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Striking the right chord with keto – The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: It seemed an uphill task, but overweight musician Muhammad Helmi Shahuddin kept at overhauling his lifestyle and following a strict diet plan.
The result of his perseverance losing over 50kg and bidding adieu to diabetes and high blood pressure.
Having struggled with his weight for most of his life, the 33-year-old revealed that it was not until two years ago that he decided to turn his life around and reduce his over 120kg frame.
He adopted the keto diet and the one meal a day (OMAD) plan, a form of intermittent fasting stretching 22 hours daily with just a small window to eat.
Also known as the ketogenic diet, it involves a low-carb, high fat eating plan that drives the body into a state of ketosis, whereby the body uses fat as a primary fuel source instead of carbohydrates.
It started when I met a friend who lost a lot of weight and I asked what was his secret.
He told me about a weight loss expert called Dr Eric Berg who has these Youtube videos, which I started to look up, said Helmi.
After watching the videos, the guitarist was inspired to embark on his weight loss transformation.
I started to diet during Ramadan in 2018. I would only drink plain water for sahur (pre-dawn meal) then break fast by eating two pieces of beef patties, three eggs and some salad.
Ever since then, Ive been following the keto diet by eating high fats but no sugar and no carbs, said Helmi, who lives in Subang Jaya with his wife Yazrin Azrina Yunus, 33.
Following this, Helmi dropped to a much healthier weight, recording 71kg at his lowest.
When Helmi went to see his doctor, Dr Ng Siew Nee six months after his weight loss, she was impressed.
Last month, I was cleared of diabetes, high blood pressure and dirty urine, said Helmi, who now weighs 77kg, with muscles to show.
I go to the gym about three times a week and have started to take some carbs to build up muscles.
These days, Helmis menu includes five eggs daily plus beef or chicken breast and some vegetables. He also regularly fasts for 22 hours a day.
When I was trying to lose weight, I would fast for 16 to 17 hours only. But now Im used to a 22-hour fast.
I eat only once a day at 2pm. My body is used to it, he said.
Since losing weight, Helmi said he was now more confident and energetic when performing onstage.
Ive always been heavy. When I was 15, I weighed about 80kg.
People would make fun of me. People treat me differently now, said Helmi, who mostly performs in concerts and TV programmes.
He just finished a gig as a guitarist for Ramli Sarip and Ella at Istana Budaya and played in the house band for TV show Gegar Vaganza and Mentor Milenia.
Helmi, who has a music degree from UiTM Shah Alam, credited Dr Ng for motivating him to lose weight, saying: She is a one-in-a million doctor who is an excellent motivator.
My wife is also very proud of me that I managed to lose weight and become a healthier person.
Dr Ng said after seeing Helmis successful weight loss, she too began fasting and taking on a low-carb diet and shared it with her patients.
As its not yet very popular among mainstream medicine practitioners, Im trying my best to share it. Hopefully, more people will benefit, she said.
Read this article:
Striking the right chord with keto - The Star Online
To eat, or not to eat breakfast — that is the question – The Philadelphia Tribune

Is breakfast still the most important meal of the day? We used to know the answer to that question, right?
And now we're not so sure.
As a registered dietitian, I always recommend starting the day with a healthy breakfast. And during the past 20 years, I've never met a nutritionist who has suggested skipping it. The morning meal can boost energy, control cravings and weight, and improve focus and performance.
When planned well, breakfast can also add important nutrients to your diet, such as protein, healthy fats and calcium, explained Cordialis Msora-Kasago, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
But popular intermittent fasting regimens often banish breakfast in an effort to improve health and lose weight. In a recent New York Times article, Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging and at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explained that most people trying to lose weight should strive for 16 calorie-free hours, and that "the easiest way to do this is to stop eating by 8 p.m., skip breakfast the next morning and then eat again at noon the next day."
Mattson, who for the past 30 years has consumed all of his 2,000 calories between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m, recently told me that once your body adapts to skipping breakfast, you don't get the negative side effects of doing so.
But there is a way that you can have your breakfast -- and your fast, too.
The science behind breakfast
Complicating matters in the breakfast debate is that current research on breakfast and weight control is conflicting. For example, a recent BMJ review that analyzed 13 studies on the meal concluded that "the addition of breakfast might not be a good strategy for weight loss."
The BMJ study used many small and extremely short-term studies, and wasskewed toward those including a very poor quality breakfast, explained Tamara Duker Freuman, a New York City-based registered dietitian who closely follows the research literature on meal timing in terms of disease risk.
"If the intent was to settle the breakfast debate once and for all, this was not the study selection or design that was going to do it."
What's more, these findings are a stark contrast from other research, which suggests that when you front-load your calories by eating a big breakfast and a smaller dinner, you have a much better chance of shedding pounds -- and you are likely to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, too.
That's because eating most of our calories earlier in the day is more in sync with our bodies' circadian rhythms, which influence metabolism and decrease the risk of weight gain, compared to eating more calories later in the day. Circadian rhythms may also help explain why breakfast skipping is associated with increased risk of weight gain -- even among those who consume comparable amounts of calories in a day.
Indeed, a small recent study examined differences in diet-induced thermogenesis -- or calories expended as the result of processing and storing food -- among people consuming larger breakfasts and smaller dinners versus smaller breakfasts and larger dinners. What it found was consistent with these earlier findings: Participants who ate a big breakfast rather than a large dinner -- both with identical calories -- had 2.5 times greater calorie-burning benefits compared to when they swapped their meal pattern around. Blood sugar and insulin levels were diminished after breakfast compared to dinner as well.
"What we've seen from very large cohort studies conducted over years and even decades is that people who eat breakfast are more likely to have lower BMIs and a variety of better metabolic health outcomes -- particularly related to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes" and cardiovascular disease, Freuman said.
Just this week, a meta-analysis published in Clinical Nutrition concluded that eating breakfast regularly may promote cardiovascular health and decrease all cause mortality, while skipping the morning meal increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death.
But this doesn't mean that every breakfast skipper is destined to gain weight or develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes, nor does it mean that a particular individual who skips breakfast and is perfectly healthy must start eating breakfast. "I think the takeaway is that if you are a breakfast skipper who struggles with blood sugar, triglycerides or cholesterol, or weight despite consuming a reasonably healthy diet -- it may be worth considering establishing a daily, healthy breakfast habit and pulling back a bit on the nighttime intake in tandem," Freuman said.
How to fast and have your breakfast too
Following a daily fasting regimen that restricts eating during a certain time window doesn't have to mean eliminating breakfast. For example, you can stop eating at 7 p.m. and not eat again until at least 7 a.m. the next morning, and you will still get the benefits of a 12-hour fast while fueling your mind and body with important nutrients to start the day, Msora-Kasago explained.
Eating earlier will mean eating in sync with your circadian rhythms, which is favorable for weight control, and at the same time you will avoid the trap of nighttime nibbling, where calories can pile up without you even realizing it.
