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Weight loss: Diet plan scientists claim will make you shed the pounds FAST –

A weight loss diet plan based on caveman eating is one of the best diets for weight loss according to scientists.
It has a number of advantages, according to nutritionist Cassandra Barns - and one of them is weight loss.
A lot of protein is paired only with foods that would have been produced before humans began agriculture.
Cassandra said: The Paleo diet, also known as the hunter-gatherer diet or the caveman diet, turns back the clocks to what our ancestors chowed down on thousands of years ago, such as; lean grass-fed meats, fruit, vegetables and seeds, as opposed to processed foods, sugar, dairy and grains.
According to the dieting expert this form of eating can help to manage your weight by stopping sugar swings.
The diet was founded by Loren Cordain and his book quickly became a bestseller.
Cassandra said: It eliminates refined and processed foods, which are often high in calories, trigger blood sugar swings that make us want to eat more of them, and are low in vitamins and minerals that allow our body to actually use that food for energy.
So, by eliminating these foods and focusing on nutrient-rich foods, plenty of protein, natural fats and fibre from vegetables and fruit, eating a Paleo-style diet could help you naturally improve your body composition.
Cassandra is not the only fan of the old-school diet.
A paper named metabolic and physiologic improvements from consuming a paleolithic, hunter gather-type diet food that there were very beneficial results to the diet.
The study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the diet not only improve weight loss but improved blood pressure.
They wrote: Even short-term consumption of a Paleolithic-type diet improved glucose control and lipid profiles in people with type 2 diabetes compared with a conventional diet containing moderate salt intake, low-fat dairy, whole grains and legumes.
A typical day for someone following a paleo diet may include eggs and vegetables for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch, and salmon and vegetables for dinner.
However, recently experts have warned its a highly restrictive meal plan.
Rachael Eden, dietitian at Bupa UK Health Clinics is not sure its advisable.
Rachael said: This simply isnt a sustainable way of losing weight.
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Weight loss: Diet plan scientists claim will make you shed the pounds FAST -
Before Soylent There Was SlimFast And Before That There Was This – Refinery29

Metrecal was temporarily yanked off the shelves, along with all of its competitors. Sales in liquid diet products dropped 95% between 1977 and 1978. As of 1982, the FDA required that all very low calorie liquid protein diets (those with fewer than 400 daily calories) come with a label, warning that the product may cause serious illness or death. Offering approximately 900 daily calories, Metrecal and Sego would technically have been able to avoid the warning label, but they were and remain recognized as unsafe. To this day, regulators refer to this scare as a turning point the first weight-loss fad to be treated as an outbreak. In his address marking the 60th anniversary of the CDC, Director Wiliam H. Foege, MD, wrote: During the late 1970s, the world appeared faced with a new, emerging infectious disease (e.g., Lassa fever, toxic shock syndrome, and Legionnaires disease)...However, increasingly, outbreak investigations involved noninfectious health problems, such as those involving baby foods and diet preparations. The deaths of women attempting to lose weight while consuming liquid protein diet products led to an understanding of the risk for physiological consequences on cardiac function posed by such products.
Before Soylent There Was SlimFast And Before That There Was This - Refinery29
Ditch the fad diets and lose weight in the long term – Gibraltar Olive Press (blog)

Fitness guru Paul MacGregor explains how adopting a healthy diet can help you lose weight in the long term
OKAY. We have talked about having a healthy diet over the past few months, and, although I thought this was an easy idea to understand, it seems to have confused a lot of people, judging by the amount of emails Ive had.
Dieting is a way to lose weight over a fairly short term, and by definition the fact that we go on a diet means that we will come off it at some point. The obvious question is then what next? When I talk about a healthy diet this is not a short term plan it is a plan that will make you healthier, happier and fitter for the rest of your life. An example of this is a client who has been on a diet trying to lose weight for a wedding. Wedding over, diet
When I talk about a healthy diet this is not a short term plan it is a plan that will make you healthier, happier and fitter for the rest of your life. An example of this is a client who has been on a diet trying to lose weight for a wedding. Wedding over, diet finished, weight back on. The whole point of the exercise was missed. Does that ring any bells? Im sure you have a friend who has done the same.
