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Lose weight with the worlds top 10 diets from keto to Slimming World – The Sun

WHETHER it's Weight Watchers, Slimming World or veganism most of us have tried to lose weight at some point in our lives.
Some diets restrict your calorie intake while others encourage you to make healthy swaps.
New research has now revealed the most popular diets in the world.
While some diets have stood the test of time, others seemed to have waned in popularity.
Data from the Supplement Place also revealed that some diets have completely dropped off when it comes to popularity, with entrants such as The Eat Clean Diet dropping 92 per cent.
Slimming World was voted the UK's top diet with 586,000 Google searches a month
But what are the world's favourite diets and could they help you shed the pounds?
With 2.1 million searches, the Keto Diet is the world's most preferred form of weight loss.
The keto diet involves eating lots of "good" fat, to curb hunger pangs, while cutting out carbs and eating moderate amounts of protein.
It's said to boost energy levels and help speed up weight loss.
The diet relies on a normal metabolic process called ketosis - that helps the body keep working.
It's where the body, starved of carbs for energy, starts to burn fat reserves instead.
For healthy people, who don't have diabetes and aren't pregnant, ketosis usually kicks in after three or four days of following the plan and eating less than 50g of carbs a day.
That's about three slices of bread, two small bananas or a low-fat fruit yog.
So if you're cutting out all those carbs, what can you eat?
Fat is the answer! It should make up about 60 to 80 per cent of total daily calories, while protein makes up 10 to 15 per cent and carbs are less than 10 per cent.
And it's not just a calorie free-for-all. Keto enthusiasts should cap their daily intake at 1,800 calories a day.
If it sounds like Atkins, it's not far off - the main difference being limiting protein on a daily basis.
The best Keto recipes
To give you an idea, these are some sample keto recipes...
Weight Watchers is favoured by many for the class element. Weekly classes help people make friends and this can also encourage you to lose weight if you have a strong network of people around you.
Across the globe, 1.6 million people searched for Weight Watchers.
The WW programme is clinically-proven to support weight loss and improvement in blood sugar control in those diagnosed with pre-diabetes.
As well as helping members lose weight, WW helps people change their habits to make healthy eating and physical activity a part of their daily lives.
In July it was revealed that people could get Weight Watchers for free on the NHS under a new government scheme to tackle to obesity crisis.
WW works on a Smart Points system, where foods are rated on theirprotein,carbs,fatandfibrecontent.
It's essentially calorie counting made easy, and there's absolutely no limit on the amount of fruit and vegetables you can eat.
Dieterseven get a weekly Smart Points safety net, meaning you can treat yourself on a night out, as well as a personalised exercise plan.
Weekly meetings and weigh-ins keep people on track.
Overall, the plan is less extreme than many other diets - but the results are still promising.
Allegedly, dieters are able to lose up to 2lb a week.
Restricting your food intake at certain times of the day seems to be a popular plan and 1.1 million people worldwide searched for intermittent fasting.
The intermittent fasting diet does what it says on the tin, but it can follow two patterns.
The first is eating just 500 calories two days per week, and eating normally (what you want) the other five days.
The second option is going 14, 16 or 18 hours a day without food, leaving you with a six to ten hour window to eat in.
The time in which your body starts to break down fat is after all digestion is fully completed and the nutrients have been taken from food.
This period after is called the post-absorptive state where excess fat will be stored in the liver for fuel stores, where it can be acessed to keep the body's functions ticking over when no energy from food is in the digestive system to use.
This is what happens when you sleep and when you are in a planned fasting period and insulin is low. Your body will need to take from fat stores even more whilst awake and fasting, as you'll need more energy to move around, which is when the weight loss occurs.
Class-based diet plans seem to be popular, with over 629,000 people worldwide searching for Slimming World.
TheSlimming Worlddiet is run by a Derbyshire-based weight loss company created by Margaret Miles-Bramwell in 1969.
It focuses on a diet of Food Optimising, where members are given a list of Syn Free food, that can be eaten in unlimited amounts.
Syns are short for synergy as the Free Foods, Healthy Extras and Syns all add up to effective weight loss.
The programme encourages dieters to swap high-fat foods for low-fat foods that are naturally filling.
You can get support from fellow slimmers at weekly group meetings and follow an exercise plan to become gradually more active through their Body Magic initiative.
The Slimming World diet is designed to help you lose about 1-2 pounds a week and currently has around 900,000 members attending each week.
