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5 Signs You Have "Too Much Fat" in Your Liver Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Fat can build up almost anywhere on the body, including the liver. Having small amounts of fat in the body's second largest organ is normal, but too much can cause serious health complications. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or steatosis is a common condition that "occurs in people who aren't heavy drinkers. The condition affects one in three adults and one in 10 children in the United States, the Cleveland Clinic states. In some cases it can cause liver damage, but the good news is you can reverse it with healthy lifestyle changes and habits. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with John Angstadt, MD Director of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Staten Island University Hospital who shares what to know about steatosis and signs you have it. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID.
Dr. Angstadt explains, "The health concern regarding your liver and fat is fat that is deposited within the liver. Medically, we call this condition steatosis. You have steatosis when the amount of fat in your liver exceeds 5% of your liver's weight. You deposit fat in the liver when you consume excess calories. Any increase in calorie intake can cause steatosis. Sugary drinks and alcohol are cited as common culprits as they add calories to your diet but really have no clear nutritional value. We tend not to count liquid calories and it is easy to consume a lot of calories in a short period of time."
Dr. Angstadt tells us, "Today most steatosis is related to your weight. Patients at risk are those with a body mass index over 30. Body mass index or BMI correlates your weight to your height and is a general indicator of whether you have excess weight on your body. As your BMI increases so does your risk of depositing fat into your liver. We also see steatosis in patients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and patients taking certain types of medications."
"Steatosis poses a significant risk if the disease progresses," Dr. Angstadt states. "In some patients the fat in the liver leads to an inflammatory reaction called steatohepatitis. This inflammation can lead to scarring in the liver, the hallmark of cirrhosis. Once the scar tissue forms, it cannot be removed or treated so the best treatment is to avoid progression of the disease."
According to Dr. Angstadt, "Weight loss is the best way to reduce or eliminate the fat in your liver. You can lose weight with diet and exercise but if you have significant weight to lose (BMI over 35), surgical options provide a better result. If you have diabetes, it is critical that you get your disease under good control. If you have been told you have fatty liver, it is best to avoid alcohol of any kind. Dr. Angstadt emphasizes finding a good program and support network is helpful. "Staten Island University Hospital has a comprehensive Medical and Surgical weight loss program. Using the newest medical advances, we help our patients achieve medically safe weight loss and reduce their risk of developing life shortening diseases. Live longer and better."
Dr. Angstadt says, "Most patients with steatosis have no symptoms which is what makes the disease more dangerous. Some patients note the following symptoms:
Heather Newgen
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5 Signs You Have "Too Much Fat" in Your Liver Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Lose weight with these morning habits… – The Independent

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Weight gain is really an enemy at the gates for many of us as we get older. Whether or not youre an older person, getting up on the wrong side of the bed can make your whole day go upside down. In fact, setting the wrong tone for the day also makes you gain weight.
According to the University of Pennsylvanias School of Medicines research associate professor in psychiatry Nammy Goel, the way we prepare ourselves for the morning ahead affects our mood, our productivity and both our short and long-term health.
In addition, those early hours also make a difference to our body composition, with certain dietary and lifestyle choices having a strong bearing on our calorie intake throughout the day.
Here are some tips that might help:
Let the light in
Draw your curtains first thing, no matter how groggy or tired you may be feeling. How much sunlight you get in the morning actually lowers your body mass index, according to research.
Drink a tall glass of water first, then eat a high-protein breakfast
Water flushes out whatever toxins have been accumulating in the body through the night. It keeps you hydrated as well, which boosts your metabolism. According to Health Digest, in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, for every 500 millilitres of water you drink your metabolic rate is boosted by 30% which leads to more energy being expended throughout the day.
There is a reason breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It sets the course for the day. Protein may aid in weight loss by decreasing the levels of ghrelin, or the hunger hormone, that is responsible for increasing appetite.
Try eggs, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese and chia seeds.
Weigh yourself
Weighing yourself daily results in greater weight loss. According to one study involving 47 people, those who weighed themselves daily lost about 6kg more over six months than those who weighed themselves less often.
Its wiser to weigh yourself before you eat or drink anything, and after you go to the bathroom, as weight tends to fluctuate during the day.
Do a light workout if possible
Working out in the morning is a great way to start the day. If youre not a morning person, opt for a light workout and some simple stretches, and then maybe go for something more rigorous in the evening instead.
Sleep more if you can
Going to bed earlier or getting up a little later is actually a good thing, as sleep helps you lose weight.
Sleep deprivation is often associated with increased appetite and food cravings. A healthy sleep cycle is therefore imperative for weight loss.
Practice mindfulness or some meditation
It may seem odd to think about meditation as youve just been sleeping, but its a good way to set the tone for the day and approach your daily tasks with a calm and relaxed attitude.
The post Lose weight with these morning habits appeared first on The Independent World News.
