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The General Motors diet: Is it worth it? – The Express Tribune

This year, the diet-du-jour is the newly-revivedGeneral Motorsdiet, which claims to help people shed seven kilos in just seven days. Now doesnt that sound good!
As with most crash diets, it probably is good at least, in the beginning. But experts unanimously keep crying out against the damaging effects fad diets like this have on the body in the long term.
The concept of the General Motors diet, named after the employees who developed it in the 1980s, is that you consume different food groups on different days. On day one, you have to fruit-load, eating only water-based fruits such as melon. You mightbegin day two with a baked potato and some. The days to follow will be similarly exclusive variations on fruit/veg groupings with the gradual induction of lean meats.
Awareness can help reduce infant, maternal mortality rates
Some reports of weight loss have been successful. Most dieters lose significant amounts of weight in the first three days. But nutritionists are wary of the controversial quick-fix diet, reported The Independent. Trends may help you quickly lose weight but not fat, leading Harley Street nutritionistRhiannon Lambertsaid. The weight comes back after veering from the given rules of any diet. And the GM Diet is no different. Some may be drawn to it because they may feel out of control around food and want to stick to a rigid plan. Yet, after breaking one of the diet rules, they will feel guilty and ashamed, and may then start another diet which leads to a vicious cycle.
The shame that dieters often associate with breaking rules can in turn lead to further weight gain as they binge on unhealthy foods theyve been craving and depriving themselves of, Lambert added.
Eating a limited number of types of foods every day is simply a type of calorie restriction and the reduced carbohydrate intake will explain the relatively quick weight loss and water weight is a lot of it. Embracing a wide variety of foods should be encouraged but not at the expense of eliminating whole food groups at any one time, the soon-to-be nutrition author explained.
Citrus fruits: a great source of vitamins and forex
Dietician Jo Travers agrees: the apparent success of the GM diet is purely due to basic caloric deprivation rather than sustainable dieting. While the GM diet does have a mix of nutrients over the course of the week, your body needs most nutrients every day, she said. By restricting protein for the first few days, you will force your body to break down muscle in order to release amino acids for making new cells, hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters. Although this does make you lose weight, this is muscle weight, not fat weight.
Travers continued, Its quite an attractive idea that if you just do this one prescriptive thing for a week you will lose weight, but in practice, its much harder to follow then most people think and will often result in less weight loss than was promised followed by rapid weight regain once normal eating is resumed.
To maintain weight loss in the long term, Lambert suggests finding a routine of eating and exercising that one enjoys. Once youve found your happy place, you will find it sustainable. Remember, the best new healthy diet for you is the one you can stick to in the long run, she said.
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The General Motors diet: Is it worth it? - The Express Tribune
8 Best And Proven Face Exercises To Lose Weight In Your Face

When we talk about appearance, the face is certainly the most astonishing body part that people notice first. It is not enough just to pamper your skin externally; a chiseledjawlineand high cheekbones are the trends in the meantime that outline the face and give it a sharp edge.
Facial exercises are equally important as physical exercises which helps to weight reduction and toning the shape of your body.
Be fair! Have you ever questioned yourself? How to get slimmer facelike aProfessional model!
HmmmProbably, YES!
So the very next thing comes into your mind isHow they have made it? Is there any magic pills or dark secrets behind it?
NOPE! they achieved it by doing proper facial exercises following a healthy diet plan. Moreover, We are giving you simple tips to acquire the exact face cut by performing these easy exercises.
(Warning: Do not attempt in public spaces if youd still like to have friends.)
The chin lift exercise is a great way to get rid of a double chin. It assists in working and stretching most of the facial muscles which includes jaw, throat and neck. But make sure not to use any other facial muscle other than the lips while doing this exercise. You can perform this exercise either in the sitting or standing position. Begin by tilting your head towards the ceiling, keeping your eyes fixed towards it. Now, make your lips tight, as if trying to kiss the ceiling, hold it till a count of 10 seconds and relax.
