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Understanding The Link Between Hypertension And Obesity: Know How To Regulate Your Blood Pressure Numbers – NDTV Doctor

Obesity can negatively affect your health in various ways. It can also result in hypertension. Here's the link between obesity and high blood pressure. Also, know tips to manage obesity related high blood pressure.
Obesity is one of the major risk factors for high blood pressure
Obesity is a serious health condition that needs to be controlled. Accumulation of fat inside the body can disturb functioning of the body in various ways. Obesity is one of the leading risk factors of several chronic diseases. Several factors including poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy practices can lead to obesity. Genes also play a role. According to WHO, unhealthy weight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese. A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered obese.
High blood pressure is a common health condition these days. It can put you at a higher risk of heart diseases. Unhealthy weight and obesity contribute to high blood pressure. Obesity is one of the leading risk factors of high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart diseasePhoto Credit: iStock
A study published in The Ochsner Journal explains that obesity increases the risk of the development of hypertension. Hypertension is associated with well-known sequelae, including coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, renal insufficiency, atherosclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillation, and congestive heart failure. Obesity-related hypertension is no different in this regard in that it predisposes to these conditions as well.
The study further summarises, obesity predisposes to hypertension and alters the course of hypertensive cardiovascular disease in ways that are only now coming to be appreciated. The strong association of obesity with diabetes further complicates the picture in patients with such conditions and complicates the design of effective therapeutic interventions.
Also read:Hypertension: 5 Best Exercises To Control High Blood Pressure Naturally
Losing weight is the most effective strategy to beat obesity-related high blood pressure. To lose weight you need to consume fewer calories and burn more. Regular exercise and a restricted diet play an important role in weight management.
Eat a well-balanced diet that is loaded with fibre. It will also provide you all the necessary nutrients required by the human body.
Eat a well-balanced diet that is low in sodium to control blood pressurePhoto Credit: iStock
It is also important to ensure optimum physical movement throughout the day. It is advised to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
If obesity is related to your genes, you must consult a doctor.
Also read:Try These 7 Foods That Have More Potassium Than A Banana To Control High Blood Pressure
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.
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Understanding The Link Between Hypertension And Obesity: Know How To Regulate Your Blood Pressure Numbers - NDTV Doctor
Boris Johnson chides U.K. for being ‘significantly fatter’ than other nations – Politico

"I have taken a very libertarian stance, he said. But when you compare us to other countries, we are significantly fatter apart from the Maltese, for some reason.
Turning to the British economy post-coronavirus, Johnson said it was the moment for a Rooseveltian approach in the U.K. in reference to the U.S. "New Deal" of the 1930s, which saw massive public investment in building and reform.
You can't at this moment go back to austerity. That would be a mistake, he said.
The PM also admitted the pandemic had been a "disaster" and an "absolute nightmare" for Britain, which currently has a third-highest coronavirus death toll in the world. Johnson will set out further plans for planning policy and infrastructure in a speech in Dudley on Tuesday.
This comes after government announced a 1 billion schools building program overnight.
Elsewhere, Johnson heaped praise on outgoing civil service boss Mark Sedwill, after it was confirmed on Sunday that the U.K.'s under-fire top civil servant is stepping down. The resignation follows months of reports of tension between Sedwill and Johnson's top team and is part of a wider shakeup of how the British state functions.
The PM also praised his controversial top aide Dominic Cummings as outstanding, despite his being accused of breaking lockdown rules at the height of the pandemic.
Opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer argued changing civil service chief was the wrong priority. "Focus on the economic crisis, start preparing a budget," he told the Today program on BBC Radio 4.
On the economic renewal plan, Starmer argued building more would be "not enough on its own" and warned there could be an imminent crisis in jobs with "the real prospect of millions of people unemployed."
"Its staggering that in light of the economic crisis that is about to descend upon us that were not having a July budget that puts jobs absolutely at the center of the economic recovery," he said.
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Boris Johnson chides U.K. for being 'significantly fatter' than other nations - Politico
Weight loss: Tesco worker lost 7 stone and dropped five dress sizes with this diet plan – Express

As the nation has been told to stay home during the coronavirus, with only one outing a day for exercise initially, many dieters have had to put their weight loss goals on hold. However, though the lockdown could mean a lot of Britons are moving less - and perhaps even eating more as theyre tempted by the fridge - one slimmer has defied the odds. The Dumfries-based woman has now lost over seven stone, and said the lockdown gave her the final push she needed.