The Dukan dietis a high-protein, low-carb eating plan that began in France to re-educate people about how to eat healthily.
Coming in at fifth place globally, the data revealed that 535,000 people searched for it globally.
Created by nutritionist Dr Pierre Dukan over a decade ago, itstarted under the name "Je ne sais pas maigrir".
This translates as "I dont know how to lose weight".
The Dukan diet quickly became a firm favourite of the 1.5 million French women who followed its plan.
It claims to help dieters lose up to 10lbs within a week by the dieter focusing on protein-high foods and cutting out carbohydrates completely.
The restrictive diet includes four phases - attack, cruising, consolidation and stabilisation.
Dieterseat just protein and vegetables and avoid high-carb foods.
The four phases of the Dukan Diet
The Dukan Diet is a four stage plan
Attack phase: During the attack phase, dieters must stick to meat, fish, eggs and non-fat dairy products, which are designed to promote rapid weight loss.
Dr Dukan lets dieters consume a daily tablespoon of oat bran which swells in the stomach to promote fullness and also helps ease constipation.
Cruising phase: The cruising phase focuses on the user alternating pure protein and vegetable days, and is designed to promote a weight loss of 2lbs a week.
On the vegetable days, Dukan dieters can consume an unrestricted amount of vegetables, along with meat, fish and non-fat dairy products.
Consolidation phase: Consolidation phase revolves around preventing weight gain that can occur in a rebound effect to rapid weight loss.
During this period, pasta, cheese, fruit and bread are slowly reintroduced back into the diet.
Stabilisation phase: The final stage, stabilisation, lets diets consume whatever they please, apart from one day a week which must be strictly protein-only.
We have all seen an increase in the amount of plant-based products on our shelves and this could be why 511,000 people searched for the diet.
Veganism is currently defined as "a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose".
The movement was born in 1944 when a small group broke away from the Leicester Vegetarian Society to form the Vegan Society.
The term "vegan" comes from the first and last letters of the word vegetarian.
Vegans don't eat anything derived from an animal, including eggs, milk and butter. Honey, meanwhile, is rather divisive in the vegan community.
Aside from food, vegans do not wear or use clothes, shoes or furnishings made with the skins, hair or feathers of animals, such as fur, leather, wool, feathers and silk.
If you want to follow a diet that makes you feel like you are constantly sunning yourself on a beach in Greece then the Mediterranean diet could be for you.
A Mediterranean diet is high in foods which are good for you, and low in naughty foods, such as those with a highsugar content.
The NHS explains: The Mediterranean diet varies by country and region, soit hasa range of definitions.
But in general,it'shigh in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.
It usually includes a low intake of meat and dairy foods.
Butter is often replaced withhealthy fatssuch as olive oil, andsaltis substituted for herbs and spices to flavour food.
It has less red meat but lots of poultry and fish, and also includes liberal amounts of red wine.
And while its not a foodstuff, exercise and eating meals with family and friends is characterised by the Med diet.
People on the Paleo Diet only eat foods which could have been hunted, fished or gathered in caveman days.
The diet goes back before the invention of farming, meaning that grains such as wheat, dairy, alcohol, coffee, refined sugar, potatoes and salt are all off the menu.
All processed foods are also banned, while Paleo mealstends to be low-carbohydrate and high-protein.
A typical Paleo meal would be made up of meat or fish, served with accompaniments such as eggs, nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices.
Legumes such as lentils and beans, which are included in most weight loss diets, are also banned.
Pescatarian comes from the Italian word for fish, pesce.
It means somebody who doesnt eat red meat, eg beef and chicken, but eats seafood.
This often includes shellfish, such as mussels and clams, but it can vary from person to person.
In addition some pescatarians eat dairy and eggs, while others dont.
Pescatarianism is believed to have a lot of health benefits, and loosely mirrors a Mediterranean diet.
A balanced pescartarian diet would typically include vegetables, fruits, nuts, pulses and wholegrains.
TheNHSrecommends eating two portions 140g - of fish a week, including one portion of oily fish.
This category includes fishes such as herring, as theyre rich inomega-3 fatty acids
The NHS says: Fish and shellfish are good sources of manyvitamins and minerals.
Oily fish such as salmon and mackerelis also particularly high in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which may help to keep your heart healthy.
A vegetarian can simply be described as someone who doesn't eat meat.