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The lips pull is one of the most effective facial yoga exercises, which when practiced regularly can help in lifting up the face muscles and take away years from your face, offering you look more youthful with high cheekbones along with a prominent jaw line. Begin in a standing or sitting position with your head in the normal position. Now, lift your lower lip up as much as possible by pushing the lower jaw out. You are sure to feel the stretch and strain build in the chin muscles and jaw line. Stick with this posture for 10 to 15 seconds and relax.
Get attractive, high cheekbones and a sexier jaw line jaw release exercise, which is certainly one of the most effective facial exercises for double chin reduction. It helps in stretching and dealing the muscles around your lips, jaws and cheeks. Begin with sitting or standing in a straight posture and moving your jaw just like you are chewing while keeping your lips closed. Breathe in deeply and breathe out while humming. Next, open your mouth wide with your tongue pressed within your bottom teeth. Hold this posture for 5 seconds, now breath in and out again. This makes one repetition.
The fish face exercise, also termed as smiling fish face is a simple and one of the best facial exercises for cheeks that one could do anywhere you like while watching T.V or listening to your favorite song. This exercise helps in toning and spreading cheek muscles and lose the face fat fast. Just suck in your cheeks and lips as we use to do now try smiling, hold the posture for 5 seconds, you will feel the burn in your cheeks and jaws.
The blowing air exercise helps in solving the problem by working almost all the facial and neck muscles and it is one of the effective face exercises to reduce double chin and getting rid of chubby cheeks. It impacts on the cheeks, jaws and neck muscles and tones them to provide a natural face lift to give a leaner appearance.Sit on a chair with your spine straight, tilt your head back to any extent possible to make sure that you face the ceiling, pull your lips and blow out air from your mouth. Continue for seconds and relax.
Here is another quite simple technique. You just need to close the eyes firmly with the help of the muscles of your cheeks. You got to make it sure that you are having a feel of the contraction of your muscles on the face. Just stay in the position for 10 seconds and relax your face muscles after ten seconds. The technique should be repeated 5 times a day at least.
Another important technique of the face muscles exercise is to stretch you face muscles with the help of your hands. You can do it by lowering your chin in such a way that it starts touching the chest. Then pull the skin in such a way that your skin moves below the cheekbones. Once you are in perfect position, you have to pronounce Ah. Remain in static position for a while and repeat the procedure three times a day.
Smiling is the best opportunity you can have to trim down your cheek fat. Its a best and most easy workout you can do for your cheeks. Lets see how technically its helpful for you to lessen the cheek fat.A smile stretches the muscles of your cheeks. This muscle stretching may lose the fats of the cheeks and really help in toresolve this problem.
These are all simple exercises for the face that you can do anytime and anywhere to lose cheek fat. These exercises on losingcheek fat may sound simple but the effect they can have on your face is huge.
If done regularly, these exercises can slim down your face and, at the same time, tone up facial muscles. They can also improve your facial skins elasticity and firmness, making your face look more youthful and thinner.
Original post:
8 Best And Proven Face Exercises To Lose Weight In Your Face
Mother claims she lost 112 pounds by drinking green tea – Blasting News

After a 23-year-old woman gave birth three years ago, she said she could never get her weight back down. Before giving birth to her daughter, she was a size 12. After giving birth, she went up to a size 22 and she had to squeeze into that size. Siobhan Thornton said her unhealthy relationship with food caused her to be heavier than she had ever been. She became depressed with how she looked and barely left home.
Thornton stumbled across an article online that assured consumers that #Green Tea would boost metabolism and slow down weight gain. At first, she was a little skeptical, but she decided to try the beverage to see what would happen.
She joked that she had nothing to lose but a little weight. By then, she was weighing 245 pounds. After Thornton began to drink two cups of green tea, she noticed some immediate results. It wasn't long before she had lost 42 pounds by doing nothing but drinking the tea on a daily basis.
