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49 Secrets on How to Lose Weight Fast – Dr. Axe | Health …

Whether youve decided to get in better shape as part of a New Years resolution, for summer bathing suit season or you just want to boost your normal routine, theres never a bad time to get fit and shed those last extra pounds. And odds are you want to lose weight fast.
But if youve ever tried losing weight, getting in shape, or simply leading a healthier lifestyle, you know that its not as easy as just changing your diet and squeezing in more workouts. Thats why Ive rounded up my favorite 49 ways to help you get healthy andfit.
From exercising for short bursts of time to making weekly menus to even having a cheat meal, these 49 workout, diet and lifestyle tips to lose weight fast will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.* Just remember, this is not onlyabout losing weight, but living a better healthier, happier life!
1. Schedule workouts
Pencil workouts into your daily planner the same way you do dinner with friends or that important business meeting. This will help hold you accountable. Itll also force you to choose a specific time to get your sweat on, making it more likely youll stick to it.
2.Break up workouts throughout the day
Cant carve out a full 30 minutes or an hour of exercise time in one go? Opt for shorter bouts of exercise throughout the day instead. The latest science suggests that several short exercise bursts provide the samehealth and fitness benefits as a similar amount of exercise done in one longer workout and, in some cases, reap even more rewards.
Try a quick cardio circuit in the morning, a brisk stroll during your lunch hour and an after-dinner strength session. Theres no need to do it all at once.
3. Dont let traveling derail your efforts
Being away from your normal routine doesnt mean your healthy efforts need fall to the wayside. Jog a few miles on the hotel gyms treadmill, scope out a local barre studio and pop in for a class, take a walking tour of the city, rent a bike and explore or even do a quick workout in your hotel room.
Try theseresistance bandexercises; they make for a quick workout, and a band takes up little space in your bag, making it perfect for when youre on the go.
4. Add variety to your routine
Keep your muscles guessing by cross training and trying different workouts or tweaking your usual routine. Youll work new muscles and beat boredom while tryingsomething new. Also, studies show that youre more likely to stick with your daily exercise routine if you switch up your workouts. Are you a CrossFit junkie? Stretch out at a yoga class. Is running more your style? Try addingsome speed intervals throughout your usual route.
5. But dont force yourself to do an activity you dislike
If you hate an activity, youre likely much less likely to stick with it. This doesnt mean shying away from activities that challenge you thats how your body changes! But if you dread swimming, theres no reason to force yourself into the pool five times a week. Working out shouldnt be a chore; it should be something you look forward to.
6. Do it on a budget
Its easy to think that getting in shape will be expensive, but it doesnt have to be. Aside from outdoor activities like walking, running andhiking, there are many other ways to get in a great workout without spending much money. Try a YouTube workout, check out low-cost community fitness centers or invest in a few quality exercise videos.
7. Crank up the music
Its been scientifically proven that listening to upbeat music during exercise helps you work harder and enjoy both the workout and the music more. Plus, it can help pass the time during a particularly intense part of your workout.
And its super easy! All you have to do is add your favorite fast-paced jams to a playlist and get moving.
8. Exercisewith a group
Not only do activities like group fitness exercises help hold you accountable to a specific time and place to work out, its also a great way to meet friends. After all, youre likely to start seeing and befriending class regulars. Classes also provide an opportunity to try something new in a safe, supportive environment.
If working out in a studio isnt your thing, check sites like Meetup to find local groups in sports youre interested in. From running groups to walking to lose weight to bike riding communities, theres probably a group interested in the same activities as you.
9. Start your day with a workout
If you constantly find that theres not enough time during the day to squeeze in a workout, it might be time to jumpstart yourday with one. Getting exercise in the morning has a variety of perks: Youll be energized throughout the day, unexpected time commitments wont jeopardize your fitness plans and youre more likely to make healthier choices.
And heres a bonus tip: Make setting the alarm clock early a bit easier by prepping your workout essentials the night before so you can grab and go.
10.Get results fast with burst training
Burst trainingisinterval training that combines short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slow recovery phases. This method of exercise helps your body burn fat faster because your metabolism stays elevated for up to 48 hours after exercise. When youre short on time but want fastresults, its a super effective option to lose weight fast.
11. Skip the scale
When youre trying to lose weight, the scale can be deceiving. Thats because it doesnt take into account that you are probably adding muscle. So even though youre making progress, the number on your scale might not budge (or it couldeven go up), which can be defeating.
And while a pound of fat is still the same as a pound of muscle, because muscle is lean and smooth, you can be shedding inches while remaining the same weight. To get a more accurate depiction of how your body is changing, use body measurement tape instead to track your size and progress.
12. Incorporate weight lifting
Could lifting weightstruly be one of the fastest ways to lose weight? Savvy exercisers know that the best workouts dont include just cardio, but incorporate strength training as well.
Building muscle helps you lose inches all around, keeps your metabolism going after leaving the gym and will help you look better, too. Researchers even discovered that weight training could be more beneficial for reducing belly fat than aerobic exercise.
And ladies, dont stress weight lifting will not make you bulk up. So if youre looking to get that toned look, pick up those weights and make them a regular part of your routine.
