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Dec 12

Doctors warn obese women trying to have a baby: Lose the weight or face complicated risks –

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) Health experts say losing weight before getting pregnant is an increasing priority for infant health.

The topic will be featured in the Labor of Love Summit with the state health department on Wednesday.

Obesity in pregnancy is a growing problem not only in our country, but here in Indiana, said Dr. Tovah Buikema, a gynecologist at Ascension St. Vincent.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says nearly 30% of all pregnancies are complicated by obesity.

Obesity is defined by having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher.

Indiana saw about a 6% increase in pre-pregnancy obesity between 2011 and 2014.

According to Dr. Buikema, risks include macrosomia, preterm birth, IUFD, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

The babys risks include heart disease, Spina bifida, cleftlip and cleft palate.

This is a health concern that should be treated like any other chronic disease. If youre overweight, you should talk to your doctor about the risks associated with being obese while pregnant, said Dr. Buikema.

Its a subject providers are often nervous to bring up with their patients.

Its often a self-blame situation, Dr. Buikema said.

Still, having a healthy baby is a big motivator.

Dr. Buikema says when women are faced with the issue and risks, most are willing to make changes to their diet and health.

Ideally its best to have these conversations before getting pregnant during the family planning stage, she continued.

She advises obese women who are pregnant to speak with a specialist to appropriately lose the weight while keeping baby healthy.

During the Labor of Love Summit, WISH TVs own Brooke Martin will be speaking about her experience with infant loss.

But, anyone interested in the topic can follow along on social media with the hashtag #INlaboroflove.

See original here:
Doctors warn obese women trying to have a baby: Lose the weight or face complicated risks -

Dec 12

Intermittent Fasting May Improve Metabolic Health, Small Study Finds – Everyday Health

Is it possible to improve your health not by eating less, but instead by simply shaving a few hours off your daily eating window? A small but promising new study suggests that restricting eating to 10 hours a day over a three-month period can lead to weight loss, a reduction in belly fat, and improvements in many risk factors that can lead to early death. The study, published in December 2019 in Cell Metabolism, included people diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, a term for several different conditions at once, including hypertension, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and excess abdominal fat.

Although researchers didnt stipulate what foods or how many calories to consume, participants ate an average of 8.6 percent fewer calories over the course of the three-month period, and lost 3 percent of their body weight and 4 percent of their abdominal fat. We are excited about these results, in large part because time-restricted eating can be so widely adopted in clinical practice, says co-first author Michael Wilkinson, MD, an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of California in San Diego and a cardiologist at UC San Diego Health.

Time-restricted eating is just one type of intermittent fasting. Other options include 5:2 fasting, where you eat normally for five days and restrict calories to 500 or 600 on the two other days, and alternate-day fasting, where you restrict calories to about 500 every other day.

A doctor doesnt necessarily need extra training in diet or nutrition to recommend time-restricted eating to patients, says Dr. Wilkinson. Its fairly easy to explain and for people to adopt, he says. In this study we allowed people to choose their own 10-hour window for eating, which they were able to build into their daily routine, he adds.

RELATED: 12 Possible Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

To see what impact eating for fewer hours a day would have on people with metabolic syndrome, investigators recruited 19 people: 13 men and 6 women. All the participants took part in time-restricted eating; there was no placebo group. The majority of the participants were on a statin to reduce cholesterol, a medication to reduce blood pressure, or both.Before the study began, the average eating window for the participants was more than 14 hours a day.

With time-restricted eating, youre only allowed to consume calories during certain hours, according to the American Heart Association. A typical window of eating time could be 8, 10, or even 12 hours.

In the two-week period before the study began, researchers had the subjects record what and when they ate using myCircadianClock, an app that can help track daily eating, sleeping, and activity patterns. The app is free to download on Google Play and the App Store.

One strength of the study was the granular information on the timing of eating it provided, says Deborah Wexler, MD,an assistant professor at Harvard University and the clinical director at the Massachusetts General Hospital Diabetes Center in Boston. Dr. Wexler was not involved in this research. It is notable at baseline [before the study began] that many participants were grazing over the course of the day and part of the night, with one participant eating for 17 hours in a 24-hour period, notes Wexler. This is likely a common eating pattern in the United States today, she adds, and it can lead to excess calorie consumption.

RELATED: 'Intermittent Fasting Helped Me Lose 48 Pounds Here's What I Ate (and When)'

All the participants chose to begin their 10-hour window between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., and end between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. On the basis of food-consumption records collected before the study began, researchers concluded that the participants didnt skip breakfast, but instead delayed it for an hour or two. The same went for dinner: Rather than skipping the meal, people ate their final meal earlier to accommodate the schedule. When they werent eating, participants were encouraged to drink water. Using the myCircadianClock app, each individual logged what and when they ate, as well as their sleeping times.

There were no adverse events reported. After the three-month trial, not only did the patients lose weight and fat, but their bad LDL cholesterol and blood pressure dropped too. Blood sugar and insulin levels began to improve as well, showing better metabolic health.

The high-risk population that this study included people with metabolic syndrome with mild class one obesity makes up a large part of the population in the United States, says W. Scott Butsch, MD, the director of obesity medicine in the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, who was not involved in this research. According to the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), more than one-third of all American adults meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome.

