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Jessica Simpson’s Super Toned Abs Are The Star Of Her Sweaty Post-Workout Selfie – Yahoo Lifestyle

Photo credit: Jessica Simpson / Instagram
From Women's Health
Jessica Simpson just showed off her toned abs in a new post-workout selfie.
She recently lost 100 pounds after giving birth to her third child, Birdie Mae.
The fashion mogul is big on walking at least 10,000 steps a day and eating healthy.
Jessica Simpson is showing off her fit body following her recent 100-pound weight loss in a new post-workout mirror selfie on Instagram. In the pic, her toned abs are on full display as she rocks a cute matching sports bra and shorts set from her Jessica Simpson Collection, as well as her sneakers.
"Woke up before all 3 kiddos to get my steps in and spend time with me, myself, and I. Move move move for your own mental health. ," she captioned her post.
So, how does the singer and fashion mogul stay so fit with three kids? For starters, she's a huge fan of walking. During her weight loss journey after giving birth to baby Birdie Mae, Jessica had an original goal of 12,000 steps a day, according to her trainer Harley Pasternak, who spoke with Us Weekly. Pasternak eased Jessica into activity slowly, starting with walking 6,000 steps daily. "Its a social thing that she can do with her kids," he said. Slowly, she built up to 14,000 steps, according to E News.
Besides walking, Jess also hits the gym. During her weight loss journey, she also completed 45-minute sessions three days a week.
And she also eats really well. Jess has three meals a day (plus snacks!) that are filled with protein, fiber, and fat. She specifically follows Pasternak's Body Reset Diet plan and doesn't drink alcohol.
She also made healthier versions of her favorite foods during her weight loss journey. "We did not diet in a tasteless, extreme, radical way," said Pasternak on Good Morning America. "[Jessica] loves Tex-Mex flavors so she had a lot of healthy versions of Tex-Mex foods."
Story continues
And she also told People, "I am eating healthy, tooI discovered I really like cauliflower," she explained. "Who knew it could be a substitute for almost anything?!"
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Jessica Simpson's Super Toned Abs Are The Star Of Her Sweaty Post-Workout Selfie - Yahoo Lifestyle
Can Acupuncture Really Help You Lose Weight? We Asked The Experts – Pulse Live Kenya

Its said that acupuncture can alleviate stress, physical pain, allergies, addictions, and even PMS, but can it really aid weight loss too?
Obviously, we have a huge obesity epidemic and were trying to find any way to help people lose weight, says Reshmi Srinath, MD, assistant professor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes, and bone disease at Mount Sinai. Unfortunately, she notes that there arent enough controlled, randomized studies proving a direct link between weight loss and acupuncture.
Dr. Srinath notes that theres data showing a direct correlation between pain alleviation and lowered stress levels, and, as weve pointed out in the past, stress is linked to weight gain .
One of the few studies done on this subject, published in The Scientific World Journal in 2012, found that 196 obese subjects who received acupuncture, the majority did lose weight over the six-week trial period, but only when treatment was coupled with diet restriction.
"Acupuncture isn't magic," says Daniel Hsu , licensed acupuncturist and founder of New York AcuHealth Acupuncture practice. "It doesn't make fat melt off of your body, but studies show it can affect the part of the brain that feels hunger."
In addition to reducing hunger, Hsu says that acupuncture activates your "feel-good" neurotransmitters, which can reduce stress, and possibly help you lose weight as a result of that lowered stress. The exact process differs from patient to patient, but a lot of points on the ears are related to curbing hunger, he says.
And if you're wondering if one acupuncture session is enough to see results, think of it this way: You wouldn't see results from going to the gym one time either. Generally, Hsu recommends that patients seeking weight loss of around 10 to 15 pounds should receive treatment for six to eight weeks, several times a week in the beginning, and taper off visits as time passes. In order to see success, he emphasizes that you have to be in the correct mindset.