The mother was pleased that she could afford to drink green tea because it is not that expensive. She attributed her 112-pound total #weight loss in two years to drinking just that and doing nothing else. She had gone down from 245 pounds to 126 pounds and her waist had gotten smaller and smaller even without exercising. In two years, she is now wearing a size 8 instead of a size in the double digits.
She was so inspired by her weight loss that she was willing to change her diet and begin exercising so she could look and feel even better.
Thornton said she is determined to continue drinking green tea as her only beverage of choice even though she has lost all the weight she wants to.
Thornton found out there are numerous benefits of drinking green tea. She soon discovered that an ingredient in the tea quickly raised her #metabolism that led to her rapid weight loss. She also noticed that since she was drinking the tea, it was taking the place of sugary sodas, energy drinks, sweetened coffee and regular tea. The unsweetened tea she was drinking was the only thing she needed. The green tea had been a better replacement for all those other unhealthy options.
Thornton concludes that drinking green tea might not work for everyone like it did for her. The woman insists that she is not sharing her story for any recognition or any special attention. She wants to share the good news so others can experience the same pleasure that she has now that she knows what green tea will do for a person's metabolism. Do you drink green tea?
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Mother claims she lost 112 pounds by drinking green tea - Blasting News
‘Did I Really Lose WeightOr Is It Just Water Weight?’ – Information Nigeria

Decode the scale by asking yourself these four questions You step on the scale and youre magically five pounds lighter than you were at your last weigh-in. Yaaaas!
But before you do a little happy dance or treat yo self to the chocolate hiding in your freezer behind the broccoli, its worth knowing if you legit lost weight or youre just dehydrated.
So, we asked an R.D. for the questions you can ask yourself to find out if youre dropping fat or just a whole bunch of H2O. Heres your pop quiz
1. When Was the Last Time You Weighed Yourself? Weight-loss transformations dont happen over night, and its extremely rare to lose more than one-quarter of a pound of fat in 24 hours. Thats especially true if youre approaching weight-loss in a healthy, no-crash diet way, says Washington, D.C.-based registered dietitian Jessica Swift. However, over the course of the day or night, its possible that you could lose up to five pounds of water weight, she says. So if you weighed yourself last night and woke up five pounds lighter, most (if not all) of that was water. If you weighed yourself last week and lost five pounds, its more likely to be fat-loss. Thats especially true if you lost the same amount of weight this week as you did last week.
2. Is The Weight Loss Steady?
Real weight loss is consistent, while water weight can greatly fluctuate, Swift says. After all, if you can lose as much as 10 pounds in water weight in a day, you can gain it back that quickly, too. Each time you step on the scale, consider how your weight has been dropping over time. If you notice a significant loss that seems outside of the norm, its possible that part of that is due to dehydration.
This is where tracking your weigh-ins comes in handy. To help keep things as consistent as possible, weigh yourself in the morning, ideally after youve gone to the bathroom and before you dig into breakfast. 3. What Did You Eat In The Last 24 Hours? Over the long-term (think: weeks and months), the foods you eat make a huge impact in your fat-loss progress. But the foods youve eaten in the last 24 hours make the biggest impact on your ever-changing water weight.
While both sodium and carbohydrates are vital nutrients that you need for good health, overdoing them can cause your body to hold onto more water weight than usual, Swift says. On the flip side, cutting sodium or carbs can trigger a quick drop in water weightwhich explains why most women lose weight quickly at the beginning of any low-carb diet. So if your last few meals have been significantly less carby and salty, the scale could be detecting a drop in water weight.
