by boosting serotonin levels in the short term. However, the blood clears the extra sugar very quickly, so the mental boost is extremely short-lived, leading people to eat more. Eating for comfort can be a natural response to stress, but when combined with the lower motivation to exercise and consumption of low-nutrient, calorie-dense food, stress can result in unwanted weight gain.

What about weight loss? In a nutshell, the brain is connected to the gut through a two-way communication system called the vagus nerve. When you are stressed, your body inhibits the signals that travel through the vagus nerve and slows down the digestive process. When this happens, people experience fullness.

The pandemic left many people confined to their homes, bored and with plenty of food and little to distract them. When adding the stress factor to this scenario, you have a perfect situation for unwanted weight changes. Stress will always be a part of life, but there are things you can do like practicing positive self-talk that can help ward off the stress response and some of its unwanted consequences.

Read the rest here:
This is actually why youve gained weight during the COVID-19 pandemic - OregonLive

Apr 4

How This Guy Lost 85 Pounds, Got Fit, and Became a Personal Trainer –

As a teenager, Stephen Campolo tried out for baseball several times in high school, but never made it onto the team due to his weight. "Being overweight, it sucked," he says. "When you're young, people judge you on your appearance, you know, I got bullied a lot."

In a recent episode of the Truly series Brand New Me, Campolo shares how at his heaviest305 poundshe came to the understanding that he had to change his lifestyle: "I said, I do not want to be the fat guy any more."

He started running every night, and quickly began to lose weight. "I became addicted to seeing my body change," he says. "I became addicted to seeing the scale drop... Ever since that day, I've not looked back."

After losing a considerable amount of weight, he then discovered a love of fitness which helped him build strength and muscle. "When I lost that initial 50 pounds, I realized I had this loose skin, because I hadn't replaced the fat with any kind of muscle tissue. So now I'm like, OK, now I have to do something about this situation, so that was what led me to join the gym and start weight training to really build up my body."

Campolo has since leveraged his passion into a new life as a trainer and fitness influencer, and he enjoys being able to use the benefit of his own experience to advise and motivate people who are at the beginning of their own weight loss journeys.

"Once people started following me, and asking me all these questions, I realized maybe I could make a career out of this," he says. "Because I love the lifestyle so much, I became a personal trainer and I started helping other people get in shape. I'm very proud of how far I've come on my journey, but what I'm even more proud of is that I'm able to use my own story and help other people."

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How This Guy Lost 85 Pounds, Got Fit, and Became a Personal Trainer -

Apr 4

Unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic? Blame your stress hormones – The Conversation US


If you have experienced unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic, you are not alone. According to a poll by the American Psychological Association, 61% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight change since the pandemic began.

The results, released in March 2021, showed that during the pandemic, 42% of respondents gained unwanted weight 29 pounds on average and nearly 10% of those people gained more than 50 pounds. On the flip side, nearly 18% of Americans said they experienced unwanted weight loss on average, a loss of 26 pounds.

Another study, published on March 22, 2021, assessed weight change in 269 people from February to June 2020. The researchers found, on average, that people gained a steady 1.5 pounds per month.

I am a nutritional neuroscientist, and my research investigates the relationship between diet, lifestyle, stress and mental distress such as anxiety and depression.

The common denominator to changes in body weight, especially during a pandemic, is stress. Another poll done by the American Psychological Association in January 2021 found that about 84% of U.S. adults experienced at least one emotion associated with prolonged stress in the prior two weeks.

The findings about unwanted weight changes make sense in a stressful world, especially in the context of the bodys stress response, better known as the fight-or-flight response.

The fight-or-flight response is an innate reaction that evolved as a survival mechanism. It empowers humans to react swiftly to acute stress like a predator or adapt to chronic stress like a food shortage. When faced with stress, the body wants to keep the brain alert. It decreases levels of some hormones and brain chemicals in order to turn down behaviors that wont help in an urgent situation, and it increases other hormones that will.

When under stress, the body lowers levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. Serotonin regulates emotions, appetite and digestion. So, low levels of serotonin increase anxiety and can change a persons eating habits. Dopamine another feel-good neurotransmitter regulates goal-oriented motivation. Dwindling levels of dopamine can translate into lower motivation to exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle or perform daily tasks. When people are under stress, they also produce less of the sleep hormone melatonin, leading to trouble sleeping.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine mediate the physiological changes associated with stress and are elevated in stressful situations. These biochemical changes can cause mood swings, impact a personss eating habits, reduce goal-oriented motivation and disrupt a persons circadian rhythm.

Overall, stress can throw your eating habits and motivation to exercise or eat healthy way out of balance, and this last year has certainly been a stressful one for everyone.

In both of the studies, people self-reported their weight, and the researchers didnt collect any information about physical activity. But, one can cautiously assume that most of the weight changes were due to people gaining or losing body fat.

So why did people gain or lose weight this last year? And what explains the dramatic differences?

Many people find comfort in high-calorie food. That is because chocolate and other sweets can make you happy by boosting serotonin levels in the short term. However, the blood clears the extra sugar very quickly, so the mental boost is extremely short-lived, leading people to eat more. Eating for comfort can be a natural response to stress, but when combined with the lower motivation to exercise and consumption of low-nutrient, calorie-dense food, stress can result in unwanted weight gain.

What about weight loss? In a nutshell, the brain is connected to the gut through a two-way communication system called the vagus nerve. When you are stressed, your body inhibits the signals that travel through the vagus nerve and slows down the digestive process. When this happens, people experience fullness.

The pandemic left many people confined to their homes, bored and with plenty of food and little to distract them. When adding the stress factor to this scenario, you have a perfect situation for unwanted weight changes. Stress will always be a part of life, but there are things you can do like practicing positive self-talk that can help ward off the stress response and some of its unwanted consequences.

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See more here:
Unwanted weight gain or weight loss during the pandemic? Blame your stress hormones - The Conversation US

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