Breakfast before exercise?
Should you eat or skip breakfast before exercising? Some research has revealed that you can burn more fat if you exercise on an empty stomach.
But depending on your needs, it may not be a wise decision to do so. "Some people are able to work out in the fasted state and not feel ill effects, but others may feel weak, dizzy or unable to complete their workout," Msora-Kasago said.
"I always advise my clients to eat before exercising," said Wendy Sterling, a board-certified sports dietitian. "I work with athletes, and my job is to help them gain a competitive advantage by maximizing every workout.
"Skipping breakfast could mean they might be working out on a 14-hour fast, depending on when they ate last. Performance suffers greatly, and they look sluggish and tired," said Sterling, who is the team nutritionist for the Oakland A's.
A healthy breakfast
When choosing a breakfast, look for a meal that includes protein, which will promote satiety and decrease daytime snacking, Msora-Kasago said.
A healthy breakfast should also include whole grains, healthy fats, a fruit or vegetable, and a calcium-rich food or beverage. Msora-Kasago recommends a veggie egg scramble with cheese and avocado on whole-grain toast; hummus on a whole-grain bagel with tomatoes and cucumbers and low-fat milk; and oatmeal with some almonds and low-fat milk and berries.
Keep in mind, if you tend to wake up and not feel hungry, you might be eating too much during the evening. Simply cutting back on nighttime snacking may give you more of an appetite for breakfast.
Or, if you're not up for a full meal in the morning, you can also try eating smaller portions of what you would normally eat, or pick something quick and easy like a small handful of nuts with dried fruit to give your body something to get your day started, Msora-Kasago added.
View original post here:
To eat, or not to eat breakfast -- that is the question - The Philadelphia Tribune
Definite Wellness brings definite results | Local News – Tullahoma News and Guardian

Definite Wellness is bringing a whole new meaning of health to residents of Tullahoma and surrounding areas. Owner Candi Kinney has been a nurse practitioner for three years. She graduated from MTSU and was previously an RN for 3 years.
When I was a nurse, I worked at a hospital. I did not like the concept that patients would come in really sick and all we would do was put a Band-Aid on them and send them home fast. I did not like the fact that some patients were so chronically ill, so I decided wellness care was a better fit for me, Kinney said. I want to make it to where patients can come in here, address the issues they have going on and we stop it from getting to that point where it becomes chronic.
The office, located inside of the Coker building, houses two exam rooms, an office, and a main room with a front desk and chair where intravenous (IV) therapy is administered.
Kinney offers eight total signature IVs including the energizer, the glow, the fighter, the quencher, the athlete, the classic, the Candi cocktail and the morning after.
People can also come in and create their own IV by looking at the menu and all that I have to offer, she said. IV add-ons include B12, Calcium, Zinc, Mag-nesium, Vitamin C, B-Complex and Glutathione for an extra charge.
She also offers injections including B-12, lipo shots, Toradol, Vitamin D and Zofran.
Benefits of wellness care
I am all about things that make and keep you well. When you come in and get a B-12 or Vitamin D shot, that is going to keep you well because when either one of those is low, it can cause a lot of problems. That is what got me started with wellness care, Kinney said.
What got me started in IVs was the interest that people have in them today. This trend is huge out west. There are IV bars everywhere and I thought This is really good for recovery, athletes, dehydration and more. It is so interesting that this is something I can do, Kinney said. I signed up for an IV hydration class and decided to start offering it.
I had a man call me the other day who was so sick and asked if I could come to his house and give him an IV. I went to his house and gave him two bags of IV fluids and he texted me the next day telling me how much better he felt, Kinney said. It is also good for athletes, especially those who are into CrossFit or running marathons. Coming here is a good way to prepare your body for that and it is also a great way to recover from them. It is replenishing.
One of my friends came in and told me that she was so stressed out and wiped and needed some help, so I gave her an IV. A few hours ago, she said she felt fantastic, she added.
These IVs are not just for running marathons. There are a lot of benefits if you are big on working out. I am a former football player, so every spring I start working out again. I was very skeptical of the IV trend, Kinneys husband and business partner Eugene said. I was telling Candi how sore I was from a workout and asked her if she had anything to help me. She gave me an IV called the athlete. After I got it, I felt okay but was not that impressed. However, the next morning I was so surprised to be up and ready to go workout again.
Athlete Jordan Sheffield receiving intravenous (IV) therapy to feel replenished.
As a person who has struggled with weight my whole life, I do not believe in easy, quick fast out there diets. I can put anyone on a low-calorie diet and give them HCG shots and they will lose weight, but it will not be sustainable, Kinney said. My patients need to have a sustainable lifestyle. I advocate a whole food diet, 30 minutes of exercise and 60 ounces of water per day. If you do that in conjunction with what I offer, it is going to get you to your goal weight. However, it is up to you to maintain it.
With weight loss, I do a couple of different things. I offer three different weight loss programs, Kinney said. I distribute phentermine here in the clinic so it is like a one-stop shop.
The first option, Tier 1, is a 12-week program that includes one visit each month with Kinney, a 30-day supply of phentermine if qualified, six bi-weekly fat-burning lipo shots and one Slim IV each month, totaling at $600.
Tier 2 is a 12-week program that includes one visit each month with Kinney, a 30-day supply of phentermine if qualified and six bi-weekly fat-burning lipo shots, totaling at $285.
Tier 3 is an a la carte program that includes monthly visits with Kinney as well as a 30-day supply of phentermine if qualified, totaling at $50.
I have had four patients now that have hit their goal weight, Kinney said. One reached hers in only four months and another met her goal weight in two to three months.
You are allowed to take phentermine for six months and then you are required to take a break. I have other medications such as Topamax because it is an appetite suppressant that you can take that for a whole year, she said.
I usually do not treat patients under the age of 18, Kinney said. If you are 16 or older and you come in with a parent, I can treat you.
Kinney has a large menu of signature IVs, wellness shots and injections.
When a customer comes in, they are instructed to fill out paperwork and Kinney reviews the forms with them. If there is no conflicting medical history or a contraindication, Kinney administers the IV the same day. There is no additional charge for coming in to receive an IV. A customer will only be charged for how much the IV costs. She also does sport, D.O.T. physicals and walk-in sick visits that do require a $75 fee.
I treat simple things like ear infections, UTIs, sore throat, flu and strep for much cheaper than an urgent care visit would be, she said.
Kinney also offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This is typically for middle-aged people for replacements of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, she said.
This is one of those shops where people need this, they just do not know that the services are here, she said.
For more information about Definite Wellness, visit, their Facebook page Definite Wellness, their Instagram @definitewellness, or call 434-0439.
Definite Wellness is located at 401 Wilson Ave. in the Coker building.
