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Technologies vs the Bulge – Daily Times

Medical doctor, specialized in Health Services Management from Griffith University Australia. I am also alumina of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Most of us have been down the road where we have struggled to lose weight and keep it off. With the media portraying an image of a perfect body is, many of us try to keep at par with that flawlessness.
With ravishingly well-maintained divas and their smart male counterpart actors always insight on media, the common woman and man dream and desire to achieve the same level of body beautification at whatsoever be the cost.
Diet pills, plans and coaches boasting to peel off many kgs off our bodies in a matter of months; Facebook groups showing miraculously trimmed down people; Atkins, keto, Mediterranean diets, extreme calorie restriction diets are some of the few latest fad diets promising instant results.
Some people even opt for extreme measures bariatric surgeries, gastric balloons, liposuction or fat freezing to attain their dream bodies.
The bottom line remains that these current intervention approaches have significant shortcomings, playing more havoc than proving beneficial for our bodies. All these interventions are only shown to be effective when paired with lifestyle modifications.
Obesity is a global concern, the fifth leading cause of death, killing more than 2.8 million people each year (World Health Organization). The British Psychological Society (BPS) states that obesity is not a choice and psychological experiences play a significant role especially for people living with life challenges, traumas and those who are less incentivized to be more active.
Understanding food science is the key to realizing people and their food choices, as all foods are not created equal. Most meals are palatable or tasty to eat, such as an apple but certain foods such as pizza, cookies, chips or ice-creams are irresistible. According to scientists, a synergy between key ingredients; sugar, salt, fat or carbohydrates creates an artificially enhanced palatability experience activating brain reward neurocircuits similar to drugs like cocaine or opioids. Researches call this hyper palatability; eaters call it delicious. No wonder the obesity crisis has reached epidemic proportions.
A deeper understanding of how weight management and behaviour changes for obesity prevention are informed by psychology so that an environment is created in which people find it easier not to become overweight or obese in the first place. Today technology serves the purpose.
Recent emerging technological advances are now offering the promise to address challenges of losing weight and keeping it off. With more people than ever before now connected to the internet via their smartphones, advanced behavioural self-monitoring apps have resulted in the development of an assortment of eHealth weight management programs to achieve optimal health.
Thousands of health apps are available nowadays by mitigating barriers for healthier lifestyles via promoting weight management by automated prompts, reminders, information provision, self-monitoring, tracking and integration into social networking websites. These mobile apps for weight loss also include behavioural tracking and goal setting features.
Another breakthrough is the use of biosensors to detect and measure a substance of interest to provide an accurate picture of a persons health status.
Dietary apps used for monitoring and recording daily intakes of food and fluids, and calculating the requirements based on the physical statistics such as age height weight would become more efficient and effective when used with non-invasive biosensors. Many studies already show that clinical outcomes have improved where technologies have been implemented. Many overweight people have reduced the intake of sweet foods and drinks when using these apps by getting immediate feedback on the foods they are choosing. Some such apps are My Fitness Pal, Easy Diet Dairy, Kidney Diet, Sodium Manager, Carb Manager etc.
Other latest technologies introduced to the battle of the bulge are wearable devices that monitor fitness and personal health levels. The most recent of those is Apple Watch.
Many fitness-conscious individuals are widely using another wearable, Fitbit which tracks activity level, quality of sleep and other health data.
Technology holds the solution to our problems, but perhaps the ultimate answer lies in some combination of technology and human touch
Apps linked up with biosensors would be extremely beneficial in remote settings where access to a healthcare facility is limited for early detection of disease and self-assessment. With the epidemic of obesity spreading vivaciously, especially in the younger generations, the increased use of smartphones can be used efficiently to develop interventions to combat obesity.
Mobile app-based interventions are being used in Ireland, where more than 100,000 children are clinically obese. When used along with biosensors, they can not only be used to record but also monitor the health status of an individual. These can be shared electronically with medical professionals and centres.