13. Consider using a personal trainer
If youre at a total loss as to how to begin a fitness routine, have an injury or other health issues or simply want to learn how to maximize your gym time, considering investing in a personal trainer. They can help shape a fitness program to reach your goals while taking into account any special considerations.
A certified personal trainer can be a great way to kick-start your healthy lifestyle or help get you over a weight loss plateau. Scheduling one with a few friends can keep costs down, too.
14. Drink plenty of water
Often we think were hungry when our bodies are actually just begging for water. So itsimportant to drinkenough waterthroughout the day to stay hydrated.
Drinking water not only keeps fat toxins moving out of the body, it also keeps your metabolism running optimally. In fact, in a 2013 study showed14 healthy men and women increased their metabolic rate by 30 percent after drinkingabout 16 ounces of water!
And if thats not enough to convince you the worlds healthiest drink will help you lose weight fast, remember that itscalorie-free, too!
15. Pack your own snacks
It comes on suddenly: One minute youre feeling great and the next youre starving for a snack. Skip the vending machine and prepare your own healthy snacks to take to work, school or whenever youre out and about. From apple chips to an on-the-go healthysmoothie, packing your own snacks will help you lose weight fast while also giving you the nutrients you need without the icky preservatives from expensive, processed foods.
16. Increase your protein intake
Increasing your protein intake is a great way to lose weight fast and burn fat. And most people dont get nearly enough protein in their diet. If your goal is to lose weight, I would recommend consuminghalf your body weight in grams of protein a day (at the very least). For those seeking to burn fat and build muscle, aim to consume .7 to 1 gramperpound of body weight. For example, if you weight 150 pounds, you should be getting 75 to 150 grams of protein a day (depending on your goals). Checkout this list of these topprotein foods.
17. Eat grapefruit
New research is revealing that consuming grapefruit benefits weight loss in a major way. The key may be an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) that is found in grapefruit. AMPK helps your body utilize sugar, which results in boosting your metabolism.
Additionally, nootkatone, a component found in grapefruit, has been shown to significantly increase fat-burning (AMPK) activity. So consider grapefruit a great vitamin C-rich snack and add grapefruit slices to a spinach salad or even into an immune boosting smoothie to help you lose weight fast.
18. Drink green tea
Drinking herbal teas such as matcha green tea, white tea, black tea and rooibos tea can amp up your metabolism. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea is more effective than other teas like oolong at promoting weight loss because of its high levels of catechins. So if you want to lose weight fast, I recommend drinking 1-3 cups of green tea daily.
19. Get your fill of fiber
Foods high in fiber will help you feel fuller longer and help reduce sugar cravings. Also, fiber has been proven to balance blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and more. But chances are youre not consuming enough. The average person only gets 15-20 grams of fiber eachday when they should be getting 30-40 grams daily. Not sure if your favorite foods stack up? Check out my tophigh-fiber foods.
20. Eat 90 percent of your meals at home
Whether youre a novice or a pro in the kitchen, making your own snacks and meals will help you lose weight fast. By controlling what ingredients, fats and oils are in your food, youll be able to make healthy choices without sacrificing the food and flavors you love.
Start by committing to making one meal a day at home. As you get more comfortable in the kitchen, increase that number. Youll be surprised by the quality of dishes you can make right in your own kitchen. Get some of my favorite healthy recipes here.
21. Stock pile healthy snacks at home
See no evil, eat no evil. Its hard to resist temptation when it comes to foods so eliminate it instead! Keep your cabinets and refrigerator stocked with fresh, healthy snacksso theyrefront and center. One trick I love is washing fresh fruits and veggies as soon as I get home from the store and storing them in glass or nice bowls on the counter or refrigerator shelf. It keeps them visible so you rememberto eat them!
Plus, whenever I need a snack, theyre already prepped. To make it a little easier to start, here are sometips forhealthy eating on a budget. You can also take along my healing dietshopping listthe next time you hit the supermarket.
22. Make a menu
If youre constantly find yourself thinking, I have nothing to eat, or I dont know what to make, preparing a menu is for you. Choose your favorite recipes and decide what you want to serve for meals a week at a time. Write out the ingredients youll need and take that list with you when you shop. Youll have all the ingredients on hand to make nutritious meals for the week.
Bonus: Save money by choosing meals that use in-season produce and combining your meals with your local grocery stores sales flyer. And dont forget about leftovers! Use them to create new meals (for instance, make a stir-fry with leftover cooked meats and veggies) or have a weekly night where all the leftovers get put out and everyone in the family can eat their favorites again.
23. Slow down!
When you eat fast, its easy to overeat. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to register that itsfull. While you chew, your brain is processing that you are eating, and chewing releases enzymes for pre-digestion in your saliva to start the digestion process.
So begin mindful eating, chewing slowly and enjoying the flavor of your food! This also eases digestion and helps your brain to catch up with your body. If you have trouble eating slowly, try putting down your fork or spoon in between bites.
