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Aug 10

Swimmer Dana Vollmer Didn’t Worry About Returning to Pre-Pregnancy Weight After Baby: Nursing Was ‘My Top Priority’ –

Bouncing back after baby wasnt at the top of Olympic swimmer Dana Vollmers to-do list.

Vollmer who is mom toRyker Alexander, 5 weeks, and Arlen Jackson, 2 posed nude for the inauguralWomens Healths Global Naked issue while she was still pregnant with her younger son, and revealed some of the experiences she has had concerning her body both as an athlete and a mom.

It took the disappointment of missing the Olympic team in 2008 to realize that I wasnt happy, says Vollmer, 29, who won three medalsat the 2016 Summer Olympicsafter becoming a first-time mom to Arlen. (Previously, she took home three gold medals at the 2012 games.)

I wasnt enjoying competing, or training, and it was because I was picking apart every single thing I did and picking apart my body. It took that disappointment to realize this is not a way to live, she continues. From that point forward, I tried to step back from that mindset and learn to appreciate all that my body does.

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RELATED VIDEO:Hilaria Baldwin Reveals How She Got Her Post-Baby Body 10 Months After Sons Birth

Vollmersays pregnancy was a positive for me too, as she came to the realization that my body has created a new life.

Thats one reason why coming back to the sport after the birth of my son went so well. I had Arlen, and it wasnt about getting back to mypre-pregnancy weight, she explains. My top priority was being able to nurse him. That meant that if I was going to train, I couldnt just quickly lose weight.

Adds the mom of two, I had to view getting back into shape as this healthy, nutritious process. It made me love training again, and it made me embrace my body, embrace life. All of that made getting back into Olympic form easier.

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The athlete sees her naked body as strong, but admits that her career choice has made that difficult at times in the past, considering how much competition was around her. Being a swimmer all your life, youre exposed. Youre always in aswimsuit. Its easy to be critical of yourself, Vollmer says.

I wasnt as lean as some of the athletes I saw. I wasnt as toned. I didnt have as much muscle mass, she continues. You look at other swimmers and you think,Their body is why theyre successful I need to do exactly what they do.But my body is not their body. I cant eat the same way as other people. My body is not going to respond the same way.

RELATED:Olympic Gold Medalist Dana Vollmer Expecting Second Child

Luckily, Vollmer has learned to see the bigger picture in terms of how to appreciate her form in the frame of all parts of her life including how fortunate she is to have her sons and husband Andy Grant by her side.

Looking at myself now, at 35 weeks pregnant [as of the interview], I joked with the photographer that this is the first photo shoot where Im not thinking about sucking in my abs, she reveals. I can step back and look at the broader perspective: My son is happy; the pregnancy is going well; life is good right now.

See the rest here:
Swimmer Dana Vollmer Didn't Worry About Returning to Pre-Pregnancy Weight After Baby: Nursing Was 'My Top Priority' -

Aug 10

Lose Weight by Speeding up Your Metabolism – Fox Weekly

If you really want to lose weight and to stay healthy, you should select a diet that you can sustain for a longer period of time. Many fad diets were introduced on the social media but they failed. They set cravings for the carbohydrates and then the results turned worst .to lose weight one should change his/her life style first and have to adopt a good healthy eating habits. Involve your family members to boost your confidence, stock your kitchen with healthy foods and try to feel satiated; these factors will help you to remain sustainable.

Along with healthy eating add a right exercise to your routine. It wont be wrong if we say that diet and exercise are like a marriage to each other. If you skip one of these then you are letting them divorced. If a plan doesnt include some form of exercise in it, then dont do that one. Different diets have their different reactions towards exercise; some dont mention it at all. But losing weight is all about monitoring and managing intake and expenditure of calories. All experts agreed that exercise is an important component of any successful diet plan if a weight loss program leaves it out, thats a red flag.

Diet plan that cuts most of the major food groups is not the right plan to follow. Remember each and every food item can be fit into a proper healthy meal just need to watch the calorie intake and the kind of exercise youll choose to cut those extra calories.

You are what you eat so according to this theory most of your life style is contributed to your nutritional habits. Other contributors are a sedentary lifestyle, an absence of activity, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and sometimes a hormonal imbalance.

