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A Mississippi Woman Gave Diet Advice Without a License. The State Threatened To Throw Her in Jail. – Reason

Mississippi Department of Health officials threatened to turn Donna Harris' eight-week weight loss challenge into six months behind bars, but now the state stands accused of putting the First Amendment on a diet.
Harris, a personal trainer and fitness expert, has run a Facebook page since 2018 dedicated to encouraging healthy eating habits. Earlier this year, she launched a small side business, offering one-on-one diet coaching and weight loss tips to anyone willing to pay $99 to participate in an eight-week contest where participants could compete to shed the most pounds. Before it could even start, however, the state government shut it down.
On January 22, Harris received a cease-and-desist letter from the Mississippi Department of Health. Talking about healthy eating on Facebook and getting paid to do it, the department said, could trigger a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail. In the eyes of the state, Harris was an unlicensed dieticianand apparently enough of a threat to public safety that she might need to be put behind bars.
"When I learned I would have to cancel my weight-loss class, I was devastated," said Harris in a statement. "People were counting on me and they were so excited about learning how to lose weight in a healthy way, and they were so disappointed when I told them I was not going to be able to go through with the program."
Harris wasn't pretending to be a licensed dietician. In fact, her Facebook page and website both specify that she isn't one. Anyone willing to pay her for advice on eating healthier was engaged in a voluntary transactionone that has little to do with the state government's interests.
In a lawsuit filed this week on Harris' behalf, the Mississippi Justice Institute, a nonprofit law firm, argues that Mississippi's overzealous enforcement of its dietician licensing law violated Harris' First Amendment rights.
Aaron Rice, the group's director, is particularly galled by what happened when Harris asked the state what information she could legally provide without a license. She was told to stick to "government-approved guidelines, like the food pyramid," Rice says. "So you can engage in government-approved speech, but not non-government-approved speech?"
Getting a permission slip to speak freely about healthy diets is no easy task in Mississippi. It requires a bachelor's degree and more than 1,200 hours of supervised practice. Starting in 2024, the license will require a graduate degree. Harris actually has one of thosea master's degree in occupational therapy, to go along with her bachelor's degree in nutrition and food sciencebut not the one the state will soon require.
Mississippi is not the only state to require that dieticians be licensed, and this is not the first time a state has gone to extreme lengths to enforce its mandatory permission slip regime. In 2017, Florida Department of Health officials ran a sting operation to catch Heather Kokesch Del Castillo giving out unlicensed diet advice online. She, too, was threatened with jail time. A judge rejected a subsequent challenge to the state's dietician licensing laws brought on Del Castillo's behalf by the Institute for Justice, a libertarian law firm.
"Laws that restrict who can give dietary advice clearly implicate the First Amendment," says Paul Sherman, a senior attorney with the Institute for Justice. "If the government wants those laws on the books, it bears the burden of justifying them."
States get away with regulating all sorts of economic activity via occupational licensing laws, in part because of the so-called "professional speech doctrine," a legal practice in which courts have held that governments may limit or compel speech under the guise of regulating business activity. But the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down the professional speech doctrine in a 2018 ruling that overturned a California law requiring pregnancy centers to tell women where they could get an abortion.
Sherman says that the 2018 rulingNational Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerrawas a "game-changer" that has caused lower courts to begin to grapple with how occupational licensing laws may run afoul of the First Amendment too. He predicts there will be more litigation in that space.
Rice notes that Mississippi has a reputation for being one of the most obese states in the nation, as well as one of America's highest incarceration ratestwo things that won't be improved by treating unlicensed dieticians like serious criminals.
"Telling healthy adults what they should eat or buy at the grocery store is a freedom we all have as Americans," he says, "whether we are paid for that speech or not."
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A Mississippi Woman Gave Diet Advice Without a License. The State Threatened To Throw Her in Jail. - Reason
Popular Diet Plan Looking Great with Top 5-Star Rating from – PR Web

For all of these reasons and more, we are excited to give Noom our highest rating in 2020 as our first choice among Popular Diets.
