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Jan 12

7 At-Home Exercises You Need To Add In Your Journey From FAT-TO-FIT – Tech Geeked

Besides having a healthy diet, regular exercise is a must to lose weight.

While most people today struggle to find the motivation to workout, when they do, the thought of going to a gym is enough to deter them.

Well, hitting the gym to use the equipment is not essential to aid you in your weight loss journey. You can perform easy exercises from the comfort of your home to go from fat to fit easily.

Do you wish to lose weight without going to the gym? Are you looking for exercises that you can do at home?

Dive right in to find some easy home exercises to start your weight loss journey.

Whether you have recently gained weight or just want to get fit by shedding the extra kilos, you must regularly exercise.

If you want to workout at home, here are seven exercises to help you get fit:

Strength training not only helps you build muscles but also slim down. If you have weights at home, you can try strength training to get fit. Most people dont know it, but building muscles is the key to weight loss. With weight training, your metabolism rate goes up, which helps you burn more calories and help with weight loss in the long run. If you want to build muscles quickly, you can also try Anavar cycles to aid the process.

If you arent someone who likes to indulge in hardcore exercises, yoga can be an ideal way to lose weight. Yoga is a form of exercise that impacts the entire body, including your mind, and helps restore balance. On average, you can burn around 150 calories by performing yoga poses and postures for 30 minutes. A study shows that women who were obese lost weight through yoga and reduced weight circumference by 1.5 inches.

You can start performing asanas or poses like plank pose, warrior pose, sun salutation, and bridge pose from the comfort of your home to get fit.

For those who love to dance, Zumba can help you enjoy your passion while also incorporating fitness into your daily routine. The dance moves incorporate vigorous exercises and high-intensity movements to hp sculpt your body. This dance form is all about loosing up your body and burning calories. It can also help relieve stress, increase strength, and boost energy. Before you know it, youll start feeling much fitter and lighter. All you need to do for Zumba is put on your dancing shoes, select good upbeat music, and start your journey of losing weight.

Pilates is a fun workout that is becoming a rage today, especially among women. The exercises engage your inner core, flexibility, and muscular strength. As a beginner, start with a 30 minutes pilates session, which will help you burn 108 calories. Once you get familiar with pilates, you can do a 45 minutes session. You can also enroll in an online class or look for videos to get guidance from an instructor and set up a mat in your home for your session.

If you want to get rid of the fat on your stomach, you need to target the muffin top. It is the core, including muscles that run around your back and stretch down to your butt, the front, and inner thighs.

To keep the love handles away, you can indulge in the following abs exercises:

Lie on your back and have your knees bent with hands behind the head. Lift your shoulders from the floor and simultaneously curl your legs towards the ribcage.

Start by kneeling on your exercise mat on all four and keep your hands directly placed under your shoulders. Stretch the legs back and then come into a plank position. Try to stay there for a minute, or more, if you can, and then drop on all four.

Sit on a mat with your knees bent and hands under the knees for support. Raise your legs until they come parallel to the floor, and you balance yourself on the sitting bones.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) encompasses intense exercises that you must perform in a brief period with an altered relaxation period.

Due to the increased intensity and reduced interval period, you burn nine times more calories than a normal workout. You can pick any exercise from cycling to running, jumping to weight lifting, and so on.

The easiest way to go from fat to fit is running. If you go running or jogging every day, it can help you target the fat accumulated around the abdomen. This fat not only lowers your self-confidence but is also the culprit behind many chronic ailments.

Running at a pace of 5mph can help you burn 298 calories within 30 minutes. If you increase the speed to 6mph, you can quickly burn 372 calories.

The path to health and wellbeing starts with an active lifestyle. Along with a balanced diet, you must create a regular exercise routine to reach the ideal weight goal. You can start one or more exercises given above and go from fat to fit.


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7 At-Home Exercises You Need To Add In Your Journey From FAT-TO-FIT - Tech Geeked

Jan 12

Happy Healthy Thin Announces New Service Option – Yahoo Finance


I'm a nosy person, so I elbowed my millennial colleague, Jessa, in the next cube over, and asked her, "Pssst... How much do you save for retirement per year?"Instead of ignoring me, she furtively Slacked me all of her financial details (it was like a giant ice cream sundae for a finance nerd): * Jessa, at 28, still owes $15,000 in student loans, and her husband, who is 30, still owes $20,000. * They owe $12,000 on their car loans. * Jessa and her husband have a $200,000 mortgage. * She currently saves $0 toward her retirement plan. (Sorry, but that's not enough, friend.) * She and her husband need help from Facet Wealth -- a virtual full-service financial planning service with dedicated certified financial planners.According to a survey by Bank of America, a surprising 16% of millennials between the ages of 24 and 38 now have at least $100,000 saved for retirement.Whooo hooo! That's cause for celebration. But what about Jessa? What does she need to do to get out of debt and save enough for retirement?Why Millennials Struggle to Save for Retirement Why do millennials like Jessa struggle to save for retirement? 1. Housing costs: The No. 1 response (37%) for millennials is the cost of housing, according to the Retirement Pulse Survey. 2. Supporting family members financially: Millennials often support extended family members with their income. This doesn't even involve the amount you need to save to put kids through college -- remember, financial aid doesn't cover everything. 3. Not enough income: The State of Our Money shares that more than half of millennials (55%) don't have a retirement savings account, such as a 401(k) or IRA. About 46% said unemployment was to blame. 4. Student loan debt: As of September 2017, the average graduate from the class of 2016 owed more than $37,000 in student loan debt, according to Student Loan Hero. "Yep, yep and yep," she said, when I showed her these numbers. "We hit three of these four categories. I just can't afford to put money in my retirement account right now."What My Millennial Colleague Needs to Do -- and Here's What You Can Do, Too! Feel like the percentages stack against you? Here's what to do next.Tip 1: Analyze interest rates. As soon as I said the words "interest rate," Jessa flopped over in her desk chair and pretended to fall asleep.I knew Jessa and her husband refinanced their home this past fall, and I asked her about their interest rates. She was paying only 3% on their home and student loans. I suggested asking Facet Wealth if they should invest in retirement more aggressively than pay down debt on their loans. (It's what I would vote for!) On the flip side, if you have high interest rates on your own student loans, I'd suggest asking Facet Wealth about paying off debt if your loans carry a higher rate than your investments earn before taxes. Tip 2: Consolidate those student loans -- but there's a catch. Consider consolidating student loan payments only if you can lower your payment without stretching out your loan term. In Jessa's case, she could use the extra money to start compounding her retirement savings.Tip 3: Get cracking on that retirement plan. Jessa must save at least 10% of her income. It's the rule of thumb cited by most financial advisors and other money experts. If Jessa doesn't want to struggle to keep her head above water after retirement, she needs to invest 10% of her income each year. And none of this "invest just enough to get the employer match" crap. In most cases, that's not enough retirement savings for most people and it won't scratch the surface toward creating a hefty nest egg. Tip 4: To get really rich, invest at least 15%. If Jessa wants to get really rich as a passive investor, she'll invest at least 15% of her income. She won't get Warren Buffett rich, of course, but if she wants at least $1 million in liquid assets beyond her home value, she'll shoot for saving 15%.That goes for anyone who invests for retirement. Tip 5: Never, ever borrow from your retirement plan. You can lend yourself money from your retirement account, but it's not a good idea. Jessa's retirement plan is off limits, and so is yours. Assume that money is in lockdown. Period.Why? * You lose compounded growth on your earnings. * You repay the loan with after-tax money, which means the interest you pay will get taxed again when you withdraw it at retirement (unless you borrow from a Roth 401(k). * If you leave your job, you'll have to repay the loan, typically within 60 days of leaving. If you can't, you'll owe taxes on the balance and a 10% penalty as well if you're under 55.You don't want to mess with all that.Tip 5: Take time to review what options are best for you. Once you've got retirement savings under control, you may want to take a look at other potential opportunities. Maybe Jessa and her husband want to dive into real estate investing or get cracking on several side hustles. Whatever it is, she needs to make sure it's worth her time and energy and can contribute toward her long-term goals.Tip 6: Do your own research. Jessa is a proud graduate of a liberal arts college, which means she's a lifelong learner. Here's another thing she'll do to maximize her success: She'll read everything she can get her hands on. She'll research funds and options within her 401(k), read investing books, books about real estate, articles about destroying debt and more. She'll absorb blog posts, listen to podcasts and develop her own investing philosophy. She'll be her own advocate when it comes to her own needs, risk tolerance and more, and you can, too.How Much Retirement Money Should You Aim to Save? Jessa is 28, but millennials span a wide range of ages -- from 24 to 38. Check out the rules of thumb for savings at each age.Savings Goal for Your 20s Accumulate 25% of your overall gross pay during your twenties. You might need to lower this amount if you've amassed a giant amount of student loan debt. Savings Goal for Your 30s Have at least one year of salary saved by the time you turn 30. If Jessa makes $100,000, she should have $100,000 saved. Savings Goal for Ages 35 to 40 Those of you on the mid-thirties end of the millennial spectrum should have double your annual salary saved. You should have four times your yearly salary saved if you're 40. Steps to Get There If she's serious about getting out of debt and saving enough for retirement, Jessa must do these three things.Step 1: Get started. This article won't help -- if she (or you) do nothing about it. You must take action if you truly want to save enough and get out of debt. It takes time and discipline and not even very much money per month (depending on your age).Step 2: Invest aggressively, automatically. Two facts: * If you start at 24, you can have $1 million at age 69. All you need to do is save $35 per month -- and get a 10% return on your investments. Save more, and you'll become a millionaire more quickly. * If you start at 40, you can save $1 million by saving $561 per month, assuming a 10% return. I informed Jessa that since she has $0 saved for retirement at this point, she can start saving at least $158.15 per month for 40 years with a 10% return and still be able to become a millionaire.$158.15 -- that's the cost of a pair of new shoes each month, I informed her. Get Facet Wealth on Your Side Nobody ever says, "Be your own doctor." Why would you assume, then, that you should be your own financial advisor (unless you're a financial analyst or advisor)?You need Facet Wealth, which can help you achieve a more prosperous life by helping you work with a dedicated CFP Professional at an affordable price.Jessa informed me that she'd signed up for our company retirement plan and also made a plan for getting out of debt the very next day.I bought her a cupcake and set it on her desk. It was cause for celebration.See more from Benzinga * Click here for options trades from Benzinga * 8 Must-Know Tips for Getting a Background Check on Your Work-from-Home Employee * 2021 Crypto Preview: Here's What's Coming Next(C) 2021 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