To track the calorie intake-expenditure balance necessary for weight loss, exercise and food/drink consumption must be accurately measured. However, traditional methods of monitoring these factors are taxing and unreliable, resulting in poor adherence and accuracy. Accelerometers (e.g., in a band, watch or phone) now automatically capture movement and upload data to a tracking application. Automatic tracking of eating may soon be possible through bite, photographic or chemical analysis. For now, web and smartphone apps allow relatively simple tracking using extensive food databases and barcode scanners that are linked to nutritional data.
Researchers and clinicians have capitalized on the use of technologies, such as the internet and mobile devices (e.g., PDAs, smartphones, cellular phones), to deliver weight management interventions. Such platforms are attractive because they help overcome resource and access barriers encountered when delivering traditional face-to-face individual or group interventions. Consequently, these platforms may enhance our ability to produce a significant and healthy change in larger segments of the obese population.
This can serve as a practical and cost-effective intervention which has always been a bottleneck in health, capable of reaching millions and serve as a life-saving device by monitoring obesity and its related risk factors. Such apps can then calculate and make a comprehensive specialized chart catering to the individuals requirements comprising of the daily caloric count, type of foods to be consumed and level of physical activity needed.
An amalgam of increasing life expectancies, sedentary lifestyles and chronic debilitating diseases, technology can play a significant role to mitigate these challenges.
The smartphone acts as a gateway to developing solutions to many of our health-related problems and pressures. Wearable biosensors can demonstrate most up to date and valid data at every single point in time giving a clear picture of a persons health status and establish a relationship between patients and providers continuum of care.
Many companies like Zephyr and AliveCor have already developed biosensors to monitor vitals and assess when medical intervention is needed. Taking it further, these biosensors can provide testing, imaging and diagnosis, all by the help of a simple biosensor operated mobile app even in resource-poor settings.
The biggest challenge to biosensors remains regulations, compliance and standards of biosensor technologies in providing sensitive, specific and quality data to ensure optimal patient safety and security.
Technology holds the solution to our problems, but perhaps the ultimate answer lies in some combination of technology and human touch, in other words, what some call touch plus tech.
The writer is Health Services Management from Griffith University Australia, alumina of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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Technologies vs the Bulge - Daily Times
Not only she lost weight Adele surprised her with her face totally transformed into a party with James Corden – Play Crazy Game

Though Adele not releasing new music for 5 years, from her new album 25 in 2015, continues to show fans that is focused for the moment on your own well-being before returning to the recording studio and the stage.
In late 2019 and early 2020 showed an extreme change in body to lose 40 pounds. Going to be a woman curvy to have a figure quite thin, as ever.
Although the interpreter of Hello does not offer statements about their personal lives, various media have claimed that he managed to lose that amount of pounds by changing their diet, leaning towards the diet sirtfood, which is focused on the rejuvenation and cell repair through the intake of many smoothies in a diet of a maximum of 1500 calories a day.
Recently he was also caught leaving the gym. So the exercise has been the perfect complement and ideal in this new life style.
The physical transformation of Adele has been impressive and admired by all, as it requires a lot of willpower and persistence to make changes in your life of that magnitude.
I recently came out to party with his friends James Corden and Harry Styles, who just turned 26 years old this 1st of February, and celebrated in a big way.
Of course, he drew attention to how it has changed the face of Adele right now which is very thin. Your cheekbones look more pronounced than before, his chin more in-tune and seems like such a runway model.
But there were mixed reactions about his new look. While many were filled with praise, others claimed that it no longer looks like the Adele that they knew and that is abusing the makeup.
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Not only she lost weight Adele surprised her with her face totally transformed into a party with James Corden - Play Crazy Game
Immune boosters and busters | Opinion – The Daily Courier

With all thats going on in the world today, people are talking about health now more than ever. And while some folks make health a priority everyday, there are many who wait until something happens before making any changes. And still others are doing things they think are beneficial, but really arent doing much. Regardless which one you identify with, theres always something more you can do to improve and restore health. At any age.
Fact; your health is either improving or declining. Even though you may feel like youre health is constant, it actually fluctuates based on what you do to, and for your body on a daily basis. Think of your car. It may be running just fine today. No breakdowns or weird noises, but you know that every kilometre you drive without proper maintenance, will wear it out faster. Same with our bodies.
