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Weight Loss: 5 Bed time habits that will help you to hit your goals – PINKVILLA

Weight Loss Tips: These bedtime aka nighttime habits may boost your metabolism and finally help you to achieve your goals.
Hitting weight loss goals can be a task for several as there are many factors that come into play. Even after following a healthy diet and rigorous workout daily, many suffer weight loss plateau and other issues. And when the weighing machine won't budge it can be disappointing. So, instead of losing hope and mind over not losing weight, one should keep working on it by following hacks. Today we are talking about certain night time aka bedtime habits that may help you to achieve your weight loss goals.Did you know during the night time our body burns around 300-400 calories?
Yes, you read it right! This is the amount of energy you spend after an hour's run. As per studies and researches, quality sleep can actually lead to weight loss just like any other weight loss tool we follow. To make sure to lose weight as you sleep literally, there are certain good night time habits you should follow as they amp up your metabolism. We have compiled some tips that will be really helpful for achieving your weight loss with fewer efforts.
1. Cold bedroomAs per experts, one should try to have a bedroom temperature around 18C at night as the same helps to boost your metabolism. According to studies, a cooler environment activates the beige fat cells, which are responsible for thermoregulation. When you sleep in a colder environment or naked, your body starts burning more energy to maintain heat.
2. Go to bed and wake up at the same timeAre you having an unregulated sleep schedule then the same could be the reason for weight gain or why you are not losing extra kilos. The hormone melatonin tells us when to go to bed and later beige fat cells gets activated. If you are not sleeping and getting up on time, the melatonin production will also be inconsistent and the same will affect your sleep. The next day you will feel tired, and jaded as you didn't get proper rest and you will end up craving high-calorie snacks.
3. Don't use gadgets during bedtimeExcessive light from the gadgets can also disrupt the sleep cycle and quality of sleep. Several studies have proved that blue light which is emitted from gadgets and smartphones delays melatonin production. And that's why you take a longer time to fall asleep and you wake up tired. Try to not use gadgets around 2 hours before your bedtime. And make sure to put them in night mode.
4. Vital foods to eat at nightUsually one should not snack during bedtime, considering our body has low metabolism and other factors. But if you are very hungry then you can reach out for healthy foods which are rich in protein. Protein-rich foods increase your metabolic rate and help in muscle growth. You can also drink certain types of tea that can help you lose weight at night. Natural herbal teas including cinnamon, peppermint and chamomile reduce appetite, improves digestion and relax your nerves among others.
5. Resistance trainingPhysical exercise before bed can help to reduce stress and boost your metabolism. Both cardio and aerobic workouts are good, however, resistance training is the best one as that helps you to burn fat. Swimming or weight lifting is the best night time physical activity as they don't work you up too much but at the same time, it will lead to calorie burn even while you are asleep.
So, add these rituals and make sure to follow your daily regime of exercise and healthy eating and soon you will finally go past weight loss plateau or any other hurdles that have been stopping you to lose weight aka fat.
ALSO READ: Weight Loss: 5 seeds that can help to torch down those fats
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Weight Loss: 5 Bed time habits that will help you to hit your goals - PINKVILLA
Ex-UFC star Sonnen says he dropped 17lbs in ONE day in drastic weight-loss and secret trick is taking salt – The Sun

FORMER UFC fighter Chael Sonnen revealed he once cut 17lbs in ONE day to drastically make weight and revealed his secret trick was taking salt baths.
The former middleweight title challenger recalled the UFC approaching him with a fight offer, which left him with just 20 days to prepare.
But Sonnen's biggest battle would come in dropping weight, as he started his training camp over two stone his fighting limit - and left himself 1st and 3lb to lose in just 22 hours before the weigh in.
Sonnen told ex-NFL star Pat McAfee: This is one of the most difficult things Ive ever done in my life.
"I got a call on short notice, I was headed to the gym, and they said, Hey, can you fight in 21 days?
Well that means the weigh-in was in 20 days. I said yes but when I got to the gym the first thing I did was I got on the scale and I was 36.2 pounds over.
This was a very daunting task just over 36 pounds in 20 days.
"I got it off. This is 10 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday.
I had to lose 17 pounds (8kg) in 22 hours.
"Now that said, I was fully hydrated and there are even things you do with the water load to try and lose weight, where you will drink a lot, three gallons (11 litres) in one day, for example, of water.