Wilma Woodgate, 55, moved to Dumfries in June 2018 and wanted a new life and a new start - plus a new body.
Weighing 20st 11lbs, Wilma said she was squeezing into a size 24 dress at the time and felt horrible.
I was struggling to walk any distance, admitted Wilma.
Climbing stairs was a chore, not having the energy to play with my grandchildren who are nine and six was heart-breaking, but the last straw for me was going to a theme park with the family, being really excited to go on a ride, but the belt DIDNT fasten, and I had to leave the ride.
I was humiliated and it was then that I decided enough was enough.
Wilma decided to join WW (Weight Watchers re-imagined) on June 6, 2018.
READ MORE:Alison Hammond weight loss: Diet plan star used after hitting 20st
My daughter Sarah was getting married in Antigua in August 2019 and I didnt want to be the fat mother of the bride and hate the pictures, so I wanted to lose five stone for her big day, said Wilma.
Wilma said she was incredibly nervous before her first session at the slimming club.
I was very nervous to step through the doors to Irene Notmans workshop in Lochvale House, and felt sick at the thought of standing on the scales, especially in a new and very unfamiliar place. But I need not have worried, Irene was amazing and made me feel very much at ease - more than can be said for the scales.
Despite being a technophobe, Wilma said she soon got to grips with the smart points plan and the online app.
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Wilma has four daughters, including 29-year-old triplets, and revealed her weight loss journey wasnt easy.
There were weeks when I felt really down, and thought I had such a huge mountain to climb and would I ever get there, but I never ever thought about giving up. I didn't want to embarrass myself or my daughter on her wedding day, said Wilma.
Wilma changed her diet, cooking recipes from the WW plan for herself and her husband, as well as replacing snacks with healthier choices.
There were obstacles in my way like having my grandsons staying over on weekends for movie nights, and the popcorn, crisps, chocolate and takeaways were part of the fun - but I started to substitute my snacks with WW chocolate bars and crisps, explained Wilma.
Wilma has now dropped from a size 24 to a much slimmer size 14, but shes still getting used to shopping for her new figure.
Being quite tall and a size 24 made it difficult shopping for clothes, I hated it! said Wilma. Trying to convince myself I could squeeze into an 18, it was soul destroying! Even now when I go shopping (even though I'm a size 14) I still take the size 24 into the changing room with me just in case... it's crazy.
However, when lockdown hit, Wilma was worried she wasnt going to reach her goal weight - but a new job gave her the help she needed to slim down.
Wilma got a new job at Tesco, working for the online team to help make up the orders for online customers - which means plenty of moving around.
I love it, because now I need to walk and be active, and do at least 10,000 steps a shift! revealed Wilma.
I have the step app on my phone, and love to record the activity on my fitness section on the WW app.
Wilma said she can now run around and play with the grandkids, walk up the stairs without getting out of breath, and has more confidence as a result.
The happy slimmer also said the diet was made easier by the fact she didnt have to cut anything out.
The WW plan means no food is off limits, but is counted up with a points system with a set number of points allowed per day depending on what youre trying to achieve.
Even restaurants were on the menu, as before lockdown Wilma would save up a few points by eating light beforehand so that she could choose whatever she liked when she went out for the evening.
My eating has changed so much for the better. I used to eat large breakfasts to feed two people, takeaways, pizzas, lots of chocolate bars, and I was a constant snacker, but now I still constantly snack but on fresh fruit, homemade soups, salads; and I love to cook now, something I never did before, Wilma added.
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Weight loss: Tesco worker lost 7 stone and dropped five dress sizes with this diet plan - Express
Straight facts about Splenda and its affect on health – Business Insider Australia

Many people turn to artificial sweeteners in an attempt to cut calories from sugar out of their diets and lose weight. However, some of these sugar substitutes have been controversial for decades.
One sweetener, Splenda, has even raised concerns for causing cancer, though theres no substantial proof. Heres what researchers have actually found so far on Splendas health effects.
Splenda is one of the brand names for sucralose-based artificial sweeteners. Other brands include Sukrana, SucraPlus, and Nevella. Sucralose was first approved as a general-purpose sweetener in 1999 by the FDA.
The Splenda-making process starts with sucrose, also known as table sugar. The chemical structure of sucrose is then altered into a new compound called sucralose, from which the human body cannot absorb any calories.
