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Group Calls on USDA to Include a Real Low-Carb Diet in Guidelines WKTN- A division of Home Town Media – WKTN Radio

WASHINGTON, D.C. A new group called the Low-Carb Action Network (LCAN), a coalition of doctors, academics, and average Americans with personal success stories using low-carb diets, has launched to urge U.S. nutrition leaders to include a true low-carb diet as part of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).
LCAN members point to a large and rapidly growing body of strong scientific research showing carbohydrate restriction to be a safe and effective strategy to prevent and even reverse chronic, diet-related conditions such as pre-diabetes/type 2 diabetes, overweight/obesity, and high blood pressure along with a broad array of other cardiovascular risk factors.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently endorsed low-carb/keto diets as a standard of care for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, stating that the diet lowers blood pressure, controls blood sugar, lowers triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood), raises the good cholesterol (HDL-C), and reduces the need for medication use.
However, the DGA does not include a low-carb diet. For the 2015 DGA, USDA-HHS ignored some 70 clinical trials demonstrating the effectiveness of low-carb diets. LCAN does not want important scientific evidence to again be ignored.
LCAN members are also concerned that USDA, in its current scientific reviews, is using an inaccurate definition of the diet that is not up-to-date with current science and will lead to misleading, untrustworthy results. Specifically, USDA is defining low-carb as 45 percent of total calories or less, when leaders in the field agree this number should be 25 percent.
Dr. Eric Westman, Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University emphasized that the current dietary guidelines do not apply to most Americans and that a variety of dietary options should be presented to the American people, including a low-carbohydrate diet.
One size does not fit all. If there is anything weve learned over the last four years, its that the low-carb approach should be a viable option, stated Westman.
Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, Professor of Family Medicine at West Virginia University said a majority of the patients he treats daily have obesity and metabolic syndrome, a combination of conditions driven by hyperinsulinemia that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
If the government has any responsibility to give advice on nutrition it should be focused on those who have a medical condition which is impacted by nutrition and provide evidence-based nutrition solutions, one being a low-carb diet. This diet is highly effective to prevent and treat diet-related illnesses and has decades of evidence to support it.
Dr. Nadir Ali, Chairman, Department of Cardiology, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, and Research Professor, Dept. of Nutrition and Applied Science, University of Houston, has significant experience in the science and practice of low-carb diets.
As a cardiologist, I regularly prescribe a low-carb diet to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and other heart-related diseases to better their health and improve their quality of life, said Ali. Given the significant amount of scientific research and evidence supporting this diet, its time for U.S. nutrition policy leaders to prescribe a low-carb option for those who are tipping into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.
A study conducted last year by the University of North Carolina at Chapel concluded that only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, while 88 percent are en route to developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or another chronic, diet-related condition.
Dr. Jeffry Gerber, M.D., FAAFP, board certified family physician and owner of South Suburban Family Medicine in Denver, CO, said it is unconscionable for nutrition leaders not to include a low-carb diet in the dietary guidelines.
It is unacceptable for our nations nutrition leaders to exclude nearly nine out of ten adults from the guidelines, when low-carb diets provide a viable and proven solution for effectively combatting obesity and diabetes, among other conditions, said Gerber. Every day people across the globe are improving their health by following low-carb diets. Their stories are emotional and real from fighting obesity and heart disease to beating depression and even cancer.
Dr. Charles Cavo, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Pounds Transformation in West Hartford, CT, stated that USDA and HHS officials have defined low-carb inaccurately for their scientific reviews. Theyve defined the diet as having a carbohydrate intake of <45 percent or less of overall daily calories, while leading experts in the field define a low-carb diet as <25 percent or less.
If USDA and HHS continue to wrongfully define low-carb diets, they will skew the results of their analyses, said Cavo.Defining low-carb as 45% of calories will wash out any positive results, which are largely achieved only when people significantly reduce carbohydrates, down to 25% of calories or less. Its not clear why USDA chose their definition of low-carb, since the agency provided no documentation or footnotes. But its clearly not consistent with leading research in the field or what we see working for weight loss and disease reversal in clinical practice.