It is defined on the Vegetarian Society as:"Someone who lives on a diet of grains, pulses, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, fungi, algae, yeast and/or some other non-animal-based foods (e.g. salt) with, or without, dairy products, honey and/or eggs.
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Lose weight with the worlds top 10 diets from keto to Slimming World - The Sun
Losing Weight as a Couple Is the Secret to Shedding Pounds, Study Finds – Best Life

On the list of things that are easy to pull off, losing weight might be at the very bottom for most people. While setting up a diet plan and making a commitment to hit the gym always feels good on day one, busy schedules and loss of enthusiasm can take a toll on achieving your goal. But a new study says there's one secret trick to shedding pounds that you probably haven't tried that is proven to show results: losing weight with your spouse.
The proof comes from a study conducted by the European Society of Cardiology, which assessed 411 heart attack survivors attempting to make some lifestyle improvements in areas such as quitting smoking, increasing exercise, and losing weight. The data showed that participants who pledged to make changes with their spouse saw a much greater success ratethey were more than twice as likely to improve in at least one of the areas. But results also showed that of the three categories, being a part of a pair made weight loss much more successful.
"Patients with partners who joined the weight loss program lost more weight compared to patients with a partner who did not join the program," study author Lotte Verweij, a registered nurse and PhD student at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, said in a statement.
Verweij also pointed out that underlying factors may be the secret to this tactic being so effective. "Couples often have comparable lifestyles and changing habits is difficult when only one person is making the effort," she said. "Practical issues come into play, such as grocery shopping, but also psychological challenges, where a supportive partner may help maintain motivation."
Getting in shape with your spouse tends to work better than going it alone because of increased accountability, immediate support, and shared workloads on things like meal prep. But setting expectations ahead of time can also help avoid any unnecessary stress between the two of you.
"Don't expect the people in your life to be mind readers," Patrick O'Neil, PhD, director of the Medical University of South Carolina Weight Management Center, told My Fitness Pal. "Let [your spouse] know that you wish them to be helpful and how you'd like them to support and help you."
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Still looking for ways to lose weight as a couple? The experts at Shape suggest things like setting up a meal calendar at the beginning of each week, getting outdoors, romantically splitting a single dessert, or taking a dance class together to get started. And for more on how to take care of yourself in the long run, avoid these 45 Unhealthy Weight Loss Tips Experts Say to Avoid at All Costs.
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Losing Weight as a Couple Is the Secret to Shedding Pounds, Study Finds - Best Life
Looking to lose weight? Try these new recipes from Scottish Slimmers’ new cookbook – The Courier

Give yourself a nutritional boost and shed the pounds with these two plant-based recipes to get you started on your journey to a healthier you
With gyms having been closed and the fridge a lot closer to us than usual these past few months, very few of us have managed to emerge from lockdown without a bit of extra weight.
But, there is some good news. Weight-loss experts Scottish Slimmers are about to launch a new cookbook, filled to the brim with healthy vegetarian recipes designed to help you lose the weight while still eating your favourite foods completely guilt-free.
We previously showcased Scottish Slimmers recipes for a black bean burger and a sweet potato and chickpea curry, but this week we have another two equally-delicious recipes to share, including a stir-fry and a healthier take on spaghetti and meatballs.
(Serves 2)
Fat: 7.7 gCarbs: 60 gProtein: 10 gTotal Calories: 348
(Serves 2)
Fat: 14gCarbs: 43 gProtein: 13gTotal Calories: 335
As study shows Scots ate more healthily in lockdown, the slimming recipes to help you keep going
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Looking to lose weight? Try these new recipes from Scottish Slimmers' new cookbook - The Courier
Jennifer Aniston was asked to lose weight if she wanted to stay on Friends – The News International

Hollywoods leading lady Jennifer Aniston has been reigning over the industry for decades now, courtesy of her iconic role on the sitcom, Friends.
While the show catapulted her to great heights of fame, the role almost slipped away from Anistons hands owing to the makers insistence on her losing weight.
The revelation was made by Saul Austerlitzs book Generation Friends: An Inside Look at the Show that Defined a Television Era.
She had to lose thirty pounds if she wanted to stay in Hollywood. Los Angeles was a tough place to be an actress it was a tough place to be a woman and Jennifer Aniston's agent was reluctantly leveling with her, wrote Austerlitz.
With her father already being a soap opera star, Aniston was familiar with how tough the industry can get.