This result is an artificial sweetener that is extremely sweet 600 times sweeter than regular sugar and low-cal. One packet of Splenda contains 3.36 calories.
The FDA says that sucralose is safe capping the recommended maximum intake at 23 packets a day, or about the equivalent of 5.5 teaspoons. However, some nutritionists disagree with the FDA.
Danica Cowan, MS, RD, a dietitian at UCSF Osher Centre for Integrative Medicine, strongly advises against using any chemical artificial sweeteners, not just Splenda. Cowan says that until we have unequivocal proof that chemically-altered artificial sweeteners are not harmful, everyone should err on the side of caution.
In fact, most of the research points to potentially adverse health effects. Heres what some of the research has uncovered, so far:
A study published in Cell Metabolism in 2020 found that consistently eating sucralose and carbs together for 10 consecutive days decreased insulin sensitivity in otherwise healthy adults. In other words, its possible that consuming too much sucralose-based sweeteners may cause you to have higher blood sugar, which can increase your risk of prediabetes. However, this research is relatively new, and there are no other studies to confirm its conclusions.
Theres talk that artificial sweeteners may have a negative impact on gut health. However, so far, the only studies on this effect have been done in animals and theres no proof that the results apply to human health.
That said, artificial sweeteners including mannitol and sorbitol have been shown to cause GI issues like diarrhoea. Whether this has any long-term adverse effects on gut health, though, is unknown.
In 2016, a study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health made media headlines for its supposed link between Splenda and an increased risk of cancer.
However, the study was performed in mice and the researchers reportedly fed the rodents at least 12 times more sucralose than whats recommended for human consumption. The mice were eating this amount every day until they died.
Later in 2016, a different group of researchers published an extensive review in the Journal Nutrition and Cancer concluding that, sucralose does not demonstrate carcinogenic activity even when exposure levels are several orders of magnitude greater than the range of anticipated daily ingestion levels.
Artificial sweeteners, in general, can actually backfire for those who are trying to lose weight. According to a 2010 mini-review, artificial sweeteners affect the brain differently than true sugar, leaving it less satisfied which can spark additional sweet cravings.
When we eat sugar, reward pathways in our brain are activated, and they release hormones that make us feel good, which explains why we love sweets so much. On the other hand, when artificial sweeteners are consumed, those same pathways are activated only partially since they dont contain calories, meaning they cant be broken down into energy for the body. This can lead you to crave more, eat more, and possibly gain weight.
There is a deficit of studies that investigate the long-term health effects of Splenda consumption. From what researchers have found, Splenda isnt horrible for you, but it also isnt necessarily good for you, either. And it definitely doesnt add any nutritional value.
Cowan says that if you want to reduce your sugar intake, then start by cutting back slowly and steadily. If you just begin to cut back on sugar and sweets in general, your body adjusts. Your taste buds adjust, and you crave sweets less and I think thats very beneficial.
If you have intense sugar cravings and arent ready to cut back on traditional sweets just yet, Cowan says artificial sweeteners can have a place. But she suggests trying healthier sugar substitutes instead of Splenda. She highly recommends using Stevia or Monk Fruit, which are more natural than Splenda. Both of these sweeteners come from plants and are not artificially derived from other substances or chemicals.
Lastly, if youre trying to lose weight, take a hard look at your overall diet. Weight loss and health are about way more than just using an artificial sweetener or not. Cowan recommends focusing on having a healthy balanced diet of whole foods, and avoiding highly-processed foods.
For help with weight loss check out our guide on how to lose weight safely. You can also consult a doctor or dietitian for guidance.
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Straight facts about Splenda and its affect on health - Business Insider Australia
Weight Loss: Cut down THIS food item for best results – PINKVILLA

Weight Loss Tips: Shedding extra fat can be a difficult task but not impossible. Cut down on this food item for better results.
We know that sugar leads to weight gain and that's why many weight watchers stop or at least cut down on it. Many are replacing high-calorie foods and beverages with lower-calorie or no-calorie sweet treats as it can help to lose and maintain a healthy weight. For example, switching from high-calorie sodas to diet sodas with no calories are actually helpful. Even many foods and drink manufacturers have and have been replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners considering the obesity crisis and demand for such products.
