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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 30 kgs by following this simple 4-meal vegetarian diet plan – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

A lot of people believe that in order to lose weight, they will have to give up on their favourite delicacies and resort to a bland salad way of life. However, 26-year-old Pradeep Kishan R tells us that this need not be the case if you can effectively ration your meals and even keep updating them with healthier alternatives.
According to him, the key to the said effective rationing of portions can be found by creating a calorie deficit.
A calorie deficit is a specific diet pattern that revolves around the number of calories you consume in a day. According to Healthline, the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight.
This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.
QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?
Pradeep shares that at his heaviest he weighed a 101 kgs, around two years ago, and today, he weighs 71 kgs. During this 2-year time span he indulged in wearying workout sessions, multiple diet changes, and also weight loss plateaus until he finally learnt the science behind creating a calorie deficit, which finally helped him reach his target weight goal.
I used to play a lot of cricket but I'd still always be regarded as that obese person who could not run a lot. Consequently, Id always get dropped from the team. This drove me to not just get in shape but also improve my form, skills in cricket. Also, my wife-to-be, was very concerned about my bodys fat percentage (38%), and at that point, the only thing I knew was that I didnt want her to stress about anything. So, I decided to lose weight by enrolling myself in a small gym near my house.
"Here, I started doing basic cardio exercises to begin my weight loss journey. I followed this routine with the bro split workout routine. While I was gymming, I also became extremely conscious about my food intake and stopped eating junk and oily foods altogether."
I used to only eat idlis or dosas without any oil and completely avoided rice this was a very big mistake that I made as at that point I did not know how to track my calorie intake. I also did not track my protein, carbs and fat intake, this diet coupled with the above mentioned workout routine ended up making me lean without any muscle mass.
However, right now, I am on a caloric deficit diet with an intake of 1639 calories, which can be broken down as: 184 gm of carbs + 143 gm of protein + 36 gm of fat. This, according to me, should have been something that I began with as you have a better idea about how your body will react and shape when you have a controlled diet. I have finally understood this, and would like to tell everyone that calorie deficit is not rocket science. It is a calculated way of planning your meals in order to avoid any nutritional deficiencies while cutting fat.
My weight loss diet, supplemented by a calorie deficit was extremely simple. In fact, even nobody's weight loss diet has to be too fancy or scary at all. I ate everything, but I was and still am very conscious about my calorie intake. This is what my daily diet is made up of (as per my calorie deficit)":
Breakfast: 2 idlis with sambar (30 gm sambhar)
Mid-morning snack: Ragi porridge with skimmed milk (50 ml)
Lunch: 3 small phulkas with 60 gm soya + 100 gm mixed veggies cooked in 5 ml olive oil.
Dinner: 40 gms oats with one small banana and two scoops of Whey protein
QUICK READ: Heres how a banana a day can actually promote weight loss and also boost your immunity
I have been able to maintain my current weight through the changes I have made that have now also become my lifestyle. I do indulge in cheat meals. But then again I try and balance my calories via my other meal options through the day. This way, I get to eat what I like without any guilt. I also follow a much more lucrative workout routine now."
There is no need to get scared thinking about all the foods youll have to quit in order to lose weight. Just create the correct caloric deficit, keeping in mind your weight loss goals, and couple this number with a good and solid training routine. Also, it is okay to feel a little intimidated in the gym, watching strong men and women lifting heavy and effortlessly as long as you understand that they have worked very hard and very long to be able to lift that way. They started off like us too!
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 30 kgs by following this simple 4-meal vegetarian diet plan - GQ India - What a man's got to do
How to prevent weight gain this Christmas – SBS

As people living in wealthy nations throughout the world prepare to celebrate Christmas in culturally different ways, theres one thing we might have in common this December: potential weight gain.
Research published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that if you celebrate Christmas, it's the time of year where you're more likely to put on weight. It's also possible that you'll spend a fair bit of time in the months that follow the jolly season trying to shake it off.
The 2016 study looked at the weight of almost 3,000 people from the USA, Germany and Japan throughout the course of a year to examine weight gain over the national holiday, Christmas.