Metabolism is converting proteins, carbohydrates and fats intoenergy so that the body can work properly. Metabolism is actually the ability of body to produce energy. The speedierthe metabolic rate, the less timeis needed to transformcalories into energy, and the more, consequently,you lose weight.

We consume food to get energy to live. We eat to live. Some people take it as opposite and hence get obesity. According to those people they live to eat.

When we overeat, our metabolism slows down to be able to handle the insane calorie supply burst. If it didnt, we would be burnt down by the huge amount ofheatreleased after eating.

This is the era of technology. If we look at the past, people were healthier, active and lived longer. It was all because they had a healthy life style, they preferred to do everything themselves instead of relying on some machinery. Nowadays, technology has made our lives so comfortable that even we dont go out for shopping, just order dresses, groceries and other accessories from online shops and get them in a while or so. Theres no activity in our lives, we just eat and sit and as a result fat stores in our belly, thighs and hips.

If you want to lose weight you should keep a strict eye on whats going into your mouth. Having four to five right snacks in a day can help you to reduce fast. It is very difficult for most people to withstand temptation when they are very hungry. When you feel hunger more often you overeat. To fight that temptation, take small snacks in between meals but of right smaller proportions. Theres a huge difference between snacking on junk foods and consuming healthy diet.

Selecting high protein diet will help you feel more satisfied than the diet comprised of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates tend to digest fast thus waking up the hunger pangs sooner than they should. Whereas, proteins take longer period to digest and so build the feeling of full. Even munching a handful of nuts are enough to sustain the sugar level of body. The best sources of proteins are

Meat Beef, chicken, lamb, etc.

Fish and Seafood Salmon, trout, shrimps, lobsters, etc.

Eggs Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs are best.

The great flavor of sugar doesnt going to give you any favor. Snacks comprised of sugars, such as cold drinks, ice creams, candies, chocolates etc. etc. all just contribute to the waste of calories and never let you meet your healthy weight goals. These snacks are responsible for making your blood sugar to spike, so you are again hungry before you should.

Having small snacks in between meals will help you to avoid over eating and retains your energy level up between the main meals. One snack should be taken between breakfast and lunch and the other between lunch and dinner.

Remember to eat less during snack times than you are going to have at meal time. The snack should not exceed from 200 calories. It must be comprised of proteins or fibers that help you keep fuller for longer.

Its better to prepare you snacks in advance so you dont have to wait for longer when youre hungry. It might lead you to have a crappy item which will be responsible for your failure in achieving healthy weight.

High intake of water helps you from over eating. At times when you are thinking that you are hungry it might be due to the reason that you are thirsty.

Start your day with a warm glass of water with a lemon and honey that will boost your metabolism and help losing weight also.

Along with diet control you must follow the best exercise program at least thrice a week. Exercising on alternate days is more effective than done on daily basis.

Some more tips are below;

Here is the original post:
Lose Weight by Speeding up Your Metabolism - Fox Weekly

Aug 8

Overweight Children and Adults Get Significantly Healthier and Quickly With Less Sugar–Even If They Don’t Lose Weight – PR Newswire (press release)

Keeping the simple sugar fructose, particularly high-fructose corn syrup, off the menu can help avert health issues including obesity, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Fructose accelerates the conversion of sugar to fat, researchers noted. Their JAOA review summarized the results of several carefully controlled studies, finding a link between high consumption of sugar, in particular fructose, and increased fat synthesis in the liver.

"Fructose provides no nutritional value and isn't metabolized in the brain. Your body converts it to fat, but doesn't recognize that you've eaten, so the hunger doesn't go away," explains Tyree Winters, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician focused on childhood obesity. "Many young patients tell me they're always hungry, which makes sense because what they're eating isn't helping their bodies function."

Overfed and undernourished

The JAOA review identified fructose as a particularly damaging type of simple sugar. Compared to glucose, which metabolizes 20 percent in the liver and 80 percent throughout the rest of the body, fructose is 90 percent metabolized in the liver and converts to fat up to 18.9 times faster than glucose.

HFCS is found in 75 percent of packaged foods and drinks, mainly because it is cheaper and 20 percent sweeter than raw sugar. Fructose turns on the metabolic pathways that converts it to fat and stores it in the body, adding weight. At the same time, the brain thinks the body is starving and becomes lethargic and less inclined to exercise.