But one should not totally rely on it as many observational studies have revealed that artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. The study, which was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that this ingredient that many Britons eat every day could be making them fat.Yes, you read it right! Artificial sweeteners may be associated with long-term weight gain and increased risk of obesity. Some scientists believe that because artificial sweeteners are so much sweeter than sugar (For example, Aspartame 180 x sweeter than sugar), they train our brains to crave more sweet foods.
As they do not provide calories, they confuse the brain signals that tell us to stop eating when we've had enough food. Also, eating artificially sweetened food gives us an excuse to eat more food overall.
They may not only disrupt your weight loss dreams but also increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. This is not all, they may also have negative effects on metabolism, gut bacteria and appetite.
As per one 2017 study, daily diet drink consumption was linked to an increased risk of stroke or dementia. So, cut down on not only sugar but also artificial sweeteners from your weight loss plan and you will soon see the results.
What are artificial sweeteners?
The NHS said, Artificial sweeteners are low-calorie or calorie-free chemical substances that are used instead of sugar to sweeten foods and drinks. They are found in thousands of products, from drinks, desserts and ready meals, to cakes, chewing gum and toothpaste. There are many artificial sweeteners to choose from such asaspartame, neotame, saccharin, and sucralose among others. Many everyday items such as ketchup, whole-wheat bread, greek yogurt, cereal and sugar-free chewing gum have artificial sweeteners. And that's why it is very important to read the packets carefully.
Even though the FDA has confirmed that certain sweeteners are safe for you to use, many health experts are still unconvinced. Many claim that there are side effects as well. Dr. Larry Goldfarb, DC, founder of Medical and Wellness Center of New Jersey, claimed that there were political and financial motivations behind the approval of certain sweeteners.
As per, Dr. Goldfarb stated, "The public has been duped that artificial sweeteners are fine to use and no harmful effects have been shown to exist. Research has shown just the opposite." He also revealed how some studies have shown a relationship between aspartame and several serious diseases including cancer.
Bottom line
Replacing regular table sugar with artificial sweeteners may be helpful in reducing weight. However, there are certain reports claiming that there are hardly any weight loss benefits and have side effects. But further studies are on. And if you have been using artificial sweeteners and are healthy, happy, and satisfied with the results, then there is no need to change. Ideally, it is best to cut down on all kinds of sweeteners as much as possible.
If you cannot totally avoid it, stick to natural sources and reduce sweeteners in general. You can choose naturally sweet foods like whole fruit when you have sweet cravings. Also, you will derive other nutrients as well from the whole food. You can also consult a dietician or nutritionist who can help you to prepare a custom made diet chart.
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Weight Loss: Cut down THIS food item for best results - PINKVILLA
The rise and untimely fall of Fred ‘the Tin Man’ Archer – Past The Wire

Emma Hayward and William Archer welcomed their second son, Fred Archer into the world on the 11th January 1857. Born in Cheltenham, it was not surprising that he grew up to become a jockey; his father, older brother and later, younger brother, were all jockeys. It could be said that horse racing was in his blood from the moment he entered the world.
15 years before Fred was born, his father William won the worlds greatest steeplechase, the Grand National in 1842 on Little Charlie.
When Fred was 2, the family moved to Prestbury, where his father became the landlord of the Kings Arms pub. Fred learnt to ride at a young age and by the time he was 8 years old, young Fred was already riding in pony and donkey races.
The start of something special
Now the home of Sir Mark Prescott, Heath House in Newmarket is where Fred was apprenticed to Matthew Dawson when he was just 10 years old. The Dawsons had no children of their own, so took on Archer as their own when he was bullied by other lads at the stable
At just 12 years of age, he rode in the Newmarket Town plate and a year later in 1870, won his first race under Jockey Club rules at Chesterfield racecourse on Atholl Daisy. Weighing just 4stone 11lb (67 lbs) as a child, Fred ultimately grew to be 5ft 10 and hit 11stone (154 lbs) during the winters.
I have a wonderful boy here who will do marvellous things
1872 saw his first big win, aboard Salvanos in the Cesarewitch; Fred weighed just 5 stone (70 lbs); this was the year his apprenticeship ended. Tom French was the leading stable jockey for Dawson, however he became ill in 1873 which led to Fred receiving more rides and riding 107 winners that year, coming second in the jockey championship to Harry Constable. Heartbreakingly, French died later in the year due to the excessive wasting demands of being a jockey.
