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Limited eating times could be a new way to fight obesity and diabetes – The Conversation UK

People with obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or high cholesterol are often advised to eat less and move more, but our new research suggests there is now another simple tool to fight off these diseases: restricting your eating time to a daily 10-hour window.
Studies done in mice and fruit flies suggest that limiting when animals eat to a daily window of 10 hours can prevent, or even reverse, metabolic diseases that affect millions in the U.S.
We are scientists - a cell biologist and a cardiologist - and are exploring the effects of the timing of nutrition on health. Results from flies and mice led us and others to test the idea of time-restricted eating in healthy people. Studies lasting more than a year showed that TRE was safe among healthy individuals. Next, we tested time-restricted eating in patients with conditions known collectively as metabolic syndrome. We were curious to see if this approach, which had a profound impact on obese and diabetic lab rats, can help millions of patients who suffer from early signs of diabetes, high blood pressure and unhealthy blood cholesterol.
Its not easy to count calories or figure out how much fat, carbohydrates and protein are in every meal. Thats why using TRE provides a new strategy for fighting obesity and metabolic diseases that affect millions of people worldwide. Several studies had suggested that TRE is a lifestyle choice that healthy people can adopt and that can reduce their risk for future metabolic diseases.
However, TRE is rarely tested on people already diagnosed with metabolic diseases. Furthermore, the vast majority of patients with metabolic diseases are often on medication, and it was not clear whether it was safe for these patients to go through daily fasting of more than 12 hours as many experiments require or whether TRE will offer any benefits in addition to those from their medications.
In a unique collaboration between our basic science and clinical science laboratories, we tested whether restricting eating to a 10-hour window improved the health of people with metabolic syndrome who were also taking medications that lower blood pressure and cholesterol to manage their disease.
We recruited patients from UC San Diego clinics who met at least three out of five criteria for metabolic syndrome: obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high level of bad cholesterol and low level of good cholesterol. The patients used a research app called myCircadianClock, developed in our lab, to log every calorie they consumed for two weeks. This helped us to find patients who were more likely to spread their eating out over the span of 14 hours or more and might benefit from 10-hour TRE.
We monitored their physical activity and sleep using a watch worn on the wrist. As some patients with bad blood glucose control may experience low blood glucose at night, we also placed a continuous glucose monitor on their arm to measure blood glucose every few minutes for two weeks.
Nineteen patients qualified for the study. Most of them had already tried standard lifestyle interventions of reducing calories and doing more physical activity. As part of this study, the only change they had to follow was to self-select a window of 10 hours that best suited their work-family life to eat and drink all of their calories, say from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Drinking water and taking medications outside this window were allowed. For the next 12 weeks they used the myCircadianClock app, and for the last two weeks of the study they also had the continuous glucose monitor and activity monitor.
After 12 weeks, the volunteers returned to the clinic for a thorough medical examination and blood tests. We compared their final results with those from their initial visit. The results, which we published in Cell Metabolism, were pleasantly surprising. We found most of them lost a modest amount of body weight, particularly fat from their abdominal region. Those who had high blood glucose levels when fasting also reduced these blood sugar levels. Similarly, most patients further reduced their blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. All of these benefits happened without any change in physical activity.
Reducing the time window of eating also had several inadvertent benefits. On average, patients reduced their daily caloric intake by a modest 8%. However, statistical analyses did not find strong association between calorie reduction and health improvement. Similar benefits of TRE on blood pressure and blood glucose control were also found among healthy adults who did not change caloric intake.
Nearly two-thirds of patients also reported restful sleep at night and less hunger at bedtime similar to what was reported in other TRE studies on relatively healthier cohorts. While restricting all eating to just a six-hour window was hard for participants and caused several adverse effects, patients reported they could easily adapt to eating within a 10-hour span. Although it was not necessary after completion of the study, nearly 70% of our patients continued with the TRE for at least a year. As their health improved, many of them reported having reduced their medication or stopped some medication.
Despite the success of this study, time-restricted eating is not currently a standard recommendation from doctors to their patients who have metabolic syndrome. This study was a small feasibility study; more rigorous randomized control trials and multiple location trials are necessary next steps. Toward that goal, we have started a larger study on metabolic syndrome patients.