Antonio C. Martinez II was one of the principal lobbyists who advocated for the Dietary and Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). Martinez, who has also used a low-carb approach to reverse his own type 2 diabetes, lose weight, and recover from heart disease, added specifics to Cavos point.
This proposed definition clearly does not reflect the standards set by research leaders in the field and practitioners with actual clinical and technical experience, said Martinez. The lack of a formal regulatory standard for low-carb allows for this kind of abuse. It needs to stop because the public is not stupid, and the committees credibility is in question with such bad science.
Dr. Georgia Ede, a Massachusetts-based psychiatrist and founder of, echoed Martinez and Cavos concerns that USDA-HHS have used incorrect definitions of a low-carb diet, which will lead to an inaccurate assessment of a real nutrition option that could make millions of Americans healthier.
As a physician who prescribes low-carbohydrate diets in my psychiatric practice every day, who has personally followed a low-carbohydrate diet for many years, and has paid close attention to the scientific literature on this topic, I am concerned that the percentage of carbohydrates the government is using for its definition of low-carb is far too high to be metabolically meaningful, and should be reconsidered, stated Ede.
Doug Reynolds, the founder of Low Carb USA, a group that hosts scientific conferences on the subject and has worked with a team of doctors to publish Clinical Guidelines for The Prescription of Carbohydrate Restriction as a Therapeutic Intervention, says the low-carb diet is a proven solution to help Americans improve their health.
Its time for nutrition leaders to embrace a low carb diet as a viable option. More than 70 clinical trials have been conducted, and the results are clear: Low-carb diets are effective in combating obesity and improving cardiovascular risk factors, said Reynolds. The success stories I have personally witnessed are truly incredible, and I never would have believed them if I did not see them myself.
LCAN plans to launch a grassroots campaign in the coming months to urge leaders at USDA and HHS to ensure that a properly defined low-carb diet is included in the DGA to provide a dietary option for the majority of Americans who suffer from diet-related, chronic diseases. The next meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee will be held next month in Houston.
For more information on the Low-Carb Action Network (LCAN), please visit
Weight loss: 7 reasons youre always hungry and how to curb cravings in just an hour – The Sun

WE'VE all been there - that moment when you've finished a meal, only to crave more food.
For some the cravings strike every time they eat - which can be especially harmful if you're trying to lose weight.
Now, top dietitian Lyndi Cohen has shared seven key reasons why you're always hungry directly after eating a meal - and what you can do to combat it.
Here, the Sydney-based expert details the factors behind cravings - from not eating enough fruit and veg to needing more balance...
Many people find themselves always having 'room for dessert', even after eating a big meal.
Lyndi says this is down to somethingcalled sensory-specific satiety - which means your satisfaction declines as you eat a certain type of food...and crave a new flavour instead.
"A really important factor is how interesting you find the food," Lyndi wrote on her blog.
"After eating a plate of savoury food with one kind of flavour profile, youll eventually get bored of it. And this will contribute to why you stop eating.
Even just a mouthful of something new should help take the craving away
"However, your body craves variety.
"So it wants a new flavour - lets say something sweet like ice-cream or chocolate - simply because its new or different."
How to get around this...
Lyndi recommends eating "until satisfaction" - meaning you stopeating before youre full.
She adds: "If you get the craving for something sweet, choose something like a mint or a piece of chocolate or a little fruit or yoghurt.
"Even just a mouthful of something new should help take the craving away.
"Eat it with enjoyment without a side serving of guilt."
If you're always dieting, one of the reasons you might feel hungry after food is that you feel emotionally deprived...and never really satisfied.
So, if you cut out certain foods from your diet, you're more likely to crave them and seek them out more.
Lyndi says: "If at the back of your mind, you feel like youre not allowed to eat a certain food like pasta or peanut butter straight from the jar, it will always seem interesting to you.
"This is why creating a list of bad or forbidden foods backfires.
"Even trying to be good' is mindset creates a sense of lack, leaving you feeling unsatisfied, no matter how much you eat."
How to get around this...
Lyndi recommends allowing yourself to eat a little bit of everything - and that way you won't feel like you need to gorge on food later.
Many fad diets are all about cutting out entire food groups - and this will only serve to make you want to eat more.
