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Mar 7

Processed Foods for Weight Loss: Avoid These 5 Mistakes – LIVESTRONG.COM

The truth is, not all processed foods are unhealthy. There, I said it. Some of the healthiest foods are processed in some way. Rolled oats? Processed. Pistachios? Processed. Canned chickpeas? Those are processed, too.

Processed foods for weight loss? Yes, it's possible.

Credit: SDI Productions/E+/GettyImages

"'Processed foods' has become a buzzword term, and it's unfortunate because it gives a lot of healthy foods a bad rap," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, dietitian, creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It - Taking You from Label to Table.

"So many people say they avoid 'processed foods,' but I don't think they really understand what that means, otherwise they'd be walking around eating a stalk of wheat instead of a slice of whole-grain bread," Taub-Dix says. "Even if you buy carrots from the store, if you bring them home and peel and steam them, that's processing."

It's true. And processed foods can not only be healthy, but they can even help us lose weight, if done right. Let's clear up any misunderstandings by addressing and solving for some of the common mistakes we make when shopping for (or avoiding) processed foods.

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Here's the catch: There's a difference between processed foods like plain yogurt and canned tomatoes and ultra-processed foods like diet lemonade or a Boston cream pie-flavored yogurt with artificial flavors and sweeteners. They've all been processed in some way, but the degree to which varies.

Also, ultra-processed foods may have artificial additives like coloring, sweeteners and flavoring. Ultra-processed foods, if consumed regularly, can have negative effects on our health, including yup weight gain.

One example is a small clinical trial published in Cell Metabolism in May 2019, which looked at the impact an ultra-processed diet has on weight versus a minimally processed diet. The researchers in the study fed some people ultra-processed foods like blueberry yogurt, diet lemonade and canned beef-and-bean chili, while the other group received oatmeal (with blueberries and almonds), salad with chicken breast and farro and beef tender roast with couscous and green beans. Both groups were allowed to eat as much or as little as they wanted at meal times. After two weeks, the researchers found that the ultra-processed group gained about 2 pounds while the minimally processed group lost about two pounds. The latter naturally ate about 500 fewer calories per day.

The old advice to "stick to the perimeter" is not only outdated, it's out of touch. "Now, I love foods in the perimeter the produce is my favorite but we need to make the most of the middle too," Taub-Dix says. "If you skip the middle, you're missing out on so many nutritious foods like beans, pasta and almonds. Beans especially are nutrient-dense, they're inexpensive and easy to store."

The initial intention behind this shopping guidance was good because so many ultra-processed foods exist in the middle of the supermarket, but so do many healthy, minimally processed and often less-expensive food. The middle also often houses products that allow for shortcuts for busy families like canned beans and vegetables, pre-cooked brown rice, frozen fruits and veggies and so on.

The key to choosing processed foods is to read ingredient lists and nutrition labels thoroughly.

Credit: Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/GettyImages

If you're trying to eat less heavily processed foods, then this is one habit you'll want to change.

For example, there are bars on the market with a healthy balance of carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein, along with almost 20 vitamins and minerals, which by the nutrition facts panel read like a healthy food. But if you look at the ingredient list, you'll see items like fractioned palm kernel oil, maltitol, polydextrose, marshmallow, sugar, sucralose and so on. If you just scan the nutrition facts panel and skip the ingredient list, you're not getting the full picture of what's actually in the bar.

To determine if a food is ultra-processed, you really need to turn the package over and read the label. You might find an almond butter with added salt or added sugar, and you'd be better off in most cases choosing the almond butter with just almonds on its ingredient list.

But it's also not that black and white, Taub-Dix says. You have to look at the big picture, and at your whole day. If you like the almond butter with sugar and you find you don't need jelly, you're likely better off in the end. Ultimately, it's about finding balance in your diet.

"There's also a lot of mixed message out there in media like, 'If you can't pronounce an ingredient, you shouldn't eat it,' or 'Don't eat a food with more than five ingredients' but those are scare tactics and quick soundbites," Taub-Dix says.

In some cases, the added ingredients are actually good for us. You might find ascorbic acid listed on the ingredient list and think it's some chemical added to your food when in fact it's vitamin C.

"Or, for instance, I love Dave's Killer Bread and it has about 25 ingredients, but it's still a healthy, whole-grain bread with fiber and protein," Taub-Dix says. "If you don't know what an ingredient is, look it up. You should question and be informed, but don't miss out on nutritious food just because there's an ingredient you can't pronounce or there's more than five ingredients."

Added sugar and salt can be sneaky when it comes to the ingredient list because they go by many names.

"One thing to be aware of is that sugar is the master of aliases. There's high-fructose corn syrup, organic cane sugar and many more," warns Taub-Dix.

