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Bill Nye Shows Why You Should Wear a Mask, On TikTok – The Beet

Bill Nye shows with this simple airflow trick how effective masks are. Try your own mask at home. All you need is a lit candle. And, thank you for wearing a maks. Not all masks are equally as effective, however, as Nye demonstrates with a simple air-flow test. When you wear a bandana or thin scarf, try this trick at home to determine whether your mask is protecting others or protecting yourself.
The three things known to help slow or halt the spread of COVID-19 are social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands. Plus The Beet has covered doctors' recommendations that you switch to a plant-based diet high in antioxidants and vitamins, and low or containing no meat products, to help build up a strong immunity and lower inflammation in the body. Plant-based diets are healthier than meat-based diets, when fighting off viruses, according to T. Colin Campbell and other well-respected medical experts. Eating plant-based, to lose weight and build up your immune system, is the best dietary choice you can make now, according to medical experts who see complications from COVID-19 related to inflammation, obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions related to a lack of overall healthy diet.
Why is it so hard to get people across the country to wear masks? We watch and wonder as cases surge across the south and people of all ages are getting COVID-19. In New York, where The Beet is located, we are wearing masks and just saw the lowest day for hospitalizations since March 10th. There are great looking masks out there. Get yours, but do this trick and make sure it works. We've always loved Bill Nye, Science Guy. Now he is helping save lives. Test your mask today.
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Bill Nye Shows Why You Should Wear a Mask, On TikTok - The Beet
Weight loss: Why your gut health could be the key to your summer weight loss plan – Express

There could be a reason youre not losing weight that is nothing to do with how many workouts youre doing - or to be more specific, a billion reasons.
Your gut bacteria play an important part in helping you to lose weight, and not looking after them could affect your dress size.
So while youre trying to slim down your tummy with various meal plans and exercises, the tiny bacteria in your gut could actually be working against you.
Emily Rollason, nutritionist at Holland & Barrett explained: Your healthy bacteria help you digest food, provide essential nutrients, enzymes and hormones and importantly, manage your metabolism. But they can only do all this if your microbiome is in balance.
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In fact, having a healthy microbiome could help you to cut back on the number of calories youre consuming, as some bacteria influence how you digest certain foods, producing chemicals that help you feel satiated.
But if its your stomach thats the issue, its important to know the difference between belly fat and bloating - which is another symptom of imbalances in your gut.
Gut health expert Jo Travers explained: Bloating is caused by a build-up of gas in the gut, produced as a by-product of bacterial digestion.
Its actually not necessarily a sign that something is wrong, but it can be uncomfortable and it can be a suggestion that your microbiome is slightly out of kilter.
So how do you look after your gut health, and in turn boost your chances of hitting your goal weight?
Jo explained that eating certain foods as part of your diet can help: Youve probably heard about prebiotics (dietary fibre that feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut). But as well as prebiotics, we can also take probiotics either as a ready-made preparation, or from fermented foods.
Fermentation produces lactic acid bacteria in foods like yogurt and kefir, which populates the gut when eaten and may have a positive effect on metabolism.
However, fermented foods are an acquired taste - so you may want to look at supplements instead, Emily advised.
If youre finding it difficult to stock up on your recommended fibre intake and cant stomach the thought of fermented foods in the morning, stock up on a good quality probiotic, the nutritionist recommended. Holland & Barretts Gut Powered Ultimate has over 50 million live friendly bacteria, and added calcium to aid digestive systems.
Adding fibre to your diet will also affect the way you eat - and perhaps how much you put on your plate. Fibre brings feelings of satiety (fullness) by adding bulk in your stomach, revealed Emily.
Your gut then communicates to your brain that its getting full and your hunger subsides. Additionally, when we digest fibre, a molecule called acetate is released, which signals to the brain that we are becoming full.
But surprisingly, its not just what you eat that can affect the sensitive balance of your gut.
Exercise can affect the types of bacteria that thrive in your intestine, admitted Jo.
Especially if you can combine it with getting into a different environment running in the woods versus running on a treadmill for example.
It can also prevent constipation by keeping the muscles in the gut moving food through.
This article contains affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission on any sales of products or services we write about. This article was written completely independently, see more details here.