See the original post here:
Happy Healthy Thin Announces New Service Option - Yahoo Finance

Jan 12

London X City Publishes Health Care Article Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Diet Supplements And Diet Shakes – Press Release – Digital Journal

London X City, an online publication dealing with topics such as fashion, beauty, celebrities, weight loss, news, health, body, money, sports, and movies, has published an article discussing the pros and cons of diet supplements and diet shakes. The article can be read in its entirety at

According to the article, the internet is packed with information and advice on weight loss. It gives an often-cited example of losing 10 kilos of weight in 10 days. The article says that though such weight loss is possible, it questions the safety of such a drastic loss in weight in such a short time. It goes on to say that the real question that one should ask is how they can lose weight safely and keep the weight off. According to the article, at the end of the day, keeping the weight off should always be the ultimate goal. Due to these reasons, the article recommends lifestyle changes instead of using weight loss methods.

The article then asks the question of whether making lifestyle changes is possible by using diet shakes and weight loss supplements. The article goes on to say that to answer this question, before buying a diet shake or a weight loss supplement, one must ask if the ingredients contained in the shake or supplement are safe and effective.

The article then says that there are hundreds of different types of shakes on the market for health and diets that can be bought on the internet and in high street stores. The writer then says that they recently visited their local branch of Holland and Barrett to check out both its diet supplements and diet shakes. The writer expected to find a few different types of diet shakes. They go on to say that, to their surprise, they came across 24 different brands of diet shakes. Upon reading the labels, the writer concluded that they all more or less claimed that they could do the same thing which is to help lose weight quickly and keep it off.

The article then says that almost all of the diet shakes that the writer checked out, promoted a weight loss program and a maintenance program. Once the weight loss was successful, the majority of them claimed they could help keep the weight off. Along with that, the diet shakes also claimed that they were natural and would benefit the writers overall health.

The article then explains how diet shakes work. Most of them work by meal replacement. In other words, a meal or two is replaced with a shake. All of the drinks claimed that they were nutritionally correct which means that no one would suffer from any lack of vitamins and minerals while using them. The article then says that though the shakes claimed to be all-natural, they did not contain any fiber. The fiber in the food is what actually helps the feeling of being full suppressing hunger. The fiber is the reason why it is recommended to add extra fruit and vegetables to the diet to lose weight. Many of the shakes also listed harmful ingredients such as artificial preservatives and sweeteners.

The article then talks about diet supplements by saying there are more weight loss supplements out there than diet shakes. Some of them claim to speed up metabolism while others claimed they were fat burning. All of them claimed that they could help in weight loss without changing diet. Diet supplements are also very expensive compared to diet shakes. The writer then expresses skepticism of the diet supplement weight-loss claims. The writer then says most of the diet and weight loss supplements were endorsed by celebrities. The writer pulls from their experience of the promotional industry to say that celebs charge a small fortune for promoting a product. They go on to say that the entire concept made them wonder if the weight loss supplement industry is a money-making venture.

The writer ends the article by saying that instead of going with diet supplements or diet shakes, they decided to invest in a pair of trainers instead. They later visited the local supermarket, invested in a couple of nice fish dishes, stocked up on fruit and vegetables, and went home to their trusted exercise mat. The writer concludes that there is a lot more to a healthy diet than losing weight and cutting calories.


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LondoncityChloe07841867380lndonxcity@gmail.com65-66Woodrow Londonse18 5dh

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London X City Publishes Health Care Article Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Diet Supplements And Diet Shakes - Press Release - Digital Journal

Jan 12

Celebrity Sherri Shepherd & HealthyWage Partner to Pay $10000 to Dieters Achieving Weight Loss Goal – The Stewardship Report

Sherri Shepherds second HealthyWagerinitiative to again leverage the power and efficacy of financial incentives and expert-caliber support to spur extraordinary success among those dieting-for-dollars through the program

Courtesy of

Celebrity Sherri Shepherd is at it againendeavoring to lose weight, get fit and healthy and paid for her success related thereto. Shes also motivating America to do the same, as Sherrian actress, comedian and best-selling author who formerly served as an Emmy Award-winning network talk television co-hostrecently kicked off her second A-list partnership with HealthyWagethe worlds leading purveyor of financially-induced diet contests for individuals and corporate/team-based weight loss challenges.

