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Jan 15

I helped Adele lose weight with Pilates and I can do the same for Someone Like You – The Sun

IF you need inspiration for your 2020 health kick, look no further than Adele.

The Someone Like You singer looked seriously svelte while on a break in the Caribbean and reportedly told fans she has lost an incredible 7st.

Adele had a fuller figure in 2013Her staggering transformation was helped by Brazilian Pilates trainer Camila Goodis, 36, who trained Adele, 31, alongside Robbie Williams wife Ayda Field at their Los Angeles home.

Despite revealing that Adele hated exercise, Camila says the training helped to kickstart her lifestyle overhaul.

She says: One day, I was at their house in Los Angeles when Ayda asked me if I would train one of her best friends who was visiting.

Adele had just had her baby, so the exercise had to be very gentle. Pilates was perfect for her. She said shed done Pilates before, in London, and she was very appreciative.

The funny thing was, I hadnt caught her name and I didnt recognise her at the time.

She wasnt wearing make-up or her eyelashes and was wearing sweatpants and a loose top.

"After she left, I mentioned to Ayda that she looked a little bit like Adele. Ayda gave me this look and thought it was hilarious.

Months later, with Adele back in LA, Camila did more sessions with the star.

Camila says: I dont think she is a huge fan of exercise like Robbie and Ayda, who exercise five or six days a week. But whatever she is doing now, she looks amazing.

Camila believes Adeles weight loss is due mostly to a change in her diet.

She has probably cut out processed foods and is eating soy and other plant-based foods, Camila reckons.

Shes found a diet that works for her. She looks younger and, more importantly, she looks happy.

Pilates focuses on flexibility, strength and stamina, with exercises that lengthen and stretch major muscle groups.

Health benefits include improved flexibility, posture, co-ordination and muscle strength.

It is reported to have helped the Duchess of Cambridge and celebrity fans include Margot Robbie and David Beckham.

Try Camilas ten-minute starting guide, shown here. Breathing is vital for each exercise to help relax muscles.

Lie down with legs bent, inhale through the nose and feel ribs expand.

Exhale through the mouth, closing the rib cage down and in. Repeat five times.

LIE with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart.

Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles.

Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Squeeze your core and pull your belly button back towards your spine.

Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and return to your starting position.

Do ten reps slow then 15 reps at a faster pace.

LIE down and lift your upper body off the floor.

Have one leg extended just above the floor and the other extended towards the ceiling, held by your hand.

As you exhale, draw your belly into your spine and pulse your leg twice into the body.

Inhale to switch legs and repeat.

Do three reps of ten.

This exercise works the abdominals and shoulders, helping with hip flexibility.

REMAIN lying on your back and extend your legs towards the ceiling.

Rotate the legs out slightly, keeping the heels together. Point your toes. Inhale.

On the exhale, pull abdominals down to the floor as you curl upper body off the floor.

Begin to lower your legs slowly, a third of the way and pause.

Lower another third of the way, pause again.

Go only as low as you can without arching your back.

If you cant do this without arching your back, try putting your hands behind your head, elbows out, as you do it. Repeat six to eight times.

This works your upper and lower abdominal muscles and your hip flexors.

START with your knees in towards your chest and stretch your arms up to the ceiling.

Extend your legs out to 45 degrees.

At the same time, lift your head, neck, shoulders and upper back while engaging your abdominals.

Your arms should be extended at your sides with the palms facing upward.

Raise your legs and torso further so youre sitting in an upright V position.

Keep your arms parallel to the floor and hold your shoulders down.

Exhale to roll down, keeping the legs together. Repeat three times.

This exercise helps balance, flexibility and spinal mobility.

BEGIN on your hands and knees with knee under hips and hands under shoulders.

Lift up your middle.

Hold for ten seconds.

Release. Repeat twice more.

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TIME to rest, relax and elongate your spine.

Kneel with toes together and knees hip-width apart.

Rest palms on top of your thighs. On an exhale, lower your torso between knees.

Extend arms forwards with the palms facing down.

Relax your shoulders and rest for as long as you need.

Alternatively, you can stretch your arms backwards.

Read this article:
I helped Adele lose weight with Pilates and I can do the same for Someone Like You - The Sun

Jan 15

Study Sheds Light on How Fat Loss Can Put Type 2 Diabetes in Remission – Everyday Health

A new study helps illuminate how weight loss can contribute to the remission of type 2 diabetes and how putting pounds back on can cause the disease to return.