You do sweat very easily and so 17 pounds maybe wasnt quite as hard as it sounds like it was, but those final five pounds were sure difficult.
And Sonnen revealed roasting hot baths filled with salt was his ticket for shrinking down to make weight.
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He added: You need that water hot, you cover your body in whats called Albolene.
"Thats just a make-up remover but it opens up your pores, and then your pour four bags of Epsom salt.
Thats the real trick to this is the salt. You go sit in the salt and just like a slug, that salt will pull that water out of you.
It will drain you like you wouldnt believe. You wont have any energy, its very difficult.
Originally posted here:
Ex-UFC star Sonnen says he dropped 17lbs in ONE day in drastic weight-loss and secret trick is taking salt - The Sun
Weight Loss Tricks: The Five Things Nutritionists Force You To Do Daily To Reduce Abdominal Fat And Lose Weight – Explica

Losing weight is something that, especially at this time of year, haunts many. Almost half of the population has ever thought about or even had the bikini operation to lose weight. But How can it be done? There are two keys that you have to keep in mind: you have to fall into a caloric deficit (spending more calories than you enter) and you must follow the advice of a nutritionist: only the experts know what they have to do. These professionals (we already told you) are going to force you to do these five things daily to lose weight and reduce abdominal fat.
Forget sugar
Banish it from your diet. It will not bring you anything good and you have many substitutes (in this link we will tell you some). If you get used to it, its easy to drink coffee without sugar or saccharin and enjoy a salty breakfast, never sweet. For this, what you have to do is prepare breakfast the day before.
Let go of alcohol
Not a drop. Dinner with water and forget all those liquid calories that make you never achieve your goal. Go to the zero range of soft drinks It can also be a good option to value.
Eat natural food
The fashion of real food is here to stay. The large number of nutritionists who in recent months have tried to promote diets based on real food has meant that some products that have become fashionable are even sold out in supermarkets. Try not to abuse the ultraprocessed and you will already have a lot of livestock when it comes to falling into the famous caloric deficit.
Move 15,000 steps a day
The World Health Organization ensures that you have to move at least 15,000 steps every day to be healthy. But you should give even more. Challenge yourself to gradually increase that number of steps. This way you will achieve it without any effort. Remember that there are habits that you can change in your day to day and that will help you. For example, leaving the car a little further from your workplace and forcing yourself to take a few steps.
Walk after lunch and dinner
It is the Italian trick to lose weight. Walking 15 minutes after lunch and dinner to lose weight is more than necessary. It will also help you to digest and have much more used meals. Remember that the important thing is to be healthy not to lose weight.
What golfers need to know before returning to the gym –

By: Rachel Bleier June 14, 2020
As businesses begin to reopen, make sure you know how to keep yourself safe at the gym.
Its been three months since the country shut down in an effort to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of the coronavirus. In that time, many of us have done our best to ward off packing on the quarantine 15 to varying levels of success.
Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or move weight, returning to the gym presents its own challenges in the age of Covid-19. Challenges so vast, the CDC released guidelines on how to best balance your desire to work out with your desire to stay healthy.
Among the recommendations to stay healthy while you get sweaty are the following:
1. Keep it clean: Wipe down machines and equipment with disinfecting wipes, and use hand sanitizer.
2. Locker room etiquette: Know that locker rooms might only be open so people can use the bathroom and wash their hands.
3. Face masks work: Wear a mask during low-intensity workouts and when interacting with others.
4. Take it outside: Consider doing any vigorous exercise outside.
5. Sharing is not caring: Avoid sharing items like resistance bands or weight-lifting belts that cannot be cleaned between each use.
6. No contact: No high-fives or elbow bumps.
7. Solo workouts are best: Limit your number of indoor group fitness classes.
8. Keep social distancing: Maintain 6 feet of separation in areas that may lead to close contact, including weight rooms and fitness studios.
In addition to tweaking how you work out, consider adjusting when you work out. Zenreach is a marketing company that tracks trends in consumer foot traffic patterns for retailers, restaurants and yes, gyms.According to their research, foot traffic at gyms is down 78 percent year-over-year, largely due to the increased risk of exposure to germs.