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Lose weight with these morning habits... - The Independent
Weight of the Nation: There are options to treat obesity, but some seldom used (Part 4 of 5) – WBAL TV Baltimore

Treatment for people with obesity -- including groundbreaking medications that are nearly as effective as bariatric surgery -- aren't often prescribed.Jackie Benz is a tiny woman. But most of her life, she has been heavy."I was tired all the time. I was barely existing," Benz said.About two years ago, frustrated with failed diets, Benz underwent bariatric surgery."I've lost over 100 pounds. I've run my first 5K," Benz said. "I think a half-marathon is probably my ultimate goal."Bariatric surgery has been the gold standard for treatment, but most people with obesity aren't heavy enough to qualify for it."Surgery has been traditionally the best way of losing weight and keeping it off," said Dr. Kuldeep Singh, director of the Maryland Bariatric Center.But now there are pharmaceutical treatments that are showing tremendous promise."It's a very exciting time," Singh said.Last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved Wegovy, or semaglutide, for weight loss. The FDA is in the process of approving Mounjaro, or tirzepatide, for weight loss. Both drugs were initially used to treat diabetes, but they have also been found to suppress appetite."The weight loss with these medications is about 20% to 25% -- pretty close to the surgery -- and they are very safe. So, I think it's revolutionary," Singh said.Significantly more patients qualify for this treatment than they do for surgery."(Someone with a body mass index of) 28 or above, or somebody who has diabetes (can qualify). That's more than 98% of people with obesity. So, it's not a small fraction," Singh said.It all sounds very promising. But according to the STOP Obesity Alliance, fewer than 1% of providers are prescribing the drugs to their patients with obesity. One of the reasons is the medications are not covered by most insurance policies or Medicare."Most of the states that we've studied, state employee programs provide for nutritional counseling. Most states provide for bariatric surgery. But fewer states -- only 20% -- provide for pharmacological interventions for drug therapy," said Dr. Bill Dietz, director of the STOP Obesity Alliance.Wegovy can cost more than $1,500 a month and Mounjaro can cost $1,000 a month. Patients need to take the drugs indefinitely or they will gain the weight back."The challenge is, it has to be continuous, and at the current prices, many plans are averse to allowing the use of those drugs," Dietz said.Singh believes the perspective is short-sighted."Imagine you lose weight, come off diabetes and all the health care savings that come (with that), but somebody has to look at the bigger picture," he said.Dietz laid much of the blame on primary care providers."I think the failure to prescribe these drugs, or to explore drug therapy, reflects the kind of bias and stigma associated with obesity, that people -- including providers -- blame people for their obesity and see it as a behavioral problem. 'If they only change their behavior, then the problem would go away.' We know that's not the case. We know it's a medical problem, we know it's a disease and a disease requiring therapy," Dietz said.Benz said she's glad she took the step to get treated. She said the recovery wasn't easy, but it's worthwhile."Words can't express. It's been life-changing in all areas," she said.
Treatment for people with obesity -- including groundbreaking medications that are nearly as effective as bariatric surgery -- aren't often prescribed.
Jackie Benz is a tiny woman. But most of her life, she has been heavy.
"I was tired all the time. I was barely existing," Benz said.
About two years ago, frustrated with failed diets, Benz underwent bariatric surgery.
"I've lost over 100 pounds. I've run my first 5K," Benz said. "I think a half-marathon is probably my ultimate goal."
Bariatric surgery has been the gold standard for treatment, but most people with obesity aren't heavy enough to qualify for it.
"Surgery has been traditionally the best way of losing weight and keeping it off," said Dr. Kuldeep Singh, director of the Maryland Bariatric Center.
But now there are pharmaceutical treatments that are showing tremendous promise.
"It's a very exciting time," Singh said.
Last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved Wegovy, or semaglutide, for weight loss. The FDA is in the process of approving Mounjaro, or tirzepatide, for weight loss. Both drugs were initially used to treat diabetes, but they have also been found to suppress appetite.
"The weight loss with these medications is about 20% to 25% -- pretty close to the surgery -- and they are very safe. So, I think it's revolutionary," Singh said.
Significantly more patients qualify for this treatment than they do for surgery.
"(Someone with a body mass index of) 28 or above, or somebody who has diabetes (can qualify). That's more than 98% of people with obesity. So, it's not a small fraction," Singh said.
It all sounds very promising. But according to the STOP Obesity Alliance, fewer than 1% of providers are prescribing the drugs to their patients with obesity. One of the reasons is the medications are not covered by most insurance policies or Medicare.
"Most of the states that we've studied, state employee programs provide for nutritional counseling. Most states provide for bariatric surgery. But fewer states -- only 20% -- provide for pharmacological interventions for drug therapy," said Dr. Bill Dietz, director of the STOP Obesity Alliance.
Wegovy can cost more than $1,500 a month and Mounjaro can cost $1,000 a month. Patients need to take the drugs indefinitely or they will gain the weight back.
"The challenge is, it has to be continuous, and at the current prices, many plans are averse to allowing the use of those drugs," Dietz said.
Singh believes the perspective is short-sighted.