The researchers found that people living in all three of these developed countries, which celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, gained weight within 10 days after December 25.
Whats worse is that although participants lost up to half of the weight gained shortly after the holidays, they rest of the weight gained remained for months.
The researchers found that people living in all three of these developed countries, which celebrate Christmas as a national holiday, gained weight within 10 days after December 25.
According to Nutrition Australia, Australians gain an average of 0.8-1.5kg over the Christmas period.
A new study, published in the The BMJ Christmas Edition today, also estimates that people in wealthy countries may gain an average of 0.4 to one kilogram every year, usually around December.
On Christmas Day alone an individual might consume 6,000 calories: three times the recommended daily allowance, the paper reads.
Characteristically people enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle and participate in more social events during the Christmas holiday period, which presents situations for increased energy intake.
The BMJ study also blames Christmas weight gain on the fact that we usually drink more alcohol, eat larger portion sizes, lose the ability to restrain ourselves around food when in the company of our families, and enjoy a greater variety of energy-dense feasting foods.
Although it seems like we are bound for weight loss failure at Christmas if we choose to celebrate, all hope is not lost.
The BMJ study also looked at a number of weight gain interventions, specifically suited to the Christmas season, to see if its possible to prevent the kilos piling on over the holidays.
As it turns out, where theres a will and a bit of dietary encouragement, theres a way.
Researchers at the University of Birminghams Institute of Applied Health Research and the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University analysed the lifestyles of almost 300 UK adults mostly women aged around 44 years old with varying BMIs from November to January.
Participants were randomly divided into two groups. One group reflected on their weight at least twice a week and received tips to manage their weight.The idea behind this intervention was that if you check on your weight regularly over Christmas and see a sudden increase, youre more likely to take immediate action.
On Christmas Day alone an individual might consume 6,000 calories: three times the recommended daily allowance."
The participants were also given a list of physical activity calorie equivalents of popular festive foods and drinks to better understand the energy content of the foods they were eating around Christmas.For example, the calories in a mince pie require 21 minutes of running and a small glass of mulled wine requires 33 minutes of walking to expend, the paper reads.
Meanwhile, the control group received a healthy living leaflet with no dietary advice.
The good news is that people who received dietary advice and were reminded about potential weight gain risks over the Christmas period weighed around half a kilogram less than the group who did not receive any dietary help.
Although the difference in weight was small, the findings show that it is possible to buck the trend and maintain your weight (or lose a little bit) over Christmas.
The results showed that on average, participants in the comparison group gained some weight over Christmas but participants in the intervention group did not, the study found.
There was also a significant increase in cognitive restraint limiting food intake to control body weight) for the intervention group compared with the control group.
Although the difference in weight was small, the findings show that it is possible to buck the trend and maintain your weight (or lose a little bit) over Christmas.
All thats required is little bit of effort and education about what the foods were eating, and a reminder every now and again to step on the scales.
For tips on beating the Christmas bulge, visit Nutrition Australia online.
Original post:
How to prevent weight gain this Christmas - SBS
To Lose Weight, Cut the Fad Diets and Stick to the Basics, Expert Says – Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun

With every flip of the calendar, it seems a new diet fad captures national attention, promising effortless weight loss. The Paleo diet is how our ancestors ate it must be healthy. No, try intermittent fasting. Scratch that this prune juice detox will take inches off your waist in days!
Prof. David Levitsky, nutritional sciences, describes obesity as the biggest public health problem we have. Its cause? Not carbohydrates or processed sugars as the latest trend might have you believe. The science behind obesity is simple: excess calorie intake.
The fundamental science behind nutrition and related physiology has not changed for decades, Levitsky said. Instead, its the media, with a motive to sell, writing about the science that changes. While some diets make it easier to consume less, they may be unnecessary.
With this perspective on nutrition, the vegan diet may be the healthiest of them all. Vegans live longer than anyone else, Levitsky said. That should tell you something.
But its not the meat thats going to kill you, Levitsky explained. There is no magical quality of plant-based diets that will make you immortal. Vegan diets drastically improve health outcomes because, on average, theyre far lower in dietary fats compared to omnivorous diets and higher in fiber.
