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We have more than doubled the testing in Delhi: State Health Minister – India TV News

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We have more than doubled the testing in Delhi: State Health Minister - India TV News
Research confirms soups and shakes plan is most effective in obesity fight – Nottinghamshire Live

A anti-obesity study has revealed that total diet replacement therapy suggested by government medics to combat diabetes is more effective than traditional NHS weight-loss treatments.
Total diet replacement (TDR) involvesreplacingall foods with specially formulated products such as soups, shakes and cereal bars, providing between 8001200 calories per day.
The results coincide the UK Governments latest drive to tackle obesity, alongside the newly-announced programme to fight type 2 diabetes both of which are linked and can increase the risk of complications from Covid-19.
The University of Oxford programme DROPLET compared an NHS nurse-led programme with The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. This research proves that TDRs are a safe and effective way to lose weight.
Results show participants lost an average of one stone 10 lbs after one year roughly three times greater than the usual NHS obesity care. This new study also now shows that the majority of that weight loss is sustained three years on.
Crucially, as well as being placed on TDR, those in the study were also referred to The 1:1 Diet consultants for personal support and motivation.
Mark Gilbert, nutritionist at The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, said: There is no other obesity treatment, outside of surgery, that has this much supportive research for substantial, sustained weight-loss success and improvement in related health issues such as type 2 diabetes.
"Our diet has actually been shown to reverse symptoms of the disease by restoring the normal function of the pancreas.
As the nations health and wellbeing continues to be top of the agenda due to COVID-19, this study further shows what can be done to alleviate the pressure off the NHS and to tackle the ongoing problem of obesity and its associated health problems.
Mark Ormrod, 50, from Wantage, Oxfordshire, was an active participant in the DROPLET study.
He said: When I was selected three years ago to be part of this weight-loss study, it couldnt have come at a better time. I needed to do something about my weight and general health as I was nearly 20 stone.
I was lucky to be put on The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and what a positive life changing experience it has been. I have lost more than six stone through the programme and have continued to maintain my weight. Im fitter, healthier, and a lot happier.
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Research confirms soups and shakes plan is most effective in obesity fight - Nottinghamshire Live
Starting Year Three of Walking | Journal-news | – Martinsburg Journal

That gray haired, bearded old man seen walking the streets of Charles Town since August 1, 2018 is now that gray, long haired bearded older man, starting his third year of same.
As is normally true, over that span of time some things have changed, while others have stayed the same. Here are some of my observations.
The Ranson Civic Center, where I walk indoors in the winter, closed just when the nice weather hit. That timing worked well for me.
I see quite a few more walkers now than I did when I first started. Women outnumber men. Ms. Jenkins, Rhee, Jeanne, Lee, and Sharon are ones I see walking regularly.
I have met some of the neighbors along the way, keeping our social distance as they talk to me from their porches or lawn chairs. Regulars include Shirley, Lacey, Bob, Linda, Roger, Locke, and others including some that I do not remember their names.
I walk mostly downtown in the morning, never at the exact same times. I walk when I get up. Im retired. Those times vary. In the early evening, I walk more south to north, down to the Charles Town park and back. Even in the heat of the evening, the shade on those streets (South Church, South Mildred, and South Samuel) provides me with a relatively cool walking environment.
I find it very peaceful walking those streets. The quiet is very obvious, broken only by an occasional dog barking. My only challenge is the walk to the park is all downhill, and by the time I am starting to get tired, the walk back home is all uphill. It was recommended I drive to the park, walk uphill first, but driving to walk somehow doesnt seem right.
My daily totals are somewhere in the five to six-mile range, though I dont have any fancy device to count my steps or my miles. At my age, I care more for the exercise than the stats. I do know I have probably walked farther in 2020 than I have driven. I dont walk to lose weight, though I have lost weight in the process.
Early in this abnormal pandemic year of 2020, it was eerie how few cars were on the local roads at whatever time I walked. It was also apparent that there were not very many people downtown even during the week when businesses normally had been open. That has picked up, obviously, in recent months.
Most people along the way are friendly. Several have mentioned that they see me walking all the time. That would be correct. A few mentioned that I now look like Moses. That reference is to my vulnerability to Covid 19 (combination of diabetes and old age) and my lack of a recent haircut, not my dislike for my favorite barbers at Collins Barber Shop.
I have watched daily the building of another house from empty lot to becoming someones home. I have discovered a small but quaint neighborhood library box just around the corner and have contributed to its literary selection with two books I wrote. I have met a neighbor who has completed constructing an elaborate and beautiful rock garden nearby.