Fact; billions of cells in our body die off everyday and must be replaced with new ones in order for us to continue living. When we were young, the old cells were replaced with new ones that were equal to or better than the ones that died. As we get older, the quality of those replacement cells diminishes. This causes the body to age, heal more slowly and potentially give way to disease. Although we cannot stop the aging process entirely, there is much we can do to slow it down. By keeping the quality and integrity of our cells elevated, we can effectively slow down the aging process, which in turn lowers the risk of disease, giving us a better quality of life, longer. Stick with me while I unpack four immune boosters and busters that can help you get a better handle on your health.
The first big immune buster is stress. A lot of stuff happens inside your body when stress hits. Cortisol and adrenaline are released into the body, blood sugar is elevated, insulin spikes, heart rate goes up, digestion slows down, blood flow is directed away from the organs and out to the extremities, all to help you fight off hostile natives or run from the tiger lurking at the edge of your village. Ill go out on a limb here and say its highly unlikely youll be chased by a tiger when you walk out your front door, but regardless the source of your stress, your body responds the same.
For those living high stress lives, their bodies remain on high alert with all of these things happening, all the time. Its the same as driving your car top speed, revs maxed, every single time you drive. Your car wouldnt last long if you treated it that way, and frankly neither would you.
Sugar (and processed foods as they are converted to sugar when digested) is our second big immune buster. According to pediatrician, Dr. William Sears, Simple sugars, including glucose, table sugar, fructose and honey caused a 50% drop in the ability of white blood cells to engulf bacteria. Id like to add any and all sweeteners to the buster list. At a 50% drop in immune function, you may want to reconsider those little indulgences for the time being or consider using green, organic stevia instead.
Big buster number three is excessive alcohol. Dr. Sears defines excess as three or more drinks and says that amount will deprive the body of essential nutrients, creating an overall nutritional deficiency. . . . like sugar, consumed in excess (alcohol) can reduce the ability of white cells to kill germs.
Dieting is fourth on my immune buster list as it truly is something that can do your body more harm than good. Diets require restricting calories, giving up certain food groups, exercising like a fiend in order to lose weight.
You can absolutely lose weight on a diet, but at what cost? Without enough of the right calories and proper, balanced nutrition to nourish your cells, the body becomes stressed and once again immune health is put at risk. There are more busters out there, but now lets focus on we can do daily to boost our immune systems and protect our health.
Big booster number one is sleep. A good nights sleep allows the body to restore, repair and improve immune cells called T cells. Dr. Stoyan Dmitrov, PhD from the University of Tubingen, reported, T cells are a type of immune cells that fight against intracellular pathogens, for example virus-infected cells such as flu, HIV, herpes and cancer cells. Keeping those T cells working is a good reason to turn in early.
Stay hydrated. Booster number two, water, is needed for every function your body and brain does. Picture your cells like grapes. On the vine supplied with water, they are nice and plump and juicy. Pick them, and after a while they become raisins. Healthy cells means a healthy immune system. So be grape.
Booster number three is exercise. Getting regular exercise not only strengthens your heart and lungs, and helps maintain mobility, it also encourages white blood cells to move about the body more quickly, possibly detecting illness sooner.
And the last big booster is nutrition. Choose hormone-free, grass-fed proteins whenever possible, healthy fats, and eat more antioxidant-rich fruits and veg. And when you put them together in a way that stabilizes blood sugar and balances the body, stored fat is released and weight drops off, cholesterol and blood pressure normalize, hormones are balanced, overall internal inflammation is reduced and immune function is increased.
There are many things in life we cant control. But what we can control is how we take care of our health. Join the 8 Weeks is All it Takes group on Facebook for information and support in achieving your health and weight loss goals.
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Immune boosters and busters | Opinion - The Daily Courier
Couple lose 15 stone after being left mortified by picture of them dressed as Tweedledee and Tweedledum – MyLondon

A couple overhauled their lifestyle and lost 15 stone between them after being mortified by a photo of them dressed as Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
When Becky Ember, 47, met her now-husband, David, 50, in 2005, they bonded over their love of football and partying.