In particular, Lyndi points out that cutting out certain foods creates an "imbalance" in the body - and you feel hungry because your body is still craving something it literally needsto function.
Lyndi says: "Theres a reason dietitians recommend including each of the key food groups in each meal.
Eating balanced meals keeps your tummy fuller for longer, your body energised and your brain brilliant
"Its because eating balanced meals keeps your tummy fuller for longer, your body energised and your brain brilliant."
How to get around this...
Lyndi saysnext time youre whipping up dinner or eating out, check if your meal includes a serving of healthy fat, slow-burning carbs, plenty of veg and a little bit of lean protein.
She adds: "This humble hat-trick will help keep you feeling satisfied for a lot longer than avoiding carbs or fats altogether and itll also make sure youre getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy."
You might be hungry after you've eaten because you simply haven't consumed enough calories to function throughout the day.
Lyndi says: "If you under eat at one meal, chances are youll end up eating more at the next meal.
"The problem with under-eating at breakfast or lunch is that youre way more likely to overeat or binge because youre completely burnt out and starving from running on empty."
How to get around this...
Lyndi says to avoid this you need to make sure your lunch is satisfying to keep you going throughout the day.
If you under eat at one meal, chances are youll end up eating more at the next meal
She says: "Youre better off eating a substantial lunch full of healthy fats, slow-burning carbs and lean protein, a powerhouse trio thatll keep you energised while youre running around being your best self.
"A solid lunch means you can happily enjoy a lighter (albeit balanced) dinner before laying horizontally for ideally 7+ hours."
While you might be getting enough calories in, this means nothing if you're not getting the right servings of fruit and veg.
"Vegetables bulk out your meals, giving you plenty of roughage to fill your stomach This helps you feel full," Lyndi says.
How to get around this...
Lyndi recommends you get five to ten serves of vegetables a day.
She adds: "Bulking up your breakfast, lunch and dinner with a few sneaky vegetables and fruits will add more roughage, fibre and volume to your meal, helping you feel more satisfied."
Many people confuse hunger with thirst as the sensations are similar, especially after eating.
"To avoid confusion, I like to have (and finish) a big glass of water at every meal," Lyndi says.
How to get around this...
Lyndi says carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go can help you beat thirst.
And she recommends checking your pee to see if you really are hydrated.
She adds: "If its light yellow or clear and has no smell, youre drinking enough.
"If its very yellow and has a strong smell, you need to drink more."
Many people will constantly notice they have sweet cravings after a meal even though they're not actually hungry.
Lyndi says this could be more of a habit than a necessity.
How to get around this...
Lyndi recommends the 'one hour trick' - as she doesn't believe in depriving yourself.
Explaining her tip, she says: "Firstly, give yourself permission to have the treat.
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"Then, you simply have to wait an hour to eat it. If you still feel like the treat after the hour, you can have it.
"Most often, youll forget about the craving altogether. Dont set a timer or alarm clock.
"If you havent stopped thinking about it after the hour is up, and you still feel like eating it, then its yours to enjoy."
For more of Lyndi's health and nutrition tips, you can visit her blog here.
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Weight loss: 7 reasons youre always hungry and how to curb cravings in just an hour - The Sun
How to break free of emotional eating – Ladders

We can develop a healthier relationship with food and gain more control over what we eat.
Do you have struggles around eating? If you do, youre not alone. In the United States,millions of peoplewill fit the diagnosis for binge eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. Many more have less severe eating issuessuch as obsessing over calorie counting or feeling shame when they eat bad foodsthat wreak havoc on their health and happiness.
Often, people with problematic eating patterns are worried about their weight and attempt to lose weight by cycling through dieting regimens, which often backfire. Even if a dietdoesresult in weight loss, it can lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with food and eating.
According to Howard Farkas, a psychologist specializing in emotional eating and the author of a new book,8 Keys to End Emotional Eating, part of the problem lies in how our minds work against the goal of weight loss.
Our minds respond negatively to deprivation, says Farkas, and the self-denial that diets usually require is a recipe for failure. Restrictive eating, he says, pits willpower against our basic psychological need for personal autonomymeaning the desire to make our own choices regardless of outside pressures. When willpower fades, as its bound to do, the desire for autonomy tends to win out, causing people to turn to eating as a way of reasserting their personal control over their lives.