RELATED: 16:8 Fasting Diet May Help You Lose Weight, Study Suggests

We know that people with metabolic syndrome are five times more likely to develop diabetes and two times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, says Dr. Butsch. The short-term improvements in the components of metabolic syndrome achieved by narrowing participants eating period from about 14 to 10 hours is very encouraging, says Butsch. If further research confirms these findings, healthcare professionals may consider recommending time-restricted eating to improve their patients health, he adds.

Time-restricted eating is simple to explain and relatively easy for patients to understand and adopt, says Wilkinson. Not only was compliance high throughout the study, many participants continued to practice time-restricted eating even after the study was over, he notes. They received no instructions to do so, but many people liked the changes they saw and the way that they felt at the end of the study period, says Wilkinson.

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Although weight loss typically leads to drops in LDL cholesterol, the participants levels went down significantly more than expected, which could indicate that time-restricted eating offers additional health benefits. By adding time-restricted eating to the standard medical care and medications they were already taking, it had a dramatic effect on improving the targeted end points, says Wilkinson.

According to the National Lipid Association recommendations for the management of dyslipidemia, a 5 percent loss in body weight should produce a 3 to 5 percent reduction of LDL cholesterol. In this study, although the participants lost just an average of 3 percent of their weight, their LDL went down 11 percent.

Blood pressure also dropped significantly. Triglyceride levels, which would be expected to go down with weight loss, did not change. The investigators also observed trends toward improvement in fasting glucose, and among participants with elevated fasting blood glucose, there was a significant reduction in hemoglobin A1C.

RELATED: Intermittent Fasting Helps Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 3 Men

The benefits go beyond what would typically be expected with the amount of weight the subjects lost, says Wilkinson. Although its not clear whats causing the additional improvements, it could be the effect that time-restricted eating has on metabolism, which is linked to circadian rhythms, he says. All organs in the body rely on internal circadian clocks for healthy metabolism; one hypothesis is that by better aligning dietary intake with those normal circadian rhythms, were actually seeing a healthier metabolism, says Wilkinson. For example, it could potentially make the medicine that the subjects take for their cholesterol more effective, he says.

Additionally, there are some emerging data that the time of day when people take medications can influence their efficacy, says Wilkinson. A study published in October 2019 in the European Heart Journal found that if patients with high blood pressure took their medication at bedtime rather than when they woke up, it improved their blood pressure and markedly reduced the number of major heart events. Wilkinson speculates that perhaps the timing of medications when combined with time-restricted eating could potentially have a synergistic effect. Its not something we can answer with this study, but it warrants further investigation, he says.

RELATED: 5 Ways to Lower Your A1C

Wilkinson and colleagues are already performing a related study using time-restricted eating in participants with metabolic syndrome. This is a bigger trial, and its a randomized controlled study, so well have a control arm, which will be a standard of care diet, says Wilkinson. That will give us more information about all the effects of time-restricted eating.

Continued here:
Intermittent Fasting May Improve Metabolic Health, Small Study Finds - Everyday Health

Dec 12

Weight loss: Best tips to stick to a diet revealed by top weight loss expert – Express

When embarking on a weight loss journey theres always unexpected obstacles that come up that can set a slimmer back. However, at Christmas time slimmers tend to ditch their diets for good, in order to indulge in some festive treats, wasting a lot of the progress that has already been achieved. So, whats the best way to stick to a diet?Nutrition and weight loss expert, Jane Michell, founder of Jane Plan shared with some top tips and tricks for sticking to a diet.

1. Place goals

Jane states that the most important aspect of sticking to a diet is to set realistic goals, she explained: The most important aspect of sticking to a diet is to set your yourself realistic goals.

Why? Because if you set yourself unrealistic goals and then dont achieve them, you will give up and feel like you have failed.

Instead she encourages slimmers to set realistic goals of losing one to two pounds a week.

READ MORE:Man loses175lbsusing 'life-changingdiet plan

2. Find a key motivator

As a slimmer finding a key motivator for weight loss could be the kind of push needed for someone to stick to their diet.

Jane said: It could be because you want to wear a certain outfit, or combat a health issue like elevated blood pressure.

It could be that you want to lose weight for a wedding, a party, a holiday or because you cant tie up your shoe laces anymore without help.

Whatever your motivation, make sure it is specific and then write it down and keep it somewhere close to you, so when you lack motivation, you can look at it and re motivate yourself, she encouraged.


3. Write it down

Jane revealed: There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that people who write down what they are eating (a weight loss diary) are more successful in losing weight AND keeping it off in the long term.

So, keep track of whats being eaten in order to stick to the diet as well as track the achieved weight loss.

4. Do a weekly weigh in

According to Jane, a slimmer should engage in weekly weigh ins in order to stay motivated and on track.

Do a weekly weigh in - no more and no less, she said.

If you weigh in more frequently you may have the odd result that suggests you have gained weight, explained Jane.

This is because our body weight varies throughout the day, and a supposed weight gain may discourage you from sticking to your diet.If you weigh in consistently once a week, you will be able to track your progress.

And even better, if you do this in conjunction with your weight loss diary youll be able to rationalise and understand why some weeks you have lost a lot of weight, whilst other weeks you may not have done. This prevents us from those classic I dont know why I havent lost weight this week moments.

These can be very de motivating but regularly weighing in and tracking progress you will remain more motivated and are more likely to stick to your diet, she said.

5. Eating with eyes

According to Jane, people eat with their eyes therefore are more likely to overeat and gain weight, as if a slimmer has a cupboard full of unhealthy or high calorie foods, they are more likely to eat them.