4. Where Are You In Your Monthly Cycle? While water retention is a notorious symptom of PMS, that extra poundage tends to let up once your period starts and stays stable until ovulation or later, Swift says. So during and shortly after your period, you might very well be carrying around less water weight than you were before. Call it a consolation prize for all that cramping.
source: Womenshealth
See original here:
'Did I Really Lose WeightOr Is It Just Water Weight?' - Information Nigeria
Here Are 5 Easy Hacks To Lose Belly Fat Quickly –

Is belly fat giving you nightmares? Are you not able to fit in that cute little black dress because of your belly fat? These are some of the most common woes that people ace because of tummy fat. And tummy fat is also one of the toughest to lose. However not if you follow these simple hacks. We have listed down 5 simple hacks for you to lose belly fast quickly. ALSO READHow to lose belly fat: 10 simple and effective tips to get rid of tummy fat
Diet sodas are not healthy, do not let the name trick you. It is filled with artificial sweeteners and consuming it will only increase your fat. If you ave these diet sodas or even cold drinks more than twice a week, then you are more likely to gain weight than people who dont drink these.
Drinking green tea thrice a day will help you get rid of all that belly fat. The effects will not be seen immediately. But if you continue drinking green tea daily for three times a day. over the time you will see a considerable change. (ALSO READBest yoga poses for flat tummy: Practice these 5 yoga asanas to reduce belly fat)
Add dry fruits like walnuts or almonds to your diet daily. If you are having almonds, do not have more than 4 in a day. Just make sure that you are eating enough dry fruits every day. It is one of the best ways to get rid of belly fat.
Not many people prefer using coconut oil for cooking. Mostly it is because of the taste. However, if you are looking at weight loss, then you should start using coconut oil because it has saturated fat that will encourage weight loss.
Another easy hack to follow for people who have been wanting to get rid of fat around the belly is to sprinkle some pepper on your food. It is one of the best fat-burning ingredients. Not only will it help you lose belly fat, it will also cure you of any issues related to the tummy. Pepper increases a persons metabolism, thats how weight loss happens. ALSO READExercises to get rid of lower belly fat: These 6 exercises will help you lose lower belly fat
Now didnt we tell you we have easy hacks. Follow these hacks every single day and with time you will see a vast difference.
Photograph: Shutterstock
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Here Are 5 Easy Hacks To Lose Belly Fat Quickly -
Anorexic girl, 14, weighing just SIX STONE hospitalised after ‘mum told her she was gaining weight and should diet’ –

An anorexic teenage girl dropped to SIX STONE after her mother pointed out she had gained weight during puberty.
At age 14, Oceane Maher had a healthy BMI before her problems began - but then began starving herself.
At one point she survived on eating just 100 calories worth of porridge a day - besides snacking on limited vegetables, rice crackers, coffee and diet pills.
But Oceane, now 20, has beaten the eating disorder after years of anguish and even being hospitalised for six months.
A university student, Oceane was a keen runner growing up and describes herself as always being "naturally very thin".
On hitting puberty she noticed she had become a slower runner.
Despite being a healthy BMI, her mother, pointed out her weight gain, which sparked Oceanes obsession with the size of her body which eventually led to her hospitalisation.
At her lowest, Oceane, from Texas, USA, weighed just 6st 10lbs and was a UK size two.
Now she is a healthy 8st 3lbs and a UK size six to eight.
I developed anorexia when I was fourteen. As a kid, I'd always been naturally very thin but I gained weight as I was going through puberty, said Oceane.
I've never been overweight, but I was in the normal BMI range rather than the underweight range I'd naturally been in growing up.
I was a serious runner at the time, I started running road races when I was seven, and being really thin gave me an advantage and allowed me to run faster. When I reached puberty I was no longer as fast as I used to be.
Around that same time my mom started pointing out that I'd gained weight and saying I should go on a diet.
"She has her own struggles with eating and projected her insecurities on to me.
I became very obsessive with my weight and I started cutting out certain foods. It quickly escalated to an extremely restricted intake, and ironically it made me an even slower runner because I had no more energy left in me.
Over the next few years, I was somehow able to manage a more sustainable diet. Things got better for the rest of high school as I was able to make friends and focus on other activities.
The eating disorder was still present but not nearly as strong, things got really bad however once I went on to university.