To overcome this pattern, says Farkas, requires something different than dieting: an end to emotional eating. After years of working with people who have disordered eating, he believes that understanding how our brains and bodies work, and honoring our desire for autonomy around eating, are the keys to developing healthier eating habits. Here are a few of his recommendations to improve your relationship with eating and food.
People sometimes eat to relieve emotional discomfort in their lives, says Farkas, and these people tend to have certain things in common. Through his work as a therapist, hes learned to identify four common patterns of emotional overeaters:
Each emotional pattern requires suppression in order to keep social relationships and opportunities safe. But suppression requires personal control, and the tension eventually becomes too much. As a result, many binge eaters find that giving up control around eating lets off steam and reasserts their sense of autonomyat least in the moment, even if that relief is followed by guilt or a sense of failure.
Overeaters also tend to have all-or-none thinkingmeaning they judge things in their lives as either all good or all bad. This kind of thinking can affect their eating habits, too. Often, they restrict their eating only to good food and eschew their own desires, not trusting their bodys cues about what they want to eat.
They think about food as either good or badnot based on how it tastes, but in categorical terms that refer to how likely it is to cause weight gain, how unhealthy it is, and even as a moral judgment that reflects on themselves if they eat it, writes Farkas. The problem with this way of thinking is that it ignores the underlying emotional tensions, which he believes will continue to plague us until we deal with them.
Many of us equate control with restraint. But, says Farkas, its better to aim for a different type of controlautonomy. To be autonomous means having the capacity and freedom for self-governance, and its the opposite of feeling externally controlled.
How can you increase your autonomy around eating? By allowing all foods back into your lifeeliminating their cachet as the forbidden fruitwhile learning to choose what you want, when you want it, rather than fighting your bodys cues. To make this easier, he suggests things like staying ahead of your hunger by adding small snacks between meals, taking smaller portions of food initially with the understanding that you can give yourself more later if you need it, and eating more consciously, allowing yourself to fully savor your food while paying attention to when eating more doesnt bring more pleasure.
If youre mindful of how much it would take to satisfy your hunger or desire for whatever youre eating, you can maximize your pleasure while keeping the amount you eat to a minimum, he writes.
While it may seem contradictory to the goal of changing your behavior, practicingacceptanceis an important part of making any healthy habit stick. That doesnt mean resigning yourself to never feeling in charge of your eating; but it does mean accepting yourself, as you are, so that you can be a good coach to yourself as you tackle new behaviors.
Changing habits can be difficulttwo steps forward, one step back. Understanding that can help you to stay on track with your goals and prevent backsliding into a what the hell, I may as well give up attitude at the first slipup. Interestingly, when we accept our feelings and urges, they have less power over us, Farkas writes. So, learning to be patient with the process and acknowledge urges we have to overeat or binge is an important part of becoming more autonomous.
While weight loss may be the goal of many people on a diet, Farkas says that this is the wrong focus, especially when measuring progress. Too many factors affect whether or not we lose weight, and diets often dont work in the long term.
Instead, he suggests, its best to give up on monitoring your weight religiously and focus instead on behavioral changes that are more likely to be sustainable. For example, you can start experimenting with smaller portions of food and paying attention to your feelings of satiety, or going out to lunch at work less often, or walking or biking to work rather than driving. Aiming for behavioral changes that can be measuredinstead of numbers on a scalehelps to keep the focus on building a healthy lifestyle, which (perhaps counterintuitively) will likely result in weight loss eventually.
These are just some of Farkass wise insights. His book contains many more keys to understanding and helping with emotional eatingincluding how to boost your coping skills around stress, how to use reasoning when you feel overwhelmed with emotion, and more. Filled with useful tips and compassionate expertise, this book could help anyone to become more conscious around their eating, whether youre experiencing issues or not. For those who suffer most, it could mean the end of emotional eating and painful dieting, and hope for a better relationship to food and life.
This article first appeared on the Greater Good,the online magazine of The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.
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How to break free of emotional eating - Ladders
ALL the food items you can binge on and still not put on any weight – PINKVILLA

Trying to lose weight but don't want to skip out on food? Check out all the food items you can eat that will ensure you don't add on pounds.