Although we did not see any of our patients go through dangerously low levels of glucose during overnight fasting, it is important that time-restricted eating be practiced under medical supervision. As TRE can improve metabolic regulation, it is also necessary that a physician pays close attention to the health of the patient and adjusts medications accordingly.
We are cautiously hopeful that time-restricted eating can be a simple, yet powerful approach to treating people with metabolic diseases.
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Limited eating times could be a new way to fight obesity and diabetes - The Conversation UK
Do ice baths help in muscle recovery and weight loss? – Firstpost

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you have probably heard of ice baths. Also called cold-water immersion (CWI) or cryotherapy, the technique is thought to speed up muscle recovery, reduce inflammation and help in weight loss.
Those who swear by CWI immerse themselves in ice-cold water for 10-15 minutes, even in this cold weather.
Representational image. Image source: Getty Images.
So should you rush to turn off your geysers and fill the bathtub with ice-cold water, too? Consider this research before you decide whether to opt for an ice bath or not:
A few years ago, a team of sports scientists led by Dr Jonathan M. Peake asked a simple research question: do ice baths speed up muscle recovery after an intense workout?
To answer this question, the team studied nine test subjects who tried both ice baths and active recovery sessions after leg-focussed workouts over two separate days.
Their conclusion: CWI had no impact on inflammatory measures and cellular stress in comparison to the active recovery trial.
In other words, they found that ice baths are not better than active recovery sessions like practising Yoga, Tai chi or light resistance training for reducing pain.
The team published their findings inThe Journal of Physiologyin 2017.
Adipose or fat tissue is of two types: brown and white. White adipose tissue stores energy - this is also the type of fat that can add inches to your waist and thighs. Brown adipose fat, which is primarily located around the neck and collar bones, is metabolically active and can burn or oxidise white adipose tissue, thereby helping you lose weight.
Ice baths and cold showers can activate the brown adipose fat and muscles. Once activated, they release two hormones: irisin and FGF21. These hormones then burn white fat tissue and help you lose weight.
That this is even possible was shown by endocrinologist Dr Paul Lee of Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney. In 2014, Dr Lee undertook the study of brown adipose tissue at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US. Here's what he found: During cold exposure and exercise, the levels of irisin (produced by shivering muscle) and FGF21 (produced by brown fat) rise.
Specifically, 10-15 minutes of shivering increases irisin to such a level that it has the same effect as an hour of moderate exercise.
Additionally, Dr Lee found that around 50 grams of white fat stores more than 300 kilocalories of energy, and the same amount of brown fat could burn up to 300 kilocalories a day.
Dr Lees findings were also supported by the previous research on irisin by scientists at Harvard University.
Word to the wise: While the benefits of ice baths for fat loss are undisputed, you must be very careful about how to go about itmany experts even suggest that it should not be done without proper medical supervision because it can lead to hypothermia, which can turn fatal very quickly.
Studies have shown that what activating irisin does is that it converts white fat into healthier brown fat - this improves the glucose tolerance of the body. The latter effect can help prevent diabetes.
People living with diabetes and high cholesterol are often advised to lose weight for better health management. By helping in weight loss, ice baths also help to deal with obesity-related disorders. But the same precautions apply here, too: Do not try ice baths without medical supervision and do not overdo them. If you have a medical condition, ask your doctor before starting any new therapy.
Earlier this year, Cas J. Fuchs and his associates at the University of Maastricht focused on another claim that proponents of ice baths sometimes make: ice baths help in muscle recovery and building new muscles.
Heres what they did: they got 12 healthy men aged 21 years, give or take two years, to perform a single resistancetype leg exercise for two weeks. Each session was followed by immersing the legs in water for 20 minutes - they dipped one leg in ice-cold water and the other one in a thermoneutral or room temperature water. Next, they took protein samples from these test subjects and analysed them for myofibrillar protein synthesis rates.
Their findings: ice baths during recovery from resistancetype exercisereduces(emphasis added) myofibrillar protein synthesis rates and, as such, likely impairs muscle conditioning.
So, contrary to popular belief, the researchers said, ice baths impair the growth of new muscles, thereby blocking the recovery!
For more information on this topic, please read our article onMuscle Pain.
Health articles in Firstpost are written by, Indias first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.