24. Let go of the grains
Even though grains have been promoted as healthy, consuming them is one of the fastest ways to pack on the pounds. Plus as you probably know by now, the gluten found in most grains can increase inflammation in yourbody and put a strain on your digestive system. And store-bought bread often has added high fructose corn syrup, sugar and preservatives.
Grains contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which break down into sugar thatyour body will store as fat. So my advice is to keep your grain consumption down to one serving or less daily. And when you do eat grains, eat only sprouted grains or quinoa, and load up on vegetables!
25. Dont shop on an empty stomach
Does this situation sound familiar? You have the best of intentions to fill the grocery cart with lots of produce and healthy protein. But halfway through your shopping trip, your stomach starts growling and all of a sudden those potato chips are looking a lot more appealing than normal. Well, its happened to us all. The best solution? Fill up before you go! When youre not fighting hunger pangs, its a lot easier to make healthy choices.
26. Make healthy swaps
Eating clean doesnt mean you have to give up your favorite foods. Instead, think of ways to healthify them yourself! Is dip your weakness? Try this spicy bean dip. Are Fridays your pizza night? Make a coconut crust pizza instead. I guarantee theyll be delicious, satisfy your cravings and help you feel great!
27. Dont supersize
No, Im not talking about fast foodin fact, please dont eat ANY fast food. But simply speaking, there are going to be times that you are in a situation where you are in a position to eat something that is usually off-the-menu for healthy eating. So, instead of binging on these foods, keep your goals in mind and nibble on smaller amounts.
Are you at a party with hors doeuvres and appetizers you just cant turn down?Decide youll eat just one type of bite-sized food and turn down the rest. Or, is your office having a pizza party and the smell of cheesy goodness is too hard to resist? Pick the slice loaded with veggies, enjoy and then turn away.
28. Add in some fat-burning herbs
Adding in some healthy herbs to your diet may be just what you need to lose weight fast! Studies have shown that herbs like cayenne pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and dandelion may all help promote weight loss. You can add a bit of cayenne pepper to season chicken or dips, use turmeric when making burgers or sprinkle it on a salad, put 1/2 teaspoonof cinnamon in your smoothie and drink a hot cup of dandelion tea in the morning for breakfast.
Believe me, this really works! Because the same serving of food looks like less food on larger plates, trick your brain into eating less by serving your main dish on salad-sized plates instead of dinner ones. I switched out all my large dinner plates with salad plates for a while. And it is amazing how a medium-sized plate of food felt more satisfying when I cleaned it. When you combine this with eating slower and more intentionally, you will enjoy your food more and eat less!
30. Do a cleanse or detox
Doing a short cleanse or detox is one of the best ways to lose weight fast. Whether it be a few days or weeks, doing something like a vegetable juice cleanse or the Daniel Diet is highly effective. Another simple way to cleanse is by starting to drink thisSecret Detox Drink.
31. Make a better breakfast
Start your day on the right foot and fuel your body with a hearty breakfast. Itll give you energy in those first few hours youre awake. Plus, since breakfast is the firstmeal of the day, youll have all day to burn those calories. Tired of the same old eggs and toast? Try some of these delicious breakfast recipes.
32. Go crazy for coconuts
When consumed as part of a low-carb diet, coconut is one of the best weight loss foods in the world today. Coconut contains MCFAs (medium-chain fatty acids) that your body can easily burn as fuel for energy.
To get more coconut into your diet, switch out the other oils in your home for coconut oil, add coconut milk into your morning smoothie, use coconut flakes to crust chicken tenders and drink coconut water to stay hydrated during your next workout.
33. Dont drink your calories
Creamy, foamy drinks might taste delicious, but they can have enough calories to serve as an entire meal and thats not even taking into account the amount of sugar and preservatives they contain. Make your own healthier versions instead. From pumpkin spice lattes to spiced hot apple cider, theres a nutritious alternative for most high-calorie beverages
34. Choose healthy fats
Not all fat is created equal. The fats found in foods likeavocados, nutsand dark chocolate are actually good for you and they taste delicious! Enjoy them on a regular basis to reap their health benefits but dont go overboard because they are calorie dense.
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49 Secrets on How to Lose Weight Fast - Dr. Axe | Health ...
Vegetarian diet twice as effective for weight-loss, new research shows –

Last updated08:16, June 19 2017
Low-calorie diets are notoriously difficult to maintain in the long-term. But they may be unnecessary.
Switching to a vegetarian diet can be twice as effective for weight-loss as counting calories, according to new research.
For the study, published in theJournal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine followed 74 participants with type 2 diabetes for six months.
READ MORE: *Vegan diet may let you lose a few kilos * 'Dramatic' weight-loss possible without counting calories *How four Kiwis changed their diets to save their lives
A vegetarian diet may be more effective at reducing muscle fat than low-calorie diets, especially for those with type 2 diabetes.
Half the group were assigned a vegetarian diet (60 per cent of energy from carbohydrates, 15 per cent protein, and 25 per cent fat) consisting of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, and nuts, with one portion of low-fat yoghurt a day.
The other half were assigned aconventional low-calorie, anti-diabetes diet comprising of 50 per cent of energy from carbohydrates, 20 per cent protein, less than 30 per cent fat.