The findings, published in December 2019 in Cell Metabolism, suggest that individuals with type 2 diabetes who achieve remission after weight loss may relapse if they regain weight in part because this leads to an accumulation of fat in the liver.

Researchers examined data on 57 overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes who participated in a prior study, which was published in March 2019 inThe Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Those study authors goal was to see if following a low-calorie diet for three to six months would help participants lose at least 15 kilograms (about 33 pounds) and lower their blood sugar levels enough to achieve remission of diabetes. Researchers checked participants weight, blood sugar, and fat levels in the liver and pancreas after 5, 12, and 24 months.

After five months, 28 people achieved the targeted weight loss and diabetes remission. By the end of two years, however, 13 of them had relapsed. People who achieved lasting remission lost more weight initially, kept more weight off than those who relapsed, and had less fat in the liver and pancreas by the end of the study.

Excess calorie intake over many years will initiate vicious cycles of fat accumulation within both the liver and the pancreas that eventually causes diabetes, says lead study author Ahmad Al-Mrabeh, PhD, of Newcastle University in the England.

Decreasing liver fat can lead to remission of diabetes, Dr. Al-Mrabeh says. When you do, he adds, the liver stops sending out excess fat to the rest of the body, and therefore pancreas fat levels decrease.

RELATED: Study Suggests How Much Weight Loss Is Needed to Put Diabetes in Remission

Type 2 diabetes is a multifactorial disease, with genetics and lifestyle both contributing to risk. The disease is also associated with obesity and inactivity, and develops when the body cant effectively use the hormone insulin to regulate blood sugar, according to the World Health Organization. The pancreas produces insulin, and must increase production when the body doesnt use this hormone efficiently. Yet theres a limit to how much insulin the pancreas can make, and diabetes results when the pancreas can no longer keep up with the bodys insulin demands to keep blood sugar levels in check.

Left untreated, type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of kidney failure, heart attacks, strokes, blindness, lower limb amputations, and other potentially life-threatening complications.

Regular exercise, eating well, and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent type 2 diabetes. These lifestyle habits can also help lower blood sugar and minimize complications when people do develop diabetes, according to the World Health Organization.

While weight loss has long been linked to diabetes remission, the current study offers fresh insight into how the two are related, says senior study author Roy Taylor, MD, also of Newcastle University.

When people cut calories, the body will get the energy it needs by burning up fat thats stored under the skin, Dr. Taylor says. By contrast, when people consume too much food, these fat stores fill up and then excess fat starts accumulating in the liver.

Excess liver fat will lead to higher supply of fat to all tissues, including the pancreas, Taylor says.

When fat builds up in the pancreas, this interferes with insulin production, making it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar and contributing to diabetes. When people achieve diabetes remission through weight loss, regaining weight can restart the process of fat accumulation in the liver, and then the pancreas, and lead to relapse, according to the study.

RELATED: Which Types of Diabetes Can Be Put in Remission?

At the start of the study, all of the participants tended to have higher A1Cs. A1C is a blood test used to diagnose diabetes and determine how well blood sugar is being controlled. It shows the percentage of hemoglobin (a molecule on red blood cells) that is coated with sugar, and reflects average blood sugar levels over two to three months. Readings above 6.5 signal diabetes, according to the Mayo Clinic.

People who never achieved remission in the study started out with more severe diabetes, with average A1C readings of 7.9, compared with average A1C readings of 7.4 among people who did experience remission.

Weight loss initially brought about similar reductions in the percentage of fat in the liver and pancreas for people who achieved diabetes remission, as well as for those who didnt.

After five months, people in remission had 3.4 percent liver fat compared with 2.6 percent in people who didnt achieve remission but this difference wasnt statistically meaningful.

Participants also experienced similar decreases in fat levels in the pancreas after five months: a decline of 0.91 percentage points among people who went into remission and 0.17 points for those who didnt. This difference also wasnt statistically meaningful.

By the end of the two-year follow up period, though, pancreatic fat levels had dropped by 1.65 percentage points among people with sustained remission and only 0.51 percentage points among those who didnt.

One limitation of the study is that it was small, and researchers based their two-year analysis on only 20 people who sustained remission and 13 people who relapsed.