"Imagine you lose weight, come off diabetes and all the health care savings that come (with that), but somebody has to look at the bigger picture," he said.
Dietz laid much of the blame on primary care providers.
"I think the failure to prescribe these drugs, or to explore drug therapy, reflects the kind of bias and stigma associated with obesity, that people -- including providers -- blame people for their obesity and see it as a behavioral problem. 'If they only change their behavior, then the problem would go away.' We know that's not the case. We know it's a medical problem, we know it's a disease and a disease requiring therapy," Dietz said.
Benz said she's glad she took the step to get treated. She said the recovery wasn't easy, but it's worthwhile.
"Words can't express. It's been life-changing in all areas," she said.
Read more here:
Weight of the Nation: There are options to treat obesity, but some seldom used (Part 4 of 5) - WBAL TV Baltimore
How to Remove the "Hidden Fat" in Your Belly Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Is your belly fat bothering you? While excess fat of any kind is unhealthy, visceral fat is particularly dangerous. "Abdominal obesity not only increases your risk for a first heart attack or stroke, but also the risk for recurrent events after the first misfortune," says Dr. Hanieh Mohammadi of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. "Maintaining a healthy waist circumference is important for preventing future heart attacks and strokes regardless of how many drugs you may be taking or how healthy your blood tests are." Here are five scientifically-backed ways to get rid of belly fat. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID.
Exercise is a key factor in helping blast belly fat. "Health experts say consistent, moderate exercise by itself appears to help the body rid itself of vast amounts of deep abdominal fat even when your scale doesn't register a loss," says CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "If you're at a good weight, but still have trouble losing that belly fat, make sure you're doing the right kind of exercise. While sit-ups only tighten abdominal muscles, studies show strength training can reduce belly fat. The American College of Sports Medicine agrees the best way to achieve a "six pack" of abs is to focus more on lowering total body fat through aerobic exercise and diet. ACSM also says ab exercises are most effective when tailored to your individual needs. So, consult a trainer who can help you design the best program for you to lose the belly fat."
Eating a diet rich in healthy, nutritious whole foods is important for losing belly fat. "Nutrition plays a vital role in reducing abdominal fat," says Bret Scher, MD. "Many diets that promote weight loss, including vegan diets and chronic caloric restriction, can help people lose belly fat. However, the key is finding a sustainable diet that provides adequate nutrition and still helps you lose belly fat. For many, a low-carb diet may be an effective option, and adding intermittent fasting is also promising."6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e
Stress-eating may make belly fat worse, experts say. "It's not just a formula of calories in and calories out. What we eat and how much may determine our overall weight, but stress influences where that fat actually gets deposited on our body," says Elissa Epel, PhD. "We know that excessive exposure to cortisol can increase belly fat. So it's logical that stress reduction should minimize it."
Studies show that people who strength train have less belly fat, even if they don't lose weight from the exercise. "Stick with basic moves that work the major muscle groupsshoulders, chest, back, abs, butt, legs, and arms," says Sherri MacMillan, owner of Northwest Personal Training in Portland, Oregon. "As you get stronger, continue to increase your weight load to counter gradual muscle loss."
Research from the Mayo Clinic shows eating breakfast is linked to a decrease in belly fat. "For reasons that we don't quite understand yet, eating breakfast seems to be a marker of, No. 1, less likelihood of having gained weight recently, and, No. 2, a smaller belly circumference and less visceral fat," says cardiologist Dr. Virend Somers. "Those who ate breakfast very frequently put on less than 3 pounds in the past year. Those who ate breakfast maybe one to four times a week put on about 5 pounds. The ones who didn't eat breakfast at all put on about 8 pounds in the year prior to them seeing us."
Ferozan Mast
See the rest here:
How to Remove the "Hidden Fat" in Your Belly Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Is green coffee good for you? A food scientist debunks the hype – Inverse

Sometimes it seems there are so many supposed superfoods out there that they ought to have their own cinematic universe and a Snyder cut. Green coffee beans, which are simply coffee beans that havent been roasted yet, have a long history of being called superfoods, from the green coffee they brew to extracts in a vitamin supplement.
In 2012, TV personality Dr. Oz endorsed green coffee bean extract as a surefire way to lose weight, which is always a red flag. Subsequently, the Federal Trade Commission charged a company profiting off this fad with deceiving consumers. Whats more, a 2014 paper demonstrating green coffee bean extracts safety and effectiveness as a weight loss supplement was retracted, and all this together ought to be enough of an answer.
Just to be thorough, Rui Hai Liu, a food science professor at Cornell University, helped us dive into the myth behind unroasted coffee beans.
First of all, coffee any kind of coffee brings health benefits. Coffee beans contain over 800 naturally occurring compounds. While the Internet ping-pongs on whether coffee is good or bad, theres evidence that coffee contains health-boosting chemicals.
As with many purported superfoods, green coffee is heralded as a rich antioxidant source. These antioxidants in green coffee come from a phytochemical, or naturally occurring plant chemical, called chlorogenic acid. Theres a belief that chlorogenic acid influences how quickly the body metabolizes fat, and while there has been some evidence that it may, the evidence isnt clear.