Jane explained: We eat with our eyes so if you have unhealthy or high calorie foods visible, you are more likely to eat them.

Instead, Jane suggests that a slimmer should hide away or conceal the unhealthy treats in order to defer temptation, she said: Hide away tempting treats in cupboards and even better, in opaque boxes.

When shopping, avoid the aisles in the supermarket where the unhealthy foods are displayed that way you are less likely to buy them, and avoid going anywhere where you may be tempted.

For example, if your morning routine is a take out coffee and a croissant, change your routine, dont go into the coffee shop just for coffee if you do, you are quite likely to find the croissant too hard to resist.

Instead, start having a coffee or herbal tea (even better) at your desk and made in the office or at home, she suggested.

6. Carry healthy snacks

Healthy snacking to keep the hunger at bay is one of the top tips to achieve a healthy weight loss. Jane recommends carrying healthy snacks around to quench any ebbing of hunger.

She said: Always make sure you have a snack, like an apple, in your bag when you are on the go. That means you wont get caught out if you feel hungry and find your only option is an unhealthy snack.

7. Plan ahead

Dieting isnt all doom and gloom, a healthy weight loss is achieved through a well balanced diet and this doesnt mean that a slimmer has to sacrifice all treats in order to lose weight. Moderation is key.

If youre eating out plan ahead, said Jane. This will help you make healthy choices in the restaurant. Avoid starters and dessert and instead stick to a main course.

Or have 2 starters! Dont be afraid to ask the waiter for more plainly cooked food, eg grilled fish and no sauce.

Avoid alcohol as they say will power is soluble in alcohol. Alcohol is not only high in calories, it also makes you more relaxed so youre more likely to come off your diet if youve had a drink, she revealed.

8. Avoid an all or nothing approach

Occasionally everyone slips up, but thats natural. Dont throw away all of the weight loss progress over one slip-up.

Everyone slips up occasionally its only natural, If you do this, dont beat yourself up, instead get back on your diet and put your slip up down to experience, said Jane.

One common scenario is that someone offers you a biscuit with your coffee mid-morning, you accept and then have another.

After this you say to yourself, oh well I have ruined my diet today, I may as well give up completely today. A better approach is Oh well, I had 2 biscuits, never mind, Ill have a bowl of soup for lunch with no bread and I wont add any rice to my dinner tonight that way Ill be back on track.

Dont use the slip up as an excuse to give up on your entire diet!, Jane, founder of Jane Plan, urged slimmers.

Weight loss: Best tips to stick to a diet revealed by top weight loss expert - Express

Dec 12

How to lose weight like this guy who lost 26 kgs by tweaking his food intake instead of crash dieting – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

The motivation to lose weight and build a ripped body can come from anyone and anywhere movies - its sun-kissed actors, bodybuilders, athletes and even your peers or family members. 26-year-old Mradul Singh Rajpoot, who at his heaviest weighed 92 kgs with a fat accumulation of 38 per cent, cites his younger brother Hitendra Singh Rajput as his biggest fitness inspiration and motivator. He helped Mradul trim from 92 kgs to 66-67 kgs with only 16-17 per cent fat accumulation.

Says Mradul,growing up, my brother used to be very skinny. He was sent to a boarding school to complete his education. And, when he returned home, post his high school graduation, he had completely transformed his physique from slim and lanky to super fit. He had also developed a great personality. Everyone was a fan of his new personality, including me he says.

During this same period, my body weight kept tipping towards the heavier end of the weighing scale, he adds.

The thing is, Id always been a foodie and to top that, in 2016, I'd started working the graveyard shift for a private company. So, Id only be back home by 7 am. Consequently, my eating habits went from bad to worse, he says. Id stay up all night, and when Id finally come home, Id gorge on poha, samosas, sandwiches, namkeen and chips."

"At that time, I used to sleep early in the morning, after eating 2-3 samosas, 1-2 plates of poha, sandwiches and 1-2 packets of chips in one go. Then, Id wake up around noon, and eat a heavy lunch, followed by evening snacks and a very heavy dinner. It was almost like my whole life was dependent on junk, fast and processed food. A culmination of these bad eating habits and a hectic lifestyle led my body to gain a lot of weight. 92 kgs to be precise.

But before things could take a turn from bad to worse, Mradul decided to lose weight with his brother by his side as his motivator and guiding force. Since he knew a lot about healthy living, considering he'd transformed himself so nicely, he started giving me fitness tips. Slowly, I also started collecting information on the various reasons that lead to weight gain, weight loss as well as sustainable weight loss approaches. Through the information I collated, I was able to devise the below weight loss plan,

The first thing Mradul did was control his calorie intake by not dieting but by substituting the junk food from his meals with macros (macronutrients - fat, protein, and carbohydrates) from solid food. Think oats, nuts, green veggies and meat. This is what he ate on a daily basis:

First Meal: Breakfast (9-10 am) - 1 banana + eggs (2 whole eggs + 1 egg white) + 60-70 grams oatmeal

Second Meal: Snacks (11-12 am) - 150 grams mixed fruits + dry fruits (almonds, raisins: 5-10 pieces)

Third Meal: Lunch (2-3 pm) - 120 grams brown rice + 3 cups of green vegetables

Fourth Meal: Snacks (5-6 pm) (Pre Workout) - 1 teaspoon peanut butter + 1 slice brown bread

Post-workout - 1 scoop of Whey protein

Fifth Meal: Dinner (8-9 pm) - 100 grams of sweet potato/chicken + 1 teaspoon of olive oil (in any form) + 3-4 cups of green vegetables

I lost my 6 kgs in about 45 days itself. I went from 92 kgs to 86 kgs. And, as I kept learning more about nutrition and healthy eating, through research, I kept changing or rather updating my diet every 45 days, which aided further weight loss he explains. Mraduls healthy eating weight loss plan was also supplemented with the help of the below exercise regime.