Updated Date: Dec 06, 2019 16:35:12 IST
Tags : Belly Fat, Brown Fat, Build Muscles, Fat Loss, Gain Muscles, Ice Bath, Ice Bath For Weight Loss, New Muscles, NewsTracker, Pain Relief, Weight Loss
See original here:
Do ice baths help in muscle recovery and weight loss? - Firstpost
MAFS star Jules on getting married and losing –

Its been a busy few months for Married At First Sight star Jules Robinson.
Not only has the reality star pulled off the wedding of the year and her second, this time legal, ceremony to Cam Merchant, but she's managed to lose an incredible eight kilos while doing it.
Speaking to fresh after returning from her honeymoon in Vanuatu, the WW ambassador revealed she had relied on a cult kitchen gadget to eat healthy.
Cam and I have got an airfryer at the moment and were a bit obsessed with putting everything in there, you feel like youre having KFC and youre not, she said with a laugh. Its actually an amazing machine.
RELATED: Married At First Sight stars Jules and Cam tie the knot in Sydney
Robinson, who follows WWs flexible purple program, said she had managed to lose weight really easily, and still been able to indulge in a glass of wine when she wanted to.
Obviously youve got to make that change within yourself and go, Yep Im committed to this, but it was really simple and I didnt change my lifestyle in any way, Robinson said.
Im still very social and have a few drinks, and time with my girlfriends and eat still what I want, but just learning to maintain that balance of health and pulling back when you need to and just counting.
RELATED: Jules Robinson shares weight loss journey
Its honestly that easy to join WW and lose eight kilos in the space of three months, I did.
On a typical day, Robinson starts things out by eating a balanced breakfast.
This morning I had boiled eggs and Greek fat free yoghurt with a banana. At lunchtime Ill have quinoa, chicken, all different kinds of salad in there, balsamic (vinegar), she said.
And then dinner just meat and veg, and even though thats really clean and really healthy, it means I can have that glass of wine.
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While Robinsons health kick isnt just about losing weight she hopes to lose a further five kilos to be at a comfortable weight.
From the very beginning Ive said healthy is the new skinny, and by no means do I want to be skinny, she said,
I embrace having a womanly figure, I just wanted my body to feel really healthy and in check for when I want to have a child and be in the best condition.
As for her and Merchant, the couple are enjoying married life.
Well, nothings changed, she said. I did marry him the first day I met him and now Ive married him again. Im so lucky to have two weddings.
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MAFS star Jules on getting married and losing -
Do these 5 things at every meal to lose weight – New York Post

Losing weight without dieting sounds like some Harry Potter nonsense. But physician Michael Greger, author of the best-selling health book How Not To Die and founder of the myth-busting Web site, says its absolutely doable with science, not magic.
I hate diet books, writes the doctor in his new weight-loss book, How Not To Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss (Flatiron Books, Dec. 10).
Also on his hate list: pseudoscientific twaddle, before-and-after photos, filler, fantasy and, heaven forbid, fluff.
You dont need anecdotes when you have evidence, Greger says. And he has plenty. His nearly 600-page anti-diet book (a slim volume, its not) distills thousands of studies and sources into what Greger calls a novel weight loss strategy based on the best available evidence.
The biggest myth is that you have to eat less to lose weight, Greger tells The Post. Eat less, move more is the standard advice you hear, because supposedly a calorie is a calorie . . . but 100 calories from Chiclets is different from 100 calories of chicken or 100 calories of chickpeas. Its about what your body absorbs.
For Gregers tips to work, you have to eat reasonably well to start, and that means lots of whole foods and plants, including beans, greens, nuts, whole grains and berries. (Here are 10 lifesaving foods the vegan doctor thinks you should eat every day.)
But once you have a healthy baseline, there are little tricks you can use to boost your weight loss.
Try these five science-backed tweaks at every meal, Greger says, and the weight should start to drop off naturally without any cabbage-soup-keto-cleanse craziness.
Simply drinking a tall glass of water [could] wipe out nearly 100 extra calories.
Wet your palate
Maybe this will inspire you to fill up your Swell bottle: Water is a natural metabolism booster, and it works so well that simply drinking a tall glass of water four times throughout the day [could] wipe out nearly 100 extra calories, writes Greger.