A vegetarian diet may be more effective because it includes more fibre from plant foods.
After six months, the vegetarian group had lost an average of 6.2 kilograms compared with 3.2 kilograms in the conventional group.
The researchers also used magnetic resonance imaging to analyse the effect of the two diets on adipose fat in participants' thighs.
While both diets reduced subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin), only the vegetarian diet caused reductions in subfascial fat (on the surface of muscles) and saw a greater reduction in intramuscular fat (fat inside the muscles).
Excess subfascial and intramuscular fat is associated with insulin resistance and lowered glucose metabolism.
"Vegetarian diets proved to be the most effective diets for weight loss," said lead author, Dr Hana Kahleova.
"However, we also showed that a vegetarian diet is much more effective at reducing muscle fat, thus improving metabolism. This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy."
Dr Joanna McMillan believes the vegetarian diet was more effective because it tends to include more fibre from plant foods.
"This helps to fill you up but also means the gut bugs have to help with nutrient retrieval," McMillan explained. "Potentially our gut bugs help us to stay lean or get fat depending on our individual microbiomes and usual diet."
Our genes may come into play as well, as another new study, published in the journalNature: Ecology and Evolution, found that the introduction of farming 10,000 years ago led to an increase in plant-based diets.
This dietary shift from the animal-based diet of hunter-gatherers resulted in genetic adaptations that helped vegetarians and their offspring to better metabolise plant-foods.
The plant-based gene variants regulate cholesterol levels and may provide protection against many inflammatory diseases, the researchers from Cornell University said.
"Although modern paleo advocates emphasise meat, in fact most hunter gatherer communities ate loads of plant food as well so the balance of foods is clearly key," McMillan said. "Although our genes can't change quickly, epigenetics allows us to adapt more quickly and the microbiome can adapt within a day. This is probably how humans have thrived on many different diets all over the world."
For many meat-eaters, the concept of becoming completely vegetarian is inconceivable, however there are health and environmental benefits to having more meat-free days. A new free app, designed by Charles Darwin's great-grandson, Chris Darwin, challenges people to have one or more meat-free days each week, rewarding users, by "showing you how your meat-free days are improving your health and your world". According to the app, one meat-free day per year saves a tennis court of forest and saves 98 toilet flushes of water (based around water support for meat production).
Vegetarian diet twice as effective for weight-loss, new research shows -
Diet Doc Says There Are Better Alternatives to the Fruitarian Diet for Weight Loss Seekers – GlobeNewswire (press release)

June 13, 2017 01:00 ET | Source: Diet Doc
Jackson, MS, June 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We all know that regular fruit consumption is good for us, but can we say the same about the highly-restrictive fruitarian diet? For those who may not know, the fruitarian diet requires that 75 percent of ones daily intake comes from raw fruit. The term, fruitarian describes an individual who adheres to this style of dieting as a way of life as a holistic approach to eating and health in general. Many well-known public figures have adopted the diet as a cleanse or to lose weight, but as healthy as fruit tends to be, Diet Doc warns that maintaining such a restrictive-diet for more than a few days can have many unintended consequences.
Fruit is high in natural and complex sugars that are often a great alternative to the processed sugar found in many foods in the grocery aisle. However, too much of these complex sugars can still put one at a greater risk for insulin-related conditions like diabetes, weight gain, kidney disorders and even tooth decay. In addition, a diet containing 75 percent fruit leaves very little room for proper nutritional balance. Fruitarians frequently report diminished levels of B vitamins, omega-3s, fatty acids, protein, iron and calcium. A diet lacking in these important nutrients can throw off the immune system and lead to bone loss, muscle loss, anemia and general malaise. If your goal is weight loss, very low-calorie diets such as this one can actually become a hindrance by slowing down the metabolism in order to conserve energy. Not to mention how miserable cravings can be for more satiating and filling foods.
For anyone looking to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle, a balanced approach will not only help one to achieve those goals, but will also promote long-term health and weight maintenance. Diet Doc is a doctor-supervised program offering individualized diets to suit the complex needs of each person. Diet Doc clients enjoy access to unlimited nutritional consulting, next day shipping of weight loss medications to their home and progress check-ins via phone or online to ensure that all clients are meeting their specific goals. Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
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Diet Doc Says There Are Better Alternatives to the Fruitarian Diet for Weight Loss Seekers - GlobeNewswire (press release)
Drop Weight Quickly With Grape Fruit Diet – Good Herald

The Grapefruit Diet is a quick and effortless way to drop weight, at the same time as rising in general health and wellness. Recognized in the 1930s as the Hollywood Diet, the Grapefruit Diet has been called a fashion diet by many. The theory behind the grapefruit diet is simple enough. The fruit, it is claimed, contains an enzyme that actually helps you burn fat. However, a revise in 2004 by Dr Ken Fuijioka and the nourishment and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic establish that there was a physically powerful association between the use of grapefruit at each meal and weight failure. Grapefruit diet could be said to be one of the offshoots of the modern generations obsession with losing weight and appearing attractive. This has propelled the fame of the Grapefruit Diet owing to its ease and efficiency.