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (PRWEB) March 06, 2020 recently gave its highest rating to Noom, a popular diet and weight loss program that focuses on psychology to help people make healthy choices that last.
While theres no time quite like the New Year for a renewed interest in shedding some unwanted pounds, how to lose weight is a popular search term year-round. Even though its tempting to jump on the bandwagon with the latest fad diet promising to drop 10 pounds by next week, the most effective weight loss plans usually focus on slow and steady changes that dieters can maintain over long periods of time. Although there will always be get thin quick! schemes out there, a number of Popular Diets available today absolutely deliver when it comes to healthy weight loss. As always, it is recommended that people consult with their primary care physician before undertaking any new, significant changes to their eating and exercise habits, to avoid injury or any complications with medications or other factors.
If youve seen Noom advertised on TV or social media and wondered if it could help you to lose weight once and for all, the answer is a resounding yes!, enthused Brian Dolezal of, LLC. Advertised as the last weight loss program youll ever need, Noom takes a strictly app-based approach to helping you tackle the obstacles that may have prevented you from being successful with losing weight in the past. Youll be given daily tasks that invite you to address the psychology behind your habits - like emotional eating, avoiding exercise, or self-sabotage - so that you can first become aware of them and then work step-by-step to address them in healthy ways. This is one of the only Popular Diets on the market today that includes mentoring with two real-life coaches, giving you personalized insights and feedback on your unique journey to health. Plus, unlike restrictive weight loss plans that cut out all of your favorite foods, Noom doesnt consider any food as off-limits. Instead, youll focus on flexible eating, and everything in moderation. Thousands of people have successfully used Noom to lose weight, and it can work for you too. For all of these reasons and more, we are excited to give Noom our highest rating in 2020 as our first choice among Popular Diets.
To find out more about Noom and other Popular Diets, including reviews and comparison rankings, please visit the Popular Diets category of at
About NoomNoom, Inc., a leader in mobile health coaching, combines the power of technology with the empathy of real human coaches to deliver successful behavior change at scale. With the largest number of health coaches nationwide, Noom's direct-to-consumer weight loss and fitness mobile behavior change programs have reached more than 47 million users across the globe. Noom offers curricula across the acuity spectrum and now features programs for pre-hypertension, hypertension and diabetes management in addition to its flagship weight loss and diabetes prevention programs. Noom has offices in New York City, Seoul and Tokyo.
About, LLC is a leading provider of reviews and rankings for thousands of consumer products and services. From Popular Diets to Personal Trainers and Online Fitness Programs, delivers in-depth product evaluations in order to make purchasing decisions easier.
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Popular Diet Plan Looking Great with Top 5-Star Rating from - PR Web
Khloe Kardashian’s Workout Includes Thousands of Jump Rope Reps – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Khloe Kardashian is the host of the famous showRevenge Body, which follows people as they transform their bodies through various exercises and diets. Kardashian herself also seems to know full well what it means to maintain ones body through fitness.
Like many celebrities, Kardashian works out often to keep herself fit. In fact, she also has some intensive routines that might be out of the ordinary for most people, such as doing thousands of jump rope reps. Read on below to learn more about how Kardashian works out to keep in shape and what her diet is like.
When Kardashian and her family first rose to fame in the 2000s, she received a lot of negative comments about her body. Kardashian was bigger than her petite sisters, which did not sit well with some people.
Kardashian once shared that an unnamed family member even told her to lose weight because she was really hurting the brand.
For a few years, Kardashian tried yo-yo dieting and even became a spokesperson for QuickTrim. It was difficult for Kardashian as she has admitted that she was prone to stress-eating, which got worse after her father passed away in 2003.
However, in the early 2010s, Kardashian began to commit to exercising and eating well. This led her to lose a significant amount of weight.
Kardashian is very dedicated to working out. She has shared that she usually hits the gym six days a week.
Kardashians workouts include doing cardio routines, toning her butt and legs, and working out her core. She also does total body workouts by jump roping.
As Kardashian shared recently on her Instagram account, her personal trainer often has her do 500 jump rope swings followed by a set of a workout. She does this a total of 12 times, which equals to 6,000 jump rope reps for one workout session.