I think that people just like the term green coffee, Liu tells Inverse.
In a previous Check, Please! on coffee, computational materials chemist at the University of Oregon, Christopher Hendon, tells Inverse, literally everything on earth contains antioxidants. Antioxidants dont make green coffee beans or their beverage byproduct special.
Compared to coffee made from roasted beans, green coffee has more chlorogenic acid, though that doesnt make it healthier. Yes, theres more of this compound, but there is not much scientific evidence behind whether its a superior choice to roasted coffee, Liu says.
As for the claim that green coffee can help one lose weight, which isnt at all the same as being healthy, Liu says, I think thats misleading. Theres no additional benefit that comes with drinking green coffee, he says.
Personally, Liu opts for coffee made from roasted beans. Otherwise, you wont get the coffee aroma, he says. Thats what the roasting process is all about.
Green coffee bean extract comes in the form of a vitamin supplement, which means even higher levels of concentrated chlorogenic acid. These high levels may actually be toxic, Liu says.
The problem right now is that you cannot control [the] amount of the compound in the dietary supplement in that extract, he says. So you may overdose. The extract often contains far higher doses of a chemical than one could imbibe from daily coffee, even if thats more than a few cups a day. Whats more, taking dietary supplements, in general, may offer exponentially higher amounts of a vitamin or compound, but the body loses all the plants phytochemicals that benefit us in complex ways.
Switch to green coffee if you prefer flavors described as acrid and grassy. Otherwise, regular coffee is just fine.
CHECK, PLEASE is an Inverse series that uses biology, chemistry, and physics to debunk the biggest food myths and assumptions.
Now read this: Is decaf coffee caffeine-free? Dr. Coffee shares the answer
Continued here:
Is green coffee good for you? A food scientist debunks the hype - Inverse
Cutting Edge: With this balloon pill, you can lose weight without surgery, control sugar spikes – The Indian Express

Most overweight people dont know where to begin and can do with a little help to get them started. A new pill may help them in this journey of self-determination and health improvement. Its rather simple to use. Ingest it, keep it in the stomach where it swells up and cuts down your appetite.
The Central Drug Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) recently approved a medical weight-loss device the Allurion Swallowable Capsule which its US makers believe to be a cutting edge step, combining technology with Pavlovian conditioning, to bring about behavioural change to tackle obesity. The US-based Allurion Technologies Inc has developed a non-endoscopic, non-surgical intervention in the form of a swallowable pill. Now this inflates like a balloon inside the stomach upon being filled with water. Its polyurethane-membrane expands and when it reaches full capacity, degrades itself and is ultimately excreted at the end of four months. The resultant fullness in the stomach is aimed at controlling feelings of hunger, ultimately training the individual in portion control. The device is also accompanied by a weighing scale and a smartphone application that enables weight loss tracking and communication between the patient and their care team, which may include nutritionists, physicians and psychologists. The results can last a lifetime. By the time the balloon passes, youve developed new food preferences, adjusted to smaller portion sizes, and developed a new understanding of your body which leads to longer and sustained results.
How does tech regulate biochemical mechanism?Weight loss depends on the hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which regulate feelings of satiety and hunger. Leptin is a hormone, made by fat cells, that decreases your appetite while ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite, and also plays a role in body weight. With the water-filled balloon occupying space in the stomach, a feeling of fullness remains, which is coupled with food portion control aided by the application nudges. With hunger going down, the balloon regulates and delays the emptying of the stomach, which prevents insulin spikes that come with dumping of the high carbohydrate food.
What has studies shown so far when it comes to device safety, efficacy and adverse events?A key study on the safety and efficacy of the device has been a multi-centre (19 centres, located in Europe and West Asia), prospective, non-randomised, open-label study of 1,770 patients, published in August 2020, which recorded 14.2 per cent of total body weight loss (TBWL).
Sixty-three patients (3.6 per cent) did not complete the programme and had the balloon removed before four months due to intolerance or other adverse events. Of these, 11 (0.6 per cent) empty balloons were vomitted after being ingested, and 52 (2.9 per cent) patients had intolerance requiring balloon removal. Eleven (0.6 per cent) balloons deflated early. There were three small bowel obstructions requiring laparoscopic surgery. All three occurred in 2016 from an earlier design of the balloon. Apart from measuring TBWL, BMI loss and percent excess weight loss, the study also measured change in laboratory values of triglycerides, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which are cholesterol indicators, and HbA1c (percentage), which is a diabetes indicator, among patients following the Allurion regimen. The study reported improvement in metabolic indicators, which then spurred another study on the role of Allurion swallowable balloon in Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and prediabetes treatment, comprising 226 patients at five diabetes centres.