But despite the benefits it carries, Levitsky also urged caution towards vegan diets. Since vegan meals often dont contain complete proteins and are low in iron, vegans need to be very cognizant in planning their meals and combining appropriate protein sources.
Low-Carb Diets
Some of the most popular modern diets Paleo, Atkins and Keto, to name a few portray carbohydrates as the antithesis of health, a macronutrient to be avoided at all costs.
Carbohydrates dont deserve this reputation, Levitsky said. Like any other macronutrients, the problem is overconsumption,and carbs are the easiest to overeat, as we typically eat 60-65% of our calories from carbohydrates.
In a low-carb diet, that range drops to 10-15%, Levitsky said. He explained that this doesnt discount low carb diets efficacy for weight loss, but there are a few issues if one endures a low-carb diet.
First, the rapid drop in weight may not be from fat tissue, but instead from fluids. Excess carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen, which holds large amounts of water with it. As low-carb diets deplete these stores, the water rapidly flushes out.
The other problem is the fact that people cant stay on low-carb diets for long periods of time. If you look at the population statistics, most people cant stick to these for more than a few months. Levitsky said. And once you start indulging in those pre-meal bread rolls again, youre just going to put [the weight] back on immediately.
Ultimately, low-carb diets are not an effective way to lose weight and sustain it, Levitsky said.
Intermittent Fasting
A number of other fasting schemes have gained popularity recently, but the idea behind them is the same: limit the period of time during which you eat.
Levitsky describes these methods as very effective for losing weight, but emphasizes that there is no special benefit of eating only during specified windows. These are simple mechanisms to reduce caloric intake.
It turns out, most people cant do it for long periods of time. But if it fits into your lifestyle, theres nothing wrong with it, Levitsky said.
What is the ideal diet?
Levitsky also offered a few guides for students unsure about how they should eat. First, he recommends not eating the same foods for two days in a row in order to diversify your nutrient sources constantly. Next, never eat when youre not hungry this is a very easy way to consume less.
Another tip he gives is to take small portions. Perhaps the most prominent environmental signal to eat is whats on your plate, he said. By exercising portion control, we can simplify the dieting process substantially.
Ultimately, for those whose goal is to lose weight, they should be eating in moderation with a variety of foods and using the scale to objectively track progress for weight loss.
View original post here:
To Lose Weight, Cut the Fad Diets and Stick to the Basics, Expert Says - Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
This Once 90-Pound Beagle Is Nailing His Weight Loss Journey – Inside Edition

After beginning aweight loss journeyat 90 pounds, Wolfgang the beagle is all the #healthgoals we need this holiday season.
Erin McManus began fostering the overweight dog and didn't want to give the adorable guy up, so she decided to adopt him and help him lose the weight.
Wolfgang's goal weight? 25 pounds.
He's losing about a pound a week, McManus told Knowing that it was going to be a journey with him was a big reason why we did adopt them. He's just such a nice dog. Hard to say no to that face.
To stay on the weight loss train and shed pounds, Wolfgang is now on a 600-calorie diet.
I make his own food. It's lean turkey as the base, lots of vegetables, and some supplements, McManus said.
He swims in the pool now, goes on walks, and even exercises on a water treadmill weekly.
He takes his toy with them. He always has a toy, McManus said. "We don't know why he likes to work out with a toy, but I guess most people like working out with a friend, so I think he thinks the toys are his workout buddies.
While McManus said she doesnt know much about Wolfgangs previous life, she said he has a minor thyroid problem that he is now on medication for.
McManus created an Instagramaccount for Wolfgang, which has already racked up 37,000 followers. So Wolfgang has all the support he needs. The dog mom said she definitely wasnt expecting all of the attention.
I was expecting maybe my mom would follow on Instagram, and maybe one or two other people. But you know, I mean, his personality I think, shines through, McManus said. Everyone likes feeling encouraged. And a morbidly obese dog trying to get fit, I think has encouraged a lot of people. I know he encourages us.