Read the rest here:
Definite Wellness brings definite results | Local News - Tullahoma News and Guardian
Best home gym: all the equipment you need to work out at home – T3

Building the best home gym requires you to get the best home gym equipment this shouldn't come as a surprise. The problem is, there are so many different equipment to choose from and it requires so much research to know which ones are the best, many people give up before even making the first steps.
Even here on T3, we have dozens of home gym buying guides which would take hours to pore over. To save you from staring at the screen for hours reading them all, we decided to create one, ultimate guide that lists all the best home gym equipment, from all categories, giving you the very best and most affordable models in each.
If youre in a hurry to get started, these are our favourite retailers of the best home gym gear.
Shop home gym at Fitness Superstore (UK)
Shop home gym at Wolverson (UK)
Shop home gym at Amazon (UK)
Shop home gym at Walmart (USA)
Shop home gym at Amazon (USA)
What sort of home gym equipment you should buy first depends on your fitness goals and of course, the available floor space. If your aim is to build muscle and haven't got much space, you's better get a weights bench and a dumbbell set. Same goal but more space? Get a barbell and a multi gym as well.
If you are into cardio but have limited space and limited budget, you might want to consider getting a foldable indoor rowing machine. Have a bit more space? Get an indoor exercise bike. Got even more money and space and also couldn't care less about the downstairs neighbour? Get a treadmill.
If you are really ]on the budget and live in a small rented apartment, you can still build a home gym by getting an ab roller, a door pull-up bar and a set of resistance bands. No budget is too short and no home is too small to build the best home gym!
Garage indoor cycling gym, aka pain cave
(Image credit: Wattbike)
What is the best home gym equipment for you depends on your fitness goals. Everyone have their own personal goals, let it be because they want to lose weight fast or tone up, maybe both. You shouldn't get a pull up bar if your aim is to lose belly fat and no need to invest in a treadmill if you want to build muscle mass.
If you have some money to burn on home gym equipment and your aim is to build functional muscles, get the Assault AirRunner Curve Treadmill. It might be an investment at the beginning, but this wonder-machine can help you lose fat and build muscle too. It has a commercial grade belt and doesn't require any electricity either.
Should you want to build muscle mass at home, get the Bowflex SelectTech 1090 dumbbells. Dumbbells are the single most versatile home weights you can have and with them, you can work out your whole body. The Bowflex SelectTech range is said to provide best-in-class dumbbell workout experience, a pair of them replacing more than 20 dumbbells.
(Image credit: Bowflex)
The best home weights, but cost as much as some fitness machines
Weight spread: 2-22.5kg or 4-41kg
+Space saving design+Feel like regular dumbbells+High quality
-Premium price tag
Today's best Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells deals
Modular dumbbells have a lot of advantages over regular, single-weight dumbbells, in a home gym environment. They take up much less space and it is also more convenient to switch between weights. And when it comes to modular dumbbells, nothing compares to the Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells, being one of the most coveted home gym equipment in general.
These beasts from Bowflex pack 2-24 or 4-41kg in each dumbbell, depending on the model you go for, with weight selection as easy as spinning a dial. When paired with a simple weights bench, they offer an effective alternative to a gym floor, yet don't require an entire rack to house.
Read our Bowflex Selecttech review
There are other modular dumbbell brands and models, of course, but Bowflex's SelectTech range wins by offering an experience similar to classic dumbbells and merging this experience with the convenience of the dial switch. the different weights are not colour coded, though, so pay attention which setting the dial is on before you try to lift the dumbbells of the plastic holding tray.
Overall, a great solution for those who like to push on with intensive 'drop set' workouts or for those who are tight on space. In fact, our only real reservation is the price, which will make you sweat before you even try to lift them.
Buy the Bowflex 2-24 Kg SelectTech Dumbbells (Pair) at Fitness Superstore
(Image credit: Mirafit)
Get one pair at the time as you progress
+Rubber coating for less floor impact and noise+Great value for money+Knurled steel grip
-There is no option to buy a range, only in pairs
If you prefer and have space for storing multiple dumbbells, opt in for the Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set. You can buy them as you go along and the weight range is pretty good so it will see you through many years of home exercising. You can go from 5 kilo all the the way up to 35 kilo per dumbbell in 2.5 kg increments.
Needless to say, to buy all the different weights would not only take up significant amount of space but it would also cost quite lot, too, so be considerate before you decide to buy another set. It's best to check what weight range you use in a gym most often and get the corresponding weights for your home gym.
The Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set as the name suggests has a rubber cover on the plates so they make less sound as you throw them down on the hard floor in the living room (please don't throw weights around). The rubber coating also helps the dumbbells stay in place once they are on the floor. The handles are knurled, making them easier to hold without the weights spinning as you perform your barbell curls. Which is pretty much the only exercise you will do with these weights, let's face it.
Buy the Mirafit Rubber Dumbbell Set at Amazon
(Image credit: TRX)
The best kettlebells you can get
Weight range: 4kg to 28kg
+Top quality+Comfortable handle
-Heavier versions are expensive
TRX kettlebells are the best we've ever used for full-body workouts
Kettlebells are probably almost as versatile as dumbbells and even better, most kettlebell exercises are less stationary, helping you build functional muscles as a result. Just like Bowflex with modular dumbbells, TRX is the household name in the world of kettlebells.
Its premium line of kettlebells are all beautifully finished and each one has been put through a "premium gravity cast moulding process", which is said to increase durability. It also results in that lovely, flat bottom, which makes its easier to rest the kettlebell on the floor when switching hands during an arduous squat push press routine.
The different weights have colour coded handles, making it easier to distinguish them and pick up the correct one, even if the side with numbers on facing away from you. The available weight range is between 4-24 kg, although for anything heavier than 16 kilos, you will have contact TRX directly. Not like a 16 kilo kettlebell is not enough for most two handed kettlebell exercises.
Buy TRX Training Gravity Cast Kettlebells at Amazon
(Image credit: Opti/Argos)
Best cheap kettlebell for beginners
Weight range available: 2kg to 10kg
+Gets the basics right+Bargain price
-Only go up to 10 kg
The Opti Kettlebell range manages to offer decent quality for a very reasonable price: the lightest, 2 kilo Opti Vinyl Kettlebell costs as little as 5.99 at Argos. Granted, not many people will be able to have a proper workout using a single 2 kg kettlebell, but still, it can give you an idea just how well priced Opti kettlebells are.
On the downside, the heaviest Opti kettlebell you can get is the 10 kg variety and if you are planning on doing some demanding kettlebell swing sessions, a single 10 kilo kettlebell might not cut it. You can, of course, do more reps with smaller weights and eventually get a 12 or even 16 kg kettlebell if you think you can't possibly do more than a 100 reps with the 10 kg Opti Vinyl Kettelebell.
The Opti Kettlebells are compact and quiet and the different weights have different colours too. Not just the handles, the whole kettlebell has been coated with coloured vinyl, making them striking looking and the handles a bit slippery when your palms are sweaty. For the price, though, we are not complaining.