Amid the popularity of Sherri Shepherds initial HealthyWager initiative through which participants vied to win up to $10,000 by hitting their own personal weight loss goal, the esteemed television personality has again teamed with HealthyWage for a re-boot of the initiative again giving participants a chance to win up to $10,000 by hitting their own personal weight loss goal. As an added bonus and point of motivation, those partaking in Sherri Shepherds HealthyWager challenge will also receive a $50 cash bonus added to their grand prize. Sherris own goal is to lose 15 pounds in 6-months for which shell win $500 if she does so. Interested parties may learn more and enroll in the challenge, which runs through June 18, 2021, online at View a video of Sherri Shepherd announcing the exciting challenge on Facebook here.

HealthyWage is actually making weight loss fun, says Sherri Shepherd about the partnership and program at large. Someone is going to pay me to lose weight? Thats a lot of fun for me. Accountability is so important to any weight loss goal. Going into 2021, I want to get my focus back on my health, and I just needed some incentive so I am excited to partner up again with HealthyWage. The fun part is finding out how much you can win for hitting your goalits the ultimate secret in motivation! HealthyWage is not a fad diet and will actually change the way you look at weight loss. Theres no better kick start to your 2021 resolutions than a HealthyWager!

How the Sherri Shepherds HealthyWager works:

1) Calculate Your PrizeUse HealthyWages online calculator at to enter your goal and calculate your winnings.

2) Make Your BetIncrease your winnings by adjusting your goal weight, how much you contribute, and the time you expect it to take! Find a prize you like and make your wager!

3) Lose the WeightStay on track throughout the contest with weekly weigh-ins and support from other contestants.

4) Win Money!Meet your goal and win your prize!HealthyWage is founded on research and double-incentivization methodology that proves cash rewards triple the effectiveness of weight loss programs. As case-in-point, HealthyWage payouts are proof positive. For their weight-loss achievements that collectively exceeds an astounding 1,050,000 pounds for this year, alone269 of which losing in excess of 100 pounds (and nearly 7.5 million pounds lost since the companys launch), HealthyWage has reportedly paid more than 30,000 dieters over $13 million cash in 2020, specifically, and over $55 million cash since its inception in 2009.

A few notable HealthyWager success stories (both female and male) also exemplify the power of this approach. These include Jean N. who lost 71 lbs. and won $3,357.99 for her efforts, and Jeremy M. who also lost 71 lbs. and won $1,886.32 for his own slimdown success. From its website, shares yet more inspirational success stories of both women and men who gained financially for their pound-shedding achievements using the companys unique gamification approach. This includes Kristin W. who lost a staggering 114 pounds and won $4,000 for her efforts, Anastasia W. who lost 41 pounds and won a whopping $10,000 in kind, and Blake S. who lost an impressive 151 pounds and won $4,670 for his own slimdown success. Figures that are tasty, indeed.

Studies show that monetary incentives serve to enhance the effectiveness of, and duly complement, weight-loss programs of any and all sorts, especially when paid out quickly like our various programs, said HealthyWage co-founder David Roddenberry. The average participant more than doubles their investment if they are successful at achieving their goal. The financial upside potential is impressive.

The efficacy of diet gamification is well-proven. For one, according to study findings published by JAMA Internal Medicine, behavioral economics-based gamification led to significantly increased physical activity among overweight and obese Americans. In this particular study, pairing a step tracking device with social incentives led to sustained, long-term behavior changeprompting participants to take more steps then with a step tracking device, alone. While the report explains that gamification interventions significantly increased physical activity during the 24-week intervention, with competition being the most effective.

Further validating HealthyWages well-honed approach, an additional study published in the journal Social Science and Medicine continue to prove that money is an effective motivator to increase both the magnitude and duration of weight loss. The same hold true in business for staff wellness initiatives. Results from one study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine indicated that Loss Incentive Motivates Employees to Take More Steps, finding that financial incentives framed as a loss were most effective for achieving physical activity goals.

Throngs of studies reiterate the importance of the stick in the design of a wellness incentive program, whether for individuals at home or for employee groups, Roddenberry says. Many studies have demonstrated that the threat of losing something of value is much more effective than the opportunity to win something of equal value. Thats precisely why we advocate that program participants pay to play and make an investment out of their own pocket in order to win rewardsin our case large cash prizesfor losing weight and getting more active in the program.

As a prolific corporate and group wellness purveyor, since 2009 HealthyWage has worked with an array of hi-caliber participants on workplace and staff wellness initiatives, including Halliburton, ConocoPhillips and more than 25% of the largest school districts in the country. HealthyWage has, in fact, formally created competitive, money-motivated programs for more than 1000 Fortune 500 and other public and private companies, hospitals, health systems, insurers, school systems, municipal governments and other organizations throughout the U.S., and their program has been more informally run at more than 7,000 companies and organizations seeking to bolster staff health and well-being, and boost bottom lines in kind.~~~

Forbes Business Council MemberMerilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand analyst, strategist and futuristwho reports on noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B. This includes field experts and thought leaders, brands, products, services, destinations and events. Merilee is Founder,Executive Editor and Producer of The Luxe List as well as Host of thenationally-syndicatedSavvy Living TV show. As a prolific consumer and business trends, lifestyle and leisure industry voice of authority and tastemaker, she keeps her finger on the pulse of the marketplace in search of new and innovative must-haves and exemplary experiences at all price points, from the affordable to the extreme. Her work reaches multi-millions worldwide via broadcast TV (her own shows and copious others on which she appears) as well as a myriad of print and online publications. Connect with her LinkedIN

***Some or all of the accommodations(s), experience(s),item(s) and/or service(s) detailed above may have been provided or arranged at no cost to accommodate if this is review editorial, but all opinions expressed are entirely those of Merilee Kern and have not been influenced in any way.***

Tags: #luxelist, brand ambassador, brand spokesperson, brands, celebrity news, dcor gifts, Diet, fashion gifts the luxe list, FEATURED, fitness, gift ideas, gifts for men, gifts for the home, Health, healthywage, holiday gifts, influencer, LATEST, luxe list, merilee kern, online influencer, product reviews, product spokesperson, sherri shepherd, social media influencer, tech gifts, theluxelist,, tv spokesperson, wellness

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Celebrity Sherri Shepherd & HealthyWage Partner to Pay $10000 to Dieters Achieving Weight Loss Goal - The Stewardship Report

Jan 12

Health And Fitness In The New Year | Coronado Home and Business | – Coronado Eagle and Journal

As we hope for a better 2021, you may have made a resolution to take better care of your body. Ive personally struggled over the years with keeping up on my resolutions, and often dont follow through. As this new year approaches, Im more motivated than ever to feel better physically, lose some weight, and get back to a fitness level which Ive experienced in the past.

Exercise and Nutrition

One of the biggest traps Ive fallen into is thinking my aging and previously injured body (now 58) would be able to handle similar exercises I have performed in the past. This includes playing badminton, running, swimming, walking, hiking, and general exercises for strength and flexibility. Although they helped me to a certain extent, unfortunately my body was not able to take the introduction of new stressors, the way it used to when I was in my 20s.

One example is to think of the good old-fashion exercises we all know and love including sit ups, planks, squats, lunges, etc. If you dont know of a way to use your body correctly without inducing pain, you may quickly give up when you start experiencing aches and pains triggered by improper form. Even worse! You may want to give up on working out altogether, perpetuating the cycle which leaves you unable to get in the best shape of your life!

Another example is trying to increase your walking and jogging activities. As you reminisce about the old days, we think by simply starting to jog again, the body will just accept that change from doing nothing to running, not paying attention to the fact that we have not engaged in this type of movement for years!