In general, if someone feels that acupuncture improves their quality of life, then that might lead them to make better choices regarding diet and exercise , which ultimately, could help them lose weight. However, weve yet to see any substantial data that proves receiving acupuncture treatment alone correlates to weight loss. According to the experts, it's best to seek acupuncture in order to alleviate other ailments that might be standing in your way.
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Can Acupuncture Really Help You Lose Weight? We Asked The Experts - Pulse Live Kenya
Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss – The African Exponent

Losing weight is one of the most challenging things that youll ever do in your entire life. Some people have this idea that they will lose weight immediately and it doesnt work that way. You think that going for walks, exercising, or eating healthy will make the fat melt away. Theres so much more involved in losing weight than any of that. You need to buy Clen today and put yourself on the right path. Without Clen, youre more than likely, never going to achieve your weight loss goals.
What keeps people from losing weight?
You might think that youre not losing weight because youre eating the wrong things. There may be some truth in that your diet is causing you not to lose weight fast enough. A balanced diet is essential, and you cant load up on too many carbohydrates. However, the real reason why so many out there cant lose weight is due to their metabolism. Your body isnt allowing you to lose weight. Why would your body do anything to make you not lose weight? You must think about what your fat means to your body. You store fat as a means of storing calories for when you need them at a later date. You see, there was once a time when people didnt have enough to eat, and their body fat is what kept them alive.
Trick Mother Nature into allowing you to give up the fat
Mother Nature is as smart as a whip, and she doesnt want you to do anything that would harm your long term survival. Your body thinks that at any time, you could wind up in a situation where theres no food. Your body is the result of millions of years of humans living in the jungle. There were times when food was scarce, and your body fat meant survival. We dont live in those times anymore, and you dont have to worry about not having access to enough calories. Its okay to shed your weight because the store has all the food youll ever need.
Clen helps trigger the weight loss response in your body
No one should be surprised that they need help losing weight. Clen is the ace in the hole that youve been searching for. Clen triggers the body through a chain of events that produces weight loss. The oral steroid will increase the rate that your body sheds the weight. It doesnt make you lose weight; it helps encourage your body to do what it doesnt want to do. Your body doesnt want to give up its precious reserves of energy, but Clen will encourage it. Clen does just that and helps put you on the right track to success.
Can human growth hormone help you lose weight also?
All of this talk about the need for help losing weight has probably brought up memories about HGH and how it, too, helps people lose weight. The real question is how much does a cycle of HGH cost? Each cycle will cost you $200. Thats peanuts if you put into consideration how it will change your life. Youll look, feel, and perform better in your day to day life while taking HGH. Anyone who needs help losing weight or needs a boost in their overall performance should consider the human growth hormone.
Losing weight is never easy, but it does get easier
Anyone who has packed on the pounds knows that its not easy to get rid of them. Help is out there in the form of Clem and or HGH. Both can help you get rid of the weight that you packed on over the years. You didnt become overweight overnight, and you wont lose it as quickly either. You can, however, put yourself in a better situation and lose weight faster than most. You do that by putting your body in weight loss mode and making sure to stick to a strict diet and exercise regimen. If you dont, then you cant expect the type of results youre looking for. If youre dedicated to your health, then losing weight and building muscle is a must, and a helping hand like Clen is what you need.
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Why you Should Buy Clen and Kickstart your Weight Loss - The African Exponent
Weight Loss: Consume Jaggery With Warm Water to Detoxify Your Body And Shed Those Extra Kilos –

An unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle is what makes people gain too much weight. There are factors too in the picture but majorly your habit plays a bigger role. Those extra kilos in your tummy can not only make you look unattractive but can take toll on your overall health too. From increasing your blood pressure to causing heart ailments and affecting insulin level in your blood, accumulation of unhealthy fats in the body can do much damage than you think. Also Read - Weight Loss: Roti vs. Rice, What's Healthier to Eat When You Are Trying to Shed Those Extra Kilos?