Maintainingone's figure can be a tough job especially with all the stress we go through in life. Stress eating, binge eating when one is sad, upset or anythingelse can be one way to cope with things. But it is not the best thing to happen to your body.While you cannot binge eat on most foods, there are some you can eat with all your heart, so much so that, the more you eat of these, the better!Check them out.
A cup of popcorn contains barely 31 kcal. Binge on it without the added sugar or butter and you can haveas much as you want while barely putting on calories!
ApplesSure, an apple a day can keep the doctor away but the fruit also helps in digestion and keeps one full for longer periods of time. It is also very high in potassium and contains barely 50 calories, so it won't do much harm!
Much like apples, this fruit too is rich in multiple nutrients and aids digestion, enabling one to lose weight faster due to its high water content.
PineappleThe tangy and sour fruit is known to split fats and aid metabolism of protein, aiding in weight loss.
Omlettes and other forms of eggs sure to have added ingredients that can add weight. But one form of eggs - hard boiled eggs are extremely beneficial and don't increase weight. So load up on those eggs!
CucumberFilled with water, cucumbers are excellent for cooling the body down and also aid in losing weight. They not only help in reducing bloating but also burn calories.
One portion of an eggplant consists barely 24 kcal without the additional oil. If you want to make it tastier, bake or grill it with a touch of herbs and masalas and you are good to go!
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ALL the food items you can binge on and still not put on any weight - PINKVILLA
Losing weight after age 50 linked to lower breast cancer risk – NBC News

Post-menopausal women who are able to lose even a modest amount of weight and keep it off may reduce their risk of developing breast cancer, research published Tuesday finds.
Doctors have long known that obesity increases a woman's chances of breast cancer after menopause. However, this study in the JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute is the first large body of scientific evidence to suggest the effect can be reversed with weight loss.
"What we found was that indeed, women who lost weight and kept it off had a lower risk of breast cancer than women who stayed the same weight," said lead study author Lauren Teras, scientific director for epidemiology research at the American Cancer Society.
The findings could have broad public health implications, given that an estimated 2 out of 3 women in the United States are either overweight or obese.
Teras' research pulled together data from 10 separate studies, which included, in total, 180,000 women over age 50 who were tracked for a decade. Nearly 7,000 of the women were diagnosed with breast cancer during that time.
Weight was measured at the beginning, middle and end of the study to see whether the women lost weight, and if so, whether they were able to maintain that weight loss. The study authors accounted for other risk factors that can impact obesity and/or breast cancer risk, including physical activity levels and whether the women were on hormone replacement therapy.
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Women who were able to lose just 4.5 pounds and keep it off were found to have a 13 percent lowered risk for breast cancer.
The larger the sustained weight loss, the greater the apparent impact. Teras said that women who lost at least 20 pounds cut their risk for breast cancer by about a quarter.
"This is a really hopeful study," said Dr. Jennifer Ligibel, a breast oncologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute who was not involved with the new research.
"It suggests that there are things that individuals can do to potentially modify their risk of developing breast cancer," she said.
The study was only able to show an association between weight loss and reduced risk of breast cancer, not prove cause and effect. But outside experts say the results are important, and give physicians science to back up common-sense health advice for their patients to lose excess weight when possible.
"It gives us more certainty and more confidence that losing weight, even after a certain age, is associated with a lower risk (of breast cancer)," said Karen Basen-Engquist, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women in the U.S. It's also the second deadliest cancer among women.
The American Cancer Society estimates the average woman's risk for developing breast cancer is 1 in 8, or about 12 percent.
How postmenopausal obesity impacts breast cancer development is not well understood, but it appears to center on hormones. Fat cells make estrogen, which can, in turn, fuel some forms of breast cancer.
Breast cancer experts also say certain other hormones and chronic, low-level inflammation may also play a role in the link between obesity and breast cancer. "There are a lot of things that are different when you have excess body weight than when you don't," Ligibel told NBC News.