Zenreachs research also suggests that the safest days to go to the gym are Sunday and Monday, particularly before 8 a.m. But if youre not a morning person, fear not. If youre still going to hit the gym on a Sunday, but cant wake up at the crack of dawn, focus on squeezing in your workout as early as you can manage.
If youre looking to schedule a rest day, Thursdays and Saturdays are preferable. These days generally see the most activity of any during the week. Early Saturday afternoon, from 11 a.m. through 2 p.m., is when gyms are at their most crowded overall.
So if youre going to hit the gym, a good rule of thumb to follow is the earlier, the better both earlier in the week and earlier in the day (if you can manage). These strategies will help you avoid crowds and add an extra layer of precaution to keep you safe.
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What golfers need to know before returning to the gym -
Weight Loss: 5 seeds that can help to torch down those fats – PINKVILLA

Weight Loss: The addition of certain foods such as these nutritious seeds can actually help you to lose weight. Read on to know more.
Being overweight is a big concern for many not only because it impacts our appearance but how it is linked to several life-threatening diseases. A sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits are two major reasons of weight gain. We know that a healthy way to lose weight is to train daily (cardio, resistance, and HIIT workout among others) and eating healthy (nutritious food in the right amount). Even after following these two, there are people who still struggle to lose weight. There are several factors that could be hindering the same such as weight loss plateau, poor stress management, poor sleep cycle and health disorders among others.
But one should not lose hope and keep following the weight loss regime. Today we are sharing how seeds can help you to lose weight. Yes, you read it right! We eat fruits and discard the seeds but you should know that certain seeds are very healthful and can even aid to lose weight. If you are interested to know more, then read on and include these five seeds in your diet.
1. FlaxseedsFlaxseeds are packed with several nutrients which not only aid in weight loss but also overall health. They are one of the best sources of soluble mucilaginous (gum-like) fibre that can lower bad aka LDL cholesterol in the blood, balance blood sugar level and act as a hunger suppressant. The seeds are also one of the best plant-based sources of protein. For the unversed, protein is very important for weight loss, as it boosts metabolism, help in muscle-building, increase levels of appetite-reducing hormones and reduce levels of the hunger hormone called ghrelin. In addition to all this, it is low in starch, sugar and calories.
2. Chia SeedsJust like flax seeds, chia seeds are also a superfood and should be in your diet even if you are not following any weight loss program. They are loaded with protein, fibre, magnesium, potassium, iron and are low in fat. You can sprinkle them on salads, soups, smoothies and muesli/oatmeal among others or prepare chia pudding.The seeds help to suppress your appetite, tackles bloating and leave you energised for longer.
3. Pumpkin SeedsPumpkin seeds are densely packed with protein and fibre which keeps you satiated and your cravings will be lesser. They are also a good source of zinc that helps to boost our metabolism naturally. They are also known for their high fibre content. For the unversed, fibre is very vital for our gut and digestive system including regular bowel movements. And better digestion leads to weight loss eventually.
4. Sesame SeedsSesame seeds are quite commonly used in Indian cuisine. They are packed with fiber, zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin E among others. The seeds also help to rev up metabolism. The best part is that they have wonderful taste and aroma. As per reports, you can consume around 15 to 25 grams of sesame seeds per day.
5. Watermelon SeedsWe often discard them away but you should know that they are a high source of macro, micronutrients and bioactive compounds.They are chockfull of important nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, and zinc among others. The PUFA along with fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, keeps blood sugar in check, and boosts immunity. You can eat them raw or simply sun-dried. You can add them in salads, muffins, baked goodies and sauces among others.
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Weight Loss: 5 seeds that can help to torch down those fats - PINKVILLA
Im frustrated by my boyfriends compulsive eating – The Guardian

The dilemma When my boyfriend and I first met I was attracted to his open, unrestrained nature. In general, I am still attracted to these qualities in him; however, I have become increasingly frustrated with his unrestrained relationship with food.
When I was growing up, my mother was always trying to lose weight. Consequently, I am body-conscious, eat well and exercise regularly. My boyfriend eats compulsively often using food to combat tiredness or uncomfortable emotions and he also binge-eats in secret. I find evidence of this under the bed and under car seats, and feel frustrated by his self-sabotage. Im sure that my own inherited fears surrounding weight gain also play a role in my frustration with him.