Other common names for added sugar, according to the University of California San Francisco, include: agave nectar, barley malt, beet sugar, cane juice, caramel, carob syrup, date sugar, fructose, invert sugar, maltodextrin, molasses, palm sugar, raw sugar, rice syrup and sorghum syrup. The amount of added sugars is also required to be listed on the nutrition facts panel.

The American Heart Association shares other monikers for salt, including disodium guanylate (GMP), sodium bicarbonate, sodium nitrate, sodium citrate, sodium glutamate, sodium lactate and sodium phosphate. The sodium content will also appear on the nutrition facts panel, so make sure to read thoroughly before you buy.

View original post here:
Processed Foods for Weight Loss: Avoid These 5 Mistakes - LIVESTRONG.COM

Mar 7

Pretty face have you thought about losing weight? – The Irish Times

I was a chubby little kid. I loved toast, butter, cookies, orange juice, ice cream and hamburgers, and I didnt like moving around that much.

I wasnt a snacker, or a grazer. I just ate as much as an adult and then sat around reading books, and eventually I was 30lb-40lb (14kg-18kg) overweight. Most of my memories of eating as a young child are of my mother asking: Do you really want that?

One day I saw myself in a mirror and cried and threw things and decided I wasnt going to be fat any more. I wrote it down on a piece of paper: I WILL NEVER BE FAT AGAIN. I chose a two-week diet from Mademoiselle or Glamour, which each seemed to print one every month. Reading them I got the same feeling you might get reading the real estate section, dreaming of what you could own and be. The diets were basically all the same.

Breakfast: one piece toast, cottage cheeseSnack: one orangeLunch: two hard-boiled eggs and an appleDinner: hamburger patty, salad, cottage cheese, water, the odd Jell-O.

Lucky for me, I love cottage cheese.

Every morning I got up and rode my three-speed bike around a mile-long loop with a huge hill at the end of it three times. If I ate a cookie the day before, I went back down the hill and back up it, once for every cookie, but I barely ever cheated on the diet, because I was truly committed.

I was hungry all the time, but I felt happy because I was losing weight. My parents had an old-school scale with an analogue meter in their closet, and I got on it every morning and was rarely anything less than excited about my progress. I got thin in about four months.

I couldnt believe this magical life I was suddenly living where I could put pants on without having to lie down and use all my strength to button and zip them.

In my old life, shopping was hell. There was one sales lady at a nearby clothing store. She had piles of dry blond hair, and wore pink lipstick Revlon Silverspun Rose, I am almost positive. My mother called her that awful lady, but we kept going there because it was kind of the only game in town.

The awful lady used to look at me with so much pity, like I was dying instead of just overweight. Maybe something a little more flattering, she used to say. My mother brought me clothes she thought would work, and I cried as I tried them on, discarding all but one or two items. Meanwhile the awful lady shoved hangers back on to the racks and told thin girls they looked just darling.

After I was thin, I could just take things I liked and go into the dressingroom and put stuff on and it would fit me. Sometimes things were even too big. And if something didnt look good on me, I was like, Whatever, this piece of clothing sucks.

One day I was trying stuff on and I heard the awful lady murmur something to my mother, and then I heard my mother say: We think so.

In the car afterwards, my mother told me she said I was growing up nicely. I felt pride, rage and physical disgust.

People went crazy about my transformation. That summer when we saw family friends we hadnt seen in a while, all the adults said, Sarah, you look really terrific, just terrific, and as I left the room they would still be saying terrific to each other, even the men.

Just the summer before, a friend of my parents had made fun of me to my face when I had complained one night that the adults got lobsters while the kids had to eat chicken. You dont look like youve missed too many good meals in your life, he had said, and another friend of my parents who was passing by as he spoke to me smirked at this hilarious joke. Now the joker said, You look good, kid. I pretended I didnt hear him. What could I possibly say to this? Thanks? I hate you? He was just one person on a long list of people who had been nasty to me who were now much nicer: most of my brothers friends; my brother himself; my one living grandparent, my mothers mother, who strung together three whole seconds of sobriety to observe, Youre actually almost pretty now that youre not fat any more.

Every person I talked to was now two people, the one who was nice to me because I was thin, and the person who had been mean to me when I was fat. I was also two people: the fat person who felt like everyone was better than me, and who was so scared to walk across a room, or even stand up; and now, the thin person, who did not know how to manage the exhilaration of suddenly not feeling that way, and of sometimes even feeling superior to people.

Alas, I only felt thin for a little while, because at least one person every three months, through school and college would say to me: Youd be really pretty if you lost 10lb. Sometimes they suggested I lose more.