"Aniston was hardly fat everyone could see she was beautiful but as the show she would one day become indelibly associated with later made a point of noting, the camera added ten pounds," the author claimed.
During an earlier interview in 1996 with the Rolling Stone, Aniston too had opened up about her struggle with weight loss: "I ate too many mayonnaise sandwiches. Mayonnaise on white bread the most delicious thing in the world.
"My agent gave it to me straight. Nicest thing he ever did. The disgusting thing of Hollywood I wasn't getting lots of jobs 'cause I was too heavy. I was like, 'What?!' But my diet was terrible. Milk shakes and French fries with gravy, she recalled.
"It was a good thing to start paying attention, she added.
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Jennifer Aniston was asked to lose weight if she wanted to stay on Friends - The News International
Herbal tea for weight loss: Add these 3 ingredients to your chai to lose weight – Times of India

Soak 1 teaspoon of carom seeds in water overnight. The next day, heat the ajwain water in a pan, add finely chopped ginger to the concoction and let it come to boil. Strain the herbal tea, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and enjoy your tea! You may also add honey or jaggery as per your taste.
You may consider replacing your early morning cup of masala chai or coffee with this weight loss inducing drink!
The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.
More here:
Herbal tea for weight loss: Add these 3 ingredients to your chai to lose weight - Times of India
Here’s How to Keep Weight Off For Good – Washingtonian

For those looking to learn more about weight loss or have been struggling with obtaining a healthy body weight, weve got you covered. You can easily get to know your gut, with Dr. Janese Laster from Gut Theory Total Digestive Care. Dr. Laster believes that with sustainable lifestyle changes, personalized nutrition and education, pharmacology, added with innovative endoscopic techniquesany patient can achieve a healthier body weight. To learn more about Dr. Laster from Gut Theory Total Digestive Care check out what she provides below.
Dr. Laster is the only gastroenterologist in the DMV area who is quadruple boarded in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Obesity Medicine, and Nutrition. She completed both her Internal Medicine residency and Gastroenterology fellowship training at the accredited (and local!) Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC.
Gut Theory Total Digestive Cares approach to weight management is totally personalized. Dr. Laster explains that she approaches clients with customized lifestyle plans in order to lose weight and keep weight off for good. Adding, there are no gimmicks, only science.
Dr. Laster takes the time to listen to each patient, because she knows every journey and body type is different. She sets goals based off of clients needs and expectations. Creating tasks that will be achievable and not out of reach.
I am here as an accountability partner and to help find approaches that theyve never considered, says Dr. Laster. She also says she provides adjunct medical and endoscopic interventions as needed, so patients can stay on track during their weight loss journey.
For those who dont want to take the surgical route, Dr. Laster has you covered. Bariatric endoscopy is a new field that is less invasive than surgery and a nice tool to help jumpstart weight loss, says Dr. Laster. It requires little recovery time, and the procedure easily treats obesity and other metabolic diseases.
To learn more about Gut Theory Total Digestive Care and weight loss plans, check out their website or call 1-888-755-GUT1 (4881)
See the original post:
Here's How to Keep Weight Off For Good - Washingtonian
8 foods that are great for weight loss and why – Starts at 60

What are the best foods for weight loss? Thats the question on everyones lips these days. And, as it turns out, when it comes to weight loss, some foods are better than others. So if youre looking to lose weight, here are eight foods you may want to consider incorporating into your daily diet.
Want to lose weight? Add more avocados into your diet. Theyre a great source of fat, which can help keep you feeling full for longer and can ultimately lead to weight loss. Avocados also include a lot of good-for-you and essential nutrients like niacin, riboflavin, copper, magnesium, manganese, and antioxidants.
If youre vegan or vegetarian, a good plant-based protein such as hemp seeds is important, because, as we all know, protein can help with weight loss. Legumes like chickpeas and beans are another good source of protein, not to mention, theyre also high in dietary fibre, which is essential for gut health. However, if you cant get your protein through food, there are supplements out there like Rejuvin8tion, a plant-based protein powder, that can get the job done.
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8 foods that are great for weight loss and why - Starts at 60
Meticore Reviews Everything You Need To Know – Spark Health MD

Meticore is a newly introduced, all-natural fat burner that promotes a healthy weight loss. It claims to identify the problems in weight loss, which usually are toxins, inflammation, and hormonal levels and works on them. The plant-based ingredients inside meticore are clinically proven to work on the root cause of these underlying factors, thus bring faster results.