The study reported that after four months of treatment, there was a reduction by 1.5 percent in HbA1c level among T2D patients and 1.1 percent reduction among pre-diabetics. A study was also conducted to look at the efficacy of sequential the Allurion balloon treatment, which meant that after three months of the first balloon treatment, a second balloon was inserted, the whole process taking upto a year. According to the company, two sequential balloon treatments resulted in an average TBWL of 22.8 per cent against the 14.4 percent after a single balloon treatment, and not a single adverse event was reported. A study is also going on in the USA to compare sequential balloon treatment against a control arm receiving only exercise and diet. To see the efficacy in maintaining the weight lost over a prolonged period, a 16-month follow up of 509 patients have shown that 95 per cent of the subjects sustained a weight loss at 16 months.
What are the pros and cons you need to know about?Dr Mohit Bhandari, an Indore-based bariatric and endoscopic surgeon and who spearheaded a small trial in India prior to CDSCO approval, says that of the patients who need bariatric surgery, only one per cent goes ahead with it owing to the fear of the knife and hesitation over surgical scars. Dr Ram Chhutani, chief medical officer and founding partner of Allurion, adds that sometimes surgical interventions come with a risk of developing additional infections or post-surgery weight gain. This can be avoidable with the balloon device. And if overweight patients pursue multiple Elipse balloon treatments in a series, they will just be spending 20 minutes as an OPD patient.
Can the scope of the pill be extended in other body conditions?While the studies conducted so far have established that weight loss can be maintained over a sustained period of 16 months, further studies are going on to see if it can be extended to two years. Our next endeavour or challenge is to show whether similar control over diabetes can be sustained over a long-term period as well. We do not have that data yet. But our hypothesis is that if we can sustain weight-loss, there is no reason why we should not be able to sustain that improvement in HbA1c. There are other mechanisms at work as well, hormonal mechanisms related to the balloon when it comes to improvement of diabetes, says Dr Chhutani.
However, he adds that while there may be sustained improvement in HbA1c, but not to the extent of the sustained weight loss Allurion has achieved, the same can be significantly tackled through diabetes medication. Dr Chhutani also adds that the future scope could include the effect on women facing obesity-induced infertility or those suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
How feasible is this in the Indian context?The CDSCO nod requires that this method can be an option for those aged above 16 years of age and those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 27. Given the co-morbidities associated with obesity, (the latest NFHS showed an increase from 21 per cent to 24 percent among women and 19 per cent to 23 percent in men between 2016 and 2021), Dr Bhandari stresses that it becomes a viable alternative. However, the company has also been marketing the device as a go-to device to resort to for weight loss before major life events such as weddings. Founder and CEO of Allurion, Dr Shantanu Gaur, is quick to defend that the company is agnostic, and is administering it only through doctors to prevent misuse. The regimen including the device and the back-end technology is expected to cost around Rs 3.5 lakh. But in case of widespread use in India, it could become cheaper in the future. In comparison, bariatric surgery may cost upto Rs 5-6 lakh.
However, Allurion is only partially covered under insurance at present unlike bariatric surgery, and remains absent from state and Central Government schemes. According to Dr Bhandari, the device is expected to be covered under the Central Government Health Scheme in the near future.
Additionally, with food habits, demographic and socio-cultural profile, along with genetic factors affecting obesity, the large-scale study of 1,700 patients did not include any centre from India. However, Dr Chhutani clarifies that the Middle-Eastern centres included in the study cover the profile similar to that of Indians, thus being a surrogate. Additionally, Dr Bhandari headed a study, comprising 150 patients in India as part of the CDSCO approval process.
Why front-loading calories may not help you lose weight – Medical News Today

Prior research has suggested that the time of day when large meals are consumed may influence weight loss.
One study from 2013 shows that consuming a high calorie breakfast and reducing calories at dinner could promote weight loss in individuals with obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Another study from 2018 shows that eating early in the morning reduces appetite in the evening, which could help facilitate weight loss.
But how both timing and distribution of caloric intake throughout the day impact weight loss have been relatively unexplored until now.
In a new study, researchers conducted a randomized controlled feeding trial comparing the effects of large morning meals with large evening meals. They found that both mealtimes resulted in similar weight loss outcomes. However, those who ate larger meals in the morning reported lower levels of hunger by the evening.
The results were published on September 9 in the journal Cell Metabolism.
For the study, researchers recruited 30 participants with clinical overweight or obesity but were otherwise healthy. They included 16 men and 14 women with an average age of 50.9.
Of the participants, 14 were randomized to eat a large morning meal diet (MM) first, while 16 received the large evening meal diet (EM) first.
After 4 weeks on one diet, participants underwent a series of tests and a washout diet before switching to the other diet for an additional 4 weeks.
Breakfast on the MM diet included 45% of the total daily caloric intake, while dinner included 20%. The inverse was true for the EM diet.
Bot intervention diets contained around 1,700 calories and similar levels of macronutrients. They comprised around 30% protein, 35% carbohydrate, and 35% fat.
Throughout the study, researchers recorded measures from the participants, including:
Throughout the study, the participants lost an average of over 3 kilograms each during the 4-week periods.