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Continued here:
This Once 90-Pound Beagle Is Nailing His Weight Loss Journey - Inside Edition
Not Seeing Results With Keto? This M.D. Says "Sneaky Carbs" May Be To Blame –

Unfortunately, carbohydrate-rich plant foods just don't fit into most keto plans. Eating them can knock you out of ketosis. Yes, these foods have their merits; they come loaded with plant compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoestrogens, and glucosinolates and other vitamins and minerals. But, if you are looking to go keto, you'll have to skip them.
Let's look at some frequent offenders that trip people up on their keto plan:
Starchier veggies. Sweet potatoes, beets, pumpkin, and butternut or spaghetti squash are nutrient powerhouses. But along with those nutrients and fiber comes a hefty carbohydrate load that can knock you right out of ketosis.
Legumes. This broad category of plant foods includes alfalfa, beans, carob, chickpeas, lentils, peas, soybeans, tamarind, and peanuts. Legumes are high in carbohydrates. (Read: keto-unfriendly in even small amounts.) They also contain lectins, anti-nutrients that can lead to inflammation in some people.
Fruit. Apples and other fruits are nutrient rock stars with gut-healing nutrients and fiber. But fruit tastes sweet and can be easy to overeat for a reason: Most kinds are high in sugar. Even a little bit of fruit can stall weight loss on a keto diet.
Even when you're avoiding these higher-carbohydrate plant foods, you might still be getting carbs from other sources that sabotage your keto plan.
See the original post here:
Not Seeing Results With Keto? This M.D. Says "Sneaky Carbs" May Be To Blame -
The Science of Holiday Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance – Psychology Today

Statistics on weight gain in the U.S. can give the impression that it is happening everywhere, to everyone, and in every season of the year. The best science on the subject, however, reveals that weight gain primarily occurs in a smaller and predictable set of circumstances. Surprisingly, these circumstances frequently defy conventional beliefs about how and when weight gain occurs. For example, working adults yearn for weekends, purportedly for greater recreation, yet research shows that we become less active and gain more weight on weekends versus weekdays (1). Similarly, schools often receive criticism for their role in childhood obesity usually directed towards school lunch quality and lack of PE classes yet longitudinal data indicate that the strongest predictor of a child developing obesity during their school years is being overweight before entering kindergarten (2) and that fitness declines and weight increases are more common during the summer months instead of the school year. Despite decades of research, these kinds of mistaken beliefs about weight gain remain remarkably popular and resistant to correction (3).
Perhaps the weight gain circumstance where conventional beliefs are most accurate is the widely held view that holiday weight gain is common in the U.S. The best prospective research affirms that adults gain more weight during the November-January holiday interval relative to the rest of year (4). However, even this rare instance of weight gain opinions aligning with science comes with conditions. What is the condition? That the average weight gain is .48 kilograms (converting to 1.06 pounds if your calculator isnt handy). This seemingly trivial pound of weight gain, however, is generally maintained the rest of the year, slowly accumulating over time for the average adult.
Source: Pixabay: TeroVesalainen
Rarely discussed in all the above research is the consistency of weight gain occurring in a one-sided pattern. Specifically, in most of the circumstances where weight gain reliably occurs, it primarily occurs among those already struggling with their weight. Adults with overweight and obesity are the least active and most weight gain-prone on weekends; Children who are overweight entering school are at highest risk of unhealthy weight gain across both their school years and during the summer months; and, finally, adults with excess weight are those most prone to gain weight during the holidays. This pattern can seem unfair and even cruel; thankfully, it also comes with explanations that can be useful to us. Firstly, weight gain science is a persuasive reminder that it is easier to prevent excess weight gain than to lose excess weight afterwards. The human body possesses an assortment of mechanisms designed to resist weight loss that we are best off avoiding when the option is available. Secondly, there is considerable variability in holiday weight gain patterns among the normal weight and overweight that are largely explained by different behavior patterns. It is both encouraging and instructive to consider holiday weight gain to be the result of modifiable behaviors than some sort of predetermined metabolic destiny.