Im asked a lot: What is the best diet? What is the best way to lose weight? The answer is easy change to a healthy diet. You may not get results as quickly as by starving yourself, but it is a much better way to become healthier, and you have a lot more time to get to your target weight. A weight-loss
A weight-loss programme should have you shedding no more than two kilos per week, and one kilo per week is even better. So when you work out how long it will take before you can get into those jeans, that is how long it will take.
If that isnt quick enough for you, you should have started earlier! A weight-loss programme should be advised by a qualified health professional, not by friends at the pub or colleagues at work. What works for someone may not necessarily work for you.
What works for someone may not necessarily work for you.Even your health professional may need to try more than one approach, but they have the science to rely on. The internet,
The internet, magazines, and other people are full of information about diets and ways to lose weight, and although these may seem to have credible statistics behind them they may not be right for you. Become healthier forever, dont diet to lose weight.I also often hear I just want to tone up, I just want to lose a bit off my bum, or I just want a bit of a six pack. But working to lose weight off one part of the body is impossible in a healthy and non-surgical way. Everybodys body is different and we all store fat in slightly different ways. Fat is stored in various parts of our body and depends on age, sex, lifestyle and many more factors. Hormones can play a huge part in fat storage and where it is placed.
But working to lose weight off one part of the body is impossible in a healthy and non-surgical way. Everybodys body is different and we all store fat in slightly different ways. Fat is stored in various parts of our body and depends on age, sex, lifestyle and many more factors. Hormones can play a huge part in fat storage and where it is placed.
Fat is stored in various parts of our body and depends on age, sex, lifestyle and many more factors. Hormones can play a huge part in fat storage and where it is placed.
Once again (this just seems to keep coming up) a healthier balanced diet can help with this problem a lot easier than having to do 100 ab crunches every day. Our bodies are very complex machines and are unique. For instance, a vitamin deficiency can be the cause of fat being stored in certain places. So with the best will in the world, until you solve your vitamin problem you just aint going to shift it.
For instance, a vitamin deficiency can be the cause of fat being stored in certain places. So with the best will in the world, until you solve your vitamin problem you just aint going to shift it.It is always worth seeing a nutritionist who can help you with these problems and advise you on a more balanced diet. Adding certain foods to your diet may the problem alone. You never saw that one coming did you??!!
Adding certain foods to your diet may the problem alone. You never saw that one coming did you??!!
So its simple. Get healthy. Get qualified professional help. Up your exercise. Sleep more and avoid stress. Doing that will make you happier and healthier. Its that simple. If you need help you can email me at
If you need help you can email me at
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Ditch the fad diets and lose weight in the long term - Gibraltar Olive Press (blog)
Amal Clooney Body-Shamed Two Months After Giving Birth To Twins – Gossip Cop

(Getty Images)
Amal Clooney is being body-shamed two months after giving birth to twins. Celebrities and notable figures are often ridiculed for not losing weight quickly after having children. But a certain webloid is calling out the human rights attorney for being too skinny.
In a sensational headline, RadarOnline is blaring on Friday, SHOCKING PHOTOS: Extreme Diet? Amal Looks Skeletal Just Weeks After Giving Birth To Clooney Twins! Alongside pictures of Clooney taking a walk with her actor husband after a tennis match in Italy, the site writes, Amal looked thin as ever, just weeks after giving birth to twins Alexander and Ella. Prompting rumors that she may be on an extreme post-baby weight loss diet, the human rights lawyer boasted a flawless yet oddly thin frame on her latest sporty outing with her famous hubby.
Oddly, Amal looked slim and frail in her sporty ensemble. No remaining baby weight was apparent in her now stick-thin frame, the outlet continues, noting, George too seemed off, as he flashed a shocked, cold look at the cameras while walking with his wife. The duo seemed to want to avoid attention as they left the court.