"I used to hit the gym for an hour and a half daily for a strength/weight training session followed by a 30-minute of cardio routine. Every day, Id indulge in 5-6 exercises dedicated for each body part with 15,12,12 reps. This is what my workout plan looked like":

Monday: Chest Workout

Tuesday: Shoulder Workout

Wednesday: Back Workout

Thursday: Arms Workout

Friday: Chest and Shoulder Workout

Saturday: Legs Workout

Sunday: Rest Day (No Workout)

ALSO READ: How to workout 12 times a week and still lead a semi-normal life

By following the above routine, my metabolism has become very fast now. So, now, I indulge in heavy and high-intensity workouts to maintain my weight as well as eat protein-rich food. I also drink a lot of water and try to get 7-8 hours of sleep.

ALSO READ: Here's how drinking water at regular intervals can help you lose weight and increase your metabolism

Maintain courage, passion and stubbornness. These three attributes will lead you to your final goal.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 26 kgs by tweaking his food intake instead of crash dieting - GQ India - What a man's got to do

Dec 12

Honey Boo Boo Gets Body-Shamed Despite Losing Weight And Looking Good – TV Shows Ace

Honey Boo Boo, aka Alana Thompson, started getting a Fab Fit Fun subscription box this year. Shes making an effort to live a healthier lifestyle, which includes losing weight. With her custodian and sister Pumpkin, shes working at her image and through the harsh reality of estrangement from her mom, Mama June Shannon. Just 14, unbelievably, during the season of love, someone found it in themselves to body-shame the teen.

Fans of Alana Thomspon know that her mom and others in the family struggle with their weight. But, for her, its not too late to try and stop the trend as shes young. And, shes really making an effort these days. Despite body-shamers, the young and cheerful personality keeps on smiling through life. TV Shows Ace reported in October, that Honey Boo Boo started doing Boom Bod promos. And, shes losing some weight. But even then, someone thought it okay to body-shame a teen.

Body shamings bad for the mental health of those who are victims of it. But, Time Now News reported that its also bad for the mental health of those who do the body-shaming. Referring to a 2016 study, it emerged that people who body-shame others, often suffer from low esteem. And, often, they body-shame others because of their own shortcomings. It really doesnt make them feel any better despite their attempts at redirection. Maybe thats why Honey Boo Boo seldom responds to those critics.

On Tuesday, Honey Boo Boo took to her Instagram and shared a photo of her sitting astride a giant ball at Dave & Busters. Always amusing, Alana looked like she sat on a giant egg. In the picture, she looks obviously slimmer around the waist, pretty, and very happy being out with friends. But someone decided to slap at her. Alana captioned her pic with, uptown girls .

Many fans responded and complimented her on her happy post. One said, Alana you must be loosing weight thats awesome your waste looks so small keep up the good work girl (sic). But one critic decided to body-shame Honey Boo Boo, saying, Your almost as round as that ball (sic). Another responded with, lmao. Another person commented on wide-angle.That really annoyed fans of the young teen. After all, its not a nice thing to say at all. They slammed the trollers for their comments.

Quick to defend Honey Boo Boo, fans told off those who said cruel things to her. Heres what some of them said:

What do you think about people who chose to body-shame a young teenage girl whos making an effort to lose weight and get healthy? Do you think thats shameful? After all, the festive seasons meant to be a time of love and kindness. Sound of your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember to check back with TV Shows Ace often for more news about Honey Boo Boo.

Woryn is a writer who started a small book publishing company in New Zealand. He wrote three books, one of them published by Domhan. Woryn prefers to write about real things, rather than fiction which is why he likes to focus on Reality TV shows.

See the article here:
Honey Boo Boo Gets Body-Shamed Despite Losing Weight And Looking Good - TV Shows Ace

Dec 12

Try This Bite-Sized Approach To Personal Improvement – Forbes

Bite-sized goals are easier to achieve and increase the appetite for continuous improvement.

Achieving personal goals can be as frustrating as trying to nail Jello to a wall.

Lose weight? Get more sleep? Exercise daily? Take a dream vacation? Improve a relationship? Earn a promotion? Read more books? Watch less TV? Cut back on social media? Save more money? Spend less?

The list can go on. Set a worthy goal, then fail to achieve it. Honestly, most of us have been there, done that.

Rather than buy a ticket for another guilt trip, how about taking a different approach?

That different approach can be found in the work of wellness expert Brett Blumenthal. Rather than set yourself up for disappointment by setting big goals, she suggests one small change per week for 52 weeks. You might call it the yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its a cinch approach to personal improvement. Its a surprisingly simple formula: focus on one small, achievable change every week. Then enjoy the accumulation effect.

Regardless of whats on your wish list of personal improvement, this research-based practice works.

Blumenthal provides user-friendly guidance in 52 Small Changes for the Mindand other books that bring sanityand hopeto anyone whos serious about doing better and being better.and other books that bring sanityand hopeto anyone whos serious about doing better and being better.