"If we cut out the HFCS and make way for food that the body can properly metabolize, the hunger and sugar cravings fade. At the same time, patients are getting healthier without dieting or counting calories," Dr. Winters says. "This one change has the potential to prevent serious diseases and help restore health."

Fighting back

Once people have put on a significant amount of weight and developed eating habits that rely on packaged and processed foods with HFCS, change can be daunting. Historically, physicians have told patients to restructure their diet and start exercising heavily, with a plan to check back after a month or more. That approach rarely works, as seen by the ever-growing obesity epidemic.

Instead, Dr. Winters suggests checking blood work about two weeks after patients agree to begin limiting their sugar intake to help patients see clear benefits for their effort.

"That single change in diet improves metabolic results in less than two weeks. Imagine the power of doing a 'before and after' comparison with a patient, so they can see for themselves that their health is improving. Seeing those results, instead of just stepping on a scale, can motivate them to keep going," Dr. Winters explains.

AboutThe Journal of the American Osteopathic AssociationThe Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA)is the official scientific publication of the American Osteopathic Association. Edited by Robert Orenstein, DO, it is the premier scholarly peer-reviewed publication of the osteopathic medical profession. TheJAOA's mission is to advance medicine through the publication of peer-reviewed osteopathic research.

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SOURCE American Osteopathic Association

Originally posted here:
Overweight Children and Adults Get Significantly Healthier and Quickly With Less Sugar--Even If They Don't Lose Weight - PR Newswire (press release)

Aug 8

This Is How Much Cardio You Should Be Doing If You Want to Lose Weight – POPSUGAR

Strength training, cardio, and a healthy diet are said to make up the perfect formula for weight loss. But sometimes it's hard to know how much you need of each category. In particular, the amount of cardio you need in order to lose weight has been up for debate some people think you need a lot, while others think that it's all about strength training.

Before deciding how much cardio is best for weight loss, Austin Lopez, CSCS and owner of Ausome Fit, said it's important to understand some basics of how your body functions; "3,500 is the number of calories in a single pound of fat and therefore the number required for you to burn in a week to lose one pound a week," Lopez told POPSUGAR.

This is how that breaks down in terms of sessions per week. According to Lopez, if you want to burn 3,500 calories in a week in order to lose one pound, you have three options:

The third option might look appealing to you, but Lopez reminds us that "this becomes unsustainable very quickly."

Similarly, Mahri Relin, certified personal trainer and founder of Body Conceptions, said she encourages her clients do four to five sessions of cardio a week, each lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. Celebrity fitness trainer Katherine Greiner recommends at least 30 to 45 minutes of cardio a day or 20 minutes of HIIT cardio intervals.

It's important you don't overdo it, though. "Cardio-heavy workouts can leave people famished, only to replace, if not exceed, the calories they have burned," Relin told POPSUGAR. "When the body has too much cardio it can result in adrenal fatigue, which can actually lead to weight gain," Greiner added.

Another thing all three trainers agree on unanimously is that these sessions of cardio must also be paired with regular strength training. You can't have one without the other in the hunt for weight loss.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Kathryna Hancock

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This Is How Much Cardio You Should Be Doing If You Want to Lose Weight - POPSUGAR

Aug 8

Why Exactly Fad Diets Are So Dangerous – Study Breaks

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Most of us have heard that catchy phrase our entire lives. The basis of it is correct: Eating a healthy diet with nutritious foods will significantly decrease anyones risk of sickness and health problems. In fact, keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle does way more than just control weight and keep you physically healthy; it also has mental benefits like improved mood and boosted energy. With all of these benefits, it seems like eating a healthy diet is the best way to feel 100 percent.

Unfortunately, many people are a little unclear about what healthy eating actually means. Most people know to stay away from overeating, fast food and other foods high in calories and fats. However, when finding a diet that works best for ones body and lifestyle, many choose incorrectly. There are diet fads out there that promise extreme results fast. Getting to a healthy lifestyle can be a long process, so many people resort to these fads in hopes that they have found the quick fix, even if they seem ridiculous. Unfortunately, many of these diet fads lack the nutrition people need to keep their bodies healthy and functioning. In some cases, they do a lot more harm than good.