You may have enjoyed yoga in the past and would like to participate in a standard class, however you recognize your wrists, arms, and shoulders cannot take the increasing pressure anymore. Discouraged and frustrated, you cannot tolerate those demanding positions as you may have been able to in your youth.

As a result, some questions surface: How do we exercise without causing more problems in our musculoskeletal system? How do we exercise in progression so that we would not get hurt? How can we return to those activities we are used to? We generally adapt well to our changing environment and circumstances, yet we often struggle to apply this concept into our body-movement awareness and exercises.

Knowledge is a tremendous tool to help you build an exercise routine which is helpful. You can always look for people who are very skilled and can give you advice in a personalized and progressive exercise regimen. Knowledge about food is tremendously helpful in conjunction with your exercise routine. Recognizing how many calories you are burning per day and how many calories you are putting into your body seems to be the simplest way of keeping track of how you can lose some unneeded weight.

In writing this article, the irony in suggesting diet plans does not escape me. Patients who have known me for many years have respected me for my skill and mastery as a physical therapist, yet probably would not take my word for any nutritional advice. The past couple of months, I have taken steps to improve my eating habits and change my caloric intake while reducing my sugar consumption (Im such a sweet tooth) and adding a healthier combination of carbohydrates and protein to my meal plan. Strangely enough, I did not make any resolutions. I just knew that I had to lose weight and exercise more without causing pain.

Thanks to my extensive knowledge about the body and physical activity, I was able to adapt my exercise routine using the Results Fitness Method and the appropriate nutrition, which combined created results which I wouldve never thought possible in a very short period!

For 2021, Andreas Schenk: owner of Results Physical Therapy and the whole Results Team here in Coronado wish you all the best to find a healthier lifestyle! If you would like to learn more about how to exercise without getting hurt, please contact us at 619-437-6450 or visit us a

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Health And Fitness In The New Year | Coronado Home and Business | - Coronado Eagle and Journal

Jan 5

Rare Cannabinoid Company Offers 15% Off THCV, CBN, CBC, CBG & CBD Subscriptions To Aid New Year’s Resolutions To Lose Weight, Quit…

Need help with your New Year's Resolution to lose weight? Scientific Studies show that THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) can aid appetite control and weight loss.

HONOLULU (PRWEB) January 05, 2021

Rare Cannabinoid Company is helping customers stick to their New Years Resolutions by offering 15% off subscriptions of THCV, CBN, CBC, CBG, 3000mg CBD and full spectrum Rare Hawaiian CBD. Scientific studies find: the stimulating cannabinoid THCV aids appetite control, weight loss and may help people quit smoking and drinking alcohol, CBN helps people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, CBC may fight depression by increasing anandamide levels and CBG may reduce pain and inflammation. Rare Cannabinoid Company offers free shipping to all 50 U.S. states and subscriptions can be cancelled at any time.

Rare Cannabinoid Company was the first brand in the world to offer purified THCV for sale as a tincture and THCV CBD blends. Both products are extremely popular as THCV has an uplifting, clear-headed effect and the latest research shows how it works for weight loss and may even help reduce addictive behaviors for those trying to quit smoking or abstain from alcohol or drugs. With more than 40% of Americans classified as clinically obese, weight loss and fitness are among the most-popular New Years Resolutions. Smoking tobacco, being overweight and alcohol use are the three leading preventable causes of death. Knowing this, many people start the new year with healthy goals but quickly fall back into bad habits. Rare Cannabinoid Company says its 15% off subscription plan can give them the boost to stay on track.

Customers can sign up for a Rare Cannabinoid Company Subscribe and Save plan for any product and receive 15% off. They can choose to have new products sent every two weeks, each month, every six weeks or every two months. All orders include free shipping to all 50 U.S. states and can easily be cancelled online at any time without the customer incurring any extra charges or penalties. Cannabinoids work best when taken daily and with a subscription plan customers do not need to worry about running out.

Rare or minor cannabinoids are similar to CBD and THC but each one offers unique mental and physical benefits. Rare Cannabinoid Company details the scientific research behind how THCV may aid weight loss goals below. The brand was recently featured in an article on the world's largest cannabis information website, Leafly, entitled: "Can THCV really curb the munchies?" In addition to THCV, Rare Cannabinoid Company's website also contains articles with links to scientific studies on CBN for sleep, CBC for depression and CBG for pain and inflammation.

What is THCV and how does it work its magic? THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) may sound like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is another compound found in hemp and cannabis, but they actually have opposite effects. While THC gets people high and makes them lazy, hungry, and likely to eat everything in sight, THCV is energizing and curbs the munchies. All cannabinoids - CBD, THC, THCV, CBN, CBG, CBC etc. - work with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). All humans - all vertebrates, in fact - have an ECS. Put simply, it regulates a lot of our mental and physical wellbeing, including appetite, mood and sleep.

THC and THCV have opposite effects on a receptor in our brain called the CB1 receptor. THC turns it on, promoting the release of hunger hormones while THCV turns it off, thereby controlling our appetites. CB1 antagonists (like THCV) have also been found to ease addictions to nicotine, alcohol, opioids and other addictive drugs. A multi-part THCV study on animals showed THCV to be effective at curbing nicotine cravings. Learn about THCV for nicotine addiction here.

"THCV has often been referred to as "skinny pot" or "the sport's car of cannabinoids," but it's wonderful to see so many scientific studies demonstrating how THCV may suppress appetite, causing weight loss," said Jennifer Carlile, Rare Cannabinoid Company Co-Founder and Creative Director.

"New research is emerging daily and we look forward to seeing more studies on THCV's potential uses against addiction too," Carlile said.

For weight loss, THCV works in a similar way to a pharmaceutical anti-obesity drug, Rimonabant, which also blocks the CB1 receptor. Rimonabant was extremely effective at reducing weight and blood glucose levels in obese patients. However, it caused a serious side effect, depression, and was pulled from the market.

Thankfully, THCV does not cause depressive side effects. Experiments on human volunteers explain the differences between Rimonabant and THCV.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to examine peoples neural responses while taking Rimonabant or THCV. The patients taking Rimonabant had a reduced response to rewarding or pleasurable stimuli (tasty chocolate). They also had an increased negative response to unpleasant sights and tastes (moldy strawberries). Scientists believe that blocking the "reward" or "pleasure" response to tasty foods was probably the cause of the patients depression. It not only made them want to eat less chocolate but made it more difficult for them to perceive pleasure, which is a tell-tale symptom of major depression.

Meanwhile, the THCV experiment found that THCV did not harm the patients' reward or pleasure function. It only increased the effects of the unpleasant stimuli. That increase stopped people from eating too much without having a negative effect on their mood.

Other studies show the success of THCV on appetite control, blood glucose levels and diabetes. For example, one scientific study states that THCV alters connections between regions of the brain in a way that THCV could allow greater control over food intake. A separate study on mice concludes that THCV appears more helpful for type 2 diabetes while CBD offers more potential benefits for type 1 diabetes. (People who are obese are up to 80 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, whereas type 1 diabetes isn't related to being overweight.)

It's statistics like those that push us to make New Year's Resolutions to lose weight in the first place!

Rare Cannabinoid Company was launched in the first quarter of 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Created by husband-wife duo, Jared Dalgamouni and Jennifer Carlile, it is the sister brand of Hawaiian Choice. Hawaiian Choice is Hawaii's most-popular CBD brand and can be found in more than 175 locations from New York to Tokyo. Both brands welcome wholesale inquiries from brick-and-mortar stores worldwide.