You might be surprised to find the most notable new form of sidewalk debris by far are Covid 19 masks. The most disappointing finding to me is the number of brick sidewalks that are untended and inhabited by weeds to the point where the beautiful bricks are barely noticeable.
There are certainly points along my travels that always make me smile. For instance, a big old white dog on South Mildred barks once or twice but will not move from whatever shady area he had found on that particular day to bother me any further than that. I realize that particular dogs days as a killer watchdog have long passed.
A full weekend parking lot at the Carriage Inn makes me smile and lets me know tourism is back on the rise. Theres that always welcomed friendly wave from Walter as he tends the yard at his church along my way.
I witnessed the taking down of a huge tree with the tree trimmer standing off to the side and running the operation like he was playing a video game. I thought I had witnessed a catnapping, but that turned out to be a false alarm.
Overall, walking is very good exercise. Give it a try. It takes no equipment, no manual, and no special clothing. The first step is the most difficult. After that, it is just getting out and doing it.
Give old Moses a wave if you see him walking by. That too will put a smile on my face.
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Starting Year Three of Walking | Journal-news | - Martinsburg Journal
Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Spiderman Plank Exercise Can Help You Lose Belly Fat (Watch Video) – LatestLY

Whenit comes to weight loss, exercise, diet and good sleep play an important role. When we hear of the word exercise, we tend to directly relate it to working out in the gym with the help of equipment. However, it must be noted that free bodyweight exercises are more effective and can work more effectively on different parts of the body as more efforts are applied in an equipment-free workout. In this week's weight loss tip,let's discuss spiderman plank exercise that can help burn stubborn belly fat.Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph? Identify Your Body Type Before You Start Weight Loss Diet and Workout.
Spiderman plank is the combination of both isometric and isotonic where muscle group shorten and contracts too. This calisthenic exercise help to tone up the lower as well as the upper body. If you are working out at home, spiderman plank should compulsorily be included in your routine. But before you move to perform spiderman plank, you should perfect your form with a regular plank.Here's how spiderman plank exercise can help in fat loss.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Chickpeas to Lose Weight.
In spiderman plank, the movement of bigger muscle groups like glutes and hamstringsis involved, which expedites the fat loss process in the body and also helps tone muscles. People who exercise in the gym should also include this workout as it helps loosen tight muscles. Spiderman plank primarily targets the abdominal muscles and helps strengthen the core. This exercise even works on the oblique muscles. Performing three sets of 15-20 repetitions in each set can significantly help in losing visceral fat and reducing belly fat.
Spiderman Plank Exercise Proper Form
Spiderman plank can also help reduce back pain and also improve your body posture. This exercise can indeed help in weight loss,but squats, push-ups and some high-intensity interval training exercises should also be incorporated inyour routine. Also, be sure to follow a healthy diet for a good result.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 05, 2020 11:01 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How Spiderman Plank Exercise Can Help You Lose Belly Fat (Watch Video) - LatestLY
Losing weight to improve health can be surprisingly simple – Murfreesboro Post

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Thats the first thing I thought about as I began to write this article. But I assure you that this concept is as good as it sounds.
I have enjoyed the compliments from people that have noticed that I have lost weight during the past year or so. I have to admit though, that I really didnt do anything difficult or out of the ordinary to accomplish the weight loss, though. I didnt struggle mightily with workouts or exercise. I didnt sacrifice enjoyment or deny myself pleasure. I did make a couple of important choices that didnt seem so challenging.
I have studied the various weight loss plans over the years. At one time we offered a very good weight loss plan in our office that helped people lose weight in a very healthy way. There are numerous ways to assist people in losing weight.
I wasnt really interested specifically in weight loss when I developed this plan. I have been looking into how the body utilizes energy for general routine activities such as staying alive, digesting food, breathing, maintaining adequate warmth, pumping blood and so forth. Our bodies use a considerable amount of energy just living from one day to the next, before we add activities such as physical exertion.
I then looked into how much energy we consume each day in a typical American diet. What I found is that for decades people in our society have been slowly exceeding the amount of energy that we need by extraordinarily gross amounts. What seems like a normal amount of food to us now is considerably more than our bodies can possibly use during normal living.
Think of everything you eat as energy. Thats how your body sees it. A calorie is simply a measure of energy. No matter what you eat, thats how the body sees food. Whether it is a monstrous steak, a divine confectionary creation, a new vegetable dish, or a box of tasteless diet food you bought at the store hoping it would make you skinny; to the body it is all simply a load of energy.