Rodger Dean Duncan:Your 52 small changes approach to personal improvement has proved to be very popular. Whats the rationale behind this practice?

Brett Blumenthal

Brett Blumenthal:Small changes have proven to be more successful than major overhauls for the following reasons

1.One Big Goal = Many Small Steps.Every big goal, such as weight loss, requires many smaller actions, such as cutting out bad foods, exercising, and eating healthy foods. Breaking a big goal into smaller components makes the process more manageable.

2.Extremes Dont Work:Overhauling our life, or more simply put going from all to nothing, or vice a verse causes burn out. Taking a step-by-step approach, however, makes change seem less overwhelming.

3.It Feeds Our Need to Succeed:Small Changes feed our need to succeed. With each one you successfully make, you fill up your confidence bucket, enabling you to take on more. Allowing ourselves to master small adjustments, gives us an opportunity to feel successful, and the motivation to forge ahead towards the bigger goal.

Duncan:If a person chooses to try the 52 small changes approach, whats a good way to decide exactly which changes to pursue?

Blumenthal:The 52 Small Changes concept is to make one small change per week over the course of one year to eventually add up to a larger change. Although the concept is structured, the changes you want to make are really up to you and the personal journey you want to have. In short, the changes should be small, manageable and quantifiable.

For instance, drink eight glasses of water per day vs. hydrate more. A change like get fit does not qualify as a small change. Instead, break it down into smaller ones such as: Do cardio three times per week for 30 minutes each time. Then, maybe the next week, Do ten minutes of weights three times per week. Take a week to integrate a change before moving onto a new one. But if one change is really easy or already part of your life, feel free to move forward with another change.

Duncan:You recommend writing a personal mission statement. What are the steps to doing that, and what role can a carefully-crafted mission statement play in a persons quest for improvement?

Blumenthal:In business, companies summarize who they are and their intentions with a mission statement. This gives the company direction and a consistent message in everything they do. Developing a personal mission statement gives you a way to definethe type of person you want to be and how you want to contribute to life.It should be reflective of your authentic self, and not other peoples beliefs or values. It should inspire you, and if written well, should provide you with direction and motivation in life.

Try keeping your statement to a few sentences or a short paragraph. Key questions to answer should includeWhat characteristics and qualities do I want to live by?How do I want to contribute to the world?What kind of influence do I want to have? andIf I could, what legacy would I leave?

Heres an exampleI will put my best into everything that I do. I will live with passion and choose activities, friendships and relationships that bring out the best in me. I will bring out the best in others and will give my time and energy to the things I value.

Goal setting? Yard by yard it's hard, inch by inch it's a cinch.

Duncan:You recommend a six-step path to personal reinvention. In a nutshell, what are those steps?

Blumenthal:Just like any large corporate transformation requires a structured plan to be successful, so do we as individuals.

The six steps I recommend are

1.Identify the Need.Realize something in your life isnt right and that a change is needed (e.g., you have been miserable at your job for more than a year)

2.Discover Yourself.Build self-awareness so when you embark on a transformation you remain true to yourself and set yourself up for the greatest possible success

3.Design Your Vision.What change do you really want to make and what is the end result you want?

4.Create the Plan.Think about timeline, smaller milestones and all that is required to make the change happen.

5.Make it Happen.Put the plan into action and hold yourself accountable

6.Monitor Progress.Check in and see if things need to be adjusted or if timelines need to change based on your progress.

Next: In Goal-Setting, Small Can Translate To Big Success

Visit link:
Try This Bite-Sized Approach To Personal Improvement - Forbes

Dec 12

How to lose weight like this guy who lost 41 kgs by adopting this simple and smart 3-step plan – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Contrary to the popular belief, you cant actually lose weight by just working out in a gym 24x7 or worse, crash dieting. Youll just end up harming your health and mental well-being if you go down this road. To lose weight in a sustainable manner a manner thatll prove successful in the long-run you need to adopt fitness as a part and parcel of your life. If youre confused as to how to commence on this route, let 28-year-old Amith Rvs inspiring journey guide you.

Amith tells us that at his heaviest he weighed in-between 136-140 kgs. I was afraid to weigh myself, but I know I weighed in-between this range, 5 years ago. And, it is not like I didnt have the urge to lose this weight before, the scale tipped so high. I did. I always wanted to be fit. But nothing materialised until performing even day-to-day activities became difficult. I suddenly realised that theres no escaping this now, and consequently, commenced on the below weight loss routine to trim from 136-140 kgs to 99 kgs."

Amith lays down a simple 3-step plan that helped him get started on his weight loss journey. The trick was to keep it simple. So, I commenced by making these small changes in my life:

1.Walking - I started walking 10k steps daily. This is a wonderful way to start living a more active lifestyle.

2.Moderation is key - Eat everything but in moderation. Adherence and sustainability are the two keys to any weight loss journey. Pro tip: Include fibre-rich foods in you diet. They curb overeating by keeping you fuller.

3.Mix and match - Apart from walking, I also started indulging in both strength training and cardio routines. The two combined will get you optimum results. Here, take a look the exercise regime that helped me whip myself in shape below".

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Says Amith, Id workout for 5 days/week, and also kept changing my routine every 3 months before my body got adapted to the below Upper Body Split and Lower body Split and Cardio routines.