After analyzing the results, the researchers found that eating larger meals in the morning did not result in more weight loss or energy expenditure than those who ate larger meals in the evening.
They noted, however, that participants on the MM diet reported significantly lower hunger levels in the evening.
[The researchers] were interested in testing the impact of meal distribution on energy expenditure, rather than finding out what would happen if they simply prescribed meals in a free-living situation for a period of time on appetite, Leonie Heilbronn Ph.D., professor at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia, not involved in the study, told Medical News Today.
But what they found was that changes in appetite, not energy expenditure, are probably explaining the impacts that eating early are having [on body weight], she noted.
When asked what might explain why portion size in the morning might reduce hunger later in the day yet not affect weight loss, Prachi Singh, Ph.D., associate professor of clinical science at Louisiana State University, not involved in the study, told MNT:
This may be related to the study design and the short study duration. The study required the participants to eat the same number of calories during the MM and EM diet plans. So irrespective of how hungry they felt, they tried to eat all the meals provided.
In real-life settings, it is likely that the effect of eating a large morning meal on hunger may result in lower calorie intake during the day and a larger weight loss than someone choosing to eat a big evening meal. More importantly, the reduction in hunger with MM diet plan is likely to make the calorie restriction sustainable and may help in weight loss maintenance.
Prachi Singh Ph.D., associate professor of clinical science at LSU
Alexandra Johnstone, Ph.D., RNutr, professor of Medical Sciences Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen, one of the studys authors, noted that their results suggest that the appetite system may get attuned to food intake cues following an overnight fast.
This, she noted, might be linked to why a larger meal has a positive impact on controlling appetite. However, she said that further studies are needed to explore this.
Prof. Johnstone noted that circadian rhythms could also influence appetite and weight loss via a time-of-day effect on physiology and behavior.
It is a two-way process though, as meals and mealtimes can also influence circadian rhythms, Prof. Johnstone said.
Meal time is a major cue to help regulate circadian rhythms. Jet lag would be a classic example of when our circadian rhythms are desynchronized to our light cycle or clock time, and this has an influence on gastric emptying as one factor involved in appetite control.
When asked how circadian rhythm may impact appetite and weight loss, Dr. Singh said:
In terms of energy metabolism, the circadian system promotes energy utilization [and] expenditure during the morning in anticipation of activity while it encourages energy storage at night in anticipation of rest. When the fasting [and] feeding times do not align with the circadian system, there is an adverse effect on metabolism which may lead to obesity and related adverse cardiometabolic outcomes.
On the other hand, it may be hypothesized that increased circadian alignment such as those resulting from MM diet will likely aid weight loss via increased energy expenditure. However, based on this study and other studies, it seems that the energy expenditure does not increase with MM or [a] more circadian aligned meal plan in conditions of calorie restriction, she noted.
As a result, a similar weight loss was observed with MM and EM isocaloric diet plans. However, independent of circadian rhythm, the MM did show a daytime appetite suppressing effects which may promote weight loss efforts via calorie restriction.
Prachi Singh Ph.D., associate professor of clinical science at LSU
The researchers concluded that eating larger meals in the morning may facilitate weight loss by reducing appetite instead of influencing energy balance.
When asked about the studys limitations, Johanna W. Lampe, Ph.D., RD, professor and associate division director of the Cancer Prevention Program at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, not involved in the study, told MNT:
The goal to be able to examine appetite within a person necessitated a crossover design, which may not have been ideal for a weight loss study, especially with the short washout period that did not allow measures to return to baseline.
Further, 4-weeks is relatively short for a weight loss study; it is not clear whether the hypothesized mechanisms at play would have sufficient time to respond to the shift in feeding, she added.
Lampe noted that the findings are nevertheless intriguing and that the methods used to provide rigorous evaluation of the diet treatment effects.
Sapna Batheja, Ph.D., RDN, assistant professor at the Department of Food and Nutrition Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, not involved in the study, noted to MNT that the results may have been impacted by external factors as the participants were in free-living environments.
Some of these factors include environmental factors and the satiety level of participants to consume the meals, she said.
Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University, not involved in the study, told MNT that the effects of energy intake timing may vary between people.
The issue of energy intake timing and body weight balance likely has more to do with a persons lifestyle; opportunities for eating throughout the day, types of foods available, and responsibilities for food preparation.
Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University
These factors will vary from person to person, Lichtenstein added.
That is possibly why time-restricted eating works for some people and not others. In the free living situation, some people may have lifestyles that dictate time-restricted eating and others do not.
The rest is here:
Why front-loading calories may not help you lose weight - Medical News Today
Weight Loss: 7 Everyday Foods That Might Be Slowing Your Weight Loss & What To Eat Instead – NDTV

Weight Loss: Pre-made iced tea is abundant in sugar and low in nutrients
Trying to lose weight can be time-consuming and often takes a lot of research and hard work. Often, we are acquainted with certain foods and food groups that might be labeled healthy or diet-friendly. However, these foods might worsen if not better for you.