You think? Like most famous couples, the Clooneys dont like being followed by paparazzi. Its no wonder George appeared unhappy. As for his wife, there was nothing odd about her appearance, despite the online publication using that description twice. While this story is written as if Clooney only gave birth just a few weeks ago, the twins actually arrived on June 6, nearly 12 weeks ago. Thats more than just a few. And at nearly three months post-partum, it is not unreasonable that the attorney is back to her normally slim frame.
She by no means look skeletal, and there is nothing shocking about the photos. RadarOnline shamefully wanted a clickbait approach to the latest snapshots of the couple, and grossly decided Clooneys body should be the angle. The webloid even asks readers at the end, What do you think of Amals extreme weight loss? Do you think the pair is doing okay after welcoming their twins? Heres another question: Why would random people on the Internet know whether the Clooneys are doing okay?
For the record, they are. But at issue is the sites fake concern. The outlet didnt post these photos because they were genuinely worried Clooney was on an extreme post-baby weight loss diet. They wanted traffic. And if the lawyer was still on the heavier side, the publication wouldve claimed she was struggling to lose weight. Theres no way to win. This is the same webloid that body-shamed Tori Spelling for gaining weight after body-shaming her for being too skinny. RadarOnline remains disgusting.
Here is the original post:
Amal Clooney Body-Shamed Two Months After Giving Birth To Twins - Gossip Cop
Man buys girlfriend too-small engagement ring to make her lose weight – Yahoo Movies UK

Its hardly the engagement anyone dreams of.
Chloe Cooper from South Wales was 23 when her boyfriend proposed to her, but presented her with a ring that was deliberately too small.
The emotionally abusive partner then told her that she can wear it when you lose weight.
Unsurprisingly, she didnt say yes.
Chloe was a size 20 when her boyfriend proposed [Photo: Facebook]
Cooper had met and moved in with her now ex-boyfriend when she was 16, and he was five years older.
She toldMailOnlinethat he quickly became emotionally abusive, pushing her to eat and gain weight in order to ensure other people werent attracted to her.
Cooper eventually became 15 stone 7 lbs, and was a size 20 when her ex-partner proposed.
When he gave me the ring I couldnt even get it over my knuckle, she recalled.
He knew my ring size, so when I questioned why he had brought me a ring that was too small he said, You can wear it when you lose weight.'
She added: Looking back now I know he was putting his many insecurities on me.
Now, Chloe has lost an impressive four stone but on her terms [Photo: Facebook]
But after the relationship ended, Cooper decided to hit the gym and has successfully lost more than four stone.
Thanks to a new fitness regime and cutting chocolate and sweets out of her diet, shes now a size 12.
She now works as a gym membership consultant, and is also engaged to her new partner, Ashley.
I never thought I would be lifting heavy weights, Cooper added.But now I absolutely love it.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for non-stop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. For Twitter updates, follow @YahooStyleUK.
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Man buys girlfriend too-small engagement ring to make her lose weight - Yahoo Movies UK
6 Myths About Carbs That Are Preventing You From Losing Weight –

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The minute a beach vacation, a high school reunion or a friends wedding pops up on the calendar, we immediately wage war on carbohydrates.
No bagels
No pasta.
Definitely no potatoes.
But is banishing carbs really the best plan of attack to slim down, tone up and feel your best? Not to mention, where do carbs come into play when it comes to our overall health? And why have they become the scapegoat for our muffin top?
People love to say things like I am on a low-carb diet or I'm not eating carbs right now. Typically, they're referring to pasta and bread, but what many don't know is that dairy, fruit and vegetables have naturally occurring carbohydrates! says Courtney Ferreira, RD, owner of Real Food Court nutrition consulting. If you are eating broccoli, you are eating carbs.
So before you ban every carbohydrate from the menu know the facts.
Carbohydrates are a actually a macronutrient (along with protein and fat) and they play a very vital role to your overall health, productivity and yes, your weight-loss success.