Upper Body -

Flat Dumbbell Chest Press: 15 reps - 2sets

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press: 15 Reps - 2 sets

Shoulder Press: 15 reps - 2sets

Lateral rise: 15reps - 2 sets

Bicep and Triceps -

Barbell curls: 15reps - 2 sets

Tricep Skull crushers: 15reps - 2 sets

Lat Pulldown: 15reps - 2 sets

Dumbbell Rows: 15reps - 2 sets

Followed by 20 mins of LISS (low-intensity steady state) cardio - cycling, elliptical or treadmill

Free Squats: 100 reps 20*5

Leg Press: 15reps - 2 sets

Leg extension: 15reps - 2 sets

Hamstring Curls: 15reps - 2 sets

Calf Raise: 15reps - 2 sets

Followed by walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes

In accordance with his 3-step approach to weight loss, Amith reveals that he followed a flexible dieting, also known as If It Fits Your Macros or IFFYM, plan. My diet comprised single source foods (foods that boast only one of these three macros: protein, carbs or fats) such as milk, sprouts, eggs, vegetables, rice and dark chocolate. If were to outline my daily meal plan, this is what it would look like -

Early Morning: A glass of amla juice

Breakfast: 1 glass milk with millets + 1 apple + a handful of almonds

Lunch: 1 cup rice with veggies (carrots, beans, okra, beetroot) with 2 eggs

Dinner: A salad made from sprouts, apples, beetroot and carrots and a glass of juice, occasionally

QUICK READ: How to lose weight by calculating your macronutrients right

"After losing a massive amount of weight, your body weight will keep fluctuating. It becomes range bound rather than just limiting to a fixed number. I do have bad days on the weighing scale, but I don't let these days turn into weeks or months. However, if there is one key to weight maintenance, I'd say, it is working out regularly. I ensure that I dont miss a workout session for more than three days in a row, and like I already said moderation is important, I eat everything but count my calories to keep my weight in check."

- "Understand the basics of calorie tracking, macros and flexible dieting

- Don't eliminate junk foods, just see to it that you don't over-indulge in them

- Don't work against your body, work with your body to get rid of the excess fat

- Be patient. It is going to take longer than you expected. But in the end it is going to be worth it.

- Most importantly, enjoy the process. I discovered a new person in me. I am now able to help others who have are struggling to lose weight via Instagram, YouTube and Quora."

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Dec 12

Weighing In on the Obesity Epidemic – The Jewish Press –

Photo Credit: Pixabay / Steve PB

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For the lucky ones, weight gain is limited to a few extra pounds put on over the holidays and lost in the weeks thereafter. But for those with a predisposition for overweight, the battle of the bulge is a lifelong struggle punctuated by physical and emotional challenges.

Given the range of serious medical issues associated with overweight, from diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer to infertility, sleep apnea and skeletal pain it comes as no surprise that the medical community considers obesity as a disease unto itself.

Shocking statistics indicate that 90% to 95% of people with obesity who diet and lose weight will gain it back within the first year, often with interest. The urgent need for an innovative approach to treat and cure this disease has led to the establishment of the Israeli Center for Obesity Management, a division of the Department of Endocrinology at Sheba Medical Center. In the words of Dr. Gabriella Lieberman, Senior Specialist at Shebas Endocrine Institute and director of the Center: Theres no one obesity, but obesities. People who suffer from overweight have different problems. Thats why the one-size-fits-all approach often fails.

When seeking the main culprit responsible for the obesity epidemic, a phenomenon identified only in the last 50 years, its impossible to ignore the advent of processed foods and the accompanying plastic packaging and preservatives. Were exposed to hundreds of chemical additives, categorized by the FDA as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) but whose long-term effects have not been thoroughly examined, explains Professor Amir Tirosh, director of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Sheba Medical Center. We can assume that most are indeed safe, but we dont need more than a couple dozen that are not so safe to suffer the consequences.

In a ground-breaking study conducted together with colleagues from Harvard University, Prof. Tirosh observed the effects of propionate, a common preservative found in bread and baked goods. The findings indicated that the chemical can cause elevated glucose levels, impacting insulin sensitivity and metabolism. While the findings are not yet thoroughly validated in humans to warrant a recommendation to ban propionate, they do point to the need to more closely assess the potential long-term effects of this chemical, and perhaps others.

Personalized Medicine

At the Obesity Center in Sheba, patients undergo a thorough assessment by a team of experts, including an endocrinologist, dietitian, psychologist, and sports medicine expert. After measuring the patients metabolic rate as well as body composition, the experts will consult and evaluate all this information to build a tailor-made plan that will suit the individuals distinctive needs and parameters.

After receiving their individualized plan, patients come periodically to the clinic to meet with the professionals and track their weight loss. Depending on the circumstances, patients might be candidates for GI procedures such as intra-gastric balloons and duodenal devices, endoscopic gastroplasty or bariatric surgery. Additionally, there are relatively new weight loss drugs available today that have taken the medical community by storm.

Saxenda and Belviq work by suppressing appetite and have relatively few side effects, which usually disappear with time. Naturally, the first question that people ask is, How much weight will I lose with this drug? Dr. Lieberman is quick to explain that there is no way she can predict weight loss. There is an average weight loss, but each individual will experience different results. Some people may lose more than the average; for others, the drug may be less effective. Although shes seen patients make tremendous progress with the help of meds, Dr. Lieberman makes it clear that the drug can never replace lifestyle modification.