Although tips about preventing holiday weight gain dominate the internet this time of year, the sad truth is that little of this advice has any empirical support. Mostly, these tips consist of well-intended but unsubstantiated opinions from experts, being about as useful as a Dr. Oz supplement recommendation. Many holiday tips are simply repackaged generic advice about weight loss that do not consider the unique challenges of the holiday season or possess any evidence to suggest whether or how they apply during this time of year. Some tips, finally, are more sinister, acting as disguised sales pitches intended to help you shed excess weight from your wallet or purse. A person determined to get the best results should settle for neither of these sources of information. For those committed to improving or at least maintaining their weight and fitness during the holiday season and wary of this minefield of advice from the media and internet What are the highest quality scientific recommendations?
1). Increase physical activity levels ABOVE normal. In the same seminal study from the New England Journal of Medicine that shed light on holiday weight gain patterns, the authors observed a linear relationship between physical activity patterns during the holidays and their weight changes during the same period. Predictably, those who became less active during the holiday season gained the most weight (about 50% more than average). More surprising was that maintaining a normal activity level also did not prevent weight gain. Those who kept up their regular activity levels gained only slight less weight on average than the overall group. The only group in which weight loss occurred during the holiday period were those reporting being much more active than usual. Unfortunately, the authors didnt quantify the meaning of much more, leaving us to fill in the blank ourselves. As a health scientist, I translate much more to 50%+ more activity than normal; for example, aiming for 7,500 steps/day instead of 5,000 for the moderately active, and 15,000 steps/day instead of 10,000 for the more active.
2) Weigh yourself AT LEAST 2-3 times per week. In independent treatment studies published in 2018 and 2019, regular weighing was shown to effectively prevent holiday weight gain (5). This makes sense for several reasons. Typically, people avoid the scale even more than usual during the holidays and ignorance is bliss does not apply when it comes to preventing holiday weight gain. Instead, research suggests we adopt a knowledge is power mentality. Doing the opposite of the norm by weighing ourselves anywhere from daily to at least 2-3 times/week provides us with feedback about weight gain/weight loss trends while they are small and easily correctable. The 2019 study authors took this a step further than others by combining daily weighing with a graphical display of the results to provide people with an even more potent form of feedback.
3) Use HOLIDAY-SPECIFIC tips and information. In contrast to the generic weight loss advice proliferated by the media this time of year, authors of a 2018 clinical trial from the journal, BMJ (6), showed that holiday-tailored advice and information (e.g., providing calorie information for common holiday foods and drinks, and minutes of walking/running required to burn those calories) prevented holiday weight gain compared to a control group provided with standard healthy lifestyle information.
The next time you see a headline titled twenty tips to prevent holiday weight gain, and you almost certainly will, consider that few or even none of these tips have any proven merit. Instead, we can more confidently set and achieve our holiday weight goals by adopting specific strategies shown to work in quality research.
See the rest here:
The Science of Holiday Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance - Psychology Today
Robbie Williams weight loss: Gave up one thing to slim down and shed fat – what was it? – Express

Robbie Williams originally found fame as a member of the English pop group, Take That from 1989 to 1995, however, he achieved greater commercial success with his solo career, beginning in 1997. Robbie is a highly beloved British singer and has been a constant presence in British culture throughout the last 20 decades. Recently, the singer-songwriter has made an admission that he has struggled with a relentless weight battle for several years and admitted that to overhaul his lifestyle and improve his health and diet he cut out one thing to trim down. What did he cut out?
Appearing on the WW, Weight Watchers reimagined, Wellness that Works podcast Robbie speaks about his weight loss and wellness journey since joining the programme.
Robbie Williams is a WW ambassador and is currently on the new myWW programme - its most customised weight-loss programme ever.
The WW Wellness that Works podcast is a fun and motivational podcast for anyone who wants to build healthy habits whether that means eating better, moving more, shifting your mindset or all of the above.
What did Robbie Williams have to say about weight loss?
READ MORE:Man loses175lbsusing 'life-changingdiet plan
During the episode the ever-entertaining singer and showman, opens up about how his previous relationship with food had affected his mental health, with Robbie commenting that: I found that normally my history is being overweight and being dreadfully unhappy and then counteracting that with extreme measures and being depressed because there are no nutrients in my body.
Talking about why he became a part of the WW family Robbie said: There is this relentless weight battle and weight issue that Ive had forever.