Its really important for people to understand that the bodys preferred source of fuel for most everyday activity is carbohydrate. And your brain and red blood cells rely on carbohydrate almost exclusively for fuel, says Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, director of Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife Nutrition. So following a very low-carbohydrate diet can really shortchange your physical and mental performance; you cut down (or out) so many healthy foods and that limits your intake of many important vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber that are critically important to good health.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that 45 to 65 percent of the calories we eat come from carbs. Since it makes up such a large chunk of our diet, it's worth it to school yourself on the myths that are misinforming how you consume this important nutrient.
Fact: Yes but it would also mean nixing fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Yes, that plate of steamed veggies you ate for lunch contained carbs.
Carbohydrates vary widely in terms of their nutrient density, so everything from a green bean, which is a good source of fiber, protein [and other vitamins and minerals] to a slice of white bread, which does not offer much other than carbohydrates, is considered a carbohydrate, says Pegah Jalali, MS, RD, CDN, an NYC-based pediatric dietitian.
Instead of saying, I can't eat that, ask, what is a source of carbs that will provide me with more nutrition?
Instead of saying, I can't eat that, ask, what is a source of carbs that will provide me with more nutrition?
She recommends that people move away from the obsession with banning all carbs and focus on the types of food theyre eating. If you are eating mostly fruits and vegetables, then it is fine if your diet is high in carbohydrates, says Jalali. On the flip side, if your diet is high in carbohydrates, but you are eating mostly processed foods like packaged breads, cookies and chips then that is a completely different diet.
Ferreira advises her clients to think about the different foods that contain carbohydrates on a spectrum. On one side are the foods you can eat in unlimited quantities nutrient-dense, fiber-rich and whole-food carb sources like green veggies and fruit. Towards the middle are nutrient-dense, but also carbohydrate-dense, foods such as white potatoes, that should be balanced out with those at the eat as much as you can end, she says. On the other end of the spectrum are foods like breads and pasta. "While these still have a place in the diet, they require balancing out in order to create a diet that provides nutrients we need," says Ferreira "I really urge people to start looking at carbs in this new way. Instead of saying, I can't eat that, [ask] what is a source of carbs that will provide me with more nutrition?
Fact: There are simple and complex carbohydrates
The main reason [carbs get a bad rap] is that when people think carbs they think starch, like white rice, pasta, potatoes or white bread, says Bowerman. While many refined carbs dont offer up much nutritionally, there are lots of good carbs healthy foods that provide carbohydrates your body absolutely needs every day to function properly.
In actuality there are three types of carbohydrates: fiber, sugar and starch. Where things get confusing is when we look at specific foods, which can contain different types of carbohydrates. They can either be labeled simple or complex based on their chemical makeup. Complex carbs contain a complex chain of sugars as well as some fiber, protein and/or healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, says Rebecca Lewis, registered dietitian at HelloFresh. The presence of fiber, protein and fats is important because it slows digestion, prevents a spike in our blood-sugar levels, and helps us to feel full and satisfied for longer (i.e. curbs cravings).
Thats why carbohydrate-containing foods like starchy vegetables, legumes and whole grains are included in many healthy diet plans.
Follow the 10:1 rule: Choose foods where for every 10 grams of carbs, there is 1 gram of fiber.
Follow the 10:1 rule: Choose foods where for every 10 grams of carbs, there is 1 gram of fiber.
The simple carbs, often found in processed foods and drinks, are easier for the body to break down, meaning they dont keep you full as long and can lead to erratic blood sugar levels.
Thats not to say that simple carbs are always bad for us.
Simple carbohydrates are found in fruits, veggies and dairy all of which are healthy choices as they also contain good stuff like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, says Lewis. However, simple carbs are also found in less healthy foods like refined grains, processed snacks, sweets, soda and juice, which lack extra nutrients. These foods are very quickly digested, which can cause swings in our blood sugar levels and often leave us hungry for more.
The trick is to look for foods that have a more robust nutritional profile. That apple may have simple carbs, but it also contains a hefty dose of fiber to slow down the digestion of the sugars.
