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Juice cleansing: everything a doctor wants you to know –

Juice cleanses: whether or not you're converted to the supposed benefits of ditching food for days on end, in exchange for liquid fruit and veg, one thing that's for certain is our fascination with them. We grilled Dr Andrew Thornber, Chief Medical Officer at Now Patient, with over 20 years experience, as to whether or not going on a juice detox diet is really a good or safe idea, and if it's a successful way to lose weight. Plus, we put a PRESS London package to the test ourselves. Here's what we discovered...
A juice cleanse is where a person commits to not eating solid food for a day, or multiple days, at a time in order to gain supposed health benefits your calorie intake will be well below the Recommended Daily Allowance, too. PRESS London say their juice cleanses are a great way to break bad eating habits and kickstart a healthier lifestyle, while boosting energy levels, skin and offering positive weight loss for some. "We believe they're the perfect reset and chance to flood the body with nutrients," says George Phillips, Operations Manager at PRESS London.
"Many detox or juice diets are also based on the idea that toxins build up in the body and can be removed by eating, or not eating, certain things," explains Dr Thornber. "However, while there's no evidence that toxins build up in our bodies, juices could help improve digestion by introducing healthy enzymes that make the gut work more efficiently." He says they're safe to do for a day or two, but he doesn't advise sacrificing solid food for any longer than that.
And the medical verdict on the weight loss front? "Juice diets may lead to short-term weight loss, but by restricting calories youre limiting certain nutrients, which isnt good for your health. They are basically like a short term fast," says Dr Thornber, whilst stressing that those with kidney disorders ought to steer clear of drinking large quantities of juice, as they may contain oxalate (an acid that can contribute to kidney stones and other problems).
While many juice cleanse companies sell packages ranging from one day up to a week, Dr Thornber advises no more than two days (and if you have any concerns at all, consulting your own GP beforehand).
It's probably not a good idea to do a cleanse when youre ill. "Your body needs all its energy to heal itself and a cleanse doesnt do this," explains Dr Thornber. "If you do, it could take longer to recover, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired."
Both Dr Thornber and PRESS London say that gentle exercise is okay, but taking a HIIT class mid-cleanse is not advisable. "Exercise can kickstart the natural detox process as it flushes out the lungs and cleanses the skin as we work up a sweat," says Dr Thornber. "Swap running for a low impact walk and take it easier in the gym than you usually would. However, if at any point you feel dizzy or weak, listen to your body and stop." Noted.
The jury's still out on that one. "There's some debate as to whether going on a juice diet would exasperate or help IBS, it depends on what the individual person has issues with consuming and avoiding foods which may irritate, for example cucumber," says Dr Thornber. It's worth noting that cucumber features prominently in many juice cleanse packages.
We tried PRESS London's Softcore Juice Cleanse Package
Okay, so I need to begin with a disclaimer originally I was kindly provided with a three-day package (equal to 709 calories per day and worth 147 in total) to put to the test. However, on what ought to have been Day 1, I caved at 3pm and ordered an Indian takeaway because I was off sick, feeling very sorry for myself and I knew for sure that samosas and dahl were what my body needed. Wow, feels good to be honest. Thanks, guys. So, here's the review of the two days worth of juice cleansing that I did religiously stick to, equating to six bottles of juice and two nut milks per day. The two-day Softcore Juice Cleanse package costs 98 and for a smaller one-day package, you're looking at 49.
Jennifer Savin
Having finally recovered from the lurgy, I was excited to get a serious vitamin hit in and begin the cleanse. Using the handy guide that accompanies the juice delivery, I started the morning off with a Wake Up celery juice, before moving swiftly on to some Easy Greens an hour or so later. Both tasted great and by the time my Cacao Nut M*lk was due at 11am, I wasn't even hungry. Ha, juicing! I thought. I could do this in my sleep.
By 1.30pm, things had changed. I was ravenous. Light-headed. The headache was diabolically real. I was hallucinating garlic bread and oh, butter. Sweet, creamy, buttery toast. My desk suddenly resembled a gigantic Pop Tart. I ploughed on and went to bed miserable but determined to continue.
Jennifer Savin
A miracle! I woke up feeling normal the crippling headache had vanished and incredibly, I wasn't bloated (as I often am). Heading into the office, I found it easy to resist the ever-permanent chocolate, biscuits and cheese puffs on offer, preferring my juices and nut milks. Again, they all tasted great. It was fairly easy getting through the day knowing the end was in sight, but by 9pm I was hungry and desperate for solid food once more. I also added up my sugar intake per day on the cleanse, and realised that it rocketed to a huge 114.9g a day... far more than the recommended 27g for women. Gulp.