While some breast cancer risk is genetic, lifestyle factors can also contribute, such as lack of physical activity, alcohol intake and some forms of hormone therapy. In the new research, the link between weight loss and breast cancer risk was only observed in women who were not taking hormone replacement therapy, said Teras.
"A greater proportion of the women in this study used postmenopausal hormones than do today," she told NBC News. The number of women on hormone therapy has dropped significantly since the early 2000s, when research found that it was linked to an increased risk for heart problems.
The new research adds to growing evidence lifestyle choices can impact breast cancer in positive ways. A separate large study released earlier this year found eating a low-fat, plant-based diet can help significantly lower a woman's likelihood of dying from breast cancer.
About 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer are estimated to be diagnosed this year, according to the American Cancer Society, as well as nearly 63,000 new cases of early stage breast cancer called carcinoma in situ.
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Erika Edwards is the health and medical news writer/reporter for NBC News and Today.
Losing weight after age 50 linked to lower breast cancer risk - NBC News
SlimFast Goes Bananas Adding To Its Advanced Nutrition Line With Exciting New Flavor: Bananas & Cream – Yahoo Finance

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., Dec. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --SlimFast, the diet brand with the clinically proven plan, which over the course of the last 40 years, has helped millions of Americans shed pounds quickly and reliably, announces its latest addition to the Advanced Nutrition line: Bananas & Cream. The new ready-to-drink meal replacement shake delivers creamy indulgence, with 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Bananas & Cream underscores that you can still satisfy the taste buds with a mere 1g of sugar.
SLIMFAST GOES BANANAS ADDING TO ITS ADVANCED NUTRITION LINE WITH EXCITING NEW FLAVOR: BANANAS & CREAM.With 20g of protein, 1g of sugar, 2 net carbs, 5g of fiber and 24 vitamins & minerals.
The new low-carb SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Bananas & Cream shake is a lactose- and gluten-free meal replacement that also packs in 24 vital vitamins and minerals. The new flavor joins the other decadent flavors in the SlimFast Advanced Nutrition ready-to-drink line-up including Strawberries & Cream, Vanilla Cream, and Creamy Chocolate.
In addition to the ready-to-drink shakes, SlimFast Advanced Nutrition also offers two Smoothie Mixes to ensure you can customize your morning smoothie whenever you need, with Creamy Chocolate and Vanilla Cream.
SlimFast Advanced Nutrition products are available now at national retailers including Walmart, fine grocers like Publix, Kroger, Ahold, Wakefern, HyVee, and Meijer, and online at
About SlimFastSlimFast was founded in 1977 to help Americans lose weight safely, reliably, deliciously, and with ease, thereby creating the meal-replacement shake category. To date, the SlimFast Plan can boast credit coast-to-coast and around the world, for helping millions to lose weight and keep it off. SlimFast has developed the following product lines: Original, Advanced Nutrition, Advanced Energy, Keto, and Diabetic Weight Loss. SlimFast can point to clinical trials, conducted by independent researchers that demonstrate proven and sustainable weight loss. SlimFast is based inPalm Beach Gardens, Fla.
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SlimFast Goes Bananas Adding To Its Advanced Nutrition Line With Exciting New Flavor: Bananas & Cream - Yahoo Finance
Pitfalls to avoid as you try to lose weight – Williston Daily Herald

New Years resolutions run the gamut from the simple to the complex. Some people resolve to make small changes that dont affect their daily lives all that much, while others aim to make significant changes in the hopes of dramatically improving their quality of life. Resolving to lose weight, which often tops annual lists of the most popular resolutions, falls into the latter category.
A 2018 survey from Cision and Varo Money found that 45 percent of respondents resolved to lose weight or get in shape in 2018. Unfortunately, various studies have found that resolutions often fall by the wayside long before people achieve their goals. In fact, a 2015 report from U.S. News indicated that 80 percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February. Such success rates, or lack thereof, might not be too big a deal for people who make silly resolutions that, successful or not, would not have too big an impact on their lives. But many people resolve to lose weight for serious reasons, such as lowering their risk for disease or improving their quality of life. In such instances, success can be a matter of life or death.
After resolving to lose weight, people might be derailed by some common pitfalls. Recognizing these pitfalls and learning how to avoid them can help people achieve their weight loss goals.