David would drink up to 15 pints on a night out, and Becky would drink a dozen or so Smirnoff Ice alcopops before finishing the evening with an extra-large kebab and chips.
Tipping the scales at 34 stone between them when they first became a couple, they continued to pile on the pounds in the years that followed.
They did manage to slim down a little in 2015 by religiously following a diet plan but a freak accident in 2018, when teaching assistant Becky damaged some of her vital organs after becoming impaled on an upturned badminton net, saw her weight creep back up during her five month recovery.
Eventually, the pair, of Southampton, Hampshire, who have two children together, Darcey, 10, and, Charlie, eight, reached their heaviest weights hers an 18st 6lb size 26, and his a 21st 7lb size XXXL.
But, after logging into Facebook in January 2019, and spotting an unflattering throwback snap of them at a fancy dress party, they vowed to change for good, and have since shed 15 stone between them.
Becky, who is now a 10st 6lb size 12, while her groundskeeper husband is a 14st 10lb size XL said: Its definitely brought the spark back. Sometimes I look at him and think, Oh my God, hes fit. He has such a peachy bum now.
We fell in love with each other for who each other was but now weve got the added bonus of getting 100 per cent fitter.
When Becky first met David after being invited to a regular meet up for Southampton F.C. supporters, she admitted they did not exactly hit it off.
We were introduced over a pint, she recalled. He thought I was stuck up and I thought he was miserable.
It took a few weeks before he realised I was a just bit aloof, and I realised he had just been hungover.
From there, the pair would catch up every fortnight at the supporters meet up before watching their team play, and also began exchanging regular texts and phone calls.
Then, when Becky was given a devastating lung cancer diagnosis in June 2005 after flagging a persistent cough and breathlessness during a check-up through her private medical insurance, she found herself turning to David for support.
She added: They told me there was a tumour in my right lung. I found myself relying on David more than I could have expected, even though we werent even official at the time.
In June 2005, Becky, who has never smoked, making her diagnosis all the more shocking, underwent a lobectomy, where part of on her upper right lung was removed, at Spire Southampton Hospital.
Throughout her 10-day hospital stay, David was a regular visitor.
He came to visit me every day, and thats when I realised he was special, she said. So many men would have run for the hills.
Luckily, the surgery was a success and Becky did not require any further treatment, but had annual check-ups until being given the all clear in 2015.
Making things official with David in November 2005, just four months later, keen to put her cancer ordeal behind her, Becky was delighted when the couple moved in together.
But they soon fell into an unhealthy pattern, often enjoying a pre-match fry up before watching football together, washed down with several pints.
The foundation of our relationship was based on unhealthy habits, Becky said.
She continued: Because wed already bonded over football, we fell for each others personalities and not what we looked like so we just didnt care about the weight.
Spending the first four years of their relationship doing nothing more than eating and drinking, Becky and David would paint the town red every weekend.
Then, in November 2009, they welcomed their first child, Darcey, and though they curbed their party lifestyle, they soon swapped one vice for another.
Instead of nights in the local pub, they began splurging on fast food, eating takeaways five times a week and consuming an estimated 8,000 calories between them a day far more than the recommended intake by the NHS of 2,500 for men and 2,000 for women.
Becky said: We swapped nights out on the town for date nights in front of the telly. We would basically live off takeaways. Chinese, Indian, Kebab, pizza we really werent fussy.
On a typical day, the pair would skip breakfast before having a supermarket meal deal for lunch and a huge takeaway dinner.
But, despite their penchant for calorie-laden food, Becky insists her children have always had a well-balanced diet.
We always made sure the children ate well, she said. Wed give them a healthy meal and get the takeaway menus out when they were tucked up in bed.
In 2015, Becky got her first wake-up call when she was getting dressed for work, and realised she could not do her size 24 trousers up.
She added: I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, You are a disgrace. Youve beaten cancer and now youre going to let your weight beat you.
Signing up to the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Loss at the recommendation of a friend, Joanne Collins, 49, Becky restricted her diet to 1,000 calories a day, swapping snacks and takeaways for 1:1 Diet substitute products and healthier foods.