When I asked PRESS London about this, they said, "The higher natural sugar content is important to maintain energy levels, as while on the Softcore Juice Cleanse package your body is in a calorie deficit. Given the short term length of a cleanse the added sugar won't have a detrimental effect on the body."
Burcu Atalay TankutGetty Images
Overall, I'd rate the two-day cleanse as a 5 out of 10 in terms of required willpower, keeping in mind that my usual diet is fairly healthy-ish, and lost a total of 3.25lbs throughout the process (most of which reappeared after a few days of eating normal-sized portions). I liked the challenge of the experience and can't rate the taste factor of PRESS London's offerings highly enough, but I think if I were to do another cleanse in future that I'd prefer one of their offerings which include soup, to try and stave off some of those intense food cravings.
I can see that a juice cleanse could be a good way to wean yourself off of gigantic portion sizes if that's something you struggle with, but as Dr Thornber said, it's probably best to check with your GP first.
For more information on PRESS London's juice cleanse packages, click right here.
Dr Andrew Thornber is Chief Medical Officer at Now Patient.
Follow Jennifer on Instagram and Twitter.
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Juice cleansing: everything a doctor wants you to know -
Weight loss story: From 90 to 73 kilos, this guy lost 17 kilos in just 4 months! Here’s how he did it – Times of India

In addition to multiple health conditions that creep in with the extra kilos, one also has to battle body shaming and obnoxious comments of people. When 35-year-old Vishal Basutkar did not like how he looked in the mirror, he decided to take control of his health. His weight loss journey is the living, breathing proof that anything is possible if you have unwavering dedication. Read on.Name: Vishal Basutkar
Occupation: IT Professional
Age: 35 yearsCity: Pune
Highest weight recorded: 90 kgsCurrent weight: 73 kgsHeight: 5 feet 11 inches
Morning: I begin my day with a glass of lukewarm water and 8 almonds.
My Breakfast: Four eggs boiled eggs
My Lunch: Two chapatis, a portion of green vegetables, 1 bowl of curd and 1 bowl of dal.
Evening: 1 cup of green tea
My Dinner: I keep switching between salad and grilled paneer and cauliflower. I did not consume any food containing carbohydrates for six months and only ate proteins and vegetables for dinner.I indulge in: I made it a point to not eat any junk food like pizza, burger, chaats etc even on my cheat days.
Pre-workout Meal: I have a banana at least 30 minutes before working outMy Workout: Initially, for the first two months, I did a lot of cardio combined with High-Intensity Intervals Training (HIIT) for 6 days a week. I gained my stamina by doing cardio and HIIT and lost a considerable amount of fat.
After two months, I increased my duration of weight training. As my goal was to decrease my fat level and increase my muscle mass, I focused more on compound exercises like squats, military press, dead-lifts and chin-ups.
Post-workout Meal: Protein shakeLow-calorie recipe I swear by: Scrambled eggs with cheese and roasted cauliflower
Fitness secrets I unveiled :1) Eliminate sugar and refined flour (maida) from your diet2) Strictly count your calories3) There is no substitute for working outThe turning point: If you dont like your reflection in the mirror due to any reason, then its time to take control of your own body. While I wasn't really bothered by the rude comments or the incessant body-shaming, I really felt ashamed of my own reflection staring right back at me in the mirror.
It was also quite frustrating when I could no longer fit into the clothes of my choice in the wardrobe! I realized that I had to take the matter in my hands before it went beyond my control. That was the time I decided to work on my body and get it back on track. I will admit that it wasn't easy, but it was certainly worth it. Now when I look into the mirror, I feel really happy and proud of myself.
How do I stay motivated? I make it a point to read motivational quotes to keep myself on the path of fitness.
How do you ensure you don't lose focus? I am really scared of gaining back all the weight I have lost.What's the most difficult part of being overweight? It was really annoying when I could see my stomach bulging out with every passing day and I used to feel lethargic all the time.What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? After ten years, I want to remain fit and have a lean and muscular physique and be able to run 5 kilometres non-stop.
See the original post here:
Weight loss story: From 90 to 73 kilos, this guy lost 17 kilos in just 4 months! Here's how he did it - Times of India
Ahn Jae Hong Says He Was Embarrassed By Attention He Received After Losing Weight For A Role – soompi

Ahn Jae Hong recently sat down for an interview to promote his new comedy film, We Wont Hurt You (literal translation).
During the interview, he was asked aboutwhether he had gone on a diet recently. He responded, It was just something I did for the role. He further explained that he wanted to get rid of hissofter, cuter image to embrace the desperate, edgy character of Tae Soo for the film, and lost about 10 kilograms (about 22 pounds).