Youre not specific enough. Try not to be vague when setting your weight loss goals. Simply saying I want to lose weight likely wont provide the motivation you need to achieve your goal. Speak with your physician and ask about how much weight you need to lose. Once you learn that number, work with your doctor and a personal trainer to set realistic goals. For example, if you need to lose 10 lbs., resolving to lose one pound per week for 10 weeks is a specific, realistic and healthy approach to weight loss. And by the end of that 10-week period, you likely will have grown accustomed to your new health routine, increasing the likelihood that you will keep it up even after you achieved your goal.
You try to save up your calories. The experts at Northwestern Medicine note that many people think skipping a few meals per day will decrease their overall calorie intake. However, such an approach typically leads to overeating when you sit down for a meal or increased snacking throughout the day. In addition, skipping meals slows down your metabolism, adversely affecting how your body approaches burning calories.
You embrace a fad diet. Various studies examining an assortment of fad diets have indicated that such diets typically only produce short-term results, if any. Any weight lost while adhering to a fad diet is typically regained once dieters go off the diet. Instead of adopting a fad diet, work with your physician to devise a healthy, long-term eating plan.
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You eat more than you think. Audra Wilson, RD, a clinical dietitian affiliated with Northwestern Medicine, notes that people typically underestimate their calorie intake by 30 percent. Chances are, youre consuming more calories than you think, even while you attempt to lose weight. Track the calories you consume each day so you can stay the course in regard to what your physician recommends.
Avoiding some common weight loss pitfalls can help people turn their resolution to drop some weight into a reality.
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Pitfalls to avoid as you try to lose weight - Williston Daily Herald
This Breakfast is Full of Fiber and Will Help You Lose Weight –

WHY WE LOVE IT: Oatmeal is rich in fiber and can help you lose weight.
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 2 MinutesCook: 10-15 Minutes
MAKE IT FOR: A smart and healthy breakfast.
SPECIAL NOTE:This recipe is very simple to make. Enjoy!(If you need to start prep the day before or order ingredients online, we will let you know that here. Otherwise, assume the dish can be shopped, prepped and served the same day with readily available ingredients.)
1 medium, ripe banana1/2 cup of rolled oats1/2 cup of oat milk1/2 cup of waterPinch of saltPinch of cinnamon
Instructions:In a small saucepan, mash the banana with a fork. Add all remaining ingredients, bring to a simmer and cook until thick and creamy, stirring occasionally. It will take 10-15 minutes. Serve warm.
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This Breakfast is Full of Fiber and Will Help You Lose Weight -
MedicoExperts launched effective and economical weight loss procedures in India – PR Web

MedicoExperts introduced sustainable and cost-efficient weight solutions to obese individuals
MUMBAI, India (PRWEB) December 17, 2019
Recent medical research suggests that weight loss procedures like gastric balloon and gastric sleeve are gaining popularity in India. This popularity can be credited to MedicoExperts for making both the procedures cost-effective and result oriented. These procedures can not only assure weight loss but also have the capability to correct sugar and blood pressure levels. Depending upon the target weight, BMI, patients own personal preference to the nature of the procedure, other co-morbidities like diabetes and blood pressure, etc. the bariatric surgeon will recommend either gastric balloon or gastric sleeve procedure.
Gastric sleeve and gastric balloon are procedures that help to lose weight and also get rid of weight-related problems like diabetes, hypertension, etc. Gastric sleeve surgery is done laparoscopically where the size of the stomach is significantly reduced. Gastric sleeve can also be done robotically which involves minimal cuts. A gastric balloon is done endoscopically i.e. without any cut. In this procedure, a saline-filled balloon is placed in the stomach for a period of 6 to 12 months.
As undergoing any type of weight loss procedure is expensive and generally not covered by insurance, MedicoExperts offers cost-efficient options in India where the healthcare facilities are at par with international standards. MedicoExperts has empanelled the most experienced and highly-qualified surgeons who are trained in the finest institutes of the world. Moreover, the cost of choosing a weight loss surgery in India is one-sixth of what it costs in any other country like the US or UK. The cost of gastric sleeve in India starts from USD 6000 while the cost of a gastric balloon in India starts from USD 3500.