My boyfriend is aware of his issues and we have spoken about them on occasion. I resolved some time ago not to try to control his eating or his body; however, I nonetheless find myself growing frustrated by his lack of self-control and even find myself distancing myself from him emotionally when he has been overeating or binge-eating, which ultimately leaves me feeling despondent. I want to respect that he is on his own journey where food is concerned. Do you have any advice that might help me to let go and stop getting so frustrated with him?
Mariella replies First of all, let me state the obvious: its not about the food. As youve already recognised, you cant and mustnt become too embroiled in his personal struggles and certainly not without professional help. Id urge you both to seek advice from any of the many organisations who are skilled in dealing with eating disorders, including the NHS, Beat and the National Centre for Eating Disorders.
You recognise that whats triggering your frustration may be your own experiences gained from watching your mother, so your focus is on keeping control, and balancing your diet to maintain your perfect level. That over-keen awareness is itself a form of disorder. Ironically your boyfriend represents what you dont want to be, which makes me wonder why you chose him. Maybe you recognised something familiar in him and by the time you identified what it was you were already hooked. Hopefully, despite feeling judgmental, youre also aware that your boyfriends addiction is coming from a similar place, despite manifesting differently.
Food is never the problem, whether we cant stop eating or we cant bear to; its our emotions that were struggling to manage. Theres also the issue of control and the lack of it. Some of us witnessing those who struggle to restrain their impulses are triggered into a response that is far more judgmental than sympathetic. I once had a boyfriend perfect in many ways apart for his inability to choose a drink in a restaurant. I promise thats not a joke. In the course of any meal hed start with a coffee, then perhaps an orange juice, then a Coke, or a tea and perhaps a glass of wine thrown in for good measure. Id sit opposite him, paralysed with embarrassment as he called the waitress over yet again. In retrospect I understand that his tendency toward depression, diagnosed later, which made him appear brooding, interesting and Heathcliff-like to my 20-something self, was directly linked to his inability to make choices that satisfied him. Back then, though, I was way too close to my own childhood dysfunctions to empathise with his. Instead it eventually drove us apart. Now Id hope some inquisitiveness as to the root cause of his struggles and a degree of empathy would replace the swift judgment I was guilty of back then.
If youve grown up witnessing an addiction or mental health issues in any form you often seek out whats familiar in those youre attracted to. Your boyfriend is trapped in a cycle of self-punishment and Id like to know why. Gorging or starving is an impulse that comes from the same place as all other forms of self-abasement, from sexual addiction to self-harm, and is invariably an expression of something darker and deeper.
So your man is damaged goods, thats for sure but, then again, who isnt? I think it sometimes helps when an issue sits right in front of your eyes, as it does in this case, so you can at least drag it out into the light and discuss it. Before you decide whether thats a journey you want to embark on with your boyfriend, you need to look to yourself and try to understand why his issues were initially part of what attracted you to him. Its up to you to decide whether your desire for this man is built on deep-rooted ancient rubble thats liable to crumble under pressure, or on solid impulses that will hold steady while you work to discover what truly drives his hunger. Then, of course, theres his willingness to go on that difficult trek through the past with you.
If you have a dilemma, send a brief email Follow her on Twitter@mariellaf1
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Im frustrated by my boyfriends compulsive eating - The Guardian
Slaton Sisters now: TLCs 1000 LB sisters are here after there weight loss, Read more – Republic World – Republic World

TLCs 1000-Lb Sisters aired onJanuary 1, 2020, and it revolves around the Slaton Sisters - Amy and Tammy Slaton. Amy and Tammy, weigh 406 and 605 pounds respectively. Their weight together adds up to a total of 1000-Lb, hence giving the show its name. After facing numerous physical and mental health issues, the sisters decided to lose weight, to be able to get bariatric surgery. Through the show 1000-LbSisters, TLC covers the journey of their weight loss.
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1000-Lb Sisters has 6 episodes, all of them featuring the Slaton Sisters. Even as the TLC show ended, the 1000 pounds sisters were not allowed to share the pictures of their progress with the audiences. But after the last episode of the season was released, the audiences could see the incredible progress that the sisters had made.
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Amy Slaton lost 100 lb and her weight came down to 306 Lb. Shealso came one step closer to her goal, of getting pregnant and having a baby with her husband Michael Halterman. When Amy visits her Gynaecologist after her weight loss, she is informed thatthe excessive fat cells in her body are creating huge amounts of estrogen. This, in turn, is leading to her ovaries not functioning properly. Amy claims that she is aiming to lose more 100 LB, upon this, the Gynaecologist informs her that within 6 months, she can start trying to get pregnant.