Fact: Its not the carbs making you fat, its the sugar and calories
Anything is fattening if you eat too much of it, and not all carbohydrate-containing foods have the same calorie density, says Bowerman. This myth persists because many people who eat a lot of refined carbs and sugar do lose weight when they cut back on these foods. But it isnt because theyve cut out all of the carbs, its because they have cut out a lot of the calorie-dense foods.
Research actually shows that while low-carb eaters tend to lose more weight at first, after one year, that weight loss levels out and is no different than those who eat a low-fat (moderate carb) diet.
That being said, when it comes to carbohydrate-containing foods and weight gain, sugar and excess calories tend to be the culprit.
Really the secret behind carbohydrates is to identify and limit the amount of added sugar in your carbohydrate sources; highlight whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains; and pay attention to portion sizing carbohydrates along with your protein and fat sources, says Amanda Markie, MS, RDN, LD, Outpatient Dietitian at UM Baltimore Washington Medical Center. Sugar can be found naturally in foods like fruits and milk products, as well as being more concentrated into your processed foods like sodas, candy or baked goods, explains Markie.
Research shows that while low-carb eaters tend to lose more weight at first, after one year, that weight loss levels out and is no different than those who eat a moderate carb diet.
Research shows that while low-carb eaters tend to lose more weight at first, after one year, that weight loss levels out and is no different than those who eat a moderate carb diet.
So you want to ensure that youre choosing sources of carbohydrates that have this naturally-occurring sugar.
Also look for higher dietary fiber with a lower amount of added sugar, which you can identify if it is one of the first ingredients on the ingredients list, says Markie. Limit those foods that have sugar within the first two to three ingredients."
And just because youre choosing the higher-fiber, low-sugar options doesnt mean you can eat them in unlimited qualities: portions matter.
Four cups of quinoa will make anyone gain weight. The quantity is the key strategy, said Monica Auslander, MS, RDN, the founder of Essence Nutrition. For example, I'll eat steel cut oatmeal, but only 1/3 cup a day. I'll eat beans, but only 1/2 cup at a time. I'm a petite person and not an athlete, so I can't afford to have three slices of Ezekiel bread for breakfast, a sweet potato at lunch, and three cups of quinoa at dinner.
Fact: The right carbs stabilize blood-sugar levels for sustained energy
A 2014 study published in the Nutrition Journal found that participants who ate a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber, vegan diet (they got 80 percent of their calories from carbs) actually saw a drop in average blood sugar, plus lost weight and had significant improvements in blood pressure.
Plus, that glucose that our bodies gleans from digestible carb is needed for the functioning of multiple organs, including the brain. So that sugar in the blood stream isnt just okay its necessary. The problem is when they are released all at once in high doses.
One thing that we must all remember is that carbohydrates are essential to fuel your brain, boost our energy and maintain our metabolism. The key is to eat the right kinds of food that contain carbohydrates, says Meghan Daw, RD, LDN, from Fresh Thyme Farmers Market. These foods contain carbohydrates that are more complex, meaning they contain fiber and other nutrients that take time to digest and allow a slow release of sugar into the body. This slow release does increase blood sugar levels over time but not all at once, preventing some unwanted blood sugar level spikes and symptoms that come along with those spikes.
Fact: Not always ... you also need to use common sense.
The Glycemic Index is a system that rank foods based on how much a certain portion increases blood sugar when compared to pure glucose.
"One major setback [to the use of the Glycemic Index when choosing what carbohydrates are best] is that this index measures the bodys response when the carbohydrate is eaten without other foods, but how often are we eating a carbohydrate at a meal on its own?" says Markie.
You may have a baked potato for dinner, but there's a good chance it's accompanied by a piece of salmon and some veggies. "Having these foods together can change the speed of digestion and your bodys response," says Markie.
The Glycemic Index can be a guide in determining which foods are the better choices, she adds. Those lower on the scale may be higher in fiber, which slows digestion. But you need to use common sense to make the final judgement.