Its also not clear from the study whether people took medication for diabetes, what they ate, or how much they exercised factors that can influence whether people achieve remission.

It would have been helpful if the study included more information about how weight loss was accomplished, says Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, professor emerita of exercise science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

RELATED: 6 Great Exercises for People With Diabetes

The most important message is that people have to do whatever they can with their lifestyle to improve their insulin sensitivity, says Dr. Colberg, who wasnt involved in the study. Insulin sensitivity refers to how efficiently the body can use the hormone to convert sugars into energy.

Dietary restriction can help with this and insulin resistance decreases even before significant weight loss but weight regain is very common, Colberg adds. Both a low-carb diet and consistent workouts can help people with diabetes lose weight and lower blood sugar, she says.

But many people who rely on diet alone to maintain weight loss regain many of the pounds they lose, Colberg says. Exercisers, on the other hand, can keep weight off when they continue to be active.

Physical activity is likely the most important way to keep muscles insulin sensitive and to avoid excess carbs being converted into fat and stored in the liver and pancreas, Colberg says.

RELATED: 7 Exercise Motivation Tips for People With Type 2 Diabetes

See the original post here:
Study Sheds Light on How Fat Loss Can Put Type 2 Diabetes in Remission - Everyday Health

Jan 15

Four cups of coffee a day could help you lose weight – The Sun

YOUR morning coffee not only has the power to get you out of bed in the morning - it could also help you to lose weight.

In fact, drinking up to four cups of the piping-hot drink a day can actually help you shed body fat, scientists have found.


It comes following a 24-week investigation that examined the impact coffee had on 126 overweight men and women in Singapore.

Scientists asked half the participants, who were all Chinese, Malay or Asian-Indian, to drink four cups of caffeinated coffee on a daily basis.

The other half drank a beverage that mimicked coffee's taste but was neither coffee nor caffeinated.

In particular, experts found at the end of the study that those who had four cups of caffeinated coffee per day over six months had dropped nearly 4 per cent of their body fat in comparison to those that hadn't.

Study author Dr Derrick Johnston Alperet, from the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said: "We were indeed surprised by the observed weight loss that was specifically due to fat mass loss among coffee drinkers."

And Dr Alperet suggested that coffee-fuelled fat loss may be the result of a "metabolic reaction" - rather than changes in lifestyle "namely diet and physical activity".

He claimed thatcaffeine causes the drinker's metabolic process to ramp up - which results in the burning of more calories and a notable drop in body fat.

Dr Alperet also emphasised that while some people may think that having four cups of coffee a day may pose a long-term health risk, that this level of consumption was well within the current norms.

He also noted that on average Europeans can drink up to seven cups of coffee daily, while Americans will have four.

Despite this, Connie Diekman, a food and nutrition consultant and former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is not so sure.

She cautioned: "The four cups allocated in this study appear to be on the high side of intake, so not what I would recommend.

"The higher caffeine content might have helped suppress appetite."

NHS tips for weight loss success

The NHS has shared their three key tips for weight loss success:

Lots of useat and drink more than we realise and do little physical activity. The result is often weight gain.

To lose weight, we need to change our current habits. Thismeans eating less even when eating ahealthy, balanced diet and getting more active.

Fad dietsand exercise regimes that result in rapid weight loss are unlikely to work for long, because these kinds of lifestyle changes can't be maintained.

Once you stop the regime, you're likely to return to old habits and regain weight.


She added that too much caffeine "can impact the body overall, causing headaches, jitters, rapid heartbeat and stomach distress."

And Dr Alperet agreed that "any decision for a non-coffee drinker to include four cups of coffee per day to his/her diet needs to be carefully calibrated with other caffeine-containing foods, beverages and medication currently consumed."

In the meantime, "we believe more research is needed here," Dr Alperet said.

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"Additional trials with more comprehensive assessments of body composition are needed to confirm our findings."

It comes following another study that foundcoffee can stimulate "brown fat", which burns calories to generate body heat.

Experts from the University of Nottingham said the breakthrough could help tackle the obesity crisis.

Go here to see the original:
Four cups of coffee a day could help you lose weight - The Sun

Jan 15

Vicky Pattison ‘punished’ her body in bid to lose weight –

Vicky Pattison used to be pretty tough on herself (Picture: ITV/REX)

Vicky Pattison has opened up about her punishing bid to lose weight before turning 30.