The good news is that it doesnt take much to achieve a drastic improvement in health. According to Prof. Tirosh, in order to treat metabolic disorder, prevent diabetes, and improve high blood pressure, the goal is to lose 7% of body weight. If a patient can maintain that long term, Im very pleased.

In the Pipeline

According to Prof. Tirosh, one of the most exciting breakthroughs in obesity research is in the field of genetic screening. Were performing clinical studies here at Sheba, and can now screen for mutations to determine if patients have a genetic propensity to obesity. Its extremely validating for patients who have been struggling all their lives with obesity to know that theyre not to blame; its not because theyre lazy, or because they lack willpower.

In a departure from conventional methods, Dr. Ruth Percik, senior specialist at the Endocrinology Institute at Sheba Medical Center, is researching weight loss solutions to obesity employing neurofeedback training the brain and harnessing its power to gain greater self-awareness and increase self-control, willpower, and mindfulness. The notion that obesity could be treated via the brain occurred to her during her stint at the Max Plank Institute for Brain Research in Leipzig, where she learned that the behavior patterns linked to obesity were clearly evident in brain scans.

Scientists at Max Plank observed that the people who had lost their excess weight and kept it off for a decade, so-called Sustained Weight Losers, all had something in common: a high level of self-discipline, which is clearly discernible in brain imaging, Dr. Percik explains. To illustrate, when obese people were shown an image of their favorite food, all the pleasure centers in their brain lit up, light those of an addict. By contrast, when SWLs were shown their favorite food, only part of their brains were stimulated; the rest was quiet. This indicates an internal restraint mechanism, which translates as their ability to adhere to their menu plan.

A year and a half after the study, 70 percent of participants have managed to keep the weight off, corroborating Dr. Perciks hypothesis.In clinical studies at Max Plank, neurofeedback is measured via fMRI, which is not economically feasible for widespread use. Dr. Percik and her team are currently exploring a device that is compact, portable and user-friendly, to be incorporated at hebas Obesity Center.

Nutritional Blues

After all is said and done, it comes down to food intake. Dana Weiner, director of the Department of Nutrition at Sheba Medical Center, debunks the myths of traditional dieting.

When people come to me, they expect me to hand them a diet. But I dont believe in one diet that suits everyone. Even the Mediterranean diet, which I agree is an excellent food plan, is not suited to everyone.

Dana believes that like all areas in medicine, nutritional science is moving in the direction of a more personalized diet, based on a persons genetic makeup and where they live. She brings evidence from study of the Blue Zones, five areas in the world whose inhabitants exhibited greatest longevity and quality of life, yet each have distinctively different diets. What they all do have in common in terms of regimen is a plant-based diet, strategies to prevent overeating, limited alcohol consumption, and physical activity as a way of life.My dream as a dietician at Sheba is to establish nationwide programs to educate families about healthy lifestyle and proper eating habits along with food security for everyone, Dana shares.

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Weighing In on the Obesity Epidemic - The Jewish Press -

Dec 10

Federal Courts Have Diminishing Appetite For Claims Of Obesity Discrimination – Forbes


Many workplaces are sponsoring festive holiday parties this time of year, featuring a array of chips, candies, Christmas cookies and cakes.

But workers who eat this fattening fare do so at their own peril.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, which is based in Chicago, joined three other federal circuits earlier this year in a ruling that limits the protection of extremely obese workers under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The ADA prohibits discrimination against employees and job applicants who have physical or mental impairments that substantially limit major life activities.

Four federal circuits now have ruled that obesity is not a qualified impairment under the ADA unless it is shown to be the result of an underlying physiological disorder or condition. No federal circuit has issued a contrary ruling.

To prove discrimination, workers must show that their obesity resulted from an underlying physiological disorder or condition, such as diabetes.

The four circuits refused to defer to the EEOCs interpretation that the ADA prohibits discrimination based on weight that is outside the normal range for an individual even if it is not the result of a physical impairment.

According to the three-judge panel for the 7th Circuit, the EEOCs analysis is flawed because it can be read to mean any employee whose weight or other physical characteristic is even slightly outside the normal range would have a physical impairment even with no underlying physiological cause. The panel said this could create an automatic impairment under the ADA for the up to 40 percent of the American adults who are overweight.

The 7th Circuit panel also rejected the American Medical Associations position that obesity is a disease that is in and of itself a physiological disorder. The panel said the ADA is an anti discrimination not a public health statute, and Congress desires as it relates to the ADA do not necessarily align with those of the medical community.

The 7th Circuit case, Richardson v. Chicago Transit Authority, involved a bus driver, Mark Richardson, whose weight rose from 350 pounds in 2005 to 566 pounds in 2009. After taking sick leave for the flu, he was found medically unfit to safely drive a bus.

According to court documents, Richardson was forced to cross-pedal, meaning that his foot was on the gas and brake at the same time, and he was unable to make hand-over-hand turns. He could not see the floor of the bus and part of his body hung off the drivers seat.

Richardson submitted medical evidence showing that he suffered from hypertension and sleep apnea. He argued these conditions were related to his obesity. However, the 7th Circuit panel said that nothing in the court record suggested these conditions caused his obesity.

After two years of inactive status, Richardson declined to work with CTA doctors to lose weight and was fired in 2011.