The idea for Rare Cannabinoid Company was spurred by customers' questions about rare cannabinoids and the lack of an easy-to-use, clearly dosed apothecary-style offering of these beneficial compounds. Hawaiian Choice is a luxury, lifestyle brand that incorporates organic and wild gathered Hawaiian fruits, essential oils or honey into all of it premium tinctures, topicals, gummies and pet products. Meanwhile, Rare Cannabinoid Company has a more medicinal approach.

"Rare Cannabinoid Company offers second generation CBD 2.0 products for consumers who want total control over their cannabinoid intake," said Co-Founder and CEO Dalgamouni.

The company's THCV oils are extremely popular, especially as Rare Cannabinoid Company was the first brand in the world to offer purified tinctures of THCV and THCV CBD blends.

Of course, there are also cannabis strains that contain a high amount of THCV. These strains include Dougs Varin, Durban Poison, Tangie and Jack the Ripper. However, a high amount of THCV is still just 1 to 5%. So, those cannabis flowers also contain a whole lot of THC, which will pretty much annihilate any appetite suppressing effects of THCV and probably get you too high to want to work out.

You can see this in an experiment on mice. Those that took pure THCV ate less and lost weight. Those that took THCV in a full spectrum product with THC did not eat less or lose weight. However, when CBD was given to the mice taking THCV plus THC combo, the CBD countered the effect of the THC and those mice proceeded to lose weight. Moral of the story (study)? If you want to lose weight, it may be best to take THCV alone. However, if you consume THC for medical or recreational purposes, you may also want to take CBD to try to counter THC's storm-the-fridge-now effects!

Luckily, Rare Cannabinoid Company offers both purified extracts of THCV alone and THCV CBD blends.

Their purified 500mg THCV oil tincture is naturally flavorless and only contains THCV and organic MCT coconut oil.

The THCV CBD ready blend contains 250mg THCV and 250mg full spectrum Rare Hawaiian CBD in organic MCT coconut oil. It is lightly flavored with organic food grade wild orange and Italian lemon oils.

You can see third-party lab reports for every batch of every product here.

While THCV shows amazing promise for appetite control, weight loss, energy and addiction help, other rare or minor cannabinoids are believed to offer completely different mental and physical benefits.

CBN (cannabinol) may offer greater relaxation than CBD. It has been found to help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Rare Cannabinoid Company offers CBN for sale here.

Many people are experiencing low moods, especially during the pandemic, with lockdowns and less socializing. CBC (cannabichromene) may help fight depression by raising levels of the "bliss" molecule anandamide. Rare Cannabioid company offers CBC for sale here.

Meanwhile, CBG (cannabigerol) is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and anti-bacterial properties and is being researched for use against myriad afflictions. One can learn about and buy CBG here.

Rare Cannabinoid Company offers all of its rare cannabinoids CBN, CBC, CBG and THCV as 500mg purified extracts and as one-to-one blends with full spectrum Rare Hawaiian CBD.

The apothecary-style line of purified single extracts is intended to be mixed and matched or taken with the brand's full spectrum Rare Hawaiian CBD for the entourage effect.

The health and wellness benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are well known. Rare Cannabinoid Company offers a really special full spectrum CBD oil that is extracted from hemp grown on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. It is nourished by year-round sunshine, tropical rain and mineral-rich red dirt. It is offered in 500mg and 1000mg options. Both contain organic MCT coconut oil and are lightly flavored with food grade organic Italian lemon and wild orange oils.

For those interested in boosting their CBD intake, Rare Cannabinoid Company also offers a single extract 3000mg CBD. This oil contains a huge amount of CBD -- 3000mg! -- and flavorless organic MCT coconut oil. One dropper-full contains more than the maximum daily dose intended for human consumption. That is why that product comes with a measured glass dropper instead of a spray cap like the other products.

Prices for these exotic, rare cannabinoids start at just $49 and include free U.S. shipping. Sign up for a subscription, receive 15% off and never worry about running out.

Join the Rare Cannabinoid Company newsletter from their homepage for a chance to win $300-worth of products. One winner is announced every month and everyone on the newsletter is entered and re-entered monthly.

Lastly, for a broad spectrum CBD oil, which means full spectrum with THC removed to below lab detectable levels, we suggest you take a look at their sister brand, Hawaiian Choice. All Hawaiian Choice products contain premium broad spectrum Hawaiian CBD.

While theres no magic pill for weight loss, sleep or mood, CBD and rare cannabinoids show great potential in helping people balance their endocannabinoid system and promote multiple health and wellness goals.

Rare Cannabinoid Companys 15% off subscription plan could be the boost that helps people stick to their New Years Resolutions for 2021.

Rare Cannabinoid Company was established in Hawaii, USA, in Q1 2020 and is a pioneer in the "rare" or "minor" cannabinoid industry, offering purified tinctures of THCV, CBN, CBG and CBC as well as blends with full spectrum Hawaiian CBD. All products undergo third-party lab testing with reports online. Products ship daily from Hawaii and Texas.

See the rest here:
Rare Cannabinoid Company Offers 15% Off THCV, CBN, CBC, CBG & CBD Subscriptions To Aid New Year's Resolutions To Lose Weight, Quit...

Jan 3

How the Weight Set Point Theory Can Help You Find a Healthy Weight – LIVESTRONG.COM

The set point theory may change your perspective on weight loss.

Image Credit: ShotShare/iStock/GettyImages

Here's a crazy idea: Instead of fighting to get to a number on the scale that seems really, really hard to reach or maintain, why not let your body decide for itself what it wants to weigh?

That might seem radical or even straight-up scary if you've long struggled with diets. But increasingly, experts are agreeing on the idea that every body has a sweet spot when it comes to weight. Often called a "set point" or "settling point," it's the weight range where your body is most comfortable and where it really, really wants to stay.

If you've struggled to lose the same 10 pounds over and over again, adopting a set-point mentality might help you find your body's real happy weight and break the diet cycle for good. And if you're living with obesity, it could give you insight into how to achieve a healthier weight successfully and sustainably.

Let's take a look at how the whole thing works, and what the whole set point theory might mean for you.

What Is the Set Point Theory?

Every body, it seems, has a sweet spot when it comes to weight.

"We know the body regulates its weight within a certain range through a complex set of hormonal and metabolic interactions that drive our behaviors," obesity medicine specialist Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, tells

In other words? Your body is used to receiving a certain amount of energy in the form of calories. Eat a little more than usual once in a while, and it'll compensate by temporarily ramping up your metabolism. Eat less, and it'll make up the difference by burning fewer calories in case you need them later, according to the Centre for Clinical Interventions.

Some studies suggest that our set points are tight feedback loops that work to keep the body within a 10- or 15-pound range, per a July 2018 review in F1000Research. But the idea of a so-called set point isn't, well, set in stone. That same review also noted other studies that found that the body can adapt to changes in our environment and settle at a new, often higher weight range.

And a growing number of experts believe that's the driving force behind why the vast majority of people tend to regain lost weight over time, according to an August 2017 scientific statement in Endocrine Reviews. Other findings back this up.

"From studies like 'The Biggest Loser' study, we know that the body tries hard to maintain its weight at its previous highest points," Dr. Bollie explains. "Contestants had weight regain after the show because their body had made metabolic and hormonal adaptations to [that higher weight]."