Buy Opti Kettlebells at Argos
Two in one: best AND most affordable weight bench for home
Max load: 260kg (incl. user)
Dimensions: 125x55x43 (Flat) to 117cm (Highest Position) cm
Foldable: No
Adjustable: Yes
+Gym-grade equipment for less than a membership+Adjustable
-Cushion on the thin side
Despite the reasonable asking price, the Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench still packs a solid frame, constructed from 7cm x 5cm steel tubing. It also boasts premium extras such as the small wheels at the back and grab handle at the front for easy manoeuvrability around the sofa or the debris on the garage floor.
Working your pecs from all the different angles won't come easier than this. The Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench has six backrest angles and four individual seat angles that allow a great selection of positions from which to perform gun-busting routines.
As versatile as the Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench is, it doesn't come with a weights rack, so unless you add one the bench is more suitable for use with a dumbbells and other one handed weights.
Buy Mirafit Heavy Duty 260kg FID Weight Bench at Amazon
55 different exercises all on one machine
Weight stack: Dual, 160lb (73kg) each
Type of movement: Cable motion/User defined motion
Bench: Optional
+Massive weight stack+Gym-grade home equipment
-Bench is extra 500
The Life Fitness G7 multi-gym is a professional-grade setup for private use, featuring hefty dual weight stacks, fully adjustable twin pulleys and a chin-up bar, making it one of the most all-encompassing system that you can own and giving you the ability to workout almost every conceivable muscle group in the body.
With the Life Fitness G7 multi-gym, you can perform 55 different exercises but you will need definitely need some floor space to house this gargantuan beast of a home gym equipment. It measures over two-metres tall, around two-metres wide and the same depth, which is quite a lot of floor space to take up. It's not cheap either.
In fact, buying a Life Fitness G7 multi-gym will set you back 2500/$2999 and that price doesn't include the optional weight bench, adding that on will cost an extra 500/$500.
However, the US-built contraption is designed and constructed to last for many years and that hefty initial outlay does include free installation, a training DVD with two workout routines, an exercise book with over 60 exercises and a bunch of pulley attachments to ensure you hit every muscle that counts. Also, it removes the need to workout near people. Money well spent, then.
Buy the Life Fitness G7 multi-gym (without weight bench) at Amazon
Full upper body workout
Weight stack: Single, 57 kg
Max. capacity (high pulley): 65kg
Max. capacity (low pulley): 145kg
Maximum user weight: 135kg
+Solid build+Integrated preacher pad
-Supports only one type of leg exercise
With a 57kg weight stack and a pulley system that equates to a maximum resistance of 150kg on the leg developer pads, the Weider 8700 home multi-gym offers great bang for the buck and is great for anyone looking to pile on the mass at home.
A chunky construction and comfortable pads make up for the fact that the amount of adjustability on the back pad is limited (no flat press here), but it's still possible to conduct all manner of exercises without the space typically required by free weights and barbells.
The Weider 8700 home multi-gym is best for upper body workouts since there is really only one leg exercise you can do with it: seated leg extensions. Given the low price tag, cutting some corners are to be expected, so we are not all disappointed after all.
Buy the Weider 8700 home multi-gym at Amazon
Not just an exercise bike: the ultimate smart bike trainer
Connectivity: ANT+ FEC and Bluetooth Smart Control
Continue reading here:
Best home gym: all the equipment you need to work out at home - T3
Get a six pack fast? SIXPAD Abs Belt is an EMS abs machine that promises belly toning with less effort – T3

The concept of the SIXPAD Abs Belt sounds promising: you can grow a six-pack without any exercising, spending 23 minutes a day wearing the abs belt. And although even SIXPAD states that you'll see "12% improvement in abdominal muscle size after 8 weeks alongside a balanced diet and exercise, while an 8% improvement was seen after just 4 weeks", I'm sure many people will think that by donning the SIXPAD Abs belt, they will grow washboard abs overnight.
Shop the SIXPAD range on Amazon UK
Shop the SIXPAD range on Amazon US
After a few weeks of usage, it's hard to prove or disapprove the claims of SIXPAD. As we mentioned many times here on T3, abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen, so if you think an EMS belt will transform your round pot-belly into a chiselled six-pack, you're in for a disappointment.
But if you want to cram in some extra muscle activation when you'd otherwise just sit on the sofa scrolling through your Facebook feed, the SIXPAD Abs Belt could actually be worth the cost and the fairly considerable level of discomfort involved.
SIXPAD Unisex Ems Trainer...
SIXPAD Unisex Ems Abdominal...
SIXPAD Unisex Ems Abdominal...
Let your muscles do the work for you
(Image credit: SIXPAD)
SIXPAD devices have a lot of traction online, mainly thanks to the endorsement from Christiano Ronaldo, who admittedly has a well-sculpted body and is therefore a very good person to advertise an EMS trainer. In fact, we should listen to what Ronaldo has to say on the SIXPAD website: "Outstanding performance is the result of daily training. It isnt magic. Its persistence."
This is the key point and the main reason many people won't see quick (or any) results: the SIXPAD Abs Belt only works if you bomb your abs every day for a long period of time. If you use the SIXPAD Abs Belt twice a week for three weeks, you won't see any changes in the size of your abs, I guarantee it. If you put the effort and time in your abs training, you might.
The SIXPAD Abs Belt is quite sizeable device
(Image credit: SIXPAD)
The SIXPAD Abs Belt comes in a big flat box and I was surprised just how big it was. Come to think of it, the large size is understandable since the SIXPAD Abs Belt is supposed to train the entirety of your abs, including the obliques, and that is a large area to cover. It also comes in two sizes (medium and large) so if you are larger (in any way), you can opt in for the larger belt to make sure all areas are covered properly.
Working the abs with the SIXPAD Abs Belt is pretty straightforward, although make sure you apply the gel sheets to the back of the belt before the first use. There is a manual in the box, but in general, put the belt on so it covers your abs completely. Not rocket science, really.
Long pressing the '+' button fires up the machine on the first power level. There are altogether 20 (!) power levels and in the few weeks I used the belt, I could only go up to level five, so there is plenty of room for improvement (from my side). The sessions last for 23 minutes and you can do anything you want in the meanwhile, one of the main benefits of using the belt.
Get the SIXPAD Abs Belt directly from SIXPAD
Better still, no cables need to be attached to the SIXPAD Abs Belt when it's in training mode so you can move around freely. The Abs Belt can be connected to your phone using Bluetooth and the SIXPAD app. The SIXPAD app is rather large (350MB on Android) and it's not the best rated app in the Google Play Store either, for a good reason.
Through the app, you can initiate training sessions and control the power of the belt as well. That is if the belt and the app connect at all: it took me quite few tries to pair the two during each session, and very often I just gave up altogether after a few tries. On the upside, you can use the app without registering, so no need to hand over any personal details if you don't want to.