One weekend in college I went with a friend to his familys apartment, and I was sitting in his living room waiting for him to change when his mother, a former model, appeared. She was a stunning woman, what Karl Lagerfeld (a fellow dieter) would approvingly call a human hanger. She was the sort of gap-toothed, curly haired 1970s goddess whose tan clavicle area and small, high, far-apart breasts perhaps manifested the plunging Halston neckline.

I was about to say, I love your shoes or beautiful view, when she said, as if talking to herself: Pretty face . . . have you ever thought about trying to lose weight?

My friend burst into the room, shouting, Ma, shut your mouth!

You shut your mouth, she shouted back. She knows Im just trying to help.

Indeed, I was mad at myself. I admired her.

I, who can count the number of calories on a table laden with 10 dishes in less time that it takes most people to tie a pair of shoes, did not see the body positivity movement coming, not at all.

Suddenly, about a decade ago, when I started to notice that fat women were (a) calling themselves fat, with pride, and (b) walking down streets nonchalantly wearing tight or revealing clothing with a general air of, Yeah I will wear this and I will wear whatever I want, and I am hot, too, I will be hot for ever, long after you have all died, I thought to myself, Oh my God what? The solution is not ... the diet?

I started seeing fat, beautiful models and actors in catalogues and on television shows. I would like to have seen more, but I was pleased to see them at all. I was and remain in awe of their confident beauty. I feel tenderness for them as well, for what they endured, and still endure, to achieve it. I sometimes choke up with love for them, and for the idea of how I could have lived if I had allowed myself to just weigh what I weighed.

I dont actually think beauty is restricted to certain types of women at all. I dont think you need to be thin to have sex or find love. I know all this but am sorry to report that I only like myself thin. My weight has probably occupied 50 per cent of my thinking for my entire life. I am on a diet now. I just lost 8lb. I want to lose 15 more.

I go to Weight Watchers every Saturday. I didnt lose any weight last week after a week of being perfect which meant having a small breakfast and two reasonably large salads with no cheese or nuts (and therefore sad) for lunch and dinner and I sobbed furiously, 12 years old all over again. Yes, I have been to therapy, so much of it, and no, I do not think this mental state is fine or even okay.

What it is, is intractable.

Its bizarre the way womens feelings about their bodies, good and bad, are tied to other women, like, if a woman has a great body, this can feel like a rebuke to everyone who has a regular body. As I watched J-Los Super Bowl halftime show, I thought, this is going to turn into a thing where middle-aged women get upset because they dont look like that, and they will express this anger in racist and sexist comments about her clothing choices and the precise shape of her body. Poor innocent J-Los body here it thought its whole purpose was just to move J-Los consciousness through space.

I wonder how many women dont feel so much that theyve accepted their bodies as much as they need to present as someone who has. Younger women tell me that the way that they hear weight anxiety being expressed is more through the buzzword of health, so women say theyre not eating dairy, or bread, or sugar so they wont be seen as judging themselves or others.

I no longer complain to women who are fat that Im overweight, except now of course. (Really thin women still tell me theyre fat all the time maybe I deserve it.) But even if I dont fat-shame others I cannot stop fat-shaming myself, and yes, I know this means that I am sort of also fat-shaming others by doing so, but, as you may have gathered, I cant stop.

I am not saying that no one has accepted her body, that its all a lie. I am just saying that Im pretty sure we havent arrived anywhere. And why would we have? The material conditions of being a woman have not been altered in any dramatic way, and seem to be getting worse, for everyone. And while there is certainly more of what is called a celebration of different shapes, it is rare that those shapes are not proportioned in a fairly universally attractive way.

Even if by some miracle I were to accept being not thin, as I have many times for five or 10 minutes or three whole days like when I finished Lindy Wests excellent memoir, Shrill, and naively thought I had finally been cured of my sickness I would remain the sort of person destined for reinfection.

That person is always prepared for contempt from men who dont find her physically attractive, and has been on high alert to general woman hatred since she was four. (Honestly, I pity the women who are not.) At any rate Im 50 and I am way too scared of the world to stop dieting.

Last year I ran into that friend of my parents who, many years ago, told me, a child, that he didnt like how I looked. I gave him a big fake smile that lasted about half a second, and then collapsed it abruptly into a cold stare. He looked terrified. It was the kind of moment often described as making it all worth it.

It is too late for me, and its too late for pretty much everyone my age. We are so brainwashed. And as imperfect as the body positivity movement may be, just remember: we didnt even have one.

There is no happy ending to this part of my story. They got me, and they will never let me go. I will die with my fat-free Cool Whip in one hand and my gym pass in the other and a drawer jeans that I will never fit into again.