1874 was a turning point for Archer, when he achieved his first classic win in the 2,000 Guineas aboard Atlantic; that same year he became retained jockey for Lord Falmouth, whom he would go on to win over half his classics for.
In 1875, he completed the 1,000 Guineas and Oaks double on Spinaway. Two years later aboard Silvio for Lord Falmouth, he won his first Derby and then went on to win the St Leger.
One of Archers favourite horses, Wheel Of Fortune, won the 1,000 Guineas and Oaks in 1879 and went on to win the Yorkshire Oaks. She was going to go for the UK Triple Crown but unfortunately the horse broke down going for her second race at York just two days later.
Unhealthy lifestyle
Even now, jockeys have to waste to reach the correct weight in a race. At 5ft 10, Freds weight started to become a problem, he already had to diet a lot more than his fellow jockeys to maintain his racing weight of 8st 10lbs (122 lbs). This was ultimately the start of a tragic downward spiral.
His low weight was aided by Turkish baths and shockingly, Fred tended not to eat solids and used alkaline medicines to purge, made up by a doctor in Newmarket.
A poor walker and unable to run, he was unable to lose weight through exercise, which exacerbated his unhealthy habits to lose weight. When he ate, his diet consisted of: half an orange, a sardine, a nip of champagne or castor oil, a biscuit and a small champagne at lunchtime.
Success and heartbreak
Archer came from behind on Bend Or to beat Robert the Devil in the 1880 Derby by a head, mading the gutsy move to go along the rails to grasp success. Dutch Oven won the St Leger in the same year and there was much controversy that Fred had pulled the horse in the Yorkshire Stakes to get better odds for this race, however this was said to be unfounded.
Marrying into the family that welcomed him with open arms, Archer married his trainers niece, Rose Nellie Dawson in January 1883 in Newmarket. A brilliant firework display lit up the night sky on their wedding day with the words May they be happy; a statement that would soon go on to prove false.
In January of 1884, Fred and Roses son, William, died at birth. He was named after Freds brother who tragically died in a hurdle race at Cheltenham.
Getting pregnant again in November 1884, Rose gave birth to a daughter called Nellie; Fred found out by a telegram message after riding Thebais to victory in the Liverpool Cup. Thought to be the result of post-natal eclampsia, Nellie started convulsing and passed away after the birth of their daughter.
The Tin Man triumphs
He was nicknamed the The Tin Man due to his love of money.
Fred made lots of shrewd investments with most of his money but had also squandered around 250,000 by the time of his death. It is said he asked bystanders for coins to put in his breeches to increase his riding weight when he was short of money for the race, but never returned the money.
Falmouth Lodge and Stables, now known as Pegasus Stables was built by Archer in 1882.
1885, the year after his wifes death was ironically Archers most successful year in the saddle; he went on to win the 2,000 Guineas on Paradox, the Oaks on Lonely, the Derby and the St Leger on Melton, followed by the Grand Prix de Paris on Paradox. In his final season, he won the Derby and St Leger on the superstar Ormonde.
He Finished the year on 246 winners, this record remained unbroken until Gordon Richards in 1993, over a hundred years later! Over his short career, Archer won five Derbys, had 21 classic wins and overall won 2748 races in 8084 races.
He was Champion Jockey between 1874 and 1886, an incredible feat considering his young age.
Untimely death
In October of 1886, Archer needed to lose 6lbs over 2 days in for what would turn out to be his first and only ride over in Ireland, on Cambusmore for Lord Londonderry in the Lieutenants Plate at The Curragh, a race he won with great ease.
After this success and returning home, he wasted down to 8st 7lb for the Cambridgeshire, he went 3 days without food. He fell ill and had to return home, where he had a very high fever.
On the 8th November 1886 he was at his home, Falmouth House, in Newmarket under medical supervision. His sister visited him at about 2:25 and he asked her to send the nurse out of the room, which turned out to be a fatal mistake; whilst she was looking out the window, he jumped out of bed and asked her Are they coming?. With a gun in his hand, he put it in his mouth and fired the revolver. The bullet passed out through his neck, and he tragically died bleeding in his sisters arms.
An inquest into his death was held, where it was stated The deceased committed suicide whilst in a state on unsound mind. Archer was just 29 years of age. His death was attributed to the death of his wife two years earlier, wasting, and possibly due to the fact he had 30,000 of debt.
He had previously spoken to his friend about his late wife saying She was taken away from me at the very moment that my happiness did really seem to me to be so great and complete as to leave nothing else in this world I could really wish for.