American society and culture in particular is very at risk to these misleading diet fads. Just as fast food and weight problems are a real issue, so are quick and unhealthy fixes for weight loss. America is one of the most overweight countries in the world. Unhealthy foods are more readily available and cheaper than the healthier alternatives, so when a diet promises fast and cheap results, many Americans jump at the chance. However, without proper research, you wont know what you are putting into your body. Changing your diet and lifestyle to live a healthier life is an important chance for a better overall quality of life. However, this change is never easy, and any diet that promises so should be approached with a skeptical eye.

Another reason for the popularity of dangerous and misleading diet fads is who we see attempting them. Pressure in Hollywood to stay thin leads many celebrities to attempt some of these diets in the public eye. We see people that we look up to and admire trying these fads, and feel the need to try them out ourselves. However, we often only see the glamorous sides of both these celebrities and their trials with diet fads, and are left in the dark on the negative effects. Without a fair presentation of such diets, we feel they are a healthy and acceptable lifestyle choice, and experiment with them ourselves.

Social media also plays a huge role in the popularity of such fads. Sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter allow for an unfiltered display of information. Pretty much anything can be posted and seen, and there is no requirement for scientific facts to back up what is being advertised. Young people are the biggest users of social media, and also the most impressionable age group. These diets can be twice as dangerous to someone at an influential age, and if left unchanged, could lead to lifelong unhealthy habits and even eating disorders.

A type of diet that can be dangerous is one where the dieter only eats one type of food. To live a healthy life, your body needs a variety of foods and nutrients. A diet that only allows one type of food, neglects other important parts of a balanced diet. An example of this type of diet takes an apple a day to the extreme in the all-fruit diet. Fruit is very good for you, and many people enjoy it as natures treat.

However, while fruit has health benefits, it does not contain everything that your body needs to fully function. An all-fruit diet excludes important nutrients such as protein and fats. Also, while the sugar in fruit is natural, eating nothing but it can overload the pancreas, whose job it is to release the insulin that controls the sugar we put into our bodies. This diet moved to mainstream cultures attention as various celebrities have experimented with it; Ashton Kutcher tried it, and put himself in the hospital. Instead of going for nothing but fruit, try for the recommended serving of one to two cups a day, and add some variety to your diet through other types of healthy foods.

Another type of diet that can be dangerous is a fast-result, limited intake type of plan. For people looking for a quick fix, these offer results in as little as twenty-four hours. However, to lose weight in that amount of time calls for extreme measures. Also, any weight lost that quickly is not likely to be kept off.

An example of such a diet is the Hollywood 24 Hour Miracle Diet, which promises a loss of up to five pounds in as little as twenty-four hours. However, this diet does not approach weight loss in a healthy or sustainable way. This diet consists of juice blends, that are less than one hundred calories per serving. The average plan has the dieter taking in around four hundred calories per day, not nearly enough to sustain a body or give it energy. Participants experience fatigue, headaches, dizziness and anxiety. Instead of such an extreme plan, people looking to lose weight should make a long term plan, and limit their calorie intake in a healthy way over an extended period of time.

Overeating and obesity may seem like the biggest health concern, but dangerous dieting and neglecting ones needs can often be just as dangerous. It is important to find a middle ground, and pay attention to how you are feeling when trying to find a diet plan. Also, if you decide to take on a new diet, make sure you look up past experiences, and what the effects will be on your body. Healthy eating is very important, and 100 percent possible if you pick the right foods and the right plan so that your body can thrive versus simply get by.

Read more:
Why Exactly Fad Diets Are So Dangerous - Study Breaks

Aug 8

Overweight Children and Adults Get Significantly Healthier and Quickly With Less Sugar–Even If They Don’t Lose Weight – Markets Insider

CHICAGO, Aug. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Osteopathic physicians suggest shifting the conversation from weight to health for overweight children and adults, asking patients to reduce their sugar intake to see measurable improvements in metabolic function.

Improved measures of health can be seen in less than two weeks of sugar reduction, according to a review published in the August edition of The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA).

Keeping the simple sugar fructose, particularly high-fructose corn syrup, off the menu can help avert health issues including obesity, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Fructose accelerates the conversion of sugar to fat, researchers noted. Their JAOA review summarized the results of several carefully controlled studies, finding a link between high consumption of sugar, in particular fructose, and increased fat synthesis in the liver.

"Fructose provides no nutritional value and isn't metabolized in the brain. Your body converts it to fat, but doesn't recognize that you've eaten, so the hunger doesn't go away," explains Tyree Winters, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician focused on childhood obesity. "Many young patients tell me they're always hungry, which makes sense because what they're eating isn't helping their bodies function."