With David following a similar diet, the overhaul worked, with her losing an impressive seven stone, and him three.
For two years, the pair maintained their new physiques but a freak accident in April 2018 saw Becky fall off the wagon.
She explained: I was playing a game of badminton when I fell over and grabbed the net. The whole thing collapsed, and I landed on the upturned feet of the net.
Rushed to Southampton General Hospital, Becky was told by doctors that, although the net had not pierced her skin, the impact of the fall had ruptured her liver and severely bruised her adrenal gland, pancreas and kidneys.
They said the force of the fall has caused severe damage to my organs. I was given a load of anti-inflammatories and painkillers, but apart from that all I could do was rest, she said.
The liver is incredible at repairing itself although it still meant I wasnt able to work for five months.
Recovering at home, Becky found herself turning to calorie-laden food for comfort.
By January 2019, she was four stone heavier than before the accident, undoing all her hard work following the 1:1 Diet plan.
That same month, she logged onto Facebook one day, and was left red-faced by a throwback snap from 2005 that had been posted to her profile as a memory.
Its from David and mines first proper New Years Eve together, she said. Wed gone to the fancy dress shop and there was only one outfit that fit Tweedledee and Tweedledum from the Lewis Carroll book Through the Looking Glass.
It pops up every year, and normally we laugh it out but last year it was all too much and I realised I needed to change. I couldnt go back to that way of life.
Enlisting the help of Joanne, who was by then a qualified 1:1 Diet coach, Becky got back on the bandwagon with David, then weighing 18st 9lb, once again joining her for support.
Following the plan, kick starting their day with porridge, followed by a 1:1 Diet product for lunch and grilled fish and steamed vegetables for dinner, the pair reached their goal weights in less than a year.
Now, not only their diets, but their entire lifestyles have been completely transformed.
Becky concluded: We used to be so sedentary before all of this, now were totally different really outdoorsy people.
Before the coronavirus lockdown, we would spend basically every weekend exploring the local countryside.
She continued: Its not just benefited us two its benefited the whole family.
Its like I have a new hubby. David has a new wife and the kids have parents who can finally live up to the role of mum and dad.
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Couple lose 15 stone after being left mortified by picture of them dressed as Tweedledee and Tweedledum - MyLondon
Weight loss story: From 107 kilos to 79 kilos, this guy lost 28 kilos to prove the bullies wrong! – Times of India

23-year-old Kunal realised that people can be particularly harsh, especially when it comes to your weight. After being bullied throughout his school and college, he determined to get back in shape and get rid of all the extra kilos. After battling high blood pressure and obesity at such a young age, he pulled up his socks and shed a whopping 28 kilos and got back in shape.Read his immensely inspiring weight loss journey: Name: Kunal ChhabraOccupation: Student
Age: 23 years
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
City: Delhi
Highest weight recorded: 107 kgsWeight lost: 28 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 6 months
The turning point: I had put on a lot of weight during college days due to my eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle. As a result, I developed high blood pressure at a very young age. While the realisation that I had turned obese was in itself very heartbreaking, people in my college also started making fun of the way I looked. All of it collectively left me very disheartened and depressed. I knew that I did not wish to live my life feeling sorry for myself. So, I decided to turn my life around and lose all those stubborn kilos.
My breakfast: A slice of bread + peanut butter + 1 cup of black coffee
My lunch: Brown rice pulao + any dalOR
2 chapatis + any green vegetable +fresh salad
My dinner: Oats cheela or oats in any form
Pre-workout meal: 5 almonds + a shot of black coffee
Post-workout meal: Any fruit smoothie
I indulge in: I absolutely love having cocoberry yoghurts or a portion of hot chocolate fudge. At the same time, I ensure that I walk for at least 60 minutes if I am taking a cheat meal.
My workout: I do normal cardio along with Zumba and boxing sometimes.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: I vouch on chicken breast with zucchini noodles to keep me fit while satisfying my taste buds.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: It is important to understand that no matter how much you work out or what is the intensity of your exercises, your diet still remains the undisputed king of your weight loss journey. If you do not control your diet, your weight loss journey will certainly be shortlived.