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Weight loss: Why your gut health could be the key to your summer weight loss plan - Express
Every Question You’ve Ever Had About Rapid Weight Loss Answered By An Expert – POPSUGAR Health and Fitness Australia

For years, the idea of rapid weight loss has been deemed dangerous and unhealthy. However, recent studies have shown that rapid weight loss, when done in a healthy and controlled way, might actually be the most effective approach when it comes to achieving substantial and sustained weight loss.
To explain the theory and research further, POPSUGAR Australia spoke to diabetes expert, clinical dietitian, exercise physiologist and CEO and Founder of Be Fit Food, Kate Save, who unpacks this new research and answers all our questions rapid weight loss.
POPSUGAR Australia: What is rapid weight loss?
Kate: Rapid weight loss looks different for every individual as results can vary depending on age, gender, starting weight and lifestyle factors, such as activity levels. The range for rapid weight loss is generally between 3-7kg in the first two weeks, 7-10kg in the first four weeks and 10-15kg in the first eight weeks.
PS: For years, the idea of rapid-weight loss has been misunderstood and deemed dangerous and unhealthy. Can you please unpack this new research, and explain why rapid weight loss may be a more achievable and maintainable form of losing weight?
Kate: When undertaken in a nutritionally sound way, rapid weight loss is not dangerous or unhealthy. On the contrary, a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet that brings rapid weight loss has lots of other health benefits it triggers a range of favourable metabolic changes including a reduction in blood sugar levels, blood pressure, fatty liver and blood lipid levels (blood fats known as triglycerides). It also reduces our insulin levels in the blood which trigger fat storage and can lead to improved insulin sensitivity over time hence improved fat-burning capacity.
While historically research has indicated gradual or slow continuous weight loss to be the best form of weight loss for long-term success, current research into rates of weight loss is indicating that rapid weight loss is actually the most effective approach and an individual is more likely to achieve substantial and sustained weight loss if the initial weight loss is rapid.
To unpack this a little, individuals who lose rapid weight over four weeks are more likely to achieve and maintain greater weight loss reductions at six months and 18 months in comparison to those who experience gradual weight loss. We have seen this in our Be Fit Food 28 Day Challenge participants time and time again.
Studies have also shown that the amount of weight loss experienced in the initial weight loss phase is significantly associated with the percentage of weight loss maintained. Rapid weight loss results in a higher percentage of weight loss maintained at 12 months, two years and three years.
PS: Is it true that you're more likely to put the weight back on after rapidly losing it?
Kate: A common misconception is that rapid weight loss causes weight to regain plus more. New evidence demonstrates there is no difference between slow and rapid initial weight loss regarding weight regain. Individuals that experienced greater initial weight loss did not experience a greater weight regain than those who lost weight at a slower initial rate.
Rapid weight loss has also been shown to be significantly more likely to achieve a successful and beneficial weight loss maintenance of 10 percent bodyweight reduction at 18 months compared to slow weight loss. Studies have concluded that the greater the initial weight loss in obese patients, the larger the total weight loss at long-term follow up.
PS: What are the different effects of rapid weight-loss and slow-continuous weight-loss on the body?
Kate: A loss of as little as 5 percent of your total body weight, i.e. 3.5kg for a 70kg female, will significantly reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, plus it may also lower your risk of getting two of the most common kinds of cancer (breast and bowel). This is because rapid weight loss lowers inflammatory chemicals and hormones in the body which are linked to being overweight or obese, which in turn are attributed to boosting cancer rates in developed countries.
There are also many studies now showing that rapid weight loss is more effective for Diabetes management and even putting Type 2 Diabetes into remission than traditional low-fat diets. Be Fit Food's study found that just one week on a rapid diet resulted in lower blood glucose levels than the daily average. But the real magic of very-low-calorie dieting though is in the way your body and mind feels even after just one week you start sleeping better, your energy levels are better and your self-esteem is boosted as your clothes start to feel looser. The natural ketones produced with mild nutritional ketosis even assist with suppressing your appetite at a brain level so that the diet starts to feel much easier.
PS: What are the risks associated with losing weight so quickly?
Kate: There are no evident risks associated with rapid weight loss outside of specific medical concerns and medication implications. In fact, a 5-10 percent decrease in body weight can bring about health benefits including blood glucose control, lowered cholesterol, improved mobility and sleep quality. It may also reduce the need for certain medications.