Overfed and undernourished

The JAOA review identified fructose as a particularly damaging type of simple sugar. Compared to glucose, which metabolizes 20 percent in the liver and 80 percent throughout the rest of the body, fructose is 90 percent metabolized in the liver and converts to fat up to 18.9 times faster than glucose.

HFCS is found in 75 percent of packaged foods and drinks, mainly because it is cheaper and 20 percent sweeter than raw sugar. Fructose turns on the metabolic pathways that converts it to fat and stores it in the body, adding weight. At the same time, the brain thinks the body is starving and becomes lethargic and less inclined to exercise.

"If we cut out the HFCS and make way for food that the body can properly metabolize, the hunger and sugar cravings fade. At the same time, patients are getting healthier without dieting or counting calories," Dr. Winters says. "This one change has the potential to prevent serious diseases and help restore health."

Fighting back

Once people have put on a significant amount of weight and developed eating habits that rely on packaged and processed foods with HFCS, change can be daunting. Historically, physicians have told patients to restructure their diet and start exercising heavily, with a plan to check back after a month or more. That approach rarely works, as seen by the ever-growing obesity epidemic.

Instead, Dr. Winters suggests checking blood work about two weeks after patients agree to begin limiting their sugar intake to help patients see clear benefits for their effort.

"That single change in diet improves metabolic results in less than two weeks. Imagine the power of doing a 'before and after' comparison with a patient, so they can see for themselves that their health is improving. Seeing those results, instead of just stepping on a scale, can motivate them to keep going," Dr. Winters explains.

AboutThe Journal of the American Osteopathic AssociationThe Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA)is the official scientific publication of the American Osteopathic Association. Edited by Robert Orenstein, DO, it is the premier scholarly peer-reviewed publication of the osteopathic medical profession. TheJAOA's mission is to advance medicine through the publication of peer-reviewed osteopathic research.

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SOURCE American Osteopathic Association

See the rest here:
Overweight Children and Adults Get Significantly Healthier and Quickly With Less Sugar--Even If They Don't Lose Weight - Markets Insider

Aug 8

How cutting down on one type of sugar can quickly improve your health – ConsumerAffairs

Doctors have long recommended that patients cut down on sugar to lose weight and become healthier. But a recent review conducted by osteopathic physicians shows that avoiding one type of sugar can quickly lead to better health outcomes.

The researchers say that cutting down on the simple sugar fructose can help consumers avoid dangerous health conditions like obesity, fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes. They explainthat fructose and most notably high fructose corn syrup accelerates the bodys conversion of sugar to fat.

"Fructose provides no nutritional value and isn't metabolized in the brain. Your body converts it to fat, but doesn't recognize that you've eaten, so the hunger doesn't go away," explains Dr. Tyree Winters. "Many young patients tell me they're always hungry, which makes sense because what they're eating isn't helping their bodies function."

The review examined several controlled studies which found a link between high consumption of sugar and increased fat synthesis in the liver. The researchers say that fructose is much worse than other types of sugar like glucose because it is primarily metabolized in the liver and converts to fat up to 18.9 times faster.

Unfortunately, many of the products that consumers regularly buy at the grocery store contain high fructose corn syrup because it is cheaper and sweeter than raw sugar. Winters explains how cutting out this additive can have a remarkable positive effect on the body.

"If we cut out [high fructose corn syrup] and make way for food that the body can properly metabolize, the hunger and sugar cravings fade. At the same time, patients are getting healthier without dieting or counting calories," he said. "This one change has the potential to prevent serious diseases and help restore health."

The researchers admit that getting consumers to stay away from processed foods and high fructose corn syrup is difficult, but they say that changing some common recommendations could go a long way.

For example, many doctors currently tell their patients to change their diet and start exercising heavily in order to lose weight and get healthier, but Winters and his colleagues argue that this rarely works and leads patients to failure.

Instead, they say that doctors should encourage patients to cut down on sugar and have them come in after two weeks for blood work. By then, patients willbe able to clearly see the results of the intervention, which can drive them to further improve their health.

"That single change in diet improves metabolic results in less than two weeks. Imagine the power of doing a 'before and after' comparison with a patient, so they can see for themselves that their health is improving," said Winters."Seeing those results, instead of just stepping on a scale, can motivate them to keep going."