Losing weight loss is a constant battle in which even if a person achieves his target weight, the struggle to maintain it is equally stressful as the actual weight loss plan. Interestingly, the journey to effective weight management is not a linear track; it involves turns and twists, each of which has an individual value.
Meticore is a supplement that helps people who are caught into a slow metabolism and weight plateau, which is why their weight loss progress is slowed down or completely stopped. But Meticore alone isnt a complete solution, one needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle with daily routine exercises to attain the desired results.
Get Meticore from its Official Website at Discounted Price
What is Meticore?
Gaining more than a healthy limit adds people into a category called obesity. A Body Mass Index of 30 or higher recognizes a person at a high risk of certain medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, and even cancer. So, weight gain is not just added fat layers around the body; it is a direct threat to the health.
Fortunately, products like Meticore address the problems in conventional weight loss plans and try to fix the deficiencies. Using meticore results in the following.
The real question is, how does a fat burner help attain all these benefits? Is this even possible? How to know Meticore is a genuine help?
Thousands of meticore users share their experiences on how this supplement has helped them achieve their target weight. Surprisingly, there is no side effect reported, which implies that this product is safe for all users.
Weight loss with Meticore explained
Meticore is made with plant-based ingredients, each one of which has hidden benefits in weight loss. As a formula, it boosts metabolism, super loads the body with energy, and cleanses the body to initiate a self-controlled weight loss.
The benefit of this natural weight loss is that it doesnt damage or interfere in other body functions. When a user starts taking Meticore capsules, his body initiates the natural weight loss on its own. The amount of lost weight is different as per independent factors i.e., current weight, target weight, diet, activity level, height, etc.
How long can it be used?
Meticore doesnt come with a time limit. Every human body is different, which suggests weight loss to be different for everyone as well. Some people lose weight faster, while for others, it may take months.
Watch this video here to learn how Meticore works
Meticore is designed to help maximum users, which is why it has no time-related limitations. The user can try it for as long as he wants or repeats using it after some time.
This is a non-prescription product that is generally safe for everyday use. It has no psychotic effect, which is why it doesnt affect the users cognitive abilities and work performance.
To get the best effects of meticore, try doing the following.
Note- do not use this product if you are diagnosed with a medical condition and using a daily medicine.
Meticore side effects, if any?
The ingredients inside Meticore are selected based on their safety levels in humans. This is a premium quality supplement that is completely free from all side effects.
The only limitation to Meticore usage is that it is only recommended for adult users and not suitable for children. Other than that; this formula is
What are ingredients inside Meticore?
Meticore doesnt enlist all ingredients inside its formulation; it only explains that it uses selective herbal ingredients as per their efficacy and role in metabolism. The quantity of these ingredients is added after evaluating their safe dosage levels. Some of its ingredients are African mango, moringa oleifera, and ginger.
It uses no artificial ingredients, toxins, or fillers in its composition to make the Meticore experience risk-free.
The users are advised to read usage guidelines and follow them accordingly.
Best about Meticore healthy metabolism support formula
The official information of the Meticore enlists the following benefits to expect from this supplement.
Meticore Updates New Discount Offers for a Limited Time Visit its Website here
Price and money-back guarantee
Meticore is available online for an affordable price. Those who want to shed 2-5 pounds may only need one bottle of it. But if someone wants to drop more than 5 pounds, the best is to buy Meticore bundle packs. These bundle packs give the same product at a much lower price.
All the orders of Meticore come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This offer shows the companys trust in its product that it is willing to return every penny of a customers order if it fails to help him.
No refund requests are accepted after 60 days are passed. For more details, contact the customer care line at
Meticore Reviews- Buy or not to buy?
Weight loss is no secret, and everyone knows that reducing calories and exercising induces weight loss. But sometimes this weight is stuck when the metabolism is affected by any underlying condition. For this reason, a natural supplement like Meticore can help without causing any undesirable effect. Visit its website for more information!
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At no additional cost to you, We may earn a small commission if you decide to buy the products or services we recommended here as a part of our affiliate partnership. This only helps us maintain our website. And we only recommend quality products.
Please note that any guidelines and advice given here are not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician if you are under medication or have doubts following the advice/instructions given. Individual results may vary. All images used are for illustration purposes only.