How do I stay motivated? I made it a point to start recording my weight loss journey daily. By doing so, I could monitor my weight loss on a daily basis, which in turn kept me motivated to lose more weight.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? While appreciation from those around you does help in keeping the morale high, you mustn't stop working towards your goals.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? It was certainly getting bullied during my whole school and college life for the way I looked. There were certain people who also insulted me for the same and it was really heartbreaking.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? While 10 years is a long time, I surely want to maintain my current journey, stay positive and try to improve myself with every passing day.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I try to sleep maximum by 10:30 pm and wake up by 6:30 am. Moreover, I have realised the importance of food and completely believe in the theory that food is medicine
What was the lowest point for you? While I did hit a couple of low points during my quest to lose weight, I did not let them pull me down. I was very determined to lose all the unwanted kilos and prove my point to the people who bullied me half of my life. Lessons learnt from weight loss: I have learnt a lot of lessons during my weight loss journey that I would like to pass on to everyone who is trying to get in shape. Some of them are:
1. Your body is precious and it will respond the way you will act.
2. Cheat meals are important for your weight loss journey.
Easy egg salad recipes for weight loss – Times of India

In today's time when health is of utmost importance, it is essential to focus on our diet because food influences our overall health in many ways. So, what you eat matters. All the health-conscious people follow diets and eat low-calorie foods to maintain their weight. Losing weight is important, otherwise, it increases the risk of health conditions like heart problems, high blood pressure, etc. which makes it essential to have a proper weight-loss regime. For this, you will need a low-carb, high-protein, low-fat diet. What is better than an Egg Salad? To prepare a healthy and tasty egg salad that will aid your weight loss, you can ditch half the yolks, use low-fat dressings, and get creative; add veggies. Eggs are best for weight loss because they are low in calories and are very filling. So, what are we waiting for? Try these easy and scrumptious salad recipes and enjoy a nutritious meal.
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Easy egg salad recipes for weight loss - Times of India
’90 Day Fiance’: Narkyia Drops a Ton of Weight and Shares Big Olulowo News – Soap Dirt

90 Day Fiance alum Narkyia Lathan Shodipe stunned fans with dramatic weight loss. Narkyia and Olulowo Shodipe appeared on Season 4 of the TLC show, where things culminated in a thrilling ice cream smash and Narkyia walking away.
So, 90 Day Fiance fans are asking: where are Narkyia and Olulowo now? Weve got the inside scoop for you here, as well as pictures of her new figure, and her exciting news.
During90 Day Fiance, it looked as if Narkyia Lathan and Olulowo Shodipe (known as Lowo) had too much to work through to make it work. However, she had a change of heart and ended up marrying her sweetie. And from that, Lowkey was borntheir cutesy couple name.
However, there did seem to be trouble in paradise a few times. For instance,90 Day Fiance wifeNarkyia threw some shade in February 2018 by posting a meme and implying she wished she had a better marriage. Lowo also posted a cryptic message just a day after, saying dont #lose yourself because you depended on #someonelse.
However, those bumps seem to be short-lived. For the most part, the twoseem pretty content with one another and live a relatively quiet life running their business Lowkey Custom Rentals LLC together.
Narkyia Lathan Shodipe lost weight and is looking slim and trim. She recently entered her 40s, but she didnt let that stop her.
Last March, she went through gastric bypass surgery and then hit it hard with her weight loss journey. Originally weighing 340 pounds, the90 Day Fiance star Kyia dropped almost 100 pounds, now weighing 249 pounds.
Shes documented her entire transformation on her Instagram, where you can see her absolutely radiating in her photos.
Narkyia Lathan has more to share with fans than her fabulous new body. She happily announced that she and her husband Olulowo Shodipe are expecting a daughter in September.
Narkyia Lathan lamented the fact that shes stuck quarantining at home instead of stepping onto a cruise ship today. But we suspect that the happy couple has plenty to look forward to. Plus, the lovebirds have done plenty of video selfies with her children, so it looks like theyre all having a ton of fun while cooped up with one another.
Wondering about other90 Day Fiance couples? Then be sure to browse our other articles!