Obviously, there are important nutrients such and vitamins and minerals included in the food, but for our purposes here we are simply looking at the sum of calories (energy) in each meal. Although our brains assess food from smell, taste, visual appeal and other perspectives, the body simply wants the energy. As far as our body is concerned, you could throw the whole plate of food into the blender and drink it down.
In fact, that is exactly what our digestive system does with each meal. No matter how artfully or carefully prepared, within a half hour of eating your food is simply a terribly unappetizing mass of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Thats when the body goes to work extracting the energy from each meal or snack.
Regardless of what your food habits and preferences are, if you are currently overweight, the fact is plain that you have consumed more food energy (calories) than you need for some time, possibly decades.
Knowing that, is it realistic to expect that anything can turn your body back into a lean, mean, energy balanced machine within a few weeks? Of course not. That is why most diets only produce temporary results.
However, our bodies are so amazing that it is possible to modify our body weight substantially in a matter of months. After a habit of overconsuming for years it is astounding how successful the human body can be in rebalancing in a matter of a few months.
Here is another key to the success of this simple plan. It is easy to continue following the plan for years. Once you think about it, it is easy to realize that if you want to slim down permanently, changes must be made that you can maintain indefinitely.
This plan is easy to follow because it includes real food that is enjoyable and satisfying. Although this discussion is about how your body uses the energy in food, at the end of the day we will still make decisions based on how appealing the food is. For this reason, it is important that you eat foods that you actually enjoy during the plan.
The challenge of writing an in-depth article regarding health is that I have limited space for this column each week. As you have probably guessed, the details of how the plan works will have to be spelled out next week.
Until then, take some time to think about the why. Why do you want to lose weight? Health reasons? You dont feel well anymore? You dont like the way your clothes fit? You are unable to do things you once could do with ease? Your doctor suggested it? Your family suggested it? You have known for a long time that you should and now its time?
Most eating decisions are made emotionally. Your emotional reasons for achieving lasting weight loss will be the absolute key to your success. Your why has to be significant to you, meaningful enough to see your way through to the changes you must embrace to succeed.
Next week, the rest of the story.
Dr. Mark Kestner is a licensed chiropractic physician in Murfreesboro. His office is at 1435 NW Broad St. Contact him at
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Losing weight to improve health can be surprisingly simple - Murfreesboro Post
Reverse dieting: slowly increasing calories won’t prevent weight regain but may have other benefits – The Conversation UK

While there are many debates about which type of diet is best for weight loss and health, its often not the weight loss which is the biggest challenge, but rather avoiding weight regain afterwards. This can lead to cycles of dieting and weight gain, or yo-yo dieting, which can cause people to have a less healthy relationship with food, worse mental health and a higher body weight.
But recently, reverse dieting has gained popularity online as a post-diet eating plan that claims it can help you avoid weight regain by eating more. In simple terms, its a controlled and gradual way of increasing from a low calorie weight-loss eating plan back to your more normal pre-diet way of eating.
The idea with reverse dieting is that gradually increasing calorie intake following a deficit will allow your body and your metabolism to adjust so that you can avoid weight regain while eating more. However, there is currently no scientific evidence showing that reverse dieting works as advocates claim.
Reverse dieting is based around the theory that our body has baseline set points for metabolism and calorie intake hardwired into our biology, and if we go above these points we gain weight. The idea is that reverse dieting can shift these set points upwards if a person slowly increases the amount of calories eaten as food. This would theoretically boost their metabolism, allowing them to consume more food and calories without gaining weight.
However, the idea that as humans we have a set point, which we can manipulate with dietary changes, is not supported by research. The main reason for this is because a number of factors influence our weight and metabolism, including how it changes. Among them are how were brought up, what food we have access to, what type of exercise we do, and our genetics.
But the most important influence over how our body uses calories and therefore our weight is our resting (or basal) metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories our body needs in order to keep itself alive. This accounts for about 60%-70% of the calories we use daily.
Our basal metabolic rate is mostly determined by our age, weight, sex and muscle mass your diet has little effect on it. Eating at or below your basal metabolic rate will result in weight loss, and eating above it will result in weight gain. Our basal metabolic rate also increases as we gain weight or muscle mass, and decreases as we lose weight or muscle mass (the evidence shows that the more muscle your body has, the more calories it needs to function).