To tackle this problem and get a body of your dreams, you firstly need to make changes in your daily diet. Now is the time to replace the unhealthy items with some healthy options like jaggery. It gives best result when consumed with warm water. Jaggery is a substitute for white sugar and has therapeutic benefits. Here we will stick to its weight loss benefits only. Read further to know how this natural sweetener helps in reducing your tummy fat and maintain a healthy weight. Also Read - Weight Loss: Here is How This Super-Food Can Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos
An effective metabolism is necessary to lose weight. Jaggery contains significant nutrients that are known to enhance your bodys ability to burn calories. These vitamins and minerals assist in maintaining electrolyte balance and improve metabolism. So, to get a toned body, all you need to do is to add jaggery in your daily diet. Also Read - Weight Loss: Consume Garlic Tea Daily And Bid Adieu to Those Extra Kilos
Constipation is associated with weight gain. Consuming jaggery daily can help in proper breakdown of food and its digestion. Being rich in fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients, jaggery can stimulate your digestive enzymes and help in the process. It actually improves the function of acetic acid in stomach.
Water retention in the body can lead to puffiness and weight gain. To prevent it or get rid of the problem, you can have jaggery as it contains potassium, which is known to manage electrolyte balance in the body and reduce water retention.
Intermittent fasting: if you’re struggling to lose weight, this might be why – The Conversation UK

Intermittent fasting is a way of losing weight that favours flexibility over calorie counting. It restricts the time you are allowed to eat, which reduces calorie intake by limiting opportunities to eat. Thats the theory, at least.
A popular version of intermittent fasting is the 5:2 diet, which involves eating a very low-calorie diet (about a quarter of usual calorie intake) for two days each week and unrestricted eating on the other five days. This approach has worked well for some people, but not everyone. In our latest study, we found that people cheat on their intermittent fasting diet, without realising it.
Conducted over three days, the study aimed to find out how eating and physical activity changed around a period of calorie restriction.
A group of male participants completed two trials. On the first trial day, they were told they would have a very low-calorie diet (about 700 calories) the following day. Throughout the rest of the day, we tracked how much the participants ate and we assessed their hunger before and after each meal. Their physical activity was also monitored throughout the day.
The next day, participants ate the very low-calorie diet, and we monitored their physical activity. The morning after completing the low-calorie diet day, we measured their food intake at an unrestricted breakfast and assessed their hunger before and after the meal.
Each participant also completed a control trial that followed the same method. During the control trial, participants ate a typical diet (about 2,800 calories) instead of a very low-calorie diet.
We found that participants ate 6% more on the first day of the study and 14% more at the unrestricted breakfast on the low-calorie diet trial. This was despite hunger levels before and after each meal being similar to the control trial. This suggests participants ate more because they knew food intake would be restricted the following day, rather than because they felt hungrier.
Physical activity was also 11% lower the day before eating the low-calorie diet, and 18% lower while eating the low-calorie diet.
Interestingly, low-intensity physical activity, such as washing the dishes, which tends to be spontaneous behaviour rather than consciously planned activities, was the most affected component of physical activity. We found changes in eating and physical activity behaviour occur before, during and after a day of low-calorie dieting. These behavioural changes reduce the likelihood of intermittent fasting leading to weight loss.
For a diet to lead to weight loss, calories burned must exceed calories consumed to produce a calorie deficit. Intermittent fasting diets assume that the large calorie deficit produced by fasting or very low-calorie dieting is not recovered during the unrestricted period, so the calorie deficit is preserved. But our study shows that eating a little more and reducing spontaneous physical activity may be enough to recover almost half of this calorie deficit. The calorie deficit may also be reduced further at subsequent meals after a very low-calorie diet day.
Earlier studies support our findings. Skipping breakfast for six weeks was shown to reduce physical activity and increase calorie intake at later meals. This was enough to fully compensate for calories skipped at breakfast. This raises the question: is fasting or severe calorie restriction worth the sacrifice?