The Grapefruit Diet consists of overwhelming either half a grapefruit or a goblet of grapefruit juice before each serving of food. The good information is that grapefruits are low down in calories and sodium, and has been exposed to reduce cholesterol levels and the danger of rising diabetes. Needless to say, a balanced diet consisting of all the essential nutrients is needed for sustaining good health.
Research has also shown that eating large amounts of grapefruit often causes diarrhea. The use of grapefruit reduces the level of insulin in the body, which in turn is vital in the blood sugar and fat metabolism directive processes. This allows you to procedure the power from your expenditure, and the margining in grapefruits block the uptake of fatty acids, ornamental weight loss instead of fat storage. The key to keep in mind in the Grapefruit Diet is to diminish utilization of insulin.
A smallest amount use of 8 classes of wet a day is wanted, and having a cup of coffee is allowable but not confident as it obstructs the weight defeat procedure. The grapefruit is vital in the diet as it boot starts the fat burning procedure. However, nutritionists advise against this kind of fad diet, because a diet based on only fruit is considered nutritionally unsound. Work out is also not confident at what time you are on the diet as the near to the ground calorie intake does not give enough energy to hold up your just behavior.
A universal Grapefruit Diet weight failure menu consists of bacon and eggs in the daybreak, and serving of meat and salads for lunch and dinner You can, for instance, take a healthy helping of grapefruit, but along with other essential nutrients which are not found in the fruit. It also includes a not obligatory previous to bed snack, such as a goblet of milk or tomato juice.
All these meals are proceed with either semi a grapefruit, or an 8oz glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice. Critics point out that the grapefruit diet is like any other mythic fad diets, which come and go every now and then. The most excellent part of this diet is that there is no limit on the amount of meat and salads you are overwhelming, so you don not have to be anxious about leaving hungry. The use of lard generously in training of food is also confident.
However effectual the Grapefruit Diet may be, it can only be follow on a 12 day series, with a 2 day smash in flanked by before resume the diet. You do not need to alter your habit of eating. Of course you will still need to do some exercises in order to make the diet even more effective. It is a strictly small term diet, and study has shown that it is likely in the direction of drop up to ten pounds in two and a half months. According to the study mentioned above, in twelve weeks, one can lose 3.6 pounds if one takes the grapefruit diet and do some exercise everyday. The diet is supposed to not be careful for use longer than this occasion period, as it lacks the necessary food groups for a fair diet and overall wellness, and has a most limit of 800 calories a day, which is inadequate for daily nourishment.
In a nutshell, the Grapefruit Diet has been established to work, and is extremely efficient. Although the pace of losing weight is considered slow, the diet still has its advantage over other dieting plans since you will probably find it a lot easier to stick to this diet. However, it is powerfully optional only as a short term guide to heaviness loss, and wants to be follow with a better diet in the long term for continued weight trouncing.
See the only Master Cleanse diet used by Hollywood Celebrities such as Beyonce! Exclusive discounts of the Master Cleanse Diet here!
Photo By stevepb from Pixabay
See the original post:
Drop Weight Quickly With Grape Fruit Diet - Good Herald
Just THINKING about exercise will make you lose weight, study … – Daily Star

THE more you think about exercise, the more weight you lose.
For some people, exercise is their favourite part of the day, for others its just another chore they want to get over and done with.
However, thinking of exercise as a chore could actually be the reason we cant lose weight.
Researchers from the University of Michigan have suggested the key to weight loss is all in our minds we need to change the way we think about exercise.
The study published in BMC Public Health, found what makes us feel happy and successful overall can be determined by our exercise methods.
The study showed both active and inactive women said connecting with others and helping them be happy and successful made them feel fulfilled, along with being relaxed and free of pressures during their leisure time, and accomplishing goals from grocery shopping to career goals.
However, inactive women said the way they felt about exercise made them feel less happy and unsuccessful.
This is because many of them said they believed valid exercise must be intense, yet they said they wanted to feel relaxed during their leisure time.
LDN Muscle founder Tom Exton shows off his shredded body
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The inactive women said they feel pressure to exercise for health or to lose weight and yet during their leisure time they dont want to be pressured.
And these women also said they believe success comes from achieving goals, yet their expectations for how much and how they should be exercising was leaving little room to achieve these goals.
Comparatively, active women didnt feel bad if they missed a workout every so often and for them exercise was a middle priority.
Michelle Segar, study author said: "Their beliefs about what exercise should consist of and their past negative experiences about what it feels like actually prevents them from successfully adopting and sustaining physically active lives.
Michelle said she thinks the traditional approach to exercise 30 minutes of vigorous exercise per day could potentially harm motivation.
She added: "We need to re-educate women they can move in ways that will renew instead of exhaust them, and more effectively get the message across that any movement is better than nothing.
Michelle continued that the key is to make exercise fun, not daunting and prior studies have shown exercising with friends or finding a fun exercise can help with this its all about changing the mindset to enjoy exercise, not fear it.