Thankfully, the SIXPAD Abs Belt doesn't need charging very often, considering once-a-day usage frequency, you will only have to charge if once a month, pretty good. The charging port is located at the bottom of the little control unit at the front of the Abs Belt, under a little plastic cover. I found this cover a bit loose and it often came undone, although I only charged the Abs Belt once, so can't say I was undoing the cover very often.
You can do pretty much everything while training with the SIXPAD Abs Belt
(Image credit: SIXPAD)
There is a whole section on the SIXPAD website detailing the technical nuances of the SIXPAD system, but in a nutshell, electrical muscle stimulation (or EMS for short) devices send little electrical impulses to the muscles which in turn contract and tense for the duration of these impulses.
According to said page, "normal physical activity uses approximately 30% of muscle fibres leaving 70% dormant. EMS can effectively target and stimulate these dormant fibres." Again, it would be really hard to prove/disprove these claims and even the above statement uses words like "approximately 30%", so I have doubts about 70% muscle stimulation.
Using the SIXPAD Abs Belt can definitely be felt in your abs, though. I went up to the fifth power setting and my ab muscles were jumping like there is no tomorrow. After the training session, I could feel the workout in my muscles, maybe not as intensely as after doing a hanging leg raise/ab rollout session, but considering I was just sitting around with a belt wrapped around my torso, it's not too bad.
Regarding the claims ("8% improvement was seen after just 4 weeks"), it's hard to tell. How would you measure an 8% increase in muscle mass? I have 14% of body fat index according to the Tanita BC-401 body composition monitor so my abs are somewhat visible but not visible enough to see an 8% increase.
The SIXPAD Abs Belt might not be your one-way ticket to six-pack heaven but it is a good complimentary device for abs training nevertheless. Unlike training and recovery devices like the Theragun G3, using the SIXPAD Abs Belt won't yield any immediate results and if you want to see any results ever, you'd have to use it as an additional training device alongside a healthy diet and proper abs training, as intended.
I had a few griefs using the SIXPAD Abs Belt, some of which could be helped by the manufacturer, some probably can't. For one, putting the cold Abs Belt on in January, when you are cold anyway, was not a fun experience. If there was a way to apply some heat to the belt before one uses it, that'd be great, but I understand that even if there was such technology available, it might compromise the otherwise excellent battery life.
Secondly, the SIXPAD Abs Belt and all SIXPAD devices should be stored on a plastic board (supplied with the product), so the contact gels stay fresh for longer. But even with putting the belt back on the board after each use, considering daily usage, you'd still have to replace at least some of the gel sheets once a month.
SIXPAD's philosophy: just sit back and let the EMS do its job in peace
(Image credit: SIXPAD)
The SIXPAD app could also use some TLC, both in terms user interface and connectivity. The app and the belt often didn't find each other, even after multiple tries, which was frustrating. If they did, you could control the different areas of the belt (main panel/oblique area) as well as see your progress and create training plans.
Get the SIXPAD Abs Belt directly from SIXPAD
If you take the SIXPAD Abs Belt for what it is, a complimentary abs training device that works best if you put some effort into abs training anyhow, you won't be disappointed, especially if you do as you are told and use the SIXPAD Abs Belt every day for a longer period of time.
Given the high price, I would recommend getting a SIXPAD Abs Fit 2 or even a SIXPAD Abs Fit instead of the full SIXPAD Abs Belt, which could save you a heap load of money, and all you're missing out is the oblique trainer, which might not worth an extra 100/$100. You'll spend that money on replacement gel sheets pretty soon anyway.
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See the article here:
Get a six pack fast? SIXPAD Abs Belt is an EMS abs machine that promises belly toning with less effort - T3
Scarsdale Diet Plan: Benefits, Risks and Results – LIVESTRONG.COM

A lot can happen in two weeks. You can quit a job, pick up a new hobby or finish a hefty novel. But losing a substantial amount of weight in two weeks? Not a good idea.
Breakfast on the Scarsdale diet includes half a grapefruit, dry toast and black coffee.
Credit: Oxyggen/iStock/GettyImages
That's the promise behind the Scarsdale diet, though. And you might think because it was created by a doctor that the plan is a healthy approach to weight loss. Here's what you should know.
The Scarsdale diet as we know it today stems from The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet, a book published in the late 1970s by cardiologist Herman Tranower, founder of the Scarsdale Medical Center. It was a trendy diet in its time, much like keto and intermittent fasting today, and it promised to help followers lose up to 20 pounds in just 14 days.
Fast results usually mean drastic measures. So what does the diet entail?
The Scarsdale diet is a very restrictive, low-calorie, two-week regimen. The macros (carbs, protein and fat) are calibrated to supposedly increase 'fat burn': 34.5 percent carbohydrates, 22.5 percent fat and 43 percent protein. (For reference, the current recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board are that adults get 45 to 65 percent of calories from carbs, 20 to 35 from fat and 10 to 35 percent from protein.)
After two weeks, followers move to the maintenance program.
Foods you can enjoy on the diet:
The diet provides a very specific meal plan for what you can eat day-by-day for one week (its then repeated for week two):
In general, the majority of the meals are focused on proteins and vegetables with some fruit.
The ketogenic and Scarsdale diets have some similarities: They're both focused on the distribution of specific macros and are low in carbohydrates. But there are a lot of differences, too.
For starters, the keto diet is higher in fat and lower in protein (70 to 80 percent fat and 10 to 20 percent protein), according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Keto is also much lower in carbs, accounting for just 5 to 10 percent of total calories.
The Scarsdale diet features a prescribed meal plan for a set period of time, while the keto diet allows you to eat what you want for the most part, as long as you stay within macronutrient guidelines. The keto diet doesn't have a set timeframe, either. And finally, one of the most significant differences is that keto doesn't mean low-calorie, while the restricted-calorie feature is a crucial tenet of the Scarsdale diet.
Did you know that keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight? Download the MyPlate app to easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!
Yes. You can and probably will lose weight on the Scarsdale diet if you follow it as recommended.
The trouble is, it's a very restrictive diet, making it difficult to adhere to. While it can help you lose weight quickly, it doesn't teach you how to eat in a healthy and sustainable way so once the diet is 'over,' you'll likely resort back to old habits and gain back the weight you lost.
If this doesn't sound like such a big deal, consider that losing weight too quickly likely means you're losing lean muscle mass instead of fat, according to the Mayo Clinic, which can slow your metabolism and make it even harder to lose weight down the road.
Unless you're under the supervision of a doctor, aim for a healthy rate of weight loss, which means 1 to 2 pounds per week, per the Mayo Clinic. To achieve this, you'll need to cut between 500 and 1,000 calories from your daily diet. But keep in mind that women shouldn't fall below 1,200 calories per day and men should stay above 1,500 to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
Just because a diet "works" doesn't mean it's healthy. There are a lot of red flags with this diet, including:
A healthier approach is one that's more conservative and teaches healthy habits for the long run. Its also one thats evidence-based and proven not to just be healthy, but safe, too. The Mediterranean diet is one such diet with decades of research supporting its many benefits, like supporting heart health, weight management, brain health and reducing the risk of cancer. It likely wont help you lose 20 pounds in two weeks but itll most likely be better for your health, including your weight, in the long term.