Exercise also increases how many calories we use, but usually not enough to massively affect our weight. And though a high protein diet can alter metabolic rate somewhat, our body weight and muscle mass have the greatest effect on it.
So reverse dieting only appears to work by controlling calorie intake. Theres currently no evidence that you can alter your metabolism or metabolic rate by introducing more calories slowly and gradually. Put simply, if you eat more calories than your body requires, you will gain weight. What we do know is that certain habits, like regularly eating breakfast and exercise, help people avoid weight regain after dieting.
While theres currently little research investigating the effects of reverse dieting on metabolism, it could still help people in other ways. When some people are losing weight, they may feel in control of how they eat. But for some people, stopping their diet could lead to perceived loss of control. Reverse dieting might give some people the confidence to return to a more sustainable way of eating, or help them move out of a cycle of restrictive dieting.
Advocates of reverse dieting suggest it can also help manage problems of appetite and cravings. This is because additional foods can be added in as the amount of calories and food eaten is increased. While fewer cravings can help with weight maintenance, this evidence does not come from studies where foods were slowly reintroduced.
For some people, counting calories or restrictive dieting can tend to lead to an unhealthy relationship with their bodies and the food they eat. Orthorexia nervosa is becoming increasingly common, and is characterised by an obsession with eating healthy which can lead to an unhealthy restriction of and relationship with foods. While wanting to eat a healthy diet can seem on the surface to be a good thing, when it becomes orthorexia and enjoyment of food is replaced by an anxiety of feeling the need to account for every calorie, this could lead to poor mental health.
Reverse dieting is one approach, but some would argue other methods, such as intuitive eating which emphasises listening to your bodys hunger cues and only eating when youre hungry might be psychologically healthier. Intuitive eating may help people both regain and trust their appetites, and stop the cycle of restriction and calorie counting.
Do these 6 things today to prevent heart disease – Daily Herald

You can always count on your heart being there for you, faithfully pumping blood and oxygen through your body until it doesnt.
The old ticker may be something you dont think much about, but you might want to baby your heart a little more so it will keep working for you in old age. Heart disease kills 610,000 people each year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women.
You cant change your family history, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of avoiding heart disease. Here are some things you can do today to keep your heart healthy:
Lose some weight
Stubborn belly fat is something many people battle continuously. It seems to hang on the longest, and trying to get rid of it can be frustrating. Losing that weight will not only help your clothes fit a little better, but it will improve your heart health as well, as stomach fat increases your risk for a heart attack. Keeping your heart healthy can be the motivation you need to lose a few extra pounds.
Eat for your heart
The right diet will help protect your heart by helping you to lose weight and by the addition of foods that can prevent heart disease. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are high in fiber and contain nutrients that promote heart health. Limiting saturated and trans fats also can help control cholesterol and prevent narrowing of the arteries. Cut back on sodium to keep your blood pressure down.
Hopping on your bike a few times a week will do wonders for your heart. Exercise is a critical component in a heart-healthy routine. Aerobic exercise like biking, running, swimming and other activities improves circulation, blood pressure and heart rate. While strength training may not seem as important for heart health, it is an important part of a well-rounded exercise routine. It helps reduce fat, builds muscle and can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Incorporate at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and two days of strength training into your weekly workout goals for the best results.
Keep an eye on your heart
There are some risk factors for heart disease that you may not know you have if you dont check. For example, it is unlikely that you will notice your blood pressure increasing or your cholesterol changing unless you get tested. Talk to your doctor about testing your cholesterol levels and blood pressure so you can get treatment if you need it.
It is important to get your blood pressure checked regularly, even if your blood pressure is normally within a healthy range, says Robert Gerken, administrator at Newport Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Your arteries can change as you age, making you more susceptible to high blood pressure and complications like a stroke or heart attack.
Quit smoking
There are so many reasons to stop smoking and heart health is a big one. Smoking and secondhand smoke can lead to heart disease, stroke and even death. Of all coronary heart disease deaths, nearly a third are due to smoking or secondhand smoke. So, protect your health and the people around you and stop smoking today.
Moderate your alcohol consumption
If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Alcohol affects everyone differently, but heavy drinking can contribute to a number of risks for your heart. It can increase triglycerides in your blood and raise your risk for high blood pressure and heart failure.
Your heart health should be something you think about at every stage of life. Get moving, eat right and develop healthy habits now that will pay dividends for you and your heart in the future.
Dr. Amy Osmond Cook is a health care technology consultant and VP of marketing at Simplus, a platinum Salesforce partner.