It is fine. Just let me lie here. I beg you, if you can, to go on ahead without me. And if you see them coming, keep running, dont stop, and dont turn around. There is no joy life can bring that depends on them catching you. The New York Times

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Pretty face have you thought about losing weight? - The Irish Times

Mar 7

5 weight loss tips from the guy who lost 44 kgs by following this unique plan – GQ India

Weight loss requires two things - consistency and a I-cant-stop-wont-stop attitude till you achieve your target weight goal. 20-year-old Abhishek Bhagwat tells us that apart from developing a positive attitude thatll help you sail through your fitness journey, you also need to realise that time is the most essential factor and you have to give yourself that. As they say, Rome wasnt built in a daymajor changes will also not happen so easily, he says.

I weighed 136 kg at the beginning of my journey. I was both a studious and foodie kid. So all I did, growing up, was - sit for long hours and study and eat with no remorse or self-control, he adds. But after a couple of years, he realised that his bad eating habits are harming his body very severely. This led him to commence on a fitness journey and get rid of all the excess body fat.

I followed a simple yet effective philosophy to lose weight (he lost 44 kg and trimmed from 136 kg to 92 kg), I deem it my 5 gems for weight loss plan. Let me breakdown these gems as tips for you below.



Quit sugar and consume moderate and complex carbohydrates



Stay in a Caloric Deficit


I firmly believe that if you follow these 5 gems consistently youll lose weight and get in shape!

He also lists his weekly workout routine to help you curate one for yourself.

My exercise regime was/is intense and dynamic. However, this is what a weekly breakdown of my weight loss workout routine included:

- 3 days of basketball, this included training, drills and games

- 3 days at the gym - 20 mins of cardio (HIIT treadmill) and 50 mins of weight training. In weight training, one must focus on more compound movements while wanting to lose weight rather than isolated ones. Squats, Deadlifts, Military Presses, Assisted Dips, Pull Ups and Bench Press are extremely effective exercises.

QUICK READ: This is the right way to use a bench-press, according to experts

My only advice to someone who is committed to losing weight is: trust the process! There are going to be days where you feel like nothing is happening despite all your hard work youve put in. On these days - just close your eyes and see your goal in your mind, it will help you keep going!

Disclaimer: The fitness journey, diet and workout routines shared by the respondents are purely for inspirational purposes and in no way intend to propagate a specific body type. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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5 weight loss tips from the guy who lost 44 kgs by following this unique plan - GQ India

Mar 7

Fourth Times the Charm? Mark Meadows Takes Over Trumps White House – The New York Times

Mr. Boehner and Mr. Ryan considered Mr. Meadows an irresponsible agitator who cared only about getting attention for himself and nothing at all about governance. Rather than making progress, they believed, Mr. Meadows cared only about making a point. But to his admirers, Mr. Meadows puts principle above pragmatism even at a cost to his own party.

Its a great move by the president, Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, said on Saturday of Mr. Meadowss appointment. Mark Meadows is the best strategist in Washington, and hes a great wartime consigliere and were heading into election season. Mark understands the presidents electoral coalition and his unique ability to cut through the normal morass of Washington to get things done.

While unpopular among establishment Republicans, Mr. Meadows has a genial manner that has helped him forge unlikely relationships with some Democrats, who say that unlike Mr. Trump, he can vigorously argue issues without making it personal.

Among his most notable friends across the aisle was Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, who died in October and was a top target of Mr. Trumps racially charged attacks on Twitter. Mr. Meadows gave a moving eulogy at Mr. Cummingss memorial service that talked about the value of the unexpected friendship.

I would describe Mark as an unusual empath just in terms of how he can relate to people, Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington State, another Democrat with whom he has a good relationship, said on Saturday. We do disagree on so many things, yet I do think hes someone who makes things about policy and not people.

Ms. Jayapal, a co-chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, emphasized that she considered Mr. Meadowss policies destructive but appreciated that he treated others with decency and respect. I dont see Mark Meadows being able to change the president on that, she said. I dont think thats possible. And if he thinks thats possible, hes probably kidding himself. It just makes me sad because he will end up being corroded.

Born on an Army base in Verdun, France, to a soldier and a civilian nurse, Mr. Meadows, 60, grew up mainly in Florida, a self-described fat nerd and an aspiring weatherman in a family without much money. But he later lost weight and became a businessman in Florida and North Carolina, where he owned a restaurant for 20 years before going into real estate. He ran for the House from western North Carolina in 2012 as an outspoken critic of the Republican establishment.

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Fourth Times the Charm? Mark Meadows Takes Over Trumps White House - The New York Times

Mar 7

Dos and don’ts of dieting – THE WEEK

AT THE OUTSET, it is important to know that the food plan you choose to follow on a daily basis for long-term benefits is a lifestyle change and not a 'diet'. However, if you want a restricted food regimewhich is then a dietthere are certain things you should keep in mind.