When on a weight loss journey, it is ideal to do proper research on what food and food groups might pose helpful. In this article, we discuss 10 foods that might be slowing your weight loss journey. We also suggest healthier alternatives for these foods.
1. Yogurt cups
Store-bought yogurt cups are typically heavy with sugar and lacking in hunger-suppressing macronutrients that can aid in weight loss. While homemade yogurt has a lot of satiating protein and gut-healthy bacteria. Hence, try adding homemade yogurt to your diet.
2. Store-bought bread
When trying to reduce weight, you should completely avoid consuming overly refined bread. No matter white or brown, store-bought bread is heavily processed. According to studies, eating whole grains reduces visceral fat deposits in the body whereas consuming refined grains increases them. Opt for homemade bread, rotis, brown rice, etc.
3. Fruit juices
Despite the current popularity of juice cleanses, the technique used to prepare juice removes fibre, which is the component that makes our food filling. As a result, you end up consuming a caloric beverage that increases your blood sugar and causes a crash that makes you hungry and is counterproductive to weight reduction. Instead, consume freshly cut fruits.
4. Pre-made coffee
Coffee on its own has accounted for global praise for its many benefits on the body and even for weight loss. However, store-bought, or coffee available at cafes, etc. is abundant in full-fat dairy and sugar. Both of which in abundance spike our calorie intake and also are extremely unhealthy. Instead, make your coffee yourself. This helps you control the content you are consuming.
5. Granola bars
Protein is typically absent from traditional granola bars, which are usually made only of sugar and hydrogenated oils. Although they keep us feeling full, they are not abundant in nutrients. Instead, consume homemade meals that are rich in protein and other nutrients that keep you full as well as satiated.
6. Packed tea
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), catechins, and polyphenols are among many antioxidants present in tea. Tea has been proven to improve metabolism, prevent the growth of new fat cells, and protect against disease. However, pre-made tea is very low in these antioxidants and rich in sugar and preservatives.
7. Artificial sweeteners
Even though these sweeteners are small in quantity, they can cause significant weight gain and increase cravings for sugar. In fact, consuming a lot of artificial sweeteners has been related to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Instead, opt for jaggery or other sweeteners that may be available through local markets to avoid preservatives, etc.
In conclusion, certain foods advertised as low-calorie might cause even worse effects on our bodies in the long run. You are encouraged to try to consume as many homemade foods as possible. This helps you avoid ultra-processed foods and foods that do more harm than good.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Read more:
Weight Loss: 7 Everyday Foods That Might Be Slowing Your Weight Loss & What To Eat Instead - NDTV
Everyone’s Sipping On Belly Fat-Reducing Enzyme CoffeeHere’s What Nutritionists Think Of It – Parade Magazine

Belly fat is stubborn. Trying to get rid of it can feel like a losing game, even with the proper diet. But one drink that many people are sipping on for its purported belly fat-reducing abilities is enzyme coffee.
Enzyme coffee is powdered coffee that has added chromium (a mega dose 1,000 mg which is 2857% of your daily value), green tea leaf extract, green coffee bean extract, guarana, yerba mate, all mixed together, explains Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in Miami, Florida.
Enzyme coffee is very high in caffeine225 mg of caffeine from both the coffee and green coffee bean.
Theres also yerba mate, which also contains caffeine, but is not listed the mg of caffeine it provides, therefore could be potentially higher, adds Ehasni. It also contains L-theanine, an amino acid found in teas, and alpha-GPC, a phospholipid, and a herb and root extract.
Related: Is Coffee Good for Weight Loss?
She points out that a regular cup of coffee is typically around 95 mg of caffeine per cup.
Technically, there are no specific scientific studies out there that support the idea that enzyme coffee will melt away your belly fat.
However, Ehsani points out that it does contain a lot of caffeine and chromium.
Chromium is an essential mineralit helps regulate glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, she says. Some studies have indicated that supplementing with it may reduce appetite and overall food intake, which could result in weight loss.
One study found that overweight women who supplemented it daily for eight weeks saw a 25% reduction in food intake, due to lower levels of craving and hunger.
In general, Ehsani explains that coffee increases your metabolism thanks to its caffeine. One study found that four cups of coffee reduced body fat by 4%.
Related: How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally
And caffeine specifically is what is working to "burn" belly fat, thanks to caffeines ability to stimulate the nervous system in order to mobilize fat cells to break down into fatty acids that are then used for energy, explains Jonathan Valdez, RDN, owner of Genki Nutrition and a spokesperson for the New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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Caffeine works to increase your resting metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories you burn while at rest.
Therefore, when you drink caffeine or coffee, it increases the amount of calories you can burn even at rest temporarily, says Ehsani. A faster metabolism or resting metabolic rate means you are burning more at rest, which can result in weight loss.
She also adds that there is some evidence that coffee can support weight loss efforts, but more studies need to be conducted first.
Plus, coffee alone will not make you lose weight. But when you drink it along with exercise and staying in a calorie deficit, that can help set you up for success.