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Do these 6 things today to prevent heart disease - Daily Herald
Slimming World and WW weight loss superstars of the summer in Plymouth – Plymouth Live

Summer is usually the time that many set themselves as a goal to lose weight.
There's nothing better than feeling confident in yourself whilst sunning on the beach - and it doesn't matter what size you are, every body is beautiful.
But there are many people who wish to get healthier and more in shape so they can achieve their goals, for some it's playing with their children and others it's being able to walk to the shop without being in pain.
We take a look at some of the Slimming World, WW and other methods people have used to transform their bodies, minds and attitudes.
If you want to share your own weight loss or body positive story, get in touch via email at or via Facebook here.
A Plymouth gran reversed her diabetes after losing a whopping 10st after breaking her hairdresser's chair.
Norma Courage first joined weight loss group Slimming World. in Torpoint in 2007 weighing 21st 11.5lbs after two incidents which left her humiliated.
The first one left her unable to fit into the plane seat she had been allocated when going on a family holiday, and the second incident came after she visited the hairdresser and sat in the seat, and broke it.
"I often wonder what I would look like now, or even if I would still be here if it was not for that first step into a Slimming World Group," the 73-year-old said.
Norma has gone from a size 28 to a size 14 and says her husband and her sons have never seen her as small as she is now.
She said: "I have been married for 53 years and my husband or my three boys have never seen me at this weight; I have lost 10 Stone and it has taken me a few years to do it.
"I used to be a diabetic but since I lost weight I am no longer a diabetic and have reversed the condition. I can also walk now and do things that I could only dream of before.
"When I was at my heaviest I would hate clothes shopping, but now I love it."
The St Budeaux resident, who has 13 grandchildren, said attending the Torpoint group has helped keep her motivated and on track to her goal weight.
She said: "I started Slimming World, because I got on a plane and couldn't sit in the seat properly and I also went to the hairdressers and the chair broke.
"I just felt useless could not move and did not want a move. I did not want to go out and when I did I felt that people were always looking at me as I was so big."
Norma said despite being in her 70s, losing weight has meant that she feels she is in her 30s again.
"I can walk anywhere feel good about myself and go into any shop and buy clothes it's a wonderful feeling," she said.
"I am 73 years old now but I feel like 30, it's a wonderful feeling."
Before starting her weight loss journey, Norma would eat a whole packet of Mars bars.
She said: "Before Slimming World I would eat anything.
"I would go to the shop and buy not one Mars bar but a packet of Mars bars. Anything that was more than one in a packet I would buy it and I would eat chocolate all day.
"Now I eat sensibly and if I do feel I need something different I will have it.
"I call them my treats, but I will make up for it other ways with my good healthy food. I never want to go back to those dark dark days again."
Read Norma's full story, here.
It has taken just two months for Jayne Cooves to lose a whopping 24lbs since joining the weight loss group after seeing the image which made her feel that she had "let her family down" with her appearance.
The 37-year-old joined Mandy Coles group after being inspired by her own whopping 12st weight loss.
Jayne weighed 18st 11lbs when she joined the virtual group during the lockdown and just eight weeks later, she is on track to hit her target.
"When I received our socially distanced professional picture taken on VE Day, I looked at myself and felt I was letting my family down with how I looked," Jayne said.
"After seeing the picture, I was disgusted with how big I had gotten.
"I was totally inspired by the sensational journey Mandy has been on with Slimming World.
"I've known Mandy for over 25 years and I've seen her struggle with her weight, yet since joining, she has done absolutely fantastic, and I wanted some of that."
Since joining, the mum-of-two has improved her relationship with food and it has also had a positive effect on her family, with her husband also losing weight and her sons, eight and 11, eating better.
"My relationship with food has improved massively," she said.
"I feel much more positive that the food I'm eating, is not only delicious, but it's good for me and my family."
But the lockdown has brought its challenges.
Jayne said: "My youngest son is autistic and the change in routine and bringing school home was a huge challenge.
"He really struggled with the change. My usual way of coping is comfort eating and that's what my husband and I were doing in the beginning and making bad food choices.
"I knew I had to do something to stop myself falling into a dangerous spiral of eating to comfort and then getting more down about how I looked and felt."
Now, Jayne feels confident, energised and uplifted due to the dietary changes.
"I feel really positive," she said.
"Slimming World does not cut anything out, so I never feel I'm on a diet.