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Tammy who previously weighed 605 LB, lost 50 LB and moved out of her sister Amys house. She gets her own place through its closely to Amy and Michaels place. In the beginning of the show, Tammy didnt have enough confidence to go to a store by herself. But after losing weight, she goes to a store alone for the first time in 10 years. However, she is still using a walker. Both sisters are still on their respective weight loss journeys even as the show ends. Theyhave both claimed that they feel more confident now.
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At the end of the show, the 1000 pound sisters revealed, that they had cut sugar completely off from their diet. They also made healthier versions of their favourite food such as Cauliflower Mac and cheese. Amy revealed that she started dancing and going on walks with Michael, while Tammy enjoyed swimming. The Slaton sisters also tell us how they had started to put on weight. The sisters said that they had rapidly started gaining weight after their father passed away. Their mother had to work multiple jobs to be able to afford food and shelter. Because of their financial challenges they could only afford microwaved and unhealthy meals. It was in middle school when their weight started to become an issue.
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The sisters also revealed their reason for wanting to lose weight. Amy revealed that she wanted to get pregnant, which is what drove her to lose weight. While Tammy was struggling with her mental health and had attempted suicide once. Her desire to live a longer and healthier life drove her to lose weight.
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Weight loss: here’s why those last few pounds can be hardest to lose according to science – The Conversation UK

So youve done everything youre supposed to. Youre eating in a calorie deficit, are exercising a few times a week, and are getting close to your weight loss goal. And then you hit a plateau with only a few pounds to lose and they just wont seem to budge.
Its long been a complaint that those last five pounds can often be the hardest to lose. And the answer to why this is the case reveals a lot about the dynamic relationship between body weight and appetite (what we feel when we say were hungry), and about how, as humans, were almost always ready to eat.
When dieting to lose weight, there are two basic reasons why weight loss typically slows down over time. The first reason is that calorie (energy) expenditure decreases with weight loss. This slowed metabolism happens because fewer calories are required to maintain and move a lighter body.
We can even estimate with reasonable accuracy how calorie expenditure changes according to weight. For example, a 175-centimetre-tall, moderately active 45-year-old man who weighs 90 kilograms would need to reduce his calorie intake from 3,200 to 2,270 kcal a day to lose 15 kilograms in six months. Its worth noting that what we normally call calories are actually kilocalories or kcal, which is equal to 1,000 calories.
If he stuck to this diet of 2,270 kcal a day throughout, he would lose on average 2.6 kilograms a month during the first five months and 1.8 kilograms in the final month. Hed then need to eat around 2,780 kcal daily to maintain his goal weight of 75 kilograms.
The second reason why losing weight becomes progressively difficult is that weight loss is accompanied by an increase in appetite. The hormone leptin tells our brain how much fat is stored in our body. When we have more fat stored, leptin increases and reduces appetite. But when we lose body fat, the leptin brake on our appetite is partly released, making us a little more hungry.
Changes in calorie expenditure and the effect of body fat stores on appetite both stabilise body weight over the long term. But their effects are barely noticeable in the short term. Instead, at any point in the day the dominant influence on our appetite is how long ago we last ate and how full we still feel from our last meal. In other words, we get hungry when our stomach tells our brain that its empty, or nearly empty.
Left unchecked, signals from our stomach leave us vulnerable to overeating. This is because our stomach has the capacity to accommodate more calories than we expend. For example, a recent study found that when participants were served pizza for lunch and invited to eat until they felt comfortably full, they ate 1,580 kcal. When they were asked to eat as much as they could, they ate twice that amount their daily calorie requirement in a single meal. This shows that we are almost always ready to eat and capable of eating beyond a level of comfortable fullness.
Fullness is determined partly by the fat, carbohydrate and protein content of the meal, and partly by its overall bulk. For example, if the meal contains more fibre, its more filling which is why its hard to overeat bulky foods such as fruits and vegetables.
If the studys participants had been offered apples instead, they wouldnt have been able to eat 1,580 kcal, let alone twice that amount. Because the concentration of calories in apples (their energy density) is only 50 kcal per 100 grams, they would need to eat over three kilograms of apples to eat 1,580 kcal. Pizza has around 280 kcal per 100 grams over five times higher than the energy density of apples. Fullness per calorie is higher for foods that have a lower energy density. So, wed feel more full if we ate the same number of calories from apples than pizza.