The TV star used exercise as a way of making up for food she had eaten that she felt was unhealthy.

Vicky, 32, added that she used to start diets and fall off the wagon frequently when she went out with friends.

She told For me the first hurdle that I fall at when Im on a diet is that I wanna go out and I wanna see my friends. And it always revolves around food doesnt it?

When youre trying to be good and you cant determine exactly whats in your meals you feel out of control, and you feel frustrated and the anxiety sets in so you miss it.

You become like a hermit and I cant do that, so I always end up falling off the wagon and going out with me mates regardless.

Vicky added: Since I turned 30 my relationship with my body has totally changed, Im no longer trying to fight against it. I used to try and punish it. I used to say exercise is a form of punishment for what Ive eaten. Now I see it as a celebration of what my body can do.

Now she is in a happy relationship with boyfriend Ercan Ramadan and thinking about starting a family, she has joined WW (formerly Weight Watchers) in order to get healthy and boost her fertility.

The former Geordie Shore star recalled the moment she was told her chances of having a baby were being impacted by her former party lifestyle.

It was really scary. I think for any woman discovering where youre at with your fertility is gonna be nerve-wracking and for me it was no different, Vicky said, especially because considering I know Ive had a very wild lifestyle during my 20s. I wasnt living conscientiously.

Towards the end of last summer when I began my fertility journey I was really stressed out. It was really difficult. But now that Ive got my information and I know where Im at and what I have to do in order to keep my body happy and healthy.

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Ciao Roma... ???? Buongiorno London... ???? I had to pay for excess baggage for my newly acquired pasta and aperol gut btw... #donthatethepastahatethegame #pigletlife ?? Ps he let me have the window seat... this is why I love him ???

A post shared by Vicky Pattison (@vickypattison) on

It feels very liberating, I feel very empowered and Im grateful to WW for helping us on me way with that journey.

And Vickys mum Carroll is looking forward to becoming a granny for a second time.

Me younger sister is about to give birth any day now, so shes gonna be a grandma regardless. Her hopes dont all hinge on me but no doubt she is looking forward to it. She just wants us to be happy.

I think mam knows that I see children as part of my future landscape. She loves Erkan which really helps.

Vicky Pattison is a WW brand ambassador and will be following the new myWW programme with her mum Caroll so they can help motivate and inspire each other. To start your own weight loss and wellness journey with a loved one with help from WW Weight Watchers Reimagined head to

If you've got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you.

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Vicky Pattison 'punished' her body in bid to lose weight -

Jan 15

Mom thought the diet was making her lose weight – but it was breast cancer – themediatimes


A mother who lost two stones and thought that her diet was going well was devastated to discover that it was breast cancer that made her lose weight.

Emma De Jonge of Woodville heard the devastating news after finding a piece that looked like a hard pea.


The 50-year-old woman knew she had to be examined when she felt the growth a second time straighten her hair.

She said, I was on a diet and lost a lot of weight.

I thought I was on a good diet, but I had cancer and that is why I was losing it.

I was sitting in my bed when I first felt the piece of brush on my arm.

When I felt it two weeks later, I thought I couldnt ignore it and I called the office for an emergency appointment.

Emma De Jonge had lost two stones(Image: BURTON MAIL)

Emma underwent a lumpectomy at the Burton Breast Care Clinic at Burtons Queens Hospital just weeks after her diagnosis.

After episodes of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, she overcame her cancer.

But she still had to face looking over her shoulder lest it come back.

She said, If I had a sniff, I would immediately think the cancer had come back.

I had to find peace of mind rather than continuously looking over my shoulder.

It was then that I started the first level of Reiki, which is about self-healing and is purely for you.

Within two weeks of diagnosis and operation, the cancer had gone from the first to the third year and the lump she noticed for the first time had become flat.

Emma, Ellies mom, 27, and grandmother of newborn Nathan, now counts her blessings, she went for the date because she was warned that cancer can change and hide .

She said, With chemotherapy, I was very hard-wired, I had stiff muscles and I was nervous.

It made me very sensitive to others and gave me increased meaning.

I did not want to announce that I was sick because I needed to take care of it myself.

I would tell someone to say nothing, then I would meet someone else and I could say they knew.

I was very fortunate to have an anti-sickness medication and a travel group, so rarely had any illness, but I felt exhausted.

I have things like mouth ulcers and my immune system was weak.