"For me, I am an emotional eater, but I've learnt how to control this better, and make better choices.
"I also plan my meals for the week, so I am never hungry. My husband keeps telling people, we've never eaten so well. It's brilliant."
On a typical day before joining Slimming World, Jayne would eat thick toast, crisp, chocolate and whatever she could "bung in the oven for convenience".
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Now, Jayne starts her day with fruit and pancakes or an omelette and for lunch has a wrap or a bacon roll.
For an evening meal, the family have a homemade Slimming World recipe from the Slimming World app.
Read Jayne's full story here.
A Plymouth mum who was left feeling disheartened after wearing a "tent" to her dad's wedding has shed a whopping 4st in just seven months.
The 32-year-old was also suffering from aches and pains in her body due to her size, which made basic tasks, such as walking the dog, a big challenge.
At the beginning of this year, Emma Hallas weighed 17st 9lbs and took the plunge to join Slimming World, which has helped her get her confidence back.
She now weighs 13st 12lbs and is well on her way to her target weight of 12st.
"At my dad's wedding last year, as much as I was so excited for it I felt so uncomfortable all day," she said.
"Everyone was in such beautiful clothes and I just had to buy a tent-type dress to cover all my lumps and bumps.
"It was a lovely day but I battled with my self-confidence all weekend."
Emma, a mum-of-two, joined the Peverell Slimming World group in January and has drastically changed her typical diet of biscuits, pizza and cake.
She said: "I have done Slimming World in the past and know the plan truly works if you stick to it, making me want to return to the family and lose the weight again.
"I feel so much more confident in myself, Im so much more active and dont feel self-conscious about going out and wearing more fitting clothes.
"Before the diet I would happily buy packets of biscuits and eat them at my desk, buy more on my lunch break and eat another full packet when I got home.
"I would eat cakes with cream fillings and would have pizza pretty much everyday for dinner."
But now Emma has started cooking from scratch and has found a love for home-cooking.
She now eats "speed" foods in the mornings, such as melon, berries and yogurt, along with jacket potato and salad for lunch.
Emma admits she still enjoys a pizza every now and again.
"I can make pizzas from scratch and make them Slimming World friendly, I never feel like I'm missing out," she said.
Emma has faced challenges throughout lockdown, finding it difficult to plan her meals.
"Ive tried to do the plan from home before and it didnt work for me," Emma explained.
"My amazing consultant Vicki set up a Facebook page with every one for any help anyone needs and there are weekly Zoom meetings, which are always fun.
"Also just receiving a text to make sure you are okay helps to keep you motivated and on plan."
Read Emma's full story, here.
A young trainee doctor who said she was "eating her emotions" has managed to shed a whopping three-and-half stone.
Katie Boekestein admits she was never the girl that "hid behind her weight".
But she remembers a time where she felt embarrassed after sitting on a white plastic chair, and it collapsed under her.
But the tipping point for the now 21-year-old was realising the state of her health in the summer of 2018.
"I was 19 with an obese BMI, I was sat in multiple lectures hearing all about how obesity and central adiposity enhanced many different disease processes and syndromes," she explained.
"I decided this was not the path I wanted for my health and my body! It was affecting all parts of my life!
"My fitness, confidence and overall well-being was decreasing as I continued to put on weight during my first year of university.
"When I headed back to my family home, I decided that enough was enough and I wanted to change for my future."
She joined a group in Birmingham, but after "flouncing between a few", she settled with Lauren Fidler's Mount Gould Slimming World group.
"I decided to do Slimming world by myself to start off with, as my mum did it and was easy to just copy her!
"I started at 13st 3lbs. I carried most of my weight around my belly and I really didnt like it.
"I then joined group at 12st 6lbs and got down to my target in nine months. Life then got in the way and I fluctuated a bit, not noticing Id began to put on weight! One stone gain later, I needed to get it off to get back to target and thats when I joined Lauren's group."
Katie, who is a keen Netball player, has noticed a drastic improvement in her sporting ability and can now lift heavy weights.
She has plans to lose another 7lbs, but is not too focused on the numbers on the scale.
Katie said: "Id love to get to 9st 3lbs to say that Ive lost 4 st, however, Im now going on what my body looks like. Its not all about what the numbers say on the scales. I now have a toned belly.
"I feel so much happier, confident and bubbly. I feel that Ive given myself the best chance for my future and hope that as my dietary and exercise knowledge increases, Ill be able to help my future patients achieve similar things.