Excerpt from:
Scarsdale Diet Plan: Benefits, Risks and Results - LIVESTRONG.COM
‘Ketotarian’ Is A Plant-Based Version Of KetoAnd It Might Be Healthier Than The Traditional Diet – Yahoo Lifestyle

From Women's Health
People have plenty of complaints about the keto diet, including the fact that its super heavy on meats. But theres a slight variation on keto that's more friendly to lovers of plant-based foods. Its called the ketotarian diet, and its a plant-based version of the keto diet.
Just to recap: The keto diet is an eating plan that focuses on having foods that are high in fat and moderate in protein, and limiting your carb intake. When you follow a keto diet, your body moves into a state known as ketosis, which is when your body doesnt have enough carbs for your cells to use for energy. At that point, your body starts making ketones, organic compounds that it uses in place of carbohydrates. At the same time, your body also starts burning fat for energy.
The ketotarian diet attempts to do the same thing, but with a vegetarian slant. The ketotarian diet was coined by Will Cole, DC, a functional medicine expert. He wrote a book called Ketotarian: The (Mostly) Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation that laid out the new eating plan. However, many people create their own variation of a plant-based keto that may not necessarily be based on this book.
As a whole, the ketotarian diet is really similar to the keto dietjust without meat. Under the ketotarian diet, followers get their fat and protein from sources like eggs, ghee, and fish (if theyre open to it) to try to keep their bodies in ketosis.
But a ketotarian diet is clearly different from a regular keto diet, and theres a lot to unpack here. Everything you need to know about going ketotarian, ahead.
The ketotarian diet takes most of the animal fats youd have on the keto diet and swaps them out for plant-based fats. Think: avocados, olives, and nuts. You can still have those foods on the regular keto diet, but the ketotarian diet places a heavier emphasis on them.
Not all plant-based food is considered good on the ketotarian diet, though. In the book, Cole recommends opting for organic foods and limiting how much you have of non-fermented soy products like tofu.
Like regular keto, the ketotarian diet aims to have the same breakdown of macronutrients. While everyones needs are slightly different, that typically ends up breaking down your macronutrients like this:
That usually means eating no more than 50 grams of carbs a day, but some strict keto dieters even opt for just 20 grams a day. Its tricky to get enough plant-based protein on a ketotarian diet, says Scott Keatley, RD, of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy. Thats why the diet allows for eggs, ghee, fish, and shellfish, he says.
Of course, not all plant-based foods are high in protein and fat. In general, these are the ones you want to load up on:
This is a tough diet to follow, says Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, nutrition and wellness expert and contributor to the book Sugar Shock. Your food choices are so severely limited, she says.
Being a ketotarian requires a lot of planning and cooking, too, Cassetty says. Takeout and restaurant options are very limited, she notes. This might make it feel like a chore to start and maintain the ketotarian diet.
Restrictive diets like this can also take a toll on your emotional well-being and make you feel defeated when, actually its not youits the extreme set of food rules youre trying to follow, Cassetty points out. And, she adds, people who are prone to disordered eating are very vulnerable on an eating plan like the ketotarian diet.
Cassetty is also concerned about fish being the only allowable animal protein source, citing mercury poisoning as a risk. If youre attempting the ketotarian diet, its important to vary your seafood consumption, she says.
Can the ketotarian diet help you lose weight?
Many people swear by the keto diets ability to help followers lose weight, and Keatley says you can also lose weight on the ketotarian diet. Most weight loss on this diet will occur due to calorie restriction, as it can be hard to meet your energy needs with such lean proteins and limited carbohydrates, he says.
Still, he warns against losing too much weight. Too much weight loss, too fast is not healthy as you may be losing lean muscle which is very hard to replace as we age, he says. And while its likely youll lose weight on a ketotarian diet, Cassetty says its also likely that youll regain it when you stop following the eating plan.
Like regular keto, experts dont exactly recommend this diet. I would not engage with this diet beyond 12 weeks, as there is limited research on the long-term effects of a ketogenic diet, Keatley says.
Cassetty also notes that other plant-focused diets can be great for overall health and weight loss, and other methods include more complex carbohydrates than ketotarian. The best evidence Ive seen is for other dietary approaches that include carbohydrates, she says, pointing to the Mediterranean diet, which is plant-focused and includes carb-rich foods, like whole grains, beans, legumes, and fruit.
If you stack up the ketotarian diet against regular keto, though, Cassetty says its healthier to be a ketotarian. Both versions of keto eliminate or drastically reduce plant foods, which isnt a good game plan for long-term healthy living, she says. But if youre choosing between the two versions, Id say the ketotarian diet is healthier for you.
The bottom line: Experts dont really recommend following a ketotarian diet long term, and they would recommend other plant-based diets (with more complex carbs) over it. If you really want to give it a go, try it out for just a short time and continue or stop based on how your feel.