An important part of staying fit includes eating well. For Kardashian, this means following a special diet that works for her body.
Instead of eating three meals a day, Kardashian usually opts for eating six or seven small meals instead. She starts her day with a protein shake during breakfast. For lunch, Kardashian enjoys chicken or a salad.
Then, in the evening, she typically eats a dish that consists of fish. Throughout the day, she also snacks on healthy food like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
The portion is the key here as well, and Kardashian does not simply pile up food on to her plate as she pleases. She usually has a specific amount of food that she eats per meal to maintain her size. For example, she often eats 4 oz. of chicken breast for lunch and snacks on exactly 12 pieces of almonds.
Of course, cheats are allowed in her diet occasionally. According to celebrity nutritionist, Dr. Philip Goglia, Kardashian usually does seven days on [her diet] and then have one meal off. Her cheat meals include anything that she might be craving at the moment, such as pizza and pasta.
The Kardashian family has been the subject of many plastic surgery rumors throughout the years, and Khloe Kardashian is no exception. Many critics believe that Kardashians immense weight loss has been the product of surgery, not just diet and exercise alone.
However, her trainer, Luke Milton, debunked this last year, saying: Shes extremely committed to her fitness endeavors, shes extremely disciplined with her nutrition and she is a real athlete in the gym.
Khloe Kardashian's Workout Includes Thousands of Jump Rope Reps - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Kimberley Walsh weight loss: How the former Girls Aloud star shed three stone in baby weight – The Irish Sun

KIMBERLEY Walsh has stunned fans with her incredible physique in recent weeks - while she takes to the stage for Big: The Musical in the West End.
And many dieters, desperate to follow in her footsteps, have been left asking exactly how the former Girls Aloud singer, 38, has managed to trim down.
In particular, Kimberley revealed she lost three stone after giving birth to her youngest son Cole Scott in 2017.
Since then she has successfully kept the weight off and has showcased her svelte figure through a string of snaps on social media.
Kimberley, who is now a healthy size ten, says: "For me, its not about being thin I like having shape and definition."
Here, we take you through how Kimberley lost her baby weight...and now continues to stay in shape.
Kimberley has credited zero gravity pilates for helping her to lose weight and transform her figure.
She told The Sun: "Ive been doing zero gravity pilates which is a tame version, its hard strength wise, for me thats really good, to feel strong, Ive never been great at cardio."
Zero gravity pilates is a low-impact exercise that concentrates on strengthening the body, with an emphasis on core strength.
Kimberley admits that she keeps the weight off by regulating her portion sizes - however, she never deprives herself of her favourite treats.
She said: "Ive never been one to get away with strict diets Im more about portion control, I wont deny myself anything, Im not very good at it.
"If I restrict myself I actually put on more weight."
Kimberley says she lost more than a stone through sessions with her personal trainer Peter Maciver, aka PMac.
She says she was "coerced" into hiring him by Rochelle and Marvin Humes at Rochelles 30th birthday party in March.
Speaking about her training sessions, she said: "Its good, because it pushes you. I usually see him once a week just to keep me motivated."
Kimberley is currently starring in a nine-week run of Big: The Musical in the West End alongside former boy bander and fellow Strictly star Jay McGuiness.
She says dancing has helped her stay fit and that eight shows a week requires stamina.
She added: "Jay and I are doing a little bit of dancing in rehearsals, so that is helping. Ive got back to where I was before."
Kimberley credited SlimFast shakes with helping her get in shape after having a baby - having signed up as the face of the brand.
"The shakes are great when Im working out because theyre high in protein," she said.
"I always thought Id struggle with a diet plan that only has sweet food. SlimFast snacks suit me because there are savoury options. My favourite is the Spicy Thai Noodles, at only 70 cals."
One of Kimberley's life mantras has always been about focusing on happiness first and looks second.
She has celebrated her body on social media, especially after becoming a mum to two boys.
Earlier this year Kimberley posted two pap pictures side by side on Instagram, one taken on the last Girls Aloudtour when she was at her thinnest, and another in a bikini, four months after first baby Bobby, now five, was born.