A fortune of 66,662 was left for his daughter Nellie, which would be around 7 million pounds in todays money.
You can see some of his personal affects in the National Horse Racing museum in Newmarket, which includes the gun he shot himself with! He was buried in Newmarket Cemetery and his burial plot can be found to the right of the chapel.
It is said that his ghost rides a light grey horse over Newmarket Heath.
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The rise and untimely fall of Fred 'the Tin Man' Archer - Past The Wire
7 Questions To Ask Oneself Before Starting Any Diet To Stay Motivated & Not Cheat Or Give Up –

Whether you are starting your weight loss journey or have simply decided to go for healthier food choices, you will need to make a long and solid commitment.
How to stick to a diet and not cheat?
If you have ever tried dieting, you would agree that the hardest part is not the diet itself but sticking with it.
There is a reason why people very often give up on the diet plan even before reaching the full goal. We get it, a diet is a drastic change in your food habits.
This is why today we will set you up for exactly what you should be expecting from your diet.
Workout is only half of your weight loss journey, the other and equally important part is your diet.
Here are 7 important questions you should be asking yourself before starting any new diet. These dieting tips for beginners will help you stay committed!
This simple question is one of the most important ones to ask. Stop before jumping into a journey that requires your full focus and ask yourself why exactly do you want to lose weight. Is it for health reasons or you just think that you should? Is it because you have unhealthy levels of fat on your body or because you want to achieve your fitness goals?
Ask yourself these questions because if you are trying to lose weight simply because you should, it might not be the strongest motivation for such a long commitment.
Most of the time, we start off on a weight loss journey but the timing isnt right. Certain scenarios like moving to a new city can alter our lifestyle drastically. In these situations you are already trying to settle in a new way of life. In such a case, starting another new and drastic journey will only put you and your body under stress.
If you have a super busy schedule or a demanding job, dieting may not be the best idea. Alone, dieting will not bring about the desired effects. As a result you might get demotivated and drop the plan entirely.
No amount of dieting tips for beginners can help you out if you dont workout. If weight loss is your goal, you will need to follow both these practices to get faster and better results.
Well, if you are a student or a working professional living outside of your hometown, you probably eat out more often than others. The more you hangout the harder it will be to stick to your diet plan. Also, it will not always be convenient for you to eat as per your diet plan. Eating on the go lifestyle is very popular these days. This is exactly what makes following a diet hard.
Weight loss does not automatically mean good health. Before starting a diet, you need to make sure that it has more than one health benefit. Otherwise, you might achieve your goal weight but at the cost of your health. Think about it beforehand and do your research well. If you dont, you might have to give up the diet at a later stage anyway.
Another aspect that most of us forget to consider is the affordability of a diet plan. Many diets include everyday food items that are used popularly and are cheaper. However, there are some diets that might require a little splurging on your end. Set your budget beforehand and then choose a diet.
The last and final question that you need to ask yourself is this one. More often than not, we start a diet but due to its extremity we end up struggling after just a few weeks. Some diets are way too extreme and may not be sustainable for many reasons.
For example if you are used to an Indian diet or have never tried dieting before, Keto may be a little too extreme for you. This is why research and professional knowledge on the subject is important.
Now that you know what to expect out of the journey you can mentally prepare yourself for it. It's a hard and long journey but only if you go into it with zero research and thought.
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Weight loss: Man lost a huge 21st with this diet – after fears hed be lucky to see 40 – Express

I was worried that if my mum did pass away, I wouldnt be able to be one of her pallbearers, which was heart-breaking, Phil revealed. She died in October 2017, by which point Id lost 5st. I know shed be really proud if she could see me now more than 21st lighter.
Phil joined his local Slimming World club in July 2017, having been encouraged by a friend who also went with him.
I even contacted the Consultant in advance to check the scales would be able to weigh me, Phil recalled.
The last time Id weighed myself was at the hospital, where I had to stand on two sets of scales just to get a reading. My Consultant assured me that there was nothing to worry about and she was right everyone was so supportive and friendly and although it was a shock to see the scales hit 37st, for the first time thanks to her kindness and hearing about Slimming Worlds plan I felt like I could do something about it.
The Slimming World diet plan allows dieters to eat hearty but healthy meals, something Phil found much easier to stick to compared to his previous attempts at intermittent fasting and portion restriction.