Where Your Set Point Comes From

Everyone's body is different and everyone's set point is different too. The weight where your system is most comfortable seems to be determined by a combination of genetics, inherited traits that don't involve DNA and your environment, a 2010 F1000 Medicine Reports review concluded.

The effect of your surroundings is particularly important, since it's the one way your set point can creep up over time or be brought down to a lower range, if you're at a higher weight than what's considered healthy. Being in an environment that consistently encourages you to eat more (like working at an office where doughnuts are always in the break room) or dealing with chronic stress can both make it easy for the pounds to pile and stay on, per the Obesity Action Coalition.

The good news is that the opposite is also true. While you can't control your DNA, making slow, sustainable changes to your environment and forming healthier habits can lead to lasting weight loss, Dr. Bollie says. "A person's set point can be changed higher or lower," she notes.

The key is figuring out which camp you fall into: Do you really need to lose weight, or are you actually already in the range where your body really wants to be?

Accepting Your Weight Range

Not everyone's body matches up with what they think it should look like.

"The standard for beauty is thinner and lighter than what science tells us is best for most women's health," says Georgie Fear, RD, author of Lean Habits for Lifelong Weight Loss. "The small, almost uniform sample of women's bodies we see on movies, television, social media and advertising is not an accurate representation of reality, or what is healthy according to medical research."

Put more bluntly? "If you find yourself gaining and losing the same 10 to 20 pounds over and over, you're probably aiming for a weight that's below your body's set point," says Sandra Aamodt, PhD, author of Why Diets Make Us Fat.

Instead of taking your weight cues from cultural norms, start by looking at what experts count as healthy.

"Your healthy weight is the weight range at which you are free of obesity-related diseases and have a nonobesity range of body fat percentage and/or waist circumference," Dr. Bollie says.

That's less than 32 percent body fat and a waist circumference under 35 inches for women, or less than 25 percent body fat and a waist circumference under 40 inches for men.

Once you've confirmed that your weight is in a good place health-wise, it's time to stop paying so much attention to it. Easier said than done, of course. But taking the focus off the number on the scale often becomes easier when you allow yourself to have a healthier relationship with food. Think: Eating that's joyful, relaxed and not stressful, Fear says.

That might mean thinking less about what you should or shouldn't eat and simply paying attention to your appetite. After Aamodt watched her weight bounce up and down for years, she decided to stop yo-yo dieting and just eat in accordance with her hunger.

"What I found was my many years of dieting had really interfered with my ability to feel or respond to hunger," she explains. But once the pressure was off, she found it easier to eat in accordance with what her body actually needed.

Weight loss wasn't necessarily Aamodt's goal, but she ended up losing 10 pounds. In other words? By trusting that her body would make the right food choices (easier said than done, she admits), she ended up achieving a lower weight without much effort.

Aamodt is quick to point out that not everyone who tries her approach will lose weight. But whether the scale trends down or not isn't really the point. It's the fact that adjusting your approach to eating will change what your weight means to you. Even if you don't feel lighter physically, you'll notice the difference emotionally.

If straight-up giving yourself permission to eat what you feel like is too overwhelming, a trial period is a good way to begin. "You don't have to say you're going to stop paying attention to what you're eating for the rest of your life. But what would it be like if you stopped paying attention for three or six months?" Aamodt asks. "Just see how it goes."

Finding your happy weight gets a little more complicated if you and your doctor determine that the number on the scale is putting you at risk for health problems or causing problems already. Being very overweight or obese likely means your body has gradually settled into a new, higher set point, Dr. Bollie says.

That can make losing a significant amount of weight challenging. Trying to quickly lose more than 10 percent of your body weight sends out a warning signal to your body that you could be starving and it starts to fight back, according to obesity experts at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Boston. That can make it almost impossible to reach your goal weight let alone stay there.

Taking slow, steady steps can help your body adjust to getting fewer calories so it doesn't feel threatened and ultimately make it easier to settle at a lower, healthier weight range.

"In order to decrease your set point range, weight loss must be slow think 1 to 2 pounds a week. And it has to be consistent, over the course of at least six months," Dr. Bollie says.

That means steering clear of quick-fix diets that promise dramatic results ASAP. Instead? Think gradual, sustainable changes you can keep up for the long haul. Learn to eat according to your body cues instead of external factors like the time of day or certain rules, acquire skills to manage your feelings without relying on foods and enjoy a wide variety of foods, Fear recommends.

Commit to physical activity that you love enough to do on a regular basis too. Among participants of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), a database of U.S. adults who've lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for at least a year, 90 percent say they exercise for an hour a day.

Last but not least? Keep tabs on your weight and take action if you notice the pounds starting to creep up. A full 75 percent of NWCR participants say they weigh themselves at least once a week. That can help nip weight gain in the bud before your body moves towards a higher settling point.

Continued here:
How the Weight Set Point Theory Can Help You Find a Healthy Weight - LIVESTRONG.COM

Jan 3

Healing from the inside out – Around DB and Life on Lantau

If 2021 is your year to finally get serious about your health, Sonal Kulkarni says fasting is the way forward

Fasting isnt just a dramatic weight loss strategy or a hack that bodybuilders use to lose fat quickly while maintaining lean muscle mass. It is the worlds most ancient and natural healing mechanism; at its best it triggers a truly wonderful cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body.

Fasting, if you do it for long enough, triggers autophagy from the Ancient Greek meaning self-devouring. And thats a good thing. Autophagy is the natural, regulated mechanism of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components. It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components. Its something our bodies do naturally but arguably not often enough.

By fasting we are asking our bodies to be much more efficient and self-protective than they are accustomed to being. Fasting helps every system in the body to function smoothly and it provides an opportunity for the body to heal and repair itself. Fasting is done to store energy utilised in the digestion process, as well as to remove toxins from the body.

Types of fastingFasting can mean total or partial abstinence from food. Medical advice generally suggests anywhere from 24 hours to three days as the maximum time to fast. When you fast, youre allowed to drink as much water as you like.

If youre thinking about fasting for the first time, its advisable to seek expert guidance and supervision from your doctor. Fasting isnt for everyone you certainly cant fast if youre pregnant, insulin-dependent or an alcoholic, or if you have diabetes or anaemia. Be sure to check with your doctor first.

For beginners, the easiest option is to fast for between four and eight hours during the day and then in the evening for 12 to 16 hours until morning. As a way in, you might decide to fast in the mornings from 6am to 1pm, and again in the evenings from 4pm to 10pm.

Popular intermittent fasting regimens range from ingesting few if any calories all day every other day or several times a week, to fasting for 16 hours or more every day. Many people will experience hunger, irritability and a reduced ability to concentrate during periods of food restrictions. However, these side effects usually disappear within a month.

Less hardcore fasts include the one item fast eating only one type of food, such as rice, for much of the day; the liquid fast drinking fruit juice and milk as you fast; and the fruit fast, which allows you to eat fruit during your fast.

For DB resident Sonal Kulkarni fasting is now a lifestyle. Photo by Baljit Gidwani

The fasting processFrom the onset, its important to recognise that the lifestyle implications of a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, lack of sleep, and alcohol or drug use cannot simply be flushed or purged away. But a fast can help cleanse your body, and allow you to jump-start a healthier lifestyle.

Before you fast, you need to make sure that you are prepared both physically and mentally. In the fortnight preceding your fast, try to relax and get plenty of sleep. Drink lots of liquid and take some moderate exercise. Reduce your intake of all addictive substances and start to exclude certain foods, like red meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates.