Read this article:
Meticore Reviews Everything You Need To Know - Spark Health MD
Here’s How Much Weight You Can Realistically Lose In 3 Months – Yahoo Lifestyle

Photo credit: andresr - Getty Images
From Women's Health
When you're starting a new weight loss journey, it's easy for your mind to zero in on one thing: how quickly you can reach your goal weight. It's not uncommon to start doing calculations in your head, like, Can I lose this weight before that wedding that's coming up? or, How much weight can I realistically lose in three months?
But achieving any amount of weight loss in a short time span like three months requires lots of small decisions along the way, like conscious choices about what you're eating, how much exercise you want to incorporate into your week, and what you can do to effectively manage your stress, which can also affect your weight.
If you're trying to shed a few pounds in the next three months specifically (which is realistically how much time you'll need to see a big difference in your weight), here's what a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer have to say about the processand how to figure out what your goal weight should be on that timeline.
In order to experience weight loss that's sustainable, it's important to do it gradually, says Stephanie Carter, RDN. "According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as many other leading experts, individuals who lose weight gradually and steadily, one to two pounds per week, will be more successful at achieving lifelong weight maintenance," she says.
That one- to two-pound weight loss per week translates to about 12 to 24 pounds over the span of three months. "This means youre aiming for four to eight pounds per month," says Dannah Eve Bollig, a trainer and creator of The DE Method. But Bollig also warns that if you're trying to shed a lot of weight, say, 50 pounds or more, it's not uncommon to lose weight at a faster pace than one to two pounds a week in the beginning of your journey, before your weight loss slows down or even plateaus for a bit. "This can be extremely frustrating and is mainly caused by a metabolism decline resulting in your body burning fewer calories than it did at its heavier weight."
Story continues
The reason you lose weight more quickly in the beginning is because you're shedding a lot of water weight. "When you consume foods in excess of your metabolic needs, your body stores this energy as glycogen, the storage form of glucose, or sugar, in the liver and muscles," says Carter. So when the body isn't getting enough energy from calories, it'll start using up the stored glycogen. "Because glycogen is bound to water, any glycogen broken down for energy will also release water. This accounts for the initial significant changes in body composition when people begin to diet," adds Carter.
In order to drop about one pound of fat, you'd need to burn about 3,500 calories. That means that, in a week, you'd need to consume 3,500 to 7,000 less calories than normal (or burn those calories) to drop one to two pounds.
There are several ways to safely achieve this calorie deficit, but how you should do it depends on a lot of lifestyle factors. "The best thing to do is take into account a person's age, weight, height, and goal, and decide on a proper and realistic plan for that individual. There is no magical solution that will work for everyone," says Bollig, who adds that losing weight is all about balance, not cutting out all less-nutritious food. But, mathematically speaking, if you were to cut out about 500 to 1,000 calories per day, youd likely lose about one to two pounds per week, she notes.
Carter says she's helped her own clients lose weight by moving them towards redefining their relationship with food, instead of encouraging calorie counting. "While it does take an energy deficit of 3,500 calories per week to lose one pound, I counsel clients to look at the composition of their meals rather than the calories they provide," she explains. "Restricting foods you love because youve labeled them as 'bad' will only lead to unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating or overeating. If you listen to your bodys natural hunger and fullness cues you very well may create an energy deficit."
But if you prefer a more structured diet plan and that works for you mentally, there are tons of options. One of the most popular options people turn to is a low-carb diet, or even the keto diet, which aims to get your body to use fat as a form of energy by minimizing your intake of carbs.
For others, a preferred method of weight management is intermittent fasting (IF). There are a variety of ways to try IF, but all of them require windows of eating and fasting periods. For example, the 16:8 diet recommends you eat all your meals within an eight-hour window. "Time restricted eating or intermittent fasting depletes your glycogen stores, which supports metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity," says Carter. "High insulin sensitivity allows the cells of the body to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar and promoting weight management."
You can also try to meet a calorie deficit by keeping detailed logs of what you're eating, using something like a food diary app, and focusing on portion control. A nutrition app can also help you see eating patterns, so that you can make better-informed choices about what you decide to eat, and count calories.
Whichever way(s) you decide to lose weight, it's best to first consult a doctor to make sure that the diet or lifestyle change you want to make is appropriate for you.
Adding an exercise program to your routine can not only help you lose weight, but it can also reduce the risk of conditions like heart disease and diabetes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services actually recommends adults get at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes to 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity exercise.