He went on, A lot of people ask me about my weight loss and it makes me cringe. I cant talk about it anymore. Like other people, I lost weight in a healthy way by controlling what I ate and exercising. It was just part of the normal preparations to get into character. With every new production and every new character, there is an image you need to fulfill. Thats just part of your job.
He continued, Tae Soo is a very different character from the characters Ive played before. Thats why I was ambitious to play him. He has a sensitive nature and longs desperately for something. He has a strong sense of purpose as well as an inferiority complex, and I wanted that to show in his external appearance as well.
He concluded that he is not particularly invested in dieting currently. I am maintaining my weight, and its embarrassing that people are saying I lost weight when I didnt even lose that much. If I take on a character that has more weight, then I will probably gain it back really fast. If necessary, I think I could lose more as well.
WeWont Hurt You is a film based on a webtoon about a lawyer who unexpectedly becomes the director of a failing zoo and orders the employees to pretend to be the animalsthat were sold and sent away.
Catch Ahn Jae Hong in Melo Is My Nature below!
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Lad, 17, reveals incredible 8st weight loss after secretly swigging 2 litres of Coke A DAY saw him balloon to – The Sun

WORRIED mother Michelle Battrum just could not understand why her son Josh was piling on the pounds.
He ate the same healthy homemade meals as the rest of the family but his weight ballooned to 19st.
Then the teenager, who was classed as obese and wore XXL clothes, confessed all.
Josh had a secret cola addiction and was glugging up to TWO LITRES every day.
A shocked Michelle immediately banned the drink from their home in Sittingbourne, Kent.
And the drastic move has paid off. In just 11 months Josh, 17, has lost more than 8st.
Teaching assistant Michelle, 45, says: I was speechless. Id known he had a glass with dinner and maybe one during the day, but Id had no idea he was so addicted.
I got rid of all the cola in the house and Josh vowed to quit it for good. He started a healthier diet, too, and in just 11 months he is transformed.
Josh, a sales assistant in the family jewellery business, says: I was about nine when I first started drinking cola.
I liked the taste and, if I was out, Id buy a bottle or a can with my pocket money.
At the time, I didnt know how much sugar there is in it.
Id get up in the morning and pour a glass before breakfast. Id drink a two-litre bottle every day and if I was out Id buy a large takeaway Coke.
I ate fruit so I convinced myself I was healthy.
When I decided to lose weight, the first thing I did was cut out the Coke and I lost half a stone in the first week.
When I look at myself now, it makes me happy to know Ive lost a massive amount of weight. I just feel amazing.
Michelle, who is divorced from Joshs dad Lee, 46, says Josh struggled with his weight from the age of 11.
She says: He was happy at primary school but struggled to fit into secondary school. It affected his confidence and in Year 8 it was decided hed be better off home-schooled.
Michelle always cooked homemade meals for her children Josh, his sister Demi, 15, and 20-year-old Callum. She says: Both Demi and Callum are slim and Im a size ten.
A sugar shock for the system
NUTRITIONIST Rhiannon Lambert, says: Regular and frequent consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is not recommended.
Often, these drinks are linked to poor overall health and increased risk of metabolic illness such as type 2 diabetes.Children may be unaware of the amount of calories, sugar and caffeine in these drinks and consume too much, resulting in weight gain, poor dental health and even extreme behaviour changes.
So when we noticed Josh putting on weight, we were surprised. At first I thought it was just a bit of puppy fat but it kept piling on. I mentioned it a few times to him and he would just shrug it off.
I tried making healthier dinners and not having as many snacks in the house, but it didnt seem to make any difference.
Josh would drink a glass of cola in the evening and I said it would ruin his teeth but he carried on.
Eventually his dad, Demi and Callum and I all mentioned that stopping the daily glass might help him lose weight, but he ignored us.
When Josh turned 16, he weighed 19st, meaning he was classed as obese. Michelle says: He had lost his confidence, he wasnt going out much and I could tell that his weight was really getting him down.
He was reaching the age where he was interested in fashion and looking good, and he realised he couldnt fit into a lot of clothes aimed at teenagers.
It was then that he admitted he wanted to lose weight.
I asked him what he thought might be the problem, and he confessed he was drinking two litres of full-fat cola a day.
I was shocked. I knew he had one a day but I assumed the whole family had been drinking the bottles but it had just been Josh.
I vowed to help him and stopped any cola being brought into the house. The weight immediately dropped off and he lost a stone in under a month.
Spurred on, he decided to join Slimming World to help him with his diet.
I knew he was finding it hard giving up cola but every time he lost a stone we celebrated and I could tell he felt amazing.