She wrote candidly about putting things in perspective in the second shot, she had just created a human and hoped that other mums would find comfort in seeing the reality of her post-pregnancy body.
Ill take one for the team, she wrote.
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And she has since reiterate: "My stomach has held two babies, its wrinkly, its got that mum tum skin and thats not going to change.
"The kids have wrecked my body, theres no denying it I breastfed both of them and thats quite clear.
"But all I think about when I see them is: I actually made you! Women have kids every day and its amazing we can do that with our bodies. Im not special for being able to do it, but its crazy that we can."
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Kimberley Walsh weight loss: How the former Girls Aloud star shed three stone in baby weight - The Irish Sun
‘The Office’ Proposal Scene Between Jim and Pam Was Super Expensive to Film – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), Andy Bernard (Ed Helms), and Michael Scott (Steve Carell) are just a few of the beloved characters from The Office. No characters or storyline will ever quite compare to Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) and Jim Halpert (John Krasinski). Viewers immediately began to root for them from season one.
Through the many twists and turns of the interesting plot the two characters continued to grow, and luckily, eventually, find companionship in one another. Jim and Pams relationship quickly became a fan favorite. Followers everywhere were enthralled with their dynamic.
In season five, fans finally got to see the beautiful moment between Jim and Pam when he proposes to her. It is no surprise that this particular scene stands out as one of the most memorable moments in the history of The Office.
However, fans and viewers may be surprised to learn how much the precious moment actually cost to film. Greg Daniels, the executive producer, claimed the characters lengthy journeys and storyline together deserved a scene that represented the momentous occasion.
Jim and Pams chemistry was so sweet and undeniable from the start. However, in the first few seasons, there was a slight problem of Roy (David Denman), Pams fianc.
The Offices earlier seasons depict a different kind of love story for Pam. For three seasons fans and viewers watched Pam struggle to make it work with Roy until the inevitable demise of their relationship.
Finally, in season four, fans finally were able to see the anticipated beginning of Pam and Jims relationship. It was even better than expected.
The season premiere that would eventually lead to Jims proposal was broken up into a two-part episode to kick-off the start of a new season. Weight Loss Part 1 focused on the challenge the characters take on to collectively lose weight together, while Jim struggled with Pam pursuing her passion for art in New York City.
Part two of the famous episode aired immediately after part one. The unique two-part season premiere should have clued viewers in that something special was coming up.
Weight Loss Part 2 begins with the comical footage of the characters as they continue to battle against the fellow Dunder Mifflin branches in a weight-loss challenge. Pam seemed to be adjusting to her new life in New York and even began making friends, but it was obvious that throughout the episode Jim was tense and in a state of unrest when it came to Pam.
As the days and weeks pass by the episode illustrates the annoyances and inconveniences that the couple endured as a result of dating at a distance. From family obligations to last-minute schedule changes, it became obvious that Pam and Jim were becoming frustrated with their current situation.
That was until one afternoon Jim asked Pam to meet for a spontaneous lunch. They agreed to meet halfway, and Jim proposed to Pam outside of a gas station in the pouring rain. The couples love for one another couldnt be contained, and despite deciding to wait, viewers got to see Jim propose to Pam unexpectedly in season five. The beautiful scene captured everything the viewers and fans loved about the popular couple.
Fans and viewers grew to love Jim and Pam overtime, but imagine being one of the people responsible for creating the show, characters, and storylines. Daniels implied that nothing would be held back when it came to getting the proposal scene just right.
That is probably why the whole scene cost about $250,000. Using the fake rain and designing a replica of the famous gas station that the couple has shared memories at in the past were two essential pieces of the proposal.
In order to have both of those elements present it cost about $250,000. Talk about an expensive scene!
When it comes to television series, it is safe to say that Jim and Pams love story is one for the books. The couples storyline meant a great deal to the fans and the teams of people who were dedicated to writing, producing, and filming the show. The famous proposal scene is representative of the beloved characters.