If there is a history of complex health conditions though, it is important to seek a health professional's advice before embarking on any weight loss program.
PS: Are there any red flags we should look out for?
Kate: Some individuals should avoid a very low-calorie diet, or at least consult a health professional before undertaking this kind of weight loss program, including:
PS: Do you have any tips for monitoring rapid weight-loss to ensure we are remaining healthy and safe?
Kate: It's a good idea to track weight loss results and weight loss averages to ensure effectiveness of a rapid weight loss program. Average weight loss should be between 1.5kg and 2.5 kg a week so if it was exceeding this you should see the advice of a health professional. You can also record measurements and photographs of your weight loss, to monitor and maintain its effects. People with diabetes or metabolic syndrome should, of course, monitor their blood glucose levels throughout a very low-calorie diet. If you have any of the health conditions listed above, you should also maintain frequent follow up with your GP. It's recommended that a very low-calorie diet is only undertaken for between two and eight weeks you should consult a health professional or dietician before extending the diet beyond eight weeks.
You can also ensure you stay and feel healthy while dieting for rapid weight loss by managing the symptoms of ketosis appropriately, e.g. headache, lethargy, brain fog in the first three or four days. You should also maximise your water intake and rest time and avoid high-intensity training or exercise.
PS: Does rapid-weight-loss work for everyone?
Kate: Most individuals can participate in rapid weight loss. For those individuals with underlying health conditions or who are identified in the list above, it is best to consult a health care professional first. People with a high BMI along with metabolic issues, such as diabetes, or pre-diabetes, fatty liver and high cholesterol are ideal candidates for a rapid weight loss diet as they have significantly improved health outcomes when they lose 5-10 percent body weight.
PS: If people are looking for ways to lose weight this way, what simple, at-home steps can they take to start their journey?
Kate: The key to successful long term weight loss is dieting the right way, using only whole foods rather than synthetic meal replacements, plus enjoying what you are eating so you are more likely to maintain this new way of eating. Be Fit Food's Be Rapid program consists of meals that each include four-12 vegetables, is nutritionally complete and is designed to help you lose 5kgs in two weeks.
An ideal rapid weight loss diet consists of loads of plant-based foods including low carb vegetables, salads and fruits plus moderate amounts of proteins from meat, chicken, fish and tofu and healthy fats from nuts, seeds and various oils. This low-carb, Mediterranean style of eating helps you feel satisfied while preventing muscle mass losses, plus it stops your metabolic rate from crashing as you successfully achieve your weight loss goals.
PS: Can you recommend specific programs?
Kate: Be Fit Food's Be Rapid Program is a very low-calorie diet consisting of 3 meals and 1 snack per day. The Be Rapid Program provides approximately 820-920 calories and around 40-50g of carbohydrates per day, depending on what meals you choose. Weight loss on the Be Rapid Program occurs through two metabolic processes:
1. Mild Nutritional Ketosis
Mild nutritional ketosis is a state in which our body switches from using sugar (from carbohydrates) as its primary energy source to using our stored body fat. This process creates ketones. Mild nutritional ketosis is a state in which the ketone levels in our body are only slightly elevated (0.3-1.5mmol/l). Typical high fat ketogenic diets induce high levels of ketones, but evidence demonstrates that the weight loss results are the same regardless of whether the ketosis is mild or extreme. Mild nutritional ketosis is also associated with milder side effects.
How do we Induce this state?
Decreasing calories and carbohydrates induces mild nutritional ketosis. This results in a calorie deficit and promotes effective fat loss. The average weight loss of between 1kg and 2.5kg a week can be achieved when replacing all three meals each day with low carb, low-calorie meals from the Be Rapid Program. Our studies show that our customers have lost an average of 5kg in the first two weeks of following this program.*
2. Calorie Deficit
Calories are a measurement of the amount of energy a food provides. Adults typically consume around 2,000-2,500 calories per day on a standard Australian diet. When undertaking the Be Rapid Program we reduce your daily calorie intake to the level of a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) which is approximately 850-950 calories. This forces your body to use its body fat stores for energy. When you eat fewer calories than what your body requires to meet total energy expenditure, then you lose weight.
PS: Who should be consulted before embarking on a rapid weight-loss program?