The full study has been published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.

How cutting down on one type of sugar can quickly improve your health - ConsumerAffairs

Aug 8

How to lose weight fast –




Im not a fan of most quickie diet plans if long-term weight loss is what youre hoping to achieve. Following a strict diet is often a direct route to yo-yo dieting. However, there are certain long-term lifestyle changes you can make today that will help you reap weight-loss rewards by the end of the week.

The catechins in green tea have been shown to have a positive effect on both weight loss and weight maintenance. Not only that, but sipping throughout the day will also contribute to being properly hydrated, which is a well known factor to keeping your metabolism running at an optimum level.

As if you needed more reason to brew a cup, adding tea to your day can help contribute to developing a mindful morning routine. Youll be in a better mindset to stay on track towards your weight-loss goal, and take steps towards being your healthiest self. When adding in green tea, dont forget to ditch the soda (diet included).

Have you hit a weight-loss plateau even though you swear your workout routine is on point? To help drop your next couple of pounds, add stretching or foam rolling to your morning routine.

Foam rolling 101 with fitness guru Anna Victoria Play Video - 1:59

Foam rolling 101 with fitness guru Anna Victoria Play Video - 1:59

Rolling helps flush out your lymphatic system, congestion, inflammation and stimulate blood circulation. Self myofascial release with a foam roller post exercise has been shown to increase the range of movement in your joints. Most people ignore their lymphatic system, but it needs to function efficiently for the rest of your systems to work well (including your bodies ability to release excess fat stores). Incorporate 10-15 minutes a day to begin.

Current research shows this one to be pretty much a no-brainer when it comes to shedding unwanted weight. Processed sugar is directly linked to inflammation in the body, and inflammation is linked to all kinds of health issues. Any excess sugar consumed will eventually be stored as fat. Not only that, but if youre eating lots of sugar, theres a good chance its in conjunction with unhealthy fats (hello frosted donut).

Do a sugar cleanse. Cut out refined carbohydrates and obvious sugars (bye bye afternoon M&Ms and gummy worms), but also try to cut out any added natural sugars (think coconut sugar, honey and agave).

Studies show that eating protein for breakfast may help increase your satiety (how satisfied you feel) throughout the whole day, and may even prevent you from reaching for those late-night sweet snacks. But, dont stop at breakfast, get protein in at every meal.

Fat also contributes to your satiety, and can even help you burn fat. While I dont recommend going all out (control is key) be sure to get fat in consistently throughout the day (about 30 percent of your calories should come from fat). Eggs are a great way to start your day with a dose of protein and fat.

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How to lose weight fast -

Aug 8

Diet Doc’s New CarbZap Prescription Reduces Carbohydrate Absorption and Abdominal Fat – GlobeNewswire (press release)

Salt Lake City, UT, Aug. 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Low-carb or ketogenic diets tend to work quickly when it comes to fat loss, but suddenly switching to this type of diet can come with a swift onset of undesirable side effects such as exhaustion, mood swings, and lowered energy levels. In addition, eliminating starches from diet can result in diminished nutrition, since many healthy carbs that contain B vitamins, fiber and whole grains are often left out. Diet Doc has created a super convenient way for dieters to lose weight and still reap the benefits of healthy carbs with their new prescription, CarbZap. CarbZap is a powerful carbohydrate blocker that prevents their storage and fat conversion within the body. Diet Docs current CarbZap users are able to consume high-carb meals for energy and muscle mass without gaining excess weight. CarbZap essentially reduces sugar and carbohydrate absorption by increasing starch excretion and removing them from the body before conversion to fat begins.

Patients using CarbZap are seeing fast reductions in body weight (4 lbs per month) as well as reductions in waistline. Patients are also seeing better regulated blood sugar levels, and a more efficient metabolism. With CarbZap, theres no need to count calories or severely limit carbohydrate consumption, making concerns about fatigue, cravings, hunger and low energy on the keto diet a thing of the past. An occasional cheat day on CarbZap is no problem for individuals who maintain carb restricted diets, but want to indulge here and there. For access to this effective weight loss aid, contact Diet Doc today. Diet Docs CarbZap is formulated by their own in-house doctors as a great weight loss catalyst on its own, or in conjunction with any one of their medical weight loss plans.