My second time around was different from my first, the first time was pretty much directly related to my weight, I knew I gained weight through puberty, my mom told me to lose weight so I did and it became an obsession.
I also believed that losing weight would help me become a faster runner.
When I relapsed it was more complicated, it was a way for me to numb my emotions and gain back a sense of control.
I felt mostly numb when I was suffering, I'd lost all of my personality and all I could think of were calories and weight. I was hungry, exhausted, cold and isolated but emotionally I was completely numb.
Before embarking on her recovery, Oceane would survive on eating just 100 calories worth of porridge a day to kickstart her metabolism in the morning.
She would continue to fuel herself with cups of coffee, diet pills with limited vegetables and rice cakes. Oceane would exercise all day long and would track her steps meticulously with her Fitbit wearable device.
I decided to enter treatment four weeks into my second year at university after my doctor begged me to go. I was so exhausted I couldn't resist it anymore, so I gave in, she added.
I had no idea what I was in for, I thought it would only last maybe one month and I would just have to gain a little weight. I didn't realise the emotional component to it and how much of a coping skill my eating disorder was for me.
Once I started eating again I was flooded with painful emotions. I ended up spending six months in that treatment centre, I outlasted all of the other patients.
It takes years to recover from an eating disorder and it's only been a couple months since I discharged from treatment.
I can't really say how overcoming anorexia has changed my life, but I can recognise the impact that the progress I've made has had on my life. I wasn't in a great mindset when I first discharged from treatment.
However, getting back into the real world and structuring my time with work, school, outpatient appointments and other activities has helped me immensely. I no longer isolate myself like I used to when my eating disorder was at its worse.
I can appreciate joyful moments and share laughter with friends now that I am more in touch with my feelings. I can go back to school and focus on things that are actually important to me rather than obsess over my intake and weight.
I now have a sense of hope that I didn't have just a few months ago.
Oceane visits a dietician once a week who helps her plan her meals to ensure she gets the right mix of grains, proteins and fats. She says that she wants to spread the message that eating disorders are about more than the numbers on the scales.
An important message I wish I could pass onto those struggling with an eating disorder and just the world in general is that eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, said Oceane.
It's so incredibly frustrating to me that the media portrays this image of eating disorders basically claiming that you must be extremely thin in order to be considered anorexic. This myth harms everyone who struggles with an eating disorder so much.
All the way up to the day I was admitted into treatment I was told you don't look anorexic despite being severely underweight. Hearing words like that made it so difficult for me to seek treatment because I was so afraid I would be the fattest one there.
In fact, I refused to even consider it until I was under 100-pounds. Had I known that once I stepped through the doors of the treatment centre I would be greeted by people of all sizes, I may not have gone as far as I went and I may have suffered less medical consequences.
I want people to know that you don't have to be a certain size in order to be considered sick enough for treatment, and that the reality is when I went to treatment I was the thinnest of the group. The majority of patients were normal or even overweight.
I may not be one-hundred-percent there yet but I'm working on it. I do go on runs every once in a while but I make sure to not overdo them so it doesn't become obsessive again.
For more information see here .
8 reasons why you aren’t seeing the weight loss results you want – Belfast Telegraph

8 reasons why you aren't seeing the weight loss results you want
You're doing everything you know you should be doing in order to lose weight, but you're not seeing the results you want - this can be frustrating.
You're doing everything you know you should be doing in order to lose weight, but you're not seeing the results you want - this can be frustrating.
You've made numerous big changes in your lifestyle, you're following a training programme, and you're tracking your food intake to make sure you're eating a calorie deficit. So, why aren't you losing weight?
If you're struggling with weight loss, even when you think you're doing everything right, there's a number of reasons why you might not be seeing the progress you'd like.
So, to help out, here's 8 of the most common reasons why your fat loss progress might be slower than it could be:
As weight loss is a matter of energy balance, first thing's first, you have to rule out the possibility that you are in fact still eating too many calories.