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The best tips to lose weight fast – NewsDio

Adult obesity, to cite the CDC, is a common, serious and expensive disease. Defined as having a weight higher than what is considered healthy for a given height, it leads to type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease and certain types of cancer. The good news, however, is that it still has the time and energy needed to compensate for its effects. Being overweight or obese can affect your physical and long-term health, so these are the best tips to lose weight quickly: Cut refined carbohydrates, focus on healthy carbohydrates Carbohydrates release sugar in your body. Too much sugar can stimulate the levels of insulin that stores fat and can lead to metabolism problems such as diabetes. In addition, high insulin levels result in impaired renal function, which causes it to swell. What do carbohydrates, specifically refined carbohydrates, have to do with weight loss? The reduced intake causes your body to burn fat for energy instead of storing it for future use, eliminating unwanted pounds. However, not all carbohydrates are harmful. The intake of vegetable-based carbohydrates provides the recommended daily intake of 20 to 50 grams. Along with sweet potatoes, cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and chard) provide all the healthy carbohydrates you will need.Eat healthy fats and proteinsMeat (beef, chicken, turkey, lamb), eggs, fish and certain vegetables provide the protein your body needs. Fish, in particular, provides protein and the essential antioxidant omega-3. Monounsaturated (healthy) fats, on the other hand, can be consumed through fish oils, avocado, olive oil and peanut oil. Along with certain types of carbohydrates, a combination of proteins and healthy fats helps increase your metabolism, which helps your weight loss goals (and overall health). Add strength exercises Along with a healthy diet, regular exercises burn All calories stored in your body and accelerate weight loss. Heating, stretching and lifting weights at least three times a week accelerates the weight loss game. When done correctly, weightlifting also burns calories and increases muscle mass. While you gain weight in the process, it causes you to lose fat, as it has become the energy your muscles need. Make deceptive meals Deprivation usually causes many to not achieve their weight loss goals. That is why it is a good idea to make a cheat meal at least once. However, be sure not to overdo it. Choose a portion of reasonable size and eat the food you have been fantasizing about. Remember that you are doing it to satisfy your taste buds and not your appetite. Control portions and calories. Although it is not necessary if you stick to a diet that includes protein, healthy fats and low-carb vegetables, keep a calorie counter or The calorie calculator has an additional advantage of helping you keep track of your calorie intake and making sure It sticks to your diet plan. Regular hydration Drink water at least 8 times a day. Water not only fills you, but also reduces your cravings and even moisturizes your skin. It also removes excess sodium stored in your body. Adequate sleep Exercise and daily movement cause your body's tissues to tear and burn. One way to heal them faster is through adequate sleep: 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to be precise. Additional body weight is related to a series of dangerous health consequences. Photo courtesy of Pixabay (TagsToTranslate) up (t) tips (t) lose (t) weight (t) fast (t) cut refined carbohydrates (t) focus on healthy carbohydrates (t) consume healthy fats and proteins (t) add strength exercises (t) ) make cheat meals (t) control portions and calories (t) regular hydration (t) adequate sleep
View original post here:
The best tips to lose weight fast - NewsDio
The Biggest Loser exclusive: Kati Morton weighs in on show where extreme weight loss wins – Monsters and Critics

The Biggest Loser, hosted by Bob Harper, awards $100,000 to the contestant who loses the most weight. Pic credit: John Britt/USA Network
The Biggest Loser debuted in 2004, quickly attracting a growing audience with its then-unique premise of defining the winner as the person who shed the most weight.
Set to become stars in their own right, trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels urged the obese contestants to spend their days on the show dieting and exercising to take home the big prize.
However, despite high ratings, The Biggest Loser came under criticism from experts who expressed concern that the rapid weight loss made possible only by devoting days to intense exercise and rigid diets was not realistic.
The criticism grew when, during season 15, ultimate winner Rachel Frederickson began her time on the show at 260 pounds and ended at 105 pounds.
Even the trainers couldnt hide their shock at what turned into a controversy about whether The Biggest Loser had caused Rachel to develop an eating disorder, noted the Today show.
Despite all the controversy of the past, The Biggest Loser returned this year to the small screen. This time around, Bob Harper has taken on the role of host rather than a trainer.
But does the show still have the potential to endanger contestants with its message that you win by losing weight as fast as possible?
Kati Morton, a licensed therapist who is a licensed marriage and family therapist, recently authored, Are u ok?: A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health.
In an exclusive interview, Kati discussed the pros and cons of The Biggest Loser when it comes to permanent, healthy weight loss.
Reflecting on how The Biggest Loser is based on the concept that youre a winner only if you achieve the most weight loss, Morton acknowledged that there are some positives to the reality TV show.
I think the pros of this concept are that they help people better understand how to feed themselves, and how our emotional eating habits can be, said Kati, who runs a private practice in Santa Monica, California and also has a popular YouTube channel about mental health.
But Morton also sees multiple negative aspects to the premise of The Biggest Loser.
Although the show has offered more support for the emotions involved in weight loss, Kati feels that The Biggest Loser should use the term eating disorder and explore why these contestants struggle so much with overeating.
Moreover, Kati expressed concern that The Biggest Loser limits potential contestants to those who have large amounts of weight to lose.
Because of that restriction, The Biggest Loser puts the focus solely on being thin and using that as the goal, instead of supporting different shapes and sizes.
Viewers of The Biggest Loser have seen how the weight loss competition show takes contestants and puts them in an isolated environment, where they focus only on diet and exercise rather than experience the outside world challenges such as family and career.
That isolated environment results in another concern from Morton.
The [Biggest Loser] is so intensive and isolated it can be hard for people to continue on this healthier path after that get home, pointed out the licensed therapist.
Kati, who specializes in working with individuals experiencing eating disorders and self-harming behaviors as well as all other aspects of mental health, also discussed the distinction between The Biggest Loser campus and the contestants real-world lives.
Does weight loss on the show necessarily translate to continued slim-down success when the contestants return to their everyday lives?
[The show] doesnt take into consideration what our real life is like. In real life we dont have someone making all our meals, telling us what to eat and when to work out. Most of us struggle to fit everything we need to do into our days, and adding in these changes can be hard. Its like when my patients come out of a treatment facility, the slow step down in support and care is pivotal for their long term recovery.
What if you have struggled to lose weight for years, watching the scale go up and down, going on seemingly endless fad diets, and heading to the gym faithfully, but arent obese enough to qualify for the show?
Kati has some tips.
I recommend seeing an eating disorder specialist (this could be a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist) and making time to see a dietitian, suggested Morton.
Types of therapy that have been shown to be the most successful are CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy).
It's their time to shine. Watch #BiggestLoser contestants own it on an all-new #BiggestLoser TUESDAY at 9/8c on @USA_Network.
The Biggest Loser (@biggestloser) March 5, 2020
The specialists you choose depends on your issues, added Kati.
However, if we have other issues like addiction or a traumatic past you will want to seek out a specialist in those areas, explained Morton.
This will help us deal with all of the emotional problems that led to our eating issues while also helping us manage our food choices, portions, etc, with meal plans.
Ultimately, Kati feels that having a professional who specializes in emotional health as well as a specialist who focuses on nutrition can provide well-rounded support and guidance.
The Biggest Loser, which recently shifted from NBC to the USA Network, began its 2020 season with 12 individuals who had battled their weight for years.
The contestant who loses the most weight is the winner of $100,000.
In addition to host Bob Harper, trainers Erica Lugo and Steve Cook work with the contestants to push them to diet and exercise to win the prizes of the most weight loss and the money.
Watch The Biggest Loser on the USA network Tuesday at 9/8c.
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Originally posted here:
The Biggest Loser exclusive: Kati Morton weighs in on show where extreme weight loss wins - Monsters and Critics
Weight loss tips from Pontefract woman who comfort ate after nursing dying husband – then shed 7 stone – ExaminerLive

A widow whose weight doubled through comfort eating as she nursed her dying husband dipping into the fat b******* diet he followed to stay strong has lost seven stone and is ready to live again three years after losing him.
A svelte size 10 in 1996 when they first met, when nurse Bridgette Schofield, 55, started caring for David diagnosed with a rare disease called sarcoidosis, which attacked his lungs in 2010, she became an emotional eater.
Told to consume more calories to maintain his weight, as the cruel condition took hold, Bridgette, of Pontefract, West Yorkshire, indulged in full-fat treats like ice cream and cheese alongside David, who passed away on June 2, 2016, aged 51.