Court Disregards Indigent Status

The 7th Circuit in June upheld the lower courts dismissal of Richardsons lawsuit as well as the order requiring him to pay $ $2,067 in costs to the CTA. The 7th Circuit rejected Richardsons argument that he is indigent and could not afford to pay the costs.

The judges on the 7th Circuit panel were Judge Joel M. Flaum, Michael S, Kanne and Michael Y. Scudder, Jr.

The other federal appeals courts in agreement with the 7th Circuit (WI, IL, IN) are the 8th Circuit (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, MO and AR), the 2nd Circuit (NY) and the 6th Circuit (MI, OH, KY, TN).

A recent Gallup survey found that from 2010 to 2019 an average of 28 percent of Americans in the United States weighed 200 pounds or more, an increase of about 24 percent from the prior decade. Gallup said 38 percent of Americans, on average, say they are very or somewhat overweight this decade, compared with 41% in the previous decade.

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Federal Courts Have Diminishing Appetite For Claims Of Obesity Discrimination - Forbes

Dec 10

Pelotons Cringe-y Ad Got Everyone Talking. Its C.E.O. Is Silent. – The New York Times

During a talk in New York on Monday, John Foley, the chief executive of Peloton, did not laugh off the negative reaction to the fitness companys holiday commercial, a 30-second spot that drew intense criticism and caused Peloton stock to drop 9 percent in one day. Neither did he apologize or defend it. In fact, Mr. Foley did not mention it at all.

During his 40-minute appearance at a Midtown Manhattan conference hosted by the financial firm UBS, Mr. Foley discussed profitability and international expansion. The closest he got to discussing the commercial which has been derided as sexist, classist, dystopian and tone deaf was talking about the high prices of the companys equipment.

We have a fun challenge, and were going to solve it as marketers, because the reality is that it is an incredible value, and were changing lives, and were allowing people to get more fit and get more healthy and get those endorphins and be better versions of themselves and all this existential stuff that were excited about at the top of Maslows hierarchy of needs, he said, referring to the 1943 theory by the psychologist Abraham Maslow.

But we need to communicate that better, Mr. Foley continued, in what seemed a tacit acknowledgment that the commercial may have hurt the company.

After his session, he refused to answer reporters questions about the ad, saying only, It was in the news last week.

The broad strokes of the commercial, called The Gift That Gives Back, have become cringe canon. A svelte mother, played by the actress Monica Ruiz, receives a Peloton stationary bike from her husband for Christmas. She spends the next year filming herself in her luxurious home as she approaches the contraption or pedals like mad, often appearing anxious, perhaps terrified. She turns the footage into a video for her spouse and declares that she didnt realize how much this would change me.

Viewed more than seven million times on YouTube, the ad drew the wrath of social media and generated a viral parody video by the comedian Eva Victor. On Friday, Aviation American Gin, a brand owned in part by the Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds, released a response ad featuring a deadpan Ms. Ruiz as a woman who seeks the consolation of good friends and spirits after having apparently endured a crisis. Saturday Night Live made multiple references to the Peloton commercial over the weekend, with the Weekend Update co-anchor Colin Jost joking, At least they decided against using the slogan Peloton: Youd better keep it tighter than the babysitter.

The intense reaction took the company by surprise. Peloton said in a statement last week that it was disappointed in how some have misinterpreted this commercial. Sean Hunter, the actor who played Ms. Ruizs spouse, told Psychology Today that he was worried about potential repercussions to his career. Ms. Ruiz, who declined to comment, put out a statement Saturday, saying she was shocked and overwhelmed by the attention this week (especially the negative).

The advertising agency behind The Gift That Gives Back is Mekanism, a San Francisco shop that had also created campaigns for Ben & Jerrys, HBO and Uber. Mekanism did not respond to requests for comment.

The ad was the talk of the Ad Councils 66th Annual Public Service Award Dinner last week, a black-tie event known in the industry as ad prom. Many of the guests said Peloton should have done more to make sure the commercial was interpreted not as a call to lose weight but as an invitation to gain strength.

In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Reynolds said he had heard about the Peloton commercial on Tuesday, when his business partner, George Dewey, sent him a 2:34 p.m. text about the backlash. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Dewey run Maximum Effort Productions, an entertainment and marketing company that has gained a reputation for advertising stunts, including a mock Twitter war between Mr. Reynolds and his fellow superhero-movie star Hugh Jackman.

Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Dewey decided to respond to the Peloton ad with a promotion of the gin company, knowing they had to do work quickly, before the social media furor had died down.

Ads are generally disposable pieces of content, Mr. Reynolds said. If youre going to do something like this, you have to jump on the zeitgeist-y moment as it happens.

On Wednesday morning, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Dewey contacted Ms. Ruiz. They shot the gin commercial, called The Gift That Doesnt Give Back, for less than $100,000 in several hours on Friday and released it that night, as Mr. Reynolds was boarding a flight to Brazil. In the ad, Ms. Ruiz sits at a bar between two friends, gazing blankly ahead, as if stunned or traumatized. An awkward silence follows.

Youre safe here, one friend says.

To new beginnings, Ms. Ruiz responds, before guzzling one gin cocktail and accepting another from her concerned pal.

Mr. Reynolds said he had sympathy for Ms. Ruizs plight as collateral damage in the backlash to the Peloton commercial.

As an actor, I can certainly relate to creating a piece of content or being part of something thats not well received, and how alienating that can feel, he said. We had immense respect for any reservations she might have had. We dont want to make the situation any worse for her.

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