Kate: Before starting any diet, it is always a good idea to see a dietitian, GP or other health care professional to ensure the diet is suited to you.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios
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Every Question You've Ever Had About Rapid Weight Loss Answered By An Expert - POPSUGAR Health and Fitness Australia
Global Online Weight Loss Programs Industry Market 2020 Segmentation and Analysis, Complete and Premium Insights Till 2027 By Reportspedia Research -…

Online Weight Loss Programs Market Analysis report studies latest market trends, development aspects, market gains and market scenario during the forecast period.
Latest Report published by Reportspedia titled: Global Online Weight Loss Programs Market Analysis report studies latest market trends, Market Share, development aspects, market gains and market scenario during the Forecast period 2019-2027. This study gives a comprehensive and detailed analysis of current and future 5-6 years market analyzed data of major players demanding on global market. The report explores key statistics on the Online Weight Loss Programs market status of the global and united states major industry players in detail.
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Balsamic Vinegar to Lose Weight – LatestLY

Weight loss is often considered a tough task even though it's not that difficult. A smart approach is required to lose weight where one needs to make the right choicewith respect to foods. Balsamic vinegar, which has a distinctive flavour that is often described as bold, tart and complex, has numerous health benefits. In this week's weight loss tip,we take a look at theproperties of balsamic vinegar that can help shed some kilos.Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits: From Healthy Skin to Lowering Blood Sugar Levels, Here Are Five Reasons to Have This Fermented Drink.
Balsamic vinegar is a deep brown vinegar that is prepared from unfermented grape juice.This ingredient has become famous over time and is mostly used in salad dressings and marinades. Balsamic vinegarcontains antimicrobial compounds, acetic acid and antioxidants that can aid in treating various ailments. It also consists of micronutrients like potassium and manganese which can help in the smooth functioning of the body.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Cocoa Powder to Lose Weight.
Balsamic Vinegar For Weight Loss
The presence of an important compound like acetic acid in balsamic vinegar makes it an ideal ingredient to be included in your meals for weight loss. Acetic acid contains strains of probiotic bacteria which can promote gut health and ensure smooth digestion. Acetic acid also helps in belly fat loss and the probiotic compounds present in itcreate the feeling of fullness, which helps prevent overeating. Also, balsamic vinegar is fat-free and is known for its anti-obesity characteristic.
Apart from weight loss, other reasons to include balsamic vinegar in your meals is that it can help avoid immediate spike of blood sugar. As per a study published in the National Institute of Health, balsamic vinegar is anti-glycemic in nature. It must be noted thatnot more than two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar should be taken in a day as excessive quantity can make the throat inflamed.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 11, 2020 11:02 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Use Balsamic Vinegar to Lose Weight - LatestLY
Should you drink apple cider vinegar? The health benefits and the falsehoods – Real Homes

We have been usingapple cider vinegar as a home remedy for hundreds of years. More recently it has become fashionable to drink it diluted in water, to use it in salad dressings, and even for washing hair. But are any of these methods of consuming apple cider vinegar good for us and are any of them even backed up by science? We take a look at the evidence, and reveal at the best ways to consume and apply apple cider vinegar.
For more health and beauty advice, visit our hub. Below, you'll find our favourite apple cider vinegar, which is currently half price.
Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 946ml | Was 10.99, now 9.99 on Amazon
This raw, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar is a bestseller on Amazon. Both EU Organic and USDA certified, it is also Kosher and gluten free. The acidity of this is 5% and can be used alone or in dressings.View Deal
We wouldn't advise it is drunk undiluted or in great quantities every day for various reasons. One is that drinking too much apple cider vinegar can be bad for your teeth in particular vinegar is known to be hard on tooth enamel. But there are other contraindications keep reading to find out more.
There is no exact recommended dosage, but anywhere between one to two teaspoons and one to two tablespoons a day is considered safe, but avoid drinking it neat or swilling around your mouth undiluted.
One of the best ways to add apple cider vinegar to your diet is by mixing it into your salad dressing, but you can also dilute in a large glass of water (we recommend using a straw if you're planning on drinking it straight from the glass to limit contact with your teeth).
It's always best to start with the smallest dosage to help your body get used to it. For maximum efficacy, always choose apple cider vinegar that's organic and unfiltered.