Qualified help

These days, there is a plethora of self-proclaimed nutritionists who claim to be experts because they lost a tonne of weight. This does not qualify them as experts.

Do: Consult a qualified nutritionist

Dont: Fall for quacks


Nutrition is a subject wherein people have a lot of information but lack knowledge. With TV commercials and online advertisements, it is easy to fall prey.

Do: Get your values checked and then visit a medical nutrition therapist, who will help you supplement as per your needs

Don't: Supplement over the counter


Make your healthy meal pattern a lifestyle modification. Compliance to the plan is what will give you results.

Do: Follow the plan with consistency

Dont: Overdo the plan or binge eat


Starvation has a boomerang effect. The body needs a basic amount of calories to go through the day. When you starve, you lose weight, not fat.

Do: Take small frequent clean meals

Dont: Skip meals or starve

Consume fat

Consuming fat can help lose fat. Fat has been tarnished for way too long. However, all fat is not bad fat. For example, omega-3 is one such fat which helps burn fat.

Do: Embrace healthy fats

Don't: Consume saturated fats, trans-fats


Cravings are natural. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish. It is OK to satiate your craving with a small portion. This will help you stay on track.

Do: Keep yourself well-fed to avoid drops in energy levels, which will lead to cravings

Don't: Hound yourself. Exert portion control on your cheat meal. Do not make it an entire cheat day and jeopardise all the effort you put in

Eat smart

Eating out can be a challenge. But do not let your diet stop you from socialising. Making the right choices while you eat out is important.

Do: Ask for substitutes and dressings by the side. Walk through a buffet before you load a plate. Eat mindfully and be aware of the choices you make

Dont: Eat out of boredom or because you are sitting at the table for longer. Do not give in to peer pressure

Share the sin

Desserts can be a weakness. A teaspoon or two will not make much of a difference. However, if you have sweet tooth, you are likely to consume more than that.

Do: Share your dessert. This way there is no guilt but you are satiated

Dont: Be greedy and eat an entire portion of dessert.

Chanduwadia is chief dietician, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre.

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Dos and don'ts of dieting - THE WEEK

Mar 6

Popular Weight Loss Drug Recalled Due To Possible Cancer Link – The Ring of Fire Network – The Ring of Fire Network

The FDA recently announced the voluntary recall of Belviq and Belviq XR, weight loss drugs manufactured by Eisai Inc. The recall was prompted by a safety clinical trial showing that the drug may be associated with an increased risk of cancer. According to the FDA, a range of cancer types were reported in the trial. However, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer reportedly occurred more frequently in Belviq weight loss users. Ring of Fires Farron Cousins discusses this with Scott Hardy, the President of Top Class Actions.


*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Farron Cousins:According to new reports, Belviq a popular weight loss drug, might actually be linked to several different forms of cancer and the FDA has actually issued a voluntary recall of both Belviq and Belviq XR. Joining me now to talk about whats happening is Scott Hardy with Top Class Actions and Scott, we see this happen quite frequently with weight loss drugs. Comes out years later after theyd been on the market for quite some time, significant problems arise. I mean, we saw it with fen-phen and now were seeing it with this Belviq. So tell us what the FDA is essentially trying to warn everybody about right now.

Scott Hardy:Sure. So its interesting. Back in 2012 the FDA ran a large clinical trial and they were checking for cardiovascular risks. They wanted to see if Belviq and Belviq XR would have resulted, those folks who are trying to lose weight, have heart problems. But it turns out that they didnt have heart problems, but they had a much higher risk of cancer and so they actually saw cancer developed and they did this study of around 12,000 patients. So it was, you know, its, its a fairly large study as these go and then found that they were much more likely to develop things like, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer. And so if you took Belviq or Belviq XR and or a, a loved one did, and developed cancer while they were on it or after they were on it, you really want to talk to a lawyer and see what your options are because it turns out that it, it very may well have been caused or encouraged by Belviq. At least, thats what these FDA studies appear to show.

Farron Cousins:And you mentioned this study, 12,000 patients studied in this study over the course of five years. It was a double blind placebo control, I mean, basically about as accurate as you can get in terms of a scientific study. I mean that and, and huge obviously sample size here. So theres really not a whole lot of margin of error with the way this study was conducted. They did it exactly the way they should with all pharmaceuticals. Did it over a long enough period of time, you know, controlled for placebos and the double blind, I mean it was, it was perfectly done. And yeah, they found that wow, people on this medication are developing these cancers at a significantly higher rate than those in the placebo and thats not even what they were looking for. They wanted to see is this going to affect your heart, is your cardiovascular system going to be in trouble?