But we generally find foods that have a high energy density, like pizza (and chocolate and crisps - each over 500 kcal per 100 grams) more delicious. Biologically, this is probably because these foods are a valuable resource their low fullness per calorie means we can eat more. So were prone to overeat high-calorie foods for two reasons: theyre less filling per calorie, and theyre more delicious (and pleasurable) to eat. But recent research shows that high-calorie foods often dont give us that much more pleasure when we eat them. This should make it possible to reduce calorie intake without significantly affecting pleasure.
For example, choosing to eat 100 grams of strawberry yoghurt (95 kcal) instead 100 grams of strawberry cheesecake (at least 250 kcal) may be less pleasurable but only slightly. With repetition, you may find yourself choosing the lower calorie option out of habit and keeping your weight in check.
But over time, eating less can be difficult. Its hard to maintain vigilance and restraint to resist our desire to eat delicious, higher energy-dense foods. Dieting lapses are therefore inevitable, and over time our motivation to maintain eating restraint and increase physical activity may weaken. This can add further to the perception that the last five pounds is harder to lose.
Overall, our weight settles around a point that is a balance between the lure of the foods that we include in our diet, our eating restraint, and the energy we expend in physical activity. We can change all three, although choosing foods with lower energy density may be an especially effective strategy to reduce weight. And for maintaining that healthier weight, it is worth keeping in mind that lighter bodies require fewer calories.
Jessica Simpson makes sure that Tommy Mottola, the husband of Thalia, forcing her to lose weight abruptly – OI Canadian

The singer, 39-year-old Jessica Simpson
The singer, 39-year-old revealed her dark past in her new book, Open Book.
Jessica Simpson was seen in the late 90s and early 2000s as one of the singers youth more and more popular and although it is claimed that it was always the shadow of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, has had many successes in its time. Despite this, the beautiful and stereotypical artists was always the victim of comments and sexist attacks by their female partners, but this 2020 time has come to unveil its dark past and its most intimate secrets.
The already controversial autobiographical book by Jessica Simpson, entitled Open Book sets out passages from their early beginnings in the music, which ensures that the music producer Tommy Mottola, the husband of mexican singer Thalia, forcing her to lose weight 7 kilograms to be famous.
He (Mottola) wanted to firmarme. And then he said have you got to lose 7 kilos, writes Simpson, who, despite measuring 1.60 and weigh 53 kilos, had to lose weight so they could sign with his label. From there, remember the singer of 39 years, suffered many eating disorders and makes sure that he lived a hell because I felt hungry all the time. Image: Clasos
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Jessica Simpson makes sure that Tommy Mottola, the husband of Thalia, forcing her to lose weight abruptly - OI Canadian
Naturally Slim Program Shown to Improve Overall Health – UKNow

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 5, 2020) Most medical experts agree that losing as little as 3% of body weight produces clinically meaningful health benefits, and greater loss leads to even greater benefits.
UK Human Resources helps University of Kentucky employees learn simple skills to enable them to lose weight and take advantage of these benefits through Naturally Slim, a science-based behavioral counseling program for nutrition. The program, based on user feedback and analysis of its participants, includes features such as:
The goal of the program is to teach participants simple skills to help them lose weight, improve their health and boost their overall quality of life, with the ultimate goal of reducing obesity-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
Since its beginning, more than 1,100 employees have participated in the program, losing a total of 5,904 pounds. And while the weight lost is impressive, it is more important to note the changes in their long-term health and feelings about their weight.
Richard Amos, chief benefits officer, saysHR is very pleased to provide Naturally Slim to our employees on a UK health insurance plan. This program has great results. The number of people impacted, the pounds lost, health conditions improved all have an effect on ones outlook and emotional health. It focuses on how you eat, not what you eat. A program like this helps move us in a positive direction, and it is available to you each summer, fall and spring.
The program combines a personal dashboard with weekly to-do lists. You will receive communications through email, text and mobile app notifications to ensure your experience is truly personal.
You canfind out moreabout Naturally Slim here;register by June 14and take control of your health.
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Naturally Slim Program Shown to Improve Overall Health - UKNow