Apple cider vinegaris typically drunk just before or after a meal although we prefer to incorporate it into our cooking (more on that below).
There are some medical studies that prove apple cider vinegar aids weight loss. A Japanese study from 2009 found that both BMI and waist circumference were reduced in people who took apple cider vinegar daily.
It's important to note, however, that these studies do not claim that apple cider vinegar does dramatically reduce your weight on its own. What seems to be the case is that supplementing an otherwise effective weight loss strategy with apple cider vinegar will improve results, but it won't have an effect without adjusting your nutrition and exercise levels at the same time.
And, of course, it may be that people who start drinking it, may also be looking at other ways to live more healthily.
This is another health benefit of apple cider vinegar supported by solid scientific research. A study published in Diabetes Care in 2004 showed that taking apple cider vinegar after a high-carbohydrate meal improved insulin sensitivity with people with insulin resistance. As such, apple cider vinegar may be beneficial for people with diabetes but as always, you should continue to monitor your health carefully and make changes as necessary. And, if in doubt always speak to your doctor.
See more on the downsides, below.
There is some evidence that apple cider vinegar improves heart health by lowering cholesterol, but the studies were performed on rats, which doesn't prove the same link in humans. It is unlikely to do any harm, though.
No this is the one health claim that hasn't been supported by any scientific research, and all the evidence is purely anecdotal. It may be that applying apple cider vinegar topically to the skin may help some types of acne because it's astringent and antibacterial, but there are many other skincare ingredients that have a proven efficacy against acne (e.g. salicylic acid) that you could try first.
Bear in mind, though, that vinegar is an acid, so you may find that your skin becomes irritated and red if you use apple cider vinegar on it. Cautious patch testing is all important.
There is some evidence that apple cider vinegar does help to balance the PH of your scalp, while many commercially made shampoos have been found to be too alkaline, which can lead to either a dry scalp that flakes and itches, or an oily scalp that's over-compensating for being stripped of its natural oils.
Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, which is actually good for the acid mantle of your scalp. Simply pour a solution of two to five tablespoons of the vinegar in water over your scalp after washing, let sit for a few minutes, then rinse. Try using a milder shampoo to maximise results.
There is some evidence that ACV is anti-bacterial, so if your dandruff is caused by bacteria, then it might help. If the reason for your dandruff is different a nutritional imbalance, for instance it's likely you'll need to seek alternative treatments. Trial and error is useful here, and ACV certainly won't do any harm, so long as you used it diluted.
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Yes apple cider vinegar is effective against nail fungal infections, because it has been shown to have mild antibacterial and antiseptic properties. The key to its effectiveness in combating a fungal infection is applying is diligently twice daily until the problem goes away.
Our best bet for fungal infections, though, is tea tree oil: much stronger, so will work quicker.
If you're intrigued by the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar but aren't sure that drinking it is for you, the best way to use it is actually by incorporating it into your cooking.
Salad dressing aside, apple cider vinegar is an excellent (and somewhat underrated) base for pickling vegetables, and a very effective marinating agent for meat, imparting a pleasant sweet and sour flavour and softening the texture. Remember, though, that you always need to dilute the vinegar with water.
The truth is that it can be if consumed too often or in excessive doses.
Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, so drinking a lot of it, especially undiluted, can cause damage your tooth enamel, be harsh on your throat, and give you an upset stomach.
And while the studies mentioned above are promising, there's little solid proof as yet to suggest it can help you lose weight. It's also been suggested that drinking too much can cause the body's potassium levels to drop too low and that it can make blood sugar levels harder to control a must-know for diabetics. Finally, there are suggestions that it may affect how the body processes some medications.
Our advice? If you're well, small, diluted doses, either consumed in drinks or in cooking shouldn't hurt you. However, if you have health issues already, use it, as with anything, with caution and monitor results carefully.
Many people who are part of the online health and wellness community claim that to enjoy maximum efficacy, only apple cider vinegar with 'the mother' the cloudy substance that is the by-product of vinegar production should be used. The claim is that there are more of the beneficial nutrients in 'the mother' however, there are no studies that have proved this. Instead, what has been shown to make a real difference is whether your apple cider vinegar was organically produced or not.