See the rest here:
Just THINKING about exercise will make you lose weight, study ... - Daily Star
How to Lose Weight Fast – Quick & Easy Weight Loss Tips

8. Go to bed.
As funny as it sounds, sleep deprivation may make you fat and not just because you're susceptible to cases of the late-night munchies (although there's that too). There's tons of research that demonstrates getting less than the desired amount about 7 hours of sleep per night can slow down your metabolism. Plus, when you're awake for longer, you're naturally more likely to nosh (you'll physically feel hungrier!) So don't skimp on your ZZZs, and you'll be rewarded with an extra edge when it comes to shedding pounds quickly.
Loads of research demonstrates people who log everything they eat especially those who log while they're eating are more likely to lose weight and keep it off for the long-haul. Start tracking on an app like MyFitnessPal when the pounds start sneaking up on you. It'll help you stay accountable for what you've eaten. Plus, you can easily identify some other areas of your daily eats that could use a little improvement when it's written out in front of you.
Don't get me wrong exercising at any time is good for you. But evening activity may be particularly beneficial because many people's metabolism slows down toward the end of the day. Thirty minutes of aerobic activity before dinner increases your metabolic rate and may keep it elevated for another two or three hours, even after you've stopped moving. What that means for you: You're less likely to go back for seconds or thirds. Plus, it'll help you relax post meal so you won't be tempted by stress-induced grazing that can rack up calories, quickly.
Getty Ian Hooton
Listen up: Skipping meals will not make you lose weight faster. If a hectic day makes a sit-down meal impossible, stash an energy bar or a piece of fruit in your car or tote; stash snacks in your office desk-drawer and make a point of getting up to grab a nosh anything that will keep you from going hungry! Going long periods of time without food does double-duty harm on our healthy-eating efforts by both slowing down your metabolism, and priming you for another binge later in the day. (Think: You've skipped breakfast and lunch, so you're ready to takedown a whole turkey by dinner!) Make it your mission to eat three meals and two snacks every day, and don't wait longer than 3 to 4 hours without eating. Set a "snack alarm" on your phone if needed.
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Sure, you certainly need to drink plenty of water to help expedite the process of ridding your body of excess sodium. But that can (and should!) also be consumed in the form of high-water content foods. Reach for cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, asparagus, grapes, celery, artichokes, pineapple and cranberries all of which contain diuretic properties that will also help you stay full due to their higher fiber, high water content.
Potassium, magnesium and calcium can help to serve as a counter-balance for sodium. Foods that are rich in potassium include leafy greens, most "orange" foods (oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, melon) bananas, tomatoes, and cruciferous veggies especially cauliflower. Low-fat dairy, plus nuts and seeds can also help give you a bloat-busting boost, ad have been linked to a whole host of additional health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, and reducing risk of chronic disease overall.
At any given time, there are dozens of weight-loss hypes in the marketplace that claim to have the ability to take off 10 pounds in 10 days, or whatever. Desperation can tempt us to try anything from "clean eating" to cutting out food groups entirely. Keep in mind: Just because an avocado-walnut-"crunchy"-kale-salad dripping in coconut oil is deemed "clean" by a so-called "expert" on your Instagram feed does not make it an unlimited food. Moral of the story? Avoid fads, eat real food, watch some Netflix and use this winter as a time to relax and unwind (perhaps with a glass of wine in-hand). Now that's my kind of detox.
You already know that a perfect diet doesn't exist, but many of us still can't resist the urge to kick ourselves when we indulge, eat too much or get thrown off course from restrictive diets. The problem: This only makes it more difficult, stressful, and downright impossible to lose weight. So rather than beating yourself up for eating foods you think you shouldn't, let it go. Treating yourself to about 200 calories worth of deliciousness each day something that feels indulgent to you can help you stay on track for the long-haul, so allow yourself to eat, breathe and indulge (so that you don't eventually dive head first into brownie batter). Food should be joyful, not agonizing!
Ultimately, weight-loss for the long-term requires some short-term behavior change and healthier habit formation. That's why we created our Good Housekeeping Nutritionist Approved Emblem, which exists to help turn smart food choices into healthier eating habits. All GHNA foods and drinks are simple, transparent and make it easier to find and eat good-for-you foods without additional time, effort, and cost. We target the lifestyle-related factors that make healthier eating hard, and find simple but creative solutions that actually work! Look for the emblem on labels wherever you shop for food!
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How to Lose Weight Fast - Quick & Easy Weight Loss Tips
5 ways to lose weight while saving time and money – Body and Soul

Meal prep and HIIT workouts are just the beginning.
Make your week work for you with these time-saving tips that well help you save calories and cash.
Being able to create a healthy meal quickly is key to staying on track with your weight loss goals. For me, the sandwich press is life-changing. It can cook anything from chicken, fish, eggs, pancakes, sweet potato, vegetables and the list goes on. It is portable so it can be taken to work or on holidays, and more importantly, you can just wipe it clean.
Another time-saving weight loss hack is cooking up a big batch of brown rice or quinoa, and keeping it in an airtight container in the fridge. This will last a good 3-4 days and you simply run under hot water when needed. Healthy meals are so quick and easy to put together and by adding in your choice of spices you can add flavour to any dish.