"There are other cases in which the Glycemic Index does not direct the consumer toward the most healthful choice," says Markie. "For example, a soda has a Glycemic Index of 63, while raisins have a Glycemic Index of 64, however that does not mean raisins and soda have the same nutritional value."
It's a tool you can use, but it should be one tool out of many, as it doesn't take into account the other nutritional values of the food, she adds.
Fact: The source of those carbs matter
At the end of the day, all carbs are not created equal. So blindly counting net carbs isnt the best way to establish a healthy diet. But food labels in their current state can be tricky to decode.
Reading labels will provide you with the quantity of carbohydrate that is in the food, but it doesnt necessarily tell you about the quality, says Bowerman. For example, I have patients who dont drink milk because of the carbohydrate content, but the carbohydrate in milk is not added, its simply the natural sugar (lactose). But its hard to tell from a label which carbs are natural and which are added, and unless you read the ingredients list as well, you wont know the source of the carbohydrate.
For most packaged items, a high fiber count can be a good sign that a food is a healthy choice. Lewis recommends following the 10:1 rule: Choose foods where for every 10 grams of carbs, there is 1 gram of fiber.
However, Bowerman caveats that manufacturers can also add fiber to products afterwards, so you should check the ingredients list for a whole food source to ensure the fiber is naturally occurring.
Luckily, deciphering the label is about to get a bit easier. The new food label to be implemented in July 2018 will specifically call out how much of the total sugar in a food is added, making it easier to distinguish between the unhealthy sugars youll find in many processed foods and the natural-occurring sugar in whole foods like fruit and milk.
Until then, you cant go wrong by choosing whole-food sources of carbohydrates that only have one ingredient themselves!
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6 Myths About Carbs That Are Preventing You From Losing Weight -
I Had A Baby After Having Weight Loss Surgery –

Then, six months later, I found out I was pregnant.
(Discover the ONE simple, natural solution that can help you reverse chronic inflammation and heal more than 45 diseases. Try The Whole Body Cure today!)
I hadn't intended to get pregnant. I already had two children at the timemy oldest was almost 5, and my youngest was almost 3and I was on the mini pill. It's true that the mini pill, statistically speaking, is only so effective, but most other contraceptives weren't an option. (I'd previously had trouble with IUDs staying put, and Depo-Provera can cause weight gain. I also get weird migraines, so I can't take regular birth control pills.) The mini pill had worked for me the past, so I thought it would again. Obviously, it didn't.
MORE: 10 Non-Hormonal Birth Control Methods
While many women have successful pregnancies after bariatric surgery, doctors usually advise waiting at least 18 months after surgery before you conceive. In the beginning, your body is in rapid weight-loss mode, and that was certainly the case for me. By the time I took a positive pregnancy test, I'd lost 100 pounds. (Check out 12 habits of women who have lost 100 pounds and kept it off.)
Here I grow againAfter the initial shock wore off, I started to get pretty scared. Would I lose the baby due to malnutrition or issues with caloric intake? After bariatric surgery, your daily calorie intake is highly restricted: I was only eating 500-600 calories a day. While some people imagine that it's hard to eat so little, after weight loss surgery it's actually difficult to eat that much. My appetite had plummeted, plus it's hard from a mental standpoint since you know that you're supposed to be losing weight.
After I got pregnant, eating was even more challenging. During the first trimester everything made me want to throw up, plus I was also dealing with something gastric bypass patients call the "foamies." It's like the acid that sometimes comes before you throw up, but it just continues to kind of foam in the back of your throat, sometimes for 30-40 minutes, with no throwing up.
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My OB had me immediately start seeing a nutritionist once a month who was familiar with bariatric surgery and pregnancy, just to make sure that I was getting enough to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Since I could only eat a very small quantity of food at a time, she had me add some foods to my diet that were very dense in calories, like heavy cream, coconut oil, and butter. (Here are5 healthy fats you should eat more of.) By the time I was 18 weeks I had lost about another 12 pounds, but once I got the hang of eating what I needed for the baby, my weight stabilized.