I could not have take-out or street food in case they were not cooked properly.

The chemo was followed by 25 cycles of radiotherapy.

Emma said, The radiation therapy made me sleep and sleep properly. It was a very deep and full sleep.

I always needed all the lights off and no noise to fall asleep, but I found that I could fall asleep on a hairpin.

Emma said, I got attached to losing my hair because I couldnt cope with the rest. I realized that I had to make cancer the focus.

I tried the cold cap (which reduces blood flow to the scalp to prevent hair loss) to keep me from losing my hair, but it was brutal and didnt work for me.

I decided that the best thing was to shave my hair and get used to it.

It was really liberating, because I had demonized it so much in my head that when I saw myself, it was actually a nice surprise.

I didnt look as bad as I thought. I felt like I was taking control.

Thanks to her brutal treatment, Emma received aromatherapy treatment at the hospital, funded by the Burton Breast Care Clinic.

She said, I had a lady named Josie and we chatted.

She told me that she was a breast cancer survivor.

I had this perfect shaped little woman who did this nice treatment on me and I just thought look at her now .

The Pixie Retreat in Woodville(Image: BURTON MAIL)

For me, it is mainly that I was undergoing therapy and it is skin to skin.

The human touch is comforting and the oils help give you balance and are uplifting.

It was this complementary therapy that inspired Ms. De Jonge to form and open her own business offering treatments in Woodville.

The Pixie Retreat, above the hair and beauty of Buckenham, in High Street, offers Swedish massages, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki and hopi ear candles.

Although she cannot yet offer these treatments to cancer patients, Emma plans to take oncology training so that she can do the same for others as Josie does for her.



See the article here:
Mom thought the diet was making her lose weight - but it was breast cancer - themediatimes

Jan 15

This man lost almost half his body weight after tipping the scales at 24 stone – Wales Online

A lorry driver who weighed almost 25 stone just over two years ago has lost nearly half his body weight after being told he was at risk of serious health problems.

Jason Dury, 47, who used to "snack on chocolates biscuits and anything that came with chips" decided to join a Slimming World group to fight the flab.

Two years later, after radical changes to his diet and exercise regime, he got his weight down to 14 stone and feels like a new man after his massive weight loss.

He said: "I'd been overweight for quite a while, but I always made excuses for not doing anything about it. I'd say 'I'll start on Monday' but Monday never came.

"I avoided parties because I felt out of place and the moment a camera came out, I disappeared. I just felt embarrassed of how I looked and would get breathless after walking a few hundred yards.

"I had a couple of wake up calls the led to my decision. One was a visit to my GP after having serious headaches. They found that my blood pressure was through the roof and I was told in no uncertain terms that if I didn't lose weight I was on course for a heart attack or stroke.

"The week after that I joined a Slimming World group in Cwmbran and within a few weeks the headaches had gone and I lost two stone really quickly."

Jason, who lives in Risca , added that he was determined to change after an embarrassing incident at Dublin airport.

"I was held back for a routine security check so I was the last one to board the flight," he recalled.

"I had to tell the air stewardess that the belt didn't fit around my waist and she said 'no problem I'll get you a belt extension'.

"I felt like the whole plane behind me fell silent and I could feel their eyes boring into the back of my head."

Jason was worried when he first joined Slimming World because he thought he would be the only man there and would be the largest person in the group.

He added: "It was very nerve-wracking when I first went because I was feeling very self-conscious about the way I looked.

"But everyone was really friendly and supportive and my circle of friends has grown because of going to Slimming World too.

"I was really surprised by my weight though, I hadn't properly weighed myself for years and thought I was at least four stone lighter than I really was."

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Jason soon started to shed the pounds - at a rate of about two and half pounds per week for the next 22 months - to get down from almost 25 stone to 14.

His family and friends even struggled to recognise him.

"I went to a family party and two of my cousins walked right past me and blanked me because they had no idea who I was," he laughed.

Although he sometimes had urges to eat the junk food he used to live on, Jason said he doesn't eat any less than he used to, he just replaced the biscuits and sweets with an apple or an orange and now eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

He said he couldn't have achieved his goal without the support of the leader of the Slimming World group at Hollybush Community Centre, Clare Lewis.

"Jason is the biggest weight loss of anyone who has been to my group in the five years I have been working with Slimming World.

"The change in him is unreal, he's so much more confident now.