Weight loss from any diet is always likely to be lower than expected. Compensatory mechanisms defend against a calorie deficit far more strongly than a calorie surplus. In scientific studies of intermittent fasting, participants are often guided by a dietitian on how many calories they should eat on the unrestricted days. Even with this support, participants in these studies still lose less weight than would be expected if the calorie deficit had been fully preserved.
Our study highlights what and when compensatory behaviours occur. This information can be used to improve the effectiveness of intermittent fasting diets. Being more mindful when eating before and after a period of calorie restriction and incorporating exercise into diet plans, could help increase the likelihood of intermittent fasting leading to weight loss.
Intermittent fasting is not a miracle diet, but some people may benefit from its flexibility, and with a few minor adjustments, it could be even more effective.
If youd like to take part in our next study, exploring pre-lockdown and during-lockdown exercise and nutrition habits, please click on this link. You must be 18 years or older and have taken part in regular physical activity before the lockdown.
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Intermittent fasting: if you're struggling to lose weight, this might be why - The Conversation UK
James Carville repeatedly mocks Trump’s weight with crude insults – Fox News

Democratic strategist James Carville repeatedly spoutedcrude attacks aboutPresident Trump's weight while discussing his prospects for the 2020 presidential election.
"He's a big fat loser, alright. This guy hasn't seen his d--k since 1988, he's so fat," he said on Thursday's edition of "The Stuttering John Podcast." He also predicted that the president would lose reelection.
Alright, hes gonna get his fat a--beat. The question is by how much," Carville said. If we want to go tothislethargic kind of stuff, and blah, blah, blah, and worry about this, we can get 290, 295 electoral votes and itll change nothing."
"If we go and take it to him and talk about what a massive, fat failure he is, then we can run away with this thing. The idea is not just to defeat Trump, you have to defeat Trump-ism. You have to defeat the idea that the United States of America is a place and not an idea."
Carville's comments came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., similarly took a shot at Trump's weight, saying that he was at higher risk for COVID-19 because he's"morbidly obese."
Earlier in the election cycle, Carville caught attention for warning that Democrats would lose if they nominated a progressive candidate like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for president.
After Sanders suspended his presidential campaign, Carville expressed confidence that Trump would lose but worried about Republicans' alleged attempts to suppress the vote. "The extent that they will go to to hold onto power ...they will kill people to stay in power, literally," he said.
On Thursday, he similarly told podcast host John Melendez that Democrats didn't need to worry about Republicans winning, just them "rigging it."
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James Carville repeatedly mocks Trump's weight with crude insults - Fox News
Lose belly fat in just 4 weeks by eating these simple foods – TheHealthSite

Excess belly fat can increase your risk of developing various health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain cancers. But losing that stubborn fat is not as easy as you may think. Like many, you might be doing thousands of crunches in an attempt to get rid of your belly fat, but spot reduction is a myth. Weight loss depends on a myriad of factors. Also Read - Stay away from these diet foods if you want to lose weight
Over the years, many studies have investigated whether spot reduction actually works, and found that it doesnt. Two possible reasons one is that exercise alone wont automatically make you lose weight, second you cant control which parts of your body lose weight first. Also Read - Want to lose weight fast? Pick the diet that suits you best
So, if youre determined to have a flatter stomach, abdominal exercise wont alone help. You need a well-balanced diet and an exercise routine that includes weight training and cardio to get rid of that stubborn fat. Also Read - Celebrity chef James Martin lost weight by avoiding butter: Know what you need to say no to
Fat around the belly occurs when your energy intake is lower than your energy burned. Belly fat is more difficult to lose than fat in other parts of the body because it has a higher amount of fat cells that dont respond as easily to lipolysis, the fat breakdown process. Therefore, eating healthy and nutritious foods is crucial to lose weight. Experts recommend ditching sugary processed foods and fizzy drinks if youre on a weight loss journey. Interestingly, there are certain foods that help you shed the extra pounds. Here are four such foods you must include in your diet.