Committing to fasting helps you reassess your diet, and become better informed about healthful eating. Many people find that their tastes change for the good and their old cravings disappear after a fast. Going forward, you may find that you do not need to eat as much, and that you feel more satisfied with healthy choices.

When you break your fast, start with raw foods fruit and vegetable juices and salads before switching to normal cooked meals. Your diet after fasting should include 40% carbohydrates, 30% fruit vegetables and 30% pulses, plus plenty of leafy greens.

Post-fast, you will find that you have a clean taste in your mouth, sweet breath and a clear tongue. Your urine will be clear. Youll feel fresh, your eyes will sparkle and youll be full of energy.

Fasting and autophagyWhen talking about fasting, its important to focus on autophagy the natural self-devouring process mentioned earlier that fasting triggers.

The human body contains trillions of cells, and over time, as they age, unwanted molecules build up inside them. When we fast, the body does not have its usual access to glucose, forcing the cells to resort to other means and materials to produce energy. During a long fast, insulin drops and this raises glucagon, which in turn stimulates autophagy cells start to heal themselves, removing and recycling any unwanted molecules and dysfunctional parts. This process of cellular housekeeping is crucial for cellular quality control not only does it rejuvenate cells it enables them to absorb nutrients more easily.

Defects in autophagy have been linked to various diseases, including neurodegeneration and cancer, and interest in modulating autophagy as a potential treatment for these diseases is growing rapidly. Recent studies of intermittent fasting have found that it improves such disease indicators as insulin resistance, blood fat abnormalities, high blood pressure and inflammation, even independently of weight loss. In patients with multiple sclerosis, intermittent fasting reduced symptoms in just two months, a research team in Baltimore reported in 2018.

Consider that in nature, when animals get sick, they stop eating. This results in better functioning at a cellular level, which in turn helps their bodies to heal.

The benefits of fastingFasting has numerous additional benefits. Importantly, it gives the digestive system a rest, while at the same time allowing the body to metabolise food and burn fats more efficiently.

Increased metabolism can, of course, help with weight loss. Just as importantly, fasting helps to regulate the hormonesin your body so that you can experience true hunger. This can be particularly beneficial to people who find it difficult to establish a correct eating pattern due to work and other priorities, and to people with eating disorders.

Medicine practitioners and naturopaths, from Phuket to Sri Lanka, Denpasar to DB, will tell you that fasting is an essential part of any detox. Even a short fast eliminates toxins from your body, and youll benefit from flushing them out regularly.

Fasting results in increased immunity. It reduces free radical damage, regulates inflammatory conditions and staves off cancer cell formation.

Fasting boosts the bodys production of pro-proteins, which activate neural stem cells to generate new neurons this results in improved mental clarity, focus and memory. People who fast also experience improved sleep quality. This is because fasting regulates the bodys production of serotonin and dopamine, the neurotransmitters that regulate countless functions and processes in the body, from sleep to metabolism.

Last but not least, fasting feeds the soul, making us feel peaceful and content. With a lighter body and clearer mind, we become more aware of and grateful for the things around us.

Originally posted here:
Healing from the inside out - Around DB and Life on Lantau

Jan 3

6 Grocery Store Foods That Will Be Flying Off Shelves in 2021 | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

No matter where you live, pandemic-related lockdowns have probably curtailed your activities in one way or another. For many, working in the office gave way to working from home. Going to the gym gave way to the "seven dog-walks a day" exercise plan, Zoom workouts, or, in many cases, no workouts at all (here are 20 warning signs you need to get moving again).

Americans also did a lot of home-cooking. Sourdough bread-baking becoming a cultural zeitgeist in the early days of lockdown, with all of these pandemic food trends following quickly in its footsteps. Now, as the vaccines roll out and we start a new calendar year, what are the hot new food items going to be in 2021?

According to a new Instacart survey of 2,050 U.S. adults conducted online in November by The Harris Poll, nearly half of all Americans are still deep into home-cooking. But after months of "binge-baking" and "quarantine comfort foods"as Instacart's Trends Expert, Laurentia Romaniuk, puts itthe pendulum is swinging toward bolder flavors, cultural explorations, and healthier snacks.

Read on for Instacart's prediction of the 6 foods you'll see flying off grocery store shelves and in kitchens everywhere in 2021. And for more, check out the 100 Easiest Recipes You Can Make.

At least 20 percent of the Americans surveyed by Instacart say they've become more adventurous in their home-cooking, increasingly introducing bolder flavors, new spices, and influences from other cultures into their repertoire as the year has gone by. Instacart's sales prove this isn't just "talk," with spices and spice-forward sauces having seen major gains in sales and showing no sign of trending downward anytime soon.

"2021 is looking like it's going to be a very flavorful year," Romaniuk told Eat This, Not That! "Consumers are looking to spice up the meals they've been making at home."

However, you can't help but wonder if the desire for more flavor has anything to do with the fact that one of COVID-19's most common symptoms is a loss of the senses of smell and taste.With that in mind, here's a spice that can help protect you from COVID-19.

Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest food news delivered straight to your inbox every day.

Considering the trend toward amping up flavors, it's not surprising that Instacart's survey revealed Americans are buying up a lot of anchovies (sales have gone up 85 percent in 2020!). In particular, canned or preserved anchovies, which are packed with umami flavor, are gaining popularity. Although the complex, meaty-slash-mushroomy flavor known as "umami" has been around forever (think: parmesan cheese, shitake mushrooms, and this instant pot shrimp and broccoli recipe), it's only recently been catching on with home cooks.

Anchovies lend their unique flavor to Worcestershire sauce and classic Caesar salad, among other recipes. They're also a standard pizza topping, and now, those briny, meaty little fishies are turning up everywhere.

Is it time for srirachato make room for a new condiment contender?

Apparently, Kewpie-brand mayonnaise, an extra-creamy mayonnaise that clever restaurant chefs have already been adding to their creations for years, has captured the attention of American home cooks. In fact, Instacart saw a 153 percent jump in sales of Kewpie mayonnaise since last year.

Truth be told, we're no stranger to the stuff. In fact, we wrote about it in 2019, calling it one of the worst condiments for your health. Of course, there is literally no such thing as mayonnaise that isn't high in fat and calories. But what made us single out Kewpie mayonnaise is that it contains the flavor-enhancer MSG (monosodium glutamate).

That being said, MSG lends wonderful umami taste to whatever it touches, and while it's been linked to migraines, whether or not it is otherwise harmful is the subject of continuing debateamong experts.

"One of the buzziest diets in recent yearsthe high-fat/low-carb Keto dietcontinues to be top of mind for many consumers," Romaniuk tells Eat This, Not That! "In fact, our survey indicates the keto diet is one of America's favorite eating plans." Twenty-eight percent of those who tried a diet during 2020 went keto, and 82% of those say they're sticking with it.

Instacart sales concur: Products like keto snacks and keto energy bars are continuing to sell. Besides helping you to lose weight, it can't hurt that the keto diet has also been scientifically proven to improve your prognosisshould you be diagnosed with COVID-19.

If you engaged in some devil-may-care boozing during the early days of the pandemic, you're not alone. If you're now looking to turn over a new, dryer leaf, then welcome to what may be one of the biggest trends of 2021: non-alcoholic drinks.

"Homemade craft cocktails have already grown in popularity this year," says Romaniuk.In fact, sales of alcohol-free beverages on Instacart increased by nearly 200 percent since 2019. Here are the 6 best new non-alcoholic beverages to try for mind and body benefits.