WW phoned up and said hey, we want you to be really healthy and have a clean head, and feel good about yourself!.
The universe spoke and I listened to it, and I was like, yes, please let me get on this. And I started boxing. That was great for my mind.
Since becoming a WW ambassador, Robbies relationship with food and exercise has changed: Im golfing a lot and Im in nature. And its three hours of walking and its meditative because all youre thinking about is that next shot and it takes you out of yourself.
Like boxing does. You know, you go boxing and its so hard but so enjoyable.
And then I saw on a podcast somebody would say, if you dont work out, its the equivalent of taking a depressant pill instead of an antidepressant. If you dont work out and dont do something you're taking a depressant pill.
Robbie credits WW for how well hes feeling at the moment saying that: Its helping me tremendously.
Ive changed my life. Im loving being a daddy. Loving the WW, loving - the wife.
Yeah all is good. There is a confidence thats coming with the WW programme.
So, what was one of the main things that Robbie cut out to lose weight and overhaul his lifestyle?
Robbie revealed during the podcast that he gave up smoking to overhaul his diet after he became worried about having an early death.
He revealed: The most recent thing that triggered this whole [weight gain] thing was I relapsed on smoking.
So when I smoke, I'm half-smoke, half-man. I'm a man of extremes. And the wife said, 'You got to give up smoking'.
I didn't want to do the death, the early death. So I was like, yeah, OK.
And I just thought, hang on, maybe I can just view this differently. This whole process, not only could I give up smoking, but I could be fit and healthy and have a clean head and a clean vision of how I want my future.
And I found that moment to be very, very powerful.
For more information about myWW, visit or download the WW app.
Listen to the podcast episode in full and subscribe on the WW YouTube channel,iTunesandSpotify
The rest is here:
Robbie Williams weight loss: Gave up one thing to slim down and shed fat - what was it? - Express
How to lose weight and get fit like this 43-year-old Ironman triathlete and open water swimmer – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

Weight loss is easy. There are multiple clever and fail-proof tricks and tips that can help you lose weight without ever going on a crash diet or starving yourself. But, heres the real kicker just by losing weight or your bodys excess fat, youll not automatically become fit.
Fit is not a destination. It is a journey. If you dont incorporate fitness as part and parcel of your daily life, you will fall back into your old patterns (and inches) sooner than you can even imagine. 43-year-old Nikhil Kanodia an entrepreneur, Ironman triathlete and open water swimmer tells us that three years ago, he decided to whip himself shape to become the fittest version of himself in his 40s. I started my journey in Jan 2016 and I weighed ~92 kgs, he says.
I dropped around 20 kgs in 3 months (went from 92 kgs to 72 kgs) by following a whole foods diet, he adds.
A whole foods diet is a lifestyle change that emphasises on the consumption of whole or minimally processed foods as your meals. Plants, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts make up this diet.
Kanodia outlines his whole foods diet plan as a combination of proteins, good fats, low glycemic carbs and fibre. To successfully follow a whole foods diet, cut out salt, sugar, refined carbs and processed foods from your meals. Actually, here's a quick note on salt: my rationale was to get rid of my body's water retention. I added salt back into my diet a year after starting my journey.
Post this initial fat loss of 20 kgs, I got into triathlons (Ironman) and as my endurance increased, while training for them, my weight further decreased and trimmed to my present weight - 68 kgs. And, on that note, here's another kicker, as your body's needs change, you need to adapt for diet as well.
Consequently, Kanodia also updated his diet and started following a dedicated weekly training schedule.
"Currently, I am on a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet wherein my daily calorie intake comprises 60-70% fat, less than 130g of carbs and protein. This diet has helped me maintain a more normalised blood sugar level through the day and made me better at fat oxidation also which in turn has enabled me to first and foremost race cramp-free and also work on improving my performance in long-distance triathlons."
I train 10 hours (on average) per week for a Half Ironman race (also known as Ironman 70.3 that includes swimming (1.9 km) + cycling (90 km) + running (21.1 km). And about 15 hours (on average) per week for a Full Ironman race (also known as Ironman Triathlon that comprises swimming (3.86 km) + cycling (180.25 km) + running (42.20 km).