New Diet Doc patients can call or easily and effortlessly visit to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. Diet Doc Physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. Diet Doc reviews each patients health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patients age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state of the art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of Diet Doc patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.

At Diet Doc, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available 6 days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to Diet Doc for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

Providing care across the USA


San Diego, CA

(800) 581-5038






A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Diet Doc's New CarbZap Prescription Reduces Carbohydrate Absorption and Abdominal Fat - GlobeNewswire (press release)

Aug 6

‘Slimming pills work fast but bring great pains in the end’ – Vanguard

By Chioma Obinna

African women, particularly Nigerian women had always longed to be big, that is, fat. Mostly for married women, being fat was seen as a sign of affluence on the part of their husbands. The bid to achieve this so-called status then in the country made so many husbands to work so hard such that their wives will be the envy of others.

But, today, things are different. Apart from chronic health conditions which force many to go on diet, women who even have less than 28 Body Mass Index, BMI, in Nigeria are being advised to lose weight by every means possible. The craving to be slim has, however, caused damages to many women unknowingly. Some have even lost their lives in the process.

Although it is natural for anyone trying to lose weight to want to lose it very quickly, it can take time and effort; unfortunately, many people are impatient to get into shape and want a quick-fix diet. Slimming pills appear to be taking over the gradual and healthy weight loss programme as recommended by medical experts. The order of the day is now goodbye to sweaty sessions in the gym and lifestyle modification. But how safe are these weight loss supplements said to be natural and plant-based? Sunday Vanguard x-rays the pros and cons of the products.

Today, you cannot escape unsolicited advertisements on slimming pills and teas. They are everywhere. On your facebook, twitter, name it, they pop up. The messages are clearly written, It is pure natural, Lose weight in 10 days, This can burn your fat fast. They will say the ingredients are plant-based green tea extract, bitter orange, raspberry ketones and harmless. Some of the products have been widely advertised as safe and miraculous. Medical experts, however, say the pills have dangerous consequence.

According to the World Health Organisation, WHO, an unhealthy diet is one of the major risk factors for a range of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and other conditions linked to obesity. However, specific recommendations for a healthy diet include eating more fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and grains; cutting down on salt, sugar and fats. It is also advisable to choose unsaturated fats, instead of saturated fats and towards the elimination of trans-fatty acids.

Evidence abounds that people who lose weight gradually and steadily like 1 to 2 pounds per week are more successful at keeping weight off. Health watchers are worried that healthy weight loss is not just about a diet or programme but also about on-going lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits.

Unfortunately, due to impatience, many people go for slimming pills and teas. There are stories about people who have died of the slimming pills and teas. In 2013, a Delta State-based Nollywood location manager reportedly died after a brief illness which was believed to have been aggravated by the slimming tea he took.

He was said to have died after he drank the tea. Reports said he complained of weakness and was taken to hospital but he did not respond to treatment.

Also in 2014, the autopsy carried out on one Betty Kums who had died linked the death to the side effects of a slimming tea.

Meanwhile, some victims are alive to tell their stories. When Ngozi Onyekwus doctors counselled her about the implication of her abnormal weight which was almost about 130 kilogrammes (kg) then, she became agitated.

It became an emergency for her. She could no longer rely on the recommended diets and exercise regimen. She went for slimming pills.

I was in my early 40s, about 51/2 feet 10 inches tall and weighing about 130kg. Living a normal life was a problem for me. I was totally obese. Friends were pressuring me to try the pills. It could be embarrassing when people stare at you because of your weight. I decided to try one without prescription. Each time I took the pills, my appetite for food will cease, she narrated.

Though I started shedding weight within two weeks of treatment, I developed some complications, ranging from constant headache to insomnia and a higher level of blood pressure.

I took it for three weeks before things went from bad to worse. I lost my composure. It was as if I was going to pass out. I became restless. I knew something was wrong. My already elevated blood pressure got worse. It was over 150; I had never experienced that in my life. I opened up to a friend who encouraged me to throw the pills away.

Ngozi was forced to seek the services of a dietician who has been able to bring her weight down to 90 kilogrammes through a change in her diet, more exercise and a more active life.

According to medical experts, some diet pills may cause stroke and panic attacks. And worrisome is the fact that it is easy to buy the pills online and without a doctors prescription.