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He described joining the club and learning about the plan as a lightbulb moment as he realised he didnt have to starve himself to lose weight.
I was a bit vegetable-phobic when I first joined but now one of my favourite dishes is a Mediterranean vegetable pasta and I even tend to an allotment with a veggie patch! Phil shared.
By following the clubs Food Optimising eating plan, Phil halved his bodyweight, going from 37 stone to just over 15 stone in only three years.
He praised the group environment for his astonishing results, saying: The group environment really helped me too because for the first time I was surrounded by people who knew how it felt to struggle with their weight. Checking in with everyone each week has been invaluable and I have learned so much from everyone. I attend virtually now that were in lockdown, which is really great and helps keep me on track. I couldnt be without them.
However, Phil didnt just overhaul his entire diet - he also became more active after shedding the pounds.
After 30 years away from it, Phil is now cycles regularly.
Years of being overweight really took its toll on my knees and I used to take medication daily to manage the pain, revealed Phil.
I will still need a knee replacement at some stage, but I have certainly delayed the inevitable and made the operation itself more likely to be successful. When I was 37st, my doctor told me it was too risky for me to have surgery because calculating the anaesthetic needed for someone my size was so tricky.
Now Ive started cycling again, I can walk without getting out of breath and I also enjoy yoga. Its a completely different life to the one I had before one that is full of opportunities, friends and adventures.
The weight loss has completely changed his life - and may have even saved it. Phil was recently ill with what was thought to be COVID-19, and though it still affected him badly hes not sure that he would have been so lucky to recover had he been at his original weight.
Obesity is a known risk factor in coronavirus deaths, with overweight patients more likely to die from the disease.
I dread to think how my body would have responded. It was a timely reminder of how important my health is, Phil said of his recent illness.
However, Phil is now fighting fit, and even found love after transforming his body with the plan, meeting partner Nicole on an online dating app.
Since meeting weve moved in together, swam in the Mediterranean Sea, been on a walking tour of Berlin and Ive learned to drive. There are lots more adventures we want to tick off the list and for the first time in a long time, Im excited about the future.
Since the temporary suspension of its 19,000 community groups, Slimming World has launched a virtual weight-loss service to continue to support people to stay on track with healthy habits and lose weight at this time.
Heres an example of what Phil used to eat, compared to his daily food menu now that hes on the plan:
Breakfast: Sausage roll or a sausage bap with cheese and ketchup. Full fat latte or cappuccino with added sugar.
Lunch: Tinned soup with 3-4 rounds of white bread, large bag of crisps and a chocolate bar or chips with cheese and lots of sauce.
Dinner: Large supermarket pizza, crisps and chocolate or a Chinese or Indian takeaway.
Evening: Multipack crisps, jumbo bar of chocolate, family bag of sweets, doughnuts, biscuits.
Breakfast: Bran flakes or reduced-sugar muesli with fat-free yogurt and frozen berries. Americano coffee with skimmed milk.
Mid-morning: Fruit.
Lunch: Leftovers from a home-cooked meal the night before or a pasta dish and some fruit.
Dinner: Chicken or salmon with Slimming World chips or potatoes with lots of fresh veg from the allotment.
Evening: A Slimming World Hi-Fi bar.
Go here to read the rest:
Weight loss: Man lost a huge 21st with this diet - after fears hed be lucky to see 40 - Express
How did Teen Moms Chelsea Houska lose all her weight? – The Sun

Fans of Teen Mom's Chelsea Houska have expressed concern over the reality star's dramatic weight loss.
The Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant starhas seen her weight drop in recent years andher followers have been quick to point it out - but she insists it is down to her personalized weight loss program.
Chelsea appeared on Teen Mom's official Instagram account in May and told fans that she had also been working out to improve her mental health.
Chelsea rose to fame on 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2,which has documented all of the drama involving ex Adam, who has been plagued with legal and drug issues.
He lost custody of daughter Aubree in January 2018 after he tested positive for meth.
Chelsea, a South Dakota native, married her current husband Cole DeBoer in 2016.
She is a beautician and entrepreneur outside of the show.
Chelsea reportedly used Profile by Sanford after her pregnancies to shed the extra baby pounds.
In an Instagram post uploaded last year, she wrote: Im happiest when Im healthiest, thats why Im SO excited to continue my Profile journey.
"There have been so many new products at @Profile_Sanford its hard to keep up! Umm Profile Ice Cream? Where have you been all my life?! Lets do this together!!"