Even better if its cold water which has an additional metabolism-boosting potential as you sip, your body has to work to bring the liquid to body temperature.
When you drink matters, too, because water has a stomach-filling effect, writes Greger. To best take advantage of all these benefits, chug two glasses of cold water before every meal.
Choose smarter starters
Your first bites can make or break a meal, says Greger and the right ones can effectively subtract 100 calories out of our diet.
Research backs him up: In one study he cites, scientists served people 900-calorie plates of pasta some with a starter salad made with water-rich veggies (lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, etc.), some without. The salad-eaters ultimately ate 200 fewer calories of pasta.
In a similar study, people who ate a large apple before a pasta meal an apple-tizer, Greger quips ate 300 fewer calories.
But it only works if you dont junk up the app. Desecrating a salad with fatty dressing and tons of cheese is like preloading a pizza with garlic bread, writes Greger.
But if you start each meal with an apple, a clean salad or a cup of veggie-based soup (aim for 100 calories per cup and skip the creamy stuff), youre setting yourself up for success.
Be a vin-ner
Vinegar, and especially apple cider vinegar, has gotten some buzz as a weight-loss miracle. Greger wouldnt go that far, but he is impressed with how the sour stuff helps to stabilize blood-sugar levels.
Vinegar has been used medicinally since antiquity, he writes. In fact, before the advent of blood-sugar medications, vinegar was used as a folk remedy for diabetes.
For weight-loss purposes, thats important because yo-yoing blood sugar levels are what trigger you to abandon daylong healthy habits for a 3 p.m. doughnut binge.
But dont rip shots of vinegar, as recommended by many a fitness blogger. Instead, flavor meals or dress a side salad with any of the sweet and savory vinegars out there, Greger says. He suggests balsamic, sherry, white wine, champagne and, sure, apple cider, if you like. Have two tablespoons with every meal.Focus on food
This ones easy: Go screen-free for meals.
Dont eat while watching TV or playing with your phone, writes Greger. Why? Because distraction drives us to eat more, according to several studies he details in his book.
One found that men and women who ate while watching TV averaged an extra slice of pizza or 71% more mac n cheese than their screen-free counterparts. A similar study had people eat ice cream while listening to the radio; they ate up to 77% more of the sweet stuff than those who spooned in silence.
Go slow
Yeah, everyones busy. But if you can carve out 20 minutes for every meal, you might carve out your waistline, too.
Studies have demonstrated that no matter how we boost the amount of time [that] food is in our mouths, it can result in lower caloric intake, writes Greger.
Spending 20 minutes on each meal, he explains, allows your natural satiety signals that mind-body feeling of fullness to take full effect.
It sounds tedious, but if youre following Gregers other tips (water, healthy apps), youre already well on your way. To draw out your actual meal, you can try taking smaller bites, chewing your food for longer or even filling your plate with food that naturally takes longer to eat. Have you ever tried to speed-eat a kale salad? Impossible.
Read this article:
Do these 5 things at every meal to lose weight - New York Post
Ajwain water for weight loss: Heres how you should prepare it for better results – Times of India

Ajwain, known as carom seeds in English is one of the oldest herbs that is being used since centuries for its medicinal benefits. The bitter pungent taste of these tiny seeds make them perfect for Indian dishes. In fact, ajwain is a must-use spice in many Indian curries as it helps in digestion and absorption of food. Not just this, these tiny wonderous seeds can also help you in losing weight, heres how:It improves digestionAjwain seeds help in nutrient absorption and improve digestion. This ultimately leads to less fat storage, which further leads to weight loss. When food is not well digested, it can lead up to build up waste and toxins. This can slow down your metabolism and make it difficult for you to burn calories.
Improves metabolismBy now we all know the higher the metabolism, the more weight we lose. Ajwain seeds are really effective in boosting your metabolism and thus helping you lose weight.
You can have a spoonful of ajwain right after you get up or 30 minutes before your breakfast. This will kick start your metabolism.
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Ajwain water for weight loss: Heres how you should prepare it for better results - Times of India
Emily Simpson Reveals She Lost 15 Pounds and Shows off Her New Fitter Body – Bravo

For Emily Simpson,2019 has been a year filled with health-related ups and downs. The Real Housewives of Orange County lawyer opened up earlier this year about her struggles with weight gain due tochronic pain from arthritis andmost recently, the OC mom has undergone a painful hip surgery, but that hasn't stopped her from reaching her fitness goals. In a recent Instagram post, Emily shared that she is finally seeing results after weeks of recovery and hard work and she looks absolutely stunning.