This is what my weekly training schedule includes:
3 swims (Endurance swim, Strength swim, Technique swim)
3-4 runs (Fartlek/ Hill interval run, Tempo run, Endurance run and Brick run)
2-3 bike rides (High gear strength/ Tempo bike, Endurance bike, Recovery bike)
1-2 strength workouts (usually HIIT with focus on legs, core and upper body)
I train hard 6 days a week! Monday is typically a rest day or light strength and stretching session.
Notably, Kanodia participates in 2-3 Half Ironman races per year along with participating in 1 Full Ironman race.
QUICK READ: Swimming workouts: what to know before diving in
When I am on Ironman training I follow this LCHF diet plan:
Breakfast: 1 whole egg + an omelette made from 2 egg whites/ fried egg (sunny side up) + an avocado or vegetable salad (200g) + a cup of black coffee
Mid-morning snack: Papaya/melon (200g)
Lunch: Indian meal comprising 1 vegetable curry (150g) + a serving of sauted vegetables (100g) + 1 chicken preparation (200g) + 3-4 chapatis made from flour of nuts/seeds
Snacks: A cup of black coffee and berries (150g)
Dinner: Grilled chicken, fish or lamb (200g) with sauted vegetables (200g)
When I am not training, I eat much lesser than this and also follow an intermittent fasting pattern of eating on certain days.
Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you can or cannot eat. It only focuses on when you should eat them.
There are many IF plans and patterns that you can follow, but the most effective one, according to studies is the 16:8 IF diet. The 16:8 IF diet entails one to observe a 16-hour fasting period, followed by an 8-hour eating window.
How to follow the 16:8 diet plan to lose weight?
You can commence a 16-hour fast at 10:00 pm in the night, after you eat your last meal of the day and go to sleepthats 7-8 hours gone right there. You can break the 16-hour fast at 2:00 pm with your lunch and eat small meals till 10:00 pmthis makes up the 8-hour eating window. Alternatively, you can also begin your fast at 8 pm and break it at 12 pm, the next day.
Healthy living is not about building 6-pack abs! Getting those were easy, now that I look back on how far I have come. It only took me 3 months to transform from having a belly to seeing abs and another 3-4 months to see a proper 6-pack. However, only once I started training for endurance events (marathons, triathlons, long-distance open water swimming races and long bike tours) I realised that real fitness takes time to develop...and it still feels Ive just started. Train, eat, recover and repeat! Do that repeatedly day after day and that's how you'll be able to imbibe real fitness in your life."
Let me elaborate the above statement with this one example: despite achieving the best-ever aesthetics (for me), early on in my journey, my body would still cramp during every single endurance event I'd participate in be it a Half Marathon race or an Olympic distance triathlon or Half/Full Ironman. When I Googled the reasons for these sudden cramping, I came to the following conclusions: insufficient electrolytes, insufficient carbs and/or insufficient training."
"I explored all these areas individually but the cramps never went away. Until I finally read a research paper that pointed towards the benefits of fat for fuel. Our bodies can carry a max of 2000 calories as glycogen (energy from carbs). That's about 2-2.5 hours of energy depending on intensity. Our stomachs cannot effectively digest more than 60 calories per hour. If you are totally carb-dependent in a long race, it is only a matter of time before muscle glycogen runs out and cramps/ bonking happens. The good news is that there are around 40,000-50,000 calories of fat even in the most lean physiques. That's almost unlimited energy provided we teach our bodies to tap into it!"
The only race I have successfully completed (till now) without any cramps was the Full Ironman that I'd participated in earlier this year a 3.8km swim, 180 km bike and 42.2km run. The reason I was able to do was by following a LCHF diet! I am really excited to see how much faster I can get on the LCHF diet!
We also reached out Golds Gym where Kanodia works out on a daily basis to understand how the LCHF diet works. According to Golds Gym Maharani Baghs head trainer, Sachin Mavi, the low carb high fat diet (LCHF) body activates ketones. Hence the body starts taking energy from fats instead of glucose that we get from carbohydrates. When we start reducing our carb intake we push are body to start using fat as fuel which in turn leads to weight loss.