Young and unmarried women, and even married women who are yet to complete their families choose gastric balloon. Reason being the procedure involves no cut, can be reversed and does not change the physiology of the body yet helps lose about 22-44 pounds (10-20 kgs). Gastric sleeve surgery is suggested when patients need to lose about 33-88 pounds (15-40 kgs). Both these procedures are highly successful but are recommended to separate pools of patients depending on the amount of weight they need to lose, states Priyanka, Senior Patient Care Manager with MedicoExperts.
When considering to travel to India for surgery, we highly recommend that you choose the right bariatric surgeon who has the best experience & success rate. Furthermore, identify the hospital which is having appropriate infrastructure and luxury according to your budget. As a company, our main focus is always to provide our patients with highly skilled surgeons that gives them the liberty to make a choice according to their budget and preference, states Monal Bagga, Senior Patient Care Manager with MedicoExperts.
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Weight Loss: The Best Probiotics To Lose Weight Easily! – Benchmark Monitor

Weight loss is all about creating a deficit in calorie intake and calories consumed. Even though if you want to reduce weight then make sure to do it under proper medical supervision.
Anyway, if you are really concern about weight loss then check the best probiotics to lose weight easily.
Probiotics are super sensible for you. Whether or not you have got them within the kind of drinks or through natural food things. Probiotics are essential for the upkeep and maintenance of a powerful body. It can boost immunity and heart health. They made in enzymes and good microorganisms that management or reset the microbe balance in our gut.
Moreover, it additionally ensures your digestive system works fine and weight issues, if any, are managed simply. Yes! A decent weight loss set up isnt simply restricted to cutting fatty foods and workouts.
However, additionally intake foods and drinks that facilitate manage the matter from the basis, that is, from our gut. Hence, probiotics are essential for any weight watcher.
Our body contains a culture of each good bacterium and an unhealthy bacterium. The good ones facilitate the production and synthesis of nutrients, vitamins, and breakdown of fiber within the body.
It basically facilitates weigh down fatty acids, cholesterol likewise as making sure that you intake lesser calories from the food you eat. Then it ultimately serving you to keep in shape.
What probiotics also can do is induce repletion in your diet. This can be one issue most of the people dont know. It can bound probiotics that have the bifid bacterium in them release a vital hormone, GLP-1. This hormone works as an appetite suppressant and causes you to feel fuller for extended and burn those calories. The bifid bacterium is believed to assist us digest fiber and alternative powerful carbs that our body cant digest on its own.
In fact, theyll also facilitate stop additional weight gain, once you have got reached that weight loss plateau. Hence, together with probiotics within the diet will facilitate manage obesity. However, as powerful because it sounds, sourcing them isnt that tough.
Fibrous foods are wonderful weight loss aids. Plus, theyre conjointly made in the bifid bacterium, which implies they help in simple digestion of fiber. Moreover, it can block unhealthy cholesterol. Moreover, it will pack up the abdomen linings and keep digestion under control.
They work around the clock in increasing the production of the excellent bacteria to thrive within the gut. It also guarantees that you simply control the weight and also the fat removed from the root. Fiber-rich foods will be almonds, apples or blueberries, which may be had daily.
We all understand that soured foods have a robust bio culture and above all. Theyre sensible in each variety of probiotics-which fight weight loss in addition to boost gut health.
If losing weight is on your mind. Then take into account that adding the soured dairy products to your diet is the right choice.
Grains are an upscale supply of vitamins and fiber content, that facilitate ease the elimination of dangerous radicals from the body. Whole grains like oats and barley contain an upscale proportion of bifid bacteria, which might keep your gut in an exceedingly healthy form and regulate weight management.
Antioxidants, medicament, and probiotic-rich, there are many reasons to feature polyphenols in your diet. Whether or not weight loss is your goal or not. Food choices like tea leaf, cocoa, nuts, cloves, beans, and soy are all-natural sources of polyphenol, a plant compound.
Whereas they provide good microbes in your digestive system. They additionally go one step ahead in boosting your metabolism. Moreover, it will again create or break your weight loss journey.
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Weight Loss: The Best Probiotics To Lose Weight Easily! - Benchmark Monitor