She continues to act as an ambassador for the brand and regularly uploads pictures of herself with Profile products to Instagram.
After losing weight following the birth of her daughter Layne, 1,fans think she is getting "thinner" and expressed concern for her health on Instagram.
One remarked: "She keeps getting skinnier. I have always been a fan but yeah, pretty sad."
A fan defended Chelsea and wrote: "You guys... its also what shes wearing and how shes posing that makes her look so slim. She looks great and Im sure she works really hard to look so good."
Back in April, she hit back at critics by posting pictures of her homemade pizza on Instagram: "Pizza life chose me!"
Chelsea has three children, and fans have speculated she may be pregnant with her fourth.
She shares daughter Aubree, 10, with her ex-boyfriend Adam Lind as well as Watson, three, and Layne, one, with her husband, Cole.
Teen Mom fans think Chelsea Houska is pregnant with her fourth child as she appeared to show off a tiny belly bump in photos on Instagram.
TheTeen MomFanz Instagram account posted photos ofChelsea captioned: "These photos were sent in."
"I dont know if shes pregnant but people have been messaging me about apossible baby bump.
"What do you think? #TeenMom2."
One user wrote: "Definitely could be! They have always said they want one more, moving into a new house soon...and at this point in time the next baby would have the same age gap as the other littles."
Another wrote: "I had a feeling she would be pregnant again soon! Aww"
However, others argued: "She been drinking. I don't think she could still be pregnant."
Another social media user added: "She was just drinking vodka the other day lol."
Chelsea Houska's net worth is reportedly estimated to be around $200,000.
As well as her roles on 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2, Chelsea is a certified beautician and hairstylist.
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She's also dipped her toe in the fashion world by launching her own line of beanies, XOXO Chelsea.
She has a huge following on social media with 5.7 million followers on Instagram and 1.8 million followers on Twitter.
Read more from the original source:
How did Teen Moms Chelsea Houska lose all her weight? - The Sun
Collagen and your weight: The myth and merits – All4Women

Collagen is a hot topic in the wellness industry. Fitness and health influencers alike are singing its praises for plump, youthful skin, muscle recovery and strong, supple joints. At the same time, as a relative newcomer to the supplement scene, there are still some myths, particularly when it comes to weight gain.
Debunking this myth is Catherine Clark, Owner and Founder of The Harvest Table. She says, While there is no miracle cure for losing weight, collagen is a very powerful tool that can help you shed those unwanted kilograms.
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So, where does the idea that collagen can make you fat come from? Catherine says that as part of the natural aging process, our muscle-mass decreases and often, it is replaced by fat. By taking a collagen supplement you will be able to build more lean muscle mass. Muscle is however firmer and denser than fat and as a result, the same volume of muscle will weigh more than an equal volume of fat. So, the combination of collagen and exercise may result in weight gain but that means that the supplement is doing its job to help you build leaner muscles.
She adds that an increase in lean muscle is great news for weight loss as muscle burns calories faster than fat. More muscle fires up your metabolism and your body becomes a calorie burning machine. So, if you couple collagen with a sensible, healthy diet, you should lose or maintain a healthy weight in addition to looking and feeling great.
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Supporting your weight loss goals is also the fact the collagen makes you feel fuller for longer. Catherine explains that collagen is broken down by enzymes and turns it into amino acids which are the basic building blocks of all protein. And protein is known to be the most effective crave-curbing and satiating of all macronutrients. In fact, collagen peptides have been shown to be more effective for satiety than other forms of protein. And, lets be honest, when your brain isnt screaming for food, its far easier to make healthy choices about what you eat and how often.
This is supported by a study published on the National Library of Medicines website that measured collagens effect on satiety levels among obese and diabetic patients. After taking collagen, the participants found that their appetites were reduced, resulting in a decrease in their overall food intake. In addition, the diabetics in the group found they were able to lose weight by eating less because the collagen protein played an important role in reducing their appetites.
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While these results are encouraging for people who want to lose weight, Catherine reminds us that weight loss should be a gradual process and a combination of exercise and a well-balanced diet. Collagen, when supplemented correctly, definitely has a hand in appetite suppression which leads to weight reduction. It has so many benefits for your health and will help you to stay in top condition for the gym and other physical activities that support weight loss.
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Collagen and your weight: The myth and merits - All4Women