"You see people come into their first meetings with their heads down sometimes and a lack of self confidence and esteem. But as time goes past they grow in confidence.

"It completely changes lives, it's changed my life too."

Clare lost four and a half stone herself before become a consultant at Slimming World and helps others to meet their weight loss goals.

Aside from changing what he eats, Jason is now a keen walker and hikes in the Brecon Beacons. Something he could "never have dreamed of doing" before losing weight.

See the original post:
This man lost almost half his body weight after tipping the scales at 24 stone - Wales Online

Jan 15

Curtis Pritchards weight loss How Love Island star lost a stone since leaving the villa – The Sun

CURTIS Pritchard has revealed he has lost a stone since leaving the Love Island villa last year.

The professional dancer says he decided to sign up to WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, after years of crash dieting.



He admitted he would go through phases of rapidly losing weight to bingeing on 10,000 calories a day.

Speaking at a WW Supper Club in London last night, the 23-year-old said:"I've lost a stone to date so it's been going fantastically my WW journey.

"The reason I joined is I always do these crash course diets and I have always been around dancing so I've been under a lot of pressure to look a certain way.

"I need to have a certain amount of energy for the style of sport and career I chose.

I have always been around dancing so I've been under a lot of pressure to look a certain way

"So I've had to do these crash course diets to drop weight dramatically.

"Sometimes I'd lose about two stone in a month then all of a sudden I'd be feeling weak and my mental state wouldn't be correct.

"I wouldn't be able to focus properly and I just wouldn't be able to perform to the ability that I needed to.

"Then all of a sudden I'd crumble and I'd put it all straight back on.


"Literally I'd just binge and eat whatever - chocolate, pizza.

"Some days I'd eat probably about 10,000 calories.

"So the weight would just go on and off, on and off, and I never felt good."

Some days I'd eat probably about 10,000 calories

Curtis said that it was after leaving the Love Island villa that he decided it was time to change his relationship with food.

"In the villa, I did get fat shamed coming out," he said.

"I wanted to change my relationship with food - I wanted to eat whatever I wanted, in moderation.

"That's what I've been able to do for the past six months.


"I've been eating more than I've ever eaten in my entire life - just the correct stuff.

"And if I want that pizza, you can still have that pizza, you can do whatever you want."

He added:"When I was dieting, I used to be thinking 'I need to eat, but I can't eat. If I don't eat now for another two hours then I can eat a little bit then.

"It would be a nightmare. It's an ongoing game and I can't focus on what I want to focus on.

"So now I'm eating as much as I want, and I'm not thinking about food, and the weight is just slowly and gradually coming off me.



"I'm playing the long game now, I'm not playing the short game - and it's working.

"A stone's come off me - I wanna lose another seven pounds - but it's happening."

Curtis was joined at the event by his mum Debi, who has been supporting him throughout his weight loss journey.

She said: Just looking at Curtis now actually wells me up a little bit.

"He always put the pressure on himself because hes wanted to achieve to the best of his ability.

"In the field he chose his audience expect him to look a certain way so hed try his hardest to eat a little amount so that everyone was proud of him.

"Jumping to Love Island, he had a great time, but coming out he felt uncomfortable because of the body-shaming he experienced.

"Hes now found a good mental state about food thanks to joining the WW family.


Alongside Curtis was reality star Vicky Pattison, who was revealed as the latest ambassador for the brand, earlier this week.

She said: Through most of my adult life, my weight has fluctuated. Ive been really, really slim and then Ive also been a lot bigger.

"In retrospect I wasnt happy either size.

"When I was bigger I didnt feel comfortable going out and doing what I wanted to do, or wearing what I wanted to wear, and when I was smaller, I even counted how many blueberries I put in my porridge.

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She added: Im 32 now and I want to be happy - I want to be content. I dont want to be told I cant have carbs or a gin and tonic.

"I dont want a life without Haribos. And most importantly, I want to create the best environment and make my body the most hospitable it could possibly be for a baby one day.

"I want to be happy, and healthy for when that time comes.

See original here:
Curtis Pritchards weight loss How Love Island star lost a stone since leaving the villa - The Sun

Jan 15

New State of the Science Medical Program Targets the Obesity Epidemic – Yahoo Finance

Designed by physicians for physicians, New Direction Advanced provides doctors with the tools to effectively treat obesity in their patients.