And so, you know, the FDA finally obviously came out and said, okay, well well voluntarily recall it, which basically just means if youre on this or if the company feels like it, go ahead and stop taking it. I, thats not good enough. I mean the, the, the science is becoming clearer as, as it goes on, this thing is causing cancer based on all of the available evidence. This, in my opinion, shouldnt be a voluntary recall. It should absolutely be completely recalled at this point. But maybe well get there. Maybe we wont. But I think these studies are pretty significant here.

Scott Hardy:They really are and so well have to see, you know, how many people truly are impacted by this. Our initial outreach has found that, you know, just a handful of people have reached out saying theyre impacted. So well have to see how many people actually were taking Belviq and Belviq XR and of course, how many of those folks developed cancer. If they developed cancer, they definitely want to connect with an attorney. They can, they can talk to us, they can, you know, do some Googling on their own. But its worth checking into because this is going to be a major topic, especially when we look at the trial lawyers over the course of the next year to see how many people are really out there that are impacted.

Farron Cousins:Absolutely, these things always kind of start small and then they will snowball. So we will likely see that happening, especially as the media, you know, starts to pick up this story and informs people of whats actually happening. Thats when well probably see the influx of people saying, oh my God, I was on this medication. I developed cancer. I need to make that phone call now. So thats likely whats going to happen probably in the next 6 to 12 months. This story will get picked up. People will understand, understand the risks, and were going to see a lot more people filing for this.

But in the meantime, as Scott mentioned, if you or a loved one have taken this medication, follow the link in the description of this video. Head over to Top Class Actions, get all the information you need about this, and might want to bookmark this page and come back to it in the future. Share it with people. This is going to be very important and likely going to be a big litigation in the near future. Scott Hardy, Top Class Actions, thank you very much for talking with us.

Scott Hardy:Youre welcome. Thanks for your time, Farron.

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Popular Weight Loss Drug Recalled Due To Possible Cancer Link - The Ring of Fire Network - The Ring of Fire Network

Mar 6

Wait, What? Study Shows Eating a Big Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss – msnNOW

Provided by Eat This, Not That! Healthy breakfast foods blueberries bananas bowl of yogurt oatmeal and coffeeEating more food can help you lose weight surely, we're kidding, right? Well, a new study actually suggests that those who eat a bigger meal in the morning burn more than twice as many calories compared to those who have their biggest meal for dinner.

What to eat for breakfastor even just having breakfasthas been called into question in recent years. If you're wondering if cutting out your morning meal completely, consider a new study from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology&Metabolism.

The study looked at 16 men who ate a low-calorie breakfast and a high-calorie dinner, then did the reverse, over the course of three days. The findings were fairly shocking. Research showed a low-calorie breakfast is more likely to cause snacking throughout the day.

Not only do those who eat a smaller breakfast tend to snack more, but they also eat more at dinner. A big breakfast leads to fewer hunger pangs and less cravings for sweets on the daily.

Measuring subjects food metabolism food through diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), revealed that, on average, their DIT was two and a half times higher after breakfast, compared to dinner. That's right, the participants' metabolisms were far more active after their morning breakfast, which of course leads to burning calories.

The study also revealed that the men's blood sugar and insulin levels were lower and that they experienced fewer cravings for sweets with a big breakfast, rather than a big dinner. The results confirm that a big dinner has negative effects on glucose tolerance, for those who are looking to avoid blood glucose peaks. The study states "An extensive breakfast should, therefore, be preferred over large dinner meals to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases."

So, you may want to consider a larger meal at breakfast, not only to power yourself up in the morning, but for weight loss, to even out your glucose levels, and to power up your metabolism early in the day.

Gallery: 20 ways to overcome a weight-loss plateau

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Wait, What? Study Shows Eating a Big Breakfast Can Lead to Weight Loss - msnNOW

Mar 6

I Was Told I Needed to Lose Weight to Model – AMotherWorld

As young as I can remember, I wanted to be an actress or a writer. I documented my dream job in my All About Me project in elementary school, listing the reasons why along with sketches of books Id write, like a Sweet Valley High series. I had always loved watching television and movies and knew I was going to either write or get into acting. In Grade 7, I wrote a script for our Junior High School play based on a Threes Company episode, performing the comedy during a school assembly. At the age of 11, I was writing my first romance novel. By the time I was a teenager, I went down a deep hole of writing dark poetry on existentialism and analyzing my own mortality. I took drama from middle school throughout high school, with the hopes of getting into a University theatre program at Ryerson.