In less than a year Josh has slimmed to 10st 8lb and now wears tight-fitting, fashionable clothing.
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Michelle says: I cant explain how lovely it was to see him succeeding. Hes a totally different boy.
Anyone who hasnt seen him for a while is astounded by the change he really does look like a different person.
Giving up cola has changed our lives and I couldnt be more proud.
An RD Says Diets Like Keto and IF Aren’t Necessary to Healthily Lose Weight Here’s Why – POPSUGAR

Diet plus exercise equals the key equation to stay in a caloric deficit and, therefore, to lose weight. You can try losing weight without exercise, but working out will help preserve your muscle mass and keep your metabolism up. Likewise, if you tried to maintain your caloric deficit through workouts alone, it would be incredibly difficult, as experts have explained to us in the past.
Registered dietitian and NASM-certified personal trainer Alix Turoff, MS, knows that finding the right workout and eating plan for weight loss is easier said than done; results are different for everyone. Plus, there are other factors that come into play like genetics, as well as stress levels and sleep.
Alix, whom we've interviewed in the past, posted the Instagram seen here to indicate that oftentimes people tend to focus on everything on the left to lose weight intermittent fasting or keto, fasted cardio, or even apple cider vinegar. While some of these can absolutely work she pointed to intermittent fasting, as an example it isn't sustainable for everyone and it's not actually necessary to see results.
Alix told POPSUGAR via email that the main point of that post was to indicate that the only thing required for weight loss is a caloric deficit. "For some people, intermittent fasting can help them achieve a caloric deficit more easily," she explained. "It creates rules and some people do well with that. For other people, stressing about intermittent fasting can actually make matters worse."
Keto too, Alix said, can yield results. "That said, it does require a very controlled carbohydrate intake, and for most people, that's not going to be sustainable long term," she explained, adding that keto is also much different from just a low-carb diet because you need to be strict about eating precise carbs and protein. She explained, "Protein can be converted into glucose, which could take the body out of ketosis. So to really get in to ketosis, you won't be able to have an off day or a day where you eat some extra fruit, which makes it very hard to be flexible."
While Alix has recommended the keto diet for people with uncontrolled blood sugars, she typically doesn't advocate for cutting out specific foods to lose weight, but rather limiting them. Plus, while intermittent fasting, for instance, does work for some people, other things on the left side of the graphic she shared, such as supplements or adaptogens, "really have no research to support their use in weight loss," she noted. And, Alix wrote in her Instagram caption that oftentimes people don't even have the fat-loss basics down before they try those left-side strategies.
Alix told POPSUGAR that these fat-loss basics begin with understanding calories and macronutrients. If you skip that part, you won't learn how to balance your food, she said. Here's how to calculate how many calories you should be eating in a day for a healthy caloric deficit. And, here's one way to calculate macros for weight loss. She said you should also look at your exercise routine, too here's a four-week workout plan for weight loss but try to pick workouts you enjoy since that's what you are more likely to stick with. And, you should be focused on your sleep, mood, and relationships, Alix said. "If you're on a diet and you're losing weight, but your sleep is terrible or you're in a bad mood all the time, it doesn't matter how much weight you're losing because you're prioritizing weight loss over general health," she stated.
Alix concluded in her post that you should focus on the big picture, and get the basics down first. Then, you can experiment and see how you feel. As the graphic she made states, she wants people to find a way to eat in a caloric deficit while still choosing nutrient-dense foods that don't sacrifice what these people actually want to eat. Diets may work, but relying on something that isn't sustainable in the long run isn't sufficient for long-term weight loss.
Alix told POPSUGAR that working with a registered dietitian, if possible, can help you make sound decisions about what lifestyle changes are right for you. It's important, too, even without a dietitian, to be honest with yourself. "If you find yourself starting and stopping or getting on and off track, it's time to look at why that's happening," Alix said. "Does the diet cut out foods that you love? Is it too restrictive? Are you trying to be so 'perfect,' and then having it backfire?"
Alix continued on to say that slow and steady wins the race when it comes to weight loss. That's why it's important to be realistic with your expectations. "Healthy weight loss might be anywhere from half a pound to two pounds per week, depending no how much weight you have to lose," she said. So, if a diet promises you'll lose weight faster than that, it's a red flag.
An effective weight-loss regimen that's safe won't jeopardize your mental health, Alix noted in the graphic and further told POPSUGAR. Here's how to tell if a diet is affecting your mental health, according to Alix:
Lastly, Alix wants you to unfollow anyone who promotes unhealthy ways to lose weight. "Remember that anyone can call themselves a nutritionist," she said. "Sure, there are some non-RDs that are great sources of information, but I would be very careful about who you follow." She continued on to say that you should look into their education and credentials, and you should question everything. (Here's a good place to start for creditable sources.)