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'90 Day Fiance': Narkyia Drops a Ton of Weight and Shares Big Olulowo News - Soap Dirt
Health experts explain why remaining active during COVID-19 is important – WHSV

(WDTV) As some people are adjusting to working from home during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, it brings a new set of challenges.
The comfort of being able to sit on the couch for hours at a time can be damaging physically and mentally.
"There are countless studies that show sitting down and being sedentary is not only nonproductive in the workplace but it's also just nonproductive in life in general," said WV Heart Association Executive Director Sarah Bolyard.
To find a way to stay active while sitting, the fitness expert and author of The Way In: 5 Winning Strategies to Lose Weight, Get Strong and Lift Your Life, Andrea Marcellus, says an easy ab exercise to help keep the core engaged is beneficial, and it can all be done from your favorite spot.
The exercises are safe for all ages. It is, however, best to modify according to the persons' ability and energy level.
"During this time it's very, very important to keep moving," Marcellus said. "Most importantly to boost your immunity," she said. "When you get your heart rate up, that will literally clean out your lungs and that will make you less susceptible to getting a cold flu or any kind of virus."
To keep your immune system strong, Bolyard said exercising is something that has to be done consistently.
"At the Heart Association, we encourage folks to get at lest 30 minutes of exercise a day for five days out of seven," she said.
Similar to work schedules and scheduling workouts, Marcellus suggested scheduling meals as well.
"Eat on schedule and stay as active as possible throughout the day," she said. "That's really the biggest tip."
Both Marcellus and the WV American Heart Association have tips to help with meals and staying active while home.
Marcellus has an app, called AND/life, that allows you to track and work on your health journey.
The WV American Association shares images to stay active and healthy on their Facebook page that you can download for free.
See the original post here:
Health experts explain why remaining active during COVID-19 is important - WHSV
Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office – Times Now

Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images
New Delhi: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, various countries, including India have gone under a lockdown, forcing all of us to work from home, except services that require people to be at their workplace. All of us seem to be struggling to be healthy, both physically and mentally. Some of us are also finding ourselves worried about how we will gain weight by the end of the pandemic, and all our weight loss goals will be left unachieved.
We know how important breakfast is to stay healthy and lose weight. Given we have a little too much time on our hands right now, eating a tasty, healthy breakfast is easier, since we do not have to go to office, but have to work from home. It is also important to eat right and make sure we are at our healthiest to reduce our risk of infection.
If you have run out of breakfast ideas, here is a simple, easy, and quick breakfast recipe that you can make, before you head out to your work office.
Pancakes are the perfect, exotic breakfast that everyone loves. However, traditionally, refined flour, butter, and various other unhealthy ingredients are used in making the pancakes. To make a healthier version, here is what you can do.
Add 2 cups of oats, one mashed banana, 1 cup of protein powder, and some skimmed milk into a blender. Add a pinch of baking powder to it. Blend the mix. This will make the pancake batter smoother. Pick a non-stick pan, and pour the batter on the pan, after turning the stove on. When little bubbles appear on the top surface of the pancake, flip it. Let it cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute on the other side, and take it off into a plate.
You can make as many of these as you wish, and serve them with maple syrup, honey, or chocolate syrup, depending on what you prefer.
The pancakes will be ready in just minutes, and will take even lesser time to eat. While you work from home and stay at home to keep yourself safe, make sure you eat healthily as well.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
Originally posted here:
Make this easy, weight-loss-friendly breakfast in minutes, before you sit down to work in your home-office - Times Now
The wife of Robbie Williams was the inspiration for Adele to lose weight, why? – Play Crazy Game

I have been training with Aid from a long time ago and it just so happens that the two are good friends, so Ive also had the opportunity to work with Adele when she was visiting in the home of Robbie, confirmed the specialist in nutrition and sport in statements to the newspaper The Sun.
In your case, the star of the music continues to be a great passionate of physical activity or gym sessions, but after his separation from his ex Simon Konecki it would be proposed to learn to eat better and more healthy way.
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The wife of Robbie Williams was the inspiration for Adele to lose weight, why? - Play Crazy Game