Milk in your tea, that biscuit you lifted as you walked past the tin, the leftover chips you ate off your kid's plate- it all adds up.
If you haven't already, try tracking your food intake thoroughly for a week (MyFitnessPal is a great tool) to determine where your calorie intake is sitting. It's often higher than you might realise.
When all the cogs are put into motion, fat loss can happen very quickly at first. However, many people get disheartened once that progress begins to slow.
The 3 or 4lbs you were losing every week soon maybe only becomes 2 or maybe only 1lb, and it suddenly seems like it will take you much longer to reach your goal.
Pushing for a high rate of fat loss every week often leads to fad diet approaches and is a much harder process to sustain. Be realistic with your targets by aiming to lose 0.5-1.0% of your bodyweight per week.
Stuck to your diet for a week? Great! But it'll take many more weeks to get to where you want to be.
People want results overnight, but fat loss takes time and consistency. We can't expect huge results across short timeframes, so it pays to be prepared for the long haul, and to make sure you're following an approach you can keep consistent with across the coming weeks and months.
Believe it or not, as you lose weight and get leaner, your metabolism actually slows down.
A lighter body requires less energy to keep itself running than a heavier one, so the calorie intake you had been eating to successfully drop weight may no longer be effective.
To kick fat loss back into motion, try dropping your intake by a further 10-15% and monitor progress from there.
Feeling sluggish? As weight drops, the body tries to conserve energy to prevent it losing more, so you may find your general activity levels start to decrease.
Unfortunately, less energy burnt means less fat loss.
Consider setting a minimum target for daily general activity, to help sustain those levels - a daily goal of 10,000 steps is a great target.
When we train, our level of calorie burn increases. After a hard training session, we will often go and eat a large, calorie dense meal in order to "refuel" and begin recovering.
However, people often mistakenly assume that they've burnt a lot more calories in their session than they actually have, so that post-workout feast may be unintentionally cancelling out your negative calorie balance.
Ever realise how after a couple of weeks of doing a workout, it starts to feel easier and easier?
Your body naturally adapts and begins to become more efficient, so you won't find it as challenging.
However, an efficient machine burns less energy, so that workout may no longer be giving you the calorie burn it once did.
Continue to challenge yourself in your workouts in order to keep your energy output high.
Checking your bodyweight weekly? Sometimes it's not enough to give an accurate idea of how your body is changing.
Bodypart measurements and progress pictures are two additional ways to keep tabs on your progress. You might be disheartened if you see very little change on the scales and be tempted to give up, but your progress pictures might show a noticeable change in your bodyshape that the scales won't pick up on.
Think about it, if you lose 2lbs of fat but gain 2lbs of muscle, the scales show no difference, but you've become leaner.
Don't rely on just one gauge of progress - it's often deceptive.
Belfast Telegraph Digital
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8 reasons why you aren't seeing the weight loss results you want - Belfast Telegraph
Top 7 things to lose weight quick and easy! – International Business Times, India Edition

Are you tired of trying hard to drop some pounds? Don't worry, adding these 7 things to your diet and lifestyle can help you lose weight more easily and quickly:
1. Grape fruit
Including grape fruit in your diet is said to help in weight loss according to a research. The fruit is a good source of Vitamin C, antioxidant and it also got an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) which improves body's metabolism rate.
2. Green tea
Green tea contains copious amounts of catechins- a type of antioxidants which triggers fat burning in the body.
3. Water
Drinking water in abundance is really good and important for you. It helps to flush out the toxins and maintain body's metabolism rate. Water is also crucial to prevent constipation and improve the bowel movement.
4. Fibrous and protein-rich food
Make sure you have more fibrous and protein-rich food, preferably homemade, to control the amount of fat content in your daily intake. Fibrous foods like beans, lentils, cruciferous vegetables, sprouts, etc help in managing blood sugar, improve bowel movement and deplete cholesterol levels.
5. Healthy herbs
Some herbs are known to aid weight loss, like cinnamon, dandelion, turmeric, pepper and cayenne. Including them in your diet will be of great benefit.