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'The Office' Proposal Scene Between Jim and Pam Was Super Expensive to Film - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Ask the Experts: Pets – Roanoker

The story belowis from ourMarch/April 2020issue. For the full issueSubscribetoday,view ourFREEinteractive digital editionordownload ourFREE iOS app!
Local experts answer your questions and offer services for your furry friends.
Q: How do you handle vet visits for pets that are stressed by the experience?
A: We get it. Not all pets love coming to the vet. But we can help make the experience as easy as possible. Start with a drop-in visit; bring your pet in to say hi, get a treat and maybe stand on the scale. We can also perform examinations outside or even bring our mobile clinic to you. Some pets need a little more help. Ask about happy medications, which are safe, effective and can help calm your pet for short periods.
Steve Karras, DVM
Cave Spring Veterinary Clinic
Q: How do I know if Im having an emergency?
A: There are many conditions that cannot wait until the next day.Some of these include: severe bleeding or bleeding that doesnt stop within 10 minutes of direct pressure; choking, difficulty breathing or nonstop coughing and gagging; bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum, coughing up blood, or blood in urine; seizures and/or staggering; obvious signs of pain or extreme anxiety; refusal to drink for 24 hours or more; and/or unconsciousness. Call your regular veterinarian or the emergency clinic to see if we can help.
Maureen Noftsinger, DVM
Emergency Veterinary & Specialty Services of Roanoke
Q: What is positive reinforcement dog training?
Positive reinforcementinvolves areinforcingstimulus following a behavior. When a favorable outcome, event, or reward occurs after an action, that particular response or behavior will be strengthened. So, instead of just correcting a dogs undesired behavior, we teach the dog what we want him or her to do instead. Then we reinforce that behavior. Dogs do not know what we want them to do. It is our responsibility to teach them. Learning should be enjoyable and feel safe, so our dogs enjoy working with us. Methods that inflict any kind of discomfort or fear should not be used. Take the time and teach your dog the proper, humane way. It works!
Hope Cogen, Owner/Trainer
High Hopes Dog Training
Q: Why cant my dog lose weight?
A: Weight loss can be frustrating for all species! When it comes to our pets, we must look at all the factors that can contribute to obesity. Is your pet on the right type of pet food and are you feeding the right amount? Is your pet receiving treats? If so, what kind and how many? The little dog biscuits you give throughout the day may not seem like much but they can add up to a lot of extra calories, especially to the smaller breeds of dogs. Does your dog get much exercise or is the trip from the couch to the food bowl the extent of their activity? Lastly, there can be underlying diseases than can contribute to weight gain as well, such as hypothyroidism. As veterinarians, it is our job to help you evaluate all these factors so that we can work together to try make your pet as healthy as possible!
Richard A. Bryant, DVM, CCRP
Salem Animal Hospital
Q: What are Paw Plans and why are they important?
A: Vinton Vet offers 12 different Wellness Packages to provide wellness care services, diagnostics and surgical services to any patient whether a puppy/kitten, adult or senior! We offer unlimited examinations with gold standard diagnostics, even dental packages, juvenile and adult spay and neuter! These services are offered at a substantial discount when enrolled in our Paw Plans.
Dr. Courtney Wiegard
Vinton Veterinary Hospital
... for the rest of this story and more from our March/April 2020issue, Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!
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Ask the Experts: Pets - Roanoker
Fitness Corner: Stop worrying about your weight – My Edmonds News

I really need to lose some weight. Right now I weigh 105 lbs.Me, writing in my diary when I was 11 years old
You can imagine how I felt when I found this diary entry recently. I dont remember ever worrying about my weight at such a young age! I am sad. The fact that I even wrote those words means I was already conscious at 11 years old of how we judge ourselves by how much we weigh.
My diary also informs me that my height at the time was 5 feet tall. A healthy height and healthy weight at 11 years old, but not in my head. More than three decades later, I am exactly 7 inches taller and about 30 pounds more. Yet in my head, my perspective on my weight has not really changed.