"Understand that there are NO QUICK FIXES," Alix wrote to POPSUGAR via email (we're a big fan of the all caps she used here). "If there were, I'd be doing it. There's no one diet that works for everyone, so if someone is claiming that they have the answer for everyone, run the other way!" Remember all of this, and for more on strategies to lose weight, here's our expert-approved guide.
See more here:
An RD Says Diets Like Keto and IF Aren't Necessary to Healthily Lose Weight Here's Why - POPSUGAR
How to gain weight safely and healthily –

Muhammad Syafiq Adnan / EyeEmGetty Images
With much talk of New Year being a time to lose weight, you may be feeling a little confused if your goal is to gain weight - and do it healthily. Gaining weight can be a difficult experience in terms of both physical and mental health, particularly if youre aiming to increase your BMI following a traumatic experience or eating disorder.
Many individuals struggle with gaining weight because culturally there is so much emphasis on thinness as the ideal that we should all be working towards, Uxshely Carcamo, owner of The Food Psychology Clinic told Cosmopolitan. But you absolutely can gain weight in a healthy way with the right guidance. We spoke to the experts to find out what you should be focused on.
Weight naturally fluctuates, but being vastly underweight as an adult can have serious health consequences. Weight is generally measured as being healthy via your BMI, but if you suspect that youre underweight you should book an appointment with your GP to discuss further.
Being underweight from eating less than your body needs can lead to reduced fertility and irregular or missed periods, Dr Sally Norton, an NHS weight consultant surgeon tells Cosmopolitan. It can lead to weakness, shortness of breath, poor sleep, a lowered immune system or weak bones. And it can contribute to poor mental health, low concentration and more."
Anna Bizon / EyeEmGetty Images
For a number of reasons, you should see your doctor first before deciding to lose weight.
Dealing with any underlying cause such as thyroid disease, tackling stress or getting support with severe grief or eating disorders is the first place to start, says Dr Sally. But then you need to think about how to gain back your weight in a healthy way. And simply filling up with calories from high-sugar, high-fat processed food isnt the way to go. Yes, you may put on weight but it will be mainly fat that wont improve your health much, if at all.
So while the odd pizza and chocolate indulgence is fine, its important to also make sure youre eating healthily - even when trying to gain weight.
Your body needs to replenish with nutrients, protein and healthy fats. Not only will these increase your weight, but they will fire up your brain again, boost your mood and positivity, strengthen bones and immunity and give a whole host of other benefits. Sally recommends adding the following foods into your diet, depending on your personal requirements:
"And couple your healthy-eating regime with some strength training to build weakened muscles and keep you toned as you gain weight," she adds.
"Remember, whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight it is important not to focus solely on calories though many of us think that calories are the only thing worth counting!"
Both losing and gaining weight can be a struggle for the mind, but with constant messaging - especially around the new year - that slimming down is the answer to your happiness, it can be extremely difficult to purposely put on pounds.
Food psychologist Uxshely explains: "I work with many people that know logically and rationally that they need to put on weight, however they find it difficult to force themselves to eat more.
"Firstly, this is because they have just fallen into the habit of under-eating and restricting their food intake and this restriction can make them feel more in control. Secondly, there can be a fear that gaining weight will make them less attractive or will make them lose their identity. Thirdly, not eating (just like eating) is actually a coping mechanism too - some people cope with things like stress and emotions by not eating - so forcing somebody to eat can be a way of taking away the only coping mechanism that they know."
"It's important to start finding pleasure in food again"
If that sounds familiar, Uxhshely explains that it's important to constantly bring the focus back to you. "When I am working with someone that needs to gain weight, I work with them to establish why they want to or need to put on weight - often looking into the future and what they want for themselves long-term. It could be that their low weight has affected their menstrual cycle and yet they know that in the future they want to have children. Or it could be that they love dancing or a sport and their low weight and lack of energy means that they aren't performing at their best.
"It's also important to establish a regular pattern of eating and new habits around food. Ensuring that the individual eats regularly - even though they do not feel hungry - is really key. A lot of my clients tell me that they do not want to eat because they do not feel hungry. However, often they do not feel hungry because they are just not in the habit of eating at certain times of the day. Our body loves routine - and to gain weight an individual needs to establish a routine of eating more regularly even if they are not hungry. This is why concepts such as "intuitive eating" can be very dangerous for some individuals - this encourages individuals to respond to their natural hunger cues - however for most people our hunger is triggered by habitual patterns of eating - so we just feel hungry at the same time as we did the previous day typically."