In August, Emily updated followers on her efforts to train regularly and, even though she looks amazing at any weight, fans were so happy to see the California beauty killing it in the gym. Now, Emily is happily reporting that she has lost a whopping 15 pounds due to her fitness program and that's just the beginning.
"I was in chronic pain, I was depressed and I weighed more then I ever have in my whole life! I reached out to@paulinasteinand asked her for her help. I had no idea where to start. I felt lost," she shared in her caption. It looks like Emily is turning things around in a big way thanks to the program.
"Not only did I want to lose weight to feel and look better, but I wanted to be healthier and set a good example for my kids! I havent felt this good in a long time and with a new hip, and 15 pounds off Im finally able to keep up with my kids and be more active," she continued.
Keep up the good work, Emily!
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Emily Simpson Reveals She Lost 15 Pounds and Shows off Her New Fitter Body - Bravo
Nutritional fact or fiction? Everything meal replacement companies hope you’ll take their word for – Dailyuw

Convenient and affordable, hunger-curbing and nutritious, meal replacement shakes offer the body everything it needs from a full meal at least thats what their advertising would have consumers believe.
IdealShape, Huel, Shakeology, and Nutrisystem, are just a few of the many brands today who stand at the forefront of the popular diet method of replacing meals with drinkable substitutes.
Though these brands aim to differentiate themselves from one another through their target audiences and marketing techniques, they all share a similar baseline advertisement: their products help with weight loss, provide substantial health benefits, and are time-efficient without nutritional sacrifice.
In spite of what many companies advertise, their claims of nutritional benefits are limited, as explained by Anne Lund, senior lecturer in epidemiology and the director of the graduate coordinated program in dietetics at the UW.
We dont really know why, but ultra-processed food, like shakes and powders, seem to be less healthy than less processed food even when the diets are matched for calories, energy density, macronutrients, sugar, sodium, and fiber, Lund said.
Contrary to what nutritionists understand about the products, companies such as Flat Tummy continue to advertise their shakes as being the solution to losing weight quickly while obtaining enough nutrients.
Flat Tummy advertises that its four-week, once-daily program of drinking meal replacement shakes provides protein, vitamins, minerals, fruits, and vegetables at just 140 calories per drink. The company also states the program is three times more effective in weight loss than diet and exercise individually.
The promise of weight loss, as exemplified by Flat Tummy, is a major draw for consumers and is also a large aspect of the culture surrounding meal substitute products. The question is, to what degree can consumers rely on this promise companies make?
Studies, including research from the Nutrition Journal, have demonstrated that meal replacements have indeed caused subjects to lose weight, but this weight loss tends to persist only in the short term before being gained back when consumers moved away from the products.
If consumers are turning toward meal substitutes to lose weight and maintain weight loss, then the diet of using meal replacements may become a fixed one that restricts the consumption of sufficient nutrients over time.
I do not think shakes or powders should be used as a meal replacement, Lund said. I cant imagine any of our nutrition faculty would support consuming them on a regular basis. Nutrition is a relatively young field and there is a lot that we do not know, but most research supports eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
While the time-efficiency, affordability, and nutritional advertising of meal substitute shakes may be compelling, it is important to remember that the health benefits companies claim are not backed by nutrition as a field.
So, rather than ordering a tub of meal replacement powder, the healthier alternative is to aim at structuring balanced meals that will actually provide quality nutrition. The Eating Well section of The Whole U is one helpful source to start balanced and nutritious meals.
Reach contributing writer Jax Morgan at Twitter: @jaxbmorgan
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Continued here:
Nutritional fact or fiction? Everything meal replacement companies hope you'll take their word for - Dailyuw
If Weight Loss Is Your Only Goal for Exercise, Its Time to Rethink Your Priorities – The Epoch Times

As an aesthetic society, we oftendemonize body fatand stigmatize people with lots of it. Theres often an assumption that people carrying excess weight dont exercise and must be unhealthy.
But thats not true: you can be fatandfit. In fact, as we age,low levels of fitness can be more harmful to our healththan high amounts of fat.