Food is everything when it comes to weight loss, and if you can prep some meals or ingredients on a Sunday your week will run very smoothly, nutrition-wise, anyway. Not only will preparing elements of your meals (or full meals, the choice is yours!) in advance save you time, but having protein-rich snacks as well as healthy meals on tap will save you money. No emergency 3pm trips to the vending machine needed.
It sounds obvious but it works: schedule in your workouts for the week like you would your meetings. This gives you a clear picture of how your week will look, and takes away any stress that relates to fitting in your work outs. Plus, it keeps you accountable as your days become longer and busier and that gym membership youre paying for is certainly not going to waste.
High intensity interval training is awesome when it comes to fat loss and also saving time. A HIIT session can be anything from boxing, stairs, hill sprints or skipping. These sessions only need to last 20-30 minutes as they are so taxing on your heart rate, after one of these sessions youll be feeling exhausted and amazing. The best bit? There are literally thousands online on YouTube, and beyond available for free. You can work-out in your living room while your meals are being prepped. If thats not efficient, we dont know what is!
If you can set up a regular order online with an organic grocer or major supermarket this will be life changing. Each week you will bring up your regular order make a couple of changes or simply just process the order, which will save you time, money, and help with our first couple of points. Life: simplified.
Originally posted here:
5 ways to lose weight while saving time and money - Body and Soul
Weight loss – the ONE thing you can do to shed pounds after your Easter chocolate binge –

Easter - a time for family and lots and lots of chocolate. While these things make us feel great at the time, we all know overdoing it can leave us with a headache.
Sugar wreaks havoc on the human body, so how can someone limit the damage done by overindulging at Easter time?
The first thing to avoid doing to going cold turkey, according to Dr. Mike Roussell.
Sugar is an addictive substance, and starving the body off it can make a person feel horrible and have them reaching for the sweets again in no time.
How to get your weight loss diet back on track after binging on Easter chocolate
Wait until your body feels hungry again and eat a small protein- and fiber-rich meal like broiled salmon and roasted broccoli, Dr Mike suggested on
He claimed this meal will regulate blood sugar and help control hormones and cravings.
Dr Mike said drinking a lot of water is vital to get the body running smoothly again.
This will help you burn off that extra sugar, as well as the water weight that goes along with it, he added.
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Eating cinnamon could help to kick start the body again after a sugar binge, according to the healthcare professional.
Dr Mike said: Cinnamon is another compound that can improve your bodys ability to metabolize and use carbohydrates. Research shows that you can experience this effect with one tablespoon of cinnamon added to a meal.
The effects of sugar on the body can be fairly shocking, damaging teeth and causing sickness.
Fifteen minutes after eating chocolate sugar and bacteria in the mouth mix together to form an acid, which punishes tooth enamel, Dr Wayne Osborne told the Independent.
After 30 minutes the body starts storing sugar at the liver as fat.
The heart rate will also increase and the body releases cortisol to calm itself.
After this comes a huge crash, causing a headache and nausea.
In some instances, the immune system can be inhibited for up to five hours after a binge, Dr Wayne said.
However, according to Dr Naila Arebi, Consultant Gastroenterologist at St Marks Hospital, chocolate can lower blood pressure.
The benefits of chocolate depends on the type of chocolate people choose from the supermarket aisles.
The more favourable and healthy variety stems from its source, the cocoa bean.
Fermentation in the bean and subsequent extraction generates cocoa butter and releases a variety of vitamins and minerals such as potassium and anti-oxidants.
Focusing on fibrous vegetables like broccoli will help to get your digestive system back on track and have you shedding pounds again quickly.
You can also so some light exercise to jump start the system again.
Be careful if you find yourself binging over and over again, though.
If you binge-eat as a habit, or compulsion, consider seeking medical attention. A binge-eating disorder is characterised by regular occurrences that drive you to eat beyond the point of discomfort, said.
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Weight loss - the ONE thing you can do to shed pounds after your Easter chocolate binge -
Vanessa Hudgens reveals the ONE secret behind her 20lbs weight loss – Daily Star

STUNNING celeb Vanessa Hudgens reveals the simple secret behind her impressive weight loss.
Vanessa had to pile on 20lbs for her role in 2013 film Gimme Shelter. But in a bid to shape up the 28-year-old turned to twice-daily fitness classes.
Revealing all in an interview with Womens Health, the High School Musical babe said she routinely attended SoulCycle.
She explained: Put me on a bike in a room with loud music, and Im happy. Its like dancing without the stress of worrying if you look good.
Im really competitive when it comes to fitness. I like being around people so I can compete.
From Christian Bale's 60lbs weightloss in The Machinist, to Gwyneth Paltrow's fat suit in Shallow Hal, here are the most shocking celebrity movie transformations.
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Michelle Rodriguez has a shocking transformation for her recent movie
Along with her dedicated fitness regime, Vanessa stuck to a high-fat, low-carb which helped to maintain her energy levels throughout the day.