"It's important to start finding pleasure in food again," says Uxhsely. "Whilst I would never recommend just eating highly processed and sugary foods - I would encourage an individual to think about nourishing dishes that they also enjoy. It is much easier to eat more when the food an individual is eating is something that they really enjoy. It can also be helpful to add in more unsaturated fats into the diet e.g. peanut butter, olive oil, nuts, seeds etc. are all calorie dense foods that can help an individual to gain weight without leaving them feeling too full."
Here's to a healthy new year.
Follow Abbi on Instagram.
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How to gain weight safely and healthily -
Resolved to improve fitness, lose weight? Win with these wearables – USA TODAY

Marc Saltzman, Special to USA TODAY Published 7:00 a.m. ET Jan. 5, 2020 | Updated 10:23 a.m. ET Jan. 5, 2020
With the start of a new year perhaps youre resolved to improve yourself.
If one of your goalsto lose weight especially after an indulgent holiday season or to improve fitness, relatively inexpensive activity trackers might give you the support and the kick in the pants you need to get moving.
These fitness bands count your steps, stairs climbed, total distance traveled, and estimated calories burned. Many can also monitor your heart rate measured in beats per minuteand capture sleep information, too. Most of these devices show you data on a small screen, as well as on a companion app on your smartphone, for a deeper dive into the information.
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Apple Watch Series 3 (from $199) is a smartwatch packed with fitness features including Siri voice support.(Photo: Apple Inc.)
Smartwatches can also capture exercise data, of course, and do much more. Starting at about $80 for an activity tracker and about $200 for a smartwatch, its a good time to invest in one today with recommended features to look for highlighted below but you can also expect this space to mature over the coming years.
The biggest impact on the fitness tracker and wearable market will be the launching of 5G technologies, predicts Alex Paskoff, senior vice president and managing director of mobility at Ingram Micro Commerce & Lifecycle Services, the worlds largest distributor of tech products. Wearables will be able to capture and process rich data in real-time with nearly zero latency.
Paskoff cites an industry report by Tractica, which predicts the wearable device market is expected to nearly quadruple by 2022 to 430 million units worldwide. In a separate report, research and consulting firmGlobalData forecasts global wearable technology revenues to more grow from nearly $23 billion in 2018 to $54 billion by 2023.
Thisremarkable growth, Paskoff said, may also fuel health applications, and not just fitness ones. Real-time data connectivity will enable wearable devices to capture patient data, allowing physicians to remotely deliver a diagnosis," he said.
If patients can provide their vital signs remotely, such as blood pressure and heart rate, healthcare costs should be lower for patients and healthcare providers alike, Paskoffsaid. Billions of dollars could be cut from the ecosystem.
Comfort andstyle: Even if your fitness device has a long laundry list of features, youre not going to want to wear it if it doesnt look good or isnt comfortable (or both). If youre buying one at retail, try it on first. See how it feels. Do you like the design? Is the display large enough to read comfortably? Does it let you change clock faces to suit your style? Is there support for multiple bands, in case you want a colorful silicone one for sweating while working out but a leather or stainless-steel option for going out on the town?
GPS and automatic exercise recognition: Some activity trackers, like the Fitbit Inspire HR ($79) can automatically recognize workouts such as walks, runs, swims, bike rides, yoga, and more and segregate them for you in the Fitbit app. You can often set a goal per workout and get real-time stats on your exercise.
If your fitness tracker or smartwatch does not have a built-in GPS chip, many still show you speed and mileage info via your phones GPS (when it's nearby). If GPS is important to you, you might want to consider a smartwatch, like Apple Watch Series 3 (from $199), over an activity tracker.
The Fitbit Versa 2 ($179) is more of a smartwatch than a straightforward activity tracker.(Photo: Fitbit, Inc.)
Notifications, voice support: While it costs a little more for activity trackers to show you smartphone notifications on your wrist such as whos calling, texting, calendar appointments and more its a nice feature to have since you can glance down while exercising to glean some information (though most require your smartphone to be nearby). Some may also show you weather info, social media posts, and music (which you can control remotely or even store on the device itself). The Fitbit Versa 2 ($179) also includes built-in Amazon Alexa voice support.
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Garmins vvosmart 4 Activity Tracker + Heart Rate ($99).(Photo: Garmin Ltd.)
Battery life, waterproof: While not the sexiest of features, battery life is important so you dont have to remember to charge it every night not to mention it could be frustrating if the tracker dies during a workout. Samsungs Galaxy Fit Activity Tracker + Heart Rate ($79) doesnt offer advanced features but has an attractive full color AMOLED display and offers a week of battery life between charges.