"I'm beginning to progress and I love what Im able to achieve now. My relationship with food has completely changed! I was eating and drinking my emotions.
"My portion sizes were immense, I had loads of take-outs, meal deals and even ate a burger for breakfast.
"Everything now, I aim to make from scratch, Ive always enjoyed cooking but now filling it with nutritious fruit and veg its much nicer."
On a typical day before joining Slimming World, whilst revising, Katie would eat beans on toast with white bread and full fat cheese for breakfast, followed by a cookie or brownie and an apple and orange.
She would then have a meal deal, with crisps and diet coast, followed by a big portion of spaghetti bolognese, with full fat mince, shop bought sauce and garlic bread.
Now, she has porridge and fruit for breakfast, pasta, salad and cooked meats for lunch, homemade Slimming World curry for dinner with cauliflower rice.
She also snacks on low calorie crisp and fruit.
The lockdown period brought new challenges for Katie, but she felt with the "continuous support" from her group, she was able to stay on track.
Read more of Katie's story, here.
A Plymouth teaching assistant has reached her goal weight during lockdown, despite obstacles in her way.
Tamsin Fleming has been at home on maternity leave with her two young children and was concerned about having "access to food all day long", but has found ways to keep herself on track.
The 30-year-old has been working her way through a vegetarian Slimming World recipe book, which not only keeps her busy, but has introduced tasty meals to her family.
Go here to read the rest:
Slimming World and WW weight loss superstars of the summer in Plymouth - Plymouth Live
This Malaysian sayur may help you lose weight. It may also give you a deadly lung disease. – CILISOS.MY

Malaysians arent eating enough sayur-sayuran, and probably nobody knows this better than the mamaks who hear Tak mau sayur ah like 80 times a day. Honestly, we get it. Why eat green stuff when we have roti canai and nasi lemak ayam goreng?
Right. Because thats not how you get 10 pack abs. Img from T-Nation.
Hard as it is for some veggie haters to accept, some Truly Delectable Malaysian Dishes That Are Also Sensational can only happen with them. Case in point: the sayur manis, aka mani cai (manis veggie?) for the Chinese people, aka cekur manis for Semenanjung people, aka Sauropus androgynous for scientists.
This sayur can be stir fried much like kangkung, made into egg soup, in masak lemak, used as the vegetable side for pan mee in lieu of pucuk ubi, or even thrown into a sad bowl of Maggi to make it happier. As for the taste, well, they dont call it sayur manis for nothing. As described by an ang moh who had some in Sabah
sayur manis tasted both rich and nutritious, like very good spinach. But it had more complexity than spinach, as though it had been fortified with broccoli and infused with asparagus. The flavor itself wasnt so much novel as it was a recombination of familiar tastes in a new and exciting way. Konstantin Kakaes, writing for NPR.
However, if you Google up enough of its recipes, youre bound to run into some sort of warning that it can cause lung problems, or that the leaves are toxic. While that warning might have the same energy as anti-vaxxer propaganda, there might be some truth to it, as
Sometime in the 1990s, sayur manis became popular in Taiwan as a weight loss food. During this fad, the leaves of this sayur were usually blended together with guava or pineapple to make a smoothie.
Mmm good. Not actual smoothie. Img by The Kitchy Kitchen, taken from Shape Magazine.
It was later found that the veggie contains a compound called 3-O--D-glucosyl-(1-6)--D-glucosyl-kaempferol, or GGK for short. This compound apparently has promise as a weight loss drug, as rats fed with GGK ate about 15% less food, and therefore lost more weight than rats not fed with the stuff, with no obvious side effects.
However, GGK isnt the only compound found in sayur manis. After chugging down some sweet sayur juice, hundreds of the Taiwanese fad dieters developed a rare kind of lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans, aka popcorn lung. In essence, it causes your lungs to get permanently damaged, and save for slowing down the damage or getting a lung transplant, theres no way to cure it.
Popcorn lung, as seen from above. A healthy lung wont have that many spots. Img by B.Q. Xie, et al. taken from Wikipedia.
With hundreds of cases of a rare disease popping up all of a sudden, it didnt take long for researchers to notice that people who regularly took sayur manis smoothies developed the disease. However, its still not clear which chemical in the sayur is causing it. One popular view was that it was caused by a compound called papaverine, which is used in modern medicine as a muscle relaxant.