Im really competitive when it comes to fitness
The brunette beauty confessed that her strict diet meant she slimmed down quickly.
Vanessa said: Since I got back to eating like this the last month or so, Ive lost 10lbs. Thats a lot for my [51] height.
Now shes maintaining her super toned physique with frequent yoga classes.
She added: I looked in the mirror and was like, Who am I? It was definitely a journey back to myself, and yoga helped.
I dont consider it fitness. Its more like therapy for me.
Meanwhile Vanessa isnt the only celeb to share a weight loss secret.
Ed Sheeran recently opened up about how he dropped 3.5st after gorging on pizza and beer.
To beat the bulge, the hitmaker asked his hockey player girlfriend Cherry Seaborn for fitness advice.
A post shared by Vanessa Hudgens (@vanessahudgens) on Feb 18, 2017 at 1:33pm PST
So the stunning blonde devised a diet plan and workout regime for him to follow.
Ed explained: I did 10 minutes a day without fail intervals of 30 seconds sprinting and 30 jogging.
The key is to not miss a day, so you dont have to do an hour.
Read the rest here:
Vanessa Hudgens reveals the ONE secret behind her 20lbs weight loss - Daily Star
Islanders aiming for quick turnaround with Doug Weight – FanRag Sports (blog)

The New York Islanders could have hired a coach with more than 600 career wins to his name, but instead, they chose a coach with just 24.
Ken Hitchcock, Lindy Ruff and Darryl Sutter were all available for hire when the Islanders hit the golf course Monday. All three are ranked among the top 11 winningest coaches of all-time. Hitchcock and Ruff are in the top five each with more than 730 career wins.
But hoping for a quick turnaround, the Islanders will stay the course withDoug Weight, as they aim to get back in the playoffs next spring.
Weight took over for the fired Jack Capuano on Jan. 19. At the time, New York sat in last place, but the team surged in the final 10 weeks to finish just one point out of the last playoff spot in the East. Under Weight, the Islanders went 24-12-4, which comes out to a .650 point percentage.
AfterWeight became bench boss in Brooklyn, the Islanders earned 52 points. The only team with more during that same stretch was the Presidents Trophy-winning Washington Capitals. Interestingly, those 52 points were more than what the Colorado Avalanche earned the entire season.
There were other factors at play other than the coaching chance, but the Islanders responded, particularly offensively, under Weight. New York scored an even3.0 goals per game after Jan. 18 vs. 2.83 per contest with Capuano as head coach.
In particular, captain John Tavares scored more in the second half. Under Weight, he tallied 12 goals and 34 points in 35 games prior to sustaining a lower-body injury prior to the final week of the season. In his first 42 games, Tavares scored 16 goals and 32 points.
COLUMBUS, OH DECEMBER 10: New York Islanders Center John Tavares (91) before a regular season game between the Columbus Blue Jackets and New York Islanders on December 10, 2016, at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. The Columbus Blue Jackets won by a score of 6-2. (Photo by Michael Griggs/Icon Sportswire)
Going back to last season, the Islanders captain recorded 49 goals and 102 points in his final 122 games under Capuano. By no means are those poor numbers, but in the prior four seasons, Tavares was a point per game guy and averaging 0.45 goals per game. His averages dropped to 0.4 goals and 0.84 points per contest in the last two seasons with Capuano.
Those numbers, coupled with the teams last place position into January, indicated Capuanos message had grown old. Again, other factors such as going with Thomas Greiss in net on a full-time basis and the arrival of Josh Ho-Sang impacted the team, but Weight clearly revitalized Tavares and the offense.
For me, Doug had the immediate respect of the players, Islanders general manager Garth Snow said,according to Newsday. In his role as assistant GM and assistant coach, he had a hand in acquiring almost all of our players, so there was a comfort level there when he came in. This was something I was thinking for about the last month of the season.
That familiarity and the tremendous turnaround the team underwent with Weight made the decision to keep him a rather obvious one.
Everyone around the Islanders is going to want to talk about Tavares and his pending free agency in the summer of 2018, but looking ahead to just next season, the Islanders possess very few free agents. Defensemen Calvin de Haan and Dennis Seidenberg are the big ones, and de Hann is only a restricted free agent.
The only other free agents of any kind for New York are backup goaltender J.F. Berube and winger Stephen Gionta. Theres a decent chance that if Snow wants those four players back, they will all return. Of course, the Islanders will lose one player to the expansion draft, but regardless, a vast majority of the team will be back this fall.
With practically the entire roster returning, the last thing the Islanders should have wanted to do was add a shakeup at head coach even if that meant bringing in one of the most successful coaches in NHL history. New York couldnt properly adjust quickly enough to all the free agency changes from last summer, and that ultimately cost them this seasons playoffs.
More drastic changes could set this team back another year. Thats not what they need. Again, the Islanders missed the postseason by just one point.
If the team hadnt done well under Weight, then its a completely different discussion, but their success with him made this a no-brainer. Despite the disappointing season, the Islanders should enter next season with the expectation that they will be back in the postseason next year.
Original post:
Islanders aiming for quick turnaround with Doug Weight - FanRag Sports (blog)