6. Detox every few days
Include vegetable juices, hot water and lemon and soups made using organic vegetables in your diet to rid of toxins. Cleansing your body increases the pace of weight loss.
7. Music plays a major role while working out
Did you know that the music you listen to while exercising plays an important role? It has been scientifically proved that working out while listening to upbeat music motivates you to work harder. Hence, select the songs in your play list wisely to lose weight more effectively.
See the article here:
Top 7 things to lose weight quick and easy! - International Business Times, India Edition
How Running Helped This 30-Year-Old Make an Epic Comeback and Lose 150 Pounds – Runner’s World

Runner's World | How Running Helped This 30-Year-Old Make an Epic Comeback and Lose 150 Pounds Runner's World On February 8th of 2016, I decided that I was going to start running again, and this time I was going to keep running indefinitely. Fast forward to one year and four months later, and I am still going strong. All together I have been running a total of ... |
Go here to read the rest:
How Running Helped This 30-Year-Old Make an Epic Comeback and Lose 150 Pounds - Runner's World
No Excuses, No Gym Workout Needed: 10 Powerful Quick Exercises To Fit Into Any Day – eMaxHealth

Did you know that short intermittent workouts can be as or even more effective than 30 minute or longer workouts. This is important to keep in mind when you are trying to make exercise a part of your daily routine to either get fit, lose weight, maintain strength or to experience any of the many other benefits of regular exercise. There are tons of ways to fit exercise into our daily lives, here are some creative things you may not have tried.
In most cases, our body weight is very useful in many exercise, including for strength training, weight loss, and cardio workouts. Did you know that short spurts of intense movement mixed with shorter periods of resting, interval training or HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training, as its called, actually helps burn more fat than a solid 30 or hour of medium speed workout? The important part is not how much time you have but rather what you do with it. Make the most of the 1-15 minute intermissions from other activities to prioritize your healthy, and yourself. After all, if we dont take care of our bodies and well being, how will we have the energy and stamina we need to take care of others?
No more excuses. You know you need to get more exercise. Let's find simple effective ways to get it without even needing to go to the gym.
How to think about exercise to fit it into your day If you are not finding time for and prioritizing a 30 minute or hour workout at the gym now, it is likely you are not going to all of a sudden starting having the motivation or time it takes. Rather, focus on the the time you do have right now. When you prioritize exercise and feeling good, the opportunities will present themselves. Dont leave it for some theoretical time when everything else is done or when the time magically appears in your schedule. Now is the time. With these powerful exercises you can do just about anywhere, you will get the job done quickly without needing to bother with getting to a gym.
Will you look strange? If you do, more power to you. However, if anyone does see you, most people will be admiring you and thinking, What a great idea, I would like to do that. Be an example for yourself, your family and yes, whoever else is around. We all need more exercise these days. You are not alone. They may just join you after some time.
Be creative and prioritize exercise When you are looking for ways to give your body the boost it needs on a regular basis, you will find the time, even if its in small sections of time hear and there. You will start using the grocery bags or milk jug as weights. You will use the 5 minutes you have instead of sitting around.
Where to find the time
Alternatively, make it a family affair and get they all up off the coach as well. They will thank you for it later on. The point is, you have the time. Just be creative. Use any chance you can to get the exercise you need. You will very be glad you did. Lets begin.
Powerful Quick Exercises To Do When You "Dont Have Time to Exercise
1. Twist and Shake- Dance, sing, whatever it takes. Literally twisting, shaking, bouncing and anything that gets the body moving in all directions are all great ways to get the blood pumping, the muscles loosened while being cleansing for the lymphatic system. When you work up a good twist and shake, you will feel the calories burning. I enjoy this especially to help the body wake up in the morning. Shake it up.
Read the original here:
No Excuses, No Gym Workout Needed: 10 Powerful Quick Exercises To Fit Into Any Day - eMaxHealth