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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‘1000 lb Sisters’: Release date, plot, cast, trailer and everything you need to know about TLC’s reality show – MEAWW

From laughter to tears, the weight loss journey of the Slaton Sisters is going to take you on a rollercoaster ride. The sisters are set to achieve their weight loss goal to be approved for bariatric surgery but their journey is a long one.
However, this road is filled with bumpy rides. There are times when they feel lost and times when they feel stronger than ever but along with all this drama, there is a pinch of fun and excitement that the sisters bring with them because of their personality.
The show premieres on January 1 at 10 pm ET/PT.
Amy, age 31, weighs 406lbs and wants to start a family with her husband. Unfortunately, they are having problems getting pregnant because of Amy's weight.
Meanwhile, her sister, Tammy, 32, weighs 605 lbs and is struggling to carry with the day to day activity because of her weight. She is then forced to move in with her sister but hopes to move out of the house one day.
The sisters then decide to turn their life around as they plan to lose weight to get approved for surgery. The show will follow their weight loss journey through every step. Right from their highs to their lows.
The cast consists of sisters, Amy and Tammy Slaton. The sisters are known in the YouTube industry because of their YouTube channel. The show will allow fans to see them outside their YouTube persona and see the sisters live their everyday life.
Amy and Tammy are all set to start their weight loss journey but shifting their food habits to a healthier one is creating tension between the two.
The sisters try to stick to a diet that would benefit them but they feel they are not motivating each other. It reaches a point where they decide to head their separate ways but the question remains, will the weight break them down or will they lose weight?
From January 1, 2020, the show will air on TLC every Wednesday at 10 pm.
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Alison Hammond weight loss: How did she slim down? This Morning star followed this plan – Express

Alison Hammond is an English showbiz presenter who appears on the daytime TV show, This Morning. The bubbly host shot to fame after appearing on the third series of Big Brother and has since taken part on shows including Im a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! and Strictly Come Dancing. Alison has recently slimmed down - did she follow a diet plan?
This week, Alison has been giving This Morning viewers all the latest news from Im A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!.
In a recent post, she shared a snap of her on the set of the This Morning showing off her new slim frame.
The presenter looked trim in a black and white outfit and fans were quick to praise her weight loss.
One wrote: You are an inspiration I can see the results of WW.
READ MORE: Weight loss: One woman lost a remarkable six stone with this plan - what did she eat?
Looking good WW suiting u, another fan added.
In April this year, Alison was announced as an ambassador for Weight Watchers, now WW, and embarked on a fitness journey.
By using the programme, she changed her diet plan and exercise routine which helped her start to slim down.
Speaking of the company, she said: My WW journey is focused on getting healthier for myself. I feel rubbish when I dont eat properly or exercise and WW helps me with what I eat and do.
"I want my journey to empower others to think about making changes to their lifestyle to become the best version of themselves."
The presenter will often share clips of her working out in the gym as part of her new healthy lifestyle.
In the clips, it appears Alison likes to stay trim by focusing on weight exercises with her personal trainer.
She wrote: Train with Ali. Trainers and clients who train together stay together. Smashing it.
A similar post was captioned: Come train with me and @ellisgatfield , are you ready babes ?
Lets do this . Trainer and client who train together stay together !! #fitness #wellbeing
Alison has struggled with her weight over the years and previously opened up about dieting.
In 2016, she told Bella magazine: Its the one thing in my life that I feel like I cant achieve. When you get really big like me, you dont see any light at the end of the tunnel.
I need to do it in small stages. If I just try and live healthily and drink lots of water, the weight loss will come.
If I lose one or two stone, its not going to be obvious to anybody, but Ill feel better in myself.
Those who follow the WW plan focus on creating healthy habits including weight loss, maintenance, fitness and mindset.
Since joining the programme, fans have been able to see the showbiz host has slimmed down with diet and exercise.
She will regularly share pictures of her working out online showing she has kept up the gym workouts.
See the original post here:
Alison Hammond weight loss: How did she slim down? This Morning star followed this plan - Express