For those considering starting exercise, try looking beyond weight loss for motivation. No matter how much you weigh, there are always benefits to exercise.
Exercise actually does apretty poor jobof getting us to expend enough excess energy to lose weight. This is partly due to acompensatory effectof our appetite, which increases after we exercise.
Exercise changes how much fat we have as a ratio to how much lean muscle tissue we have, but this doesnt always cause big changes on the scales.
Here are five ways exercise improves our health, no matter how much we weigh.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how far and hard you can run without needing to stop, or how many stairs you can climb without being out of breath. Running for longer, or climbing more stairs, means you have a higher absolute cardiorespiratory fitness, which cannot be improved with weight loss alone.
Having a high body mass index (BMI)mayreduce the absolute intensity you can exercise but it doesnt mean it is less effective.
You may be able to jog between every third lamppost, for example, but not run consistently for 1 kilometer. While it may seem the periodic jogging is not as impressive, its all relative to your baseline and any exercise is better than none.
If youre carrying a lot of excess weight, you might prefer non-weight-bearing exercise such as swimming or cycling indoors to minimize stress on your joints, but this will depend on you and what you like doing. After all, youremore likely to continueexercising if you enjoy it.
If youre thinking but I hate running/swimming/cycling/dancing and Id rather lift weights, then lift weights! Although lifting weights doesnt have the same effects as cardio training, the benefits are still as important for mobility, joint function, and maintaining muscle mass as we age.
Exercisereduces the riskof heart disease and stroke, even in those with a chronic disease such as diabetes, irrespective of body fatness.
Regular exercisehelps lowerblood pressure, improves delivery of blood throughout the body, and reduces inflammation, even in those with a high body mass index.
Exercise improves our bodys ability to use energy. We store large amounts of energy as fat, which is quite hard to break down, as it costs a lot of oxygen compared to cheaper fuels for the body to use like glucose.
But when we exercise regularly, weincrease our bodys abilityto use fat as a fuel source as well asrequiring more energyat rest.
This doesnt necessarily mean more exercise equals more fat loss, but it does mean more fat turnover and typically less fat stored in and around the organs (the bad visceral fat).
Research hasconsistently shownthat people who exercise (regardless of body size and shape) havebetter mental healthand lower levels of stress, depression, and emotional problems.
It does this via blood flow to the brain, increased release of endorphins that make us feel happy, and by helping to moderate the brains response to stress.
Often, the hardest part is getting started with exercise or going to perform the exercise, but once you are moving, the mental health benefits begin.
While exercise may not help us lose a lot of weight on the scales, its agood wayto keep weight off and prevent weight regain.
Regular exercise continues to encourage the body to use stored fuels and remodel tissues (such as muscle) to grow healthier and stronger.
But preventing weight regain is tough. People who have lost weightmay need greater amounts of exerciseto counteract the physiological drive to return to the heavier body weight.
If you need some extra help getting started or finding a routine that suits you, talk to your general practitioner or consider seeing anaccredited exercise physiologist.
Evelyn Parris a research fellow in exercise metabolism and nutrition at the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research at the Australian Catholic University. This article was originally published by The Conversation.
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If Weight Loss Is Your Only Goal for Exercise, Its Time to Rethink Your Priorities - The Epoch Times
Setting New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep – Thrive Global

Here we are! Its December. The holidays are here; Thanksgiving has passed, and we are quickly approaching Christmas. We are also approaching a new year, when people set resolutions for themselves that they hope they can keep. This is the time of year when we see the gym at its busiest as people set resolutions of losing weight. We see proclamations all over social media of resolutions like eating healthy, getting in better shape, and saving money. However, according to research, 80% of resolutions have already stopped being pursued by the second week of February.
So, you are thinking of setting resolutions for yourself. How can you set New Years resolutions that you know youre going to stick to? How can you keep from becoming one of that 80% that just stops after a month and a half? Here are five things you can do to set New Years resolutions that you can keep:
1) First of all, lets call New Years resolutions what they are. They are goals. Yes, thats right! GOALS! Lets be clear. New Years resolutions are things that you want to change for yourself; however, by tradition, we wait until the New Year to begin working on these things. Realistically, though, you can start on these resolutions ahem, goals anytime you want! If you really want to make changes in your life and you want to set goals for yourself, begin considering them as goals that you can accomplish. Seeing resolutions as goals can help you focus on achieving them.