At that time, modelling agencies would often have casting calls in shopping malls. Approached by one around the age of 16, I was flattered but knew that at 57, I was on the shorter side for modelling. But by joining a modelling agency, I could audition for commercials which could help me break into acting. Oh, the excitement and anxiety I felt leading up to that appointment. I prepared myself for the fact that my height was likely not going to qualify me to model. But never did I imagine that my size 6 frame was considered too thick. Youll need to lose weight, the agent said.From where? I was already small enough, so I thought.In order to be representing by the agency, I would have to drop at least 10-15 pounds. I was already 125 pounds a healthy weight for my height there was no way I could drop down to 110.

Luckily I was confident enough in myself to reply that I wasnt going to starve myself.A young impressionable girl with big dreams could easily be swayed to begin a low-calorie diet, become obsessed with exercising to drop the weight leading to a possible unhealthy lifestyle and a potential eating disorder. I knew better and declined the offer.

Instead, I pursued acting through a talent agent and began going on auditions while taking acting lessons. Once I began auditioning, it became glaringly obvious I always was the bigger one among the young women there. When I looked in the mirror and saw my size 6-8 frame, I felt as though I was slim enough. But when I compared myself to the others, the size difference was obvious. I mean, my ribs and wrist bones were larger than other girls, there was no way I could ever have a smaller waist, it was physically impossible unless I had a rib removed! There was no way I could compete with a size 0 girl.

I recall looking around, sizing up my competition and always feeling like I couldnt measure up to what the casting people were looking for. Couldnt they see that I was a healthy weight? Why did that even matter? Wasnt my audition enough to sell my acting ability? But the camera puts on 10 pounds so Id never stand a chance.It seemed the casting directors or producers were always going to hire the slimmer one.

Disillusioned by the industry, I knew I was done. I didnt want to put myself in constant situations where Id feel less than enough. It wasnt good for my mental health and I wasnt going to suffer physically in order to be relevant. The TV/film industry is full of competition and rejection, causing anxiety and self-esteem issues for many. What we see displayed in various forms of media can have a negative psychological effect whether consciously or subconsciously.

Weve seen some great strides in body-positive on social media; some innovation campaigns with inclusivity in fashion, with models like Ashley Graham leading a body positivity revolution. Weve also seen some gorgeous plus-size models and I use quotes as these women are considered plus-size in the fashion industry but are average in real life like Crystal Renn and most recently, Jill Kortleve for Chanelstrut the runways.

But in Hollywood? Not even close.

Search up more body inclusivity in movies and youll read headlines likeIn a Body-Positive Moment, Why Does Hollywood Remain Out of Step andHollywoods enduring size inclusivity problemand20 Celebrities Criticized for their Curvesand9 Hollywood Actresses Who Were Told They Werent Pretty Enough To Make It In Hollywood.

How has being in this toxic industry affected my own self-esteem and body image? Stay tunedfor my next post where I share how that experience influenced me much deeper than I ever cared to admit to myself.

Read the original post:
I Was Told I Needed to Lose Weight to Model - AMotherWorld

Mar 6

‘Cotton ball’ sensation is a sign of neuropathy – Coastal Courier

DEAR DR. ROACH: Im a 63-year-old male diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia, Type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. I am 5 feet, 11 inches and weigh 240 pounds. I have two stents and take Sprycel for the CML. My levels are good, and the coronary disease is under control.

For a few years Ive had what feels like cotton balls under the skin in the area of the balls of my feet. Now it feels like its migrating to the arch. While not too uncomfortable, it is almost impossible to walk barefooted. Some type of foot covering is needed to keep from noticing the feeling. My doctor says its the diabetes, and to lose weight or see a podiatrist. Other than losing the weight, do you have any opinion about this? N.M.

ANSWER: Cotton-ball sensation is one way that many people describe the beginning of neuropathy, a general term for a variety of different conditions that affect the nerves of the body.

In a person with cancer (like CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia, a cancer of the bone marrow) and a new symptom, it is always wise to consider whether it could be due to the cancer, the treatment for the cancer or from something else. In your case, usually CML is not associated with neuropathy. However, the medicine you are taking, dasatinib (Sprycel), has been associated with a severe kind of reversible neuropathy. I read the case reports of this condition carefully, and I doubt that is what is going on with you, as the symptoms you have are different from those reported.

People with longstanding diabetes frequently develop a particular disease of the nerves, diabetic neuropathy. This almost always begins with sensation changes in the feet. I agree with your doctor that diabetes is the most likely cause.

Seeing a podiatrist is absolutely a good idea. He or she can test you for this condition (usually a careful physical exam will make the diagnosis), in addition to looking carefully for any early signs or risk factors for injury or infection. You also should learn how to do a daily inspection of your feet and recognize the signs, so you can get to medical attention promptly should any damage to your feet occur. The podiatrist will make sure you have appropriate footwear.