Bollig says that cardio can definitely assist in weight loss, but that it isn't necessary if you're not into it. "Its important to keep in mind that you do not need to do cardio to lose fat. You can lose fat by restricting caloric intake, and by doing other types of training like resistance training, weight training, HIIT, or a combination of all the above," she says. "The key to losing body fat is to consume fewer calories than you expend."
Strength training can also serve as a great way to aid weight loss, since the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn day to day. Bollig recommends incorporating strength training about two to three times per week to help build lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, and strengthen muscles, joints, and bones.
If you need help deciding on a fitness plan, first consult your doctor to make sure you're cleared to get active, and get familiar with these calorie-burning exercises.
Losing weight isn't just about what you're eating or how much you're exercising. Other factors like hormones and sleep can also have an impact on your metabolism.
Not getting enough sleep can throw your body out of whack. Carter recommends getting at least seven hours or more a night to make sure your diet and exercise habits have the best shot at working. "Inadequate sleep has been shown to alter glucose metabolism, decrease insulin sensitivity, and disrupt the hormones involved in regulating metabolism," says Carter. So, make sure you're getting enough Zs!
Not managing your stress levels (a.k.a. how much stress hormone, or cortisol, is flowing through your body) can also make it harder to lose weight. In fact, cortisol can cause the body to metabolize calories slower, according to a study published in the Journal of Biological Psychiatry. Keeping your stress in check by nixing the things that trigger it, or by managing your daily stress with self-care techniques, is super important for weight loss efforts to work.
Some tough exercise can up cortisol too, Carter adds, "so it's important to vary high-intensity exercise with restorative workouts such as yoga, stretching and meditation."
It's best to look at the whole picture when you're trying to lose weight, not just your diet. "Implementing sleep, meditation, and exercise with a balanced diet is the best recipe for sustainable, long-term results," says Bollig.
And don't become discouraged if you hit a plateau, which is pretty normal for anyone on a weight loss journey. It's also easy to stray away from the healthy habits you've built once you experience your initial weight loss, which you usually have to keep up in some capacity to maintain your results.
"If your weight loss does slow down, the best thing to do is stay on track, believe in yourself, work hard and talk to your doctor, nutritionist, or personal trainer about what youre feeling and reevaluate your current plan," Bollig says. "There are plenty of solutions including cutting more calories daily, increasing physical activity, changing the type of physical activity or a combination of all three." By changing up your routine a bit, you're bound to lose weightand hit that goal come three months.
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Read more from the original source:
Here's How Much Weight You Can Realistically Lose In 3 Months - Yahoo Lifestyle
How to live longer: The fermented vegetable proven to reduce risk of early death – Express

Two of the most common risk factors for heart disease are being overweight and having high cholesterol and the two are linked.
Take being overweight first. According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), being overweight can lead to fatty material building up in your arteries.
"If the arteries that carry blood to your heart get damaged and clogged, it can lead to a heart attack," the health body warns.
LDL cholesterol is one of the harmful types of fatty material because it sticks to the inside of your artery walls, thereby raising your risk of having a heart attack.
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It typically contains cabbage and seasonings like sugar, salt, onions, garlic, ginger, and chili peppers.
Though usually fermented for a few days to a few weeks before serving, it can also be eaten fresh, or unfermented, immediately after preparation.
Fresh and fermented kimchi are both low in calories and may boost weight loss, research suggests.
A four-week study in 22 people with excess weight found that eating fresh or fermented kimchi helped reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat.
Additionally, the fermented variety decreased blood sugar levels, which is significant because high blood sugar levels can also contribute to heart disease.
Keep in mind that those who ate fermented kimchi displayed significantly greater improvements in blood pressure and body fat percentage than those who ate the fresh dish.
Research has also directly indicated that kimchi may reduce your risk of heart disease.
This may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as recent evidence suggests that inflammation may be an underlying cause of heart disease.
In an eight-week study in mice fed a high cholesterol diet, fat levels in the blood and liver were lower in those given kimchi extract than in the control group.
In addition, the kimchi extract appeared to suppress fat growth.
This is important because the accumulation of fat in these areas may contribute to heart disease.
Meanwhile, a week-long study in 100 people found that eating 0.57.5 ounces (15210 grams) of kimchi daily significantly decreased blood sugar, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
How to live longer: The fermented vegetable proven to reduce risk of early death - Express