2) Be specific. Youve heard this before! Dont set general, vague goals that do not give you something specific to work towards. For example, losing weight is not the same thing as losing 10 pounds by June 19th. Clearly defining a goal means that there will be a clear finish line when you get there!
3) Be realistic. Im sure youve also heard this before! Dont set a goal of saving $1500 by May if you know that, after paying for bills and other expenses, you wont have $1500 to save. The less realistic a goal is, the less likely it will be that you will reach that goal. However, just as with being specific, if you set a goal for yourself that is realistic something that you know you can actually achieve guess what? You might actually achieve it!
4) Set deadlines. This is something that I have always taught to students I have worked with. If you really want to achieve a goal, lay out a plan for yourself to follow. A plan is like a blueprint it outlines what you want to build, and following the blueprint allows you to actually build it. Take your goal, and break it down into smaller, manageable pieces, or mini-goals. Set deadlines for those mini-goals. Doing so can help you stay on track!
5) Get a support system. So, you want to lose weight. But you work in an office that has weekly potlucks. Or your spouse insists on having dessert every night. And youre thinking to yourself how in the world am I going to lose weight when I am surrounded by constant temptation? Yes, its important to motivate yourself; however, how much more likely do you think you will be to succeed if you are surrounded by people who are supportive of you accomplishing your goal? This is not to say that, once youve made your intentions known, your coworkers wont support you, or that your spouse is going to keep setting a plate full of sugary sweets in front of you every night after dinner. But your success is more likely if you communicate your goal with others, and gain their support along the way. As we know, those who truly want you to succeed will have your back. And those that dont well, thats a whole other issue that well talk about another time.
I hope that your biggest takeaway from all of this is that, if you really want to stick to a New Years resolution, dont call it that! Its a goal that you want to accomplish to make positive changes in your life in some way. Once you start seeing it as something that you can truly reach, you will start to believe that you can get there, no matter what time of year it is.
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Setting New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep - Thrive Global
Weight Loss: Breakfast Options That Can Keep You Full For Longer And Help You Lose Weight – NDTV News

Weight loss: Choose foods which can keep you full for longer to lose weight
Weight loss requires consumption of restricted calories. Adding such foods that can keep you full for longer can help you consume fewer calories. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast can affect your energy levels throughout the day and can decide your eating pattern throughout the day. If you consume the right breakfast you are more likely to eat less throughout the day as it will keep you full for longer. If you are trying to lose weight you must never skip breakfast. Choosing the right ingredients for breakfast is also very important. Here are some weight loss friendly breakfast options that can keep you full for longer.
When you hearth the word breakfast eggs might be your first thought. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods for breakfast. The best part is you can cook eggs in multiple ways. You can boil an egg, scramble it, fry it or make an omelette. Eggs are also loaded with protein which also helps in weight loss. A large boiled egg contains fewer calories than can keep you full for longer.
Also read:Weight Loss: Try These High Protein Breakfast Options Which Can Help You Lose Weight
Oats are extremely healthy and weight loss friendly too. You can consume oats for breakfast. Oats are loaded with fibre which can keep you full for longer. It will help you prevent eating before lunch. You can make oats more nutritious by adding nuts or fresh fruits to it. Adding flaxseeds to oats is also amazing for your health.
Weight loss: Oats are rich in fiber which can keep you full for longerPhoto Credit: iStock
Nuts are loaded with many essential and micronutrients. Adding nuts to your breakfast will make it healthy and nutritious. A handful of nuts are enough as nuts are loaded with calories as well. You can consume nuts in restricted quantity with a glass of milk or shake or smoothie.
Also read:Nuts, The Powerhouse Of Nutrients Can Help You Lose Weight; The Best Nuts For Weight Loss And How To Consume Them
Shakes and smoothies are also healthy for you which can keep you full for longer. You can prepare shakes and smoothies with your favourite fruits. You can also add your protein powder to your shakes and smoothies.
Weight loss breakfast: Choose shakes and smoothies over fruit juice for weight lossPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals This Winter By Adding These Seasonal Fruits To Your Diet
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