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J., Jan. 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robard Corporation, a leading provider of medical weight loss programs and products to the health care industry for more than 40 years, has announced the launch of its latest scientifically-designed obesity treatment program, New Direction Advanced.

Joining other Robard brands including NutriMed and Advanced Health Systems, New Direction Advanced is a medically-supervised obesity treatment program used by physicians, surgeons and hospitals across the United States to treat patients living with obesity. The program employs patient behavior modification, comprehensive medical protocols and scientifically designed nutritional products to safely facilitate weight loss in patients with obesity and related chronic conditions.

Developed in collaboration with leading physicians on the frontlines of obesity treatment, New Direction Advanced is the result of a comprehensive review of recent academic research, expanding on Robards longstanding commitment to developing modern approaches for safe, effective, and evidence-based obesity treatment without the use of drugs. Meal replacement products, which are utilized extensively as part of the program, employ synergistic ingredients which help promote optimal metabolism for active weight loss, and help support patients to lose as much as 36 pounds in 12 weeks on a medically monitored Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD).

After 20 years of outstanding patient experience with Robard New Direction meal replacements in my clinics, I am excited to implement the Advanced formulation, says Dr. John Hernried, MD, FACP, President and Medical Director of the Hernried Center for Medical Weight Loss in Sacramento, CA. They took the input of physicians and developed a product that has led to enhancedsatiety, increased nutritional ketosis and overall better outcomes.With all this, they managed to maintain the excellent taste of the multiple flavors which is a key element in offering a VLCD to my patients with obesity.

Obesity has been officially recognized as a disease by the American Medical Association, and since then the treatment of obesity has become a public health imperative. Currently more than one in three American adults is living with obesity, a chronic condition that affects about 93.3 million US adults.

For more than three years, Robards food scientists and research team conducted a comprehensive scientific review to determine the most effective combination of weight loss and weight management ingredients, says Robard Vice President of Sales, Mario Testa. We aggregated this data to determine the efficacy of each ingredient and how those ingredients would synergistically help deliver the best nutritionally based products for weight loss. This research resulted in Robards new premium product line, New Direction Advanced, one of the most scientifically advanced products available for medically supervised weight management.

New Direction Advanced goes far beyond the typical program that promises quick, but short-lived weight loss, says Dr. Phillip Snider, a bariatric physician at the Guthrie Clinic in Sayre, PA. The innovative protein composition profile coupled with Robards comprehensive education curriculum, guidelines for medical management and wide variety of patient support materials put this program in a class of its own.

About Robard Corporation:

Robard Corporation provides health care professionals and hospitals nationwide with a turnkey solution to operate their own medically-supervised obesity treatment program. Respected as leaders in the weight loss and management industry for more than 40 years, Robards evidence-based programs are complimented by scientifically-designed nutrition products and best-in-class business services to help physicians, surgeons and hospitals treat mildly overweight to morbidly obese patients. For more information on New Direction Advanced and Robard Corporation, please visit

Contact: Mario TestaCompany: Robard CorporationTel: (800) 222-9201Email:

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New State of the Science Medical Program Targets the Obesity Epidemic - Yahoo Finance

Jan 15

Weight loss: Woman reveals simple diet plan she used to drop whopping 7st 5lb – Express

A weight loss journey could be inspired by many different reasons, but after suffering most of her life with her weight and suffering from multiple sclerosis complications, one woman lost an incredible seven stone five pounds, and she credited her weight loss to a simple dieting plan - what was it?

Vicky Robson, 38, from Reading struggled with her weight all of her life and would regularly binge on snacks such as crisps, cake, cheese and biscuits before overhauling her diet and dropping the weight.

Reading local, Vicky knew that losing weight would help alleviate the pain she suffered daily with multiple sclerosis but didnt know where to seek help from until she discovered a particular diet plan.

Id struggled with my weight all my life, I weighed 12st at the age of 12 and my struggles continued well into adulthood, she revealed.

By this point Id tried a variety of diets, slimming clubs and meal replacement plans but without any support.

READ MORE:Tom Watson: Former MP reveals secrets to 8 stone weight loss

It wasnt until 2015 that Vicky experienced a wake-up call, she said: In May 2015 I was feeling low, I was now a size 22 and my reality check came when I struggled to walk up a slight slope.

I have MS (multiple sclerosis) so the pain I was getting in my lower legs was a wake-up call, she revealed.