Even with a wealth of experience in the fitness industry and staying active my entire life, I have spent most of my adult years worrying about my weight despite never having any real weight issues. Sure, at times I weighed more. At times I also weighed less. My clothes have gotten a bit snug a few times. Theyve also hung off me a few times. But even at my thinnest, I didnt find peace or satisfaction. Instead, I never quit worrying I would gain that weight back. And when I did get back to a healthy weight, I would just keep on worrying.
Most men seem immune, but I have not met many women who dont worry about their weight and their body. We stress about it, talk about and think about it a lot. Athletes, thin women, height-weight proportionate women, heavier but still healthy women, overweight women, obese women. All ages and income levels. I dont mean to disrespect you if losing weight is a struggle for you, because it is for a lot of people, and that is truly legitimate. But stressing about and judging ourselves for what we weigh detracts from who we really are, our strengths and talents, and everything we have accomplished and have yet to accomplish in our lives. And I can hardly mention the shocking vitriolic self-criticism I have seen clients and friends direct against themselves and their bodies! We weaponize our own feelings against our own selves in terrible debilitating ways. We have to stop this!
So, whatever your health and fitness goals are, worry is counter-productive. When I think of all the years I agonized about my weight, I am so regretful. My worry didnt motive me, energize me, or change much in the way that I conducted myself. Instead, it sapped my energy, drained me and didnt support me in being healthy or happy. Im wore out. And I am done!
Lets not do this anymore, shall we? Lets be kinder and gentler to ourselves. Lets quit obsessing over calories and eat when were hungry and choose not to eat when were not hungry. Lets dial in to our bodies. Lets eat more fruits and veggies and whole grains and lean protein instead of processed empty calorie foods. Lets drink less alcohol, or none at all. Lets get on the scale less and take the stairs more. Lets dish out smaller portions or use smaller plates. Lets lift weights more for lean body mass instead of prioritizing cardiovascular work as a means to burn calories. Lets focus on slow and steady long-term changes and less on strict and punishing diets. Lets fuel ourselves instead of stuff ourselves. Lets stop the negative self-talk and treat yourself as you as you would a loved one or dear friend. Lets cut ourselves some slack, and allow a day off to recover. Lets prioritize time with friends, supporting ourselves so that we can support the people we love. Lets have fun working out instead of doing it for a result. Lets live a balanced life, and if life brings you out of whack, plan to get back into balance instead of beating yourself up for being human. Lets sleep in more often. Lets give ourselves permission to tell the family that we need some me time. Lets think less about how big our legs are and more about how we are healthy and lucky to be able to move. Lets find room in our budget for a trainer and a program to support our goals. Lets surround ourselves with supportive people. Lets remind ourselves that we deserve to be lifted up not dragged down by our own self-talk.
You can do this. I can do this. Please stop worrying about your weight and I will too.
Lets do this!
I was greatly inspired to write this column by an excellent book I read recently. Dr. Stacy Sims book Roar: How To Match Your Food And Fitness To Your Female Physiology Optimum Performance, Great Health, And A Strong Lean Body For Life is something I would recommend for every woman, active, sedentary or somewhere in between.
By Pritam Potts
Coach Pritam Potts is a writer and strength coach. After 16+ years of training athletes and clients of all ages as co-owner of Edmonds-based Advanced Athlete LLC, she now lives in Dallas, Texas. She writes about health & fitness, grief & loss, love & life at
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Fitness Corner: Stop worrying about your weight - My Edmonds News
Protection from vomiting and -cell death – Science

The roles of the cytokine GDF15 in emesis and inflammation-induced pancreatic -cell death are elucidated.
Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) is a widely distributed cytokine, and its role in two different systems was explored in a pair of papers. GDF15 and its receptor GFRAL-RET (GDNF family receptor -like; GFRAL) have been proposed as targets for anti-obesity treatments, and GFRAL-deficient mice do not develop anorexia or lose weight when treated with the chemotherapeutic cisplatin, an emetic (a substance that causes vomiting). Borner et al. investigated the relationship between the anorexic and emetic effects of GDF15. They found that mice injected with cisplatin had increased circulating concentrations of GDF15, which was produced in the liver, and showed activation of GFRAL-positive neurons in the brain. Intracerebroventricular infusion of GDF15 into rats induced anorexia and a behavior that is a proxy for nausea. The serotonin receptor antagonist Ondansetron is given to patients receiving cisplatin to combat its emetic effects, and administration of this drug suppressed anorexia but not the nausea-proxy behavior. In rats that were obese due to a high-fat and sucrose diet and given GDF15 centrally or systemically, the appearance of the nausea-proxy behavior preceded decreased food intake. Injection of GDF15 into musk shrews induced vomiting, and GDF15-treated musk shrews ate less food and lost weight. These results suggest that blockade of GFRAL could be an anti-emetic treatment and that GFRAL agonists may not be desirable as anti-obesity treatments because they would be expected to induce nausea.
In the second paper, Nakayasu et al. searched for cytokines that are regulated by the inflammatory signals that promote the progression of type 1 diabetes. These authors treated pancreatic islets from nondiabetic cadaveric donors with the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IFN-. Their proteomics analysis of the treated pancreatic islets resulted in the identification of GDF15 as a cytokine that was suppressed by IL-1 and IFN- due to a block in the translation of its mRNA. IL-1 and IFN- decreased GDF15 abundance in EndoC-H1 human -cells and mouse MIN6 -cells. Furthermore, in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, which are a model of autoimmune diabetes, the abundance of GDF15 was decreased in mice with insulitis (immune cell infiltration into the pancreas). Application of GDF15 to EndoC-H1 or MIN6 cells or human islets attenuated cell death triggered by IL-1 and IFN-, and treatment of NOD mice with GDF15 before the development of hyperglycemia decreased insulitis and the incidence of diabetes. GDF15 protein abundance was reduced in pancreases from donors with type 1 diabetes (T1D) compared with those from normal donors or from patients with T2D. These results suggest that GDF15 is a factor that protects pancreatic -cells from inflammation-induced cell death and could be targeted to limit the progression of T1D.
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Protection from vomiting and -cell death - Science
Weight loss: I lost 3st after my daughter pointed at my obese tummy and asked if I was having a baby – The Sun

AS her little girl pointed at her obese tummy and asked if she was pregnant, India Faulkner-Wiley's heart dropped.
The mum-of-two, 38, knew she'd piled on the pounds after developing an unhealthy addiction to takeaways and sweet treats.
And she'd ballooned to nearly 12 stone and a dress size 16 after becoming a mum to her children Jazmine, 13, and Saffron, five.
But it was at that moment when Jazmine asked if she was having another baby that India knew she desperately needed to make a change and lose weight.
The former teacher, from Morecambe, Lancs, decided to sign up to Slimming World and has since shed an impressive three stone.
She said: Ive dropped four dress sizes and love the fact I can choose fashionable clothes straight off the rails rather than knowing they wont fit me right.
I am so proud of the shape Im in and, as a mum, I feel passionate about being a positive role model.
India had always struggled with her weight since her teens but never knew how to lose weight.
She said: "The first time I realised my weight was a problem was when I was just 16.
"Id just been given a place at a performing-arts school and I was bigger than most of the other pupils.
"I had to no idea what to do about it, so I failed to lose any weight.
Id get self-conscious about my growing weight
"I went to university from college and became a teacher after I graduated.
"I fell into a routine and would eat snacks every time the kids had break time, then be so tired by the end of the day I would pick up a takeaway or a ready meal on the way home.
"I had regular glasses of wine in the week and rarely thought about fruit and vegetables.
"Every now and then, Id get self-conscious about my growing weight and try a fad diet you name it, I tried it.
"But even if I did shed weight, it wasnt much and it never stayed off."
India continued to get bigger as she gave birth to her two children and went through a divorce in 2007.
"I got married at 22 and, after crash-dieting for two months, I walked down the aisle as a size 10 weighing 9.5st," India said.
"A year later I fell pregnant and I used pregnancy as an excuse to put my weight firmly to the back of my mind.
"Jazmine was born in September 2006 and I gained 4st, taking me to 13.5st and a size 16."I told myself it was normal as a new mum.