Garmins vvosmart 4 Activity Tracker + Heart Rate ($99) is another seven-day workhorse(excluding sleep tracking)and is safe for swimming and showering, too. A waterproof tracker is important if you want to capture your swimming data or often jog in the rain. Read what the device is capable of before you buy. The Fitbit Versa 2 is water resistant to 50 meters.
Other features that might be important to you include community support (as extra motivation, perhaps), advanced sleep analysis and reports, guided breathing sessions, and the ability to load up a credit or debit card and tap your device to buy something at retail.
Follow Marc on Twitter: @marc_saltzman. Email him or subscribe to his Tech It Out podcast at
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Resolved to improve fitness, lose weight? Win with these wearables - USA TODAY
Adele’s Weight Loss Journey and Why It’s Creating Backlash on Social Media – The Blast

Celebrities and high-profile people in the spotlight are consistently trying to maintain their image and adhere to a standard that they should be a reincarnation of Adonis, himself. Many times, this results in an unhealthy lifestyle and raises concerns amongst fans, and rightfully so.
However, it's not beyond the spectrum that these A-listers are also people, just like the rest of us. Sometimes, they want to lose weight for their own purposes of feeling good and being happy with themselves. This latter case seems to be the goal that the grammy award-winning singer, Adele, has chosen to pursue.
Throughout her career, her weight has always been a topic of discussion, but as she's steadily lost weight, especially following her recent divorce in September, fans have become increasingly alarmed. Even worse, people on social media that have complimented her transition have been shamed for promoting a 'fat-phobia' agenda.
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Adele's Weight Loss Journey and Why It's Creating Backlash on Social Media - The Blast
How Joaquin Phoenix Lost All That Weight for Joker Is a Kinda Scary –

Physical transformations are very much a part of the movie experience for actors. It's not uncommon for an actor to gain or lose weight or do other modifications to their appearance in order to bring a character to life on screen. This is especially true when it comes to Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Arthur Fleck in Todd Phillips' Joker. The actor notably lost a significant amount of weight in order to play the very thin would-be comedian who ultimately becomes the Joker, but how Phoenix did it may not have been the healthiest way of going about it and could be considered downright scary.
According to Phillips, who talks about Phoenix's transformation on the upcoming Blu-ray of Joker (via CinemaBlend,) Phoenix eschewed the help of a professional nutritionist to help guide him through his ultimately 52 pound weight loss and came up with his own plan: a solitary apple per day. More than that, he did it in a frighteningly short amount of time, just a few months.
"It was already like June and he hadn't started [losing weight] and we start shooting in September. And he's like, 180 pounds. He wasn't fat but we're talking about getting to 125 pounds," Phillips said. "And he goes 'I got it, I got it.' I go 'You know we can hire a guy. I got this thing, this woman who's a nutritionist, you might wanna...' 'No, no, that's not how I do it.' I go 'How do you do it?' He goes 'I just stop eating and I starve myself.' He just ate an apple a day for the whole summer."
An apple of day for roughly three months is certainly not likely to be a doctor-approved and safe way of losing weight, but it's also possible that it's a bit of an exaggeration. Phoenix himself told Access Hollywood last September that his diet included more than just apples and he also insisted that he had worked closely with a medical professional during the process as it's something he's done before.
"It wasn't an apple a day. No, you've also got lettuce and steamed green beans," Phoenix said. "It's something I've done before and you work with a doctor regimented and overseen and safe."
However Phoenix actually pulled off the major weight loss, it certainly paid off. The actor's overall performance as Arthur Fleck has been one of the most universally praised elements of Joker, one that's seen critical acclaim, earned awards nominations, and has even received high praise from his fellow actors, including American Horror Story star Kathy Bates who recently told Deadline about how she was inspired by it.
"Well, recently I saw an incredible performance by Joaquin Phoenix and as the Joker and it was electrifying and I had seen his work over the years but this was just astounding and in fact, I've gone back and watched it again and to see a performance like that inspires me to do better and to see what's possible," Bates said. "To see the kind of intricacy of work and the building of a character slowly over time and I mean this in the best way, the selfishness that it takes to create that kind of performance and it just inspires me not to get better, although that's part of it, but it makes me so happy that there's a performance like that out there that I know when I moved on from this earthly plane that the craft will be in the hands of someone like him and a lot of the younger people that are coming up. It makes me feel that the last 50 years have been worth it."
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How Joaquin Phoenix Lost All That Weight for Joker Is a Kinda Scary -
Here’s an insider’s look at those weight-loss resolutions – The Triplicate

January 1s arrival often is accompanied by steadfast New Years resolutions.
Among the top five again this year will be losing weight.