After trying multiple weight loss programmes, Vicky discovered the LighterLife diet plan which helped her to shed seven stone five pounds.

Being an all or nothing type of person a recipe-based weight-loss plan didnt work for me because sooner or later Id be grazing on the wrong things. Instead, I knew a meal replacement diet would keep me focused as its very straightforward to follow with strict guidelines, but this time I wanted weekly support alongside the reduced calories, thats why I chose LighterLife.


LighterLife is campaigning to help people live healthier and more fulfilled lives by boosting confidence, self-esteem and belief.

The LighterLife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) with weekly counselling.

With LighterLife dieter get access to meal-replacement food packs - consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars - and no conventional food.

With weekly support from a LighterLife weight loss counsellor and a variety of weekly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Mindfulness activities, Vicky was able to overhaul her lifestyle.

She said: Each week I joined a telephone conference call lead a LighterLife counsellor, it was great being able to access the support from my sofa.

Losing over 7st on the LighterLife Total Plan changed my life, she added.

Im so proud to say Ive managed my weight for over three years and I still apply the CBT techniques I learnt in group to keep me focused and on track.

So what did Vickys diet plan consist of to lose such a significant weight?

Before adopting the LighterLife diet plan, Vicky would binge on unhealthy foods which contributed to her weight gain.

Breakfast: Vicky would either skip breakfast or opt for a sugary cereal breakfast bar

Lunch: Vicky would opt for fatty tuna mayo sandwiches or baguette with crisps and full fat fizzy drinks

Dinner: Vicky would overeat on overly fatty foods such as chilli con carne with 50g rice topped with grated cheese and sour cream

Snacks: She would always reach out for crisps, cake, cheese and biscuits, peanut butter and jam sandwiches to satisfy her hunger

Breakfast: Vicky would opt for homemade yoghurt with granola

Lunch: Vicky will make homemade soup and eat it with one slice of brown bread or salad with low fat dressing and wafer thin ham

Dinner: Vicky would opt for healthier versions and measured portions of meals like chilli con carne with lean mince or sausage casserole with good quality sausages. Always a measured portion of carbohydrate, or sometimes cauliflower rice, and a portion of vegetables

Snacks: She would now opt for carrot sticks and a piece of fruit a day. She also tries to avoid snacking in the evenings but if she does decide to go for a snack in the evening she would opt for some greek yoghurt.

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Weight loss: Woman reveals simple diet plan she used to drop whopping 7st 5lb - Express

Jan 15

Think, and lose weight – Pune Mirror

Ditch fad diets and use the power of the mind by following these simple tricksNew years resolutions tend to revolve around healthier living and losing weight and most fail. Only one in 10 stick it out, according to a major study.

But you dont need a gym membership or mad diet in 2020 you can think yourself thin, hypnotherapist Steve Dell claims.

He says: Changing yourself can be difficult without the right understanding of how our brains work. The primitive part looks out for our survival and is an element very resistant to change. It views change as dangerous.

He claims you can quieten the primitive brain, allowing the conscious, good-decisionmaking part, to take charge.

Do a deal

The battle between your primitive and conscious brain is one of supremacy, Steve says.

Once you are aware of that, you can address it to work in your favour. So make a deal with your primitive brain.

When you are on a diet and cake is calling, you want to stick to your goals but you are drawn to a slice. That is your primitive brain resisting change. Make a deal out loud or write it down. Tell your primitive brain: Thanks for the suggestion but I know eating cake is a bad idea, and I am in control. Ill have a slice on my treat day instead.

Learn to relax

Quietening our evolutionary brain is no easy task as many factors impact how active our survival mode is. Stress makes our primitive brain active. So you need to reassure it you are OK. Relaxation is how you get there.

If the stressor is something you can eliminate, do so now. If the cause is not easily removed, you need to work on calming your body and mind.

Body scanning is a short and effective guided meditation to do that. Practise this as many times as possible a day. The more you do it, the quieter your primitive brain becomes.

Give it a go

Lie down or sit in a quiet room. Close your eyes and picture a colour you like. Imagine it as a gentle, warm mist and breathe it in.

Allow it to enter your body, making you feel warm and calm from your head to your toes. Soon you will be able to access this relaxing feeling by simply taking a deep breath and tapping into your colour.

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Think, and lose weight - Pune Mirror

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