Devastated by his death, Bridgette, who has two children recruitment officer James, 22, and journalism student, Olivia, 19 with David, continued comfort eating until, two years after his passing, she tipped the scales at 18 stone and was wearing a size 22.
Her turning point came in July 2018, when she was left mortified by a photo of herself at a reunion dinner with an old pal, saying: Before I even got to the restaurant, I remember thinking, I hope someones told my old friend how fat Ive got.
Wed gone into the city for a nice meal at a fancy restaurant and I felt a world away from the glamorous woman Id been when David was well.
Then my friend asked a waiter to take a photo and when I saw it on her phone my stomach dropped I made her delete it straight away, she said.
Thats when I realised I needed to change. Suddenly I was aware of my own mortality.
Told about the Cambridge 1:1 Diet, Bridgette signed up straight away restricting her calories to just 600 a day.
It was hard at the beginning I was really hungry during that first week, she said. But I was determined to do it.
Bridgette turned to food for comfort after David, the love of her life, became poorly.
It had been love at first sight back in 1996, when she walked into the insurance brokers where he worked, looking for cover for her house.
I went to a family run business Id used in the past and when David showed up I couldnt help thinking how lovely and gorgeous he was, she recalled.
When we parted ways I became all flustered and banged my knee on the way out , calling my mum when I got home to tell her.
I remember her saying, If hes that gorgeous, why cant you insure something else?'
There was no need, as that very same week, David called, asking Bridgette out on a date.
He was probably breaking some sort of code but we werent bothered, she said.
He asked me if I wanted to go to the pub, but I told him I wasnt a pub kind of girl, so we settled on a local Italian.
Head over heels in love and seeing no need to marry, the couple quickly settled into the chaos of family life.
They only tied the knot after James, then 10, asked Bridgette why she did not wear a wedding ring.
I told him that Daddy had never got around to asking me, she laughed. His response was, Well I think Daddy should marry you.'
David said as long as I arranged it, hed turn up, so I did, she continued.
Marrying at west Londons Westminster Register Office on December 8, 2008, before enjoying a knees up at The Ritz, one of the capitals swankiest hotels, she could not have asked for a happier day.
We both loved dressing up and going the extra mile, so the wedding was a really special moment for us both, she said.
She added: We both loved the 50s and icons like Carrie Grant and Doris Day but I loved disco and he loved American rock.
But when David was admitted to The Yorkshire Clinic, a private hospital in Bradford, near Leeds in 2010, struggling to breathe after a week with a relentless cough, biopsies samples of tissue taken from his lungs and tested, resulted in a diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
The rare condition causes small patches of red and swollen tissue to develop in the bodys organs, particularly the lungs and skin.
For the past year we just believed he had asthma, so this was a total shock and, by the time he was diagnosed, doctors pretty much told us it was too late to treat, Bridgette said.
It came as such a surprise. David was very into his fitness and liked to keep in shape at the gym.
He was so proud, too, that he didnt want anyone to know he was so ill. He was very old fashioned like that and didnt want people to think he was incapable.
Told to give David 3,000 calories a day diet as opposed to the 2,500 calories recommended for men and 2,000 for women by the NHS to combat the weight loss caused by his illness, Bridgette admits she dipped into his diet, too.
We called it the fat b****** diet. We used full fat milk, cream and butter in everything, she said.
Id put double cream in his mash and add ice cream to his smoothies and I started indulging more, too.
Because we werent going out as much wed eat takeaway more that sort of thing and as I became stressed and upset, watching him struggle, I started turning to food, she said.
Davids health hit a crisis in the summer of 2015, when they arrived for a two week holiday at the Chewton Glen Tree Houses, in Hampshire, to celebrate James birthday.
David became so poorly the day we arrived he had to be rushed to Dorsets Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital, where he was put on steroids, diuretics and antibiotics, she said
Suffering with a chest infection and pneumonia, David was not discharged until three weeks later when, despite everything he had been through, concerned not to put his wife to too much trouble, he insisted on catching a train home.
I was back up in Yorkshire with the children after the holiday and somehow he managed to get a train up from Bournemouth the day he was discharged to save me the journey, she said. That was just the kind of gentlemen he was.
Unfortunately, Davids health did not improve and in March 2016 he was put on the waiting list for a lung transplant.
She said: They told us as soon as they found a tissue match that hed be on the operating table for a new set of lungs, but that day never came.
Sadly, Davids health deteriorated rapidly and, by April 2016, Bridgette was caring for her ailing husband around the clock.
He was at home attached to every type of oxygen possible, but he still couldnt breathe, she said.
Blue lighted to West Yorkshires Pinderfields Hospital, on June 2, 2016, doctors told Bridgette her husbands lung function was so poor that there was nothing they could do.
I knew he was ill and I didnt expect him to come out, but nothing could prepare me for that day, she said. He was with us one minute and gone the next.
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Comforting herself with food, as she tried to process her heartbreaking loss, Bridgette regularly ate hearty meals, with ice cream puddings seeing her body mass index (BMI) used to gauge a healthy weight soar to 41.9, compared to the 18.5 to 24.9 recommended by the NHS.
Kick-starting her day with mountains of white toast and butter, before eating a pre-packed ham and cheese baguette for lunch, Bridgette would then have creamy pasta for dinner, as well as crisps and snacks.
After he passed, I turned to food for comfort even more, gaining at least another three stone.
But, following her humiliation in the restaurant, after seeing her photo with her friend, Bridgette was determined to change.
Losing 9lb in her first week on the 1:1 diet, soon the pounds were flying off and, nine months after starting the weight loss programme, she had shed an incredible 7st and felt herself for the first time in years.
Now she has slowly built up her calories to 1,500 a day, she enjoys porridge and fruit for breakfast, followed by hummus and carrots for lunch and grilled fish and vegetables for dinner.
A trim size 12 and weighing 10st 10lb, Bridgette says she feels ready to start living again.
She said: I would look in the mirror after losing David and think, Thats not me.
After losing weight I look like me again and its had a drastic impact on my life.
For years Ive been avoiding going out and making excuses to stay in, as I felt self-conscious.
Now I go out as much as I can and people say how much younger I look, she added.
Bridgette has accepted that she may never be ready for another romance, but she is certain that David would see what she has achieved and be cheering her on.
David was always so complimentary, she said. I know hed be so proud of my weight loss and telling me to keep it up.
She added: But Im still not sure about dating. My daughter says she doesnt mind, but I love David so much and my head is still so full of him, she said.
He always joked that he wanted a cardboard cut out of him in the living room when he was gone, but we settled with his urn of ashes instead.
When someone is so full of life and they dedicate everything about themselves to your happiness and well being, its hard to imagine ever filling the void theyve left.
She concluded: But at least now, since losing all this weight, I have my confidence back and can face life again as a new me.'
Read this article:
Weight loss tips from Pontefract woman who comfort ate after nursing dying husband - then shed 7 stone - ExaminerLive