Despite the shift Instacart has observed toward alcohol-free beverages, booze will still be very popular in 2021. In fact, sales for hard seltzer have been going stronger than ever all over the U.S., with searches for brands across the category up a full 519%! And this category isn't all about White Claw anymore either. Searches were for all brands, according to Romaniuk.

Also trending upward is hard kombucha, which appeared in Instacart marketplace searches 320% more in 2020 compared to 2019. If you love the idea of a healthier, lower-carb alcoholic beverage, consider trying one of these 5 low-carb alcoholic drinks that support weight loss.

For more things to look for in 2021, Don't miss Yelp's best food trends to try in the new yearbased on 2020's restaurant reviews.

Follow this link:
6 Grocery Store Foods That Will Be Flying Off Shelves in 2021 | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

Jan 3

‘Gogglebox’ star Amy Tapper overwhelmed by response to weight loss – Yahoo! Voices


(Bloomberg) -- Rarely, if ever, can a year have started with price levels in emerging markets looking so divorced from the fundamental backdrop.Rising Covid-19 case numbers and uneven rates of recovery in the biggest of the developing economies underscore a nagging concern that this will be about as good as it gets for stocks, bonds and currencies. The relative strength index on MSCI Incs emerging-market equities gauge is above 70, suggesting the market is in overbought territory. The average yield on local-currency debt is less than 20 basis points above the all-time low of 3.46% reached in May.Even though the virus is likely to hold back growth next year, a blended price-to-earnings ratio of emerging-market stocks based on analyst estimates for the next 12 months is currently at 15.2 after reaching 15.4 in August, a record high in data compiled by Bloomberg starting in 2005.The fact remains though that with central-bank stimulus efforts and vaccine roll-outs providing comfort, most investors are confident the rally has further to run. Emerging-market economies will post an average fourth-quarter growth rate of 2.2%, according to a Bloomberg survey, though many see the efficacy of inoculation programs as a key driver for sentiment. The World Banks Global Economic Prospects report on Tuesday is set to provide further clues on the pace of recovery.Markets are naturally forward-looking, so we have seen a strong rally despite the dark winter with restrictions still in place in many countries, said Trieu Pham, a strategist at ING Groep NV in London. We remain constructive going in early 2021, with hopes that we turn a page on the Covid-19 issue and with major central banks remaining dovish.Listen: EM Weekly Podcast: Georgia Senate Runoffs, PMIs, Inflation DataDeveloping-nation stocks ended 2020 at the highest level in 13 years while currencies edged closer to their 2018 record. Local-currency bonds had their best quarter in more than a decade, with investors staring down more than $17 trillion of negative-yielding debt worldwide.Thats not to say there arent enough events to keep traders on their toes this week. Markets could face headwinds after the New York Stock Exchange said it will delist Chinas three biggest telecom companies to comply with a U.S. executive order. Chinese oil majors, including CNOOC Ltd., may be next in line for delisting in the U.S., according to Bloomberg Intelligence.The Georgia Senate runoffs on Tuesday may also affect sentiment toward risk assets, with the outcome set to decide control of the U.S. Senate and influence the ability of President-elect Joe Biden to advance his legislative agenda. Elsewhere, the Gulf Cooperation Council summit on the same day is seen as a possible step in resolving a crisis that erupted mid-2017 when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed trade, travel and diplomatic ties with Qatar.Among a slew of economic data due this week, Turkeys year-end inflation rate will be in focus as investors seek clues on whether the new central bank chief return to monetary orthodoxy is here to stay.Inflation DataTurkeys expected inflation rate leaves Governor Naci Agbal with little choice but to keep access to credit tight well into 2021Consumer prices probably rose an annual 14.2% in December, higher than the central banks raised October forecast of 12.1%, and nearly triple the target of 5%The lira was the biggest gainer in emerging markets after the Chilean peso in December, trimming last years loss against the dollar to 19%Governor Agbal delivered another meaty interest-rate hike late last month, bolstering credibility with investors after he pledged to tighten policy when needed to keep prices in checkIn Poland, preliminarily December inflation data will probably reflect a slowdownThe nations central bank is analyzing the impact of potential interest-rate cuts that could take place in the first quarter of 2021, Governor Adam Glapinski saidConsumer prices in Ukraine for December, scheduled for Friday, may show a higher reading for the monthColombias December inflation data, to be released on Tuesday, is likely to show that price-growth remains subduedWhile the nations peso slipped in 2020, it was still the second-best performer among six Latin American currencies tracked by BloombergDecember inflation data for for much of Asia will also be released this weekIndonesias CPI remained below below the central banks 2%-to-6% target range for a seventh month in data released on MondayThailand is expected to report a 10th month of deflation on TuesdayTaiwans CPI should hold around 0.1% in year-over-year terms in numbers due on ThursdayRead more: This Is the Start of a Rally That May Last in 2021: SEAsia RatesPMI ReleasesAsias manufacturing PMIs released early Monday were strong. The simple average excluding China rose half a point. This was despite increased lockdown measures in South Korea and weakness in Chinese PMIsThe separately released Caixin manufacturing PMI survey fell 1.7 points below economists forecastsThis wasnt enough to halt the rise of the yuan, which strengthened decisively through 6.5 per dollar soon after trading openedThe January outlook for the yuan looks good with exporter sales of dollars, clear evidence of seasonal strength, and the possibility of a relaxation in the central banks resistance to further appreciationChinas Caixin services PMI is predicted to show a slight increase when it is published on WednesdayIndias services PMIs are due on WednesdayThe rupee was one of the worst-performing regional currencies in the second half, though it still gained about 3%While there should be more room for rupee appreciation in 2021, Brad Setser -- who will probably be responsible for the U.S. Treasury report on currencies in the new U.S. Administration -- advocates a more forgiving attitude to countries that normally run a current-account deficitHungarys purchasing managers index is forecast to rise to 52.9 from 51.9 during DecemberPoland and Czech Republics PMI are set to show an improvement as wellOther DataSeveral Asian countries will release foreign-reserves data for December this weekIntervention probably continued during the month in much of the region, although at a slower pace than in NovemberSouth Koreas data are due on Wednesday. Exchange-rate valuation effects alone should increase reserves to about $440 billion. The won has stuttered a bit in recent weeks as Covid cases have spiked, but the currency still appreciated almost 11% in the second half of 2020Taiwans reserves are also due Wednesday. Valuation effects alone would lead to an increase to about $518 billion. The Taiwan dollar continues its pattern of making intraday gains and erasing them into the close. The very high volumes suggest it may only be a matter of time before the authorities yield groundThailand publishes reserves and forwards data to Jan. 1 on Friday. The baht broke through the key 30 per dollar level when trading commenced in the new year, as the central bank debates further measures to arrest currency strengthTaiwans trade numbers for December due Friday are expected to show healthy export growth and surplusSouth Koreas November current-account figures -- also due Friday -- should remain in comfortable surplusChina may release money supply and loans data this week, while the Philippines may release trade figures for NovemberChiles November economic activity on Monday is expected offer its first positive year-over-year reading since before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, according to seven economists surveyed by BloombergInvestors will also watch for a potential pickup in December inflation figures later in the week. The peso was the lone Latin American currency to gain in 2020, according to a Bloomberg trackerOn Thursday, Mexican policy makers will release the minutes of their most recent meeting, when the central bank left its key rate unchangedOn the same day, a reading of December inflation will probably flag a pickup from a month earlierBrazil will release a slew of economic data for December, including trade figures, manufacturing numbers and vehicle salesFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.2021 Bloomberg L.P.

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