Chef Michael Gomez of Smith River is seizing on the year 2020 to zero in healthy eating. Like 20/20 vision, I want people to focus this year on what is really important for a healthier lifestyle, Gomez said.
He said hes worked in restaurants all his life, over the years feeding celebrities such as John Travolta, Steve McQueen, James Gardner and Ronald Regan.
That is, until he made a career change. I went from the stars to the bars, said Gomez.
He subsequently worked as a chef in the prison system for 28 years. On March 5, 1990, Gomez became one of the original employees when Pelican Bay State Prison opened north of Crescent City.
Pelican Bay was the first prison in the state to hire a nutritionist. So, I was around food 24/7, Gomez said.
And being around food had its downside. At one point, Gomez weighed 350 pounds, thanks to a genetic propensity toward obesity. His brother tried to address his extreme weight by having gastric bypass surgery, Gomez said, only to die seven days later from medical complications.
He said gastric bypass surgery and its reduced-diet requirements remains the No. 1 extreme weight-loss strategy, with a 75% success rate. Number 2 is Weight Watchers, followed by Jenny Craig and Keto.
Regardless of which diet individuals try, said Gomez, he suggests three steps: eat only when youre hungry, eat a balanced diet, and stop when you feel full.
Following those simple guidelines, Gomez said he lost 150 pounds and has kept it off for 20 years.
After retiring from Pelican Bay in 2017, he has brought his knowledge to young people, teaching kids how to cook through school district education programs. The district allowed me to let them cook in the school, then in their home, he said.
Through his youth cooking classes, Gomez began working with Sonny Baker, the SNAP Education program coordinator for the Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services.
Her healthy-living programs, such as Food Smart, are taught by community members like Gomez, people she calls champions of change.
Baker said her programs are part of CalFresh Healthy Living, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with additional state and county financing.
Theyre based on American Dietary Guidelines promoting an overall healthy lifestyle, nutrition and physical activity.
One of the local initiatives were working with in the community is Champions for Change, (people) who demonstrate that healthy change is possible through their lifestyle changes, who overcome obstacles and struggles, using their stories and testimonies, Baker said.
We give people encouragement, motivation and inspiration that lead into changes.
She said one of the programs newest workshops is Food Smart, which tailors healthy tips and dietary guidelines to those who attend. The workshops are taught by 10 champions from the community - including Gomez.
The overall guidelines show anyone can practice lifestyle changes with built-in habits, such as reading labels, using recipes and networking with other community members resources.
Its about creating a community... Creating a healthy individual, creating a safe space to learn that addresses their needs and struggles. It helps them make the journey to good health because they are empowered.
Other champions for change involved in the countys workshops include Alexander Dairy, Rumiano Cheese Co. and the Open Door Community Health Center.
There are other people like us who are what we call healthy nuts. My goal is to be a healthy town, Gomez said.
He added that while Baker teaches knowledge, he teaches habits.
One habit hed like to see, especially in youth, is to give up soda pop.
What happens when you drink soda? Soda has 6 tablespoons of sugar in it. Every tablespoon of sugar kills 14,000 white blood cells.
When does the flu season start? October. Thats when we eat a lot of sugar, he said.
What Im teaching is not how to lose weight. The five leading diseases dont start with obesity. Its heart disease. Then colon and prostate and breast cancer. Then misdiagnoses. Diabetes and then obesity.
He said the greatest roadblock to weight loss is hormonal imbalance. So, he tailors his diets to the individuals needs.
What I teach, in general, is wellness. And once they understand the wellness of their bodies, then I teach hunger patterns.
Armed with his knowledge of food, Gomez provides specific healthy-living guidelines for whichever diet someone is on, be it Keto, gastric bypass surgery, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or others.
Gomez breaks down his healthy lifestyle guidelines to six key points:
1 - Eat only when youre hungry. You dont need to eat three square meals a day to sustain a healthy lifestyle or weight-loss program.
2 - Watch your portion size. Your stomach is a fuel tank, not a storage tank. Eat what gets burned up by daily activity, not in quantities that require long-term storage.
3 - Hang out with family and friends who also like to be healthy.
4 - Make time for some exercise. A healthy lifestyle is diet and exercise. Consider the benefits of low-impact water aerobics or swimming.
5 - Keep an eye out for club or community programs that can help your lifestyle change, such as Del Norte Countys Food Smarts.
6 - Make time for yourself. Dont get stuck in a rut at work or home. Let go of the daily grind and give more time for yourself.
The best way to help yourself to look good on the outside is focusing on how you feel on the inside, he said. Focus on helping yourself by saying, I care about what it takes to help myself.
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Here's an insider's look at those weight-loss resolutions - The Triplicate