High fibre foods are known to promote weight loss as they help keep you fuller for longer. Bananas are a great source of fibre and contain little calories. As they are very filling, you will be less inclined to snack throughout the day. Bananas are also an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that can help limit the amount of belly swelling sodium in your body. This fruit can also boost the metabolic rate and help shed your belly fat. Experts also say that eating banana before exercising can boost weight loss results. A banana a day may help keep your belly fat away.
It is usually advised to reduce intake of carbohydrates if you want to flatten the belly. But white swapping grains to whole grains may aid in weight loss. Foods like brown rice, porridge and some types of granola can help in keeping your bodys insulin levels low. This can result in shrinking fat cells and help you lose weight much quicker. As we mentioned above, your stomach contains a high amount of fat cells that dont respond as easily to lipolysis, the fat breakdown process. Therefore, eating foods that can help reduce the level of these cells will help you lose weight.
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons are packed with vitamin C, which can dilute the fat so that it exits the body. A study by Arizona State University researchers found that eating oranges help burn up to 20 percent more fat when exercising.
A combination of carbs and protein is the secret to Greek yoghurts fat burning power. These nutrients help stabilise insulin, a hormone that helps your body to store calories as fat when levels get too high. Stabilising these levels can help you lose a significant amount of weight.
So, adding yoghurt with your granola and fruits is not only a healthy breakfast, but will also contribute to burning belly fat.
Some experts suggest that by incorporating high-fibre foods into your diet and reducing intake of sugary and high-fat foods, you can reduce your waistline by around an inch in just four weeks.
It is a steady but healthy way to burn the extra pounds.
Published : May 22, 2020 1:17 pm | Updated:May 22, 2020 1:28 pm
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Lose belly fat in just 4 weeks by eating these simple foods - TheHealthSite
Eid-ul-fitr 2020: Try replacing traditional Eid dishes with these weight loss friendly foods – TheHealthSite

Eid is just around the corner. This day marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan where Muslims observe a fasting routine for almost 30 days. And now since the fasting is going to get over, many of us are planning a feast. But if you are trying to lose weight then no celebration should be an excuse to affect your fitness goals. However, dont worry. We are not advising you to stay away from the delicacies of the festival. A few weight loss friendly food swaps and some smart choices can help you enjoy the amazing Eid treats without suffering from any guilt. Also Read - Chia Seeds: Top benefits, side effects, and ways to have them
Since you may crave for something sweet in the morning, instead of having mithais with added sugar, you can opt for 3-4 dates. You can even have fruits like apples, muskmelons or papayas, which will not just satiate your cravings for sweet but will also address your hunger. Also Read - Indo Mediterranean diet lowers risk of pre-heart failure, says study: Know a few other benefits
Since it is the summer season, taking extra care of your hydration levels gets very important. We know Eid is all about sweet drinks and sharbats, but you can swap the high calorie drinks with either water or fresh fruits and vegetable juices. This may help in boosting your digestion and will even promote weight loss. Also Read - Amazing health benefits of tropical fruits
Sheer korma is an authentic Eid dessert, which can hardly be missed. Therefore, instead of using refined sewaiyan, opt for brown rice sewaiyan and replace sugar with healthy dates as the sweetener. Also, you can exchange the use of heavy milk cream with low-fat milk.
Phirni is yet another delicacy, which marks the Eid celebrations. So, if you are trying to maintain the calorie intake, switch to the use of low-fat milk and not full cream milk. You can also use brown rice or dalia instead of millets.
Instead of gulab jamun, opt for rasgullas. A piece of rasgulla has 125 calories and 5 grams of fat whereas a piece of gulab jamun contains 150 calories and 7.5 grams of fat. Also, rasgullas are higher in protein and calcium than gulab jamuns. Apart from them, rasmalai made with low-fat milk is also a good option.