While most women are advised to gain about 25 pounds during pregnancy, my doctor said I should try to avoid gaining or losing at this time. I managed to do thattoward the end of my pregnancy I regained the 12 pounds that I lost early on, but nothing more. But my body did change shape, which was emotionally challenging: As I watched it happen, I remember thinking, "Well, this isn't the direction I wanted my stomach to go."
But there were also positives. During my last pregnancy I was close to 300 pounds, so I never had that cute pregnant look. This time around, I had that perfect little baby bump. I even decided to get maternity photos taken, which is something I never considered with my first two. Back then, I didn't feel "pregnant pretty;" I think everyone just assumed I was extra fat.
Prenatal care(ful)From a medical standpoint, most of my prenatal care ended up being pretty standard. I did meet with a perinatologist in the beginning, just to have baseline information on the pregnancy in case something came up later. It never did, so I kept having regular OB visits.
One notable change was that my blood sugar had to be monitored in a different way. During my other pregnancies I had the typical oral glucose tolerance test, which involves drinking 50 grams of sugar in five minutes. But after bariatric surgery, an influx of sugar (or fat) into your digestive system causes dumping syndromea condition that causes your bowels to get rid of everything in them very quickly. You get sweaty, your heart races, you feel dizzy, and your stomach crampsits horrible and painful. You just want to lie down and die.
This is your body on sugar:
To avoid that, my OB skipped the glucose tolerance test and instead gave me an A1C blood test, which doesn't involve drinking any sugar. Then she rechecked it at 26 weeks and also had me do a fasting glucose test.
Birth day and beyondI have very fast deliveriesmy first two kids came very quickly, and my third was exactly the same. My delivery was very normal. No complications at all. A lot of people are concerned that you can't nurse after you've had gastric bypass because you wont be able to consume enough calories to produce milk, but that's the furthest thing from the truth. If you've been able to eat enough calories to sustain a healthy pregnancy, continue to eat that way and you should be able to nurse. My son is actually still nursing at 19 months old. (This is what a perfect day of healthy eating looks like.)
A lot of pregnant women, even those who haven't had bariatric surgery, use the "Well, I'm pregnant, I can eat whatever I want" excuse. But bad eating habits are really hard to break after pregnancy. For me it was no different, and I had to retrain myself and start being extra cautious about what I eat again.
It isn't always easy, but I'm adjusting to life as a mom of three and I'm glad that I put in the work to protect my health. I'm now about 150 pounds lighter than I was pre-surgery, and I feel great.
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I Had A Baby After Having Weight Loss Surgery -
Must Know: 5 Harsh Realities About Weight Loss – Doctor NDTV

It is easy to lose weight but maintaining the weight loss is a tedious and a never-ending challenge. You require determination, proper know- how and realistic goals. Initially starting with small changes in diet and exercise to achieve long term weight loss.
Truths about long term weight loss
Early morning Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes the supply of glucose and provides other essential nutrients that keep boosts the energy level throughout the day.
Personal weight loss goal: A proper diet and an exercise plan is must for long term weight loss. The amount of calories that you take should be reduced. Another way to burn fat is through exercise. However, everyone burns calories at different rate.
Balanced diet: Plan a healthy and a nutritionally balanced diet. Eating smaller portions and five meals a day is advisable. Limit yourself to processed, fatty, sugary and salty foods. Aim for eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, chose nutrient rich foods with a mix of proteins.
Proteins: Adding proteins to your diet is the simplest and an effective way to reduce weight. Proteins help in fighting cravings and increases the metabolic rates. This will automatically help you lose weight.
Here is the original post:
Must Know: 5 Harsh Realities About Weight Loss - Doctor NDTV
Quick Weight Loss Remedy that can Help You Shed Kilos –

Losing weight is one of the most difficult tasks for many and even though there is a simple calculation behind it, you consume lesser calories than you burn, it isnt always easy dropping those excess kilos. However, there are things you can do to speed up your metabolism and burn fat at a faster rate that will eventually help you lose weight quickly. Rather than starving yourself and going for crash diets that do result in weight loss but it is rather unhealthy, try methods where you lose weight in a healthy way without compromising on your health. We have one such quick remedy for you to shed those kilos in a faster way. Read on.