The safe dose for papaverine is 300 mg a day. The smoothie drinkers, on the other hand, have been drinking the equivalent of about 3480 mg weekly, or roughly 500 mg a day. Curiously though, while a papaverine overdose has several side effects, lung damage isnt one of them. An experiment also showed that rats fed with sayur manis juice at the same ratio as the popcorn lung cases do not develop any lung problems whatsoever, although this may be due to the species difference.
Still, to be safe, just avoid eating sayur manis altogether would be fine, right? Well, you might be missing out, as
Someone actually analyzed the nutritional content of sayur manis and wrote a research paper on it, but we know if we put that data in a table, yall are gonna skim through it. So taking inspiration from an old ad, we Googled up some nutritional contents of normal, everyday foods and came up with a heartfelt poem to present the sayur manis most impressive nutritional contents, per 100 grams of the stuff.
Hu hu hu, as much protein as 1 tiny egg!
Hu hu hu, as much iron as 2 slices of tempeh!
Hu hu hu! As much zinc as 4 kacang bendi!
Hu hu hu, as much calcium as 1.5 cups of milk!
Hu hu hu, As much vitamin C as, like, 6 oranges!
Hu hu eh these lines dont rhyme.
Since the taste was described as more complex than spinach, well compare the two like our moms compare us to a more successful cousin. Basically, besides iron and zinc, sayur manis has spinach beat by its protein content (about 1.75x higher), calcium (4x higher), niacin (aka Vitamin B3, 90x higher), beta-carotene (1.5x higher), vitamin E (8.5x higher), and Vitamin C (11x higher).
But thats just scratching the surface. This humble sayur had been used in various Southeast Asian countries and India as a folk remedy for ailments like coughs, fever, high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, eye diseases, tonsils, cuts and wounds, and perhaps obviously, hunger. Its also curiously eaten to increase breast milk production by some people in Indonesia.
Experiments on the compounds found in this sayur showed that its folk healing abilities do work, albeit with varying degrees of success. Naturally, this also applies to the weight loss thing we talked about earlier, but you might be concerned
Unless youre planning to chug raw sayur manis juice, theres nothing to be worried about. As with many things, the key here is moderation. Theres always a possibility of too much of a good thing, and contrary to what Asian moms everywhere would believe, even drinking too much water can be harmful: you can get overhydrated, which may lead to nausea, headaches, seizures, cramps, or even a coma.
In the Taiwanese case, apparently the sayur manis fad caused the dieters to eat (drink?) a lot more of the veg than people normally do. According to a survey in Malaysian villages, it seems that most people commonly eat sayur manis like once a week, and even then the average amount eaten was around 156 grams. The Taiwanese dieters, on the other hand, had on average 150 grams a day, four days a week, so thats roughly four times more than what we normally eat.
Another difference was that the sayur manis juice drunk in Taiwan was made with raw leaves, whereas we usually stir fry the stuff or cook it in some way. While we dont know what exactly in the sayur manis caused the problem, apparently whatever chemical that was is inactivated by heat, so cooking will make it safer to eat. So to all the Malaysian veggie lovers out there, go forth and devour your sayur manis in moderation, but be sure to cook it first yah.
See the rest here:
This Malaysian sayur may help you lose weight. It may also give you a deadly lung disease. - CILISOS.MY
Is walking 30 minutes a day the best exercise for weight loss? Know the benefits and how to walk properly – Times Now

Is walking 30 minutes a day the best exercise for weight loss? Know the benefits and how to walk properly  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
New Delhi: Walking is a great form of exercise that offers several health benefits. It is easy to fit into your lifestyle and safe enough for everyone to do. Whether youre trying to get rid of those extra pounds or simply improve your health, making walking a part of your daily routine can help you live a healthier, fitter life. For better weight loss, experts recommend aiming for a brisk walk of 30-90 minutes most days of the week.
The fact is that getting healthier and fitter doesnt have to be that complicated. A simple exercise like brisk walking can contribute to your overall health and well-being. Whats more, you can do it anywhere, anytime of the day - at home, in the mall, on a treadmill, or outside. A daily brisk walk of 30 minutes can do wonders for your body and mind. All you need is to know the proper walking technique.
Walking is a simple activity, but it does involve some techniques to make your walks more effective and more fun. Heres how to walk properly with good posture:
You may also check out the following pic to perfect your walking form.
(Image credit: Mayo Clinic)
Walking regularly has immense health benefits. But a little technique with the correct gait and posture is especially important for effective results, especially if youre trying to lose weight. Try to make walking a part of your lifestyle - just make sure that you check with your doctor before starting any new fitness regimen.
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.