Biryani is one of the main courses of the evening. And you can hardly afford to miss this heavenly preparation. So, try to cook your favourite biryani in a healthy way by replacing the basmati rice with millets or brown rice.
Eid is incomplete without different types of meats. Therefore, make sure you choose yours wisely. In order to keep your calorie intake healthy, pick some variety of mutton or lamb as it contains a fatty acid called Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA), which is a beneficial fat. Also, goat meat is rich in iron, selenium, potassium, calcium and B-complex vitamins. Also make sure to choose the lean cuts of red meat rather than the whole fat ones.
Published : May 22, 2020 2:56 pm
This Guy Threw Away Junk Food, Cut Back on TV, and Lost 80 Pounds –

When Christopher Simms, a 40-year-old from Greenwood, MO, got divorced, it caused my health to quickly spiral in a way it never had before, he says. He grew up in the New Orleans in the restaurant industry, eating a lot of Creole cuisine. As he grew up, though, he ate healthy and stayed active, going rock-climbing five days a week. Then came the divorce.
His ex-wife relocated a thousand miles away, and he followed to be near his daughter. I was happy to be near her but felt my life had been turned upside down, he says. Without a support network, he felt like he had to go through a serious life transition all on his own. I started using food as a coping mechanism, he says. Food was therapy; that meant take out, lots of sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. He stopped climbing rocks. Within a few years he topped 270 pounds.
Carrying all that weight meant near-constant knee and back pain. He tried ice skating with his daughter, only to find it made his ankles feel like they were on fire. It was moments like thatwhen he felt like he was failing to be a good fatherthat most got to him. I always wanted to be the best father I could be, he says. When he saw a picture of himself next to his daughterI looked like a bumhe decided he needed to change.
He joined the health and wellness program OPTAVIA, which gave him support as he fixed his habits, from eating to sleep to hydration. He threw away all his junk food and cut back on TV, replacing it with books and podcasts. He started finding healthy alternatives for Cajun classics, such as substituting cauliflower rice in gumbo and jambalaya.
At first, he couldnt really exercisehe was too heavy for rock climbing. As he progressed, he took up moderate exercise, including walking, which then led him to weightlifting at the gym three or four times a week. Finally he was able to get back to rock climbing, and he also took up hiking.
In eight months, he lost 80 pounds. I found myself again, he says. He reclaimed his confidence and recovered his healthy habits. Its a journey from head to heart, he says, a healing process for both mind and body. Now hes able to be a better, more present fatherhes even passed on healthy habits to his kids, and he convinced one of his brothers to lose weight. Hes now an OPTAVIA coach, and he's remarried.
From here, Simms plans to hit his ideal weight, then start to build muscle. He wants to inspire others, including his family, and keep getting better. Its a journey thats never finished, he says, and Im looking forward to growing and learning more to become a better version of myself.
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This Guy Threw Away Junk Food, Cut Back on TV, and Lost 80 Pounds -
Weight loss: 3 things that helped Adele lose 22 kilos, according to her personal trainer – Times of India

Without a healthy (and read sustainable) diet plan, you have nowhere to go. Even more buzzing than Adele's weight loss has been the unique and catchy diet plan she followed to lose weight. Adele followed the famous 'sirtfood diet', which makes use of 'sirtfoods', some special foods which work by activating certain protein chains in the body, known as sirtuins. According to science, these antioxidant agents act as protectants that help slow down ageing, boost metabolism and regulate the body's inflammation, hereby helping in fat loss. Some common foods allowed in this plan include foods like oranges, dark chocolates, parsley, turmeric, kale, and even red wine.
Studies have also found that the sirtfood diet can help people lose up to seven pounds (3 kilos) in under a week's time.
You will be surprised to learn that Adele's transformation involved no shortcuts. Her trainer, Geronimo is one of the rare trainers who doesn't believe in using supplements or pills for the same and firmly believes in hard work.
See the rest here:
Weight loss: 3 things that helped Adele lose 22 kilos, according to her personal trainer - Times of India