Drink warm water with lemon and honey to lose weight faster. Yes, this simple liquid can boost your metabolism and help you in weight loss. All you have to do is add a spoonful of honey and squeeze lemon juice in the water, mix the concoction and then drink it every morning on an empty stomach. You can do this two times in a day as well for faster results. What it does is not only boosts your metabolism that results in fasting fat burn, it also helps you detox and aids in digestion. Your bowel movements come back on track and your appetite also is regulated. This means, all that you eat is digested better, you get rid of toxins and you also lose weight. (ALSO SEE Top 5 drinks that do wonders for your health)
Obviously, this is no magic drink and you have to ensure that you also eat healthy and exercise along with it to see results, but by adding this remedy to your diet, you will see faster weight loss results. Once you wake up, drink this liquid and then have it one more time before you go to bed. This will improve your metabolic rate and aid in digestion as well. (ALSO SEE Natural drinks to melt belly fat)
In order to find out that the three ingredients are working well, you should check your weight before you begin this and then check it again after a week to see the difference. Chances are, you would have lost weight by doing this. Also, ensure you eat a light dinner and that your meals are balanced. This is a healthy way to lose weight as losing too much weight drastically is not good for your body and can lead to digestive and metabolic problems later.
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Swimmer Dana Vollmer Didn’t Worry About Returning to Pre-Pregnancy Weight After Baby: Nursing Was ‘My Top Priority’ –

Bouncing back after baby wasnt at the top of Olympic swimmer Dana Vollmers to-do list.
Vollmer who is mom toRyker Alexander, 5 weeks, and Arlen Jackson, 2 posed nude for the inauguralWomens Healths Global Naked issue while she was still pregnant with her younger son, and revealed some of the experiences she has had concerning her body both as an athlete and a mom.
It took the disappointment of missing the Olympic team in 2008 to realize that I wasnt happy, says Vollmer, 29, who won three medalsat the 2016 Summer Olympicsafter becoming a first-time mom to Arlen. (Previously, she took home three gold medals at the 2012 games.)
I wasnt enjoying competing, or training, and it was because I was picking apart every single thing I did and picking apart my body. It took that disappointment to realize this is not a way to live, she continues. From that point forward, I tried to step back from that mindset and learn to appreciate all that my body does.
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Vollmersays pregnancy was a positive for me too, as she came to the realization that my body has created a new life.
Thats one reason why coming back to the sport after the birth of my son went so well. I had Arlen, and it wasnt about getting back to mypre-pregnancy weight, she explains. My top priority was being able to nurse him. That meant that if I was going to train, I couldnt just quickly lose weight.
Adds the mom of two, I had to view getting back into shape as this healthy, nutritious process. It made me love training again, and it made me embrace my body, embrace life. All of that made getting back into Olympic form easier.
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The athlete sees her naked body as strong, but admits that her career choice has made that difficult at times in the past, considering how much competition was around her. Being a swimmer all your life, youre exposed. Youre always in aswimsuit. Its easy to be critical of yourself, Vollmer says.
I wasnt as lean as some of the athletes I saw. I wasnt as toned. I didnt have as much muscle mass, she continues. You look at other swimmers and you think,Their body is why theyre successful I need to do exactly what they do.But my body is not their body. I cant eat the same way as other people. My body is not going to respond the same way.
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Luckily, Vollmer has learned to see the bigger picture in terms of how to appreciate her form in the frame of all parts of her life including how fortunate she is to have her sons and husband Andy Grant by her side.
Looking at myself now, at 35 weeks pregnant [as of the interview], I joked with the photographer that this is the first photo shoot where Im not thinking about sucking in my abs, she reveals. I can step back and look at the broader perspective: My son is happy; the pregnancy is going well; life is good right now.
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Swimmer Dana Vollmer Didn't Worry About Returning to Pre-Pregnancy Weight After Baby: Nursing Was 'My Top Priority' -