Many people with diabetes benefit from weight loss, but the important thing is to be sure your diabetes is under good control. This is achieved through good diet, regular exercise and medication, if needed, in addition to weight loss in people who are overweight.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Due to cancer, my prostate was removed about seven years ago. My PSA reading has increased since 2012 from 0.09 to 0.304. Should I be concerned? I am 78 years old and in relatively good health. B.D.

ANSWER: PSA readings can go up and down, but a threefold increase could mean that the cancer is coming back, and you should see the specialist taking care of your prostate cancer to discuss getting additional testing.

Not having disease for seven years after treatment is a good sign, but the PSA test is pretty specific for cancer recurrence if two separate readings are above 0.2. You may need additional therapy, but only further investigation will show how concerned you need to be.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to

Read this article:
'Cotton ball' sensation is a sign of neuropathy - Coastal Courier

Mar 6

Some of the most popular diets but do they actually work? – Flux Magazine

words Alexa Wang

Do you find yourself constantlytrying to find the right diet? Like most of us, you might try to get tips fromyour favorite celebrity or swap information with friends and family. You mightalso opt for the popular diets that you hear about every now and then. If itswidespread and so many people are on it, then it must work, right?

But is whats popular alwaysright, Or are most of the popular diets just a fad?

We are going to help you get tothe bottom of this once and for all, so can find the diet that stops yourweight fluctuations, and makes you feel good and healthy. Before you select anydiet you should know more about your body and what it requires. If you arelooking for fast results, you can read more here on a diet designed specificallyfor those who dont want to lose that much weight.

Here are some of the most popular diets of today, and whether theyare a go or a no!

This diet was eyed with suspicionwhen it first became a celebrity go-to. Many were skeptical because Atkinspromised that bacon, eggs, steak cooked in butter, and smoked salmon with creamcheese are safe options on your weight-loss menu. You would have to watch yourcarbs still, but youll get an abundance of tasty options nonetheless. Sounds alittle too good to be true, and far from healthy, right?

Atkins focuses mainly on fats andproteins such as poultry, meat, seafood, oils, eggs, cheese and butter. Itsuggests steering clear of sugary carbs such as pasta, bread, candy, potatoes,chips and cookies. Carbs will be initially limited to vegetable form only untilyou progress, and then your diet will include more foods like beans, fruits,and whole grains.

Atkins is known to be one of thebest low-carb diets, and it involves only a mediumlevel of difficulty following it. If your diet barely consists of fruits andvegetables, and you are a big fan of your pasta and white bread, then this dietcan work for you and help you lose weight.

Ketogenic diets are also anothercontroversial celebrity favorite. However, as time passes, Keto is growingincreasingly popular all around the globe. There are many diets, we know thatcontain keto options including the Paleo, Atkins and South Beach; however, atrue Ketogenic diet is unlike other low-carb dietsthat choose to focus on protein. Thats because Keto revolves around fat, whichprovides 90% of daily calories under it.

The Keto diet predominantlyfocuses on reducing frequent epileptic seizures that children suffer from.Despite not actually being a weight-loss program, the Keto diet has been usedas one. Studies have shown that Keto only produces short term results when usedas a weight loss diet with mixed results. There has been, therefore, noguarantee that it will be effective for everyone.

The Mediterranean diet is quite astandard regimen. It takes time to see improvements, but they will appeargradually and sensibly. This diet will not result in quick, drastic changes toyour blood pressure, cholesterol, or your weight, but if you persevere you willbe rewarded.

As the name suggests, theMediterranean diet is based on the eating patterns that are primarily popularwithin countries along the Mediterranean; such as Spain, Greece, and the Southof Italy.

It focuses on vegetables, fruits,and whole grains, as well as lean meats and fish. It limits the amount of youranimal protein intake; so only moderate amounts of red meat, cheese and yogurtare allowed. This diet also centers around olive oil, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Studies of the Mediterranean diethave shown that it does work quite well in improving health because of its positiveeffect on the digestive system. This diet has also played a role in healinginflammation inside the body. Its combination of vegetables, olive oil, andlean meats has resulted in reducing breast cancer risk for its followers. Also,its consistent use of extra-virgin olive oil is beneficial as it preventsarrhythmia, and is associated with lower risks for dementia and diabetes.

So, as you can see most of thesediets are popular for a reason. The truth with any diet is that, no matter howgood it may be for others, if it doesnt suit your specific needs it wont havemuch of a positive impact. The trick with any diet is to make sure it includeswhat your body requires. Just because a diet worked for your friends or familymembers, does not mean it will be right for you.

Some of the most popular diets but do they actually work? - Flux Magazine

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