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Should you drink apple cider vinegar? The health benefits and the falsehoods - Real Homes
Looking to boost immunity? Add lemongrass to your diet – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: July 9, 2020 3:50:54 pm Lemongrass can act as a natural diuretic. And by flushing out toxins from the body, it can help with weight loss. (Source: Getty/Thinkstock)
Everybody wants to stay healthy and boost their immunity. As such, they are always on the lookout for cleaner diets and naturally-available immunity boosters. This pandemic, more than anything else, has stressed on the importance of having a good immune system. If you have not paid much attention to your diet, now is the time when you can make a few changes. Here is one interesting food item that you can incorporate in your diet and stay in the pink of health: lemongrass.
What is it?
Lemongrass is essentially a plant, whose leaves and the oil are used to make medicine. It is used as a common ingredient in Thai food, mostly. It can be used to make soups, in vegetable stews, and also in non-vegetarian preparations. Lemongrass is also used as flavouring, and is often used in herbal teas.
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How beneficial is it?
* It believed to make the digestion better. You can take it in your tea, as mentioned earlier, and it can relieve stomach cramps caused because of an upset stomach.
* Lemongrass has some antioxidant properties, as per a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. These antioxidants can help fight free radicals in the body.
* And if you are looking to lose weight in an effective and healthy manner, you must consider the lemongrass. It is believed to stimulate the bodys metabolic rate, and can act as a natural diuretic. By flushing out toxins from the body in the form of urine, it can help with a healthy amount of weight loss.
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* Lemongrass has some antimicrobial properties, which can protect you from and treat oral infections. In fact, some studies conducted in the past have even shown that it can fight the bacteria that causes the decaying of teeth. This is in addition to the basic oral hygiene that you must keep anyway, like brushing twice a day and flossing.
As with everything, too much consumption can prove to be counter-productive. Also, it is advisable that you check with your dietician first, before making any additions to your diet. Most importantly, eat healthy and stay safe.
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Looking to boost immunity? Add lemongrass to your diet - The Indian Express
Weight loss: ‘ I was bullied because of my weight. Here’s how I lost 16 kilos with Keto’ – Times of India

Leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest culprits behind unexpected obesity. It also increases the risk of developing other health problems. Nilesh, a Chartered Accountancy student watched his weight go up in a similar way and the constant judgement and health issues made him undergo a transformation.His weight loss story is a true example which shows that discipline goes a long way in promoting good health. Read his story below to gain more tips and tricks:Name: Nilesh Choudhary
Age: 26Highest Weight recorded: 85 kilosTotal weight loss: 16 kilos
City: Delhi (Originally from Bihar)
The duration took me to lose fat: It took 3 months for me to lose weight and I have been able to sustain it.The turning point:
I was preparing for my CA exams in Delhi. During my finals, I put on a lot of weight. I didn't even realize I had gone from 67 kilos to 85 kilos. There was a time, I developed such a big belly, it was difficult to stand straight and see my feet.
During this phase, I was bullied by people, even those close to me. I knew, either I could get the weight gain get the worse of me, or fight it out.
I enrolled in a gym and started following the Ketogenic diet.
Breakfast- Paneer- 100gm (home made with low fat milk) + Butter -100gm +Veggies-100gm.I used to make any thing like Chilli paneer, Paneer dopyaja with these three things.
Lunch- Nuts (Soaked Almonds-25, Walnut-4, Friend Peanut-50gm-100gm & Anjeer -2)
Dinner- Mutton 500gm -750gm.
Any snacks I prefer: NoPre workout meal/drink- No pre workout meal/drink.
During workout- Water -1-2 liters with BCAA -1 scoop.
Post workout meal/drink- Whey Protein -25gm (Isolate) + Coconut oil- 25 g
My workout: My regime is a mix of cardio, weight training and functional training. These helped achieve fat loss as well as maintain it. During my transformation days, I worked out for six days a week and never skipped the gym.
Fitness secret: Workout became a priority in my life. I made a commitment to myself that for me to have a body like this, I have to put in efforts to take care of it no matter what it takes.
How do I stay motivated:- I do not look for motivation anywhere outside. I was my only source of motivation and inspiration. In the gym also, it was always ME Vs ME. I try to beat my yesterday, every today. I feel that one needs to scout for motivation from the inside. It has always been ME vs ME. I compete against myself and motivate my own self. Comparison against others isn't going to help.