Related: How to Calculate a Calorie Deficit
If included with exercise, coffee can help fight fatigue and maximize performance so you can burn more calories. 3 to 6 kg per kilogram of weight 60 minutes prior to working out is best, adds Valdez. More importantly, the overall caloric deficit has to be present versus caffeine alone.
However, there are certain people who should avoid drinking enzyme coffee.
Due to its high caffeine amount, people should drink with caution, and teens, young adults, pregnant women, and anyone sensitive to caffeine in large doses, should avoid, says Ehsani. Finally it also contains guarana, which is a plant that contains caffeine and stimulants, but does not list the amount [of caffeine].
She adds that most health and medical professionals advise no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, equaling about four cups of coffee daily.
Be careful with consuming high doses of caffeine, and be wary of supplements like this one that sound too good to be true, says Ehsani. There are plenty of other healthy and safe ways you can lose weight. Also be careful with consuming high doses of chromium, as it may interact with supplements or medications you are currently taking.
Finally, you should always check with your medical provider before consuming.
Next up:31 Different Types of Coffee Drinks, All Explained
Read more from the original source:
Everyone's Sipping On Belly Fat-Reducing Enzyme CoffeeHere's What Nutritionists Think Of It - Parade Magazine
Gout and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know – Healthline

Gout is an inflammatory form of arthritis that affects the joints, often the big toe. An estimated 36% of men and 12% of women per year in Western countries experience gout.
This condition occurs when a waste byproduct known as urea builds up in your body, leading to hyperuricemia. Its caused by overproduction of urea or an inability to excrete it through urine.
While genetics play a large role in gout, other factors can also increase your risk, such as your diet and, potentially, your weight.
You may wonder, then, if you should attempt to lose weight to help manage your gout.
This article tells you all you need to know about gout and weight loss.
Gout is caused by hyperuricemia, or high urea levels.
Certain hereditary and lifestyle factors can increase your risk of hyperuricemia, such as:
While these factors may play a role, gout is hereditary, which means you may still develop it regardless of your lifestyle habits or weight.
The American College of Rheumatology currently recommends that people with overweight or obesity who have gout lose weight to help manage the condition and reduce their risk of flare-ups.
One large study found a link between body mass index (BMI) and gout incidence and flare-ups. Over the course of 7 years, people with obesity were significantly more likely to develop gout than people with normal BMIs (less than 25 kg/m2).
In addition, those whose BMIs decreased by 5% had 39% lower odds of gout flare-ups, while those whose BMIs increased by 5% had a 60% increased risk.
Another study that included 11,079 people also found a relationship between obesity and gout. Study participants who had obesity throughout adulthood and those who gained weight in adulthood had an 84% and 65% increased risk of gout, respectively.
A review of 10 studies on gout and weight loss found that losing 7.7 pounds (lbs.) (3.5 kg) or more may reduce gout attacks.
However, the authors argue that most studies on this topic are small and low quality, and they suggest that we need larger, higher quality clinical trials.
Further, a large 27-year study among 44,654 men found that 77% of gout cases may have been prevented through strategies such as maintaining a normal BMI, following a nutritious eating pattern, and limiting alcohol and diuretics.
In particular, the study found that excess adiposity, or fat stores, was one of the largest risk factors. Interestingly, adopting healthier lifestyle habits did not seem to be beneficial in men with obesity if their weight was not also reduced.
Ultimately, it appears that weight loss, and particularly fat loss, may help people with obesity and gout manage their symptoms.
If you want to lose weight to help manage gout symptoms, its important to do so in a safe and healthy way. That means its best to skip fad diets, which can lead to mental health challenges, nutrient deficiencies, weight gain, metabolic issues, and other effects.
For sustainable weight loss, try to adopt habits that you can continue to follow in the long term. Consider:
You may also wish to work with a registered dietitian, who can make personalized recommendations based on your medical history, food preferences, and budget.
In addition, its important to make sure youre staying active when you can.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week, but any increase in physical activity is a great starting point.
Getting proper sleep and doing your best to manage stress are also important for well-rounded health and may support weight loss, if you choose to pursue it.
For most people, its generally safe to lose around 12 lbs. (0.450.9 kg) per week from a calorie deficit.
While losing weight may help with gout symptoms, there are other tips you can follow to manage the condition:
Gout is an inflammatory form of arthritis that can result from genetics or lifestyle factors.
While genetics play a large role, overweight or obesity can increase your risk of developing gout and experiencing recurring flare-ups. Thus, losing weight may be beneficial for some people.
However, keep in mind that gout is hereditary and may not be related to your weight or lifestyle habits.
If you want to manage your gout symptoms, there are other things you can do besides losing weight, such as eating a nutritious diet, limiting foods high in purines, avoiding alcohol, and managing any other chronic conditions you may have.
Its best to work with a healthcare professional such as a physician, as well as a registered dietitian, who can make personalized recommendations for your treatment including a nutritious, culturally appropriate eating pattern that can help you manage gout.
The rest is here:
Gout and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know - Healthline