"A year later, my husband and I divorced. Im definitely an emotional eater and this difficult time saw me reach for junk food.
"Sweets, takeaways and chips were my go-to foods and the weight piled on.
"I eventually moved on with a new relationship in 2010. I felt happy and secure and I fell back in love with food and my unhealthy habits.
Sweets, takeaways and chips were my go-to foods
"When I fell pregnant again, history repeated itself and the weight piled on.
"Saffron was born in May 2014, four weeks early, at home at 2am. It was a stressful time and, again, I forgot about my weight gain."
India ignored her growing waistline until a comment from one of her children gave her an extra incentive to slim down.
Speaking about her wake-up call, India added: "It was only when, four months after the birth, Jazmine pointed at my tummy and asked if I was going to have another baby I realised I needed to change. Not with a fad diet but for good.
"An old friend had lost 5st in a year with Slimming World. Id seen her transformation photos on Facebook and was amazed.
"I asked her about what she was eating and she said shed never felt hungry the whole time."
India found her local group and brought along her mum Susan, 72, for moral support.
"All the food looked delicious and, in the first week alone, I lost 4.5lb," India said.
"I loved all the recipes and pre-prepared my lunches so I had healthy food and snacks with me at all times.
"As the weight fell off, my confidence grew and, after two months, I started introducing Body Magic the Slimming World activity programme into my life, too.
"At first, I built more exercise into my normal day.
"I walked instead of driving and used a tracker to count my steps.
Since then, Ive joined a gym and enjoy regular spin classes, too."
India has now lost three stone and dropped four dress-sizes - and loves the fact she can now shop in high-street stores.
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"Even though my relationship didnt work out, being healthy and happy with my weight has helped me remain confident," India said.
"My friends and family have noticed such a massive difference in me and Im so proud of the shape Im in.
"As a mum, I feel passionate about being a positive role model."
See the original post here:
Weight loss: I lost 3st after my daughter pointed at my obese tummy and asked if I was having a baby - The Sun
Weight Loss Tips: Can Heavy Breakfast Help You Burn Double The Calories? Here’s The Answer – NDTV

A heavy breakfast can help you burn more calories
Breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day. It is advised to consume maximum calories at breakfast as you are more likely to burn these throughout the day. Breakfast also affects your metabolism. Better metabolism results in effective weight loss. Studies have also highlighted that consuming a heavy break may help you prevent obesity and promotes healthy blood sugar levels as well. If you are skipping breakfast too often, you must make healthy changes in your diet immediately. To explain the importance of heavy breakfast, here are some details straight from our expert that will motivate you to consume a healthy breakfast daily.
Dietician, Priyanka Aggarwal explains, "A heavy and healthy breakfast is extremely healthy for you. It can burn double the calories. A heavy breakfast can help you burn more calories. Studies have also observed that people who consume heavy breakfast burn more calories than those who don't. This usually happens because at night you are at the fasting mode which makes you burn more calories in the morning. If you want to maintain a healthy weight you will burn more calories."
Add enough protein to your breakfastPhoto Credit: iStock
"But if you are working in nigh shifts then it is advised to follow the opposite routine. When working in night shifts you need to burn more calories at night as compared to the day. So, for such cases, a light breakfast and heavy dinner is recommended."
Also read:Weight Loss: Try These High Protein Breakfast Options Which Can Help You Lose Weight
"One should combine all the necessary nutrients on breakfast for optimum energy throughout the day. Add enough amount of protein and carbs so that you have enough energy to function throughout the day and you will burn more calories. You can also add more nuts and dried fruits to your breakfast," Dt. Priyanka adds.
Add nuts to your breakfast to make it rich in different nutrientsPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Did You Have Fresh, Homemade Breakfast Today? Why Rujuta Diwekar Recommends Doing This Daily
(Priyanka Aggarwal, Consultant, Dietetics, Max Multi Speciality Centre, Noida)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
Read the rest here:
Weight Loss Tips: Can Heavy Breakfast Help You Burn Double The Calories? Here's The Answer - NDTV