Since there is no one else who knows my body better than myself, I, along with my elder brother designed my diet plan and workout. This kept me super focussed and meticulate.
How do you ensure you don't lose focus: My hard work and its result kept me focused. I feel, if, you are doing anything for your own self, anything that makes your inner soul happy, then no one in this whole world can divert your focus, except you.
What's the most difficult part of being overweight: I knew that all the extra weight was putting me at the risk of developing health issues. I used to sweat profusely and developed breathing problems. Then there's always the society. Life becomes problematic as people start to judge and look at you in a different way.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to be the best and fittest version of myself. I want to be in a shape where I can do anything possible-be it acro yoga, stretching, gymnastics, or run a marathon.
What are the lifestyle changes you made: I make my own food every day and minimize my spice and sugar intake.I keep a count of my micros and macros with every meal.I also drink a minimum of six litres of water every day.
This is why you can’t spot-reduce fat from one area of your body – Yahoo! Voices

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From Harper's BAZAAR
Of all the differences between men and women's bodies, one of the most baffling to many dieters is the way losing weight differs between the sexes; namely, where you put weight on, where it comes off and how excess weight spreads itself throughout the body.
Men tend to put weight on in concentrated areas such as their stomach first, with that being the first place weight also comes off, once they've embarked on a weight-loss program.
Whereas with women, fat deposits tend to be spread throughout the body, concentrating on certain areas such as the stomach, hips and thighs; something that's "crucial for childbearing," explains Janet Brill, PhD, RD, a Philadelphia-based nutritionist, who told Women's Health that increased fat in these areas means a higher levels of oestrogen, which is necessary for fertility.
"Men and women tend to lose weight differently based on the types of fat they contain and childbearing factors," says Romy Block, MD, an endocrinologist and co-founder of Vous Vitamin. She adds that weight loss is less about your natural body shape and more about genetics, how your hormones work, and your metabolism.
Brill explains that, if the first place you put weight on is your stomach, for example, "you'll likely lose weight from your midsection first as well". Although she does note that if you work out in general and therefore increase your metabolism, that will help to reduce your visceral fat (the dangerous middle-section fat around your organs).
"It's just a modest difference and doesn't count as spot-reducingbut it's something to keep in mind if your body hangs onto belly fat forever."
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See the article here:
This is why you can't spot-reduce fat from one area of your body - Yahoo! Voices
Oats, rye bran may reduce weight gain, hepatic inflammation – Outlook India

Oats, rye bran may reduce weight gain, hepatic inflammation
London, July 5 (IANS) Want to lose some weight? Read on. Researchers have found that the consumption of dietary fibre from oat and rye brans increased the growth of beneficial microbes in the intestines and reduced hepatic inflammation.
In addition, diets enriched with oat or rye bran were shown to attenuate weight gain. The effects of oat and rye were partly different, but both were beneficial for health.
For the study, published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, the research team from the University of Eastern Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland collaborated with the University of Hong Kong.
The health benefits of oat, rye and other whole-grain products have been widely studied, and their use has been associated with decreased inflammation and improved glucose, lipid and adipose tissue metabolism in human and animal experimental research.
In addition, they have been linked to a decreased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes. Different dietary fibres are also known to have different health effects.
In the current study, the research team wanted to investigate differences in metabolites produced by gut microbiota and their interactions with host metabolism in response to supplementation with oat and rye bran fibres.
The study was an animal experiment during which mice were fed a high-fat Western diet for 17 weeks. Two groups were fed the same diet enriched with 10 per cent of either oat or rye bran.
Among the various gut microbial metabolites, this study focused on those especially relevant to the development of fatty liver disease, which is often associated with obesity. Thus, microbial metabolites were assessed by measuring cecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), ileal and faecal bile acids, and the expression of genes related to tryptophan metabolism.
The findings suggest that both brans have the capacity to create a favourable environment in the gut by supporting the growth of beneficial microbes.
Both bran fibres enhanced the production of SCFAs, leading to improved gut integrity, reduced liver inflammation. "In addition, both oat and rye supplementation were shown to attenuate weight gain associated with a high-fat diet," the authors noted.
Read more from the original source:
Oats, rye bran may reduce weight gain, hepatic inflammation - Outlook India