Ordinarily, the pills should be prescribed to those with a BMI of 28 and above, or those who have health problems associated with weight and for a short-term period. In essence, diet pills should only be used under medical supervision.

But although, it is illegal to sell prescription drugs without a prescription in Nigeria, slimming pills are sold without prescription even online. The pills can be addictive and therefore difficult to withdraw from. They may well suppress your appetite, but studies have shown that the chemicals in the diet drugs, which act like adrenalin by increasing the heart rate, can also affect your blood pressure, give you mood swings, cause tremors, severe headaches and heart attack or stroke.

In a chat with Sunday Vanguard, Assistant Director of Dietetics, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile Ife, Osun State, Dr Ogbonna Obinna, said there is no benefit in taking slimming pills because they pose grave danger in the long run to users.

Obinna listed the side effects of using slimming pills to include high blood pressure, restlessness, fast heart beats, dizziness, psychological distress and hormonal distortion.

According to him, slimming pills bring nothing but pains in the end.

Nature determines our morphological expression (i.e. our body size). If you inherited a large body frame, the best you can do is to watch what you eat, the expert said.

There is no gain in taking slimming pills, because it is like solving one problem and creating more serious problems at the end. One of the side effect of the pills is elevated blood pressure which if not controlled can lead to acute/chronic renal failure, that is, your kidneys may stop functioning. The victim may either struggle for survival by dialysis or total kidney transplant and these are very expensive. It is like using the popular pidgin axiom in Nigeria to explain, Iyanga dey sleep trouble dey wake am.

He further advised that carrying excess weight is not the best. Your body weight and frame should synchronize. If this is not so, you may either be overweight or obese with its health consequences.

According to him, theres no magic bullet for losing weight as the most effective way to lose weight and keep it up is through lifestyle changes. Eat a healthy low-calorie diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and be physically active, he advised.

Lifestyle and diet modifications are the answer and not necessarily taking slimming pills that you get addicted to. There is need for you to change your sedentary activities and become more active based on advice from your physiotherapist

There is need for you to change or modify your dietary pattern by cutting down on your carbohydrates intake especially refined foods and simple sugars, pastries etc with professional counsel from a dietician.

Also speaking, a Consultant Surgeon and Medical Director of Jeokem Hospital, Lagos, Dr Emmanuel Enabulele, warned against the use of quick-fix weight loss products, adding that there are chances of rebound obesity when people use slimming pills.

Enabulele, who is also the Chairman, Board of Trustees, Health Writers Association of Nigeria, HEWAN, described the pills as death trap when used wrongly.

According to him, the pills could make one slim between10 and 20 days but cause a lot of damages to the health system.

It is risky to take these products; one may also suffer nutritional deficiency. I also advise against taking slimming tablets and teas, because they all contain harmful materials. They contain preservatives which can be harmful to the system, he said.

Another reason I advise people against using slimming drugs is because many of the products contain nutrients that are designed to make one feel full. It gives one false satisfaction. By the time one stops taking the product, the person may either dry up or blow up his body structure because you cannot take the product for life.

Noting that the best remedy for weight loss is healthy eating pattern, he added that many people eat anything that is readily available.

One of the benefits of losing weight through diet and exercise is that you wont feel sick as your normal physiology would not be altered.

Secondly, your liver would not be challenged from the metabolism or breakdown of pills. It saves you headaches. There are less chances of rebound obesity as dieting could be habit forming and sustainable.

Many diseases we battle with could have been stopped right from the mouth. The food we eat goes a long way in determining our health status

In as much as I advocate for constant exercise, embracing diet plans comes before exercise. Many people have the mind-set of going through excessive exercise to lose weight.

This has always proved to be the secondary aspect of weight loss after dieting. You will get nowhere in losing weight if you exercise often and yet continue having high calorie intake. You must embrace the attitude of good diet, and to achieve that takes discipline.

Weight loss could be achieved by cutting down on carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). There is infinite number of weight-loss diets based on eating fewer carbohydrates. Dozens of modern scientific studies have proven that low carbohydrate is the most effective way to lose weight.

The Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Dr.Modele Osunkiyesi, echoed the experts perspectives, saying losing weight through diets and exercise was natural and sustainable.

Osunkiyesi said there are no systemic complications attached and no likelihood of rebound and side effects.

Read more here:
'Slimming pills work fast but bring great pains in the end' - Vanguard

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